Camden Winter 2023

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Your guide to winter aking Camden safe and strong together M Support with the cost of living crisis Free and low-cost winter activities Wellbeing and mental health support Winter service updates …and more!


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to the latest edition of the Camden Magazine.

We know this is going to be a challenging winter for many of our communities as we continue to face a cost of living crisis. We are here for you and help and support is available locally if you need it. You can read more about community support on page 3 and about cost of living support and community action to tackle it on pages 4 to 7. Read on to find out more about free and low-cost winter activities, tips for staying well and service updates for the festive period.

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@WeMakeCamden @CamdenCouncil @LBCamden


#WeMakeCamden 020 7974 4444

Contents 3

Making Camden safe and strong together


Cost of living support


Cost of living: Local champions


Winter activities and events


Black History Season 2023

10-11 Staying well this winter 12

Local community action

Distribution from 5 December 2023.


Making Camden safe and strong together

All content correct at time of print.


Voting in Camden


Estate Action Days and new homes in Camden


Winter service updates

Published by Camden Council.

Cover photograph by Crispian Blaize. You can request a copy of this publication in large print, audio format or in another language by calling 020 7974 5717.

This publication was designed and produced by Camden Creative Services. We offer a not-for-profit service to organisations and businesses. If you are interested in finding out more about us, please contact



Winter 2023/24

In Camden, our diversity is one of our key strengths and we know we are at our strongest when we stand together, united against hate. Faith and community leaders of all denominations, Camden councillors, partners and local residents are working together to provide reassurance and support across Camden.

13 October: Camden Interfaith Network meeting Camden’s Faith Forum, faith representatives and councillors met to discuss rising hate crime in Camden. The meeting provided an opportunity to understand concerns being felt in Camden’s communities and agree actions to provide reassurance and support.

Interfaith Network Chairs Cllrs Rebecca Filer and Nadia Shah with Tony Ostrin (Hampstead Synagogue) and Imam Fathi Labidi

Bolstering our community presence team We have recently expanded our Community Safety team, who work closely with the Police to provide a visible presence in the borough, giving community reassurance and information.

Interfaith tree planting During Interfaith Week, community and faith leaders joined the Mayor of Camden to plant trees in Kilburn Grange Park as a symbol of unity across Camden.

November was Islamophobia Awareness Month As official supporters of this, we held events including a panellist session, an event focused on Muslim contributions to Britain, a film screening and a calligraphy workshop.

Reporting hate crime We’re deeply concerned about the increase in anti-Semitic and Islamophobic hate crimes. Please know we’re here for you. There are different ways you can safely and confidentially report a hate crime through the Council, Police or an organisation that you feel safe speaking to:

• Tell MAMA is a support service that monitors and measures Islamophobia. You can report to them at or call 0800 456 1226

• Community Security Trust protect Jewish people from anti-Semitism and discrimination. You can report to them at or call 0800 032 3263

• To see other ways you can report a hate crime, the full list of partners we work with and available support, please visit Camden 3



Cost of living sup

If you’re struggling to afford the essentials – including food, and energy bills – or if you have debt, help is available.

Help and support for private renters

Find advice at

If you’re a private renter, please have a read of all the Contact a Camden Advice Network organisation. information on this page and page 5 to check you’re receiving all the help and support you’re eligible for. Find out more at If you’re worried about paying your rent, being evicted Find and visit your nearest ‘warm welcome’ or anything else, please get advice as soon as possible: space at Contact Shelter: 0808 800 4444 C all us on 020 7974 4444 (option 9)

Benefits and help with money Check you’re receiving all the benefits you’re entitled to, and get budgeting tips, using our new Better Off Calculator: c

Camden Council’s Cost of Living Crisis Fund and the government-funded Household Support Fund If you are struggling to afford the essentials, you may be eligible for a payment from our Cost of Living Crisis Fund and/or the Household Support Fund (HSF). Anyone who meets the criteria can apply – including private renters, homeowners and council tenants. Check if you’re eligible:

