Integrando os materiais da Cambridge com os módulos digitais Employability Skills

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Integrando os materiais da Cambridge com os módulos digitais

Employability Skills

Guia de Ensino

Este guia mostrará como integrar os módulos digitais Employability Skills e Employability Skills: Workplace Essentials com os materiais:

• Evolve Digital

• Evolve

• Empower

• American Empower

• Interchange


03 Introdução

05 Conectando as habilidades

07 Usando os módulos em diferentes ambientes de aprendizagem

09 Trabalhando com o Evolve Digital

15 Trabalhando com outros materiais da Cambridge: Evolve, Empower, American Empower e Interchange

26 Suporte da Cambridge


Os empregadores relatam repetidamente a falta de competências interpessoais essenciais (pensamento crítico, inteligência emocional, comunicação eficaz...) como um dos maiores problemas que a sua força de trabalho enfrenta. Essas competências interpessoais tornam-se ainda mais importantes à medida que as empresas dependem cada vez mais da tecnologia e continuam a expandir-se internacionalmente. Os trabalhadores treinados nessas soft skills estão mais bem equipados para colaborar através das fronteiras transculturais e digitais, complementando assim as limitações da tecnologia e apoiando o papel da sua empresa no cenário global.

A Cambridge criou dois módulos digitais de Employability Skills para suprir as necessidades relacionadas a essas habilidades sociais e para o desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional dos alunos. Cada módulo possui oito unidades, com carga

horária de uma hora cada, nas quais os professores podem integrar perfeitamente em seu programa para expandir o ensino do inglês e as habilidades abordadas nas ofertas de materiais para adultos e jovens adultos da Cambridge. Os módulos não apenas engajam e motivam os alunos, mas também os ajudam a comparar o inglês cotidiano com o inglês comercial na preparação para o mundo do trabalho.

As unidades de cada módulo estão alinhadas com as oito competências profissionais extraídas do Cambridge Life Competencies Framework Os dois módulos, Employability Skills: Workplace Essentials e Employability Skills, cobrem as mesmas oito competências essenciais, mas em dois níveis de proficiência diferentes. Como as unidades de cada módulo são independentes umas das outras, elas podem ser usadas de forma flexível para melhor atender ao seu curso específico e às suas necessidades instrucionais.

1 Collaboration and teamwork

Establishing ways of working together Managing the distribution of tasks

2 Communication Listening actively to others speaking Structuring information in spoken and written texts clearly

3 Innovation and problem solving

4 Critical thinking and decision making

5 Leadership and global citizenship

6 Professional development and management

Elaborating on and combining ideas Considering perspectives of different stakeholders

Analyzing information, identifying patterns and relationships

Supporting organizational initiatives to address global issues

Using a system to manage information and documentation

Evaluating options and recommendations to come to a decision

Demonstrating awareness of ethical issues related to an organization’s impact on others

Setting goals for professional development

7 Emotional intelligence Developing a positive attitude and work ethic Supporting others

8 Digital literacy

Sourcing and managing digital data, information, and content

Interacting appropriately in a digital workspace by demonstrating intercultural awareness and maintaining confidentiality

Cada unidade do módulo conduz os alunos por uma série de atividades estruturadas para desenvolver e aprimorar habilidades específicas e adquirir a competência alvo. Os vídeos, as atividades e as worksheets podem ser usados em configurações síncronas e assíncronas, dependendo das necessidades de professores e alunos.

Para ajudar a adequar as atividades de uma unidade dos módulos ao seu ambiente de aprendizagem específico, consulte as Teacher’s notes dos módulos Employability Skills: Workplace Essentials e Employability Skills; as Teacher’s Notes descrevem quais atividades podem ser realizadas individualmente e quais são eficazes para pares e grupos. Os vídeos de unidade sobre habilidades e

etiqueta no local de trabalho podem ser assistidos pelos alunos de forma independente ou em conjunto, numa sala de aula tradicional ou virtual, e funcionam como um trampolim para a discussão. Finalmente, as worksheets correspondentes oferecem atividades práticas para reforçar o inglês comercial fundamental e podem ser usadas de forma independente, como lição de casa, ou usadas em sala de aula.

Depois que os alunos concluírem com êxito uma unidade do módulo, os professores poderão emitir um certificado de conclusão de unidade e, ao final da oitava unidade, um “badge” digital para criar um sentimento de realização e aumentar a motivação dos alunos.

Conectando as habilidades

Para maximizar o potencial e o impacto desses módulos digitais, a Cambridge analisou as lições dos materiais Evolve Digital, Evolve, Empower, American Empower e Interchange, e as combinou com as unidades mais relevantes dos módulos Employability Skills e Employability Skills: Workplace Essentials.

Uma habilidade em comum vincula uma unidade do módulo a uma lição específica do material. Em muitos casos, a unidade do módulo pode funcionar efetivamente como um ponto culminante para uma unidade ou lição de um material, capacitando assim os alunos a aplicarem suas habilidades diárias de inglês em um ambiente profissional.

Observe que nem todas as unidades ou lições do seu material corresponderão, exatamente, a uma unidade dos módulos Employability Skills e Employability Skills: Workplace Essentials.

As seções “Trabalhando com o Evolve Digital” e “Trabalhando com outros materiais da Cambridge” (páginas 9 a 25) fornecem tabelas detalhadas que listam as habilidades comuns e as lições correspondentes. Consulte o exemplo na próxima página para ver como uma unidade do módulo Employability Skills pode complementar efetivamente uma lição do livro Evolve nível 3 por meio da habilidade comum de tomada de decisões.

