King Country

By Chris Gardner
Waitomo Golf and Country Club’s $1 million course and clubhouse could soon be handed back to members in a proposal from owners Ōtorohanga Club.
Ōtorohanga Club and Waitomo Golf and Country Club merged in 2012 after the golf club faced financial difficulties, Ōtorohanga Club president Jock Gollan told The News.
Since then, the golf club founded in 1912 in Golf Road has operated its own committee through the Ōtorohanga Club in Maniapoto Street.
He said for some time Ōtorohanga Club members had questioned the reasons for continuing to have the golf club.
The proposal is to form a new incorporated entity. Gollan told The News he hopes the existing golf club and country committee will assume governance.
“They are in a far better position than they were in 2012,” Gollan said.
There’s a new committee, and president in Steve Wilshier.
“We will try and give it back to them. The golf club building needs $250,000 to $300,000 spent on it. They have got the numbers for doing that building up. It probably costs us about $20,000. It’s a beautiful site.”
About 240 golf club members pay about $720 annual membership to play an 18-hole 5875 metre championship course, Gollan said.
“Ōtorohanga Club can’t sell it, because it’s part of the amalgamation agreement, we can’t lease it, and we still have to run it, but we can give it to an incorporated society.”
Gollan feels giving the $1 million golf course to a new entity is the only option.
“We wish them well,” he said. “They have done an excellent job. Every time they have a tournament they are fully booked out. We will continue to help.
Ōtorohanga Club has called a meeting of all 1700 members on Sunday, (February 2) to discuss the proposal.
Gollan is not expecting all members to turn out, annual meetings usually attract about 120 members. Regardless of turnout, Ōtorohanga Club members will decide on the proposal. Three quarters of those attending the meeting must approve for the proposal to pass and then Waitomo Golf and Country Club Committee is required to wait 31 days before responding to the proposal.
“It will be good for our town,” Gollan said.
The club’s proximity to Waitomo Caves meant tourist-based tournaments could be organised.
In a notice advertising the meeting published in The News Ōtorohanga Club secretary and manager Bronwyn Merrin said the decision was significant for the future of both clubs.
“This meeting will provide an opportunity to understand the reasoning and implications of this proposal, ask questions and share your perspectives,” the notice reads.
“Your attendance and participation are crucial. Together, we can make an informed decision that aligns with the best interested in both clubs and our community.”
The club’s most famous son is former world amateur champion Phil Tataurangi who became club champion when he played there while his parents were teaching at Kawhia. He attended Te Awamutu College.
The News sought comment from Wilshier and other Waitomo Golf and Country Club members who declined to comment.
Waikato Golf Association executive officer Terry Booth said Waitomo Golf Club had a stable and loyal membership.
“It’s a well-presented golf course, it’s a bit of a hidden gem,” he said.
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Last week Waikato Chamber of Commerce chief executive Don Good reignited the debate over local body mergers – and suggested Waitomo and Ōtorohanga districts as two prime examples. The story, our page one lead last week has drawn a significant response, including one from former News owner Frances Rawlings who raised the issue recently in an opinion piece.
In last week’s issue of the King Country News Waikato Chamber of Commerce chief executive Don Good made pertinent comments about the issue of local body amalgamations. He suggested Waitomo and Ōtorohanga should be “the first off the block”. He acknowledged Waitomo mayor John Robertson as supportive but Otorohanga mayor Max Baxter not.
At the last round of amalgamations, Ōtorohanga was also led by a mayor from the northern border and held a similar attitude –an orientation towards Te Awamutu as their shopping centre is, perhaps, not surprising.
Mr Good also cited poisonous parochialism that could scuttle any logical and sensible plans, stating many have developed cosy, comfortable, monopolistic attitudes and relationships.
Do these comments have a familiar ring with some of Ōtorohanga’s decisions through the years?
Certainly, Waitomo’s invitation to share Sport Waikato personnel with Ōtorohanga was rejected. Likewise when Waitomo set up the Business Development Agency and again extended an invitation for Ōtorohanga to participate it was rejected. When Ōtorohanga businesspeople approached the BDA for assistance, they discovered no funds were available to help Ōtorohanga people.
Both instances struck as short-sighted and foolish at the time. Toxic attitudes have been evident in some quarters in the past.
While not a council responsibility, Ōtorohanga Medical Centre’s reluctance to join with Te Kuiti Med Centre and take advantage of the testing and hospital facilities there strikes as another example of shortsightedness, denying locals access to health expertise, convenience and cost-savings in some circumstances.
Certainly, both councils have moved on – but have they moved far enough?
The current duplication of all costs and salaries is a continuing burden to rate payers of both districts.
Our towns and districts are of a similar size and population. The business, social and sporting connections between the two districts are stronger than with any neighbouring district. Ōtorohanga is recognised as the gateway to the King Country, the historic
homeland of the Maniapoto Iwi - character worthy of greater elevation.
In many respects our communities complement one another. Where one is weak, the other frequently compensates – and vice versa.
Surely our districts can work together cooperatively to achieve better outcomes for all - including ratepayers.
The challenge will be navigating through these differences, recognising, respecting, accommodating and valuing each other. It will require care, consideration and compromise. John Robertson has the knowledge, skills and experience to help bring about this change –which I believe is overdue.
Frances Rawlings Ōtorohanga
My understanding is that Ōtorohanga District Council is comparatively efficient. I would like to see the King Country News print a table of the Waikato and King Country council’s relative performance. This could include debt per ratepayer, last year’s rate increase, projected rate increases and other pertinent facts that all rate payers can easily understand.
Scale does have advantages. However the Tatua dairy company, albeit having advantages from the old Dairy Board days is a shining example of a small company out performing its larger rivals. Unfortunately the Westland dairy company didn’t succeed. No matter the size good leadership is crucial.
Dean Brogden Korakonui
As a ratepayer I am concerned with the annual rate increases compounding year after year. The budget blowouts on projects are mindblowing, Council estimates have been way below the final cost, such as the monstrosity of an overhead bridge replacement in the middle of town used by a few people. Amalgamating local body councils with representatives from each area of Waikato may be the way forward, as a way of reducing costs of excess council buildings and councillors. If Auckland can govern 1.8 million people with 21 local councils, Waikato should surely manage with
What follows is my personal opinion only. The conversation around amalgamation— merging councils like Waitomo and Ōtorohanga - has surfaced again. While the potential benefits of amalgamation might be worth exploring in the future, now is not the time.
