Council switch shock
By Mary Anne Gill
Waipā council meetings will move to Wednesdays and the spending limit lifted for the mayor and committee chairs to $10 million in more “behind closed doors” decisions expected to be rubber stamped by councillors in public this week.
Debate on staff proposals was scheduled to take 15 minutes yesterday (Wednesday), but the council advertised its intentions around meeting days in The News last week.
February Strategic Planning and Policy, workshop and briefing days, Service Delivery, Finance and Corporate and council meetings were advertised as being held on Wednesdays even though it required councillor approval yesterday.
Contracts of up to $10 million - in the case of urgency - are to be delegated to mayor Susan O’Regan and committee chairs Clare St Pierre, Liz Stolwyk, Andrew Brown and Marcus Gower.
Sources are concerned the limit could result in decisions made without public scrutiny and cite the Cambridge Water Tower as an example of a demolition contract which could be let under those rules.
In an email to the council, editor Roy Pilott said the meeting and agenda moves came “as a bolt out of the blue” to the newspaper which counts local body reporting as a cornerstone of its coverage.
“The ramifications for more than 24,000 Waipā households who rely on (publisher)
Good Local Media …. will be significant,” he said.
“Our deadline is Tuesday afternoon, and your proposal will prevent us
Happy birthday
Birthdays are always a big deal at Cambridge’s Achievement House. Mykal Dimond-Grey, centre in red t shirt and holding card, smiles as other workers and volunteers join him for morning tea, from left Terry Barnett, Jeremy Piecry, Michael Dodds, David Peacock, Theresa Rippey, Leon Smith, Jenna Tutbury, Brett Sager, Ricky Robson, Andrew Atkinson, Courtney Duncan, Adele Whiteside, Hone Paki, Ricky Inglis, Gail Longley, Mark Tyrell-Ellis and Carl Smith. Read about Achievement House on Pages 8 and 9 today. Photo: Mary Anne Gill.

from publishing news about decisions in print for eight days.”
In response Waipā chief executive Steph O’Sullivan said the initiative came after significant research and elected member/staff feedback.
“The intention is to strengthen and support best practice governance of council.”
Pilott said the proposal presents a “major threat” to the business at a time when Stuff and NZME were closing community newspapers and reducing staff numbers.
Publisher David Mackenzie said it was one of many challenges he had been confronted with in recent years which included increased transport, distribution, print and staff costs.
Good Local Media publishes community
newspapers in Cambridge, Te Awamutu and King Country and monthly Waikato business and rural newspapers.
“We take our role in serving our communities seriously,” he said.
“Other publishers close papers, we work around the issues. We’re not quitters, it will mean doing things differently and adapting but we are not able to move any deadlines.
“We’re committed to print because it is what our readers and advertisers say they want.”
In her report to council, Governance manager Jo Gread said the move would ensure a focused workplace, efficiency of staff time and council resources, clear alignment with the calendar year and a commitment to strategic, effective and focused decision-making.

Information-only reports, which The News often uses as the basis to news stories, will be delivered via an alternative method to a committee agenda. They will be provided to councillors via email and The News assumes by more council-produced media releases.
“Where relevant and appropriate, any such

information will be considered for publication on council’s website to ensure full transparency,” she said. The housing subcommittee, which deals with pensioner and affordable housing issues, was to be disbanded while a new Road Closure subcommittee was to be established.
• What do you think? Email editor@goodlocal.nz

David Mackenzie
Jo Gread

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If not satisfied with the response, the complaint may be referred to the Media Council P O Box 10-879, The Terrace, Wellington 6143. Or use the online complaint form at www. mediacouncil.org.nz
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New sign honours former chief

By Viv Posselt
Last week’s unveiling of a new road sign in Cambridge’s Bridleways Estate area honoured the town’s late fire chief Don Gerrand and ties two families together in a poignant coincidence.
The unveiling of Don Gerrand Drive – at
On the beat
The school holidays seem to have flown by and here we are at the end of January. It is therefore time for some safety reminders about the return to school.
the far end of Hugo Shaw Drive – was done by Don’s son Richie Gerrand, accompanied by his mother Jocelyn and sister Stephanie Taylor. Numerous other family members and friends, as well as Cambridge Volunteer Fire Brigade members and Waipā councillors were on hand for the occasion.
Richie Gerrand thanked everyone who
Back to school, already CONTACTS
The start of term 1 will see an increase in traffic on the roads – cars, buses and bicycles. This additional traffic is especially focussed around schools during drop off and pick up times. For this reason, along with the increased presence of children and young people on the road, speed zones around schools are reduced.
While my driving messages always advise to keep to the speed limit and have patience, this is particularly true for school environs. Keep an eye on school bus movements and be aware of children getting on and off. Children are not as road-wise as adults. They can be impulsive and unpredictable in their movements.
If dropping your child off at school, park legally – yellow lines are there to prevent parking in areas that can limit a driver’s visibility around intersections and crossings. Encourage your children to use pedestrian crossings and to walk, not run across the road. If your child is biking to school, ensure they know the road rules and use cycleways where provided. Remind them to watch

out for other road and shared pathway users and to signal their turns. Dismounting when crossing a pedestrian crossing ensures cars have time to react and stop to allow your child to cross safely.
A helmet, besides being a legal requirement, is a key safety feature reducing the risk of a concussion or traumatic brain injury in the event that your child falls off or is in a crash. Helmets are ineffective when left at home, hanging from the handlebars or straps aren’t done up.
A bike lock to secure the bike at school can prevent thefts. If walking or biking, ensure your child is familiar with the safest route to take to school. If they are doing it for the first time, complete a few practice runs with them so you can help them to recognise and handle any situations that arise. If your child is catching a bus, remind them about safe ways to enter and disembark, looking for cars on the road. They also need to be aware of what is responsible and appropriate behaviour on the bus so as not to cause damage, harm to others nor to distract the driver.
If everyone follows these reminders, we will all have a safe start to the school year.
had played a part in getting the road sign in place and said his dad would have been very honoured to be recognised in such a way.
Don Gerrand died in May 2022. He served 53 years with the Cambridge fire brigade, 28 of them as fire chief, and attended an astonishing 9316 callouts. His funeral service in the Cambridge Town Hall was one of the largest the town has seen.
Waipā deputy mayor Liz Stolwyk said the project intended to honour Don began soon after his passing.
“When I saw how the whole community mourned, it became obvious to me that this was a man who was very highly respected in Cambridge,” she said. “The voluntary service he gave to this community over so many years was outstanding, and I started thinking about how we could honour him and his family.”
Determined to ensure that whatever recognition was given would last for generations, she reached out to Bridleways Estate manager Matt Smith to identify a road in the new development that would be wellused for years to come.
“The wheels turn slowly for this type of thing,” she said, “but what we have here is a road that is in a growing community, one that when finished will link to other major roads.”
A poignant connection linking Don Gerrand Drive with Hugo Shaw Drive was mentioned during last week’s unveiling. Hugo Shaw Drive was named for 14-yearold Cambridge teenager, Hugo Shaw, who died in a crash in Pāpāmoa in early 2021. It turns out that Hugo’s mother, Hayley Shaw, is a close and long-standing schoolfriend of Don’s daughter Stephanie.

