Cambridge News | 27 September 2019

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Who cares? 12,650 copies weekly

By Sophie Iremonger

Just a handful turned out to hear how candidates would influence a multimillion dollar business – their business. A Meet the Candidates event was organised by Cambridge Grey Power at the St Andrews Church Hall on Sunday – but as Michael Jeans’ picture showed, from one angle it looked more Little Theatre than big business. There were 13 candidates and about three dozen in the audience. Ratepayers are being asked to vote for a raft of candidates at community board, district and regional council level and the voting process, which started last week, runs to October 12.

Your Local Independent Paper

SEPTEMBER 20, 2019

Local Government New Zealand Chief Executive Malcolm Alexander says local government “shapes the place that you live, the footpaths you walk on, the roads you drive, the water in your shower, and the parks, libraries and swimming pool where you take the kids”. That was not lost on the three dozen at Sunday’s meeting. Mobility around Cambridge was the topic of the day. “What I took away from it was they basically want to see Cambridge keep going ahead with what it’s already doing, not let it slip, and build on that,” said Val Massey, President of Cambridge Grey Power. Some of the candidates addressed the need for easier and safer mobility around

Cambridge, particularly for the elderly, with Mike Pettit suggesting an affordable transport service for older people getting around town. Roger Gordon wanted to introduce more pedestrian crossings – particularly where retirement villages and resthomes reside on opposite sides of the street, like at Selwyn St Andrews on Bryce St and Resthaven on Vogel St. Members of the crowd highlighted where crossings were needed too, like along the main road through Carter’s Flat as Michael Cole suggested. Others brought up the old and “dangerous” footpaths around Cambridge, as well as the need to improve Lake Te Ko Utu’s water quality. With the growing population congesting the town centre, another suggestion was

to introduce a park and ride service in the nearby suburbs. Waikato Regional Council’s Waipa area candidates Stuart Kneebone and Andrew McPherson saw the meeting advertised and asked to join in. They spoke on the issues of climate change, water protection and erosion in coastal areas of the Waikato. “I think the main thing that people were interested in were the questions that came from the floor,” said Val. “It was probably mostly older folk at the meeting. I was expecting more people this year, but then again you can’t make people come along. Next time we might try having it during the evening rather than on the weekend. But I thought it was a good meeting.”

With elections voting opening two days earlier, over 30 people turned out to the Meet the Candidates event on Sunday to hear what 13 Waipa District Council candidates had to say. Photo – Michael Jeans.

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Poor show


Waikato Home & Garden Show turns 35

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The Waikato Home & Garden Show returns to Claudelands Events Centre next week, this year celebrating 35 years as New Zealand’s largest home and garden show. Attracting tens of thousands of visitors each year, the 2019 event over October 3 – 6 will feature 450 exhibitors showcasing a huge range of items for improving the home and garden. Practically every aspect of home improvement will also be covered across several demonstrations, workshops and seminars. There’s plenty for the ‘foodies’ to enjoy too, including the Samsung Cooking Theatre, Gourmet Food Pavilion, and the popular Good George Street Eats.

News/Editorial Roy Pilott 027 450 0115

Sophie Iremonger 027 287 0004

Viv Posselt 027 233 7686

Savannah Patterson 027 887 0006

Advertising Manager Janine Davy 027 287 0005

Owner/Publisher David Mackenzie

On the beat with DEB THURGOOD

Office/Missed Deliveries 55 Victoria St 07 827 0005

Readers’ contributions of articles and letters are welcome. Publication of contributions are entirely at the discretion of editorial staff and may be edited. Contributions will only be considered for publication when accompanied by the author’s full name, residential address, and telephone number. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the publishers. The Cambridge News is published by Good Local Media Ltd and is the most widely distributed newspaper in Cambridge and rural surrounds.

INDEX Local News ������������������������������������������������2-17 Sport ���������������������������������������������������������18-24 Feature: Prostate Cancer �������������������������23 Experts �����������������������������������������������������34-35 Open Homes �����������������������������������������������35 Classifieds �����������������������������������������������36-37 Puzzles ������������������������������������������������������������37 What’s On ������������������������������������������������������38 Things to Do ������������������������������������������������38 Cinema �����������������������������������������������������������39

Hello again As I went to write this column, I noticed that we have received 25 calls reporting vehicle crashes in the last month in the Cambridge district – that’s almost one per day and many required police attendance. I’d like to see that number come down. Can you make a difference? Yes, starting today. Speaking to our road policing staff, key contributing factors have been driving behaviour at intersections, speed and distraction. And yes, sometimes it’s a combination of all three! We all know the magic effect that a patrolling police car has in improving driver behaviour. If we are to increase safety on our roads however, it is up to each of us to drive responsibly in our everyday travel regardless. Whilst off duty recently, I followed a car that went through not one, but three stop signs in a row in Leamington. There is no excuse for that. Whether town or country, a stop sign means just that. Stop signs are installed for a reason, usually at high risk intersections. You need to stop completely, even if there are no other cars coming. Speed - in 50kph zones, we regularly catch drivers distracted and speeding as they rush

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Parents can rest easy too, with the Children’s Zone keeping kids entertained. Entry is $18 when purchasing tickets at www., or $19 at the gate. Under 17s entry is free. With the Radius Care Heart of Gold Day taking place on October 3, entry for Seniors will be $10 that day. Cambridge News has a four-person pass to give away to the Waikato Home & Garden Show – just send your full name and contact phone number, with the subject line “Home & Garden” to no later than 9am, Tuesday October 1. Congratulations to Shirley Wetiford who won our recent book giveaway.

Unit 9 | 15 Albert Street (enter from Gillies St), Cambridge

between home and work or school and activities. This is worrying, particularly when children are around. Drive not only to the speed limit but at a speed that is suitable for the conditions. On our rural roads, the 100km/hr limit is not always the safe speed, depending on road and weather. Leave five minutes earlier and slow down. The NZTA reports that in 2018, driver distraction was a contributing factor in 12 fatal crashes, 155 serious injury crashes and 956 minor injury crashes nationally. Cell phones are key to this. They not only affect your own driving, but equally they completely remove your awareness of the (potentially bad) driving of others around you. No text or phone call is worth the life of you or another road user. If you see dangerous driving, dial 111. If you see inconsiderate driving, dial *555. Until next time, drive safe. Deb

I attended a “Meet the Candidates” meeting last Sunday at the Anglican Hall, which was organised and advertised by Cambridge Grey Power. Congratulations to Grey Power for the effort and cost to this organisation for arranging this meeting, which was solely for the benefit of Cambridge ratepayers. The audience listened to aspirants for seats on the District Council, the Community Board and the Regional Council. I was totally embarrassed by the apathy of Cambridge citizens who managed to find less than 20 people to listen to each aspirant speak on their personal agenda for the town and district. I can only assume our ratepayers are apathetic, or are so well informed they already know for whom they are voting. Thanks to each and every candidate for giving your time, and again I was embarrassed by such a pitiful audience turnout to listen to your views. Ian Thomas Cambridge

Climate change

I was alarmed but not surprised by the lack of concern for our future shown by motorists after the Sept 14 Saudi oil refinery attack, but eagerness to get filled up before the price went up. The fact that the US is prepared to go to war and is just looking for an excuse to do so troubles me. A return fare, Auckland to London can cost less than $2000, less than 5¢ a kilometre but the cost of greenhouse gasses generated by the many thousands of long-haul flights daily is incalculable and will effect millions. Our politicians and their families get their flights free. Our young people along with millions of others throughout the planet believe passionately in their right to be listened to, to slow down climate change but more importantly to mitigate the immediate harm to victims of its inevitable progress. We may have to show some compassion to our displaced Pacifica neighbours. Brian Dunstan



Building homes in the third world

By Sophie Iremonger

A Cambridge builder and father-of-three will do his bit to support the poorest of the poor in Cambodia in November when he takes part in the Habitat for Humanity Cambodia Big Build. Josh Jennings will travel to the rural province of Siem Reap – one of the Reul commune’s poorest areas with over 30 percent of households considered poor and vulnerable – to build safe, quality and affordable houses with volunteers from around the world. Owner of Kit Markin Homes in Cambridge, Jennings hopes his experience in construction will help make a difference during the November 17 – 22 big build, which could see 45 homes completed. “I’ve travelled around different countries and seen what the real slums look like, so for me it’s a good reminder of what it’s like for some people in the world,” said Jennings. “I think in New Zealand we take for granted what we have – running water, power, a roof over our head… So I’m hoping I can use my skills as a project manager, and being a qualified builder, to really help get these projects over the line within the very tight time frame.” With about 15 Kiwis taking part in the project, Jennings, 29, won’t be the only Cambridge local getting involved – the team from Moess Ltd is taking on the challenge too. “We’ve wanted to do this for a while now and when we saw that Josh was heading over we thought it would

be good to go over with another Cambridge company,” said Ian Moess, who will travel to Cambodia along with wife Andrea and 14 year old daughter Georgia. “We’ve travelled to a few countries that could be classed as third world and have always said we would do something if we could to try and make a difference for people that have so little.” During the build week, as many as 500 volunteers will build brick house and wooden homes similar to the style of village homes in Cambodia. The province is 314km north of Cambodia’s capital Phnom Penh, where 140,000 people are living in over 500 slum communities. The most vulnerable members of the Siem Reap community to benefit from the Big Build project include families who have lost their homes and livelihoods to natural disaster, the elderly, orphans, the homeless, and those living with disability or HIV/AIDS. Jennings – who donates $3,000 from the net profit of every New Zealand home he builds towards Habitat for Humanity homes in the Pacific Islands – plans on doing the Cambodia Big Build project in the future, and hopes to encourage other Cambridge companies and tradespeople to take up the challenge. “I’d like to do it every year and get more Cambridge people on board – electricians, plumbers, plasterers, volunteers. It would be awesome to have a community from Cambridge that went to Cambodia.” To help support Josh’s November trip to Cambodia, visit the Go Fund Me page: Josh Jennings will spend a week with Habitat for Humanity volunteers building y3owrndb. homes for some of Cambodia’s poorest members of the community.

Bugatti ride accelerates learning

Three car-mad Leamington School students couldn’t believe their eyes when a rare 1929 Type 43 Bugatti race car rolled up to their classroom last week. The vehicle, built by Te Awamutu restoration specialist David Nordell for overseas clients, is thought to be the only one of its type in the country. “There were only 160 of this model ever built between 1927 and 1931, I believe, and there are between 25-30 Bugatti throughout New Zealand,” David said. The visit came about after Leamington School teacher Marg Grover spotted David wearing a Bugatti cap at a Cambridge Cruisers Rock ‘n’ Roll dance night. “I went over to him and said ‘can I take a photo of your cap, I have some boys who would just love knowing I’ve had this contact’,” she said. “He asked me why, so I told him about the boys and how incorporating their passion for classic cars into their learning has made them more enthusiastic about writing. He said, what if I can do one better and bring you a 1929 Bugatti race car for the boys to look over?” A plan was hatched in secret with the students’ parents, but it took almost nine weeks to find a sunny day that fitted

everyone’s schedules. Last Wednesday David showed the car to the boys, Kaiden Walker, Matu Tehuia Burns and Merlin Kearns, before taking them for a spin around Leamington and into the countryside. “I was mind blown,” said Kaiden, who said it was one of the most exciting things he’d ever done. “When we hit the street I thought we were going really fast because I heard it accelerating like crazy. And it was my first time in a convertible so that was pretty cool.” David, who spent 10 years on Puahue School’s Board of Trustees, said it was great to be able to use the car to stimulate the children’s learning. “It’s humbling in a way; you know it’s a once in a lifetime experience for them and it’s great to be able to share it,” he said. “Jay Leno’s got a really neat quote: ‘nothing insults the body’s senses like a ride in a grand prix Bugatti’ and it’s true, it’s a pretty unique experience.” Marg hopes the visit will kick the boys’ learning into another gear and said they had all come to school the next day revved up, wanting to record their experience in writing and slideshows. She was “blown away” by David’s

kindness. “It’s absolutely unbelievable that someone would do something like that just to see the

Leamington School students Kaiden Walker, Matu Tehuia Burns and Merlin Kearns prepare to take a ride in a Bugatti race car with Te Awamutu restoration specialist David Nordell.

A funeral service is important for two reasons 1. A funeral gives people a chance to share their feelings while being supported by family, friends and others in the community who have known the person that has died. 2. It’s also a time to celebrate the life of that person, to hear stories, make tributes and

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Town plan signed off EV students make it to race day

A new Town Concept Plan Refresh for Cambridge offers improved green spaces, better walking and cycling networks and a transformation of Victoria Street. Waipa District Council has adopted the Cambridge Town Concept Plan Refresh, a long term visionary document looking at the town’s expected growth and future development over the next 50 to 100 years. The Plan covers green spaces and activity hubs such as Carter’s Flat, as well as a mix of residential and business development in the town centre. Strategy manager Kirsty Downey said the document had been formed with significant input from Iwi partners, community leaders and the wider Cambridge community. “Town concept plans are about ensuring our towns remain vibrant and are great places for people to live, work and play. We wanted this project to be community led so the people of Cambridge could tell us what they wanted for the future of their town. She said over the course of this project feedback sessions were held and the council was delighted by the number of residents who submitted their ideas and then helped to rank them to help develop the plan. The first round of feedback was held

October-November 2018, when Council asked the community for ideas for the future of Cambridge. More than 1700 responses were received and considered by iwi partners, the project steering group and Council staff. In May Council went back to the community with a list of key ideas across five focus themes and asked people to rank the ideas in order of importance. “The 450 responses Council received told us Cambridge locals wanted a better-connected open space network incorporating the green belt, Lake Te Koo Utu, Karapiro stream and the Waikato River, as well as better walking and cycling conditions to be top priorities,” Downey said. This was closely followed by a strong desire to transform Victoria Street into a more familyfriendly place and improvements in the health of Lake Te Koo Utu along with sharing the lake’s cultural significance. “These ideas are now in our future plans for Cambridge and will be implemented over time. The key thing is that we know what is important to locals and we have a clear vision and direction to move forward.” The Cambridge Town Concept Plan Refresh will be available on our website from early October.

