Camden Winter 2022

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Camden 1 WINTER 2022 Your guide to winter Support for the cost of living crisis Free and low-cost festive activities Health advice Tips to reduce energy use How to help others this winter COVER STORY Interview with Highgate Black Women’s Wellness Group

We know things are tough for many people right now – please know that we’re here for you. On pages 4-5 you’ll find practical help for the cost of living crisis, plus other tips throughout. A massive thank you to the residents, communities and local organisations who shared their advice and stories with us for this issue. We hope you enjoy hearing from them as much as we did. Sign up

Local community action

So many people in Camden’s communities are making a real difference. We spoke to Hamila and Rachel about their work and how you can get involved.

Sharing Spaces are a great way to connect and engage with the local community. They’re a place where residents can create ideas for projects like the ‘Energy Savers Club,’ helping us save money on our energy bills. I have been able to give back to the community I live in and make it a better place for all of us, and future generations to come.”

Halima, co-host of The Sharing Space at Doreen Bazell Hall

Do you have a TRA hall you’d like to turn into a weekly Sharing Space? Get in touch at

Published by Camden Council

Distribution from 6 December 2022 All content correct at time of print.

Cover photograph by Karishma Puri You can request a copy of this publication in large print, audio format or in another language by phoning 020 7974 5717

Hawley Amateur Boxing Club (Hawley ABC) on Kentish Town Road is a non-profit club run by volunteers, with their own competitive squad and local outreach programme.

Through our outreach work, we realised the need to help our participants through the cost of living crisis, so we applied to Camden Giving for funding for personal hygiene packs. So far, essentials such as soap, shower gel, shampoo and toothpaste have been handed out in bags that can also be reused to carry sports kit.”

Rachel, who leads Hawley ABC

If you are interested in collecting a hygiene pack or arranging delivery for a school or group, contact

Camden Camden Winter 2022 2 3 @WeMakeCamden @CamdenCouncil @LBCamden
#WeMakeCamden 020 7974 4444
GET IN TOUCH Contents 3 Local community action 4-5 Cost of living support 6-7 Camden’s warm welcome spaces 8-9 Staying well in winter 10 Tips to reduce energy use 11
to the Camden
Get the latest support, news, service updates, events and more straight to your inbox.
Interview with Highgate Black Women’s Wellness Group
Sharing Spaces – set up by Think & Do Camden in local Tenant and Resident Association halls (TRAs) – are pop-up spaces run and used by residents for community events and meetings. A weekly Sharing Space takes place at Doreen Bazell Hall in Somers Town.
12 How to help others this winter 13 Free and low-cost activities 14 Interview with Routes off the streets 15 Service information 16 Help with debt worries
This publication was designed and produced by Camden Creative Services. We offer a not-for-profit service to organisations and businesses. If you are interested in finding out more about us, please contact

SUPPORT crisis


Cost of living

Many of us are likely to need a bit of help this winter. If you’re struggling to afford the essentials –including food, energy bills or housing costs – or if you’re in debt, help is available.

Visit our dedicated cost of living webpages at

Call us on 020 7974 4444 (option 9)

Call Citizens Advice Camden on 0808 278 7835

The Camden Advice Network is a group of 12 Camden-based organisations who provide free and independent advice across a range of specialist topics. Find out more at

Get free advice on debt

If you’re struggling with debt, contact a local or national organisation for free advice and support:

StepChange 0300 303 5300

Citizens Advice

Find more on our website

If you’re struggling with council tax arrears, call us on 020 7974 6414

Cost of Living Crisis Fund

If you’re in severe financial hardship and cannot afford essentials including food, heating, water, electricity and rent, you may be eligible for a payment of up to £500 through our Cost Of Living Crisis Fund. To apply, get in touch: 020 7974 4444 (option 9)

If you’re a council tenant, you can also speak to your neighbourhood housing officer

Check you’re claiming all the support you’re entitled to

Benefits checker

Help to pay your bills


£400 energy bills discount

This winter, most households will receive a £400 government-funded discount in energy bills. This will be applied to electricity bills and does not need to be repaid. If you’re on a shared heating network or an oil-based heating system, the Government has committed to an equivalent level of support – details to be confirmed:

For tips to reduce energy use: Turn to page 10

Help with finding a job or training

Register for free with Good Work Camden for support to find a job or training, and help to access support with other issues you may be facing: 020 7974 1666

! Loans

If you need to take out a loan, don’t be tempted to approach a loan shark or take out a payday loan. Instead, consider credit unions or other ethical loan providers.

