Cambridge News | February 2, 2023

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On the buses

hospital and a cafe.

“People in Cambridge, where there is enormous growth, won’t have to drive into Hamilton all the time,” said Chin.

But what will be missing for residents when it opens in two years are buses to service what he says will be a busy health facility.

Waipā deputy mayor Liz Stolwyk is enthused by the suggestion.

Chin said the future would be small mini electric buses that follow a route “which starts off at Victoria Road, where you come off the motorway at Hautapu, then goes past the sports ground and then circles around the main road of Cambridge, does a U turn and goes down the old main road out to Te Awa, out to the Velodrome and back down the other side where the new developments are and back to Victoria Road.”

The buses should be small, quiet and run regularly.

“You won’t have the problem of too many cars in Cambridge then.”

Chin started the Anglesea Clinic with other shareholders in 1991 and it has now outgrown its site. That is why he looked towards Cambridge for expansion of diagnostic services, visiting specialists etc.

He established The Health Hub Cambridge Ltd in 2020 roping in Justine Lady Hogan at the last minute.

“We were very pushed at Anglesea and we were thinking ‘we must expand.’ We actually had

planners drawing for a car park building at Anglesea Clinic to get the cars off the ground so we could develop the facility.

“When the opportunity to buy that land came up (in Cambridge) I only had a very short time to make up my mind to do it because there were already a couple of offers on it.

“So I went around to Patrick and Justine (Hogan) who are friends of mine and asked ‘would you be interested in doing something to benefit the whole community?”

The late Sir Patrick paused, like he always did, and was very cautious, said Chin.

“Justine said: I’ll do it.”

Plans were released in November 2021 and site works are now well advanced.

Chin is a 50/50 shareholder with the Hogans’ company and their grandson Liam Hunt is now a director of the company with Chin following Sir Patrick’s recent death.

Cambridge is “the hub of the North Island” and prime for tourist development, said Chin.

“Cambridge is the centre.”

“Within two hours you can go to Tongariro Crossing, Mt Ruapehu, Lake Taupō, fishing, Rotorua, Blue and Green Lakes, Lake Karāpiro, Takapoto Estate and its equestrian activities, Cambridge with its beautiful studs and then you’ve got St Peter’s School, the Velodrome, then into Hamilton with the gardens, down to Waitomo Caves and then you head across the other side to the Bay of Plenty.

“Keep the lovely town centre

though with the trees and make Cambridge the tourist mecca of the upper North Island.”

Chin, who turned 80 last month and still works full time as an intensivist and anaesthetist as well as driving and training trotters, said he had not had the time to talk with anyone from the council. But he would do so soon.

Deputy mayor Liz Stolwyk, who chairs a Cambridge transport group and is the council’s representative on a regional transport committee, would love to catch up with Chin.

“This is like music to my ears,” she said.

She was already in discussion with Waikato Regional Council about its on demand ‘flex’ public transport service trialled successfully in Hamilton.

Cambridge was the next logical place to establish it, said Stolwyk.

THURSDAY FEBRUARY 2, 2023 CAMBRIDGE NEWS | 1 FREE It’s a real newspaper FEBRUARY 2, 2023 docket books design • posters signs • business cards letterhead• labels newsletters • header cards • compliment slips • pull up banners raffle tickets • note pads • large format printing 07 827 6269 12 Carters Cres, Cambridge Your local ONE STOP PRINT SHOP 07 827 6037 3 Hallys Lane, Cambridge Celebrating Life - Your Way Jim Goddin JP Funeral Director Follow us on Facebook Grinter’s Funeral Home are dedicated to providing personalised and meaningful funeral services, as unique as the life you are celebrating. Love your smile. Visit your friendly community dentist at Leamington Dental. Open 5 days a week. • Exam and X-rays • Hygiene Services • General Dentistry • Cosmetic Dentistry Payment Options • ACC Registered Book today on 07 823 4665 or online Book today! leamington dental
By Mary Anne Gill A Waikato medical professional who has invested millions of dollars Luk Chin
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Kiwifruit consents

In response to your story Getting a taste of Kiwi (The News, January 26) - if the council will just approve retrospective consents that easily it will be a farce as any developer will just choose that option. As the same company has done it twice now they should have been aware the second time - but still went ahead.

This makes home owners powerless against this practice. If a decision is made to not allow any retrospective resource consents

this practice will cease. It’s the responsibility of any developer to investigate local council requirements and not assume it’s the same as the Bay of Plenty.

Slightly off topic from the kiwifruit canopies, but still regarding council consents - despite all the concern from council regarding safety on SH1 at Karāpiro, council appear to have consented expansion at Mobil Karāpiro without any consideration to

Hello all, is it too late now to say Happy New Year? I am back at the station this week after a mixed January of annual leave, training and working different operations.

I went to Raglan and Kawhia over New Years, finishing the month back at Raglan with Sound Splash. I hope you all had a safe and happy break too.

While travelling the district, I caught a couple of people driving with breath alcohol readings well over the legal limit. The first had been having a memorial drink for a family member. He made the bad decision to drive home across Hamilton and had already caused a minor crash when we were alerted to him. The second was stopped near Mobil Karapiro, but had intended to drive all the way to Taupo.

Both were putting themselves and other road users at huge risk. Waikato has already had a number of serious injury and fatal crashes in 2023. Alcohol and speed as

always, are proving a lethal combination. Fatigue also plays a role. With the increase in non-alcoholic options available plus access to taxis and sober drivers and messaging around taking driver breaks, there is no excuse for this behaviour.

Closer to home, there have been a few things happening. One of note is an emerging trend of motorcycle thefts. This is a reminder to motorcycle owners to keep their prized possession safely locked in a garage and if outside, to secure it with a wheel lock or to an immovable object.

If you discover a theft, phone police immediately and provide as detailed a description as possible. This is one time that harnessing social media can be beneficial. The more people on the lookout for sightings of your stolen bike the better. The key thing is for any information to be channelled directly to police referencing the appropriate file number.

entranceways and traffic flows.

It involves additional fuel pumps and a car wash, not to mention the expanding workshop at the rear.

One would think expansion would result in more traffic in and out of a site, and should therefore require entranceway/ intersection upgrades to cope with it, especially given the level of safety concern that already exists.

Reporting crime is still something that causes confusion for some. If offending is in progress (common examples being - if thieves are in your store and walk out stealing items, if you see someone dodgy walking into and around your property at night, if you see a vehicle crossing the centre lane /repeatedly tailgating /overtaking into oncoming traffic or if you see or hear a heated family harm incident occurring) call 111 immediately. Police cannot attend to crime if we don’t know it is happening and any delay reduces the chance of us getting the best evidence possible.

Lastly, with all schools having returned for Term 1 this week, please be mindful of children walking and biking to school. There will also be extra traffic on the roads. Drive defensively and expect the unexpected from other drivers. Have a great week.

2 | CAMBRIDGE NEWS THURSDAY FEBRUARY 2, 2023 Letters… Unit 2, Block C, 36 Lake St, Lakewood Cambridge Ph 07 838 1111 This advertisement kindly sponsored by: Personal | Business Marine | Life & Health Insurance Creating safe and caring neighbourhoods and communities, building community resilience and strengthening our networks. Visit us: Cambridge Community Pavilion Cnr Queen & Dick Streets, Cambridge. Phone us on: 021 904 489 Open: Wed | Thurs 9am-11am Email: “Authorised by the Cambridge Safer Community Charitable Trust” DIRBMAC G E SAFERCOMMUNITYCHAR T A TSURTELB On the beat with Senior Constable DEB THURGOOD Think about the options CONTACTS Readers’ contributions of articles and letters are welcome. Publication of contributions are entirely at the discretion of editorial staff and may be edited. Contributions will only be considered for publication when accompanied by the author’s full name, residential address, and telephone number. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the publishers. The Cambridge News is published by Good Local Media Ltd and is the most widely distributed newspaper in Cambridge and rural surrounds. News/Editorial Roy Pilott 027 450 0115 Mary Anne Gill 021 705 213 Viv Posselt 027 233 7686 Advertising Manager Janine Davy 027 287 0005 Owner/Publisher David Mackenzie Office/Missed Deliveries 07 827 0005 Authorised by Tim van de Molen, Parliament Buildings, Wgtn.
Your MP for Waikato 0800 GET TIM (0800 438 846) TimvandeMolenWaikato Explore the Waikato with Cambridge Rental Cars Available for hire:  Cars  12 seater mini bus
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Mieke Smit Tamahere The St Andrew’s Craft and Collectable Fair on Anniversary Day Monday went ahead despite the inclement weather and was a success, said organiser Ian Dunn. Thirty stallholders from Auckland decided to cancel because of flooding issues. “At midnight the night before we had about two inches of rain in Cambridge and I wondered ‘oh no’,” said Dunn. But by daybreak, the rain had stopped, and the fair went ahead. “I’ve gone back to them all and thanked them for coming.” Stallholders reported sales were steady while one jewellery retailer reported record sales over previous years.
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Photo: Mary Anne Gill


Tractor trek

More than a dozen tractors are leaving the farm and heading out on the roads in the Waikato for a two-week trek, starting in Cambridge next week, to support a children’s mental health programme. The trek is the brainchild of former farmer Phil Aish. His daughter Cat is a Mental Wellbeing educator. The trek will be launched at Cambridge Middle School on February 13 and she will visit Te Awamutu the following day and Roto-o-Rangi on February 16.

Rain a bonus

Heavy rain will have been a help for Lake Ngā Roto where cyanobacterial bloom was reported last week. At this time last year the lake was a graveyard for wildlife during a long hot dry period. Waipā District Council is advising against people using the lake for water activities while the bloom is present.

Hearing set

Independent commissioner

Alan Withy has ordered all submissions on a retrospective resource consent application for kiwifruit shelters and shelterbelts within the permitted setback regulations at 582 Parallel Road be with him by February 10 for a February 22 hearing. Withy can decide then whether the application is granted or declined. The News has received several emails from readers about the issue and will follow the story closely both online and in print.

Step up…

Waipā mayor Susan O’Regan is on the hunt for inspiring young people to join a national leadership programme. The Tuia Leadership programme is aimed at Māori who have the potential to be leaders and contribute to their community. It involves a young person working alongside their mayor to gain insights, receiving oneon-one mentoring and sharing their views and insights into what is important for youth.

Applications close February 6.

Retirement village launched

Two packed rooms for the launch of Ryman Healthcare’s new Cambridge village last week shows the Waipā retirement industry is in a boom phase.

The $200 million Cambridge Road village is one of three under construction in Waipā – two in Cambridge and one in Te Awamutuand another, on Maungatautari Road at Henley Hotel is going through a neighbourhood consultation phase.

Ryman chief executive Cheyne Chalmers told more than 170 people who attended a launch where plans were unveiled for the new Cambridge village that the company wanted to find a new name for it.

Villages in other centres have been named after famous residents –Anthony Wilding, Bert Sutcliffe, Bob Owens, Bob Scott, Bruce McLaren and in Hamilton, Hilda Ross and Linda Jones.

Ryman has joined forces with The News to call for suggestions.

“We think it is a great way to give the village an identity rather than just a location and pay respect to pioneering locals,” she said.

“Who better to ask than the people who live here already. There’s nothing better than local knowledge.”

Retirement Village Residents Association president Peter Carr said

he believed in two years there would be more retirement village residents in Cambridge per capita than in any other similar centre. Waikato has 53 retirement villages, third behind Auckland and Canterbury.

The association’s website shows eight of the Waikato ones are in Cambridge, two in Te Awamutu and one in Ōhaupō. There are also two

in the Waikato district, close to the Waipā border in Tamahere, one each in Putāruru and Morrinsville and two in Matamata.

Chalmers told the 170 people who attended the Cambridge information sessions the new village would include 80 resthome, hospital and dementia care beds.

Plans include an indoor swimming

pool and spa, library, bar, movie theatre, dining rooms, café, hair salon and beauty therapy rooms.

The company designs, builds and operates its own retirement villages • What do you think the new Ryman village should be called? Go into the draw for a Ryman bag and goodies with your name suggestion to

Storm: how our mayor prepared

Susan O’Regan was only days into her new job as Waipā mayor late last year when she sought a briefing with the council’s Emergency Management team.

“There were a handful of things that were very quickly thrown into my diary and one of them was a briefing with Dave Simes and Wayne Allan and then with Julian Snowball.”

They are the local and group Civil Defence emergency management controllers for the Waikato region.

She was given a ‘Guide for Declaration to and Transition from a Local State of Emergency’ which she now carries around with her everywhere she goes.

It has all the procedures, contact details and the form a mayor must complete to call a State of Emergency.

Deputy mayor Liz Stolwyk has the same guide which she carries with her in case she needs to deputise for O’Regan.