Posters advertising the event were still up on Wednesday, but the Waikato Cherry Tree Festival was canned before it opened last week. Despite undertakings early last week that the 10-day festival would go ahead, the company behind the Festival, NZ Pure Tour, went into to liquidation last Friday. NZ Pure is owned by Tamahere couple Paul Oulton and Anna Cao and the festival was to be held on their property. The alarm bells were ringing last week when

it was confirmed resource consent for the event had not been granted by the Waikato District Council. It was reported the event, which attracted thousands of people in 2018, had breached council riles The event was planned to cater for 12000 ticket holders. Cao told Stuff the liquidation had to happen and they were broke, but if they could get consent and could recover, they would run a future event to honour what was lost.

All four of Cambridge High School’s entries into the EVolocity electric vehicle competition turned up and competed at the Tamahere Kartsport track on Saturday – an achievement in itself, their supervising Materials Tech Engineering teacher Bruce Siriett said. “To design and make the vehicles and have them perform on the day is a real accomplishment,” he said. “Most of them didn’t compete to win, they were there to have a good time and they definitely did that.” Though they didn’t win any titles in the competition – which challenges students to make a cart or bike powered by an electric motor – they all finished on time with a working vehicle. “It’s a real situation for them, working in a team on a big project with a definite deadline,” said Bruce. “There’s quite a lot of

panic in the last week of building.” They started in Term 2, provided with an EV motor and batteries. Some connected them to old bike frames while others made vehicles from scratch. Keaton Mackenzie, Drew Baldwin and Matthew McHugh decided to make a mono-wheel – the only one-wheel entry, and even made the wheel themselves with the help of Professional Farm Services. “We thought, let’s be a bit different, and some research into what we could build and came up with that,” Matthew said. “There was a bit of balance control needed,” Drew admitted. “But it functioned and we competed. It actually took the corners quite well. “It was a good experience in terms of thinking things through methodically of how things should function, and gave us a better understanding of the mechanical world.”

No cherry on the top


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As if it didn’t already stand out enough, the Cambridge High School boys behind the monowheel entry decided to paint it pink and orange.



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Science magic delivers the write stuff By Steph Bell-Jenkins

modern history, including Jane Austen, Steven King and Enid Blyton. That’s when Hunt began delving into the mechanics of what makes a great story and discovered the importance of the hookdevelopment-climax structure and the crucial role of conflict. “The parts of the story are the hook, where something goes wrong for the main character at the start, the development, where you develop the tension, and the climax, where the tension is released and you get that really good feeling of having read a great story,” he said. Today, with 23 novels under his belt, Hunt loves sharing his knowledge with students, using chemistry and physics to reveal the secrets of creating compelling narrative.

Every eye in the Leamington School hall is fixed on Des Hunt as he blasts air into a red balloon with an electric pump. Using a plastic visor to shield his face from the imminent blast, the award-winning New Zealand author is using his lifelong love of science to teach senior students about writing. A small group begins to chant “three, two, one, pop!” and excitement reaches a crescendo as the straining walls of the bulging balloon finally explode. This is Hunt’s clever way of explaining the need to create dramatic tension that builds to a satisfying release. The 77-year-old, who was in Cambridge with his wife Lynne last week as part of a two-week tour of the Bay of Plenty and Waikato designed to “get kids interested in books”, has always loved science. He studied it at university and taught it to high school students for more than 40 years. His writing career evolved from wanting to make science more accessible to children. “I realised early on in my teaching career that I had an understanding of science that very few people had and I had a knack of putting it in a way that other people could enjoy,” he said. Speaking to Leamington School students last Thursday, he outlined the struggles he faced after switching from writing non-fiction to children’s adventure novels in the 1990s. “Seven times I sent my first book away and seven times it came back from the publisher with a rejection letter. I hated it so I stopped writing for three years.” Then, another book changed everything. It was a collection of rejection letters received by some of the most successful authors in

Award-winning New Zealand author Des Hunt uses his 40+ years’ experience as a science teacher to explain the mechanics of writing to Leamington School students.

Tamahere residents concerned at traffic volumes around the village face a six-week period of seeing southbound traffic using the Tamahere Interchange southbound off-ramp from next Tuesday. The NZ Transport Agency is putting the detour will be in place as part of work on the Hamilton section of the Waikato Expressway. Traffic will be diverted down the Tamahere Interchange south-bound off-ramp, through the Tauwhare Road roundabout and up the south-bound on-ramp. Waikato System Manager Karen Boyt says commuters can expect delays during morning and evening peak traffic periods and is encouraging motorists catching flights from Hamilton Airport to plan their journey using

the NZTA Journey Planner tool and consider using State Highway 3 to avoid delays at the Tamahere Interchange. “The detour will allow our contractors to work on State Highway 1 where it connects to the new expressway. “The first two weeks of works coincide with the school holidays when traffic volumes are traditionally lower. Our contractors will endeavour to finish works as quickly as possible to minimise disruption to road users.” Traffic management will be in place at the roundabout on Tauwhare Road during peak periods to keep traffic flowing. A detour for cyclists is already in place via Newell Road.

Off again, on again…











! Y A D E T O V R E B O T C O 5

You can vote as soon as you have received the voting papers in your mailbox...

DON’T DELAY, VOTE TODAY! WHERE TO VOTE Once you’ve filled them in, drop off your voting papers at your local Council office: Waipa District Council 101 Bank Street TE AWAMUTU

Waipa District Council 23 Wilson Street CAMBRIDGE

We’re open 9am to 12pm on Saturday 5 & 12 October for voting. Or use the after hours slot to submit your ballot at any time

You can also post your voting papers at any Post Office Box in New Zealand before 8 October 2019!

EXPERIENCE of representation

Not sure who to vote for? Learn more about candidates at

100% COMMITMENT to the job

Voting closes 12pm, 12 October.


PASSIONATE ABOUT CAMBRIDGE Authorised by Roger Gordon, 17 Vogel Place, Cambridge

0800 WAIPADC (924 723)





Student green-fingers improve cycle path

St Peter’s Year 7 and 8 students were busy recently along the Te Awa cycleway, assisting the Waikato River Authority to plant 1350 native plants along the cycle path which

boarders the Waikato River. The organisers said they were thrilled with the enthusiasm and energy shown by the students and the difference it will make to the area.


DETOUR 7am-6pm — Mon - Fri only —

Waipa District Council is undergoing essential upgrades to the district's water supply. The works will connect the Pukerimu scheme with Parallel Road and a section of Cambridge Road will have a detour in place starting on 1 October 2019.

Te Awamutu bound traffic will be detoured down Lamb Street, Roto O Rangi & McLarnon roads. Cambridge-bound traffic can use Cambridge Road as normal. Traffic management will be in place, please expect delays.

Year 8 students get stuck in planting natives along the Te Awa cycle way. Pictured from left is Payton Hazlehurst, Aarushi Nanjappa and Yui Uematsu.

Altrusa recognises child literacy efforts Supplied by Ann Maclure, Altrusa International Cambridge

Altrusa International Cambridge held a Literacy Awards Evening this month where 24 children from Cambridge’s various primary and middle schools were recognised for their efforts and achievements in literacy. The awards were presented by Teresa Gillies and Christine Lewis. They aim to recognise efforts of children whose reading and writing skills have improved to the best of their individual abilities. Twenty-two children attended and received their certificates. One was unable to attend due to the AIMS Games in Tauranga, and another was unable to attend but had his award presented to him at school instead. Lewis, a guest speaker from the Cambridge

Library, also entertained the children with readings from several books. This year’s award winners included: Elin Gainsford and Bradley Smith (Cambridge East Primary); Cameron Cross and Carter Tubman (Cambridge Middle School); Thomas McGuire and Anabelle Britton (Cambridge Primary); Ruby Wolland and Gemma Morrow (Goodwood); Dechen Henderson and Amanda Greenbaum (Hautapu); Emily Graham and Luke Guest (Karapiro); Luka Nieuwoudt and Akerautangi George Toia (Kaipaki); Gaige Mounce and Zev Lumb (Leamington); Zac Curin and Teanna Hutchinson (Roto-o-rangi); Pippa Owsley and Carter McNabb (St Peter’s Catholic); Sabrina Cai and Mitchell Robinson (St Peter’s); Jacob Bell and Shaun Taylor (Te Miro)

Traffic management in place 7am - 6pm detour for traffic heading toward Te Awamutu Pipeline works are underway Traffic flow both ways but stop/go system will be in place

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Outside of these times, Cambridge Road will operate as normal but under traffic lights where works are taking place. Works are expected to take 18 weeks. Visit for updates. We thank you for your patience during these essential works.

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Loud Shirt Day turning up the volume

This Friday, September 27 is a special day for the deaf community – Loud Shirt Day. The annual fundraiser raises money for the Southern Cochlear Implant Programme and The Hearing House’s paediatric programmes – which support families, children and adults who are deaf or hard of hearing, and make all the difference for families like the Swain family in Cambridge. After her mother contracted CMV during pregnancy – a mild viral illness which can cause deafness, three-year-old Amelia Swain was born deaf in her left ear.

The diagnosis meant her right ear could also be suddenly impacted, so the only option to achieve hearing in both ears was a cochlear implant. Amelia, very excited about getting her “robot ear”, got to choose the colour – ruby red – as well as check out all the pieces involved. With the help of The Hearing House’s audiologists auditoryverbal therapist Amelia was able to receive life changing results with her new cochlear implant.

SADD Week a success at Cambridge High By Matteo Di Maio

Three-year-old Amelia Swain can now hear out of both ears thanks to a cochlear implant she received earlier this month from The Hearing House.

Amelia is just one of many children and adults whose perception of the world is greatly improved thanks to the work of The Hearing House and the Southern Cochlear Implant Programme. Loud Shirt Day raises funds for the organisations by encouraging the community to get loud and dress up unusually in a bright or ‘loud’ shirt. Tofindoutmoreortoregisteryourparticipationintheevent,visit

Last week Charlotte Mitchell, a Year 13 student at Cambridge High School, came to school dressed all in black. A national leader for Students Against Dangerous Driving, or SADD, Mitchell’s job is to raise awareness of all things SADD at Cambridge High School – most recently during the annual SADD Week. SADD Week has long been a part of the CHS school calendar, aimed to promote positive road safety among students and reduce dangerous driving amongst teenagers. It encompasses a range of lunchtime activities and school-wide competitions. With funding from the NZ Transport Agency and AA, Mitchells’ recently expanded team of Year 9 – 13 students help promote the cause with posters and resource handouts for students. SADD week is all about building student awareness of these issues, Mitchell said, and hopefully leading them to apply positive road safety skills. “The impact [of SADD week] is tremendous, many don’t grasp that

these are life or death situations we are talking about,” said Mitchell. “It’s time we start having an open conversation about this,” she added, citing the 800 New Zealand teenagers who have died on NZ roads in the last 10 years. After collaborating with other national leaders at a SADD workshop in Auckland, Charlotte applied the skills and ideas she gained there towards promoting an effective SADD Week at Cambridge High School.

“(CHS)has taken to SADD Week in an amazing way,” said Mitchell. “All year levels are participating in the activities and we have a had a lot of enthusiasm. We hope SADD week has given awareness and made students understand the implications and ramifications of their behavior on the road.” To find out more about SADD visit Matteo Di Maio is a student at Cambridge High School

Free bus for swimmers

Residents in Cambridge will be offered a free bus service to Te Awamutu’s Livingstone Aquatic Centre because of the redevelopment at the Cambridge pools. From December 9 a bus will run twice a day from Cambridge i-SITE to the Te Awamutu i-SITE and back every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Buses will leave Cambridge at 8.30am and 1pm and return from Te Awamutu at 11.30am and 4pm. The service was also offered last year and Mayor Jim Mylchreest said it had been so popular the time frame had been extended. About $7400 has been set aside from the Cambridge pool operational budget to run the bus service. The service will not run from December 21 to January 6, 2020. Work is on track to complete the Cambridge project in mid-2020. “We are now working above ground and things are really coming together now,” the Mayor said.

Authorised by Stu Kneebone, 271 Baker Road, RD4 Cambridge, Ph 07 827 3079


Stu Kneebone Your voice on Waikato Regional Council

Elected to the Waipa/King Country Constituency in 2010 Genuine, friendly, and approachable

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The issues as your candidates see them… Voting has started in the Local Body elections. Voters should have received their forms in the post by now and can vote by post. We ask candidates: what are the two most important issues you’re campaigning on, and why? Here’s what the candidates who chose to respond said:

Waipa District Council Cambridge Ward

Philip Coles These are two focus areas that I have been working on and will follow through with. I will promote that we work with our community and developers to have an urban design plan for Cambridge that is fit for purpose as the town grows while protecting our character and heritage. By this, I mean that subdivisions are designed to accommodate walk and cycle paths that enable children to get to school safely and have adequate recreation areas. We also need a public transport system including a Central Bus Terminal, potential Park ‘n Ride service to avoid parking congestion. Also needed is a CBD review to ensure our pedestrians are safe as well as a long overdue sewerage infrastructure and plant upgrade. I will continue to campaign for the purchase of further CCTV cameras and more police as our town grows. We have to make our people and businesses feel safe.