Yes, amalgamation could deliver cost savings across districts, but these savings are speculative and unquantified at this point. Meanwhile, our council staff are already stretched thin, dealing with central Government’s shifting policies, major weather events, and the day-to-day responsibilities of serving our communities. Consider the challenges we face. Three Waters - initially, Waitomo District Council stood to benefit from Better Off Funding, securing $3.5 million with the promise of another $10 million. However, government policy changes eliminated this funding. The new Local Water Done Well policy now requires councils to present new options for delivering drinking and wastewater services, with stormwater likely excluded.
Meanwhile, Te Kūiti has experienced two major flooding events, prompting essential upgrades to our stormwater systems, and we’ve discovered a significant backlog of sludge in our wastewater ponds. Additionally, a $9 million water resilience project for Te Kūiti approved by the previous council is underway. Infrastructure and Roads. Our Waste Management Team is managing landfill
By Roy Pilott
Tom Roa has cast a vote of confidence in the refreshed compilation of the Waitangi Tribunal.
He did not have his warrant renewed this month when Māori Development
Minister Tama Potaka announced a new line up of members.
Eight new appointments were made and five of the existing 20 members - Dr Ruakere Hond, Derek Fox, Kim Ngarimu, Dr Hana
O’Regan and Professor Sir Pou Temara - were retained.
Appointments are for a three-year term and the new members include Vanessa Eparaima, chair of Te Wananga o Aotearoa council and Professor Tafaoimalo Tologata Leilani Tuala-
Warren, Dean of Te Piringa Faculty of Law at Waikato University.
Tania Simpson of Tamahere was among those not reappointed. She has served on the tribunal since 2008. Ken Williamson, a Waikato business leader who has ties to King Country through St John, was appointed in October last year.
Te Pāti Māori co-leader Debbie Ngarewa-Packer called the appointments a whitewash and said some of Te Ao Māori’s greatest thinkers had been replaced “with pale, stale males”.
Roa, Professor in the Faculty of Māori and Indigenous Studies at the University of Waikato regularly shares his view with readers of The News – his latest column appears in
this edition.
He said recent publicity, especially in social media, regarding some of the new appointments “and the non-renewal of my and other long-serving members’ warrants has to be a concern with the strength of its negativity”.
He said the new appointments brought a diversity of rich experience to the tribunal “which should be welcomed”.
“They will quickly familiarise themselves with the role of the tribunal under the Act and their role as members. The judges, staff, and sitting members will make good use of their knowledge, skills, and experience in guiding those new members in their role.”
Roa said he had been
honoured to serve on the tribunal for 10 years and was personally and professionally proud of his contribution.
The Waitangi Tribunal is a permanent commission of inquiry set up by the Treaty of Waitangi Act 1975. Its role is inquisitorial, and it seeks to establish the “truth or otherwise” of an allegation that the Crown has breached the Treaty.
It also has a role in examining and reporting on proposed legislation and makes recommendations about certain Crown forest land, railways land, stateowned enterprise land, and land transferred to educational institutions.
Roa said the tribunal fulfilled an essential, principled, role in advancing race relations and held
elected representatives to account in ensuring that “not only do they govern according to our will but they do so in the context of the Treaty of Waitangi, ensuring that the rule of law is upheld”.
Claimants, their legal counsel, and Crown counsel in their interactions with tribunal panels also had a responsibility to assist the tribunal in its deliberations.
“Reasoned and thoughtful debate will continue,” Roa said. “We should remind ourselves that our parliamentary system is based on the Westminster system in which we have a Government, and an Opposition. The primary function of the Opposition is to oppose, that is to hold the Government to account.
In any debate exaggeration and hyperbole can be very effective tools to advance a position.
“We should guard against debates which promote personal attacks, are essentially negative, and do not offer thoughtful and rational alternatives.”
In the wake of a trial, a new art trail is set to open the [studio] doors of perception, proving that a little creative thinking can go a long way. Jon Rawlinson reports.
Winding its way from Waitomo, the scenic Adventure Highway cuts through King Country down to Ruapehu.
In late February and early March, The Adventure Highway Art Trail Open Studio event will see visitors take in the scenery while experiencing even more stunning vistas at art galleries and studios.
While the region is home to many artists working across a wide range of mediums, more was needed to ensure their true colours really could shine through, Taumarunui artist and trail organiser, Mark Tyrrell, explained.
“There’s a lot of hidden talent, but some feel like they’re so remote and it’s hard to take the next step to get their work in front of the public. So, the idea is to try and get the public to come to us. We’re trying to create exposure for all the artists in the district and start to develop the perception that it’s
a great place to discover fresh, new talent.”
While the trail is open yearround, visits at various stops are by appointment only. However, the Open Studio weekends (February 22-23 and March 1-2) provide extensive access. With more than 24 stops feature on the tour, visitors have plenty of options.
“If people visit every stop it would take at least a day or two, but most will select a few artists they want to see. So, [the trail is] as long as a piece of string, really, as long as you want it to be,” Tyrrell says.
“There’s a pretty good mix – a really interesting, eclectic collection of artists, a little bit of everything.”
He creates a range of works, from landscapes to ceramics, but exactly what’s in store at each stop varies. In general, visitors will explore galleries and studios while talking shop with artists and, perhaps, rolling up their
sleeves during workshops.
“There are some well-known artists amongst the bunch, including Merrilyn George, a successful fabric artist, and Jo Gallagher, just to name a couple. It depends on each artist but there may be some workshops. Mostly, it’s a chance to exchange ideas and techniques.”
A successful trial paved the way for the trail’s Open Studios.
“We had a test run in May, a pay-to-enter minivan tour. This time, we’ve opened it up to the public and it’s free. It’s more like a conventional art trail so anybody can get a map from the website and go have a look.”
At the end of the line, a social event will provide a fitting conclusion, Mark adds.
“There will be a dine and dance event as a fundraiser for the Twin Rivers Art Gallery here in Taumarunui. Ticket sales will help cover expenses and promote art in the community through a series of workshops.”
The Budget Warehouse, found at 19 Tuhoro St, Otorohanga, is setting a new standard for local shopping, o ering a popular and diverse range of products similar to the main big brand stores elsewhere.
Whether you’re looking for home essentials, kitchen gadgets, or the latest electronics, The Budget Warehouse has it all.
By Janine Krippner
There have been plenty of harrowing and emotional stories coming out of the LA fires disaster.
Videos of people reuniting with, or helping, pets really pull the heartstrings, bringing forward thoughts of how I would cope if my cats went missing during a fire. For many of us, animals are part of our families and we love them dearly.
