Camden magazine October 2017

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Camden Camden this month

Your guide to council services | October 2017 |

Camden Plan 2025 Help us shape the future of our borough @camdentalking

Camden Summer University students at the TV studio production course at London Metropolitan University. They created a documentary called Uni or Not? that was screened at the British Museum on 25 August. Read more on page 25.

The Camden magazine is distributed free to all homes in Camden to give you information about our services. It costs 15 pence a copy to produce, and is printed on paper that is 50% recycled and 50% from sustainable sources Cover image: Vanessa Berberian


Published by Camden Council Editorial, advertising and distribution: Communications team, Camden Council, Camden Town Hall, Judd Street WC1H 9JE 020 7974 5717 Distribution from 6 October 2017

You can receive your copy of the Camden magazine in large print, on audio tape or in another language by phoning 020 7974 5717. 2

Camden this month Learn about areas in Camden that will be significantly affected by HS2 construction.

Make a real difference to how we do things for the Camden Plan 2025.





Help us win the London Borough of Culture so we can offer even more cultural events and experiences.

Apprenticeship opportunities are open to all Camden residents aged 16 and over.





Features 5

Cover story Camden Plan 2025


News Chalcots Estate and resident safety update Primary and secondary school applications Help us win the London Borough of Culture Safer Streets app to report street activity Young People’s Question Time Support for your mental wellbeing Clean Camden targets fly-tipping hotspots A free flu jab for people who need it Get active in a safe and supported way New stop-smoking service in Camden

27 The new Kingsgate Primary Lower School is now welcoming students, and will create up to 420 new places.


Introduction from the Leader of the Council


9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Apprenticeship opportunities Low-emission vehicles for collections Ask Jenny: Your recycling questions answered CIP: New Kingsgate Primary Lower School Preparing for major town hall improvement Camden Summer University highlights Support for tenants to downsize HS2: Update on commitments Camden in Bloom 2017 winners My Camden: Sue Measures

19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 30 31

Listings Free and low-cost events



New swimming pool lift for Swiss Cottage Leisure Centre

Pool users can now access both pools at Swiss Cottage safely and independently using the new Poolpod. We welcome expectant mothers, parents with young children and people with mobility issues to check out the new equipment now. Ask centre reception for more information.



to the October edition of Camden magazine

One of our key priorities this autumn is to open up conversations across Camden about the kind of place we want to be in 2025. It is time for a new Camden Plan to take us up to 2025. I want this to belong to all of us: the council, everyone who lives and works here, and all of our partners. We want to shape the future of our borough together.

6 | Camden Plan 2025

11 | L ondon Borough of Culture

There are significant challenges ahead for us, but we also have huge strengths. We have a strong and proud history here of citizens actively working with us to shape and change the place we live and work in for the better. You can read about Camden 2025 and the different ways you can get involved on pages 6 to 8. Improving the future for our young people is at the heart of Camden 2025. I know young people living in Camden have strong views on the kind of society they want to grow up in and we want to hear their voices. We’ve started this already with events such as our Young People’s Question Time where safety, housing and jobs were high on the list of topics teenagers raised. Read more about this event and how you can get involved with Camden’s Youth Parliament in 2018 on page 13.

We are also asking residents to support our bid to become the London borough of culture. Our vibrant cultural life is one of the things that makes Camden special and is a vital part of our economy. We support a wide range of projects as diverse as art sessions for children with autism and social clubs for young people to help them keep clear of drugs. We want every person in Camden to enjoy and contribute to our worldleading cultural offer. Winning the bid could bring £1 million for new cultural projects in Camden. You can help us win the bid. Find out how on page 11. There’s much more in this edition of Camden magazine, including information about safety on our estates, the new safer streets app, investment in schools, staying healthy and how to find support for mental health problems. Please enjoy this edition of Camden magazine, I look forward to hearing from you about your ambitions for Camden 2025.

Councillor Georgia Gould Leader of the Council

13 | Y oung People’s Question Time 5


Camden in 2025 How would you like Camden to be in 2025? Could you help to get it there? Join us to shape the future of our borough. What’s your Camden story? You might have recently moved to the area, or perhaps this has always been home. You may be a private renter concerned about the cost of living, or a parent thinking about what opportunities there are for your child when they leave school. You could have just launched your own start-up business, or maybe you volunteer with a local charity in your spare time.

There are plenty of ways to speak to us online or face-to-face. Whoever you are and whatever is important to you, you help make Camden the special place it is, full of passionate and creative people and communities. Now is your chance to use your voice to shape the future of Camden. We are developing an ambitious new vision for the borough that will look at how residents, community

partners and businesses can all work together to make Camden a better place for everyone to live over the next seven years. Get involved This is your opportunity to make a real difference to how we do things. Over the next few months, everyone can take part to discuss what our priorities should be, and suggest creative solutions for how we can work together to achieve our goals by 2025.

Get in touch online Online forum Get involved now through our new online forum at We want you to lead the direction of discussions, so we’re asking what Camden means to you, and what you think the 6

borough’s main challenges and opportunities are. Share your thoughts and ideas, read what others in Camden are saying, and join the conversation. In future months, discussions will be focused around the main topics that come out of these initial conversations.


Social media

Tweet us using the hashtag #Camden2025 to let us know what Camden means to you and what you’d like the borough to be like in 2025. You can also find us on Facebook to leave your comment.


Citizens’ Assembly This month we are launching the Citizens’ Assembly – a space where residents have the opportunity to share their experiences, give their views, and have conversations with other residents around particular issues. We have worked with an external organisation to bring together around 70 Camden residents of all ages and backgrounds from across the borough, in particular people who don’t usually get involved in council activities. The residents will meet with councillors and local experts to delve into the issues that matter to them about their local community and Camden as a borough. The Citizens’ Assembly marks the start of looking at new ways we can work closely with residents to tackle challenges in the borough. We want make sure our residents are at the heart of building a future for Camden.

