Camden Camden this month
Your guide to council services | February 2017 |
Sprucing up Clean Camden fortnight begins on 27 February. @camdentalking
Pupils at Kingsgate Primary School have trained as mini health champions, helping the school gain the Mayor of London’s top award for health and wellbeing. The school is the first in the borough to gain the Healthy Schools London gold award. For more schools news, see pages 7 and 10.
The Camden magazine is distributed free to all homes in Camden to give you information about our services. It costs 15 pence a copy to produce, and is printed on paper that is 50% recycled and 50% from sustainable sources. Cover image: Karen Lamminen
Published by Camden Council Editorial, advertising and distribution: Communications team, Camden Council, Camden Town Hall, Judd Street WC1H 9JE 020 7974 5717 Distribution from 7 February 2017
You can receive your copy of the Camden magazine in large print, on audio tape or in another language by phoning 020 7974 5717. 2
Camden this month Two initiatives in Camden to close streets for children for both their safety and enjoyment. See page 9.
Our new strategic partners fund will support 23 local charities for up to seven years. See page 24.
Work begins this month to replace and plant new trees that grow best in Camden’s soil. See page 19.
We can now issue £200 fines to people caught fly-tipping to help us keep our streets clean. See page 11. Our community toilet scheme aims to increase the number and accessibility of publicly-available toilets in the borough. See page 30.
Welcome Introduction from the Leader of the Council
Features 5
Cover story Get involved in Clean Camden fortnight Fines for fly-tippers increased to £200
7 11
News Changes to library access 6 Glenross House in Kilburn opens to residents 6 100% of primary schools good or outstanding 7 Healthy school streets trial in Holborn 9 Play Streets let children have safe fun outside 9 New school science lab in Kentish Town 10 Council’s Brexit working group 10
New adult apprenticeship opportunities Viewpoints – Apprenticeships Adult social care consultations Recycling and rubbish collection changes Replacing and planting new trees Bacton Low Rise project recognised ‘Pay to Stay’ scrapped Residents can help the Camden Commission Long-term support for local charities A fairer HS2 deal for Camden Speaking out about domestic abuse New community toilet scheme My Camden – Saiqa Pandor
12 13 14 16 19 20 22 23 24 26 27 30 31
Listings Local events and courses
28 3
Free dog event at Alexandra Road Park Do you need help or advice about training your dog? If you live in Camden and own a dog, why not come along for free expert advice and some freebies?
We’ll be at Alexandra Road Park, NW8 0SF (between Abbey Road and Loudoun Road) on Saturday 4 March 2017 from 10am to 3pm in the Alexandra and Ainsworth estate. On the day The Dog Hub will be offering: • free dog handling training sessions • free dog behavioural tips.
The Council will be providing: • free dog poo bags • advice for anyone who’s experienced problems with dogs • information about our dog control orders.
Did you know that all dogs must be microchipped by law? The Mayhew Animal Centre will be providing free microchipping for dogs. If your dog hasn’t been microchipped yet, why not come along and get it done for free?
Did you know? We have the power to issue fixed penalty notices (FPNs) to irresponsible dog owners
Working in partnership with the The Dog Hub
in 2017 p te s r e e r a c w e n a Take den m a C in e r e h t h ig r – In Camden, community is everything. We want to create a place where everyone feels involved and is proud to live. The way we work demands us to think differently and find new and innovative ways to deliver first class services. We want to make sure everyone knows they have a chance to succeed, and nobody gets left behind. As one of London’s most diverse and vibrant boroughs, we have the opportunity to create a place that works for everyone. We’re looking for enthusiastic, passionate people to join us in this exciting venture in 2017. If you are ready to take the next step, visit our website for all new vacancies. 4
to the February edition of the Camden magazine. 2017 will be a year of change and challenge for Camden as we reshape services to make sure they are the best they can be in the face of continuing Government cuts. To compound issues, the Prime Minister appears to be taking the UK towards a ‘hard’ Brexit, including leaving the single market.
14 | Adult social care consultations
16-18 | Recycling and rubbish collection changes
22 | ‘Pay to stay’ is dropped
Government funding has left adult social care in crisis and, like many other councils, we are considering raising council tax to continue to provide services. We’re also looking at how we deliver these services, and a consultation on proposed changes runs until 9 April. Details are on page 14. Camden residents can make a big impact when they make their voices heard. I am pleased to report that after months of campaigning together, Government has removed the ‘Pay to Stay’ policy from the Housing and Planning Act. This is good progress but there’s more to be done, especially with new housing proposals to be published by Government in a ‘White Paper’ in February. Read more on page 22. Our residents also made their mark at the High Speed 2 House of Lords Select Committee in the autumn. Government has now accepted the Committee’s
recommendation for fair compensation for Camden’s residents most affected by the construction of the new railway. We plan to hold them to this commitment (page 26). The Camden Commission is being set up to take expert advice and involve residents as we develop the Council’s next strategic plan. The Commission will get underway throughout the first half of 2017, and will report in the summer to help the Council prioritise resources and deliver services in the five years from 2018. Learn more on page 23. Finally, new recycling and rubbish collection arrangements begin on 1 April to improve recycling and reduce costs. Recycling and food waste will be collected weekly, but some households will move to fortnightly landfill rubbish collections. You can read about the changes on page 16. We look forward to working with you during 2017.
Councillor Sarah Hayward Leader of the Council
Changes to library access Open access technology is now being used at Camden Town, Kentish Town, Kilburn, Queen’s Crescent and West Hampstead libraries.
You need to use a library card and PIN number to enter these libraries before 12pm, Monday to Saturday. Ask your librarian to register you for open access by bringing in your library card to your local library between 12 to 6pm.
All Camden libraries now operate peak and off-peak hours. During off-peak hours there are fewer staff and you’ll need to use our self-service facilities. Our funding from central Government continues to shrink. To keep all of our libraries open we have had to change the way our libraries operate. We are committed to keeping all of our libraries open and making them even better community spaces. Pick up a leaflet from your local library or visit the website below for more information. Find out more
Making an empty house a home We’ve returned 430 empty privately-owned homes into use in the last five years. One example is Glenross House in Kilburn which had been empty and in disrepair since 2007. We leased the uninhabitable flats and secured a deal with Atlantic Lodge (Housing) Limited last year to bring the flats back into use. One of the new residents of Glenross House, Vanessa Morris, Find out more 6
was delighted to be moving in with her granddaughter after spending two years in a hostel. Vanessa said: “I was so shocked when I walked in. I just burst into tears at the size of this property and, after living in one room for nearly two years, I feel like I’m in heaven to be honest. Someone up there is looking over me.” You can help us identify more empty properties and turn them into homes. Visit our website for more information.
