CCAE Instructor Handbook Test

Page 4

TABLE OF CONTENTS [Client Note: The Table of Contents will need to be updated once the revisions are finalized.] Welcome and Introduction 3 Part I: Teaching at CCAE 4 2


to CCAE!

its instructors.

of a



CCAE Staff List 4 Important Contacts 5 Emergency Medical Information 6 Hiring and Onboarding Checklist 8 Your Online Instructor Account 9 Class Cancelations and Confirmations 10 Online Classes 11 Arranging Classroom Setup and Equipment 12 Booking Models for Visual Arts Classes 13 Important Class Protocols 14 Rescheduling Classes 15 Student Evaluations 16 Promoting Your Class 17 Miscellaneous Information 18 Payroll Schedule for the Coming Term 18 Part II: Personnel Policies 21 Instructor Employment Policies 21 Benefits 25 Standards of Conduct 25 Part III: General Information about CCAE 31 Welcome
Cambridge Center for Adult Education ("CCAE") values
people teach at CCAE each year, sharing expertise with the nearly 12,000 adult learners who come from across Metro Cambridge area. All are part
unique and proud tradition that goes back to 1870 and the creation of
Cambridge Social Union, the organization from which CCAE emerged
the 1930s. 3

We welcome you and thank you for your service. Note that this Instructor Handbook is organized in three parts:

1. CCAE’s practices in the classroom that have been shaped over the years— essentially the distilled wisdom of the many instructors who have worked at CCAE and the staff who have supported them;

2. CCAE’s personnel policies for instructors who are employees of CCAE;

3. Background information on CCAE.

Much of this information will be familiar to those instructors who have been with CCAE in the recent past. In an effort to provide the best guidance to all CCAE instructors, we invite your feedback, suggestions, and questions, at any time, via email to me at my email address (

Please note that most CCAE instructors are employees of CCAE. If you are working for us as an employee, it is important to become familiar with our Personnel Policies, incorporated in Section II.

CCAE staff is here to help. See page 4 for a complete staff list. See page 5 for contact information for your Program and other support services.

Thank you for your invaluable contribution to this important social enterprise called CCAE.


Part I: Teaching at CCAE

A. CCAE Staff List (as of June 2022)


Linda Burton, Executive Director

Program Staff

Francesca Ferraris, Interim Director of Programs; Program Director, Languages, History & Contemporary Issues

Michelle Baxter, Program Director, Humanities & Performing Arts

Hannah Brantley, Program Director, Food & Wine

Bryan Ramey, Program Director, Visual Arts & Crafts, Lifestyle & Recreation

Lena Borovci, Program and Marketing Manager

Development Staff

Mary-Catherine Deibel, Development Director

Jessie Strauss, Development Manager

Marketing Staff

Shannon Fitzgerald, Senior Marketing Manager

Customer Service & Communications

Lauren Darien, Student Services Manager

Gabija Vaisvilaite, Assistant Student Service Coordinator

Registration Staff

Russell Carpenter

Patricia Estrela

Christopher Moore

Delfine Masongo

Robert Philipps

Finance & Operations

Tavia Malone, Director of Finance & Administration

Jessica Wright, Business Manager

Michael Schultz, Logistics Manager

Brattle House, 42 Brattle Street: 617-547-6789 Ext. 101

Blacksmith House, 56 Brattle Street: 617-547-6789 Ext. 104


B. Important Contacts

Main Phone Number: 617-547-6789

Program Area Staff Member On Site Hours

Interim Director of Programs; Program Director

Languages, History & Contemporary Issues

Program Director

Performing Arts, Literature & Writing, Mind & Body

Program Director Food & Wine, Business & Technology

Program Director Visual Arts & Crafts, Lifestyle & Recreation

Program & Marketing Manager

Francesca Ferraris (ext. 112)

Mon – Fri, 9am – 5pm

Other Staff Contacts

Business Manager (Payroll)

Michelle Baxter (ext. 115)

Hannah Brantley (ext. 113)

Bryan Ramey (ext. 119)

Lena Borovci (ext. 141)

Mon, Wed, Thurs, Fri, 9am –3pm Tues, 10am – 6pm

Mon – Fri, 9am – 5pm

Mon – Fri, 9am – 5pm

Mon – Fri, 9am – 5pm

Logistics Manager

Jessica Wright (ext. 122)

Michael Schultz (ext. 118)

Mon, Tues, Fri, 9am – 5pm

Mon – Fri, 2pm – 10pm

Student Services Manager

Senior Marketing Manager

Executive Director

Lauren Darien (ext. 102)

Shannon Fitzgerald (ext. 124)

Linda Burton

Mon – Fri, 8:30am – 4:30pm

Mon – Fri, 9am – 5pm

Mon – Fri, 9am – 5pm


C. Emergency Procedure

If you are present during an accident, medical emergency, or other emergency situation, please alert onsite administrative staff immediately. CCAE staff members are situated at the registration desks at both 42 & 56 Brattle St. You may also call the registration extensions below:

Brattle House, 42 Brattle Street

617-547-6789 Ext. 1

Blacksmith House, 56 Brattle Street

617-547-6789 Ext. 104


Alert CCAE staff of the emergency, including the nature and location of the emergency and who is involved.

CCAE staff will call 911 and greet emergency personnel upon arrival in order to bring them to the location of the emergency quickly.

Depending on the nature and severity of the emergency, you may call 911 immediately. You should also call CCAE staff to alert them of the emergency so they can direct and assist emergency personnel upon their arrival.

After notifying CCAE staff, you should remain with the individual(s) who require emergency services or medical attention until the emergency personnel arrive, if it is safe to do so.

In the unlikely event that there are no CCAE staff members available, call 911 directly, and remain with the individual(s) who require emergency services or medical attention until emergency personnel arrive, if it is safe to do so.

After the emergency, complete and submit an Emergency Response Report, attached as Appendix A.

Instructor Emergency Contact Information: In order to respond to medical emergencies involving instructors, CCAE will maintain emergency contact information for all instructors, including:

● Contact information for next of kin or other persons designated by the instructor; and

● Medical contact information for the instructor's physician or health plan.


information will be maintained by the Finance Office and made accessible to onsite staff for emergency use only.

D. Before Your Class Starts

Director and new instructor should go through the following processes before their class starts. All of these items are described in detail in the Instructor Handbook. Please talk to your Program Director if you have any questions.

- Did you and your Program Director:

class description for CCAE's print catalog and website?

class schedule?

CCAE's class policies, including but not limited to minimum enrollment numbers,

cancelations, and free class benefit policies?

supplies, books, or other materials, if applicable?

Tasks - Did your Program Director:

letter, Instructor Handbook, and financial paperwork required to pay

in CCAE's online instructor portal?

brief (150 word) bio to put on CCAE's website? Fill out the form


(invitations are sent out a few weeks before the start of a new term)?

the start of class.)


CCAE's finance office?

to, if applicable?

the location of your class?

are posted 24 hours

Every Program
→ Class Planning
□ Finalize a
□ Finalize the
□ Discuss
□ Discuss needed
→ Administrative
□ Send you the welcome
you □ Create an account for you
→ Administrative Tasks - Did you: □ Access your instructor portal and create a new password? □ Send your Program
□ RSVP to a conference
orientation session
□ Read through the Instructor Handbook? □ Read through CCAE's policies at
□ Submit your finance paperwork to
→ Before your class started, did you: □ Send your setup and AV requirements
□ Check your instructor portal for

Check your instructor portal to make sure the class schedule is correct?

Check your instructor portal for enrollment numbers and print your student roster? (Please note that rosters might change up until the week after a class starts.)

E. Your Online Instructor Account

Every instructor is able to log into CCAE's registration system to see their class schedules and a list of their classes. We strongly encourage you to take advantage of this to easily check your enrollment numbers and class information.

→ Setting up Your Account:

New instructors will receive an email to set up an Instructor Portal account from To set up your account, click the link provided in the email to create your username and change your password. If you have not received this email to set up your account, please ask your Program Director to resend it. Please also check your spam folder.

→ Logging In:

After initially setting up your account, to access your instructor account, visit Then, click on the link on the top right that says “Login.”

This will take you to a page with two options: “Student Portal” and “Instructor Portal.”

Select “Instructor Portal.” Log in to the instructor portal by entering your username and password.

→ Checking Your Schedule:

The first page you see when you log in shows your upcoming class schedule. You can always view this page by clicking “View Schedule” in the navigation bar. If you teach multiple sections, the meetings for all your sections will be listed here, including their locations.

→ Viewing Your Sections:

To view the individual sections you teach, click on “Current Sections” in the navigation bar. Click on “Show Detail” to view the Offering name and description, as well as the section number and current enrollment. Click on “View/Grade Section” to see a list of enrolled students and their contact information. To print, select print from your browser window. Please keep this information confidential and only use it for communicating with students about class. Please note, you should not assign grades to students, nor do you need to take attendance.

→ Contacting Students:

You can message your students directly from your instructor account by clicking “Send Email to Section” on the detail page for the class section. However, we recommend emailing your students directly from your own email server instead of using this feature.

→ Changing Your Password:


If you ever need to change your password, click on “Change Password” in the navigation bar, or ask your Program Director or registration staff to send you the reset password invitation from CCAE's registration system.

F. Class Confirmations and Cancelations

Each class has a minimum number of registrations required in order to run, which varies per class, depending on costs and space involved. Approximately 70% of CCAE's offerings run each term.