Community discussions We are committed to making conversations more open and wider than ever. Our team of community researchers, all residents themselves, will be taking to the streets to speak with people across the borough. We will also be supporting community groups and local organisations to lead their own conversations around what our priorities should be, which will feed back into our overall discussions. Young people’s Shout Out

Today’s teenagers will be the young adults of 2025. On 6 November, residents aged 13 to 19 are invited to come to Shout Out to discuss the issues that matter to them, and ideas for how we can make Camden a better place for young people by 2025. The event will include a series of workshops, each focusing on a different area, giving the young people a chance to have a say in their local community. Find out more about Shout Out on our website, and turn to page 13 to see how we’re already talking to young people in Camden.

Next steps: don’t miss your chance to make a real difference to Camden • Join in or get in touch. You shape the conversation. • Keep an eye on our website and follow us on social media for upcoming opportunities to get involved. • We’ll provide regular updates as discussions progress, so you know what the rest of Camden is saying and how we’re using your views to develop the Camden Plan 2025.

Find out more

@camdentalking #Camden2025 7

Camden this month


Your Camden in numbers Our borough is constantly changing. Here are some key facts about Camden in 2017 that you may not know to get you thinking about what Camden could be like in 2025.

Did you know?

Camden’s daytime population is close to

Nearly 250,000 people live in Camden and the population is expected to grow by 10% over the next 10 years.

23% 35% of our residents are from a black and minority ethnic background.

There are 173 languages spoken in Camden schools.

94% 3rd

Find out more 8

37% of our population are between 25 and 44, compared with 26% nationally.



The majority of Camden’s population are long-term residents. They are almost evenly divided between owner-occupiers (a third), private renters (a third) and residents who live in social housing (a third), with 23% rented from the council.

35% 173


11% of the population are higher education students, and we have the highest number of higher education institutes in Camden, more than any other London borough.


There are more than

352,000 jobs

94% of Camden’s young people aged 16 to 18 are in Learning.

Camden has the third highest number of business start-ups in London.

13% of our population were born elsewhere in the EU.

in Camden, 7% of all employment in London.

Did you


The average (median) household income in Camden is £36,851. This is higher than the London average (£31,277), but ranges from £22,819 to £51,873 across different areas of the borough.

@camdentalking #Camden2025

Camden this month


Safety on our estates As works on the Chalcots Estate continue, we’re widening our focus to usher in a new standard of safety across Camden. Works will begin this month to remove the full cladding system from all of the blocks on the Chalcots Estate. The removal of cladding is a large technical operation that will take several months to complete. We have appointed a specialist design team to help us with the task, and to help find a safe solution to cladding replacement. Resident safety remains our top priority on the Chalcots Estate and across the borough. We have now started a programme of additional safety checks and works across

Fire stopping works prevent the spread of smoke and fire.

Find out more

Contractors will be completing works across the borough.

our housing stock. We will be going above and beyond what is expected of a standard fire risk assessment so that you can feel assured that we are doing everything in our power to ensure the safety of your home. This huge operation includes checks to numerous buildings, including both estates and streetlevel properties. We have also published fire risk assessments for all 44 of our blocks above 10 storeys, ensuring transparency with our residents as we gear up to take on this massive programme of works. Works across our blocks will include fitting doors with selfclosers, upgrades to smoke seals on communal doors and works to improve fire stopping. Fire stopping works plug gaps in the walls or ceilings of a building with fire resistant material, ensuring that there is better fire safety between

the communal areas and homes. The fire stopping works we’re undertaking will provide additional resistance to smoke and fire. Residents who are affected will hear from us We will be writing to affected residents with more details about the works we’re undertaking over the coming year. In the meantime there are a number of actions you can take to make your home safer: Keep communal areas of your home clear from clutter Ensure you have a smoke alarm fitted in your home Be careful when using candles If you smoke, do not leave cigarettes unattended 9


Applying for Camden schools Camden has some of the best schools in the country – and applications are now open for September 2018 places. Parents need to apply for a year 7 secondary school place by 31 October 2017, while the deadline to apply for reception places at primary schools is 15 January 2018.

Application myth busters Some parents or carers make decisions based on incorrect information they’ve heard. Here are some of the common reasons for not being offered a place at a preferred school.

Applications for both primary and secondary schools are co-ordinated across London. Parents can choose up to six preferred primary or secondary schools, which can be either inside or outside the borough. Many Camden schools are very popular, so it is best to use all six preferences.

Myth: Listing the same school six times will improve my chances of getting a place there.

Myth: I will get higher priority if my child has a brother or sister enrolled at a faith school.

Fact: Your child can only be considered once for a school and any duplicated preferences will be deleted.

Fact: This may not always be true. Some faith schools rank regular worship at a particular church above siblings who attend the school.

We also strongly recommend that parents apply for places online at the website below. If you are unable to apply online, or have questions, you can email us or call the number below.

Myth: Children in my road go to that school, so my child will too.

Myth: It does not matter if my application is late.

Fact: The number of pupils offered under each criterion, such as distance from the school, can change every year. Just because you live near children who go to a certain school doesn’t mean your child will be offered a place there.

Fact: A late application will not be looked at until after those who applied on time. It is very unlikely that you will be offered one of your preferred schools.

Find out more 10

020 7974 1625


Help us be the London Borough of Culture Winning the bid to become the London Borough of Culture would mean we can offer even more cultural events and experiences to our residents, businesses and visitors. Attendees of our discussion day at the Camden Centre.

To kick-start our bid, we met with representatives of Camden’s cultural organisations to talk about culture in our borough. During an energetic day of discussion, we reflected on what Camden is and what it could strive to be. Among the things we heard were: “Camden is a tapestry borough, made up of lots of different cultures and people.” “This process is the most important part of the bid, everyone coming together and working toward a shared outcome.” We already have some of the best cultural places and activities in the world. We consider them essential, not just nice to have. For example, we have art sessions for children with autism and social clubs for young people to help them keep clear of drugs. We also support a local tour group led by young people that highlights youth culture in the borough. Find out more

When disused spaces are given over to artists and entrepreneurs they become cleaner and safer, which encourages more local businesses to move in. Our culture is good for our people and our economy. Culture is more than paintings in galleries or opera in theatres. Camden’s culture is one of the richest and most diverse in London, with murals, food, performances, fashion and dance from all corners of the globe celebrated in all corners of our borough.