with Senior Constable DEB HANN
The gathering of family and friends pictured after the road sign honouring Don Gerrand was unveiled last week. Photo: Viv Posselt
Merger on cards?
Waikato Chamber of Commerce has ramped up calls for local body mergers saying rocketing rate rises and central government pressure is hitting ratepayers in the pocket. The region’s 12 councils for 536,200 people was ludicrous, chief executive Don Good said. He suggested amalgamations between Waipā, Waikato, Ōtorohanga, Waitomo and South Waikato should be dominate election debates.
Nearly there
Nicky Chilcott’s wait for win number 700 as a driver continues after the late scratching of Hot Jessie from Race One at Cambridge Raceway on Monday. The 53-year-old trainer brought up 699 earlier this month at the raceway driving favourite Showtym Girl but missed out in Otaki despite have several horses on the grass track over two days.
Event cost
A request for the final cost – sources suggest it was close to $40,000 - of Waipā’s Party in the Park welcoming home Olympians and Paralympians on Victoria Square, Cambridge last month is being treated by the council as a Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act (LGOIMA) request. The News made the request on January 8 –which gives the council 20 working days (February 7) to respond.
RSA returns
A new sub-branch of the RSA has opened in the Piopio Cosmopolitan Club after an almost 40-year-break. The sub-branch is following similar examples of the Te Kūiti branch, which meets in the Waitomo Club, the Ōtorohanga branch, which meets in the Ōtorohanga Club, and the Cambridge branch, which meets at D’Arcy’s Garden Restaurant, Club Lounge & Bar at Hidden Lake Hotel and Apartments.
All the fun of the fair
By Mary Anne Gill
St Andrew’s verger Ian Dunn has done it again.
Three years after he told The News he was retiring from organising the church fairs held on Anniversary and Labour weekends, he went and did another one.
And excitedly he revealed on Monday he is also going to run his own 80th birthday event in the church on March 9.
Top bill will be Cambridge’s Riverside Ukes who put on a two and a half hour show for this year’s fair which had 140 stalls and clear, if windy, skies.
Dunn also hopes to revive his bell ringing career provided the work on the Bell Tower’s belfry – where one of the four kauri pillars is being repaired - is completed in time.
“I couldn’t give this up,” he says having just returned from catching up with stall holders at his 30th event.
Most galas make more than $6000 for the parish.
The St Andrew’s ladies were there with their home baking – Yvonne Johnston rattled off the names of who made the scones, cake, and the 95-year-old woman who made yoyo cookies, a favourite for decades from the Edmonds Cookbook.
They hoped to raise $1500-$2000 which will go to a charitable organisation working on women and children’s projects.
Outside Americans Gene Sorkin and Alan Newman were sitting on the footpath verge hunting Pokémon.
“There don’t seem too many around here,” said Newman wearing the Make American Great Again black cap favoured by Elon Musk.
“I’m a big (Donald) Trump fan,” he said to the obvious disdain of his friend Gene Sorkin now living in Auckland but originally from Inglewood in southern California.
They have known each other since they attended the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) in 1968 – the days of flower power,

protests against the Vietnam war, Woodstock and free love.
Their differing politics has not harmed a decades-old friendship.
Both married women called Anita. Sorkin’s wife was from the Haight-Ashbury district of San Francisco famous for its hippies although she says all she ever did was rip her jeans and sew floral decorations into them.
And with that they were going to pop into town, do some shopping and grab a bite to eat having counted themselves fortunate to have stumbled upon St Andrew’s legendary church fair.

Jono Gibson Funeral Director
Riverside Ukes performed for 2 ½ hours inside St Andrew’s Church during the gala finding the acoustics perfect for their special brand of music. From left, lead guitarist John Worth, Hilary Wilson-Hill, Chris Follett and Tony Hill.
Photos: Mary Anne Gill
Teatime: the St Andrew’s ladies put on tea and home cooked delights with money raised going to local charities. Being served are from left Tracy Morgan, Leah Mawston, Rev Michelle Willis and Denise Forsyth (partially obscured). Behind the counter, clockwise from back, gala organiser Ian Dunn, Lauris Crook, Ruth Riddell, Jeanette Bryant, Heather Harvey, Stephen Riddell, Yvonne Johnston and Marilyn Cooper.
Americans Gene Sorkin and Alan Newman went Pokémon hunting while waiting for their wives. The couples stumbled onto the gala and stopped on their way through to Napier.

Roa backs tribunal changes
By Roy Pilott
Tom Roa has cast a vote of confidence in the refreshed compilation of the Waitangi Tribunal.
He did not have his warrant renewed this month when Māori Development Minister Tama Potaka announced a new line up of members.
Eight new appointments were made and five of the existing 20 members - Dr Ruakere Hond, Derek Fox, Kim Ngarimu, Dr Hana O’Regan and Professor Sir Pou Temara - were retained.
Appointments are for a three-year term and the new members include Vanessa Eparaima, chair of Te Wananga o Aotearoa council and Professor Tafaoimalo Tologata Leilani TualaWarren, Dean of Te Piringa Faculty of Law at Waikato University.
Tania Simpson of Tamahere was among those not reappointed. She has served on the tribunal since 2008. Ken Williamson, a Waikato business leader who has ties to Waipā through St John, was appointed in October last year.
Te Pāti Māori co-leader Debbie Ngarewa-Packer called the appointments a whitewash and said some

of Te Ao Māori’s greatest thinkers had been replaced “with pale, stale males”.
Roa, Professor in the Faculty of Māori and Indigenous Studies at the University of Waikato regularly shares his view with readers of The News –his latest column appears in this edition.
He said recent publicity, especially in social media, regarding some of the new appointments “and the non-renewal of my and other long-serving members’ warrants has to be a concern with the strength of its negativity”.
He said the new appointments brought a diversity of rich experience to the tribunal “which should be welcomed”.
“They will quickly familiarise themselves with the role of the tribunal under the Act and their role as members. The judges, staff, and sitting members will make good use of their knowledge, skills, and experience in guiding those new members in their role.”
Roa said he had been honoured to serve on the tribunal for 10 years and was personally and professionally proud of his contribution.
The Waitangi Tribunal is a permanent commission of

inquiry set up by the Treaty of Waitangi Act 1975. Its role is inquisitorial, and it seeks to establish the “truth or otherwise” of an allegation that the Crown has breached the Treaty.
It also has a role in examining and reporting on proposed legislation and makes recommendations about certain Crown forest land, railways land, stateowned enterprise land, and land transferred to educational institutions.
Roa said the tribunal fulfilled an essential, principled, role in advancing race relations and held elected representatives to account in ensuring that “not only do they govern according to our will but they do so in the context of the Treaty of Waitangi, ensuring that the rule of law is upheld”.
Claimants, their legal counsel, and Crown counsel in their interactions with tribunal panels also had a responsibility to assist the tribunal in its deliberations.
“Reasoned and thoughtful debate will continue,” Roa said.
“We should remind ourselves that our parliamentary system is based on the Westminster system in which we have

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a Government, and an Opposition. The primary function of the Opposition is to oppose, that is to hold the Government to account.
In any debate exaggeration and hyperbole can be very effective tools to advance a position.
“We should guard against
debates which promote personal attacks, are essentially negative, and do not offer thoughtful and rational alternatives.”
Cancer patients’ guardian angel
Ellyn Proffit was so convinced cancer patients should be able to have a key support person with them while in hospital she became a successful advocate.
For two decades as a clinical nurse specialist and nurse practitioner at Waikato Hospital she supported thousands of young people throughout the region through their cancer diagnoses.
Nine years ago, she was named Waikato District Health Board’s nurse of the year and completed her Master of Nursing at Wintec. Her research as part of the studies involved reviewing Te Awa, a metaphorical conversation using the metaphor of a turbulent and twisting river to help people