“A lot of our staff were involved in the emergency response in Waitomo. We have a cooperative joined up effort. We were really proud we could help our neighbours out. I didn’t feel I was ill-prepared or unable to respond if the weather went foul on us.”

O’Regan said she is well aware of the importance of a mayor in an emergency.

“It’s a public facing role to present that response and recovery function. Predominantly my role, had we been in that situation, would have been people and welfare focused and concerned for people’s safety and their properties.

“It’s about showing empathy and concern and presenting a calm face

and having complete confidence in the response your officials and your district has undertaken and has everything in hand.”

O’Regan said Waipā seemed to have “dodged a bullet” on the weather front but she and staff were keeping a close eye on things as more bad weather was predicted. Council staff will continue to monitor levels on both the Waikato and Waipā rivers. She would not be drawn on Auckland mayor Wayne Brown’s response to the flooding emergency on Friday.

“My heart goes out to Aucklanders. They’ve got a bit of a road ahead of them. Absolutely my huge condolences to families who have suffered losses. These are exceptionally hard times for them.”

• See: Helping our neighbours, page 5

Cambridge Funerals has changed
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its name to Legacy Funerals Cambridge. Same spot, same people, same care.
Ryman sales general manager Bernadette Forsdyke speaks to guests at the Cambridge village launch. Photo: Mary Anne Gill The folder which accompanies Waipā mayor Susan O’Regan with her everywhere.
4 | CAMBRIDGE NEWS THURSDAY FEBRUARY 2, 2023 Prices valid until 5 February 2023. Trade not supplied. Deals valid until this Sunday or while stocks last. Club Deals are only available to Clubcard Members when they scan their Clubcard at the time of purchase. All prepared meals are serving suggestions only. Props not included. We reserve the right to limit quantities. Available at New World stores in the Upper North Island (Turangi North). Excludes New World Fresh Collective, Lower North Island and South Island. Due to current Licensing Trust laws, liquor is not available at stores within Trust areas. Liquor may only be sold during licensed hours specified in the store licence. *Available at participating stores only. Wine vintage may vary to one pictured. Follow us on Facebook LOW PRICES THAT LAST on hundreds of items 4 for $ 5 14 99 kg Sweetcorn Product of New Zealand Pams Fresh Cherries 400g Product of New Zealand 5 99 ea Limited to 12 assorted Farrah's Meal Kit 375g/405g/ Wraps 6/8 Pack 4 99 ea Chicken Drumsticks Product of New Zealand 5 49 kg Beef Eye Fillet Whole Product of New Zealand 39 99 kg Pork Loin Chops Product of New Zealand 15 99 kg Bird & Barrow Free Range Chicken Kebabs Tray 5 Pack 8 49 ea Limited to 12 assorted Pams Finest Premium Frozen Raw Jumbo Prawn Cutlets 500g 14 99 ea Avalanche Flavoured Coffee 10s (Excludes 99% Sugar Free) 4 79 ea Pams Mixed Vegetables 1kg 2 89 ea Prime Beef Mince Product of New Zealand BIG DISCOUNTS for a limited time SPECIAL DISCOUNTS for Clubcard members 3 ways to save

Helping our neighbours

Waipā staff came to the rescue of southern neighbours Waitomo during the Anniversary Weekend storms which pummelled the upper North Island.

Little damage was reported in Waipā district itself where the stormwater system was able to cope.

Experienced operators like Wayne Allan and Cathie Shaw joined Western Waikato Emergency Management staff in Te Kuiti where the Mangaokewa Stream burst its banks.

Allan took on the role of local controller at the Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) in the King Country town on Saturday afternoon and was part of the team that recommended mayor John Robertson should declare a State of Emergency because of heavy rainfall predictions.

When Robertson did, it was the first time a State of Emergency had been declared in the western Waikato area which includes Waipā, Ōtorohanga and Waitomo districts.

District Plan and Growth manager Tony Quickfall and governance officer Keryn Phillips replaced other tiring EOC staff.

Robertson withdrew the emergency on Monday morning on Simes’ advice. The situation had significantly improved with lower river levels and the severe flooding had receded.

Allan is the District Growth and Regulatory group manager at Waipā and been with the council for 33 years with lengthy

experience in Civil Defence. Shaw is the council’s Emergency Management coordinator and joined the council in 2001.

Simes is a former police officer who joined the council in 2018 as Emergency Management operations manager.

Waipā District Council usually activates a local Emergency Operations Centre for Civil Defence emergency management at a local district response.

Waikato Regional Council

Weather toll

Reports of storm damage in Waipā included:

administers the region’s Group Emergency Management Office and the group plan from its headquarters in Hamilton where there are four group controllers including Julian Snowball, the group manager. There are 13 local controllers across the Waikato region, including three in western Waikato.

The group and local controllers are all statutory positions appointed under the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act.

• a tree branch across Whitehall Road was cleared by the farmer and contractors removed debris

• On the corner of King St and Robinson Street in Cambridge - there were blocked catchpits on the intersection causing water over the road .

• Budden Road, Te Awamutu – drain flooding into farm land

• Arapuni Road, Pukeatua –Tree branch hanging down over road

• A slip covering both lanes on Te Miro Road. Cleared by contractors but there has been road damage.

• In Oriepunga Road, Maungatautari contractors attended to a slip plus a pine tree across both lanes.

• Inglefield Street, Pirongia, water pooling on one property flooded the garage.

• In a new subdivision in Pirongia, there was surface flooding on some streets.

• a slip on Te Awa River Ride within the St Peters area.


The EOC dealt with a significant water supply failure affecting 100 properties and a water tanker was brought in from Te Awamutu with water bottles for residents.

More Waipā staff came on the Sunday when Emergency Management operations manager Dave Simes was called back from holiday to relieve Allan as local controller.

• War Memorial Park, Te Awamutu – a path has been impacted by pavers falling away

• River Side Reserve, Cambridge – high water levels have eroded behind platform.

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Wayne Allan (standing) as local controller does the shift changeover in Te Kuiti on Sunday morning.
6 | CAMBRIDGE NEWS THURSDAY FEBRUARY 2, 2023 Cnr Oliver & Queen Street, Cambridge Phone: 823 0553 | Opening Hours: Monday - Friday 7.00am - 6.00pm Saturday - Sunday 8.00am - 6.00pm Public holidays 8.00am - 6.00pm CLEAR OUT END OF SEASON 25 % off Camping 25 % off Outdoor Furniture & Shade Excludes Accessories 50 % off Selected Outdoor Pots Excludes Plastic Pots & Wooden Barrels 15 % off Selected BBQs Excludes Weber and Traegar BBQs. Excludes all BBQ Accessories & Consumables. Offer available 2-12 February 2023. While stocks last. Not in conjunction with any other offer or discount.

Marsh nabs Mo’unga

A half-brother to multiple Group One winner Mo’unga will remain in New Zealand after his purchase by Stephen Marsh at New Zealand Bloodstock’s Book 1 Sale on Sunday.

The Cambridge trainer went to $380,000 to secure lot 91, the Super Seth colt, out of Waikato Stud’s draft, and he is hoping he can live up to his pedigree.

Standing alongside American bloodstock agents Mike McMahon and Jamie Hill, in addition to Ken Smole and agent Dylan Johnson, Marsh and his clients saw off keen interest for the colt.

“We were rapt to secure him at the price we did,” Marsh said.

The sales were also significant to Waipā as the first since the death of Sir Patrick Hogan.

New Zealand Bloodstock opened its 97th National Yearling Sales Series with a commemorative ceremony dedicated to the breeder, who in the words of New Zealand Bloodstock principal Sir Peter Vela made the sales his own “through 40 years of selling yearlings at Trentham and Karaka”.

Sir Peter also announced the naming of the Karaka auction ring to the Sir Patrick Hogan Auditorium.

“In my lifetime there has been no greater influence on the New Zealand breeding industry than Sir Patrick,” he said. The sales finish tomorrow.

THURSDAY FEBRUARY 2, 2023 CAMBRIDGE NEWS | 7 Formerly Cambridge Septic Tank Services - still the same owners! SEPTIC TANK CLEANING DRAIN UNBLOCKING CCTV DRAIN INSPECTIONS HYDROVAC 0800 11 44 90 BULK WATER DELIVERY We offer Drain Unblocking, CCTV Drain Inspections, Septic Tank Cleaning, Hydro Excavation and Potable Water Deliveries! So if you've got blocked drains, your septic tank needs emptying or you require a water delivery - you know who to call! Promotion valid on RRP bathroom, heating or laundry (showroom) products only. Not valid for trade account holders. Promotional period is 1st November 2022 to 28th February 2023. Spend of $5000 must be paid for in the promotional period. Maximum of one towel set per customer, while stocks last. Promotion valid at Mico Cambridge only MICO CAMBRIDGE 160 QUEEN ST, CAMBRIDGE 3434 Bring this advert into the showroom and Spend $5000 in store before the end of February and GET A FREE LUXURY TOWEL SET
RIGHT: Jamie Hill (left), Waikato Stud principal Mark Chittick, Stephen Marsh, Mike McMahon, Dylan Johnson, and Ken Smole. Photo: Sarah Ebbett

Inflation stood still

New Zealand’s annual inflation rate for 2022 was announced last week. It was 7.2 per cent, the same as it had been for the year to September, 2022.

The Reserve Bank had forecast 7.5 per cent. I had expected (hoped for) 6.9 per cent. If we had averaged our expectations, we would have been spot on. The annual inflation rate has now been around the same level for the last three quarters. It is becoming safer to say that the peak has been reached for this cycle. But 7.2 per cent is still well above the Reserve Bank’s target range so the policy question now is how quickly will inflation ease back towards the target level?

In thinking about this, it is important to look at what is happening to inflation rates in the rest of the world. Europe and the USA also seem to have reached a peak and recent predictions for both inflation and economic growth there have become a little more positive. That still hasn’t happened in the UK or Australia, but they seem to be outliers. Globally, the outlook for both inflation and growth has improved recently.

It is also interesting to look at what the main drivers were that kept the annual inflation rate in New Zealand at over 7 per cent. The three main ones were housing and household utilities (up 8 per cent), food (up 11 per cent) and transport (up 8.4 per cent).

Within the transport sector, international airfares were up a massive 19 per cent and domestic airfares 14 per cent. These huge increases in airfares are occurring because international and domestic tourism is moving back towards pre-covid levels very rapidly. This change has occurred so rapidly that airline capacity, which was heavily reduced during the covid period, has not

been able to adjust as quickly as prices. But airline capacity is now increasing rapidly. For example, I recently saw a story that American Airlines is looking to recruit 2000 pilots. As airline capacity adjusts, prices should stop rising and could even begin to fall.

Many New Zealanders are mystified why we pay so much for food here when we produce enough food to feed 40 million people. A lot of what we produce is exported and the producers of these types of products say New Zealanders have to pay the international price or this food will all be exported. However, one of the other explanations for high food prices in New Zealand is that we are at the end of a long supply chain and it costs a lot of money to ship the food we import to New Zealand. Surely that argument should work in the other direction too. It costs a lot of money to export New Zealand food products to our global markets. It should be possible to sell the same product in New Zealand for less as the supply chain here is a truck ride, not a long ship journey. But we seem to pay the supply chain price on the food we import but don’t get the benefit on the export products we produce and consume here.

Am I missing something or are we being ripped off?

Then there is the often-mentioned issue of having a duopoly in the important supermarket industry. This issue has been studied and criticised for several years. But little concrete action has been taken. Our new prime minister has said he intends to focus on ‘bread and butter’ issues. This is a bread-and-butter issue.

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Ryman’s newest Waikato retirement village is currently under construction in Cambridge, and our first stage of townhouse plans are now available. Once completed, the village will also offer the extra support of 60 serviced apartments, and 80 resthome, hospital and specialist dementia care rooms, all within the same village community.

Two and three bedroom layouts available. All offer spacious open plan living with contemporary kitchens and bathrooms and your own private patio.

Have certainty about your living costs, knowing your base weekly fee is fixed for the entire time you occupy your townhouse.

Hugo Shaw Drive, Cambridge
David or Joanne on 0800 600 446 for more

Hero’s reception for Langman

Andrew Langman, described as someone who has been fundamental to the success, positive culture and adaptability of athletics

for several years, has won a Sport Waikato award.

He was presented with the 2022 Community Unsung Hero Award at Waikato Sport and Active Recreation Awards last Thursday. His


nomination was for his voluntary contribution with an initiative or organisation over the past year.

Andrew’s involvement in athletics has covered both Cambridge and Te Awamutu and he has also campaigned against family violence.

Last year he became president of the Athletics Waikato Bay of Plenty regional board.

He has been part of the Cambridge Athletics and Harriers Club for 11 seasons, seven of them spent as chairperson of the Cambridge Athletics subcommittee before stepping down last year.

A man who prefers to be out of the spotlight, Andrew said was ‘overwhelmed with gratitude’ to have been nominated for the award, never mind win it.

