Cambridge News | 5 May 2018

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FRIDAY MAY 4, 2018

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Your Local Paper

MAY 4, 2018

Town of cycling

Age was no barrier to participation in the Podium Lodge Cambridge Cycling Festival, with a record turnout for the Anzac Day event. See pages 8 and 9 for more.

Photo by Michael Jeans

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Sophie Iremonger 027 287 0004 Viv Posselt Phone 027 233 7686

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David Mackenzie


Shelley Mason Hours: 9am-3pm 55 Victoria Street Cambridge Phone 07 827 0005

Contributing photographer

Michael Jeans 027 496 3802

Cambridge newsroom update

As the weather is getting colder and winter is approaching, the heaters are going on and the coats are coming out of the cupboard. Seems like only yesterday we were complaining about the heat – good times. This week, we have our usual assortment of people doing interesting things around the place, including local man Mitch Wilson, now legally blind thanks to a misdiagnosed brain tumor. I understand that medical professionals must get heartily sick of people turning up claiming to have calamitous illnesses thanks to self-diagnosis by Google, but in Mitch’s case it’s hard to read about what happened to him and feel anything other than outraged. Possibly for want of a timely scan, he has lost his eyesight. I find that totally disgraceful, especially considering that he even offered to pay for it. His story is a timely reminder to all of us that we know our bodies and that if a medical professional won’t listen to us, we need to keep going until we find someone who will. You can read Mitch’s story on page 13. Also this week we have the presentation of a Community Service Award, an octogenarian proving that age is no barrier to mastering technology or making a useful contribution, and a catch up with the Boomerang Bag collective who are still going great guns and seem to show no sign of slowing down. We’ve also had some feedback about the third bridge for Cambridge, both in the form of letters to the editor and a visit to the office by a disgruntled reader. There’s no question that the high-level bridge won’t last us forever, and it will be interesting to see what the report into the ongoing viability of the bridge will find. Council representation is also under the spotlight this week, with launch of a survey giving residents the chance to give feedback on how we are represented. I hope that those who feel empowered to come into our office and complain to me will feel similarly empowered to fill out the survey and actually have your say directly to the people you are complaining about. Bit of a crazy idea, but who knows…it might just catch on. Have a great week, everyone! Claire Castle, editor

Letters to the editor

INDEX Local News 2-13 Sport 14-18 Street Comment, Puzzles 21 Food 22 Winter Warmth 23-25 Experts 30-31 Open Homes 31 Classifieds 32-33 What’s On 34 Cinema 35 Insert: Know Your Local Real Estate Agent

FRIDAY MAY 4, 2018


Editor I would love to give a big thumbs up to all the organisers and volunteers of the cycling festival on Anzac Day. It was a fantastic day and is potentially shaping the future for so many kids. Thumbs up to all the positive parents who took their kids out to have a go. And a huge thumbs up to the elite athletes who took time out of the strict schedules to be there for the kids. It was great to see them in action up close and the very special for them to share their medals and have photos with the kids. Gotta love the Cambridge community spirit – best place in the world. Jude Fitness

Sue Wrigley Travel Specialist Cruises Tours Flights Tailor made Itineraries 66 Princes Street, Cambridge P. 07 827 5096 M. 021 507 571 E.

Letters to the editor Editor, May we ask a question that may concern other ratepayers? We own a small three-bedroom home and an adjoining section on Thornton Rd. The section does not have water supplied, yet the Waipa District Council levies us $202.60 for water that is not connected. How can they ask for this as it seems we have paid in the past, now that prices are being charged for as water we cannot use and have no intention of using in the near future. Should we be intending to use it, payment would be required by us. R and L Nye Council responds: As directly advised to the writer a number of times, the flat fee charged on the empty section will drop from $202.60 to $106 for the next financial year. The fee covers the cost of having water infrastructure, on hand, ready to be connected if and when section owners decide to build. Editor One essential matter has again been deferred/ omitted/ put on the back boiler ie the necessity to build a new bridge to compensate for the vast increase in the amount of traffic crossing the two existing bridges of Cambridge, which inevitably will not physically cope for much longer, especially in the event of one bridge needing to close for maintenance work or due to an unexpected incident or accident. As a resident of Leamington, I have recently needed to re-arrange my own daily work plans according to the excessive amount of traffic, especially at peak times, attempting to cross the river into and from town. My wife and I have lived in the vicinity of Cambridge for twentyfive years and we are able to recall discussion regarding the erection of a third bridge when we first arrived. Now, it has to be an urgent matter! Not only will Hamilton-bound traffic from Leamington benefit from having a more direct route to the city, but a new bridge will also alleviate congestion elsewhere, particularly into and out of our town., To sum up my humble opinion,

decisions made should not put profiteering ahead of necessity. Alan Pencavel (Abridged) Editor I disagree entirely with the council’s response to the April 27 letter of Michael Cole regarding a third bridge in Cambridge. Council claims that experts say the bridge is not needed for at least another 20 years. Really? I have witnessed the chaos when either one of the bridges is out of action. This, however, does not affect Waipa councillors living elsewhere, who do not have to cross the very narrow high level bridge to Leamington on a daily basis. Council uses a rough construction cost of some $60 - $65 million. So, where does this figure come from? Is it believable? What is the projected cost to the ratepayers some 20 years from now to build another bridge? Well, it doesn’t really matter much, because all the current councillors will be long gone and therefore unaccountable to anyone. Let me remind WDC that all rates increases for any project are levied district wide, including unnecessary “like to have” projects. In closing, I would remind councillors their raison d’etre is to provide basic infrastructure, development, and services before any discretionary spending. JR Stark Council responds: The figure of $60-$65 million is from Council’s 30-year infrastructure strategy and is based on estimated costs to obtain land, resource consents, build the bridge as well as build linking roads and intersections etc. That 30-Year strategy and the independent report are both publicly available and have been quoted extensively. Mr Stark is incorrect to say ‘all rates increases for any project are levied district-wide’. That is not the case, but is the case with roading projects. In the case of a third bridge, costs would be shared across the district. Given there would be no government subsidy, building a third bridge before it was needed would drive an 11 per cent rate increase, district-wide. For an average Waipa ratepayer that would add an extra $275 per year to their rates bill for 30 years. Letters continued onpage 23

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FRIDAY MAY 4, 2018

Community Service Award bestowed

By Claire Castle This year’s Anzac Day ceremonies saw the end of firing parties in Cambridge and was the chance to award the man behind them, Merv Balloch, with a Community Service Award. While the public enjoyed the customary free breakfast of sausage rolls, chips and sandwiches downstairs at the Prince Albert after the Dawn Service, Merv and other guests from council and military gathered upstairs. The first order of business was the award, presented by community board chair Mike Pettit in recognition of Merv’s lengthy contribution to Cambridge. The D Company 6th Battalion (Hauraki) was the official firing party supplied to Cambridge for many years, with the battalion officially adopted by the Cambridge Borough Council in 1983 – the first regiment to be adopted by a town in New Zealand, Mike told the gathering. When the defence force stopped supplying a firing party

to Cambridge in 2003, exsergeant Merv and other ex-Hauraki Regiment soldiers volunteered to keep it going. This year, marking 100 years since the end of WWI, seemed like the right time for the band of volunteers to retire from duty after 15 years of service. “The town through the Cambridge Community Board wish to acknowledge the contribution you have

made and will always be indebted to you,” Mike said, and acknowledged the other participants over the years. Not one to give up, he also jokingly invited Merv to the Anzac Day debrief on May 7, where the challenge of retaining a firing party would be top of the agenda. “Merv, we wish to recognise that without you, the driving force, the leader, main organiser, the “glue”, that has allowed our town to have a

firing party at the Anzac services,” Mike said. “The town salutes you.” Upon receiving his award, Merv was quick to pay tribute to the others who had joined him in the firing party over the years. He also thanked the New Zealand Police, without who’s help the gunshots in a public place would not have been possible. “I am humbled by it (the award),” he concluded. See page 24 for more Anzac Day photos.

Quickfire News Crash driver sentenced

A drink-driver who crashed a BMW on Scott St in Leamington last September, killing one passenger and seriously injuring two others, appeared in court on Friday. Cameron Thomas, 35, was jailed for six and a half years on two charges of reckless driving causing injury, manslaughter and failing to render assistance. He was also disqualified from driving for 10 years. Thomas will not be eligible for parole until halfway through his sentence. Shane Lennane-Hohepa was killed and passengers Brooke Whitehead and Fred Daley (who owned the BMW) were seriously injured after the crash near the corner of Moore St on September 27. Daley estimated that the car was travelling up to 180km/h before it hit a parked car, became airborne and flipped. Thomas, who was relatively unscathed and fled the scene after the crash, blew 501mcgs when breath tested by the police, more than twice the legal driving limit of 250mcg.

Submissions for inquiry now open

The Government Inquiry into Mental Health and Addiction is now open for submissions, with the launch of its consultation document in Palmerston North last week. The inquiry has been set up as a response to widespread concern about mental health and addiction services in the mental health sector and the broader community. The inquiry panel is calling for public submissions is encouraging as many people as possible to make a submission. To achieve this, they have set up a number of ways submissions can be made including online submissions at, a Freephone number (0800 644 678) and by mail. A series of ‘Meet the Panel ‘sessions around New Zealand gets underway from next week and will continue until early July. Submissions are being sought until 5 June, with the report into the country’s mental health and addiction services expected by the end of October.

Help navigating ACC on the way

Left to right: New Zealand Defence Force Brigadier Jon Broadley; president of the Cambridge RSA Bill McMillan; award recipient and former sergeant of the D Company 6th Battalion (Hauraki) Merv Balloch; chair of the Anzac and Armistice/Remembrance Day Committee and chair of the Cambridge Community Board Mike Pettit.

Win tickets to Chopper

One of the most renowned and notorious comedians in Australasia is coming to Hamilton next week. Heath Franklin, best known for his hilarious stage persona as “Chopper Read”, will perform at Claudelands Arena on Thursday, May 10, as part of his nationwide tour. The fourteen-stop tour sees Chopper redefine religion with his own one, in his own image, giving hell to the almighty as Bogan Jesus. Cambridge News has two tickets to give away for next week’s show. Just send your full name and contact number to: by 9am, Monday May 7. Pictured right: Heath Franklin is best known for his comedic persona, Chopper Read.

ACC will fund a free, independent service to help clients navigate its processes, or to better understand or dispute a decision, Chief Customer Officer Mike Tully announced last Friday. The free service is likely to be a mixture of phone, web-based, and face-to-face advice and support up to, but not during, a formal review hearing. “ACC’s going through a major transformation to better align ourselves with our clients’ needs. While good progress is being made, we acknowledge some clients still find it hard to get or understand information about their claim, entitlements, or rights,” Mike Tully said. “The service could be delivered by a single national organisation, or multiple providers covering different regions, or focusing on particular client groups. It should also be able to link clients with other agencies or community groups when we cannot help them.” Mike Tully says ACC will seek expressions of interest in the navigation service over the next six months and hopes to have it up and running in the first half of 2019. It is expected to support over 4,000 clients a year – more than four times the number served by the existing ACC-funded advocacy services. “We’re confident the service will be effective and responsive to clients’ needs as it is the result of 18 months of interviews, focus groups and co-design workshops involving clients, advocacy experts, and disability groups,” Mike Tully added.

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FRIDAY MAY 4, 2018







Bagged Potatoes 10kg

NZ Chicken Thighs Bone In


99 Each

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99 Per kg


FRIDAY MAY 4, 2018

Council make up may get shake up Waipa District Council is to review how many elected councillors it has and how they represent the district, as part of a legally required six-yearly review. Mayor Jim Mylchreest said that according to Electoral Act rules, Cambridge is currently underrepresented around the council table while Te Awamutu is over-represented. Cambridge’s rapid growth since the last review has “tilted the numbers” around the council table and based on the existing ward structure, Cambridge would need at least one more councillor but Te Awamutu could have one less, he said. “While the number of people living in Cambridge has grown the

As part of the review, the council will consider a range of options including: - increasing or decreasing the number of wards - removing wards altogether so voters elect representatives district-wide - increasing or decreasing the number of elected councillors in the district and in each ward - keeping urban and rural wards or combining some of them - the review would also consider the role of the Te Awamutu and Cambridge Community Boards: Should we have them, and if we do, how many boards should we have and what will their responsibilities and mandate for decision-making be? Should they be elected using a ward system as council is?

number of councillors representing them has not,” Mayor Mylchreest said. “We are required to look at that and at the same time, have a good look at other options available to us to make sure our district has the kind of representation it wants.” Waipa currently has a mayor and 12 councillors across five electoral wards. Four councillors represent Cambridge and four represent Te Awamutu. Two rural wards – Kakepuku and Maungatautari - have one representative each. The third rural ward, Pirongia, is represented by two elected members. The review will not reconsider establishing a Māori Ward. A decision

not to establish a Maori Ward was made by the Council in October 2017, as required by the Local Electoral Act. By law, that decision cannot be revisited as part of this review. Mayor Mylchreest said council would consider all options but that regardless of what option was chosen, elected members would have only limited say on what they were paid. The independent Remuneration Authority sets councillors’ salaries and that would continue, he said. Council will present a formal proposal to the community in July, so any change could be in place for next year’s local body elections.

