Campus Activities Magazine - January Issue 2013

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Jonathan Burns


What’s Hot!




An amazing blend of tracks and video, this guy is sensational. Read the story and watch the video. Just a little bit crazy and hilariously funny, Jonathan puts on a show that is hard to forget.

From murder mysteries to comedy to outstanding music, speakers and more, here are some choices for your next show.

NEON TREES 12 An Exceptional Opportunity To Meet The Ultimate Alternative Rock Band Tyler Glenn, Christopher Allen, Branden Campbell and Elaine Bradley Make History with A Band Named After The Lighted Trees on the In-N-Out Burger Sign.

You will be astounded. They sing everything from Doo-Wop to contemporary hits. A refreshing new twist on old favorites.


From the Publisher Laff Guru Real Life Neon Trees Jonathan Burns

4 6 8 12 20

What’s Hot for 2013 Artist Report Cards Kazual Rock ‘n Road Show

22 26 34 36


Dismal End To A Year Bound For Recovery

2012 was definitely a year of recovery. Since the slide in 2008, this nation has been faced with challenges that we have been determined to overcome, yet the hand we have been dealt has not been stellar. As we headed toward the end of this year, we were faced with not only a hideous storm that was under-rated and unleashed its wrath on the northern Atlantic coast (See Real Life On Campus on page 8), but the loss of innocent lives of fellow Americans at the hands of maniacal assassins. The politics of this year were a muddy fist

fight with candidates bloodying the nose of their opponents and the American people simply being fed up with both parties. Does this show how infected and dishonest our political system has become? I don’t know, but historically the American population is characterized by not giving a damn unless it has a direct effect on them personally. Have leaders stepped over the line and reached that point? In some areas, yes. In other areas, there are still citizens that are full of talk but were not inclined to vote the offending leaders out of office. Many didn’t even vote at all. If there has been one story that has hit the populus’ heart strings, it has been the mass murder of children and teachers at Sandy Hook. headlined: “What Happened At Sandy Hook in 10 Minutes Tells You What A High-Speed Shooter Could Do With More Time.” Without a doubt this was a most tragic situation and I am so pleased at how well the American people have supported this community during this time of tragedy and grief. Large and small donations, cards and letters, care and sympathy abound for this once ideal town steeped in American smalltown tradition.

It is a bold awakening that unstable people can be found in any kind of environment and it is not unique to big cities anymore. Fortunately it will make us far more cautious. Unfortunately it will erode the trust and comfort we have all had in what was once the small-town American lifestyle.

Sometimes at lunch, I will frequent the local McDonalds. And like every McDonalds I have ever been in recently there is a flat screen playing Fox News. I never paid much attention to this network because it always seemed to be one-sided rants. I am neither a staunch Democrat or Republican, but if I had to


watch this more often, it would definitely turn me the other way.

The broadcaster was belittling the school because it did not have an armed security guard at this elementary school. Not to quote him, but what he said was that every bank you go to has an armed security guard and any bank without one would be the first to be robbed. I have lived in this state all my life and I have seldom ever seen a guard at a bank. I have lived in this town, which is larger than Sandy Hook and I have never seen a guard at any of the 12 banks in town and to my knowledge none of them have been robbed.

Maybe guards are indeed the answer but we have been fortunate enough to live in peace without any guards at our schools. But then so was Sandy Hook. I don’t have the answer, but let me assure you, neither does Fox News. There is no doubt that American’s lives are changing and we have to be much more cautious. But I think with better mental health oversight, and counseling in schools (and to the general public) could have possibly spotted this as a potential problem and perhaps taken steps to counteract it.

It is obvious that state and federal governments need to be more aware of potential disasters of this kind and take steps to help communities avoid them. But the answer is not locking up the general population and stifling their freedoms. I wish I had the answers but I don’t. If you have any ideas, email me at In the meantime, keep the families of Sandy Hook in your hearts and in your prayers.

It is believed the modern clown originated during the Renaissance, with Italy’s Commedia dell’arte, and later perfected in the early 1800s by English comedian, Joseph Grimaldi, who invented the white-faced clown with red triangles on its cheeks.


The Evolution of Stand-Up Comedy (Part One) As a child, I was about a foot shorter than other children my age; I learned early on that when people are laughing they are less inclined to beat you up. This benefit of inducing laughter, along with the ability to ease social anxieties and build community, surely dates back to our caveman ancestors, because laughter as a form of expression and communication predates language. Although humor has been around forever, the uniquely American art form of stand-up comedy is relatively new (the term “standup comedian” was not added to the dictionary until 1966).

Americans did not invent jokes; some 1,600 years ago Romans were laughing at a joke book called “Philogelos” (or The Laughter Lover). Nor did we invent the practice of retelling humorous tales; the ancient myths of most early spiritual beliefs feature amusing comic deities, such as the Native American trickster god, Coyote, who thrived on mischievous chaos; some comical folklore originated as far back as 50,000 B.C.E..

Nor did Americans create comedy as an occupation; this dates back to at least the 24th Century B.C.E. when the first record of a jester appeared in the court of Egyptian Pharaoh Pepi I, roughly one thousand years before Moses. Court jesters remained popular until the mid 1600s. Anthropologist, Todd White, explained why, “apart from providing a balance to the royal hubris, the primary function of the court jester is to provide comic relief from everyday stresses inherent to the throne.”

Nor did Americans invent clowns, which also date back to the 23rd Century B.C.E.

But America did invent stand-up comedy. The precursors first began to appear in the late 1700s with the “stump speeches” of the Minstrel Shows, and in the huckster spiels of the Medicine Shows from the early 1800s. Entertainment historians view January 17, 1856, as a defining moment of the art form, when during a celebration for Benjamin Franklyn’s 150th birthday, a twenty-year-old newspaper writer delivered a humorous after-dinner speech; his name was Samuel Langhorne Clemens, later better known as Mark Twain. By October 2nd, 1866, audiences were paying money to have him make them laugh. But there is a difference between a humorous lecture and a stand-up comedy act.

