2007 Network (Summer)

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Cambridge Judge Business School Network magazine Summer 2007

Director’s message


Arnoud De Meyer Director

As we come to the end of the 2006-2007 academic year we can look back on what

programme over the coming years. Our current priorities focus on growing

Blue Boat’ the winning rowing team in this year’s Varsity Boat Race. The article

has been a significant period for Judge

the size of our programmes and faculty

on page 18 gives us a fascinating insight

Business School.

to increase the impact of the School as

on the challenges of how to build high

well as increasing the quality and volume

performance teams.

In my first email to you last year, I noted our intention to continue to recruit top

of our research output. In addition to this,

Investing in our future has never been

quality students across all our

building our links across the University of

more crucial and I am delighted to report

programmes, as well as our ongoing

Cambridge will help us differentiate

that we have received around £7.4million

success in the various business

ourselves from other business schools.

this year from supporters of the School

education rankings. Indeed our

Our investment in providing Executive

and have additional commitments for

continuing success is no better

Education is also an important aspect of

another £2.5 M. Highlights include the

highlighted than through gaining 15th

our growth strategy and indeed we are

Chair and Research centre for Indian

position in January’s Financial Times

pleased to have moved on a pace since I

Business, the Sir Evelyn de Rothschild

MBA Global rankings.

last updated you. Please view page 31

Chair in Finance, and a seed fund

for some of our forthcoming

(partially endowed) for Cultural and Arts



The Cambridge MBA continues to flourish and we are pleased to have delivered on the expectations of the

Striving to invest in our brand and

As always I would like to take this

current class in terms of the quality of the

communications is vital and will facilitate

opportunity to thank you, our alumni, for

educational experience and ongoing

the dissemination of our research results.

your many and varied contributions to a

recruitment. This has resulted in an

As I am sure many of you will have

successful year. I have very much

increased number of applications to the

noticed, Judge Business School now has

enjoyed meeting you all during my many

programme for the forthcoming

a much higher profile in the business

visits both at home and overseas, and

academic year and, in particular, in a

press, including regular features and

look forward to seeing many more of you

much higher yield of acceptances. I am

articles in publications such as the

in the coming months.

therefore delighted to announce an

Financial Times and Economist. One

increase in class size of almost 50 % for

particular research project that attracted

the incoming MBA cohort and look

considerable media attention was Dr.

forward to continuing growth in the MBA

Mark de Rond’s study of the ‘Cambridge

Welcome Chris Hope talks climate change

Alumni relations Meet the team and reconnect with the School.

5 9


Alumni Weekend 2007 welcoming alumni back to Cambridge this autumn


New ways to keep in touch Maintaining links across your network

18 Team work and collaboration Mark de Rond showcases his latest research

25 &

Chair’s message page 4 Graduation celebration page 8 School news roundup page 10 Books page 14 Media mentions page 16 Student news page 21 Alumni news page 23 Network roundup page 26 Forthcoming events page 27 Classnotes page 28

Chair’s message

I am very excited to introduce

international cities including New York

the latest edition of Network

and Hong Kong in recent months.

magazine. Packed with alumni news, forthcoming events and initiatives,

Alumni Weekend in Cambridge, which

faculty focus’ and much more; this issue

this year includes our inaugural Alumni

of Network reflects all the various

Gala Dinner on the weekend of

exciting activity happening both in the

September 21-23. A great opportunity

School and across our alumni network.

to gather classmates together and revisit

As you will recall in December 2006, I

the city this autumn – we look forward to

took over as Chair of the alumni council

seeing you there. Don’t forget, all

from Rachel Massey (MBA 1999).

forthcoming events are listed online on

Jeremy Marchant

Rachel has done a great job over recent

the new-look events page – login into the

MBA 2002

years to develop the network and build

alumni website

our strategy. With the appointment of


Professor Arnoud De Meyer as Director 4

Upcoming events include the annual

Don’t forget the network relies on you

of Judge Business School last

to keep in touch, so please remember to

September, we have been working hard

keep Rachael and Helen in the Alumni

to align our aims and objectives with the

Office informed of your news, comments

vision for the School going forward,

and personal updates – email

working closely with Rachael Barker,


Alumni Relations Manager, to drive

Finally I would like to encourage you to

forward the implementation. We as a

take an active part in helping the network

Council are charged with helping create

grow so I look forward to welcoming you

and manage initiatives, such as the

to future events and reading about you in

Class Ambassador Scheme, with the

Network magazine!

aim to foster and deepen links between both Judge and non-Judge Business School Cambridge alumni within the global business community. Members of the Judge Business School alumni network are, by definition, highly mobile and proactive individuals, many of whom facilitate and coordinate successful events across the world. Recent events have included the MBA 2001 reunion weekend in Cambridge in June, as well the Banking & Finance Special Interest Group Lecture in association with UBS in February, in London. Faculty and staff have also been welcomed by alumni in many


Interview | Climate change

Dr Chris Hope talks climate change Network met Chris Hope, Reader in Policy Modelling, to explore his latest research and how we all can make a difference. 5

As a result of his work developing the

What led you to, and influenced

You have said that you’d like to

PAGE2002 model for Policy Analysis of

you in your work developing the

see a carbon tax. Do you expect

the Greenhouse Effect, Chris Hope was

PAGE 2002 model which lies at

that your recommendations will

nominated in 2005 by the UK

the core of the Stern Review?

be taken on board, so that we see

Government as a Lead Author for the

I started work on the PAGE model

a shift in policy from the

Fourth Assessment Report of the

in1991, so it’s taken a while to get

government, in order to combat

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate

noticed. Even way back then, climate

the economic effects of climate

Change, which has recently been

change was recognised as potentially an


published. Dr Hope has received

important issue, but one where there

I think we will see a carbon price in one

extensive and extremely positive

was great uncertainty. That’s where my

form or another. I prefer a carbon tax

coverage in the media over the past few

expertise lies; building numerical models

because it gives some certainty about

months, since the PAGE2002 model

that can deal with big consequences

the price, and produces billions of

was used for the impact calculations at

and uncertainty.

pounds in revenue that can be used to

the heart of the UK Government’s Stern

cut other taxes that we all dislike, such

Review of the Economics of Climate

In layman’s terms can you tell us

Change. In January, he was featured in

what the PAGE2002 model is?

the Financial Times, in their ‘Professor to

It is a computer model which takes the

If there is a change/shift in policy,

Watch’ column and was described as

best scientific and economic information

how long do you think it will take

“the unsung hero, who has finally

we have about climate change and

to implement the change?

devised a way of calculating the financial

works out the impacts and the costs of

Climate change isn’t a problem that is

cost of global warming.”

different policies to deal with the

going to be solved overnight. It will take


decades of concerted action, before we

as income tax or VAT.

can really see an improvement.

Interview | Climate change

“…that’s where my expertise lies; building numerical models that can deal with big consequences and uncertainty…”


In your opinion, what are the

home, switching to greener electricity

2007 on a future treaty to succeed

biggest issues facing Britain, and

suppliers, thinking twice before jumping

the current one. What if anything

indeed the world in terms of

in the car or on a plane, that sort of thing.

would you like to see happen with

energy reform?

a new treaty?

Putting a price on all the uncertainties

The Kyoto Protocol to the United

To be useful, a new treaty would have to

around energy supply and use, from the

Nations Framework Convention on

include all of the developed countries,

emission of greenhouse gases to the

Climate Change now covers more

and the most significant developing

storage of nuclear waste and the

than 160 countries globally and

countries. That will only happen if the

security of oil and gas supply.

more than 60% of countries in

developed countries recognise that they

terms of global greenhouse gas

are mainly responsible for the

What are the simple things we can

(GHG) emissions. In your opinion

greenhouse gases emitted so far, while

be doing as individuals to make a

how useful has the treaty been?

the most serious effects are being felt in


It’s been a start. It has got the whole

the developing countries. So we will

If the government gets its policies right

world thinking about limiting greenhouse

need to give a lot of help to developing

and puts a price on carbon and the other

gas emissions, even if the cutbacks

countries as part of a deal for them to

harmful effects of energy supply and

involved are modest.

cut their emissions. In the medium term,

use, then the actions we should take will

as developing countries see that

seem natural, because they will be those

The treaty expires in 2012, and

environmental tax reform actually helps

that save us money. Saving energy in the

international talks began in May

economic growth, they will realise that it

“The most important thing is to be honest about the uncertainties rather than trying to cover them up”

is in their own interest to put a price on

making a name for herself at Stanford

carbon and other pollutants. But we will

Business School and has numerous

have to take the first steps down that

accolades to her name including Faculty

road, to show them where it leads.

Pioneer Award 2005 from the Aspen Institute and World Resources Institute.

