Te Awamutu News | January 21, 2021

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Silver for new club

A fledgling waka ama club formed on the shores of Lake Karāpiro just three years ago has picked up its first medal at the Te Wānanga o Aotearoa national waka ama sprint champs. The Midget W12 mixed boys and girls crew from Karāpiro Waka – formed by Ngāti Koroki Kahukura in 2017 – finished second in the Cup final on Monday, marking the first competition success for the club at its first appearance at the national champs. The club was formed after regatta sponsors Te Wānanga o Aotearoa signed a memorandum of understanding with the iwi and ran its year-long Level 4 Certificate in Waka programme for about 25 iwi members at Lake Karāpiro, the venue for this week’s national champs. Ngāti Koroki Kahukura – with marae at Maungatautari and Pōhara – are the hau kainga (home people) of the regatta. Karāpiro Waka cochair Lee Ann Muntz says the club was given two waka from WaikatoTainui and had received massive support from Te Toki Voyaging Trust and others at the nationals. “All the other clubs here are with us,” she says. With around 100 mostly young members, the club aims to grow slowly and entered four junior crews in their first attempt at the national champs. The Midget W6 girls crew qualified for the championship semi-finals, the Midget W6 boys

made the cup final and combined to win silver in the Midget W12 cup final. The J16 W6 girls’ and boys’ crews gained good experience but were eliminated in the heats of their competition. Lee Ann says much of the club’s early success is down to passionate coach Laurie Tauroa.

Along with training the junior crews, Laurie also stores the waka at his home and hauls them to and from the lake and their training venue at Epworth, further up the Waikato River. “We don’t have a base so that’s what we’d like to achieve in the future and the future for the club looks very positive,” she says. The club is also part of a push by Ngāti Koroki Kahukura to encourage iwi members to return home and Lee Ann says this is

proving successful, with the recent opening of a 10-home papakainga at Pōhara Marae. “There’re about 20 of our rangatahi living there now so it’s


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• Hone’s crew keeps them fed – page 2

Members and supporters of Karapiro waka.


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really beneficial.” The Te Wānanga o Aotearoa national waka ama sprint champs began on Sunday and run all week at Lake Karāpiro, finishing on Saturday. More than 3500 paddlers are taking part and around 10,000 people are expected at the venue.

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Readers’ contributions of articles and letters are welcome. Publication of contributions are entirely at the discretion of editorial staff and may be edited. Contributions will only be considered for publication when accompanied by the author’s full name, residential address, and telephone number. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the publishers. The Te Awamutu News is published by Good Local Media Limited.

Hone’s crew keeps the volunteers fed

Volunteers at the Te Wānanga o Aotearoa national waka ama sprint champs at Lake Karāpiro work hard for long hours but are always assured of a decent feed thanks to the tireless work of Hone Mutu and his team. For 12 years Hone has been feeding the volunteers and VIPs at the event, which attracts thousands of paddlers and tens of thousands of fans every year. After starting out as a volunteer, Hone decided he and his team of whānau and friends could make a better contribution by making sure the volunteers were well fed. “We thought the best way we could help was to ensure they have a good breakfast in the morning and a beautiful dinner at night and so we’ve stuck to that principal,” he says. On the menu this year has been a range of dishes including beef Wellington, lasagne, scotch fillet, glazed ham, roast pork, lamb racks and, of course, hangi. Hone – who lives at Waimate North - says the event is a good time for his whānau to catch up with each other and they come from around the Feeding the masses: Hone Mutu country to help out at Karāpiro. and lunch so that’s our koha to Tainui Catering for crowds is because they’re looking after all the something his whānau is used to, he VIPs down there. I’ve never charged says. for that or for the pōwhiri kai because It was a whānau decision to take I’m not happy to charge for what is a on the catering contract 12 years ago tikanga thing, that’s our koha back to and there was never any intention of Waka Ama.” making money out of it. His crew feed more than 70 people “If we wanted to make money we’d each morning and evening during the be having mince and whatever else week and he says it’s something they every night, that sort of food, but we love doing. choose not to go down that path and “I guess that’s our passion, me instead to give them the best quality manaaki te tangata ahakoa ko wai no that we possibly could,” he says. hea, me tika te tiaki i a ratou. For all the “Our thing has always been manaaki work that they do the least we can do and so all the kai that we have in the is provide them a nice kai and we hope VIP area, we don’t charge for. We that we provide that. supply the VIPs their morning teas


On the beat

with Senior Constable DEB THURGOOD

Inside search and rescue This week I’m sending greetings to Te Awamutu as well as Cambridge readers and Constable Ryan Fleming is on annual leave. I thought I would take the opportunity to give you all an insight into one of the roles that our officers can undertake, in addition to their core Policing role. Constable Matthew Burke, based at Cambridge station, is part of the Police Search and Rescue (SAR) team. He has helped give me an insight into what he does and why he does it. Constable Burke thinks SAR is awesome, as you never know who you’re going to help next and where you might end up working. Each week in the Waikato Police, three officers ready to respond to a search and rescue event along with the many trained staff on duty. All SAR members take turns being on-call. When on-call, they have their Police cell phone with them 24-7. When a call comes in, you do not know what or where it could be. Examples of the types of job Constable Burke could be involved in range from a couple of walkers lost in the dark on Maungatautari or a person with dementia lost and walking around Hamilton, to a capsized boat off Port Jackson, Coromandel. The Summer months are traditionally the busy time of year, with more people outdoors enjoying the better weather. Last week Police were involved in 14 SAR Call outs of varying degrees. A lot of the time Police rely on the help of volunteer groups such as Coast Guard and LandSAR, to assist in locating and rescuing people. The majority of the time, Police will act as incident controller and conduct a search from a suitable location. In some instances, jobs can be resolved in a matter of hours, but there are situations where searches will go on for multiple days or weeks. Unfortunately, not all searches are successful and there is loss of life. SAR’s job does not stop there, they will keep working until a body is recovered and the identity is confirmed to the satisfaction of the coroner. In a lot of instances, a situation could be avoided if people were simply better prepared – if they took more supplies, had better equipment, and knew their capabilities, because when things go wrong, they can go wrong really fast. Constable Burke’s advice to you is when venturing out for a day walk or out on your boat, make sure you’ve got adequate supplies - not just for the time you’re out there, but in case the unexpected happens. Tell someone where you going and what time you’ll be back. On the water, have two forms of communication, VHF and cell phone. On the land, please have a charged cell phone or if you can, a personal locating beacon (these can be hired from Cambridge I-Site). Lastly, when you see a LandSAR, Coastguard or similar volunteer group working or fundraising, please give them your support or if you would like, find the nearest group and join up. You will learn a lot and meet some great people. Until next week, stay safe and be prepared!



Briefs… Property prices The Real Estate Institute of New Zealand says median house prices in the greater Waikato rose 17.4 per cent in the past year to $675,000. Ōtorohanga and Hauraki districts and Hamilton city achieved record highs – Ōtorohanga rose from $430,000 to $480,000 between November and December. Waipā’s media price rose in the year to December from $600,000 to $705,000.

Rowers coming Lake Karapiro will host the North Island Rowing Championships – and an expected 2300 competitors from schools and club level - over four days starting on Friday next week.

Tops off… Waikato District Council says stricter controls are being put in place by processors who receive recycling from waste – and residents must now remove lids from plastic and glass containers. The lids are typically a different material, will contaminate glass and plastic recycling and can get stuck in moving machinery used to process recycled product.

Business chance Budding entrepreneurs living or working in the Waikato district will have the opportunity to attend a free 10-day business course in March. Waikato District Council and Ministry of Social Development is working together to bring the PopUp Business School Aotearoa to the Waikato district as part of its economic and social development initiative. For more information go to https://tinyurl.com/ WaikatoPopUp Water levels Waikato Regional Council chairman Russ Rimmington is signalling he want a ceiling placed on the volume of water Auckland may take from the Waikato River. The city now takes 175 million litres a day – and has tabled an application to allow it to take another 150 million more. Mr Rimmington said the Waikato region couldn’t give from the river endlessly after that.