Somewhere between 1880 and 1890, a vaudevillian named Charley Case became the first true stand-up comic by stepping on stage and telling jokes directly to the audience, without character costume or props. Vaudeville was the dominant form of American entertainment from the mid-1800s through the mid-1930s, and like its bawdy cousin, Burlesque, featured comedians. Another turning point occurred in 1915, when Will Rogers was booked in New York City’s New Amsterdam Theater, home of the famed Ziegfeld Follies, and started performing comical commentary about current events (setting the stage for current political comics like Bill Maher and Dennis Miller).

Ethnic humor got in the spotlight during the 1890s with the creation of the Borscht Belt, a section of the Catskill Mountains that supplied entertainment to New York’s Jewish population, and again in 1909, when the Theater Owners Booking Association, an African-American vaudeville (also known as “The Chitlin’ Circuit) was established.

In the 1950s the Beatnik movement (also known as “Hipsters” or just “Beats”) took hold, and Mort Sahl and Lenny Bruce introduced two features that became prominent in stand-up comedy: the conversational improvised delivery and the topical joke that skewered sacred cows, such as government and religion, pointing out hypocrisy and cultural illusions. The work of Sahl, Bruce, and others, would be to stand-up what the Beatles were to pop music. In 1955, the first live comedy album, “Mort Sahl at Sunset” was released; six years later, “The Button-Down Mind of Bob Newhart” won the Grammy Award for Album of the Year. Mort Sahl was also the first to target the younger


generation, becoming the first comedian to perform on college campuses. Lenny Bruce bravely stood up to censorship in comedy, being arrested multiple times for obscenity and going bankrupt in the process, but paving the way for future generations of outspoken comedians, such as Bill Hicks.

In the 1960s a new phenomenon hit the entertainment scene, the comedy club. Prior to this point comedians had limited venues to perform their craft, but in 1963, Bud Friedman opened The Improvisational Cafe in New York City, the first dedicated comedy club. In 1972, Mitzi and Sammy Shore open the second, The Comedy Store, on the Sunset Strip in Los Angeles.

By the 1970s, George Carlin (and to some degree, Cheech & Chong) became the comedic voice of the counterculture, and for the first time, comedians began to look more like their audience and less like the short-haired guys in suits that booked the shows. In 1982, the performance film “Richard Pryor Live on the Sunset Strip” set a new standard in comedic honesty and intimacy that changed the art form forever, and as a result comedians like Sam Kennison and Chris Rock soon rose to fame.

Stand-up comedy became a mainstay of early television, most notably on “The Ed Sullivan Show,” which ran from 1948 through 1971. In 1989, Time Warner launched “The Comedy Channel” as the first cable channel devoted exclusively to comedy-based programming. Five months later, Viacom launched a rival channel called “Ha!” One year after that, the two channels merged and “Comedy Central” was born. Now that you are caught up with the history, I am thrilled to report there is a new format of stand-up comedy on the horizon! Something that has ever been done on stage before, which I will share with you in my next column (because, as every comic knows, you should always leave them wanting more!) In the meantime, don’t forget to take care of your waitress, drive home safe, thank you, and goodnight...

Steven Kent McFarlin has been described by the press as a “campus entertainment icon.” He offers two great events at one great low price, and has been voted “Campus Comic of the Year” ( and the “Campus Performer of the Year” ( His credits include over fifty TV appearances, including: Showtime, Good Morning America, and The Late Show. He is represented by GP College Entertainment.



On October 29 Superstorm Sandy came barreling towards the Middle Atlantic region. For days the computer models predicted the storm would take an unprecedented hard left off of the New Jersey coastline and impact the most densely populated area of the country. So what made things different this time around? Two systems joined as one and as it made landfall the winds shifted around, at high tide, during a full moon, and brought tidal surges never seen along the Jersey coastline and into the New York Harbor.

City, or “down the shore,” as we say in Jersey.

Fortunately we were able to charge our phones in our cars. Facebook took on a new meaning for all of us - it no longer felt like a social network but it became our way to check in on one another, to see if everyone was safe. It was also our way of learning of the devastation. The photos of the flooding in New York City, the destroyed homes, businesses and boardwalks were now being posted. Friends from Jersey were posting about long gas lines and where one could buy

gas. We even cheered each other on as one’s power was restored.

In those four days while connecting solely through Facebook, I felt like I was caught between two very different worlds. I was learning of the struggles and destruction on a minute to minute basis while others were posting from a very different perspective. There were posts from people who were pissed that their waitress had a bad attitude. Others were posting about boring classes, complaining that they had a cold, or that they had to get up

I live thirty three miles north of Philadelphia, just north of where the eye of the storm made landfall. The storm traveled across New Jersey and into Pennsylvania. At 7:30 PM our lights went out and power was not restored for four days. We were well prepared and had plenty of provisions but it was challenging to stay warm. Most hurricanes occur in the summer months. In late October our nightly temperatures fall into the 30’s, and the sun did not come out for one week. We were the lucky ones. Many of my friends were without power for two weeks. One had her home completely washed away and lost everything, businesses and homes were destroyed and there was loss of life.

Life without power does interesting things to you. It slows you down, and in the absence of electronic devices you begin to reconnect with those around you. We ate meals with our neighbors and sat in front of each other’s fireplaces at night to stay warm. We truly enjoyed spending this time together.

It was frustrating to not watch TV to see what was happening around my hometown of Clark, NJ, which lies five miles from Staten Island. Many relatives and old friends still live in that area, in New York




early for work, or that 8 AM class.

It made me think about perspective and gratitude. What is really important? Can we learn to not sweat the small stuff?

This all came full circle when I had my first conversation with my childhood friend Susan who grew up one house away from me. She was living year round in the barrier island town of Mantoloking, NJ. The ocean cut a new inlet through the island, completely washing away her home. They have no idea where her home is, there is absolutely no sign of it. She lost everything she owned.

