Camden magazine March 2017

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Camden Camden this month

Your guide to council services | March 2017 |

Recycle right Get ready for changes to recycling and rubbish from 1 April. @camdentalking

We’re celebrating International Women’s Day this month (8 March) by supporting Sport England’s ‘This Girl Can’ campaign, which empowers women of all ages to get active and not be afraid to get sweaty in their sports kit. We run many sports activities and sessions to help girls and women get more active. See pages 27 and 28 to learn more.

The Camden magazine is distributed free to all homes in Camden to give you information about our services. It costs 15 pence a copy to produce, and is printed on paper that is 50% recycled and 50% from sustainable sources. Cover image: Philip Wolmuth


Published by Camden Council Editorial, advertising and distribution: Communications team, Camden Council, Camden Town Hall, Judd Street WC1H 9JE 020 7974 5717 Distribution from 13 March 2017

You can receive your copy of the Camden magazine in large print, on audio tape or in another language by phoning 020 7974 5717. 2

Camden this month Libraries are holding special events for the Cityread London festival. See page 7.

Learn about the 2017/18 council tax rates and budget. See page 10.

Our volunteering survey results: More of you are giving your time than ever before. See page 19.

Recycling and rubbish collections are changing from 1 April 2017. See page 14. Are you getting your 10,000 steps a day? Our top tips to get walking in Camden. See page 30.

Welcome Introduction from the Leader of the Council

Features 5

Cover story Recycling and rubbish collection changes


News Holocaust Memorial Day Cityread London festival events Grants for youth projects Support to stop smoking Protect children from sexual abuse

6 7 7 9 9

Your council tax rates explained Viewpoints – volunteering Volunteering survey results Monitoring Camden’s air quality HS2 replacement homes Swapping homes for a better fit New development underway in Kilburn Apply for scholarships Young people debate at two events Supporting and celebrating women Camden walking My Camden – walk leader Mary Hill

10 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 30 31

Listings Local events and courses



Free adult learning courses Learn something new and enrol in free adult community learning courses starting in April. You can learn at your own pace in friendly, informal community venues across the borough, and be supported by tutors experienced in es hips en apprentic Camdlearners. teaching Some adult +. 25 s to age open are also now at e or Classes include: tm Find ou k/ .u ov .g en d • basic computing, ca m hip s es ic nt re p p a • beginner English,

• family learning, and • preparing for employment.

ore about To find out m ities ip opportun apprenticesh visit in Camden, .uk/ ca m ps hi es ic nt a ppre


Preparing for employment includes improving your CV and interview techniques. Family learning will help you to find out more about what your child is learning at school, and make fun games and activities to help your child. Come to Enrolment Day: Wednesday 19 April, 9am to 4pm Richard Cobden Learning Centre Camden Street NW1 0LJ Adult Learning Centre – Netley Campus 72-76 Stanhope Street NW1 3EX


to the March edition of Camden magazine

10 | C ouncil tax and budget 2017/18

14 | R ecycling and rubbish collection changes

21 | R eplacement homes for HS2

Last month the Council took the difficult decision to raise council tax by 4.99% (pages 10-12). By 2018/19 the Council’s like-for-like funding from Central Government will have been more than halved since 2010. We are now in the position where an increase in council tax can protect key services. Demand for adult care services is high and costs are increasing. In common with 147 out of 151 English councils we’ve added a supplement to make up for the Government’s failure to properly fund social care – this makes up 3% of the 4.99% increase. We’re also rethinking how we deliver these services to make savings and you can find out how to take part in our consultation on page 13. The council has made major savings in back office costs. We have reduced the number of managers and council departments, we’ve saved over £2 million by reducing the number of offices our staff work in. We are putting more services online, making them easier to use and cheaper to provide. We’ve worked with external contractors to reduce costs. We continue to invest in the things that you’ve told us matter to you. We’re providing support for young people and parents to find work.

We’re investing in mental health support. And despite the extremely challenging financial situation we are building 3,050 new homes across the borough as well as investing in our schools and community facilities. We have recently been working with residents who will be displaced by High Speed 2 to keep them in the neighbourhoods they call home. I was very pleased to be a part of the topping out ceremony to mark construction progress at Mardale, one of six High Speed 2 replacement housing blocks on the Regent’s Park Estate (page 21). Recycling and rubbish collections are changing to boost recycling and to save money. You can read about these changes on page 14. We have also started works in Kilburn at Abbey Road and Belsize Road as part of the Community Investment Programme, which will provide new affordable homes as well as community and health facilities, and play areas (see page 23). These are challenging times, but we will continue to work hard to deliver the services that matter to you most.

Councillor Sarah Hayward Leader of the Council 5


Observing Holocaust Memorial Day A special event at the British Library helped us remember past atrocities and think about the present horrors facing persecuted minorities and refugees. Lord Alf Dubs, whose amendment to the Immigration Act addressed safe refuge for unaccompanied refugee children in the United Kingdom, led the speakers at our Holocaust Memorial Day event on 27 January. Lord Dubs, whose father was Jewish, was one of 669 Czech children saved from the Nazis on the Kindertransport (children’s transport) to Britian before the outbreak of the second world war. He said: “The Holocaust started with words: the vilification of Jewish and Roma people, disabled people and other minorities. If you allow this to be normalised that is a danger and you have to go against it.”

Other community leaders attended, including Leader of the Council, Councillor Sarah Hayward, as well as local residents and schoolchildren. Mayor Shah said: “The heinous crimes of the Holocaust and other genocides are among the most shameful atrocities committed in the history of the human race. Sadly, even in the twenty-first century we continue to see persecution of minorities, refugees fleeing from their homes and autocratic or lawless regimes spreading hate. “As well as being a memorial, this event explored the efforts of those who strive to end division, to offer sanctuary and rebuild lives. We focused on the theme of

Lord Dubs speaking at the memorial event at the British Library.

supporting refugees fleeing from persecution, a role Camden has embraced, as we have accepted 20 Syrian households as part of the vulnerable person resettlement scheme since the crisis began in Aleppo.”

