The Cambridge Collective - Issue 2

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The Cambridge Collective

Issue 2

Planet Earth What is TeamSeas, Magic Mycelium, The Axolotl, Our Planet, How Earth Formed

Get to know Mr Graham, Mrs Roberts

Weird Words

April 2022

A short story

Who am I? CHS Merchandise Tech Talk Computer Vision Syndrome

Amy Reddaway


Charlotte Howe

Gianna Fitzgibbon

Toka Abdelaziz

James Rainbow

Editor's Letter The second edition of the The Cambridge Collective is indeed an accurate reflection of the talents present within the student body. Each issue of The Collective features a special theme. Over the course of the academic year, we have been steadily zooming out our focus - we began by CHS's first house competition called 'House Art' where students were invited to submit a piece of art with the topic of 'Community'. For the first edition of The Collective, we shifted our lens toward the topic of 'Your Country'. Now, we move to a more comprehensive view of our home - the Earth. This issue's topic of the Earth stresses the idea of preservation and conservation and reminds us that the Earth is only a small, vulnerable speck of matter in a vast universe that includes everything we know. This theme was selected in recognition of the month this issue is published during - April, also known as 'Earth Month' (it may be interesting to speculate at the theme of the next issue!) I would in particular like to thank the efforts of our team as follows: Mrs Howard and Mr Boylan for the invaluable time and advice they both provided to us in compiling, editing and shaping The Collective into its present form. Xenia Plarre and Anish Maheshwari for the incredible amount of effort and time they have put into organisation and into shaping the pool of ideas that every publication begins with into the final product. Bow Burnham for keeping the entire team well supplied with stunning illustrations to accompany and enhance articles. Finally, our sincere thanks from myself and the entire editing team to everyone that contributed to The Collective in any way. Imran Gulamhussein, Editor The Cambridge Collective Editor's Note: The articles, pictures, diagrams and all forms of content presented in this publication do not in any way represent or reflect the views, opinions or beliefs of the publication and of the editor's team.

The Cambridge Collective Editorial Imran Gulamhussein Editor Xenia Plarre Deputy Editor Anish Maheshwari Junior Editor Bow Burnham Junior Editor Guidance Mrs Howard Mr Boylan


Contributors Dr Page, Julia Mary Vivat Williams, Bow Burnham, Claire Justine Enriquez, Adelyn Chung, Tia Argyrople, Xenia Plarre, Mr Graham, Federica Barbieri, Mrs Roberts, Sergej Metodijevic, Adittya Sakline, Sebastien Alexander, Laura Homem, Joseph Maske, Gianna Fitzgibbon, James Rainbow, Charlotte Howe, Amy Reddaway, Toka Abdelaziz

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Table Of Contents In Support of Ukraine


Planet Earth What is TeamSeas? Magic Mycelium The Axolotl Our Planet How Earth Formed

8 9 10 11 12

Current Affairs The 2022 Commonwealth Games


Weird Words


Get To Know Meet Mr Graham 22


Clubs Book & Film Club


Prep School Meet Mrs Roberts Water Cycle Projects

17 18

Recipe Page Mary Berry's Blueberry Muffins


Short Story Who am I?


CHS Updates CHS Merchandise CHS School Uniform

24 25

Tech Talk Computer Vision Syndrome


House Competitions Leaderboard & Competition Results



In Support of Ukraine Dr Page, Headmaster

Everybody has been struck by the horror of one man’s war in Ukraine. The senseless killing of civilians, many fleeing for their lives is truly barbaric. The courage and dignity of the Ukrainian people has been truly uplifting and inspirational. The war brings into sharp relief what it is to be human.

In Russia the state is limiting what decent ordinary Russians can know. Putin has shut down independent media channels, restricted the internet and locked up protesters. The only remaining source of information for millions of Russian people is the state TV channels where Putin spouts his hate.

Watching the war unfold minute by minute on our screens, the unending notifications as I work on my computer means this war has to be the most visible war in history; it’s inescapable! This is a good thing because it has been far too easy for wars far away to be ignored. Atrocities against humanity have been known of but not known. Knowing that millions of ordinary people have no food, water, shelter or security means we have to act! Millions of decent Russian people can't act because they don't know.

Cambridge home school will always be independent and so will its students because the world needs truth!

Cambridge home school is a humanitarian force for good. Of course as one of the world’s top online schools Cambridge home school contributes to humanity by producing exceptionally welleducated, decent, free-thinking independent people who no doubt will change the world for the better. Our school is an independent school precisely because the state must never control education. What children can know and learn about must never be limited by the many changing Governments with their latest popular or populist agenda. The knowledge of the world belongs to everyone and as educators our role is to share it, not limit it.

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Defence capability in the form of anti-tank and anti-aircraft weapons have been donated, every major charity is doing what it can, the near 3 million homeless refugees are being welcomed into the arms and homes of ordinary compassionate people. Putin and his cronies are being hit by crushing economic sanctions that are beginning to bite. The world will try them for their war crimes against humanity lest we forget.