“I am passionate about giving children a sport that can help them with so many aspects of their lives. I don’t care if they want to be an elite sportsperson or just lark around with their friends. As long as they are striving to be better and do their best to improve their individual personal best in an event then I’m excited for them. It is amazing to watch athletes beat their personal best in an event… the massive smile on their face and the

excitement they show is what keeps me going.”

Andrew is known for making athletics fun, accessible and familyoriented. His leadership through connections with children’s club nights and events such as the annual Cambridge Pentathlon has won him a host of fans who admire his mentoring across all levels.

He has been involved in the organisation of several

key regional events, and through his involvement in the wider Waipā community fronted a campaign against family violence.

In 2018 he entered the Cambridge Club into the Athletics NZ club development programme, a four-year joint commitment with the national organisation offering workshops, opportunities to interact with clubs around the country, and attracting

additional equipment and coaching.

In 2020/21 when work took him to Napier/ Hastings, he volunteered at their athletics club, and in the following season, he supported the Te Awamutu club in arranging an integral interclub event held at the Te Awamutu grounds after it was initially cancelled due to Covid.

Throughout the 2021/22 season Andrew ran club nights to ensure strict adherence to health and safety protocols and enabled neighbouring club members to join Cambridge Athletics at no cost while facilities at their clubs were unavailable. He is responsible for many of the programmes and philosophies now enjoyed by Cambridge Athletics, and he enthusiastically supports a wide range of local and regional events. Effusive in his thanks, directed to his family and those supporting his activities, Andrew said this region was privileged in having the number of volunteers it has to help sport in the Waikato.

“If anyone has ideas on how to get more volunteers to step forward, please let me know as I’m keen to get more people into sport administration.”

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Andrew Langman, left, pictured at last week’s awards with Sport Waikato chair, Phil Taylor. Photo: Sport Waikato

Boost for Lifeskills

Cambridge Lifeskills has received a $10,000 funding donation from the Bupa Foundation Community Grant Programme.

Lifeskills provides free counselling services to the 13 public schools in the Cambridge district and the announcement was made just days before the 2023 school term started.

Bupa St Kilda Village manager Sonya Anderson nominated the charity because many of her employees are parents themselves with school aged children.

Sandy Wesford, Cambridge Lifeskills

manager and clinical lead, said the services requires $150,000 a year to run.

“Students may be challenged by depression, anxiety, a family situation, bullying at school, post-traumatic stress, or simply need a safe space to be listened to. Cambridge Lifeskills provides free support to help grow the next generation of mentally healthy and resilient kids,” he said.

The Bupa Foundation provides funding each year to grass-roots initiatives that help improve mental health and wellbeing or supports environmental sustainability.

A month for heritage Briefs…

February sees a return of Waipā Heritage walks in both Cambridge and Te Awamutu, as well as a month of associated heritage scavenger hunts.

The events are being held by Waipā District Libraries to mark Heritage Month.

The scavenger hunts in both Cambridge and Te Awamutu are open to entrants of all ages through to February 28.

A free guided heritage tour of central Cambridge, hosted by Michael Jeans and Sue Milner, will take place February 16, from 10am to noon. The walk will cover Cambridge town from north to south, passing heritage buildings and key locations. It will require a reasonable level of fitness.

Entry forms and scavenger hunt questions for both centres are available and further details are available at the Te Awamutu and Cambridge libraries.

Festival canned

Festival One organisers cancelled the Christian event on Saturday morning after rain turned the Whitehall site into quagmire of mud. Bands played on Friday night to half the ticketholders and through Saturday as the site was unpacked.

Hall GM

Simon Brew has been appointed Cambridge Town Hall general manager. Waikato born Brew has in recent years been working in Wellington where his most recent role was as senior manager of the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra. The award-winning saxophonist wants to build a creative and dynamic centre in the Town Hall.

School roll growth

Several Waipā schools are experiencing strong roll growth and numbers at all schools across the district are expected to be up when the first term begins this week, says the Education ministry.

Stage Three almost sold out

THURSDAY FEBRUARY 2, 2023 CAMBRIDGE NEWS | 11 At Cambridge Resthaven, we’re not your usual retirement village! We are a local charitable trust and that makes us quite different from most retirement villages. We are 100% Cambridge owned, with a community ethos to provide exceptional retirement living options and aged care services to enhance the lives of seniors in our community. PROUDLY SERVING OUR COMMUNITY FOR 50 YEARS C AMBRIDGE OWNED 100% Want to find out more? Give us a call on 07 827 6097 6 Vogel Street, Cambridge 170 Burns Street, Cambridge Lockerbie Village “Here’s to life”. Resort-style living in Morrinsville Lockerbie Village, 26 Village Boulevard, Lockerbie Village, Morrinsville 3373 Enquire Now The Pavilion: Multiple indoor and outdoor seating and entertaining areas with country style kitchen and fire places Heated indoor swimming pool and spa Gymnasium Library Theatre Activities room Bar lounge and pool table Outdoor terraces and BBQ area overlooking manicured gardens
Only two architecturally designed three-bedroom villas remain in stage three Ready for occupancy from July 2023 Pay just $1000 deposit to secure your future home Weekly fee set for life Price $999,000 Sixty- ve plus age group welcomed to the Village Viewings by appointment only Multiple indoor and outdoor seating and entertaining areas with country style kitchen and re places Heated indoor swimming pool and spa Gymnasium Library Theatre Activities room Bar lounge and pool table Outdoor terraces and BBQ area overlooking manicured gardens

The logic – and lack of it

Daft: A generous way to describe some of the less than rational viewpoints adopted by some of the less than rational members of our wonderfully diverse global society.

Only today, I read somewhere on social media a quote from Chris Hipkins who said the extreme weather conditions being experienced in Auckland are a consequence of climate change. The first comment beneath this announcement said “Perhaps he should read the Old Testament - he might learn something”.

Now I feel quite safe suggesting that one of those people is working on the fringe of reality. Of course, which one you think it is depends entirely upon your own interpretation of the information available to you.

Another daft thing I saw recently was a post from a person who has set up a business in which he or she, I can’t remember which, will address the mental concerns of your pets. And they will do this telepathically, without coming near the pet. I don’t know about you but I would be more inclined to send money to my newly-discovered Nigerian uncle than someone who claims the ability to ease my cat’s anxiety by remote control. How is it going to work?

Let’s assume for one ridiculous minute that this could actually happen. We all know how radio waves work, and I presume the telepathic tranquillisation of pets would have to work in a similar way. How is it that it won’t affect all the pets in the neighbourhood while only one owner pays?

Do I email some sort of ethereal IP address (that’s an internet location FYI) in the hope that the anxious cat will be singled out by a rush of soothing cosmic waves, which will tease it alone down from the height of angst and disquiet known to afflict all but the most sedate moggies. I don’t mean to be confrontational, but if someone is going to make such a claim they must be ready to defend it.

Some years ago I found, by accident, a small purple crystal underneath and behind my bedside table. I thought nothing of it at first, but it niggled, and eventually I asked my other half if she knew anything about it. It turned out that, being not immune to a bit of superstition, she had placed the offending article there some weeks earlier, in the hope

is under new management.

that it might make me less sceptical of all things airy-fairy, and very possibly less grumpy to boot. She was forced to concede that it hadn’t worked.

The world is full of people who hold views which to others are impenetrably illogical or outright daft. This is fine and there should be no problems arising, given that we are all so reasonable and tolerant. But we are not. The problems arise when, instead of discussing and debating different views, some will simply shout victimisation, or throw soup on a painting, or deny their antagonist the right to speak at all. Or even go to war. That is daft.




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Smoke alarm activation, Moore St

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12 | CAMBRIDGE NEWS THURSDAY FEBRUARY 2, 2023 FIND US BEHIND FARM SOURCE 1 Lower Alpha Street, Cambridge ENGINEERING SUPPLIES Hydraulic Hose Distributors COMMERCIAL PROPERTY • FARMING EMPLOYMENT PERSONAL Experienced professionals. Local specialists. Quality advice. Cambridge | 07 827 5147 Hamilton | 07 848 1222 Cambridge | 07 827 5147 Hamilton | 07 848 1222 Experienced professionals. Local specialists. Quality advice. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY • FARMING EMPLOYMENT PERSONAL Experienced professionals. Local specialists. Quality advice. Cambridge | 07 827 5147 Hamilton | 07 848 1222 We are now proudly part of Sound Care Group, with five homes that provide a high standard of holistic nursing care for older people across New Zealand. Cambridge Life (formerly Lifecare Cambridge) is under new management. Rest home • Hospital level • Day stay • Respite •Personalised care plan •Yummy, nutritious meals •Local GP services • Full activity calendar with games, outings and entertainment •Hairdresser and beautician visits •Podiatrist visits • Church services •Meals on Wheels Call us to arrange a visit and experence our Culture of Care. 86 King St, Cambridge 3434 07 827 5972 We are now proudly part of Sound Care Group, with five homes that provide a high standard of holistic nursing care for older people across New Zealand.
(formerly Lifecare Cambridge) is under new management. Rest home • Hospital level • Day stay • Respite •Personalised care plan •Yummy, nutritious meals •Local GP services Full activity calendar with games, outings and entertainment •Hairdresser and beautician visits •Podiatrist visits • Church services •Meals on Wheels Call us to arrange a visit and experence our Culture of Care. 86
• Day stay • Respite
us to
a visit
our Culture of Care.
Rest home
Hospital level
and experience
• Day stay • Respite
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Down the drain at Karāpiro

Liz Stolwyk puts it down to 17 years hard work – and making sure the drains are not blocked.

More than 2000 rowers, thousands of cars and a village of tents filled the Karāpiro Domain for three days over one of the wettest weekends the country can recall – and it all went off, pardon the pun, swimmingly.

Stolwyk, the site manager of the Waipā District Council owned Mighty River Domain – and also Waipā’s deputy mayor – spent much of the weekend of the North Island Rowing championships in wet weather gear as one of the workers keeping the three day event on the 18ha site running smoothly.

She was mindful that the weather had claimed other events – aside from raining on Elton John’s parade in Auckland, it also put paid to the Festival One event at nearby Whitehall Road, Concert organisers raised the white flag on the Christian music event at 8.30am on Saturday, with half the ticket holders on site. The ninth version of the event was scheduled at a new venue in Whitehall Rd – a couple of kilometres from the Karāpiro domain as the crow flies. Friday’s rain left the site in such a bad condition it was decided not to go ahead.

Stolwyk said the years of drainage work at Karāpiro had paid off – but doing the simple things, such as checking the drains, was also important.

The Mighty River Domain’s grounds were cut up heavily in places under the weight of a constant flow of cars, but as an example, on Sunday just two needed assistance.

Stolwyk said the spell of dry weather leading up to the storm was also a blessing. Visitors to the pre-Christmas regatta there noted the parking area appeared wetter on that occasion.

This time, the speed at which the grounds could absorb and drain water was the key.

In the medals…

Cambridge rowers were among the medals at the North Island Championships as both St Peters and Cambridge High and the Cambridge Rowing Club celebrated golden performances on Lake Karāpiro.

St Peter's, racing under Cambridge Rowing Club, won three gold and, joining forces with the Cambridge club women, collected a further gold in the novice quad.

Cambridge High also won gold in both the women’s club eight and club quad and Cambridge Rowing Club also won silver in the women’s novice.

Watch for further details next week.

Alys Antiques & Fine Art

Where volunteers rule

Colin Birch barely needs to look at his run list.

“Yes, they can come through – but they are really early,” he says.

Cambridge based Birch is acting as the effective bus conductor – the gatekeeper as rowers come and go with the boats to and from the water at Lake Karāpiro.

And a request has come from a crew who want to get on the water now.

The businessman who has spent 10 years as a rowing umpire is one of countless volunteers in grey and blue shirts ensuring the North Island rowing championships go off without a hitch – albeit in frequent driving rain.

It’s three days of racing, virtually non-stop as clubs from all over the country battle it out on the water. For many rowers it’s part of the build up to this year’s Maadi Cup to be held at the same venue starting on March 27. Another crew arrive and a member is swiftly asked to turn off his Bluetooth speaker and does so immediately. There’s no question about who is calling the shots here.

“Etiquette is very important,” Birch explains. “You don’t want to be talking to a team about their upcoming race with loud music in the background.”

He became involved in rowing when the first of his three children took up the sport. When Victoria, now 27, Henry, 24 and Alexander, 22, left school, he remained as a volunteer.

He served on the Cambridge Rowing Club committee for five years before, in 2018, starting a now completed stint as its chair.

Wife Mary is also a qualified rowing umpire. Today, when rowers are on the water, they will be there too. Saturday and Sunday involved 14-hour shifts. Monday was a bit shorter. The family home’s doors were opened to visiting volunteers from Tauranga and Auckland. Other volunteers at the weekend arrived from Whangārei, Whanganui, Auckland and Wellington.