Common Skill Evolve 3

Decision making

Unit 4 Think first Lesson 2 A Peruvian adventure

• Make decisions and plans

• Make plans for a weekend trip as a group

Employability Skills

Unit 4 Evaluating options and recommendations to come to a decision

Framework Competency: Critical thinking and decision making

• Identify key points to think about when making a decision

• Make decisions and plans as a group

• Evaluate options and make a recommendation

Employability Skills, Unit 4: Evaluating options and recommendations to come to a decision

Evolve 3, Unit 4, Lesson 2: A Peruvian adventure


Usando os módulos em diferentes ambientes de aprendizagem

Os módulos Employability Skills e Employability Skills: Workplace Essentials foram projetados pela Cambridge para atender a uma ampla variedade de cenários de ensino e aprendizagem. Os três exemplos de cenários a seguir demonstram como os

100% assíncrono

módulos podem ser integrados em uma variedade de configurações de programas e horas de curso, incluindo aqueles que são assíncronos (sem instrução ao vivo) ou síncronos (com instrução ao vivo).

Beatriz leciona em uma faculdade que oferece cursos de inglês totalmente on-line para os seus estudantes. Ela opta por integrar os módulos Employability Skills quando os alunos tiverem concluído a unidade correspondente do Evolve Digital.

Assíncrono Evolve Digital Student’s Course Lesson 3 (functional language at Levels 1–4 or listening and speaking skills at Levels 5 & 6)

Assíncrono Evolve Digital Student’s Course Lesson 4 (various skills at Levels 1–4 or reading and writing skills at Levels 5 & 6)

Assíncrono Employability Skills Full unit (activities, videos, and worksheets)


50% assíncrono, 50% síncrono

Augusto leciona em uma escola de idiomas de médio porte com foco em speaking e na fluência oral. A maioria dos alunos tem aulas presenciais, mas a escola também oferece aulas remotas. Augusto utiliza os módulos Employability Skills durante as aulas síncronas on-line. Caso as discussões ou atividades em aula se prolonguem mais do que o esperado, ele sabe que poderá passar atividades e as worksheets do módulo Employability Skills para serem feitas de forma assíncrona.

Assíncrono Evolve Digital Student’s Course Lesson 1 (grammar and vocabulary)

Assíncrono Evolve Digital Student’s Course Lesson 2 (grammar and vocabulary)

Assíncrono Evolve Digital Student’s Course Lesson 3 (functional language at Levels 1–4 or listening and speaking skills at Levels 5 & 6)

Síncrono Evolve Digital Teacher’s Companion Lesson 3 (functional language at Levels 1–4 or listening and speaking skills at Levels 5 & 6)

Síncrono Evolve Digital Teacher’s Companion Lesson 5 (task-based free-speaking activity)

Síncrono Employability Skills Full unit (activities, videos, and worksheets)

75% assíncrono, 25% síncrono


Júlia leciona em uma escola particular de idiomas com turmas pequenas. As aulas concentram-se principalmente em gramática e vocabulário, com ênfase em conversação, a fim de melhorar as perspectivas de emprego dos alunos. Júlia utiliza os módulos Employability Skills com vídeos e atividades em pares e em grupos em sala de aula. Em seguida, ela passa as atividades e as worksheets dos módulos e incentiva os alunos a assistirem aos vídeos novamente de forma assíncrona.

Assíncrono Evolve Digital Student’s Course Lesson 1 (grammar and vocabulary)

Assíncrono Evolve Digital Student’s Course Lesson 2 (grammar and vocabulary)

Assíncrono Evolve Digital Student’s Course Lesson 3 (functional language at Levels 1–4 or listening and speaking skills at Levels 5 & 6)

Assíncrono Evolve Digital Student’s Course Lesson 4 (various skills at Levels 1–4 or reading and writing skills at Levels 5 & 6)

Síncrono Evolve Digital Teacher’s Companion Lesson 5 (task-based free-speaking activity)

Assíncrono Evolve Digital Student’s Course Unit review

Síncrono Employability Skills Videos Pair and Group activities

Assíncrono Employability Skills Independent activities Worksheets






Trabalhando com o Evolve Digital

As tabelas a seguir sugerem maneiras de combinar as oito unidades de cada módulo com unidades específicas do Evolve Digital níveis 2, 3, 4 e 5. As unidades do módulo não precisam ser ensinadas em nenhuma ordem específica. Elas foram organizadas nas tabelas para complementar os diferentes temas e habilidades em cada nível do Evolve Digital. Nem todas as unidades do Evolve Digital serão compatíveis com as unidades dos módulos. Os módulos também podem ser combinados

Evolve Digital 2 + Workplace Essentials

Common Skill

Evolve Digital 2

Organizing information Unit 1 Connections

Lesson 4 Email introductions

• Read for main ideas and details in an email

• Organize information for a voicemail

Decision making Unit 2 Work and study

Lesson 5 Apps for life*

• Describe different ways apps can help students

• Express opinions about the best language learning app

com diferentes níveis do curso.

As tabelas do Evolve Digital foram projetadas para turmas que utilizam conteúdo tanto do Student’s Course (assíncrono) quanto do Teacher’s Companion (síncrono). As lições sugeridas encontradas apenas no Teacher’s Companion são marcadas com um asterisco (*). Por outro lado, se você estiver usando apenas o Student’s Course, poderá adicionar a unidade do módulo sugerida no final da unidade do Student’s Course

Expressing understanding

Money management

Unit 5 Firsts and lasts

Lesson 3 Great job!