What are the most important elements of the research you

Are there any PhD research

undertake and what areas do you

associates who you think are

find the most fulfilling?

working on something

The most important thing is to be honest

groundbreaking or influential?

about the uncertainties rather than trying

Arlo Brady, now Visiting Associate here

to cover them up, or taking a polarised

at Judge Business School and Special

position. It’s fulfilling to help people see

Advisor, Freud Communications;

that models can be helpful for making

finished his PhD with me a couple of

decisions even where great uncertainty

years ago. He is helping companies see


the benefits to their reputation if they


behave sustainably. International What is your long term plan – your

businesses have so much power and

vision for the future of your work?

influence that they have to be a big part

Climate change is not going to be solved

of any move to sustainable

in my working lifetime, so there’s plenty

development, not just here, but even

to keep me busy there, working out the

more in the developing world.

prices to charge for all sorts of greenhouse gases, and how they will

In your opinion, do events such as

vary in the future. However I’m always on

Live Earth help to make a

the lookout for new areas with big

difference, or should there be a

consequences and lots of uncertainty,

more sustained campaign rather

where some modelling could be helpful.

than sporadic celebrity efforts? Those kinds of events are fine if they get

Further information Profile of Dr Chris Hope www.jbs.cam.ac.uk/people/faculty/hopec.html

Have you come across any

people talking about the issues, but

prospective ‘professors to watch’

they can only be a small part of the

World Resources Institute

in the future in any of your

solution. Al Gore’s film ‘An Inconvenient


classes? Or has anyone taken a

Truth’ was also very helpful. But one of

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate

specific interest in your research

the beauties of putting a price on

Change (IPCC)


carbon and other pollutants is that


I had the pleasure of teaching Erica

people don’t have to be constantly

Plambeck now Associate Professor of

worrying or feeling guilty about their

Operations, Information and Technology

carbon emissions; they just need to do

at Stanford Business School, when she

what comes naturally and choose the

took an MPhil here in the 1990s. She

best value option, which will be the

worked on an earlier version of the PAGE

green one.

model for her dissertation. She’s now

Stern Review www.hm-treasury.gov.uk/ independent_reviews/stern_review_economics_ climate_change/sternreview_index.cfm Energy Saving Trust www.energysavingtrust.org.uk

Graduation 8

celebration MBA students graduate during the University’s summer graduation ceremonies at Senate House.

The John Bolton Memorial Prize awarded to Andrew Cohen. Awarded for outstanding achievement in obtaining the highest mark overall on the Cambridge MBA 2005 programme.

Recipients of the Director’s List 2006 are Andrew Cohen, Sarah Gadd,

Brunch at the Bun shop on Sunday, as

Satnam Lehal, Min Liao, David

saw MBA 2005 return for their

well as a friendly game of football

Luttrell, Jared Moon, Steve

graduation. Judge Business School

between MBA present and MBA past,

Nosowski, Steven Purdie, Malcolm

welcomed over 230 friends, family and

rounded off an enjoyable and

Skene and Marc Weinberg. Awarded

guests to the weekend which started on

memorable weekend.

for outstanding achievement in earning a

The weekend of Friday 11 May 2007

place in the top 10% of the class for

the Friday evening with a careers Q&A, Battle of the Wits – a University

Rachael Barker, Alumni Relations

overall performance on the Cambridge

Challenge-type quiz pitting MBA 2005

Manager said: “The weekend was a real

MBA 2005.

against MBA 2006, as well as the

family occasion. We were delighted to

traditional pub night at the Anchor.

welcome so many graduates and their

The Cambridge MBA Dissertation

families back to campus from all over the

Award awarded to Jared Moon, Arun

Following graduation with their

world. Particular thanks are extended to

Muthirulan and Jabari Jackson.

respective Colleges throughout the

class representatives Nik Rouda and

Awarded for outstanding achievement in

Saturday and the official photograph, the

Jasper Neilson who helped make the

obtaining the highest mark overall on the

MBA Graduation Dinner was held at St

weekend such as success!”

MBA dissertation for the 2005

Catharine’s College.


Alumni Weekend 2007 @ Judge Business School For members of the Judge Business School Alumni Network

21-23 September 2007

Reflections Speakers Professor Arnoud De Meyer Director, Judge Business School Stimulating innovation for a more competitive Europe Ms Lois Jacobs President, Jack Morton International Branding a city through Olympic ceremonies Alumni Gala Dinner Drinks reception Five-course meal with wine Live band Book a table of ten and get your ticket for free Come dance the night away! Contact Telephone +44 (01223 764219 or email alumni@jbs.cam.ac.uk to reserve your tickets

We look forward to welcoming you back to Cambridge! Full weekend programme detailed online at www.jbs.cam.ac.uk/alumni/weekend.html


School news roundup For further news from across Judge Business School and the alumni community log on to www.alumni.jbs.cam.ac.uk

Photo: Ben Watkins

Launch of new-look library

10 In January the School celebrated the opening of the restructured and refurbished library with new mezzanine gallery. An official ceremony to mark the occasion took place on 26th January and was led by Professor Arnoud De

Meyer and Professor Dame Sandra Dawson. Generous donations received from the business school’s alumni, other wellwishers and friends of Cambridge University amounted to over £137,000, for which the

School is extremely grateful. The mezzanine gallery project provides much needed additional space in the existing library. Professor Arnoud De Meyer, Director, Judge Business School commented, “We are

thrilled to mark the completion of this project. Research is at the very heart of the School and our library is a vital ‘information gateway’ where interdisciplinary collaboration and the dissemination of ideas can

take place. That so many of our alumni and friends provided such generous donations is testament to the School’s ethos of a virtuous circle of life-long learning.”

Celebrating CfEL’s Enterprise Tuesday Aspiring entrepreneurs returned to Judge Business School in May to receive their prized ‘Certificates in Enterprise’ from the organisers of the popular and highly successful Enterprise Tuesday programme. Professor Arnoud De Meyer, Director, Judge Business School, and Dr Shai Vyakarnam, Director, Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning (CfEL), presented the certificates during a special presentation ceremony. Enterprise Tuesday is a free evening programme managed by the Centre for

Entrepreneurial Learning (CfEL) which is open to students, alumni and staff of the University of Cambridge, as well as other Universities and members of the local hitech business community. It aims to introduce participants to the world of business and inspire them to pursue their entrepreneurial ambition. Over 2000 people attended Enterprise Tuesday from October 2006 to March 2007, with 45% from the University of Cambridge and 24% from the local business community. Some of the awardees

have successfully started up their own businesses. Dele Ogunjumelo left ARM (software company) in 2006 to start up Niche Mobile Creations Ltd with the aim of developing mobile applications for niche markets. Dele commented: “I have attended Enterprise Tuesday sessions since 2004 in order to gain entrepreneurial skills as I have always had a desire to start my own company. In fact, I commuted from Manchester every Tuesday so I could attend all the sessions this year.” Niche Mobile Creations has

recently won an award for a local business plan competition held in Manchester. Dele said: “I have had support from the Manchester Science Enterprise Centre in terms of advice and resources. However, Enterprise Tuesday has also been very useful and beneficial. The best thing about the programme was the chance to hear from and speak to real entrepreneurs.” For more information on CfEL and the programmes on offer visit: www.cfel.jbs.cam.ac.uk

In brief… Welcome to Dr Simon Taylor who joins the School as Lecturer in Finance and Jonathon Trevor and Kate Kenny have both been granted lectureships in Human Resources & Organisations. Congratulations to Danny Ralph who has been promoted to Professor, Michael Barrett, Mark

Ignite – a burning success This year’s Ignite programme (formerly known as Summer School) run by CfEL, took place from 8th to 14th July 2007 and was a huge success. This one-week, intensive programme sets aspiring entrepreneurs and corporate innovators on the fast-track to commercialising their innovations and business ideas.

de Rond and Chris Hope who have all been promoted to Readers and Houyuan Jiang who has been promoted to Senior Lecturer. Dr Matthias Holweg, University Senior Lecturer in Operations Management and Director of the Centre for Competitiveness and Innovation, has been

There were a record number of delegates this year. Over 50 people participated in the programme including delegates from BT, Microsoft, the East of England Development Agency (EEDA), East of England International (EEI) and the Cambridge Integrated Knowledge Centre (CIKC). There were

awarded The Sloan Industry Studies Best Book Award for his book The Second Century: Reconnecting Customer and Value Chain through Build-to-Order: Moving beyond Mass and Lean Production in the Auto Industry. Dr Holweg cowrote this book with Dr Frits Pil, Associate Professor at the University of Pittsburgh. The book was recognised in

also delegates from several departments within the University of Cambridge. The Ignite programme is supported by over 100 experts, innovators and practitioners from the entrepreneurial and business communities and this included eight students from MBA 2006 who acted as Facilitators during the week.

particular for its authoritative exploration of lean manufacturing in the automotive industry In May of this year, 27 leading organisations from UK and overseas attended Judge Business School’s collaborative recruitment fair, to network on campus with 300 of the combined MBA and postgraduate

Fulbright Distinguished Scholar Award awarded to Dr Mark de Rond Dr Mark de Rond, Director of the MPhil in Innovation, Strategy and Organisation Programme and University Reader in Strategy at the School, has been awarded one of only two Fulbright Distinguished Scholar Awards for 2007/08. The award forms part of a scheme of educational grants, considered one of the most prestigious award programmes worldwide. Presented annually, the Fulbright Distinguished Scholar Awards are offered to exceptional postdoctoral lecturers and academics as recognition of their potential as leaders in their chosen fields. Each award of £15,000 enables the recipient to spend a period of time researching or lecturing in the US, facilitating an exchange of persons, knowledge and skills between the US and the UK.

Dr Mark de Rond’s nomination was supported by his current original research into the negotiation, collaboration and competitive dynamics of high-performance teams, based on a seven-month observation of the Cambridge rowing crew, which will be the subject of a new book due to be published in 2008. This follows on from his first book, Strategic Alliances as Social Facts: Business, Biotechnology, and Intellectual History, which won the 2005 George R. Terry Award for the most outstanding contribution to advancing management knowledge.

cohorts of the School and of Oxford Said Business School. Seven corporate presentations were delivered and 18 selection interviews with students were undertaken by the companies in attendance.