“You have 65-70 volunteers at every regatta – people at the start, eight on the water, support crews, a couple of safety boats, judges in the tower, people tabulating the results…”

He points to the efficiency of it all. When a thunderstorm announced itself on Sunday the call was made to evacuate the lake.

“We have up to 100 boats on the lake at any one time. The races in progress finished – and the lake was evacuated in about three minutes.”

Birch just loves it. Talk to him for a short time and you will be encouraged to join

up too.

He is hugely impressed by the calibre and discipline of the young men and women who get involved in the sport.

“It’s just a fabulous environment,” he says. And a rowing backgrounds isn’t a bad thing on a CV.

Birch owns Smart Climate Solutions and Lilies by Blewden, and he says the moment someone comes to his company with a CV that mentions an involvement with rowing, they will be given an interview - because “you can tick off 10 things” about them straight away.

Price: Members free and have priority entrance (Membership $30 per annum).

For a limited time: If you are interested in joining and want to come along and try it out, a fee of $10.00 is payable at the meeting.

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Friday 10th February 10 for 10.30 - 12.00 The Woolshed, Te Awa Lifecare 1866 Cambridge Road Cambridge.
On bus conductor duty – Colin Birch.

Explore your Backyard Morrinsville - small town with a big heart

There is something distinctly appealing about Morrinsville - something that makes a visit to the Waikato town a must.

First, no-one passing through could fail to notice its cow statues, brightly painted by a variety of local artists and standing dotted around the streets. Most are regular cowsized but standing proud at the entrance to the town is a goliath of a cow, painted in stark black and white by way of a bold nod to the importance of Morrinsville’s longstanding links with the dairy industry.

Much of the town’s history is tied to the industry. The Morrinsville Dairy Company, now an integral part of Fonterra, has operated there since 1922, and today it is one of three regional towns that serve an area considered to be one of New Zealand’s most prosperous dairy farming areas.

There is a lot besides dairying going on in this small town. Situated amid undulating farmland between the Kaimai Ranges and the Waikato River, much of what it offers references its historical Scottish links and its importance as an early railway junction for the North Island over a century ago. The Morrinsville Museum is a great place to discover those colourful tales of the town’s past.

Visitors should make a point of stopping in at the Morrinsville i-SITE where they will find all the information they need. There are numerous walks, trails and rides for walkers and cyclists … some just a few minutes in duration, and others much longer for the more adventurous. They include walking tracks along the river, bush walks, mountain

Beauty Therapy Services













The heart of the matter…

I told my youngest son who is in his midteens that he has a ‘nice heart’ for helping in a programme for young kids. An interesting conversation followed.

bike rides, and historical walks.

The more artistically-minded will be well satisfied by a visit to the Wallace Art Gallery in the centre of town. This ‘must-see’ in Thames St is in a building that was once Morrinsville’s post office now transformed into a fabulous contemporary art gallery with four spaces showcasing New Zealand art and artists.

When someone is referred to as having a ‘gentle heart’, or a ‘tender heart’ perhaps a ‘broken heart’, we do not mean, amazing as it is, that blood-pumping organ in our chest.

That heart beats billions of times without ever shutting down for repairs… about 100,000 times a day - some 40 million times a year.

It even takes one-sixteenth of a second for complete rest between beats. This means you live your life with your heart actually standing still for years.

Pumping nearly 10,000 litres of blood daily through 120,000 kilometres of arteries, blood vessels and capillaries, some as fine as human hair, this red river of life is delivered throughout the entire body system. In a lifetime, that would be enough blood to fill a large skyscraper.

But what I’m referring to here is the sense that our heart represents our inner life.

In ancient Egyptian thought, a person’s physical heart was considered as the central thing - the source of human wisdom, emotions, memory, the soul and the personality itself.

It’s the unseen place of our spirit and soul realm, where thoughts, attitudes and emotions originate and reside - the place where we feel things deeply - like love, but as well, hurts or wounds.

It’s from here we also sense things intuitively.

We say that kindness is sourced from ‘the heart’, Where volunteers rule but it’s in the heart that evil thoughts and deeds are conceived too.

The heart can be a place that incubates light and truth as well as a dark place of despair and hopelessness.

I saw a billboard quote recently, “Your heart is the most beautiful place on earthTake care of it.” Really? Not everything in our heart is always that beautiful.

It’s a good thing to take stock of our inner world.

A proverb exhorts us to, “Guard your heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life.” In other words, we’re to watch what is incubated there, as it will inevitably end up on display.

Those keen to stay over a while to sample some of the town’s great restaurants, bars and shopping, have a range of standard and boutique accommodation from which to choose.

Call into the Morrinsville i-SITE for more information – they’re at 251 Thames St.

As such they believed it was essential in the after-life and in a dead body, it received particular care.

The ‘heart and mind’ functions in people are complex.

Someone demonstrating thoughtfulness, care or any other deep emotion, like grief or sadness, originates such feelings from deep within - the place we call our ‘heart’. In this sense, our ‘heart’ is the core of who we are.

Latent anger in our heart can spark temper, rage and ultimately violence. Corrupting lustful thoughts, bitterness, jealousy, grudges and offences are formed from the heart.

A miraculous inner transformation takes place when a person surrenders their ‘heart’ to God.

Jesus referred to this as ‘being born again’ and it surpasses self-improvement efforts. It results in renewed thoughts, desires and choices.

It is indeed the greatest miracle of all.

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Beale ups sticks for pro career

One of the best hockey players Cambridge has produced has secured a professional contract with a leading Dutch club.

Jackson Beale, 18, will make his debut for Hockey Club (HC) Houten sometime in the next week. He flew out of New Zealand yesterday (Wednesday) en-route to Amsterdam via Los Angeles.

The midfielder, who plays for the Te Awamutu Sports Hockey premier men’s team, came to the attention of social media purists during the first Covid lockdown in 2020 when he won the Waikato Hockey Trick for a Stick competition.

While Jackson was working through options for tertiary study towards the end of last year – scholarships at AUT and Waikato were on the cards - his mother Paulette suggested he might want to look at playing hockey overseas during a gap year.

He put his CV out on the market with videos of him playing for Cambridge HS, Te Awamutu and Waikato – and had a lucky break when Stephen Atkinson, a former St Peter’s School student who

had played for HC Houten, put in a good word for him.

Houten head coach Jens de Graauw took a punt and signed Beale.

Houten, a commuter city known for its bicycle friendliness, has a population of about 50,000 and is in the centre of The Netherlands in the Utrecht province.

While it is a professional contract, Jackson is not getting paid – mum Paulette and dad Colin are his major

Golfers fly high

Cambridge Golf Club and members figured prominently in a successful four-day Waikato Festival of Golf rescue helicopter charity fundraiser.

As well as hosting the opening day of the Waikato veterans tournament for over 55s and fielding five teams In the 34 team event, three of its teams finished in the top five. The Cambridge course was the venue for the Monday, January 23 kick off followed by Morrinsville Golf Club, no play on Wednesday, and rounds at Pirongia and Te Awamutu clubs to complete the week.

According to Waikato veterans’ golf president Brian White, the 2023 festival, and associated activities, is set to add $10,000 to the rescue helicopter’s coffers.

Cambridge further embellished its reputation by adding a collection of $1500 to the joint fund plus another $780 from a raffle held last week. The Morrinsville club added $770, the Waikare club (Te Kauwhata) $550 and a donation is also expected from Te Awamutu.

sponsors – he will get accommodation provided and the club is already setting up work opportunities.

Jackson is in The Netherlands on a 90day tourist visa but the opportunity to extend that is promising.

Cambridge High School hockey manager Glenys Bichan said Jackson was a huge talent.

“He has worked really hard for this, and we couldn’t be prouder of him.”

A team from the Waihi Golf Club, captained by Francis Gascoigne, took out overall honours closely followed in second, third and fifth by Cambridge teams led by Graeme Harrison, Tony Broadbent and Julia Kuggeleijn.

The Waikato Veteran Golf Association’s Festival of Golf is the longest continual sponsor of the Phillips Search and Rescue Helicopter Trust. Over a span of more than a quarter of a century the association has raised in excess of $160,000.

Each year the January festival attracts 32 to 34 mixed teams of golfers from all over the Waikato and Auckland.

Brian White thanked a host of sponsors and voiced his appreciation that golf clubs involved generously provided their courses and facilities at no charge to allow as large a donation as possible for the emergency rescue service.


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Cleaning inside of your home - its a good time to start removing all items you do not use

Take emotion out of the equation. Look at each room - you may need to remove items that make the room small. Impressions of space is important

Start with the bedrooms have two boxes (stay - go) and remove all items you do not use even clothesdonate or store them. Spring clean each room leave kitchens to the last moment - easy and cost effective.

THURSDAY FEBRUARY 2, 2023 CAMBRIDGE NEWS | 15 Thin for filtered light is the best plan laid Florida Tree Specialists experts in tree first aid 8278494 LIVING LIFE IN THE SHADE 41 Duke Street, Cambridge PASTRIES FRESH BREAD CHEESE CHARCUTERIE PRESERVES OILS CHOCOLATE READY MEALS @thestoreltd the_store_cambridge until you have a full load. & LAUNDRYWASHING DISHES HOLD OFF For more Smart Water tips visit We value wai in the Waikato
Jackson Beale with his trusty hockey stick outside Cambridge High School before he departed for The Netherlands. Photo: Mary Anne Gill
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Quick crossword

















Across 1. Cons (5)

4. Shrewd (6)

7. Bar (3)

8. Speak softly (6)

9. Person lacking experience (6)

10. Seasonings (4,3,6)

14. Inflexible (5)

Last week

Across: 1. Spoils, 5. Skimpy, 8. Win, 9. Pickle, 10. Engulf, 11. Skid, 13. Take note, 14. Leafy, 15. Toddy, 19. Tweezers, 21. Sash, 22. Assess, 23. Uproar, 25. Elm, 26. Mentor, 27. Entire.

Down: 2. Prickle, 3. Irk, 4. Sweats, 5. Sneaky, 6. Ingenious, 7. Pilot, 12. Different, 16. Despair, 17. Geyser, 18. Assume, 20. Waste, 24. Rot.





All puzzles © The Puzzle Company St Kilda


15. Legal defence (5) 18. Clumsy person (colloq) (13) 23. Scared (6) 24. (Land) suitable for crops (6) 25. Joke (3) 26. Carved figure (6) 27. Church official (5) Down 1. Steam room (5) 2. Confess (5) 3. Leap (6) 4. Curt (6) 5. Group of soldiers (5) 6. String (5) 10. Bush (5) 11. Of little weight (5) 12. Elegant bearing (5) 13. Guides for a horse (5) 16. Grievance (6) 17. Face (6) 19. Out of condition (5) 20. Cooked bread (5) 21. Lymph node (5) 22. Sovereign (5) New Builds, Renovations, Indoor/Outdoor Tiles, Swimming Pool Tiles. 57 Alpha St Cambridge PHONE 07 8275686 Let Tiles Make Your Statement have you been to...? freshlicensedcontemporary café Pengover Avenue, Cambridge Park Follow us BUSINESS AWARDS 2023 For more information and to enter the 2023 Awards please visit Excellence Awards • Emerging/New Business • Small Business • Medium Business • Large Business Stand-alone Awards • Leader of the Year • Employee of the Year Category Awards • Community Contribution • Innovation and Adaption • Digital Strategy and E-Commerce • Waste Minimisation - Environmental • Contribution to Tourism or Hospitality Entries now open

Winning fives with Jan Bilton

Summer is still with us and easy meals created with just five ingredients are welcome. Salads are excellent — and healthy — but many of us enjoy warmer dinner treats. Planning the week’s menu and a one-stop supermarket shop avoids the temptation to purchase instant meals. Keep a good supply of veg in the fridge. They’re not only super salad ingredients but can be diced and combined with eggs and flour to make fritters — courgette and feta; corn and ham; carrot, cumin seeds and peas; or seeded tomato, chopped parsley and spring onion. Serve them with a dip such as plain yoghurt and chopped mint or puréed fresh peaches with chopped coriander.

Take advantage of ready-prepared sauces and dressings to jazz up grills and pan-fries. Many dressings can be also used as marinades for grills but ensure that most of the dressing is removed before cooking to prevent burning. They also make great dippers for dumplings. The latter are a popular ‘from the freezer’ item in our house served with stir-fried veg or a salad.

For me, pantry essentials include oil, vinegar, rice, pasta, herbs, spices, dried fruits, canned salmon and beans. They’re good keepers, relatively economical and can nutritionally balance many a meal.