Vanessa Morris is delighted with her new home at Glenross House.
Top of the class 100% of Camden’s primary schools rated as good or outstanding by Ofsted. These amazing inspection ratings make Camden’s primary schools among the top three overall in the country. These ratings follow the latest test results for 11-year-olds (key stage two) published in December, which showed Camden’s schools are also above both the national and London averages for the expected standards or better in reading, writing and maths. Find out more
Nobel Prize-winning neuroscientist Professor John O’Keefe visited Argyle Primary School last July. Visits from experts are one of many opportunities our schools offer local pupils.
Clean Camden fortnight From 27 February to 12 March, we’ll be working to spruce up the borough for spring, concentrating on fly-tipping. There will be extra fly-tipping patrols during Clean Camden fortnight. We will be targeting known fly-tipping hotspots and gathering evidence to identify those responsible. We’re always happy to hear from residents and businesses who want to get involved by organising a community clean-up. We can provide litter-pickers, gloves Find out more
and advice. Get in touch at the email below. It’s also the Great British Spring Clean from 3 to 5 March and we hope that residents will take the opportunity to get involved. We’ll also be running a dog event where you can get dog training advice and free dog poo bags. See our advert on page 4. 7
Your collections
To find out how your household may be affected: Visit Call 020 7974 2202
Working in partnership
Safer school journeys Pupils at St Joseph’s Primary School in Holborn are enjoying a safer journey to school thanks to a street closure trial.
St Joseph’s is the first school to pilot our healthy school streets programme, which aims to cut down on driven school journeys and encourage pupils and parents to walk or cycle to school.
We are happy to consider other schools for a healthy school street. Contact us at the email below if you would like to make a request or suggest a location.
Macklin Street is closed to motor vehicles on school days between 8:30 and 9:15am and 3:15 and 4pm to give pupils at St Joseph’s Primary School the chance to walk to and from school more safely. Car journeys to the school have now dropped by two thirds, leading to more pupils and parents being able to enjoy cleaner air and exercise on their way to school. Find out more
Streets of fun Camden now has seven Play Streets where children can play outside while residents enjoy better air quality and less traffic. A Play Street is a street regularly closed to traffic for a few hours. They are organised and run by local residents. The seven in Camden are in Cantelowes, Fortune Green, Kentish Town and Regent’s Park. Although through-
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traffic is kept out while a Play Street is running, people who live on the street can still drive to and from their homes.
at any time and if you submit an application soon you could have a Play Street up and running during the summer.
Chris Tayler, a resident of Rochester Square Play Street, said: “There’s a real feeling of community and of public space being for people, and my children love being able to meet the other local kids.”
For more support and advice, the organisation London Play can help.
If you’re interested in setting up a Play Street, you need to talk to your neighbours, get their agreement, decide on the day and times you want and submit an application through our website. You can apply 9
School science lab opens Pupils at Kentish Town Church of England Primary School are thrilled with a new science lab. The fully-equipped science lab at the Kentish Town school was set up in a refurbished classroom with a £127,500 grant as part of planning (section 106) funds, as well as £25,000 from the London Diocesan Board for Schools. Rt Revd Rob Wickham, Bishop of Edmonton, officially opened and blessed the new facility in late November during Science Week.
(Left to right) Cameron Toohey, 9, Richard Mutamba, 9, Suzi Drew, 6, and Kitty Toohey, 7, in the school’s new lab.
Assistant head Daniela Rader said: “We want our pupils to explore science for themselves and develop a love for the subject, as well as sound methods of scientific enquiry.” The lab is regularly used by children in years one to six, as well as being offered for use by classes from neighbouring primary schools. Kentish Town Primary
also runs a Friday afternoon science club, open to children from all year groups at the school. Loans of equipment, ranging from microscopes to model skeletons and real animal bones, have come from the Francis Crick Institute in Somers Town. Find out more
Camden braces for Brexit A Council working group will assess the likely effects of Brexit on Camden and will ensure we are positioned to influence Government negotiations. It’s critical that we understand and anticipate the impacts of Brexit as Camden relies on the skills of thousands of EU citizens who live and work here. The initial work of the group will:
• monitor changes to UK legislation, • consider any impact on Camden’s economy, • assess any impact on social cohesion, and • examine financial impact on the Council. Councillor Sarah Hayward, Leader the Council, said: “Dealing with Brexit will remain a major concern for us over the coming years so we’ve established a cross-party, Member-led working group to understand the impacts
and secure the best possible deal for the borough. “We’ll also continue working with businesses, universities and research centres to make the case for the greatest possible access to the single market. The Prime Minister has said that she would aim for this, but a failure to deliver would hit Camden’s 29,000 businesses, which contribute up to 2% of the UK’s economy.” Find out more
Camden in Bloom applications open soon
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Although it’s still cold, now is the perfect time to think about your garden. This year’s Camden in Bloom will focus on the role gardens, big or small, have on improving air quality and supporting biodiversity.
• best individual garden, • best green corner (where space is limited), • best business garden, • best community environmental project.
Categories will include: • best communal or community garden,
Full details will be announced soon. Applications open on the first day of spring, 20 March, and close 9 July.
Fly-tippers to be fined £200 We can now issue fines of £200 through fixed-penalty notices to people caught fly-tipping.
In 2015/16, there were more than 7,000 reports of fly-tipping in Camden and we estimate that they cost £650,000 to clear. More than two out of three of these fly-tips were small, such as a few bags of waste.
People who are issued with fixed penalty notices will have 14 days to pay. We’ll prosecute those who don’t pay, or who are persistently found fly-tipping, and they could be fined up to £50,000 in court. Help us out You can be our eyes and ears by reporting fly-tipping in one of the three ways listed below. If you’re interested in helping keep Camden clean, see our article about Clean Camden fortnight on page 7. Check your rubbish collection day We all share a responsibility to dispose of our rubbish correctly.