Get involved We want to you tell us your favourite things to do or places to go in Camden. Do you know a great Bollywood dancing club? Or have a favourite market or music venue? Tell us on social media using the hashtag below, or visit our website to do our quick survey. @LoveCamden #CamdenIs @Love.Camden 11


Report street activity using the new Safer Streets app Camden Safer Streets Team (SST) has launched a new app for reporting incidents of rough sleeping and harmful street activity in the borough. The app will help SST quickly reach out to rough sleepers, and those involved in street activity, to offer services and help them access accommodation. Camden’s rough sleeping strategy, Routes Off The Street, aims to provide all of the borough’s rough sleepers with help so they can get off the streets and start rebuilding their lives. Find out more


The number of rough sleepers arriving on the streets of Camden has increased in recent years. Our services work with around 600 rough sleepers each year. But, with your help, we prevent over 70% of new rough sleepers from spending a second night out. SST use information from the public to be aware of rough sleepers and those involved in 020 7833 7970

harmful street activity. Download the app and learn about SST’s work in tackling rough sleeping by visiting their website below. You can also contact them by telephone or email to discuss any concerns about rough sleeping in your neighbourhood and to ask for regular updates.

No Place for Hate

Help us fight hate crime in Camden, please report it If you’ve been a victim of a hate crime, or have witnessed an incident, there are three ways you can report it: 1.

Call the police on 999 if anyone is in immediate danger. Dial 101 for non-emergency calls.


Contact the Council on 020 7974 4444 or


Speak to one of our partner organisations - visit

Even if you don’t report a hate crime straightaway, please do report it.



Young people voice concerns to council leaders Knife crime, drugs and safety on the streets were among the main issues raised by teenagers at our Young People’s Question Time. Youth centre manager Million Hailemariam (far left) and Leader of the Council, Councillor Gould (second from left) with Camden Youth Council members, other local young people and youth workers at the Town Hall.

Members of the Camden Youth Council at Young People’s Question Time.

The question and answer session, held in the Council Chamber at the Town Hall on 11 September, was attended by about 30 young people from Camden Youth Council, Somers Town Youth Centre, Fresh Youth Academy, the Somali Youth Development Resource Centre and Maitland Park Estate. Young people from Kilburn Youth Station also submitted written questions. Also high on the list of topics for discussion were the future of youth centres and funding for local youth services, housing, jobs, and career and work experience opportunities. The Leader of the Council, Councillor Georgia Gould, and Find out more

Councillors Ali, Hai, Lewis and Shah were there to respond. Councillor Gould said: “This was part of a conversation we are having with young people about issues that are important to them, including what makes them feel safe and what more we could be doing, with the police and others, to improve safety on the streets. It is vital we involve young people in our decision making.”

Youth Council and Youth MP election If you want to be a part of local decision making, and are aged 13 to 19, you might be interested in joining Camden’s Youth Council or standing in the Youth MP election.

Councillors Hai, Gould, Ali and Shah respond to questions in the Council Chamber at Young People’s Question Time.

The search for candidates for the 2018 Camden Youth MP election starts at the Young People’s Shout Out event on 6 November. The Youth MP, and two Deputy Youth MPs, have a two-year term and are the voice for Camden young people, putting forward your interests locally as well as at the UK Youth Parliament. If you are interested in the election, or want to find out more about the Camden Youth Council and other services for young people, visit the web pages below. 13


Mental wellbeing this autumn As we mark World Mental Health Day on 10 October, we’re highlighting some ways you can stay active and healthy, and improve your wellbeing, as well as where you can go to seek help if you need it. One in four people will have mental health problems at some point so keeping a healthy mind (and body) is vital. Here are some things you can do now to improve your wellbeing:

a range of community-based courses, workshops and activities. Visit or call 020 7911 0822. You can also visit or call 020 7974 2148.

Connect – When life is busy, we can forget to connect with others. Talk to friends, family or neighbours or join a local group. Find out more about local groups at

Give to others – Whether it’s helping someone or volunteering, giving to others can improve your wellbeing. There are lots of great volunteering programmes in Camden. Visit

Be active – Exercise makes you feel good and improves your mood. Go for a walk, take the stairs or have a kick-about in the park. Any exercise is good for your physical and mental health. You can find out more about local physical activity programmes at and turn to page 17 for information about our exercise referral programme.

The new website at the bottom of this page also has information on local community resources and self-help guides for you to manage your wellbeing.

Take notice – Take an interest in things going on around you and try to focus on the present. Enjoying the moment can improve how you feel about life and put things in perspective. Why not enjoy one of Camden’s parks or stroll along the canal? Learn – New skills can boost your confidence. There are lots of great courses available in Camden. Healthy Minds in Camden offer Find out more 14

Both exercise and connecting with others can improve your wellbeing.

If you need more help Everyone feels a bit anxious or low now and then, but sometimes it can affect your general wellbeing and everyday life. Mental health problems are common, and they’re also usually treatable. There’s help on your doorstep, so don’t be afraid to reach out. Talk to your GP or visit iCope’s (Camden and Islington NHS Psychological Therapies Service) dedicated mental health website at icope.nhs. uk or call 020 3317 6670.

Clean Camden fortnight is back Clean Camden is back from 9 to 20 October and this time we’re working with Keep Britain Tidy to remind people that it is a ‘Crime not to Care’ about your rubbish. Many people fly-tip without realising they are committing a crime. Did you know that if you arrange for someone else to remove your rubbish and then they fly-tip it, by law you are responsible? Call the number below to arrange a bulky waste collection to make sure you don’t get caught by a unregulated company.

You’re also fly-tipping if you see a bag of rubbish in the street and add to it. In fact, any rubbish left in the wrong place or at the wrong time is fly-tipping. Fly-tipping in Camden can attract penalties of £200, which can go up to an unlimited amount for repeat offenders. Talk to us We’ll be at Leather Lane market on 11 October and Inverness Street market on 18 October, talking to residents about fly-tipping. There will be extra fly-tipping patrols during Clean Camden fortnight and we will be targeting known fly-tipping hotspots.