Animals are an important consideration for disaster preparedness, and if we fail at this it can also endanger human life.
The most significant risk factor for people failing to evacuate is owning a pet, especially for people who don’t have children.
During hurricane Katrina in 2005, emergency shelters did not allow pets and 44 per cent of non-evacuees who chose not to evacuate did so because they refused to leave pets behind. An estimated 50,000 to 150,000 pets died.
Dr Scott Mouat opened King Country Chiropractic at 27a Maniapoto St in Otorohanga in 2008.
“Whether you are healthy and want to ensure you maintain your current state of wellness, or you are feeling sore or unwell, we can help you, from children to the elderly,” Scott says.
Leanne Massey from Little Scissors at 50 Maniapoto St In Otorohanga knows all about keeping your crowning glory.
She’s owned the business for the past 23 years – 24 next monthher meticulous attention to detail is well known across the region. Little Scissors takes care of all hair needs from perms, sets, cuts and colours, for men, women and children.
Iona van der Pasch owner of Moss & Co orists at 31 Maniapoto St in Otorohanga for the past ve years, is an award winning orist with 26 years’ experience in providing customers with unique designs suited speci cally to their requirements. From wedding designs to dried oral arrangements, if you want your owers to say everything, Moss & Co is a great place to go.
Dr. Scott Mouat (B.Chiro) Chiropractor
Dr. Alana Sherman (B. Chiro) Chiropractor
Psychological trauma can occur when people are forced to leave them.
One study found that pet loss is a significant predictor of post-disaster distress. Conversely, having a pet can also reduce stress and promote lower levels of posttraumatic stress disorder.
Health care workers, who are desperately needed in a disaster, may also refuse to work if their pets are not safe. Additionally, disease spread is also higher through non-evacuated animals.
The dangers continue, with an estimated 80 per cent of people returning to evacuation areas prematurely doing so to rescue a pet.
I mentioned last year that my friend Danni Molisee could not evacuate prior to the first hurricane that impacted Tampa, Florida. She managed to evacuate for the second
hurricane, but it broke her heart leaving two missing pets behind. One kitty was found, and she still goes back with hope for the other.
Pets became ill from the polluted waters that came from the storm surge. She says it is tragic seeing posts from people saying they are looking for fosters for their pets because of difficult living conditions.
There can be very real consequences when we don’t take our pets into account and community safety can be impacted.
I have discussed the steps we can take to prepare (you can look up “Pets and disasters” from 2023), such as having a plan and knowing where your items like carriers, pet photos, food, and any medications are for a quick getaway.
We also need larger plans in place for when evacuations are needed.
Plans for places people can go with pets, or a safe place for pets to stay with the right care. It is also important to have places without animals for those with allergies.
After Katrina, the Pets Evacuation and Transportation Standards (Pets) Act of 2006 was established in the US, and Animal Evac New Zealand has been working towards changes.
What is clear is that preparation needs to happen at different levels, from within the home, in our communities, up to our leadership.
As with so many aspects of disaster preparedness and resilience, we are not powerless and there is so much we can do to help ourselves and our loved ones big and small.
By Chris Gardner
The Project Piopio Trust has relaunched following a Covid-induced recess.
Previously known as Piopio and Districts Business and Promotions Committee, the trust’s first project since recess is a community survey, asking residents to share their thoughts on how to make the village a better place.
The last survey, conducted about 20 years ago, identified the need for an eatery to service passing motorists travelling through the King Country to Taranaki and led to local families financing the establishment of The Fat Pigeon Café. The Fat Owl Motel, Bar and Eatery quickly followed.
“We’ve had this for 16 years in June,” said owner Melanie Simpson.
“This was the best move we have ever made.”
Simpson is brimming with enthusiasm for the community and its support for the project, as well as support for her family over the years.
Since the last survey, the main street has been tidied up and Piopio has grown from six businesses and organisations to 25 in and around town, all geared
towards servicing passers-by, residents and each other.
Prior successes include a $30,000 town planning project including a colourful avenue of trees, daffodils and camellias from one end of Piopio to the other. The trust has also established four tourist
information boards outside the public toilets to advertise activities and businesses in our area and built a concrete path from the public toilets for visitor access to the cafe all year around
Just over half of the village’s 400 plus residents have responded to the latest
Beattie Community Trust has continued to experience increased demands for the services provided, both in rest home and dementia level care. Beattie Home and Papakāinga Homestead are at full capacity, with our respite care rooms booked out until June 2025. Significant work has been achieved to enable us to upgrade our facilities to attain hospital level certification with our new hospital beds fully occupied, and waiting lists for all our other services.
Our Beattie Community Trust Campus is a product of enormous community support, and it is important that we can continue to provide for the communities’ growing aged-care needs. As our waiting lists indicate, this is becoming a huge challenge given the constraints around availability of existing beds. We have again been privileged to receive a donation from John and Sarah Oliver Trust to purchase the properties at 174 and 176 Maniapoto Street to add to those we already own at 178 and 180 Maniapoto Street. This gives us a parcel of land that enables us to extend the Papakāinga Homestead facility and provide a wing of dual-purpose rooms to cater for rest care or hospital level care. This is a significant undertaking for us to increase the capacity of our facilities to meet the community’s needs. With the necessary land now acquired the drafting of concept plans is currently under way.
This venture will require more fundraising and funding requests and the Beattie Home Trust Board wish to inform the community of their current and future plans. As we travel through this next phase of our journey, we will endeavor to keep everyone up to date with progress and developments.
survey and trust president Donna Pari, secretary Jenny Brodie and committee member Nicky Atkinson are deep in analysis.
Some of the key themes coming through are the need to market the village and all it has to offer, including tourism offerings like Lord
of the Rings location, Hairy Feet Waitomo and the track to Department of Conservation hut at Leitch’s Clearing.
Pari said some respondents had identified the need for automatic telling machines, not realising that Piopio already has two.
The survey also recorded a demand for more housing in the village, including rentals.
The next project is to update the artwork in town with a community art competition.
So, what keeps the people behind the Project Piopio Trust involved in the community?
“It’s that cliched thing,” said Pari who was raised in the village. “It’s the people.”
She spent some time away but found herself drawn back.
“It’s a beautiful place for young families.”
Brodie has a similar story.
“I was born here; I went away for about five years and came back to the family farm. I have just ended up staying here.”
She simply hasn’t found anywhere else she would like to live.
Arkinson moved to Piopio in 1985 to work as a primary school teacher in the local school and found a reason to stay.
“I married the local vet and went to work in the vet clinic in Piopio and Te Kūiti,” she said.