Hosted by Mayor of Camden, Councillor Nadia Shah, the event included poems and films from Camden young people and London-based Pan Intercultural Arts, as well as reflections from Rabbi Larry Tabick, of the Shir Hayim Reform Jewish Community. The event explored the theme ‘How can life go on?’ in relation to the Holocaust and the recent refugee crisis. Find out more 6

(Left to right) Kristian Jensen, British Library; Lord Dubs; Mayor of Camden Nadia Shah; Rabbi Larry Tabick; and Sheyda O’Rang, Pan Arts.


Meet the author

Camden libraries are hosting special events next month for Cityread, the London libraries festival that celebrates the power of reading to bring communities together. Swiss Cottage Library will welcome bestselling author S.J. Parris, to speak about her historical thriller, Prophecy, Cityread London’s 2017 book of the year.

S.J.Parris, author of Cityread London’s 2017 book of the year.

Find out more

From 1 April, all nine of Camden’s libraries will have a number of copies of Prophecy to give away, and an online version of the novel will be available to download. There will also be a speciallycurated collection of books in each library to borrow during the festival. Camden Local Studies and

Archive Centre will also hold a talk on the theme of ‘Elizabethan Camden’, with a number of copies of Prophecy to be given away.

Special events Meet author S.J. Parris Events room, Swiss Cottage Library Wednesday 5 April, 6.30 to 7.30pm. Email to book. Elizabethan Camden Camden Local Studies and Archives Centre, Holborn Library Tuesday 11 April, 7.15pm No booking required.

Grants for youth projects The new foundation will award money for projects that bridge divides and bring together people who might not normally interact, like older and young people, different ethnic groups or people with different interests and hobbies.

The Young Camden Foundation is awarding grants of up to £5,000 for projects that help break down barriers for young people. Find out more

Voluntary and community organisations are being invited to apply now and to join the Young Camden Foundation (YCF) at the same time. YCF will bring the voluntary and community sector, Camden businesses, funders and the public sector together to support opportunities for all

young people in Camden. The foundation will be run by a board including Camden’s Youth MP, and representatives from the Council, youth and community organisations, John Lyon’s Charity (which specifically benefits young people in northwest London), the police, the NHS and local businesses. The foundation is due to become a charity in April, enabling it to raise funds from private individuals, businesses and other sources to support its work and improve the range of services and activities for young people. 7

es hips en apprentic Some Camd s 25 +. open to age are also now e at Find out mor .uk/ ov .g en ca m d hip s es ic nt re p ap

Careers in social care

We are dedicated to providing exceptional help, advice and support to those most in need. It’s at the heart of everything we do. We believe in getting it right, and what better way than involving Camden residents who ore about d out mthey finservice s knowTothe expect. opportunitie ip apprenticesh sit vi , n e d m a in C .uk/ ca m ps hi es ic nt a ppre


We have great opportunities, including:  social workers  occupational therapists  access and support officers To find out more about these roles and many more at Camden please visit our website at


Support to stub it out National No Smoking Day on 8 March highlights the many reasons why now is the right time to quit. Every cigarette causes you real harm, and quitting is healthier for you and your family. Smoke Free Life Camden can help. You can find out more about patches, gum and other stopsmoking aids. You can also come along to one of the free drop-in sessions. You can access the services if you are aged 13 and

over, and live, work or study in Camden, or have a Camden GP. Giving up smoking will: • reduce your risk of developing illnesses or disability. You’ll be less at risk of cancer, heart or lung disease, as well as protecting the people around you by not exposing them to second-hand smoke. • save you money. You could save as much as £300 a month if you are a heavy smoker.

Did you know?

Find out more 0800 1070 401 Text QUIT to 66777

Nine out of 10 smokers who have talked to someone at their local stop-smoking service would recommend the support.

We can all protect children Never be afraid to speak up if you suspect a child is unsafe or being abused. Social workers, police, school and health staff from across the Camden came together last month to talk about child sexual abuse, child sexual exploitation, and how to tackle and prevent these issues locally.

is at risk, speak to someone.” Delegates at the CSCB conference heard that everyone has a role in protecting children and young people from abuse, neglect and exploitation, and preventing it from happening in the first place.

Dominic Clout, Chair of Camden Safeguarding Children Board (CSCB), said: “Many people do not act because they’re worried about being wrong. You don’t have to be absolutely certain about your suspicions. If you’re concerned a child is being abused, or their safety

Reporting your concerns to our children’s social care team could provide the missing piece of information that is needed to keep a child safe. If you are worried about a child or young person, please call 020 7974 3317 (out of hours:

Find out more

020 7974 4444). If you think a child is in immediate danger call the police on 999. Children can also ring the free and confidential Childline on 0800 1111. Dominic Clout (left) with guest speakers from the CSCB conference on 9 February in Camden.



Council tax increase to protect vital services

How the Council Libraries, sports, arts and tourism £5.6 million

Council tax in Camden will increase by 4.99% from April 2017 – an extra £1.04 a week for a Band D property. The rise includes a dedicated 3% supplement to help fund the costs of adult social care.

Government cuts to Camden’s funding have happened year-on-year since 2010

There are considerable pressures in areas such as adult social care that you can read more about on page 13.

By 2018/19, our like-forlike Government funding will have been more than halved.

We avoided increases to council tax for many years, and made it fairer for our poorest households. As Central Government cuts to our funding continue, we have reluctantly increased council tax by 4.99% this year.

We’ve made major changes to the way we do things so we can continue to deliver services as our funding shrinks. But we continue to face financial pressures as demand for council services grows and costs increase.

This is only the fourth time council tax has risen in Camden in 11 years.

Secondary schools £66.5 million rimary schools P £70.6 million

Support for schools £15.5 million High needs pupils £37.8 million

Total s 20 £823

£368.3 million

Government benefit payments and services £192.6 million

£9 out of every £20 we have has to be spent according to government rules

Due to funding cuts from Central Government, from 2011-2019 we will have had to reduce our budget by £171 million. This means we still need to find another £24 million in savings by 2019.



