CountryLife | 28 July 2017

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CountryLife Friday July 28, 2017

CountryLife – 1

JULY 2017

A Cambridge News special publication

2 – CountryLife

Friday July 28, 2017

Monavale Blueberries – a Cambridge success story

Toil in the soil

This month Country Life talks to Marije Banks from Monavale Blueberries, an award-winning local business that has doubled in size over the past three years and has just opened a state of the art pack house to cope with the hot demand for its organic fruit.

By Steph Bell-Jenkins Cambridge blueberry growers Marije Banks and her family have been waiting a very, very, very long time for a summer holiday at the beach. “I think when my sister-in-law Kath immigrated to New Zealand from England all she wanted was a beach holiday in New Zealand – that was 20-odd years ago and it still hasn’t happened,” Marije said, laughing. The hard-working family’s steadfast commitment to their award-winning business, Monavale Blueberries, has long deprived them of one of kiwi life’s greatest pleasures. “We don’t know what summer holidays are; we don’t know what the beach looks like,” Marije said, faux wistfully. But the local mother of two, who loves her country lifestyle, is philosophical about it. “We still enjoy summer, we’re still outside, you know, we still have an orchard,” she said. “It’s just different. We’re working. I make it sound sad but it’s not sad, it’s just different. And we’re so used to it because we haven’t known any different.” Marije has toiled at the orchard since her Dutch parents, Paul and Mieke de Groot, bought their first 10 acres here in 1985. “My parents had always dreamed of owning their own land, that’s why they migrated to New Zealand,” Marije said. “Dad had horticultural qualifications and a multitude of years of experience in Holland market gardening, green keeping and looking after hockey fields when they were still grass, not turf.” After a stint working in Auckland, the couple found an ideal orchard site just outside Cambridge on the Moanatuatua Plains. Boasting views of Maungatautari, Pirongia and the Kakepuku mountains, the overgrown peat patch was a wholesome oasis of untouched dirt in the heart of dairy country. “It was all undeveloped tea tree,

scrub and gorse which had never been farmed before, so it made it perfect for organics,” Marije said. “We were very lucky to find a piece of virgin soil, which is quite unheard of in this area. It was lucky timing I guess.” Her parents originally planted a variety of crops – blueberries, courgettes, beans, strawberries, raspberries, lettuce, tomatoes, boysenberries and cucumbers. “We tried a lot of things. I think the intention was to be a market garden – all organic – and to see what would grow on the peat soil.” Aged 11 at the time, she pitched in from the beginning with her brother Marco, helping to pick and pack the fruit and vegetables and sell them at a roadside Karapiro stall. Three years later, the family invested in another 10 acres and in 1992, Marco and his English wife Kath bought 10 acres of neighbouring property. Marije and her husband Richard followed in 2000, adding an additional 10-acre block to the growing venture. Both couples opted to plant their blocks in blueberries. “Mum and dad’s two acres seemed to be good and the blueberries liked the soil and liked the environment, so we thought why not?” Marije said. “We all had jobs outside the business at the time. My brother was a civil engineer, my sister-in-law has an arts degree, my husband was a secondary school teacher and I have a degree in marketing. “Initially we thought it might be a supplementary income to our jobs, but of course it became too hard to maintain an orchard as well as work outside of that, especially in harvest season.” The two couples quit their jobs and went all in, dedicating themselves to the labour-intensive work of cutting scrub and weeding plants by hand, and growing blueberries without using any chemical fertilisers, herbicides, pesticides or insecticides. Their operation has been certified organic with BioGro NZ since

1993. With demand for their fresh berries and value-added products growing, in 2009 they opened Cafe Irresistiblue, a rustic destination cafe and orchard shop, where they sell organic coffee, fresh food and a range of blueberry goodies such as jams, juice, ice cream and blueberry wine. “We kind of opened it because we wanted people to see what we do here,” Marije said. “Selling our product direct to the public at the Cambridge and Hamilton farmers’ markets every weekend over the summer months, we became aware that lots of people didn’t know what organics was and what it meant. One lady said to us ‘oh, it means you don’t add sugar’. There’s not a lot of education around organics and it’s something we really wanted to showcase.” Over the past three years the family has invested heavily in expansion, purchasing an extra 50 acres of neighbouring land, doubling blueberry bush numbers, and building a state of the art packhouse at the back of the property. The high-tech facility has just been finished, with equipment moved in this month. “At the moment all the money is invested back into the company because of the rapid growth, but we’re happy with that,” Marije said. “The next big purchase will be new grading equipment that uses digital photography to identify defects in the fruit, but we’ve already done a lot of our big, core investment with the new pack house, the plants and the land. I think this will be big enough for a while.” Right now, in the “quiet” winter months, Marije and her family members each plough 50-60 hours a week into the business. “In the summer months that increases to 80-plus hours per week during the peak season each, without a word of a lie, just to make it run,” Marije said. The fruit is picked by hand, with 120 seasonal workers flooding in during peak