Waipa District Council Mayor Jim Mylchreest

Free service to help save water Supplied A free service to help Waipa households reduce their water use and lower their water bills has been launched. Waipa District Council has finished installing water meters across its district and has already sent the first of two mock bills district-wide. The second and final mock water bill will be sent to Cambridge households later this month. The first real water bill will be sent to property owners in November, payable in December, and will continue to be sent every quarter after that. Waipa’s water services manager Tony Hale said the free in-home water saving service is aimed at households with unusually high water readings that were likely to be paying more than they needed to.

“A high reading might signal a water leak or that there’s something else going on with appliances or the way people are using water,” Tony said. “Either way, it’s in everyone’s interests to have a good look because the less water households use, the less money they’ll pay.” Households tapping into the service will have a home visit from water advisor Chris Parker to check household appliances and advise ways to save water. Where possible Chris will retrofit a range of free water-saving devices including flow restrictors, tap aerators, shower timers and toilet flush restrictors. The water saving service has been jointly funded by the Waipa and Waikato District Councils. To enquire about the service, call 0800 924 723.


Rotary would like to say a BIG THANK YOU for the generous donation of books again this year from the public, we now have the required amount of books we need. All funds raised are distributed to worthwhile community causes.


FRIDAY MAY 4, 2018

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Prime Beef Mince



Dole Bobby Bananas 850g

Ciabatta Rolls 6 Pack

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49 ea

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3 for


Bluebird Snack Pack 10s/ Copper Kettle 6s/Le Snak 6s

2 for



Special K Original 300g

2 for


Wattie's Fries 1kg


99 ea

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Kellogg’s Nutri-Grain

290g/Coco Pops 260g/290g/375g/ Sultana Bran 420g/


Stoneleigh Range 750ml

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2 for



Limited to 12 assorted

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Artisano Soup 500g


FRIDAY MAY 4, 2018

Bag initiative is booming The Cambridge Health and Community Centre on Taylor St is a hive of activity on Sunday afternoons, with a dedicated group of volunteers getting together to sew Boomerang Bags – the reusable bags popping up around town. Claire Castle popped in to catch up with the eco-warriors, saving the world one bag at a time. Sewing machines were whirring and, down the back, patches for the bag were being screen printed with the Boomerang Bag logo. It’s a social event as well, however I had arrived too late for coffee and cake and the quiz on cake that followed – a rookie mistake on my part. Since the Plastic Bag Free Cambridge group launched the initiative in December, they have produced around 1750 bags. With each bag taking around 45 minutes, that’s a staggering 1312.5 hours’ worth of work to get the bags into circulation. And organisers hope each one of those bags is being used instead of a plastic bag. “We’re going great guns,” organiser Linda Weijers said, and the group is showing no signs of slowing

down. Treasurer Helen Parker even has a graph – on proper graph paper no less – that’s tracking the group’s progress, and it shows a real spike in production lately, with 550 bags produced last month and more than 600 completed this month. Feedback from the community has been encouraging, Plastic Bag Free Cambridge member Sam Brydon said, with the volunteers getting encouragement seeing Facebook posts of recipients posing with their bags. “We’d love it if people could keep doing that, it really keeps us going,” Sam said. And the community is really getting into it, too, with a stack of fabric and patches delivered to Cambridge Middle School to get the students onto it, and a workshop is apparently on the cards for Karapiro School this term. Organisers said they are grateful for fabric donations, acknowledging strong support from the Cambridge Lions. Also still going strong are the produce bags, an initiative Sam started up last year, with 1,150 produced and distributed through Vege Fresh in town and Forage on Empire St.

“Everyone has shopping bags, but I think people don’t have produce bags,” Sam pointed out. The single-use bags for fruit and veges are arguably worse than the ubiquitous shopping bag, considering they are far less useful for anything else after that. With stands at Wholly

Cow, New World and Fresh Choice, the Boomerang Bags are quickly snapped up by shoppers who have forgotten their reusable bags. You can take the bag home and keep it or bring it back and rehang it on the “bag tree” for the next shopper without a bag. Not the same as cranking out 400 bags, such as group stalwart Dot

Harding, but leaving one for the next person still feels a bit virtuous nonetheless. If you want to join in, the sewing collective meets on Sundays from 1.30pm at the Community Centre on Taylor St – bring your own sewing machine, with training provided and possibly cake as well.

Myra Dost (left) and Dot Harding (right) with the volunteer crew at Sunday’s sewing bee at the community centre, adding to their impressive total of Boomerang Bags.

It’s that time of year again Preparations are underway for Waipa’s annual leaf collection and residents are asked to play their part in helping keep our streets clear during the Autumn season. Nearly 1000 truckloads of leaves were collected in Waipa last year and similar numbers are expected again on streets with heavy leaf fall in Cambridge, Te Awamutu and Kihikihi. Council leaf collections on affected streets will start next week and run for 11 weeks. Road corridor manager Bryan Hudson said it’s a “big job” but the collections were an important part of keeping our roads and drains maintained in the lead up to winter. “A build-up of leaves can block drains, cause slip hazards and make a mess of our roads. Contractors will visit more than 60

streets each week to keep on top of the heavy leaf fall. Residents in these areas can help us out by piling leaves on the berms ready for our contractors to collect. “Contractors will also be undertaking routine street cleaning and drainage maintenance work, to get a head-start in heavy leaf fall areas. We’re proud of our tree-lined streets and council are committed to keeping them tidy so they can be enjoyed by everyone.” Letters will be delivered to residents who receive the service this week. Collection days can also be viewed at waipadc.govt. nz/leaf. Residents can keep up to date on progress and any weather delays on Council’s Council is starting its leaf collection service next week. Facebook page.

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Photo by Michael Jeans.


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FRIDAY MAY 4, 2018


Refinancing Your Mortgage By Gavin Lynch – Yes Mortgages Refinancing your mortgage is the process of changing your mortgage lending from your existing lender to a new lender. Refinancing is a common practice for any of these reasons: • You don’t like the lender you are with. You’ve experienced poor service, problems with staff, or high account fees. • You want to borrow more money but the lender won’t allow it. Perhaps you want to consolidate debt, borrow to purchase a rental property or a vehicle, or put working capital into a business. • You have ‘outgrown’ your existing lender and want to move forward. This is common for self-employed people with a growing business, or for investors with an increasing portfolio. • Your lender has asked you to refinance. You may be in arrears with mortgage repayments or you need to restructure your mortgage. Refinancing can involve costs such as break fees from the existing lender, solicitors’ fees, valuation charges etc, but we can help get cash contributions from your new lender to help offset these costs. At Yes Mortgages, we can outline the costs involved and find the best new lender to fit your current situation from the 25 or so different lenders available. In most instances, our service is FREE to you. Generally the benefits of refinancing outweigh the costs involved but bear in mind: Refinancing your mortgage must benefit and add value to YOU. Let us do the work to find you the best lender for your situation.

Record numbers at cycling festival By Sophie Iremonger Around 700 people raced the streets of Cambridge last week in the annual Podium Lodge Cambridge Cycling Festival, the biggest of its kind so far. “It’s definitely the most we’ve had in the three years we’ve run the event,” said organiser Sarah Ulmer, who originally came up with the idea for the event. Riders from under two years of age through to elite level raced across Victoria St on Anzac Day afternoon, where well over a thousand people turned out. Famous faces included recent Commonwealth Games gold medallists Ethan Mitchell and Eddie Dawkins, as well as silver medallists Rushlee Buchanan and Kirstie James, bronze medallist Dylan Kennett, and Commonwealth riders Nick Kergouzou, Tom Sexton, and national sprint champion Sam Daikin. Teams from local schools competed in the Battle of the

Schools event where St Peter’s School’s prep students won the 10 to 12-year-olds’ final, followed by two Cambridge Middle School teams in second and third. The 13 – 15-year-olds’ rendition of the same event saw two Cambridge High School teams finish first and second, followed by Hamilton Boys High School third. A team from APL finished first in the Battle of the Businesses event, followed by Fastlane second and Paddock in third. Criterium racing saw riders from all over the country compete. Southland rider Nicholas Kergozou De La Boessiere took the first-place spot in the men’s Open A grade to win $1000, and renowned local track cyclists Ally Wollaston and Rushlee Buchanan battled it out for first and second respectively in the women’s Open A grade, Ally also nabbing the $1000 prize. The exciting Street Sprint saw former Southland-turned Cambridge rider Tess Young finish first in the women’s final to earn the

$500 prize, and Ethan Mitchell just managed to beat Eddie Dawkins for the $500 prize in the men’s final. Sarah Ulmer said she was “absolutely chuffed” with the third instalment of the annual event. “Chuffed with the growth in participants and equally with how many people came down to watch and support,” she said. “The atmosphere was great and changed as the afternoon went on. It started with the little ones racing in the under-fives, so really supportive and encouraging of them… then real excitement when the Elites were racing… It was also great having Alfresco Bites and face-painters along to help fuel the crowd and create the festival atmosphere.” Ten thousand dollars was given out in cash prizes on the day as well as heaps of spot prizes donated by local businesses, and five trek bikes were given away to kids as prizes. Each child also took home their own goodie bag as a reward for their efforts.

GAVIN LYNCH Registered Financial Advisor

55 Victoria Street, Cambridge (between BNZ & LJ Hooker)

07 823 4531

St Peter’s School’s prep team won the 10-12-year-olds’ final, followed by two Cambridge Middle School teams in second and third.


FRIDAY MAY 4, 2018

Competition was intense in the 9-10-year-olds’ age group.

The APL team took out the Battle of the Businesses event.

A panda got in on the action at the Anzac Day festival.

Photos by Michael Jeans

Podium Lodge team, from left to right – top row: Kirsten Moore, Jackson Bovill, Marlene Julian, Anne Edgecombe, Jack Harvey. Bottom row: Amanda Till, Georgia Cunningham, Amanda Rawlinson.




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FRIDAY MAY 4, 2018

Meet Simon Bridges Connecting with communities

Thursday 10 May 9am Public meeting Cambridge Community & Health Centre, 22a Taylor Street, Cambridge Simon Bridges Leader of the Opposition

simonjbridges • Funded by the Parliamentary Service. Authorised by Simon Bridges, Parliament Buildings, Wellington.


FRIDAY MAY 4, 2018

Duck season Step it up for Mother’s Day is upon us Federated Farmers reminds duck shooters to take extra care over the upcoming hunting season. The opening weekend of the duck shooting season is a time of excitement and anticipation for duck shooters, but unfortunately it is also the weekend when most gamebird hunting accidents happen. "Over forty per cent of duck shooting accidents occur on the opening weekend. So, it’s important that hunters, experienced or not, stop and take time to think about safety," said Katie Milne, Federated Farmers National President. "With excited hunters operating in the dark, in a confined space, there is always potential for an accident. And it is not just about health and safety, it’s easy to forget that you are recreating on a working farm. Hunters with dogs must dose them for worms at least 48 hours before entering a property to prevent the spread of sheep measles, and check their equipment for any weeds, seeds or other forms of biological contamination. For those hunting on private land it is important to remember that it is a privilege, and to always consider the wishes of the landowner. Hunters must have permission to hunt, regardless of who owns the land - no permission, no access. "This time of the year is eagerly anticipated by duck shooters and we want everyone to have a great time, respect the farm they are shooting on, and come back safe to their families and communities," Katie said. Duck hunting season starts tomorrow, May 5.

Supplied Olympic and Commonwealth Games heptahlete Sarah Cowely will help hundreds of people welcome in a new Mother’s Day tradition in Cambridge through the Jennian Homes Mother’s Day Fun Run/Walk. Cowley, who competed at the Glasgow 2014 and Melbourne 2006 Commowealth Games and London 2012 Olympic Games, will be joined by Rio 2016 rower Gen Behrent in assisting with the warm-up and 5km event at the Cambridge Raceway from 10am next Sunday, May 13. The pair are part of an inspirational drawcard of 50 athletes lending a helping hand across 33 locations nationwide in efforts to improve the heart health of New Zealand women. This year’s event is expected to be the biggest yet, with events at 10 new locations, including Cambridge. Now in its seventh year, Jennian Homes’ annual event supports the Heart Foundation’s ‘Heart Foundation for Women’ campaign. And 2018 also marks the Heart Foundation’s 50th anniversary year. Heart disease is the number-one cause of death for women in New Zealand, claiming the lives of more than 50 women each week, and more than 3000 each year. Jennian Homes chief operating officer Aidan Jury has no doubt having the support of these Kiwi athletes will prove added motivation for everyone to get active and make a great start to their Mother’s Day. And while the event is enthusiastically embraced by women all over the country, Jennian Homes is this year

appealing for more men to get out and show their support. “This event brings women and their health to the forefront, and it would be great to see the men in their lives taking an active support role - whether it’s looking after the kids so mum can get in some training, cheering her on from the side lines or even lacing up their running shoes and joining in,”

Aidan said. All participants will receive an official event t-shirt designed by iconic New Zealand artist Dick Frizzell that features the word ‘fifty’ in the shape of a love heart to acknowledge the anniversary year. For more information and to register for the 5km event go to

Kiwi artist Dick Frizzell wearing the official t-shirt he has designed for the event, which will be received by each participant.