We see the decency and compassion of our school community every day. I am always struck by the kind words, the love hearts, thumbs ups, smileys and heartfelt comments that attend the many and various activities and endeavours of our school. While such emojis may seem trivial they are expressions of genuine human feeling in many cases. Our teachers and leaders are clearly making a difference lesson by lesson, extracurricular club by club and in the support they give in myriad ways. Our wonderful parents who tirelessly support our school through their patronage, their promotion of the school online with insightful reviews and videos, their purchasing of school merchandise in support of our charities, their The people of the world, including volunteering to talk about their decent Russians who know the work to our curious students, their truth, are united in their constructive feedback on how we condemnation of Putin’s bloody and can improve the school and so inhuman attack on a peaceful, free many other ways. I am immensely nation. While the dangers of proud to be associated with escalation of war have prevented Cambridge Home School and I’m the imposition of a no-fly zone sure you are too! much good has been supplied. We saw the power of independent thinking this week when an editor on Putin’s state TV channel risked at least her liberty as she held up a poster stating the channel is lying to you about the war. Marina Ovsyannikova risked everything in the name of truth. Millions of decent ordinary Russian people have been told by Putin that there is no war, just a ‘special operation’. Undoubtedly, Marina’s inspirational and selfless heroism has changed the world for good. Putin’s deception and evil is now known to millions of his own people and surely this will accelerate peace in Ukraine and maybe spark the beginning of the end of Putin’s reign...


No Man is an Island John Donne

No man is an island, Entire of itself; Every man is a piece of the continent, A part of the main.

The daily hard work and generosity of the school community has recently donated £1000 to the Disasters and Emergencies Committee fund. This money will be doubled to £2000 by the UK people’s Government. The money will provide food, water, blankets, medical supplies for 40 families for a month. The school has shared this message of generosity across its many online media channels in the hope that it will inspire thousands of others to give what they can to the victims of this despicable violence. Additionally, I invite you to make artwork that expresses your thoughts and feelings about the war. ‘Art washes away the dust of everyday life’ said Pablo Picasso. Making art will wash away much of this harm. All of the arts have this special gift for us so find your artistic way to heal.

If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, As well as if a promontory were: As well as if a manor of thy friend's Or of thine own were. Any man's death diminishes me, Because I am involved in mankind. And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; It tolls for thee.

Bow Burnham

Bow is raising money for the Ukraine Crisis Appeal by selling stickers (10x7cm) with her artwork. For more information, click on the image to the left to visit her donation page and help her reach her goal of £400.

The work of a top school is never done! Please continue to do what you can to help those less fortunate. Your power is made greater through knowledge and community so study hard, make connections and make a difference!

Understand Kindness Ranks Against Invasion No Excuses Mrs Graham


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What is TeamSeas? Julia Mary Vivat Williams

Team Seas, stylised as #TeamSeas, is an international collaborative fundraiser project. The initial aim of this crowd-funding campaign was to remove 30 million pounds (14,000,000 kg) of plastic and trash from the ocean, rivers, and beaches. The removal of this trash has both immediate and long-term wide-ranging positive effects on the ocean ecosystem. The initiative was started by American YouTubers MrBeast, Mark Rober and Matt Fitzgerald ( This story started in 2019 when MrBeast reached 20 million subscribers on his main channel, on that day MrBeast decided to plant 20 million trees. This collaborative fundraiser event was named TeamTrees. Every single dollar you donate was used to plant one tree. That means one dollar is equivalent to planting one tree.

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This event was very successful; by December 26, 2020, the project had raised $22,702,530 surpassing the fundraiser’s goal to plant 20 million trees. As of February 2022, the project has raised over $23.6 million and planted 13+ million trees.

You may wonder, why is it so important to reduce ocean pollution? -well, here is why.

Over 300 million tons of plastic are produced every year for use in a wide variety of applications. Approximately 14 million tons of Seeing the success of the TeamTrees this plastic end up in the ocean Campaign, Mr. Beast, Mark Rober every year, and plastic makes up and Matt Fitzgerald alongside other 80% of all marine debris found from influencers, launched TeamSeas on surface waters to deep-sea Friday, October 29th 2021.The funds sediments. Marine species ingest or go directly to the two non-profit are entangled by plastic debris, organizations, Ocean Conservancy which causes severe injuries and and The Ocean Cleanup. Each non- death. Plastic pollution threatens profit is responsible for delivering food safety and quality, human on their half of the goal. They split health, coastal tourism, and the funds 50/50 and the money will contributes to climate change. Also, be released when the trash is the ocean produces half the air we removed and verified: $1, 1 pound breathe every day. This leaves no of trash. room for doubt that keeping it clean and healthy is critical to our survival. If you would like to know more about the campaign or donate, click on the image. 1 Dollar = 1 Pound of Trash.


Magic Mycelium Written and illustrated by Bow Burnham Ok, let’s talk mushrooms. They are everywhere, even if you are unable to see them. And they are pretty much the backup of Earth's ecosystem. Did you know that mushrooms are amazing organisms and a close relative to human beings? There are limitless reasons to why mushrooms are amazing so let's go into some of them.

Mushrooms help other trees and plants to grow by doing something called Symbiosis. Symbiosis is a relationship between fungi and the roots of trees and plants. The fungus helps the plant to extract nutrients and water from the soil, in return the fungus receives sugars from the plants.

First of all, did you know mushrooms and fungi save countless lives every day? In 1928, at St. Mary’s Hospital, Alexander Fleming discovered Penicillin, which is a fungus. This discovery led to the introduction of antibiotics that greatly reduced the number of deaths from infection. Research has shown that specific mushrooms can be a vital tool to combat diseases like Cancer, Alzheimer's, and Diabetes. They are also a major source of citric acid which is vitamin C. They can be genetically engineered to produce insulin and many other human hormones.