Economic and Social Research Council to analyse the impact of higher education institutions on regional economies. Professor Michael Kitson will direct the research in collaboration with Professor Alan Hughes and Dr Maria Abreu and Vadim Grinevich have been appointed as Research Fellows on the project.

The Centre for Business Research has been awarded a grant of £500,000 from the


School news roundup

New director for recently established centre

“I hope that the Cambridge Centre for Energy Studies can play its part in the process of responding to 12

one of the greatest challenges facing the world in the 21st century”

In an exciting move for the School, Nick Butler has been appointed as Director of the recently established Cambridge Centre for Energy Studies (CCES). Based at Judge Business School, and building on the long tradition of energy research at the University of Cambridge, the Cambridge Centre for Energy Studies will examine some of the key issues affecting energy security worldwide. Arguing that the University can and should use its knowledge to support the realisation of public policy in the UK and internationally, Mr Butler commented: “As global

demand for energy continues to rise, and energy security concerns become ever more important, I believe Cambridge has an influential role to play. Within the University we have people with the knowledge, the independence of judgement and the international reach to make a major contribution. By drawing upon these diverse resources, I hope that the Cambridge Centre for Energy Studies can play its part in the process of responding to one of the greatest challenges facing the world in the 21st century.”

Prior to joining the School, Nick Butler was Group Vice President for Policy and Strategy Development at BP (20022006). He is Chairman of the Centre for European Reform, and a member of the International Advisory Board, Yale, and the Executive Committee of the Centre for China in the World Economy, at Tsinghua University in Bejing. He is also a member of the Faculty of the World Economic Forum.

terminology that can be fiercely misleading if interpreted restrictively, rather than as a prerequisite to success in all sorts of businesses. In this new age of ideas, the most successful business leaders are also the most creative. They are willing to take risks to come up with great ideas that inspire and involve coworkers and customers alike. They use both their instinct to generate creative sparks and their analytical skills to successfully take these ideas to market in the form of products and experiences, creating blue

oceans and developing sustainable competitive advantage. The event was a great example of the value that can be achieved through a natural high-synergy partnership between two organisations, an ideas corporation and a university, who are both global leaders in generating ideas. Their indepth association enables the Cambridge MBA to bridge the gap between academia and the commercial world of business through creativity.

To find out more visit: www.jbs.cam.ac.uk/ people/faculty/ butlern.html

Creativity Workshop for Cambridge MBAs The Creativity Workshop, a unique project organised through close collaboration between Judge Business School and Kevin Roberts, CEO Worldwide of Saatchi & Saatchi, took place at the School in January 2007 for the School’s MBA students. The Creativity Workshop, a two-day, hands-on event, was run by Richard Hytner, Deputy Chairman at Saatchi & Saatchi, Jasper Nelissen, Project Director of Reinvention at Saatchi & Saatchi and Cambridge MBA alumnus, and Allègre Hadida, Lecturer in Strategy, at the School.

Creativity and ideas are critically important in the business world. However, according to data recently collected by Kevin Roberts, CEO Worldwide of Saatchi & Saatchi, and Tom Peters, Tompeters! Company and an established management forward thinker; only two of the top U.S. MBA schools offer courses in creativity, and only one European school has incorporated design into its curriculum. “The concept behind The Creativity Workshop, based on research carried out collaboratively by Saatchi & Saatchi and Judge

Business School, is to provide a perspective on business and career development that lies totally outside the established MBA curriculum. Confronting prejudices about creativity and providing innovative methodologies developed to channel creativity to ‘stretch the walls of the elastic-sided box’, that can be successfully applied to any industry, to generate momentous ideas,” said Kevin Roberts. Creativity is usually addressed as the preserve of the “creative industries”, a

Meet the alumni team

Rachael Barker joined Judge

Helen Carolan joined the Business

Business School as Alumni Relations

School as Marketing and

Manager in October 2006. Originally

Communications Assistant in January

from the North East of England, Rachael

following her previous role as Marketing

attended the University of Liverpool and

Executive at Bell International Language

holds a Masters degree from the

Schools. Helen read Communication

University of Sheffield, as well as the CIM

Studies with Business at Anglia Ruskin

Professional Diploma in Marketing. She

University and is currently studying

has worked in business education for

towards her CIM Professional Diploma in

the past 6 years and her previous roles

Marketing. Helen’s main areas of

have included recruitment, events

responsibility include producing the

management, marketing as well as

Network magazine, organising events,

alumni relations and development.

co-ordinating the production of

Rachael says:

promotional collateral, as well as responding to enquiries into the office

“I have received a warm welcome from

and supporting the ongoing

Judge Business School – its students,

development of the community website.

staff and alumni – over the past year and

Helen says:

I am excited to be part of the School at such an important time. With the arrival

“I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at

of Professor Arnoud De Meyer last

the School so far, and in particular

autumn, the School’s ongoing success

getting to know all our students and

in the various global MBA rankings, and

alumni. I hope to see many more of you

increased investment in both resources

at the alumni weekend in September, but

and faculty; this is definitely the place to

in the meantime keep sending me all

be! Further to my joining the School,

your news and views and make sure you

much work has been done to develop a

keep in touch!

comprehensive and relevant database, as well as to support an enhanced alumni community website. With many new initiatives under way I look forward to hearing from and meeting more of you over the coming months and years. It’s always good to get your feedback!”

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Professor Arnoud De Meyer, Director of Judge Business School, Professor of Management Studies (co-authored with Christoph H. Loch and Michael T. Pich) ‘Managing the unknown: A new approach to managing high uncertainty and risk in projects’ ‘Managing the Unknown’ offers a new way of looking at the problem of managing projects in novel and unknown environments. This book shows how to manage two fundamental approaches (Trial and Error learning and Selectionism) that, in combination, offer the possibility of coping with unforeseen influences that inevitably arise in novel projects. Publisher: Wiley ISBN-13: 978-0471693055

Kevin Roberts, CEO in Residence, Judge Business School and CEO Saatchi & Saatchi Worldwide ‘Lovemarks Effect: Winning in the Consumer Revolution’ Following ‘Lovemarks: the Future Beyond Brands’ published in 2000, in this follow-up book, the people speak – consumers, owners, and marketers show the impact of Lovemarks on their lives, their businesses, and their aspirations. ‘The Lovemarks Effect’ offers instruction and inspiration about creating emotional connections and winning in a consumerempowered future. Publisher: PowerHouse Books ISBN-13: 978-1576872673

Dr Matthias Holweg, University Senior Lecturer in Operations Management and Director of the Centre for Competitiveness and Innovation (co-authored with Frits K. Pil) ‘The Second Century: Reconnecting Customer and Value Chain through Build-to-Order: Moving beyond Mass and Lean Production in the Auto Industry’ Matthias Holweg and Frits Pil provide a comprehensive look at the dysfunctional nature of current valuechain strategies, then systematically discuss the product and process changes needed to bring about responsiveness to customer needs through build-to-order. Publisher: The MIT Press ISBN-13: 978-0262582629

Professor Arnoud De Meyer, Director of Judge Business School, Professor of Management Studies ‘Global future: the next challenge for Asian business’ This book reveals how Asia’s giants have grown into multinational companies and provides insight into how today’s globalizers can achieve the same success. The book offers a combination of case studies from business leaders, authoritative material on business strategy, and a “globalization staircase” framework to show how Asian companies have succeeded in the past and can potentially succeed in the future. By looking at three distinct stages of Asian companies’ globalization – from early pioneers, to current network builders, to today’s newcomers – the authors paint a rich picture of how Asian companies at different levels of development can best meet the challenges of a global future. Publisher: Wiley ISBN-13: 978-0470821305

Professor Michael Pollitt, Assistant Director of the ESRC Electricity Policy Research Group, Reader in Business Economics, Director of Studies in Management and Economics. (Co-authored with Ian W. Jones and David Bek) ‘Multinationals in Their Communities: A Social Capital Approach to Corporate Citizenship Projects’ Multinationals can impact significantly on the quality of social relations within the communities in which they operate. A key way they do this is through their corporate citizenship projects, funded as part of their corporate social responsibility programmes. This book analyzes the nature and effectiveness of these projects using the theoretical and empirical insights of recent social capital literature. Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan ISBN-13: 978-0230545687

Dr Mark de Rond, Director of the MPhil in Innovation, Strategy & Organisation Programme, University Senior Lecturer in Strategy ‘Strategic Alliances as Social Facts: Business, Biotechnology, and Intellectual History’ Strategic alliances are generally analyzed as planned and rational developments with clearly measurable outcomes in traditional management textbooks. Mark de Rond argues that such a view is unrealistic. Instead, he emphasizes the social dimension and the importance of the individuals involved inside alliances. Based on in-depth case studies of three major biotechnology alliances, the book combines insights from social theory and intellectual history with more mainstream strategic management literature. It provides a thoughtprovoking analysis that appeals to the reflective professional as well as academic researchers. Publisher: Cambridge University Press ISBN-13: 978-0521811101

Professor Arnoud De Meyer, Director of Judge Business School, Professor of Management Studies (co-edited with Soumitra Dutta, Amit Jain and Gerard Richter (Editor)) ‘The Information Society in an Enlarged Europe’ Europe enlarged its boundaries in 2004 with the accession of ten new member states to the European Union. The creation of an effective information society is seen as critical to the global competitiveness of Europe. Based upon detailed data collection and rigorous analysis, this book presents a benchmarking study of the 10 new member states and 3 candidate countries of the European Union as compared to the 15 incumbent countries with respect to the development of their information societies. Publisher: Springer ISBN-13: 978-3540262213