Camden staff respond to one of 7,000 reports of fly-tipping a year.
Find out more
You can check your recycling and rubbish collection day on our website below. See page 16 for more information on upcoming changes to these collections. (online reporting) 020 7974 4444 (check your collection day) 11
Apprenticeships for adults If you’re looking to get a foot on the career ladder and earn while you learn, look no further than a Camden apprenticeship. Apprenticeships are a great way to gain new qualifications and learn practical skills, all while earning a living. Camden Apprenticeships offer a variety of opportunities in areas such as accountancy, digital marketing and customer service. From January 2017, some Camden apprenticeships will be open to adults aged 25 and over. Whether you’ve been out of work for a while, or you’re just looking to try something new, an apprenticeship can be the first step down a path to a new career and a better wage.
service and gained the confidence needed to start her own online business. Fatima says she “can’t praise adult apprenticeships enough” and that she has told many other parents about the benefits. “I would highly recommend an apprenticeship to anyone who wants to get back into work,” Fatima said. “It was a great opportunity to change my career for my family.” Qualifications gained from an apprenticeship begin at NVQ level 2 and can continue as high as NVQ level 4 or degree level.
Many committed and enthusiastic candidates are also offered permanent jobs on completion of their initial contract. Successful apprentices can look to earn over £30,000 and some trades can even help you find work abroad. We offer advice and guidance to help you choose an apprenticeship to meet your interests. When starting your training you will be assigned an apprenticeship assessor who will offer further support throughout your qualification. This support can help you develop the skills needed to secure long term employment.
Camden resident Fatima Kanij had been out of work for five years and faced a number of obstacles in returning to employment. Mother to three children, Fatima found it particularly difficult to juggle work with family life and childcare. An adult apprenticeship at Swiss Cottage Library gave her the opportunity to gain a new diploma and earn an income. Fatima’s employer offered flexibility she would not have found elsewhere, allowing her to work more hours on fewer days, dramatically cutting her childcare costs. Since completing her apprenticeship Fatima has secured part-time work with the library Find out more 12
Fatima Kanij completed her apprenticeship as an adult and has secured part-time work with the library service.
What do you think? An apprenticeship can open doors to a range of careers locally and worldwide. Two Camden residents share their apprenticeship experiences. More Camden businesses are offering apprenticeships than ever before, teaching the practical skills needed to enter the world of work. Whatever your interests, there’s something for you, including opportunities in IT, media and construction. You’ll also earn while you learn, making an apprenticeship a debt-free alternative to A levels or university education. Apprenticeships are open to Camden residents of all ages. Apply at the website below.
Omar Rehim, 17, wanted to kick start a career in the media. Now he is an apprentice at Viacom International Media Networks.
Billy Long, 24, wanted to get into construction after he left school. He is now completing a carpentry apprenticeship with JP Dunn.
“I didn’t want to do A levels so I started looking for an apprenticeship. I looked at a lot of apprenticeships with different media companies, and then one of my friends sent me a link to the opportunity with Viacom. When I read the job description I knew it was exactly what I’d been looking for.
“I have always been interested in carpentry and knew an apprenticeship could offer valuable work experience and a qualification.
My work includes everything from supporting production teams on film shoots, to writing and publishing stories for the web. I’ll get a work related qualification—an NVQ level 3 in digital marketing and social media—in just one year. The qualification gives me both working experience and is the equivalent of doing A levels. Best of all, I get paid as I learn, and I can use my qualification to further my career in the media.”
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Kings Cross Construction Skills Centre gave me useful guidance that helped me find the perfect course. I am now on my way to becoming a formwork carpenter and have learned a range of practical skills including woodwork, steelwork and advanced training working from heights. I prefer learning through my apprenticeship as it is more practical and focused on one subject. At the minute I am working on the Hawley Wharf development by Camden Lock. This means I get to work within the local community which is great. I really like working with JP Dunn and hope to stay with them after I have completed my apprenticeship.” 13
Adult social care consultations Have your say on the future of care and support in Camden. We are rethinking how we deliver social care in the face of greatly reduced Government funding, and a growing and ageing population. As part of this we are now consulting on two specific changes to adult social care: day centres and our financial contributions policy. High quality, sustainable social care for our older and disabled residents, and those with mental health needs, is central to our ambition for Camden to be a borough where everyone has a chance to succeed and nobody gets left behind. We have taken the difficult decision to propose to increase council tax over the next two years to try to bridge the gap between rising demand for social care and available funding. This will help us maintain services to residents who need them most, change how they are provided, and help avert a looming crisis of social care funding in the longer term.
We want to create social care services that reflect how people live now, focusing on their strengths and potential, not just the barriers they face, so they can live full, active lives in their local communities. At the same time, we will continue to support those with the most complex needs and will prioritise protecting people
from harm. We are also developing a new adult social care strategy, which we will publish later this year. Both consultations will close at midnight on Sunday, 9 April 2017 and we want you to tell us what you think. Fill in an online questionnaire at the webpage below or come to a public meeting to have your say.
Meeting dates Financial contributions (paying for care) Monday, 6 February, 10am to 12pm Kingsgate Community Centre, NW6 2JH
Tuesday, 14 February, 10am to 12pm Queen’s Crescent Community Centre, NW5 4QE
Thursday, 23 February, 1 to 3pm Age UK Camden, Great Croft Resource Centre, WC1H 8LF
Day centres Friday, 10 March, 10am to 12pm Age UK Camden, Henderson Court, NW3 6NS
Feature Feature Financial contributions (paying for care) We want to make sure that our policy is fair to all residents who pay for their social care and support, and that it is in line with national guidance and other councils. We are, therefore, proposing changes around billing arrangements and administration costs, transport costs, and how we
calculate income and assess couples. The additional income generated from these proposals will help us to continue to deliver our services to those who need them most. We will continue to provide free or subsidised care for those who cannot afford to pay.