£ millions



-26% -17% -42%


-36% 100


Early years £26 million Supporting vulnerable families £41.4 million

-47% -57% 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20


Waste collection and street cleaning £25.4 million

oung Y £6.7 mill

Feature spends your money Voluntary sector Community organisations safety £5.3 million £4.9 million

Delivering high-quality services despite funding cuts Parks and open spaces £3.1 million Employment and skills £3.8 million Parking, roads and transport £15 million Regeneration and planning £8.1 million Customer service £6.9 million Public health £22.5 million

Older adults £40 million

spending 017/18 3.4 million

Adults £24.2 million

Mental health £20.5 million

£455.1 million

Learning disability £23.7 million Preventing homelessness and support to homeless households £30.7 million Transport for older and disabled residents £15.9 million Legal services £4.4 million Technology £10.7 million Property £17.7 million Finance and procurement £8.8 million Strategy, human resources and member support £11 million Pensions £15.7 million

people External levies and lion insurance £8.6 million

Find out more

Reserves £20.1 million Funding capital investment £13.6 million

We are working hard to deliver high quality services for our residents despite the impact of massive government cuts. We’re finding new ways of doing things to make every pound work harder for Camden: • Reviews of every service have delivered savings such as by reducing managers, council departments and selling old offices. • We are putting more services online, making them easier to use and cheaper to provide. This also frees up face-to-face services for those who need them the most. This is helping us to deliver the services that matter to you: • You tell us that affordable housing and community facilities are your top priority, so our Community Investment Programme is building more than 3,000 new homes, plus new schools and community facilities. • We continue to provide good services enjoyed by all residents. Our surveys show that services such as street cleaning, refuse collection and road and pavement repairs are rated ever more highly by you. • Our local economy is strong and we want residents to enjoy the benefits. We are working with over 400 employers to recruit more than 1,000 young apprentices. • By the end of the year, all of our contractors will join the Council in becoming London Living Wage employers. 11


Council tax to increase Council tax in Camden will increase by 4.99% from April 2017 following a decision by the full Council on 27 February. This is not a decision taken lightly, but as Central Government continues to cut our funding, a council tax increase will protect vital services. The increase is made up of a 1.99% rise to council tax along with a 3% surcharge to fund adult social care services. This adds up to an extra £1.04 per week for residents in a Band D property. The Mayor of London also sets part of your council tax, so check your council tax bill when it arrives in the next few weeks for more details. We have delivered savings by reducing the number of senior staff, council departments and selling surplus buildings. Putting more services online has brought down costs. New contracts enable us to make savings, including our new waste and recycling contract. At the same time, we have protected services experienced by all residents, such as street cleaning and road repairs – where you tell us that we are doing even better than before. You tell us that you want to see more affordable homes and community facilities, so we have used existing council properties to fund investment in thousands of new council homes and in new schools and community facilities. Find out more 12

Commenting on the decision, Leader of Camden Council Sarah Hayward said: “We have a strong track record of delivering high-quality services to residents, despite the impact of massive Central Government cuts. But this year we need to raise council tax so that we can continue to meet the needs of our residents, particularly those who are most vulnerable. “I am fiercely proud that we have been able to invest for the future and to innovate. We’re building thousands of new homes; residents tell us they are happy with how we keep the borough’s streets clean; our schools are among the best in the country and our local economy is strong. Our commitment to residents is that we will continue to deliver the high-quality services that all residents value, to support those most in need and to invest in Camden’s future.” Making council tax fairer We know that some of our residents struggle to pay council tax so, to help our most vulnerable residents, we have:

• reduced the burden of council tax for the poorest 15,000 working-age households. The council tax reduction scheme helps residents on benefits, or with low incomes, by giving them a discount. • provided a discount to other groups, such as carers, students, and residents who are disabled or live with a disabled person. • excluded foster carers from having to pay. Need help paying your council tax? • Don’t ignore your bill until your payment is overdue – if you can’t pay straight away, contact us to organise a flexible payment plan based on your circumstances. We will do our best to help. • You may be eligible for a discount – check the websites below or call Contact Camden to find out what discounts are available, and if you are eligible.


Adult social care - have your say on proposed changes There is a growing national crisis in social care and we need to act now to reduce the impact in Camden. That’s why we are now consulting on changes to day centres and financial contributions people may make to the cost of their care. The Government’s failure to properly fund social care, means even with the extra money the surcharge will generate, we will still have to make significant savings in adult social care. Our proposed changes

We are proposing to maintain all council-run day services and create two specialist centres in the borough to deliver these services. Under our plans, we will:

Find out more

• provide services for older people, including those living with dementia, from a refurbished Kingsgate Resource Centre in Kilburn, • offer specialist services for people with learning disabilities and mental health needs at the new Greenwood Resource Centre in Kentish Town, and • make sure we treat all those who contribute to the cost of their care fairly. These changes are part of the development of a new adult social care strategy, which we will publish later this year. It will set out how we plan to work with individuals, families and our communities to support people to live full and active lives whilst continuing to protect people from harm, and supporting those with the most complex needs. We plan to use the extra money to help fund a range of improvements, such as:

• i nvesting further in digital technology, such as our Careline telecare service, to help residents live independently at home for as long as possible, •m eeting the increasing costs of delivering high-quality care, including investing in our workforce and paying all council-contracted care staff the London Living Wage, and •w orking with the voluntary sector to support our residents in the community, including investing in the development of more joined up local, neighbourhood services. Adult social care consultations run until 9 April. See webpage below to find out more and have your say. 13


Ready to recycle

Luke puts out his green recycling box for collection in Cantelowes.

Recycling and rubbish collections are changing from 1 April 2017. Find out about all of the changes and how we can help you prepare. In the next few weeks you’ll receive a leaflet containing information about the new collections in your area, which includes: • when to put out your recycling and rubbish,

Your RECYCLIN GA RUBBISH g ND uide Starts 1 Ap ri l

• where to put your containers,

You collec r tion day is MONDA Y

• what you can and can’t recycle, and • how to get extra help. Also included will be a calendar of your collection days that you can tear out and stick on your fridge, and a pull-out list of what you can and can’t recycle to keep as a handy reminder.