Kimberley Evans delivers a blueberry tart at Cafe Irresistiblue. season from January to March to help the orchard’s 20 full-time and 12 parttime permanent staff members. Late last year, Marco and Kath’s son Oliver officially joined the company’s ranks after studying horticulture at Lincoln University, meaning there are now three generations involved. “In the long term I’d like to think that Oliver might be interested in having a hands-on role in running the business, and we might be in a position to employ other people to do what we currently do,” Marije said. “We do love the work, but we do spend lots and lots and lots of hours doing it, so it would be great to be in a financial position to take a different role

in the business, rather than full-on hands on. “We still do all the planting, all the weeding, all the scrub cutting, which is fun – it’s what we’re good at – but it would be nice to take a step back and do a little bit less.” Having worked so hard to make Monavale Blueberries the runaway success it is today, the summer holiday the family members have been dreaming of since 1985 – and so richly deserve – might soon happen more than once in a blue moon. FRONT PAGE PHOTO: Marije relaxes in the gardens outside Cafe Irresistiblue.

Organic ethos reaps rewards Friday July 28, 2017

After growing blueberries organically for 32 years, Monavale Blueberries is now reaping the rewards of its chemical free philosophy, says joint owner Marije Banks. Marije says the orchard, which has full BioGro NZ organic status, often gets envious glances from neighbouring farmers. “Our grass is sometimes three times as high as the grass over the road. When they look at their grass and say why is it so short across the road and why is yours so good we say well, you know, go organic. But hey, it’s not instantaneous and you’ve got to work at it. And I think that’s hard for them because they like to see instant results. “You can put a chemical fertiliser on grass and it will grow and next week it will

be massive – you see the results almost instantaneously – but organics is not like that. “Organics takes a long time to make sure your soil’s got all the right substances in it, that the worms are in there doing their job, that the beneficial insects are in there doing their job and then, ultimately, when all that’s in balance you’re going to get amazing growth out of your bushes and your grass.” Marije said with disease one of the biggest potential threats to the business, growing organically gave a measure of reassurance. “We’d like to think because we grow organically, we look after our soil and we

Imagine a weed free, lush green lawn

Pimp my Lawn provides the care and services required to keep your lawn looking lovely, adding value to your property and vibrance to your garden. Whether you’d like to transform your weedy existing grass into a luscious green lawn, or keep your lovely lawn looking wonderful all year round, Pimp my Lawn are the ones to call – providing a regular Lawn Weed and Feed treatment service for all lawns big or small. Established in 2007, Pimp my Lawn’s Weed and Feed service includes applying fertiliser, soil conditioners and controlling unsightly weeds, moss, disease, insects and rogue grasses in your lawn. Pimp my Lawn’s specialist Lawn Care operator Rob, a Cambridge local, services Cambridge and the surrounding area, specialising in transforming lawns into luscious ‘greenscapes’, as well as maintaining lawns in top condition and ensuring newly-laid lawns can grow and thrive to their full potential. Pimp my Lawn’s successful approach to excellent lawns has seen the business grow rapidly from humble beginnings in the Hawkes Bay to several different franchise locations around the country. All operators are fully qualified and carry out treatments to the highest possible standard, using the finest products and state of the art drift-free equipment. Service and satisfaction is 100 per cent guaranteed from your local lawn care expert, and an inspection and quote for your lawn is completely free. Call or email the team to arrange for Rob to visit your property, phone 0800 111 001 or visit

CountryLife – 3

look after our plants rather than push them into growth through chemical fertilisers and things like that, they are stronger and can withstand a lot of disease and are more resilient because they’ve had to learn to do that. “When you’re constantly getting the bugs off them through pesticides and chemical fertilisers, yeah they grow really well, but if there is a disease they go ooh, what’s that, I’m going to die because I can’t handle that. Whereas our bushes have gone ooh, what I’d really like is some fertiliser but okay, I can’t get it so I’ll have to grow roots deeper to find what I want. “It sounds silly but it does make a difference growing organically.”