Find out more: 020 7561 1786

Check you’re being paid the National Minimum Wage

If you’re on a low income, you may be able to get a reduction in council tax

If you live alone, apply for a council tax ‘single person’ 25% discount

If you’re aged 13 to 19, or up to age 25 with a learning difficulty or disability: 020 7974 7252

£1,500 Childcare Grant – for lone parents who live in Camden and are looking to re-enter employment Find out if you’re eligible and apply: 020 7974 1666

If you’re worried about housing costs or losing your home

Private renters

Speak to your landlord or get advice from our website:

Council tenants

020 7974 4444 for rent arrears (option 3, then option 4) or for service charge arrears (option 3, then option 6). You can also speak to your neighbourhood housing officer

If you’re in urgent need of support with food communityresponse@camden. 020 7974 4444 (option 9)

Food co-ops provide low-cost food. Join or start one with your community:

Supermarket vouchers for families with children under 18 who are eligible for free school meals, or where the family receives Housing Benefit or Council Tax Support, will be posted directly from the Council during the school holiday.

Camden 4 Winter 2022 Camden 5
Electricity GAS
Community Advice Centre

As energy bills get more expensive and the weather gets colder, we know lots of people across Camden will be worrying about their heating bills. As a community, we want to make sure you have the support you need – including warm, welcoming spaces where you can also find out more information about help that's available.

‘Warm welcome’ spaces are now available across Camden. Everyone is welcome to come in and work, relax or meet up with others in a safe and warm place. Each warm welcome space will be a little different in its offer but wherever you visit, you’ll be met with warmth and kindness.

Find your nearest warm welcome space A warm welcome from Agar Children’s Centre


• Camden Town library

• Highgate library

• Holborn library

• Kentish Town library

• Kilburn library

• Pancras Square library (King’s Cross)

• Queens Crescent library

• Swiss Cottage library

• West Hampstead library

Children’s centres

Our children’s centres are for children under five and their families. They are here for Stay and Play drop-in sessions or advice and support this winter.

• Agar Children’s Centre, NW1 9SU

• Harmood Children’s Centre, NW1 8DQ

• Kilburn Grange Children’s Centre, NW6 2JL

• Regent’s Park Children’s Centre, NW1 3TJ

Leisure centres and gyms

• Kentish Town Sports Centre, NW5 3DU

• Oasis Sports Centre, WC2H 9AG

• Pancras Square Leisure, N1C 4AG

• Swiss Cottage Leisure Centre, NW3 3NF

• Talacre Community Sports Centre, NW5 3LN

Community spaces

• Netherwood Youth and Family Hub, NW6 2QU

• Somers Town Community Association, NW1 1DF

• Somers Town Youth Centre, NW1 1RX

• The O2 Centre, NW3 6LU

• Third Age Project, NW1 3RH

• British Somali Community Centre, NW1 1TU

• Kentish Town Community Centre, NW5 2SP

• Holborn Community Association - Holborn House Community Centre, WC1N 3QW

• Holborn Community Association - Millman Street Community Centre, WC1N 3EW

• Queen’s Crescent Community Association NW5 4QE

• St George the Martyr Church, WC1N 3AH

Agar Children’s Centre helps so many families, so it made sense for it to provide a ‘warm welcome’ space this winter and offer any parents or carers who need it advice on the cost of living crisis.

“The centre has fun toys and activities for children to play with when they come along so there’s plenty for them to do, both inside and outside.

“But the centre doesn’t just benefit the children –we also find that many parents and carers meet others and make friends while they’re here. And over time, staff, parents and carers get to know each other as well. This means that if there’s something going on in their life and they open up about it, our staff can help them access support and advice on a whole range


of subjects – including breast feeding, speech and language development, healthy eating and wellbeing, and help and advice to access welfare benefits.

“If you’re the parent or carer of a child under five, please do come along. Your child can play and you can meet others in a safe and warm space. And over the winter months, every child will be given a piece of fruit to snack on on their way home. All of the sessions are free to attend and you don’t need to book in advance – just turn up. We look forward to welcoming you!”