More recycling 85% of your rubbish can be recycled but currently residents recycle just 25%. We are changing some of our collections to encourage everyone to recycle more. 14

Working in partnership

Making savings Cuts to our budget from central government mean we have to find cheaper ways of doing things. It costs less money to process recycling than dispose of rubbish, so every time you recycle you help us save money for other important services.

Feature Your recycling will be collected EVERY WEEK To help you recycle more: We’ll also be collecting these items (right) for free. Contact us and we’ll deliver the correct colour bags you need. We’ll collect these at the same time as your recycling.

Textiles: clothes, bed linen, towels

Household batteries (not car batteries)

Small electrical items: kettles, toasters, hairdryers

FOOD WASTE We will continue to collect everyone’s recycling and food waste at least once a week. Put all your food scraps into your food waste caddy: • fruit • vegetables • meat • bones • bread and dairy • teabags and coffee grounds

Order your FREE caddies at uk/foodwaste

If you put all your food scraps in your food waste caddy, your rubbish bin won’t smell.

Diane makes use of her food caddy.

You can line your kitchen caddy with a compostable caddy liner, NOT a plastic bag.

Your food waste will be collected EVERY WEEK

GARDEN WASTE £75 for 12 months £60 for March to November only Find out more

New paid-for collections to cover the cost of delivering the service Sign up at gardenwaste You can club together with your neighbours to share a collection

Save money Order your £5 composter at camden. to compost your own food and garden waste. 15



We are doing all we can to make sure the collection changes work for everyone.

Assisted collections If you have difficulty moving your recycling and rubbish containers you can contact us to discuss assisted collections.

Information sessions

ome to one of the events across the borough to have your C recycling and rubbish questions answered and get tips on how you can recycle more.

A separate weekly collection is available for nappies if you have a child under 2.5 years and for incontinence pads. Contact us to arrange your collection.



Mon 13 March

Outside Budgens - Haverstock Hill

11am - 2pm

Thurs 16 March

Queens Crescent market

11am - 2pm

Mon 20 March

Outside Waitrose - Finchley Road

4pm - 7pm

Wed 22 March

Inverness Street market

10am - 1pm

Find out more 16


020 7974 2202




Spotlight on the new recycling and rubbish collections

Are all rubbish collections changing to fortnightly? No. About a third of homes in Camden will be moving to fortnightly rubbish collections. Any homes with enough space will be given a new wheelie bin or Camden-branded orange bags for their rubbish. Recycling and food waste will still be collected every week from every home. If you get communal rubbish collections where you live, you will still have rubbish collections at least once a week and you will not get a wheelie bin. How will I know if my collection day is changing? Look out for the leaflet about the new service, which will be delivered soon. It includes a calendar of your bin collection days, which you can tear out and stick on the fridge to help you remember. You can also check online. Search ‘Veolia service checker’ to look up the collection days for your address. I have a communal collection where I live. Will I get orange bags?

Diane, Simon and Luke recycle right in Camden.

No. If you live somewhere with communal rubbish collections such as on an estate or in a large block of flats, your

communal rubbish collection will not change. We may empty the bins on a different day but your rubbish will still be collected at least once a week. You will not be asked to use new orange bags. Can I put bones in my food waste caddy? Yes. You can put all food waste, scraps and bones in your food waste caddy, which will be collected every week. Put all of your food waste in your caddy to stop your rubbish bin from smelling. How will you collect batteries, textiles and small electrical items? Contact us and we will deliver the correct bags to recycle these items. Once you have the bags, you will be able to put them out with your recycling and food waste and we will collect them. If you live somewhere with communal rubbish collections you can take these items to your nearest recycling point. Small electrical items include things like toasters, kettles and hairdryers. You still need to contact us to arrange a bulky waste collection for bigger items like microwaves, washing machines and fridges.

To ask Jenny a question, email 17


What do you think? Whether you’re giving back to your community, helping your neighbours or taking part in causes close to your heart, volunteering makes a huge difference to those who need it most. Two Camden volunteers share their experiences.

Lesia Haliv from Hampstead has been volunteering with the Volunteer Centre Camden for five years. She shares one of her favourite success stories.

Ivàn Cidre from Somers Town had a life-changing experience that prompted him to volunteer as an outdoor gym instructor.

“My role at the Volunteer Centre is to help people find the right volunteering opportunity for them. We have a database of volunteering roles on our website which anyone can access. Some people are not used to using the internet and need a little help finding something suitable. I get to know people one-to-one and we explore roles together. There are lots to choose from.

“I’ve had a long-term back problem, which was finally diagnosed in 2016 as a chronic condition. I can manage it, but I can’t cure it.

“I once found a role in administration for someone at a community centre. He came back to thank me personally for putting him in touch with the centre. It feels great when I am able to find the right opportunity for someone and make their life better. “Volunteering is a great way to meet people, feel good and give your skills to help others.” Find out more 18

“I decided to make some big changes. I quit my desk job and started to get more active. “I started volunteering with Camden Active and they trained me up as an outdoor gym instructor so I can deliver free coaching sessions. I have now started up regular tennis coaching sessions in Somers Town on Saturdays and I also coach Table Tennis. “I am now in less pain and I feel much happier. I have a passionate belief that being active is important and that everyone should have the chance to try out new sports. Check the website to see where and when you can get coaching. It’s a great way to keep fit and socialise.”


Making a difference Our volunteering survey shows that more residents than ever are giving up their time to help local charities, schools and neighbours. Volunteering is a fantastic way to meet new people and give back to your community. It can also improve your health and wellbeing. We are delighted with the results of our volunteering survey. Over half of you are now doing some kind of volunteering, which is a huge 8% rise on the number of volunteers in 2012. Our survey results help us think about ways to make volunteering even better in the future, and we will continue to: • encourage volunteering as a way of building stronger communities, • work with the voluntary and community sector to improve the volunteering roles on offer, and • encourage businesses to allow their staff to volunteer during work hours. Find your perfect volunteer role using the contact information below, or come to the volunteer centre drop-in on Wednesday 22 March, 12 to 2pm, at 2 Grafton Yard NW5 2ND.