Camden Council’s Money Advice Service For tailored advice and support with money, bills or debt, register for our free Money Advice Service and a council advisor will be in touch with you. Register now: 020 7974 4444 (option 9) 4


Visit our private renters website: web/private-renters-in-camden If you’re being evicted or at risk of being homeless: 0207 974 5801

Support with food If you’re in urgent need of food: 020 7974 4444 (option 9) If you are pregnant or have a child under 4 and receive certain benefits, apply for the NHS Healthy Start scheme for help to buy food and milk:

0 300 330 7010

Whatever your situation, consider joining or starting a food co-op to regularly access low-cost food:

Help and support with domestic abuse If you, or someone you know is experiencing, or is at risk of domestic abuse in any form, contact Camden Safety Net: 020 7974 2526 In an emergency, call 999

Winter 2023/24


Community Advice Centre

Job Hub

Help with energy bills If you have debt with your energy supplier: speak to them. They may be able to offer a payment plan or grant to help pay it off.

GAS Electricity

If you have a pre-payment meter and cannot top-up: ask your energy supplier for temporary credit and if you run out, ask how they can help. Provide regular meter readings to ensure you’re charged on your actual usage, not your estimated usage. Check if your account is in credit, if you’re due a refund or if your direct debit could be reduced.

Organisations that can help you with energy bill debt or worries Camden’s Home Energy Advice Team – support for council tenants with energy bills, energy debt, keeping your home warm and reducing energy usage. Contact them for advice or to set up a ‘warm and well’ home visit: 020 7974 4444 (option 9) Energy Advice London – advice for all residents – including private renters and homeowners - on saving energy and water, and accessing financial support: 0808 196 8260 WishPlus – refer yourself or someone else for help with staying warm, money worries, safety and health services: For more advice to reduce energy bills and energy consumption: 020 7974 4444 (option 9)


You might be eligible for discounted broadband or mobile phone deals If you receive certain benefits – including Universal Credit or Pension Credit – check if you’re eligible for a reduced-price ‘social tariff’ on your broadband or mobile phone. Call your current provider to see if you’re eligible for a cheaper rate or visit

Check if you’re eligible for a Discretionary Housing Payment If you receive Housing Benefit or the housing part of Universal Credit, and if you meet other criteria, you may be eligible for a Discretionary Housing Payment to help with rent or housing costs. Find out more and apply at Camden 5

A spotlight on local organisations supporting residents with the cost of living crisis Supporting Camden’s LGBTQ+ community: forum+ and Mosaic

From kayaking to online film clubs, we run free events and activities for LGBT+ people and their friends aged 18 or over, which promote wellbeing, reduce loneliness and celebrate our culture. If you’re facing hardship, feeling isolated, or if you’re a victim of homophobic, biphobic or transphobic hate crime, please get in touch.” Tessa, forum+

• To join forum+ or to find out more: 020 7388 5720 • If you’ve been a victim of a LGBTQ+ hate crime, contact forum+ to organise a call with a case worker: 020 7388 5720 • Volunteer your time or donate at • Read more from Tessa at We host a youth club for LGBT+ persons aged 12 to 18, and a young adults club for 18 to 25s. We offer loads of fun and free activities from our cosy hub in Euston, and organise trips and clothes swaps. All staff and volunteers are from the LGBT+ community, we offer a counselling service, and adult mentors are always available to provide advice and support. We’re proud of the community we’ve built – please join us!” Klara, Mosaic • To join Mosaic: • To support Mosaic please donate preloved clothes for our clothes swaps to our friends at Old Diorama Arts Centre (NW1 3FE) • Please consider volunteering or donating at • Read more from Klara at



Winter 2023/24

Queen’s Crescent Community Association We provide help, support and advice with money worries, debt, housing, food and much more, including our on-site food bank. Our doors are also open for anyone who wants to pop in and enjoy our range of free activities for all ages.” Sarolta, Belinda, Khadija and Michele, QCCA • Donate food or other items to QCCA’s food bank (45 Ashdown Crescent, NW5 4QE) any weekday, 10am to 5pm • Donate at • Sign up to volunteer by calling 020 7267 6635 • Read more at

‘Warm welcome’ spaces – for everyone in Camden For a safe and warm place to have a cuppa, read a book, get involved with free activities and meet new people, visit one of Camden’s ‘warm welcome’ spaces. Find your nearest space at or scan the QR code.