Professor Peter Nolan, Sinyi Professor of Chinese Management, Chair of the University of Cambridge’s Development Studies Committee and Dr Jiang Zhang, University Lecturer in International Business (with C Liu). ‘Global business revolution and the cascade effect: systems integration in the global aerospace, beverage and retail industries’ This book makes use of rich data from the supply chain of three fundamentally different industries, aerospace, beverages and retail. It develops an original analytical framework – the ‘cascade effect’-to explain recent dramatic changes in industrial concentration across the supply chain of these three industries. This provides an original insight into the determinants of industrial structure in the epoch of globalization. It also has significant theoretical implications, as well as practical policy implications, especially for firms and policy-makers in developing countries. Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan ISBN-13: 978-0230013582

Edited by Dr Richard Steinberg, Reader in Operations Management (and Peter Cramton, Yoav Shoham) ‘Combinatorial auctions’ The study of combinatorial auctions — auctions in which bidders can bid on combinations of items or “packages” — draws on the disciplines of economics, operations research, and computer science. This landmark collection integrates these three perspectives, offering a state-of-the art survey of developments in combinatorial auction theory and practice by leaders in the field. Publisher: The MIT Press ISBN-13: 978-0262033428

Dr Noreena Hertz, Associate Director, CIBAM (Centre for International Business & Management), Judge Business School ‘IOU: The Debt Threat and Why We Must Defuse It’ We are bombarded with images of poverty, terrorism, war and collapsing states. Do we ever question what the root cause of these problems might be? Noreena Hertz, one of the world’s leading experts on economic globalization, tackles Third World Debt as a problem which must be resolved if we are ever to see global stability. Publisher: Fourth Estate ISBN-13: 978-0007178988


Media mentions For further media mentions visit www.jbs.cam.ac.uk/news/press_cov


Financial Director

The Independent

The Financial Times

Highlighted title: ‘Service with a smile’ 4 January 2007

‘Life Lessons: Woefully under- represented. The number of women directors has fallen. Mary Braid looks at how business schools are addressing the problem and supporting woman in business’ 18 January 2007

‘Professors to watch: Dr Chris Hope of Cambridge – Economic research that saves the world’ 29 January 2007

Dr Simon Bell comments on a book by Frank Reichheld of Bain & Company – Dr Simon Bell, Senior Lecturer at Judge Business School explains: “According to the Reichheld, the willingness of a customer to recommend a brand is the only way to determine customer satisfaction.”

The Wall Street Journal ‘China’s Automotive rise puts even Toyota on Notice’ 18 January 2007 In a letter to the editor, Matthias Holweg, Director at the Centre for Competitiveness and Innovation at Judge Business School; talks about the battle for survival that global automobile manufacturers face.

Judge Business School alumnna Deizani AlisonMadueke talks about the flexibility and support she received at Judge Business School and how an MBA can help enhance career prospects for women.

The Times ‘Sharing is the name of the game Des Dearlove and Steve Coomber look at the importance of group effort’ 18 January 2007 Dr Mark de Rond, Director of the MPhil in Innovation, Strategy & Organisation Programme and University Senior Lecturer in Strategy speaks about his study of the Cambridge University rowers and about teamwork being a key attribute that employers seek in new MBA’s. The architect of the interior of JBS, John Outram comments on the purpose of building’s interior.

“Reader in Policy Modelling, Dr Chris Hope is the unsung hero who has finally devised a way of calculating the financial cost of global warming.”



‘A perspective from Cambridge’s Business School’ 29 January 2007

‘Helping business face terrorism’ 27 February 2007

Sir Paul Judge speaks on joint programmes with Russian schools, how he developed Judge Business School in conjunction with The University of Cambridge and his role in British politics.

CNN.com The Financial Times ‘The Rankings: Courses grow more multinational’ 29 January 2007 Della Bradshaw, Financial Times Business Education Editor, looks at the changes the MBA has gone through since the first ranking in 1999. Judge Business School is referenced as having grown from a fledgling business school to being among one of the ‘world leaders’.

‘Learning to be creative’ 9 February 2007 With businesses complaining that too many newly-minted MBAs are competent but uninspired, well-versed in the technical theory but lacking in imagination, Judge Business School is taking a direct approach, to improve this perceived failing by teaming up with the leading advertising agency Saatchi & Saatchi, and holding a “unique creativity workshop” for its MBAs.

With a focus on terrorism and how it damages the economy, CNN comments on how with this subject matter in mind, Judge Business School is holding a two-day symposium on terrorism and security this month. The event is being organised by the School’s Centre for International Business and Management (CIBAM), the stated mission of which is to “deepen the understanding of internationalization and managing in the global economy.”

Reuters.com ‘Car industry boom set to slow in central Europe’ 2 March 2007 In an article discussing the European car industry and the fact that the automotive boom is fading as qualified labour becomes scarce, Dr Matthias Holweg, Senior Lecturer, Judge Business School is quoted as saying: “(Supplier) inflow will slow down but it (the region) is still an attractive place. In the long term, what will really make it fly is to develop components locally.”

Diario Financiero

Corriere della The Sera Economist

‘La pesadilla del cambio climatico’ 5 March 2007

‘Il leader vincente? Il primo tra pari’ 9 March 2007

Following an interview in the Chilean publication Diario Financiero, Dr Chris Hope, Reader in Policy Modelling, Judge Business School talks about the economic impact of global climate change.

The Toronto Star ‘Barry slowly breaking barriers’ 8 March 2007 In an article about dressing oversized women, the writer profiles Ben Barry, MPhil student, Judge Business School, and focuses on his expertise in the field of ‘modelling reality.’

The Financial Times ‘Executives must pull together like rowers in the boat race’ 3 April 2007 Dr Mark de Rond, talks to The Financial Times about teamwork and how it can be applied to management strategies.

In an interview with Iolanda Barera, Arnoud De Meyer, Director, Judge Business School, talks about new trends in management, how globalization is changing management styles, how business schools need to adapt to this shift and the effects the shift has on them. He also speaks about how the MBA Marketplace is changing and evolving, the importance of ‘Networking’ skills and why he believes Judge Business School has a number of advantages to be one of those new leaders in the world of business schools.

Computing ‘Tories push open source move’ 15 March 2007 The Conservatives plan to place more reliance on open source software in government IT if they win the next general election, and they have appointed Mark Thompson, Lecturer, Judge Business School to advise them on how Britain can become the open source leader in Europe.

‘Rhythm and Blues’ 31 March 2007 This article explores the management skills that are being investigated by Dr Mark de Rond, Director of the MPhil in Innovation, Strategy & Organisation Programme and University Senior Lecturer in Strategy in his collaboration/highperformance team dynamics research as he follows the Cambridge rowing team in its training for the Varsity match in April.

Les Echos ‘Les marchés émergents, énormes viviers d’innovation’ 16 April 2007 Professor Arnoud De Meyer, Director, and Professor of Management Studies, Judge Business School is interviewed by Les Echos. The article reviews Arnoud’s interpretation of the strengths and weakness of emerging countries in the innovation and research sector.

Director ‘Energy. On a quest for energy security’ 17 May 2007 Nick Butler, Director of the Cambridge Centre for Energy Studies talks about what changes are likely in the future, to strengthen the UK’s energy security and the first priority being to increase diversity of supply.

Excellence in Leadership (CIMA magazine) ‘Smart move’ 17 May 2007 Professor Arnoud De Meyer comments on how European business schools and companies must work together to prevent an exodus of management talent in the face of an expanding global economy.

The Times (Media Planet Supplement) ‘BPO booming in Latin America’ 29 June 2007 In an article on BPO in Latin America and East Europe, Dr Michael Barrett, University Senior Lecturer in Information Systems and Innovation is interviewed on the benefits of outsourcing in East Europe.

Computing Business ‘Change is in the air’ 21 June 2007 In an article discussing how a sensitive approach to managing business change will encourage a positive staff response and a successful project, Michael Barrett talks about how he believes that the role of the CIO is changing dramatically.

CNN.com ‘The good corporate citizen’ 31 May 2007 The School received coverage on CNN.com following a press release which was recently issued announcing the launch of a new book based on research conducted by CBR, co-authored by Dr Michael Pollitt, Dr Ian Jones and David Bek and entitled ‘Multinationals in their Communities: A Social Capital Approach to Corporate Citizenship Projects’.


Interview | Organisational Research

Network met Mark de Rond, Reader in Strategy and Organisation, to find out more about his latest research into high-performance team dynamics and his future plans.


Teamwork and collaboration – going for gold! Mark de Rond has been shadowing the

research into teamwork and

In studying people by living with

Cambridge University Boat Club for

collaboration. What inspired you to

them under the same conditions,

seven months in an attempt to

embark on this method of

did you find it hard to go back to

understand what it takes to create an


your own life and working

effective, high-performance team. He

It is in some ways a rather old-fashioned


shared in their glory as he proudly

way of doing research – of studying

Somewhat, although I suppose the

watched the ‘Light Blues’ row their way

people by living with them, by watching

upside is that I get more sleep! On the

to victory against Oxford in the 153rd

them as they go about their everyday

downside, I do miss that extra bit of

Boat Race earlier this year.

lives, trying to understand what matters

colourfulness and the camaraderie.