Find out more

Volunteering in numbers



of Camden residents are volunteers

of residents who volunteer do so at least once a week



of businesses allow their employees to volunteer during work hours

of businesses provide employability support to schools

There are over

It is estimated that Camden’s faith groups worked with more than


student volunteers at Camden’s universities

10,000 volunteers in 2016

The 61 charities that responded worked with over

8,100 volunteers in the past year

There are over


volunteers working in Camden’s three general hospitals

In 2016, we worked with


volunteers to support the delivery of council services (for full survey)

020 7424 9990



Air quality:

Monitoring and awareness Take action to reduce your exposure to air pollution. Air pollution can have a serious affect on our health. Studies show that around 9,500 people die as a result of air pollution in London each year. However, there are an increasing number of ways to monitor and predict air pollution, which can help you both reduce your exposure and keep the air cleaner through your own actions. Monitoring across London Camden’s air quality is monitored at over 20 different locations as part of a wider network across London. We publish this information daily on our website below. Data from the London-wide network is used to predict how air pollution will spread over time and distance. Alerts and warnings The Mayor of London has recently expanded the warnings provided by Transport for London, who now broadcast alerts whenever pollution is high or very high. You will see notifications at tube stations, bus stops, on digital signs along major roads and on its website. You can also sign up to the free AirTEXT service, which sends out alerts by email and text message ahead of poor air quality forecasts. Find out more 20

When London’s pollution is high, you can protect yourself and others by avoiding the car, and walking and cycling instead. Unless pollution is extremely high, the benefits of exercising outdoors for most people will always outweigh the risks of exposure to pollution. But if you are sensitive to the effects of air pollution—for example, if you suffer from heart or lung disease—you may want to limit the length of time spent where air pollution is going to be the worst. Walking on back roads rather than beside busy roads will reduce your exposure to traffic pollution. We launched our new clean air action plan last year, with over 60 actions that will help improve air quality in Camden. We continue to work with residents and partners,

and to lobby the Greater London Authority and the Government to tackle air pollution. Green Action for Change Our fifth review of Camden’s environmental sustainability plan, Green Action for Change, is now available online. It includes the latest Camden-wide carbon reduction data and sets out how we can increase household recycling levels, tackle fuel poverty and improve air quality by encouraging residents, businesses and schools to take action. greencamden


HS2 replacement homes topped out to reduce the impact on Camden, securing over 100 assurances from HS2 Ltd on key issues.

Councillor Hayward, Leader of Camden Council (second from left), on the rooftop of Mardale with residents Mohammed Abdullah, Jeanette Westley, Theo Constantinou and Sana Begum.

Residents and councillors came together on 31 January to mark builders reaching the top of Mardale, one of six HS2 replacement housing blocks on the Regent’s Park Estate. Ninety replacement homes are being built for council tenants and leaseholders set to lose homes to High Speed 2 (HS2). These are being built on the estate because most residents told us they wanted to stay in their local area. Jeanette Westley lives with her 14-year-old daughter in one of

Find out more

the blocks set to be demolished by HS2 Ltd. She said: “We’re not going to have to up sticks and have extra travel costs to get my daughter to school … [we] will still be in our same little community.” Camden Council fought to secure funding from HS2 Ltd for the homes. Residents are due to move in later this year, ahead of the demolition of their current homes by HS2 Ltd, which is scheduled to take place in early 2018. HS2 given go ahead The HS2 Bill received Royal Assent last month, giving the Government permission to build the railway. We have always been opposed to HS2 and fought hard

These assurances include: • noise insulation for significantly affected homes, • limits on construction vehicle emissions, • £ 3.5 million for a Camden-wide fund for community projects on top of route-wide community and business funds, • funding for support workers for vulnerable people, and • a commitment that HS2 Ltd will improve community engagement. In January, the Government agreed to offer fairer compensation to Camden residents, following years of the Council voicing our concerns at the highest levels of government. Our priorities now are to finish the replacement homes, continue to push HS2 Ltd to minimise the negative impact on Camden, and hold HS2 Ltd to account on its commitments. We are urging the Government to provide more detail on its plans for compensation, and to provide funding and timescales for the comprehensive redevelopment of Euston station. 21


Find your new home If you’re looking to swap outside of Camden then they can help you get in touch with swappers from other boroughs. Ben and Lucy are here for you every step of the way, and can even come along on home visits for tenants who need extra help.

Lucy and Ben, our two newest mutual exchange advisors.

Mutual exchange advisors help council and Housing Association tenants swap homes. Mutual exchanges take place between two or more social housing tenants and can help you into the perfect new home in less than 10 weeks. You can even exchange outside of the borough. Lucy Activille and Ben Eguaibor are our new mutual exchange advisors, and they take an active role in the exchange process, from sign up to moving day. Each week Lucy and Ben attend drop-in sessions at Pancras Square and Queen’s Crescent libraries. They help residents get to grips with Find out more 22

the mutual exchange process and guide them through registration for Homeswapper help The Homeswapper website has listings of potential swap partners across Camden and beyond. On the website you can create a profile for your home with details about the number of bedrooms, bathrooms and more. “We encourage people to take photos of their properties,” says Lucy. “And give them tips on how to make them look desirable.” Once you’re set up on Homeswapper our advisors can help you through the matching process, and help you get in touch with potential swap partners.

Finding the right fit “We recently completed a fourway mutual exchange where a family of five was living in a onebed flat after the birth of their third child,” says Lucy. “They were able to swap into a three-bedroom property within four weeks of putting in their application.” “The beauty of a mutual exchange is that people who are overcrowded get to move into bigger properties and people who are under occupying get a property that’s just right for them”. Bigger properties are in high demand across Camden and council tenants who move to smaller properties can access cash rewards. The Tenant’s Option Fund offers a lump sum to downsizing residents. Some use it to cover the cost of moving, and others might use it to pay for accessibility adaptions to their homes, such as handrails and ramps. To find out more about mutual exchange, and start your journey into a new home, visit our website.

Feature Architectural image of the future development.