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FRIDAY MAY 4, 2018

Tech-savvy octogenarian finds niche By Viv Posselt

Anyone believing technology to be incompatible with ‘people of a certain age’ need only visit Leamington’s Rachel Sloan for a re-set. The newly-minted octogenarian – she turned 80 on April 30 – can’t get enough of technology. It challenges and delights her, connects her to a world made less accessible through age, and gives her a reason to get up every day. Technology is also key to the crucial role Rachel plays for a highend dressage breeding farm deep in

the Scottish Highlands. Caledonia Dressage Horses on Balblair Farm is owned by her nephew and his wife, Peter and Reay Campbell; it’s a mareonly stud that has established itself internationally for producing quality horses, combining some of the best mares in the world with Europe’s top stallions. Somewhere in the midst of all that collective international knowhow sits Rachel, described on Caledonia’s website as a “a godsend, a secret and surprising foaling alarm, and an invaluable part of our team”. That’s

because for the past four to five years, she’s been akin to a “night watchman” for the Campbells, monitoring their expectant mares via as many as 16 cameras linked to her iPad and phoning them when they need to get down to the stables. The 12-hour difference between Scotland and New Zealand makes it the perfect symbiotic relationship – Rachel watches while the Campbells get some shut-eye. “This is technology at its best, and I love it,” she said. “There’s never a dull moment. We’ve had 10 foals so far this year. I feel so connected to it all, it’s as though I’m right there.” Rachel was born and raised on farmland adjacent to Balblair Farm. Her connection with animals continued after she and her late husband Bill migrated to New Zealand, where he worked as a veterinarian and she clocked up some time on the

reception desk. Having ridden horses as a child, and later ridden dressage competitively, she has a deep intuition for horses and is the perfect person to pick up signs that a mare is about to foal. The camera link means she is also able to spot trouble in other areas or alert Peter and Reay when the horses are unsettled. A mother to two, grandmother to four and great-grandmother to two – with a third due any minute now – Rachel sees technology as a fabulous tool to lighten her days. “My family think I’m mad. But I find a lot of joy in it, and anyway, it keeps me out of their hair. I do all my banking and pay my bills on the iPad, and I feel very connected with the world in a way I couldn’t be otherwise. “Besides,” she added, “it’s an awful lot of fun.”

Miss Saigon ticket giveaway

Rachel Sloan, seen here with her trusty iPad and a magazine article on Balblair Farm, thinks she is probably the only person in the country monitoring the birth of dressage horses from almost 18,000 km away.

St Peter’s School’s much-anticipated musical, Miss Saigon, kicks off next week, with six shows running across May 4 – 10. It stars two Cambridge locals in lead roles, Misty Henderson as Ellen, the wife of the main character Chris, and Jonathan Khalil as “The Engineer”, a sleazy hustler who forces the other main character, Kim, to work in his bar, and wrestles with Chris to sneak his way into America. The tragic love story is completely voiced through song, accompanied by the school’s orchestra. “People will have to come and see what we’re going to do, because it’s going to be pretty cool,” said musical director Victoria Trenwith. Tickets are available through iTICKET. To win a double pass to the final show on Thursday, May 10, just send your full name and contact number to: by 9am, Monday, May 7.


Cambridge’s Jonathan Khalil stars as “The Engineer”






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FRIDAY MAY 4, 2018

Inspirational local aiming for gold By Sophie Iremonger

Para-cyclist Mitch Wilson has Olympic gold firmly on his radar, and he’s not letting the loss of his eyesight stop him. The 25-year-old became legally blind in his late teens due to a misdiagnosed brain tumour, but plans to reach the Olympics nonetheless. It all started in late 2010, when the then17-year old was feeling run down, feeling sick in the mornings and suffering from migraines. “Within two weeks I was like, I’ve got a brain tumour, I just reckoned I did,” Mitch said, recalling the journey that led to having less than 5 per cent of eyesight remaining. After speaking with his GP, he went to a neurologist. “I told him in plain words, I have a brain tumour, I want a scan, I will pay for it,” he said, explaining that the doctor then refused the scan, telling Mitch he was fine after learning that his family had a history of Huntington’s disease. “Because I’d been cleared, it was essentially like, well, I’ve just got to live with it.” The pressure in his head worsened for well over a year, meanwhile Mitch visited a number of specialists, a gastrologist, chiropractor, trying to determine the cause of his sickness. It was in fact a brain tumour, lodged near the back of his head above his neck, where fluid would build up as he slept, causing sickness in the morning when he got up. “I was constantly waking up with massive migraines, waking up in tears,” Mitch said. “And with the pressure in my head over that whole time, that’s why my eyesight is damaged.” When he began to see a pinhole in his vision, Mitch was advised by his doctor to return if it changed. It got bigger, he returned, and eventually he was finally given the CT scan he’d requested over a year earlier. “By that stage the damage had already been done,” said Mitch, who for the next year wouldn’t even be sure whether he would survive. He underwent emergency surgery in April 2012, followed by radiation treatment, and continued to slowly lose his eyesight. “That was the hardest part, it was almost like the tumour was irrelevant, it was like, save my eyesight… I was at the stage where I was looking at all the family photos and stuff before going to bed, like I’m not going to see it again… it was

pretty hard, and the doctors couldn’t do anything about it.” The tumour did return in 2013 and was finally nipped in the bud with stereotactic radiation treatment in Dunedin. Luckily Mitch still has partial sight in his left eye, as well as the unwavering support of his dog Blaze. “I started thinking, I need to do something, I’m not going to die, I’m still alive, so I thought back to being a kid again – sports, I’m going to learn a sport,” said Mitch, who had been “very sporty” during primary school. He eventually set his focus on paracycling, and in early 2015 completed a talent ID camp, becoming a part of the two-year Pathway to Podium programme. He teamed up with a new tandem partner in 2017, elite cyclist Cam Kowalski, and after just six weeks they set a new record at the 2017 National Track Cycling Championships. Cam had to later leave the winning partnership, and Mitch is now scouting a new tandem partner in his pursuit for the podium, which will start with competing at the World Championships in March next year. “You can’t help everyone, but it shouldn’t stop you helping someone,” said Kerry Saberton, director of Jigsaw Professional Development, who first heard Mitch speak at a High-Performance Chamber event a couple of months ago. “He told his story, and I thought, I can’t leave this, I’ve got to get behind this young man.” Since then Kerry has been drumming up support for Mitch on the streets of Cambridge, already getting a number of businesses behind him. “This community has been amazing, everybody that I have asked for some support has come to the table with something,” said Kerry, who is also supporting Mitch in his aim of becoming a speaker. He’s already started introductory courses at university too and will eventually study political science. “This is a man who has got off his own backside and said okay, I’m going to go and do something with what I’ve got, and I just thought that’s incredible,” said Kerry. Several businesses have shown their support already, including Loulous and Onyx, Gerda Elliott from LJ Hooker has even sponsored a brand-new training bike, and Webb & Wood accountants have set up an official business for Mitch free of charge, dubbed Blind Ambition, for event

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speaking. “I’m just blown away,” Mitch said of the support. Struggling to find the right words, Mitch said his main drive is, “Don’t

bitch and moan about stuff, just do it.” Those interested in sponsoring or donating can contact Kerry via email:

Cambridge businesses are rallying behind an inspirational local, Mitch Wilson, he aims for the podium, overcoming his own setbacks in the process. Pictured here with his dog Blaze.


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FRIDAY MAY 4, 2018

Top results for local powerlifters By Sophie Iremonger

in completing proper technique. Luckily, competitors always get three attempts at each lift, and he settled with 245 kg. “I was just pleased to see him get it up there,” said coach Doug. “He’s quite capable of it.” Doug also lifted 200 kg in the squat, and 132.5 kg on the bench, for a total of 577.5 kg. “Every competition, you learn,” he said. Josh pulled off a total of 482.5 kg, with a 160 kg squat, 160 kg lift, and 117.5 kg bench press. “It’s a good learning experience,” Josh said. “I’m really happy with the progress I’ve made, I don’t feel like I’m at my top level yet, but I’ve only been

doing it for six months… I’ve taken a bit of a good liking to it, and these two are awesome.” The three men train four times a week at the Cambridge Fitness Centre, where the two Dougs originally roped Josh into training with them. “It’s the friendship, and the comradery, with coach and Josh,” Doug McWatters said, talking about why he likes powerlifting. “And the challenge as well,” added Josh. “It’s just you and that bar, there’s nothing else.” “That weight doesn’t change,” said coach Doug. “100k today is 100k tomorrow, it’s constant, it’s only you that alters.”

Last weekend’s Waikato Bay of Plenty Power Lifting Championships saw two local powerlifters come away with top results in their divisions, and the medals to prove it. Doug McWatters, 38, and Josh Manuel, 41, who both train under local sporting legend Doug Mienie, finished up the competition in Tauranga on April 28 with personal bests, and first place spots in the open men’s division and the M1 division (40 – 49-year-old masters). It was the first regional competition for the pair, Doug having started training in October and Josh in December, at the Cambridge Fitness Centre. They credit their success so far to the expertise and guidance of coach Doug, who was rapt with their results. “They both did really well,” said Doug, “I’m very pleased with their progress, and their ability to stick to the programme that I’ve set for them, every weight I’ve written down, they do it. The dedication they’ve put into it is really good.” If it weren’t for a minor technicality called by the judges, Doug McWatters would have beat the total lift record for his division, for the Waikato/BOP region. “I’m still very happy with getting the overall first,” said Doug, who would have set the new record at 603 kgs – a total of the three main lifts, squat, bench press and deadlift, the latter of which he Doug McWatters, Doug Mienie and Josh Manuel, pictured at the Cambridge Fitness did lift, at 263 kgs, but was failed Centre

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Pictured at the Cambridge Fitness Centre, Josh Manuel does the squat with coach Doug Mienie spotting.



FRIDAY MAY 4, 2018

Rowers getting ready for world champs By Sophie Iremonger

Rowing New Zealand recently announced the national team which will contest the 2018 Junior World Rowing Championships in August. Two St Peter’s girls were named on the squad competing in the Czech Republic in August, Brooke

Kilmister and Rebecca Leigh. “It’s so exciting, just such a cool opportunity,” said Rebecca, a Year 12 student who lives in Karapiro. “It’s quite satisfying when all your hard work pays off.” “It’s pretty cool to be able to wear the fern,” added Brooke, a Year 13 boarding student from Waihi beach. “It’s pretty

Rebecca Leigh and Brooke Kilmister pictured training at St Peter’s School.

exciting, I mean, for me, it was always a long-term goal, since I started under 15. And I guess it’s opened up lots of new pathways for us as well.” With the school rowing season over, the girls are already straight into training, and will join the rest of the NZ team on June 3, moving

in together at Karapiro Lake for intensive training with coaches Justin Wall and Nick Barton. A week and a half later they’ll move to Podium Lodge at the southern end of the lake, continuing training until they fly out on July 29, with the competition underway August 8 - 12 at Racice.

It’s the first time both girls have represented the country, meaning they’ll be facing their toughest competition to date since taking up the sport in Year 9. Brook is competing with the Junior Women’s Coxless Four, and Rebecca with the Junior Women’s Quadruple Scull.

Cambridge Veterans’ Golf Update Supplied Vet golfers were joined by the ladies last week, both 18 hole and 9-hole golfers, to make a large field of 60 players. Conditions were ideal, and many golfers commented that it was a great day to be alive and playing. Stuart Hale, playing the game of his life, he scored a massive 46 stableford points, to easily lead the field home. Win Nelson was next with 43 points, Lawrence McDonnell scored 41 points and Graeme Harrison had 40 points. In the 9-hole Women’s scramble, Judith Stevens won by count back from Judy Pratt, both scoring 18 stableford points, followed by Marion Peterson and Joy Totman. The 18-hole ladies section was won by Julie Redgate with a very good score of 39 stableford points, followed by Sharon Harris on 38 and

Valerie Smith and Linley Wallace both scoring 37 points. With such a large field, it was surprising to see only one player, John Francis, scoring a two. Marilyn Harrison was

only centimetres away from scoring the perfect shot on the 9th hole, with her third shot off the tee to take the prize and Neil Gibb won the longest putt on the 18th green.

Team bounces back

St Peter’s Red basketball team played Ngahinapouri in their final and won 37-12 at the end of last term, winning the C division final.


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FRIDAY MAY 4, 2018

Reds look to turn around their form By Josh Easby

Cambridge travel to South Auckland this weekend, looking to end their three-match losing streak in football’s Northern League. After a bright start to their season, in which Cambridge won three of their opening four games, the Reds have narrowly lost their last three fixtures,

all against Auckland clubs. However the club’s reserves team is on top form having won five games in a row to lead the Northern League’s reserves competition. The games are coming thick and fast for Cambridge in their return season at this higher level and the Reds lost twice within four days, both times by 3-2. First, they lost at Albany United

Cambridge’s Josh Clarkin (centre) heads the ball goalwards against Bucklands Beach. Photo – Louis Roberts.