→ When CCAE confirms a class:

One week before the start of the term, CCAE begins confirming classes that have reached the minimum number of students. CCAE often cannot confirm classes earlier than one week due to CCAE's withdrawal policies.

You will receive an email confirmation from stating that your class is confirmed. This email will contain your current class roster, as well as the schedule of the class. Please do not reply to that email, as it is not a monitored inbox. Any questions after your confirmation should be sent directly to your Program Director at their direct email address.

Please note that your class roster may change within the first few weeks of the term, as people can often still register or transfer. Please continue to check your account for an updated student list.

→ When CCAE cancels a class:

CCAE starts to cancel classes with 0-2 students enrolled approximately 7 to 10 days before the class is scheduled to start. For classes with more than 3 students, but less than the minimum number of students, CCAE will cancel the class no later than 2 business days before the class is scheduled to start to provide students time to make alternative plans.

If your class is canceled, you will receive an email informing you of the cancellation. Registered students will also receive an email and phone call regarding the class cancelation to provide them with fair notice and time to select an alternative class.

→ Assigning your class location

After your class is confirmed, CCAE will begin scheduling classrooms. Classes that require a specialized classroom will always have that space, such as the kitchen, art studio, dance studio, etc. All other classrooms are generally assigned based on the size of the class and other factors. Therefore, you may not receive your room assignment until a few days before the class starts. We cannot guarantee that you can reserve a specific classroom if your class does not require a specialized space. You may check your instructor portal to find out where your class is going to take place.

Online Classes


CCAE will link your Zoom account to CCAE’s Zoom account and upgrade your account. Please check your email for a message from Zoom asking you to accept. CCAE will schedule the class in your Zoom account and will send the invitation to students up to 2 days before the class starts, and a reminder within 24 hours. Please follow the directions in your confirmation email regarding online classes.

G. Online Classes

CCAE’s online classes take place via Zoom. Instructors are expected to learn how to use Zoom effectively for their class with the help of the Program Director. Please contact your Program Director with any questions or concerns about using Zoom to teach.

→ Your Zoom Account

When your class is confirmed to run, CCAE will add you as a user in CCAE’s Zoom account, and assign you a license that will allow you to host longer meetings, and allow CCAE to access your account. You will receive an email from Zoom asking you to accept CCAE's invitation to be added to CCAE’s account. Please accept ASAP. Linking your Zoom account to CCAE's account will not change your login information, settings, or any meetings you may have already created. The license assigned to you by CCAE will be active only for the duration of your class(es).

Please confirm with your Program Director which email address you want to use for the account; otherwise we will use the email address we have on file for you. You may use a licensed Zoom account that you already have for another organization or other personal use for your CCAE class(es). Please note that CCAE cannot reimburse you.

→ Important Policies

CCAE’s online classes happen synchronously at the time they are scheduled. It is CCAE's policy not to provide recorded classes to students who may miss a class, and we recommend that you do not record your class.

CCAE asks instructors not to use the waiting room feature on Zoom, or lock the meeting at any point, to ensure the class remains accessible to students.

One registration is for one student. If students are planning to invite their spouse, partner, or friend to attend an online class with you, they must sign up for an additional seat. Please take attendance to ensure the students in the Zoom meeting are registered for the class.

Please do not share the Zoom link for the class with anyone who is not registered or teaching. Do not post it on social media or a website.

CCAE can provide live closed captioning of online classes on Zoom for students who require an accommodation. Please contact your Program Director to set up closed captioning for your class.


→ Technical Support

Students with technical difficulties can always contact CCAE at 617-547-6789 ext. 1. The registration office is open from 9:00 am to 8:00 pm on weekdays (Monday through Friday) during underway classes, and will be available on Saturdays during underway classes. If a student has technical difficulties that you cannot resolve, please tell them to call us. Additionally, if a student has ongoing issues and you think they need a one-onone tutorial, please kindly tell the student to contact CCAE for technical support, either via phone or by emailing CCAE will work with them to improve their understanding of Zoom to help make your class run more smoothly.

H. Arranging Classroom Setup and Equipment

After you receive confirmation that your class will run, you are required to submit a request for classroom set up and/or equipment set up via email to All requests for classroom and equipment setup must be made via email the email address indicated. Setup requests cannot be made through your Program Director.

When submitting a request for classroom and/or equipment set up, include your name, class title, day, time, and room, and a phone number CCAE can use to reach you. Provide a short description of the set up required, including but not limited to the placement of tables and chairs. Please submit a new request every term, even if you are teaching the same class.


For some classes that require materials (such as cooking and visual arts), please speak with your Program Director directly about how CCAE processes materials fees for students and instructors

equipment is available on a first-come, first-served basis; in the event that the equipment you requested is unavailable you will be notified by email. We can provide:

bringing your own laptop, we encourage you to bring your own VGA or HDMA adaptor (especially for Macs) and a back-up USB key/flash drive in case your machine is not compatible. If you require an HDMI projector, please note that. We have a small number of Mac and HDMI adapters that are available on a first come first serve basis.


and digital media

Fender Mobile PA System; Compatible with CD and Digital Media (laptops, iPods, etc.); Microphone, stand (available w/ advanced notice)


→ Audio Visual Equipment AV
 Laptop computer: For instructor's use; PC only  Digital projector/screen: If
 CD/cassette player  External Speakers  Sound/Audio Equipment: o Music Room: Stereo sound system; Compatible

o Spiegel Auditorium: Four wired microphones; Stereo sound system; compatible with digital media

If this is your first time using a specific piece of AV equipment, please make an appointment with CCAE's Logistics Manager, Michael Schultz via email for a demonstration and orientation.

If you require a room with certain accommodations for a disability or otherwise (such as a room with wheelchair access, special lighting), etc., please inform Michael Schultz

→ Copying

Instructors may make copies for class materials at CCAE, or on their own at their own expense. CCAE do not reimburse instructors for copies that are made externally. The large capacity Kyocera printer at 42 Brattle St. can make copies from PDF files from USB drives. Plan ahead; during busy periods, there will likely be a line. You are welcome to stop by anytime to use the copier for your class.

→ Computer, Internet, and E-mail Policy

CCAE may give instructors, from time to time, access to CCAE computers, computer files, electronic mail, the internet, computer software, photocopiers, voicemail, scanners, video or audiotapes, video or audiotape players or other media made available within CCAE (collectively, the “Computer System”) to use in performing CCAE business. The Computer System, including any materials or messages composed, sent or received on it, is the sole property of CCAE. The use of the Computer System is reserved primarily for the conduct of business at CCAE.

CCAE purchases and licenses the use of various computer software for business purposes and does not own the copyright to this software or its related documentation. CCAE prohibits the illegal duplication of software and its related documentation. Employees and instructors may not remove from the premises any hardware, software, documents, files or data without prior management authorization. CCAE reserves and intends to exercise the right to review, audit, intercept, access and/or disclose documents, messages or material, including attachments, created, received or sent, web sites visited and/or files downloaded over the Computer System (including but not limited to personal, password-protected websites). Authorized representatives of CCAE may monitor the use of the Computer System in their sole discretion, in the ordinary course of its business or to investigate appropriate matters, at any time, with or without notice to any instructor and may bypass any passcode. Such monitoring is capable of tracking and recording email messages sent and received (including on personal, password-protected accounts) as well as internet web sites visited by employees. The confidentiality of any message or material should not be assumed, and instructors should be aware that they have no right to privacy with regard to any such messages or material. Any actions taken by instructors to thwart CCAE’s access to the Computer System are strictly prohibited. The Computer System must not be used for any of the following: (a) to download any program, software, picture, screen saver to any computer unless authorized by management; (b) to upload any pictures, personal or otherwise; (c) to visit sexually


explicit or otherwise offensive or inappropriate web sites; (d) to create, send, display, download or print offensive, harassing or disruptive material or messages, including, but not limited to, pornographic or sexually explicit pictures or any other materials which would be found offensive by most reasonable people; (e) to commit any crimes, including but not limited to sending obscene emails over the Internet with the intent to annoy, abuse, threaten, or harass another person; (f) to gamble online, play online computer games, make personal purchases online, or participate in chat sites or bulletin boards; (g) to solicit or proselytize for outside or personal commercial ventures, religious or political causes or make other solicitations that are not job-related; (h) to send or forward chain letters or “spam”; (i) to develop or send viruses or otherwise destructive programs; and/or (j) to send or receive copyrighted material and trade secrets or other proprietary information.

Any instructor who utilizes any part of the Computer System or related systems expressly consents, by virtue of such use, to the terms of this policy, including CCAE’s monitoring or accessing of same, including email, Internet or other message content, at its sole discretion. Any violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action, including restriction of system privileges or access or termination of the teaching engagement.

Instructors who have questions regarding this policy, or who suspect a violation of this policy, should notify the Director of Finance & Administration.

→ Access to Classroom and Security

Instructors that have been issued a CCAE building key may not duplicate keys to CCAE property, or lend them to anyone other than another CCAE staff member. Lost keys should be reported immediately to the Director of Finance & Administration. Similarly, office alarm codes may not be shared with anyone other than a CCAE staff memberBooking Models for Visual Arts Classes

→ How are models scheduled?

Once your class is scheduled, CCAE's Model Coordinator will send you an email asking for a model request. CCAE keeps records of which classes need what models, and if yours is a recurring class, the Model Coordinator will send you an email to reconfirm your needs.