New homes coming to Kilburn Community Investment Programme

Work is underway to build 141 homes at Abbey Road and Belsize Road. Nearly half of the houses being built will be affordable, providing much needed homes for Camden residents. Work is expected to be completed in late 2018. The development will also include extra retail and commercial spaces, a 52-space underground car park and 75 homes for sale, which will fund the development of the affordable new homes and business facilities. This is the first phase of the regeneration of the Abbey area. After the first phase of the project is complete, more homes will be built in the area, along with community and health facilities, better play areas for children and improvements to open spaces.

The Abbey Area development is an important part of our Community Investment Programme (CIP), our 15-year plan to build over 3,000 new homes, including 1,400 affordable homes, invest £117 million into schools and children’s centres and provide 9,000 square metres of improved community facilities, the equivalent of 35 tennis courts. CIP will also help to renovate thousands of existing council homes, as part of our Better Home’s Programme.

Current work on the development.

Find out more

Community Investment Programme progress 277 homes built, with another 425 to be completed by 2018 £61 million invested into 48 schools and children’s centres 1,242 square metres of improved community facilities, including the new St Pancras Community Centre

New website Our new CIP website is now live. Its new features include an interactive map of all CIP projects. You can keep up to date by visiting the website and signing up to our email newsletter. 23


Camden scholarships: another route to success The course also provides opportunities to study additional modules that complement Adriana’s degree. “It’s great for developing my interests, alongside my course”, she says. “So far I’ve taken classes in cyber ethics, maths and the history of London.”

A scholarship gave Adriana the chance to study Business Administration at HULT International Business School.

Apply by Friday 31 March for part and fullyfunded places at HULT International Business School and Anglia Ruskin University. We are offering life-changing undergraduate and postgraduate scholarships in partnership with two internationally-renowned institutions. Scholarships are open to highly-motivated Camden residents aged 18 or over with two A-levels grade B or C, or equivalent. Students with just one A-level grade C or above can also apply for an extended four year degree. Scholarship success story Adriana Lumi, 19, of Somers Town, Find out more 24

applied to do Law through UCAS, but when her top three universities rejected her application she didn’t know where to go next. “I saw a poster for Camden scholarships in my sixth form common room and knew it was fate,” she said. “I wrote a personal statement and sent off an application to study Business Administration at HULT. I later found out I had been accepted for a fully-funded scholarship worth £90,000.” Based on a campus in Aldgate, HULT offers an American-style degree that is recognised both in the UK and abroad. “I love the setup as we don’t have lectures. Instead, we have regular seminars in smaller groups that are great for my active learning style.”

A scholarship is just the beginning For Adriana the scholarship has opened doors she never thought possible. The university’s business links have provided contacts across the industry. “There are plenty of chances to network with potential employers and make contacts for the future,” she says. “You just don’t meet people like that every day.” Through her studies, Adriana has discovered an interest in finance, and now knows where she’d like to put a foot on the career ladder. “I’d recommend a scholarship to anyone,” she says. “I think it’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me.” Priority for four year courses will be given to applicants facing financial hardship. You can also apply to study part time around other arrangements such as work or childcare. Visit the website below for full details on applications and eligibility. The deadline for applications is 31 March.


Talking about the hot topics Camden secondary students debate international politics to vegetarianism. After three weeks of training to hone their debating skills, 24 students from William Ellis School, Acland Burghley School and Camden School for Girls went head to head at Camden Town Hall on 31 January.

The winning Acland Burghley students Stan (left) and Jay, both aged 12.

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The Camden Debating Challenge was organised by Bluebelle Carroll, 15, who is a member of Camden Youth Council and a student at Camden School for Girls. Bluebelle, who also crowdfunded the project, was supported by

fellow students from her school and teacher David Gunn. Debaters were scored by a panel of student judges on their speaking style and strength of their arguments. Parents, friends and debaters watched the two highest scoring teams, from Acland Burghley and William Ellis, compete in the Council Chamber, with Acland Burghley coming out on top. Bluebelle said: “To be able to speak clearly, coherently and confidently is such a vital part of life.”

Camden students join Healthy London debate Acland Burghley students became health champions for the day at a City Hall debate on childhood obesity. The students joined teenagers from across London at the Great Weight Debate, where they gave

Acland Burghley students (left to right) Idris, 13, Remy, 14, Jude, 14, and Chester, 13.

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a 10-minute presentation and answered questions on how they could encourage other young people to be more active and healthy.

that health and wellbeing could be promoted, such as a poster competition and training students to mentor their classmates in making healthier choices.

Acland Burghley School, in Tufnell Park, has already banned fizzy drinks in school, and offers healthy meals in the canteen at lunch rather than allowing students to leave the site to buy food.

The event on Saturday 28 January was organised by the Healthy London Partnership, which is supported by the NHS, local authorities, Public Health England and the Mayor of London.

During their presentation and the debate the students talked about how the ‘water only’ policy has worked in school and other ways

Chester, who is in year 9 at Acland Burghley School, said: “The experience was nerve-wracking but rewarding and fun.” 25


Celebrating Camden women To mark International Women’s Day, here’s a taster of the support, opportunities and activities that we offer women of all ages. The theme of this year’s International Women’s Day on 8 March was ‘Be bold for change’. In Camden we aim to lead the way in making positive change for women every day of the year.

Flexible working

At Camden, we understand the need for work to fit in with personal circumstances for everyone. We are proud to be the first council to be awarded ‘Timewise’ status by the Timewise Foundation in response to our flexible approach to working, which includes part-time and jobsharing roles for those who need them. This flexibility forms part of our wider plan to make it easier for mothers to balance work with childcare, and is part of why our childcare support in Camden is one of the best in the country.

Flexible working suits Emma Cardoso, a mother.


The International Women’s Day filmmakers at Central Saint Martins (CSM) College of Art and Design with CSM project facilitator Esteban Gitton (back, left) and CSM student Fongyee Ng (back row, second from right).

Pursuing creative ambitions We are always looking for opportunities to help our residents develop their talents. In February we partnered with Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design to offer a free film-making course to women interested in arts, media or creative industries who wanted to broaden their skills. Ten local women, between the ages of 19 and 54, produced a

short film about barriers to working in the creative industries, which was shown at our International Women’s Day celebration event. As well as film training, the intensive course also linked participants up to different colleges and careers advice to help them further pursue their ambitions.