Camden talking

Community comments on social media. Want some support in using software, PCs, mobiles or iPads? Tech drop-ins are for you. Tuesdays 10am - 11.30am #kentishtown #TechTuesday @KentishTownCC via Twitter is a new website that is your guide to mental health support & services in #Camden #mentalhealth #wellbeing @camden_ccg via Twitter

Thrilled to be awarded a Camden Giving KX Fund grant. Thanks for supporting our #dementiafriendly concerts @camden_giving @OneCamden! @songhaven_uk via Twitter

Wonderful to have our new students inspired by UCL graduates on their first day! “Graduation looks epic!” #UCL @UCL_Academy via Twitter

A wonderful evening learning about secondary schools @MeetParents Thanks for coming. @FitzjohnsNW3 via Twitter

Our fly-tipping patrols will be offering advice during Clean Camden fortnight.

Join the conversation:

Find out more

020 7974 2202

@camdentalking 15


Stay well this winter Camden GPs are encouraging those at increased risk from the effects of flu to get a free vaccination now. Some people, due to their age or medical condition, are at greater risk of developing a serious illness if they catch flu. They are eligible for a free flu vaccination. Dr Kevan Ritchie, a Bloomsbury Surgery GP, said: “The flu vaccine is the best protection we have against an unpredictable virus. “It’s vital to get vaccinated every year, as the viruses that cause flu can change or evolve. Find out more

“Don’t put off getting vaccinated. If you’re eligible, get it now from your GP or pharmacist. It’s free because you need it.” People eligible for a free vaccine: • those aged 65 and over

Visit the website below for complete information on protecting yourself against the flu and staying healthy in colder weather. You can also search for your nearest pharmacy. The flu vaccine is free for those who need it.

• pregnant women • those with long-term conditions – including chronic lung diseases (such as COPD, bronchitis and emphysema), diabetes or heart, kidney or liver disease, or who have had a stroke • children aged two or three or in school years 1 to 4

You can start using your new supply of orange bags If you use Camden-branded orange bags for your rubbish you will have enough to use up to two a week or four every two weeks 020 7974 2202

Working in partnership



Exercise tailored to you People with specific health conditions can get active in a safe and supported way. Camden’s exercise on referral is a free 12-week programme of exercise that will get you more active and improve your mental health and wellbeing. Get involved The physical activity programme is tailored for people who are inactive, or at risk of developing certain illnesses such as diabetes or heart disease. You may also have an existing health condition such osteoporosis, depression or other conditions. You can ask your GP to refer you if you are over 18, and live in Camden or Islington or are registered with a GP in either of the two boroughs. Your GP will let you know if you are eligible. How it works You will have a one-to-one welcome meeting with a health coach and work together to discuss your goals, agree an action plan and decide your start date to make sure you’re ready. You’ll also learn about various indoor and outdoor exercise classes at local leisure and community centres. Great results “My mood was so much better!” Forty per cent of residents who complete the programme said Find out more

their mood has improved after completing their referral. Saida was referred to the service after living with poor mental health for several months. After 12 weeks she said: “I sleep so much better and am now motivated to be physically active”. Roger, another participant, said: “I saw my bus coming round the corner. Usually at this point I reconcile myself to waiting for the next one but without thinking I started to run. Amazingly, I found I could.” On completion of the 12 weeks there is an opportunity to obtain 50% off a gym membership at any GLL leisure centre in Camden or Islington.

Support for participants experiencing mental health conditions If you join the exercise programme while experiencing mental or behavioural health conditions such as depression, social anxiety and health anxiety we will give you access to SilverCloud, a safe and secure online space with personalised tools to help you with these problems. You will be able to complete the programme at your own pace, where and when it suits you. Your health coach will tell you more about SilverCloud on your first meeting. 17


Breathe easier A new stop-smoking service in Camden offers tailored methods to help you quit. Stopping smoking is one of the best things you can do for your health, and the health of your family. Breathe, a new stop smoking service, offers free and confidential advice to people who live, work or study in Camden. Breathe advisors know that different types of support work for different people and they can provide a range of tailored methods to help you stop smoking. When you need support, contact local advisors via text, phone or email. For more intensive support, you can also have weekly sessions with your advisor in person or visit the website for health advice and more information.

This month is also ‘Stoptober’, Public Health England’s mass stop-smoking campaign that began on 1 October, making this month a perfect time to think about giving up the habit. Stop-smoking success story Janice* had smoked for 18 years and was diagnosed with mild chronic obstructive pulmonary disease after going to see a nurse about breathing problems. She smoked at least 20 cigarettes per day, and had her first cigarette of the day within two minutes of waking up. Her motivation to stop smoking was to regain some control in her life and improve her breathing.

Although keen on stopping smoking, she hadn’t thought about how to do it. Her main barrier was her mood. She found smoking to be a relief when her mood was low and knew she would need help and support in case she relapsed. She previously tried stopping cold turkey but she was unsuccessful due to cravings and withdrawal symptoms. With support from a stop-smoking advisor, Janice began her journey by using nicotine replacement therapy patches for long-acting relief and an inhalator for shortterm relief. She also agreed to see an advisor every fortnight. After four weeks, the patch strength was reduced, and reduced again after 10 weeks. The stop-smoking advisor also referred her to psychological support services where she learned to meditate. Janice has now been smokefree for two years. She has found meditation useful for her low moods and no longer feels the urge to smoke when feeling down. *Name has been changed

Breathe advisors can provide a range of tailored methods to help you stop smoking.

Find out more 18 text QUIT to 66777

020 3633 2609


Never too late to learn

Joseph is completing an Advanced Apprenticeship in Business Administration at UCL Academy.

Joseph Mackulin, 30, left university with no clear path to a career. Now, thanks to a Camden Apprenticeship, new doors are wide open. If you’re looking for work or a career change, an apprenticeship might be the perfect opportunity you haven’t thought of yet.

to me. The apprenticeship gives me first-hand experience in something I have chosen myself and is related to my skillset.”

After Joseph Mackulin finished his degree at Goldsmiths University, he found himself at a loose end. Joseph said: “I found work relating to my studies hard to come by. As a result, I was out of work for some time.”

Joseph’s role is key to keeping departments organised and to the day-to-day operation of the school. The apprenticeship has also given him the opportunity to move forward without adding to his student debts. “The fact that I can earn while I learn was a big factor in my decision to apply.”