In the lead up to the race, Mark’s

to them and why. To me this seemed the

research received extensive and

only plausible approach given my

You mention that you’re writing up

extremely positive coverage in the media,

research interests: What does it really

your research on high-

including in The Economist, The Financial

take to earn one’s place in a Blue Boat

performance team dynamics and

Times, The Times, The Independent, The

crew? How does one fashion a world-

collaboration as a book – are you

Week, The Chronicle of Higher

class eight from a motley bunch of thirty-

able to tell us a little more about

Education, De Volkskrant, Het Financieel

five full-time students, different from

what type of book will be?

Dagblad, and on the radio.

each other in every way except in resolve

I’m trying hard to write a book that’s of

and sheer doggedness? And how does

interest to – and accessible to – a wide

Seven months ago you began

a crew become more than the sum total

audience. The book will not be a fast-

observing the Cambridge

of its individual oarsmen?

paced exposé of what is still an elitist

University Boat Club as part of your

organisation; rather it will try to explain


Interview | Organisational Research

“I’m particularly interested in causation and causal explanation … we know there are good and bad explanations, but what makes one better than another when dealing with unique events?”

what makes these boys who they are.

rivalry, where all that matters is taking part

imposing a rational one-size-fits-all

What does it take to earn one’s place in

and yet where the pain of losing is

system that people, if only they were

the coveted Blue Boat crew? Why would

intolerable, quintessentially British yet

more rational, would have chosen

thirty-odd students give up seven

reliant on modern technologies – but also


months of an otherwise comfortable

one that affords me practice in mediation

student life to compete for one of only

and team-building.

unsurprisingly, are far from

Your research sounds really



interesting although what

I’m particularly interested in causation,

attracted you to organisational

that is the relation between strategic

the Blue Boat can do so only by

research as a discipline? Did you

choice, chance and inevitability and

collaborating seamlessly with the very

ever consider working in another

causal explanation – we know there are

people they are competing against. They

area, as opposed to academia?

good and bad explanations, but what

express individuality in wishing to remain

To be honest, I found academia by

makes one explanation better than

on the coaches’ radar screens, but

accident really. My path could have easily

another when dealing with unique

togetherness in building team spirit. They

taken me elsewhere, but following a


are expected to adopt a rowing style that

chance decision to start my working life

is quintessentially Cambridge, but have

teaching in America; I’ve never looked

You were recently awarded one of

to learn to sacrifice what they know has

back! I love my work and find its sense of

one of two Fulbright Distinguished

made them go fast in the past. They are

worth and focus, rewarding. Frankly, I

Scholar Awards – congratulations!

strong-minded yet rife with self-doubt,

can’t think of something more satisfying

Can you tell us about the

masculine yet unafraid of male intimacy,

at present.

significance of this award for you

Those bold enough to try for a seat in


What other areas of research are you currently developing at the

eight places in the Boat? The answers,

and your future plans?

extraordinary in some ways yet so very Is there anyone who has inspired

Not only is it a nice endorsement (as

you or indeed influenced you in

these awards can be given to any

cultivated yet remain a raw and instinctive

your work?

discipline) but it will allow me to spend a

cast of alpha males in a Dead Poets

There are many sources I’ve drawn

nine-month sabbatical at Stanford

Society world. This is the story I want to

inspiration from – and still do. This makes

University to work with James March

tell, warts and all. A story of the making of

it difficult to isolate that small handful of

(Jack Steele Parker Professor of

a Boat Race crew, and the race they

influences. One that merits attention,

International Management, Emeritus) and

won, but almost lost.

however, is the intellectual historian Sir

Robert Burgelman (Edmund W. Littlefield

ordinary in others too. Cambridge rowers are painstakingly

Isaiah Berlin. In fact, one of my great

Professor of Management) – both leaders

Do you plan to work with the club

regrets is not having met him, before he

in their fields of strategy and

again next year?

died in 1997, whilst I was working in

organisational behaviour. Whilst there, I

I hope to remain involved with them in

Oxford. His essay ‘The Hedgehog and

hope to complete a final draft of a book

some role. Not only is it a fairly unique

the Fox’ (his classic essay on Tolstoy) is

on causation and causal explanation in

organisation – passionately amateur yet

particularly insightful in helping one

the organization sciences. For example,

holding to professional standards,

appreciate some of the ‘messiness’ of

are some organizations ‘luckier’ than

exhibiting mutual respect yet also intense

organisational life and the undesirability of

others, and if so why?

Student news

Finally, as Reader in Strategy, you now teach on the new Executive Education open programme ‘Creating High Performance Teams’. Could you explain a little more about this programme and

Prestigious IBM PhD Fellowship Awarded

how individuals may benefit? ‘Creating High Performance Teams’ is

University Senior Lecturer in

one of the new open programmes for the

Organisational Behaviour.

individual now being offered by

Ben explained: “IBM is a

Cambridge Executive Education here at

very exciting company with

Judge Business School. This

an astonishing record of

programme provides an important

research and innovation

management tool kit for creating a high

which fits well with Judge

performance culture within organisations

Business School’s

by focusing on communicating,

emphasis on creativity and

motivating, teaming, evaluating and

collaboration. I am

rewarding. Over two days, participants

honoured that they have

are taken through the dynamics of high-

recognised my research into

performance teams, with specific

organisational behaviour,

example to my Cambridge University

Ben Hardy, PhD student at

awards are given to the

and look forward to working

Boat Club experience. Participants also

the School was awarded an


with IBM during my

get the opportunity to visit Goldie

IBM Fellowship Award in

disciplines, usually nearly all

fellowship and the

(Cambridge’s Boat House) to see our top

April for the 2007-2008

are awarded to the applied

opportunity it will bring to

rowers in training and spend a session

academic year.

science areas. That Ben’s

cross-pollinate ideas and

award was based on his


with their chief coach, as well as David Hemery, Olympic gold medallist 1968.

Selected from many

The IBM PhD Fellows are

highly competitive

research on the subject of

nominations worldwide,

‘employee morale and

awarded tuition, fees and a

Ben was one of the few

attitudes to work’ is

stipend for one nine-month

Further information

British recipients of the

therefore in fact a double

academic year, as well as

Profile of Dr Mark de Rond

award. The selection

accolade. Ben’s nomination

being matched with an IBM


process is based on the

and application found

mentor according to their

student’s overall potential

strong support within IBM,

discipline interests. They are

for research excellence, and

reflecting both his work and

also provided with the

Cambridge Executive Education www.jbs.cam.ac.uk/execed/index.html

their progress to date as

also the quality and

opportunity to undertake an

The Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race

evidenced by publications

standing of the leading edge

internship at an IBM


and endorsements from

research undertaken here at

research or development

The Hedgehog and the Fox

their faculty advisors.

Judge Business School,”

laboratory that benefits the

commented Dr Philip Stiles,

student’s thesis research.

Publisher: Phoenix ISBN-13:978-0753808672

“Typically few of these


Student news

Size Zero research The book explores the

was to create a company

Anna Kim, MBA 2006,

awards dinner in Autumn

topical issue of size zero

that would make a profit by

received a £1000 award

this year.

and how an innovative

driving a positive social

from the Worshipful

business strategy has

change, striking what he

Company of Marketers for

an exhibit of 107 fans (all

started to address the social

calls a “balanced contract”

her dissertation proposal on

hand painted by her mother)

perception of catwalk

as it changed the face of

the market potential of local

in the Common Room at the



and regional fair trade in

School as a ‘thank you’ to

Asia. They were especially

each of the 107 members of

The book chronicles the


Worshipful Company of Marketers Award

“I wanted to share my

In June Anna put together

successful establishment of

experiences with others,

interested in how her

the MBA 2006 class for the

Ben’s own modelling

and to shatter the myth that

proposal can reveal

support they gave her and

Ben Barry, an MPhil

agency, the Ben Barry

young people have to wait

opportunities for UK

their efforts in raising money

Innovation, Strategy and

Agency Inc., set up when

until they obtain decades of

organisations in this arena.

towards her unpaid

Organisation student at

Ben was only fourteen,

industry knowledge before

She will have the formal

internship at Oxfam this

Judge Business School,

which challenges the

they can start up their own

opportunity to present her


where he is studying on an

prescriptive standards for

companies. Youth have all

research findings at the

Ogilvy Foundation Research

models in today’s fashion

the knowledge and skills

Grant, has recently

industry by scouting and

and energy to begin their

published a book entitled

sourcing ‘real’ models of all

own businesses today – I

Fashioning Reality: A New

ages, sizes, colours and

want to inspire them to have

Generation of

abilities, for major fashion

faith in their ideas and to see

Entrepreneurs. Released in

and beauty brands,

how young passionate

North America, it has

including the Dove

entrepreneurs are capable

Four of the MBA 2006

MBA course for similar

already become a national

campaign for Real Beauty.

of positively changing the

students were selected to

periods of time, with the first

bestseller in Canada.