Now we’re at the part that this article was named after, mycelium. This is basically Nature’s internet. Confused? I'll explain. Mycelium are incredibly tiny threads of a fungal organism that wraps around tree roots. It connects individual plants together to transfer water, nitrogen, carbon and other minerals. This is also Nature’s hospital, carrying important substances to roots that need them, whilst cleansing pollutants from soil and water. So, we now know that mycelium is Nature’s internet and hospital but did you also know it is Nature’s biggest recycling system? It breaks down organic matter and things like plastic and oil, turning them into food for other organisms. Shortly after, you will start to see sprouts of fungi popping out of the earth.


By this point, I think you can agree with me that mushrooms are pretty magical. They are integral to Earth's ecosystem; they make medicine for humans and help the natural world to thrive. They can even be processed into products that look and feel like leather. They can be used to create plasticlike products and even eat plastic, which is one of the world's biggest polluters. I could tell you much more about this subject but sadly I haven't got mush-room.

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The Axolotl

Deadpool Claire Justine Enriquez

The Axolotl is a very cute amphibian! It is also known as the Mexican Walking Fish, Mexican Salamander and Mexican Axolotl. You noticed; Axolotls are native to Mexico! They come in all kinds of colours, including grey, brown, white, golden albino, white albino and blue. They can live more than 10 years likely because they are fully capable of limb re-growth!

Axolotls will even ask you for food, similar to a dog. Crawling towards the wall of their tank and looking at you with that smile - how could you say no! They are like a hybrid of different animals! They reach up to 12 inches and weigh to about 8 ounces.

“Is the Axolotl noisy?” The answer is no. Occasionally they let out a squeak but they’re usually quiet. Axolotls look like they have a Like kids, they put everything in feathered crown on their heads. their mouth! If you decide to feed an Those ‘feathers’ are actually their Axolotl by hand, your hand will be gills! Their contagious smiling never empty soon! You might get bitten ends; the creature always has a but their teeth are rubbery and smile on its face. They are so unique made for gripping. They’re actually that their eyes can come in all kinds very easy to take care of, tame and of colours like black, pink, yellow easy-going. and even black with a shiny gold rim!

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The Axolotl is a carnivore. It commonly eats many types of worms, fish and insects. Sadly, there are only about 700 to 1,200 Axolotls left! If Axolotls became extinct it would be a loss of a fascinating, unique, cute creature! The population of Axolotls have dramatically dropped because of pollution and invasive species like tilapia. This is surprising because they lay over 1’000 eggs!


Our Planet Adelyn Chung

Our planet Earth is filled with lots of wonders – from gardens to mountains to deserts to plants, the list never ends. 195 countries, 7 continents and 5 oceans inhabit our planet. However, our planet Earth also frequently experiences natural disasters – including volcanoes, tsunamis and tornadoes. These horrible disasters happen because of Climate Change and Global Warming.


So, how can we stop it?

Reusing and reducing waste will help keep amazing landscapes clean There are many ways you can help! and healthy. We all have to work Some examples include: Learning together to save our planet Earth – the 3 Rs (Reduce, Reuse & Recycle), Mother Nature is constantly waiting planting trees, not littering, for our help! reducing the usage of plastic and walking/cycling more. Why not help fight against Climate Change today?

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How Earth Formed Tia Argyrople

Earth is a planet full of wonder and excitement. But did you ever wonder how it formed?

Billions of years ago the universe was a vast empty Solar System. Until, there was a bright light that we call the Big Bang; our Sun was born. The four inner rocky planets started forming around the Sun. The Earth used a variety of materials to form, including vortex, gas and rock. The pieces clonked together to form our planet.

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When Earth was a child, it was very different from the Earth we know today. Earth had volcanic activity and deadly, poisonous gas air. But the Earth's toxic air was replaced with Oxygen. Deep beneath the volcanic pools and oceans of the Earth, primitive algae began to form.

Solar winds from outer space could have removed away Earth's atmosphere like it did with Mars. But a protective forcefield kept the solar winds out. This forcefield can be seen in the northern and southern regions. The forcefield can be called the Aurora.


The 2022 Commonwealth Games Xenia Plarre

The Commonwealth Games is an event similar to the Olympics, held every four years since 1930. Athletes from 72 Commonwealth nations can compete in a variety of sports; cycling, aquatics, athletics and weightlifting to name a few. This year will be the 22nd Commonwealth Games and will be held in Birmingham, UK, beginning with an opening ceremony on 28 July 2022 and ending on 8 August 2022.

A baton, representing the unique cultures and people taking part in the Commonwealth Games, is passed from one nation to the next. It started its journey on 7 October 2021 in London, UK, visiting various countries before it will return to England in time for the Opening Ceremony. The relay is called the Queen’s Baton Relay as the baton contains a message from Her Majesty, which will be read by the Queen at the Opening Ceremony.

You may be wondering, why make a fuss about the Commonwealth Games now when it only takes place later this year? Part of this monumental sports event is a preGames tradition acting as a countdown, where Commonwealth athletes participate in an international relay.

This year in particular, the Commonwealth Games will be focusing on sustainability in efforts of combatting Climate Change. Perry, 2022’s Commonwealth Games mascot, a colourful bull, will encourage people to reduce plastic and other waste, as well as welcoming audiences and athletes to the Commonwealth Games. Have a look at the Queen’s Baton’s design at this link: eens-baton-relay/baton Follow the Baton’s journey at this link:


April 2022 | The Cambridge Collective | 13

Weird Wor ds

Words that are no longer in

the di ction ary, but Mrs H shoul db owa e. rd

GROAK To watch someone while eating.