→ Details to Include:

When submitting a model request, please include the dates and times the class needs a model(s), how many models the class requires, what the models should bring or wear, whether they will be modeling for figure or portrait, and any other relevant information. You may also submit requests for particular models and specific genders. CCAE will try to accommodate these requests based on model availability.

→ When to request models:

Requests for live models, and related requests, must be submitted at least eight (8) weeks before the start of a term.

→ When models have been scheduled:


CCAE will send you a list of your class's models for the term and their contact information no later than one week in advance of the start of the term. Please keep this information close at hand, and to use it if the model is late or if you have to cancel your class due to illness or a personal emergency.

CCAE will make every effort to let you know if there are any changes to the schedule and to provide models as requested, although there may be last-minute cancelations due to illness and other emergencies that are not anticipated. If your model is more than five (5) minutes late for class, please contact a CCAE staff member at the front desk at 42 or 56 Brattle – you can call 617-547-6789 Ext. 101 or 104, or go directly to the front to report the missing model. The on-site staff member will attempt to reach the model ASAP.

→ Ensuring model quality and reliability:

CCAE tries to find reliable models to meet your needs. It is very important that we are aware of complaints about models. If you receive a complaint from a student or instructor, please notify via email at _. In the event of repeated tardiness or absences, we will drop a model from CCAE's roster.

If you know any models who should be considered for CCAE's roster, please send their contact information so CCAE can reach out to them.

Please note that CCAE requires all staff and employees, including models, to be fully vaccinated for COVID-19.

I. Important Class Protocols

→ Check attendance. Please check attendance during your class. Find and print your roster on your instructor account. If a student is not on your roster, ask to see their registration receipt or ask the registration staff to check their enrollment status. An accurate student roster assures that we can properly contact students and that we follow CCAE's registration procedures.

→ Follow CCAE registration policies. CCAE has certain registration policies in place regarding when students can register, withdraw, or transfer from classes. These policies are detailed in CCAE's print catalog and online at If a student asks you about withdrawing, refunds, or more, please refer them to the official policies or the registration office for more details

→ Be on time. Arrive on time and prepared for every class. If you are running late, it is really important to call us at 617-547-6789 and notify your Program Director.

→ Begin and end on time. CCAE's spaces are tightly scheduled. Ending your class on time is an important courtesy to your students and to the classes following you, as well as to building staff, who may need to prepare classrooms or close the building at the end of the day. Please be mindful of the classes before and after yours, and be cordial to your fellow CCAE instructors and students using the space.


→ Be a steward of CCAE's classrooms You should not leave before your students to ensure that the classroom is properly looked after and vacated after your class.

→ Help keep CCAE students, instructors, and staff healthy. If a student in your class is displaying severe cold or flu-like symptoms, please discreetly, but also firmly suggest they go home.

→ Do not leave valuables unattended. Remember, CCAE is open to the public. Please keep your valuables with you at all times, and remind your students to do the same.

→ Remember: CCAE is a smoke and vape-free environment, including in CCAE's courtyards Smoking and vaping is NOT allowed inside or outside CCAE's buildings, as the secondary smoke comes back into the building. CCAE has signs posted advising visitors and the general public of the no-smoking policy.

→ We love kids and animals, but… Pets are not permitted at CCAE, except certified service animals. Children are also not allowed to come to class, unless they are encouraged to do so in the class description.

→ Instructor Biographies: Please provide a brief biography that CCAE can add to the website. Your instructor biography helps a student understand more about you and encourages them to sign up for classes! Fill out the form here:

→ Cancelling Class Due to Illness or Emergency Instructors are expected to provide the number of sessions provided in the catalog, at the date and time provided in the final listing for their class, that they agreed to. Instructors may, however, cancel class in case of illness or emergency.

To cancel a class in case of illness or emergency, instructors are required to call the Registration Office at (617-547-6789 ext. 1), and notify their Program Director via phone and email, as soon as possible, so that students can be contacted, and a make-up class scheduled. Instructors should not cancel a class, for any reason, without alerting both the registration office and their Program Director via phone and email.

PLEASE DO NOT EMAIL YOUR STUDENTS DIRECTLY WITHOUT FIRST CONTACTING YOUR PROGRAM DIRECTOR. Talk to CCAE's staff before contacting students so that CCAE can accurately inform students and registration staff, and update the registration system.

→ Cancelling Class Due to Inclement Weather

CCAE’s executive director or a designee makes all closing decisions. If CCAE cancels classes due to inclement weather, there will be a recorded announcement on CCAE’s phone system (617-547-6789), as well as a notice on the website ( CCAE will


offer students make-ups for all canceled classes in the week following the last week of term, if possible. Your Program Director will confirm via email the date and time of your class as needed.

If CCAE does not cancel class, it will be open during normal business hours. Instructors should exercise their best judgment. If CCAE is open but you determine it is not safe to report to work due to inclement weather, or if you are ill or have an emergency and are not able to teach your class, you must call the registration office at 617-547-6789 ext. 1 as soon as possible and notify your Program Director via email and a telephone call, so that students can be contacted, and a make-up class scheduled. Instructors should not cancel a class, for any reason, without alerting both the registration office and their Program Director via phone and email.

→ Scheduling make-up classes

Make-up classes are usually scheduled for the week after the current term ends, at the same location and time as the usual class meeting. However, it is important to confirm plans for make-up classes with your Program Director via email to avoid double bookings.

CCAE discourages the use of substitute instructors. If you believe you can arrange a substitute who can meet the needs of your students, please alert your Program Director. CCAE must approve any substitutes in advance and they must fill out required paperwork prior to teaching. An instructor who is employed by CCAE cannot pay a substitute directly.

→ Legal holidays at CCAE

CCAE works with its instructors to plan in advance for legal holidays when CCAE is closed. CCAE is closed for the following holidays: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, President’s Day, Patriots’ Day, Memorial Day, Juneteenth, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day through the weekend, and Christmas.

If a holiday falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the following Monday will generally be observed as the holiday. CCAE adjusts its class schedules accordingly. Plan your class offering with these holidays in mind.

→ Parking

CCAE can validate parking at some local parking garages, including Charles Hotel Garage and University Place Garage. See for information and rates. CCAE cannot reimburse instructors for their parking or traveling expenses.

J. Student Evaluations

CCAE takes care to gather student evaluations for each class at the end of each term. This feedback—both aggregated and per class or instructor—is very important to us.


→ How we gather student evaluations:

Students can fill out an evaluation for online classes at After the class is over, students will receive an evaluation form via email from CCAE. You can encourage your students to fill out the evaluation by sending the link to your students at the end of the class. We share this information with individual instructors soon after the end of each term. Should an instructor's evaluations note areas in need of improvement, the instructor's Program Director will contact them to review the feedback and offer suggestions.

→ Summary of instructor evaluations:

Below you will see aggregated results from 2021. Overall, CCAE's students rate instructors highly by expertise. Presentation and organization ratings declined in 2021 mainly due to challenges presented with online classes.

Knowledge of Material

Excellent or Very Good: 95%

Good: 4%

Fair: Less than 1%

Poor: 0%

→ Useful tips on teaching:

Presentation of Information

Excellent or Very Good: 83%

Good: 13%

Fair: Less than 3%

Poor: 1%


Excellent or Very Good: 80%

Good: 15%

Fair: Less than 4%

Poor: 1%

For the most part, CCAE classes and instructors receive high marks from students. When there are concerns or suggestions for improvement, they tend to fall into the areas of presentation and organization. There are a few substantive issues that show up frequently that we want to highlight:

● While students value our instructors' expertise, they find that some of our instructors could be better organized. Students want to feel that an instructor has a plan and the ability to follow it.

● If appropriate, hand out a syllabus. In any case, have clear goals made transparent to your students for every class meeting.

● Ask for a mid-term evaluation from your students to learn what their needs are. Some instructors collect anonymous feedback mid-way through the class.

● Reach out to your Program Director for assistance and guidance in planning your class, as well as when issues arise. The program team is there to make your experience as positive as possible.

At times, Program Directors will visit your classes to observe and learn about the class. Program Directors may also allow you to observe other instructors in your department for instruction development purposes.

K. Promoting Your Class & CCAE

CCAE prints your class in a quarterly class catalog that is distributed each term to 16,000 residences, 185 local locations, as well as in-house copies. CCAE promotes


classes digitally through email marketing, CCAE's website, community calendars, and additional print-based marketing through flyers and more. It always helps for instructors to promote their class(es) on their blogs, websites, or social media. We also love when instructors send us photos from their classes that we can use in CCAE's catalog or online.

→ Social Media:

If you discuss CCAE on social media, you should never represent yourself as a spokesperson for CCAE. Instead, you should make it clear that your views do not represent those of CCAE or those who work on behalf of CCAE. It may be best to include a disclaimer such as “The postings on this site are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of CCAE.”

If there are any interesting classroom moments you’d like to share, please tag CCAE using the following social media handles:

Facebook: Tag our page ( or mark us as your location.

Twitter: Tag us @cambridgecenter, #CCAE

Instagram: Tag us @cambridgecenter, #CCAE

TikTok: Tag us @cambridgecenter, #CCAE

Feel free to forward your own social media handles to your Program Director or so we can follow you and your work!

