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Register early!
CCAE reserves the right to cancel classes due to low enrollment or other considerations . We begin cancelling classes with low enrollment up to 10 days before a class is scheduled to start, so register as early as possible in order to reserve your seat and help it meet the minimum enrollment .
Registration fees
An $8 registration fee is charged for any class whose tuition exceeds $25 . Only one registration fee is charged per person per term . The registration fee is not refundable if you withdraw from a class . The fee is refunded if CCAE cancels your class or if changes to the class schedule prevent you from attending . This does not apply to individual classes rescheduled due to inclement weather or other signifi cant factors beyond CCAE’s control.
Credits and refunds
If you withdraw 1 week or more before the start date of a class, we will issue you a course credit (good for 18 months from the date of issue) . If you prefer, we will refund the class tuition minus a $10 processing fee . Withdrawals from courses and events under $25 are only eligible for a course credit . No cash refunds are given .
Online class withdrawal policies
For multi-week online classes, if you are unhappy with the format of the class, you may withdraw up to 24 hours before the second meeting of the class for a full class credit (no refunds given) . For online Food and Wine classes, you can withdraw three days or more before the start date of a class for a class credit . After we send out a Zoom link and a recipe packet, no credits or refunds will be given . For one-day online classes (with no curbside pickup component), you can withdraw the day-of for full class credit (no refunds given) . For online classes with curbside pickup, you can withdraw up to two days before the date of curbside pickup or the fi rst class meeting, whichever comes fi rst, for a class credit minus the materials fee (no refunds given). If you attended the fi rst class or already did curbside pickup, no credit or refund can be given .
Transferring to another class
For classes that are three sessions or longer, contact the registration offi ce before the second meeting of the class in order to transfer . For one- and two-session classes, you must contact us at least fi ve business days before the start of the class. For all cooking, wine, beer, or spirit classes, you must contact us at least fi ve business days before the start of the class. If there is a diff erence in price, we will issue a class credit or there will be a remaining balance to be paid . Refunds are not given .
Cancellation or schedule change
CCAE reserves the right to cancel classes due to low enrollment or other considerations . We begin cancelling classes with low enrollment up to 10 days before a class is scheduled to start . If we cancel your class, you will receive a course credit good for 18 months from date of issue or, upon your request, a refund. Please call our registration offi ce to request a refund. All refund requests must be submitted within 30 days of class cancellation . If CCAE cancels your class or changes the class schedule before the class begins such that you are unable to attend, you may receive a refund or a course credit . This does not apply to individual classes rescheduled due to inclement weather, other signifi cant factors beyond CCAE’s control.
Typographical errors
CCAE reserves the right to correct the listed price of a class or other errors due to misprints .
We may occasionally take pictures of students in our classes for use in promotional materials. Your enrollment in a class indicates your approval. Online classes take place on Zoom . If you are unsure if you are able to use Zoom or if your camera and microphone work, we recommend testing it out by joining a test meeting before your class starts at zoom . us/test .
The zoom link and information on how to join will be emailed to you . Please also check your spam folder . If you register within 12 hours before the class begins or after the fi rst date, please contact zoom@ccae.org for the link .
Technical support
Students may contact our registration offi ce at 617-547-6789 ext . 1 or zoom@ccae .org for technical assistance . Support will be available during all underway classes . Check ccae.org for up-to-date offi ce hours.
Student expectations for online classes
Classes will take place on Zoom . Do not share the Zoom meeting invitation and link with anyone who is not registered for the class .
Classes will take place at the time they are scheduled . We cannot guarantee that recorded classes will be available if you are not able to attend the class at the time scheduled .
One registration is for one person . If you are planning to invite your spouse, partner, or friend to attend this online class with you, please sign up for an additional seat . Inform anyone in your household that you will be in a class; if your camera and/or microphone are on, they will be seen and/or heard .
For the security of our instructors and students, please do not record the class . Please do not take photos of the class without the permission of the instructor and the other students .
Private Online Classes
Get all of the benefi ts of a CCAE online experience in a private setting to immerse yourself in virtual learning and local culture at home . Private virtual classes are perfect for special occasions, creative team building activities, or just to have fun with friends . Contact us at info@ccae .org and start planning today!
Gift Certifi cates
Looking for the perfect gift for someone special? Consider a CCAE Gift Certifi cate! Purchase gift certifi cates online or over the phone. Visit ccae.org/gift-certifi cates for details .
What our students say:
“I loved the class! I was skeptical on how a 'virtual' cooking class would go, but I was very happy with the evening and learned along the way. Thank you.” – Elizabeth G. One-Pot Meals with Cast Iron
“Jeremy [Durling] pivoted to online teaching beautifully and created a sense of community. He narrated adjustments of placement of subjects and camera placement in illuminating ways that helped me when I translated each demo to my home context.” – Nina K., Beginner Drawing “Joan [Brunetta] has truly fostered interpersonal relationships within the class already. I'm so impressed and delighted. Yay CCAE!” – Annie D., Latin: Beginner Level 1
Harvard Square 42 Brattle Street Cambridge MA 02138
thecambridgecenter @cambridgecenter @cambridgecenter ccae.org