Les Bennett Democracy: what is it and where has our’s gone? International corporations now put their 5G transmission towers anywhere in our towns without resource consent; they tap into and export our pure ground water with a consent equal to the price of an old used car? How sustainable is this? Where do our councils stand on this issue? But I suppose that’s hard to do when Central Government has its foot on the back Dennis Finn of your neck. My focus is Then there’s the issue of amalgamation on consistency of our water operations with Hamilton and for Waipa and in Waikato. Do we need them? I don’t think so. particular meeting We will get a say, right? No we won’t! Will the needs of this even work? I suppose if not they can Cambridge and always sell 45% to the corporations under the Pubic Private Partnership Act for a knock its surrounding districts. This down price and a 30-year lease. represents the status Council needs some backbone. Let’s vote some in, my up. News Motorcycle Training.pdfquo: sound strategic 9895hand’s Cambridge direction, well

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planned and managed. While Cambridge is growing, and as long as Council is meeting the required needs, Waipa District Council’s obligations have been accomplished. That is happening which is encouraging for developers, property owners and investors not only for Cambridge but across Waipa District. This is a two-way street, that is, encouragement to invest alongside the satisfaction that the infrastructure requirements are meeting the community’s needs cost effectively. Roger Gordon The biggest challenge for Cambridge is managing our future growth. In the next 16 years Cambridge will grow from our current 28,000 to closer to 45,000. We are already experiencing growing pains in traffic volume, parking, schooling, retail space etc. We need to plan for this growth now while still retaining the great things about our town that we love. We need to consider a future transport system that includes effective traffic management, CBD access, parking, public transport and a third river crossing. We must also re-invest in some of our more established areas. Most of this is in the area of general pedestrian safety. Having walked around most of Cambridge during my campaigning there is a need for improved pavements in some areas and provision of street lighting in others. The creation of safe crossing areas in streets that have now

    Elections become quite busy as the town has grown. Steve Grounds Managing Our Growth Cambridge has grown and is forecast to continue to grow. It’s seen as a desirable place to live. However, growth can bring with it undesirable effects, like the potential for crime to increase. Urban sprawl is presenting considerable demands on our infrastructure. We are starting to see a strain on our essential services, such as water and parking, even congestion at times, is becoming an issue. We need to manage growth carefully, face the issues associated with this growth and plan investment in services and in a fiscally responsible way, to prevent excessive increases in rates. Preserving Our Character - I love Cambridge and I’m proud to call it home. The special character of our township is the very thing that draws people to visit here and new residents to live here. The character of Cambridge is at risk of being lost and it’s something we need to consciously preserve. If elected I will support growth but commit to doing my part to preserve what makes Cambridge special.

Continued next page



The issues as your candidates see them… Mike Pettit Challenges I see moving forward for Cambridge is keeping up in a timely way with infrastructure development for growth cells 1, 2 and 3. These growth cells will see 2,650 houses built over the coming years, with approximately 8,000 new residence from these subdivisions alone. We need to prepare and plan with not just an infrastructure hat on, but a social conscious and social interaction planning mindset. Social investment, from Lake Te Koo Utu, a Sports/Recreation Centre, to parks,

playgrounds, tracks, museums, libraries, Waipuke Reserve and wider footpaths are examples of investments that can take Cambridge from very good to great. A transport investment plan and advertising campaign that includes Cambridge residence transport choices, infrastructure investment around parking, public transport, cycle/walkways and mobility access. Additionally, involve Cambridge in discussions to ensure future access to the proposed high-speed train network linking Waikato to Auckland.

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Don Sanders We need to promote sensible spending. We have all seen rates steadily increase, while basic infrastructure dwindles; and large amounts spent on nonsense causes. Some examples are the new Cambridge logo costing $10,000, and was never seen by more than a few; the $150,000 spent to build a museum in France, which did little more than provide a free trip for Councillors; the water meters which costing $8 million, and only purpose was to charge us more. We need to maintain and build our infrastructure. No town ever regrets spending on infrastructure. Things like traffic, rubbish, water, and parking have never been a problem here before. If we fail to act now, they will continue to get worse. Infrastructure spending is a must. This includes a third bridge. As most sportsmen will say, you don’t chase the ball, you run to where it’s going to be. Liz Stolwyk I am advocating for a good gender balance around the table and diversity amongst the Councillors. As we face the next three years together we need to represent our community and we can only do that if we elect a good

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    Elections balance of female/male, ages and cultural diversity. Cambridge will elect five people, and with only two female candidates I would like to see both elected (one of them is me!) Cambridge has been well served with good councillors over the years, we are a progressive town with sensible rate rises, good facilities and a prosperous business community. Vote councillors on who are prepared to be a ‘Strong Voice’ and let’s keep Cambridge’s beautiful character and fine reputation. Te Awamutu Ward Andrew Brown Local Government’s primary function is to provide the infrastructure necessary for the district to function effectively. The major areas are roads and footpaths, treated water, wastewater and stormwater. They account for over 90 percent of our rates spending. Then there’s social infrastructure - parks, playgrounds, libraries, swimming pools etc. The things that make Waipa a great place to live, work and play. My concern is that we make the best possible decisions in respect of these infrastructure areas for both present and future Waipa residents.

Continued next page

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The issues as your candidates see them… Lou Brown I believe that rates and bureaucracy must be kept under reasonable control. Rates must be held to the inflation rate as many residents in the Waipa District community are on fixed or declining incomes. Future Waipa growth and expansion must be planned in an affordable and sustainable manner, with social, cultural and environmental issues always being considered. The supply of services must continue and be carefully planned to ensure that we continue to meet required current maintenance demands and future expansion without unduly compromising ratepayers. Local government is very important and our utilities and services must not be absorbed into multi-council entities without protecting our rate payers, infrastructure, governance and contribution. Waipa is a strong and vibrant community with a great sporting heritage and currently has positive growth to which I hope to be able to contribute and support as a councillor. Michael Emery 1: Bringing economic growth and employment opportunities to our region by; i) pushing back on other agencies for infrastructure and large project funding, ii) building

public-private partnerships that reduce the burden on rate payers, and iii) supporting small business by easing compliance burdens and setting conditions that attract customers and promote entrepreneurship. 2: Council must up its efforts to strengthen our environment and sense of community well-being. Regardless of whether you are a farmer, tangata whenua, or you just believe the natural environment is important to our heritage and lifestyle, we are all on the same journey. Council must facilitate a working group that can accommodate the constraints, needs, and desires of all stakeholders. This requires good science, credible bipartisanship and a will to explore ecological best practice and innovation. It starts with the community, and we can do more to make engagement a far easier and more rewarding process. Bernie Fynn I stand for council supplying needs, not wants, and a slower population growth rate. These past councils have encouraged people from outside Waipa to come, by the building of more and more houses. This is at the expense of infrastructure and life quality. The roads are breaking up and congested and we have water restrictions in summer, Where has all the rates money from all the housing gone that this is happening? Why isn’t the water supply been improved and yet council is spending millions on new water pipes and meters? Te Awamutu has a council run gymnasium, we don’t need this and there is a $1 million, roughly of gear. This money could PROUDLY SUPPORTING


    Elections

be better spent and there are plenty of people who run gyms. Marcus Gower The two main issues I am looking forward to tackling over the next term are finishing the cycle way from Te Awamutu to Ngaroto and Pirongia. It’s a project that people were keen on and it is taking a long time to get it finished. Getting proper management plans in place for our parks and reserves. We have great open spaces that need a tidy up, can be helped to function better and more efficiently for everyone to enjoy. James Parlane Firstly, the first issue is that the Waipa District Council’s borrowing and spending is out of control and it has not got proper regard for how repayments will be made by an aging population who are likely to not be in a position to meet those commitments. Added to that is a forthcoming economic recession aggravated by the dairy industry making big international losses and likely to not be paying tax due to domestic poor performance. We have a very bleak

outcome with costs rising and income falling combined with a government on a spending spree. Secondly, the previous council has not been honest with ratepayers and has hidden important information from them. I intend to bring back open local government with nothing done behind closed doors. There need not be any secrets with public money nor should public assets be sold off as was tried by the last council. Bernard Westerbaan One of the most important issues for me is transparency and communication. Council needs to be open with communication especially with costing of big ticket items like the new heritage centre. The process needs to be in common English and numbers so people can understand it. Council also has to be seen to be approachable and if elected I would be available to ratepayers/residents for any issue or idea. The other issue for me is the control of finances, level of borrowing and affordability of rates. There is no I in team and if Council can work as a team, goals, like control of finances, can be achieved. Councillors are still representing those who have elected them so it is also ok to agree to disagree i.e. voting against something that will disadvantage those who have elected them. Continued next page

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The issues… Cambridge subdivision for Cambridge community board

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The Olde Creamery

​Elise Badger I’m passionate about seeing a destination playground here in Cambridge. I envisage a public space that connects whānau and friends; a space that serves the residents of Waipā and welcomes visitors; a space that reflects and protects the beauty of Waipā. I’d also love to see borrowing fees gone from Waipā Public Library for all members, across all content. And most importantly, the foundation of my campaign is my passion to be an effective advocate for the people of Cambridge - to listen to you well and represent accurately to our councillors on your behalf. There are many issues causing concern for the people of our region and I’m committed to being your advocate for the action you want to see in our region. Alana MacKay Growth and the infrastructure that goes along with it are important issues for Cambridge, and a lot of the decisions we make now will have far-reaching inter-generational impacts. There have been several subdivisions and aged care developments completed recently, and several more to come. One challenge we face is urban sprawl, how far we let it go, and if that is the best use of our resources. There are certainly opportunities for more apartments in the CBD and this would have positive effects on our retail and hospitality sectors, as well as reducing reliance on cars. Protecting and enhancing our natural environment is something I care deeply about. We are fortunate to have some beautiful parks and reserves in and around Cambridge. In particular, Lake Te Koo Utu needs a lot of thought and investment to improve the health of the lake and ensure that it’s a desirable recreational space.

JOHN CHRISP GCF PICTURE FRAMER Guild Commended Framer Fine Art Trade Guild U.K. Member NZ Institute of Professional Framers “The Framer’s role is to protect artwork against both atmospheric conditions and future handling, and to enhance it’s aesthetic qualities.”

    Elections Jo Davies-Colley We are all so lucky to call Cambridge home, this town has so much going for it and the role of a community board member is to support the concerns and ideas of the residents in improving this great town of ours. My main objective is looking at the day-to-day life of residents in Cambridge and how this can be enhanced. This includes improving street lighting, maintaining walking and cycling paths, finding a solution for developing and improving Lake Te Koo Utu, ensuring there are enough car parks in town for both able and disabled residents, continuing the discussion around the 24 hour presence of stationed police, building an awesome destination playground close to town for both young and older children and creating a section of town for food vendors – an Eat Street! I absolutely love living in Cambridge and want to use that enthusiasm and energy to serve the community. • Les Bennett, Philip Coles, Roger Gordon and Don Sanders are standing for both the Cambridge Ward and community board. Kakepuku subdivision for Te Awamutu Community Board​ Kane Titchener I am campaigning to stop fluoridation from beginning in the Waipa District Council area. The latest research on prenatal fluoride exposure and IQ was published on 19 August in the JAMA, Pediatrics. https://jamanetwork. com/journals/jamapediatrics/ fullarticle/2748634. The study linked exposure to fluoridated water during pregnancy to lowered IQ for the developing child. The editors of the paper stated how “very concerning” and “startling” the evidence is against fluoridation, and how the neurological damage is “on par with lead.” This is not a stand-alone study. It confirms previous findings by Bashash et al. in 2017 and Thomas et al. in 2018 A10.1; that low levels of fluoride during foetal development will cause cognitive impairment. Currently, 61 of 68 human studies have now found that elevated fluoride exposure is associated with reduced IQ in humans. http://fluoridealert. org/studies/brain01/ The Waipa District Council has never fluoridated its water supply – we need to stop fluoridation from starting to protect vulnerable groups.


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Resthome revamp reflects new age

By Viv Posselt

Cambridge Resthaven is on the brink of a new development phase designed to future proof the facility and ensure it delivers quality care for the next few decades. Plans are advanced for a complete replacement of the complex’s resthome care centre. Resource consent applications are expected to be approved within the next couple of months. A staged building programme is likely to start early next year. Cambridge Resthaven Trust CEO David Hall said none of the resthome’s residents would be compromised by the work “Realistically, this is a project that will go on for at least a couple of years. We are planning the construction in phases and will be mindful of residents’ needs as we go through each one,” he said. “We will ensure that our

residents are well looked after throughout the seniors. En-suite facilities were rare in their entire process.” own homes, and there was an acceptance of The project grew out of Board discussions ‘take what you can get’, particularly when it around ‘where to next’ following the was from the government. successful completion of Resthaven’s ‘Views “Now, however, the baby boomers are on Vogel’. starting to trickle The resthome section, “…the baby boomers are in … and they which fronts on to Vogel come with different St, is the oldest part of the starting to trickle in…and expectations. They Resthaven complex, said they come with different want bigger rooms Hall. with en-suites, and “It’s the original part of expectations.” – David Hall, they expect a better Resthaven, completed in Resthaven CEO. quality that includes 1972. It’s a little bit dated for full insulation. We today’s requirements, with single rooms and need to be ahead of that.” shared bathroom facilities. That model has Initial thoughts to do an upgrade were had its day…we need to move with the times, scrapped for economic reasons, he said. The and the demands of a different market.” cost of building from scratch – complete He said the generation that moved into the with full insulation, double glazing, and complex over the past 40 or so years ago had heat pumps – was lower than it would be to different expectations from those of today’s upgrade the existing block to the same level.

Trees for the chop

Vandals have won a battle against Cambridge trees – but not the war. Replacements are being considered for five established trees poisoned at Lake Te Koo Utu last year which can’t be saved and will be removed. The trees, on the southern side of the lake, will be removed by Waipa District Council contractor Treescape next week because of their declining state. This is expected to take two days depending on the weather. The poisoned trees include one cedar tree, three totara and one cryptomeria. A further tree that has died and one that has fallen will also be removed. Council arborist planner Chris Brockelbank said the trees had been

monitored since the poisoning was discovered in 2018 and it was hoped they would recover. “Unfortunately they haven’t and are now dying so they need to be removed before they become a safety hazard. It is really sad for us to have to do this but we don’t have any other option. “These are truly beautiful trees and it is incredibly disappointing when something like this happens in our community.” Cambridge Tree Trust chairman Eric Todd said the vandalism was unacceptable. “Whoever poisoned them knew what they were doing and the trees were history. They were magnificent

trees.” Disruption to the path while work is underway will be minimal. However, there will be times during the day it is closed off as the trees are removed from the site. Brockelbank said Council would be giving the totara logs to local Iwi to repurpose, with the intention they be incorporated in future park development at Lake Te Koo Utu. “We’ll also be making plans to replace the trees once the Concept Plan for Lake Te Koo Utu, which is currently being developed, has been finalised.” A karakia with Iwi will be held prior to the removal of the trees.

Running parallel with the build are proposals to look more closely at the service model intended for the new resthome. The established model was institutional in terms of style, Hall said, closer to the hospital model. “We want to turn that on its head, to take the ‘institutionalised’ aspect out of it. We want to be able to create an environment where residents live as they would in their own home, but with the expected level of care available. It’s going to be innovative… it will present its challenges, but we want to empower people to consider the resthome as their home.” International changes to the aged care sector are also being taken into consideration. Hall said the new complex would likely double the number of residents it currently accommodated. There will also be a new dining area, common areas, recreational areas, and possibly a café.