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Your local warm welcome spaces
Liam oversees Stay and Play drop-in sessions for our local children’s centres, including for Agar Children’s Centre, which is providing a warm welcome space for young children and their families this winter.
We’re adding to our list of warm welcome spaces all the time. For details on what each space provides, visit or call 020 7974 4444 (option 9) Please also remember to check opening times over the festive period. E For everyone F For families Y For young people 60+ For age 60 and over

Staying well in winter

One of the best ways to keep well in winter is to stay warm, but we know that will be hard with heating bills on the rise. Please know we’re here for you – why not come along to one of our ‘warm welcome’ spaces? See pages 6-7 to find out more.

Our local health services and partners are here to help you stay well this winter. Please get help as soon as you need it. This is especially important for those more at risk – for example people who are over 65 or under five, pregnant, or with pre-existing conditions.

Top up your immunity with a free booster

Flu vaccinations

Who to contact

Pharmacies: Pharmacies can provide advice for a range of minor illnesses and can tell you if you need to see a doctor. Find a pharmacy near you at service-search/pharmacy/find-apharmacy

Your GP: Phone and online appointments are often available, as well as in person.

NHS 111: Visit

Call 111 if you have an urgent medical problem and are not sure what to do Call 999 if it’s a life-threatening emergency

Available to those eligible – including to children aged two and three – from your GP or participating pharmacies. School-aged children will be offered the free flu vaccine nasal spray through school. Find out more and book:

COVID-19 booster

If you’re eligible, drop by a walk-in vaccination clinic, participating pharmacy or our vaccine bus.

Prefer to book your appointment in advance?


Is your child up to date with their immunisations?

Make sure your child gets both scheduled doses of the MMR vaccine and is up to date with other vaccinations.

The Sanctuary is a place you can come, any evening, and you’ll be welcomed with a warm drink by a friendly and experienced support worker. No problem is too big or too small, and we’ll aim to help you get to a place where things feel a bit more manageable. I’d urge everyone in Camden who is feeling like they can’t cope to come and see us. We’re here to help.”

Jasmine, Team Manager, Camden Crisis Sanctuary

Looking after your mental health


Young people aged 11 to 18 can access safe and anonymous support from a qualified counsellor via a text-based conversation at Kooth. or find more support on our dedicated webpage.

Camden Crisis Sanctuary offers a walk-in service seven days a week, 5pm to 11pm. 07825 165464

If you’re experiencing a mental health crisis, contact the 24-hour crisis line: 020 3317 6333

In an emergency always call 999

Domestic violence and abuse support

If you are experiencing domestic abuse of any form, or you’re worried about someone else, get in touch with Camden Safety Net. 020 7974 2526 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm). Services will be closed 26 to 27 December and on 2 January, but you can contact National Domestic Violence helpline 24/7 on 0808 2000 247

In an emergency, always ring 999

Camden Camden Winter 2022 8 9
Lots of us are facing challenges this winter – if you are feeling worried, anxious or depressed, we are here for you, whatever you are going through. If you, or someone you know is struggling: Speak to your GP Contact icope for free, confidential help. 020 3317 6670
Find more mental health support services at

Tips to reduce energy use

These tips could reduce your bills and are good for the environment too ➊ Don’t leave electrical items on standby and only charge them when you need to ➋ Close curtains or blinds before it gets dark to keep heat in your home ➌ Wash clothes at 30°C or on a cold wash, with a full load each time ➍ Keep doors inside your home closed to reduce draughts ➎ Take a short shower rather than a bath –showers use less hot water ➏ Set your hot water tank to 60°C to prevent water from being overheated ➐ Use ‘eco’ mode on electrical appliances where possible

Bleed your radiators every so often to keep them working efficiently

If you’re able to make changes to your home, you could:

★ Look for energy efficient alternatives for your lighting ★ Speak to your energy supplier about a smart meter to help keep track of your energy use ★ Insulate pipes to stop heat escaping ★ Fit your hot water tank with an insulating jacket ★ Fit thermostatic radiator valves to keep the rooms you use the most warm and turn off radiators in rooms that aren’t being used



We’re making our council homes more energy efficient

We’re currently carrying out a programme of retrofit works to make our council homes more energy efficient and less expensive to heat. Retrofit works are designed to improve the energy efficiency of existing properties –they can include installing better insulation in floors, walls and ceilings, upgrading doors and windows, installing more efficient heating systems and much more.


A sense of community is so important right now.”

Highgate Black Women's Wellness Group was formed in March 2022 as a way of recovering from the COVID-19 lockdowns. Founder Zia wanted to create a safe space for Black women to attend.

We sat down with Ruth, Antoinette, Sharmay, Sarah and Angela at Engocha, a local Ethiopian restaurant owned by Ruth, to hear more.