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on Anzac Day, despite goals from Josh Clarkin and a penalty by Marcelo Sosa. Then they fell to Bucklands Beach last Saturday, despite leading 2-1 with half an hour to go. Cambridge took an early lead through Bradley Rea’s first goal of the season to go into the interval tied 1-1. Josh Clarkin scored his eighth goal of the season to put Cambridge ahead in the 55th minute but Bucklands Beach came back with goals in the 64th and 78th minutes to take home the league points. The results leave Cambridge in fifth place on the second division ladder, still within reach of the leaders but needing a win this weekend at Franklin United to regain their early season momentum. The reserves picked up good wins at Albany and against Bucklands Beach. Andrew Taylor’s hat-trick led the way in the Reds’ 5-2 win against Albany, with other goals from Nathan Hallum and Toby Hartley. The win against Bucklands Beach was more difficult with the only goal of the game coming from Cambridge’s Johnny Sanchez in the 64th minute. With Takapuna losing last weekend, Cambridge have taken a three-point lead at the top of the reserves’ table. Cambridge teams began their Waikato Cup campaigns – the competition in which the club’s B team reached last year’s final. Cambridge A romped to a 10-1 win

Goal spree in premiership

Only two games went ahead in the latest round of football in the Loaded WaiBOP Premiership but there were goals galore as both produced lopsided results. The Premiership was severely impacted by the preliminary round of the ISPS Handa Chatham Cup this weekend, but both West Hamilton United and Otumoetai wouldn’t have minded as they buried their opponents following impressive home wins. West Hamilton took advantage of the teams around them not playing to move to the top of the table and they did it in emphatic fashion with a 5-1 Weka St mauling of the Tauranga Blue Rovers. Otumoetai went several goals better as they registered their first win of the season against bottom side, Hamilton Wanderers. The Fergusson Park-based side routed the Wanderers 9-0. Several Premiership teams advanced to the first round of the ISPS Handa Chatham Cup following games played on April 25 and 28. These included Papamoa, Te Awamutu and West Hamilton, who all won ANZAC Day ties. Waikato Unicol and Taupo both had comfortable home win on Saturday to also progress. WaiBOP Championship leaders Ngaruawahia United scored a lastminute penalty to knock out Premiership side Comag Matamata Swifts.


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against the club’s D1 side – who play their league football three divisions lower. Scorers for the A team were Peter Buesnel (4), Andrew Thomas (2), Ryan Ashby (2), Alex Ball and Mitchell Claridge. Fabian Burgos scored the D1’s sole goal. Cambridge’s D2 side fared better when also playing a side that is ranked three levels higher in league competition. They went down 4-2 at John Kerkhof Park to Te Awamutu’s division A team but were competitive for most of the match and could have scored a couple more. Cambridge’s scorers were Andrew Myers and a Rob Dixon penalty. The club’s other senior teams, including the women’s team, had byes last weekend. Meanwhile, this Saturday is the focus of excitement for nearly 500 boys and girls who will start their winter football season at Cambridge. The club will field at least 38 junior teams and run various coaching programmes to help players develop. In conjunction with the Ricki Herbert Football Academy – founded by the former All Whites and Wellington Phoenix coach – the club has launched its Future Reds programme. It aims to help youngsters develop their skills in a planned way from the age of six with the aim of emulating former Cambridge junior Chris Wood who is now an All White and one of the world’s top professional players.


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FRIDAY MAY 4, 2018

Success for Lakeview Archers

Four members of the local Lakeview Archers club have returned from the recent Trans-Tasman Archery event in Australia with an excellent collection of medals. The bi-annual competition was held in Morwell, Victoria, over four days in mid-April, where 24 Kiwi archers took on 42 Australian archers, all aged under 20 years. After a practice round

on day one, day two saw competitors shoot a 72-arrow round in the morning, where Cambridge’s Levi Wesford kicked off the Lakeview medal collection, gaining gold for the cub male compound division, followed by Andrew Syme nabbing bronze in the intermediate male compound, and Abigail Denton silver in the junior female compound division.

Individual matchplay events kicked off that afternoon, continuing through to the next day, with very close competition calling for several one-arrow shoot offs. Here Levi added to his medal collection with bronze in male compound division 2. The competition then moved into matchplay, where a team of three Lakeview boys missed out on gold by just two points.

Lakeview Archers at the Trans-Tasman event, from left, Ben Trim, Andrew Syme, Abigail Denton, Levi Wesford. Photo – Toni Trim.

The Lakeview team of Ben Trim and Andrew Syme then competed in the final event to shoot a perfect score of 160 points, equalling their opposition team into a final shoot off, where they took the gold medal. As a mixed teams event, Levi also competed alongside Australian archer Rory Blake,

and together they won bronze to bring Levi’s medal total to four. As the event wrapped up it was announced that the Australians had managed to hold the Trans-Tasman trophy again, though the difference in scores this year was a lot less than the previous 2016 event in Christchurch.

Partnership for youth

The Duke of Edinburgh’s Hillary Award (the Award) and SCOUTS New Zealand have announced an update to their partnership, which will give young people aged between 14 and 25 the opportunity to complete two prestigious youth awards simultaneously. Under the updated Memorandum of Understanding, activities completed as part of Scouting’s award scheme may be cross-credited towards the achievement of The Duke of Edinburgh’s Hillary Award at Bronze, Silver and Gold levels. “Scouts will gain twice the recognition for the efforts they put in,” explains Karen Ross, the Award’s National Director in New Zealand. “Being able to add the Award to their résumés will demonstrate to employers, education providers and others in the community that they have met an international standard in youth development.” By working together, both Scouts New Zealand and The Duke of Edinburgh’s Hillary Award will benefit from the added reach of their respective award schemes, helping more young New Zealanders to reach their potential as a result. “The Award programme is a natural fit with Scouting,” says Joshua Tabor, Chief Executive at Scouts New Zealand. “Our schemes are well-aligned, and our organisations have very similar aims and values, so it makes sense to work together. We both want to empower young people to lead lives that make a positive difference.”




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FRIDAY MAY 4, 2018

Waikato team succeed at eventing championships

Waikato team members Gus Nelson, Molly Nelson, Julia Wykes, Jacinda Baker-Singh, Clay Harris, Storm Harris and Jenny Bevege, who won the A1 section (1.10m). A team of top Waikato equestrian riders travelled to Masterton last month to compete in the 2018 NZ Pony Clubs Eventing Championships, April 19 – 22. The Waikato Area Pony Club team, made

up of Gus Nelson, Molly Nelson, Jenny Bevege, Jacinda Baker-Singh, Clay Harris, Storm Harris and Cambridge’s Julia Wykes, supported by Cambridge’s Kay Hogan as coach, finished 6th in the dressage phase.

The experienced riders and their horses then went on to exceed all expectations, by not only completing clear rounds in the crosscountry phase, but also completing the show jumping round without a single fault.

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With the four lowest scores counting, this saw Waikato finish second overall with 137.69 points, just behind the winners, Canterbury on 135.88, and ahead of the third-placed host team, Wairarapa-Wellington, on a very close total of 137.96. In addition, Gus Nelson finished third in the Mark Todd Trophy (95cm), Jenny Bevege won the A1 section (1.10m), and she and team captain, Storm Harris, were the best performed A1 pair. “These results are some of the best achieved by Waikato riders in recent years,” said coach Kay Hogan. “This event proved to be a worthy challenge for some of New Zealand’s most talented young riders, many of whom will now head to Taupo for the national three-day event which starts May 10.”

Gus Nelson and Cricket.

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FRIDAY MAY 4, 2018

Letter to the editor

Continued from page 2 Dear Editor All of the options being considered for a third bridge across the river in Cambridge seem to be of a high level bridge type, and of course that is expensive; some years ago I wrote to the council suggesting a much cheaper low level type bridge, similar to the one at Shakespeare St, which could still go ahead even though the velodrome has since been built close to my suggested location; there is a natural valley on the right just past the velodrome as you head into town which lends itself perfectly for the purpose (almost opposite Peake Road - go look see! - power lines already go that way because of it's easier access to cross the river). There has been a missed opportunity since the firm that built the bridges on the bypass said that they could build a concreate low level bridge for less than $10M (could they still supply a bridge?); Fonterra stand to gain from this location because they would save 7k per return trip on all milk trucks heading for Roto-o-Rangi and Te Awamutu and the trucks would not need to go via Carters Flat, and other vehicles would be filtered across the river well before they hit town, hence less congestion in the town itself. Arthur Martin


Cambridge Women’s Club report Supplied Kids in need - who knew there were so many, just in the Waikato? Cambridge woman Linda Roil lovingly prepares on average one emergency pack a day for a child that has been lifted from their family home, without notice, and taken into foster care because their own home environment is so unsafe for them to stay. March saw a record number of 43 packs gifted

- just in the Waikato, and just the ones Linda knows about. In these packs Linda provides a new set of pyjamas, underwear, shoes and socks, as well as toiletry items. Also included is several sets of excellent quality pre-loved clothing for them to wear and a toy or two, because in 90 per cent of all cases the children are placed with foster carers with only the clothes they are wearing.


ISSUES? Linda has installed a shipping container to store donations.

Group Greys retired

also been retired following her last start in the Group Two Travis Stakes (2000m) at Te Rapa on Saturday. The Murray Baker and Andrew Forsman-trained daughter of Mastercraftsman won 5 of her 26 starts. The five-year-old wins include the Group Two Travis Stakes (2000m), Group Two Cambridge Stud Sir Tristram Fillies Classic (2000m), Group Three McKee Family Sunline Vase (2100m). Honourable mention goes to her gutsy second in the Group One Windsor Park Plate (1600m). “She’s a gutsy mare and I have enjoyed being a part of her career,” Mime’s track work rider and strapper Aleisha Legg said. Mime was bred by L I Redshaw and is owned by China Horse Club Racing Pty.

Cambridge-trained Thee Auld Floozie has been retired following her last start in the Group Two Travis Stakes (2000m) at Te Rapa on Saturday. The Stephen Marsh-trained and part-owned daughter of Mastercraftsman, affectionately nick-named “Floozie”, won 11 of her 38 starts. Her career highlight was her hardfought victory in last season’s Group One Thorndon Mile (1600m) at Trentham. Floozie won three awards at last season’s Cambridge Jockey Club awards. She was won the Windsor Park Stud Group One Award for her Thorndon Mile victory, she was named Crombie Lockwood leading Sprinter and she shared the middle-distance title with Charmont when taking the Cogswell Surveys Award. “She’s been a great mare for the stable,” Marsh said. The six-year-old also claimed two victories in the Group Two Westbury Classic (1400m), the Group Three Sunline Vase (2100m) and has twice finished runner-up in the Group One New Zealand Thoroughbred Breeders’ Stakes. “I’d love to have a few more like her in the stable,” Marsh said. The team at Marsh Racing are sad to see Floozie leave as she has been a stable favourite since day one. “Happy retirement to a one in a million kind of horse,” Floozie’s track work rider and strapper, Emma Smith said. “Couldn’t be prouder to have the grey girl on my list every morning for the last two years.” Thee Auld Floozie was bred by J G Young. She is owned by P D Craighead, L G Ford, S B Marsh, M C Roughead, Two Fat Cows Syndicate, J G & Mrs S K Young. Left to right: Mime, Aleisha Legg, Emma Smith and Thee Auld Floozie. Cambridge-trained Mime has

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By Candice Gollan

Her goal for Kids in Need, now a registered charity, is to help as many children as she can. Linda was invited along as the Guest Speaker for our April Cambridge Women’s Club Meeting. Normally there’s lots of laughter and giggles, but this time we all walked away from the evening, with a profound sense of gratefulness towards a woman who living her motto and making a difference in the world. If you ever get the opportunity to hear Linda speak, your time would be an investment. The Cambridge Women’s Club is a social group, perfect for women of all ages, which meets monthly over a meal and drink. There is always added entertainment, from social activities, to empowering guest speakers such as Linda. If you’d like to join us contact CWC President Fiona Stanners 027 3400 408 or for more information, check out our Rocketspark website http://www.cambridgewomensclub.

Photo supplied

Anzac Day – Lest we forget FEATURE


FRIDAY MAY 4, 2018

By Claire Castle

Hundreds attended the dawn ceremony in front of the Cambridge Town Hall, with people filling the town square and spilling out onto Victoria Rd and Lake St.

At the conclusion of the ceremony, members of the public lined up to pay their respects at the cenotaph, with many leaving a red poppy in remembrance.

A guard of honour flanked the cenotaph in front of the Cambridge Town Hall during the Dawn Service, which started at 6am on Anzac Day.

The town’s last firing party, led by Merv Balloch, did the honours at the dawn and the 9am services. Photo by Michael Jeans


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FRIDAY MAY 4, 2018


This week we asked locals, does Cambridge need a third bridge? A $65M bridge would cost ratepayers almost $300 extra per year on their rates for nearly three decades, but would no doubt reduce peak-hour traffic.