450g spinach

pinch ground nutmeg

2 x 210g cans salmon, drained

1 cup cream

1/4 cup finely grated tasty cheese

Trim the ends from the spinach. Wash the leaves well, coarsely chop and place in a large microwave-proof jug or casserole. Add 2-3 tablespoons of water. Cover and microwave on high for 2 minutes. Stir then continue cooking for 1-2 minutes, until very limp. Turn into a large strainer and cool.

When cool enough to handle, squeeze the water from the spinach. Finely chop. Squeeze again if required.

Preheat the oven to 180°C. Lightly butter a 20cm baking dish or four individual baking dishes.

Spread the spinach evenly over the base. Season with nutmeg. Top with chunks of the salmon. Heat the cream until bubbly and pour over the salmon. Cover loosely with foil. Bake for 15 minuets, remove the foil and sprinkle with the cheese. Bake for another 5 minutes. Great served with crusty bread. Serves 4.


If fresh gnocchi is unavailable use vacuum-packed and cook according to the packet instructions adding the peas during the last few minutes. Drain but reserve the cooking water. A dash of cream could be added for extra yumminess.

3/4 cup fresh or frozen peas

1 cup water

2 tablespoons butter

400g fresh gnocchi

60g finely grated parmesan cheese

Cook the peas in the water until crisp-tender. Drain but reserve the cooking water.

Melt the butter in a non-stick frying pan. Add the gnocchi and peas and pan-fry for 2-3 minutes until the gnocchi is golden. Add the cheese and about 1/2 cup of the reserved cooking water. Stir well until the cheese melts and coats the gnocchi. Add a little more water if the sauce is too thick. Great served garnished with a little fresh thyme. Serves 3-4.


500g golden kumara

6-8 beef sausages

270g jar onion marmalade (eg Barkers)

4 cups mesclun leaves

2-3 tablespoons balsamic dressing

Peel, chop and boil the kumara until soft.

Meanwhile pan-fry the sausages in a non-stick pan until browned and cooked through.

Add the onion marmalade and a 1/2 cup of water. Stir well. Cover and simmer for 2 minutes.

Mash the kumara and served topped with the sausages. Toss the mesclun with the dressing and serve on the side. Serves 4.

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3 1 1 1

Beautifully refreshed and ready to go!

This home boasts an open plan living space, perfect for entertaining and relaxation. The single car garage has ample storage and work-space, plus the newly painted exterior adds to the home’s curb appeal. The real showstopper is the entertainment area, perfect for hosting gatherings, rain or shine. The covered patio allows for indoor/outdoor living and alfresco dining. The beautifully manicured gardens include fruit trees and a flourishing vegetable patch. Contact Shelby today to arrange your viewing!


24a Thompson Street

For Sale Price By Negotiation

View by appointment or scheduled open home times

Shelby Garrett M 027 622 4166

3 2 1

Stand out on Thompson

Walking into the 108m2 home you’ll get the feel for the large open plan layout of the kitchen and dining that opens out to the decking, which is perfect for entertaining on those kiwi summer BBQ nights. The kitchen has the perfect sized breakfast bar and holds a dishwasher, wall oven and cooktop for convenience.

For Sale Deadline Treaty (Thursday 9 February 2023, 4:00pm) Unless Sold Prior View by appointment

Gary Stokes M 021 351 112

Price Price By Negotiation View Scheduled open homes or by appointment

Shelby Garrett M 027 622 4166

Gnocchi with peas Salmon & spinach bake
Cambridge 07 827 8815 57 Duke Street, Cambridge Harcourts Kevin Deane Real Estate @harcourtskdre Licensed REAA 2008 For Sale $1,090,000 View by appointment or scheduled open home times Ele Duncan M 021 041 2161 Luxe Lock Up and Leave Tucked away on the quiet cul de sac of Upper Kingsley Street, and situated on an easy-care rear section of 417m2 (more or less), you’ll find a brand-new brick and tile home of 167m2. With close proximity to river walks, recreation reserves and a street view of the Cambridge Golf Course. If you’re looking for a brand-new home where you won’t have to spend your weekends on gardens and maintenance, this is the one for you. Call Ele or Shelby today to

Rotoorangi 220 Grice Road

Perfect lifestyle opportunity

The lovely home built in 2016 with everything you would expect in a modern dwelling and some. The kitchen is the central hub of this home, with an island bench large walk-in pantry and gas hobs, open plan to the dining area and family room, then seamlessly out through bi-folding doors to a covered north facing alfresco dining area, as well as another separate patio to the west, to catch the best view of the setting sun, your choice of space for entertaining family and friends. This family area also has a log burner to keep you snug in the cooler months, the spacious extra lounge is light filled and cosy and also comes of this area. The house also has 4 double bedrooms, the master with an enviable wardrobe and ensuite also opens out to the patio area. The double garage is spacious for the cars and the toys can go in the man shed. The 8895 sqm property is set up to run a couple of beefies, or perhaps a pony.

4 2 2

Auction (unless sold prior) 11am, Tue 14 Feb 2023 Unit 1, 36 Lake Street, Cambridge

View 1-1.30pm Mon 6 Feb or by appointment

Melodee Tribe 027 673 0873

Cambridge 319 Te Miro Road

Affordable family sanctuary

Nestled above the road, hidden away in a 9,775sqm (more or less) leafy, tree-studded oasis, is this solid brick family home. Featuring three double-sized bedrooms, two bathrooms and a large open plan kitchen, dining and living with separate formal lounge plus outdoor patios, there is ample space both in and out. The location is peaceful, with lovely views of rolling hills and native bush. Most of the land is set in bush and carefully planted specimen trees, complimented by an orchard, two shade houses with irrigation and raised vege gardens. At the entrance of the property is a small paddock and pond filled with the sound of frogs, a wonderland for the kids to spend a summer's day. The vibrant town of Cambridge is a picturesque 15km drive and if you are into walking or biking, there is easy access to bush walks and the popular Te Miro Mountain bike park.

3 2 2 2

Tender (unless sold prior)

Closing 4pm, Thu 16 Feb 2023

Lakewood Block C, Unit 1, 36 Lake Street, Cambridge

View by appointment

Catherine Hayward 027 562 4598



Invest In Your Future!

A fairer commission rate of 2.8% to first $300,000 then 1.8% on balance + gst Plus FREE, tailor-made marketing worth $2,500+

Tidy & Renovated - Superb Buying

- A large home that has it all! 4 Bedrooms, master with walk-in robe and new ensuite. Large garage with workshop space. - 1,012m² (more or less) fully fenced section with subdividing potential when you’re ready.

- An abundance of fruit trees and vege gardens. A beautiful garden you can sit and admire from the comforts of the covered deck. - Great opportunity to landbank & enjoy this wonderful family home. with the option to enjoy the benefits of developing later on.

Yes - Low Maintenance

$699,000 115B Tennyson Street, Leamington

OPEN HOME SUNDAY 11.00 - 11.30AM

- Modernised throughout, all of the hard work is complete. Move in without lifting a finger.

- Maximised indoor-outdoor flow, with an effortless stream to the sunny and private outdoor entertainment area.

- Pleasant year-round temperatures are maintained by the heat pump system.

- All bedrooms present handy wardrobe storage.


OPEN HOME SUNDAY 12.00 - 12.30PM

8 Robyn Hyde Place, Leamington

- Low maintenance brick home with retrofit (2019) double glazing, enjoys a quiet spot at the end of a short cul-de-sac.

- Large deck off the living room overlooks the back lawn area. Attractive 787m² (more or less) section adds to the sense of privacy and comfort.

- The Jayline firebox is a feature in winter that cannot be beaten.

- Three bedrooms and an office, allows for working from home.


- Large open plan living with easy access to outdoor entertainment areas; the choice of outdoor courtyard or large deck entertaining.

- Attractive formal separate lounge and the family wing allows for ample separation.

- Triple garage and plenty of off street parking on a tastefully landscaped and well fenced section.

- A sensational home & location, being nice & close for easy access to the Expressway.

20 | CAMBRIDGE NEWS THURSDAY FEBRUARY 2, 2023 07 823 2300 More Real Estate Ltd Licensed REAA 2008 74 Victoria Street Cambridge Jason Tong 027 755 2902 Lily Hooker 027 870 3317 Wendy Tong 027 555 0633 Peter Tong 021 987 867 Bailey Gore 022 164 7316 Cary Ralph 021 139 4000
4+ 2 2 3 1
Style and Privacy - Superb Floor Plan
12.00 - 12.30PM
Boulton Place, Cambridge 4 2 2 3 1
OPEN HOMES SAT & SUN 11.00 - 11.30AM $1,125,000 298 Shakespeare Street, Leamington 4 2 3 4 2 1

Contemporary Executive - Style & Space

A fairer commission rate of 2.8% to first $300,000 then 1.8% on balance + gst Plus FREE, tailor-made marketing worth $2,500+

Corner Section Character Cutie

- Family room reflects casual comfort accessing the private covered outdoor alfresco dining which enjoys the garden/ lawn outlook.

- Central kitchen services casual and formal (separate room) dining; large formal high stud lounge features four french doors to outside.

- Four bedrooms (two up, two down) each enjoy their own design features. Master with walk-in robe & timeless ensuite (ground floor). Deadline Sale (unless sold prior) 9th February,

Walk In and Discover Vibrance


OPEN HOMES SAT & SUN 1.00 - 1.30PM

27 Richmond Street, Cambridge

- Centrally located, full of character and welcoming ambience.

- Polished native timber flooring through the kitchen, dining & lounge, neutral colour palette, sunny aspect, beautiful led light windows.

- double glazed french doors to covered deck, another deck to the rear of the home.

- Features include: triple door storage down the hallway, 2 toilets, family bathroom with shower & bath, wood burner and heat pump.

Luxury Lifestyle - Minutes From Cambridge

OPEN HOMES SAT & SUN 1.00 - 1.30PM

- Quality home built in 2014, features high stud walls, gallery ceiling in open plan living, second lounge, kitchen with scullery, tiled ensuite shower and lots, lots more.

- With the advantage of all the interior (except the garage) been freshly painted, new carpet and attractive window dressings.

- Enjoy the private courtyards (two to choose from) and indoor/ outdoor ease of living.

Deadline Sale (unless sold prior) 16th February, 4pm

- Superb tranquil setting on 2.0687ha (5 Acres) more or less.

- Design to please 380m² Hinuera Stone homestead.

- Luxury fittings include marble benchtops, italian bathroom tiles and much more.

- 4 large bedrooms, spacious office, hobby room, triple garage, 12 x 6m pool, large shed and paddocks.

THURSDAY FEBRUARY 2, 2023 CAMBRIDGE NEWS | 21 07 823 2300 More Real Estate Ltd Licensed REAA 2008 74 Victoria Street Cambridge Jason Tong 027 755 2902 Lily Hooker 027 870 3317 Wendy Tong 027 555 0633 Peter Tong 021 987 867 Bailey Gore 022 164 7316 Cary Ralph 021 139 4000
4+ 2 2 3 1
Cambridge Park
Deadline Sale 30 Pengover Ave,
2.30PM Negotiation 39 Skeet Road, Roto-O-Rangi 4 2 2 4 2 2
OPEN HOME SUNDAY 1.00 - 1.30PM Deadline Sale 8 King Street, Cambridge 4 3 2 4 2 3

The sign you will achieve more.

Achieve more when you list your home with New Zealand Sotheby’s International Realty. Unlike mainstream, mass-market real estate companies, placing our blue sign in front of your property, signals to buyers that beyond is a home of superior quality. One that is best in its class, regardless of the price bracket.

To have your sign installed, contact us today and achieve more.