→ CCAE’s Brand: When referring to CCAE…. ✔ DO refer to us as: X DO NOT refer to us as: ✔Cambridge Center for Adult Education ✔CCAE X The Cambridge Center X The Center X The CCAE → Logo Usage: Online (social media, websites, etc.) Print-based (flyers, posters, etc.) Icon Primary logo with name Icon Primary logo with name 19

L. Anti-Discrimination, Anti-Harassment and No Retaliation

CCAE is committed to providing a work environment free of sexual or any form of unlawful harassment or discrimination. Harassment and discrimination against individuals on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, ancestry, national origin, natural or protective hairstyle, religion, creed, sex, gender, pregnancy or pregnancy-related condition, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, physical or mental disability, genetic information, military or veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by federal, state, and local law (referred to in this policy as “protected class status”) is illegal and prohibited by CCAE policy.

All employees and instructors are responsible for respecting the rights of their coworkers. This policy applies to all employees, supervisors, managers, consultants, instructors, contractors and applicants of CCAE, but this policy is not intended to, and does not, create greater protections than those provided by applicable federal, state and local laws. Such conduct by or towards any individual will not be tolerated, and any individual who violates this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment or their contractual relationship with CCAE.

Unlawful Discrimination and Harassment: CCAE has a strict “zero-tolerance” policy with respect to discrimination and harassment, and expressly prohibits any form of discrimination or harassment based on an employee's protected class status. For the purpose of this policy, unlawful discrimination and harassment are defined as verbal or physical conduct that denigrates or shows hostility or aversion toward an individual because of the individual’s protected class status that:

has the purpose or effective of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment, or

has the purpose of effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance.

Some examples of unlawful harassment or discrimination may include, but are not limited to, using epithets, slurs, derogatory remarks, stereotypes, or making jokes or pranks that focus on a protected characteristic; and circulating or displaying posters or cartoons, or other written or graphic material that denigrates or shows hostility of aversion toward a person or group because of a protected characteristic.

Sexual Harassment: Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination that is illegal under both federal and state law. Sexual harassment means sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and/or verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when:


submission to or rejection of such advances, requests or conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of employment or as a basis for employment decisions; or

such advances, requests or conduct have the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's work performance by creating an intimidating, hostile, humiliating or sexually offensive work environment.

The legal definition of sexual harassment is broad and includes other sexually-oriented conduct that is unwelcome and has the effect, whether intended or not, of creating a workplace that is hostile, offensive, intimidating or humiliating. While it is not possible to list all of the circumstances that may constitute sexual harassment, the following are some examples of conduct that may constitute sexual harassment, depending on the circumstances, including the severity of the conduct and its pervasiveness: unwelcome sexual advances whether they involve touching or not; requests for sexual favors; lewd, vulgar, or obscene remarks; epithets or jokes or a sexual nature; displaying posters, pictures, cartoons, or images of a sexual nature; written or oral references to sexual conduct; discussion of one’s sex life or comments about an individual’s sexual prowess, deficiencies, or activity; leering or whistling; continuing to make romantic advances or flirtations toward another individual after that individual has said no; and any unwelcome touching, pinching, or other physical contact.

Reporting Options and Responsibilities: Preventing unlawful harassment, discrimination, and sexual harassment is everyone’s responsibility. Each employee and instructor is responsible for ensuring that their conduct does not unlawfully harass or discriminate against anyone in the workplace. Employees or instructors who believe that they have been harassed or discriminated against, or who witness any harassment or discrimination by another employee, should immediately report such conduct to their supervisor or the Director of Finance & Administration

Reports of unlawful harassment, discrimination, and sexual harassment may be made verbally or in writing. Employees and instructors are expected to cooperate in any investigation if requested to do so.

All supervisors who receive a complaint or information about alleged unlawful harassment, discrimination, or sexual harassment; observe what may be harassing, discriminatory, or sexually harassing behavior; or for any reason suspect that alleged unlawful harassment, discrimination, or sexual harassment is occurring, are required to report this information to the Director of Finance & Administration. In addition to being subject to discipline if they engage in harassing, discriminatory or sexually harassing conduct themselves, supervisors will be subject to discipline for failing to report alleged unlawful harassment, discrimination, or sexual harassment or otherwise knowingly allowing this misconduct to continue. Supervisors will also be subject to discipline for engaging in any retaliation.

Investigation Procedure: In response to a complaint, CCAE will conduct a timely investigation, which may involve interviewing the person who reported the conduct, the person who is reported to have engaged in the conduct, and witnesses, if applicable.


If CCAE determines that there has been a violation of this policy, CCAE will take appropriate corrective action depending on the circumstances, up to and including termination of employment.

Confidentiality: The investigation will be conducted in such a way as to maintain confidentiality to the extent practicable under the circumstances. While confidentiality cannot be guaranteed, all actions taken to investigate and resolve complaints will be conducted with as much privacy and discretion as possible without compromising the thoroughness and fairness of the investigation. All individuals involved are to treat the situation with respect and discretion.

No Retaliation: Any employee or instructor may be required to cooperate as needed in an investigation of alleged unlawful harassment, discrimination, or sexual harassment. CCAE will not tolerate retaliation against employees or instructors who file complaints, support another’s complaint or participate in an investigation regarding a violation of this policy. Retaliation against individuals who report harassment or discrimination or who assist in an investigation of alleged harassment or discrimination is unlawful and expressly prohibited by CCAE. Reports of retaliation will be investigated, and individuals found to have violated the prohibition on retaliation will be subject to corrective action, up to and including separation of employment with CCAE.

State and Federal Agencies: In addition to CCAE's internal complaint process, employees who believe they have been subjected to unlawful discrimination, harassment, or retaliation, may also file a complaint with the state and federal agencies set forth below. Further, many localities enforce laws protecting individuals from unlawful harassment, discrimination, and sexual harassment. Employees should contact the county, city or town in which they live to find out if a local law exists.

 Federal: The United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”)

(MUST file compliant (300 days from the date of alleged harm)

475 J.F.K. Federal Building Boston, MA 02203

1-800-669-4000 Website:

State: The Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination (“MCAD”)

(MUST file complaint 300 days from the date of the most recent incident of discrimination)

The John McCormack Building

One Ashburton Place, Room 601 Boston, MA 02108




M. Drug-Free Workplace Policy

CCAE is committed to maintaining a safe and healthy working environment for all members of CCAE's community. CCAE is a drug- and alcohol-free workplace. CCAE strictly prohibits the possession, use or sale of alcohol or drugs that are illegal or used in a way that is against medical supervision while on CCAE’s premises or while conducting CCAE business. Reporting to work under the influence of alcohol or such drugs is similarly prohibited. Violations of this policy may lead to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

Some CCAE-sponsored social functions may be excluded from the prohibition on alcoholic beverage consumption. Regardless of whether such functions occur on or outside CCAE premises, during or after normal working hours, CCAE employees and instructors are expected to conduct themselves professionally. Such professional conduct includes, but is not limited to, the exercise of sound judgment, respect for the rights and feelings of others, and compliance with CCAE's Standards of Conduct and other applicable policies. The fact that alcohol consumption may be allowed at certain CCAE-sponsored functions in no way lessens an instructor’s obligation to use alcohol in a responsible manner, and such instructor’s decision to consume alcohol will not excuse any departure from the Standards of Conduct or other applicable policies.

N. Miscellaneous Information

for Employees

Instructors who are employees of CCAE will be paid every other week. Payment can be made by direct deposit or by check to be delivered by US mail. For payroll purposes, CCAE's work week begins at 12:01 a.m. Monday and ends at 12:00 midnight on Sunday.



Fall 2022 Payroll Schedule Pay Period Start Pay Period End Pay Date 09/19/2022 10/02/2022 10/07/2022 10/03/2022 10/16/2022 10/21/2022 10/17/2022 10/30/2022 11/4/2022 10/31/2022 11/13/2022
11/14/2022 11/27/2022

11/28/2022 12/11/2022 12/16/2022

11/12/2022 12/25/2022 12/30/2022

12/26/2022 1/8/2022 1/13/2022

Program Director will approve each instructor’s schedule in advance.

Instructors’ work hours will be uploaded into the ADP payroll system, a professional payroll company. If you have any questions regarding your paycheck, please contact CCAE's business manager Jessica Wright at

If a class is canceled, the hours will be removed from the instructor’s time sheet for that pay period; the instructor will be paid for those hours in the period when the make-up session is complete. This is the case for cancelations due to illness, personal emergency, and inclement weather.

If you lose your payroll check, please alert the Finance Office. Live payroll checks (nondirect deposit) are valid for 180 days. After 180 days, the check is void, and the Finance Office will re-issue the check. Due to the fickleness of the post office, and the time it takes to mail a check, instructors are encouraged to enroll in direct deposit. If you do not wish to enroll in direct deposit, and would rather pick up your paychecks, let the Finance Office know.

Employees who work less than thirty (30) hours per week on a regular basis are not eligible for benefits, vacation time, or personal days. CCAE's Sick Time policy does, however, apply to all employees, including those who work less than thirty (30) hours per week, as set forth in Section II(A), below Compensation For 1099 Independent Contractors

Instructors who are independent contractors receive 1099 payments twice per term, once in the middle of the term and once at the end of term. If you have any questions about your 1099 payment, please contact Jessica Wright at

Independent Contractors are not employees of CCAE and are not eligible for any CCAE offered benefits.

Working Hours

CCAE instructors are expected to work the hours listed in their class offerings published in the print and electronic catalog, developed with and approved by their Program Director, unless a class offering is canceled due to low enrollment.