• Check your understanding of a problem

• Sympathize with people

Unit 6 Buy now, pay later

Lesson 4 Money lessons

• Discuss ways to save money

• Give tips for saving money when shopping

Workplace Essentials

Unit 3 Elaborating on and combining ideas

Framework Competency: Innovation and problem solving

• Respond to other people’s ideas

• Combine ideas by putting them into groups

• Elaborate on ideas

Unit 4 Analyzing information, identifying patterns and relationships

Framework Competency: Critical thinking and decision making

• Describe different kinds of information

• Compare different options so you can make a decision

• Give reasons for decisions

Unit 2 Listening actively to others speaking

Framework Competency: Communication

• Show that you understand or don’t understand

• Check that you have understood something correctly

Unit 5 Supporting organizational initiatives to address global issues

Framework competency: Leadership and global citizenship

• Manage money when addressing an issue

• Recognize and describe local and global issues

• Write about an initiative to address a local or global issue

Common Skill

Managing group projects

Evolve Digital 2

Unit 7 Eat, drink, be happy

Lesson 5 The perfect party*

• Plan and organize a party for clients

• Consider and incorporate clients’ preferences

Giving advice Unit 8 Trips

Lesson 4 Leaving home

• Give advice about living in a new country

• Compare and respond to people’s advice

Identifying work tasks and responsibilities

Unit 10 Risky business

Lesson 1 Danger on the job

• Use words to describe jobs

• Discuss the possible dangers of different jobs

Going online Unit 11 Me, online

Lesson 2 Social media likes

• Talk about what you’ve done online

• Talk about social media

Organizing ideas Unit 2 So much stuff Lesson 3 Guess what!

• Introduce a topic

• Stay on track and change the subject

Decision making

Unit 4 Think first

Lesson 2 A Peruvian Adventure

• Make decisions and plans

• Make plans for a weekend trip as a group

Workplace Essentials

Unit 1 Establishing ways of working together

Framework Competency: Collaboration and teamwork

• Agree on who does different tasks on a team

• Work together in different ways

• Make and respond to suggestions when deciding on tasks

Unit 7 Developing a positive attitude and work ethic

Framework Competency: Emotional intelligence

• Talk positively about something you do well

• Learn some different ways of developing and showing a positive attitude

• Learn why it’s important to understand your job and to do it well

Unit 6 Using a system to manage information and documentation

Framework Competency: Professional development and management

• Organize information needed when applying for a job

• Write a résumé

Unit 8 Sourcing and managing digital data, information, and content

Framework Competency: Digital literacy

• Use digital tools to find and save digital information

• Explain how people can use the information

• Write about sourcing and managing data

Unit 2 Listening actively to others speaking Framework Competency: Communication

• Show that you understand or don’t understand

• Check that you have understood something correctly

Unit 4 Analyzing information, identifying patterns and relationships

Framework Competency: Critical thinking and decision making

• Describe different kinds of information

• Compare different options so you can make a decision

• Give reasons for decisions

Evolve Digital 3 + Workplace Essentials
Common Skill Evolve Digital 3
* From Evolve Digital Teacher’s Companion

Common Skill Evolve Digital 3 Workplace Essentials

Narrating and analyzing stories

Unit 5 And then …

Lesson 5 Believe it or not …*

• Tell and compare stories

• React to stories

Ethical solutions Unit 6 Impact

Lesson 5 If everyone plants something …*

• Discuss the pros and cons of a green plan for cities

• Make recommendations for sustainable city planning

Time management Unit 8 Getting there

Lesson 4 A time-saving tip

• Discuss how technology affects time management

• Write a blog post about timemanagement techniques

Justifying and responding to reviews

Unit 10 Why we buy

Lesson 4 Not just customers – fans!

• Express pros and cons about a product

• Give a product review

Personal growth Unit 11 Pushing yourself

Lesson 4 Outside the comfort zone

• Talk about conquering a fear

• Discuss a time you pushed yourself outside your comfort zone

Showing empathy Unit 12 Life’s little lessons

Lesson 3 A hotel nightmare

• Describe feelings

• Guess or ask about others’ feelings

* From Evolve Digital Teacher’s Companion

Unit 3 Elaborating on and combining ideas

Framework Competency: Innovation and problem solving

• Respond to other people’s ideas

• Combine ideas by putting them into groups

• Elaborate on ideas

Unit 5 Supporting organizational initiatives to address global issues

Framework competency: Leadership and global citizenship

• Manage money when addressing an issue

• Recognize and describe local and global issues

• Write about an initiative to address a local or global issue

Unit 1 Establishing ways of working together

Framework Competency: Collaboration and teamwork

• Agree on who does different tasks on a team

• Work together in different ways

• Make and respond to suggestions when deciding on tasks

Unit 8 Sourcing and managing digital data, information, and content

Framework Competency: Digital literacy

• Use digital tools to find and save digital information

• Explain how people can use the information

• Write about sourcing and managing data

Unit 6 Using a system to manage information and documentation

Framework Competency: Professional development and management

• Organize information needed when applying for a job

• Write a résumé

Unit 7 Developing a positive attitude and work ethic

Framework Competency: Emotional intelligence

• Talk positively about something you do well

• Learn some different ways of developing and showing a positive attitude

• Learn why it’s important to understand your job and to do it well

Evolve Digital 4 + Employability Skills

Common Skill

Evaluating personal strengths and weaknesses

Presenting solutions

Responding to criticism

Evolve Digital 4

Unit 1 And we’re off!