Ellyn Proffit stresses the value of having a whānau member or friend acting as a key support person for cancer patients. Continued on page 14
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A woman of style and ambition
By Viv Posselt
There was much more to Judy Bannon than her upright posture and elegant attire… or even her involvement with local council.
Those at her funeral last week heard she came from a line of strong women - she was the fifth generation of her family to be christened in New Zealand - and at age 16, she attended a party on the Royal Britannia yacht during Queen Elizabeth II’s 1963 visit. That invitation came because her grandfather was secretary for the Royal Akarana Yacht Club at the time.
Judy’s daughter Kim said her mother was patient, kind, had a great sense of humour, was honest and always hard-working. “Intelligent, knowledgeable and with a flair for dress,” she added, “you could never predict what colour outfit she would be wearing when she walked through the door.”
Judy was born in Auckland, the elder sister to three brothers. Growing up around Onehunga, with a spell on Motutapu Island, she enjoyed an idyllic young life and forged a particularly strong connection with her grandmother.
It was in her late teens that she met Jim Bannon… on a blind date of sorts where Jim caught Judy in overalls, painting the ceilings and with paint in her hair. It was said to have been love at first sight. They married in 1969 then moved to a cottage in the middle of four
primarily for the better schooling options for young James and Kim.
Undeterred by gender norms of the day, Judy went back to work when the children were preschoolers. “Dad raised us while studying,” Kim said. “He was the only dad at kindergarten pick-up. Mum broke down barriers… she never thought of herself as brave, but she was. She could brick a house, wallpaper, clean the guttering, paint a ceiling, sew a dress, dig a vegetable garden… she would give anything a go.”
Both Jim and Judy studied in the evenings. Judy completed a certificate in commerce in 1984 then and became general manager of operations (practice manager) at Tanner Fitzgerald and Getty in Hamilton. She furthered her studies by completing an MBA in 1997 and completing the inaugural landscape design course at Hamilton Gardens.
In 1998, she became manager at the Auckland-based patent attorneys, Baldwins. It was after she retired from there that she did a director’s course and became a trustee for the Waipā Network Trust and an elected Waipā councillor.
Judy’s involvement with the Cambridge community was with the harriers club, netball, the Cambridge Tree Trust, Waipā District Council, the Cambridge Community Board, and Waipā Networks Trust.
Jim died in 2009. Judy always supported his own adventures … from breaking in a

Waipā deputy mayor Liz Stolwyk said Judy, issues. She was an active supporter for the
Judy, second from left, joined a call ahead of the 2022 local body elections encouraging women to get involved in local body politics. Also pictured were Sue Milner, Jo Davies- Colley, Liz Stolwyk and Alana Mackay.
Photo: Michael Jeans.
Judy Bannon, seen here in a photograph from a few years ago, was known for her sartorial flair. She died on January 19, age 78.
Judy Bannon as a young woman.
Showing an ability to achieve
By Mary Anne Gill
It is Mykal Dimond-Grey’s birthday. A morning tea shout, birthday card and a rousing version of Happy Birthday puts a beaming grin on his face. His work colleagues at Achievement House in Cambridge surround him as he gets the birthday card from programme supervisor

Shelby McClelland.
But minutes later, it is back to the floor. This is a workplace where smoko time is just that, enough time for a drink and snack in between completing clients’ contracts.
Interim manager Karen Scott is quick to say Cambridge Disability Enterprise, which owns Achievement House manufacturing plant in Wilson Street, is running a business which
just happens to be a charity.
Describing its aim as “not for loss” rather than the usual “not for profit” descriptor hints at how the organisation is reshaping itself as it closes in on its 50th anniversary.
Established in 1976 as the Cambridge Disabled Sheltered Workshop – it dropped sheltered workshop in recent times as it no longer describes who they are or what they

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do – Scott’s role is to grow the organisation. And that means picking up more contracts like the ones they have with Shoof and Industrial Fittings and looking at jobs in the community for the 40 staff who all have a disability of some sort but the work they do is vital to the organisations who utilise their skills.
Continued next page

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Brett Sager of Cambridge working on a plastic project in Achievement House.
Hamilton’s Jeremy Piecry catches the bus daily to Cambridge to work at Achievement House. He’s wrapping plastic sauce bottles for distribution.
Terry Barnett of Cambridge working on putting lids and straws into plastic bottles, a contract Achievement House has with a manufacturer while David Peacock of Hamilton works in the background.
Photos: Mary Anne Gill.

“They’re just doing it at their own time and their own skill ability and that’s what we’re here to support them with,” says Scott who was appointed to the board in August last year and asked to step in as interim manager soon after.
“We have our existing commercial customers, but we want to expand,” she says.
“We are a manufacturing plant for people with disabilities which enables them to work.
“Getting disabled people into employment is really exciting.”
She describes the work they do as putting parts of things together which a robot or processing plant cannot - bolts, sockets, plastic bottles, lids and parts - adapting the process to suit staff.
“So, if someone for example isn’t able to count, we have a board they put out and they fill those and then they’re packaged up.
“It’s adaptive employment within supported employment.
“I never think of it as tokenism. I think it’s giving people an opportunity at their
abilities to do a job. It’s a stepping stone for individuals to get a routine in a safe environment, but this is a workplace. You don’t come here and not work.”
Staff sign employment contracts, fill in time sheets, ask for annual leave, call in sick and most importantly, get paid.
“They are working in a workshop style environment, and I think that’s what makes it different to many other disability services,” says Scott who lives in Cambridge with husband Roger and son Oliver.
Her career in the sector began as a 17-yearold support worker and she went on to be a project manager working with the police on youth and alcohol-related harm and in recent times chief executive at Enrich Group in Te Awamutu.
She now works as a contractor in the sector.
Within Achievement House she wants to increase the organisation’s role into more health and wellness aspects.
“That’s what we really need to be mindful of. We’re talking about people that haven’t got the same access to (other) full time employment.”

Funding is complicated and even more so since disability support services transferred back to the Ministry of Social Development and Disability Issues minister Louise Upston commissioned an independent review of the system.
The minimum wage exemption scheme remains in place and the government supports initiatives which enhance the employment prospects of disabled people.
The wage exemption formula, as an example, takes an activity that should take five minutes and compares it with a disability provider that has someone with one arm or an intellectual disability, among other things, which makes them slower physically or cognitively.
The task may take eight minutes so the scheme tops that up.
“It’s about taking the ability of the person and then working at their pace so there’s no stress, but they are still in paid employment,” Scott says.
“If we’re not churning out quality products, then we don’t get new contracts. And I think that’s commendable to everyone
that’s worked here for 50 years. People keep coming back to us because the quality is phenomenal.”
Clients can come in and see the team at work.
“They’re getting their disability awareness and awareness of people with differences and stuff through a completely different way that you don’t have in a day-to-day workplace.
“And if anyone’s ever worked with someone with disabilities, they are sticklers to the rules, so if you say to them ‘this is what you have to do in this time frame’, it’s done,” says Scott.
“Oh, and if we were inferior, we wouldn’t keep getting contracts.
“It might not be the traditional workplace that people know, but it’s a workplace where people come to work at their rate and their ability for paid employment.”
Scott believes there are other businesses in Waipā or the greater Waikato that would benefit from Achievement House’s expertise and other disability organisations they could partner with.
“We are a stepping stone.”

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Continued from previous page
Inside the Achievement House, from left supervisor Bud Burrows, programme supervisor Shelby McClelland and interim manager Karen Scott.
Gail Longley of Hamilton puts stickers on bottles using a system devised to assist her and other workers at Achievement House.


Targets: what’s achievable?
By Peter Nicholl
The Government has been announcing a lot of ‘targets’ recently.
When I worked in Bosnia and Herzegovina for 10 years, the international community set lots of targets for Bosnian institutions. Some had a positive impact on performance, many were poorly designed and were ignored. Because of these diverse outcomes, I gave quite a lot of thought to target design.
The first characteristic a good target needs to have is to be clear and unambiguous. Targets like ‘improving peoples’ well-being’ don’t score very well on this criterion. The target should be challenging so that it stretches people. If the target is so ambitious as to be unachievable it won’t motivate people. They won’t be able to meet the target no matter how well they perform. It should also be clear who is responsible for trying to meet the target and how they will be held accountable. A good process for developing the target should involve those people in the process.
One recently announced target was to double New Zealand’s exports
over the next decade. How does that ‘target’ stack up against the criteria in the previous paragraph? It is certainly clear and unambiguous, so it ticks that box. It is also challenging – but is it an achievable target?
Over the past decade, New Zealand’s exports grew by about 47 per cent. A target of 100 per cent growth seems to be bordering on the unachievable. I suspect it was the brainchild of a public relations firm rather than one developed by analysis of export capabilities.
It also was not clear who was going to be responsible for achieving the target and how they would be held accountable. Two areas that were described were trade agreements and tech industries. Two countries identified for improved trade agreements were China and India. These countries are very important trading partners for us – but New Zealand is an incredibly small trading partner for them. For example, we send 22 per cent of our total exports to China. China sends 0.003 per cent of their total exports to New Zealand.