Vandals are responsible for the loss of historic trees at Lake Te Koo Utu, incuidng three totara.

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Double Dutch – now Eltje eyes Tokyo

By Sophie Iremonger

Cambridge para-cyclist Eltje Malzbender is a step closer to the Tokyo Paralympics after a successful – and eventful – world championship performance. Malzbender has returned from The Netherlands as a double world champion after winning both the women’s T1 road race and time trial at the UCI Para Cycling World Championships – being the first one to the finish line even after crashing in the final lap of the road race.

The cyclist has spent three years recovering from a traumatic brain injury after a presumed hit-and-run accident, defying the expectations of doctors who feared she would never walk or talk again. As a former competitive cyclist, she returned to the cycling game on three wheels and has been beating the odds ever since – competing at world champs and world cup competitions and bringing home two gold medals from the paracycling world cup in May.

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Now with two more gold medals and a coveted rainbow jersey under her belt, the German-born New Zealander feels confident she’ll qualify for the Toyko Paralympics next year. After a whirlwind world cup campaign she returned home to Cambridge on Saturday, confirming her face has mostly healed after receiving four stitches. “When I crashed I just thought straight away, carry on. They came and helped me back up, clicked me back into the pedals, and off I went. Not for one second did I think oh that’s a good excuse to stop, I only thought, it’s not finished, carry on. “I counted the seconds in between the blood dripping down and that didn’t change, and I thought, yep, I can finish.” Malzbender even waited through the prize giving ceremony followed by a randomly-selected doping test before finally going to the hospital for stitches. NZ paracycling performance head coach Stuart McDonald described her ride as “so gutsy”. A self-confessed “slow starter”, Eltje initially started both the road race and time trial with most of the competitors getting ahead, but soon caught up and passed them. “The road race was always going got be difficult for me because (due to her brain injury) I can only focus on one thing at a time, and it started with having to chase two women.” She raced to a 48 second lead over the field before crashing on a corner, breaking her handlebars and smashing

Eltje Malzbender raced over 22km to win the women’s T1 world road race title.

her face in the process. “They tell me within thirty seconds I was back on the bike, that was certainly an even bigger success than winning.” She even managed to increase her lead again in the final stages of the 22.2km race

before winning with a time of 51 minutes 46 seconds – 12 seconds ahead of Canada’s Shelley Gautier. Malzbender also finished the time trial over 90 seconds ahead of the pack. “The time trial was really

satisfying, especially as I theoretically would have beaten the T2 (lesser-disabled) riders,” she said. Not to be outdone, she confirmed she will defend her world champ titles next year.

Lacrosse team third

Cambridge High clinched third place in the Waikato Box Lacrosse competition with an excellent 9-2 win over St Johns. The clash to determine third place featured an opponent which had already beaten Cambridge earlier in the season twice. But led on by hattrick hero Blake Anderson, Cambridge ran away with the second half after leading 3-2 at the break. Alistair Hearmon also celebrated a treble, including the opening two goals. Coach Anthony Warrington said Anderson was instrumental in assuring the team retained possession of the ball. “Almost every time the ball hit the floor it seemed like he was there to hoover it up and gain possession back for us. It really helped us keep hold of the ball so that we could get opportunities on goal.”

There was much to celebrate in Cambridge’s ninth goals. “In the last minute of the game one of our smallest junior players, Connor Gould, took the ball from St Johns’ biggest player, sprinted down to the goal, weathering huge pressure from the St Johns player but still holding onto the ball, and scored.” said Warrington. Cambridge fielded its strongest team for the match and was two up after three minutes before St Johns levelled – only to concede again just before half time. “We went into the second half with renewed strength and quickly ran away with it,” Warrington said. Sean Hapi and Finlay Pirie were the other two scorers.






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Kiwi cyclists in top ten New Zealand teenagers Ella Wyllie and Finn Fisher-Black earned top-10 finishes in the junior individual time trial at the UCI Road World Championships in Yorkshire, England. The pair finished 10th in their respective individual time trials to lead the Vantage Elite Team performances in Harrogate. Fisher-Black, 17, was 10th in the junior men’s time trial in his first competitive race since fracturing his arm in track training. That ruled out the junior individual pursuit world record holder from the recent track world championships, turning his focus instead to the road worlds. The Cambridge-based Nelson rider was 17th fastest through the first time-check of the 27.6km course and 14th after the first lap, 52 seconds behind the fastest rider. FisherBlack turned up the wick to negative-split the second lap, climbing up the order to 10th


with an impressive effort. His time of 39:33.74 was 1:05 behind winner Antonio Tiberi (Italy) who won despite making a bike change on the first lap. Wyllie, 17, finished 10th in the junior women’s time trial, a single 13.8km loop, in 23:07:53. The Auckland rider, part of Cycling New Zealand’s Barfoot & Thompson Performance Hub development programme, enjoyed an impressive performance in her first venture to the world championships. She was 37th fastest of the 50 starters through the time check at 6.3km but turned up the heat, to be the fastest in the field over the second half of the course, finishing 51.30s behind winner Aigul Gareeva (Russia). “I am so stoked especially because this is my first time at the worlds and I did not know how I would go today. I just wanted to give it my all,” said Wyllie. “I usually do better on hillier courses and

Finn Fisher-Black in action during the junior individual time trial at Harrogate, Yorkshire at the UCI Road World Championships. Picture: Robert Jones.

Ella Wyllie finished 10th in the junior women’s time trial.

this had quite a few and quite technical with lots of corners which made it interesting. The roads are much narrower than at home so that has taken a bit to get used to. “I started pretty slowly because I was weary of the first hill which you hit pretty much out of the gate and I didn’t want to blow up. But later on, I gave it everything. “I didn’t expect to come 10th. I came in without any expectations, so it is awesome

to pull a top-10 out of the bag. It would be awesome to come back again next year and see what I could do at the worlds in Switzerland.” Other New Zealand riders finished in the top half of the 64-strong junior men’s time trial, with Canterbury’s Logan Currie 27th in 41:03:00 and Cambridge-based Reuben Thompson, formerly from Queenstown, 29th in 41:17:59.



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Danford, Sexton lead the teams home Georgia Danford and Tom Sexton won the premer men’s and women’s races in the the opening Grassroots Trust Team cycling championship event in Cambridge. The championship began in Cambridge last Sunday and will move over the next five months to Tokoroa (twice), Ngaruawahia, Onewhero and one destination yet to be confirmed. The series provides competitive team’s racing where riders

compete in a grade that suits their ability, not their age. Competition is in elite men’s and women’s sections and five categories. A total of 67 teams were involved in the day’s racing. The Elite Women’s race came down to the final gallop. “It was fast from the start,” second placed Maddi Douglas from the Velo Project squad said. “The Castelli girls were always trying to get away and my teammate Lucy [Bukeridge] gave a few attacks but nothing

really stuck.” “Yes, we had a team plan,“ said winner Georgia Danford from the Castelli Women’s Racing team. “Two of us sat in most of the ride and the rest of our team did everything so I was definitely fresh. We had a great train going with about a ‘k’ left and we just smoked it right from the last corner so got a gap and I ended up rolling for first and our team manager Hannah Bayard got fourth, so it was a good finish.”

Hundreds run in half marathon


Cambridge’s Keegan Williams has taken the title in this year’s Cambridge Half Marathon, finishing the 21km run in one hour, 18 minutes and three seconds – two and a half minutes ahead of second-placed Reuben Tomlinson from Matamata. Papakura’s Kelly Parlane was the first of the women to finish and the third runner overall, finishing the course in one hour, 20 minutes and 56 seconds to be the only female to make the top 19. Rebecca Bailey was the first female runner from Cambridge to cross the finish line, clocking in one hour, 42 minutes and five seconds. 501 runners and walkers took on the challenge of the 2019 Cambridge Half Marathon, including 71 children in the 2km Schools Run – won by Waitoa’s EJ Agduma in seven minutes and 33 seconds, followed by Cambridge’s Freddie Quinn just over a minute behind him. Stratford’s Caitlin O'Sullivan was the first girl to finish – in a time of nine minutes and 23 seconds, followed just two seconds later by Cambridge’s top girl Maisey Butler.

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Jack in the box seat

Cambridge High student Jack Carswell has recorded a world’s best time for an under-17 rider in the individual pursuit during a special trial at the Avantidrome Cambridge. The 15-year-old recorded a blistering time of 2.13.326 for the 2000m test on Saturday and it edged the previous mark set by Canada’s Dylan Bibic of 2:13.579 earlier this year. It also broke Carswell’s own New Zealand record of 2:14.214 which he set in winning the under-17 title at the Vantage Age Nationals in Cambridge in March.

It capped a string of notable results for Carswell in recent weeks. He won the overall title in the Cycling New Zealand National Track Series, the New Zealand schools criterium title and broke the long standing individual time trial record at the Northern Tour. That mark was set by national champion James Fouche and he is now a professional rider for Team Wiggins. “I had wanted to break the world mark after coming so close in March at the National Champs. This was my last chance as I move up to the

Under 19 ranks in just over a week, so I am stoked,” said Carswell. This is his last year as an under-17 rider but as the upcoming Oceania event is classed as the 2020 championships, then Carswell will need to race up in the under-19 competition. Carswell, who is a member of the WBOP Grassroots Trust Performance Hub and has recently signed for top domestic road team Skoda Fruzio, has had a stunning year. He has set four national records, won six national titles on the road and track and won four

Nick Ross is Bathurst-bound Cambridge V8 racer Nick Ross will be Bathurst bound in a couple of weeks, when he tackles Mount Panorama for the first time. Ross will be part of a 16 strong Kiwi contingent of ENZED Cesntral Muscle Car competitors who will join a field of 36 Australian Touring Car Master’s field for an assault on the famous 6.2km circuit. It is the second time that the two similar series have joined at Bathurst, and will see the 52 cars battle it out across three six lap races over the weekend. 43-year-old Ross will race a newly built 1970 Dodge Challenger which was constructed by Hamilton car builder Mitchell Race Xtreme for Ross Brothers Racing Cambridge. The car took nearly two and a half years to build and boasts a 358 cubic inch NASCAR motor, making around 850-900hp.

Having only completed some brief testing at Hampton Downs and Pukekohe, Ross says he’s eager to cross the ditch and get to the famed Australian circuit. “Looking forward to Bathurst, I’ve never actually raced there before, so will see how we go,” said Ross. “Obviously I’ve watched the Bathurst circuit plenty of times on TV, but this will be the first time racing on it. So will look to have a clean weekend, not get caught up in anything, and bring the car home in one piece.” “I’ve tested the car a couple of times now, and it’s awesome to drive. The Mitchell Race Xtreme guys have done a great job.” Ross recently came off a strong weekend at Pukekohe finishing third overall in the BNT V8s, racing his regular Total Lubricants Nissan Altima, in the non-championship event.

races in a row in Europe in June. “My next big target is the Oceania Championships in October. We have a super strong team and I’m looking forward to going head to head with the best Aussies. I’m hoping a strong performance there will put me in the frame for Junior World track team selection in 2020.” Carswell has an outstanding cycling pedigree - his mother Fiona and father Tim are former Olympic cyclists. Also showing great form on a record-breaking night were Masters riders Julie Graddon and Penny

Pawson who broke national records as they prepare for next month’s UCI World Masters Championships in Manchester. Graddon (Te Awamutu) clocked 40.245 in the 500m time trial in the 55-59 years age category to better her own national record of 41.261 set on March. Pawson (Auckland), a former national representative, clocked 2:31.596 in the 2000m individual pursuit to improve her New Zealand record of 2:32.321 in the 4549 years category.

Jack Carswell races the track at the Avantidrome.

Photo – Geoff Dickinson.


Ron Geck for Waipa District Council

Putting Cambridge First 




Authorised by E Ron Geck, 899 Maungatautari Road, Cambridge. Ph: 027 2719257

The Dodge Challenger Nick Ross will race at Bathurst.

Photo – Alastair Ritchie.

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Southern comfort arrived late

Joint leaders Southern United were made to work hard to take full reward from their National Women’s League trip to WaiBOP, leaving it late before finally securing a 1-0 win in Cambridge. Both sides had chances to win a hard-fought encounter but were finally separated with only five minutes on the clock. Amy Hislop kept her composure to slot home a penalty against an unlucky Georgia Candy, who had been outstanding between the sticks for WaiBOP. Southern had the better of the first half, with Hislop heading over before twice being denied by top drawer saves from Candy. At the other end, Chloe Henderson had a close range shot blocked and came within millimetres of deflecting home a wicked cross-field ball. WaiBOP’s best spell of the game was the half hour after half time. Henderson proved a constant menace down the right, while half-time substitute, Lisa Evans, and Olivia Hooper gave the visiting defence far more to think about. In the end, however, it was a tired challenge that led to the awarding of a penalty that ultimately decided the outcome of the contest. WaiBOP is still looking for its first competition points after two matches and travels to play Central Football, who are in the same position, at Massey University, Palmerston North, on Sunday. Caitlin Byrne is shadowed by a Southern United rival during Sunday’s clash in Cambridge.

Futsal teams to take the plunge

Two new names have been added to the national futsal – indoor soccer – scene from the Waikato and Bay of Plenty. All Waikato futsal teams will now be known as the Waikato Rapids, while all BOP teams will now be known as the Bay of Plenty Surge. WaiBOP’s Communications Manager, Dwayne Barlow, says both new brands should sit well with their respective regions. “Waikato Rapids ties in nicely with the Waikato River, the region’s

major geographical feature. It also implies sharp, quick, aggressive movement - perfect for futsal. We’ve worked in a stylised horse motif as well, which is not only a nod to the area’s thoroughbred industry but also a subtle Lord of the Rings reference. “Across the Kaimai Range, the Bay of Plenty Surge references the sea and its currents, implying strong, confident, unpredictable action,

which works well for futsal. A stylised stingray has been built into the logo as a nod to one of the most dynamic creatures found in the ocean.” Futsal White Brayden Lissington, a member of the Rapids squad, is delighted with the new identities. “They’ve both come up really well. When we put these ideas in front of the players there was an immediate buzz. The players are excited to bring these new brands to

life on the futsal court.” The introduction of the two new identities is timely as the start of the 2019 Men’s Futsal SuperLeague is just around the corner. The Rapids and Surge begin their summer campaign with a doubleheader Home Series on Saturday andSunday at Trustpower Arena in Tauranga. This will be followed by the Northern Travel

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Series on October 5 and 6 when the teams welcome the Northern Comets and Auckland to The Peak in Hamilton in hopes of surging to the top of the standings. The name futsal is derived from the Portuguese words futebol (football) and sala (hall). The game is played on a basketball sized court between teams of five using a ball slightly smaller than the regulation size 5 ball seen in the outdoor senior game.