After seeing an advert for an Advanced Apprenticeship in Business Administration at UCL Academy he quickly applied, seizing the chance to get on the career ladder with a fresh start. “At the time, I felt a real urgency to get back into work, and the opportunity to attain new skills and qualifications really appealed Find out more

As a life-long resident of Regent’s Park, Joseph particularly enjoys giving something back to his community. “The chance to interact with pupils who have grown up in Camden, like myself, is something I feel is beneficial.”

Joseph couldn’t be happier with where his apprenticeship has taken him and recommends it to others. “I am in an environment that I have chosen myself, gaining qualifications and earning money. What’s not to like?” He hopes to continue to a level 4 diploma after completing his apprenticeship. Camden Apprenticeship opportunities are open to all Camden residents aged 16 and over, and anyone who attended a Camden school. Like Joseph, it doesn’t matter how old you are or what level of qualification you hold, an apprenticeship can open doors to a variety of opportunities. 19


Cleaner, greener vehicles Even our collection vehicles are doing their bit for the environment. More than 30% of our collection vehicles run on cleaner fuels or electricity, which helps reduce our impact on local air quality.

One of the 15 collection trucks running on compressed natural gas.

Fifteen of Veolia’s collection trucks in Camden now run on compressed natural gas (CNG), which is better for the environment than petrol. We also have six electric vehicles and one hybrid, which uses both electricity and diesel.

Low-emission vehicles are one of the ways we are improving our recycling and rubbish collections. Changes to our recycling and rubbish collections are helping to increase recycling, make collections more efficient and will save us £5 million a year.

Have you seen this card? Your

We have dedicated officers on the streets of Camden talking RECYCLING AND to residents about recycling and rubbish collections.

RUBBISH guide Starts 1 April

We’re sorry we missed you... Your collection day is MONDAY


These officers visit homes on streets where people have not been putting out their containers for collection, or putting the wrong things in their recycling containers. If no one is home, we leave this card in the letterbox so you know we dropped by. You can call us if you have any questions or need some advice

on how to recycle right in Camden. You can also find lots of information on our website. Check your collection day, find out what you can recycle in Camden and report any problems with collections or flytipping.

Working in partnership

Find out more 20

020 7974 2202


Ask Jenny Jenny is one of our enforcement officers. Every month she answers your recycling questions. Does this symbol on packaging mean the item can be recycled?

Use your new supply of orange bags If you use Camdenbranded orange bags for your rubbish, you should have received your next six-month supply. You can start using these bags now. We have given you enough bags to use two per week, or four every two weeks. Remember to put your recycling and rubbish out by 7am on your collection day and only put what cannot be recycled in these bags. To check what you can recycle in Camden visit our website.

The ‘green dot’ does not necessarily mean that the packaging is recyclable. It just means that the producer has made a financial contribution towards the recovery and recycling of packaging in Europe.

your garden waste collection. If you don’t have a garden waste collection you can sign up at or take the wood ash to Regis Road recycling centre. Coal ash cannot be recycled and should be put in the rubbish bin. Make sure all ash is completely cold before throwing it away.

Symbols on packaging can be confusing. The best way to check if something can be recycled is to check our website and look for these symbols on packaging: What should I do with straw bedding or litter from my pets? Widely Recycled

Check Locally

Not Yet Recycled

Can I recycle empty blister packs for tablets? These items are not recyclable. Please throw these in your rubbish bin. The cardboard box that the blister packs came in can be recycled.

Used hay, straw and sawdust bedding from ‘vegetarian’ animals such as rabbits or guinea pigs can be put in your home composting. Get your discounted home composter for £5 at If your pet uses a litter tray, always put used litter into your rubbish bin.

How should I dispose of ash from my wood fireplace? Once wood ash is completely cold, it can be recycled with Find out more 21


Kingsgate Primary School gets a new building Improving school buildings and making sure Camden has enough school places is key for the Community Investment Programme (CIP). We want to give children in the borough the best start in life, so we have expanded Kingsgate Primary School to create up to 420 new school places at a new site on Liddell Road (now known as Liddell Place) in the north west of the borough, where the need for reception places is high. The new Kingsgate Primary Lower School was completed in the summer and headteacher Liz Hayward welcomed children into the autumn term in the new building. She said: “The new building and the playground are lovely. The learning environment is spacious, bright and calm. Teachers can already see a hugely positive impact on the way children learn. Parents and children were so happy and excited when they came into school on the first day of term.” The new school is part of a number of improvements planned for the Liddell Place area. The next phase at Liddell Place will include: • a new public open space with greenery and seats for people to visit, 22

Year two class, Honeysuckle

New staffroom

• a new walking route to Maygrove Peace Park, • new housing, including at least four affordable homes, and • flexible business workspaces to help create jobs and employment opportunities for local people.

Brand new outdoor play equipment

We are also making improvements at Kingsgate Primary Upper School in Kilburn, including an expansion to the school hall and a new dedicated library space.


Home time line-up in the Kingsgate playground

Investing in the future Works started in the summer on a series of improvements to Parliament Hill school buildings and a new sixth form centre. We have been working closely with the school over the past few months to find the best way to deliver our education vision. Top floor refurbishment of the Morant building Works to the top floor of the Morant building transformed classrooms that were ready for the start of this new school term. Further phases in 2018 and 2019 will provide a new music room

and a new library space in the performing arts building. Improved dining facilities Plans to improve the dining hall are long overdue, and we are delighted that this work is now going ahead. Additional toilets are also a priority. Redesigned ‘ribbon’ building The new ribbon building will provide three suites of classrooms for maths, science and humanities. These suites will be suitable for all levels, including sixth form. Students will also benefit from a new four-court sports hall.

LaSWAP sixth form: A new, purpose-built centre Improving our offer for over 16 education is a top priority. The plans for a new sixth form building will give students a dedicated, modern learning and study space. This is planned to be completed next summer.

Schools investment


So far, we’ve spent £81 million on school improvements for 48 schools and children’s centres.