“I love the people and the landscape. There’s loads of activities you can do like fishing and tramping.”
As college students head back to school, Jon Rawlinson sought to learn a little more about how optimistic principals at Piopio and Te Kuiti are about the year ahead. Next week we hope to report on Ōtorohanga College.
Rora Street, Te Kuiti 07 878 8147
Maniapoto Street, Otorohanga 07 873 8871
Attracting the right calibre of teacher to the region can be tricky, Te Kūiti High School principal Gareth Williams says.
“For a small country town it is a bit more of a challenge, especially with younger teachers when the lure of the bigger cities is stronger,” he says. “We are, currently, fully staffed. I say ‘currently’ because things change all the time.
“One of the most challenging parts of being a principal is staffing because there’s a bit of a teacher shortage in New Zealand.”
Gareth taught physical education at Te Kūiti High from 2010-15 and, after a stint as a deputy principal in Rototuna, Hamilton, he returned to his alma mater in late 2021; he is now about to begin his fourth year leading its faculty.
An ongoing effort is required to attract the best and brightest teachers with help from the Ministry of Education.
“We’re constantly on the lookout and trying to attract more people. We have a longer-term plan encouraging students from our school to go into teaching and then come back and work here,”
Gareth says.
“I think [the ministry] could do more to help, if I’m honest. But, again, we’re not naive in thinking it’s an overnight fix. Staffing is a long-term issue – they need to look at how to attract more people into the job because teaching’s the only profession that leads on to all other lines of work.”
With regards to the school’s student population, he says there is, currently, no shortage.
“[The roll] has slowly increased each year. It’s not by massive numbers, but we’ve crept up, so it’s going in the right direction. We’ve predicted that we’ll have around 350 students this year.”
Te Kūiti’s students will prosper in 2025, especially those taking part in an
initiative designed to set them on a path to employment, he expects.
“Our services academy is a life skills and leadership course. It’s definitely not a boot camp, it’s very different to that.
It’s an avenue for students to go into the services, the police, fire brigade or defence force, but leadership skills are also valuable for people going into the trades tertiary study or any other opportunity for students post-school.”
A rally in student numbers is a hopeful sign for Piopio College principal, Ben Draper. However, the recent rise follows decades of decline.
“It has turned around with a lot more younger families staying in the district. More younger families are in the country, staying or coming back to Piopio, and their kids are all starting to come through [the school] now,” he says.
Draper notes an amalgamation of farms in the area as a primary factor driving the overall reduction.
“Our roll has gone from 134 to (officially) 148 since last year, but it went right down to 124 two or three years ago. When I went to school here, we had 380-400 students, so there’s been a gradual decrease over the last two decades. Number-wise it’s not massive but the roll is still less than half of what it used to be.”
Relatively new to the role of principal, while teaching physical education and health and outdoor recreation Draper has witnessed the fall and rise of the college’s roll.
“I started, officially, as principal in term four last year, but I was off and on here as a teacher since 2007 – I was backwards and forwards playing rugby in Europe – and then here 10 years solid from 2014.”
With regards to staff, it can be tough filling the school’s roster.
“It’s really hard to recruit. We have lots of overseas applicants, but networking has been the main thing, getting the word out there, talking to people and being patient. We have new teachers coming on board who are New Zealand born and bred, so they understand rural kids in New Zealand – we’ve been really lucky there.”
New additions in the staffroom are expected to ensure their young charges
achieve to the best of their ability.
“We have Bree Coleman starting in our science department. She went to Piopio Primary and she’s just finished studying at Massey. We also have Paiaka Muraahi who went to school here. He went shearing, but we convinced him he was going to be a good teacher, so he went for training and we’ll reap the benefit from that now.
“Then there’s Lisa Smith, she’s from Whangamata but her partner’s working locally, so we managed to snaffle her.”
One situation does remain vacant but Draper is hopeful staffing numbers will add
up soon enough.
“We’re still on the hunt for a maths teacher. I’m filling in for now but we’ve been advertising since term three last year. I’m just going to be patient until we find the right fit for the school.”
While much of the mahi is undertaken at school level, Draper says the Ministry of Education has been providing solid support, especially with regards to new incentives and ideas.
“Yeah, I think so, it’s good. I would answer honestly if it was the other way, if I felt differently. They always have support
mechanisms for us.”
Looking at the year ahead, boosting attendance and addressing literacy levels are top priorities for him and his team, however outdoor education remains a key factor for the school.
“The thing we push hard here is getting kids outdoors – we weave that into the curriculum as best we can,” he adds. “This includes a localised curriculum, matauranga Māori [Māori knowledge] and other things local kids are experts in, because when they have a passion for something, they know a lot about, they buy in much better.”
Check out our website to find details about our roads and streets including maintenance, how to report issues, traffic management, stock crossing permits, vehicle crossings, temporary road closures and more.
Some of our current temporary road closure work can all be found at:
Some of our maintenance work that we continue to do around the district can been found here: www.otodc.govt. nz/council-services/roads-and-streets/maintenance-pro gramme
Rates invoices for instalment 2 for the period 1 January 2025 to 30 June 2025 will be sent out mid-January 2025 and payment will be due Friday 28 February 2025. If you have not received your invoice by the end of January 2025, please check your spam for ( or alternatively contact ODC via phone or email.
Water invoices for Ōtorohanga Urban and Rural Water Schemes are also due in February 2025. You may be eligible for a Rate Rebate. To check your eligibility, please visit
No meetings are scheduled for January 2025. All meetings will resume in February.
Chief Executive’s Review Committee Monday 10 February, 10am
Elected-Member Workshops Tuesday 11 February, 12.30pm
Kāwhia Community Board Thursday 13 February, 4pm Council Tuesday 25 February, 10am
Smart tips below on how to save water this summer.
In the kitchen:
• Use a bowl or plug when washing dishes by hand instead of running water.
• Run dishwashers only when full and use the eco setting if available.
• Collect unused water (like when rinsing veggies) and use it for plants.
In the bathroom:
• Take shorter showers—aim for 4 minutes or less.
• Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth or shaving.
• Fix leaks on taps and toilets—they waste more than you think.
• Wash only full loads of laundry to maximise water efficiency.
• Use the eco or cold water setting on your machine. Outdoors:
• Water plants in the early morning or late evening to reduce evaporation.
• Set sprinklers on timers.
• Sweep driveways instead of hosing them down.
MONDAYS 3.30PM - 4.30PM
A fun, interactive reading programme for tamariki (children) ages 0-18, which has now opened and runs until 31 March 2025. There are 15 unique cards to collect, including 12 common cards and 3 rare ones, each wrapped in mystery envelopes to keep the excitement alive.