Ben’s entrepreneurial drive

world we live in now.”

enrol as full-time MBA

group due to attend Judge

students for one academic

Business School in early

semester at the Wadwani

2008. While visiting their

Centre for Entrepreneurship

host schools, the students

at the Indian School of

will attend lectures and

Business, Hyderabad.

undertake consulting

Entrepreneurship in Angola

Inaugural student exchange

pioneering activities in the

Both initiatives were in

This is the inaugural

projects, two of which will

field of management in

partnership with the

exchange in a three-year

be with Microsoft Research

post-conflict Angola. He

Economics and

international student

on “emerging” technologies

conducted the country’s

Management Department of

exchange programme

in order to familiarise

first telephone survey of

the Universidade Católica

agreed between Judge

themselves with technology

businesses, involving over

de Angola, and are related

Business School and the


150 leading Angolan small

to Forrest’s practical PhD

Indian School of Business at

The programme offers a

and medium sized

research into finance and

the close of last year.

fantastic opportunity to gain

enterprises (SMEs). He also

investment issues with

Throughout the course of

a deeper understanding of

Forrest Metz a PhD

designed and implemented

SMEs and post conflict

the programme selected

how innovation in India is

Candidate at Judge

Angola’s first university level

economic development. We

students from the Indian

being positioned to meet

Business School recently

entrepreneurship teaching

wish Forrest all the best in

School of Business will also

global needs.

completed a series of


his continuing research.

enrol on the Cambridge

Alumni news MPhil entrepreneurial success

Richard Edge (MPhil Technology Policy 2005) cofounded Keima Ltd while still at Judge Business School in January 2006. He is now a Director, with

responsibilities for business development and wireless technology. Before joining the Technology Policy programme Richard had worked as a principal technology consultant and product manager for a number of leading UK SMEs in the mobile communications space. Keima was jointly founded with three leading computer

scientists from Cardiff University, and is currently developing engineering solutions for the next generation of wireless networks. In essence, Keima helps mobile phone and wireless broadband engineers to deploy their networks more quickly, efficiently and effectively: fewer towers to cover more subscribers, planned in a

shorter period of time. This is achieved through advanced computer optimisation algorithms, and a unique understanding of the pain of real-world network deployment. One year on, Keima is going from strength to strength with the possibility of a Washington DC office to support growing North American business being

New challenge for MBA Alumna

Marissa Vanderzee (MBA 2002) has started her own womenswear company, from marissa v.. Launched in August 2005, Marissa

comments “this was a big departure from prior positions in accounting and retail management (most recently as Business Manager of London-based multichannel retailer Graham & Green). Primarily I was interested in the entrepreneurial aspects of

running my own company and the multitasking it requires, and decided to combine this with my love of colour and fabric and my hobby of designing clothes. After tackling the steep learning curve of clothing manufacture, and exhibiting at trade shows in London &

Debut novel Paris, the from marissa v. collection is now sold in a few independent boutiques in Italy, Spain and the UK. In addition, I launched my e-commerce website in January 2007 at www.marissav.com I invite all Judge students and alumni to have a look!”

Cross channel challenge Alumna wins second Fulbright Award for Lucio Cicolecchia Management Consultant Lucio Cicolecchia ( MBA 2001) is hoping to commence his cross channel relay attempt in aid of The Stroke Association, this autumn. A charity close to the Cicolecchia family, Lucio and five other waterpolo loving friends hoped to attempt their crossing in early July, but as a result of the terrible summer weather, the team is now hoping to attempt their crossing this autumn – weather permitting!

Whilst the fastest channel swim is recorded as just over 7 hours with the slowest almost 27 hours; Lucio and his team aim to complete this mammoth undertaking in around 12 hours. Strong tidal currents and a heavy swell are anticipated – best of luck to Lucio and his team – no mean undertaking! To support Lucio in memory of his mother, please donate via his secure donation website www.justgiving.com/lucio -channelswim

PhD 1992 alumna, Dr Niti D. Villinger, Associate Professor of Management at Hawaii Pacific University, received her second Fulbright Award earlier this year. The grant awards are part of a national competition where participants are selected (among the 50 US states) to learn about Germany and the European Union (in Belgium and Germany) during the Summer of 2007. Dr Villinger, a faculty member at HPU who teaches International

considered. The first product, Composer, will be launched during mid 2007 to help customers plan new technology networks and plan for network mergers. In parallel, the Overture Framework, which provides rapid application prototyping capabilities, will be launched as a technology outsourcing service.

Business Management, also received a Fulbright Hays Award in 2003. That was also part of a national competition for awards that promote international understanding and education. Dr Villinger is pleased with the Fulbright awards as they have contributed to greater international cooperation and learning. Dr Villinger will use the Fulbright German Studies Seminar Award (2007) to promote more understanding of European countries in her classrooms.

Several MBA1999 classmates were in attendance at the launch party of James Buckley’s debut novel, ‘Celebrate Myself’ in London this March. James’ debut novel follows a fictional interpretation of business school academia to reveal a simmering world of unbridled lust and unchecked ambition. When tragedy strikes during a riotous evening on the town, the MBA students’ entangled lives become irreversibly altered. Amidst the recrimination and despair surrounding unfolding events, powerful lessons are learned that could never be taught in any classroom.


Alumni news


Reunion for MBA 2005

New-look website

Judge Business School welcomed graduates from MBA 1995 back to Cambridge for their 10 year reunion since graduation. At that time a two-year programme, numbering 48 in the class; 14 alumni and their families from across the globe registered to return for a weekend of nostalgia and friendship. The weekend included

We are pleased to announce that the alumni website will shortly be relaunched with a new look, as well as a series of new developments to enhance both the user experience and connectivity of members. Frustrated by the lack of visible email address to allow networking with classmates and potential contacts online? With a new School policy on data protection for all incoming student members, and an ongoing data campaign to encourage members to submit and make contact details visible, the Judge Business School alumni

punting on the Cam, a pub night in the Anchor as well as a tour around the Business School – very much different from when they first came to Cambridge. As the first class to be taught in the converted old Addenbrooke’s Hospital building, the class were impressed to view the new MBA Syndicate Room,

Library with mezzanine level, student common room with kitchen and hitech resources. With the official alumni reunion schedule for the coming years to be announced this autumn, if you are keen to return to Cambridge for your class reunion, please don’t hesitate to contact the Alumni Team for support.

More ways to communicate There’s now more ways for members to communicate than ever before! Building on the improvements made to the alumni community website address in December, members can now choose to stay in touch with the Alumni Team and each other through a variety of channels. Email, e-

bulletin, phone, fax, Skype(tm), Flickr, community website, LinkedIn group membership and face to face contact; all provide differing levels of connectivity to help us reach out across the network to build our alumni association into a truly dynamic and world class community. Not

receiving the monthly ebulletin? Please check that alumni@jbs.cam.ac.uk is on your safe senders list and consider that we perhaps don’t have your up to date preferred email address. Contact the Alumni Team with your latest details to ensure you remain up-todate and connected.

Event opportunities for Judge Business School alumni We are delighted to announce that increased numbers of School-based seminar event schedules are now officially opened to members of the alumni community. Judge Business School seminar series’ cover all aspects of management, reflecting the

range of expertise among our individual faculty, subject groups and research centres. In addition, the Alumni Team continues to bring members external opportunities that may be of interest to the membership. Listed online and featured in the

Connections and EventConnections monthly e-bulletins, keep a watch for events of interest to you. Do you have an event that you would like featured? Simply email alumni@jbs.cam.ac.uk with the details.

community can look forward to a new more connected experience; whilst at the same time, empowering members to be in control of the data they make visible to peers via the online community. Easy access class lists, hotlinks to career resources, new initiatives and much much more to be unveiled in the early autumn! Full details about the new-look website will feature in the next edition of Network. We look forward to re-connecting alumni across the world.

New alumni social series launched Join alumni at the new ‘2nd Saturday Alumni Pub Night’, alternating monthly between Cambridge and London. A great opportunity to meet new members of the network as well as your classmates; this regular social series commenced at the start of September with a good turnout in Cambridge at The Eagle pub (Benet St). Open to all in the Judge Business School network, including current students, faculty and staff; these occasions promise to be yet another great way to keep in touch and make new contacts. It couldn’t be easier to get involved as the pub nights will be held in one of two venues. When in Cambridge (odd numbered

months) – the Eagle Pub – and when in London (even numbered months) – The Windsor Castle near Notting Hill Gate. See forthcoming events on page 27 for further details. Interested in setting a series up in your country? Please contact Rachael Barker, Alumni Relations Manager to discuss further.

Alumni news

Alumni Class Ambassador Scheme The Alumni Class

founded on a few basic

with each other. There may

alumni community, with the

the alumni website where

Ambassador Scheme is a

parameters with the

well be more than one

opportunity to meet with

you can be assured of

new initiative to help

opportunity to shape the role

ambassador per class and

other ambassadors to share

dedicated class-lists

reconnect class groups with

to suit your time and

all would be fully supported

ideas and initiatives. Also, as

allowing group emailing;

the School and each other.

personal circumstance.

by the Alumni Team.

a way of saying thank you,

ensuring you reach out to

Connectivity sits at the heart

Essentially becoming the link

of Judge Business School’s

between a named contact in

Alumni Association and as such having identified that

we invite all active class

your cohort with the most up

How do ambassadors

ambassadors to be our

to date email on record.

the Alumni Team and their

benefit? Maintaining

guests at dedicated events

respective class group, the

networks is a crucially

each year.