They won’t give the same priority to trade agreements with New Zealand as we do. New Zealand sometimes forgets just how small we are on the global stage. Encouraging growth in the emerging tech industries is a fine objective. But many other countries are also focusing on this emerging sector as their saviour. One sector New Zealand clearly has significant comparative advantages is agriculture. It has been the mainstay of our exports for a long time and produces around 70 per cent of our exports.
Promoting other sectors is fine. But if New Zealand is going to have any chance of meeting the target of doubling our exports over the next decade, agriculture will have to continue to be at the forefront. Have recent governments been prioritising and promoting this important sector? No. If that continues, New Zealand’s chances of meeting the 100 per cent export growth target are, in my view, zero.

MONDAY 5:38pm, Building alarm and Evacuation, Hilcrest
TUESDAY 4:28am, Single car MVC, Taylor Street 5:16pm, Single Car MVC, Waikato Expressway 8:47pm, Car leaking Petrol, Waikato Expressway
5:06am, Single Car MVC, Rotorangi Road
9:55am, Cardiac Arrest, Bryce Street 1:09pm, Building Alarm and evacuation, Ruakura Road 11:56pm, Building Alarm and evacuation, Hautapu Road
FRIDAY 8:42am, Building Alarm and evacuation. Maungatautari Road
7:23am, Building alarm and Evacuation, Clare Street 9:37am, Building alarm and Evacuation, Cambridge Road
SATURDAY 5:10pm, Fire in Paddock, Bruntwood Road 11:59pm, Building alarm and Evacuation, Victoria Road
SUNDAY 3:53am, Medical assistance, Karapiro Road
SUNDAY 6:59pm, Single Car MVC, Ringer Road

Community Connect
January 30, 2025

Use water - keep it shorter!
With a hot, dry and windy summer in full swing, Waipā District may soon be facing outdoor water use restrictions for the first time in three years. While improvements to water treatment plants and supply pipelines, public education and particularly the installation of water meters have helped reduce the need for restrictions, demand is continuing to rise. Water Services Manager Karl Pavlovich said while we are not implementing water restrictions just yet, the increased demand means it is likely if the forecast dry conditions continue through February. Water meters have been a huge help in Waipā over recent years, but Pavlovich says that they can no longer solve the problem of increased demand during a prolonged dry period.
Summer is when our water use peaks, and our treatment plants can only supply so much. The increase in water demand across the district, combined with this summer’s dry conditions, means we will need to bring in water restrictions if things don’t change.
The restrictions apply only to outdoor water use. Under Water Alert Level One, sprinklers can only be used between 6-8am and 6-8pm, and you can use handheld hoses any time. At Level Two, sprinklers are limited to alternate days during the same 6-8am and 6-8pm hours, and handheld hoses are still allowed any time.
For commercial customers who use water as an essential activity – such as landscaping, nurseries and sports fields – outdoor watering is allowed in both Levels One and Two.
Pavlovich says the aim of moving to one of the lower
alert levels is to prevent the district from having to move to more stringent restrictions in future, should the dry weather continue. “The measures required at Levels One and Two are not asking much more of people than to be sensible – the kinds of measures we should all be taking, all year round, to help conserve this precious resource.”
Council staff are continuing to monitor water demand and supply carefully, and will notify the public in advance of moving to a water alert level including advertising on radio and through our social channels.
Why do we need to have water restrictions in Waipā?
In Waipā, some of our water comes from streams and bores but most of it is sourced from the Waikato River.
Councils can only take a certain amount of water each year from various water sources, including the Waikato River, and have an obligation to ensure that any water taken is used responsibly and wisely.
Since the installation of water meters was completed, our residential water use reduced by at least 25% per household. Customers were also easily able to detect leaks, and once fixed this helped to significantly reduce demand and water bills.
However, while water meters have been a great help, they are no longer enough to manage the increased demands.
Putting water restrictions in place means we maintain enough for everyone and it also protects the ecosystems that rely on the river and stream networks.

Tips on saving water
Tips to reduce water use around the home include:
• Water your garden in the early morning or the evening to avoid evaporation
• Use a good mulch to keep moisture in the soil
• Take shorter showers
• Sweep paths and driveways instead of hosing them down
• Clean your car with a bucket and sponge, not a hose
More water-saving tips for the garden and around the home can be found at smartwater.org.nz.

Why save water?
We are privileged to have water on tap 24 hours a day but it is a finite resource and we can’t take it for granted.
By using water carefully, we are protecting the health and well-being of our freshwater ecosystem. We are also ensuring that water is not wasted and there will be enough to go around when rain is scarce.
Water infrastructure, including treatment plants and pipes, is expensive. Reducing the amount of water that we use reduces the pressure on our existing infrastructure and can prevent or delay increased investment in new infrastructure. Using less water also reduces the amount of energy needed to provide clean safe water and to treat wastewater.

Signs of a water leak
The democratic system
By Tom Roa
We have farewelled 2024, its ups and its downs. We bid a warm welcome to 2025 and its potentials.
Many, if not most, of us assert a faith and a positivity in our being a democracy here in Aotearoa New Zealand. I suggest there will be many of us who know that the idea comes from the Greek demos – the people –and kratia – power/rule – that is, a way of governing which depends on the rule of the people.
The will of the people is tested regularly with eligible members of the democracy asserting their democratic right to vote for individuals and/or groups of individuals to take the lead in governing them.Many of us will not know that the celebrated Greek philosopher Aristotle considered democracy a corrupt form of government in which the majority is able to use its power to abuse minorities.
In Aotearoa New Zealand we, as do a number of other democracies, have a system of Mixed Member Proportional representation which is an attempt to ensure
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that the minority voice can be heard. It pays to remind ourselves also that in the governing of us here in Aotearoa New Zealand we have a legal system which provides checks and balances in ensuring that our elected representatives do indeed govern according to our will as the people.
This is of course an over-simplification of our democratic way of life. Albeit a cliche, it pays to remind ourselves that we are far from enjoying a perfect system, of government. But as we move into 2025 and past the very recent inauguration of President Donald Trump in the United States, comparisons between our form of democracy, theirs in the States, and other democracies around the world, are posed.
I suggest another cliche... good people can make a bad system work; and bad people can wreck a good system. This begs the question of course – what do we mean by ‘good’?
Aristotle asserted that a good person is a person of virtuous character, courageous, temperate, liberal, magnanimous, honourable, patient, amicable, and sincere, who behaves accordingly.
‘Rangatira’ is a Māori language term often translated as ‘chief’. Implicit in the term is an understanding that the ‘rangatira’ is a good person, a ‘noble leader’. The term is often described as being an amalgam of the terms ‘raranga’ – to weave; and ‘tira’ – a group of people moving together toward a common goal.
The ‘rangatira’ therefore weaves people together as they move together to common purpose. Rau rangatira mā tēnā huihui tātou.
Saluting Jared’s work
By Jo Davies-Colley, Chair, Cambridge Community Board
The community board was pleased to see Cambridge News name Jared Milbank as its 2024 Person of the Year.
During a stressful time for many in our town, Jared emerged as a composed and considered advocate for his community.
He led the neighbourhood response to the Cambridge Connections project options, and we were impressed with his calm demeanour, depth of knowledge and respectful interactions with us.
In his interview with the paper, Jared shared these messages to Cambridge: know your neighbours, read your local newspaper, download the Antenno App and know who is on your community board as they are there to listen and advocate for you.
We agree with his thoughts and as the new year gets underway, our goal is for you to better know us and what we do.
Our role is to bridge the gap between you, the community, and Waipā District Council. We make it our business to understand the wants and needs of our community and we feed that back to council.
We do this by being part of the many organisations that exist in Cambridge such as Cambridge Committee of Social Services, the Safer Cambridge Trust, the Cambridge Tree Trust and many others.
We also have strong working ties with the Cambridge Business Chamber and the Cambridge Town Hall Trust.
We attend Waipā District Council meetings, work closely with council staff on a range of issues and hold monthly public meetings where we discuss issues facing the community.
We hold a public forum at the beginning of every meeting where community members
are welcome to present to us on any issue they would like.