Giltraps’ time to shed… By Viv Posselt

Wilfred Giltrap’s January 23 shed sale of vintage tractors, engineering machinery and tools marks a significant turning point in the life of a man whose name is woven into the fabric of New Zealand agriculture. The sale will effectively sign off on a large chunk of his life and signal the settling into another, more leisurely one in the Te Awa Lifecare home he shares with his wife Shirley. It seems, however, that there are reminders of his legacy around every corner. “A lot of people living here are ex-farmers,” he smiled. “They know all about our machinery,” Six decades have passed since a young Wilfred fostered his love of engineering on the Maihihi family farm near Ōtorohanga. In 1959 he started Giltrap Engineering with just one worker in tow. Today, around 200 employees operate across two separate arms of the company, Giltrap Agrizone and Giltrap Engineering, run respectively by son Andrew

Giltrap, and daughter and son-in-law, Belinda and Craig Mulgrew. From those early beginnings, when Wilfred dared not imagine such expansion, Giltrap has spread to the Pacific islands, New Guinea, Indonesia and Chile. Now, about half of the production from the engineering operation goes to Australia. There were many landmark ‘firsts’ along the way, among them the development of the successful wheel drive trailer and silage wagons built for feeding out to larger herds of stock. “The idea was to make about 15 feed wagons a year, but within two years we were making around 200.” It’s an enviable legacy, one rooted right here in the Waikato. Illness saw Wilfred step back from the day-to-day workings of the business in 2002 and he relaxed into a more hobby-driven rhythm of restoring vintage tractors. Now, he says the time has come to ‘thin stuff out’ – hence the upcoming sale at his recently-sold Maungatautari land near

Wilfred and Shirley Giltrap going through the minutiae of a lifetime’s work at their Te Awa Lifecare home in Cambridge.

Karapiro, close to where the couple lived for 20 years before moving to Te Awa 12 months ago. “I’ve decided the time is right to sell everything … reluctantly, of course. It’s quite a big step for me,” he said. It’s an equally big step for Shirley, who has toiled at Wilfred’s side throughout

their marriage. Her early training on Burroughs machines at the bank kicked in when she saw him wrestling with his accounts soon after they married. “There were six statements, spread out all over his desk. I said, ‘let me take care of those’, and had them done pretty quickly,” she smiled. “I’ve been doing the accounts

till I retired.” The sale from Wilfred’s 180 square metre shed this weekend will see 200 lots and five tractors go. It’s taking place at 983 Maungatautari Rd from 9.30am to 2.30pm on Saturday, January 23. For more information email him on w.giltrap@ gmail.com.

Doc gives possums the push

A successful pest control operation on Mount Pirongia will allow native wildlife there to flourish over summer, says the Department of Conservation (Doc). Predator control was carried out at Pirongia Forest Park last September with drops of 1080 over 14,000 hectares as part of Doc’s nationwide Tiakina Ngā Manu programme The work is part of long-term conservation efforts at the site, home to a huge range of forest birds, insects, lizards and plants including threatened species such as pekapeka (bats), kōkako and Dactylanthus—a rare parasitic plant. “Possum monitoring, before and after the control operation shows we’ve reduced the possums in the forest park, providing rata trees, Dactylanthus, kokakō and a multitude of other valuable New Zealand species the opportunity to thrive,” says Doc Biodiversity Ranger Cara Hansen. Monitoring by an independent contractor using leg hold traps spread throughout the forest park in the weeks after the Tiakina Ngā Manu operation drew blanks at all 240 traps checked over three nights.

Monitoring at the same site, undertaken in January 2020, showed 5.4% of the traps had caught possums – so about 13 would have been tempted by the baits before the drop. Cara Hansen said the figures demonstrated the value of Doc’s predator control operation and the detailed and lengthy planning and consultation. “The removal of possums — and other predators such as stoats and rats — at Pirongia

Possum numbers have dropped on Pirongia.

means the many forest bird species found there will be able to successfully raise clutches of chicks. Controlling predators also allows the forest canopy to recover, improving the forest’s health and providing important habitat for native species.” Over the last 25 years, Doc and a range of government and community organisations have undertaken extensive predator control and species protection efforts within and around Pirongia Forest Park. Monitoring at Pirongia over the past 20 years shows a downward trend of possum numbers and, through ongoing predator control work, there is an opportunity to maintain the benefits of keeping possum numbers down. Tiakina Ngā Manu contributes to Predator Free 2050 through the sustained control of introduced predators over large areas of conservation land to protect native species and forests until predators can be removed permanently. Cara Hansen said the calls of the kōkako, which had been successfully reintroduced by Pirongia Te Araroa o Kahu Restoration, could now be heard across the maunga.

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Use it properly, or lose it

Almost half the “recycling” put out by Waipā residents is heading straight to landfill. Contaminated recycling is proving to be such a major issue that the Waipā District Council is warning offending residents they will lose the service if they do not use it properly. Since lockdown, 13 households have had their service suspended due to ongoing contamination in their wheelie bins. The issue relates to residents placing incorrect items in their recycling bins. Council operations team leader Jennifer Braithwaite said that was costing up to $33,000 a month to deal with. She said contamination of both mixed and glass recycling had soared since lockdown and an average of 206 tonne of recycling was sent to landfill each month as a result. The issue was also raised late last year. “We’re seeing everything from bags full of rubbish to used medical products, needles, dog poo, dirty nappies and just last week dead fish coming through the sorting line. Other contamination such as car motor oil and other liquids have forced the closure of the production line for major clean-ups. “Items like these can contaminate an entire load of recyclable materials and force our contractors to send otherwise good recycling to landfill.” Costs to deal with contaminated recycling include transporting the material to landfill, disposing of it and the loss of revenue from otherwise good product which could have been sold on the recycling market. Braithwaite said Council’s recycling

contractor made regular bin inspections across the district to try and manage contamination. Contaminated bins are stickered in the first instance and not collected. On the next collection drivers will check them again and if contamination is found, the property owners will be told their bin won’t be emptied. After a third offense, the property owners receive a letter from Council and service may be suspended to that property. Braithwaite said households with

extreme contamination could face having their service removed permanently.” She said the Council needed the help of all residents to reduce contamination. “This isn’t something we can achieve by ourselves. There are some fantastic recyclers in our communities who are doing a great job but there are others who knowingly and blatantly put stuff like rubbish, dirty nappies and car motor oil in their recycling bins and don’t seem to care about the effect this is having on the service.”

An example of items regarded as recyclable by some Waipā residents.

Flying the flag for TA’s Fat Bottomed Girls By Viv Posselt

Te Awamutu’s Fat Bottomed Girls have been striding the streets of Te Awamutu and Kihikihi for three years. Their numbers have remained pretty steady throughout, says admin member Christine Jenkins. “We’re around 22 as we go into our fourth year. Not all of them are out there walking all the time, many of them just join us on a casual basis. A lot of the women here are either working or have young families,” she said. The local group has 32 mapped walks, or sections, they cover in no particular order. Members keen to put together a walk simply make mention of it on the group’s Facebook

page, and see who wants to join them. Their Cambridge’s purple-clad equivalent are finalists in Sport Waikato’s 2020 Sport and Active Recreation Awards. Christine said all the walks cover about 5km, and they do occasionally stray from the mapped sections if they feel like a more casual amble along a different route. Most of the sections they cover are mapped as close to a figure of eight pattern as possible so members have the option of returning to their car halfway through if they prefer. “It’s definitely about having fun. It’s more about half-pie walking and half-pie friendship than anything else,” Christine laughed. For more information contact Christine via their Facebook page or email fbgclubnz@ gmail.com.