Hone Rawiri Athol Yes, I’ve been here all my life In an ideal world I would say and seen the population grow, yes, but we don’t live in an ideal it gets pretty congested now in world. the mornings and afternoons.

Cindy Paton Absolutely, when the high-level bridge is out of commission it would make a huge difference, and the population is growing exponentially so why not.

Tony Butler It would definitely be worth it. I thought it would get better once the bypass came in, but if anything it’s just got worse.

Quick crossword 1




Barry Williams Linda Moughan I don’t use the bridge that Yes, especially if one bridge is much anyway. I think they closed it all grinds to a halt. could be spending the money on something like solving the parking issues in the CBD.





Fill the grid so that every column, every row and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.


8 9




12 13





18 19




23 24





Across 1. Discover (4) 3. Crypt (8) 9. Disastrous (7) 10. Sufficient (5) 11. Swindler (5) 12. Layered (6) 14. Morose (6) 16. Chase (6) 19. Pamper (6) 21. Stone worker (5) 24. Decorate (5) 25. Italian rice dish (7) 26. Thus far (8) 27. Formerly (4)

Down 1. Prediction (8) 2. Unsophisticated (5) 4. Possessions of value (6) 5. Saying (5) 6. Subjugate (7) 7. Puffed (4) 8. Baby footwear (6) 13. Tall, thin person (colloq) (8) 15. Sentry (7) 17. Reveal (6) 18. Confidential (6) 20. Solid (5) 22. Smooth and shiny fabric (5) 23. Cleanse (4)

St Kilda Last week

All puzzles © The Puzzle Company



Last week Across: 1. Crumple, 5. Bloom, 8. Skilled, 9. Swain, 10. Swept, 11. Nullify, 12. Feeler, 14. Ruined, 17. Against, 19. Khaki, 22. Fated, 23. Trouble, 24. Layer, 25. Connect. Down: 1. Costs, 2. Unite, 3. Palette, 4. Ending, 5. Basil, 6. Ovation, 7. Moneyed, 12. Fearful, 13. Exactly, 15. Unknown, 16. Static, 18. Nadir, 20. Amble, 21. Inert.

THERE’S SOMETHING VERY SPECIAL ABOUT CAMBRIDGE RESTHAVEN A community that has it all - a retirement village, resthome, continuing care, dementia care and a village centre that’s a friendly hub of activity. Come and see for yourself all that Cambridge Resthaven has to offer. 6 Vogel Street, Cambridge Ph: 07 827 6097 R E S T H A V E N







The world loves chicken soup. It is widely regarded as something of a cure-all for colds, flu and many other physical or emotional ailments. Although no single culture can claim it as its own it is a particular favourite in Jewish homes. A bowl of hot, fragrant stock ladled over softened carrots and egg noodles or matzah

FRIDAY MAY 4, 2018

with Jan Bilton

Soup season

balls is a staple. Adding to its legendary appeal, chicken soup is sometimes called ‘Jewish penicillin’. Other traditional soups include French onion, chowders and minestrone. Legend has it — although it is unclear if this story is fact or myth — that the first French onion soup was

created by King Louis the XV of France when all that could be found in the pantry of his hunting party’s lodge was butter, onions and Champagne. The word chowder is a corruption of the French chaudière (cauldron), and chowder may have originated among Breton fishermen who took

the custom to Canada’s Newfoundland from where it spread to Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and New England. A chowder is characterised by its chunkiness, while a bisque is typically puréed.



Break the egg noodles into smaller pieces, if preferred.

To make a good beef stock, sauté two kilograms of beef bones in oil until browned in a very large saucepan. Add two each: chopped onions and carrots; plus herbs and seasonings. Cover with water. Simmer gently for four hours or until well reduced. Strain.

Stock: 1.3kg chicken, cut into portions 2 each: celery stalks, carrots, onion, parsnips, peeled and diced 1 small bunch parsley 2 bay leaves 2 teaspoons each: black peppercorns, flaky sea salt Soup: 2 tablespoons chicken fat or olive oil 1 medium leek, trimmed, halved and thinly sliced 2 medium carrots, finely diced freshly ground salt and pepper to taste 1/4 cup finely chopped mixed herbs 50g egg noodles or similar Place the chicken in a large saucepan or stockpot. Add the vegetables, herbs and seasonings. Cover with cold water by about 5cm. Bring to the boil on high heat then reduce the heat until the soup is just bubbling. Cook, uncovered, for 1 1/2 hours or until the chicken is very tender. Cool then refrigerate to solidify the fat. Skim the fat off into a small bowl. Remove the chicken to another bowl. Simmer the stock for 20 minutes to concentrate the flavour. Strain through a sieve. When ready to serve the soup, remove the chicken from the bones and shred. Heat the chicken fat or oil in a large saucepan. Sauté the leek and diced carrots, until softened. Add the stock, seasonings and egg noodles. Simmer until the veggies and noodles are soft. Add the chicken, season to taste and heat through. Garnish with herbs. Serves 8.

Topping: 8 slices French bread 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil 2 large cloves garlic, crushed 3/4 cup finely grated gruyère cheese Heat the oil and butter in a large saucepan, until the butter stops foaming. Add the onions. Cook on very low heat until transparent and soft, about 20 minutes. Stir occasionally. Do not brown. Add the brandy and flame. Add the garlic. Sprinkle in the flour, stir well, then add the stock, chardonnay and bouquet garni. Simmer for 30-40 minutes, until well flavoured. Season. Discard the bouquet garni. Meanwhile, toast the sliced French bread. Brush each side with the combined oil and crushed garlic. Sprinkle one side with the cheese. Pour the soup into a tureen and float the toast on top. Place under a hot grill, until the cheese melts. Serve immediately. Serves 6-8.

POTATO & HAM CHOWDER The roux can be made in the microwave in a heat-proof bowl. 1 tablespoon canola oil 1 each: onion, celery stalk, diced 500g potatoes, diced 100g smoky ham steak, diced 2 cups chicken stock 2 bay leaves salt and pepper to taste 50g butter 4 tablespoons plain flour or cornflour 1 1/2 cups milk Heat the oil in a heavy saucepan. Sauté the onion and celery for 2 minutes. Add the potatoes, ham, chicken stock and bay leaves and bring to the boil. Cook on medium heat until tender, about 15 minutes. Season. Melt the butter in a separate saucepan. Stir in the flour and cook for a few seconds to thicken. Slowly stir in the milk and simmer on low heat, until thick. Stir this 'roux' into the potato mixture and cook until heated through. Serves 4-6.


Soup: 2 tablespoons olive oil 50g butter 1kg brown onions, thinly sliced 1/4 cup brandy 4 cloves garlic, crushed 4 tablespoons plain flour 2 litres good beef stock, boiling 1 1/2 cups chardonnay 1 bouquet garni freshly ground salt and black pepper to taste









P 07 827 3901 | E |

FRIDAY MAY 4, 2018

Winter Warmth FEATURE



Getting the best price for power

With a number of companies competing for your power dollar, and even people knocking on your door trying to get you to change, it can be hard for consumers to ensure they are paying the lowest possible price for their electricity. With power use increasing as the weather gets colder, it’s the perfect time to look for savings. Powerswitch – a free service run by Consumer NZ – can help householders work out which power company and pricing plan will give them the most value for money. With a comprehensive database of power and gas prices, it’s easy to find the cheapest deal in your area. In calculating the cost of electricity Powerswitch advises they make the following assumptions: • We split the electricity used into 3 groups: general usage – lighting, cooking, appliances; hot water heating; and space heating. We apply the appropriate rate of each pricing plan to each group. • If a plan has day/night rates, 72 per cent of the power is at the day rate and 28 per cent at the night rate. Where the night rate covers the weekend, the split between day and night is 51/49. • If a plan has summer/winter rates, the power is split between the rates and is also varied for different types of electricity use. The period for winter rates is May to September. This is one month shorter than the usual heating period of April to September and so a proportion of electricity use for heating is allocated to the summer rate. • Calculations exclude any rebates from community-

owned trusts, line companies, or any dividends paid by Contact Energy to its shareholders. You will need a power bill to get started, as the information on there is crucial to get a true comparison. The bill will tell you: • The start and finish dates for the time your bill covers • The amount of power you have used • If you're on a plan with more than one meter you'll need to enter the amount for each meter separately. In some cases we will ask you about a meter that doesn't seem to appear on your power bill. You should put "0" in the box (this is because with some companies, if you haven't used any power they don't print the details on your bill). • If you wish you can add together the amounts from successive power bills and enter that information. Just ensure that you get the start date from the first bill, the finish date from the last bill, and that you don't have any bills missing in between. Powerswitch comparisons include GST, Electricity Authority levies, daily charges, unit charges, plus prompt payment and dual-fuel discounts (it's important to note that some retailers provide their customers with rates exclusive of GST and levies). There are discounts and fixedterm prices that are not publicly available so do not appear on Powerswitch. Electricity providers are required to assist low-use customers by offering them a low fixed charge tariff option of no more than 30¢ per day (excluding GST but after any prompt payment discount is subtracted). Your provider should inform you at least annually of whether it may be

beneficial for you to switch to a low fixed charge rate. So take a look at what you are paying for power – it might just be worth your while. Visit to make sure you are paying the lowest possible price, especially as we head into winter.

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Celebrating over 40 years experience in Heat Pumps and Air Conditioning

FRIDAY MAY 4, 2018

‘We make it easy’ Eastside Refrigeration is a locally, privately owned company – and it shows. Both directors are Waikato lads and are hands on within the company. ‘Treat a customer how you would like to be treated yourself – make it easy’ is the basis for solving problems. Striving to do things right the first time is the aim. ‘Client satisfaction is a serious thing, and we take it personally. We have real pride in being experts at what we do. We are specialised in our field and differentiate ourselves from numerous competitors by striving to be better at design, better organised and more personal in our approach, including an unprecedented guarantee of design. We are Refrigeration, Heating and Air Conditioning Engineers and proud of it. And no… we don’t sell T.Vs or toasters!’

our services

Heat Pump Sales & Installation At Eastside Refrigeration we believe it’s all about the personal touch. We take responsibility for all aspects of design, sales, installation and then follow up with post installation service and maintenance. We offer design advice for all homes and can visit you to see exactly what is required.

Commercial Sales & Installation Commercial air conditioning requires extensive design and installation. Heading up our design team, Don Hollingsworth brings over 30 years of HVAC experience to Eastside and is a qualified Mechanical engineer. He and the team can design air conditioning and ventilation systems to suit both residential and commercial buildings of any size.

Servicing & Repair The service department at Eastside focuses on air conditioning and refrigeration, with some work in ventilation. The team also service and maintain many specialised sites, including large cool rooms, blast freezers and specialised medical and scientific equipment. There is a rostered 24 hour, 7 day emergency call-out system for existing commercial clients.

Preventative Maintenance Organising regular preventative maintenance with us will ensure you aren’t paying more to heat and cool your home or office than you need to. For commercial applications, preventative maintenance is incredibly important and is often required for Council compliance. Any issues, even those that seem to be minor, can create inefficient systems making them less cost-effective.

introducing your Cambridge local You don’t have to freeze this winter when Eastside is just a phone call away Here at Eastside we like to ‘make it easy’ for our customers. Local man and Eastside sales consultant, Shaun Livingstone attends to all Cambridge callouts. He says there are many variants to getting the right heat pump or air conditioner installed in your home. ‘The size of the room, the amount of insulation, the size and amount of glass in the room all affect what system we will recommend.’ ‘We offer free, expert advice. The advantage of using Eastside is that all of the work is done in-house. We do the consulting, sales, installation and servicing. We’re your one-stop shop.’ Shaun has lived in Cambridge for most of his life, attended local schools and now lives here with his own family.

give us a call on 850 1234 Physical Address 139 Maui Street, Te Rapa, Hamilton 3200 Website

Stop the heat slipping through your fingers FEATURE

FRIDAY MAY 4, 2018

Good quality insulation helps keep the heat in during winter and out during summer. This makes your house easier and cheaper to heat properly, and more comfortable and healthy to live in. The priority for insulating your home should be ceiling and underfloor, followed by walls. In some instances, you may even be eligible for grants for the installation of ceiling and underfloor insulation through Warm Up New Zealand: Healthy Homes for low-income owner-occupiers and tenants. You may qualify if: • The house was built before the year 2000 • You own and occupy the home and have a Community Services Card • You’re a landlord and your named tenant has a Community Services Card Grants are also available for low-income households and tenants with high health needs if: • Your income is just above the Community Services Card level and you have high health needs related to cold, damp housing, or • You are referred by the Ministry of Health’s Healthy Homes programme. What type of insulation do I need? Ceiling insulation is a great first step when considering insulation – heat rises, so much like putting on a hat in winter you can make some great gains in heating your home by making sure it has adequate ceiling insulation. If you already have it, make sure it hasn’t been damaged or moved over the years. If you can do it safely, get a step-ladder and peek through the hatch of your ceiling into your roof space to see if you have insulation. You will need to add a top-up layer of insulation if there is some insulation, if it:

• is less than 12cm thick (it should be thicker than the height of the ceiling joists) • doesn't cover the whole ceiling • has gaps in it, or places where it is squashed or tucked in. You need to remove the old insulation and start again with a new layer, if: • it is wet or damp in areas • has been damaged by rodents or birds. Also check safety gaps between insulation and heat sources like recessed downlights, chimneys, flues or extractor fans for fire safety. Visit for more information about the required gaps. If you are not up to checking yourself, call in a professional to have a look. Make sure the installer works to the New Zealand insulation installation standard NZS 4246:2016 and has completed the insulation installer training of the Insulation Association of New Zealand (IAONZ). Good underfloor insulation can make a big difference to how comfortable your home is, and to the size of your energy bills. In homes with accessible underfloor spaces, it's relatively cheap and easy to do. If you can access your underfloor area, have a look for insulation. There are 3 things you might find: • Bare floorboards and no insulation - in which case you need to get some fitted. • Foil-based product - if it's held in with metal staples, don't touch it. There's an electrocution risk if the staples have pierced electrical wires and the whole lot might be live. When checking or removing existing foil insulation, always turn off the power supply to the house and follow the Electrical Code of Practice ECP 55 which provides guidance for managing electrical safety risks of foil insulation. Get an electrician to help you if you’re not sure.