This year we want to hear more from you on any community issue that you are facing or wish to discuss.
This is the last year of our three-year term and it will be a busy one.
Over the next few weeks, we will begin organising the town’s Anzac Day commemorations, give feedback at a resource consent hearing on the proposed Newcombe Road quarry and stay connected to the Cambridge Connections project.
We know this will be significant for our community and we will be at the forefront of any developments.
We also want to engage with you on council’s Long-Term Plan.
This is a document describing how council’s activities are managed, delivered and funded.
Over the last few months, I have been following the Long-Term Plan process, attending meetings and workshops and asking questions.
When the public consultation document is available for the community to review in March, your thoughts on it will be invaluable.
Please get in touch by emailing me or any of the board members or by attending one of our monthly meetings and presenting to us.
We have two Waipā district councillors who sit on our board and council staff often attend, so it is a great opportunity for them to also hear your thoughts or concerns.
You can find the details of our meetings in the Cambridge News or on their website, all are welcome.

Cambridge Tree Trust
Cambridge Tree Trust
Five-finger (Neopanax/ Pseudopanax arboreum)
Five-finger (Neopanax/ Pseudopanax arboreum)
Look after young trees in summer It is not just people and animals that suffer from heat stress with climate change. Our days on average are hotter and our rainfall is less than it was even ten or twenty years ago. If you planted trees in your garden in recent years they too are likely to be feeling the heat. They are going to need care to survive and thrive.

First of all regular watering. About once a week give them a deep watering out to their drip line. I find an easy way to do this is to use a couple of old buckets, each with a small hole drilled in the base. Stand them either side of the tree so the hole is not adjacent to the trunk, fill to the top with water and leave

to drain out slowly. Or a soaker hose can be wound in a spiral from the trunk out to the drip line, and left on for 3 or 4 hours a week. This infrequent deep watering, which moistens the soil to at least 20 cm, will encourage the roots to grow deeper, making the tree more resilient. Secondly, mulch with a 5 cm layer of wood chip spread from the trunk (but not touching the trunk) out to the drip line. As well as keeping weeds down this will conserve 70% of the water which would otherwise be lost by evaporation. Finally avoid any digging which will disturb the roots, or any heavy pruning. And if you have new street trees nearby you could do the same for them. If you look after them, in a few years these trees will repay you by helping to keep you cool.

Waste plan: Wood at odds
By Chris Gardner
Te Awamutu-Community Board member John Wood was behind one of eight submissions in favour of the building and operation of a waste to energy incineration plant in Te Awamutu.
Wood ticked the “support parts or all” box on his submission to Waipā District Council in 2023 on Global Contracting Solutions’ plans to build and operate the incinerator on Racecourse Road as he acknowledged “both risks and benefits” with the application.
A majority of the community board, led by chair Ange Holt, oppose the plant, and the Waipā District Council has made a submission against it.
The council received 864 submissions objecting to the proposal.
“We need to find other ways to get rid of our rubbish other than going into land fill,” Wood said in his submission. “This is a good way of disposal of rubbish that does not break down easily, and it also provides some benefits.
Power, hot water, steam for other uses.
“I do not see why the waste to energy plant and the waste minimisation plan cannot sit side by side…” Wood wrote.
“I see the Global Contracting Solutions Ltd proposal as an alternative to landfill with some flow on benefits while waste minimisation plans are initiated and enhanced.”
Wood also voiced concerns around enforcement of disruption during construction of the site, land values, and emissions regulations.
“Substantial volumes of ash and treatment water have been mentioned in the media. I understood that the output would be minimal. While I acknowledge there is a risk such as a traffic accident involving a truck carrying any hazardous waste, trucks carrying dangerous chemicals including from the nearby Fonterra plant already pass through the Waipā district and through Te Awamutu township,” he said.
“I believe the independent
commissioners will have the knowledge and expertise to make a sound decision,” he concluded.
Waipā District Council and Waikato Regional Council asked Minister for the Environment Penny Simmonds to call the application in rather than follow the usual resource consent process. Simmonds decided a Board of Inquiry would hear the application this year.
Community board deputy chair Kane Titchener was tasked with writing a submission opposing the application late last year on the grounds it would create dangerous toxins.
“The Te AwamutuKihikihi Community Board with much opposition demonstrated by our communities, research and consideration oppose with a majority the proposal,” the submission Titchener penned for the community board said.
“We need to be focusing on recycling, reusing, and reducing waste. Raglan’s Xtreme Zero Waste has shown that it can recycle
Pinnacle rewarded

Pinnacle Midlands Health Network has been acknowledged with the highest rating in a Te Whatu Ora Health New Zealand cultural audit for its “alignment with Te Tiriti o Waitangi principles and commitment to improving Māori health outcomes”.
The five-week audit, conducted before Christmas, looked at Pinnacle’s service delivery and how well it met its obligations to provide culturally safe and equitable care for Māori, said chief executive Justin Butcher.
Pinnacle is a not-for-profit primary health organisation, managing healthcare across Tairāwhiti, Taranaki, Rotorua, TaupōTūrangi, Thames-Coromandel, and Waikato.
The audit, documented in the He Ritenga report, gave Pinnacle the top rating of Ka Mutu Pea for its “exceptional integration of Te Tiriti o Waitangi principles into governance, operations, and service delivery.”
75 per cent of what goes through their gate. By comparison, the incinerator is proposing to recycle only 17 per cent of waste. The incinerator will need a continuous supply of waste and by definition will not be encouraging a reduction in waste at all.”
Wood was absent from the meeting when the board’s submission was discussed.
Wood told The News he stood by his submission, although he wondered whether an alternative site could be found.
“Te Awamutu may not be the place to put it, but I don’t have an idea where else they could put it,” he said.
Bowls underway

“What do we do with plastics? I have got paint tins I need to get rid of.”
Titchener was aware Wood was in favour of the proposal.
“I have not seen his submission,” he said.
Export call
“I was not aware that he had put one in. Only eight submissions for the application out of nearly 900 is incredible. But he’s entitled to his opinion.”
“This recognition reflects the effort and dedication of our team and the strong relationships we have with iwi, hapū, and Māori communities,” said Justin. “Te Tiriti and health equity are at the centre of what we do, so we’re really pleased to see this recognised.”
The report highlighted Pinnacle’s work in areas such as marae-based clinics, equity-focused initiatives, and workforce development, and commended the organisation’s focus on cultural safety and creating meaningful partnerships.
Rāwiri Blundell, general manager Māori and Equity, said Pinnacle had been on a long journey toward biculturalism, embedding these principles across its governance, leadership, and operational teams.
“This mahi has been essential in making sure the services we deliver are authentic and culturally responsive,” he said.
The newly-named Twilight Bowls League got underway at Cambridge Bowling Club this week. Formerly Business House Bowls, the name change is in line with Bowls New Zealand’s promotion to attract more players into the sport by encouraging fun events for people of all ages. The event runs for six consecutive weeks and teams includes Cannon Bowls, Grassyass, Green Gliders, Here But No Idea, Lawn Stars, Girls Just Want to Have Fun and The Bowling Stones.
Waipā exporters can this year, at their own cost, join their Waikato and Auckland counterparts on overseas trade delegations led by Auckland chamber chief executive Simon Bridges. Delegations last year included Prime Minister Christopher Luxon and deputy Prime Minister Winston Peters. Positive export prospects for dairying and farming make it a good opportunity, Waikato Chamber of Commerce says in its latest newsletter.