The conversation was completely different than I anticipated. Susan was so positive. She said that this experience made her realize what was important, stating, “A friend of mine was right. We come into this world with nothing, leave with nothing and accumulate a lot of crap along the way.” I saw her one week later while volunteering at a church in Bay Head, NJ. The church was providing three meals a day to its community members. Susan said to me, “I feel lucky, I am hearing of friends who have recently been diagnosed with cancer. I have my health.” In fact two days prior she was volunteering to help others. What an inspiration!


So what makes some of us positive and the others not? Perspective allows us to understand the true relationship of life’s events. When times are tough it’s important to step back and reflect on how bad our situation could be. Take it down to basics and have gratitude for the things that we take for granted on a day to day basis…good health, the love and support of family and friends, food in our belly, and shelter. It does not get better than that! In this consumer-driven society we are constantly bombarded with messages telling us that we will be happier if we purchase new clothes or a car. It’s easy to lose sight of those basics. What did I personally learn to appreciate from Sandy? The well-being of loved ones and friends, my home, heat, hot water, food, lights, and normalcy in life. When times are tough I always think of others with perspective and I usually feel very lucky. Questions on college life? Email me at

773.481.2600 (PH) 773.481.2601 (FX)



ARE THEY THE BEST ALTERNATIVE ROCK BAND ON THE PLANET? There’s little doubt that Neon Trees is one of the hottest tickets in town (any town). This act is SO hot in fact, I had my doubts as editor whether they would even be able to take the time to give us the interview to get a cover story done. But in fact, thanks to their agents at CAA and the PR department at Island Def Jam Records, CampusActMag has landed an exclusive for our readers with lead singer and frontman Tyler Glenn.

It’s easy to imagine an act this hot having ego get away with them. In my almost 10 years of experience as an interviewer and writer, the young, hip and cutting edge rock bands tend to be duds in two departments critical for a great story: timeliness and responsiveness. Getting them nailed down for an interview can be tough, getting them to respond with content rich, fully structured sentences is even tougher. We got the interview set surprisingly quickly (thanks Max), a 1:30PM phoner. Even more surprising was how off guard I was when my phone rang at 1:29:59. “Hello?” “Hi, Ian? This is Tyler Glenn, from Neon Trees.” “ are punctual.”

Yes, that was actually the first thing I said to the singer of “Everybody Talks.” Before I could recover from that first quick jab, he hits me with a looping right that completely knocks down my guard put up by guilt by association typical rocker may have cast on my opinion of this guy. “We find it important to be attentive, respectful and punctual,” he says. “It’s just the way we do business and live our lives in general.” Am I in the right place here? Is this the same dashingly sly looking “Tyler Trash” from the “Everybody Talks” video?

So these guys are grounded. Having recovered a bit, I talk to Tyler some more about how this work ethic and good business practice haven’t been stamped onto them by some PR machine, nor is it something they had to learn to become a successful band. Rather than being changed by success (or changing to succeed...same thing?) it seems Tyler and company have had “it” all along. Not just talent, but wit, sociability and intelligence. In other words, not just a pretty face or hot name, but an act you actually want to work with. They haven’t changed for success, and they haven’t become desensitized by it either. “I think if we became used to it, we would become monsters. We would be that person no one can look in the eye. My friends probably wouldn’t hang out with me any more. If you get used to it, one should probably reconsider what they are doing in life. I for one think I will never get used to it, because every day is such an eye opener. When we get to a show in a town we have only been in a few times (or maybe never before) and there are masses of people waiting there for us to come and sing our songs...that’s profound. I don’t think we are the biggest band in the world or the newest band in the world, so I think that reaction is a testament to hard work and writing good songs that reach a lot of people.”

The band’s success with their most recent hit, “Everybody Talks,” has been monumental; featured in a Rolling Stone web stream, a Buick commercial, an opening slot for Flaming Lips, an “America’s Got Talent” live results show performance, and even a place for Tyler on the Ninja Turtles float in the CAMPUS ACTIVITIES MAGAZINE®, JANUARY 2013, 13

NEON TREES 2012 Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. Whew.

With this level of exposure, it’s little wonder Neon Trees is the name on the tip of everyone’s tongue, finding new ground in their fan base every day. However, they haven’t just come out of nowhere. Many of you may remember their first hit “Animal,” even if you didn’t realize they did it. 17,000,000 hits on this version: This is where the hard work intersects with NT’s career path; they were terrified of the curse of the one-hit wonder, and worked their tails off to make sure it didn’t happen to them. “There was a sort of innate fear within us when we had our first commercial hit with ‘Animal,’” Tyler says. “We thought that maybe everything would just go away as suddenly as it had come. At the same time, I think we were also content to have a hit song and at least have accomplished that. ‘Everybody Talks’ seems to have broken that tension and now we are in a place that is much more comfortable and we are really excited to continue to write music. We owe it all to the people who show up to our shows, buy (and steal) our music,” he laughs.

The commercial success of the last 2-3 years since the release of their album Habits is not the entirety of this band’s history. This wasn’t a dream team assembled in an L.A. executive suite, this is band with a long history of paying dues and unique struggles. “Chris, our guitarist and I have known each other for a long time,” he explains. “We played under the name Neon Trees back then, so that name has haunted me since I was 17,” he jokes. “But seriously building the name and repertoire of the band has been a real priority since about 2005. We modeled our rock band after the great American tradition of booking our own tours, posting fliers, piling in a van and playing until we dropped. Way before any label signing or release we

worked incredibly hard and I think we still have that mind set. We have to be involved in everything, maybe to a fault.”