Fresh blueberry market blossoms Back in 1985, when Mieke and Paul de Groot started the horticultural business that later became Monavale Blueberries, the fruit didn’t rate highly on most kiwis’ radars. “Our blueberries were doing well in the USA back then, but not in New Zealand – there was virtually no demand here,” said the couple’s daughter Marije Banks, now a joint owner in the business. “I guess New Zealanders only knew to eat them cooked in a muffin, slice or blueberry pie;

they didn’t eat them fresh like they would a strawberry. That’s only really developed over the past 20 years.” The fresh New Zealand market had expanded “heaps”, she said, with Monavale Blueberries now selling about 20 per cent of its crop on the local market. “Countdown (supermarket chain) is one of our bigger New Zealand markets, we do a lot of organic for veggie stores nationwide and we’ve recently added New World.”

Head chef Matt Armitage prepares tasty food at Cafe Irresistiblue in Monavale.

The company exports most of the remainder of its annual crop to Australia, Malasia, Taiwan and Singapore. But while the local market has grown, Marije would like to see it increase a lot more. “We’d like to sell all our organic blueberries in New Zealand – that would be our ultimate aim – but having existing clients overseas is wonderful also. “We believe there is still plenty of scope to increase the New Zealand market.”

Research reveals juicy benefits

Research into the nutritional benefits of pure blueberry juice being conducted by The University of Auckland is uncovering some exciting findings, says Monavale Blueberries joint owner Marije Banks. “The antioxidant levels and other benefits in our organic juice are currently being tested through a three-year research and development programme we’ve got with the university,” Marije said. “We’re about one-and-a-half years in but the research they’re telling us is pretty phenomenal. We can’t release it yet, but every month they come back to us with data and information saying it’s more than they expected, so we’re very excited about that.” Marije said the nutritional value of blueberries had been widely researched in the USA, but the growth of the New Zealand industry had created more interest from local universities and researchers. “I think they’re realising what an incredible fruit it is,” she said. “A lot of it is to do with the antioxidant level and the anthocyanins, which is to do with the blue colouring of the fruit.” Marije said testing on her company’s berries had shown 100ml of pure juice per day would be needed to get maximum benefit from the antioxidants.

4 – CountryLife

Friday July 28, 2017

Waikato Tractors make The war on myrtle rust it easy for the customer

In recent times, specialty farm tractors have been developed for particular uses and finding the right tractor for your particular needs is essential. Waikato Tractors have a range of leading brands to choose from, a team of experts with the knowhow to guide you in your choice, finance options to make your choice a reality and, importantly, exceptional after sales service. “Our mobile fleet of service trucks makes it easy for you as we can service your tractor at your place,” says sales manager, Ben Peters. Waikato Tractors is an experienced agent for top international brands including Fendt, Valtra, Iseki, and Massey Ferguson, which next year will celebrate 60 years in New Zealand. As well as agricultural machines, the business has a range of smaller tractors and ride-on mowers to suit lifestyle needs, and trades in second-hand tractors and machinery. From large land holdings, to small blocks and the equine industry, Waikato Tractors has it

covered. It has been in business for nearly 35 years and has a loyal clientele, many of whom have been with the company from the start. Service is their forte. The team makes it easy for customers. They visit on site at a time that is convenient for you, listen to your needs, present a wide range of options, including finance, and guide you towards the best solutions. They strive to achieve the optimal outcome to suit your needs and budget. Consistently recognised as one of the top performing AGCO dealerships in New Zealand, Waikato Tractors attributes its long-term success to its customer-focused approach, after-sales service, and quality parts and products. At the heart of its success is an experienced and stable staff base of 28, a number of whom have worked at Waikato Tractors for more than 20 years. And with two of the team living in Cambridge, there is a strong connection with the local community.

Myrtle rust (Austropuccinia psidii) is a serious fungal disease that affects plants in the myrtle family, including pohutukawa and manuka, as well as some commercially grown species. Found in many parts of the world, the fungus is now appearing in New Zealand in places such as Northland, Waikato, Bay of Plenty and Taranaki. According to the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI), the fungus is thought to have been carried here by strong winds from Australia. “People are understandably concerned about the spread of myrtle rust,” says Wendy Valois of Waikato Regional Council, “particularly as spores are spread easily. They are microscopic and can travel large distances by wind, or via insects, birds, people, or machinery”. Many landowners are underway with plantings right now and like the Ministry for Primary Industries, Waikato Regional Council is encouraging people to consider alternatives to myrtle species of plants. If myrtle species have already been planted, then the advice is to note where they are and check them for signs of myrtle rust when the weather warms up. That’s because myrtle rust is suppressed over winter and infected plants might not show symptoms until spring. People unsure what to plant instead should visit MPI’s website, “Our catchment management officers are here to help landowners too. Call us on 0800 800 401,” says Wendy. If you do spot what you think is myrtle rust, call MPI’s hotline on 0800 80 99 66. And if you have a camera or phone camera, take clear photos, including the whole plant, the whole affected leaf, and a close-up of the spores or affected area of the plant. Do not touch it or try to collect samples as this may increase the