Open the door to play this winter All of Camden’s children’s centres and family hubs provide free Stay and Play drop-in sessions for children under 5, where they can play in a new and friendly environment. You can also meet other families and speak to staff about the range of support available to you. Nadia regularly attends these sessions with her daughter: I enjoy the activities that keep my toddler entertained and help with her development – including the sand box, arts and crafts, and books. “There are other parents and children of the same age as my child, and everyone is going through a similar experience. You realise you’re not alone in your journey as a parent and your child is developing as they should. “My toddler became more sociable and learnt to walk after seeing other children. It also helps me de-stress, taking me away from the busyness of life for a few hours a day.” For more information, visit

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Winter activities and events Winter Holiday Activities and Food programme

Keep busy or unwind this winter with a range of fantastic free and low-cost activities – indoor or outdoor, you can find something for all ages. Camden’s Winter Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) programme will run from 27 December to 5 January 2024 and is open for children and young people aged 5 to 16 who live in Camden and are eligible for free school meals. The programme offers free, fun activities and a hot meal – from learning to make healthy meals, to creative activities, including photography, drama, arts and crafts, and sports such as football and basketball. Find out more and book your places at

RePresenting: A new look at three statues in Bloomsbury Six artists have worked with our local communities to create artworks based on the lives of Virginia Woolf, Noor Inayat Khan and Bertrand Russell, who are memorialised through statues in Bloomsbury. This free exhibition will be on show from 17 January to 22 February 2024. S wiss Cottage Gallery at Swiss Cottage Library (NW3 3HA)

Carol singing Get into the Christmas spirit with carol singing at St George’s Garden (by the Handel Street entrance) on 16 December at 12 noon. You can join in or just listen!

Light Up Kilburn Light Up Kilburn will transform the dark winter evenings with a trail of illuminated artworks over the first three weekends of February 2024. For more information visit K ilburn High Road and Kilburn Grange Park

Enjoy our parks and open spaces in the winter Visit our parks and enjoy the changing season while boosting your immune system, reducing anxiety and improving your mental and physical health. You can also take part in walking groups, exercise classes, use the outdoor gyms, take your children to arts and crafts sessions and much more. Find out more at

Belsize Winter Wonder Street Take a walk on Haverstock Hill to admire the festive street decorations created by local residents and businesses. The lights will be up until 8 January 2024.

Join the Winter Reading Challenge at your local library Drop into your local library and discover our children’s titles and range of e-books. If your child reads four or more books over the holidays, they will complete the challenge and receive a certificate! A cross all Camden libraries 8


Winter Winter 2023/24 2022





Over the last three months, we have been celebrating the incredible achievements and contributions of Black people across Camden and the UK. Camden communities came together to learn about and explore the past, present and future of Black culture. Here are just a few highlights from the programme:

Camden Black Radicals: Saluting Our Sisters In October, human rights lawyer and presenter Priscellia Robinson spoke at the Town Hall, as we celebrated the lives of Camden women activists Claudia Jones, Amy Ashwood Garvey, Una Marson and Eslanda Robeson and their significant work in civil rights and social justice. It was a first of a series of talks exploring the unique nature of Black radical activism in Camden from the 1770s to the 1970s.

Black Victorians


Last month, crowds gathered at the British Museum for a captivating performance of Black Victorians by Artistic Director and Choreographer, Jeanefer Jean-Charles. The dance performance explored a complex but often forgotten Black presence in pre-Windrush Britain, challenging historical and contemporary perceptions.