The feeling on a cold day when the sun is warm.

CURGLATT The scream you let out when hitting cold water.

To plot and scheme.



To argue over something inconsequential.


Freshly-melted snow.


A number to the power of 8.


The belief that inanimate objects are out to get you.

Meet Mr Graham Tea, coffee or ……………….? Tea mostly, but I do enjoy the occasional coffee.

Where were you born and where do you live now?

I was born in Wallsend, a small town on the north banks of the River Tyne. I now live in Newcastle upon Tyne, about a mile from the city centre.

Where is your favourite place and why?

My favourite place is the Northumberland coastline. It has the best beaches and views looking out over the Farne Islands. Several castles have the area steeped in history. You can find me there every summer wandering the beaches with my family or playing golf.

What was your first job?

My first paid job was a glass collector in one of the many restaurants in Newcastle. It was a real ‘eye opener’ to an innocent 16year-old!!

Why did you become a teacher?

What is an expression/saying you probably use too often?

Which is your favourite subject to teach?

If you could be a bird for a day, what bird would you be?

What is your favourite book?

What is your hobby/hidden talent?

I loved school and had several great teachers who inspired me. I thought it would be my ideal job as I loved maths and statistics and love talking about them! Where else can you get paid doing that?

I have answered that already. Maths and statistics and particularly topics heavy in algebra. Sorry, nerd alert!

I am not an avid reader but I do enjoy true stories and biographies.

Do you have pets and if yes, what are their names?

Yes, we have 4 cats, Wilfy, Lola, Lily and Maudy!

What is your pet peeve?

I cannot abide people disrespecting others. It makes my blood boil.


I honestly do not know the answer to that. I imagine someone else would be able to answer that for me. I am sure I have something I say too much. Probably about putting the kettle on or the like. :-)

Either an Albatross or a Condor: one of those big-winged gliders!

I play golf to a 6 handicap.

What is one thing that nobody at CHS knows about you?

I have recorded a load of songs over the years, at a local recording studio, as some people think I can sing and have a decent voice. Seriously, I do enjoy the entire process of recording a song and it makes me happy when people say they enjoy my efforts.

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Book & Film Club Federica Barbieri

Book Club started off as a mere idea. It came to my attention that there was no recognition given to the students who found pleasure in reading and decoding certain texts and continuing the end of a good story, using their own, wild imagination. I originally spoke to Mrs. Howard about this, because who better to run a club dedicated to finding deeper meanings and expanding your knowledge than everyone’s favourite teacher? It didn’t take much convincing and I wasn’t surprised when she told me she loved the idea, and went to speak with Mr. Boylan straight away. Soon after, Mrs. H came back to me saying Mr. Boylan loved the idea: he thought it could be really beneficial, and right there and then was the origin of ‘Book and Film Club’. I was indeed sceptical as I did not think there would be many participants joining this club. To my astonishment, five people joined book club alone that day. To this day there are eight students in total and together we have come up with many ideas and a perfect schedule that works for us! Alternating weeks, we read a short story, chosen by a member of the group, which we analyse and discuss. The following week, we see if there is a film attached to the story (so far, there has been, for all the stories we have read). After we watch the associated film, we now have a deeper knowledge of the characters and a clear, constant picture we all work from. The likes of cinematography accompanied with the story give us a more or less clear timeline of when it was set, if it was not already obvious in the story from how the text is worded.

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It could also explain the thoughts the author was having and the motive for why the story was written in its specific genre. We come up with a continuation for the story, a theory, now that our knowledge has expanded in the topic it was written in, and, sometimes, we are lucky enough to be asked, ‘if the book had a different title, what would you name it?’ That has led to us coming up with some amazing ideas. One thing I think we are very good at is giving recognition and congratulating participants for their bright ideas and beneficial contributions. The first piece we read as a group was a mystery story; the theme of which we kept going. Throughout the weeks, reading different stories and analysing them, I detected a pattern of referral back to the first piece, whether it be because of its mysterious ending, some of the language used, the characters or even the settings and the timeline. If I have managed to convince you to join, I should mention that this club is only for Level 3+. If you join and would like to recommend something to read it has to be a short story of any genre and it would be lovely if you found the associated film to watch during the next meet up. We hope to see many more keen readers joining and bringing lots of recommendations and ideas.

Book & Film Club Every Thursday 15:15 (Level 3+)


Meet Mrs Roberts Illustrated by Bow Burnham

Tea, coffee or ……………….?

Coffee in the morning, tea in the afternoon, something else in the evening :-)

Where were you born and where do you live now?

I was born in Bristol, UK, lived in Canada, France and Italy and now live in Herefordshire, UK.

Where is your favourite place?

Interlaken in Switzerland has been the most beautiful place I visited. So far.

What was your first job? Nanny.


Why did you become a teacher?

I love teaching children and they make me smile every day.

Which is your favourite subject to teach?

I love them all – maybe history, or maths, or languages...

Do you have pets, and if yes, what are their names?

Lizzie (dog), Grace (dog), Ruben (cat), Bramble (cat), Tallulah (tortoise), Reggie (rooster), 4 hens (with no names), Bungle (horse), Scooby (horse). We are getting two ducks tomorrow (Jemima and Jemma).

What is your biggest pet peeve?

People stacking plates and cups NEXT TO the dishwasher instead of IN it.

What is an expression you probably use too often? ‘Right then!’