Market boost for Lions A couple of humdinger markets held just before Christmas may well have set the Mt Pirongia Lions Club on track for a positive 2021. One of the organisers, Lion Jim Henderson, said a combination of great weather, last-minute shoppers and over 50 stalls of quality fare resulted in the club’s ‘biggest and brightest market’ for 2020. “What a way to finish the year!” he said. “We’re really pleased with the final 2020

market and believe we’re in a good place as we enter 2021.” The club’s Pirongia Christmas Market and Pirongia Sunday Market took place on December 20. Jim said he hoped that with the help of a core group of dedicated vendors selling quality produce, the club would be able to build on the December markets’ success throughout this year. The 2021 markets will run on the last Sunday of each

month, said Jim, with the exception of April when it will be on Saturday April 24 to avoid clashing with ANZAC Day. Another change will be in December, when the market will is scheduled for December 19 to avoid Christmas. On all of those market days, they’ll be open for business at the Pirongia Community Centre from 9am to 2pm. The markets are run by the Lions as a major fundraiser for the community.


Recycling change

Recycling calendars look a little different this year following a change to Waipā’s glass recycling service. All households now have 12 glass collections per year, one less than in previous years. There are no changes to the mixed recycling collection which occurs every two weeks, the same as in previous years. The change is due to many households putting their blue glass recycling bins out for collection less frequently than first expected when the service was started in July 2019. Waipā District Council operations team leader Jennifer Braithwaite said the initial contract for recycling had been tendered for 12 glass collections and 24 mixed yellow recycling collections but was increased to 13 glass collections once the contract was awarded to Council’s recycling contractor. “We had expected more frequent glass collection would be needed however, many households are finding they only need to place their bin out every second or third collection. “This means we often have drivers collecting barely any glass recycling on a number of their routes. We are effectively over servicing for glass recycling.” Braithwaite said the change would mean there would be one point in the year for all households where there would be six weeks in between collection dates. “To avoid bins going out on the wrong day, I encourage residents to regularly check their 2021 recycling calendars or the recycling day finder on our website to ensure they are putting their bins out on the correct day.” Braithwaite said the change back to the original 12 collections per year would also save Council more than $25,000 each year. Currently, any extra savings would help with the mounting cost of contamination of mixed and glass recycling. “This is a major issue we are facing at the moment but are working to tackle it through increased bin inspections and education efforts for our community.” More information on recycling in Waipā can be found at www.waipadc.govt.nz/recycling. Advertorial

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New ramp for league office

A new ramp is making access easier to Te Whiringa – Te Awamutu Māori Women’s Welfare League office. In September, Waipā District Council successfully applied for $38,600 from the Provincial Growth Fund to renovate and install a wheelchair ramp at the Councilowned facility in Kihikihi. The work was carried out in early December. The Provincial Growth fund is administered by the Provincial Development Unit, part of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment. Rosemary Murray, president-elect of the MWWL says the new ramp will be well used by visitors to the house especially those with a walking aids or disability. “The new ramp means our regular groups can more easily access our building for activities and support where it previously was a barrier,” Murray said. Murray said physiotherapist Angela Brown initiated the project. Brown was supporting a fun ukulele lesson over several months and noticed the difficulty the people were having gaining entry then leaving having no handrail or ramp.

“We support community health services with our volunteer membership to help in educating families to look after their own families through our community garden, ‘Te Ketungatahi’ a cooking programme, crafting and latterly weaving, alongside health education with opportunities to have regular health check done on promotion days.” Council’s property manager John Miles said improving the property was one way to support the volunteer organisation which provides a wealth of services to Māori women in the community. The league has been based at its Lyons St, Kihikihi home for 14 years. A recent addition, Pataka Kai, is at the front of the house and is supported by the wider community with donations of non-perishable food. The branch made a successful application to Council’s Waste Minimisation Fund for the purchase of a freezer to preserve food for community food packages. Te Awamutu Maori women’s Welfare League also offers advice to help family or liaise with other agencies to assist with family needs. Rosemary Murray is delighted with the new ramp

Poppy’s book is food for thought By Viv Posselt

Several months after publishing a book chronicling her secret struggle with an insidious eating disorder, Poppy Wortman knows her decision to tell her story was worth it. She launched the book, entitled ‘The Tale of Poppy and Ed’ – Ed referring to eating disorder – at the Avantidrome on December 8. She was distinctly nervous on the night, unsure of how its confronting message would be received. Anyone knowing Poppy is familiar with her bubbly personality and go-getter approach to life as a writer, global adventurer, yoga teacher and marriage celebrant. Hesitancy isn’t a natural fit with her. Fast forward to early January, and Poppy was into her second print run, with around 400 books sold and plans well advanced for stocking the book beyond its current distribution through Cambridge Paper Plus and via the online Best Little Bookstore. “The number of those reaching out after reading the book

has truly astounded me,” she said. “My reason for writing and publishing it was to bridge the misunderstanding gap … the messages I have received from family members of someone struggling, or from those struggling themselves, has made it wholeheartedly worth it.” Poppy was driven to write her story when in treatment for the disorder in 2015. It had been intended for her eyes only, something that might help her understand herself and what she was going through. Two things sparked her decision to put her story out there. “One was a friend of mine who committed suicide. I’ve never been at that point myself, but there were a few times during treatment where it crossed my mind it would be easier to die than to be in my own Ed-riddled head.” She hoped the book might help others facing a similar dilemma. The second catalyst was a call for help from a family with a daughter going through the same thing. She saw their desperation and recognised her younger self in the girl’s

struggles. Poppy now knows the prevalence of eating disorders and recognises the importance of finding pride in the fight rather than shame in the affliction. She talks candidly of her boundless efforts to disguise her disorder and remembers the moment when it all started– a primary school maths lesson that involved the pupils weighing themselves. Twenty years on, that moment still fills her with dread. “I was eight. I should’ve been running around in a bikini with no thought to my slightly protruding belly. I should’ve been eating Goody-goody-gum-drops ice cream with gusto, not lying awake at night wracked with guilt from having consumed it.” Now recovered, but cognisant of unhealthy thoughts when they creep in, Poppy wants to urge those similarly afflicted to reach out for help. “An ill, diseased mind is another part of the body that’s not functioning as it should … it needs care to get it going again.”

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Poppy Wortman signing a copy of the book she wrote about her lifethreatening eating disorder.





Bliss, while the word goes mad

A time to share

By virtue of wandering around the North Island over the early part of January we have been able to interface with many Kiwis enjoying both their country - and the glorious weather that never seemed to cease. Sweltering afternoons, covering up those fragile areas, ensuring the ice cube container stayed stocked, cricket with the kids on the lawn, the squeals of even younger ones in the surf – and the longed-for return to summers that most remembered from their younger days. Picking fruit at the roadside, the chimes of the ice-cream van in a coastal settlement, digging large ‘sit-in’ holes for hot water, real fish and chips of the non-city variety where the fish is, actually, both local and fresh. All this potpourri of enjoyment was layered with lingering outside in the evening to appreciate the cooler air, time to actually fully read (and sometimes enjoy) the morning paper, decisions needed to declare the preference of salads with the never-ending slices of ham in the fridge, sand in your toes – also layered with spending really useful time with the grandchildren. No school pressure, no alternative recreation – just an abundance of free time to appreciate and understand each other more deeply. In case you think I am going a little away from my mainstream theme of taking an interest in those of a more advanced age, well, I was, for the sight of three generations of families was everywhere. Grandpa looking for a quiet corner, grandma showing teenage (and younger) offspring how to create culinary masterpieces, the middle generation appreciating that they did not need to spend all day hankering to the wishes of their phone-clutching children. God was in his heaven and there was peace in the world. At least that part of the world that holds dearly onto the landscape and sea-girthed