How do I get more

formalised class links with

ambassador role is

important and sensitive role.

the School are traditionally

envisaged to assist on a

Knowing you will have not

How can I get in touch

your interest in becoming a

weak, degrading more over

variety of levels. This may

only helped the School keep

with my class? With a

class ambassador or for

time in many cases;

include collecting and

in touch with its graduates

change in technology and a

more information, please

facilitating a clear and

encouraging updates of

but also helped maintain

new alumni website to be

contact Rachael or Helen in

deliberate link is hopefully

personal contacts,

your own community; is a

launched this autumn,

the Alumni Relations Office.

one way to reconnect alumni

spreading the word on

positive step and will

getting in touch with

Tel: +44 (0)1223 764219

across the world for the

alumni initiatives or perhaps

undoubtedly be of benefit to

members of your class will

or email

benefit of all.

promoting alumni events –

your own future. As a named

be easy! We will be


essentially keeping

contact you will become

encouraging members to

classmates in contact

seen as a key part of the

contact their class through

The role class ambassadors play is

information? To register

Special Interest Groups Special Interest groups are

which are forthcoming in the

Cambridge. A real benefit to

Whilst membership is at

a look at the new alumni

the perfect vehicle for

calendar. Jeremy Marchant

me has been the opportunity

present small, we are

website this autumn to

bringing together alumni with

(MBA 2002, Chair of the

to source high calibre

anticipating real growth this

register your interests and

common interests. Providing

Alumni Advisory Council and

candidates for vacancies at

year in both of these groups

memberships. Indeed we

a forum for debate and

Leader of the Banking and

my company [UBS Wealth

as we seek to provide

have already had

networking as well as

Finance SIG) has also

Management]. The quality of

technological support for

expressions of interest for

socialising and friendship,

noticed an additional benefit

candidate has really been

enabling online discussion,

SIGs encompassing energy,

these groups are important

of membership. “Bringing

exceptional and I would

as well as ongoing support in

consulting and technology

catalysts for connectivity and

together alumni who have an

definitely encourage other

event management.

policy, so remember to


interest in the banking and

alumni to engage in

finance sector has been a

networking opportunities as

further groups, alumni will

this important time of

pleased to say the London-

really positive experience.

you never know where you’ll

shortly be able to express


based Banking and Finance

Not only has it allowed

find your next hire!”

their business interests via

Alumni Special Interest

members to network with

Group (SIG), continues to be

others from their sector, but it

pleased by the response to

require a critical mass to

successful with over 200

has also allowed me to

join more burgeoning groups

enable their creation and

members attending a wide

connect with so many city-

in biotechnology as well as

furthermore sustainable

range of events, many of

based alumni from

marketing and advertising.

activity, so make sure to take

Judge Business School is

We have also been

To support the creation of

the alumni website. SIGs do

contribute your thoughts at


Network roundup Connecting alumni around the world

Alumni in New York

Alumni in action During the latest round of MBA recruitment, Dr Simon Learmount was delighted to meet up with MBA alumni in Japan. Members turned out in force to help with the MBA recruitment fair and enjoyed an informal drinks reception afterwards. We’re

always keen to meet with alumni, from which ever programme studied; so please remember to keep your contact details up-todate so we can extend an invite to you when visiting your region.

MBA 2001 reunion weekend


Becky Schutt (MBA 2004) reports “The Alumni of New York City were delighted to welcome Professor Arnoud De Meyer and Jonathan Badger of the Cambridge University Foundation to the Apple that is Big in late November 2006. We shared drinks and M&Ms at the Library Bar at the Regency Hotel and learned about Professor De Meyer’s adventures in Cambridge

thus far. He also provided us with his thoughtful vision for the Judge, with special attention paid to the role of alumni. Following the M&Ms and talk with Professor De Meyer, some of the alums ventured uptown to a Park Avenue penthouse, home of a Cambridge graduate, for the Cambridge in America holiday party. There, we enjoyed sweeping views of

New York City from the terrace, conversations with Cambridge graduates and, of course, the holiday crackers. Great to see Dan Cohen (MPhil 2000), Morgan Davis (MPhil 1997), Helen Ervin (MBA 2004), Michael Jakob (MPhil 1991), Carol Ng (MBA 2001), Nadine Surur (MBA 1995) and Emmanuelle Vernhes-Koudella (MBA 1999)”

Varsity weekend

The Business School was delighted to welcome back almost fifty guests for the recent MBA 2001-2002 Reunion Weekend. A Friday night drinks reception marked the start of an enjoyable weekend; which culminated on the Sunday with a ‘survivors’ farewell lunch in Grantchester. The weekend was a great success with MBA 2006 Vs

MBA 2001 alumni in both football and cricket, as well as a highly enjoyable mini lecture series showcasing individual members of the class. A formal Reunion Dinner at Trinity Hall was also held on the Saturday evening. Thanks to Max Purser, Marie Taylor and Angeli Weller for organising a superb reunion weekend!

Alumni in banking and finance network Cambridge supporters roared on the Light Blues at this year’s Varsity Boat Race on Saturday 7th April. Judge Business School had good reason to be proud as Sebastian Schulte, current PhD Finance student, sat

seat 7 and helped bring the crew home to victory over Oxford in the 153rd annual Boat Race by one and a quarter lengths.Cheering the crew along were members and friends of MBA 2005.

Left to right: Kieron Burchell, Gavin Flynn, Orly Danon, Nik Rouda, Catherine Qi, Cyril Coste, Urszula Zapolska, Murphy Thomas, Audrey Christon, Sanne Martens, Jasper Nelissen.

The London-based Banking and Finance special interest group continues to flourish with recent speaker as well as social events held across the capital in recent months. A new group email has recently established

enabling members to communicate between each other. Interested in joining this group? Email you name and programme of study to the Alumni Office and we will be happy to add you to the membership.

Forthcoming events Annual Alumni Weekend 21-23 September 2007 Cambridge, UK Join fellow alumni for a whole weekend of activity. A great opportunity to network across Judge Business School’s global community and the perfect weekend to arrange your own class reunion. Speaker slots featuring Ms Lois Jacobs, President International – Jack Morton Worldwide and Professor Arnoud De Meyer, Director, Judge Business School. Alumni Gala Dinner Join fellow alumni and guests of Judge Business School at the inaugural Reunion Weekend Gala Dinner at the De Vere University Arms Hotel, Cambridge on the Saturday of Alumni Weekend (22nd September). A great opportunity to socialise and network. Drinks reception, five-course meal with coffee & mints, wine and entertainment. Come dance the night away! Tickets only £48. For further information visit www.jbs.cam.ac.uk/alumni/weekend.html

Other events MPhil Technology Policy Five Year Reunion 26 September 2007, London, UK Alumni in Banking and Finance (SIG) Pub Night 27 September 2007, London, UK MBA 2004 – Edinburgh Trip 28- 30 September 2007, Edinburgh, UK Global Brand Strategy 2007 with Kevin Keller 2 October 2007, London, UK Enterprise Tuesday Programme 23 October 2007, Cambridge, UK Alumni Association Annual General Meeting 10 December 2007, Cambridge, UK Alumni Christmas Gathering, St John’s College 10 December 2007, Cambridge, UK Judge Business School / Wharton Christmas Party 19 December 2007, London, UK 2nd Saturday Alumni Pub Nights 13 October 2007, London, UK 10 November 2007, Cambridge, UK 8 December 2007, London, UK For full details of all events open to alumni, log onto www.alumni.jbs.cam.ac.uk Are you organising an event? Email the Alumni Team with your event details and we can post them online.

Connecting Alumni Across the World • Online member directory • Forthcoming global events • Latest school and alumni news • Careers resources • Networking opportunities

Visit www.alumni.jbs.cam.ac.uk or call +44 (0)1223 764219 Networking Lifelong Learning Careers Contact the Alumni Team to request your login details or a password reminder – alumni@jbs.cam.ac.uk


Classnotes Recent promotion? New arrival? On the move? We are delighted to receive news from across Judge Business School’s global community. Email alumni@jbs.cam.ac.uk to share your classnotes in the next edition. Ismael Al-Amoudi (PhD 2002) has accepted a lecturer position in Management at the University of Reading and has become a Resident Senior Member of Wolfson College, Cambridge.


Benoit Allehaut (MBA 2000) “I am pleased to let you know that after several years working at GE Wind and GE Energy Financial Services, I have accepted a new challenge in the renewable energy sector. I am excited to join Optisolar, a fast growing thin film solar company based in Hayward, CA. My new role as Director of Business Development will be to lead international project development efforts and support project finance structuring.” Barbara Angerstein (MBA 2003) “I just wanted to let you know that my husband (Walter Sanchez) and I are now the proud and happy parents of a lovely baby girl. Victoria was born on the 3rd January 2007 in Santiago de Chile.

Helen Campbell nee Andreou (MBA 1994) “We are delighted to announce the birth of our first child, a lovely baby girl named Kimberley Sophia Campbell who arrived on the 2nd February 2007 weighing 8lb 1oz. Kimberley is a real little smiler and has captivated all those who come her way, not that we are in any way biased of course!” Jens Bernhardt (MBA 1996) is pleased to report that he joined the Management Board of Oppenheim Vermögenstreuhand GmbH in March. This move signifies a return to his previous employer Sal. Oppenheim jr. & Cie. KGaA, although Jens is now responsible for asset allocation and asset selection – providing comprehensive advice for the structuring of investment opportunities for ultra-high-net-worthindividuals, families and trusts. Jochem Boeke (MBA 2000) updates Network... “More great changes. Tamara is expecting our second (due date 5th Nov), on the echo it looked like a girl. We are moving back to the Lowlands in August to be closer to our families and buy a home. I took a job with a management consultancy; my first assignment is to help a Dutch Local Authority

manage their real estate. I’ve been in Cambridge for 7 years, I’ll miss it a lot but also look forward to the change. Met up with Jose and Kenta and families recently, which was great.