• If your foil appears to be well fitted and in good condition, then it’s probably working well. However, if the foil is ripped, parts of the foil are missing or there are gaps allowing airflow into the spaces above the foil it needs to be replaced with bulk insulation. Retrofitting or repairing foil insulation in residential buildings is now banned under section 26 of the Building Act 2004. • Bulk insulation - includes rigid polystyrene sheets, or softer products like polyester, wool and fibreglass. Check to see that any bulk insulation is tightly fitted against the underside of the floorboards with no gaps or pieces missing. If any has slipped or fallen out, you should replace it. You may need some clips or other fittings to hold it in place. You can also get a professional to check for this, and it’s well worth looking into if you want a nice, warm home this winter. Visit for more tips and ideas for keeping your home warm this winter.

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FRIDAY MAY 4, 2018 Show stopper on King


147 KING STREET It is an absolute pleasure to market this stunning home that has the “wow factor”. Beautifully and tastefully renovated throughout you will be amazed the moment you step through the front gate. Features include two living, each leading to separate outdoor verandahs. There are four bedrooms, two bathrooms (including ensuite) and a great family friendly open plan kitchen. The fully fenced 814m2 section has space for outdoor entertaining plus the children to play. Location is prime being close to all levels of schooling. Completing the package is the double garage. Price: PBN Agents: Alison Boone 027 277 8726 or Sacha Webb 021 363 387 Internet ID: CRE0472

Family Haven on Hall

Deadline Sale

88 HALL STREET Four bedrooms, two bathrooms and plenty of outdoor space are definitely the features to please the family, and this property offers just that. Great garage space and a superb location - you really need to consider this option. Closes 11 May 2018 at 4.00pm at the office of Cambridge Real Estate, 47 Alpha Street, Cambridge (unless sold prior) Agent: Janice Vallance 021 758 448 Internet ID: CRE0471

47 Alpha street, Cambridge P: (07) 823 1945 F: (07) 823 1946 E: sales @ © Cambridge Real Estate (2007) Ltd Licensed Agent (REAA 2008)





EASTSIDE 70’S SPACE WITH A MODERN TWIST • Great family living. • 3 / 4 bedrooms. 3 toilets • Secure section. • Low maintenance.

BY NEGOTIATION CPH10267 OPEN HOME Sat & Sun 12.00 - 12.30 p.m. 9 Williams Street CAMBRIDGE Contact Donna or Shirley



• Spacious 4 bedroom. • Two living areas. • Sunny indoor / outdoor living. • Quiet environment. CPH10252 OPEN HOME Sunday 11.00-11.45 a.m. 7 Vosper Close CAMBRIDGE Contact Shirley or Donna




• Chef’s kitchen. 2 living areas. • 4 double bedrooms. 3 spacious bathrooms. CPH10266 OPEN HOME Sunday 12.00 - 1.00 p.m. • Indoor/Outdoor flow. North facing 31 The Terrace TAMAHERE • Double garaging, swimming pool. Contact Margo




• Fabulous private and secure 2brm Unit with CPH10224 single gge. OPEN HOME Sunday 1.30-2.00 p.m. • Eastside easy walking distance to CBD. 3C Hall Street CAMBRIDGE • Surrounded by other substantial properties. Contact Michael




• 5 bedrooms, 2 ensuites, 1 bathroom. • Sauna, spa, 2 living areas. • 1.6 Ha. 5 bay shed, 2 bay barn, stock yards. • Separate studio.

BY APPOINTMENT CPH10255 434 Pencarrow Road TAMAHERE Contact Margo



TOWN FARM TO DEVELOP • Subdivision – 16 sites. • Town water and sewerage. • Mature trees. • Walk to town. • Invest in Tirau. CPH10161 1829f Tirau Road TIRAU Contact Margo CPH10189 10 Fairview Street TIRAU Contact Mike

DONNA SANTNER, 0800 797 468

SIZE, COMFORT & LOCATION RULE • Sought after Hall Street location. • 170m2 Four bed, two living family home. • Expansive 1226m² fenced section. • Double glazing, central heating, outdoor entertaining.

BY NEGOTIATION CPH10262 OPEN HOME Sat & Sun 2.30 - 3.30 p.m. 80a Hall Street CAMBRIDGE Contact Michael


• Designer Italian kitchen. • 7 King Bbedrooms. 7 Luxury bathrooms. • Dining room. Media room. Library. • Swimming pool. Panoramic views of Lake Karapiro.




MIKE TRUSCOTT, 021 774 331

Powerhouse Realty Ltd MREINZ, 73B Victoria Street, Cambridge, Waikato



• Designer kitchen. 2 Living areas. • 5 double bedrooms. 3 luxury bathrooms. • Open plan dining. Indoor/Outdoor flow. • Triple garaging, internal access. Spa. Gym. Media Room.

MICHAEL BURNETT, 027 596 8983 CPH10264 65 Birchwood Lane TAMAHERE Contact Margo

MARGO LOMBARDI, 021 209 1351

MARINA DAvIES AREINZ, 0274 959 547

Licensed Real Estate Agent (REAA 2008)


FRIDAY MAY 4, 2018


For the 2nd year in a row FROM








*The Nissan X-Trail’s No.1 sales volume in the Sports Utility Vehicle segment(s) based on 2016 & 2017 total global sales gures as per the internationally recognised JATO Dynamics automotive database. ^Ti model only. Vehicle price of $39,990+ORC is for the 2WD 7-Seat ST Variant (T32SS02). 2WD/4WD & 5-seat/7-seat options dependant on X-Trail variant, ask your local Nissan dealer for fu full speci cations of model range. Finance ooer available to approved applicants of Nissan Financial Services only and excludes all lease and some eet purchasers. Units must be registered by 31st July 2018 to qualify for the special nance ooer. The 1.9% p.a. xed interest ooer applies to new Nissan vehicles only. Interest is charged from the commencement of loan. The 1.9% p.a. xed interest rate is available with zero deposit and 48 month term, $375 establishment fee, $8.05 PPSR fee, & $10 monthly account keeping fee apply. Nissan reserves the right to vary, withdraw or extend this ooer at any time. Ooer expires 31st July 2018 or while stocks last.








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FRIDAY MAY 4, 2018

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FRIDAY MAY 4, 2018







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FRIDAY MAY 4, 2018



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Rhona Lentfer

Cert in Massage ...................................................................

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HARCOURTS continued $789,000

11.30 - 12pm

Contact George on

827 8178

We can transport all your livestock requirements. OSBORNE’S TRANSPORT (2000) LT D Call George on 07 827 8178


Convert & Preserve Your Precious Memories

AUDIO - cassettes, records, reel to reel tape VIDEO - any format tapes, HDD camera footage FILM - cinefilm 8mm, 9.5mm, 16mm SLIDES & PHOTOS - any size scanning

Graeme & Rosalind Mathews - 021 732635 93 Redoubt Road Cambridge

823 9121

Auction Thurs 10th 12.30 - 1.30pm

CAMBRIDGE REAL ESTATE Saturday 5 May 2018 18 Thornton Road, Cambridge Sunday 6 May 2018 Residential 18 Thornton Road, Cambridge 19/37B Raleigh Street, Cambridge 29 Carnation Court, Cambridge 6 Constance Place, Cambridge 52A Hamilton Road, Cambridge 30 Pengover Avenue, Cambridge 112B Alpha Street, Cambridge 13A Princes Street, Cambridge 133 St Kilda Road, Cambridge 12 Jarrett Terrace, Cambridge 39 West Thompson St, Cambridge 21 Lilac Close, Cambridge 47 Wordsworth Street, Cambridge 4 Cooper Crescent, Cambridge 5 Knox Street, Cambridge 2 Glenroy Place, Cambridge 23 Tiaki Way, Cambridge 35 Tulip Drive, Cambridge 4 Bracken Street, Cambridge 2 Hilliard Place, Cambridge 2 Kowhai Dr, Cambridge 203 Victoria Street, Cambridge 11 Naomi Place, Cambridge 89 Hall Street, Cambridge 88 Hall Street, Cambridge 2 Keats Terrace, Cambridge 147 King Street, Cambridge 12A Twin Willows Close, Cambridge 35 Kingdon Street, Cambridge 37 Sheridan Crescent, Cambridge 3 Buckland Place, Cambridge 45 Norfolk Drive, Cambridge Rural 1149 Maungatautari Rd, Cambridge 195 Hautapu Road, Cambridge 53 Nickle Road, Cambridge 15 Beer Road, Cambridge


11.00 - 11.45am

Auction $369,000 $920,000 $710,000 PBN $879,000 PBN PBN $1,250,000 $799,000 PBN $795,000 $949,000 $849,000 $759,000 $739,000 $890,000 $889,000 $569,000 $559,000 $879,000 $650,000 $855,000 $849,000 DEADLINE SALE PBN PBN $799,000 PBN $625,000 $572,000 $925,000

11.00 - 11.45am 11.30 - 12.00pm 12.00 - 12.45pm 12.00 - 12.45pm 12.00 - 12.45pm 12.00 - 12.30pm 12.00 - 12.30pm 12.15 - 12.45pm 12.15 - 12.45pm 12.15 - 12.45pm 12.45 - 1.15pm 12.45 - 1.15pm 1.00 - 1.30pm 1.00 - 1.30pm 1.00 - 1.30pm 1.00 - 1.30pm 1.00 - 1.45pm 1.45 - 2.15pm 1.45 - 2.15pm 1.45 - 2.15pm 1.45 - 2.15pm 1.45 - 2.15pm 1.45 - 2.15pm 2.30 - 3.00pm 2.30 - 3.00pm 2.30 - 3.00pm 2.30 - 3.00pm 2.30 - 3.00pm 2.30 - 3.00pm 3.15 - 3.45pm 3.15 - 3.45pm 3.15 - 3.45pm

$950,000 DEADLINE SALE DEADLINE SALE Enq over $1,000,000

11.00 - 11.45am 12.30 - 1.15pm 11.30 - 12.15pm 1.00 - 1.30pm

HARCOURTS Your Livestock Carrier for over 60 years!

Thursday 10 May 2018 47 Norfolk Drive, Cambridge

Sunday 6 May 2018 16 Hamilton Road, Cambridge 54 Norfolk Drive, Cambridge 96 Williams Street, Cambridge 66 Noel Street, Cambridge 10 Victoria Street, Cambridge 3c Hall Street, Cambridge 47 Vogel Street, Cambridge 509 Pickering Road, Cambridge

Tender $899,000 $455,000 PBN $850,000 $425,000 $590,000 $845,000

12.00 - 1.00pm 1.00 - 1.45pm 2.30 - 3.00pm 12.00 - 12.30pm 1.30 - 2.00pm 11.00 - 11.30am 12.00 - 12.30pm 1.00 - 2.00pm

LJ HOOKER Sunday 6 May 2018 1 Frame Street, Cambridge 12a Creswell Place, Cambridge 5 Elizabeth Street, Cambridge 36 Shakespeare Street, Cambridge 296b Pickering Road, Tamahere 164 Fencourt Road, Cambridge

PBN $405,000 PBN PBN Auction PBN

12.45 - 1.15pm 1.30 - 2.00pm 2.15 - 2.45pm 2.30 - 3.00pm 2.30 - 3.30pm 2.00 - 3.00pm

Saturday 5 May 2018 203 Victoria Street, Cambridge 35 Watkins Road, Cambridge 73 Massey Road, Cambridge 33 King Street, Cambridge 11A Hall Street, Cambridge 271 Te Miro Road, Cambridge

$650,000 Auction PBN PBN $585,000 PBN

11.00 - 11.40am 11.30 - 12.30pm 11.45 - 12.30pm 12.00 -12.45pm 12.45 - 1.30pm 1.15 - 2.00pm

Sunday 6 May 2018 2 Creswell Place, Cambridge 203 Victoria Street, Cambridge 35 Watkins Road, Cambridge 54 Scott Street, Cambridge 11A Hall Street, Cambridge 8 Peake Road, Cambridge 33 King Street, Cambridge 57 Jarrett Terrace, Cambridge 271 Te Miro Road, Cambridge

$528,000 $650,000 Auction $489,000 $585,000 PBN PBN $885,000 PBN

11.00 - 11.30am 11.00 - 11.40am 11.30 - 12.30pm 11.45 - 12.30pm 12.45 - 1.30pm 1.00 - 2.00pm 1.30 - 2.15pm 1.45 - 2.30pm 2.45 - 3.30pm

Saturday 5 May 2018 9 Williams Street, Cambridge 80a Hall Street, Cambridge


12.00 - 12.30pm 2.30 - 3.30pm

Sunday 6 May 2018 7 Vosper Close, Cambridge 9 Williams Street, Cambridge 3c Hall Street, Cambridge 80a Hall Street, Cambridge

$759,000 PBN $425,000 PBN

11.00 - 11.45am 12.00 - 12.30pm 1.30 - 2.00pm 2.30 - 3.30pm


1.00 - 1.45pm



VOSPER REALTY Sunday 6 May 2018 96 Tennyson Street, Cambridge

Contact listing agent prior to visiting as Open Homes times can change.