Lesson 2 The right candidate

• Describe people’s key qualities

• Identify job candidates’ strengths and weaknesses

Unit 2 The future of food

Lesson 5 Rescue the restaurant*

• Make plans to improve a restaurant

• Develop and present an action plan

Unit 3 What’s it worth?

Lesson 5 Damage control!*

• Read and respond to negative product reviews

• Develop and present an action plan

Group decision making Unit 4 Going glocal

Lesson 5 Design an ad*

• Read about advertising techniques and strategies

• Design an ad for a product as a group

• Use feedback to improve the ad

Employability Skills

Unit 6 Setting goals for professional development

Framework Competency: Professional development and management

• Identify professional development goals

• Evaluate past and present achievement of goals

• Describe how you will achieve a developmental goal and check progress

Unit 5 Demonstrating awareness of ethical issues related to an organization’s impact on others

Framework Competency: Leadership and global citizenship

• Make recommendations to improve an organization’s impact on others

• Describe the results of ethical issues for companies

• Talk about business ethics

• Write about ethical issues

Unit 8 Interacting appropriately in a digital workspace by demonstrating intercultural awareness and maintaining confidentiality

Framework Competency: Digital literacy

• Reply appropriately to online reviews

• Use polite language that is respectful of others

• Use clear and concise language

Unit 4 Evaluating options and recommendations to come to a decision

Framework Competency: Critical thinking and decision making

• Identify key points to think about when making a decision

• Evaluate options and make a recommendation

• Make decisions and plans as a group

Common Skill Evolve Digital 4

Offering support Unit 6 Community action

Lesson 3 It’s all good

• Identify solutions to common problems

• Use language to offer, refuse, and accept help

Identifying different viewpoints

Unit 7 Can we talk?

Lesson 5 Online communication survey*

• Create and conduct a survey about how people view online communication differently

• Draw conclusions about survey results

Distributing tasks Unit 11 Contrasts

Lesson 5 Mediation*

• Identify solutions for neighborhood problems

• Role play a neighborhood meeting

Avoiding repetition Unit 12 Looking back

Lesson 2 Did that really happen?

• Describing childhood memories

• Use substitution and referencing to avoid repetition

*From Evolve Digital Teacher’s Companion

Ethics in business Unit 1 Step forward

Lesson 4 Back to basics*

• Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of ecotourism and agritourism

• Support an opinion with reasons

Employability Skills

Unit 7 Supporting others Framework Competency: Emotional intelligence

• Respond appropriately when someone is having a problem and offer support

• Make suggestions to help someone deal with a problem

Unit 3 Considering perspectives of different stakeholders Framework Competency: Innovation and problem solving

• Consider how work-related problems can affect different colleagues

• Actively look at understanding the opinions or ways of thinking of different colleagues

Unit 1 Managing the distribution of tasks Framework Competency: Collaboration and teamwork

• Talk about people’s abilities and skills

• Consider people’s availability and workload

• Offer to do or ask someone to do a task

• Give the right tasks to the right people

Unit 2 Structuring information in spoken and written texts clearly Framework Competency: Communication

• Make points clearly

• Avoid using the same words

• Use linking words and phrases

• Write a clearly structured paragraph

Unit 5 Demonstrating awareness of ethical issues related to an organization’s impact on others Framework Competency: Leadership and global citizenship

• Describe the results of ethical issues for companies

• Make recommendations to improve an organization’s impact on others

• Talk about business ethics

• Write about ethical issues

Common Skill Evolve Digital 5

Considering others’ perspectives

Unit 4 Combined effort

Lesson 2 Red teams

• Assess ideas and make decisions

• Consider and respond to constructive criticism

Project planning Unit 5 Expect the unexpected Lesson 5 Community improvement campaign*

• Plan a community improvement project

• Make an action plan and decide on roles

Decision making Unit 7 Priorities

Lesson 2 Buyer’s regret

• Use vocabulary to describe purchasing decisions

• Discuss the pros and cons of a purchase

Setting goals

Unit 8 Small things matter

Lesson 2 Side projects

• Talk about progress

• Develop a plan for a side project

Responding to problems appropriately

Unit 9 Things happen

Lesson 3 My mistake

• Reassure someone about a problem

• Use falling intonation in conditional sentences to help listeners understand

Making points Unit 10 People, profiles

Lesson 4 A professional profile

• Identify and summarize key points in a company profile

• Use professional language

Understanding others’ emotional needs

* From

Unit 12 Got what it takes?