Performance Reviews

At the end of each class, CCAE sends all students a survey. Instructors will receive copies of the results related to their classes. Additionally, instructors may receive a


classroom visit conducted by a Program Director or experienced instructor who can offer constructive feedback.

COVID-19 Vaccination

Due to the ongoing threat COVID-19 poses to the health of our communities, CCAE requires all in-person instructors to be fully vaccinated. This measure ensures the safety of students and instructors who participate in in-person classes at CCAE.


Part II: Personnel Policies

I. Introduction

Part II of this Instructor Handbook ("Personnel Policies") applies to instructors who are CCAE employees

The Personnel Policies in the Instructor Handbook are intended to provide additional information regarding work rules, benefits, and employment practices applicable to instructors who are CCAE employees.

This Instructor Handbook should not be construed as a guarantee of the policies, procedures, practices, or benefits it describes, and it is not intended to create any contractual or legal obligations of any kind. CCAE reserves the right to revise, supplement or rescind the policies in this Instructor Handbook at any time, for any reason, in CCAE's sole and absolute discretion.

For instructors who are CCAE employees, employment is at-will, which means that either the employee or CCAE may terminate the employment relationship at any time, for any reason, with or without cause or prior notice. Nothing in this Instructor Handbook alters an employee’s at-will employment status.

Descriptions of benefits and policies should not be construed as complete descriptions. Eligibility for coverage and benefits under CCAE’s employee benefit plans are governed by the terms and conditions set forth in the applicable plan documents. For complete descriptions of any benefit or policy, please refer to plan and policy documents.

II. Employment

A. Equal Employment Opportunity

CCAE is committed to providing equal employment opportunity to all employees and applicants, without regard to the individual's race, color, ethnicity, ancestry, national origin, natural or protective hairstyle, religion, creed, sex, gender, pregnancy or pregnancy-related condition, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, physical or mental disability, genetic information, military or veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by federal, state, and local law.

CCAE's policy regarding equal employment opportunity applies to all aspects of employment, including recruitment, hiring, job assignments, promotions, working conditions, scheduling, benefits, wage and salary administration, disciplinary action, compensation, and termination of employment.


Furthermore, CCAE welcomes, values and encourages a workforce that is comprised of people from different backgrounds, cultures and beliefs. Respecting each person as an individual, while at the same time appreciating the richness of ideas that come from such diversity, makes CCAE a welcoming environment and a great place to work.

CCAE will not tolerate any form of unlawful discrimination, harassment, or retaliation. All employees are expected to comply with CCAE's policies prohibiting discrimination, harassment, and retaliation. Anyone found to be engaging in any type of unlawful discrimination, harassment, or retaliation will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

If an employee believes they have been subject to discrimination or harassment in the workplace, they are encouraged to discuss the matter with the employee's Program Director or the Executive Director. CCAE strictly prohibits retaliation against employees who raise a complaint or participates in an investigation, so employees can report concerns without fear of reprisal or retaliation. CCAE will conduct a prompt and thorough investigation, and, if necessary, take corrective action.

B. At-Will Statement

All employment with CCAE is "at-will," which means that an employee or CCAE may terminate the employment relationship at any time, for any reason, with or without cause or notice.

This Instructor Handbook is not a contract, and none of the policies, procedures or benefits outlined in the Instructor Handbook imply or guarantee an employee's employment, or limit the ability of the employee or CCAE to end the employment relationship. At-will employment can be altered only by a written employment agreement signed by the Executive Director of CCAE.

C. Work Authorization

CCAE complies with all applicable immigration laws and regulations and will not employ anyone who does not provide proof of their eligibility to work in the United States. If an employee renews their work authorization, the employee must provide CCAE with renewed authorization forms and keep CCAE apprised of any change in status.

D. Leaving Employment at CCAE

Because employment at CCAE is at-will, either the employee or CCAE can terminate the employment relationship, at any time, for any reason. CCAE requests that employees resigning from their position provide at least three (3) weeks' notice in order to facilitate the smoothest possible transition in the job.

Employees who voluntarily terminate their employment will be paid on the next regular payday. Employees who are involuntarily terminated will be paid on the date of termination. CCAE may ask a departing employee to participate in an exit interview before leaving the organization.


E. Personnel Records

CCAE maintains an employee's personnel record for each employee. Personnel records are maintained in confidence to the greatest extent practicable, and information is only shared with individuals with a legitimate need to know. An employee may review their personnel file upon request and request copies of the information it contains.

For benefit, tax and emergency purposes, it is important that personnel files contain upto-date information. Employees should advise the Business Manager on a timely basis of any change with respect to the following:


to contact

case of injury or illness

(if applicable)

(if applicable)

F. Workplace Safety

CCAE considers safety awareness and accident prevention an important part of all our jobs. We encourage employees to exercise good judgment to prevent injuries to themselves or others. Alertness to causes of accidents, including housekeeping matters, tripping hazards and use of proper lifting techniques will go a long way in preventing accidents. Please report any unusual hazards and any accidents to your Program Director or the Director of Finance & Administration immediately. More broadly, CCAE is committed to creating an environment in which employees feel safe in all aspects of their work lives.

G. Opportunities for Advancement

Employees are encouraged to enhance their careers at CCAE. Employees are welcome to apply for any open position. Available positions will be publicized internally as well as in the community. Because applicants for all positions are evaluated on the basis of overall qualifications, and because CCAE is committed to extending an offer to the person best qualified for the position, CCAE gives equal consideration to internal and external candidates.

H. Open Door Policy/Grievance Policy

CCAE has an open door, open communication policy, where employees are encouraged to share their questions, concerns, suggestions or complaints with their supervisor, who typically is in the best position to address an area of concern. However,

● Name ● Address and primary telephone
● Whom
● Beneficiary designation
● Number of dependents
● Partner status (if applicable) ● Tax status

if an employee is not comfortable speaking with their supervisor or is not satisfied with the supervisor’s response, the employee is encouraged to speak with a supervisor at a higher level or the Executive Director.

I. Whistleblower and Anti-Retaliation Policy

CCAE is committed to compliance with all applicable laws, and all directors, officers, employees, consultants, and volunteers should feel safe to report, without fear of reprisal, any ethical or legal concerns about CCAE that are reasonable and made in good faith.

As part of its commitment to ethical and legal conduct, CCAE expects its directors, employees, and independent contractors and consultants to bring to the attention of the Chair of the Audit & Finance Committee information about any ethical, financial, or legal concerns about CCAE or about known or reasonably suspected violations of this policy by other individuals. Financial concerns include, but are not limited to, suspected improper accounting, internal accounting controls, or auditing.

Employees can internally raise good-faith complaints according to the following procedure:

Notification: The Chair of the Audit & Finance Committee should be notified promptly about any complaint. Individuals may also notify the Chair (Co-Chair) of the Board of Directors or any other member of CCAE’s Board of Directors or CCAE’s independent auditor, each of whom shall in turn notify the Finance & Audit Committee as applicable and appropriate. The notification should specify in reasonable detail the nature of the complaint and the persons involved in and with knowledge of the violation. It should be accompanied by any supporting documentation. Notification should be made in writing so as to promote a clear understanding of the issues raised, but may also be made orally. An individual may notify the Chair of the Audit & Finance Committee anonymously.

Because failure to report criminal activity can itself be understood to condone the crime, individuals should come forward with information about any such activity, without regard for the identity or position of the suspected offender. Failure to report knowledge of wrongdoing may result in disciplinary action against those who fail to report.

Investigation and Confidentiality: CCAE will investigate reports of ethical, financial, or legal concerns, and all those involved are required to cooperate with such investigations. CCAE will maintain confidentiality during the investigation to the greatest extent possible, providing information to individuals on a need-to-know basis. When CCAE completes its investigation, and if it concludes that there is a problem, it will promptly take corrective action.

Prohibition Against Retaliation: CCAE will not retaliate against any employee who, in good faith, raises a complaint or discloses truthful information regarding a practice, policy, or activity of CCAE or a CCAE employee that the employee reasonably believes


violates or violated a law, rule, regulation, ethical obligation or CCAE policy to: (1) a supervisor; (2) an individual with authority to investigate, discover, or terminate misconduct; or (3) a law enforcement officer or public body. CCAE will also not retaliate against any employee who participates in an investigation relating to a practice, policy, or activity of CCAE or a CCAE employee that is or is suspected to be in violation of a law, rule, regulation.

Retaliation includes discharge, demotion, suspension, threats, harassment, or any adverse employment action. Any whistleblower who believes they are being subject to retaliation as a result of whistleblowing activities must notify their supervisor or the Executive Director.

III. Benefits

A. Eligibility for Benefits

Only regular full-time and regular part-time employees are eligible for group insurance benefits and vacation time. A regular full-time employee is an employee who works at least forty (40) hours per week on a regular basis. A regular part-time employee works at least thirty (30) hours per week, but less than forty (40) hours per week, on a regular basis. Regular part-time employees are eligible for benefits on a pro-rated basis.

Most instructors who are CCAE employees work less than thirty (30) hours per week and are not eligible for group insurance benefits or paid vacation time. Employees who work less than thirty (30) hours per week are eligible for certain benefits, including paid sick time, courses at CCAE, and paid jury duty leave, as set forth below.

B. Sick Time

CCAE complies with the Massachusetts earned sick time law by providing all instructors who are CCAE employees with paid sick time. Employees accrue paid sick time at a rate of one (1) hour of sick time for every thirty (30) hours worked, up to a cap of forty (40) hours. Employees are eligible to carry over up to forty (40) hours of unused sick time from one fiscal year to the next. Employees will no longer accrue sick time once they reach this cap, but will resume accruing when their accrued sick time drops below that cap. Employees are not paid for unused sick time upon termination of employment.