How to Collect Taniwha Cards
Earning Taniwha Cards is all part of the adventure! Here are just a few ways to earn them:
• Find rocks: Search parks and reserves around Ōtorohanga to find painted rocks with the taniwha footprints.
• Wear your badge: When you head into town or to places such as the pool or rock climbing and be rewarded with a card.
• Visit your local library: Issue books and explore what’s on the shelves.
• Complete Summer Legends quests: Attend craft sessions, write reviews, sign up to the challenge in Beanstack and other fun activities.
• Participate in activities: Each activity offers a chance to engage with friends, explore new ideas and earn cards.
Thursday 30 January 10.30-11.30am Ōtorohanga Library
• Taniwha feet
• Print making
Remember you will earn a card in our Raumati Toa Summer Legends programme.
Join us for Ravenous Readers Book Group on the second Thursday of each month at the Ōtorohanga District Library, 1.30pm - 2.30pm and 5.15pm - 6.15pm. The dates and themes for our 2025 meetings are:
• February 13 - What you read this summer
• March 13 – Young adult graphic novel
• April 10 – eRead
• May 8 – Murder mystery genre
• June 12 – Māori
• July 10 – Fiction set during the decade you were born
• August 14 – Books about libraries or librarians
• September 11 – Retelling
• October 9 – Something scary
• November 13 – Non-fiction
• December 11 – Celebrity author
Can’t make it in person? No need to miss out – join the Ravenous Readers Challenge on Beanstack: Phone (07) 873 7175, email, or message us on Facebook
Top shearers will compete for titles, riders will jump their horses, and local dog trialists will battle competitors from outside the district. It is always a fun, a ordable day out, co-organiser Anna Nelson said. “We make it so that parents don’t have the constant kid thing: Can I have money for this? Can I have money for this? [If they want] they can give them their ten bucks to spend on their drink or hot chips and hot dog. You don’t have to spend any more.” “The sideshow bouncy castle and mechanical bull are free. The water slide is free, all the races and activities are free to watch. You can sit under a shady tree and watch the shearing or the horse events. This year Kimberley Cody and the Piopio Rec Centre are organising a new activity; the "Colour Run".
The dog trials allow maiden competitors and locals to have a go. Help will be available to those keen to have a go at dog trailing. Graeme
NZ Dog Trial Assoc Rules Steward: Graeme Brier 027 810 9644
ĀRIA’s popular Sports Day is happening on February 6 – Waitangi Day.
Brier kindly organises the trials for the sports club.
The horse events o er kids and beginners a chance to compete alongside those more experienced riders and have fun in the bending and barrel racing. Seniors compete in flat events, round the ring jumping and FEI showjumping classes. “We try to do something fun for kids’ and their ponies... for me that’s what it’s all about. Giving locals and young riders that don’t go to a lot of competitions the chance to have a day out. It’s a big experience for some of them.”
The event has very a ordable entry fees compared to other North Island horse shows. “Riders didn’t need to have flash gear, just “tidy and safe” equipment."
The shearing and wool handling events always gather great crowds. “Events start at 8.30am for Novice wool handling and Novice shearing, followed by all other grades from juniors
right up to the open events. A highlight for the community is the “Kids shear” held at midday. “The Āria Show is one of the shows that is part of the North Island shearing circuit. Points are up for grabs so expect to see some of the big guns in action.” Once again Āria Cosmopolitan Club hosts the Speed Shear the night before the Sports Day to make it well worthwhile for those travelling from across the North Island.
The speed shear starts at 7pm with senior and open grades; meals will be available before and during the event.
Āria Sports Day will be held at its usual location, St Helen’s Domain.
The Lions caravan, ice-creams and co ee will be on site plus a few market stalls with other stalls welcome. Please contact the organisers via EFTPOS will be available.
027 554 4433
uncertainty and navigating now-rescinded government requirements for food waste collection. Cyclones Dovi, Hale, Gabrielle, and winter storms caused extensive damage to rural roads, which added to repair burdens. Legislative reversals on speed management have turned simple tasks into complicated exercises, while forestry-related road damage persists.
Financial Strains. Our Finance Team had to create two separate Long-Term Plan models to account for the uncertain future of Three Waters assets while also managing endless calculations and adjustments for other ongoing projects.
Our Chief Executive is juggling all this alongside the usual demands of running the council for our community. Through it all, we are trying to keep rates as low as possible. Our council could look very different once the future of our drinking and wastewater services is resolved.
Let’s focus on tackling the considerable challenges already on our table. Once these are navigated, we can revisit amalgamation with greater clarity and a more stable foundation. For now, let’s press pause.
Janette Osborne Te Kuiti
In response to last week’s front page story - for years now, the idea of merging councils, especially Waitomo and Ōtorohanga, has been discussed without any positive outcome. Surely it is now time to do some serious talking and decisions to make this happen for the future of our communities.
I am sure every rate payer in this town (Te Kūiti) got a huge shock when opening their rate demand last week. Especially the whopping hike in our rates compared with last year. I could
understand it going up perhaps $100 or so, but our increase was $627. What? The same day we also got a memo from our power provider to say their costs are also going up in March. When does it stop... or at least slow down? Wages, and certainly pensions don’t go up much and a dollar can only stretch so far. Te Kūiti needs more growth to help spread the costs and rates, but potential home and business buyers are not queuing to invest in our town when rates like ours are now over $5000 a year. It’s too expensive to live here. A positive and sensible solution is urgently needed. The amalgamation of the councils would appear to be a good start in the right direction.
Jan Crosland Te Kūiti
In the demolition of the old council building (King Country News January 23) a viewing platform was needed for Wellington politicians to educate them on the folly of kneejerk earthquake legislation. That building was a fine structure - sure, some minor quake modifications to update [was needed]. The giant demolition equipment struggled to bring it down. What was a Richter scale seven earthquake going to do? B all. In fact, the Ministry of Defence should have had it as a World War 3 bunker. The pile that was left said it all. There was more steel in the rubble than rubble. Want to increase the safety of all affected old commercial buildings up and down the country by 20 per cent? Remove the heavy concrete parapets above footpaths, helping to save some of these properties.
Rob Maxwell Te Kūiti
Why? Essential routine maintenance replacing switches, air breaks, and other critical infrastructure in several locations. Affects approximately 660 customers. Work also involves a heli-saw to trim trees, to reduce future outages. Does it affect me? Scan code for locations, dates and times!