Lesson 2 Change the world

• Describe emotional impact

• Discuss how to make people’s lives better

Employability Skills

Unit 3 Considering perspectives of different stakeholders

Framework Competency: Innovation and problem solving

• Consider how work-related problems can affect different colleagues

• Actively look at understanding the opinions or ways of thinking of different colleagues

Unit 1 Managing the distribution of tasks

Framework Competency: Collaboration and teamwork

• Talk about people’s abilities and skills

• Consider people’s availability and workload

• Give the right tasks to the right people

• Offer to do or ask someone to do a task

Unit 4 Evaluating options and recommendations to come to a decision

Framework Competency: Critical thinking and decision making

• Identify key points to think about when making a decision

• Evaluate options and make a recommendation

• Make decisions and plans as a group

Unit 6 Setting goals for professional development

Framework Competency: Professional development and management

• Identify professional development goals

• Evaluate past and present achievement of goals

• Describe how you will achieve a developmental goal and check progress

Unit 8 Interacting appropriately in a digital workspace by demonstrating intercultural awareness and maintaining confidentiality

Framework Competency: Digital literacy

• Reply appropriately to online reviews

• Use polite language that is respectful of others

• Use clear and concise language

Unit 2 Structuring information in spoken and written texts clearly

Framework Competency: Communication

• Make points clearly

• Use linking words and phrases

• Write a clearly structured paragraph

Unit 7 Supporting others

Framework Competency: Emotional intelligence

• Respond appropriately when someone is having a problem and offer support

• Make suggestions to help someone deal with a problem

Trabalhando com outros materiais da Cambridge

As tabelas a seguir sugerem maneiras de combinar as unidades dos módulos com estes outros materiais da Cambridge: Evolve, Empower, American Empower e Interchange.

As unidades dos módulos não precisam ser ensinadas

em nenhuma ordem específica. Elas foram organizadas para complementar diferentes temas e habilidades em cada livro. Nem todas as unidades desses livros corresponderão, exatamente, às unidades dos módulos.

3 + Workplace Essentials



Organizing ideas Unit 2 So much stuff Lesson 3 Guess what!

• Introduce a topic

• Stay on track and change the subject

Decision making Unit 4 Think first Lesson 2 A Peruvian adventure

• Make decisions and plans

• Make plans for a weekend trip as a group

Narrating and analyzing stories Unit 5 And then … Lesson 5 Believe it or not …

• Tell and compare stories

• React to stories

Ethical solutions Unit 6 Impact Lesson 5 If everyone plants something …

• Discuss the pros and cons of a green plan for cities

• Make recommendations for sustainable city planning


Unit 2 Listening actively to others speaking

Framework Competency: Communication

• Show that you understand or don’t understand

• Check that you have understood something correctly

Unit 4 Analyzing information, identifying patterns and relationships

Framework Competency: Critical thinking and decision making

• Describe different kinds of information

• Compare different options so you can make a decision

• Give reasons for decisions

Unit 3 Elaborating on and combining ideas

Framework Competency: Innovation and problem solving

• Respond to other people’s ideas

• Combine ideas by putting them into groups

• Elaborate on ideas

Unit 5 Supporting organizational initiatives to address global issues

Framework competency: Leadership and global citizenship

• Manage money when addressing an issue

• Recognize and describe local and global issues

• Write about an initiative to address a local or global issue


Time management Unit 8 Getting there

Lesson 4 A time-saving tip

• Discuss how technology affects time management

• Write a blog post about time-management techniques

Justifying and responding to reviews

Unit 10 Why we buy

Lesson 4 Not just customers – fans

• Express pros and cons about a product

• Give a product review

Personal growth Unit 11 Pushing yourself

Lesson 4 Outside the comfort zone

• Talk about conquering a fear

• Discuss a time you pushed yourself outside your comfort zone

Showing empathy Unit 12 Life’s little lessons

Lesson 3 A hotel nightmare

• Describe feelings

• Guess or ask about others’ feelings

Evolve 4 + Employability Skills

Evaluating personal strengths and weaknesses

Unit 1 And we’re off!

Lesson 2 The right candidate

• Describe people’s key qualities

• Identify job candidates’ strengths and weaknesses

Workplace Essentials

Unit 1 Establishing ways of working together

Framework Competency: Collaboration and teamwork

• Agree on who does different tasks on a team

• Work together in different ways

• Make and respond to suggestions when deciding on tasks

Unit 8 Sourcing and managing digital data, information, and content

Framework Competency: Digital literacy

• Use digital tools to find and save digital information

• Explain how people can use the information

• Write about sourcing and managing data

Unit 6 Using a system to manage information and documentation

Framework Competency: Professional development and management

• Organize information needed when applying for a job

• Write a résumé

Unit 7 Developing a positive attitude and work ethic

Framework Competency: Emotional intelligence

• Talk positively about something you do well

• Learn some different ways of developing and showing a positive attitude

• Learn why it’s important to understand your job and to do it well

Unit 6 Setting goals for professional development

Framework Competency: Professional development and management

• Identify professional development goals

• Evaluate past and present achievement of goals

• Describe how you will achieve a developmental goal and check progress

Common Skill Evolve 4

Presenting solutions

Responding to criticism

Unit 2 The future of food

Lesson 5 Rescue the restaurant

• Make plans to improve a restaurant

• Develop and present an action plan

Unit 3 What’s it worth?

Lesson 5 Damage control

• Read and respond to negative product reviews

• Develop and present an action plan

Group decision making Unit 4 Going glocal

Lesson 5 Design an ad

• Read about advertising techniques and strategies

• Design an ad for a product as a group

• Use feedback to improve the ad

Offering support Unit 6 Community action

Lesson 3 It’s all good

• Use language to offer, refuse, and accept help

• Soften language when imposing on somebody

Identifying different viewpoints

Unit 7 Can we talk?