If you could be a bird for a day, what bird would you be? A humming bird.

What is one thing that nobody at CHS knows about you? I don’t like peas.

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Water Cycle Projects

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Image: Mrs Murray

Mary Berry's Blueberry Muffins Author: Marie Rayner PREP TIME: 10 MIN COOK TIME: 25 MIN TOTAL TIME: 35 MIN Moist and delicious and stuffed with sweet berries! INGREDIENTS 1 3/4 cup plus 1 TBS (250g) self rising flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 3 1/2 TBS (50g) butter, at room temperature 6 1/2 TBS (75g) caster sugar (fine granulated sugar) 3/4 cup (175g) blueberries the finely grated zest of one lemon 2 large free range eggs, beaten 9 fluid ounces (250ml) milk

Bake-Off Club Every Wednesday 12:45 (Open to all pupils)

INSTRUCTIONS 1. Preheat the oven to 400°F / 200°C / gas mark 6. Butter a muffin tin really well, or line with paper liners. (I use a six cup muffin tin and 2 ramekins.) 2. Measure the flour and baking powder into a bowl and give it a good stir. Drop in the butter and then rub it into the flour with your fingertips until the mixture resembles fine dry bread crumbs. Stir in the lemon zest, sugar and blueberries. 3. Mix the eggs and milk together and then add to the dry ingredients, stirring all together just until the mixture is combined. It's okay if the batter is a bit lumpy. In fact, this is desirable. 4. Spoon the batter into the muffin cups filling them almost to the top. 5. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes until well risen and golden brown. A toothpick inserted in the centre should come out clean and they should spring back when lightly touched. 6. Leave to cool for a few minutes, then tip out onto a wire rack to cool for a bit longer. 7. Serve warm with a nice hot cuppa! Yield: 8

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Day 1

Who am I? Sergej Metodijevic

I was sleeping, sleeping… And then I woke up. After a few minutes of investigation, I found that I could barely open my eyes. My whole body as heavy and useless as a bag of sand. Every one of my limbs had no muscles whatsoever, and I could not move anything except my awakened eyes. My body was lying in a dark room, and it was sitting on something cold and metallic. My eyes could effortlessly see a large wall-sized door in front of me. I did not know what was behind me or what was next to me, for I couldn’t summon the energy to even nod my head. My eyes tried to move a little, and they found out that they could.

Wait… My paw. I didn’t have a paw, did I? No, I was human, right? I assumed that I was one, but I didn’t know for sure. Was this actually real? Was I a bear? Was I dead? The mystery began to wrap itself round me, choking my inner thoughts.

My eyes moved with the pace of a snail. I needed to see my body, it was an urge coming from deep within me. If I could just see my hand, I would be reassured. How, I don’t know, but I rarely argued with my instincts. Maybe if I could see my hand, then I could pinch myself, and arise from the engulfing ocean of this dream. It must be said that I had no idea on what would happen to me once I stopped dreaming. Surely it would bring me relief of some kind? Aha, nearly there… And voila, my eyes finally provided me with an unclear view of the left side of my body. There was my shoulder, covered in some strange light and puffy material; plastic perhaps. Further down was my arm, which I couldn’t see too well, because of the glooming darkness in the room. I sighed with relief. My paw was there! Thank goodness for that.

The familiar choking sensation eagerly came back, hoping to finish me off once and for all. I was a teddy bear… I evidently couldn’t move or even breath. Deep inside me, however, I knew that I had to calm down. I wouldn’t be doing myself a favour by freaking out mercilessly, so I clenched my jaw tightly. Unfortunately the action had no effect whatsoever because my jaw couldn’t move at all. A young freckled guy of about eighteen suddenly approached me. By the looks of it, he worked at a supermarket, judging by his clothing and tag. His name was… Fred. Was I in America? Or maybe Germany? Who knew. What even was America? The name just popped up in my mind without reason.


But suddenly the giant door in front of me opened. Light aroused me from all directions. The death of the darkness did bring me some relief, but it introduced something that I couldn’t ignore. It was instantly clear that I was… a teddy bear? Calm down, calm down, calm down!! I tried to breath slowly. But how? I had no lungs.

I felt his cold clumsy hands lift me up and drop me into a basket nearby. He did this somewhat sacred ritual with several other toys, including a mad-looking squirrel and a shabby, downcast hippo. After he had finished, he picked the basket up and strode off. He did this for some time before putting us on a shelf. Just as he put me on a shelf, a thirty-something lady came running up to him. They spoke in big loud voices, and every word seemed to strangle my insides with noise. Which didn’t help, for I had not ‘relaxed’, thanks to the uselessness of my body. Finally, they stopped roaring. That alone calmed me. However, she grabbed all of the toys off my shelf, including me, and put them into her basket. Wasn’t this theft? Why wasn’t Fred doing anything? Hello?? The next few hours were a blur, but I’ll try to remember what I can. A giant red laser, a plastic bag, being stuffed into a box, a roar as a van’s engine woke up from its slumber, and a lot of bumps for some time afterwards. Eventually, I remember the same engine going to sleep with a purr, but by then my energy was gone, and so I fell asleep once again.

