Alpaca youth Paraders ac�vi�es By Sophie Veenstra
My passion lies with promo�ng my animals and using their fleeces for cra�. On May 20th The Geelong Adver�ser photographer came for a photo shoot adver�sing The Na�onal Library Day when the story of “Alpacas with Maracas” would be read simultaneously at 10.30am on May 22nd all around Australia. Roger and Galaxy were the models. On May 22nd Mum picked me up from school to go to Geelong West Library to meet about 40 kindergarten children and all the shoppers who walked past. Galaxy and Roger behaved well even with all the a�en�on. We had a bag of fleece and a toy Alpaca to show the people. Alpaca Youth Events to look out for: 7th March – Paraders at Red Hill Show – Convenor: Rachel Burde� Ph 0432398160 8th March – Paraders at Goulburn Show – Convenor: Katy Armson-Graham Ph 0416302227 27th March – Paraders/Young Judges Comp. at Camden Show – Convenor: Robyn Hayward Ph 0414977226 10th- 12th April – Sydney Royal - Convenor Ruby Williams Ph 0439389994