We propose to maintain all our day services, but for
Your comments on social media. Three of our fantastic #volunteers won awards at the @vccamden Camden Volunteer Awards last week. So proud! #2016CVA @AgeUKCamden via Twitter
Annual carolling by pupils from St Joseph’s Primary @camdentalking @TfL Holborn. Quality singing, playing, teaching. Thank you. @EnglishCadence via Twitter
Day centres We currently provide a range of specialist activities and services for people who have learning disabilities or long term conditions, such as dementia, from our day centres. Fewer people are using our day centres and many of our centres offer similar activities and services, which doesn’t represent a good use of Council money.
Camden talking
some people their current service would be provided in a different building. We plan to develop two specialist services in the borough: one for older people, including those living with dementia, at the Kingsgate Resource Centre in Kilburn; and one for adults with learning disabilities and mental health needs at the new Greenwood Centre in Kentish Town, when it opens in 2018.
Thanks to @camdentalking for informing residents how to check their architect is genuine #publicinterest #architectsregister @ARBUK1997 via Twitter
Scheme by @camdentalking: you earn points for recycling, and can donate prizes to local community projects. Such a fab idea! @LocalGreenPts @EllenGrimas via Twitter
Our students were @camdentalking for #takeoverchallenge2016 with students from across Camden schools and a great day was had by all! @Acland_Burghley via Twitter
Join the conversation:
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@camdentalking 15
Recycling and rubbish: RECYCLING
This will be collected
Empty and rinse all containers
If in doubt, leave it out
Your collections ARE CHANGING
This will be collected at least
Please only include items that cannot be recycled in this bin
CHANGE IS COMING Remove film lids on plastic pots, tubs and trays
Nappies, polystyrene Crisp packets
Shampoo bottles Aerosol cans
The more you recycle, the less you will need to put into this bin
in April
Crisp packets, sweet wrappers Cling film
Important Please read
DIY, garden and food waste Recyclable plastics
Have you seen this leaflet? FOOD WASTE
This will be collected
Line your kitchen caddy with a caddy liner
Kitchen caddy
Don’t let your caddy get too full before emptying it
Kerbside container
*The frequency of rubbish collections may vary for residents who live in a flat above a shop or on a street with time-banded collections. You can log into your Camden Account ( to check specific collection details for your address.
i For any questions and further information, call us on 020 7974 2202
To help you manage your rubbish
You can: n Request assisted collections n Order extra recycling containers n Request nappy collections n Contact us or visit our website for recycling advice and support
Have you received a leaflet that looks like this? We have sent a leaflet to every home in Camden that will be affected by changes to recycling and rubbish collections from 1 April. INCLUDE
Meat and bones Leftovers and plate scrapings
Food packaging Liquids and oils
If you would like this leaflet in larger print or another language, call Contact Camden on 020 7974 2202
i For a complete list of what can and can’t be recycled,
Working in partnership
This leaflet is printed on recycled paper
To opt out onl ine: Visit veo Enter the follo n/camden/op wing number s and submit t-out your form. Reference num ber: Unique code:
Our recycling rate is
Our target is to recycle at least
Depending on where you live, we may ask you to change the way you put out your recycling and
of our waste by 2020.
Increase recycling: It costs
Find out more 16
far less to process recycling than to dispose of rubbish. Most of what we throw away could be recycled.
rubbish from 1 April. All recycling and food waste will continue to be collected every week. Some homes will have their rubbish collected every two weeks. We may give you a wheelie bin if your property has enough room. Otherwise, we will provide enough Camden-branded orange bags for you to use two a week for your rubbish.
You will be giv en orange Ca md rubbish bags every six month en branded s instead. You can use up to (the same amoun two a week t as a wheelie bin). I wish to opt out of receiving a wh eelie bin Reference num ber:
WHY are things changing?
In London, Camden ranks 25th for recycling out of 33 boroughs
If you do not wish to receiv e a wheelie bin, complete this form and return it by 18 February.
To opt out by pos detach and put t: Tick the box on the opp osit in the post. No stamp require e side, d.
of the contents of an average rubbish bag in Camden is recyclable. 85% of the contents of an average Camden rubbish bag can be recycled, but we currently only recycle about 25%. This makes us one of the worst boroughs in London for recycling. We are 27th out of 33 councils.
If you do not wis can opt out on h to receive a wheelie bin line or by po st by 18 Feb , you ruary. EVERY
Reduce costs: As our funding from Government continues to shrink, we have to find new ways of doing things. Will your collections change? Use our online address checker at the website below to find out if collections are changing for you.
Are you up-to-date? Follow us on Twitter and Facebook and check the website.
Have questions? Call our dedicated recycling and rubbish phoneline at the number below.
020 7974 2202
Rubbish and recycling on estates
If you live on an estate, your collections will continue as normal. There may be a change to your collection day. We’ll let you know before any changes start from 1 April.
Some residents in Camden have been sent a leaflet in the post telling them about changes to collections. We have not sent a leaflet to everyone. They have only been sent to people who will be directly affected by the changes from 1 April.
Although people living on estates won’t be directly affected by the changes, you still need to continue to put your recycling and rubbish into the right bins. Many of our estates also have food waste bins to help you recycle even more.
Did you know you can... n Order a free food waste caddy at n Organise a collection of bulky items like old fridges and appliances at Pensioners and people on income support can have two items picked up free of charge. n Ask Jenny your recycling questions every month. See the next page for real questions from residents. Find out more
@camdentalking 17
Jenny Jenny is one of Camden’s enforcement officers. Each month she answers your recycling questions. Why can’t we recycle cling film? We don’t collect cling film in Camden because it is likely to be contaminated with food. If your recycling is contaminated, it may have to be sent to landfill or be incinerated, and the environmental and financial benefits from recycling are lost. Recycling labels on packaging should only be used as a guide. Please check our website to find out what can be recycled in Camden. Can I recycle aluminium foil (and butter wraps, yoghurt lids, etc.)? Yes, foil is recyclable and collected in Camden. Please make sure it is free from any food or liquid. Remember,
To ask Jenny a question, email 18
crisp packets are not made of aluminium foil and cannot be recycled. Your recent advice on recycling says that black plastic food trays are not recyclable because they are not accepted at our materials recovery facility, but many of these trays have the triangular recyclable symbol and are labelled as polyethylene terephthalate (PET). The facility where Camden sends its plastic to be reprocessed uses optical techniques to identify different plastic types, but the machinery can’t identify black plastic trays. It is important to check whether packaging labelled ‘check local recycling’ can be recycled in Camden.