Lesson 5 Online communication survey

• Create and conduct a survey about how people view online communication differently

• Draw conclusions about survey results

Distributing tasks Unit 11 Contrasts

Lesson 5 Mediation

• Identify solutions for a neighborhood problem

• Role play a neighborhood meeting

Employability Skills

Unit 5 Demonstrating awareness of ethical issues related to an organization’s impact on others Framework Competency: Leadership and global citizenship

• Make recommendations to improve an organization’s impact on others

• Describe the results of ethical issues for companies

• Talk about business ethics

• Write about ethical issues

Unit 8 Interacting appropriately in a digital workspace by demonstrating intercultural awareness and maintaining confidentiality Framework Competency: Digital literacy

• Reply appropriately to online reviews

• Use polite language that is respectful of others

• Use clear and concise language

Unit 4 Evaluating options and recommendations to come to a decision

Framework Competency: Critical thinking and decision making

• Identify key points to think about when making a decision

• Evaluate options and make a recommendation

• Make decisions and plans as a group

Unit 7 Supporting others Framework Competency: Emotional intelligence

• Respond appropriately when someone is having a problem and offer support

• Make suggestions to help someone deal with a problem

Unit 3 Considering perspectives of different stakeholders Framework Competency: Innovation and problem solving

• Consider how work-related problems can affect different colleagues

• Actively look at understanding the opinions or ways of thinking of different colleagues

Unit 1 Managing the distribution of tasks

Framework Competency: Collaboration and teamwork

• Talk about people’s abilities and skills

• Consider people’s availability and workload

• Offer to do or ask someone to do a task

• Give the right tasks to the right people

Common Skill Evolve 4

Avoiding repetition Unit 12 Looking back Lesson 2 Did that really happen?

• Describe childhood memories

• Use substitution and referencing to avoid repetition

Evolve 5 + Employability Skills

Common Skill Evolve 5

Describing ethical issues Unit 2 Natural limits

Lesson 1 Deep ocean or deep space?

• Consider the impact of different types of exploration

• Use comparative structures to discuss issues

Considering others’ perspectives Unit 4 Combined effort Lesson 2 Destructive teams

• Assess ideas and make decisions

• Consider and respond to constructive criticism

Project planning Unit 5 The Human Factor

Lesson 5 Community improvement campaign

• Plan a community improvement project

• Make an action plan and decide on roles

Employability Skills

Unit 2 Structuring information in spoken and written texts clearly

Framework Competency: Communication

• Make points clearly

• Avoid using the same words

• Use linking words and phrases

• Write a clearly structured paragraph

Employability Skills

Unit 5 Demonstrating awareness of ethical issues related to an organization’s impact on others

Framework Competency: Leadership and global citizenship

• Describe the results of issues for companies

• Make recommendations to improve an organization’s impact on others

• Talk about business ethics

• Write about ethical issues

Unit 3 Considering perspectives of different stakeholders

Framework Competency: Leadership and global citizenship

• Consider how work-related problems can affect different colleagues

• Actively look at understanding the opinions or ways of thinking of different colleagues

Unit 1 Managing the distribution of tasks

Framework Competency: Collaboration and teamwork

• Talk about people’s abilities and skills

• Consider people’s availability and workload

• Give the right tasks to the right people

• Offer to do or ask someone to do a task

Common Skill Evolve 5

Decision making Unit 7 Priorities

Lesson 2 Buyer’s regret

• Use vocabulary to describe purchasing decisions

• Discuss the pros and cons of a purchase

Setting goals

Responding to problems appropriately

Unit 8 Small things matter Lesson 2 Side projects

• Talk about progress

• Develop a plan for a side project

Unit 9 Things happen

Lesson 3 My mistake

• Reassure someone about a problem

• Use falling intonation in conditional sentences to help listeners understand

Making points Unit 10 People, profiles

Lesson 4 A professional profile

• Identify and summarize key points in a company profile

• Use professional language

Understanding others’ emotional needs

Unit 12 Got what it takes? Lesson 2 Change the world

• Describe emotional impact

• Discuss how to make people’s lives better

Employability Skills

Unit 4 Evaluating options and recommendations to come to a decision

Framework Competency: Critical thinking and decision making

• Identify key points to think about when making a decision

• Evaluate options and make a recommendation

• Make decisions and plans as a group

Unit 6 Setting goals for professional development

Framework Competency: Professional development and management

• Identify professional development goals

• Evaluate past and present achievement of goals

• Describe how you will achieve a developmental goal and check progress

Unit 8 Interacting appropriately in a digital workspace by demonstrating intercultural awareness and maintaining confidentiality

Framework Competency: Digital literacy

• Reply appropriately to online reviews

• Use polite language that is respectful of others

• Use clear and concise language

Unit 2 Structuring information in spoken and written texts clearly

Framework Competency: Communication

• Make points clearly

• Use linking words and phrases

• Write a clearly structured paragraph

Unit 7 Supporting others

Framework Competency: Emotional intelligence

• Respond appropriately when someone is having a problem and offer support

• Make suggestions to help someone deal with a problem

Empower B1 / American Empower B1 + Workplace Essentials

Managing issues and money to address them

Planning and making suggestions

Professional development

Unit 3 Money

Lesson 3D Skills for Writing: We’ve successfully raised £500 / We’ve successfully raised $500

• Brainstorm ways to raise money for charities

• Discuss charities and the issues they address

• Review the organization and structure of emails

Unit 4 Social Life

Lesson 4B Shall we go to the market? / Should we go to the market?

