Welcometothesecondsemester ofschool Aswelookatthe remainderoftheschoolyear,Iam remindedoftheimmortalwords oflegendaryAlabamaCoach, BearBryant-"Don'tgiveupat halftime Concentrateon winningthesecondhalf" Thebeginningoftheschoolyear wasnotwithoutitschallenges, butweperseveredandended2022 strong.Nowaswefindourselves inanewyearwithnew possibilitiesandperhapseven newchallenges,maywebeever mindfultonotgiveupathalf time Wehaveanother90daysof schooltotackle. Willwerisetomeetchallenges beforeus?Willwestrivetodoour best?Whatwedointhesecond halfoftheschoolyearwill determineifthishasbeena winningseason Ibelieveweall haveitinustonotonlywinthe seasonbuttosetnewrecordsof success.Ilookforwardtoworking alongsideyouthroughthe challengesandcelebratingwith youinoursuccess HappyNewYear!
Regular meetings of the Board of Education are held at 6:00 p.m. on the second Tuesday of each month in the Board Conference Room of the Camden County Schools Administrative Office located at 311 South East Street in Kingsland, Georgia. A work session may be held on the Thursday preceding the regular meeting, starting at 6:00 p m
Visit www camden k12 ga us to view the Board of Education meeting agendas and minutes
In December, Camden County Schools wished a farewell to our Chairman, Mrs. Jane Brown. Mrs. Brown served on the Camden County Board of Education for 11 years We are extremely proud to have had Mrs. Brown as a part of our team for so long and thank her for her hard work and dedication. Throughout the years, her efforts have helped the success of Camden County Schools, and we take pride in her accomplishment and commitment to the excellence of our school district Congratulations to Mrs. Brown on her retirement from the Camden County School Board of Education!
I feel incredibly honored to have been elected to the Camden County Board of Education. To join the leadership team of such an incredible school system with such fantastic educators is the privilege of a lifetime
I grew up in this school system, I am raising my daughter in this school system, and I am absolutely a product of this community. In fact, so many of my favorite teachers and coaches are still investing in the next generation of students today.
I was raised in a Navy family, so I have a strong appreciation for our service men and women, as well as their family members serving behind the scenes. I am a fulltime working single mom juggling all the things at the exact same time, just like so many of our students' parents.
I deeply love so many incredible educators and hope to represent them well in every decision I am asked to make. I spent the majority of my adult life investing in students, and I am passionate about their mental health and helping them to become the very best versions of themselves
I love this community immensely and look forward to being a part of Camden County Schools.
College Foundation. The purpose of this Fund/Scholarship is to support Camden County High School students who are dually enrolled at Coastal Pines Technical College and do not receive State funding to pay for their courses
Accepting the donation on behalf of CPTC Foundation is President- Lonnie Roberts, Executive Vice-President and Vice-President of Academic Affairs- Amanda Morris, Executive Director of College Advancement - Stephanie Roberts, Dean of Academic Affairs, Secondary Initiatives- Chad Swanson and Executive Director of Student Affairs- Austin Johnson.
of the month
Through the hard work and dedication of the School Nutrition staff at Camden County High School and the Ninth Grade Center, over 6,444 meals have been donated to hungry kids across the United States and the world through the Smart Mouth Pizza Program.
CongratulationstoKathieReihingon beingselectedasamemberofthe2022-2023 ParentAdvisoryCouncilbyGeorgia DepartmentofEducationStateSchool SuperintendentRichardWoods! Mrs.Reihingisoneof31parentsfromall overthestateofGeorgiaselectedby SuperintendentWoodstoserveonhis ParentAdvisoryCouncil(PAC)foratwoyearterm.
MembersofthePACwillmeetthreetimes thisyearwithSuperintendentWoodsto discussissuesineducation,whiletheir primaryfocuswillbetoincreaseparentand familyengagementtoensurestudent academicsuccess.AsamemberofthePAC, Mrs Reihingwillsharetheinformationshe learnswithcommunitymembers,other families,andschools Weareincrediblyhonoredtohaveoneof ourownserveasamemberofthe2022-2023 ParentAdvisoryCouncil!
Congratulations to the Camden County High School SkillsUSA students that kicked off their competition season in Statesboro in November Students competed against over 200 students from 21 different schools at the SouthSoutheastern Skills Challenge and here on the rankings!
Blueprint Reading: 1st Place - Evalynn Sanford
Blueprint Reading: 2nd Place - Chase Marr
Electrical Wiring: 1st Place - Daniel Nolan
Advanced Welder: 2nd Place - Hunter Rhoden
Novice Welder: 3rd Place - Paul Vasquez
Welding Fabrication Team: 1st Place - Christian Gatlin, Gabe Williams, Trey Paris
Best Welding Team Overall: CCHS
Camden County High School's Future Business Leaders of America students have been hard at work over the last few months completing numerous projects, fundraisers, and competitions Students earned two Champion Chapter Awards - Shaping Success and Summer Starter - earning the maximum amount of points for both!