These tree saplings are planted to replace trees that are removed to prevent shrinking soil. They grow to a smaller height and are better suited to London clay. 1) Harlequin glorybower – also drought tolerant 2) Crab Apple – also grows slowly 3) Witch Hazel
Planting better trees for the borough Camden’s tree population is carefully managed, and the tree maintenance and planting programmes are well under way. The vital tree maintenance programme ensures Camden has a healthy range of tree types for residents to enjoy, and reduces the risk of tree-related subsidence, which can lead to expensive repair bills for residents and businesses.
Replacement and new trees are chosen by the ‘right tree for the right site’, and we use a number of trees to increase the diversity and resilience of all Camden’s trees. You can see some of these pictured above.
Camden maintains some 10,000 trees in parks, housing estates, schools and streets, and dead, dying and dangerous trees are also removed. More than 400 replacement and new trees are planted in Camden every year as part of the annual programme, and this year we are planting 430 trees.
Many parts of Camden are affected with tree subsidence because buildings have been built on soil known as London clay. This soil shrinks when it dries and expands again when wet. Tree roots can exaggerate the effects, contributing to cracks in buildings that may go unnoticed for years. The worst affected
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areas are in Kentish Town, Gospel Oak, Hampstead Town, West Hampstead and Fortune Green. Buildings most susceptible to subsidence are older properties with shallow building foundations. During February, as part of the programme, we will be replacing some of the trees around Camden with smaller types of trees that that won’t cause damage because they are better suited to the soil in our borough. Where we can’t replace a tree in the same location, because of underground obstructions, we will always try to replant a tree nearby. 19
Housing project of the year
Cherry Court’s play area helps maintain its strong community spirit. Bacton Low Rise saw residents moving into 44 new council homes just before Christmas 2015.
Bacton Low Rise redevelopment in Gospel Oak named Housing Project of the Year at the 2016 Building Awards.
The chair of the local TRA and the chair of the Gospel Oak DMC have dedicated an enormous amount of time to the project, working to ensure that quality and design intent was maintained throughout the project.
The Bacton Low Rise redevelopment is part of our Community Investment Programme (CIP) and has been recognised for the close involvement the Tenants and Residents Association (TRA), the District Management Committee Chair (DMC) and local residents have had in developing the scheme.
Cherry Court, the first part of the Bacton Low Rise redevelopment to be completed, was built on the former district housing office site. It was completed at the end of 2015 and saw residents moving into 44 new council homes in time for Christmas. 21 private sale homes and two further council homes will be complete in the next few months. The sale of the
private homes will be reinvested back into the CIP. Once phase one is complete, we will start the next phase to build many more mixedtenure homes. Paul Karakusevic, partner at Karakusevic Carson Architects, designers of the new homes, said: “Delivering the first phase of the redevelopment over the past three years has helped transform many residents’ lives. The first phase, which delivers 46 social rent properties and 21 market sale properties arranged around a courtyard garden and playground, has created the homes local residents had worked so hard with
Feature CIP will also help renovate thousands of existing council homes, as part of our Better Homes programme.
the Council to deliver. It’s helped retain the strong community spirit in the area.” Judges at the Building Awards described the Bacton Low Rise redevelopment as ‘a great scheme’ and ‘a thoughtful transformation’ for ‘modern day family living’.
We are funding this investment in affordable homes, schools and community facilities by building homes for private sale, and selling buildings and land that we no longer need. Every pound raised through these sales is reinvested back into Camden for the benefit of residents today and in the future.
The Bacton Low Rise redevelopment was also highly commended for the Community Engagement Award at the British Construction Industry Awards in October. In total, Bacton Low Rise was shortlisted for seven awards in 2016.
About CIP CIP is our ambitious 15-year plan to invest over £1 billion in schools, homes and community facilities in Camden. We’re building 3,050 new homes, including 1,400 affordable homes, investing in 53 schools and children’s centres, and providing 9,000 square metres of improved community facilities—the equivalent of 35 tennis courts.
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We have delivered some big things six years into CIP. • 277 homes have been built and we expect to deliver another 425 by 2018. • £61 million has been invested in 48 schools and children’s centres. • Over 1,200 square metres of improved community facilities have been provided. Photo credit: Laura Cobb, courtesy of Karakusevic Caron Architects
More regeneration in Gospel Oak The redevelopment of Bacton Low Rise is part of wider CIP regeneration in Gospel Oak. Elsewhere in the area works are also underway at Barrington Close and will be starting soon at Kiln Place estate. In the spring we will be consulting with residents in Maitland Park about the landscaping, play areas and overall phasing of the development of their estate.
CIP progress
Businesses tackle climate change Businesses in the borough are joining forces to reduce carbon emissions with the support of the Camden Climate Change Alliance (CCCA). CCCA offers free support and advice to local businesses on how they can reduce their environmental impact and save money. CCCA members receive a credential to display to the public showing their level of commitment to go green, cut carbon and be a carbon champion. Ask your local businesses if they are members of the alliance. If they aren’t, refer them to our website and email below. You can also view our latest joint carbon emissions report on the website.
Find out more 21
‘Pay to Stay’ scrapped Plans to force some council tenants to pay higher rents have finally been dropped, but we now anticipate new housing proposals from Government in a ‘White Paper’ in February.
for every pound earned over the £40,000 household earnings threshold. This would have meant an extra £750 rent a year for a family earning £45,000, and the extra rent would have gone directly to Government.
Many problems with the Housing and Planning Act remain, but the scrapping of the ‘Pay to Stay’ policy is a great victory for Camden residents, campaigning groups and the Council who have worked hard to explain the adverse impact of the plans, and argued for changes to be made to the Act.
Also welcome is the confirmation by Government that it will put off for a year its plans to force us to sell higher-value council properties when they become empty. This policy will leave fewer homes available on our housing register at a time when housing demand is rising. It looks like Government has only temporarily stepped back from these plans. We will continue to argue that a rethink is needed.
The policy would have seen tenants pay an extra 15p in rent
We remain concerned about Government proposals to force
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councils to introduce fixed-term tenancies for new council tenants later this year. The Council believes the Act poses a threat to the availability of genuinely affordable homes, and to the stability of our communities. Councillor Sarah Hayward, Leader of the Council, reiterated these points to the Government’s Housing Minister Gavin Barwell MP, when she met with him in January. We are continuing to make the case to Government that going ahead with many of the Housing Act proposals will be detrimental to meeting the housing needs of our residents, and do nothing to tackle London’s housing crisis.