Qualifying Reasons for Sick Leave: Employees may use paid sick time for the following reasons:

To care for the employee’s own physical or mental illness, injury, or other medical condition that requires home, preventative, or professional care;

To care for the employee's child, parent, spouse, or parent of a spouse, or an individual in the employee's household who is suffering from a physical or mental


illness, injury, or other medical condition that requires home, preventative, or professional care;

To attend routine medical and dental appointments for themselves or for their child, parent, spouse, or parent of a spouse;

To address the psychological, physical, or legal effects of domestic violence; or

To travel to and from an appointment, pharmacy, or other location related to the purpose for which the time was taken.

Notice: If you are not able to teach your class, you must call the registration office at 617-547-6789 ext. 1 as soon as possible and notify your Program Director via email and a telephone call, so that students can be contacted, and a make-up class scheduled. Instructors should not cancel a class, for any reason, without alerting both the registration office and their Program Director via phone and email.

CCAE may require reasonable documentation to support the use of sick time if the absence:

1. Exceeds twenty-four (24) consecutively scheduled work hours or three (3) consecutive days on which the employee is scheduled to work;

2. Occurs within two (2) weeks prior to an employee’s final scheduled day of work; or

3. Occurs after four (4) unforeseeable and undocumented absences within a three (3) month period.

If sick time is used to address the psychological, physical, or legal effects of domestic violence, any of the following shall be considered reasonable documentation of the domestic or sexual violence: medical documentation; a law enforcement agency record or report; a court order; documentation that the perpetrator of the domestic or sexual violence has been convicted of a domestic or sexual violence offense; certification from a certified Domestic Violence Specialist or a representative of a designated domestic violence agency or other victim services organization; or other documentation or certification provided by a social worker, counselor, member of the clergy, shelter worker, health care professional, attorney, or other professional who has assisted the employee or family member in dealing with the domestic or sexual violence.

Employees who abuse sick time, or use sick time for a reason that is not permitted under this policy may be subject to discipline, up to and including termination of employment.

C. Courses at Cambridge Center for Adult Education

Instructors are eligible for one (1) free class per term teaching, with a $280 limit per class, and with the exception of off-site classes. Classes with materials fees (such as


cooking, wine) are eligible, but you must pay any food, beverage, or materials fees at the time of registration.

You cannot register more than seven (7) days before the start date of a class. You may call and find out whether there is space available in a class before that time. Unused free classes cannot be carried over into later terms. To use your free class benefit, please call the registration office to register. [Client Note: Does this benefit apply to instructors who are independent contracts (not employees) too? If so, this should be moved to Part I.]

D. Jury and Witness Duty

CCAE will grant employees leave for jury service, or if they are subpoenaed to testify as a witness, if they are required to attend during a time they would otherwise be teaching at CCAE.

Employees who are summoned for jury duty will receive their normal wages at CCAE for the first three (3) days of jury service. Any jury duty in excess of three (3) days, and witness leave, will be unpaid. Employees who receive a jury summons or subpoena to testify as a witness must notify their Program Director as soon as possible and provide CCAE with a copy of the summons or other written documentation requesting jury or witness duty. Certain courts require only that a juror telephone the court each morning to determine whether the juror must report to court. Under such circumstances, when not needed by the court, the employee must report to work.

IV. Leaves of Absence

A. Family/Medical Leave

CCAE provides eligible employees with family and medical leave in compliance with the federal Family Medical Leave Act ("FMLA"). The leave may be paid, unpaid, or a combination of paid and unpaid, depending on the circumstances and as specified in this policy.

Eligibility: Employees may be eligible for FMLA leave if they have worked for CCAE for at least twelve (12) months, worked at least 1,250 hours during the twelve (12) months immediately prior to the start date of their FMLA leave, and are employed at a facility where there are fifty (50) or more CCAE employees within 75 miles.

Qualifying Reasons for FMLA Leave: Eligible employees may take FMLA for the following reasons:

a. To care for the employee’s child after birth, or placement for adoption or foster care;

b. To care for the employee’s spouse, child, or parent with a "serious health condition";


c. To care for the employee’s own "serious health condition";

d. Due to a qualifying exigency arising out of the fact that the employee’s spouse, child, or parent is on active duty or has been notified of an impending call or order to active duty, in the Armed Forces in support of a contingency operation;


e. To care for a covered service member (who is the employee’s spouse, child, parent or next of kin) with a serious illness or injury.

An employee may be take up to twelve (12) weeks of FMLA per twelve (12) month period for the purposes described in (a)-(d), above. An employee may be take up to twenty-six (26) weeks of FMLA per calendar year for the purposes described in (e), above. Eligible employees may be entitled to a combined total of twenty-six (26) weeks of FMLA for the reasons specified in paragraphs (a)-(d) and (e), above. For example, FMLA taken for reasons specified in paragraphs (a)-(d) above (up to 12 weeks), will be counted towards the total 26-week entitlement permitted for leave to care for a covered service member. If you and your spouse both work for CCAE, the two of you will be entitled to a combined total of twelve (12) weeks of leave to care for a newborn, newly adopted child, or recently placed foster child, and to care for a parent with a serious health condition, and a combined total of twenty-six (26) weeks of leave to care for a covered service member.

CCAE will measure the twelve (12) month period backward from the date the employee uses any FMLA leave. Each time an employee takes leave, CCAE will compute the amount of leave the employee has taken under this policy and subtract it from the 12 weeks of available leave, and the balance remaining is the amount the employee is entitled to take at that time. Leave because of the birth, adoption or foster care placement of a child must be completed within the twelve (12) month period beginning on the date of the child's birth or placement.

Procedure for Requesting Leave: If the need for FMLA is foreseeable, the employee must give the Executive Director at least thirty (30) days prior written notice. If thirty (3) days is not practicable, the employee must at least give notice as soon as practicable and must comply with CCAE's normal call-in procedures if possible.

If the requested leave is for a planned medical treatment, the employee must consult with the Executive Director first regarding the dates of such treatment. The Executive Director will work with the employee and the employee's supervisor to make a reasonable effort to schedule the treatment to minimize disruptions to CCAE's operations.

Use of Paid and Unpaid Leave: If the employee has paid time off available, the employee must use paid time off first and take the remainder of the FMLA leave unpaid. Substitution of paid leave will not extend the amount of FMLA leave available under this policy. Leave under this policy runs concurrently with any applicable leave, including MA PFML and MA Parental Leave, unless otherwise prohibited by law.


Employee Status & Benefits During Leave: While an employee is on FMLA leave, CCAE will continue the employee's benefits (if applicable) during the leave period at the same level and under the same conditions as if the employee was continuously employed. If the employee chooses not to return to work from FMLA leave for reasons other than an FMLA-covered reason, CCAE will require the employee to reimburse CCAE the amount it paid for the employee's health insurance premium during the unpaid leave period.

If an employee has paid leave available, CCAE will continue making payroll deductions to collect the employee's share of the employee’s health care premium (if applicable). While on unpaid leave, the employee must continue to make the employee’s health care premiums, either in person or by mail. If the employee does not continue these payments, CCAE may discontinue coverage during the leave period, or will recover the payments at the end of the leave period, in a manner consistent with the law.

Reinstatement After FMLA: An employee who takes FMLA leave under this policy will be able to return to the same job or an equivalent job with equal status, pay, benefits and working conditions. CCAE may choose not return a highly compensated employees to the same or similar position in the organization's sole and absolute discretion.

Intermittent Leave or a Reduced Work Schedule: For a FMLA leave due to a serious health condition of the employee or a covered family member, or to care for a covered Service Member, or because of a qualifying exigency, leave may be taken intermittently, in separate blocks of time or on a reduced schedule leave. If leave is unpaid, CCAE will reduce an employee's salary based on the amount of time actually worked. In addition, while an employee is on an intermittent or reduced leave schedule, CCAE may temporarily transfer the employee to an available alternative position which better accommodates the recurring leave and which has equivalent pay and benefits. If approved for intermittent FMLA leave, an employee must provide notice to the Executive Director of all intermittent FMLA leave time taken at the time the leave is taken. Failure to do so may result in the time being considered an unexcused absence.

Certifications: CCAE may require an employee’s request for FMLA leave to be supported by an appropriate certification. Failure to timely provide a complete and sufficient certification may result in delay or denial of FMLA leave.

Medical Certification: If an employee requests FMLA for the employee’s own serious health condition, the employee must submit a medical certification from their health care provider that establishes the employee is eligible for FMLA. The certification must be provided as soon as possible, and not later than the date leave begins or within 15 days of CCAE's request, whichever is later. When the leave is requested because of the employee’s own serious health condition, the certification must include: (1) the date the serious health condition commenced, (2) the probable duration of the serious health condition, and (3) a statement that, because of the serious health condition, the employee is unable to work or needs ongoing medical treatment. CCAE has the right to


ask for a second opinion if it has reason to doubt the validity of the certification. CCAE will pay for the employee to get a certification from a second doctor, which CCAE will select. If necessary to resolve a conflict between the original certification and the second opinion, CCAE may require the opinion of a third doctor. CCAE and the employee will jointly select the third doctor, and CCAE will pay for the opinion. This third opinion will be considered final.

