Coronavirus: Weekly update From Camden Council
To keep you up to date with changes to council services and support available through the Council and its partners, you’ll find weekly updates here in the Camden New Journal. Visit for the latest on all council services and information on essential support, including how to access emergency food and financial support. The webpage contains information in different languages and formats. You can also check the rolling news feed at, Twitter @CamdenCouncil or speak to someone at the Council directly on 020 7974 4444 (option 9).
SIGN UP to the Council’s coronavirus e-newsletter for regular service updates, news and support, at
As schools continue to welcome more pupils back and other services start to reopen, the safety of our communities remains our number one priority.
I know that many more people will need support as this crisis continues – and we’re still here to help. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you need support by calling our dedicated coronavirus line on 020 7974 4444 (option 9). There is still anxiety and fear throughout this difficult time, but I know we will continue to work together to help each other through. Councillor Georgia Gould, Leader of Camden Council
Council meetings Some council meetings have now restarted and are being held remotely. Tonight’s Planning Committee (18 June) starts at 7pm, and next Wednesday (24 June) the Health and Wellbeing Board is at 4pm, followed by Adult and Corporate Governance Committee at 6.30pm. You can watch live or catch up at While councillors are not holding faceto-face surgeries until further notice, they are still here to help. Visit or call 020 7974 2792 to get in touch.
Changes to Government guidance • If you live by yourself or are a single parent, you can now join with one other household and meet inside or outside, including staying overnight, without needing to stay 2 metres apart. This is called a support bubble and is designed to support the loneliest and most isolated in our community. At this stage, you are not allowed to form a support bubble with another household if neither you nor they are in a single adult household. • Non-essential shops have started to reopen. Please remember to follow social distancing guidance and stay 2 metres away from anyone outside your household or support bubble, and wear a face covering if you cannot safely social distance. • If you use public transport you must wear a face covering. Exceptions to this are those who have trouble breathing, children under 11 and those, such as people with disabilities, who find it difficult to manage them correctly.
Test and Trace
For the latest guidance, visit
NHS Test and Trace aims to ensure people with coronavirus symptoms can get tested and, if they have the virus, will help to trace people they’ve been in close contact with so that they can also self-isolate and prevent further spread of the infection.
Public toilets reopen
Find out more at nhs-test-and-trace-how-it-works or call 119. 020 7974 4444 (option 9)
Over the past three years, the Great Get Together (19 to 21 June) has brought communities up and down the country together. Set up to celebrate the life of Jo Cox MP, this year’s campaign encourages people to celebrate the power of community – and there’s been an amazing demonstration of this in Camden over the past few months.
As well as ensuring young people can continue their education, it’s essential no child in Camden goes hungry – and we know that for many parents who face financial hardship and uncertainty, putting food on the table has become harder than ever. Our commitment throughout this crisis continues to be ensuring that every child entitled to free school meals receives this support. Now we’re gearing up to make sure this continues over the summer for the young people in Camden who are in most need. With more spaces reopening this week, we all have a part to play in keeping ourselves and others safe. Washing your hands regularly and wearing a face covering where you are not able to safely social distance, such as in shops and on public transport, is critical. If you have symptoms, please stay at home and get tested – see the below information on Test and Trace.
Camden’s public toilet sites have reopened at: • Camden Town – gender neutral • South End Green • West End Lane • Pond Square • Lincoln’s Inn Fields
For NHS advice, visit
Opening hours are 9am to 8pm. Please note that social distancing and other safety measures are in place in response to coronavirus. There are likely to be queues, so please use your toilet at home if you can. Camden’s other public toilets and most community toilet scheme locations are currently closed. Find out more at
Castlehaven brings nature to the community
Get Together… virtually
The pandemic has highlighted some amazing stories – like the ones below – of how communities have supported each other during challenging times. At what can be an isolating time for many, it’s especially important to stay connected – even if we can’t be together physically.
How to get involved: Share your stories of community on Twitter using #WeMakeCamden and #MoreInCommon or email They’ll be shared in this weekly insert and via Camden’s e-newsletter.
Join JW3 for the free Great Virtual Get Together – a virtual fun-filled family afternoon on Sunday 21 June at 2.30pm. For more information, visit
Thank you Camden I n these uncertain and challenging times a BIG THANK YOU to Farah and all volunteers from Life After Hummus Community Benefit Society from Somers Town Community Association and the Living Centre for their Community Action Response Support Centre’s work. We really appreciate those making phone calls, packing and preparing much needed food parcels, cyclists and van drivers. We also express our gratitude to the organisations donating food to them. God bless you, Sylvia and René I have had to strictly self-isolate, for 9 weeks now, and live alone, so it has been pretty hard at times, to say the least. However, my amazing neighbour, Antonia, across the road, has been and is always an absolute angel, including throughout this entire Covid experience. You are a superstar Antonia... and mum and I (and puppy) are ALL so grateful to you!!!! Anon
Castlehaven Community Centre is bringing their Zoombased workshops straight into your living room. Focused on nature as a way of improving mental wellbeing, every Tuesday and Thursday at 12pm the charity hosts free gardening and wellbeing workshops. So far they’ve held sessions on houseplant care, sauerkraut making and botanical mocktails. To find out more and sign up, email The centre has also teamed up with Highgate Newton Community Centre and Kentish Town Community Centre to create a new delivery food bank hub. Food parcels will be delivered to local addresses on Thursdays. If you are in need of food, or are interested in volunteering to help deliver the food parcels, please call 07551 798 767. You can also donate by searching for ‘Castlehaven Food Bank Appeal’ at and then clicking the ‘campaigns’ section. For more information, including other services from Castlehaven, visit how-were-helping-the-community
Your local health services are still here to help Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you need support. Some services may look different as they have adapted to the current situation – for example, you might speak to someone over the phone instead of in person. This is to help keep everyone safe. To find out more about individual services, including support with substance misuse, mental health, sexual health, dental care and your local stop smoking service, visit
Last chance to apply for discretionary business grant A reminder that the closing date for the discretionary grant fund for businesses is noon tomorrow (Friday 19 June). Camden’s allocation from the Government is £3 64 million but demand is likely to exceed this amount. The grant is focusing on those most at need, including small and micro businesses not eligible for previous grants who have suffered significant fall in income while battling fixed property costs – in particular businesses within shared workspaces, severe hardship cases and market traders. Visit for more information. 020 7974 4444 (option 9)