It’s time to go BLUE again


FIGHTING CANCER IN MEN Prostate cancer has a devastating toll on Kiwi men and is the most common cancer in men. Approximately one in eight men will develop prostate cancer in their lifetime. There are around 3000 registrations and more than 600 deaths each year. Early diagnosis and effective treatment saves lives. As most men don't get any symptoms, education on getting tested is vital to diagnosis and treatment, says Prostate Cancer Foundation CEO, Graeme Woodside.

Although this may cause a little discomfort, it is worth the peace of mind. “The effects of having prostate cancer can be devastating on relationships, finances and careers. It truly can be described as a couple’s cancer.” Signs and symptoms to look out for include urinary problems, such as slow flow, stop/start, frequency, especially at night; blood in urine or semen; and bone pain, especially in the spine. “But, be aware,” warns Woodside, “prostate cancer in the early stages, when it is most treatable, usually has no symptoms.”

Around 26,000 men are living with prostate cancer and many are supported by the Prostate Cancer Foundation. Prostate cancer is a family issue. There is higher risk if brothers, fathers, uncles have had prostate cancer. “Early detection saves lives. It’s as simple as that,” says Woodside. “Men and their GPs need to be vigilant when it comes to prostate checks.”

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Rondinella on Cox Plate path

Cox Plate hopeful Rondinella.

The connections of smart Cambridge mare Rondinella will get an early guide to her prospects of becoming a serious Gr.1 Cox Plate (2040m) contender when she makes her Melbourne debut at Moonee Valley on Friday night. A multiple Group One placegetter last campaign, Rondinella will contest the Gr.2 Stocks Stakes (1600m), in which she will be ridden by Nash Rawiller. Rondinella arrived in Melbourne on Sunday in the care of co-trainer Roger James, who is looking forward to Friday’s mission. “She travelled well and I’m happy with her,” James said. Rondinella was tried in Sydney last autumn after finishing third to Melody Belle and Danzdanzdance in the Gr.1 Bonecrusher New Zealand Stakes (2000m) at Ellerslie and performed well on both occasions. She finished third to the highly rated Avilius in the Gr.1 Tancred Stakes (2400m) at Rosehill on an unsuitable heavy track then ran a solid fourth in the Gr.1 Sydney Cup (3200m). “She had a relatively short break after Sydney so as to be ready for Melbourne,” James said. “She took a while to come up, but she’s really come on in the last few days.” After a trials third behind last Saturday’s Gr.3 Gold Trail Stakes (1200m) winner Aretha at the Taupo trials, she resumed with a fourth in heavy footing over 1400m at Ellerslie earlier this month and will appreciate the step up to 1600m on Friday night. “I expect her to play her part and be in the first three if she is on tune,” James said. “We’ll then revise where to go with her next, depending on what she does. “The goal is to get to the Cox Plate if her form is good enough.”

James and training partner, Robert Wellwood, are also pleased with the progress being made by Concert Hall, Hasstobegood and Amal Rose. Concert Hall finished a close second behind Vernanme in Sunday’s Listed Karaka Classic (1600m) at Pukekohe and will start next in the Listed Team Wealleans Matamata Cup (1600m) on October 12. “She tailed the field home first-up in that same race Rondinella contested and on better footing she was beaten less than a half-length on Sunday,” James said. “We’re very mindful she wants to stay, but we have never got her further than 1600m because of her form, but we could look at stepping her up after the Matamata Cup.” Hasstobegood was an eye-catching freshup fifth in Saturday’s Gold Trail Stakes, stretching out well over the final stages to be just over two lengths from the winner. “She didn’t have the easiest of runs, but was putting in big strides at the finish,” James said. The next stop for Hasstobegood is the Gr.3 Soliloquy Stakes (1400m) at Ellerslie on October 26 as she pushes her case for a tilt at the Gr.1 New Zealand 1000 Guineas (1600m) at Riccarton a fortnight later. Also headed for the Soliloquy Stakes is Amal Rose, another New Zealand 1000 Guineas aspirant. A daughter of Written Tycoon, Amal Rose was third on debut last May behind Loire (who finished third in Saturday’s Gold Trail Stakes) and she was beaten a mere nose fresh-up at Taupo last week. “She was unlucky not to win at Taupo,” James said. “She’s a smart filly.”

Talented three-year-old filly Shoshone was scratched from last Saturday’s Gr.3 Hawke’s Bay Breeders’ Gold Trail Stakes (1200m) after a slight set-back but is still a chance to contest the Gr.1 New Zealand 1000 Guineas (1600m) at Riccarton in November for which she is rated a $26 chance. Prepared by Ken and Bev Kelso, Shoshone was an impressive winner of her only start as a juvenile and had defeated Gold Trail winner Aretha in a trial leading into the Hawke’s Bay fresh-up assignment. “We just had a minor set-back, she screwed a plate off in the paddock on Thursday afternoon. Hopefully it’s only minor and won’t hold us up too long and then we’ll be

able to get going again,” Ken Kelso said. “The Guineas is still on the cards at this stage but it all depends on what happens in the next week or two and where we can get to. “It’s a long season so we won’t be panicking to go somewhere where we’re not ready.” Kelso took heart from the win of Aretha and knows the ability his filly possesses. “She trialled up nicely but obviously she lacks a bit of the street-wise that Aretha has. “She has certainly got a lot of ability and I always thought she’d need a bit of time and it’s going to be on her side. If we didn’t get to the Thousand Guineas it’s not the end of the world because there’s a hell of a lot of ability there. Hopefully we’ll reap the rewards later on.”

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313 Kaipaki Road, Ohaupo 3 1 g 2  3

104B Shakespeare Street, Cambridge

If you have such a property to sell please phone Mrs H’s agents. Ron Bradley 027 4967 004

3 2 g 1  2 BY NEG STUDIO BLACK Blessed with open airy spaces, stylish design and cool contemporary construction, this tranquil haven is set on a secure 504m² section behind an electric gate. Completed in 2017 by TDM Designer Homes the modern dwelling is crafted to a high standard. Contact Jamie Barakat 0274 285 426. Web Ref RD15249 Open Home Sunday 3.30 - 4.00pm



15A Sewell Place, Cambridge

29 Moore Street, Cambridge

OHAUPO LIFESTYLE WINNER We have buyers who missed out on this home and looking in the $600,000 to $800,000 range. If you have a similar property that sits in this range and are thinking of selling, then please call Peter Hulsdouw on 021 243 7733. Contact Peter Hulsdouw. Web Ref CL15225

CUT-PRICE SPECIAL! Motivated vendors have found another and slashed their price to meet the market. A tastefully renovated 1980s home, tucked away on a secluded fenced & gated section at the end of a quiet cul de sac, an easy drive to Leamington village shops, services & schools. Contact Tony Mills. Web Ref CA15176

4 2 g 2  2 $729,000 SUPER SPACIOUS - VERY LIVEABLE You will be impressed with the size and the convenient layout of this home. Great indoor/outdoor flow to a large decked area with spa pool. Open plan living, large separate lounge, extra large internal double garage and workshop. Owner downsizing offers you a great opportunity. Contact Ron Bradley. Web Ref CA14979





35 Wordsworth Street, Cambridge 4 1 g 1  1

Branch Manager Lifestyle/Rural 0800 43 77 33

Tony Mills

Residential 0800 35 34 34


16 Tucker Close, Leamington $759,000

HUGE HOME, POTENTIAL PLUS A huge 2-level 1950s brick house with fantastic north-facing views, close to the Cambridge CBD on 1,381m², possibly with subdivision potential. Fully insulated with gas fire & ducted air-con, modernised kitchen & bathroom and huge “man-cave”. LIM available. Contact Tony Mills. Web Ref CA14990 Peter Hulsdouw

3 1 g 1 

3  2 g 1 1

47 Scott Street, Cambridge BY NEG

FUTURE PROOFING Amazing 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom new build within budget. No nasty surprises here for those looking to downsize. A ton of storage also awaits on a fenced freehold section along with off-street parking and garage. Come see and be impressed, these are selling fast. Contact Craig Cummings. Web Ref CA14955

Trevor Morris Residential 0800 487 3867

Tracey Grover Residential 0274 996 866

Craig Cummings Residential 021 272 7737

3 1 g 1 V 1  $559,000 ADD YOUR FINISHING TOUCHES Partially renovated high-stud 1940s character home with timber floors, conveniently located on a freehold 631m² section a short walk to Leamington village, with a park and playground just around the corner. Insulated ceilings, under-floor and exterior walls. Contact Tony Mills. Web Ref CA15177

Ron Bradley Residential 027 4967 004

John Bishop Lifestyle/Rural 0274 971 666

Bill Tunzelmann Rural/Farms 0800 489 571


FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 20, 2019 Powerhouse Realty Ltd MREINZ, 73B Victoria Street, Cambridge, Waikato LicensedReal RealEstate EstateAgent Agent(REAA (REAA 2008) 2008) Licensed



LIFESTYLE RETREAT IN MATAMATA • 4 bedrooms plus office, 2 bathrooms. • 2 living areas. • Double garage plus high door barn. • Solar power and battery system. • Eco-friendly 267m2 home.

$1,045,000 OPEN HOME Sunday 12.30 - 1.15 p.m. 48 Everad Avenue MATAMATA Contact Peter MATTHEWS CPH10361


GREEN FIELD VIEWS • Large 2138m² lot. • 4 bedroom quality build. • Enormous sheds for storage. • Ideal for work from home. • Fully fenced. • Room for life!


OPEN HOME Sunday 2.00 - 2.30 p.m. 59 Milton Street CAMBRIDGE Contact Peter FOX-WORTHINGTON CPH10363


LIVE THE DREAM • Beautiful and flat. • Fenced and grassed. • Build new to your plan. • Close to town.

• 4/5 bedrooms. • Substantial separate lounge. • 2 bathrooms. • Extensive covered patio. • Excellent water storage.

• 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. • Double garage. • Fully fenced back yard. • Bush views.

$695,000 OPEN HOME Sat & Sunday 1.00 - 1.45 p.m. 33 Alpers Ridge CAMBRIDGE Contact Anna CPH10362


$460,000 OPEN HOME Sunday 1.00 - 1.30 p.m. 1/42 Roto-O-Rangi Road CAMBRIDGE Contact Peter FOX-WORTHINGTON CPH10365






• 222m² four bedroom home. • Fully fenced 712m² level section. • Sunny indoor/outdoor living. • Popular Cambridge Park location.

31 Pengover Avenue CAMBRIDGE Contact Anna CPH10356


$1,150,000 28 Riverside Lane KARAPIRO Contact Shirley or Donna CPH10330



• 430m2 Residence. 5 Bdrms. 2 Ensuites. • Sauna, Spa, 2 Living Areas. Self-Contained 434 Pencarrow Road TAMAHERE Studio. Contact Shirley • 1.6 Hectares. 5 bay shed, 2 bay barn. CPH10255 • Bore, stock yards.


ANNA ANNABEVIN BEVIN 021 021194 1948712 8712

JOANNAJONES JONES JOANNA 027576 576 4112 4112 027












#1 sold in the world ELECTRIC VEHICLE

Lease rate quoted includes On-Road Costs of Registration. Lease rate quoted is on a non-maintained basis excluding maintenance, tyres, annual registration and WOF’s and are subject to vehicle availability. Lease rates are based on a term of 45 months and the vehicle travelling 55,000kms. An excess kilometre rate applies. The Customer is responsible for any damage to the vehicle at lease end that is not deemed fair wear & tear. Maxxia Fleet’s normal credit criteria applies. Other terms and �M’s available on request. O�er available until �0th �eptember �0�� or while stocks last.



CAMBRIDGE 2019 FORD ENDURA ST LINE 2.0 8 speed auto, heated and cooled leather seats, radar cruise, sat-nav, 2000km demo

2018 MITSUBISHI ASX VRX, leather seats, sun roof, reverse camera & sensors, android apps, Bluetooth, tow bar 6600km

2016 MAZDA CX-5 GSX 2WD, sat nav, dual climate control, reverse camera & sensors, Bluetooth, tinted glass, tow bar

FORD ENDURA ST LINE, dual climate air, sat-nav , reverse camera, Sync 3 Bluetooth, heated & cooled seats, 23800km

2013 NISSAN ALTIMA Ti , electric leather memory seats, sat-nav, reverse camera, Bluetooth, 360º camera, 57000km

2015 MAZDA 3 GLX 2.0, cruise control, reverse camera, Bluetooth, CD/ aux/USB ports, alloy wheels

2013 FORD FIESTA TREND, cruise control, 7 air bags, Bluetooth, USB/aux/CD Ports, electrics, alloy wheels, 53000km

2019 FORD ECO-SPORT TITANIUM, leather, sat-nav, reverse camera & sensors, Sync 3 Bluetooth, cruise control, bal of 5yr wty

2019 FORD RANGER XLT SPORT 4x4,PX-3, leather trim, sat-nav, reverse camera & sensors, sync 3, 18” alloys, 2000km, demo

2017 FORD RANGER XL D/Cab 2WD, auto, reverse camera & sensors, cruise control, Bluetooth, canopy & racks, only 70000km

2015 FORD RANGER WILDTRAK, PX2, heated seats, dual climate control, sat-nav, reverse camera & sensors, cruise control



2018 FORD RANGER XLT 4x4 auto, sat-nav, reverse camera & sensors, Sync 3 Bluetooth, canopy, tints, side steps

2019 FORD RANGER XL 2.2 2WD, cruise control, reverse camera & sensors, Bluetooth, tints, tow bar, 20” alloys, 230km

2013 FORD RANGER XLT 4x4 , climate control, cruise control, Bluetooth, 3 piece hard lid, 20” alloys, nudge bar

2016 FORD RANGER XLT 4x4, climate control, sat-nav, reverse camera, Bluetooth, canopy & racks, 18” alloys











Now, what can FAIRVIEW do for you? 95 Victoria St | CAMBRIDGE | P 07 827 7005 |




2006 TOYOTA HILUX SR5 4x4, 3.0TD, manual, aircon, CD, ABS, airbags, canopy, side steps, nudge bar









$19,990 DRIVE AWAY



$10,995 DRIVE AWAY


$19,990 DRIVE AWAY


$15,990 DRIVE AWAY

$19,995 DRIVE AWAY



$14,990 DRIVE AWAY

$23,990 DRIVE AWAY


$16,995 DRIVE AWAY


$19,995 DRIVE AWAY





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Proud sponsor of Life Education Trust

$45,990 DRIVE AWAY

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Get into NZ’s Hardest Working Range of Vehicles.