Like my initial surprise at his punctuality, articulation and detailed answers, Tyler is conscious that they are not what people typically expect when working with a “rock” band. “I think when a lot of people look at us, hear our pop rock songs and see our image as shiny and showy as it is, it comes to their surprise that we are so involved with everything we do and every aspect of our careers, as a band and individually. I have never equated the entertainment business as anything fake or phony. Of course those elements can be present; I think show business has been around a lot longer than is thought by a lot of the posers that think integrity and authenticity come from wearing a flannel shirt. I think

there is a lot more authenticity in the business if you look for it, and I hope we are an example of it that people can find.”

I wouldn’t normally expose the most tired, cliche´ question in the “rock band interviewer’s handbook, “Uh, hey man, where’d you get the name?” but, it definitely is a memorable one with dynamic imagery called to mind. “It was a stupid inside joke amongst my friends and I in high school,” he says laughing. “None of those people are related to the band today, but we were just dorks who loved music, much of it stuff that wasn’t popular at the time (but maybe now is). It


sounded like a cool name more than anything though. When Chris (Allen) and I started this project really going, I think that was the name he liked the best so it stuck.”

Tyler, clearly a little abashed at the simplicity of it, finally coughs up the simple truth on their name. “It was named after the fluorescent palm trees at the In-N-Out Burger. I get embarrassed by it because it’s such a silly name and back story. In all fairness, I think a lot of band names probably start that way though and by then, you’re stuck with it (laughs). But I think it sounds nice, it has a nice ring.”

The band has a unique back story in that they were not formed in one of the U.S.’s music meccas like New York, L.A., Nashville or Atlanta. And, you probably wouldn’t nail it in 50 guesses. About an hour south of Salt Lake City, Neon Trees were sprouted in Provo, Utah. It might seem like a place with a remote chance of being “discovered” where a band gets going and then heads west to sunny L.A., but that’s the likely story. It can be much easier to drown in the sea of artists. So these players decided on the inverse. “Chris and I actually came from Southern California, having played in L.A., San Diego and other cities where you’d think there would be more opportunities for musicians but we were always kind of discouraged because there was so much other entertainment there. It was a bit of an overload, where people became desensitized, bored and uninterested to a point.” The move east was more than geographic, Neon Trees found electric soil in the fertile and less jaded minds of Utah. “Chris was going to school in Provo, so I just followed him. It wasn’t a conscious decision to pick a small town and start a band there, it just sort of happened. He was going to school and I had some interest in it myself, but more than anything I just wanted to stay with Chris to play music; luckily we found a really tight knit community of musicians and artists there. Most of the kids there are Mormon, so they are kind of either repressed for a lot of their life, or they learn music in church and express themselves through music naturally. It is a very

esting and different community than anywhere else in the world. We found a lot of life, and a lot of respect there.”

Despite not being on the boulevard with major agencies and record labels, they still found a vibrant and active scene to envelope them, and a bit of exclusivity to boot. “We definitely were the only band of our type around there...there were many other artists in the area, there were a lot of singing competitions and people took music very seriously. I think it had a lot to do with our success early on. There are a lot of all ages, places there where you can’t drink, so a lot of the focus for the audience is on the bands and the music, and the focus for the artists is on being as entertaining as possible to hold a sober audience.” Sound familiar? If this isn’t a mold that fits right into the campus market, is so whatever let’s just forget the complicated analogy. The fact is this is a highly professional band with a lot of experience and a huge profile. “Animal” really put them on the map, smashing into Billboard with a peak at #1 on the Alternative list, #2 on Adult Pop, #2 on Rock, #7 on Pop not to mention several others, including many international charts.

“Everybody Talks” has killed the curse of the one hit wonder, not just bringing them back to the surface, but the forefront of the mainstream, leapfrogging even the success of “Animal.” The song has hit #1 on the Pop charts, and number 6 on the Hot 100, the most widely sought after chart positions. It has been certified platinum, selling over 2 million downloads in just about 10 months. “It is refreshing that ‘Everybody Talks’ has done so well, because for almost two solid years ‘Animal’ was the only song that the general public would know. It felt like for a while we were stuck with ‘Animal.’ It was like ‘Okay, we have that song, and it came really early in our career, so a lot of people will look at us as a one trick pony. Of course our fans knew we had a great catalog, but it can get discouraging for a bit, because we knew we had more to offer the public and more fans to win over. For me,

‘Everybody Talks’ has been like a second chance, it proves we still have more to offer and continue to, which is nice. It’s fun now to have a handful of songs that are becoming big moments in our show, instead of just ‘Animal.’ It has continued to open doors for us and the recognition of us as people and a band continues to grow. It’s really, really exciting and we are incredibly grateful for it.”

If you haven’t seen or heard of AEP (Association of Entertainment Professionals), you should check them out. It’s an interesting amalgam of entertainment buyers and representatives from every active market. In any event, one of the sessions of this year’s conference was “Entertainment: What’s Hot?” The audience was polled on acts they’ve heard buzzing and would like to book. And when it came to bands, Neon Trees and fun.

came up over and over (see our October cover story of fun.). This coming from an audience of buyers representing audiences ages 8-80. “That’s the thing that I love the most; I love that we perform for more than just young people, or the people only on the inside of the concert crowd. It’s great to entertain children or teenagers, or folks that have teenagers. Obviously the youths in the audience are typically the most passionate, but we just played at Austin City Limits on Wednesday (which was a great opportunity I must say), and looking out and seeing that we appeal now to men my father’s age and women my mother’s age and their entire

NEON TREES family...I don’t know, I think a lot of people might look at that and say ‘Oh, that’s not very Rock N’ Roll’ but we set out to create something everyone could get in to. We are not from some idealistic hipster scene with allegiance to a certain genre or appearance. We just want to write songs that...I don’t want to be cliche, but songs that make the world sing. It’s the songs everyone are naturally attracted to.” Neon Trees don’t just sway the direction of any old breeze, and they never have. They maintain a level of decorum that makes them attractive to all buyers because they are true to their roots. I love puns. “I think we try to maintain a level of integrity that reflects how we were raised and the types of people we are in general. We never subscribed to the Rock N’ Roll lifestyle; even before we were successful we decided we wanted to be able to get up at 4AM to do a radio show promo or drive 12 hours to an event. Not to degrade anyone’s lifestyle choice or say that we don’t have any fun ourselves when we are off tour. That is anyone’s personal choice, but when it comes to our band and our profession, we focus. It has done us a world of good.”