High summer – the time of the year gardeners look forward to. At least this is true for those lucky enough to live in the sunny, fertile Waikato! Those seeds, nurtured in September, became little seedlings which were planted out around Labour Weekend. Hours of careful weeding and watering have followed. At last, tomatoes which have been green on the vine for the last four weeks suddenly turn red. Within days there is a glut of tomatoes. Zucchini, with their huge yellow flowers, appear as if by magic every morning. If you don’t pick them for a couple of days, they become marrows. Oh well, our two heifers love to be hand-fed slices of zucchini. Sweet corn with its pale yellow silk, starts to go brown. Yum! – mouth-watering corn cobs on the BBQ. And so it goes on: peas, beans, capsicum, aubergine, lettuce, radish, cucumber, not to mention the ripening pumpkins and butternut. Then there are the fruit trees, beautiful pink blossoms in spring have turned into red plums, golden peaches and crisp apples. If you have gardened in the Waikato all your life, you may take this bounty for granted, moaning about kilos of plums to be dealt with. However, if you have tried to garden for 40 years in the teeth of a Wellington nor’wester, you give thanks for every small cherry tomato which makes it to ripe enough to eat. A garden rewards you amply if you give it some care and attention. I am new enough to Te Awamutu to be amazed every summer at the prolific harvest from our garden and

By Peter Carr

boundaries of Aotearoa. Somewhere, but who cared where, there was conflict even without the COVID virus strains. The United States was developing into a cesspit of ridiculous internal bloody-minded conflict. The UK, led by amazingly inept politicians, was fighting what appeared to be a losing battle at the doors of their National Health System. India was becoming the epicentre of vaccination production but siphoning off the front end of supply to ensure that they could look after their own. Who can blame them? And airlines were ceasing services – or at best the more direct ones – thus ensuring those who really wanted to fly had elongated journeys timewise. It all seemed a long way away from the gentle sound of willow hitting leather on sun dappled grass-topped grounds and the superb escalation of the Black Caps to new and glorious international heights. And a high number of charter planes flying direct to Melbourne to permit the escape of their precious racquet-wielding passengers from a portion of appropriate lockdown. Who cares? There is still a cold beer in the fridge, the sun will still come up in the morning and the pension will be in the bank next Tuesday. But if there is a message here in ‘NuZelan’ let it be this. There is an appalling number of people who are not following the government’s dictum to use their phones to register with the yellow-ringed code at the door of every business in the land. We know who you are. I have no doubt that people will be publicly ‘called and shamed’ soon as those that do abide to keep the country safe watch the ridiculous uncaring attitude of what used to be intelligent people.

By Christine Bryant , Lay Minister, St John’s Anglican Church

orchard which, six years ago, was paddock. Of course, working the land doesn’t always go according to plan. We can all feel desperately sorry for those orchardists who have lost their entire crop due to unseasonable heavy rain and hail. Aside from enjoying the harvest yourself, I believe there are two further key blessings to be gained. Firstly, a garden is to be enjoyed. What is more pleasurable in the summer than sharing a meal and conversation al fresco in the shade of a beautiful tree. Secondly, it is a real blessing to be able to give away the surplus. Those without space to grow fruit and veges always appreciate the fruits of our labours. Jesus accepted a drink of water from the Samaritan woman at the well and took the time to find out about her and her situation (John 4). Another time (Matthew 26), he said: “I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink … Whatever you did for the least of people, you did for me.” 2020 is over, but the crisis of Covid will be with us for most of this year. In a time when many are unable to be with family and friends who live overseas, when many women find their jobs at risk, when livelihoods are still precarious, one of the best things we can do for our community is to live into these words of Jesus and share the bounty of our gardens.


Hello and welcome to 2021 By Peter Matthews

This morning, on the last day of our holiday, I had a slight shift of perspective. I was sitting up in bed with a cup of tea gazing through the trees, across the lawn, and over Lake Rotorua. We stayed at a lovely property once owned by a very well known NZ doctor / thug / inter-planetary fighter and host to many even more well known beautiful party-goers who would arrive at the Hefner-style pool and cabana by helicopter. That didn’t faze me though - I’m used to hobnobbing with the rich and famous; I can see the colour of the pilot’s shirts as the choppers pass my office window on their way in and out of the large business just across the road from our house. I can almost see the clouds of carbon dioxide swirling around the incredibly loud motors as they pass. On those days I can’t help wondering whether there is any point riding my bike in to work. I could cycle to work every day for a decade and the benefit of that to the planet might be wiped out by a quick trip to the bach. Oh well, I guess we all work to our own conscience, and no - of course I’m not jealous, how could you think such a thing? As I drove home from Rotorua in a car I’ve owned for thirteen years, I glanced nervously every thirty seconds at the engine light which has started to flicker. The nice people at the workshop tell me it is probably the transmission causing the light

to come on and when that has to be fixed it is going to cost multiples of what the car is worth - but that’s another story. Anyway back to my shift of perspective. Staring mindlessly across the lake I saw a flock of seagulls (they probably partied at the cabana back in the day) angling through the view and I wondered why there weren’t more of them. Idly, my mind went through a series of thoughts: ‘there must be as many of them as the local ecosystem will support’, ‘do they have predators?’, ‘are they short of food?’, ‘what about the effect of humans?’. See what happened there? I fell into the popular misconception that we humans exist somehow outside the ecosystem. Of course we don’t; the only reason humans are, for the time being, at the top of the food chain is that some bright spark a hundred thousand or so years ago worked out how to make an arrow head, or perhaps it was all triggered by the person - seems like an incongruously modern term for an advanced primate - who lit the first (intentional) fire? Of course the point is that the human race is part of, not in charge of, a self-correcting ecosystem and we can either work with it or against it. And so I resolve to maintain a more realistic perspective, the seagulls exit scene-left and there goes a helicopter.

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Another Karaka for Sir Patrick

Sir Patrick Hogan is looking forward to getting back to Karaka in just over a week for the NZB National Yearling Sales. For 31 consecutive years Hogan’s Cambridge Stud was the leading vendor at New Zealand’s premier yearling sale. After vacating Cambridge Stud in April 2017, following the sale of the iconic thoroughbred nursery to Brendan and Jo Lindsay, Hogan stepped away from the limelight that he so frequently shone in. But when horses are your lifelong passion, retirement is not an option. The 81-year-old, who has battled ill-health in recent years, has a spring in his step as he looks forward to seeing his 14 yearlings go under the hammer. Sir Patrick and Lady Justine Hogan’s finest families will be represented across a handful of drafts. Hogan is principally putting his faith in emerging vendors Carlaw Park and Woburn Farm. “When I moved out of Cambridge Stud I kept some horses, particularly race fillies and broodmares which were in partnership, which I chose not to include in the sale with Cambridge Stud,” Hogan said. “I retained around 16 mares and fillies from the very successful families I developed, like Eight Carat’s family, Tricia Ann’s family and L’Quiz’s family —all strong families that produced and still do produce good stakes winning and


Flashback: Sir Patrick Hogan, with Lady Justine and Sir Peter Vela (left).