Camden’s Community Investment Programme will deliver: 3,050

new homes, including 1,400 affordable homes Find out more

Invest £117 million into schools and children’s centres

9,000 square metres of improved community facilities – the equivalent

of 35 tennis courts 23


Town hall refurbishment Behind the scenes we are preparing for some major improvements. We are refurbishing our 80-yearold town hall to bring it back to its former glory. We want to both preserve its history and modernise it by transforming old administrative offices into a thriving part of the Knowledge Quarter. We want the restoration of the town hall to enable more people to get involved in the council’s decision-making meetings, as well as provide new commercial space for businesses, particularly new small enterprises and startups.

What’s next? We are now in the process of appointing a development management company to manage the refurbishment safely, on time and to a high standard.

We hope to appoint our chosen company by December. The next step will be to engage with local stakeholders then seek planning permission for our proposed works, just like any other business wanting to make changes to Camden’s buildings. If we get planning permission, the town hall will close from mid-2018. We will then undertake a major refit, improve the building’s environmental performance, reduce long-term running costs and change the way we use some of the space.

Cost savings through refurbishment We are facing our toughest financial challenge. By 2018/19 our like-for-like funding from central government will have been cut in half and we will have had £171 million cut from our budget. The existing town hall is inefficient and expensive to run. By refurbishing it and letting out unused space we expect to save up to £1 million per year in running costs. It will also provide us with a long-term income stream to support our investment – along with enhancing the local economy and creating employment opportunities.

Find out more 24

The life of our town hall 1934-37: Town hall built, originally the St Pancras town hall 1965: Boroughs of Holborn, Hampstead and St Pancras amalgamate, and the town hall becomes Camden town hall 1974: Town hall annexe built 1996: Given grade II listing by Historic England 2014: Town hall annexe sold to Crosstree Real Estate Developers to convert into boutique hotel 2016: Cabinet approve the business case to refurbish town hall 2017: Appointment of a development management company by December

Upcoming November 2017 to August 2018: Planning, tendering and remodelling work to Crowndale Centre, for temporary Council chamber, Mayor’s parlour and democratic services August 2018: Town Hall closes, and services and democratic functions move to Crowndale August 2018: Planning application submitted September 2018 to mid 2021: Refurbishment works of town hall (subject to planning permission) Autumn 2021: Councillors, democratic services, and the Mayor’s office move back into town hall, and ‘incubator space’ and offices occupied by start-ups and local businesses


Film show celebrates Summer Uni success Hundreds of young people enjoyed fantastic free courses over the summer, ending in screenings of their films at the British Museum. This year’s Camden Summer University culminated in a screening of films made by

Camden Summer University drama students perform their shortened version of Shakespeare’s The Tempest at RADA.

young people on a wide range of courses, including digital animation, TV production and courses aimed at young people with Asperger’s syndrome, autism spectrum disorder and learning difficulties or disabilities. The screenings on 25 August at the British Museum included a documentary called Uni or Not?, about whether having a degree is still relevant and worth the expense. There were also short animations inspired by the British Museum’s collection of artefacts, and a film made at the House of Illustration in King’s Cross with animator Tom Hillenbrand.

Students get creative at a life drawing and painting course led by London Drawing at Central Saint Martins.

Find out more

Camden Summer University students were able to attend courses at renowned institutions, such as drama at the Royal

Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA), life drawing and painting at Central Saint Martins college of art and design, and TV production at London Metropolitan University. They also had a go at digital animation, photography, jewellery making, screenprinting, fashion design, dance, music, pottery, baking, football, motorcycle mechanics and off-road motorbike riding. Katharine Hoare, education manager at the British Museum, said: “We have been a partner on Camden Summer University for over 10 years now and each year it is a pleasure to work with the many inspiring young people and tutors. The final film festival is the perfect showcase for their creative output.” (for more photos) (view the films) 25

Find a new home through mutual exchange


Help to downsize We’re offering support to council and housing association tenants to downsize their home as their life situations change. Tenants thinking about moving to a smaller home, or exchanging their home with an overcrowded family, may be able to access additional financial support to help with the cost of moving. In Camden, over 1,000 council or housing association tenants live in a home with more bedrooms than they need. Likewise, there are many tenants who are pressed for space as their families grow. Downsizing can be a positive change for both an overcrowded and under-occupying household. For example, a larger home can give children the space they need as they grow up, and a smaller home can help keep heating and other bills down. Not only can downsizing tenants feel pleased that they’ve allowed their home to be allocated to a family who need more bedrooms, they can also avoid paying the social sector size criteria (sometimes referred to as the ‘bedroom tax’) and access a payment from Camden. The Tenant’s Options Fund offers payments to downsizing tenants to Find out more 26

online and find out Older residents choosing to move help them cover some ofGet the costs Council and housing more at into sheltered or extra care housing that come from making amutualexchange new association tenants can also access the Tenant’s house a home, such as changes Options Fund, making downsizing to décor, carpets and curtains, more appealing than ever. or to purchase new furniture suited to their needs. Camden Over 70 tenants received rewards are also offering extra support to for downsizing their homes last help downsizers move, including year. moving costs and more. There are a number of ways to Grants from £1,500 to over access these incentives. You can £4,000 are available through the downsize through the housing Tenant’s Options Fund. Additionally, register or complete a mutual tenants aged 60 or over can get an exchange. You can also find extra £5,000 for downsizing from a potential exchange partners flat with over four bedrooms online using the listings on to a one-bed. Creative Services 2015. 1923.21

1923.26 Mutual exchange 2017 final.indd 2

Tenants Options Fund Payments

Bonus for moving via mutual exchange

£4,000 for leaving a two bedroom home

£500 flat rate bonus for exchanging to a studio or one bed

£1,500 per bedroom for leaving a home with three bedrooms or more

£500 flat rate bonus for exchanging to a home with fewer bedrooms

Additional £5,000 for council tenants aged 60 or over moving from over four bedrooms to a one-bed.

23/03/2017 16:29


HS2: update on commitments Just over six months since the passing of the High Speed 2 (HS2) Act, construction of the new railway from Euston to Birmingham has begun and is due to last until 2033. The first high speed trains are expected to leave Euston in 2026. During the parliamentary process of the Act, we secured nearly 150 commitments from HS2 Ltd to reduce the impacts of construction for Camden residents. Here’s an update on some key areas and we’ll bring you more news in future Camden magazines.