Like many songwriters, poets and authors, Tyler is himself an avid reader, of a genre which particularly makes him not want to become another casualty of success. “I get really tired of the Rock N’ Roll cliches...I have read thousands of biographies and autobiographies. Since I was eight music has been my passion, so I’ve spent my life reading about the people who have encountered the same pitfalls over and over again. I’m not interested in mimicking someone’s career – I want to have my own story. It’s not surprising or original all the time, but it works for me and the people in my band.” Let Neon Trees work for you to get a massive crowd and crazy energy going for one of the HOTTEST acts out there. Contact David Klein at CAA at or 424-288-2000.



Beat-A-Maxx is a one man technological experience. Best described as a video deejay, Maxx takes things up a notch by combining mixes of modern music and video from film and TV to create a sensory experience. “It’s not just me deejaying and playing music, it’s an actual show really,” Maxx says in his distinctively British accent. “Even though the primary focus is the dance floor inspired by the music, I like to get a lot more crowd interaction involved when possible. We set up live cameras that show the crowd and also what I am doing technically, so people get a better idea of what’s actually going on. You’ll get various music video feeds and sort of random clips as well as clips from films and TV that I like. It’s kind of an all around audio/visual experience rather than just a musical one.” While Maxx does utilize the newest and best technology, he started off old school and still scratches live tracks while he’s performing, and jumps in live video edits on the fly. He’ll even take the show to the point of finding out a little bit about the group he’s performing for, and splice in pretaped footage into the show from their campus taken earlier that day! All of this takes a large amount of skill and experience, which Maxx has built, spending the last dozen or so years deejaying. One deejay does not fit all, there is certainly a difference, and Maxx

is one you can consider highly skilled, something laymen often overlook in this genre. “Especially in the last several years, the technical tools have become so accessible that there are a lot of folks who refer to themselves as deejays but it’s really just quite a lot of button-pushing going on. One of the reasons I still use the Technix Decks ( L-1200) is so you can obviously see that it is not just a streamlined button pushing process. There is practice, routine and some skill required. The technology is there yes, because the video is coming off a laptop, but I am still controlling everything with two vinyl turntables.”

Hailing from the U.K., he’s become easily one of the most recognizable deejays on that side of the pond. Playing exotic dates all over the world, covered with BBC credits and not surprisingly someone who is already a staple on the “uni” circuit as he calls it on his side of the pond, Beat-A-Maxx is hoping to take the U.S. college market by storm as well. If his reception at the most recent NACA West conference is any indication, it would appear we’ll be seeing more of Maxx.

He did a gig on the beach in Dubai, and was featured in the “Bestival” held on the Isle of Wight a show in front of 50,000 people on the main stage. “I think it was one of the first times I know of a video deejay doing something on that scale. You hear about some others here and there, but it hasn’t become quite a mainstream thing yet.” Coalition Talent has brought Maxx to

the states, and he’s retooling and gearing up to engage American audiences. “Doing the first showcase was really nice for me, because the reaction I got was very similar to what I’ve seen here. The comments were similar and that made me really happy. Sometimes things in the kind of cool, inside pop culture references can be quite different between the U.S. and the U.K., especially with the stuff I am doing because it includes TV and film. I had to look very specifically into what I needed to do for the showcase set, and gear it toward engaging the U.S. market. We feel we’ve made the transition pretty well.”

Maxx is a brand new act to the campus market, so this is your chance to get in on the ground floor for bragging rights and say you booked him first. He’s so fresh, he’s still adapting, and that means your campus could be one that guides the future directions of his everchanging show. “It is a bit out of my comfort zone, because I am used to playing often in night clubs in a dark environment, not having people seated and looking at me (laughs). Fortunately it was really good and the students there were really up for the music and dancing. I was thinking it would be really weird to have people sitting and watching what I was doing, but they really responded well once the light were down and we handed out glow sticks.”

Beat-A-Maxx will always try and find a way to make your school’s show stand out from the rest. Give Adam Sloat at Coalition Talent a call at Coalition Talent Agency at 949-9162844 or Adam Sloat to find out how.



When a performer falls into a category or genre like “variety,” a word that’s very meaning is used to describe the unique and different, it’s an awful disappointment to see someone who’s really not all that much different from the next juggler or magician.

But every now and then, the performer lives up to the genre’s namesake and brings something truly unique before an audience, providing variety from not only the average performer, but great variety within that artist’s own live presentation. Jonathan Burns, performing what he has uniquely branded as “flexible comedy,” fits the bill. Even if it takes a minute to figure out exactly what is due. “Sometimes when I describe my show, people still don’t quite understand it,” Jonathan laughs. “I call it a comedy contortion stunt show. Comedy as the overarching theme, my goal is always to make them laugh.” Jonathan has been practicing magic since he was around twelve, but in college began taking his show to the next level, not only expanding his repertoire of tricks, but the audiences he did them for as well. “

He went from doing kids birthday parties to performing for more jaded audiences on the street and eventually found the campus market. “I do many unusual tricks with my body; fitting it inside or through things that people aren’t normally supposed to go inside of or through.” A couple of examples include toilet seats (clean) and tennis racquets.

Jonathan also prides himself on being a great impromptu performer, able to entertain audiences with objects that seem common and everyday to the rest of us but to a skilled eye and hand are much more. This sort of unusual skill has taken him to some pretty exciting heights, like having Jay Leno call him “very impressive.”