By Chris Gardner
The Royal New Zealand Returned and Services Association has lived up to its name in Piopio. The association has returned to
the King Country town as a subbranch of Te Kūiti and Districts RSA after closing in 1987.
“There’s been quite a lot of interest,” said Te Kūiti and Districts president Barry Batley.
“There’s a few returned and services people in Piopio and they are really thrilled with it.”
Batley credited Piopio returned serviceman Bill Wana for getting the new sub-branch off the ground.
Signs have gone up at Piopio Cosmopolitan Club, and 18 returned and service members have signed up and are regularly meeting at the Cosmopolitan Club.
Wana said the RSA closed in 1987 due to dwindling membership numbers, but things had changed in Piopio since he returned from army service in 1991, having joined up in 1977. Wana’s service includes two tours in Southeast Asia and he achieved the rank of Corporal, Acting Sergeant.
“I was approached my members of the community in Piopio to arrange the Anzac Day service,” he said.
The establishment of the Piopio sub-branch followed as interest grew.
“We have got younger ones coming back, that have served, or are still serving,” Wana said.
All three arms of the New Zealand Defence Force are represented, with members from the Royal New Zealand Airforce, Army and Navy.
Members meet at 6pm on the third Friday of every month at the Cosmopolitan Club for a reading of the Ode of Remembrance from
of the poem For the Fallen by Laurence Binyon and playing of The Last Post by a lone bugler.
“It’s not about one individual,” Wana said. “It’s a about the whole community, and the service people that have gone before us, creating a legacy.”
“It’s just thrilling to see what is happening in Piopio, with the sub-branch co-located in the Cosmopolitan Club,” said Waikato, King Country, Bay of Plenty District RSA president Tony Hill of
The organisation has switched in recent years from running its own facilities to partnering with other organisations, in many cases.
The sub-branch was following similar examples of the Te Kūiti branch, which meets in the Waitomo Club, the Ōtorohanga branch, which meets in the Ōtorohanga Club, and the Cambridge branch, which meets at D’Arcy’s Garden Restaurant, Club Lounge & Bar at Hidden Lake
Hotel and Apartments.
Hill said service was not a prerequisite and associate membership was open to anyone wishing to join.
The association is hoping to commemorate the opening of the sub-branch before Anzac Day. The day will include the presentation of a World War II service medal to the family of late Marokopa Home Guard member Trevor Stubbs who missed out on the award during his life.
You can pick up a free King Country News from our Te Kūiti office or at any of the following locations:
Queen Street Dairy
Patel Mini Mart
Te Kūiti Hospital
Mobil Service Station
New World
Hillview Home
Z Te Kūiti
Grub Up Cafe
Property Brokers
Cloverleaf Cafe
Piopio Food Mart
Piopio Superette
Benneydale Foodmarket
River Run Cafe
Whitebait Inn
The General Store
Waitomo Caves isite
Caltex Pat Prescott
Information Centre
Ōtorohanga Mini Mart
Michael’s Milkbar
Beattie Home Paper Plus
Murray Hunt Furnishers
Kāwhia General Store
Kāwhia Motors
Ōpārau Roadhouse
Waitomo Te Kawa Service Station
Across 1. Form of oxygen (5) 4. Seafarer (6) 7. Curve (3) 8. Cream-filled pastry (6) 9. Part of the foot (6) 10. Test of endurance (8) 12. Every one or thing (4) 13. Change a little (6)
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Advertising booking deadlines for Cambridge News, Te Awamutu News and King Country News is one week prior to publication day. Copy deadline for ad-make up is 5pm Friday prior to publication day. Advertiser is responsible to advise us of any copy changes before proofing deadline – anything not signed o by this time, ad prints as per the last proof sent. Advertising supplied in completed form (finished artwork or camera ready), deadline is Tuesday midday prior to publication day. Public holiday weeks, all deadlines move forward one working day. Cancellation deadline is one week prior to publication. If cancellations are received after the cancellation deadline, then full charge applies. All other publications and products see separate booking and deadline sheet. Advertising setting is free for up to two proofs, further changes will incur a production fee. Advertising copy set by Good Local Media Ltd is the property of Good Local Media Ltd and for use in Good Local Media Ltd publications only. If used elsewhere charges will apply, pricing available on request. If supplied ready to print, copy is owned by the advertiser. Publication day is Thursday for urban
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Situated in one of our more sought-after lifestyle locations, this home was built to a high spec in its day and on a much larger scale than most.
Perfect for a live in parent situation, this home has a private guest wing with ensuite, a large storage/hobby room plus an office (or fifth bedroom) and more formal separate lounge. Three other bedrooms including two additional bathrooms complete the family wing of the home and the storage space here is amazing. A large section for the kids with garaging for four vehicles and a sealed driveway is a bonus.
Other infrastructure includes two chicken houses with runs, a double implement shed, woodshed, yards and bore water. The gently rolling contour will suit a retired farmer who just wants to run a few beefies and exercise the old farm dogs. Lifestyle properties in this location are a rarity and there’s no time like the present to make the next move as there are signs that 2025 will see a lot more buyer activity.
Vacant now for an immediate possession, call us today!
5 bed, 3 bathrooms, 3 toilets, 4 garages
Deadline closes Thurs 20 Feb, 1pm (unless sold prior) WEBSITE WEB ID OH22587
163 Old Te Kuiti Road, Lots 1 & 4, 5517-8932sqm, easy covenants.
Lot 1, 627 Waitomo Valley Road, Otorohanga, 8105sqm rural lifestyle
Lots 90-108 Harpers Avenue, 486sqm to 962sqm, Westridge II subdivision.
576C Mangawhero Road, Otorohanga, 1ha, fenced, sensible covenants. Ph Noldy
Te Kūiti sections (sizes are approximate)
5 Robin Azariah Place, Te Kuiti, 906sqm, quiet neighbourhood. Phone Buzz. Offers over $199,000
54A Ailsa Street (Lot 1), Te Kuiti, 2159sqm, end of a cul de sac, STT. Phone Buzz By Negotiation 54A Ailsa Street (Lot 2), Te Kuiti, 1707sqm, end of a cul de sac, STT. Phone Buzz By
10 Robin Azariah Place, Te Kuiti, 600sqm level section. Phone Buzz
Other sections (sizes are approximate)
0 State Highway 3, Piopio, 984sqm. Phone Buzz By Negotiation
71 Hone Street, Kawhia, 1012sqm, FREEHOLD, short drive to boat ramp.
171 Ngahape Road, Te Kawa, 5001sqm. Phone Cherie
0 Raglan Road, Kawhia, 2648sqm lifestyle section, no covenants,
1961 SH31 Kawhia Road, Otorohanga, 16.95ha, bikes, sheep or building site options. Ph Noldy $520,000 2868 SH31 Kawhia Road, Pirongia, 5.847ha. Phone Noldy $575,000 + GST (if
The resident family have farmed this property for 55 years. It is a high performing farm with consistent and superior livestock production. The farm is predominantly rolling fertile ash country with easy access throughout. The water source is excellent and well reticulated to supply water to the home and the farm. The home is impressive with five bedrooms, two bathrooms, double glazing, established gardens and swimming pool. Extensive decking provides for outdoor entertaining and spectacular views. The "Back Gully" offers magnificent limestone cliff faces and a winding river.
damaged branches, but avoid heavy pruning as it may stress the plants in the heat.