36 MONTH TERM G10, V80, T60 D/CAB AND D90 RANGE. *Conditions Apply.

*Finance offer available to approved applicants of UDC Finance Limited only and excludes all lease and fleet purchasers. Available on new LDV G10, V80, T60 Double Cab and D90 models only. 1.9% P.A. finance fixed for the term of the loan. Loan terms of up to 36 months. No deposit required. $100 establishment fee, $10.35 PPSR fee, and Dealer origination fee of up to $399. The GST component of the loan (if any) is repayable in the third month of the loan. Lending criteria, terms and conditions apply to any UDC loan. Offer valid from 19 August 2019 to 30 September 2019. Units must be registered by 30 September 2019. Offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. LDV reserves the right to vary, withdraw or extend this offer. Any accessories shown are optional extras.

COME AND SEE HOW HARD THE LDV RANGE CAN WORK FOR YOU. With only 1.9% Finance over 36 months and NO DEPOSIT. We have Cargo Vans from $25,990 +GST & ORC and Double Cab Utes from $29,990 +GST & ORC. OFFER ENDS 30TH SEPTEMBER 2019 OR WHILE STOCKS LAST.

Waikato LDV | 07 849 6594 860 Te Rapa Road, Hamilton






Air-conditioning • Sales, service & installation • Obligation-free quotes • Te Awamutu, Cambridge, Otorohanga, Te Kuiti • Residential, commercial, industrial

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Phone Tom





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mould removal experts!

0800 579 0501


Cambridge Owned & Operated

TONY COSSEY 027 410 7770

EARTHWORKS P.O.Box 757 Cambridge 3450

Formerly Devereux Electrical Ltd Nothing else has changed Same Staff and Service Levels

Laser Electrical Cambridge M: 027 494 8826 | P: 07 827 5870 • 2, 8, 12 ton diggers • Tip truck hire • Small 4-wheeler/6 wheelers/truck & trailers ∙ Drainage ∙ Drilling ∙ Driveways ∙ Excavation ∙ Farm work ∙ Footings ∙ House pads ∙ Landscaping ∙ Post holes ∙ Section clearing ∙ Soakage holes ∙ Trenching


Phone Mark for a FREE Quote 827 7386 | 027 432 2412




Jill’s Garden and Maintenance Services

Add value to your home

Your complete electrical professionals

✿ Creative garden maintenance

✿ Pruning, weeding, planting

✿ Colourful flower beds to attract bees

✿ Companion planting

with a well cared for, great lawn! Now you can enjoy a perfect lawn for less cost than you can do it yourself!

✿ Trim shrubs, hedges

D-I-WHY? Our weed and feed service takes care of any lawn – large or small. So don’t delay. Contact us today for your FREE lawn inspection.

We proudly use organic products.

Weeds? Disease? Moss? Insects?


I will prune your vine & give you the fruits.

Phone 027 458 2136 HOME MAINTENANCE


MAINTENANCE SERVICES • Repairs and upgrades around the whole home • Tiling and decorating • Fencing and outside ground repairs • Roof and guttering maintenance

Brenden Daniel your local Cambridge based Handyman m: 021 110 7123 e:



0800 111 001

For Local Service You Can Trust • Broken Window Doors • Frameless Showers • Pet Doors • Custom Mirrors • Table Tops • New Glazing • Splashbacks We Guarantee all our Work & Deliver Service with a Smile!

P: 07 827 6480 24/7 CALL OUTS 027 498 6046


LANDSCAPING 2014 NZ Tree Climbing Champion


• All tree work • Pruning & removals • Chipping & stump grinding • Land & section clearing • Fruit trees


• Scheduled maintenance • Pruning & weeding • Revamp or create new • Mulching & mulch sales • Hedge trimming


p. 871 9246 or 027 5140 342 e. w.




Deadline Ahead



Regular LPG Deliveries


Cambridge and surrounding areas 7 Day Cylinder Fill – All Sizes – DON’T SWAP – REFILL –

Owner Operator

55 Victoria Street, Cambridge Office Hours 9am to 3.30pm

Looking for the right candidate for the job?

027 280 9279

88 Duke St, Cambridge Ph 827 7456

Classified Section Booking/Copy Tuesday 12 noon for Friday publication Ph 07 827 0005 Run of Paper Booking/Copy Monday 5pm for Friday publication Ph 027 287 0005

1112 Tauwhare Road, RD7 Hamilton



Convert & Preserve Your Precious Memories

Promote Your Business Here

AUDIO - cassettes, records, reel to reel tape VIDEO - any format tapes, HDD camera footage FILM - cinefilm 8mm, 9.5mm, 16mm SLIDES & PHOTOS - any size scanning

Graeme & Rosalind Mathews - 021 732635 93 Redoubt Road Cambridge

Looking for the right candidate for the job? ADVERTISE YOUR VACANCY WITH US!


027 287 0005

Call Janine on 827 0005 or email

“Local jobs for local people”

823 9121

Promote Your Business Here – Call Janine on 027 287 0005 CAMBRIDGE OPEN HOMES BAYLEYS


Sunday 29 September 98 Hewson Road 11B Grey Street 206 Fencourt Road 184 Parklands Road 23 Grey Street 11A Grey Street 55a Williams Street 21 Alba Place

22 Hamilton Road 19 Camdon Place 88 Te Miro Road 86 Princes Street 47A Browning Street 11 Mike Smith Drive 27 Rose Leigh Drive 29 William Paul Street 812 Roto O Rangi Road 3-10 Maranatha Way 9 Nikale Street

Auction PBN PBN Deadline Sale $599,000 PBN Auction $879,000

11.00-12.00pm 12.30-1.00pm 12.30-1.00pm 12.30-1.00pm 1.00-1.30pm 1.00-1.30pm 2.30-3.00pm 3.00-3.30pm

CAMBRIDGE REAL ESTATE Saturday 28 September 120 Alpha Street 1094B Tauwhare Road 8 Weld Street 107 Hall Street Sunday 29 September 31 Williamson Street 120 Alpha Street 1094B Tauwhare Road 8 Housman Place 2/30 Jarrett Terrace 17 Sheridan Crescent 17 Addison Street 66L Queen Street 8 Weld Street 12 Cooper Crescent 65B Vogel Street 23A Bowen Street 83 Carlyle Street 107 Hall Street

Auction Auction Auction Auction

11.00-11.45am 11.30-12.15pm 12.00-12.45pm 1.00-1.30pm

$679,000 Auction Auction $599,000 $845,000 $769,000 $879,000 $319,000 Auction $885,000 $719,000 $729,000 $635,000 Auction

10.15-10.45 11.00-11.45am 11.30-12.15pm 11.45-12.15pm 11.45-12.15pm 12.00-12.45pm 12.00-12.30pm 12.00-12.45pm 12.00-12.45pm 12.30-1.00pm 12.00-1.00pm 1.00-1.30pm 1.00-1.30pm 1.00-1.30pm

$655,000 $1,279,000 $879,000 $789,000 PBN $1,149,000 $929,000 $839,000 PBN $859,000 PBN

LUGTONS 1.15-1.45pm 1.15-2.00pm 1.15-2.00pm 1.45-2.15pm 1.45-2.15pm 2.00-2.30pm 2.30-3.00pm 2.30-3.00pm 3.00-3.45pm 3.15-3.45pm 3.15-3.45pm

HARCOURTS Sunday 29 September 42 Watkins St 2/180 Burns St 18 King Street 6 Alpers Ridge 50A Queen Street 502B Tauwhare Road 129 Taylor St

$749,000 PBN $685,000 $865,000 $725,000 Deadline Treaty Oct 2 PBN

10:00-12:45pm 11:00-11:30am 12:30-1:00pm 1:00-1:30pm 12.00-12.30pm 2:00-3:00pm 1:30-2:00pm



Tender Auction PBN

1.00-1.40pm 1.00-2.00pm 3.30-4.00pm











MORE RE Saturday 28 September 16 Clifford Close Sunday 29 September 16 Clifford Close

ONE AGENCY Saturday 28th September 145 Pickering Road Sunday 29th September 145 Pickering Road


LJ HOOKER Sunday 29 September 49a Southey Street 331 Athlone Drive 31 Arnold Street 7 Marlowe Drive 56 Te Awa Road 272 Oreipunga Road

Saturday 28 September 28 Kelly Road Sunday 29 September 3 Everest Lane 28 Kelly Road 104B Shakespeare Street

PBN Around $949,000 PBN PBN Offers PBN

12.00-12.30pm 12.30-1.00pm 12.45-1.15pm 1.30-2.00pm 2.00-2.30pm 2.45-3.15pm

Launch Special

Saturday 28 September 33 Alpers Ridge Sunday 29 September 48 Everad Avenue 142 Roto-O-Rangi Road 33 Alpers Ridge 59 Milton Street

$1,045,000 $460,000 $695,000 PBN

12.30-1.15pm 1.00-1.30pm 1.00-1.45pm 2.00- 2.30pm

Contact listing agent prior-visiting as Open Homes times can change.


It’s time for More




TAU, Katrina (Trina) – Passed away peacefully at home on Sunday 22nd September 2019, aged 40 years. Much loved daughter of Ben and Gail, sister of Benny, Natasha and Anita, and partner of Heidi. Adored aunty and friend. A celebration of Trina's life will be held at Piki Te Aroha Marae, Rahiri Settlement, Harris Road, on Thursday 26th at 12pm. Any communications to 50 Topps Access Rd, RD1 Kaeo, Northland”


Of an application for On Licence Thy Merchants Ltd, a private company, has made application to the Waipa District Licensing Committee for the renewal of an off-licence in respect of the premises at 117 Shakespeare Street, Cambridge known as Shakespeare Liquor. The general nature of the business to be conducted under the licence is a bottlestore. The days on which and the hours during which alcohol is sold under the licence are: Monday to Sunday 9am to 10pm. The application may be inspected during ordinary office hours at the office of the Waipa District Licensing Committee, 101 Bank Street, Te Awamutu or 23 Wilson Street, Cambridge. Any person who is entitled to object and who wishes to object to the issue of the licence may, not later than 15 working days after the date of the publication of this notice, file a notice in writing of the objection with the Secretary of the District Licensing Committee at: Waipa District Council, Private Bag 2402, Te Awamutu 3840. No objection to the issue of a renewal licence may be made in relation to a matter other than a matter specified in section 131 of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012. This is the second publication of this notice. This notice was first published on September 20, 2019.

MARSHALL T. John – Thank you to all who joined our family to celebrate the life of T John Marshall. A special thank you to the St John and Red Cross health shuttle service and their voluntary staff who went above and beyond to look after both Dad and Mum over the past few years. Sergio on behalf of the family.



30 years experience. Specialising in Bathroom Alterations Ph Mike Margan 027 532 3963

Grass cut and edges as you like it Clipper grass cut

Phone David 823 0172 027 600 6002

Garage Sale


I spent $20 and made $500! TURN YOUR UNWANTED ITEMS INTO CASH Place a Garage Sale ad in the Cambridge News


Qualified, Professional Arborists • Tree Care

• Pruning • Stump Grinding • Removal • Wood Spltting • Consultancy

62 HOUSING ST, Cambridge. Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 December, from 9am. Clothes, toys, whiteware, tools, lawnmower etc. Email text for ad (max 120 characters, including word spaces) through to week prior to your garage sale day. Payment due Tuesday prior to garage sale day.

027 294 5885










• GARDEN SHEDS • CARPORTS • CABINS Contact Lance 0800 743 346


for quality lifestyle, storage solutions Display yard at 3 Goodfellow Lane, Hamilton

FLORIST REQUIRED. Are you a florist that is looking for a unique opportunity in Cambridge. Please contact us on nnnn

WORK WANTED PAINTER available, exterior and interior work undertaken, quality workmanship, Ph 0274372811.


- Kairangi Road and Griggs Road for Waikato Veteran and Vintage Car Club Kairangi Hill Climb Please note that the roads listed below will be closed to ordinary vehicular traffic for the Waikato Veteran and Vintage Car Club Kairangi Hill Climb event on Sunday, 6 October 2019. Sunday, 6 October 2019: from 7.00am to 3.30pm Kairangi Road between the southern end of Robinson Road and Griggs Road. Griggs Road between Kairangi Road intersection and the entrance to 62 Griggs Road. During the proposed closure arrangements will be made for the passage of emergency vehicles if required. For more information please contact Waipa District Council on 0800 924 723 or email Garry Dyet Chief Executive Officer

Got a News Tip? Let us know – SITUATIONS VACANT

COOK WANTED Jump Start Educare is currently seeking someone to fulfil the roll of cook in our childcare centre. The successful candidate must like children, be warm and friendly, reliable and honest. Duties will include cooking and preparing healthy and nutritious meals for the tamariki. Other skills we are seeking include time management, patience, able to work within a budget and to be a flexible team player. A food handling certificate is desirable. The position is Mon-Fri, 8.30-3.30. If this sounds like you, please send a cover letter, with your CV to

Cambridge News is published on Fridays.