“I use a lot of everyday objects to perform feats that aren’t usually associated with that object,” Jonathan says. “I fit through a toilet seat, tennis racquets and folding chairs and

even a picture frame. I do a little bit of juggling in the show, currently with a barbecue fork, an apple and a random object.” The show even begins with a kick, having Jonathan emerge from a suitcase situated on stage. “It’s a good way to start the show off with something unusual that maybe the audience tried to do as a kid but forgot about for a while.” Jonathan is really just the kid he was in elementary school that never grew up. “I was a weird kid... I told my first joke in preschool. It wasn’t appropriate and the other kids LOVED it. My teacher, not so much. As I got older I added other ‘talents’ to ‘my act.’ I would put my leg over my head for a laugh at the family reunion or spend hours at home perfecting my armpit farts.

When I was 12 a magic shop opened up near my house and I would go every week and pick up a few new tricks. Looking back I think my parents thought this might be a good way to channel my energy. It worked! I would perform tricks for friends, family, pets, pretty much anyone who would watch. Eventually someone took notice and asked me to perform at their daughter’s birthday party, so I threw all my tricks into a trunk, borrowed a bunch of scarves from my grandmother, and ‘wowed’ those kids for 17 minutes.”

Eventually Jonathan worked his way into busking (the jargon for street performing) and eventually the campus market. “I was part of a comedy duo that toured a lot of colleges for about 5 years,” he says. “I decided I wanted to try to make a go of it on my own. I had always worked on my own in the past, and even during the summers I was going solo when that show was on break. That is where the ‘Flexible Comedy” show came together.”

The skills Jonathan uses to perform campus shows were hardened on the streets. “I started street performing in college,” he says. It was just sort of a fun thing to do during the summer and a way to make a little bit of extra money.” It didn’t take him long though to find out busking is nothing to sneeze at. “I find out

within a month how hard it really was. Unlike other shows where the audience might be there for a certain reason or in an indoor venue and seated with a purpose (to see a show), on the street, you are performing for people who didn’t even expect to see a show (and maybe didn’t want to) and you have to try and hold their attention for 30 to 40 minutes, at which point you then have to ask them for money, which is a whole different ballgame in itself (laughs).” “It made me a much better performer. Prior to that my only training was doing birthday parties. Phasing from that to street performing and into colleges, I have learned a lot.” Jonathan says the more controlled and friendly environment of his evening stage show now being more the norm, he still uses the skills built busking, even in the campus market. “It’s the nooners (laughs). If I am performing at lunchtime in a cafeteria there are 8 million distractions. People are trying to get their sloppy joe’s, study for the test they have this afternoon and play Magic: The Gathering in the corner. I have to somehow coral these people into some sort of cohesive group interested in looking up and at me for a few minutes...and make sure they all have a good time while I’m doing it.”

This usually isn’t a problem. “Sometimes it’s tough, but sometimes those shows are really fun because the challenge of winning the room over is very gratifying. At the beginning for them there is only mashed potatoes; by the end, plates are forgotten and everyone is one your side, having a great time. They go about their day just a little bit happier than when they came. That’s the key for me.”

You’ve probably seen Jonathan a time or two on late night TV shows like “The Jay Leno Show” and “The Late Show with David Letterman.” See some clips of him performing in this story on our website, and see it in person on your campus by contacting Laura Gilman at Fresh Variety at (603) 518-5783 or


MATT SCHOFIELD: Matt Schofield's powerful mix of blues, rock, and New Orleans funk is unlike anything else on the block. Winner of three consecutive ‘Best Guitarist’ Awards at the British Blues awards he is rated in the top ten British blues guitarists of all time putting him in the company of such iconic names as Eric Clapton and Peter Green. ENTOURAGE TALENT • 212-633-2600

SHANNON FITZGERALD: As senior vice president of series development at MTV, Shannon Fitzgerald has created such series as Savage U and the upcoming Washington Heights. Her powerful, practical message for college students provides a roadmap for Generation Y as they struggle to make their mark on the world. APB • 800-225-4575

MURDER MYSTERIES: Customize your own mystery or choose a pre-written show. Add some basic campus information, tons of comedy improvisation and award-winning performers and you’ve got a the ideal school event. A big hit because the plots are silly, the characters over-the-top and the clues ridiculous. These audience-involved events include students as suspects, victims or detectives. BASS/SCHULER ENT • 773-481-2600

GET THE LED OUT: If you have ever considered presenting the music of Led Zeppelin The scope of staging and presentation of repertoire stands alone and without comparison. They've become the MOST highly acclaimed Zeppelin show by critics and fans. Don't be fooled by wigs and fake accents...GTLO delivers it straight from the heart. SRO ARTISTS: 608-664-8160

AARON NEVILLE: With MY TRUE STORY, Aaron re-visits the music he grew up with, and adds a few new spins along the way. Neville’s first release for Blue Note Records is a collection of twelve classic doo-wop numbers, performed in his utterly inimitable vocal style that include classics by such vocal-group giants as Little Anthony, Hank Ballard and the Drifters. MONTEREY INTL • 312-640-7500

JARED SHERLOCK: Jared Sherlock is known nationally as a new and exciting young illusionist and entertainer! Jared blends modern magic, juggling, showmanship and audience participation to deliver high-energy, interactive, clean comedy event entertainment. G.L. BERG • (888) 654-6901

MIKE ROWE Beginning in March 2013 Mike will debut Mike Rowe - The Dirty Truth, a live multi-media presentation focusing on the untold stories behind his show Dirty Jobs. Most people will also remember him not only for his family paper towel commercials, but his larger-than-life presence as a spokesperson for Ford Motor Company.