Feature Career advice

Women Like Us offers free careers advice to help you develop a new skill, and find flexible and part-time working options around family life.

Camden talking Your comments on social media.

Camden girls can You may have seen the recent Sport England’s ‘This Girl Can’ campaign with the inspiring message that after taking the leap to get active there’s no limit to what you can achieve. Why not make that leap with the Camden Active team? The team run lots of activities, from beginners running groups, which aim to get you running 5k in 12 weeks, to women-only boxercise and beginners boot camp, which mums can bring babies to. Camden Active Communities also runs a dedicated programme for girls and young women to get into football. They have community football hubs across the borough

that welcome girls aged 7 to 16 of all abilities. The Camden Active Communities project works with local organisations to offer new and low-cost physical activity sessions to enable everyone to get involved, especially women. Over 1,000 women have become more active since 2015 through the project, and we want this number to keep growing. See the Get Active and Walks section of the listings (pages 28 and 29) for some of these women-focused activities, and more information at the website below.

Honoured to hear from Lord Alf Dubs & @ShirHayim Rabbi Larry Tabick @mayorofcamden #HMD2017 event @britishlibrary re ‘how can life go on?’ @wienerlibrary via Twitter

Year 2 doing the RSPB big garden birdwatch today – lots of pigeons and gulls about! @Natures_Voice #biggardenbirdwatch @fleetprimary via Twitter

Are you a former Acland Burghley student? We’re looking to #alumni to inspire the current generation @Acland_Burghley via Twitter

Great singing at the O2 on Monday by our young voices @YVconcerts! :D @holytrinitynw3 via Twitter

A massive thank you to @mayorofcamden and @camdentalking for your continued support of Anna Freud NCCF @AFNCCF via Twitter

Our Under 11s Girls District Football Team at their London girls league match against Croydon.

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Join the conversation: @camdentalking 27


All activities are free unless otherwise specified

Family events

Under 5s

Colour the collection Virtual paint on sculptures with tablets Saturday 18 March, 11am to 4pm Drop in British Museum Great Russell Street WC1B 3DG 020 7323 8299

Term-time drop-in sessions Arts and crafts, music and rhyme, cookery Tuesday to Fridays, 9.30am to 12.30pm Hampstead Community Centre 78 Hampstead High Street NW3 1RE hampsteadcommunity hampsteadcommunity 020 7794 8313

Explore Zoology Specimen-based activities and Q&A Saturday 25 March, 1 to 4pm Drop in Grant Museum of Zoology Rockefeller Building, UCL University Street WC1E 6DE zoology 020 3108 2052 Studio takeover Activities by family artist-in-residence All ages Sundays, up to 26 March, 2 to 4pm Camden Arts Centre Arkwright Road NW3 6DG 020 7472 5500 Play photography Build an imaginative play area Tuesday 4 April, sessions through the day Knots & Ropes Learn how to tie knots and make skipping rope. Ages 5+ Friday 7 April, sessions through the day Foundling Museum 40 Brunswick Square WC1N 1AZ 020 7841 3600 28

Little feet: Korean encounters Explore Korean culture with touch, sight, sound and smell Drop in Friday 17 March, 10.30am to 12pm Little feet: animal textures Spot different animal textures and make an animal badge to take home Saturday 25 March, 11am to 4pm Drop in British Museum Great Russell Street WC1B 3DG 020 7323 8299

Children and young people Code the collection: from hieroglyphs to emojis Code symbols from history and invent your own. Ages 13 to15 Participants must bring permission form Drop in Saturday 1 April, 11am to 4pm British Museum Great Russell Street WC1B 3DG 020 7323 8299

Friday night project for 13-16s Try parkour, boxing, trampoline, basketball and more First Friday of every month £2 Talacre Sports Centre Dalby Street NW5 3AF After-school and holiday play centre Ages 4 to12, concessions available See website for details Hampstead Community Centre 78 Hampstead High Street, NW3 1RE hampsteadcommunity hampsteadcommunity 020 7794 8313

Get active Learn to run For all beginners Every Wednesday, 6.30 to 7.30pm Gospel Oak Striders Meet outside Gospel Oak station Gordon House Road NW5 1LT groups.runtogether. Ladies fitness Beginner bootcamp class for all abilities Every Wednesday, 10 to 11am Sidings Community Centre Brassey Road NW6 2BA 020 7974 3206 Rebalance Free 12-week weight management programme for adults with a high BMI rebalance

Ladies boxercise Sessions for beginners Every Tuesday, 7 to 8pm £2 Coopers Lane TRA Hall Hampden Close NW1 1HW Ladies Zumba Tuesdays, 10 to 11am Samuel Lithgow Youth Centre Stanhope Street NW1 3LD 020 7974 6595

Walks Queen’s Crescent walk No booking required Every Friday, 11.45am to 12.15pm Meet at Queen’s Crescent Community Centre 45 Ashdown Crescent NW5 4QE Ladies walk 1 hour walk, with a 30 minute option on the first Thursday of every month No booking required Every Thursday, 10.30 to 11.30am Meet at Greenlight Pharmacy 138 Drummond Street NW1 2PA Men’s health walk No booking required Thursdays, 11am to 12pm Meet at Greenlight Pharmacy 138 Drummond Street NW1 2PA Camden Health Walks 020 7974 3181 Birds of the Heath in spring Monday 3 April, 9.30am £5 per adult Heath and Hampstead Society Meet at Burgh House New End Square NW3 1LT 020 8455 1025

Listings Green gym Carpentry Friday 17 March, 10.45 to 2pm West Hampstead Green Gym Westbere Copse NW2 1RD gg-westhampstead@tcv. 07900 678 991 Managing woodland habitats Sunday 19 March, 11am to 2pm Belsize and Adelaide Green Gym Belsize Wood NW3 2AL belsizeadelaidegg@gmail. com Food Growing Saturday 1 April, 10.30am to 1.30pm Oasis Green Gym Oasis Sports Centre Holborn WC2H 9AG oasisgreengymgardening Tree coppicing Tuesday 4 April, 10.45 to 2pm Camden Green Gym Hampstead Cemetery NW6 1DR 07768 710 359