Pinnacle’s CEO Justin Butcher and GM Māori and Equity Rāwiri Blundell.
John Wood – “what do we do with plastics?”
Kane Titchener – “he’s entitled to his opinion.”
O’Brien ‘excited and humbled’

Aotearoa kaiwhakatere
By Chris Gardner
Incoming Te Wānanga o Aotearoa kaiwhakatere chief executive Evie O’Brien says she is excited and humbled to be appointed.
O’Brien was welcomed back to Te Awamutu head office on Tuesday with a pōwhiri.
“It has what many tertiary organisations spend years searching for, yet few rarely find, and that is a transformational and inspiring
vision,” O’Brien said.
“That is about the communities we serve rather than the organisation, values and staff who are dedicated to these in every way not least in the way that programmes are designed, delivered and where tauira experience and success is to the forefront.
“It is a complex eco-system rather than an ego-system.”
Tuesday’s welcome on O’Brien’s first day on the job was a bit of a
homecoming for her. Her whakapapa is Ngāti Awa, Ngāti Pikiao, Ngāti Ranginui and Ngāti Maniapoto.
It is 10 years since O’Brien left the organisation as acting Kaihautū National Delivery, and O’Brien will work alongside current kaiwhakatere chief executive Nepia Winiata before his farewell on February 13. He has served the organisation for 15 years.
Te Wānanga has 23,000 students studying through about 60 sites across New Zealand.

Cancer patients’ guardian angel
Continued from page 5 talk about different aspects of their cancer diagnosis.
In 2009 she created the model which allows conversations ranging from coping with the impact of cancer, the positive and negative effects it can have on relationships with friends and family, various treatment pathways and emotional and psychological coping skills.
“My job isn’t just about helping people with their physical needs, it’s also about being there for them emotionally and psychologically. I feel like I’m making a real difference in people’s lives,” she said at the time.
The Hamilton-based nurse – who is originally from the North Island’s East Coast –puts that compassionate and empathetic nature to good use.
She now wants to raise awareness at the importance of having a whānau member or friend acting as a key support person for all cancer patients to improve outcomes through the treatment journey.
Key support people were initially introduced to support adolescents and young adults aged 12-24 going through cancer treatment, but Proffit’s advocacy has helped expand the role and make the option
available to more patients.
“It is clear how crucial it is to have whānau by the patient’s side, particularly during challenging times.”
Research shows that a key support person can help improve patient outcomes, enhance the patient and family experience, reduce the risk of medical errors, and lower the chances of unplanned readmissions. They work collaboratively with staff and their involvement helps clinical teams better understand the patient’s needs, while ensuring patients feel safer and more supported.
She has spoken to staff, visitors, patients and key support people about their experiences with key support people. She encourages patients being admitted to Waikato Hospital to let staff know if they want a key support person as it can be outlined in the care plan.
Harry Ballantyne had wife Susan to help him.
“It was 20 times better with her there,” he said.
“She helped me avoid potential conflicts during a stressful time and made sure nothing got lost in translation, which was especially important as we are both Māori.”

Te Wānanga o
chief executive Evie O’Brien was welcomed this week.
Spotlight on Cambridge

Support Local Y r Local Cambridge Guide
Five Stags
Five Stags at 9 Campbell St in Leamington is styled on a hunting lodge; where you can enjoy the warmth of a re, catch the game with mates over a few drinks or enjoy their well-known menu featuring some of the best foods New Zealand has to o er from slow roasted beef, venison burgers, pork ribs, to southern fried chicken, and the best fresh sh.
Forage customers love the healthy range of cold pressed juices, kombucha, tonics, nut milk, smoothies and raw slices with no additives, sugar, gluten or dairy used. Gut health is hugely important so a range of fermentation kits and culture starters are available. Explore Forage’s full range of products, at 21 Empire St, or foragejuice.co.nz
Joe’s Garage
Joe’s Garage, at 107 Swayne Rd – “halfway between the high school and the motorway,” is part of a nation-wide franchise. From cooked breakfast, a good range of burgers, sh and chips, pizza, steak meals to a wide variety in the cabinet of sweet and savoury, hot and cold foods, Joe’s Garage open seven days a week, will have something to suit.
Mosen Welding
Manufacturing and repair
Whenever you need something to be welded, Brad Mosen from Mosen Welding in Cambridge is your go-to man. Whether working on heavy equipment like concrete mixers, or light sheet metal work, Brad has years of experience behind him. Always best to be contacted at 021404814 or mosenbrad@gmail.com.
Paws & Claws
International quali cations
International pet groomer Lisa Byrne from Claws and Paws at 9b Anzac St in Cambridge understands small animal grooming like no other. With many years’ experience (and quali cations) behind her, Lisa will ensure your cat or dog is in the best possible condition after coming to her and her team. Open Monday to Friday, it always pays to book in.
Five Stags Leamington is the home of Stonegrill in the Waikato Cook your meat to perfection on a 400 degree stone Available daily for lunch and dinner

Planning for pets
By Janine Krippner
There have been plenty of harrowing and emotional stories coming out of the LA fires disaster.
Videos of people reuniting with, or helping, pets really pull the heartstrings, bringing forward thoughts of how I would cope if my cats went missing during a fire. For many of us, animals are part of our families and we love them dearly.
Animals are an important consideration for disaster preparedness, and if we fail at this it can also endanger human life.
The most significant risk factor for people failing to evacuate is owning a pet, especially for people who don’t have children.
During hurricane Katrina in 2005, emergency shelters did not allow pets and 44 per cent of non-evacuees who chose not to evacuate did so because they refused to leave pets behind. An estimated 50,000 to 150,000 pets died.
Psychological trauma can occur when people are forced to leave them.
One study found that pet loss is a significant predictor of post-disaster distress. Conversely, having a pet can also reduce stress and promote lower levels of posttraumatic stress disorder.
Health care workers, who are desperately needed in a disaster, may also refuse to work if their pets are not safe. Additionally, disease spread is also higher through non-evacuated animals.
The dangers continue, with an estimated 80 per cent of people returning to evacuation areas prematurely doing so to rescue a pet.
I mentioned last year that my friend Danni Molisee could not evacuate prior to the first hurricane that impacted Tampa, Florida. She managed to evacuate for the second
hurricane, but it broke her heart leaving two missing pets behind.
One kitty was found, and she still goes back with hope for the other. Pets became ill from the polluted waters that came from the storm surge. She says it is tragic seeing posts from people saying they are looking for fosters for their pets because of difficult living conditions.

Reaching correct conclusions
By Murray Smith, Bridges Church
The fact New Zealand is blessed with such natural beauty struck me afresh recently while spending wonderful days cruising around Great Barrier Island (Aotea) and surrounding islands. Nearly 45 kilometres long, this 285 square kilometre treasure of the Hauraki Gulf is our sixth largest island.
There can be very real consequences when we don’t take our pets into account and community safety can be impacted. I have discussed the steps we can take to prepare (you can look up “Pets and disasters” from 2023), such as having a plan and knowing where your items like carriers, pet photos, food, and any medications are for a quick getaway.
We also need larger plans in place for when evacuations are needed. Plans for places people can go with pets, or a safe place for pets to stay with the right care. It is also important to have places without animals for those with allergies.
After Katrina, the Pets Evacuation and Transportation Standards (Pets) Act of 2006 was established in the US, and Animal Evac New Zealand has been working towards changes. What is clear is that preparation needs to happen at different levels, from within the home, in our communities, up to our leadership. As with so many aspects of disaster preparedness and resilience, we are not powerless and there is so much we can do to help ourselves and our loved ones big and small.
The island is well known for rich geographical diversity and majestic flora and fauna - less so, for its interesting history. Seeing and hearing beautiful birds, plus the abundant sea birds around coastal regions was delightful. Marine life flourishes with multiple fish species, sharks, rays, marlin, dolphins and whales.
The presence of nature’s wonders requires conclusions. Where did it all come from and what sustains it?
Could everything just come from nothing? Creativity and design reveals a designer and intentionality - just as much as a painting points to a painter. A cornerstone belief of Christianity is the Bible’s assertion of Jesus Christ being God and the Creator of everything there is. It tells us, “…the visible things of creation, reveal those things which are invisible…” meaning, that in viewing creation, we gain insights into the nature of God.
Arguments are pitched to disprove Christianity, but flimsy objections based on prejudice, never undermine solid openminded examination of facts.
An atheist claims that there is no God. An agnostic’s passive aggressive stance claims that on the basis of ‘lack of evidence’, you cannot prove God exists.
Those confident enough to state categorically, “there is no God!” make a bold claim since such an absolute statement presupposes knowing everything.