• Use the future to make promises, offers, and suggestions

• Discuss and agree on a plan with a partner

Unit 5 Social Life

Lesson 5D Skills for Writing: I am writing to apply for a job

• Organize an email

• Discuss past jobs

• Apply for a job

Ordering and combining ideas

Reflecting on change and attitude

Unit 6 Problems and Advice

Lesson 6D Skills for Writing: I often worry about tests and exams

• Write an email giving advice

• Order ideas and give examples

• Use linking phrases in an email

Unit 7 Changes

Lesson 7D Skills for Writing: After that, I decided to make a change

• Reflect on things you’d like to change in life

• Write about a difficult change or accomplishment

• Use time linkers to order events

Unit 5 Supporting organizational initiatives to address global issues

Framework competency: Leadership and global citizenship

• Manage money when addressing an issue

• Recognize and describe local and global issues

Unit 1 Establishing ways of working together

Framework Competency: Collaboration and teamwork

• Make and respond to suggestions when deciding on tasks

• Agree on who does different tasks on a team

• Work together in different ways

Unit 6 Using a system to manage information and documentation

Framework Competency: Professional development and management

• Organize information in a résumé

• Write a résumé

• Review résumé vocabulary

Unit 3 Elaborating on and combining ideas

Framework Competency: Innovation and problem solving

• Elaborate on ideas

• Combine ideas by putting them into groups

• Respond to ideas

Unit 7 Developing a positive attitude and work ethic

Framework Competency: Emotional intelligence

• Develop and show a positive attitude

• Talk positively about something you do well

• Learn why it’s important to understand your job and do it well

Common Skill Empower / American Empower B1

Analyzing information

Discussing technology

Listening and responding appropriately

Unit 9 Achievements

Lesson 9D Skills for Writing: Online learning is new to me

• Compare different ways of learning

• Write a student profile

• Avoid repetition in writing

Unit 11 Discovery and Invention

Lesson 11A It’s a robot that looks like a human

• Discuss new inventions and technology

• Explain things with defining relative clauses

Unit 12 Characters

Lesson 12C Everyday English: I’m pretty sure it’s Japanese / I think that’s the quickest way

• Learn to agree and disagree in discussions

• Consider opinions and reasons

Expressing agreement and disagreement

Using linking words and phrases

Unit 1 Talk

Lesson 1C Give and respond to opinions

• Listen for word groups

• Use language to show agreement and disagreement

Unit 2 Modern life

Lesson 2D Write an email giving news

• Write an informal email

• Use phrases to introduce new information

Workplace Essentials

Unit 4 Analyzing information, identifying patterns and relationships

Framework Competency: Critical thinking and decision making

• Compare two different ways of learning

• Compare different options in order to make a decision

• Describe different kinds of information

Unit 8 Sourcing and managing digital data, information, and content

Framework Competency: Digital literacy

• Use digital tools to find and save digital information

• Explain how people can use the information

• Write about sourcing and managing data

Unit 2 Listening actively to others speaking Framework Competency: Communication

• Show that you understand or don’t understand

• Check that you have understood something correctly

Unit 3 Considering perspectives of different stakeholders

Framework Competency: Innovation and problem solving

• Actively look at understanding the opinions or ways of thinking of different colleagues

• Consider how work-related problems can affect different colleagues

Unit 2 Structuring information in spoken and written texts clearly Framework Competency: Communication

• Make points clearly

• Use linking words and phrases

• Avoid using the same words

• Write a clearly structured paragraph

Common Skill

Talking about abilities

Empower / American Empower B1+

Unit 4 Personality

Lesson 4A Describe people and their abilities

• Modals and phrases of abilities

• Stress with modal verbs

Making ethical choices

Managing customer reviews

Unit 5 The natural world

Lesson 5A Talk about the future

• Discuss environmental issues

• Use future forms

Unit 6 Different cultures

Lesson 6D Write a review of a restaurant or café

• Use positive and negative language

• Write and respond to reviews

Understanding other people’s feelings

Unit 7 House and home

Lesson 7C Make offers and requests and ask for permission

• Use language to sound polite

• Imagine other people’s feelings

Making recommendations

Personal and professional growth

Unit 9 Entertainment

Lesson 9C Recommend and respond to recommendations

• Show contrast

• Ask someone to wait

Unit 10 Opportunities

Lesson 10D Write an email with advice

• Discuss personal and professional goals

• Advise someone on a course of action

Employability Skills

Unit 1 Managing the distribution of tasks

Framework Competency: Collaboration and teamwork

• Talk about people’s abilities and skills

• Consider people’s availability and workload

• Offer to do or ask someone to do a task

• Give the right tasks to the right people

Unit 5 Demonstrating awareness of ethical issues related to an organization’s impact on others

Framework Competency: Leadership and global citizenship

• Write about ethical issues

• Make recommendations to improve an organization’s impact on others

Unit 8 Interacting appropriately in a digital workspace by demonstrating intercultural awareness and maintaining confidentiality

Framework Competency: Digital literacy

• Use clear and concise language

• Use polite language that is respectful of others

• Reply appropriately to online reviews

Unit 7 Supporting others

Framework Competency: Emotional intelligence

• Respond appropriately when someone is having a problem and offer support

• Make suggestions to help someone deal with a problem

Unit 4 Evaluating options and recommendations to come to a decision

Framework Competency: Critical thinking and decision making

• Identify key points to think about when making a decision

• Evaluate options and make a recommendation

• Make decisions and plans as a group

Unit 6 Setting goals for professional development

Framework Competency: Professional development and management

• Identify professional development goals

• Evaluate past and present achievement of goals

• Describe how you will achieve a developmental goal and check progress

Interchange 2 + Workplace Essentials

Common Skill

Addressing local issues

Interchange 2

Unit 2 Life in the city

• Evaluate city services

• Write an online post on a community message board about a local issue

Staying positive Unit 3 Making changes

• Describe positive and negative features

• Discuss how to make positive lifestyle changes

• Express wishes and hopes for the future

Assessing options Unit 5 Hit the road!