spread of the disease. To prevent the spread of myrtle rust, MPI has worked with the nursery industry to produce guidelines which provide hygiene and other protocols for commercial and community nurseries and plant suppliers. If you’re buying plants, check your supplier is aware of myrtle rust and these protocols. You can find them at The Ministry for Primary Industries is leading the national response to this fungal disease.

Myrtle rust is likely to have come to New Zealand from Australia.

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Cambridge – the heart of rural Waikato

CountryLife – 5

Friday July 28, 2017

Cambridge has claimed the geographical distinction of being the centre of the North Island of our beautiful country. A logical extension of that claim is its boast of being at the very heart of the rural Waikato, says Roger Gordon of Destination Cambridge. “Last year the Tourism Opportunities Plan produced by Hamilton Waikato Tourism identified that further development of the Rural New Zealand Experience was a real opportunity for the region.” Destination Cambridge, the town’s tourism promotional agency, grasped its chance. Working with its stakeholder partners, it is now marketing its stable of rural visitor experiences.

Proving very popular is the Dairy Farm Tour. The tour provides tourists with the choice of visiting two working farms, including a traditional herringbone shed and a state-of-the-art, robotic dairy farm. In both cases the authentic experience is provided by the farmer. Reflecting the strong heritage of the area, the Waikato Thoroughbred Stud Tour has been a unique experience to get up close, but not too close, to some of country’s finest stallions. The favourite time of the year to visit is when many of the mares have foals at hoof. “Regaling the achievements of New Zealand’s champion blood lines is an ageless story of real interest to many

of our international visitors,” says Roger. An alpaca stud and deer stud offer further rural experiences. A visit to Zealong Tea Estate is another worthwhile activity. A recent visitor from Ireland, working through Destination Cambridge, packaged together a bespoke two-day tour. The first day involved visits to both dairy farms, the deer stud, and a famous thoroughbred stud. The next day took in the alpaca tour, Zealong Tea Estate, and Gordonton Farm Shop. Delighted by this dream-come-true opportunity to experience New Zealand agriculture, she hopes to visit again soon.

Aircon Direct working to keeping you warm and dry

Everyone wants a home or work environment that is healthy, comfortable and efficient. Aircon Direct offers a range of solutions to improve the quality of your surroundings. The Cambridgebased business specialises in the supply, installation and servicing of air conditioning, heat pumps, solar, refrigeration and ventilation systems in the domestic and commercial markets. Primarily active in the Waikato region, Aircon Direct prides itself on providing honest, competent and personalised customer service. The team forges close customer relationships and goes the extra distance to ensure its products and work standards are second to none. The company uses quality products that it is confident to stand behind, and delivers high quality

workmanship that comes with a five year warranty. Prices are competitive. While the official dealers for both Daikin Industries Ltd and Panasonic Industries Ltd, Aircon Direct will install most other reputable brands. The team has strong technical expertise and is frequently complimented for its efficiency and professionalism. Staff members know how to work in project-based environments and understand the critical importance of meeting deadlines. Based in their new showroom at 141 Queen Street, Cambridge, Aircon Direct has a fleet of fully equipped vans and a service vehicle, with a full range of specialist air-conditioning tools and equipment. And best of all, the team has a ‘can do’ attitude and customer satisfaction at heart.

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6 – CountryLife

Friday July 28, 2017

New Zealand-based company Xero was a major sponsor at this year’s Fieldays. Country Life takes a look at how its globally successful technology can help farmers boost profits.