Discover the magic of Africa Children and families embarked on a journey to Africa with workshops across Camden libraries. Through storytelling, fun facts and geography, residents explored the vibrant cultures and diverse landscapes of Africa.

Black History Season events in December Windrush in Camden exhibition A free exhibition documenting Windrush pioneers, including Claudia Jones, David Pitt, Jerry Williams, and more. On view at Camden Town Hall until 12 December.

Cause I Know I’m A Meet You At The Cross Road Through a compelling collection of photographs by Alexis Chabala, this free exhibition invites viewers to explore the intricate relationship between mortality and spirituality. On view at Swiss Cottage Gallery until 14 December. Find out more at Camden 9

Staying well this winter Cold and damp weather can make existing conditions worse and make us all more vulnerable to winter illnesses. This is why it’s really important that you and your family have had all of the vaccinations you’re entitled to.” Dr Himashi Papalia, Hampstead Group Practice

As the days get shorter and the temperature drops, it’s even more important to take care of your physical and mental health, and to look out for the people around you.

Covid and flu vaccinations

Who to contact if you’re not feeling well

If you are aged 65 or over, a carer, pregnant or are frontline health and care staff, you are eligible for the Covid and flu vaccinations from the NHS. Once you’re invited, please book your free vaccines to protect yourself and the people around you. Most young children are also eligible for a free flu nasal spray vaccination.

•P harmacies: Visit your local pharmacy for advice on a range of minor illnesses – and they can tell you if you need to visit your GP.

Find out about eligibility and how to book your vaccines:

•Y our GP: Book a phone, online or in-person appointment. • NHS 111: If you think you need medical help right now, call 111 for free or visit for advice on what to do next. In an emergency, always call 999

Is your child fully vaccinated against measles? Measles can be very serious, and cases are increasing in London. The best protection against the most severe forms of the disease is two doses of the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine, which every child can get for free at their GP. Find out more at 10


Winter 2023/24

Looking after your mental health It’s important to look after your mental health as well as your physical health. Whatever you’re going through, there’s local support available for you.

If you’re feeling down, anxious or worried • Visit for a range of wellbeing resources in different languages

• Get in touch with iCope at or

020 3317 6670 • Find local support at mental-health

• If you’re experiencing a mental health crisis, phone the 24-hour crisis line on 020 3317 6333 for specialist support. In an emergency, always call 999

• Speak to your GP if you’re concerned about your mental health

Connecting with your community Friendships, meaningful connections and feeling part of a community is good for your physical and mental health – and there are lots of ways to do this in Camden:

‘Warm welcome’ spaces for everyone Visit a ‘warm welcome’ space near you. Find out more on page 7 or at

Learn something new with Age UK Camden

Connecting carers through Mobilise Mobilise is our digital service for carers, providing information and advice as well as a platform to allow carers in Camden and across the country to connect and share experiences. Visit

Under 25s can get involved in the community Young people aged 16 to 25 can find support and activities, meet other young people and get involved in their community at

Age UK Camden has a wide range of activities for over 55s including digital and IT classes, book clubs and coffee mornings, as well as information and advice. 020 7239 0400

Call email visit or to find out more.

Are you worried about someone sleeping rough in Camden? Please contact our outreach teams who are available to provide support to anyone sleeping rough: 0207 846 3535 Download the StreetSafe Reporting App from the Apple Store (Camden Safer Streets) or Google Play (Camden StreetSafe)

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Local community action


Rhyl’s school uniform swap Nicky runs the school uniform, clothes and toy swap at Rhyl Community Primary School as a volunteer and is supported by school staff. We spoke to her and parent Zarah, who has recently started using the swap, to find out more. Nicky: “We started the school uniform swap earlier this year to tackle the cost of living crisis. It’s really helping families to feel supported. Parents and carers can come to get what they need for free and they also donate good quality uniform, shoes and coats that their children no longer use.” Zarah: “It’s really handy for families like mine who don’t have a lot of money. My son has grown out of his trousers so quickly so it’s great that I’ve been able to get some bigger ones here.”