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Day 2 I woke up quicker than last time because I was surrounded by a never-ending world of noise. My fake ears were apparently hypersensitive, which annoyed me. Yes, I was still a teddy bear, but I was certain that this was maybe some kind of dream. I had faith in believing that this wasn’t reality. Maybe I was a bear in hibernation, which would explain why this dream was so long. But this thought reassured me not, for would I be like this for months until I arose from my sleep? Whoever knew, it certainly wasn’t me. I saw light again as my box was opened. Or, actually, ripped open was a better description. I happened to be close to the top of the box, which was… lucky? I didn’t know what that word meant to me anymore. Well, nothing held value to me anymore. I was unwillingly plunged to the bottom step of life, and I had no choice, or even power, to move up. An ancient and wrinkly hand suddenly plunged into the debris of the box, and by chance chose me. He lifted me with his thumb and forefinger and stared at me. My body dangled, upside-down, in the air. I was worrying that the hand would let me go, but it didn’t. The hand’s owner was an old guy wearing glasses and a blue shirt. With the caution and tenderness of a surgeon, he gently pulled off my strange plastic suit. Shame, I was starting to like it. He pulled up a grin at me, showing two rows of yellow mossy teeth, and put me on a nearby table. As he did, my eyes expanded to fit in the view.

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I was clearly inside some big factory or workshop or something. Everywhere around me were rows and rows full of toys, books, clothes, and more. They also had a wall full of cardboard things. There were so many shelves everywhere! It was as if I was in a giant bookstore full of An empty silence greeted this story. other things. Wow! I couldn’t believe my furry ears. Just, what? It was incredibly sad, but Then, another hand roughly grabbed me by the ear, and stuffed truthfully, why would factory workers discuss about these social me into a backpack. Rude! I didn’t types of problems? A faint memory catch her name, or even what she popped up from yesterday to looked like. She quickly zipped up the backpack, and moved it to some answer this question. A sign that said ‘Backpacks 4 Kids SA’. So, by the other place. looks of it, they stuffed useful resources into a backpack and gave I wasn’t too tired yet, so I tried to listen into a nearby conversation. It it to kids in need? That sounded awesome, and also explained the sounded fairly official and formal, maybe it was a meeting? They were massive shelves full of toys and books and things. SA… Hm, then I muttering quietly to themselves was either in Saudi Arabia, South until a woman suddenly came running, out of breath. They invited Australia, South Africa, or… Ah, her to sit down, and this is what she never mind. It wasn’t as if I could said. “Please listen guys! I just got a run away or anything… I felt call from two kids called Teddy and something pushing into me. A blue water-bottle was ferociously Regina Jackson. Oh, their story is attacking my middle. I hoped that awful… Their dad went missing… someone would open the backpack Their mum had a nervous again and pick me up, for I was breakdown… Their house was set getting sick of the strange air inside on fire because of a cooking the backpack. Sadly, I doubted that accident… Their mum made them my wish would be accepted, at least go camping in the middle of the for now. How was I not bleeding woods… They were forced to bring something by now? Wool maybe? nothing… The older boy is in a Eh, I didn’t really care about that wheelchair… Fortunately the kids either. knew us. Called us. ” I heard more voices, then the whole backpack was picked up again. The water-bottle clunked to the bottom of the bag, freeing me of my misery. I couldn’t help myself however, I fell asleep again. I wonder what I could have heard, but it was too late now, of course.


Day 3 I was on the third day of this eerie and crazy dream. My memory was unusually good, I happened to notice. I could recall just about anything from the last two ‘days’, although, in reality, I had no idea how long I have been stuck in this dream. Days, months, centuries? Who knew… I heard a giant zipping noise. Ooh, the backpack was opening! Would they stuff me into a machine now? I definitely wasn’t expecting this…

A little girl of six suddenly ran up to Teddy and kissed him on the cheek; I noticed that in her arm was a squashed mad-looking squirrel. He looked strangely familiar.

After hours and hours of trying (the kids had forgotten about their toys after lunch), I found that I couldn’t move at all. Nothing? Really? I was annoyed and angry beyond measure. I almost hoped that I would be snatched by an owl or some other bird. I could use a chauffeur to carry me up in the sky and the extra fresher air. As if summoned, I heard a loud hoot coming from the trees. However, the kids were suddenly woken up. Out of fear, they both ran to their toys, which had been left outside. Soon a tug-of-war began over me. Both the kids were screaming and crying, both their eyes were wide and staring, needing a hug full of unconditional love, the one thing that they couldn’t always give each other.

After the two put their backpacks inside their tents, they went off on their separate ways. Teddy turned out to be a lot of fun! He found a piece of red cloth, and tied it around my neck! I felt like I was a superhero! I was Super-Teddy and he was Winning-Wheels! Together A sleek hand pulled me from the we battled Dr Tree, a spooky tree mess of the backpack and hugged with many gnarly branches! Then a me close. Wait, what? After a few hoarse female voice called out seconds, the person pulled away, Teddy and little Regina to lunch. and then I saw him. A nine-year-old Regina left the squirrel and her toy boy with curly brown hair, unusually mirror on a tree stump, and Teddy blue eyes and a thin face. His eyes left me there as well. The squirrel were puffy red from crying; in fact, was holding up a miniature mirror. he was crying still. Silent tears were This didn’t bother me. What tiptoeing their way across his bothered me was that the mirror cheeks, leaving behind a trail of was pointing at me. He seemed to water. And then I noticed something be mocking me as I stared at my that clearly set him apart from other reflection. boys and most people: the wheelchair. Was this, by any chance, Two button-black eyes accompanied Teddy Jackson? The boy began to by a pair of two furry ears. A small speak in a cracked and sniffling nose, a ‘lovely’ smile, and a shirt that voice. said ‘I’m cuddly’. And of course, I had two small arms and two legs. “Hello there, teddy bear. My name is This was it. I really was a teddy bear. Teddy. Funny when you think about Disappointment and fear spread it, right? You and I are going to have throughout me. This wasn’t a lots of fun, ok? ” He gently made my dream. It clearly wasn’t. I was a head nod. This made him smile and teddy bear who happened to have a wipe his tears away. He put me on mind of his own. I couldn’t stay his lap and together we rolled away. here, could I? No, I had to escape. I felt almost as if I was in a selfSure, I had fun today, but do this driving car! This cheerful human forever? Not a chance. I had to thought was wrenched away from master my body, and get out of me when I saw three baggy tents here. What would I do? Who knew. situated around a campfire. That Maybe live in a sewer. I just needed was it? Were those people telling to get away from the human giants. the truth back at the Backpack factory?