Still playing 5-a-side football with Christian every week. Last month we joined MBA 2001 in a game against MBA 2006 and played them off the park, so we still have it!” John Carter (MBA 1993) is still working for Kraft Foods although has recently moved back to Munich from New York. Kavi Chandrakumar (MBA 2001) is happy to report that after one year at iProspect, a search engine marketing firm, she has recently been promoted to

Manager and will head a team that looks into paid and organic optimisation for clients. iProspect is a part of Aegis Media (UK). Congratulations to Kavi and her partner as they have recently become first time parents to a beautiful baby girl, Anirud Raghav Mantha. Vijay Chintamaneni (MBA 1994) has recently moved jobs from Director of SPG India Ltd to CEO of Visage Media Services Ltd, managing the company’s global operations out of India. Visage is one of India’s leading still and film footage banks. Benjamin Davis (MBA 2003) reports that he has moved from his role at Interregnum and now works for The Capital Fund (YFM Group) as Investment Manager. The Capital Fund is London’s regional VC fund, and is a £50 million generalist venture capital fund which backs fastgrowing, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Greater London. Iain Edmondson (MBA 1998) is now a consultant with the UK’s largest sportspecialist management consultancy (PMP) and is concentrating on the legacy of major sports events (not least the 2012 Olympics).

Anthony Fitzsimmons (MA Engineering 1969) works at Iskra Wind Turbines, one the world’s most efficient small wind turbine manufacturers. Anthony was one of the earliest Angel investors in the firm – since 2002 – and having spent 3 months as interim CEO, he is now Commercial Director. Adriana Guerrero (MBA 2000) “My news... my big news of course is the birth of my second baby boy. His name is Daniel.

I continue to live in Dubai working in consulting and now for Oliver Wyman as a principal of the telecom and media practice (OW is now the name of Mercer.. who previously bought Diamondcluster, who previously bought Cluster... I have been in 4 companies without changing my job!). Anyone interested on working (we need people) or visiting Dubai... please let me know!!!

Looking for classmate contacts or alumni in a particular region? Log onto www.alumni.jbs.cam.ac.uk

Nilima Gulrajani (PhD 2000) has been appointed Lecturer at the London School of Economics working in the area of public management and development. As a former Gates Scholar at Judge Business School, Nilima researched organisational reforms in large aid organisations introduced to make development spending more effective. Congratulations to Loizos Heracleous (MPhil 1992 and PhD 1993) who has recently been appointed Chair in Strategy at Warwick Business School. Loizos was previously Reader in Strategy at Said Business School, Oxford.

Congratulations to Justin Hayward (MBA 2000) and wife Diana as their son Ralph Edward was born on 20th Dec 2006.

Sonny Hsu (MBA 2000) comments “I have just moved to Hong Kong recently, still working with Fitch Ratings and doing the same job as before. I think I will live here in Hong Kong for the foreseeable future. Do drop me a note when you plan to visit Hong Kong. I will happily be the tour guide!” Contact details online. Vincent Jegou (MBA2002) was appointed Finance Director of IKEA Taiwan (DFI Home Furnishing Taiwan Ltd) in September 2006. The company operates four IKEA stores with a total surface 152000 sqf and employs1000 staff. If you are visiting Taipei, you can contact Vincent on vincent_jegou@yahoo.co.uk or +886 2 25479598.

Sir Paul Judge (MA Natural Sciences & Management Studies 1968) is currently Chairman of the Lord Mayor’s ‘City of London – City of Learning’ project. This project launched by Lord Mayor Stuttard and backed by the

to search the member’s directory.

British Council and UKTI; aims to link global centres with high-level professional institutions and universities/business schools in the UK. See the website for further information www.cityof londonlearning.org. Alexander Kaleniouk (MBA 2000) updates Network and writes “I am still based in Moscow – currently involved in mega (by Russian standards) M&A deal.” Tina Fisher (MBA 2004) reports “Ryan Kedrowski (MBA 2004) and Jen Killmer (MBA 2004) were married on February 22nd in Miami, Florida.

The ceremony was beautiful and took place in an old Spanish monastary in North Miami. The bride and groom were absolutely beaming and looked stunning. A few of us made the journey to Florida and it was an honour to be able to be there in person to share in their big day. Congratulations to the Kedrowskis!!!!”

Hasbi Lubis (MBA 2000) informs us that he is still with Schlumberger still, but now relocated to UK, having moved to the Gatwick area at the start of the year.

Harry Lake (MBA 2000) and Claire Nailis (MBA 2000) “Not too much new for Claire and I these days and we are living in Ottawa. Work wise, I am still at PWC and have been managing Canadian Government consulting jobs. Summer has hit and I have started white water kayaking again (boy, I am not as young as I used to be...these young kids are able to do circles around me) and playing hockey a day a week (same comment about the young kids here as well...). Had a great week of skiing in Colorado with Claire, Arthur, Mark Davidson and others ...highlight was the 17 inches of powder we got in one night!” Ming Lim (PhD 2002) has been offered a Lecturer position in Marketing at Leicester Management School. Jaco Lok (PhD 2002) has recently started as Lecturer of Organisational Behaviour at the University of New South Wales (Australian Graduate School of Management), Sydney, Australia.

Vincent Mascia (MBA 2001) wishes to relay a warm hello to his fellow classmates and offers an update of his career news. “I am presently completing a masters of public health at the University of Virginia with an emphasis on healthcare policy. While doing a field placement at the American Dental Association’s Washington headquarters for governmental affairs I was able to propose a Bill provision to improve healthcare access for the underserved in the US. The president of the American Dental Association flew to Washington to testify at a hearing with me as an advisor for the legislation. Currently considering working in Washington in healthcare policy.” Rachel Massey (MBA 1999) and former Chair of the Alumni Council gave birth to baby Grace weighing 7lbs 1oz or 3.3kg on Monday 12th February 2007. Congratulations to the whole family!



Rianna MohammedRoberts (PhD 2003) has started working at the World Bank (Washington, DC), as a Young Professional. She is currently working in the Human Development Unit, within the Europe Central Asia region.

working at the Wilfrid Laurier University, School of Business in Ontario, Canada as an Assistant Professor of Marketing. He got his tenure last December and is now an Associate Professor of Marketing.

Yasu Okabe (MBA 2005)

Arshad Saeed (MBA 2000) “All well at this end. My daughter Arshi will be married by the time you read this – the wedding took place in Toronto on 6th July. Toronto is at its liveliest these days – excellent weather and loads of festivities.

30 now living in Lucerne, Switzerland, has joined T.E.A.M Marketing AG which is the exclusive marketing agency for UEFA, the European governing body of football. Yasu’s current job involves managing the TV broadcast rights sales for UEFA Champions League and UEFA Cup. Chatura Ranaweera (PhD 1998)

Upon completing his PhD at Judge Business School in 2002, Chatura has been

After spending 5 weeks in Toronto for the wedding, I’ll head back to Saudi Arabia in mid July. I am still working with the same company and have been given additional responsibility of sales. Our company is in the process of implementing SAP. I am leading the Materials Management module which takes up almost 60% of my time. The plan is to go live in January 2008.” Branimira Slavova (PhD 2002) has accepted a Research Fellowship at

AIMTECH research group, Leeds Business School. Fei Sun (MBA 2000) is currently doing free lance work, mainly on educational projects.

“I also opened a small company in Shanghai. At the moment, we take on projects for foreign companies who wish to develop business in China, including market research, branch or office set-up, PR, etc. We also help staff recruitment for foreign companies in Shanghai and help with translation and interpretation. I am also involved in educational projects for foreign universities in student recruitment in China. “ Nesli Tezgoren (MBA 2000) “Flavio and I are delighted to announce the birth of our little baby girl Alessia. She was born

on 4th January at St. Thomas’ Hospital in London at 3pm, weighing 3.7kg / 8.2lbs. Dad is super thrilled with joy.” Nico Uauy (MBA 2000) writes “I moved back to Chile 5 months ago, after 4 years in DC. Had a great time while I was there (travelled all over Latin America for work and to the Caribbean for diving). Leaving proved a bit harder than I expected, but it was time for a change. So far Chile has been a lot of fun and work. I am working in Santander’s investment banking group here in Chile, in charge of M&A and equity capital markets transactions in the infrastructure, energy, and food & beverage sectors.

Ken Wee (MBA 2002) and Catherine Szeto (MBA 2002) were married on 12th November 2006 in Hong Kong. Several MBAs and Cambridge alumni attended the celebrations including Carrie Cheung, Fion Li, Andrea Du, Vincent Jegou, Irene Yang, Anne Fung, Clementine Ng, Dominic Chan, Edmund Leong.

A second celebration was held in Singapore where the bride and groom welcomed even more MBA guests and family!

Other than that, I am snowboarding every weekend (the snow here in Chile is fantastic this time of the year), playing squash a couple of times a week (so my domination over Kjell and Christian is probably still intact), and starting to make plans to buy a piece of land (small one) in the south of Chile.”

Log onto www.alumni.jbs.cam.ac.uk to update ‘My Details’ and add a photograph to your profile.

Cambridge Executive Education

Executive Education Special offer for Cambridge alumni: 25% discount on our Global Business Seminars Doing Business in China (Shanghai) 2-7 December 2007 and 13-19 April 2008

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