On the group’s origins

Zia: There were not many Black-only female groups, and the pandemic showed our disparity in healthcare to address our issues. We needed our own group.

On its importance

Zia: Groups like this make us feel less invisible and that our needs are being catered to. It also helps us stop being misinterpreted because we are able to give our opinion and views about topics that affect us.

Antoinette: It’s wonderful to be able to link up with women who have gone through other experiences and have that sense of community. Here we can learn and grow together – there’s a lot of encouragement, a lot of cheerleading.

Ruth: Yes, the group gives me confidence, I get lots of support. It’s nice to go out and meet different cultures.

Angela: We gel, even though we’re all from very different backgrounds. There’s something around the Black experience, both positive and negative, that’s definitely a common thread.

On wellness

Sharmay: Wellness is holistic – physical, mental, spiritual and psychological. It can be hard, especially at this time of year, but making yourself come out and interact with others opens you up to the community around you.

Sarah: Being in a space where you have the opportunity to experience activities that you wouldn’t usually is good for your mental health. The encouragement and support you get means it’s really important to have social support groups, to have that space.


Email us at or support us by donating to Camden Giving, who fund groups like ours at

Camden Winter 2022 10
If you’re struggling to pay your energy bills this winter, there is help available Turn to pages 4 and 5 and click on ‘warm spaces and energy saving tips’ 020 7974 4444 (option 9)

Salina received funding from our We Make Camden kit to start her community project, Read and Play

How to help others this winter

We know lots of people are keen to support others at the moment but are not sure how. Here are some small ideas that could make a big difference.


If you’re able to, you could consider:

1. Donating food and other essential items to food banks or local charities:

Find a local organisation supporting people with food:

2. Donating what you can afford: The Young Camden Foundation supports Camden-based charities for children and young people: youngcamdenfoundation

Camden Giving’s Cost of Living Appeal funds local organisations supporting people through the cost of living crisis:

3. Got a good idea to support your community? Apply for funding through our We Make Camden Kit:

4. Finding a local volunteering opportunity: 020 7424 9990

5. Donating to the Mayor of Camden’s annual Christmas Toy Appeal 2022

Support local families by donating new toys, toiletries, gift vouchers or clothes at points across the borough until 21 December.

You could also get involved with a community project that helps the environment:

6. Think & Do Camden’s ‘Communi-trees’ project will help plant five to 10 new trees on six different Camden estates this winter. They’re also looking for a young person from each estate to water the trees and earn £22 a week. If you’re interested, get in touch: 0750 318 9493

7. Doing some DIY? Instead of buying new tools or gadgets, borrow from the Library of Things at Kentish Town Library:

Free and low-cost activities

Activities for all

Queen’s Crescent Community Association has a programme of events and activities for young people, families and older people in Gospel Oak.

Over the next month, there’s the youth club, junior football, women’s yoga, and a hot two-course lunch for £1. 50 each or donations. 020 7267 6635

Over 50s

Blues house club is a social club for people aged 50+. Share a delicious lunch and take part in activities such as chair yoga, arts and crafts, and singing. No booking needed, just show up from 11am or from 12pm for lunch every Wednesday.

Elizabeth House Community Centre, 2 Hurlock Street, N5 1ED. 020 7690 1300


Artist Judith Booth recently gifted Camden his portrait – why not check it out?

Camden Local Studies & Archives Centre, 2nd Floor, Holborn Library.

Activities with a free meal for children

Children aged 5 to 16 who qualify for free school meals can take part in free activities from 19 to 30 December, which include a free, healthy hot meal.

Dance for young people with disabilities

icandance supports young people aged 4 to 25 years old with complex disabilities and medical needs. Through intensive dance therapy sessions, tailored to the needs of each dancer, a trained team of dance therapists and disability specialists will help them discover their potential. Subsidised fees are available for members via self-referral, or free when commissioned through a school. or 020 8444 1707

Find more activities at

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Samuel Coleridge-Taylor, one of the leading Black British classical music composers of the 19th and 20th centuries was born in Camden in 1875.

Helping rough sleepers this winter


Everyone in Camden should have a place they call home, and nobody should have to sleep on the streets.

We are committed to ensuring rough sleepers receive support to start rebuilding their life away from the street. We spoke to Tamara, Head of Camden’s Routes off the Streets rough sleeping service, about their important work.