Group One winning horses. “I had to decide where I was going with the yearlings that I was going to breed because I wasn’t in a situation where I could consign them myself. “That was part of the arrangement with the sale of Cambridge Stud that I didn’t step up and become competitive to Cambridge Stud itself. “The Carlaw decision wasn’t

difficult because Nick Fairweather worked for me and worked with the yearlings at Cambridge Stud so I knew him well. “I knew that I could rely on him to prepare and present yearlings the way that I was doing it at Cambridge Stud. “I then chose Woburn as Adrian Stanley had also done some work for me and on the basis of some homework I did. I

Photo: Darryl Sherer

made some enquiries and found that everybody I spoke to were all impressed with the way their horses were presented at the sales and they sold well. “I couldn’t be more happy with both of those operations going into my second year having them prepare yearlings for me. I’m thrilled to bits. The other advantage for me is that both those properties are in Cambridge and

are just around the corner from Hautapu where my Monarch Farm property is. They’re on-tap so to speak where I can go around often and have a check-out and have a talk to them about the yearlings.” Hogan, who has suffered from a back issue in recent years, has been able to get to a couple of on-farm yearling parades in recent weeks. “I’m going to make the sales,” Hogan said. “When Woburn and Carlaw have had official parades, I have popped around a couple of times and sat in the corner and watched the horses coming out. He also went to Pencarrow Stud and spent a day looking at yearlings with David Ellis and a few others, followed by lunch hosted by Sir Peter Vela. “I had a very enjoyable day. I was most impressed with the yearlings. I said to Peter ‘they all came out and I felt like they were walking out of the old Cambridge Stud preparation. While on one hand Hogan feels he needs to slow down a bit, he still gets a great kick out of the sales process. “I do enjoy promoting and marketing a product and I’ve had a lot of pleasure in this draft of yearlings because I’ve got a nice lot of horses. “I’m working out my game plan and in a few days, I’ll have to start working out my reserves. I thoroughly enjoy it.” – NZ Racing Desk

with Jan Bilton

Stink-free seafood

When I was a kid, a holiday highlight was catching snapper from the family dinghy. It’s been a long time since I last enjoyed that summer pleasure but I will always remember that delicious taste of the sea. And a sea-fresh smell is what fish should have when you purchase it. ‘Stinky’ seafood will simply ruin a good dish. If you unwrap fish and have to take a step backwards then more often than not it should be tipped out. However, even fresh fish may be a bit smelly. To alleviate the problem, first wash the fish in cold water, pat dry, then soak in milk for 30 minutes. Ensure it’s patted dry before using. This will also help reduce cooking smells. Frying fish in summer encourages squadrons of flies to visit your kitchen or barbecue so choose cooking methods carefully. This prevents the bedrooms and the rest of the house smelling like the back of a bad takeaway shop. I often wrap seafood in foil together with fresh herbs and slices of lime to bake or barbecue; or douse in spices, wrap in waxed paper then microwave; or tuck into a casserole or frying pan of summer vegetables such as a ratatouille. MOROCCAN FISH STEW Great served topped with fresh coriander or mint. 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 large onion, thinly sliced 1 clove garlic, crushed 1 tablespoon grated root ginger 1 teaspoon each: ground cumin, turmeric, chilli paste 400g can plum tomatoes, broken up 1 cup water 400g can chickpeas, drained and rinsed 500g firm white fish fillets 2 teaspoons honey flaky sea salt and black pepper to taste

Cook the pasta according to the packet instructions. Add the beans during the last 3-4 minutes of cooking. Drain well and cool. Flake the fish and arrange in a bowl with the vegetables, olives and pasta. Blend the dressing ingredients and add to the salad. Cover and refrigerate for 1-2 hours before serving. Serves 6.

Moroccan fish stew

Heat the oil in a large non-stick pan. Sauté the onion on medium until softened. Add the garlic, root ginger and spices and stir for 30 seconds. Add the tomatoes, water and chickpeas. Simmer for 10 minutes. Cut the fish into serving-sized pieces. Add to the pan and poach for 5 minutes, until almost cooked. Add the honey and warm through for 2-3 minutes. Season. Serve in bowls topped with coriander or mint. Serves 4. SMOKED FISH PASTA SALAD Quick and easy to prepare in advance. 150g pasta shells or fusilli, cooked 1 cup fresh or frozen sliced green beans 300g moist skinned and boned smoked fish 1 each: red or yellow capsicum, spring onion, diced 12 pitted Kalamata olives Dressing: 1/2 cup each: mayonnaise, sour cream 1/4 cup chopped parsley 1 teaspoon each: chopped garlic, prepared English mustard

Smoked fish pasta salad

MUSSELS WITH SUMMER SALSA Serve as a starter or as part of a seafood platter. 1kg cooked mussels in their shells Summer Salsa: 1 cup finely diced yellow peach, rock melon or pawpaw 3-4 tablespoons each: chopped coriander leaves, lime juice pinch each: salt, sugar 1 teaspoon seeded, finely diced chilli Remove one half shell from each mussel. With a sharp knife, cut the piece holding the mussel to the remaining shell. This makes them easier to eat. Combine the ingredients for the salsa. Just before serving, spoon the salsa over each mussel and arrange on a serving plate. Serves 4-6 as a starter.


Back to school FEATURE

It’s easy to let things slide over the summer holidays. Routines become year relaxed was toughand for school students, a lotLast more the new schoolmore yearenjoyable. seems a long way off. who were forced to endure serious Tutors can also help students who are Yet the start of term can arrive all too regular patterns of sleep, meals andahead daily disruption to their learning while coping of the curve, providing extra work to keep quickly. Suddenly there’s a lot to do and rituals. Establishing a school routine can with the ongoing emotional themfor stimulated andso motivated. you find yourself in a last-minute rush to be a challenge everyone don’t leave impacts of unprecedented When choosing a tutor, get everything done. As the big day draws things to the last minute. global events. howin long closer, children are filled with excitement As not all learning consider takes place thethey school In addition, as 2020 have been in business, and first-day jitters while parents may be environment, there may be activities and wound to a close, what qualifications left wondering if they’re prepared enough. external education to organise. Extra New Zealand experience A little organisation and forethought will curricular activities help and shape your children students were they have, and help reported eliminatetothese thoughts. and encourage well-roundedness. Register whether or notor art To prepare yourself for a fresh start, make a early for sports, music, dance, drama have recorded programmes check-list and work classes to ensure a place.their Book placements their worst everthrough it systemically. are applicable Involve the in kids so it becomes a shared in learning centres such as Kip McGrathto results a major the New undertaking. Family routines tend to and NumberWorks’nWords, whichZealand have a international maths curriculum. become lax during the holiday period. reputation for helping children succeed in and science test. The tutor should The start school means their education. Year of 9 students had getting back to be an effective performed particularly communicator who poorly, with their scores instils confidence in your falling by the largest child and works in partnership margin since the Trends in with their school to achieve the best International Mathematics and Science outcomes. Study began in 1994. Withat thisCambridge in mind, parents will be Here Office Products we want to particularly aware of the need findSchool.Extracurricular activities take the stress out of Backtoto Getting involved in extracurricular activities practical ways to support their tamariki is another great way for children of all ages as they head back to school. To save time, if you drop off or email your to develop skills that will help boost their Stationery List, we will fill your order while you and academic success. confidence Private tutoring shop or relax. Participating in activities they are passionate Hiring a private tutor is one great way to about can increase children’s brain function give your child the individualised attention Local school stationery and help them concentrate and manage they may require to get backlists up tohave speedbeen provided byacademically. your local school. Most items are available time better, resulting in higher grades, more positive attitudes towards school and higher in-store Workingincluding one-on-oneSecondary means tutors School can get sciPADS. academic aspirations. to know your child’s strengths and interests Taking part in activities outside the classroom quickly and tailor learning to their individual also helpCambridge prepare older students for style, targeting the specific areas they need 55will Alpha Street says New Zealand help with. This can give their self-esteem and P:work, 827 6726 F: 827 9262 government website careers.govt.nz. confidence a major boost and make learning E: copycentre@camoff.co.nz www.camoff.co.nz

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Be positive

“Alongside knowledge and education, employers are looking for team members BACK TO SCHOOL TIPS While kids can’tskills waitliketotime get back who bringsome employability • Be organised and think ahead. Make a to school, others faceto the prospect with management, the ability commit to a longchecklist and work through it systematically. trepidation. Put a positive and spinteamwork. on starting, term project, self-management • Shop early for stationery and uniforms. ortheir returning to, school. Talk withactivities your “By very nature, extracurricular • Establish regular patterns of sleep, meals children about the fun things they’ll learn, – a role in the school play, joining a sports and daily rituals before school starts. the taking old friends see–and the new team, up an they’ll instrument encourage • Put a positive spin on starting or returning to ones they’ll make. Reassure them that if especially they arekids attending a new school and ifgive your lots of love and these employability skills and demonstrate they’re starting a new class or a new school, school. Secure medical and emergency support. Talk with them about the fun things them to potential employers.” other kids may we share same feelings forms sure records to they’ll and learn,make the old friends they’llare seeup and Here in the Waipa arethe spoilt for choice and anxieties. Parents, naturally, desire the date. the new ones they’ll make. with the number of extracurricular activities on Plangoals healthy lunches andby drinks. forsnacks, the year ahead putting into best for their children and want the school • Set offer, so there are plenty of options to help get Don’t forget sunscreen! somethe New School Year’s Resolutions. experience to be a positive one. Give your • place your child off to a flying start in 2021.