Ph. Matthew Trott LAWN CARE


Section 101, Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012





DOG SITTER – We are looking for a dog sitter, on a casual basis, for our 7 year old Shih Tzu. Preferably a semi-retired couple who are used to dogs. He is a quiet dog and doesn’t bark very often. Call 027 407 4009

Advertising Terms & Conditions Copy deadline for ad make-up is one week prior to publication date (Friday). Advertiser is responsible to advise us of any copy changes before end of day Monday prior to publication date (Friday). Advertising supplied complete deadline is Tuesday midday prior to publication date (Friday). For advertisers on a regular schedule invoices will be sent at the end of the month and payment is due by the 20th of the following month. For advertisers not on a schedule invoices will be sent at the end of the week and payment is due within 10 days. Accounts in arrears may be subject to a $95 + GST late payment fee per advert. Advertiser is responsible for any and all debt collection fees. Limitation of Liability: Good Local Media Limited (including its employees, contractors, or agents) trading as Cambridge News shall not be liable for a failure or breach arising from anything beyond their reasonable control e.g. an act of God, fire, earthquake, strike, explosion, electrical supply failure, unavoidable accident or machine breakdown; and shall not be liable in tort, contract, or otherwise for loss of any kind (whether indirect loss, loss of profits, or consequential loss) to the Advertiser or any other person.


Information Management Officer Are you: • Organised with a high attention to detail? • Computer literate and known for getting things right the first time? The Information Management team are the caretakers of the business’ information - we manage the information required to conduct the business of the Council. This includes the delivery, caretaking, storage, retrieval and disposal of information. In addition to this we are the owners of the ECM document management system and are responsible for the training and administration of this. You’ll make sure that all documentation is secure and provide information that is requested from internal customers accurately, effectively and in a timely manner. You’ll have great written comprehension, numeric and computer skills and will understand the principles of information management. In addition you will: • • • •

Have great attention to detail Be able to work under pressure and handle multiple priorities Be self-managing Have a sense of humour!

This is a permanent part-time position for 24 hours per week spread over 4 days. Work hours are 9.00am - 3.30pm with 30 minutes for lunch. This role is to be primarily based in our Cambridge office but you’ll need to be flexible working in both offices/ attending meetings. Applications close on Thursday, 3 October 2019 at 11:55pm. To apply for this job, please go online to and enter the job code: 10802YCN.





2 Registered Teachers Required DO YOU LOVE HAVING FUN?!

FINDA FINDAHOME HOME NZNZ 22B Duke Street, Cambridge (07) 827 9282

Come and join our whanau! We are proud to be a mixedage centre and are looking for two registered teachers to join our family. Two of our teachers are taking time to enjoy their babies, and we are looking for two superstars to fill these roles as maternity leave positions. The centre is family owned, with plenty of space both outdoors and indoors to learn and explore. Outside, we enjoy caring for our rabbit, guinea pig and planting in the garden. We value passionate teachers and the team values being part of a quality, respectful learning environment where “children come first”. What we can offer you: • Professional development support • Paid First Aid • Uniform • An awesome team of teachers! What we are looking for: • Two registered teachers with a strong understanding of Te Whariki, assessment and planning • A passion for the Reggio Emilia philosophy • Teachers who take pride in the environment as the third teacher and setting up inviting, open ended activities. Please email your C.V to Alida Tooby, Applications close 3rd October.

22B Duke Street “Personable service for your peace of mind” (07) 827 9282

CAMBRIDGE PROPERTIES FOR RENT CAMBRIDGE PROPERTIES FOR RENT CAMBRIDGE: 2 bed Townhouse, with s garage int access walk to town ������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� $320 2 bed Townhouse with s garage int access modern, cosy and views ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� $450

2 bed unit with s garage ���������������������������������������������������� $320 LANDLORDS: "Property Management with Vision"

Come and talk with our Finda Home NZ family, about managing your Rental COUNTRY:

Investment, we are very happy to help you navigate the Residential Tenancy changes and expectations. Please remember to check your Rental Investment 2 bed cosy refurbished close date to Avanti drome ������� $400 Insulation to meethome, the compliant of 1st July 2019.

PH: 029 772 0130 PH: 027 477 1668 www�findahomenz�co�nz

Call us on 07 827 9282 to discuss your property needs

Quick crossword 2



SUJUAN 4bed, 2lvg, 2bth, 2gge $640 pw SAFFRON 4BED, 2lvg, 2bth, 2gge $620 PW BYRON 3BED, 2lvg, 2bth, 2gge $495 PW


Our communication & respect for our Landlords & Tenants has directly contributed to our continuous growth as Finda Home NZ specialises only in Cambridge & surrounding country areas. Rae Guard Carol McEldowney E office@findahomenz�co�nz REINZ Acredited Property Manager

BRUNTWOOD 5bed, 2lvg, 3bth, 3gge+ LAND $850 pw

SHAKESPEARE 2bed, 1lvg, 1bth, 1gge $410 PW

Prospective Tenants, to assist us in helping you better, HOME IS WHERE YOUR STORY BEGINS WITH US! please complete an online application prior to contacting us.



Manager Director Rae Ph 029 772 0130 Carol Property Ph 027 477 1668



HAMILTON FLEMMING 4bed, 1lvg, 2bth, carport $520 pw OHAUPO 3bed, 1lvg, 1bth, 2gge $440 pw ANNEBROOK 2bed, 1lvg, 1bth, 1gge $400 pw

New Builds available approx. December 2019-January 2020. Breaking Ground Now! Will have plans available to view. Place your order for your new home now! WE COVER THE GREATER WAIPA WAIKATO AREAS

Come and have a chat with Keira, Sheree, Ian, Haiyan and Gaylene

A.R.S Property Management

57B Alpha Street Cambridge - Office: 07 823 29 29

PMs: Keira 021 595 884, Sheree 021 425 450, Haiyan 021 554 747, Gaylene 021 041 7044


Sudoku 5

6 7


Fill the grid so that every column, every row and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.




11 12 13






18 20




Across 1. Urge on (4) 4. Canvass (6) 8. Hide (7) 9. Delay (5) 10. Petticoat (4) 11. Let up (8) 13. Close shave (4,5) 17. Mobile, able to walk (8) 19. Block up (4) 21. Molten rock (5)



22. Oblivious (7) 23. Mean (6) 24. Tiny arachnid (4) Down 2. Superannuation payments (7) 3. Lurch (4) 4. Persuasive (6-7) 5. Hold back (8) 6. Rub out (5) 7. Smooth and glossy (5)

8. Bag (4) 12. Fanciful story (4,4) 14. Chivalrous (7) 15. Pleasantly warm (5) 16. Eye up (4) 18. Start (5) 20. Tranquil (4)

Last week Across: 1. Logic, 4. Indigo, 8. Blatant, 9. Egg on, 10. Upper, 11. Complex, 12. Outing, 14. Chaste, 17. Luggage, 19. Depot, 21. Vital, 22. Shocked, 23. Answer, 24. Surly. Down: 1. Labour of love, 2. Grasp, 3. Chagrin, 4. Intact, 5. Dream, 6. Goggles, 7. Unexpectedly, 13. Tighten, 15. Hideous, 16. Teaser, 18. Allow, 20. Poker.

St Kilda Last week Sudoku

All puzzles © The Puzzle Company



Things to do this weekend

The Pirongia Craft Day is on this Sunday from 9am to 3pm in Pirongia’s main street. Featuring entertainment groups and over 200 stalls with only New Zealand made crafts and products.

The monthly Pirongia Market is on this Sunday inside the Pirongia Community Centre, Crozier Street. 9am to 2pm with a wide selection of stalls and a sausage sizzle fundraiser run by the Pirongia Voluntary Rural Fire Force.

Check out the Cambridge Museum – open 10am to 2pm this Saturday and Sunday – find the dinosaur footprints and go into the draw to win a family pass to Cambridge Mini Golf.


What’s on…

Saturday 28 DUTCH MARKET, Bridges Church and Community Centre, 28 Duke St, 10am–1pm. Enjoy the tastes and smells of Europe – every last Saturday of the month. Cash sales only. Fundraiser for FSN and Kids Club. Info: Huub 022 0355 302. WAIKATO RIVER HEAD RACE, Mighty River Domain, 601 Maungatautari Rd, Lake Karapiro, 7am-4pm Saturday and Sunday. Info: Sunday 29 ROCK N ROLL DANCE WORKSHOP, for ages 6 to 16, at the St Peter’s Catholic School Hall, 22 Anzac


SPORTS/EXERCISE CLUBS Golf Croquet – Monday, Wednesday and Saturday at 1.30pm, at Leamington Croquet Club, Scott St. Info: Pam 823 4412. Cambridge Dance Koru – Fitness class every Monday and Wednesday, 6.30-7.30pm at Leamington Rugby Clubrooms. $10 casual fee or $35 for 5 classes (or $25 for students or Gold Card). Info: Victoria 0272792380. Evening Tennis session – every Monday, 6pm–7.30pm at Cambridge Racquets Club, Thornton Rd. $10 for non-members. Info: 827 7563. Cambridge Parents Centre "BuggyFit" – every Monday during school term, 10.30am at Studio Health and Fitness, 12 Scott St. $10. Camkada Judo Club – every Monday and Wednesday during school terms at Maclean St. Beginners 6.30pm–7pm, under 14s 7–8pm, over 14s 8–9pm. Info: 823 0961. Cambridge Badminton Club – Seniors (16+) every Mon 7.30pm and Tues 9.30am–12pm. Juniors (under 16) every Mon 6pm – 7pm during school term. 50+ session Thurs 9:30am–12pm. Info: 027 313 8033. Cambridge Golf Club – Tuesday at Cambridge Golf Club, 112 Tirau Rd. Veterans 9am, Junior Academy 4pm. Details: 827 6381. Matangi Badminton Club – social games every Tuesday from 9.30am at Matangi Hall, Tauwhare Road. Morning tea included. All ages and abilities welcome. Info: Joy 020 4025 8326. Tai Chi at the Cossie Club – every Wednesday 6.30pm–7.30pm at 88/94 Burns St, Leamington. Info: 021 077 8727. Tai Chi Academy – Wednesday and Friday, 1pm–2pm at Trinity St Paul's Church cnr Bryce and Queen St. Info: Bob 827 4814. Bowls – Thurs, 1pm at Senior Citizens Hall, Milicich Pl. Info: 827 0604. FREE Ladies squash morning – Tues 10am–12pm at Leamington Squash Club, 36 Carlyle St. Please wear non-marking court shoes. Racquets and balls supplied. Info: Gina Lowe 021 029 35904 or leamingtonsquash@ DANCE CLUBS Old Time and Sequence Dancing – Monday, 1pm–3.30pm at Senior Citizens Hall, Milicich Pl. Info: May 027 472 6769. Waipa Wranglers Line Dancing – every Tuesday at Trinity Parish Church hall, corner Queen and Bryce St. Beginners 12.30-1.30pm, improvers upwards 1.30–3.30. Info: Marie 823 3428. Scottish Country Dancing – every Wednesday, 7.30pm at St Andrews Church Hall. Info: Merilyn 827 6142.


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What’s On copy deadline 12pm Mondays, Email

St, Cambridge. 1pm – 3pm. $2 per child. Bring water bottle and secure, flat sole shoes. Learning dance styles of the 1950s era. Parents welcome (free). Register: Colleen 021 160 3725. PIRONGIA CRAFT DAY, Franklin St, Pirongia, 9am-3pm. Held in Pirongia’s main street. Featuring entertainment groups and over 200 stalls with only New Zealand made crafts and products. Thursday 3 GREYHOUND RACING, Cambridge Raceway, 1 Taylor Street, first race 12pm. Info: or phone 07 827 5506.

Saturday 5 MATANGI GARDEN CLUB ANNUAL PLANT SALE, 9am – 12pm at Matangi Hall, 480 Tauwhare Rd. Trees, shrubs and perennials. Cakes, produce, raffles. Fabulous morning teas. Sunday 6 KAIRANGI HILL CLIMB, organised by the Waikato Veteran and Vintage Car Club, 9am-3pm. Info: WaiBOP v Canterbury United, National Women’s League Football, John Kerkhof Park, Vogel St, Cambridge. 12pm-2pm. Spectators free.

Cambridge Cruisers Rock n Roll – every Thursday, juniors from 6pm, regular club from 6.45pm to 8.40pm at St Andrews Church hall, 85 Hamilton Rd. Info: Colleen 021 160 3725. Good Companions Dance Club – third Sat of month, 7:30 – 11:30pm at Senior Citizens Hall, Milicich Pl. $9 with plate, $12 for members, $15 nonmembers. Info: 027 853 5900. MUSIC CLUBS The Mosaic Waikato Modern Choir – every Tuesday, 7-9pm at theHealth & Community Centre, Taylor St. Contact: Rose 827 6291 or Riverside Ukes – every Wednesday, 7pm at the Cambridge Raceway, Taylor St, in boardroom at east end of grandstand. Info: 021 766 040. Cambridge Brass Band - Meets every Wednesday night at the band rooms, 26a Vogel St. Auxiliary Band at 5:45 (during term time) and Senior Band at 6:45. Info: CREATIVE CLUBS Cambridge Care and Craft – every Monday, 9am-12pm at Senior Citizens Hall, Milicich Pl. $2, includes morning tea. Info: Nicky 823 7445. Cambridge Society of Arts – every Monday, Tuesday and Wed, 10am12pm at The Painting Place, Thornton Rd. Cambridge Mah Jong Club – every Monday 1-4pm, Tuesday, 7–10pm at Central Bowling Club rooms, Alpha St. Info: Dawn 827 4523. Leamington Art Group – Tues 10am-12pm in the Leamington Band Rotunda, Wordsworth St. Enquiries: S Coles 827 4294. Wednesday Wood Workshop – Wed 9am-4pm at Cambridge Community Menzshed at Resthaven Centre, 4 Vogel St. Info: 823 9170. Cambridge Creative Fibre – every first, third and fourth Thursday of the month at 9.30am, at the Cambridge Health & Community Centre, 22a Taylor St. Info: Anne 827 3156. Cambridge Embroidery Group – every first and third Thursday of the month, 10.30am-2pm at The Views Craft Room, Resthaven Village Centre, 4 Vogel St. Info: Vivienne 827 8668. The Views Craft Room – every Friday, 2pm-4pm at Resthaven Village Centre, 4 Vogel St. SOCIAL CLUBS Treetown Toastmasters – every Monday, 7:10pm at council buildings, Wilson St. 60s Up – every first Tuesday of the month, 12.15pm at Raleigh St Christian Centre. Info: Faye 827 9369.