Green space and trees

HS2 Ltd will fund the replacement of trees lost (around 500). Green space lost includes St James’s Gardens permanently, and Euston Square Gardens for the majority of construction. HS2 Ltd committed to providing quality replacement space, some of which will be replaced as part of the HS2 scheme. We secured funding from HS2 Ltd to improve and create green spaces in impacted areas during the construction period. Share your ideas for improvements at

Euston station

HS2 secures the redevelopment of the west side of the station only. Euston station needs to be completely redeveloped, integrating plans for HS2, Network Rail, Crossrail 2 and London Underground stations to maximise opportunities for homes and jobs. We are pushing the Government to give full guarantees on timescales and funding. Next year we will consult on a draft Planning Brief, which will provide guidance for development around Euston station and tracks. The Planning Brief builds on the principles of the Euston Area Plan, a long-term planning framework to guide development in the area up until 2031.


Over 200 homes, mostly on the Regent’s Park Estate, will be lost to make room for the new railway tracks. We secured funding from HS2 Ltd to build replacement homes for council tenants and resident leaseholders to move into ahead of demolition next year.

Find out more

Businesses and employment

HS2 Ltd will help businesses directly impacted by demolition to relocate, and support hundreds more close to construction. Through our King’s Cross Construction Skills Centre, we are working with contractors to develop new programmes to help residents develop skills needed to access local employment opportunities. We also secured £4.1 million towards a Euston area construction skills centre, expected to open in 2020.


HS2 Ltd are providing noise insulation and ventilation packages to 1,300 homes that will be significantly affected by noise during construction. The council is ensuring HS2 Ltd uses the best methods to minimise noise.


HS2 Ltd committed to measures to help pupils to concentrate on studies and ensure safety on the way to and from school. We helped to negotiate the consolidation of Maria Fidelis School onto one site to reduce impacts on the school, with building of the new school well underway.

Traffic and pollution

HS2 Ltd will need to transport an estimated 1.2 million tonnes of demolition, construction and waste material. We secured commitments that will limit HS2 construction vehicle emissions, and continue to urge HS2 Ltd to look for ways to maximise materials transported by rail to reduce vehicles on our roads. 27

Listings Family Families create Weekly artist-led workshops Ages 3+, with an adult Every Saturday during exhibitions Drop-in 2 to 5pm Zabludowicz Collection 020 7428 8940 Skip Garden Family Day Fun, free activities in the beautiful Skip Garden Booking essential Wednesday 25 October, 2 to 4pm Skip Garden, Tapper Walk King’s Cross N1C 4AQ Gibbon-fest Celebrate endangered apes by helping create a giant rainforest. Drop in. Tuesday 24 October, 12 to 5pm Grant Museum of Zoology Rockefeller Building, UCL 21 University Street WC1E 6DE 020 3108 2052 Wonderful Wildlife Weekends Drop-in for pond-dipping, bug-hunting, stories, games, songs and more Saturday 7 October and 4 November 10.30am to 12.30pm, 1.30 to 3.30pm Camley Street Natural Park Camley Street N1C 4PW

Children and young people Term-time and holiday play centre for ages 4 to 12s Contact for opening times and costs. Low income and concessionary rates available. Hampstead Community Centre 78 Hampstead High Street NW3 1RE 28

All activities are free unless otherwise specified hampsteadcommunitycentre@ 020 7794 8313 Celebrating Diwali Make a Diwali lamp, experience henna art, write your name in Hindi and more. Age 4+. Friday 20 October, 3.30pm Burgh House New End Square NW3 1LF 020 7431 0144 Digital workshop: twisted treasure Carve your own gold plaque to keep, inspired by the Oxus Treasure. Ages 7+. Drop in. Saturday 21 October, 11am to 4pm British Museum Great Russell Street WC1B 3DG 020 7323 8181

Get active Get fit, get active, get gardening Gardening sessions led by fully trained staff. Training and equipment provided. Every Wednesday, 10.30am to 2.30pm Castlehaven Community Association The Haven, 23 Castlehaven Road NW1 8RU 020 7485 3386 Yoga exercise for South Asian women Every Wednesday, 12.15 to 1.15pm £10 annual fee Henna Asian Women’s Group Abbey Community Centre 222C Belsize Road NW6 4DJ 020 7372 9860

Walks Keats in Hampstead guided walk Follow the story of Keats’s life in a walk around Hampstead village Saturday 28 October, 11am to 1.30pm Meet outside Hampstead Underground Station Hampstead High Street NW3 1QG 020 7332 3868 Heath walk with Marylebone Birdwatching Society Informal and friendly stroll on heath to see what birds are around Every Tuesday, 10am to 12pm Meet at Parliament Hill Staff Yard Highgate Road NW5 1QR 020 7722 2965 Queen’s Crescent Walk For adults with learning disabilities and/or difficulties. All welcome. Every Friday, 11.45am to 12.15pm Meet at Queen’s Crescent Community Centre 45 Ashdown Crescent NW5 4QE Parliament Hill Walk at a leisurely pace Mondays, 9.50 to 11am Meet at Parliament Hill Café Highgate Road NW5 1QR Hampstead Heath For a more challenging walk Mondays, 9.50am to 12pm Meet at Hampstead Heath Overground Station, South End NW3 2QD

Green gym Woodland habitat maintenance and path clearance Friday 13 October, 10.45am to 2pm Hampstead Green Gym Westbere Copse NW2 1RD

Listings Path maintenance Sunday 15 October, 11am to 2pm Belsize and Adelaide Green Gym Adelaide Nature Reserve NW3 3QB Camden Green Gym’s 9th Birthday Thursday 26 October, 10.45am to 2pm Camden Green Gym Regent’s Park Hub Cafe NW1 4NU 07768 421 881