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15 16









24 25




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24. Mean (6) 25. Curve (3) 26. Pulpit speech (6) 27. Type of anaesthetic (5) Down 1. Trunk (5) 2. Fragrance (5) 3. Promise (6) 4. Above oneself (6) 5. Excessive (prefix) (5)

6. Chosen few (5) 10. Rub hard (5) 11. Ballroom dance (5) 12. Small dog (5) 13. Male duck (5) 16. Long loose tunic (6) 17. Counsel (6) 19. Time off work (5) 20. Milk product (5) 21. Setback (5) 22. Singing voice (5)

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Last week



Last week Across: 1. Famous, 5. Subtle, 8. Ark, 9. Symbol, 10. In situ, 11. Omit, 13. Manicure, 14. Blunt, 15. Tabby, 19. Escapade, 21. Tiny, 22. Docile, 23. Repeat, 25. Sue, 26. Bereft, 27. Tinsel. Down: 2. Abysmal, 3. Orb, 4. Salami, 5. Skinny, 6. Bushcraft, 7. Later, 12. Tentative, 16. Bandage, 17. Latest, 18. Secret, 20. Shore, 24. Pan.

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Demolition Man collars a win

By Joshua Smith, Harness News Desk

Demolition Man has been the perennial bridesmaid for much of his career, but that title was shed at Cambridge Raceway last week when he won the Kidz Kartz Course Starts Jan 18 Book Today Trot (2200m). The five-year-old had finished runner-up in half of his previous 22 starts, but it was lucky number 23 that had his connections celebrating an elusive win. The Majestic Son entire began well from his wide draw and took an early sit behind Keystone Comet, who set a genuine tempo up front. Demolition Man enjoyed the soft run in the trail, and he was able to use the passing lane to run away to a three-quarter of a length victory over Doris Rae, with Sky High Flyer a further neck back in third. “He is a real honest little trier, he is just a lovely horse,” trainer Trevor Phillips said. “I am happy, but the owners are absolutely rapt that he finally got there.” Demolition Man has been plagued by breathing issues his entire career and Phillips said the addition of a Cornell Collar worked well on Thursday.

The Cornell Collar is a device developed for use on racehorses to prevent dorsal displacement of the soft palate during racing. Phillips spoke of the frustration of finishing runner-up all the time. “He was doing his best all the time, but it did become a bit frustrating,” Phillips said. “But I am really happy with the win today. He is as honest as they come, and you would love to have a few like him in your stable. “He is paying his way, so you can’t ask for any more than that.” The win was also Phillips’ first since 2019. “I don’t work a big team, but he is a nice wee horse. It is good to get back in the winner’s circle again after two years,” he said. Demolition Man is expected to return to Cambridge Raceway at tonight’s meeting and is likely to then an operation. “I have got to get the ownership group together and decide what we do,” Phillips said. “He is going to have his palate operated on at some stage to try and stop him from flipping his palate. The Cornell Collar is doing its job at the moment, so we will leave that on for a while.”

Kihikihi 25c Grey Street New Listing

Low maintenance living


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Source: Motor Trade Association (www.mta.org.nz)

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1. Driver-assist features are supplemental and do not replace the driver’s attention, judgment and need to control the vehicle. May not operate in some driving and road conditions (including at certain speeds) or adverse weather. 2. Wireless charging - mobile phone compatibility see: www.owner.ford.com/ support/how-tos/technology/convenience/wireless-charging.html 3. Warranty conditions and exclusions apply. Visit www.ford.co.nz/owners/warranty for further information. 4. Ford Assured Future Value is available on selected vehicles only through My Ford Finance. My Ford Finance is only available through 1. Driver-assist features are supplemental and do not replace the driver’s attention, judgment and need to control the vehicle. May not operate in some driving and road conditions (including at certain speeds) or adverse weather. 2. Wireless charging - mobile phone UDC Finance Limited. UDC Finance standard terms, conditions, lending and credit criteria apply to any UDC loan. UDC Finance Assured Future Value terms and conditions apply. If these conditions are not met, the assured future value may not be available, and the underlying loan must still be repaid in full. compatibility see: www.owner.ford.com/support/how-tos/technology/convenience/wireless-charging.html 3. Warranty conditions and exclusions apply. Visit www.ford.co.nz/owners/warranty for further information. 4. Ford Assured Future Value is available on selected vehicles only through My Ford Finance. My Ford Finance is only available through UDC Finance Limited. UDC Finance standard terms, conditions, lending and credit criteria apply to any UDC loan. UDC Finance Assured Future Value terms and conditions apply. If these conditions are not met, the assured future value may not be available, and the underlying loan must still be repaid in full.

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2005 Toyota Prado VX

3.0 Turbo diesel, auto, 8 Seater, airbags, ABS, Alloys, Tow bar, Roof bars, NZ New

91 $99 $26,990




2006 Mazda Bounty Cab plus 4WD 2002 Nissan X-Trail ST 4WD Auto, Airbags, ABS, Alloys, CD Player, Air conditioning, $26,990 $32,990 2.5 Remote locking

2.5 Turbo diesel, Flat deck, Tow bar, Bullbars, Air conditioning, 59,000kms

$20,990 PER 2005 Nissan X-Trail Ti 4WD WEEK* $13,990 2.5 Auto, Airbags, Alloys, Leather, Cruise Control, CD Player, 55,000kms

2005 Toyota Prado VX48 MONTH 2006 MazdaDEPOSIT Bounty Cab plus| 60,000KM 4WD 2002 Nissan X-Trail ST 4WD | 10% | NFV 3.0 Turbo diesel, auto, 8 Seater, airbags, ABS, Alloys, Tow bar, 2.5 Turbo diesel, Flat deck, Tow bar, Bullbars, Air conditioning, 2.5 Auto, Airbags, ABS, Alloys, CD Player, Air conditioning, Roof bars, NZ New 59,000kms Remote locking FUTURE VALUES VARY BETWEEN MODELS







19/06/13 +PUBLISHING 2 2011 Nissan Navara ST 4WD Auto SALES REP LMANDER

Qashqai $29,990


2.0 Auto, 18” Alloys, Climate Air conditioning, Auto headlights, 2.0 Auto, Airbags, ABS, 7 Seater, Alloys, Bluetooth, Cruise control, 2.5 Turbo Diesel, Alloys, CD Player, Canopy, Deck liner, Tow bar, AD ID 5364642AC DESIGNER Side Amahood Keyless entry, 12,800kms Roof bars, Demo KMS steps, 40,000kms 12/06/2013 8:42:04 a.m. 642AC DESIGNER Amahood PROOFED


2005 Nissan X-Trail Ti 4WD 2.5 Auto, Airbags, Alloys, Leather, Cruise Control, CD Player, 55,000kms




1800cc Auto, Airbags, ABS, CD Player, Alloys, Remote locking, PROOFED 8:42:04 a.m. Electrics, Very Tidy 12/06/2013 SIZE 26.2X18