Have your say on Camden’s future The Camden Commission is being set up to develop a five-year strategy plan for the Council.
The Commission is made up of a group of local councillors and will hear from residents and experts to make sure the Council focuses on what residents really need in the five years from 2018. The work of the new group will get underway in the first half of 2017, and will report in the summer to help the Council prioritise resources and deliver services.
Councillor Sarah Hayward, Leader of Camden Council, said: “The Camden Plan has helped us tackle inequality, promote fairness and maintain the borough’s rich diversity. This has been achieved in the face of huge government cuts. “I want to build on these achievements and the Camden Commission will gather the evidence we need to do this, making sure everyone in Camden has the chance to be heard. We want to have the widest possible debate as we set our priorities and plan investment for the coming years.”
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The Commission’s focus Maintaining a mixed and inclusive Camden Camden is an international borough which benefits from its place in the global economy, but too many residents are excluded. What can we do to maintain our diverse communities and make sure that globalisation benefits all residents? How can we make sure that everyone in Camden has the security they need to enjoy a good standard of living? Community cohesion How can we ensure that Camden remains a place where residents feel that they belong and can safely take part in local life; a place where people support one another and share common values in a diverse community? Reshaping public services How can Camden Council provide the services required to meet residents’ needs in a changing and challenging funding situation? Looking at what can be done to deliver these services in new and better ways. 23
Long-term support for community groups The new strategic partners fund means a seven-year partnership with 23 local charities. Camden is home to many long-standing, successful and creative charities and community organisations. They offer a wide range of activities and services with something for everyone. We are providing new longterm financial support (up to seven years) to 23 of these organisations—our new ‘strategic partners’—at a time when many local authorities have cut this type of funding altogether. We will work with our strategic partners to: • Make the best use of local resources, such as community centres. • Improve life chances and opportunities for residents to ensure that they are not held back because of background or circumstance. • Increase opportunities for residents from different backgrounds to be more connected and involved in local social action to help themselves and others. 24
• Ensure services deliver for all residents. • Increase participation, social action and influence within underrepresented communities. Camden’s strategic partners • Abbey Community Centre • Calthorpe Project • Camden Cypriot Women’s Organisation • Camden LGBT Forum • Castlehaven Community Association • Dragon Hall Trust • Hampstead Community Centre • Holborn Community Association • Home-Start Camden • Hopscotch Asian Women’s Centre • Kentish Town City Farm • Kentish Town Community Centre • King’s Cross-Brunswick Neighbourhood Association
• Kingsgate Community Association • Maiden Lane Community Centre • North London Cares • Queen’s Crescent Community Association • St. Pancras Community Association • Sidings Community Centre • Somali Youth Development Resource Centre • Somers Town Community Association • South Hampstead and Kilburn Partnership • West Hampstead Women’s Centre Our strategic partners are doing great work all over Camden and they provide a wide range of activities and services to accomplish the aims above. There is something for everyone. Here are two of many examples of the work going on:
Photo credit: North London Cares
They also have a one-to-one programme helping older and younger neighbours to share time, laughter and new experiences. Find out more
} Dragon Hall Trust Dragon Hall Trust is a community centre in the Holborn and Covent Garden area. They have a particular focus on children, young people and people over 60.
Guillermo and Liz share a joke at North London Cares’ regular Kentish Town social club.
In 2014 they launched Tech Hub, which provides access and training in technology, including coding, 3D printing, and virtual and augmented reality. They want everyone to be able to access technology so that nobody gets left behind.
} North London Cares
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Dragon Hall has also partnered with the Somali Youth Development Resource Centre
Photo credit: Dragon Hall Trust
North London Cares organises a community network of young working people and older neighbours (over 65) who socialise and help one another. The charity recognises that many people do not know their neighbours and lack social contact. North London Cares aims are to reduce loneliness and isolation among both older and younger people alike. They also improve people’s skills, wellbeing and power, and reduce the gap between those of different generations and backgrounds. There are group activities, including film and storytelling nights, choirs, podcasting sessions, pub clubs and more. 020 7424 9990
to run a new community space in the Kings Cross development. It is called the N1Centre and is on the ground floor of the Plimsoll Building near Granary Square. They are excited about the new partnership and plans are afoot to involve local people, and develop inclusive activities and services. Find out more
Get involved There are opportunities for you to get involved too as these charities and others couldn’t do the work they do without the support of volunteers. Turn to page 31 where you can read the profile of one volunteer-turnedemployee at HomeStart, which is another of our strategic partners. Find out more about the all our strategic partners by searching online for their websites. You can also call the Volunteer Centre Camden at the number below. They can help you find a volunteering opportunity that is right for you.
Campaign pressure leads to fairer HS2 deal for Camden The Government has committed to a fairer compensation offer to communities most affected by High Speed 2 (HS2). The Government’s announcement was made last month in its response to the House of Lords Select Committee’s report on the HS2 Bill that was published in December. Camden Council, residents and businesses have long argued that the proposed compensation arrangements were unfair and discriminated against people living in urban areas. The Government said its final compensation scheme will be “fair, reasonable and proportionate, [and] in the spirit of the strong recommendation of the Select Committee.” Fairer compensation While it will never make up for the noise and disruption
caused by the 17 years of HS2’s construction, we welcome this commitment to fairer compensation for Camden residents affected by the new railway. One part of the compensation scheme will allow homeowners to sell their homes for full value if they qualify for temporary rehousing during construction. The Government has also announced that residents who face severe disturbance will receive compensation. They have yet to indicate how much this will be or who will qualify for it. Integrated Euston station The Government agrees with the Council that Euston mainline station needs to be redeveloped to integrate plans for existing
rail services, HS2, Crossrail 2 (the proposed railway from north to south London), and the London Underground. We believe this would maximise potential development above the station, creating at least 2,000 much-needed homes and around 15,000 jobs. However, the Government has still not provided guarantees on timescales or funding. We will continue to push for a world-class Euston station at the highest level of Government. Compulsory purchase powers We welcome the Government’s acceptance of the Select Committee’s decision to remove unnecessary compulsory purchase powers from the HS2 Bill. We petitioned for this change on behalf of 10 other local authorities along the HS2 route. Next steps We expect the HS2 Bill to receive Royal Assent and become law in early February. This will give the Government permission to build the railway.