IN MEMORIAM RIDLEY, Reg – Died suddenly three years ago on 6th May 2015. The pain may ease over time but our love for you never dies. Karyle, Justine, Wayne & Kim and siblings.

DIAMOND WEDDING ANNIVERSARY BOULTON, George and Beverly (nee Milnes) – were married at Mt Albert Presbyterian Church Auckland, 3rd May 1958. Congratulations Mum & Dad From Brent, Grant and families.




FRIDAY MAY 4, 2018



CAMBRIDGE GRASS CUT David 823 0172 027 600 6002 PUBLIC NOTICES

The Alpha Lodge No. 81 The Master, Officers and Brethren would like to invite all Freemasons residing in the Cambridge area to join us at any time to meet up with old friends and fellow Masons. All enquiries to the Master Ph 022 601 3656 Email Corner Bryce & Queen Street Cambridge

CAMBRIDGE Due to increased traffic congestion coming into Hamilton, we are changing the early morning weekday Cambridge bus timetable from Monday 7 May. Buses will now leave Cambridge earlier to ensure arrival in Hamilton before 8am, and 8:30am.

2018 BONANZA! Saturday 5th May Cambridge Town Hall



30 years experience. Specialising in Bathroom Alterations Ph Mike Margan 027 532 3963 or 823 2092


Interior Plasterer

Selling quality new and pre-loved clothing for newborn - 10 years, toys, nursery equipment, maternity wear. COME & FIND SOME GREAT BARGAINS! ALSO Local businesses and community groups including Breastmates, Cambridge Toy Library, La Leche League and more… PLUS Raffle prizes to win, Delicious baking, Home produce…and more…! For more info CambridgeParentsCentre

The first service will leave Leamington at 6:50am and the second bus will leave at 7:10am. CAMBRIDGE TO HAMILTON Leamington Cambridge






Hillcrest Warehouse

Transport Centre
















































4.40 0800 205 305

WORK WANTED PAINTER AVAILABLE, exterior and interior work undertaken, quality workmanship, Ph 0274372811

Got a News Tip? WE WANT TO HEAR ABOUT IT. Contact

21 YEARS EXPERIENCE Gib Fixing/Stopping Cove/Cornice Skim Coat New or Existing Renovations PHONE STEVE

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FRIDAY MAY 4, 2018


The 111 Report POLICE Thursday, April 26 A house on Williams St was burgled between noon and 1:30pm. The offender(s) has gained entry through a window that was left on the latch. Over $10,000 worth of camera equipment and computers have been stolen. A 29-year-old male from Whangarei had been charged with burglary. Friday, April 27 A property was burgled on Peake Rd between 12noon on 26/04 and 6pm on 27/04. The property fully fenced and secured with an electric

security gate. Offender(s) have entered the garage and stolen a black and blue Merida bike worth $2000. Saturday, April 28 A brand-new kids’ mountain bike was found outside an address on Aspin Rd which was handed into Police. A couple of days later the victim posted on the Cambridge Grapevine Facebook page about the bike being stolen from Thornton Road on Friday. The bike which has been a birthday present a couple of months ago has been returned to the family in excellent condition. Two young females

PARTS PERSON We are currently on the look out for PARTS PERSONS to join our Otorohanga & Cambridge Branches. This role is full-time with Saturdays on rotation (after a period of training) and is ideal for someone who is interested in farm machinery, is enthusiastic and willing to learn and looking to gain experience that will carry them through their career. School leavers with the right attitude and aptitude will be considered and if applicable can undertake a parts apprenticeship.

What we are looking for Mechanically minded with ideally some exposure to/understanding of farm machinery, or someone who is mad about machinery! Computer literate and willing to learn new systems.

shoplifted from The Warehouse around 4:30pm. The security alarm was activated when the females left the shop with a trolley containing several items. Staff attempted to stop them and managed to retrieve an item before the females drove off in a Toyota Crown. CCTV is available. Monday, April 30 A petrol drive-off has occurred at the Mobil station on Tirau Rd, Karapiro. A silver Mazda Premacy has filled the vehicle with over $80 in petrol and driven off making no attempt to pay. CCTV is available.



Forklift Driver/Storeman

Terms & Conditions:

We require a casual storeman with a current forklift licence to help out in our cold store at Aotearoa Park in Cambridge.



You will be: • loading and unloading blast freezers. • preparing load outs and load ins. • taking temperatures and complying with MPI requirements. • completing paperwork. • loading and unloading containers. You will: • have a valid OSH certificate. • be reliable. • be physically fit. • be experienced in block stacking pallets in a store. • be organised and able to handle pressure. • be able to work extended hours if required. • be comfortable working in a cold environment. Normal hours are 7.30am to 4pm Monday to Friday. Training will be given. There is the possibility that this role may become permanent. Please email your cv to Applicants for this position should have NZ residency or a valid NZ work visa.

Copy deadline for ad make-up is one week prior to publication date (Friday). Advertiser is responsible to advise us of any copy changes before end of day Monday prior to publication date (Friday). Advertising supplied complete deadline is Tuesday midday prior to publication date (Friday). For advertisers on a regular schedule invoices will be sent at the end of the month and payment is due by the 20th of the following month. For advertisers not on a schedule invoices will be sent at the end of the week and payment is due within 10 days. Accounts in arrears may be subject to a $95 + GST late payment fee per advert. Advertiser is responsible for any and all debt collection fees. Limitation of Liability: Cambridge News & Media Limited (including its employees, contractors, or agents) trading as Cambridge News shall not be liable for a failure or breach arising from anything beyond their reasonable control e.g. an act of God, fire, earthquake, strike, explosion, electrical supply failure, unavoidable accident or machine breakdown; and shall not be liable in tort, contract, or otherwise for loss of any kind (whether indirect loss, loss of profits, or consequential loss) to the Advertiser or any other person.


Tuesday, May 1 Members of the public called police after seeing a male head-butt and punch a female on Queen St. The male was arrested by Police and charged with ‘Assaults with intent to Injure’. There were 7 domestic related incidents reported and 1 bail breach in Cambridge in the last week. If you have any information about any of these crimes, please contact the Cambridge Police or report it anonymously via Crime Stoppers 0800 555 111.

FIRE Tuesday, April 24 11.07am - Cardiac arrest. Saturday, April 28 1.39pm - Cardiac arrest. Sunday, April 29 10.37am - Car v bank on Cambridge Rd. 12.25pm - Alarm activation at Aoreatroa Park Developments. 8.47pm - Alarm activation at St Peters School.

Hautapu bowling underway Submitted by the Hautapu Sports Indoor Bowling Club The club has had two nights of casual roll ups with a great turnout of old and new members. There has been some excellent early season form and a few lackof-play hiccups. Our season started in earnest on the 2nd of May and our programme has since commenced. We look forward to another successful season.

Experience in a customer facing role would be advantageous, but high levels of communication skills and a genuine desire to interact with people will be a good fit. Willing to learn new skills and be a critical part of a strong growing team. Contact Chris Brown to apply on 027 488 0306 or email your CV to

Letters to the Editor

Are you or someone you know looking for a new Challenge? We are looking for someone to fill a permanent part time position which could more than likely lead to full time employment for the right person. It is a multi role position with both petrol station and LPG work. Please call into the Challenge Petrol Station, 88 Duke Street Cambridge and fill out an application form. Or alternatively email your cover letter and CV to,

Looking for the right candidate for the job?


Call David on 827 0005 or email “Local jobs for local people”


FRIDAY MAY 4, 2018

What’s on… FRIDAY 4

Miss Saigon – the school edition of the hit musical, with accompanying live orchestra. St Peter’s School, SH1, Cambridge. Runs May 4 – 10. Tickets through www.iticket.


Cambridge Parents Centre Bonanza, Cambridge Town Hall, 9am–12pm. Annual event for locals to sell their pre-loved baby/children/maternity and nursery equipment. Businesses and groups involved with pregnancy/babies/children also showcasing. Gold coin entry. Forest and Bird Waikato 2018 Native Plant Sale, 8am to 12pm Saturday and Sunday at 88 Nixon St, Hamilton East. A great range of healthy trees and shrubs at good prices. No EFTPOS, cash or cheque only. Funds going towards PredatorFree Hamilton.


The Great New Zealand Food Show, Saturday and Sunday, 10am - 4pm at Claudelands Arena, Hamilton. Showcasing the best in food, wine, beer, cider, kitchen gadgets and more. Adult entry $15, children $10, under 5 free. Cantando Choir and Friends: Ain't Misbehaving, at the Gallagher Academy of Performing Arts, Waikato University, Gate 2B, Knighton Rd, Hamilton. 4pm - 5.30pm. Tickets/info:


Mwangaza Children's Choir: Light Up Tour 2018, 7pm - 9pm at Raleigh Street Christian Centre, Cambridge. Free entry, all ages. Mwangaza Children’s choir from Uganda, performing authentic African worship rhythms and dancing with vibrant costumes.


Rotary Bookarama, Wednesday 9th – Saturday 12th at the Cambridge Town Hall, 9am – 5pm. Annual fundraiser for Cambridge Rotary Club. Second-and books and magazines at great prices.

5 things to do this weekend

cnr Taylor St and Swayne Rd cnr Taylor St and Swayne Rd cnr Taylor St and Swayne Rd

What’s On copy deadline 12pm Mondays, Email

at Claudelands Arena, Gate 4, Brooklyn Rd, Hamilton. R15. Australia's "most wanted" comedian. Tickets/info: www.


Disney High School Musical On Stage, May 5 - 12, evening and matinee shows. Dinner available. At Riverlea Theatre, 80 Riverlea Rd, Hillcrest. Info/tickets:


LAST DAY Rotary Bookarama, Wednesday 9th – Saturday 12th at the Cambridge Town Hall. Yoga by the Lake, fundraiser for Cambridge Kenpo 5.0. 9am–10.30am, Sir Don Rowlands Centre, Lake Karapiro. $10pp, (and optional $5 for pamper hamper raffle ticket). Bring a mat or towel. Info: events/160179351324706/.


Cambridge Lions Trash ‘n’ Treasure Market, Victoria Street and Duke Street, Cambridge, 8am-1pm, Over 100 Stalls. Info: Heart Foundation Mother’s Day Fun Run sponsored by Jennian Homes, 10am-2pm, Cambridge Raceway, Taylor St, $15-$25. Info: Antique & Collectables Fair, 10am-5pm at St Andrews Anglican Church Hall, 85 Hamilton Rd, Cambridge. Adult $5, children free. Complimentary tea and coffee. Info: 03 3047172 or Cambridge Repair Co-Op, 10am-12noon, upstairs at Meraki Workspace, 32 Victoria St. Get support with repairs and share your repair skills with household item and clothing.

Rotary Bookarama

On Saturday the annual Cambridge Parents Centre Bonanza is on 9am – 12pm at the Cambridge Town Hall. Gold coin entry.

Wednesday 9th Saturday 12th Cambridge Town Hall, 9am-5pm Annual fundraiser for Cambridge Rotary Club. Second-and books and magazines at great prices.

Forest and Bird Waikato’s 2018 Native Plant Sale fundraiser, Saturday and Sunday, 8am12pm at 88 Nixon St, Hamilton East.