SIZEHatch 26.2X18 2012 Nissan Qashqai Ti 2013 Nissan Qashqai + 2 2011 Nissan Navara ST 4WD Auto 2006 Toyota Corolla 5 Door 2.0 Auto, Airbags, ABS, 7 Seater, Alloys, Bluetooth, Cruise control, 2.5 Turbo Diesel, Alloys, CD Player, Canopy, Deck liner, Tow bar, 1800cc Auto, Airbags, ABS, CD Player, Alloys, Remote locking, Roof bars, Demo KMS Side steps, 40,000kms Electrics, Very Tidy PLEASE APPROVE THIS AD NOTE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. NOTE THAT ALTERATIONS MUST BE FINALISED BY OU ASE APPROVE THIS AD AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. THAT ANY ALTERATIONS MUSTANY BE FINALISED BY OUR MATERIAL DEADLINE. 2.0 Auto, 18” Alloys, Climate Air conditioning, Auto headlights, Keyless entry, 12,800kms



NISSAN 150,000 KM’S




Finance availabletotoapproved approved applicants of Nissan Financial Services. O�er on based on selected new Nissan a vehicle price ofon $33,990 plus of on$1,240 roadfor costs of $990 for Qashqai Finance o�er ooer available applicants of Nissan Financial Services. Ooer based selected new Nissan models at models a vehicleat price of $35,990 plus road costs Navara 2WD RX-R Manual ST, $32,490 plus$34,990 on road costs of $990 Juke ST, plus on road of $990 for X-Trail ST.road Financed over maximum 48N-Trek months with4WD. monthly repayments for Qashqai ST of $417.57, $3,399 (D23UMOP), plus on road costsfor of $1,240 for$36,790 Navara RX Double Cab costs 2WD Manual, $76,990 plus on costs of $1,240 for Navara Warrior Financed over maximum 48 months with monthly deposit and afor�nal balloon of $16,624, STdeposit of $435.53, depositpayment and a �nal balloon payment of $14,133, X-Trail ST ofof $434.63, depositand anda a nal �nal balloon payment of $18,701. repayments Navara 2WD payment RX-R Manual of $417.57,Juke $3,599 and $3,249 a nal balloon of $19,000, Navara RX Double Cab 2WD Manual $397.27, $3,679 $3,499 deposit balloon payment of $19,000, Final balloon payment is based on the guaranteed future value of each vehicle (subject to adjustments) (NFV). Total amount payable over the term $36,249.58 for Qashqai ST, $34,602.80 for Juke Na Navara N-Trek Warrior 4WD of $972.09, $7,699 deposit and a nal balloon payment of $33,429. Final balloon payment is based on the guaranteed future value of each vehicle (subject to adjustments) (NFV). ST, $39,128.49 for X-Trail ST.over Fixed Rate 3.9% 15,000 perRX-R yearManual, kilometer allowance. This o�er includes establishment fee offor $375 andN-Trek PPSR fee of $8.05 per month account keeping Total amount payable theInterest term $38,643.59 forp.a. Navara 2WD for Navara RX Double Caban 2WD $79,587.28 Navara Warrior 4WD. and Fixed$10 Interest Rate 3.9% p.a. 15,000 Navara DXNissan Double Cab$37,671.64 4WD Nissan Maxima Ti Manual, Nissan Juke ST 550 Cab 2.5 Turbo Diesel, Airbags, ABS, CD player, Airto conditioning, V6 Air, Alloys, Remote locking, CDof Stacker, Airpay bags, you 1600cc Auto, Airbags, CD,and Bluetooth, Remote locking, 3.0 V6 Diesel 550nm, Alloys, Climate Air, CD, Bluetooth, fee. Ifyear you choose return your atAuto,Climate the end of the term will the NFV (subject to Cruise meeting vehicle condition and servicing requirements andvehicle agreedatNissan km less per kilometer allowance. Thisvehicle ooer3.5includes anNissan establishment fee $375 and PPSR fee of $8.05 $10 percontrol, month account keeping fee.170kw If you choose to return your theallowance endNavara of the and termDouble 2.5 Turbo Diesel, Airbags, ABS, CD player, Air conditioning, 3.5 V6 Auto,Climate Air, Alloys, Remote locking, CD Stacker, Air bags, 1600cc Auto, Airbags, CD, Bluetooth, Cruise control, Remote locking, 3.0 V6 Diesel 170kw 550nm, Alloys, Climate Air, CD, Bluetooth, New Car Warranty NZvehicle New�nal balloon Newconditions Car Warranty, 4,400kms Cruise Control, protector,which Deck liner, 14,000kms costs) which be applied to your Terms and apply. Excludes all lease �eet Cab purchasers. O�er available onyour eligible ordered and remediation Nissan will pay you the NFVwill (subject to 98,000kms meeting conditionpayment. and servicing requirements and agreed km allowance and and less some remediation costs) will be applied to nalvehicles balloon payment. New Car Warranty 98,000kms NZ New New Car Warranty, 4,400kms Cruise Control, Cab protector, Deck liner, 14,000kms Terms and Excludes all lease andNissan some reserves eet purchasers. Ooer available on eligible vehicles ordered February 2021 while stock lasts. Nissan reserves the right to vary, delivered byconditions 31 March apply. 2021 or while stock lasts. the right to vary, extend or withdraw this o�er. and Not delivered availableby in 28 conjunction withorany other o�er.


2013 Nissan Navara DX Double Cab 4WD




$13,990 2005 Nissan Maxima Ti$32,990 2012 Nissan Juke ST 2012 Nissan Navara$24,990 550 Double Cab 2013 2005 2012 2012


extend or withdraw this ooer. Not available in conjunction with any other ooer.





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You should be able to trust the ads you see.

Please call Mike on 0274 925 005 or email a covering letter and CV to enquiries@buwelldrillers.co.nz

Letters to the Editor FOR SALE FIREWOOD FOR SALE – 5 cubic metres $200, 10 cubic metres $360. Delivery to Te Awamutu. Ph 021 617 349 or 07 873 9190.

Interior painting Wallpapering Exterior painting Spray painting

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ADAPT Project Leader (Master only)


Hamill’s in Te Awamutu We are looking for someone to join the team at Hamill’s Fishing and Hunting store in Te Awamutu. To be the successful you will be an open minded, mature, with good work ethics, an outgoing person, honest with integrity and a good knowledge of the outdoors. Sales experience in retail/or customer experience would be helpful. You will have a passion for the products we sell and should thrive when interacting with clients, you will excel when communicating with people from all back grounds. You will enjoy being part of a friendly sales environment including staff and owners, you will bring a high energy to the role and will enjoy working with a small but driven team. You will have a strong handle on both spoken and written English and will be comfortable communicating with customers over the telephone, written emails and face to face. You will need to be flexible to meet the needs of the business, available to work Saturdays. You will also need to have the relevant right to work in NZ or Visa conditions to be able to commit to full time work.

Job tasks and responsibilities:

• Sell merchandise with superior customer service • Accuracy and efficiency in all point of sale interactions • Live locally with local knowledge • Knowledge of the Arms Act 1983 • Hold a NZ Firearm Licence – or have started the process • Be consistently friendly, energetic, genuine and personable in all interactions • Housekeeping, help keeping the store clean and neat at all times • Hamill’s shirt supplied, be neat, clean and tidy when in the store • Participates in all incoming and outgoing processing of inventory • Assist in growing customer communication and database by informing customer of email address and phone capture.

Please send applications to Katrina Hudson admin@hamillsta.co.nz Closes 30-January 2021.