• Compare vacation options

• Make decisions about travel plans

• Give travel advice

Making requests Unit 6 Sure! I’ll do it.

• Make and respond to requests

• Apologize and make excuses

Using technology Unit 7 What do you use this for?

• Describe use and purposes of technology

• Give instructions and suggestions

Applying for jobs Unit 10 I like working with people.

• Discuss job skills and kinds of jobs

• Write an online cover letter for a job application

Workplace Essentials

Unit 5 Supporting organizational initiatives to address global issues

Framework competency: Leadership and global citizenship

• Talk about ways an organization and its staff can address an issue

• Recognize and describe local and global issues

Unit 7 Developing a positive attitude and work ethic

Framework Competency: Emotional intelligence

• Learn some different ways of developing and showing a positive attitude

• Talk positively about something you do well

Unit 4 Analyzing information, identifying patterns and relationships

Framework Competency: Critical thinking and decision making

• Analyze different kinds of information

• Compare different options so you can make a decision

• Give reasons for decisions

Unit 1 Establishing ways of working together

Framework Competency: Collaboration and teamwork

• Make and respond to suggestions when deciding on tasks

• Work together in different ways

Unit 8 Sourcing and managing digital data, information, and content

Framework Competency: Digital literacy

• Use digital tools to find and save digital information

• Explain how people can use the information

• Write about sourcing and managing data

Unit 6 Using a system to manage information and documentation

Framework Competency: Professional development and management

• Organize information needed when applying for a job

• Write a résumé

Common Skill Interchange 2

Responding to stories

Responding to others’ ideas

Unit 12 It’s a long story.

• Tell stories and discuss recent activities

• Ask follow-up questions

Unit 16 Making excuses

• Reporting on people’s requests

• Discuss statements other people made

Workplace Essentials

Unit 2 Listening actively to others speaking Framework Competency: Communication

• Show that you understand or don’t understand

• Check that you have understood something correctly

Unit 3 Elaborating on and combining ideas

Framework Competency: Innovation and problem solving

• Respond to other people’s ideas

• Combine ideas by putting them into groups

• Elaborate on ideas

Interchange 3 + Employability Skills

Common Skill

Interchange 3

Professional development Unit 2 Working 9 to 5

• Discuss advantages and disadvantages of jobs

• Compare various jobs

Making requests Unit 3 Lend a hand.

• Make direct and indirect requests

• Accept or decline requests

• Discuss types of favors

Cultural awareness Unit 5 Expanding your horizons

• Describe cultural expectations and differences

• Discuss local customs and culture shock

Employability Skills

Unit 6 Setting goals for professional development

Framework Competency: Professional development and management

• Identify professional development goals

• Evaluate past and present achievement of goals

• Describe how you will achieve a developmental goal and check progress

Unit 1 Managing the distribution of tasks

Framework Competency: Collaboration and teamwork

• Consider people’s abilities and skills

• Give the right tasks to the right people

• Offer to do or ask someone to do a task

Unit 8 Interacting appropriately in a digital workspace by demonstrating intercultural awareness and maintaining confidentiality

Framework Competency: Digital literacy

• Show that you understand cultural differences

• Identify what is an appropriate way of interacting in a digital workspace

• Use polite language that is respectful of others

Common Skill Interchange 3

Tackling ethical issues

Considering the preferences of others

Unit 7 What can we do?

• Discuss environmental problems

• Identify global challenges and solutions

• Write about a social or environmental problem

Unit 8 Never stop learning.

• Discuss personal preferences

• Reflect on learning styles and life skills

• Write about learned skills

Making suggestions

Making and defending points

Unit 9 Getting things done

• Make suggestions

• Give sound advice

• Discuss professional services to get something done

Unit 12 Keys to success

• Describe purpose with infinitive clauses

• Give reasons

• Describe qualities for success in advertising

Addressing complicated situations

Unit 15 A law must be passed!

• Give opinions and make recommendations about social issues

• Discuss community issues as a group

Employability Skills

Unit 5 Demonstrating awareness of ethical issues related to an organization’s impact on others

Framework Competency: Leadership and global citizenship

• Describe the results of issues

• Make recommendations to improve an organization’s impact on others

• Talk about business ethics

• Write about ethical issues

Unit 3 Considering perspectives of different stakeholders

Framework Competency: Innovation and problem solving

• Consider how work-related problems can affect different colleagues

• Actively look at understanding the opinions or ways of thinking of different colleagues

Unit 7 Supporting others

Framework Competency: Emotional intelligence

• Respond appropriately when someone is having a problem and offer support

• Make suggestions to help someone deal with a problem

Unit 2 Structuring information in spoken and written texts clearly

Framework Competency: Communication

• Make points clearly

• Use linking words and phrases

• Write a clearly structured paragraph

Unit 4 Evaluating options and recommendations to come to a decision

Framework Competency: Critical thinking and decision making

• Identify key points to think about when making a decision

• Evaluate options and make a recommendation

• Make decisions and plans as a group

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