It was lovely to see the muchneeded rain over the weekend! My gardens definitely appreciated it.
The plants are already looking a lot happier and fresher I just love how a garden looks so fresh after a good dosing of rain!
It’s also makes it a perfect time to spread some mulch around your garden to help to conserve moisture in the soil and keep the plants hydrated as the wind and sun shine is back to dry them out again.
Jobs to get you outside and connect with nature are:
Weeding – Keep on top of weeds, as they can quickly take over in the warm weather.
Pull them out by the roots before they go to seed.
Harvesting – If you’ve planted veggies, now’s the time to start harvesting.
Pick tomatoes, zucchinis, beans, and other summer crops regularly to encourage new growth.
Pest Control – Watch for pests like aphids, caterpillars, and snails. Organic methods like neem oil or a homemade spray can help manage them without chemicals.
Watering – Make sure your plants get enough water, especially during hot spells. Early morning or late evening watering helps reduce evaporation.
Mulching – Apply mulch around plants to help conserve moisture in the soil and keep weeds at bay. It also helps regulate soil temperature.
Planting for Autumn – You can start planning for autumn by planting cool-season crops like spinach, broccoli, and carrots.
Deadheading flowers – Remove spent flowers from annuals, roses and perennials to encourage more blooms and tidy up the garden.
Pruning – Prune back any dead or
Lawn Care – Mow your lawn regularly but set your mower a bit higher in the summer to encourage deeper roots and a healthier lawn. Composting – This is a good time to start or maintain a compost pile, as the warmth will help break down organic matter faster.
Happy gardening!
• Emptying septic tanks
• CCTV pipeline inspection
• Jetting drainage pipelines
• Spreading animal effluent
Waitomo Liquid Waste Disposal 021 111 3911
Property maintenance and construction Lawns, trees, stump grinding, sections, moss & mould treatments, Chemwash, waterblasting, gutter vac, water tank and trough cleaning fences, retaining, odd jobs and more. References available GST registered. Mike & Allana 027 350 0836
WDC Service InformationWaitangi Day
Thursday 6 February 2025
Customer Service Centre - Closed. Our call centre operates 24/7. Please call 0800 932 4357 or email:
Library - Closed
Admin Office - Closed
Aquatic Centre - Open 12pm - 6pm
Waitomo District Landfill and Transfer Stations - Closed as usual.
Kerbside CollectionWill operate as usual.
LTD, 30 Oranga St, New Plymouth 4310 has made application to the District Licensing Committee at Te Kūiti for the renewal of a off licence in respect of premises situated at 249 Rora St, Te Kūiti, and known as Te Kūiti Liquorland. The general nature of the business to be conducted under the licences is that of a bottle store. The days on which and the hours during which alcohol is to be sold under the offlicence are Monday to Sunday, 9am to 10pm. The application may be inspected during the ordinary office hours at the office of the District Licensing Committee at Waitomo District Council, Queen Street, Te Kūiti. Any person who is entitled to and wishes to object to the issue of the licences may, not later than 25 working days after the date of the publication of this notice, file a notice in writing of the objection with the Secretary of the District Licensing Committee at Waitomo District Council, P. O. Box 404, Te Kūiti 3941. No objection to the renewal of a licence may be made in relation to a matter other than a matter specified in Section 131 of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012. This is the second publication of this notice. This notice was first published on January 23, 2025.
The Valuation Rolls for Waitomo District Council have been revised by Quotable Value Limited (as the Council’s valuation service provider). This process was duly audited by the Office of the Valuer General.
The revised values are as at 1 September 2024 and will be open for public inspection, free of charge on the Waitomo District Council website or Monday to Friday from 9am to 4pm at our Customer Service Centre, located at 160 Rora Street, Te Kuiti.
Valuation Notices for properties within the Waitomo District will be sent to the owners and ratepayers from 5 February 2025 by post or email, to the address provided to Council by the ratepayer and/or owner.
Pursuant to the provisions of the Rating Valuations Act 1998 and the Rating Valuations Regulations 1998 any objection(s) to the revised valuations must be lodged in writing, no later than 14 March 2025.
Objection forms are available on our website or by requesting a form via email:
Alternatively, forms are available from our Customer Service Centre or by phoning 07 878 0800 or freephone 0800 932 4357. Ben
Smit Chief Executive
We are looking for a highly organised office star to join our motivated and hardworking team.
We seek someone who:
• Builds positive relationships with staff, students and families
• Works under pressure and meets deadlines
• Has a high level of computer and literacy skills
• Prepares accounts and agendas
• Has a ‘can do attitude’ and are willing to learn new skills
• Has efficient time management skills
If you think you would like to work in a dedicated team, I would love to hear from you.
Applications close on February 21, 2025. With interviews taking place on Monday 24 and Tuesday, February 25.
Email your resume including your work history, with a covering letter and two references to
Please feel free to contact Heather Dallas 022 424 4122 for further information.
A newspaper is more than just news. It involves you in the community with personal stories, thoughts, viewpoints, humour and helpful tips. Your newspaper is a one-stop source for analysis, opinion, great writing and personality.
Nothing else is so focused on community.
When buyers and sellers need to connect…
The King Country App is FREE Download it from the App Store or Google Play TODAY!
Are you a skilled professional with a passion for managing key procurement processes and driving successful projects? We’re looking for a talented Procurement / Project Management Professional or Project Engineer to join our team and contribute to the successful delivery of our exciting projects!
Key Responsibilities:
• Lead the procurement processes.
• Collaborate with internal teams and stakeholders to define project scope and objectives.
• Support the team with project schedules, resources, and budgets to ensure successful project delivery.
• Ensure compliance with industry standards and regulations throughout the project lifecycle.