Thu, Thu, 21 Jan


14 Mar

A CALL TO SPY (M) A Dog's Way Home (PG)


11.30am 3.45pm

1 hr 51 mins


Fri, Fri, 22 Jan

15 Mar



Sat, Sat, 23 Jan

16 Mar

11.30am 1.10pm

Sun, Sun, 24 Jan

Tue, Tue, 26 Jan



17 Mar

11.30am 3.30pm

19 Mar

11.15am 3.45pm 6.15pm 3.25pm

Wed, Wed, 27 Jan

20 Mar 3.40pm


Colette (M) 2 hrs 6 mins DAWN RAID (M)


3.45pm 8.30pm


Destroyer (M) DRAGON RIDER (PG) 2 hrs 16 mins

1.30pm 1.15pm 8.15pm

1.30pm 8.30pm

3.50pm 6.20pm

1.35pm 8.20pm


3.20pm 8.30pm

ELFKINS BAKING A Green Book (M)(G)2 hrs 25 mins DIFFERENCE


1.15pm 8.15pm







1.30pm 11.15am 3.45pm

11.00am 11.00am 8.15pm

3.45pm 12.45pm 8.30pm




FROMMumbai THE VINE Hotel (M)(M)

11.15am 6.15pm 6.00pm

2 hrs 20 mins

LUPIN III: THE FIRST (PG) If Beale Street Could Talk (M) 2PENGUIN hrs 15 minsBLOOM (PG)


3.15pm 6.15pm 8.00pm


1.15pm 3.10pm 6.00pm 5.45pm

4.10pm 8.00pm 6.15pm

4.00pm 8.00pm

THE CROODS: A NEW AGE (PG) 11.30am 11.00am Swimming With Men (M)

1 hr 53 mins

3.30pm 5.50pm

1THE hr 52DRY mins (M)



11.15am 5.30pm 5.30pm



1.15pm 6.00pm





1.00pm 8.00pm 8.20pm

11.00am 8.00pm 3.30pm

3.50pm 5.45pm 8.15pm

3.30pm 8.15pm 6.00pm

1.45pm 6.10pm

4.15pm 1.45pm

3.45pm 8.00pm

8.00pm 2.30pm






1.00pm 3.30pm 5.50pm

11.00am 3.15pm 4.00pm 8.00pm 8.40pm




1.00pm 1.15pm 6.10pm

8.30pm 3.45pm

3.10pm 4.30pm 8.00pm





4.10pm 11.00am 8.20pm




1.45pm 11.15am 8.00pm 3.45pm



6.40pm 8.45pm

1.00pm 8.15pm

3.00pm 7.40pm


11.30am 6.00pm


Bookings 823 5064 – 32 Lake Street, Cambridge



6.40pm 1.30pm 6.00pm

1.00pm 6.15pm



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*OfferProudly valid to 25.12.20 or whileComfort stocks last. Discount offers apply toWarranty selected beds and bedding only, Safe prices as marked. Offers exclude Everyday Dream prices, run outs, clearance stock (unless otherwise stated) and not to be used in conjunction with any other offer. See in-store for details. We reserve the right to correct errors or misprints. 30 day Comfort Guarantee Ts and Cs apply. Proudly Local Comfort Local Guarantee Warranty Safe Shop Months InterestFree Free is available on in-store QGuarantee Card and Q Mastercard® Flexi &Shop Purchases $999 & overoffer. untilQwith 2.2.21. Offer Dream Prices, run outs, laybyAccount and not to and be used in conjunction with any other offer. Fee Lending $50 Annual Fee, New feeQ -Cardholders $55 Establishment or Existing Cardholder - $35of Advance Fee applicable, ee *Standard Terms: Excludes Interest Everyday Terms: Dream Excludes Prices, Everyday run outs, Dream clearance, Prices, layby run outs, and not clearance, to Payment be used laybyinPlans and conjunction not to bewith used any in conjunction other Cardany Finance: otherexcludes offer. Available QEveryday Card onFinance: Q Card Flexi Available Payment on QPlans. Cardclearance, Flexi A $50Payment Annual Plans. AFee $50 Annual $55 Establishment Account Fee and Fee $55 for Establishment new Q Cardholders forornew acriteria, $35Q Advance Cardholders Fee or forAccount aexisting $35 Advance Q Cardholders FeeCardholder for existing will apply. Minimum payments will apply. ofMinimum 3% of the payments monthlyfee of closing 3% the monthly closing *Interest Free ‘til 2023 (25 Months Interest Free) is available on in-store Q Card and Q Mastercard® Flexi Payment Plans & Purchases $999 & over until 25.12.20. Offer excludes Everyday Dream Prices, run outs, clearance, layby and not to be used in conjunction with any other offer. Lending criteria, $50 Annual Account Fee, New Cardholder fee – $55 Establishment or Existing Cardholder fee – conditions apply. Minimum payments ofperiod. 3% of the monthly closing balance or $10the (whichever ismonthly greater) arerepay required throughout interest free only theQinterest minimum payments will notInterest repay loanbalance the interest free period. 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Everyday prices, run clearance stated) and not toto be used inin conjunction with any other offer. for details. We reserve right correct errors misprints. day Comfort Guarantee and *24 fees correct asapplies, atestablishment date of publication, subject toapply change. Mastercard is aand registered trademark and the circles design isthe a trademark ofDream Mastercard International Incorporated. SeeGem in-store for full details. credit teriaRate applies, andand lending including criteria aor $55 including fee aDiscount $55 andestablishment $55offers annual fee. fee and $55 annual interest fee. rate Prevailing applies tointerest any outstanding rate applies balance toOffers any exclude outstanding on expiry balance of the interest on the expiry free period. ofouts, theGem interest Visafree and period. Latitude Credit VisaLine andare Latitude provided Credit by Line provided Financial by Services. Latitude ForFinancial more information Services. 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Lending Lending criteria, criteria, $50 $50 Annual Annual Account Account Fee, Fee, New New Cardholder Cardholder fee fee -- $55 $55 Establishment Establishment or or Existing Existing Cardholder Cardholder fee fee -- $35 $35 Advance Advance Fee Fee applicable, applicable, Local Comfort Guarantee Warranty Safe Months Interest Free isis available on QQ Card QQ Mastercard® Flexi Payment Plans &&Mastercard Purchases $999 && over 2.2.21. Everyday Prices, outs, layby not conjunction with any terms and and conditions conditions apply. apply. Minimum Minimum payments payments ofof 3% 3% ofof the the monthly monthly closing closing balance balance or or $10 $10 (whichever (whichever isis greater) greater) are are required required throughout throughout interest interest free free period. period. Paying Paying only only the the minimum minimum monthly monthly payments payments will will not not fully fully repay repay the the loan loan before before the the end end ofof the the interest interest free free period. period. Standard Standard Interest Interest Rate, Rate, currently currently 25.99% 25.99% p.a., p.a., applies applies toto any any outstanding outstanding balance balance atat end end ofof Interest Interest Free Free period. period. terms Rate and and fees correct aswhile date publication, subject change. Mastercard a registered registered trademark and the circles circlesOffers design trademark Mastercard International Incorporated. See in-store in-store for full full details. Rate fees atat date ofof publication, subject change. Mastercard isis aand the design isis aa trademark Mastercard Incorporated. See for details. *Offer valid tocorrect 2.2.21 oras stocks last. Discount offerstotoapply to selected beds beddingtrademark only, pricesand as marked. exclude EverydayofofDream prices,International run outs, clearance stock (unless otherwise stated) and not to be used in conjunction with any other offer. See in-store for details. We reserve the right to correct errors or misprints. 30 day Comfort Guarantee Ts and Cs apply. *24 Months Interest Free is available on in-store Q Card and Q Mastercard® Flexi Payment Plans & Purchases $999 & over until 2.2.21. Offer excludes Everyday Dream Prices, run outs, clearance, layby and not to be used in conjunction with any other offer. Lending criteria, $50 Annual Account Fee, New Cardholder fee - $55 Establishment or Existing Cardholder fee - $35 Advance Fee applicable, terms and conditions apply. Minimum payments of 3% of the monthly closing balance or $10 (whichever is greater) are required throughout interest free period. Paying only the minimum monthly payments will not fully repay the loan before the end of the interest free period. Standard Interest Rate, currently 25.99% p.a., applies to any outstanding balance at end of Interest Free period. Local Guarantee Warranty Safe RateProudly and fees correct as at dateComfort of publication, subject to change. Mastercard is a registeredShop trademark and the circles design is a trademark of Mastercard International Incorporated. See in-store for full details.


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