THE SHADOWBOXERS: The Shadowboxers have a passion for captivating lyrics, tight harmonies, and soulful vocals. They forged a cohesive sound based on diverse influences: Simon & Garfunkel, D’Angelo and The Beatles. This band’s sound has an unexpected R&B vibe that will sweep you off your feet! They found a collective voice that is soulful and catchy, and truly one of a kind. AUBURN MOON: (800) 566-6653

LONNIE SCOTT: A dynamic speaker with an uncanny ability to relate, Lonnie was a chief staffer to two influential members of the Michigan Legislature before running for the State House himself. His passion for politics and higher education has led him to be an expert in public engagement and he now speaks to college students about the importance of voting and what it means to be a real leader. COLEMAN PROD • 866-328-3762

HEADPHONE DISCO: Headphone Disco’ has rocked 112 schools in the past 12 months. Two Djins spin two contrasting styles of music while each guest has a set of wireless headphones they toggle between the two spinners. Guests pick their DJ of choice and then get busy on the dance floor in a room that’s completely silent.

BARRY ROTHBART: Barry Rothbart is one of the young rising stars in comedy today, as one of the stars of this years season of MTV’s Punk’d, as a stand up guest on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno, as well as landing a role as “Ben” on TNT’s Men of A Certain Age. Commercials including: Taco Bell, Honda and Miller Light. He was “Best of the Fest” at the 2011 Montreal Comedy Fest. K.P. COMEDY • (866) 769-9037

RICKIE LEE JONES: Rickie Lee Jones has made a career of fearlessly experimenting with her sound and her persona. Her unforgettable 1979 debut landed her two Rolling Stone covers in two years, and elements of her image were absorbed into the culture, from the Chuck E. Cheese to the interest in jazz and signature costume from so many female pop singers who followed. MONTEREY INTL • 312-640-7500

MONTEREY INTL • 312-640-7500

DEGY ENT • 732-818-9600

SMASHMOUTH: Collectively Smash Mouth has sold more than 10 million albums worldwide. Along with their number one hits “Walkin' on the Sun” and “All Star” , they have consistently impacted radio with hits like “Then the Morning Comes”, “Can't Get Enough Of You Baby”, and a cover of The Monkees classic “I'm a Believer”, which was on the Shrek soundtrack. MONTEREY INTL • 312-640-7500

JASON SCHOMMER: Jason made his Las Vegas debut where he opened for Louie Anderson at his hit show “Louie: Larger than Life” at the Excalibur. Louie says “Jason is someone who will make you laugh and hungry for more!” His style ranges from observational humor, to recounting hysterical encounters with infamous celebrities and hilarious commentary of pop culture. G.L. BERG • (888) 654-6901

ANDY DAVIS: Andy Davis's smart and seductive, soul music weds indelible hooks to sly, incisive lyrics, creating songs that sound like newly minted pop-soul classics. His “Heartbreak Yellow” (2012) debuted at #4 on the iTunes singer/songwriter chart. He recently made his television-acting debut with an appearance on Lifetime's hit series, Drop Dead Diva. AUBURN MOON: (800) 566-6653

OLI BROWN: Oli Brown is quickly becoming the player to watch. Beginning his professional journey at just 15 years old, Brown has shared the stage with such famous players as Blinddog Smokin', Buddy Guy, John Mayall and Walter Trout; developing pivotal relationships that taught him everything about Blues, about stagecraft, about walking tall and speaking to the audience. 2600 ENTOURAGE TALENT • 212-633-2

VINNY GUADAGNINO: Vinny Guadagnino endeared himself to audiences as a star of the hit MTV’show “Jersey Shore”. Although he was known for partying and a carefree life, he suffers from severe stress and anxiety. He speaks to colleges about avoiding stress and anxiety, including exercising, meditating, eating well, and surrounding yourself with a support system. APB • 800-225-4575

LEGACY LIVE!: LEGACY is the epitome of what a Michael Jackson tribute show should be. It embodies the live, onstage work featuring MJ impersonator LC Jackson and will keep you on the edge of your seat (or on your toes for that matter) as you’re taken through a spectacular journey with classics like Beat It, Smooth Criminal, Black or White, Billie Jean, Thriller and more!! G.L. BERG • (888) 654-6901



If you want to know how good an act might be that you plan on booking, just ask another campus where they have played. Here are current reports from our readers. All ratings here had complete verifiable information and were signed by the reviewer. All reports must have been submitted by the school where the date was played. These reports are comprised of reports electronically submitted on our web site and paper submissions. The easiest way to submit is on our website at You can also submit by mail or fax through 12/31/12. We only accept reports on the authentic form and only from the campus or institution. Reports MAY NOT be submitted by the artist or their agency. ALL REPORTS AFTER DECEMBER 31, 2012 MUST BE SUBMITTED ON OUR WEBSITE AT:

HERE ARE THE CATEGORIES FOR THE RATINGS FOUND AFTER THE BUYER’S NAME AND PLAY DATE: (1) ORIGINALITY; (2) ARTIST’S ABILITY; (3) RELATIONSHIP TO THE AUDIENCE; (4) COOPERATION / ATTITUDE; (5) ROAD CREW / MANAGEMENT; (6) AGENCY COOPERATION; (7) PROMOTIONAL MATERIALS PROVIDED. Campus Reports listed in RED indicate the buyer reported a perfect score in all categories that applied to their campus performance for that artist or event. Highlighted acts earned top rankings for this issue’s submissions ( . ATTENDANCE (When Available) AND THE LOCATION ON CAMPUS WILL FOLLOW THE PERFORMANCE DATE.