Farm budgeting: from Xero to hero International accounting software company Xero is urging farmers not to stuff their budgets in the bottom drawer and forget about them.

single budget via the internet, and farmers could benchmark their performance against industry averages. “So you know if you’re 20 per cent above the industry norm on fert or labour cost or whatever,” By Steph Bell-Jenkins he said. It is “ridiculous” that only 20 per cent of farmers “You’re actually able to identify, hang on there’s are actively budgeting and using that information an issue here that I need to be aware of – not only to give insight into their business, says Craig you but also your trusted advisor.” Hudson of Wellington-based company Xero. A former rugby player who played professionally Xero makes cloud accounting software for small in New Zealand, France, England and Wales, to medium sized businesses, allowing them to Hudson is a key member of Xero’s global sales manage their budget online and access it from leadership team, responsible for “driving internet capable devices such as tablets and smart relationships with government, financial phones anywhere there is coverage, 24 hours a day. institutions and enterprise, and promoting the Hudson, Xero NZ’s managing director, made his small business economy”. comment during a media briefing at this June’s He recently returned to New Zealand from the National Agricultural Fieldays, where the company United Kingdom, where he led Xero’s entrance into was a major sponsor. Europe, the Middle East and South Africa. “Every farmer has to do a budget – as soon as “From a Xero standpoint we are all in on the they get a loan the bank has to do it – but (most) agri-scene,” he said. print that budget out and it goes in the bottom “We launched what we call the farming team drawer, and they don’t look at it again for another about two years ago. We were trying to bring 12 months,” he told a Fieldays media briefing. together the accountants, the banks and the “So the point is actually making sure that you’re farmers and farm consultants. We feel it takes a looking at that budget in a dynamic way on an village to raise a child and it takes a village to raise ongoing basis and referencing back to how you’re a business.” going.” Popular technology CEO Rod Drury founded Xero in 2006, Hudson said Xero and its agri-business interface, developing his cloud-based product for small to Figured, allowed farmers to keep tabs on how medium-sized businesses as an alternative to their businesses were tracking in real time. Rather than having one budget for the bank, traditional desktop accounting software. one for the accountant and another for the farm Accolades he has notched up since include EY advisor, all interested parties could access a Entrepreneur of the Year in 2013, New Zealand

Herald Business Leader of the Year in 2012, and Hi-Tech New Zealand Entrepreneur of the Year in 2006 and 2007. Xero has grown from 50,000 subscribers five-and-a-half years ago to a million customers today. It has offices in Australia, USA, Singapore and the UK, but its global headquarters remain in Wellington. “We’re really passionate about the future, really buoyant about where things are going as a company in general,” Hudson said. “Ten years old, one million customers – there’s a really exciting time ahead for us I think, and for small businesses in New Zealand.”

Bank backing

Hudson says BNZ has partnered with and invested in Xero’s agri-business software interface, Figured, offering it free to all farming customers. “(The) financial services sector (is) pushing farmers to make sure they’re getting the right numbers at their fingertips to be able to make the right decisions, instead of waiting until the end of the period to be able to figure out where they’re at,” he said. “Particularly the cash flow with farmers is really hard, so for us to be able to do both cash and accrual at the same time makes a massive difference for them from a forecasting perspective...if you’ve got insight and foreseeable forecasting stability of what’s going on in your business you can ride out (the tough times) a lot more than if you’ve got no idea.” He said technology like this, which was once only available to big business and enterprise and


Craig Hudson, managing director of Xero NZ. would have cost “millions of dollars”, was now accessible to small business for the price of “a couple of coffees a day”. “It’s fundamentally changing how small businesses are able to operate and also compete.”

Pushing the big boys

Hudson says Xero is passionate about getting small businesspeople paid faster. “Cash is king in small business as we know,” he said.

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CountryLife – 7

Friday July 28, 2017

“The late payment side of things really kills small business and having that cash coming in means you’re able to pay your staff and pay for food for your family too and it reduces the stress in the household. “So how do we do that so that we can actually have better relationships on the farm? Because as we know, when the dairy payout goes down a huge amount of pressure goes on those individual farmers. All the communities have to come together and suicide support comes in, mental health issues come in. “If we take away the darkness of what cash flow holes are by having a little bit more focus on getting paid faster it will make a massive difference.” Hudson estimated if every invoice outstanding on Xero New Zealand’s platform was paid today, enough cash would be injected back into the small business economy to create 110,000 jobs. “That’s huge, absolutely huge,” he said.

“It’s not just big business that is holding payments back and we’ll be riding that and pushing the big boys as hard as we possibly can to get them to free up payments much faster, so not the standard 30, 60-day payment. “Fonterra got hammered on that recently and they’re pushing their payment terms out, but the big business is also screwing it at the other end when they’re trying to use their procurements managers to get the best possible price. So (they’re) driving down the actual return that small business is getting and then holding back payment and using the small business as their bank. “From where we sit, and as an advocate for small business with 242,000 businesses on our platform, we feel we’re in a position to be able to stand up for that. “So that’s what we’re going to be driving in the next little while; making sure we can unlock that and support small business in the regions.”