Nicky: “I’d encourage other schools and parents to start a swap – reusing uniforms helps parents financially and it’s good for the planet too!”

Nicky Interested in starting a uniform swap shop? Contact us at

Friday Night Supper Club Alison runs the Friday Night Supper Club, a regular event for disabled young people aged 16 to 35, parents, carers and volunteers to come together to share food, play games and socialise.


I wanted my son to be involved in social activities but there aren’t many services for disabled young people, so that’s why I started the club in 2019. We come together six times a year at the Greenwood Centre, which is a fully accessible building in Kentish Town. “Everyone brings a dish to share and we have a community dinner, buffet style – it’s a really nice atmosphere. Non-disabled young people volunteer to run the club’s activities, making it fully inclusive. “Friendships are being made here between parents and carers, and between teenagers and our young people. These social connections are priceless.” Read more at 12

Camden Winter 2023/24

Making Camden more sustainable together We’re taking action to make Camden more sustainable and to support residents at the same time. We’ve recently released our latest report on what we’re doing to achieve this, including 1


Transforming unused street parking into green spaces and using car parking restrictions to reduce traffic and improve air quality.



Planting 600 trees in 2022-23. Thank you to volunteers from Clearcast – a Camden Climate Alliance member organisation – who took part in the Communi-tree hole digging and community planting day on the Bourne Estate in February 2023. I t felt good to do some honest labour in return for instant rewards that will be seen and appreciated by the many for a long time to come.”

Making more of our buildings greener by installing solar panels, triple glazing and insulation. We’re also improving the energy efficiency of over 100 council homes, and have plans to upgrade even more homes across the borough. Completing a £3.7m energy efficiency upgrade of Swiss Cottage Library. The retrofit project is expected to cut at least 50% of all heat loss and save the library more than 138 tonnes of carbon (CO2e) each year.

Read the full report at

What you can do:

Borrow useful household items

Cycle, recycle and earn rewards

★ Did you know that electronic waste is our fastest-growing waste stream? Save your money and reduce electronic waste by borrowing useful household items from the Library of Things. Visit to explore the catalogue of items available.

★ Join 16,000 Camden households already signed up for our ‘Eco Points’ reward scheme and be in with the chance to earn vouchers by recycling, reusing and making greener transport choices. Sign up at

Ditch your wood burner ★ Open fires and home wood burners can impact the health of your family and neighbours. Find out more about the impacts of wood burning at

Help us to keep streets clean ★ Help keep Camden’s streets clean by reporting any dumped rubbish, fly-tipping, littering, dog mess or other street cleaning issues with the Love Clean Streets app. Find out more at Camden 13

Elections are coming up and you now need ID to vote

We want everyone in Camden to be able to exercise their democratic right to vote. Read on to see some of the recent changes that are impacting voters, and make sure you’re ready to use your voice.

Make sure you’re registered Check your eligibility and register to vote (if you’re not already registered) at You can also update your details.

We spoke to Camden Youth MP, Samir Qurashi about why it’s important to register to vote: It’s an opportunity to ensure that our voices are heard and our unique concerns are addressed. We face distinct challenges, from education and employment to housing and climate change, and voting empowers us to influence policies that directly impact our lives.”

People voting in person now need photo ID If you vote in a polling station, you’ll need to show an accepted form of photo ID to prove your identity – like a passport, driving licence, biometric immigration document or a Blue Badge. Please check the full list to make sure you have an accepted form of ID at You can also use expired photo ID as long as you still look like the photo.