22 | CAMBRIDGE NEWS THURSDAY FEBRUARY 2, 2023 Each office is independently owned and operated. NZSIR Waikato Limited (licensed under the REAA 2008) MREINZ. NZSOTHEBYSREALTY.COM | +64 7 464 0184


THURSDAY FEBRUARY 2, 2023 CAMBRIDGE NEWS | 23 CONTACT PETER PAGE INTERNET ID: CRR2243 OPEN HOME: SUN 13TH 12 -12 30PM INTERNET ID: CRR2254 David Soar Matt Seavill CONTACT MATT SEAVILL CONTACT DAVID SOAR B AGR SC VALUATION PBN 371 PUKEMOREMORE ROAD 398 FRENCH PASS ROAD 3/205 OLIVER ROAD 47 Alpha Street, Cambridge P: 07 823 1945 TO VIEW ALL OF OUR CURRENT LISTINGS VISIT WWW.CAMBRIDGEREALESTATE.CO.NZ RURAL MANAGER M: 027 284 9755 E: DAVID@CAMREAL CO NZ RURAL/LIFESTYLE M: 027 444 3347 E: MATT@CAMREAL CO NZ PICTURE PERFECT CONTACT MATT Magnificent setting with mature trees with lovely rural views Low maintenance Brick, 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom family home Choice of Cambridge or Hamilton Schools 6106m2 or 1 5 acres (more or less) perfect for all kids of pets Great shedding OPEN DAY: SUNDAY: 2 00-2 30PM 4 2 2 OPEN DAY: SUNDAY: 12 15-12 45PM OPEN DAY: SUNDAY: 1 15-1 45PM NEW LISTING
$1,350,000 41 LUCK AT LAST ROAD MOUNTAIN PANORAMA CONTACT DAVID OPEN DAY: SUNDAY: 11 00-11 30AM 4 2 2 Perfect country escape set on 3645m2 close to Lake Karapiro Executive 4 bedroom brick home with open plan living, dining and kitchen Enjoy a drink under the grapevine while savouring the stunning mountain view! Great choice for family lifestyle living and handy to Cambridge NEW LISTING OPEN DAY OPEN DAY $1,275,000 HIDDEN GEM CONTACT DAVID 3 2 2 Located 10mins to Cambridge is a private and tranquil 7525m2 Living areas with a great indoor/outdoor flow to deck and fenced garden Extra 79m2 shed with added room gives options for extra accommodation With solid bones you must view to discover the potential this property offers lifestyle property OPEN DAY $1,345,000 SUPREMELY STYLISH, SWEEPING VIEWS CONTACT DAVID 4 2 2 With sweeping views of surrounding countryside and extending Open plan living with a crisp and modern vibe extending to outdoor deck perfect for a sunset drink On 8316m2 with double garage and room to run a few animals to Maungatautari this home will be a pleasure to own $2,850,000 4/360 ASPIN ROAD CONTACT MATT PROMISES TO IMPRESS 7 72ha or 19 acres of pasture and extensive native planting Great location just a short drive to Cambridge 10km distance 4 Bedroom- 4 bathroom- 5 toilets – 3 living -2 offices Cedar -schist -recycled timbers and solar power system Amazing views 4 4 2 OPEN DAY: SUNDAY: 1.00-1.30PM OPEN DAY $845,000 1/31 FORREST ROAD SUPERB LOCATION & NO COVENANTS Superb address between Cambridge and Tamahere 1 5 km from St Peters School and short walk to the Forest Berry Cafe for Sunday brunch Situated down a long private driveway 9419 m2 (more or less) section CONTACT MATT OPEN DAY



24 | CAMBRIDGE NEWS THURSDAY FEBRUARY 2, 2023 CONTACT PETER PAGE INTERNET ID: CRR2243 OPEN HOME: SUN 13TH 12 -12 30PM INTERNET ID: CRR2254 CONTACT MATT SEAVILL CONTACT DAVID SOAR Sherry He M: 027 223 4335 E: SHERRY@CAMRE RESIDENTIAL $995,000 109 ARNOLD STREET Eilish Page M: 027 300 0002 E: EILISH@CAMREAL Alison Boo M: 027 277 8726 E: ALISON@CAMREA Sacha Web TO VIEW ALL OF OUR CURRENT LISTINGS VISIT WWW.CAMBRIDGEREALESTATE.CO.NZ Graham Ban RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL M: 021 363 387 E: SACHA@CAMREAL CO NZ RESIDENTIAL M: 027 448 7658 E: GRAHAM@CAMREAL CO NZ RESIDENTIAL OPEN HOME OPEN HOME 47 Alpha Street, Cambridge P: 07 823 1945 sales@cambridgerealestate co nz OPEN HOME NEW LISTING FAMILY SUMMER FUN CONTACT TREVOR OR DEBBIE OPEN HOME: SUNDAY: 1.00-1.30PM 3 2 2 FEATUREDLISTINGS NEW LISTING OPEN HOME OPEN HOME 719m² section and 178m² home Close to sporting venues Fully fenced salt swimming pool 3 bedrooms / 2 bathrooms / 2 living Heatpump PBN 39 KING STREET MODERNISED CLASSIC IN SUPERB LOCATION CONTACT RACHAEL OR KYLIE OPEN HOME: SUNDAY: 12 30PM-1 00PM 3 2 2 792m2 landscaped section Chef's kitchen Stunning lourve covered deck Fully fenced PBN 9 NAOMI PLACE EVERYTHING YOU NEED CONTACT GRAHAM OR PAULETTE OPEN HOME: SUNDAY: 1 00-1 30PM 4 2 2 Open plan kitchen, living with separate lounge Immaculate landscaped section Conveniently close to shops Excellent school zoning $680,000 5 FROUDE STREET UTTERLY CUTE FIND CONTACT ALISON OR SACHA OPEN HOME: SUNDAY: 11 30AM-12 00PM 3 1 1 Completely transformed home in a charming cul-de-sac New kitchen and bathroom Front and back outdoor living including covered gazebo Two double bedrooms, one single Popular day-care and playground at the end of the lane 42 BURNS STREET NEW
FINAL NOTICE DEADLINE SALE PRIVACY AND PRACTICALITY CONTACT DEBBIE OR TREVOR 3 2 2 450m² Fully fenced section Gas fire, Heatpump & HRV 3 Double bedrooms / 2 Bathrooms Excellent entertaining areas Deadline Sale: closes Thurs 2nd Feb 2023 at 4pm at the office of Cambridge Real Estate, (unless sold prior) DEADLINE SALE 63 SPENCER STREET OPEN HOME: SUNDAY: 12.15-12.45PM SIMPLE CHARM AND STYLE CONTACT SHERRY OR EILISH 3 1 1 Three Bedrooms plus office Lovely Location Timber Flooring Freehold Title Deadline Sale: closes Thurs 9th Feb 2023 at 4pm at the office of Cambridge Real Estate, (unless sold prior)


$1,080,000 OPEN HOME: SUNDAY: 11 00-11 30AM CONTACT KYLIE OR RACHAEL MODERN DESIGN IMBUED WITH CHARACTER 3 2 1 Extraordinary character and charm Two livings areas Covered outdoor living area plus an al fresco patio Beautiful landscaped 523m2 section 2019 Fowler Home $1,279,000 OPEN HOME: SUNDAY: 11 15-11 45AM CONTACT PAULETTE OR GRAHAM ELEGANCE AND STYLE 3 1 2 Large open plan living with separate scullery Covered outdoor entertaining Salt water pool Private & fully fenced 2 LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT CONTACT SHERRY OR EILISH 3 1 1 Separate Lounge Three Bedrooms Heat Pump Garaging CONTENTMENT ON BOWEN 3 2 2 Three-bedroom two-bathroom, internal garage Freshly painted with new carpet Light and bright open plan living, ground floor Upper-level views of the surrounding mountains Unit Title PBN WALK INTO WOODSTOCK CONTACT ALISON OR SACHA 3 1 Immaculate home Three bedroom home Large private garden Lovingly refreshed 2
26 | CAMBRIDGE NEWS THURSDAY FEBRUARY 2, 2023 CONTACT PETER PAGE INTERNET ID: CRR2243 OPEN HOME: SUN 13TH 12 -12 30PM INTERNET ID: CRR2254 CONTACT MATT SEAVILL CONTACT DAVID SOAR Sherry He M: 027 223 4335 E: SHERRY@CAMRE RESIDENTIAL Eilish Page M: 027 300 0002 E: EILISH@CAMREAL Alison Boo M: 027 277 8726 E: ALISON@CAMREA Sacha Web TO VIEW ALL OF OUR CURRENT LISTINGS VISIT WWW.CAMBRIDGEREALESTATE.CO.NZ Graham Ban RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL M: 021 363 387 E: SACHA@CAMREAL CO NZ RESIDENTIAL M: 027 448 7658 E: GRAHAM@CAMREAL CO NZ RESIDENTIAL OPEN HOME OPEN HOME 47 Alpha Street, Cambridge P: 07 823 1945 sales@cambridgerealestate co nz OPEN HOME FEATUREDLISTINGS OPEN HOME OPEN HOME OPEN HOME 3B WILKINSON PLACE 209 KING STREET 99B KINGSLEY STREET 36C CLARE STREET OPEN HOME: SUNDAY: 1 45-2 15PM $939,000 109 HALL STREET 4A UPPER KINGSLEY STREET OPEN HOME: SUNDAY: 12.00PM-12.45PM AUCTION 3 Sunny open plan living Low maintenance brick & tile home Private & fully fenced rear section Convenient in Cambridge East AUCTION: to be held 1 00pm Thurs 16th Feb 2023 at the Cambridge Community Pavilion corner of Dick & Queen street (unless sold prior) QUIET CUL-DE-SAC LIVING CONTACT PAULETTE OR GRAHAM 2 2 OPEN HOME: SUNDAY: 1 00-1 30PM $649,000 NICE AND SIMPLE CONTACT SHERRY OR EILISH 3 1 Cambridge East Three Bedrooms Freehold Title Garaging 1 AUCTION OPEN HOME: SUNDAY: 1 45-2 15PM CONTACT DEBBIE OR TREVOR 4 2 2 220m² Home; 700m² Section Central kitchen which flows effortlessly to spacious living areas Lovely indoor/outdoor flow to covered patios Heat pump, double glazed and fully insulated AUCTION: to be held 1 00pm Thurs 16th Feb 2023 at the Cambridge Community Pavilion corner of Dick & Queen street (unless sold prior) DON’T LET THIS ONE GET AWAY! 2 $899,000 CONTACT PAULETTE OR GRAHAM WHEN LOCATION COUNTS Spacious sunny open plan living Excellent school zoning Private freehold fully fenced section 2 3 2 HAMPTON HOME IN HALL CONTACT ALISON OR SACHA 3 2 1 Immaculately presented Lockwood home in beloved Hall St Painted and renovated throughout to portray a Hampton feel Brand new kitchen and two bathrooms with added laundry Three spacious and bright rooms overlooking the garden Large backyard with plenty of room to potter and play 1 $979,000 CONTACT GRAHAM OR PAULETTE BRAND NEW IN TOP LOCATION 4 2 1 166m2 (more or less) 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms Open plan living flows out to sun drenched deck 2 heat pumps, double glazed & well insulated Easy care Freehold section OPEN HOME: SUNDAY: 1 15-1 45PM OPEN HOME: SUNDAY: 2 30-3 00PM
THURSDAY FEBRUARY 2, 2023 CAMBRIDGE NEWS | 27 C INTERNET ID: CRR2243 OPEN HOME: SUN 13TH 12 -12 30PM INTERNET ID: CRR2254 CONTACT MATT SEAVILL C TO VIEW ALL OF OUR CURRENT LISTINGS VISIT WWW.CAMBRIDGEREALESTATE.CO.NZ 47 Alpha Street, Cambridge P: 07 823 1945 FEATUREDLISTINGS OPEN HOME 120 ALPHA STREET 6B MANSFIELD STREET 9 MANUKA PLACE OPEN HOME: SUNDAY: 2.00-2.30PM 8/98 BURNS STREET OPEN HOME: SUNDAY: 10.45-11.15AM 41 CATALYST AVENUE Debbie Tow M: 027 689 8696 E: DEBBIE@CAMREAL C RESIDENTIAL Trevor Mo M: 027 205 3246 E: TREVOR@CAMREA RESIDENTIAL Rach M: 027 72 E: RACHA Kylie Lee M: 021 183 9210 E: KYLIE@CAMREAL CO NZ RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL Bell AMREAL CO NZ $1,050,000 CONTACT ALISON OR SACHA WAKE UP & SMELL THE COFFEE! 2 1 2 Unique architectural home with glorious views Located smack in the middle of town – seconds from anywhere central! Upper floor is a bright and airy loft come third bedroom Added bonus of commercial zoning for savvy business investors $629,000 CUL-DE-SAC LIVING CONTACT GRAHAM OR PAULETTE Ideal for investors or first home buyers Spacious living, good sized bedrooms New kitchen & appliances Brick & aluminium 2 1 1 $779,000 A STYLISH LIFESTYLE CONTACT SHERRY OR EILISH 2 1 1 New townhouses 55 plus age group Lock up and leave Clever floorplan CONTACT ALISON OR SACHA YOUR STEP ON THE LADDER 2 1 1 Tidy, bright and spacious unit Located in the popular Burnscourt apartment complex A sunny balcony flowing on from open plan living A stone’s throw from Leamington’s shopping centre A fantastic opportunity to secure a smart investment or step onto the property ladder $449,000 PBN CONTACT RACHAEL OR KYLIE SMART DESIGN - SET FOR LIFE Friendly Pukekura park Gorgeous rural views Multiple living areas 2021 Generation Home 2501m2 section (more or less) 4 2 2 2 PBN
by an award-winning architect - each with a unique floorplan Elevated views across to the greenbelt Each has a private outdoor living area and will be fully landscaped Freehold titles Exterior features South Island Charleston Limestone and Abodo timber Luxury interiors with world class appliances For more information call Rachael or Kylie today
28 | CAMBRIDGE NEWS FEBRUARY 2, 2023 BUILDERS BUILDERS EXPERTS EXTERIOR CLEANING SERVICE Cambridge Owned & Operated Phone Mark for a FREE Quote 827 7386 | 027 432 2412 100’S OF SATISFIED CLIENTS HOUSE WASHING - ROOF TREATMENTS GUTTERS - MOSS REMOVAL GARDENING For Local Service You Can Trust • Broken Window Doors • Frameless Showers • Pet Doors • Custom Mirrors • Table Tops • New Glazing • Splashbacks We Guarantee all our Work & Deliver Service with a Smile! P: 07 827 6480 24/7 CALL OUTS 027 498 6046 New Homes | Renovations & Alterations Bungalows & Villas | Landscape Building Free Quotes & Consultations M. 027 278 8833 A/H. 07 827 7362 E. ELECTRICIAN EARTHMOVING GLAZING AIR CONDITIONING FLOORING 29 Victoria St (south end), Cambridge. Phone 827 9265 • Cushions for Christmas Carpets, Vinyls, Laminates, LVT, Accessories and DIY Products Free Measure and Quote 29 Victoria St (south end) Cambridge. Phone 827 6016 Winter Warmth from Cavalier Bremworth Free measure and quote 827 6016 LANDSCAPING QUALIFIED GARDENING CREW: p. 871 9246 or 027 5140 342 e. w. • All tree work • Pruning & removals • Chipping & stump grinding • Land & section clearing • Fruit trees • Scheduled maintenance • Pruning & weeding • Revamp or create new • Mulching & mulch sales • Hedge trimming QUALIFIED - FULLY INSURED - WAIPA’S FRIENDLY PROFESSIONALS QUALIFIED ARBORIST CREW: 2014 NZ Tree Climbing Champion LPG LAWNS 88 Duke St, Cambridge Ph 827 7456 Regular LPG Deliveries Cambridge and surrounding areas 7 Day Cylinder Fill – All Sizes – DON’T SWAP – REFILL –88 Duke St, Cambridge Ph 827 7456 Regular LPG Deliveries Cambridge and surrounding areas 7 Day Cylinder Fill – All Sizes – DON’T SWAP – REFILL – Local and Loyal since 1888 Regular LPG Deliveries Cambridge and surrounding areas 7 Day Cylinder Fill – All Sizes – DON’T SWAP – REFILL –ARBORISTS Chipping, Felling, Maintenance, Pruning, Removals, Stump Grinding, Hedge Cutting and much more DENNIS CLEMENTS 0508 TREE QUOTE / 027 485 1501 Fully insured and qualified - @TotaltreecareWaikato The Professional Arborists sinceoperatingProudly 1992 Call today: 0800 772 887 Web: Heat Pump Specialists • Free quotations and home appraisals • Sales, service and installation • Serving Cambridge, Otorohanga, Te Awamutu and surrounding areas EARTHWORKS • Site preparation: Shed pads – House sites – Driveways – Soakholes • Supply, deliver and spread: Rotten Rock – Metal – Sand • Residential & Commercial floors WE HAVE TRUCKS, DIGGERS & OPERATORS AVAILABLE NOW FOR SMALL & LARGE JOBS • Wheel & Track Bobcats • diggers • 4 wheeler tipper • 6 wheeler tippers and trailer • heavy vehicle transporter • sharp levelling system We have over 25 years’ experience. 027 210 2027 DOCTOR LAWN covers all aspects of lawn care from initial laying of instant turf and irrigation through to rejuvenating sick, stressed and run down lawns. Lawns you can be proud of! BUILDERS EXTERIOR CLEANING SERVICE New Homes | Renovations & Alterations Bungalows & Villas | Landscape Building Free Quotes & Consultations M. 027 278 8833 A/H. 07 827 7362 E. GARDENING Cambridge Garden Maintenance Landscaping  Planting  Hedges trimmed  Trees trimmed New lawns  Weed control  Pruning  General cleanup Rubbish removed  House washed  Water blasting Gutter cleared  Building  Painting Irrigation systems  Free quotes NO JOB TOO SMALL One offs, Weekly, Fortnightly or Monthly Phone Carl 022 100 8265 LPG 88 Duke St, Cambridge Ph 827 7456 Regular LPG Deliveries Cambridge and surrounding areas 7 Day Cylinder Fill – All Sizes – DON’T SWAP – REFILL –88 Duke St, Cambridge Ph 827 7456 Regular LPG Deliveries Cambridge and surrounding areas 7 Day Cylinder Fill – All Sizes – DON’T SWAP – REFILL – Local and Loyal since 1888 Regular LPG Deliveries Cambridge and surrounding areas 7 Day Cylinder Fill – All Sizes – DON’T SWAP – REFILL –Call today: 0800 772 887 Web: Otorohanga, Te Awamutu and surrounding areas KINDERGARTENS Decks, additions, renovations and new builds Ph Josh 027 935 54 35 Experienced Master Builders available PAINTING | The difference is in the detail • House Painting – Interior & Exterior • Wallpapering • Free Quotes • No blaring music • No inconsiderate behaviour • 2 year guarantee on workmanship 021 800 286