• Provide technical expertise and support in project execution, from initiation to completion.
• Identify and mitigate potential risks, ensuring project success and quality.
To be successful in the role you’ll have:
• Tertiary qualification in relevant role (Civil Engineering) or equivalent level of learning through experience (minimum 3 years) in a procurement/project management or contract management role
• Strong knowledge of procurement processes
• Current New Zealand Drivers Licence
• Excellent time management and financial management skills
• Excellent communication skills
• Driven to meet deadlines
Here at WDC, we are proud of the work we produce and the long-standing relationships we build within our community. As an employee of WDC, you will be part of a friendly, supportive and goal focused team. The work environment is varied, challenging, and rewarding.
Our people are fundamental to our success. We are a committed team and our values are the foundation of our organisational culture: teamwork, positivity, bold and brave, compassion, integrity and community minded.
If your committed to delivering for our communities, apply now.
To apply for this position, please visit out recruitment website:
Applications close: 26 February 2025
Reliable mechanic required Rural workshop. Wofs, servicing, repairs, light engineering and tyres. Mon - Fri 8am
Dear Otorohanga Club Members
We are holding a Special Meeting to discuss an important matter regarding the future of our golf club.
Meeting Details:
Date: Sunday 2nd February 2025
Time: 11am
Location: Otorohanga Club Inc. - 107 Maniapoto St, Otorohanga
The primary purpose of this meeting is to present and discuss the proposal to return the ownership of the golf club back to Waitomo Golf & Country Club Inc. This decision is significant for the future of both clubs, and your input is essential.
This meeting will provide an opportunity to:
Understand the reasoning and implications of this proposal
Ask questions and share your perspectives
Participate in a member vote
Your attendance and participation are crucial. Together, we can make an informed decision that aligns with the best interests in both clubs and our community.
If you have any questions before the meeting, please don’t hesitate to contact Steve Wilshier or Jock Gollan.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Bronwyn Merrin Secretary/Manager Otorohanga Club Inc.
tea 10am at the Journey Church, Te Kūiti, movie 10.30am All seniors welcome
Notice of Annual General Meeting
Tapuiwahine A12 Trust
Date: Sunday, February 23, 2025 Registrations and refreshments: 930am-10am
Meeting Starts: 10am Venue: Motiti Marae, Mangatea Road, Te Kūiti
• Karakia
• Chairpersons welcome
• Minutes of previous AGM • Financial Report • Chairmans Report • Correspondence
• Election of Trustees/Officers/ Resignations
• General Business
• Advice of Lease Negotiation
• Karakia
For Proxy forms, zoom credentials, agenda items or apologies, please email the Trust:
878 7878 Unichem Te Kūiti Pharmacy
9.30am - 12.30pm..............................07 878 8011
Ōtorohanga Pharmacy
9am - 12.30pm..................................07 873 7294 Citizens Advice Bureau -Ōtorohanga, Te Kūiti and Taumarunui (free legal advice)...............................0800 367 222/07 878 7636 Community Mental Health Service..........07 878 8767 Emergencies..........................................0800 505 050
Counselling Services North King Country Mon - Fri, 9am - 3pm................................07 873 7676
Waitomo Women’s Refuge Helpline........07 878 5081
0800 733 843
Te Kūiti Hospital.......................................07 878 7333 Cancer Society supportive care nurse...0800 227 744 Te Kūiti Community House ......................07 878 5272
NKC Family Support Mon - Fri, 9am - 3pm...............................07 873 6502
Noise Control (Waitomo District Council)
878 0800 Noise Control (Ōtorohanga District Council) .................................................................07 878 4000
Ōtorohanga District Council (24 hrs).......07 873 4000
Waitomo District Council (24hrs).........0800 932 4357 Victim Support Services.......................027 281 1499
0800 842 846
Detailsofupcomingmeetingsof Ōtorohanga District Council can about-council/meetings
Funds are available to assist present and past Waimiha residents to further their education or take advantage of special sporting or cultural opportunities.
Application form sent on request to 07 894 5834, or by Post to Heather Beeson, 841 Ongarue Stream Rd, RD, Waimiha 3997.
Applications close Friday 8 March.
BAPTIST CHURCH Ranfurly St, Ōtorohanga Service times Sunday 10.30am
Everyone welcome Contact 07 873 8685
Owners and beneficiaries of Puketiti 5D block
Special Meeting
Saturday, February 8, 2025
Piopio Senior Citizens Hall Weka Street Piopio @11am
Updating & changes to current Trust Deed.
General Discussion
CLARKE, Esther Mary: Peacefully at Te Kūiti Hospital on Saturday, January 25, 2025, with the love of her life at her side. Dearly loved wife of Duncan for 47 years. Much loved and cherished mother of Charles; Gretchen and David; Andrena and Chris. Adored Granny to Alex, Jaxon, Evan, and Chloe. A celebration of Esther’s life will be held at VJ Williams and Sons Chapel Friday, January 31 at 11am, followed by a private cremation. For live streaming access please contact Duncan by emailing; duncan. All communications to Clarke Family C/PO Box 241, Te Kūiti 3941. In the care of VJ Williams & Sons, Funeral Directors Association of NZ
IRWIN, Jamie Lawrence: Unexpectedly at Waikato Hospital, on Tuesday, January 21, 2025. Loved son of Margaret. Will be sadly missed by his family and friends. A private cremation has taken place. VJ Williams & Sons, Funeral Directors Association of NZ ‘Young
All Enquires: Secretary Puketiti 5D trust
Church Notices
We welcome you to our 10.30am Sunday service. 10 Sheridan St, Te Kūiti An Assemblies of God church
Mokau contact: 06 752 9123
PERKINS, Kevin Stephen: Suddenly at home in Mohakatino on Saturday, January 25, 2025. Aged 67 years. Dearly loved partner and soul mate of Anne Marie (Amo) for 46 years. Much loved son of Kevin and Tauranga Perkins, treasured brother to Lyn, Ellen, Edwina, and Frances (dec) and favourite uncle to all his neices and nephews. Kevin is currently at his residence by his whitebait river. Kevin – our hearts ache in sadness and tears still flow, what it means to lose you no one will ever know. A celebration of his life will be held Thursday, January 30, 2025 at 11am, followed by a private cremation. All communication to 06752 9190 or 267 Mohakatino Road, RD1 Mokau 4376. VJ Williams & Sons, Funeral Directors Association of NZ
75yr old male Virgo, non smoker, non drinker would like to meet lady/soul mate. Relaxed country lifestyle living. Phone 027 935 6674