Cambridge Factual Readers

Cambridge Factual Readers are graded readers for teens and young adults with thought-provoking topics designed to motivate and engage. There are 17 options available in progressive levels from A1 to B2+ allowing you to choose the appropriate level for your students.
Sample pages from The Science of Light (A2+)
Each reader contains pre-reading and post-reading activities as well as answer keys and a glossary at the back of book.
Before you read exercises build the necessary vocabulary for independent reading.
Questions think about the topic critically
After you Read exercises assess comprehension of the material read.
Each reader brings a QR code to access the audio.
A titles available with 400 Headwords
Themes: folklore, astronomy
The moon gives us seasons, night, and day. But can the moon change our moods, or who we are? This reader explores the facts and myths of the moon.
Themes: biology, food/drink, folklore
Come sit around the dinner table! Explore the traditions of food and how it a ects our lives.
A + titles available with 450 Headwords
Themes: geography, engineering, natural world
How many truly incredible manmade things have you seen during your lifetime? This reader explores both the ancient and new wonders of the world.
Themes: weather, water forms, science
Water is one of the most essential ingredients for life on Earth. This reader looks at water in all its forms – in the air, on the ground, in the oceans, in our pipes – and explains how water keeps our lives moving.
Themes: history, inventions, innovation
Determining the greatest invention of all time invites the greatest debate. From the internet to antibiotics, this reader explores our most signi cant contributions to education, technology, medicine, and transportation.
A2+ titles available with 900 Headwords
Themes: space, earth science, biology, arts
This reader explores the sources of light in space, and shows how light a ects people and keeps our world going all day,
B titles available with 1200 Headwords
Themes: architecture, environment
Building a greener world! This reader explores the newest and cleverest ideas in sustainable energy and ecologically friendly construction.
Themes: geology, medicine, archaeology
From planets to animals to sunken treasure, things are discovered every day. This reader shows the ways in which people and explorers can nd things they missed – or never even knew were gone!
B + titles available with 1400 Headwords
Themes: culture, geography, ritual, science
Is a tomato actually red? Should you wear white on your wedding day in China? Explore how we see colors, how colors make us feel, and what colors mean in our cultures and celebrations.
Themes: psychology, biology, sociology
Why do we do good things for one another? Do we still do good things if we get nothing in return? This reader explores the science, impulses, and reasons behind altruism in both humans and animals.
Themes: oceanography, archaeology, science ction
Discover the many mysteries of the seashipwrecks and sunken treasure, deep sea creatures and mythical monsters - and how people explore this amazing place.
B2 titles available with 1800 Headwords
The Bucket List
Themes: geography, cultures, leisure activities
What things do you want to do before you die? How can you make sure your life is never boring? Create a "bucket list"! This reader explores the most exciting, unusual, and sometimes crazy ways to build this list.
Themes: energy, science, geology
Water has powered industry for ages, helping to drive industrial growth. However, the awesome power of water can have some very negative consequences. Floods, tsunamis, and erosion all threaten our partnership with water.
Themes: biology, culture, ritual, anthropology
Skin: it covers us, we decorate it, it can tell us if we're healthy or not. Learn about our biggest and most visible organ, and how we can protect it.
B2+ titles available with 2000 Headwords
Themes: space, science ction, physics
From science ction to actual space exploration, we have always been fascinated by our universe. Landing on the moon and exploring Mars aren't science ction anymore. What will humans do in space next?
Themes: weather, natural disaster, biology
Avalanches are frightening natural disasters that can seem to come out of nowhere. There are things that you can do to increase your chances of survival, though. This reader explores one of the worst avalanches in history and discusses the causes of such disasters.
Themes: business, commerce, ecology
Is eating organic foods healthy or just trendy? Does the future of the world depend on it? Read the arguments for and against organic living.
A Light in the Night: The Moon (Book with Online Access)
Eat up (Book with Online Access)
Wonders of the World (Book with Online Access)
Water: Vital for Life (Book with Online Access)
The Greatest Invention of All Time (Book with Online Access)
The Science of Light (For Book with Online Access)
Our Green Future (Book with Online Access)
Found: Discovery and Recovery (For Book with Online Access)
True Colors (For Book with Online Access)
Altruism: What's in it for Me? (For Book with Online Access)
Deep Blue: Discovering the Sea (For Book with Online Access)
The Bucket List (For Book with Online Access)
Water Power: The Greatest Force on Earth (For Book with Online Access)
Skin (For Book with Online Access)
Avalanche! (For Book with Online Access)
Money Tree: The Business of Organics (For Book with Online
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