Service information

Council services

Some of our services will have different opening hours over the festive period. Please check before you visit the Council, libraries and sports and leisure centres. Find out more at

Recycling and rubbish over Christmas and New Year

We’ll be collecting your recycling and rubbish on different days over the festive period. Collections return to their normal schedule from Monday 2 January.

Usual collection day Festive period collection day

Monday 26 December Tuesday 27 December

Order free extra recycling bags 020 3567 8105

Check our recycling A-Z

Christmas tree recycling

What is Routes off the Streets?

We are an outreach service working with rough sleepers across Camden. Our team goes out seven days a week from 6am to 2pm to let anyone sleeping rough know that support is there when they need it. If someone chooses to accept, they are referred to the Routes off the Street hub. There, we ask them about their needs and help them access support.

What kind of support is on offer to people experiencing homelessness?

The hub at Greenland Street is open five days a week. People can drop into the hub, make an appointment or get referred to the service. Working with our partners we help rough sleepers get access to trauma informed advice, overdose prevention and addiction support. We also help find suitable accommodation and, where possible, support in reconnecting people to their hometown. If people are having difficulties in their housing situation, we support them to prevent them going back onto the streets.

How can residents help?

We’re always in need of towels and toiletries to help people feel comfortable at the hub. You can donate these at 6-8 Greenland Street, NW1 0ND.

You can let us know if you are concerned about the welfare of someone sleeping rough on the 24/7 number 020 7846 3535, or via the Camden Safer Streets App. Please share the exact time and location so we can tell our outreach team.

Helping residents at risk of homelessness

We are here for anyone who is worried they may lose their home for any reason. Our Homelessness Prevention Team helps identify people whose financial position may put them at risk of homelessness. This means we’re able to provide early support.

If you’re at risk of being homeless, our team can offer advice to help your situation: 020 7974 4444 (option 9)

Tuesday 27 December Wednesday 28 December

Wednesday 28 December Thursday 29 December

Thursday 29 December Friday 30 December

Friday 30 December Saturday 31 December


It’s free and easy to take your real Christmas tree to a collection point to be recycled in the first two weeks of January – find your nearest: 020 3567 8105

You no longer need to book to visit reuse and recycling centres, including Regis Road, if you’re going by car, bike or on foot. Check opening times and materials accepted: 020 3620 4026

New D/deaf advice service

We’ve set up a new service for D/deaf, deafened, deafblind residents, or family/carer acting on someone’s behalf. Open Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays from 9am to 5pm.

Greenwood Centre, 37 Greenwood Place, Kentish Town, NW5 1LB

Primary school applications

Don’t forget to apply for a September 2023 reception place for your child by 15 January 2023.

Homes for Ukraine

The war in Ukraine is ongoing, with people and families being forced to flee their homes. If you’re able to help by signing up to the Homes for Ukraine Scheme, please get in touch.

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Help with debt worries

Mary Ward Legal Centre is a charity within the Camden Advice Network that provides free specialist legal advice to Londoners on debt, housing and benefits. Paula manages the Centre and Asma is a solicitor who specialises in debt advice.

How is the cost of living crisis affecting Camden residents?

P: More people are coming to us in desperate need. Some were just about managing, but due to the cost of living crisis, they can no longer afford the essentials. We’re also seeing more people who have multiple debts. People are having to decide between heating or eating.

How can you help residents who are in debt?

A: Every conversation is different, but we will always see if your outgoings can be reduced and if your income can be increased – for example, by checking you’re receiving all the benefits you’re entitled to. We can also help you understand your rights and how to approach your situation.

If someone is struggling with debt or other issues, what would you suggest?

P: Get in touch with us as soon as you start to get behind with your bills. The earlier you reach out, the sooner we can help.

How can people get advice?

A: We offer face-to-face, video and phone advice – complete a self-referral form online.

Sometimes it can seem hard to speak about money issues. Whatever your situation, please don’t feel afraid to seek help.”

Concerns about finances can be stressful. If you’re worried about your mental health, please reach out for help. Turn to page 9 for more information or call the Samaritans for free on 116 123

Printed on paper that is 50% recycled and 50% from sustainable sources. The paper and production for this publication is carbon balanced. The distribution company plant two trees for every job they complete, over 80,000 trees per annum.

The print production and paper have both been carbon balanced with World Land Trust. CBP2234
INTERVIEW Debt advice – 020 7269 5455 Housing or benefits advice – 020 7831 7079 GET IN TOUCH

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