Soon their mum woke up and broke the fight up. It was decided that I was Teddy’s, and I got to sleep in his musty tent. I was a little squashed by his arm but never mind. I guess that I’ll have to accept my existence as a small, harmless stuffed toy that couldn’t ever do anything in life. Oh no… My life will be so boring… But while my own experience would be meaningless, at least one child would be happy. At least this one child, Teddy, would have great and innocent moments with me and would keep me like a shield around his heart for as long as he needed me. And was that worthless?

Backpacks 4 kids SA is an Australian charity that provides resources that contribute to the care, safety, and wellbeing of children and young people during periods of dislocation from home and routine care. There are four unique programs that provide packs filled with items unique to the recipient’s age and situation. For more information click on the image.


April 2022 | The Cambridge Collective | 23

CHS Merchandise Click on us to visit the CHS Merch Store!

More products arriving soon!

24 | The Cambridge Collective | April 2022

CHS School Uniform

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Written by Adittya Sakline Illustrated by Bow Burnham

Why should we have a uniform? It helps our students - they remain focused during lessons. A school uniform creates a sense of discipline and helps to build a sense of school patriotism. I am pleased to announce that here at CHS, Mr. Boylan, the School Management and Head Pupil Team have decided to impose a uniform for all our students around the globe. We expect this to help with communication and help us familiarise ourselves with each other. We think this is particularly important as communication can be a barrier - especially if one is a couple thousand miles away. We want to destroy and overcome this barrier and this will be our first step as a school. We understand that most of you think uniforms are uncomfortable and difficult to work in, but we worked with professional designers and have worked to the best of our abilities to assure that you will not have that problem! It's not all bad; you could just wear the shirt and stay in your pyjama trousers! No-one will ever know... One of the biggest concerns most of you have mentioned is that uniforms restrict you from expressing yourselves. We would rather have that you too see it as uniting students from all over the world under one, gigantic roof.


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Another concern was that it doesn't cultivate student self-esteem and motivation. That is not the goal of our uniform, but rather to encourage unity and professionalism. We know all of our students have a lively and vibrant personality, which we believe is the most important factor to express yourselves - not through the clothes you wear.

A bit about our school uniform: For Boys Navy blue blazer White shirt Navy blue trousers White and blue striped tie For Girls Navy blue blazer White shirt Navy blue skirts Blue and white striped tie

All clothing items can be bought separately or bought in bundles. The price list will be released Friday, 1 April 2022, and will be sent to everyone's parents. Everyone will be required to buy the uniform within 2 weeks of announcing. Happy shopping and best wishes from the Management Team!


April 2022 | The Cambridge Collective | 25

CVS, what it is and how to prevent it. Sebastien Alexander Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) refers to health issues that are caused by extensive time on digital screens. It can cause a multitude of issues including but not limited to; eye pain, headaches, blurred vision, non ocular (not related to the eyes) issues such as neck and shoulder pain, eyes becoming dry, the eyes becoming scratchy/irritated and a difficulty changing focus, including both near and far distances. These issues can be severe, causing migraines, extreme stiffness in the neck and shoulders and extremely blurry vision.

The causes range from the fact that when looking at a screen, you blink on average 66% times a minute less than when not on a screen. This can cause dry and irritated eyes. The eye itself can be strained by the high glare of shiny surfaces and looking at that for a prolonged amount of time. Improper ventilation can also cause irritation and dryness of the eyes. Possibly the largest factor in the deterioration of your eyesight is the fact that when you look at a computer screen for a large period of time, your eyes become accustomed to the same focal length and as such your overall “vision” decreases. To take my eyesight as an example, my eye is biologically in perfect health, yet I have the overall eyesight expected of a 50 year old. This is caused by the muscles controlling the shape of my lens having atrophied (become weaker) and no longer able to do their job.

26 | The Cambridge Collective | April 2022

There are ways you can combat this though, obviously the first is to reduce your screen time on any and all types of digital screens. Something that should be mentioned is that phone screens cause more strain over a computer screen, so less time on a phone, with the time being replaced by more time on a computer should have some form of effect, most likely reducing the rate of degradation, if not improving your vision. Other ways to combat this issue is to follow the 20/20/20 rule. The 20/20/20 rule is to look away from your screen for 20 seconds, every 20 minutes, and to focus on something at least 20 Feet (6 meters) away. This does actually help (in my personal experience) and is a good way to make sure your eyes are exercised regardless of whether or not you suffer from CVS. Going outside regularly is basically a must, natural sunlight does help your eyes, and the variation in focal distances does have a greater impact than just using the 20/20/20 method (not that it doesn’t work).