Another Chin win

Octogenarian Luk Chin watched from the back of the field again as Safrakova and Alana finished one-two in the Cambridge Gold Cup handicap trot on Monday at Cambridge Raceway.

The previous week in the final heat, it had been the other way around. Chin was driving Jasinova, the third of his horses in the race, which finished seventh.

Cambridge driver Matthew White had to use all his skills to get around a galloping Kimkar Dash to win the Group 3 Waikato Trotting Breeders’ Stakes guiding Resolve in the feature at Cambridge Raceway last week.

Forsman on quality street

Andrew Forsman is set to open a satellite stable in Melbourne this year and bloodstock agents Andrew Williams and Bevan Smith are keen to fill it with top fillies. Forsman has secured 10 boxes at Macedon Lodge and the Cambridge trainer has been busy at Karaka this week purchasing potential residents of the facility.

He teamed up with Williams and Smith to purchase the top-priced filly on the opening day of New Zealand Bloodstock’s Book 1 sale and on Tuesday the trio dug deep once more to secure another filly destined for Forsman’s trans-Tasman operation.

They identified lot 488, the Written Tycoon filly out of Group Three performer Save The Date, as one of the fillies of the sale and they were relieved to secure her out of Cambridge Stud’s draft with a final bid of $460,000.

“She is a filly we have been waiting for, we had to wait until day three, which was a little agonising in itself,” Williams said.

“We are very happy to get her. We went over budget by $10,000 in order to get her, but hopefully that is a good decision in the long-term.

“We are excited to get her and she is going to get every chance with Andrew Forsman and hopefully we see her in the Melbourne spring as a three-year-old filly.

“We need to buy quality in order to compete in Melbourne. We have got to take fillies like this and put them through Andrew’s system and let’s hope they are good enough to be running in Melbourne in the spring.”

While Williams is dreaming of Melbourne targets with the filly, he is hoping to snare more immediate riches in New Zealand in the Karaka Million 2YO (1200m) next year.

“She is a horse that we have looked at multiple times throughout the week and singled out her and the Savabeel filly on day one.

“We bought Ethereal Star at this sale last year with Andrew Forsman and she is a stakes winner and runner-up in the Karaka Million (1200m) a fortnight ago, so let’s hope we can have similar success with this filly.

“We will point her in that direction (Karaka Million) and see if we can get her there. You need to have a lot of luck to get a runner pre-Christmas, everything needs to go right.

“We thought she was forward enough physically, her demeanor and everything about her was faultless.”

Williams has been active at Karaka this week and has been pleased with the seven yearlings he has bought to date.

“I think a filly like this exemplifies the sale,” he said.

“I think the cream of the crop are really rising and everyone is on them.

“I think it is also strong in that $150,000 to $200,000 bracket, which is a credit to the buying bench and what New Zealand Bloodstock has done to get those people here. Whether they be from Australia or further afield, as well as the domestic buyers.” – NZ Racing Desk

THURSDAY FEBRUARY 2, 2023 CAMBRIDGE NEWS | 29 Formerly Cambridge Septic Tank Services - still the same owners! Your Local Septic Tank Cleaning Experts Plumbing Gas tting Drainlaying Central Heating P: 07 823 7263 27 COOK ST, CAMBRIDGE EXPERTS SEPTIC TANKS SEPTIC TANKS • Drain camera surveying up to 2m diameter • Drain jetting trucks • Drain camera vans • Septic Tanks PLUMBING PLUMBING AVAILABLE FROM: 10 Albert Street, Cambridge 07 827 5400 | | Your local heating specialist Other Showroom Locations: 6 Main North Road, Otorohanga | 100 Roche St, Te Awamutu • Bathroom Renovations • Gas Hot Water • Repairs, Service, Installation Need a plumber? 0800 PRATTS A division of Pratts CLASSIFIEDS SERVICES SERVICES BUILDER 30 years experience. Specialising in Bathroom Alterations Ph Mike Margan 027 532 3963 For a look you will love Call Dave Rowe • Interior painting • Wallpapering • Exterior painting Ph. Matthew Trott • Tree Care • Pruning • Removal Qualified, Professional Arborists • Stump Grinding • Wood Spltting • Consultancy Missed Delivery? Let Us Know Phone 07 827 0005 • GARDEN SHEDS • CARPORTS • CABINS Contact Lance 0800 743 346 email. for quality lifestyle, storage solutions Display yard at 3 Goodfellow Lane, Hamilton AFFORDABLE STUMP GRINDING Get rid of those ugly stumps easily! A ordable Stump Grinding, will remove them, our tracked machine only places 4lb per inch weight on the ground so no ugly wheel marks on the lawn. Phone 021 1852755 for a free quote
Lott 488 was picked as one of the fillies of the sale.

MISSEN, Donald Ralph –

Passed away peacefully at Te Awa Lifecare, Cambridge, on Saturday, 21st January 2023. Aged 93 years. Dearly loved husband of the late Dawn and father of Graham, and Lindsay. A funeral service for Donald will be held at the Cambridge Baptist Church, Queen Street, Cambridge, on Tuesday, the 31st of January 2023 at 11:00am followed by the burial at the Leamington Public Cemetery. All communications to the Missen Family, c/- 3 Hallys Lane, Cambridge 3434.

NIELSEN, Bruce Richard

– Passed away on Sunday, 22nd January 2023. Aged 59 years. Treasured father of Astrid and Heidi, proud grandfather of Elliot and Kohen. Borris to his friends and family. Dearly loved brother of Nigel (deceased), Mike, Glen (Australia), Jan, and Peter (Australia).

‘Travelling uncle of the family. Known for his contagious sense of humour and warm smile. Will be remembered sharing lots of laughs and always living life. his own way. xoxox’ A private cremation has been held. All communications to the Nielsen Family, c/- 3 Hallys Lane, Cambridge 3434.

WILLS, Brian Edward Massy

– Passed away peacefully at Te Awa Lifecare, Cambridge on Wednesday 25 January 2023, aged 86 years. Much loved and loving husband of Jill for 57 years. Loved and respected father and father-in-law of Stuart and Erica, Graham and Karianne, Julie (deceased) and Didier. Adored Daddas of Mathieu, Henry, Filip, Louis, Edwin, Harrison and Mackenzie, and best mate of Nicki the dog. A gathering to celebrate Brian’s life will be held at Te Awa Lifecare Woolshed, 1866 Cambridge Road, Cambridge today, Friday 3 February at 11:00am.

ADAM, John Learmont (Mike) – Passed away after a short illness on 30th January 2023. Much loved husband and soulmate of Barbara. Loved father and fatherin-law of Sue and Gordon (Australia), Bridget and Mike (Australia) and Gordon and Leanne (Hamilton) and loved grandfather. According to Mike’s wishes a private cremation has been held. A memorial service will be held at a later date.

CARAVAN 180 XL 6.5 metres, all aluminium frame, cert, selfcontained with fully enclosed awning, double glazed tinted windows, sleeps 5, microwave, Thetford cassette toilet, 3-way automatic fridge/ freezer (90ltrs), 5 good steel belted radials (8 ply), 90ltrs fresh water, 102ltrs grey, gas cooker & grill, 2 gas bottles, 230 volt & 12 volt lighting, fire extinguisher, excellent storage, beautiful condition. Why would you pay $90,000 or more for a comparable new van when you could have all this for $50,000. Tel 07 8233576 Cambridge to check it out.


First Time Offered!

On the market for the first time ever, this immaculate 3-bedroom brick home was built in 2005 and sits on its own title in a sought after location, close to everything.

There is plenty of room to swing the cat, work from home, or babysit the grandies as this fully insulated home boasts 3 bedrooms with walk in wardrobe & ensuite off the master bdrm, plus a separate toilet and full bathroom (bath & shower).

The compact kitchen looks through to a spacious open plan dining/lounge with ranch slider access to a flat, easy to manage lawn & garden.

With a dble int. acc garage, great storage & extra offstreet parking, this home really does have everything you need.