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8 – CountryLife

Friday July 28, 2017

Quality Used Stock for Work or Play ALL PRICES INCL GST


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2016 AJP PR3 240 MX PRO: 240cc 4 stroke, air & oil cooled carburetted engine, 5 spd trans, 840mm seat height.


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2016 POLARIS OUTLAW 110: Auto PVT with reverse, electric start, 2WD, air cooled, lockable hand lever park brake, 4-stroke, single cylinder 112cc engine.

$2,550 $6,995

2012 SUZUKI TF125: Good cond Mud Bug off sheep farm, manual trans, new rear tyre, 2 stroke, dual stands, carriers, 3571kms





2015 YAMAHA YZ250FX: Tidy cond, 92hrsm, Michelin tyres, Acerbis handguards, 6-speed gearbox with enduro clutch, electric-start.

2015 GAS GAS EC125R: Mint cond, 1 owner done 1 trail ride all other use has been on farm, 2 stroke, 6 spd trans, Marzocchi front forks.

2014 YAMAHA YZ250: Very good example, 167hrs since new: full engine rebuild at 100hrs, top end rebuild at 150hrs. This bike is ready to go with lots of cross country extras.




2005 SUZUKI LTA700X: 12800kms, great cond, fuel inj, independent susp, press button 2WD/4WD & Difflocks, new tyres, dog mat, mudflaps.

2016 HONDA TRX500FAP: Just 3800kms! FourTrax Foreman 4x4, front diff lock, electronic power steering, EFI, push button gear shift system with auto clutch.




2016 SUZUKI GN125: Something different! Farm setup with knobbly tyres. Proven 125cc 4 stroke, electric start, 5 spd, headlight, just 1548kms, low seat height.

2013 KAWASAKI Z1000SX: Extremely tidy, 1 very careful owner, 136Hp, only 228KG Wet, Givi Pannier Boxes, Pirelli Angel GT tyres, 32672kms.

22015 HONDA CBR650F: One owner from new, great cond, LAMS approved, liquid cooled inline four cylinder, ABS, good tyres, 6690kms.


2012 POLARIS RANGER 500: Very tidy, good tyres, roof, screen, wiper & roller door, 2wd/AWD & turf modes, CVT auto trans with hi/ lo ratio, 22450kms.


2015 POLARIS RZR 570: Like new. Just 66km. ROPS approved cage, 2 seats with belts, cargo tray, only 50” wide, fuel efficient, auto EFI, On-Demand True AWD/2WD.





2017 KAWASAKI KXF250: Done 2 hrs, more powerful & lighter engine, narrow frame, launch control, flatter seat tank, adjust engine settings with the DFI couplers.

FROM $8,995

2016 YAMAHA WOLVERINE: LTD Edition R spec Wolverine, just 7700kms, 2 years left on Wty, seat covers, winch, ½ screen, roof, skid plates, 2wd/4wd, power steer.

POLARIS RANGER 500 / 570: We have several Rangers just traded 500 and 570: water-cooled engine, 2WD/4WD/Turf, Hi/Lo CVT trans, 4 wheel disk brakes, sample pi



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2015 SUZUKI LTA500X: One sheep station owner, 14000kms, excellent cond, new tyres, hi/lo ratio cvt trans, push button 2wd/4wd and difflock.


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2016 KAWASAKI MULE PRO FX: Huge cargo bed, hydraulic disc brakes, 26” tyres, 3 cylinder engine, pushbutton 2wd/4wd, dorrs, EPS, 907kg tow capacity.





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2015 POLARIS RANGER 1000 DIESEL XP: 1000Kg tow capacity, AWD with Turf Mode, 4 wheel active descent, engine braking, power steer.


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2017 TORROT E12: Kids electric bike, made for 6-9 year olds, bike is just 30kg, adjustable power, EBR front fork & suspension, single hydraulic shock absorber.

Finance available to approved purchasers. Ask us about flexible terms and options, so we can provide a quote specific to you. You may even qualify for ZERO $$ DEPOSIT. Interest rates subject to change, application fees, terms and conditions apply.

Buy with confidence from a LMVD. All our used bikes are fully workshop serviced 4 Maniapoto St Otorohanga // T: 07 873 8196 // Brent Roberts 021 285 1635 // E: Joel 027 279 5425 // Ian 0274 46 48 49 // Russell 0274 775 771

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