Over 50s Activities for 60s+ Monday morning club, coach trips and events Mondays, 9.30am to 12pm Various prices Hampstead Community Centre 78 Hampstead High Street NW3 1RE hampsteadcommunity hampsteadcommunity 020 7794 8313

LGBT Bridge and scrabble club Mondays 13 March and 27 March, 2 to 4pm Lumen Café 88 Tavistock Place WC1H 9RS openingdoorslondon. 020 7239 0400 Digital inclusion workshop Friendly, supportive training to help you learn and improve your computer skills Monday to Thursday, 10am to 1pm Coffee morning Join us for tea, coffee, cake and information. Wednesday 1 March (and usually first Wednesday of the month), 10am to 12pm Age UK Camden Tavis House 1-6 Tavistock Square WC1H 9NA services 020 7239 0400 Black, asian, and minority ethnic older people lunch club Wednesdays, 1.30 to 2pm Chadswell Health Living Centre Lower Ground, Harrison Street WC1H 8JE 020 7713 5545

Community events Camden Carers’ Service Advice, support and activities for family and unpaid carers Charlie Ratchford Resource Centre Belmont Street NW1 8HF 020 7428 8950

Race equality issues in mental health Discussion event Thursday 30 March, 6 to 7.30pm Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust Conference Hall, St Pancras Hospital 4 St Pancras Way NW1 0PE communications@candi. Education and careers advice Adult learning Classes include: ESOL and sewing, ESOL entry level 1, basic ESOL, adult numeracy, computers and exercise for women Chadswell Health Living Centre Lower Ground, Harrison Street WC1H 8JE 020 7713 5545 Volunteer centre drop-in Get help to find local volunteering roles Wednesday 22 March, 12 to 2pm Volunteer Centre Camden 2 Grafton Yard NW5 2ND volunteercentrecamden. info@volunteercentre 020 7424 999 Healthy eating Relaxed atmosphere to dine with loved ones or meet new friends. For adults with learning disabilities Friday 3 March, 6 to 8pm £6 max for full two-course meal Camden People First Ampthill Square Tenants Hall Barnby Street NW1 2RS Camdenpeoplefirst 020 7388 2007

Exhibitions and performances Amy Winehouse street art trail Explore the area Amy called home 16 March to 4 June Jewish Museum Raymond Burton House 129-131 Albert Street NW1 7NB amy-street-art Embroidered tales and woven dreams Traditional embroidered textiles from the Silk Road Tuesdays to Saturdays, until 25 March 10:30am to 5pm (Thursday until 8pm) Brunei Gallery SOAS, University of London Thornhaugh Street, Russell Square WC1H 0XG 020 7898 4046 Safe Satire play performed by the Spare Tyre Artists. Cast of older people and people with learning disabilities. Wednesday 15 to Saturday 18 March 7.30pm (Fri matinee 2.30pm) New Diorama Theatre 15-16 Triton Street, Regents Place NW1 3BF 020 7383 9034 Details may change, so please check with the organiser before attending an event. Want to get your listing on these pages? Email camdenmagazine@ Space is limited and we give priority to free or low-cost community events.


Feature Brisk walking is one of the easiest ways to fit exercise into your day. You don’t need fancy gear, or expensive clothing, you just need to get up and go. Why walk? Every step you take is a step towards better health. It’s proven that regularly walking briskly can: • lower your blood pressure, • make your heart more healthy, • improve your mobility, strength and balance, lowering your risk of falls, and • increase your happiness and wellbeing.

Camden walking Here are our top tips to get walking in Camden. Set your goals Why not start by taking a short walk a couple of days a week, then gradually increase the length of your walks until you achieve 10,000 steps per day as recommended by the NHS. Try walking at a pace that speeds up your breathing and heartbeat but is slow enough for you to hold a conversation. You can use a pedometer or mobile app to track your progress, or measure

Find out more 30

your steps using this as a rough guide: • 10 minutes of brisk walking = about 1,200 steps • 1 mile = about 2,100 steps

See the Listings page (p.28) for upcoming walks in Camden this month, and find more on the Walking for Health website.

Join a walking group

If you regularly use public transport or drive, why not swap the tube for your trainers and take one of your daily journeys on foot or by bike?

How about joining other Camden residents on a scenic route and make some friends on the way?

Get the kids walking

Active journeys

journey with a walk, or heading to the park after school? Walking in the rain Don’t let the London weather stop you from taking a walk and enjoying the outdoors. If the heavens open, why not break out the wellies and waterproofs?

Could you build walking into your family routine by replacing a daily car

020 7974 4444

My Camden Mary Hill is the Hampstead Heath walk leader for Camden Health Walks.

What’s your Camden connection? I have lived in the borough for over 45 years. For ten of those years I was employed by Camden as a social worker at the Royal Free Hospital.

Tell us about your role I am a volunteer walk leader with Camden Health Walks, the local branch of Walking for Health, a national network of health walks organised by the Rambler’s Association and Macmillan Cancer Support. Our walks are usually between 30 and 90 minutes, and at different paces in local areas. All walks are free and risk assessed, meeting the needs of different types of walkers. I lead the Monday morning walk. It’s a wonderful way to start the week, and I’m home by half 12.

Why did you become a walk leader? I enjoy walking regularly every week and I have professional experience of working with different groups of people. I have twice experienced serious illness in my life and I am sure that staying active in lots of different

ways has helped to improve my condition.

What do you like about walking? I like being in the fresh air, looking at the natural environment and enjoying the climate – even in the cold, rain, fog and snow. I enjoy getting regular exercise and the

challenge of pushing myself to walk further and faster each time. Walking also gives me the chance to meet people from different backgrounds and to learn from each other’s life experiences.

Favourite place for walks in Camden? Hampstead Heath. It is such a diverse area, with open parkland, heathlands, woods, a stately home and ponds – some big enough to swim in. If you are interested in becoming a walk leader, get in touch via the details below.

Hampstead Heath

Do you know someone who has strong community connections in Camden that we should profile? Email to tell us more. Find out more

020 7974 4444 31

Your new recycling and rubbish collection service starts April 201

Look out for a service guide delivered to your door in March

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