Before returning to work at the conclusion of a leave due to the employee’s own serious health condition, the employee is required to provide a certification from the employee’s health care provider regarding the employee’s fitness for duty. The employee must provide the required medical certification to CCAE in a timely manner to avoid a delay or denial of leave.

If an employee requests FMLA to care for a family member’s serious health condition, or for a covered service member, the certification must include: (1) verification that the family member has a serious health condition or serious injury or illness, as defined above, and the date such condition began, (2) the probable duration of the condition, (3) an explanation of the amount of care the employee will be required to provide for their family member or covered service member, and (4) a statement that the condition warrants the participation of the employee to provide care. CCAE reserves the right to contact the health care provider to seek clarification of information in the certification, as needed, and may require recertification, as appropriate.

B. Massachusetts Paid Family and Medical Leave ("MA PFML")

Under Massachusetts Paid Family and Medical Leave ("MA PFML"), an employee may take:

up to twelve (12) weeks of MA PFML per benefit year for the birth, adoption, or foster care placement of a child, to care for a family member with a serious health condition, or because of a qualifying exigency arising out of the fact that a family member is on active duty or has been notified of an impending call to active duty in the Armed Forces;

up to twenty (20) weeks of MA PFML per benefit year to care for the employee’s own serious health condition that incapacitates them from work; and

up to twenty-six (26) weeks of MA PFML per benefit year to care for a family member who is a covered service member with a serious health condition.

A benefit year is measured on a rolling basis in accordance with MA PFML regulations. An employee may be eligible for up to twenty-six (26) total weeks, in the aggregate, of MA PFML in a single benefit year. In the case of multiple births (e.g., twins), adoptions, or placements in foster care, no more than twelve (12) weeks of leave benefits total are available in a benefit year for births, adoptions, or foster care placements.

An employee may be eligible for MA PFML if the employee requires leave for one of the qualifying reasons specified above, and meets the MA PFML earnings requirement before applying for benefits.


Administration of Leave By the Massachusetts Department of Family and Medical Leave: MA PFML is administered by the Massachusetts Department of Family and Medical Leave (the "Department"). During MA PFML, an employee will receive a weekly benefit amount, based on a percentage of the employee’s earnings, up to a cap of $850 per week. An employee must apply for MA PFML directly through the Department, which determines whether the employee is eligible for MA PFML and the employee’s MA PFML weekly benefit amount. Employees may find more information about filing a claim for MA PFML on the Department’s website:

Employees are required to provide at least thirty (30) days’ notice to the Executive Director of the anticipated starting date of any leave, the anticipated length of the leave and the expected date of return. An employee who is unable to provide thirty (30) days’ notice due to circumstances beyond their control is required to provide notice as soon as practicable.

Substitution of CCAE-Provided Paid Time Off: If an employee has paid time off available under CCAE's policies, and elects to use paid time off rather than receive MA PFML benefits, they shall not receive MA PFML benefits for the period of time for which the employee received paid time off under CCAE's policies. Paid time off provided under CCAE's policies will run concurrently with any available leave under MA PFML.

Notice: An employee must provide the employee's supervisor with notice of the anticipated start date of MA PFML, the anticipated length of MA PFML, the type of MA PFML, and the employee’s expected return date at least thirty (30) days in advance, or as soon as practicable. When planning medical treatment, the employee must consult with CCAE prior to applying to the Department for MA PFML and make a reasonable effort to schedule the employee’s treatment so as not to unduly disrupt CCAE's operations, subject to the approval of the employee’s health care provider.

Intermittent Leave: For MA PFML for the birth or placement of a child, intermittent or reduced hours leave cannot be taken without the approval of the Executive Director.

For MA PFML to care for a family member’s serious health condition, or to care for a family member who is a covered service member, leave may be taken intermittently or on a reduced hours basis if such leave is medically necessary. For MA PFML due to a qualifying exigency arising out of a family member's active duty or impending call to active duty in the Armed Forces, leave may be taken on an intermittent or reduced leave schedule.

For MA PFML due to the employee’s own serious health condition, intermittent leave may be taken if medically necessary. An employee shall advise CCAE, upon request, of the reasons why the intermittent/reduced leave schedule is necessary and of the schedule for treatment, if applicable. The employee and CCAE will attempt to work out a schedule for such leave that meets the employee’s needs without unduly disrupting CCAE's operations, subject to the approval of the employee's health care provider.


Employee Protections and Return to Work: CCAE will not discriminate or retaliate against any employee for exercising their right to take MA PFML. Upon reinstatement, the taking of MA PFML will not affect an employee’s previously held right to accrue paid time off, advancement, or other employment benefits. Leave under MA PFML is not treated as credited service for purposes of benefit accrual, vesting, and eligibility to participate.

Benefits During MA PFML: CCAE will continue to provide for, and contribute to, the employee’s employment-related health insurance benefits (if applicable), at the level and under the conditions coverage would have been provided if the employee had worked continuously during the leave. The employee portion of the employee’s employment-related health insurance benefits shall be remitted by the employee in accordance with CCAE's uniformly-applied policies or practices.

Returning to Work: An employee who returns to work from MA PFML will be reinstated to their previous position or to an equivalent position with equivalent pay, status, employment benefits, and other employment terms and conditions. CCAE is not required to reinstate the employee if other employees of equal length of service credit and status in the same of equivalent positions have been laid off due to economic conditions affecting employment during the period of leave. CCAE is not required to restore an employee who was hired for a specific term or only to perform work on a discrete project, if the employment term or project is over and CCAE would not otherwise have continued to employ the employee.

If an employee takes MA PFML to care for the employee’s own serious health condition, CCAE may require the employee to obtain and provide a fitness-for-duty certification from the employee’s healthcare provider, certifying that the employee is able to resume work.

C. Massachusetts Parental Leave Act ("MPLA")

In accordance with the Massachusetts Parental Leave Act ("MPLA"), all full-time employees who have been employed by CCAE for at least ninety (90) days are eligible to eight (8) weeks unpaid parental leave for the purpose of giving birth, adopting a child under the age of eighteen (18), or adopting a child under the age of twenty-three (23), if the child is mentally or physically disabled. If two employees parent or adopt the same child, the two employees are entitled to an aggregate total of eight weeks of leave per child.

Notice: An employee seeking MPLA must provide the Executive Director at least thirty (30) days advance notice of the employee’s anticipated date of departure (or provide notice as soon as practicable if the delay is for reasons beyond the employee’s control), and the employee’s intention to return to work for CCAE at the end of the leave.

Benefits Before and After Leave: While an employee is on MPLA, CCAE will continue the employee’s health benefits (if applicable) during the leave at the same level and under the same conditions as if the employee had continued to work. The employee


must continue to pay the employee’s share of health insurance premiums. The employee shall be restored to their previous position or a similar position with the same status, pay, length of service credit and seniority, wherever applicable, as of the date of employee’s leave.

Use of Paid and Unpaid Leave: Any parental leave under the MPLA shall run concurrently with any applicable leave, including paid leave granted under MA PFML.

D. Domestic Violence Leave

Employees are eligible for up to fifteen (15) days of unpaid Domestic Violence Leave in any 12-month period if the employee or the employee's family member is a victim of abusive behavior (defined as domestic violence, criminal stalking or sexual assault), the employee is using the leave to address related issues and the employee is not the perpetrator of the abusive behavior against such employee’s family member.

Qualifying Reasons for Domestic Violence Leave: Employees may use Domestic Violence Leave to:

Seek or obtain medical attention, counseling, victim services or legal assistance;

Secure housing;

Obtain a protective order from a court;

Appear in court or before a grand jury;

Meet with a district attorney or other law enforcement official;

Attend child custody proceedings directly related to the abusive behavior; or

Address other issues directly related to the abusive behavior.

For purposes of this policy, a family member includes not only legally married spouses, but also:

Persons "in a substantive dating or engagement relationship" and who reside together;

Persons having a child in common regardless of whether they have ever married or resided together;

A parent, step-parent, child, step-child, sibling, grandparent or grandchild; or

Persons in a guardianship relationship.

Employees may choose to apply any unused, accrued paid time off they have available to remain in paid status during Domestic Violence Leave and use of such leave will run concurrently with leave under this policy. If the employee does not have paid leave available, Domestic Violence Leave will be unpaid.

Notice for Domestic Violence Leave: Employees are required to notify their Program Director in advance of their need to take Domestic Violence Leave unless there is a threat of imminent danger to them or their family member. If there is such a threat, the employee may take the leave, provided the employee or the employee’s representative (such as a family member or the employee’s counselor, social worker, health care


worker, a member of the clergy, shelter worker, or legal advocate) provides notice of the leave within three working days after the employee takes the leave.

Employees who take Domestic Violence Leave may be required to provide documentation evidencing that the employee or the employee’s family member has been a victim of domestic violence or abusive behavior within thirty (30) days of the leave request. Such forms of documentation may include:

A court issued protective order;

An official document from a court, provider or public agency;

A police report or statement of a victim or witness provided to the police;

Official legal documentation attesting to perpetrator’s guilt;

Medical documentation of treatment for the abusive behavior;

A sworn statement from the employee attesting to being a victim of abusive behavior; or

A sworn statement from a professional who has assisted the employee or the employee's family, for example, a counselor, a social worker or a member of the clergy.