Please call 021 135 1058 for a Private Viewing.

Cambridge Seventh-Day Adven�st Church

Cr. Shakespeare & Browning Streets Bible Study Each Saturday: 9.30am – 10.45am

Worship Service: 11.00am

Like us on Facebook: h�ps:// email:

Phone: 027 677 6433

Hope Channel – Freeview Ch 27, Sky 204 We offer detailed study of the Bible and inspiring worship experiences.

PUBLIC NOTICES PROPERTY FOR SALE SITUATIONS VACANT Cambridge, your stories are in safe hands.
Jono Gibson Funeral Director Family Notices • Engagements • Weddings • Births • Anniversaries • Bereavements • In Memoriam etc Call Janine 027 287 0005 elcom e elcome Come along to our church service s Church & crèche cambapchurch Looking for the right candidate for the job? ADVERTISE YOUR VACANCY WITH US! Call Janine on 027 287 0005 or email “Local jobs for local people” FIREWOOD – Macrocarpa $120 per metre. Delivered. Ph 027 492 0601 David Lloyd His past Cambridge East School pupils 1971-76, are invited to celebrate David’s 80th birthday. RSVP for details Sunday service at 10am will be lead by Re v. Alistair McBride. “A Spiritual iPod” Corner of Queen and Bryce Street Sunday Service at 10am will be led by Rev. Mohu Lolohea We are like Salt and Light.
All Welcome.
07 827 7649
Family Notices Call Janine 027 287 0005 or email
FURNITURE – Pair of George III Hepplewhite style chairs with hand embroidered seats $1600. Pair of black modern leather straight backed Lazy Boy chairs $800. Phone 07 827 0007 to view.



Maungatautari Road, Lamb Street, Ariki Street and Hydro Road on 5-6 February 2023

Please note that the roads listed below will be closed to ordinary vehicular traffic for the Long Course Weekend multisport event.

Sunday, 5 February 2023

• Maungatautari Road – from Gate 1/Judd Lane to Gate 3 of Mighty River Domain (with traffic detoured through Mighty River Domain) - 6.00am to 5.30pm

• Maungatautari Road – from Gate 3 to Luck at Last Road - 6.50am to 7.30am

• Lamb Street – from Scott Street to Maungatautari Road - 6.30am to 5.00pm

Monday, 6 February 2023

• Ariki Street/Hydro Road – from Maungatautari Road to Kar-apiro Dam lookout - 7.00am to 1.00pm

For more information, please contact Waip-a District Council on 0800 924 723 or email


Section 101, Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012


Of an application for On Licence

Diamondz Food and Beverages Limited, 48 Burns Street, Leamington, Cambridge has made application to the Waipa District Licensing Committee for the renewal of a on-licence in respect of the premises at 48 Burns Street, Leamington known as Royal Cambridge Indian Restaurant.

The general nature of the business to be conducted under the licence is restaurant. The days on which and the hours during which alcohol is sold under the licence are: Monday to Sunday 10am to midnight. The application may be inspected during ordinary office hours at the office of the Waipa District Licensing Committee, 101 Bank Street, Te Awamutu or 23 Wilson Street, Cambridge.

Any person who is entitled to object and who wishes to object to the issue of the licence may, not later than 15 working days after the date of the publication of this notice, file a notice in writing of the objection with the Secretary of the District Licensing Committee at: Waipa District Council, Private Bag 2402, Te Awamutu 3840.

No objection to the issue of a renewal licence may be made in relation to a matter other than a matter specified in section 131 of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.

This is the first publication of this notice.



We’re opening a brand new clinic on Mahoe Street in March 2023 and we’re looking for two outstanding part time receptionists / administrators to run our front desk operations. Each role is around 25 hours a week, across the ve weekdays.

Start date – late February 2023.

To apply for the position or for more information on this opportunity, email Liv Johnson (

Applications close 7 February 2023.

In the heart of Te Awamutu, Freeman Court makes independent living affordable and a little easier for older people. We have one vacant position to start as soon as possible. COVID-19 vaccination required.


In the heart of Te Awamutu, Freeman Court makes independent living affordable and a little easier for older people. We have one vacant position to start as soon as possible. COVID-19 vaccination required.

• Kitchen hand (Casual role)

Caregiver- casual position. Rostered shifts covering 24 hours and seven days a week

Learning Support Vacancy

Karāpiro School is a small rural primary school located 10 minutes south of Cambridge.

We are seeking a teacher aide who is compassionate, patient and energetic to support students with special education needs.

Our successful applicant will:

For more information, please feel free to contact Tricia Ball (residential manager) at or call 07 871 5260.

For more information, please feel free to contact Tricia Ball (residential manager) at or call 07 871 5260.

- Have a genuine interest and desire to work with students with special education needs and their families - Be able to work as an effective member of the K arāpiro staff team

- Demonstrate initiative and a positive attitude - Be willing to participate in professional learning and development

The position is for 15 hours (negotiable) Monday to Friday during the school term. For further employment details and to apply for the position please contact Tina-Maree at

You can read more about our school on our website



Advertising Deadlines (Run of Paper):

Advertising booking deadline for is one week prior to publication day. Copy deadline for admake up is 5pm Friday prior to publication day. Advertiser is responsible to advise us of any copy changes before 5pm Monday prior to publication day. Advertising supplied in completed form, deadline is Tuesday midday prior to publication day. Public holiday weeks, deadlines move forward on working day. Cancellation deadline week prior to publication. If cancellations are received after the booking deadline then full charge applies. Advertising setting is free for use in Good Local Media Ltd publications only. If used elsewhere charges will apply, pricing available on request. Advertising space only is purchased, and all copy made up by Good Local Media Ltd remains the property of Good Local Media Ltd. If supplied ready to print, copy is owned by the advertiser. Publication day is Thursday for urban deliveries and Friday morning for rural deliveries.

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OPEN HOMES CAMBRIDGE OPEN HOMES Contact listing agent prior-visiting as Open Homes times can change. BAYLEYS Monday 6 February 17 Thompson Street $669,000 10.00-10.30am 111 Kingsley Street Auction 11.00-11.30am 19 Carlyle Street PBN 12.00-12.30pm 220 Grice Road Auction 1.00-1.30pm 109 Butcher Road Auction 2.00-2.30pm Sunday 12 February 17 Thompson Street $669,000 10.00-10.30am 111 Kingsley Street Auction 11.00-11.30am 109 Butcher Road Auction 2.00-2.30pm CAMBRIDGE REAL ESTATE Saturday 4 February 75 Baxter Michael Cr Auction 1.00-1.45pm Sunday 5 February 26/37B Raleigh Street $635,000 10.00-10.30am 8/98 Burns Street $449,000 10.45-11.15am 21 Terry Came Drive $1,080,000 11.00-11.30am 41 Luck At Last Road $1,350,000 11.00-11.30am 9 Boyce Crescent $1,279,000 11.15-11.45am 3B Hall Street $569,000 11.30-12.00pm 5 Froude Street $680,000 11.30-12.00pm 61 Campbell Street $689,000 11.30-12.00pm 62B Bowen Street PBN 11.45-12.15pm 3B Wilkinson Street Auction 12.00-12.45pm 61 King Street Deadline Sale 12.15-12.45pm 5 Woodstock Crescent PBN 12.15-12.45pm 398 French Pass Road $1,275,000 12.15-12.45pm 63 Spencer Street Deadline Sale 12.15-12.45pm 39 King Street PBN 12.30-1.00pm 9 Naomi Place PBN 1.00-1.30pm 4/360 Aspin Road $2,850,000 1.00-1.30pm 109 Arnold Street $995,000 1.00-1.30pm 209 King Street $649,000 1.00-1.30pm 75 Baxter Michael Cr Auction 1.00-1.45pm 3/205 Oliver Road $1,345,000 1.15-1.45pm 109 Hall Street $939,000 1.15-1.45pm 99B Kingsley Street Auction 1.45-2.15pm 4 Rose Leigh Drive $1,085,000 1.45-2.15pm 36C Clare Street $899,000 1.45-2.15pm 9 Manuka Place $779,000 2.00-2.30pm 371 Pukemoremore Rd PBN 2.00-2.30pm 23 Burr Street PBN 2.00-2.30pm 328 Brunskill Road $1,139,000 2.15-2.45pm 4A Upper Kingsley St $979,000 2.30-3.00pm 18 Cotter Place $1,245,000 2.45-3.15pm 14 De La Mare Drive $1,375,000 3.15-3.45pm 3074 Cambridge Road $1,850,000 3.45-4.15pm Monday 6 February 75 Baxter Michael Cr Auction 1.00-1.45pm HARCOURTS Saturday 4 February 1 Lakewood Lane $1,899,000 10:00-10:30am 49a Weld Street PBN 11:00-11:30am 58 Scott Street PBN 11:00-11:30am 5a Upper Kingsley $1,090,000 12:00-12:30pm 24a Thompson Street PBN 12:00-12:30pm 34 Recite Avenue PBN 1:00-1:30pm 39 Plescher Crescent PBN 2:00-2:30pm LJ HOOKER Sunday 5 February 87a Scott Street Deadline Sale 11.00-11.45am 83 Arnold Street Deadline Sale 11.15-11.45am 31a Tennyson Street $749,000 12.00-12.30 10a Weld Street PBN 12.00-12.30pm 39a Princes Street Deadline Sale 12.45-1.15pm LUGTONS Saturday 4 February 13 Ruru Street Auction 11.30-12.30pm 96 Arnold Street Auction 12.45-1.45pm 44 Seachange Drive Auction 1.30-2.30pm Sunday 5 February 13 Ruru Street Auction 11.30-12.30pm 96 Arnold Street Auction 12.45-1.45pm 44 Seachange Drive Auction 1.30-2.30pm MORE RE Saturday 4 February 105 Shakespeare Street Deadline 11.00-11.30am 298 Shakespeare Street $1,125,000 11.00-11.30am 30 Williamson Street $1,095,000 12.00-12.30pm 82 Princes Street $730,000 12.00-12.30pm 27 Richmond Street PBN 1.00-1.30pm 30 Pengover Ave Deadline 1.00-1.30pm 628 Maungatautari Road PBN 2.00-2.30pm 39 Skeet Road PBN 2.00-2.30pm Sunday 5 February 48 Noel Street BEO $660,000 10.00-10.30am 16 Keats Terrace $639,000 10.00-10.30am 24 Oaklands Drive PBN 10.00-10.30am 298 Shakespeare Street $1,125,000 11.00-11.30am 521 Aspin Road $1,440,000 11.00-11.30am 35 Baxter Michael Cres $1,720,000 11.00-11.30am 9 Ada Close PBN 11.00-11.30am 115B Tennyson Street $699,000 11.00-11.30am 49 Baxter Michael Cres PBN 12.00-12.30pm 51 Baxter Michael Cres $1,777,000 12.00-12.30pm 8 Robyn Hyde Place PBN 12.00-12.30pm 8A Boulton Place PBN 12.00-12.30pm 30 Pengover Ave Deadline 1.00-1.30pm 27 Richmond Street PBN 1.00-1.30pm 8 King Street Deadline 1.00-1.30pm 15A Vogel Place BEO $920,000 2.00-2.30pm 53 Hamilton Road $695,000 2.00-2.30pm 39 Skeet Road PBN 2.00-2.30pm RAY WHITE Sunday 5 February 15 Sewell Place $755,000 11.00-11.30am 32 Goldsmith Street $1,175,000 11.00-11.30am 30 Goldsmith Street Auction 11.00-11.30am 8 Calvert Place $925,000 12.00-12.30pm 6a Oxford Street, Tirau $639,000 12.00-12.30pm 46 Watkins Road $1,090,000 12.00-12.30pm 12 Williams Street Auction 12.00-12.30pm 11 Mahy Way $1,395,000 1.00-1.30pm 20a Bracken Street $825,000 2.00-2.30pm 8 Duke Street PBN 3.00-3.30pm 8a Tennyson Street $869,000 4.00-4.30pm
GOT A NEWS TIP? – email

Brand-new villa show home now open

The first brand-new homes at Cambridge’s newest retirement village, Summerset Cambridge, are pre-selling now*. Come along to our Open Day to see our stunning new show home and discover for yourself why these homes are selling so fast.

Our single-storey villas are warm, modern and designed with everything you could need for the perfect retirement lifestyle. Featuring bright and spacious open plan living with a contemporary kitchen, ideal for entertaining friends and family.

Open Day

Wednesday 8 February 10am - 2pm

Summerset Cambridge

1 Mary Ann Drive, Cambridge

07 839 9482 |

Don’t miss the chance to secure your first choice of home in this stunning village. Be sure to come along to our Open Day, or if you just can’t wait, call the Sales Manager, Nikki Matthews on 07 839 9482 or email today. Love the life you choose

*Licence to occupy.

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