Keeping up with the fluids
Regularly checking your vehicle’s fluids is essential for maintaining optimal performance and preventing mechanical problems. Engine oil lubricates the engine and prevents overheating. It should be checked monthly and always before long trips. When the engine is cold, use the dipstick to check oil levels and top up if needed. Typically, oil should be changed every 5,000–10,000 km, depending on the vehicle, whether it’s petrol or diesel, and the oil type. Coolant, also known as antifreeze, regulates engine temperature, preventing overheating

Pop into see Jarrod at Tyre & Wheel Solutions (behind 4WD Solutions) for your free tyre check.
in summer and freezing in winter. Check the coolant level at least once every three months or before any long trips. The system should be flushed and refilled as recommended by your vehicle manufacturer, usually every two to five years – more often if you intend towing a heavy weight.
Transmission fluid keeps your gears shifting smoothly. For automatic transmissions, check the level monthly or as part of routine servicing. Low or dirty transmission fluid can lead to shifting problems. Change it every 50,000–100,000 km, depending on the car
Brake fluid is essential for effective braking. Check the fluid level during each oil change or service. Low levels or discoloured fluid can indicate leaks or contamination. Brake fluid should be replaced every two years. Power steering fluid allows easy steering control. Check it every few months or during routine servicing. If steering becomes difficult or noisy, it may indicate low fluid levels. By checking these fluids regularly, you ensure smoother operation, prevent costly repairs, and keep your vehicle road-ready.

No human being has all knowledge. For example do you know how much gold there is in South Africa? Do you know the combined weight of the sand on all the beaches of Hawaii? Or how many hairs there are on the back of an adult male Tibetan yak?

It’s reasonable to conclude there’s much we don’t know. Thomas Edison said, “we do not know a millionth of one percent about anything”.
Let’s say you had an incredible 10 per cent of all the knowledge in the universe. Knowing 100 percent would mean knowing everything - there wouldn’t be a rock on earth you weren’t familiar with, or a fish in the most remote ocean whose daily life you weren’t acquainted with.
You would know everything in historyfrom that which is common, to trivial details such as how many fleas Napoleon’s cat had.
Ridiculous you say? No more so, than people being arrogant enough to confidently claim with the little bit of knowledge they have, that “there is no God” …although an abundance of contrary evidence presents, just in creation.
Many sceptically demand proof saying, “If I could just see the evidence, I’d probably believe”… but there’s a heart issue at play here and even though abounding plausible evidence exists for God, dimmed eyes make a choice not to see…for the same reasons a thief cannot find a policeman.
Connecting the dots requires an element of faith to acknowledge not only our flawed conclusions but our flawed lives too. I must first believe… in order to ‘see’.

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Across 1. Form of oxygen (5) 4. Seafarer (6) 7. Curve (3) 8. Cream-filled pastry (6) 9. Part of the foot (6) 10. Test of endurance (8) 12. Every one or thing (4) 13. Change a little (6)
Last week
15. Scope or range (6) 16. Couch (4) 17. Hold
Across: 1. Cinema, 4. Abated, 9. Rapid, 10. As a rule, 11. Sustain, 13. Duck, 14. Dairy farmer, 17. Howl, 18. Cleanse, 21. Cheapen, 22. Utter, 24. Reader, 25. Height. Down: 1. Curtsy, 2. Nip, 3. Media, 5. Bladder, 6. Truncheon, 7. Duet, 8. Magnificent, 12. Soap opera, 15. Relapse, 16. Regret, 19. Exude, 20. Scar, 23. Tug.



All puzzles ©

with Jan Bilton
Fine fast food
According to the popular song, ‘when it’s summertime the livin’ is easy’. And now we are all back at work and school, that’s the way it should be for all cooks.
Pasta and rice are always good standbys. Many of these dishes can be cooked in one pan and include a mix of canned or frozen foods, flavourings and sauces — great for holidaying cooks with limited preparation facilities.
Fresh vegetables and fruit add variety and vim to the menu and respond well to fast cooking methods such as stir-frying. And they can be combined with protein foods — meats, fish, eggs and cheese — for balance.
Keep some other basics on hand such as couscous, chilli paste, herbs, spices, stocks, frozen breads, cheeses, yoghurt and eggs.
This is a good time of the year to rid the fridge of USOs — unidentified shrivelled objects. Products that have passed their ‘use by’ date should also be thrown out to prevent dishes being tainted with unhealthy ingredients.
While cleaning the refrigerator isn’t the most glamorous of jobs, it is very important in terms of health and safety. The longer tainted food sits in the refrigerator the higher the risk of cross-contamination of other foods.
Summer butter bean stew
3 tablespoons olive oil
2-3 large cloves garlic, diced
2 x 400g cans tomatoes in juice
2 x 390g cans butter beans, drained and rinsed 250g thick ham slices or smoked chicken, chopped freshly ground black pepper to taste
100g bag rocket
Accompaniment: 8 diagonally cut, thick slices French bread
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
Heat the oil in a saucepan on low heat. Cook the garlic until lightly golden. Coarsely cut up the tomatoes in the cans with kitchen scissors. Add — with the juice — to the garlic. Stir in the butter beans, ham or smoked chicken, black pepper and rocket. Bring to the boil, reduce the heat to a simmer and

cook, uncovered, for 5 minutes. Meanwhile, preheat the grill. Place the bread on an oven tray and brush both sides with olive oil. Grill both sides until lightly golden. Serve with the stew. Serves 4.
Brown rice, quinoa & chia salad
I used a 90-second rice combo cooked in the microwave. Leftover cooked rice is also excellent.
2 cups cooked brown rice with quinoa and chia, or similar
2 tablespoons peanut oil
1 teaspoon sesame oil
3/4 cup chopped green beans, cooked 1 medium carrot, diced
1/2 red capsicum, seeded and diced flaky sea salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
1 teaspoon sugar
1 shallot, diced
1-2 tablespoons rice wine vinegar
Place the rice in a large bowl together with the oils, beans, carrot and capsicum. Season generously. Add the sugar Soak the shallot in the vinegar for a few minutes. Just before serving add to the salad. Serves 2.

Parmesan schnitzels
400-500g beef or lamb schnitzels
1 1/2 cups fresh breadcrumbs
1/2 cup grated parmesan cheese
1 tablespoon finely chopped fresh thyme
1/4 cup flour
salt and pepper to taste
1 large egg
2 tablespoons milk
2-3 tablespoons olive oil
Place the schnitzels between 2 sheets of baking paper or plastic wrap. Using a rolling pin, flatten to an even thickness. Snip the edges to prevent curling.
Combine the breadcrumbs, parmesan cheese and thyme on a plate. Combine the flour, salt and pepper on a second plate. Whisk the egg with the milk.
Dust each schnitzel with seasoned flour. Dip into the beaten egg and then coat with the breadcrumb mixture. Refrigerate until ready to cook.
Heat enough oil to just coat the base of a frying pan. Sauté the schnitzels over moderate heat for 1-2 minutes each side. Remove from the pan.
Serve immediately with lemon wedges, salad greens, sliced tomatoes and crusty bread. Serves 4.