St John Youth – Tuesday and Thursday, 6pm–8.30pm at the St John Hall, 16 Fort St, Cambridge. Info: Peter 021 153 0191. Golden Rosycross meetup group – every Tuesday, 7.30pm at 258 Ariki St, Karapiro. Info: 0211504619. Cambridge Men’s REBUS Club – third Wed of each month, 9.30am at the Cambridge Bridge Club rooms, Fort St. Info: Roger 8279928. Cambridge Stroke Club – Thursday, 10am – 12.30pm at Trinity Parish Church hall, cnr Queen and Bryce St. Info: 827 6390. Cambridge Bowling Club – Thornton Club – Wednesday quiz night from 6.30pm. Social night on Fridays from 5.30pm. Bowls every Thursday and Saturday at 1pm. Info: Graeme 021885424. Alcoholics Anonymous Secular Group – Saturday, 9am-10am at Cambridge Community House, 193 Shakespeare St. Cambridge Genealogy – every second Monday of the month, 7.30pm at Cambridge Health and Community Centre, 22A Taylor St. $4 entry. Info: Nancy 827 7359. Lyceum House Inc – every first and third Friday of the month, 10.30am at Lyceum House, 20 Dick St. Info: 827 7353. Teaching from the Bible – Sunday, 7-8pm, Senior Citizens Hall, 2 Milicich Pl. Cambridge Grey Power – first Wednesday of month, 1.30pm at Cambridge Health and Community Centre, Taylor St. Info: Val 827 9273. Grandparents and caregivers coffee morning – every first Tuesday of the month at Frans Café, 10-11am for coffee and support. Contact: Brenda 0274 385 401. Showtime Travel Connect – meets at Absolute Coffee House third Monday of the month at 3pm, discount coffees/teas and a sweet platter provided. Group regularly attends shows/events. Enquiries: Gaylene Callaghan, 823 9170 or 027 408 1089. Rebus Club Cambridge (formally Probus) every second Thurs of month 9.30am at Baptist Church Queen St. Guest speakers, various interest groups and outings.Contact Gary 827 4500. EVENTS Lions’ Shed – every Thurs and Sat, 9am-12pm, Vogel St. Cambridge Farmers Market – Sat 8am-12pm, Victoria Sq. Miniature trains at Leamington Domain – every first and third Sunday of the month (weather permitting) 10am - 2pm, Wordsworth St. $2 per ride. Closed toe shoes required.

Health shuttle A community service that transports people to and from health related appointments in Cambridge and Hamilton. Bookings required at least one day in advance. Donations appreciated.

Ph 827 7307

Saturday 28 September Doors open 10.30am-3.00pm

St Peter’s School Hall 22 Anzac St, Cambridge

World Heart Balance-a-thon Kinesiology a new level of health self-care

Personal balance and self-care with our Natural Healthcare Kinesiology Practitioners $20 entry – Children under 16 free RSVP Colleen 021-1603725 or

Do you love to sing? Join the choir for a day!

Choir Workshop Saturday 5th October at Cambridge Town Hall Workshop 9.30am-3.30pm

Participants $20 from PaperPlus Cambridge or at the door

Concert 4pm

$5 at the door only

Musical team Brooke & Cindy will lead participants through fun warm-ups & rounds, teaching new songs and well-loved favourites. Young people under 12 years welcome with accompanying adult. Includes breaks & concludes with concert

Learn about the choir | To book your spot email




LIDO CINEMA Centre Place

Ph: 838-9010 (PG)

FRI: 11.00AM, 12.50, 3.15, 6.00, 7.40PM SAT: 10.45AM, 1.00, 2.40, 6.00, 7.40PM SUN: 11.00AM, 1.40, 3.30, 6.00PM MON: 10.45AM, 1.00, 3.00, 5.40PM TUE: 10.45AM, 1.00, 3.00, 6.00, 7.40PM (M)

FRI / TUE: 11.30AM, 7.50PM ~ SAT: 11.30AM, 5.10PM SUN: 10.40AM, 4.10PM ~ MON: 11.30AM, 6.30PM

MAIDEN FRI: 10.45AM, 3.55, 5.40PM


SAT: 1.15, 5.30PM ~ SUN: 1.25, 4.30PM MON: 1.15, 6.00PM ~ TUE: 1.15, 5.40PM FRIDAY / TUESDAY: 5.45PM



It's 1968 in America. Change is blowing in the wind, but seemingly far removed from the unrest in the cities is the small town of Mill Valley where, for generations, the shadow of the Bellows family has loomed large. It is in their mansion on the edge of town that Sarah, a young girl with horrible secrets, turned her tortured life into a series of scary stories, written in a book that has transcended time - stories that have a way of becoming all too real for a group of unsuspecting teenagers who stumble upon Sarah's spooky home and discover her terrifying writings.

An adventure comedy film that is a live-action adaptation of the television series Dora the Explorer. and stars Isabela Moner. Having spent most of her life exploring the jungle with her parents, nothing could prepare Dora for her most dangerous adventure ever: high school. Always the explorer, Dora quickly finds herself leading Boots, Diego, a mysterious jungle inhabitant, and a ragtag group of teens on a liveaction adventure to save her parents and solve the impossible mystery behind a lost Inca civilization.

FRI: 1.25, 8.25PM ~ SAT: 3.30, 8.25PM SUN: 2.00, 6.40PM ~ MON: 3.25PM ~ TUE: 3.25, 8.25PM (R16)


SATURDAY: 11.00AM, 3.20PM ~ SUNDAY: 11.45AM MONDAY / TUESDAY: 10.55AM, 3.35PM SEPT 26-OCT 2 Te Awamutu

Thu,Thu, Fri, Fri, Sat, Sat,Sun, 26 Sep 27 Sep 28 Sep 29 Sep

Film Name Film

14 Mar

ABOMINABLE (PG) 1 hr 47 A Dog's Waymins Home (PG)


15 Mar


16 Mar


Mon, Sun, 30 Sep 17 Mar

11.00am 10.50am 1.00pm

11.30am 6.15pm 11.30am 11.30am Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, 3.45pm 1.10pm 11.15am 3.45pm 12.45pm 11.15am 3.30pm 14 Mar 8.30pm15 Mar Mar 17 Mar 8.30pm 8.30pm 16 8.30pm

Film ASTRA (M) 1 hrAD 51 mins 2 hrs 17 mins

Colette (M) 2 hrs 6 mins A Dog's WayBIRDS Home 2(PG) ANGRY (M)

8.30pm 11.30am

3.45pm 6.15pm

3.20pm 11.30am


Destroyer (M)

3.45pm 1.30pm


1.10pm 3.50pm

3.30pm 1.35pm

8.15pm 3.00pm 8.30pm 6.00pm 8.30pm 3.45pm

6.20pm 3.20pm


52 mins 1 hr151hrmins

BLINDED 2 hrs 16 mins BY THE LIGHT Colette 6 mins (M) 2(M) hrs2 hrs 9 mins





Tue, Tue, 1 Oct

19 Mar

10.40am 3.30pm

Wed, Wed, 2 Oct

20 Mar

2.10pm 4.10pm

11.15am 3.40pm Tue, Wed, 3.45pm 5.30pm 5.30pm 19 Mar 8.30pm 20 Mar 8.30pm

1.30pm 11.15am


3.45pm 1.15pm 6.00pm 1.30pm



3.20pm 8.30pm

11.00am 10.45am 8.15pm 10.45am 4.00pm 1.10pm11.30am 8.15pm 1.30pm 6.00pm 1.30pm 1.35pm 3.40pm 3.25pm 3.50pm 3.30pm 10.00am 6.05pm 6.05pm 6.20pm 6.05pm 8.20pm 8.15pm 8.15pm 8.30pm

4.10pm 6.00pm 3.40pm 1.15pm 12.40pm 3.20pm 6.05pm 6.05pm

FLORIANOPOLISDREAM 2 hrs 20 mins Green 2 hrs 25 mins (M) Book 2hrs 1(M) min !!NEW!!

11.15am 3.15pm 11.15am 11.15am 6.15pm 6.15pm 5.30pm 6.15pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.15pm 8.00pm 1.10pm 8.15pm 8.15pm 4.00pm

6.00pm 8.30pm 11.00am 12.45pm 3.20pm 8.10pm 5.45pm 5.50pm 4.10pm 6.00pm

GIRLSStreet OF THE SUNTalk (M)(M) If Beale Could Hotel 2hrsMumbai 10 mins(M)

1.45pm 8.25pm 11.15am

5.40pm 11.00am

MAIDEN (M) Stan Ollie (M)Could Talk (M) 1hr&52 mins If Beale Street


Green Book(M) (M)ABBEY 2 hrs 25 mins DOWNTON (M) Destroyer

2 16 hrsmins 17 mins 2 hrs

Hotel Mumbai (M)

2 hrs 15 mins 2 hrs 20 mins

1 hr 53 mins 2 hrs 15 mins MIA AND THE WHITE LION

(PG) 1hr 53 mins

Swimming With (M) Stan & Ollie (M) Men ONCE UPON A TIME IN 1 hr 52 mins 1 hrHOLLYWOOD 53 mins

(R16) 2 hrs 54 mins THE FAREWELL Swimming With Men (M) (M) The1 Guilty 1 hr 40 mins 55(M) mins 1 hr 52hrmins

THE GOLDFINCH (M) 2 hrs 43 mins !!NEW!!

The Guilty (M) 1 hr 40 mins

8.00pm 6.00pm

1.15pm 1.30pm 1.45pm 8.25pm 11.15am 8.25pm 11.15am 3.15pm 6.00pm 8.00pm 8.00pm 8.00pm 5.30pm 5.30pm 3.40pm

4.10pm 4.00pm 4.00pm 1.45pm 1.15pm 6.15pm 8.00pm 6.00pm

1.45pm 1.30pm 6.10pm 8.00pm

11.00am 4.10pm 5.50pm 6.15pm

1.00pm 4.00pm 5.50pm

11.00am 11.00am 1.45pm 4.15pm 4.00pm 1.15pm 2.00pm 6.15pm 6.10pm 8.40pm 6.40pm

11.00am 5.50pm

1.00pm 11.00am 11.00am 8.45pm 5.40pm 8.45pm 5.50pm 4.00pm 1.15pm 8.40pm 3.15pm 3.10pm 6.40pm

4.15pm 1.45pm 6.15pm 8.00pm


1.30pm 4.10pm 8.30pm

10.45am 12.00pm 8.15pm 5.20pm




4.10pm 8.45pm

UGLY DOLLS (PG) 4.10pm 11.45am 1.20pm 1.20pm 10.25am Bookings 823 5064 – 32 Lake Street, Cambridge 1 hr 42 mins

Bookings 823 5064 – 32 Lake Street, Cambridge


5.45pm 8.10pm 3.45pm 1.40pm 8.30pm 5.45pm


1.05pm 12.45pm 8.15pm 5.50pm 2.30pm 1.05pm 8.15pm


11.30am 12.30pm 3.45pm 2.30pm 8.30pm 4.30pm 8.30pm 8.00pm 8.00pm 11.30am 8.30pm

11.00am 6.40pm 12.40pm 8.00pm

12.30pm 4.30pm 2.30pm 8.00pm

6.40pm 11.20am 12.20pm

Ph 871 6678


R16 Like the bestselling series of books that inspired it, Scary Stories opens a creepy gateway into horror for genre enthusiasts. A terrifying, spooky and entertaining movie. THU & FRI 7:50, SAT 5:30 & 7:55, SUN 3:30 & 5:55, MON, TUE & WED 7:50 MIA AND THE WHITE LION PG THU 5:35, SUN 1:25, MON 11:20, TUE 11:20 & 5:25, WED 10:55 Put your name and phone no. on the back of your ticket and be in the draw to win the Mia basket of goodies. ___________________________________ THE LION KING PG MON, TUE & WED 1:00 ___________________________________ “THIS IMPORTANT TRUE STORY NEEDED TO BE FILMED AND DEFINITELY SHOULD BE SEEN.” Allan. DANGER CLOSE: THE BATTLE OF LONG TAN R13 THU 5:35, SAT 5:20, SUN 3:20, MON 7:20 ___________________________________ The final in the marvellous trilogy is wonderful and heartwarming, so uplifting and emotional. You’ll love this one too. “Amazing.” Michael. A DOG’S JOURNEY PG MON, TUE & WED 1:35 ___________________________________ IT CHAPTER TWO R16 THU & FRI 7:20, SAT 6:55, SUN 4:55, TUE & WED 7:20 ___________________________________ DOWNTON ABBEY PG THU 5:30 & 7:30, FRI 10:00, 5:30 & 7:30, SAT 12:25, 2:55, 5:30 & 7:35, SUN 10:25, 12:55, 3:30 & 5:35, MON & TUE 12:50, 5:30 & 7:30, WED 1:05, 5:30 & 7:30



Led by a winning performance from Isabela Moner, this family-friendly Indiana Jones style adventure is fun for adults as well as their kids.

FRI 5:40, SAT 12:35 & 2:45, SUN 10:35 & 12:45, MON & TUE 11:00, 1:15 & 5:40, WED 11:20, 1:15 & 5:40 THE ANGRY BIRDS MOVIE 2 PG SAT 1:20, SUN 11:20, MON, TUE & WED 10:50 ___________________________________ AD ASTRA M THU & FRI 7:35, SAT 5:25 & 7:45, SUN 3:25 & 5:45, MON, TUE & WED 7:35 ___________________________________ ABOMINABLE G FRI 5:25, SAT 1:00 & 3:15, SUN 11:00 & 1:15, MON 11:10, 1:25 & 5:25, TUE 11:10 & 1:25, WED 11:00, 1:25 & 5:25 ___________________________________ GOOD BOYS R13 THU & FRI 8:00, SAT 3:25 & 7:45, SUN 5:45, MON, TUE & WED 8:00 ___________________________________ MAIDEN M THU 5:25, FRI 10:10 & 5:25, SAT 3:25, SUN 1:25, MON 5:25, TUE 10:55 & 5:25, WED 5:25 ___________________________________ THE FAREWELL PG THU 5:40, FRI 10:20 & 5:40, SAT 1:30 & 4:55, SUN 11:30 & 2:55, MON 10:55 & 5:40, TUE & WED 5:40 ___________________________________ “Mosley is a movie adults will want to watch with their kids, it’s got a lot of heart.” Lucy Lawless. MOSLEY PG HERE NEXT WEEK









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