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12,700 copies (inc Otorohanga) Your Local Independent Paper
AUGUST 23, 2019
Where’s the shield? By Caitlan Johnston
It’s an easy enough question - who has the shield? Otago, rugby fans will tell you. But for the Te Awamutu A and P Association it’s not so straight forward. Because their challenge shield, first presented 85 year ago, is missing. The Te Awamutu A&P Agricultural Shield - known as the challenge shield - is awarded to the school whose team of three students and their calves perform the best collectively at Agricultural Days. Korakonui School staff have spent close
to six months looking for the shield, in the hope of having it back on show when they host the Te Awamutu Group Agricultural (Ag) day on October 23. The school believes it went missing sometime in September 2017 from Te Awamutu Intermediate. No one noticed its absence in 2018 because schools did not host calves at Ag days that year, a consequence of the mycoplasma bovis outbreak. “We’re hoping it turns up, when it gets given out you hear some of the adults talk about how their name is on it from when they won it, there’s a lot of history behind it,” said Waikato A&P Association
delegate for the Te Awamutu boys and girls section Stewart Fitzgerald. The shield will feel at home at Korakonui School – it was there in 1950 and the school has won it almost 20 times since then. “Someone has to know they’ve got it, its not just a shield that sits away in your china cupboard,” said Mr Fitzgerald. There’s a good chance it will be found – Waikato sub-unions competed for almost a century for the Peace Cup before it went missing for 12 years – it was later found and next year will mark its centenary. Do you know where the shield is? Email editor@goodlocal.nz
Crystal Fitzgerald with cousins Bailey and Mackenzie Fitzgerald pictured after they won the shield in 2014 – but now it’s gone missing.
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