To combat the dry eyes, I personally use eye drops, and that is the only method I really know to help with dry eyes. The non ocular issues such as posture, muscle pain/stiffness and headaches can be helped by stretching regularly (for the muscles) and drinking plenty of water for the headaches, I drink around 6 UK Pints (3.5 Liters) a day. Other ways to help with your eyes, is to change your focal distance regularly when using a computer or phone. Personally I use a wireless keyboard and mouse, so during lessons I try to sit back away from my desk and then move around to exercise my eyes. Other things you can do, is if you wear glasses, try to stop wearing them unless you absolutely need to. For instance, I only wear my glasses when I am working/playing on my PC or when I am shopping.

Something that is important to note is that there is “no clinical evidence that prolonged screen use can cause permanent loss of vision” - Dr Arvind Saini. What this means, is that according to research carried out, you are not going to go blind because of CVS. There is no reason to panic, I have a severe case of CVS, so my eyesight can’t really get much worse. There is really no reason to panic, CVS doesn’t affect your eyes in any other way than weakening your muscles around your lens. All you need to do to regain your eyesight is retrain them and strengthen them again, similar to how one would strengthen an arm muscle through physiotherapy after breaking it.

CVS overall is an issue that is unique to our generation, and is becoming more of a problem given how our society is becoming more and more tech based. It is not deadly, and can be treated easily, yet people don’t know about it because this is a “new” health condition so to speak. This article is meant to raise awareness for CVS and how to treat it. I hope this has helped raise awareness, and possibly answered some questions others have had about this specific condition, or about some of the side effects of prolonged screen time.

Sources used:,vision%20loss%2C%E2%80%9D%20he%20says.


April 2022 | The Cambridge Collective | 27

House Competitions Laura Homem

The three Houses have been working extremely hard as teams, as groups of friends and as families. We congratulate each other on all achievements from hitting a merit milestone, to making it on the leaderboard and to every single contribution throughout the year so far. There have been many House Competitions so far and every House has put in 110% of their effort every time. There are many opportunities such as House Charity, House Photography, and the various extra-curricular clubs that allow everyone to enjoy themselves, get to know each other a little bit more whilst helping the world around them as well. This goes to show that behind all the competitiveness there is also something special and valuable. All these wonderful opportunities that we have been given brings everyone closer together, not just members of a single house, but as a community across the different houses. We have grown closer together with every comment, feedback and chat to the numerous House Competitions participated in. As for the future of House Competitions, the three Houses are ready and willing to put in their time to help make team members proud and to continue to strive until the finish line.

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HOUSE ART Prep: 1st - Harrison Ruby, Bow Burnham, Amy Owen 2nd - Leo Vershkov, Sofia Malmberg, Adelyn Chung 3rd - Beatrice Marra, Abdulrahman Hussein 4th - Zimal Rahim, Shinpat Winwin Level 1 and Level 2: 1st - Claire Justine Enriquez 2nd - Nina Fischer 3rd - Henrijs Krumins 4th - Noa Bayle Level 3, 4 and 5: Level 3, 1st - Eva Blanchet, Priscilla Cai, Hafsah Ankolkar Level 4, 1st - Isabel Tatham Level 5, 1st - Kayla Muller and Afiqatul Izzah Category 2nd - Xenia Plarre, Zora Couenberg Category 3rd - Kaden Ramsamy, Alexandru Paulenco, Julia Mary Vivat Williams

HOUSE PHOTOGRAPHY HOUSE DRESS-UP HOUSE MUSIC Prep 4: 1st - Eliah Lue 2nd - Sofia Malmberg 3rd - Anvesha Garg 4th - Zhao Promsurintrara 5th - Leo Blanchet Prep 5 and 6: 1st - Beatrice Marra 2nd - Harrison Ruby 3rd - Adelyn Chung 4th - Milla Blanchet Level 1 and 2: 1st - Claire Justine Enriquez 2nd - Kaja Walentynowicz 3rd - Bow Burnham Level 3 and 4: 1st - Xenia Plarre 2nd - Maja Walentynowicz 3rd - Eva Blanchet 4th - Isabel Tatham Level 5: 1st - Laura Homem 2nd - Zora Couenberg 3rd - Julia Mary Vivat Williams 4th - Afiqatul Izzah


1st - Kayla Muller 2nd - Kayra Nur Kaya 3rd - Claire Justine Enriquez 4th - Heidija Birzniece 5th - Kaden Ramsamy

Prep 4: 1st Place - Anvesha Garg 2nd - Sofia Malmberg 3rd - Aaliyha Mohammed Abdullahi 4th - Aneesa Mohammed Abdullahi 5th - Shloka Muppaneni Prep 5 and 6: 1st - Adelyn Chung 2nd - Milla Blanchet 3rd - Tia Argyrople Level 1 and 2: 1st - Matthew Huggett 2nd - Arabella Duck 3rd - Claire Justine 4th - Noa Bayle 5th - Bow Burnham Level 3 and 4: 1st - Adittya Sakline 2nd - Isabel Tatham 3rd - Safiyyah Noibi 4th - Xenia Plarre 5th - Eva Blanchet 5th - Maja Walentynowicz 5th - Muneebah Noibi Level 5: 1st - Imran Gulamhussein 2nd - Afiqatul Izzah 3rd - Julia Mary Vivat Williams 4th - Zora Couenberg 5th - Kayla Muller

April 2022 | The Cambridge Collective | 29

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