The Government “shares the vision” for an integrated Euston station, but must confirm funding and timescales to achieve this.
Find out more 26
The Council now wants HS2 works to be carried out safely and for HS2 Ltd to meet its commitments. We will continue to use our limited powers and hold HS2 Ltd to account to reduce the scheme’s impact on residents and businesses.
Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence Awareness Week The national awareness week takes place between 6 to 12 February and highlights how important it is to speak out against abuse. Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence Awareness Week encourages people and organisations to talk openly about this form of abuse and what we can do to prevent it in the UK. What is sexual abuse? Sexual abuse and sexual violence can happen to anyone of any age. It can include sexual pressure, name calling, refusal to use contraception, deliberately causing unwanted physical pain, deliberately passing on sexual infections, and rape. Many people don’t come forward to report what has happened because they feel embarrassed or fear that they will be blamed.
that it is always unacceptable. Discussion can also work to educate young people about what is and isn’t acceptable, and help stop the cycle of abuse. Get involved Show your support by taking the time to talk to those around you during the awareness week. The topic of the week is ‘it’s not ok’ and the idea is to promote open discussion and highlight services available for survivors. You can also join in the conversation on
social media. The official hashtag is #itsnotok, which we will use along with our own hashtag, #KnowYoureNotAlone, to support the week and raise awareness of our own dedicated support service, Camden Safety Net. Find help and support If you are experiencing any kind of sexual abuse or sexual violence, or know someone who is, you can contact Camden Safety Net to speak to a trained advisor in confidence.
Like all forms of abuse, control plays a big part. Perpetrators may use manipulation and blackmail to make individuals feel vulnerable or like they have no choice but to go along with what is happening. Coercing or forcing someone into any kind of sexual activity without their consent is never acceptable. We know, however, that it does take place. Being able to talk freely about the issue can help break the silence that surrounds it. We must ensure both survivors and perpetrators of this crime know Find out more 020 7974 2526/07814 671 427 @camdentalking 27
Listings Family events Family ceramics day Try the potter’s wheel and make a bowl. Sunday 12 February, 10am to 12pm Free with museum entry Jewish Museum London 129-131 Albert Street NW1 7NB Spring quest and craft at Kenwood House Workshop bringing famous paintings to life. Tuesday 14 February, 12pm to 3.30pm £3 per child Kenwood House Hampstead Lane NW3 7JR 020 8348 1286 Family day festival of maps at the British Library Saturday 25 February, 12pm to 4pm The British Library 96 Euston Road NW1 2DB 019 3754 6546 Make a mosaic mask Age 7+ Saturday 11 February, 11am to 4pm Digital workshop: amazing animal mummies Age 5+ Sunday 12 February, 11am to 4pm Exploring China Age 5+ Saturday 18 February, 11am to 4pm Exploring identity: South African art Monday 13 to Friday 17 February, 11am to 4pm Drop in 28
All activities are free unless otherwise specified British Museum Great Russell Street WC1B 3DG Creature creations Create art inspired by animals. Saturday 11 February, 1.30 to 4.30pm Weird and wonderful wildlife Tuesday 14 to Saturday 18 February, 1.30 to 4.30pm Explore zoology Saturday 25 February, 1 to 4pm Drop in Grant Museum of Zoology University Street WC1E 6DE zoology 020 3108 2052
Under 5s Hampstead community centre under 5s sessions Drop-in for arts, crafts, music, cookery. Tuesday to Friday, 9.30am to 12.30pm (term-time only) Hampstead Community Centre 78 Hampstead High Street NW3 1RE hampsteadcommunity hampsteadcommunity 020 7794 8313 Little feet: colourful creations Inspired by South African art. Thursday 16 February 11am to 1pm, 2pm to 4pm, Drop in British Museum Great Russell Street WC1B 3DG
Children and young people Hampstead community centre play-centre for 4 to 12s Term-time after-school play-centre, and pick up. Holiday full-day service. See website for details. Concessions available. Hampstead Community Centre 78 Hampstead High Street NW3 1RE hampsteadcommunity hampsteadcommunity 020 7794 8313 After-school drama classes funded by BBC Children in Need Increase learning and confidence. Ages 5-11 Wednesdays, 5-8 years 3.45 to 4.40pm, 9-11 years 4.45 to 5.45pm St Pancras Community Centre 67 Plender Street NW1 0LB education pascalworkshops1@gmail. com Smash it! Circuits Circuit training for youth. Tuesdays, 6:30pm 2-hour sessions Cumberland Market Kickabout Court NW1 3RH andrew.gilbert@ 020 7974 6595
Get active Boxercise Full-body workout with boxing techniques. Mixed gender session Wednesdays, 9.40am St Pancras Community Association 67 Plender Street NW1 0LB andrew.gilbert@camden. 020 7974 6595 Seed Project with artist, Bess Frimodig, combining creativity and gardening. Friday 24 February, 2 to 5pm Kentish Town Health Centre 2 Bartholomew Road NW5 2BX Camden Green Gym Get active while making a difference to your local environment. Six days a week at four Green Gyms across Camden. For full listings: 07768 710 359 Pond work and habitat loggery Tuesday 21 February, 10.45am to 2pm Waterlow Park N19 5JF (meet by the lodge) Hedge laying Thursday 16 February, 10.45am to 3pm Booking essential Regent’s Park NW1 4NR (meet at The Hub)
Listings Food growing Saturday 18 February, 10.30am to 12.30pm Oasis Garden Green Gym Oasis Sports Centre, Holborn WC2H 9AG oasisgreengymgardening
Social Fortnightly tea dance Live music and dancing for all abilities. Every fortnight on Wednesdays starting 15 February, 1.30 to 4.30pm £4 (includes tea, coffee, soda bread, butter and jam) London Irish Centre 50-52 Camden Square NW1 9XB services mariaconnolly@ 020 7428 2094 Camden Centre tea dance Tuesday 14 February, doors 12.30pm, dancing 1 to 4pm £5, includes raffle Camden Centre Bidborough Street WC1H 9AU 020 7974 5633
Older people Day centre at the London Irish Centre Age 55+ with an Irish connection. Every M/W/F 11am to 3.30pm (lunch 12.30pm) £5 (includes tea, coffee, meal