Over 50s Weekly social for over 65s Get to know your neighbours. Refreshments provided. Every Wednesday, 3.30 to 5.30pm Kentish Town Community Centre 17 Busby Place NW5 2SP Book club for over 65s Come together with neighbours to discuss new and classic reads Saturday 21 October, 3 to 4.30pm Swiss Cottage Library, Glass Meeting Room 88 Avenue Road NW3 3HA Film club for over 65s Enjoy a film with your community Refreshments provided Monday 30 October, 6 to 9pm Marchmont Community Centre 62 Marchmont Street WC1N 1AB roxanne.rustem@northlondoncares. 020 7118 3838 Monthly coffee morning Join us for tea, coffee, cake and interesting speakers Wednesday 4 October, 10am to 12pm Age UK Camden, Tavis House 1-6 Tavistock Square WC1H 9NA 020 7239 0400

Over 60s activities Monday morning club, summer coach trips and events Mondays, 9.30am to 12pm 20p entry Hampstead Community Centre 78 Hampstead High Street NW3 1RE hampsteadcommunitycentre@ 020 7794 8313

Accessible events The Humane Body Dance experiences for sighted, partially sighted and blind audiences Saturday 21 October, 4pm, 6pm and 8pm £10 per show The Place 17 Duke’s Road WC1H 9PY 020 7121 1100 Curious Explorers Morning Relaxed morning at the museum for children with autism or other social communication conditions and siblings, parents and carers Wednesday 25 October, 9 to 11am Jewish Museum London, Raymond Burton House, 129-131 Albert Street NW1 7NB 020 7284 7384 Open Day for disabled residents Free swim all day for disabled residents. Also gym, dance, multi-sport and rock-climbing Saturday 28 October, 12 to 4pm Swiss Cottage Leisure Centre Adelaide Road NW3 3NF

Foundling Museum BSL Tour Enjoy a BSL tour of the Museum with guide Alan Murray Saturday 4 November, 11am Foundling Museum 40 Brunswick Square WC1N 1AZ 020 7841 3600

Community events Community research and health champions courses Free six week training for residents from NW3, NW6 and NW8 Become a community researcher or health champion for your local area Courses starting mid-October. Dates TBC. The Shell Centre, Linnell House, Alexandra and Ainsworth Estate, Boundary Road NW8 0HS 020 7372 7021 Swapaholics monthly swish Bring and swap items of clothing Every second Saturday, 1 to 4pm £5 entry The Grafton Kentish Town NW5 3LG Autumn Wellbeing Volunteering Fair Find your perfect volunteering role in Camden and Islington Tuesday 10 October, 12 to 2pm St Pancras Community Association 67 Plender Street NW1 0LB 020 7424 9990

Event details may change. Check with the organiser before you attend.

Want to have your event listed here? Email to make a request. Space is limited and we prioritise free and low-cost community events. 29


Blooming results Mayor of Camden, Councillor Richard Cotton, has a taste of the blackberries in Jane MacCuish’s winning green corner.

Camden in Bloom received 60 entries this year, and we were pleased to see many new participants with beautiful entries. Camden in Bloom aims to encourage residents, businesses and community groups to take pride in their neighbourhood and reward them for making Camden a more pleasant, cleaner, greener and healthier place to be. Our judges – the Mayor of Camden, Councillor Richard Cotton; specialist horticulturists; and community volunteers with gardening experience – were very impressed with the quality of this year’s entries. Councillor Cotton said: “Camden in Bloom showcases the horticultural creativity of our borough and the results are simply beautiful. The entries were all brilliant so the judges’ task was extremely difficult.” The awards ceremony was held on Tuesday, 26 September at the Council Chambers in the Town Hall. Congratulations to the winners and thank you to all participants. We hope to see you enter again next year. Read about the winning entries at the website below. Find out more 30

Best business garden Winner: English Folk Dance and Song Society Runner-up: FitzPark - The Fitzrovia Partnership

Best communal or community garden Winner: Kingsgate Estate residents group Runner-up: Abbey Community Centre Highly commended: SEED Wellbeing Garden – Kentish Town Health Centre

Best community environmental project Winner: Calthorpe Project Runner-up: The Highgate Centre Garden Group Highly commended: Lissenden Gardens TA ‘Grow Lissenden!’/Kingsgate Garden Club

Best green corner Winner: Jane MacCuish Runner-up: Jo Reuben Highly commended: Ian Dykstra/Stephen Glover

Best individual garden Winner: Sue Heiser Runner-up: Magda Sikora Highly commended: Michael Sangster

We would like to thank our sponsors: Camden Garden Centre, Alara Wholefoods, Indoor Garden Design, Veolia Environmental Services and the Francis Crick Institute for their support.

My Camden Sue Measures has been the manager of Sidings Community Centre in West Hampstead for 32 years. What’s your Camden connection? I have lived on Fordwych Road in Kilburn since 1975 and am a member of Fordwych Residents Association. I was at the opening of Sidings Community Centre on 16 May 1983 and was involved as a volunteer before becoming its manager in 1985.

What do you like about living in Kilburn and West Hampstead? I call this area Camden’s northwest frontier.

It sometimes feels overlooked, compared to other places in the borough, but it is a very vibrant area with a fascinating history, a wealth of communitybased activity, and a strong network of community and campaigning groups who make sure Kilburn and West Hampstead’s voices are heard. This is especially important when faced with a massive surge of redevelopment planned for the area. There is a fascinating mix of people – older people, young families, artists, authors, people in the

media and performing arts, and political and community activists.

What do you like about Sidings Community Centre? Sidings has developed a great range of services for all ages – early years, play and youth, adult education and sports activities. It is a recognised community hub and one of Camden’s Strategic Partners. People often comment about the welcoming atmosphere at Sidings that is created by dedicated staff and wonderful volunteers. We have continually adapted our programme to be accessible to everyone, and respond to local and emerging needs. An example of this is our Computer Learning Centre which opened in

2002, which continues to be very popular. We also access all the facilities in Maygrove Peace Park, adjacent to the centre.

Favourite place in Camden? My back garden. It is full of trees and the trains rumble down to St Pancras in the background, providing a sense of connection and calm.

What could make Camden an even better place? Like many others, I am concerned about people who want to stay here being priced out of the area. I want to see housing for young people and longerterm accommodation to help retain strong communities.

Do you know someone who has strong community connections in Camden that we should profile? Email to tell us more. Find out more 31

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