Heath Franklin's Chopper - Bogan Jesus, 7:30pm – 8:40pm

Karapiro Taotaoroa Indoor Bowling Club – every Monday, 7pm at Karapiro Hall (behind Mobil). Info: Ray 827 8379. Evening Tennis session – every Monday, 6pm–7.30pm at Cambridge Racquets Club, Thornton Rd. $10 for non-members. Info: 827 7563. Roto-o-Rangi Indoor Bowls Club – every Monday, 7.15pm–10pm, Roto-o-rangi Hall, 6 Kairangi Rd. Flat shoes. $2 entry. Info: 0211896557. Cambridge Parents Centre “BuggyFit” – every Monday during school term, 10.30am at The Studio Health and Fitness, 12 Scott St. $10 entry. Social exercise with your bump or children. Golf Croquet – every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday, 1.15pm at Leamington Croquet Club, Scott St. Info: Pam 823 4412. Camkada Judo Club – every Monday and Wednesday during school terms at Maclean St. Beginners 6.30pm–7pm, under 14s 7–8pm, over 14s 8–9pm. Info: 823 0961. Cambridge Badminton Club – every Monday, Juniors 6pm–7pm, Seniors (16+) 7.30pm. Day club every Tuesday, 9.30am–12pm. 50+ session every Thursday, 9.30am–12pm. Seniors (16+) every Friday, 7.30pm. Info: Tina 027 313 8033. Cambridge Golf Club – every Tuesday at the Cambridge Golf Club, 112 Tirau Rd. Veterans 9am, Junior Academy 4pm. Details: 827 6381. Tai Chi Academy – every Wednesday and Friday, 1pm–2pm at Trinity St Paul's Church corner Bryce and Queen St. Info: Bob 827 4814. Bowls – Thursday, 1pm at Senior Citizens Hall, Milicich Pl. Info: 827 0604.


Old Time and Sequence Dancing – every Monday, 1pm–3.30pm at Senior Citizens Hall, Milicich Pl. Info: May 823 1262. Waipa Wranglers Line Dancing – every Tuesday at Trinity Parish Church hall, corner Queen and Bryce St. Beginners 12.30–1.30pm, improvers upwards 1.30–3.30. Info: Marie 823 3428. Karapiro Beginner's Dance Classes – every Wednesday, 7:30pm at Karapiro Hall (behind Mobil). Old time, sequence and new vogue dances. Info: Pat 027 853 5900. Scottish Country Dancing – every Wednesday, 7.30pm at St Andrews Church hall, 85 Hamilton Rd. Info: Merilyn 827 6142. Cambridge Cruisers Rock n Roll – every Thursday, 6.45pm–8.40pm at St Andrews Church hall, 85 Hamilton Rd. Fun, friendship and dance. Info: Colleen 021 160 3725.


The Mosaic Waikato Modern Choir – rehearsal every Tuesday, 7-9pm, Cambridge Health & Community Centre, 22a Taylor St. Info: 827 6291. Riverside Ukes – Wednesday, 7pm, Cambridge Raceway, Taylor St, in the boardroom, eastern end of the grandstand. Info: Sheila 0211637114.


Cambridge Care and Craft – Monday, 9.30am-12.30pm, Senior Citizens Hall, Milicich Pl. $4 entry, includes light lunch. Info: Nicky 823 7445. Cambridge Society of Arts – every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, 10am – 12pm at The Painting Place, Thornton Rd. A friendly environment for all adults who like to paint.

The Olde Creamery 317 KAIPAKI ROAD, OHAUPO


OPEN: WED-SUN 10am-4pm

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♦ High Teas ♦ Gift Shop ♦ Wedding Venue ♦ Conference Venue ♦ Evening functions home of the 33b Duke St Cambridge. Tel (07) 827 6226

Kiwi Cookie Company

Wednesday Wood Workshop – every Wednesday 9am–4pm at Cambridge Community Menzshed (women welcome too) at Resthaven Centre, 4 Vogel St. Info: Dave 823 9170. Cambridge Creative Fibre – every first and third Thursday of the month at 9.30am, every second and fourth Thursday at 6.30pm, at the Cambridge Health & Community Centre, 22a Taylor St. Info: 827 3156. The Views Craft Room – every Friday, 2pm–4pm at Resthaven Village Centre, 4 Vogel St.


Tree town Toastmasters – every Monday, 7:10pm at council buildings, Wilson St. Learn the art of public speaking and leadership, drinks and supper provided. Rosycross discussion groups – every Tuesday, 7.30pm at 258 Ariki St, Karapiro, and every Thursday, 10.30am at Absolute Coffee House, 88 Alpha St. Info: 021 656 501. Thornton Club – Social night every Thursday and Friday from 5.30pm at 37 Thornton Rd. Food, drink and bowling. Wednesdays quiz night. Weekly bowls Wednesdays and Saturdays from 1pm.

Saturday and Sunday the Great New Zealand Food Show, Claudelands Arena, Hamilton, 10am-4pm. Adult $15, children $10, under 5 free.


Lions’ Shed – Thursday and Saturday, 9am–12pm, Vogel St. Cambridge Farmers Market – Saturday, 8am–12pm at Victoria Square. Miniature Trains – every 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month (weather permitting) 10am–3pm at Leamington Domain, Wordsworth St. Covered-toe shoes required. $2 per ride.

When Quality Counts


Cantando Choir’s concert, Sunday 4-5.30pm at Waikato University’s Gallagher Academy of Performing Arts, Knighton Rd.

THE RENOVATION SPECIALISTS Transform your lifestyle with a makeover your friends & family will be inspired by




St Peter’s School’s musical Miss Saigon kicks off this Friday, running May 4 – 10. Tickets through


• Alterations & extensions • Kitchen & Bathroom renovations • Total home makeovers Contact Debbie Sheridan M 027 2808823 Ph 07 883 8823 E

021 959 193 – 07 855 1828


FRIDAY MAY 4, 2018


MovieReview ISLE OF DOGS

A remarkable tale of friendship in the style of Wes Anderson. Definitely a completely original and quirky gem, which will become a classic. When, by executive decree, all the canine pets of Megasaki City are exiled to a vast garbagedump called Trash Island, 12-year-old Atari sets off alone in a miniature Junior-Turbo Prop and flies across the river in search of his bodyguard-dog, Spots. There, with the assistance of a pack of newly-found mongrel friends, he begins an epic journey that will decide the fate and future of the entire Prefecture. Isle of Dogs shows a case of not being able to teach an old dog new tricks for Wes (Fantastic Mr Fox, Grand Budapest Hotel) Anderson however, when he can repeat those tricks as well as he does, it becomes a film that entirely deserves all the praise it gets for being such a sheer bundle of joy to behold. RAMPAGE

Entertaining with action packed scenes, huge monster fights, and moments of great humour. The Rock stars as a primatologist (study of primates), a man who keeps

Centre Place people at a distance but shares an unshakable bond with George, the extraordinarily intelligent, incredibly rare albino silverback gorilla, who has been in his care since he rescued the young orphan from poachers. But a rogue genetic experiment gone awry mutates this gentle ape into a raging creature of enormous size. To make matters worse, it’s soon discovered there are other similarly altered animals. As these newly created dominant predators tear across North America, destroying everything in their path, he teams with discredited geneticist, Naomie Harris, to secure an antidote, fighting his way through an everchanging battlefield, not only to halt a global catastrophe but to save the fearsome creature that was once his friend. SHERLOCK GNOMES

Ph: 838-9010

FRIDAY: 3.10, 7.45PM SATURDAY: 3.10, 7.25PM SUN: 2.55, 7.05PM - MON/TUE: 3.10, 7.45PM (PG)

FRIDAY/SATURDAY: 1.25, 4.15, 6.10PM(M) SUN: 1.05, 6.50PM - MON/TUE: 1.25, 4.15, 6.10PM FRIDAY/SATURDAY: 11.15AM, 1.45, 3.25, 5.55, 8.00PM SUNDAY: 11.15AM, 1.25, 4.20, 7.20PM MONDAY: 11.15AM, 1.45, 3.25, 5.55PM (M) TUESDAY: 11.15AM, 1.45, 3.25, 5.55, 8.00PM (E)


This is a highly-underrated animation movie. It is a nonstop entertainment ride, set in a detailed recreation of London in times gone by. The “Kung Fu Panda” director did his homework on writer Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) and plays with variations on the original “Sherlock Holmes” storylines. Missing garden ornaments get investigated by “Sherlock & Watson”, portrayed entertainingly by Johnny Depp and Chiwetel Ejiofor; and of course they confront legendary nemesis character “Moriarity” on London’s “Tower Bridge” at night. There is something worthwhile for both the young-to-infant and the accompanying movieindulging adult to make a visit to “Sherlock Gnomes” fun.




FRI/SAT: 11.00AM - SUN: 10.45AM - MON/TUE: 11.00AM








A Movie Lover’s Paradise MAY 3-9


Thu, 3 May

Fri, 4 May

Sat, 5 May

The Breaker Uperers (M) 1 hr 45 mins

1.30pm 4.00pm 8.10pm

4.00pm 8.30pm

Faces Places (G) 1 hr 44 mins

11.30am 3.50pm

The Guernsey Literary Potato Peel Pie Society (M) 2hrs 18 mins

11.00am 11.00am 11.00am 11.15am 1.00pm 1.00pm 1.30pm 5.45pm 5.45pm 6.15pm 3.30pm 6.00pm 8.00pm 8.00pm 8.00pm 8.00pm 6.15pm

Last Flag Flying (M) 2 hrs 19 mins

11.15am 1.20pm 11.30am 5.45pm 8.00pm 8.15pm

3.20pm 11.30am 1.15pm 8.15pm 7.45pm 8.15pm

A Quiet Place (M) 1 hr 45 mins



Peter Rabbit (PG) 1 hr 45 mins

4.20pm 6.00pm

8.15pm 6.15pm

Early Man (PG) 1 hr 44 mins

Tue, 8 May

Wed, 9 May

1.45pm 3.30pm 6.00pm

11.20am 3.50pm 3.50pm 6.00pm 6.00pm

3.40pm 6.00pm




3.45pm 1.30pm 2.00pm

I Can Only Imagine (M) 2 hrs 5 mins


3.50pm 11.15am

Finding Your Feet (M) 2 hrs 6 mins




L’Elisir D’Amour (E) 3 hrs 14 mins !! NEW !! Sweet Country (R16) 2 hrs 8 mins

Sun, 6 May

1.30pm 1.15pm


8.40pm 4.15pm 5.45pm



1.20pm 2.00pm

11.30am 11.00am 5.45pm



Subject to Change Without Notice.

Girls Bight Out Thu May 10 8pm “TULLY” Senior’s Morning Tea Wed 16 May 9.45am “The Crooked House”

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Presented in


THU & FRI 6:45, SAT 3:20 & 6:40, SUN 1:20 & 4:40, MON & TUE 6:15,WED 6:45 __________________________________________

RAMPAGE M SAT 3:10, SUN 12:45







THU & FRI 7:45, SAT 7:30,WED 7:45


Very positive comments from patrons of all ages. A terrifically entertaining big-screen movie with good values.


THU & FRI 7:20, SAT 5:00 & 7:10, SUN 5:10, WED 7:20



SAT 1:10 & 2:40, SUN 11:00 & 1:35



A remarkable tale of friendship in the style of Wes Anderson. Definitely a completely original and quirky gem, which will become a classic.


THU 5:25, FRI 10:10 & 5:25, SAT 5:35, SUN 3:25, WED 10:10 & 5:25



THU 5:40 & 7:50, FRI 10:20, 5:40 & 7:50, SAT 12:40, 3:00 & 7:40, SUN 10:40, 3:45 & 5:45, MON & TUE 5:40 & 7:50,WED 10:20, 5:40 & 7:50










2.00pm 2.00pm



THU & FRI 5:35 & 7:40, SAT 1:15 & 5:25, SUN 11:05 & 5:30, MON & TUE 7:40, WED 5:35 & 7:40


A madcap romp that will keep you laughing out loud.




THU 5:30, FRI 10:00 & 5:30, SAT 12:50 & 4:50, SUN 11:10 & 3:05, MON & TUE 5:30, WED 10:00 & 5:30 Morning Sessions Friday, Sunday and Wednesday with especially selected films


FRIDAY MAY 4, 2018

Shooter has success in his sights By Sophie Iremonger A Cambridge teenager has been selected for a special training programme after proving his skill with a gun. Liam McDonald was recently selected for Target Shooting New Zealand’s Junior Development Squad, having completed the organisation’s first training camp in March. “I went down to the Manuwatu for the trial, and the last day that I was down there they said that I’d

made the team… I thought it was the coolest thing ever,” an elated Liam said. “The people there were great, they’re so helpful. It was good to see their experiences and how they can help you out. “We had a really good time.” Liam was one of three newbies training alongside people who had already made the development squad – which is limited to just 12 shooters aged 13 to 21 – spending two full days training in both theory and practical lessons and shooting an air rifle for the first time on day two.

“It was quite a jam-packed day of air rifle. That was the first time I’ve given air rifle a go, it was actually really fun,” Liam said. “I started off pretty wobbly, but it got a bit better after a while,” he laughed. Between now and the next training camp in Auckland in June, Liam said he wants to take part in as many shooting competitions and events as he can. “I’ve been doing shooting pretty much all my life really, just with normal 22s, rabbit shooting. I would go out with my grandad sometimes too, to go possum shooting in the middle of the night, it was great, it was really cool.” Liam said the trick to a good shot is to follow through. “As soon as you shoot, the bullet doesn’t leave (immediately)… so you’ve got to follow through your shot and just keep on looking down the sights,” he said. “Getting your natural point of aim is really important too… and your breathing, breathing really helps a lot.” Liam currently trains out of the Cambridge Miniature Rifle Club on Pope Terrace, and eventually would like to become a professional shooter, with the aim of competing at the Olympics.




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