and activities) London Irish Centre 50-52 Camden Square NW1 9XB services mariaconnolly@ 020 7428 2094 Age UK Camden coffee morning Wednesday 1 March (usually first Wednesday of every month) 10am to 12pm 1-6 Tavistock Square WC1H 9NA 020 7239 0400 Hampstead community centre over 60s activities Coach trips and events. Various costs Mondays 9.30am to 12pm Hampstead Community Centre 78 Hampstead High Street NW3 1RE hampsteadcommunity hampsteadcommunitycentre 020 7794 8313 Over 50’s social club Weekly over 50s social club for South Asian women Mondays 1 to 3pm (closed bank holidays) £5 annual membership fee Henna Asian Women’s Group Abbey Community Centre, 222c Belsize Road NW6 4DJ hennaasianwomengroup@ 020 7372 9860
Charity and volunteering Fairtrade fortnight Goods and learning. Sunday 19 February, 11am to 3pm Hampstead Community Centre 78 Hampstead High Street NW3 1RE hampsteadcommunity Volunteer Centre Camden winter drop-in Find the right local volunteer role. Wednesday 22 February 12 to 2pm Volunteer Centre Camden 2 Grafton Yard NW5 2ND volunteercentre info@volunteercentrecamden. 020 7424 9990
Exhibitions and performances Manifestations of the mind Individual experiences of mental health in video. Monday to Friday until 10 February 9.30am to 6pm Light therapy Importance of light on mental and physical health. Friday 17 February 6.30 to 9pm Kentish Town Health Centre 2 Bartholomew Road NW5 2BX
Potter-in-residence Watch ceramicist working at a potter’s wheel. 7, 11, 14, 18, 21, 25 February 10.30am to 12.30pm Free with museum entry Jewish Museum London 129-131 Albert Street NW1 7NB whats-on Child’s Play An exhibition exploring children’s right to play. 3 February to 30 April Free with museum entry The Foundling Museum 40 Brunswick Square WC1N 1AZ Lunchtime concert Mozart and Liszt Tuesday 21 February 1.15 to 2pm Booking recommended Lauderdale House Waterlow Park Highgate Hill N6 5HG 020 8348 8716
Details may change, so please check with the organiser before attending an event. Want to get your listing on these pages? Email Space is limited and we give priority to free or low-cost community events.
At your convenience Our new community toilet scheme is up and running, with local businesses supporting Camden’s community by letting people use their toilets. The scheme is part of our work to increase the number and accessibility of publicly-available toilets in the borough. Members of the public can use the loos of participating businesses whether or not they are also customers.
Where are the community toilets? • Prince of Wales, 53 Highgate High Street N6 5JX • Greenlight Pharmacy, Laurence Corner, 62-64 Hampstead Road NW1 2NU • Pedro’s Cafe, 165 Kentish Town Road NW1 8PD • Burgh House and Hampstead Museum, New End Square NW3 1LT
Camden community toilet scheme
You’ll recognise the community toilets by one of these stickers.
Businesses that join the scheme get up to £750 a year. We are still keen to recruit more members, particularly in and around Kilburn, Kentish Town, Fortune Green, Hampstead and Chalk Farm.
• McDonald’s, 295 Kentish Town Road NW5 2TJ • Nando’s (West End Lane), 252-254 West End Lane NW6 1LU • Abbey Road Community Centre, 222c Belsize Road NW6 4DJ • McDonald’s, 127-129 Kilburn High Road NW6 6JJ • The Tricycle Theatre, 269 Kilburn High Road NW6 7JR
• Belsize Community Library, Antrim Grove NW3 4XN
• Hummus Bros, 37-63 Southampton Row WC1B 4DA
• Streets Coffee, 289 Finchley Road NW3 6ND
• Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church, 235 Shaftesbury Avenue WC2H 8EP
Find out more 30
The scheme has 13 members so far, including Hummus Bros. in Holborn. Managing Director Ivo Slezak says: “I’m happy to be a member of the community toilet scheme as I see us as being part of the local community. Having the sign in our window means people know they are welcome to come in and use the loo here. We’re on the route between Holborn tube station and the British Museum, so there are always people asking to use our toilet, as many as five a day.”
You’re welcome to use our toilets
Ivo Slezak in front of Hummus Bros. on Southampton Row—one of a dozen businesses supporting the scheme so far.
My Camden Saiqa Pandor is a co-ordinator for Home-Start Camden, a family and youth resource centre.
What’s your Camden connection?
much going on. However, there are still many people who are missing out and not being reached by promotions. We need to get people out to enjoy free and lowcost activities, and tell them more about open spaces and parks.
I have lived on the border of Camden for most of my life, and have volunteered and worked in Camden for many years. When my children were young I used to take them to play areas in Camden.
Tell us about your work (or volunteering) in Camden. I have been volunteering and working for a wonderful charity called Home-Start Camden for nine years. We support families with children under five by connecting them with a trained
Most memorable thing to happen to you in Camden? volunteer who visits and helps them in various ways for up to four hours once a week. I am one of six staff, but I initially volunteered for four years. It’s very humbling to come full circle and now be one of the people who trains volunteers.
Favourite place in Camden? Hampstead Heath. It’s mind blowing how many families in Camden don’t know about it and other green spaces in the borough. Home-Start hosts a picnic on the heath every year and one of the reasons we do it is to get families out to explore. They are always so impressed and have a great time.
What makes Camden special? It is so vibrant and diverse, and there is so
Hampstead Heath
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Becoming a Home-Start volunteer truly changed my life. When I was a mother with young children I felt that the role wasn’t valued. It was very empowering to transfer my skills and use them to help others. We help parents with young children who are often isolated and new to London or the country. We help people access resources they need and prevent some situations from becoming bad, such as if a mother is suffering from postnatal depression. I really believe in what we do at Home-Start and I love coming to work every day.
020 7424 1603
Do you know someone who has strong community connections that we should profile? Email to tell us more.
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Working in partnership