E. Small Necessities Leave

Employees may be eligible for Small Necessities Leave if they have worked for CCAE for at least twelve (12) months, worked at least 1,250 hours during the twelve (12) months immediately prior to the start date of their FMLA leave and are employed at a facility where there are fifty (50) or more employees within a seventy-five (75) mile radius.

Qualifying Reasons for Small Necessities Leave: Under Massachusetts state law, eligible employees are entitled to twenty-four (24) hours of unpaid leave during a rolling twelve (12) month period for any of the following reasons:

To participate in school activities for the employee’s child, such as parent-teacher conferences or interviewing for a child’s new school;

To accompany the employee’s child to routine medical or dental appointments; or

To accompany an elderly relative to routine dental or medical appointments or to appointments for other professional services related to the elder’s care, such as interviewing at nursing or group homes.

All employees requesting Small Necessities Leave must provide their Program Director with at least seven (7) days’ advance notice if the need for leave is foreseeable. If the leave is unforeseeable, the employee must give as much notice as is practical under the particular circumstances. Employees may choose to apply any unused, accrued paid time off they have available to remain in paid status during Small Necessities Leave. If the employee does not have paid leave available, Small Necessities Leave will be unpaid.


F. Military Leave

CCAE provides leave and job protection benefits for eligible employees called to active military service or training in accordance with the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (“USERRA”) and all other applicable state and federal laws. For specifics regarding military leave and rights available to employees taking leave, please contact the Executive Director.

G. Veterans Day and Memorial Day

An employee who is a veteran may take unpaid leave to participate in a Memorial Day or Veterans Day exercise, parade, or service in the community where the employee resides, so long as the employee provides reasonable notice to their Program Director. For purposes of this policy, a veteran is someone who has received an honorable discharge from military service.

V. Standards of Conduct

A. Personal Conduct, Behavior, and Job Performance

Adherence to standards of conduct, behavior, and job performance are essential to the effective, efficient and safe environment for which CCAE strives.

CCAE feels that its mission can best be carried out in an atmosphere of dedication, honesty, integrity, safety awareness, team work, professionalism and confidentiality. CCAE expects that each person who joins the organization will accept their responsibility in meeting these high standards.

Additionally, through communications with their supervisor, employees should establish mutual expectations and learn the performance requirements that are important in order for job performance to meet or exceed expectations.

Communications, as mentioned several times in this Instructor Handbook, are intended to be “two-way.” To that end, employees are encouraged to ask supervisors for clarification or feedback on their performance or any of the standards or requirements of the organization, and be willing to contribute suggestions and ideas towards mutual success.

B. Corrective Action

While it is anticipated that most problems will be resolved through the cooperation of employees and supervisors, there may be times when an employee will fail to meet expectations, resulting in corrective action. Such action may include a verbal warning, written warning, probation, or termination of employment. CCAE reserves the right to determine the corrective action issued to an employee, in its sole discretion, based on circumstances, and the severity and frequency of the issue.


C. Attendance and Punctuality

Attendance and punctuality are essential to the efficient operation of CCAE. While CCAE recognizes that occasionally there are conditions beyond an employee's control, unauthorized absences or tardiness are considered unacceptable, due to the schedule disruptions and burden on fellow employees that may be created.

Employees who are going to be tardy or absent are expected to notify their supervisor as far in advance as possible. An employee who is absent from work for three (3) consecutive working days without notifying or obtaining advance approval from the employee's supervisor will be considered to have voluntarily resigned from the employee's position and will be terminated.

D. Professional Dress Policy

The purpose of the Professional Dress Policy is to maintain the professional image of CCAE and to inform all employees that they are to present a clean and professional personal appearance. CCAE recognizes that different applications of this policy may be necessary depending on the degree of customer/funder contact, nature of work and special events. Therefore, this policy provides only general guidance. The final decision as to what constitutes appropriate professional appearance is the responsibility of the employee’s supervisor.

Employees are expected to maintain high standards of professionalism and to present a neat, professional appearance at all times. Employees are expected to dress in business casual attire. Employees should not wear suggestive attire, torn/ripped clothing, athletic clothing or items that do not portray a professional image to the public.


Part III: General Information about CCAE

Founded in 1870, CCAE serves nearly 12,000 participants annually by providing highquality classes, lectures, performances, art exhibitions, and poetry readings.

Based in Harvard Square, in two properties listed on the National Register of Historic Places, CCAE offers more than 2,000 classes each year in the categories of: Languages and World Cultures; Visual Arts; Performing Arts; Humanities and Literary Arts; Culinary Arts; Business & Technology; Life & Wellness; and Special Initiatives. Over 350 professionals teach these classes, consistently earning excellent reviews from students. CCAE's audiences are diverse by age, race, and household income.

Some of CCAE's best-known programming includes The Blacksmith House Poetry Series (since 1973); featuring nationally known and emerging writers reading from their work, the Annual Ukulele Jam, performing arts showcases, Conversations on the Edge lectures series and CCAE's quarterly art exhibits for instructors and students.

CCAE's mission is to:

● Be the preeminent center for adult learning in Metro Cambridge

● Create a welcoming environment through CCAE's instructors, staff and physical spaces

● Prudently manage CCAE's assets and legacy.

CCAE’s Board of Directors and management focus on ensuring the highest excellence in public programming and strengthening the institution.

CCAE’s Board of Directors serve as volunteer stewards of the organization, including as instructors, students, and community leaders, whose combined expertise helps guide CCAE, plan its future, preserve its legacy, and generate the resources needed for its success.


Cambridge Center for Adult Education Board of Directors

As of August 2022

Christian Nolen CHAIR

David Lehman VICE CHAIR

Lidija Polutnik TREASURER


Brian Carey Philip Crutchfield Molly Downer Michael Goldman Lauren Holleran Brian Kelley Dan Paret Jonathan H. Poorvu Natalie Wigotsky Reed David Rooks Jennifer Serowick Denise Simmons Damon Smith Nan Soule Mark Stanek


CCAE’s Historic Properties

Founded in 1870 as the Cambridge Social Union, and incorporated as CCAE in 1936, CCAE operates out of two (2) historic buildings: the early 18th century William Brattle House and the early 19th century Blacksmith House, both of which are on the National Register of Historic Places.

The Brattle House at 42 Brattle Street was built in 1727 for General-Major William Brattle, a graduate of Harvard College, who earned his military title fighting in the French-Indian War. In the autumn of 1774, convinced the local citizenry were plotting to steal powder from the Charlestown Powder house, he informed Thomas Gage, the Commander In Chief and Royal Governor of Massachusetts Bay colony. When a Boston newspaper got hold of and printed the letter, 4,000 citizens gathered on the Cambridge Common to protest in what became known as the “powder alarm.” The Brattle family and other Tories of Cambridge fled Cambridge and the building was commandeered by the Continental Army to serve as the Commissary General during the siege of Boston (1775-6). General George Washington’s Quartermaster, Major Thomas Mifflin and his wife entertained often, hosting dinners and parties at which General Washington, Abigail Adams, and many other key figures in the Revolution were in attendance.

In the 19th century, the Brattle House was home to noted feminist and author Margaret Fuller, who lived there for 18 months in the 1830s before her family moved to Groton. The house was also used as a dormitory for Harvard students before being purchased by the Cambridge Social Union, led by Samuel Longfellow, in 1889. That organization was founded to provide a free reading room and library and “means of social and intellectual improvement,” a mission that has continued to guide CCAE even as it changed its name to Cambridge Center for Adult Education in 1936.

“The Dexter Pratt House at 56 Brattle Street was built in 1808 and is memorialized as the location in Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s poem, The Village Blacksmith. Recent research by historian Sydney Nathans revealed that a woman who had been born into slavery had owned the Pratt House and it stayed in her family for 30 years. That woman was Mary Walker (1818-1872). She escaped her owner, made her way to Cambridge, earned wages as a caretaker and seamstress, and spent the next 17 years trying, via ransom or ruse, to liberate her mother and two younger children. She reunited with her family only after the Civil War. Knowing the discrimination she faced, a white man bought the house and the next day turned it over to Walker, while continuing to pay the mortgage. The house was kept in trust for her for and for the next two generations of her family. Walker is buried in the Mount Auburn Cemetery, under a monument in the form of a dove-topped obelisk. (To Free a Family: The Journey of Mary Walker, by Sydney Nathans, Harvard University Press, 2012).

Immediately following the Second World War, The Window Shop, a Cambridge citizens’ organization that assisted European refugees with training, counseling, and


employment, purchased the Blacksmith House. It offered people fleeing from Hitler good jobs in its clothing and crafts shop, tearoom/bakery known for its Viennese pastries, and restaurant that became a gathering place for Europeans, including architect Walter Gropius. The Window Shop also hired African Americans, one of the few businesses in Cambridge to do so in the early 1940s (The Window Shop: Safe Harbor for Refugees, 1939-972, published in 1972).

EMERGENCY RESPONSE REPORT In the unlikely event of accident, medical emergency, or other emergency situation in your class, you are required to complete an Emergency Response Report and submit the report to CCAE's Director of Finance and Administration, Tavia Malone, at within one (1) business day of the emergency. Name of Individual with Emergency: ______________________________________ Instructor’s Name: _____________________________________________________ Date & Time of Emergency: Building & Classroom Location: __________________________________________ Description: CCAE Staff Member/Instructor Who Received Report: ________________________ Date & Time Report Received: ____________________________________________ Did CCAE Call 911? Yes | No Additional Notes: Received & Reviewed by CCAE Assistant Director Date & Time: _____________________________ Follow-Up: 46

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