Summer butter bean stew
Brown rice, quinoa & chia salad

St Kilda oasis
Welcome to a truly stunning home in the sought-after St Kilda neighbourhood, where lifestyle meets elegance. Located close to the café and playground, yet privately tucked away amidst beautifully established gardens, this home is a real oasis.The outdoor spaces and established gardens wrap around this home. Inside, the home boasts four bedrooms and two luxurious, fully tiled bathrooms. High ceilings throughout enhance the sense of space and light, while ducted heating and a gas fire ensure comfort year-round. The living areas are truly special, with a second living space that opens out to the garden on both sides—perfect for entertaining or quiet family time.


1,459 sqm 4 2
Asking Price $1,790,000 View by appointment
Sacha Webb 021 363 387 sacha.webb@bayleys.co.nz
Jessie Hodges 027 850 2040 jessie.hodges@bayleys.co.nz

Life in the French Quarter



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134A Burns Street, Leamington
- Open kitchen, dining, and living areas create a welcoming space.
- Delightful private rear garden—your own little oasis.
- Low-Maintenance Build: Solid brick and tile construction. Open Homes Saturday & Sunday 11.00 - 11.30am

43 Weld Street, Cambridge
- An exceptional opportunity to secure a 1012m² (more or less) land area, paired with a well-improved home.
- Boasting a large, covered deck at the front and an expansive deck at the rear, it’s the perfect space for entertaining or unwinding.
Home Sunday 10.00 - 10.30am

- Standalone home includes spacious rear & side fully fenced yard. - sliding door opens out to a large, inviting deck, complete with builtin bordered seating —ideal for summer BBQs..
Home Sunday 10.00 - 10.30am

Ihimaera Terrace, Leamington
- Private, fully fenced backyard, complete with two concrete patios —one from the living area & the other from the master bedroom.
- Open-Plan Living: Perfect for entertaining, with a modern kitchen featuring gas hobs, an island bench, and a breakfast bar.
Home Sunday 11.00 - 11.30am

four plus family/rumpus room) and two lovely bathrooms.
- Sizable chicken coup & extensive lawns (one paddock) - Tiny Home or campervan, electrical and plumbing already established. Open Home Sunday 3.00 - 3.30pm

A lot to like for Ritchie

By Paul Vettise LoveracingNZ
Shaune Ritchie didn’t have to dig as deep as he expected to secure a regally bred colt during the second session of New Zealand Bloodstock’s Book 1 National Yearling Sale.
The Cambridge horseman and his training partner Colm Murray signed the ticket for a St Mark’s Basilica youngster, Lot 269, at $230,000.
The colt from the first crop of the multiple elite level winner was offered by Jamieson Park and is a son of Savabeel’s Gr.1 New Zealand Oaks (2400m) winner Savaria.
“He’s just a stunning type and I honestly thought we’d be paying $350,000 or $400,000 so very happy and believe I shopped well, but the winning post will tell,” Ritchie said.
The winning post is familiar territory to an emerging member of his stable with Tuxedo continuing to make impressive progress.
The well-named three-year-old son of Tivaci and the O’Reilly mare Ball Gown was a debut winner in the spring before claiming top honours next time out in the Gr.3 Wellington Stakes (1600m).
He then finished runner-up behind current Gr.1 New Zealand Derby (2400m) favourite Willydoit on New Year’s Day before finishing second in the Listed Karaka Millions 3YO (1600m) last Saturday.
Team Tuxedo will now have decisions to make regarding the immediate path they will follow with the gelding.
“We’ll go through the sectionals and see whether we look at a (The NZB Kiwi) slot or whether we press up to 2000m and try to get him to run the Derby trip,” Ritchie said.
Tuxedo was a $70,000 purchase for owner Grant Barnett out of breeder Waikato Stud’s draft at Karaka in 2023.

“He’s been with me for ages and his first Group One winner was Magic Cape (2006 New Zealand 2000 Guineas, 1600m) and he was my first Group One winner, as well,” Ritchie said.
“He’s been a great stable supporter with (co-owners) Peter Archer and his mates.”
On their bikes
The 2025 New Zealand Cross-country Nationals kick off in the Rangitikei region this coming weekend with back-to-back rounds one and two separated by just a couple of days.
The four-round Yamaha-sponsored New Zealand Crosscountry Nationals series will launch on farmland at Waituna West, near Rewa, on Friday, and the second round of the offroad motorcycling series will be staged just two days later, on similar terrain, also near Rewa.
Two rounds in the South Island, both at venues near Gore, then follow seven weeks later, in March.
Riders to watch out for this season include the defending 2024 champion Callum Dudson, from Rotorua, Papakura’s Ryan Hayward, Rotorua’s Ethan Harris, Nelson’s Bailey Basalaj and Cambridge’s Jared Hannon.
Also worth watching for may be Huntly’s Brandon Hoskins, Waipukurau’s Stephen Sergeant, Whangamata’s Shane Frith, Auckland’s Charlotte Russ, Hamilton’s Phillip Goodwright, and Auckland’s Bryce Williams, to name just a few.

In the Junior grade, perhaps expect fireworks from riders such as Te Awamutu’s Nixon Parkes, Eketahuna’s Sheldon Brown, Owaka’s Blake Affleck, Aucklander Millen Cargill, Masterton’s Max Williams, Rotorua’s James Bates, Raglan’s Ryley Shaw, Cromwell’s Lochie Cornish and Rotorua’s Grace Fowler.
Tuxedo finished second in Saturday's 1.5 million Karaka Millions 3YO at Ellerslie. Photo: Peter Rubery (Race Images Palmerston North)

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CLOTHES, camping gear, household items, two kitchen sinks. 586 Mary Church Road, Cambridge. 8am to noon only. Saturday 1st February.
GRAZING LAND for cattle wanted to lease. Interested in any size from 5 - 100+ ha. Contact Taylor if any interest. Ph 021 805 421.
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Waipa District Council will consider an application to close the following roads to ordinary vehicular traffic, to enable organisers to hold the NZ Age Group Road Cycling Championships:
• Carlyle Street - between Raleigh Street and Maungatautari Road on Friday 11 April 2025, from 9am to 3pm
• Lamb Street - between Roto O Rangi Road/Carlyle Street and Shakespeare Street on Saturday 12 and Sunday 13 April 2025, from 7am to 4pm
The application will be considered under the Tenth Schedule of the Local Government Act 1974.
Emergency Services will have complete right of way at all times during road closure.
Any objections to the proposal must be lodged with Waipa District Council, in writing, to events@waipadc.govt.nz, before 4.00pm on Friday 14 February 2025. Please include the nature of the objection and the grounds for it. See the Privacy Statement on the Council’s website for further information.
For more information, please contact Waipa District Council on 0800 924 723.
Company Description

Lewis Lawyers is a reputable, longstanding Waikato firm.
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Role Description
This is a full-time on-site Administration role located in our Cambridge office. The Administration personnel will be expected to carry out daily office tasks such as data entry, managing phone calls and correspondence, greeting clients, back up to our Trust Account Administrator and assisting with client services among other administrative duties.
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Waipa District Council will consider an application to close the following roads to ordinary vehicular traffic, to enable organisers to hold the Kairangi Loop Bent Sprint:
On Sunday 6 April 2025, from 9am to 5pm

• Kairangi Road - from start of Robinson Road to end of Robinson Road
• Robinson Road - entire road
Hewson Road, Rahiri Road, Dillion Road and Griggs Road will be affected by the road closures.
The application will be considered under the Tenth Schedule of the Local Government Act 1974.
Emergency Services will have complete right of way at all times during road closure.
Any objections to the proposal must be lodged with Waipa District Council, in writing, to events@waipadc.govt.nz, before 4.00pm on Friday 14 February 2025. Please include the nature of the objection and the grounds for it. See the Privacy Statement on the Council’s website for further information.
For more information, please contact Waipa District Council on 0800 924 723.
Steph O’Sullivan