Changes to postal voting The way you apply for a postal vote has changed. You can now do it online and you’ll need to provide your National Insurance number. See details at




If you don’t have accepted photo ID or you don’t look like your photo, you can apply for a free Voter Authority Certificate. Visit and and apply apply now. now. authority-certificate

Get in touch with our elections team on

0 20 7974 4444 (option 9)

Winter 2023/24

Action on our Council Estates

In May we launched our tenant engagement programme across the borough, bringing our services closer to our council tenants. It’s our priority to build trust with tenants and we’ve spoken to over 3,500 residents across 15 estates so far. We’ve learnt so much from our residents already about how we can work together to tackle issues such as damp and mould, anti-social behaviour and repairs. These engagement days are so important because when the Council wants to make big changes, it’s crucial that they know what needs to change and only residents can tell them what the priorities need to be. The events and doorstep conversations are helping to rebuild relationships between council tenants and council staff. It’s positive that the Council will continue to speak to residents to build trust.” Arun, Abbey Estate resident and Chair of the Tenant and Resident Association To find out more about the project, visit

Exploring our award-winning new homes and community spaces Two of Camden’s Community Investment Programme redevelopments, Agar Grove estate and Central Somers Town, have taken home several awards this year. Most recently they were shortlisted for the Royal Institute of British Architects’ (RIBA) Neave Brown Award and Stirling Prize. Central Somers Town was developed closely with young people to create play facility Plot 10, complete with a rooftop football pitch and accessible playground. The project also includes Tessa Jowell Court, which provides 10 affordable new homes and is home to theatre education charity Scene & Heard. The charity partners local children with volunteer theatre professionals to create plays, helping to boost young people’s confidence.

Roz Paul MBE, CEO and Artistic Director of Scene & Heard, said: After more than two decades of work without a permanent home for our charity, we are thrilled to finally find ourselves in this beautiful building, situated in the heart of the community we serve.”

As part of our Community Investment Programme, we’re investing over £2bn in homes, schools and community spaces across Camden, building 1,800 council homes and 350 Camden Living Rent homes helping to tackle the housing crisis. If you would like to learn more, visit Camden 15

Winter services updates Council services

Bring the library to your home

Some of our services will operate with different opening hours over the Christmas and New Year period. Please check before you visit the Council, libraries and sports and leisure centres.

Camden’s Home Library Service provides free home delivery for residents who are housebound or unable to visit their local library. Choose from books including large print, audiobooks, DVDs and more!

Find out more at

For more information visit home-library-service or email

Recycle your Christmas tree It’s free and easy to take your real Christmas tree to a collection point to be recycled in the first two weeks of January – find your nearest at or by calling 020 3567 8105

Winter gritting Every winter, we grit key roads and footpaths in Camden. If you’re able to, you can also help keep your local pavements clear from snow and ice for your community – request free snow shovels and grit at

The Camden Crisis Sanctuary is open over Christmas If you or someone you know is struggling with their mental health, Hestia’s Camden Crisis Sanctuary is a non-clinical space to seek support and advice from. It’s open to anyone who lives or studies in Camden and is aged 18 or over or has visited mental health services in the borough. The Sanctuary is open 5 to 11pm (last admission for walk-ins without a referral is 10.30pm), Monday to Sunday, 365 days a year. 50-52 Hampstead Road, NW1 2PY 07825 165464

Recycling and rubbish over Christmas and New Year We’ll be collecting your recycling and rubbish on different days over the festive period. Collections return to their normal schedule from Monday 8 January.

FSC logo

The print production and paper have both been carbon balanced with World Land Trust. CBP2234

Normal collection day Monday 25 December Tuesday 26 December Wednesday 27 December Thursday 28 December Friday 29 December

Christmas collection day (two days later) Wednesday 27 December Thursday 28 December Friday 29 December Saturday 30 December Sunday 31 December

Normal collection day

Find out more at

Monday 1 January Tuesday 2 January Wednesday 3 January Thursday 4 January Friday 5 January

Printed on paper that is 50% recycled and 50% from sustainable sources. The paper and production for this publication is carbon balanced. The distribution company plant two trees for every job they complete, over 80,000 trees per annum.

New Year collection day (one day later) Tuesday 2 January Wednesday 3 January Thursday 4 January Friday 5 January Saturday 6 January

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