AARON KOMINOS SMITH Bass/Schuler Entertainment

Wentworth Institute of Technology, Boston MA 10/24/12 50 Evans Way Auditorium 5555555 This was Aaron’s fourth trip to WIT and like always a great show. Very funny. Rick Holland, Student _________________________________________ ADAM GRABOWSKI Auburn Moon Agency

Bemidji State University, Bemidji, MN 11/08/12 125 Hagg Sauer 100 5555555 Dylan Davison, President _________________________________________ ADAM MAMAWALA Sophie K Entertainment

Worcester State University, Worcester MA 10/10/12 200+ Blue Lounge 4455-54 Matt Lobucus, Comedy Chair

St. John Fisher College, Rochester NY 10/25/12 65 Campus Mainstage 5555-5Mark Prunella-Miller, SAB Spotlight Coordinator

Colorado Mesa University, Grand Junction CO 11/6/12 Bookcriff Cafe 5555--Adam was extremely easy to work with. His comedy was smart and extremely enjoyable. The students thoroughly enjoyed him. Tess Matsukang, Program Council Member Susquehanna University, Selinsgrove PA 11/16/12 150+ Trax Club 4555--Kaitlyn Tanis, Special Events Chair

JEN KOBER Admire Entertainment

University of Akron Main Campus, Akron, OH 11/14/12 217 Student Union Ballroom 555555Jen Kober has a way with bringing audience members into her act which had everyone in attendance laughing from beginning to end. Absolutely hilarious. Holly K Pilcavage, GA-RHPB _________________________________________ KIMBERLY CLARK KP Comedy

Denison University, Granville, Ohio 11/02/12 40+ The Roost 4455-5I thought that she was very good and one thing that impressed me was the fact that she asked about the temperament of the audience to her material before hand. We have previously had artists that were very touchy and the fact that she wanted to make sure that people were still comfortable was something that highly resonated with me. Latasha Hoard, Director of Comedy 2012-13 _________________________________________ MICHAEL KENT Fresh Variety

The College of New Jersey, Ewing NJ 11/16/12 50 Student Center 5555-55 Karissa Kozlak, Student Ctr Assistant Mgr. _________________________________________ MICHAEL YO KP Comedy

University of Akron Main Campus, Akron, OH 11/07/12 362 Student Union Ballroom 555555Michael Yo hosted our Students Against MS event this year and did an amazing job. He started off with his own comedy skit and ran the rest of the show so smoothly! Holly K. Pilcavage, GA-RHPB


MISSION IMPROVABLE Bass/Schuler Entertainment

Southeast Missouri State University, Cape Girardeau MO 5/7/12 300 UC Ballroom 5555555 Loved the show! The guys were very flexible. They worked with our students and the venue very well. We would love to have them back. Kayla Brannam, Comedy Coordinator Herkimer County Community College Herkimer NY 9/18/12 35 RMCC 288 5555555 The students LOVED it! A very good show. LeAnn Pratt, Assistant DSA

Adelphi University, Garden City NY 10/9/12 Univ Center Ballroom 5555-45 The show was energetic, very enjoyable and the audience was engaged the second they got on stage. We will definitely have them back. Jennifer Hunker, Assoc Director

Texas A&M University, Kingsville TX 10/22/12 Jones Auditorium 5555555 Had a lot fo energy throughout the performance. The show was a blast and all the guys were super fun. Lydia Ayala, Comedy & Magic Chair St. Gregory’s University, Shawnee OK 10/24/12 5555555 The show was wonderful. The students loved the show. Amelia Patterson, CAB

Valparaiso University, Valparaiso IN 10/27/12 Harre Ballroom 5555554 Loved them as always. They never disappoint! We invite them back every year. Jessica Wilson, Assist DSA Embry Riddle Aeronautical Univ, Daytona FL 11/2/12 100 Student Center

5555555 Love the show - talent and agency both are great to work with! Third year on campus & still very well received. Very engaging and always such high energy. Jessica Secrey, Associate DSA

Cazenovia College, Cazenovia NY 11/10/12 102 McDonald Lecture Hall 5555555 Cazenovia LOVED Mission IMPROVable! Worked with our campus' Improv Anonymous troupe and they are excited to try the new things MI taught them! Can't wait to have MI back again! Victoria Sokolowski, Campus Prog Coordinator _________________________________________ TREVOR BORIS KP Comedy

Albright College, Reading, Pa 10/10/12 65+ Campus Center Main Lounge 3344-44 Tiffany Clayton, Assistant Director of Student Activities

Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC 10/19/12 40 Dina's Place Theater 5554-4Taylor Redd, Comedy & Novelty Chair _________________________________________



University of Akron, Akron/Ohio 11/27/12 178 Student Union Starbucks 555555Joanna was a pleasure to work with. Extremely nice and polite. Her performance was interactive and her music was clearly loved by the audience. Holly K. Pilcavage, GA-RHPB JOSH VIETTI Diversity Talent Agency

Wartburg College, Waverly, IA


HERE ARE THE CATEGORIES FOR THE RATINGS FOUND AFTER THE BUYER’S NAME AND PLAY DATE: (1) ORIGINALITY; (2) ARTIST’S ABILITY; (3) RELATIONSHIP TO THE AUDIENCE; (4) COOPERATION / ATTITUDE; (5) ROAD CREW / MANAGEMENT; (6) AGENCY COOPERATION; (7) PROMOTIONAL MATERIALS PROVIDED. Campus Reports listed in RED indicate the buyer reported a perfect score in all categories that applied to their campus performance for that artist or event. 10/13/12 200+ McCaskey Lyceum 5442-3Katie Aldrich, Security and Logistics Executive

Viterbo University, La Crosse WI 10/26/12 70 Cafeteria 5554-24 Josh spent the whole show performing amongst the crow of students. He really fed off our energy. Kari Reyburn, Director of Campus Activities _________________________________________ PRESTON PUGMIRE Auburn Moon Agency

Concordia College at Moorhead, Moorhead, MN 11/08/12 150 The Maize 5555555 In my opinion, He is the best performer we have had at our school! He is one of the most kind people I have ever met and he is extremely talented with his unique style and sound. This is our second consecutive year having him perform at our school and he was even more amazing this year! I hope to bring him back again in 2013-14. Words cannot describe how great he is! Nick Bainer, Lead Commissioner Campus Entertainment _________________________________________


CHRISTOPHER CARTER Bass Schuler Entertainment

University of Illinois, Urbana, IL 11/01/12 50 Illini Union Courtyard Cafe 5555555 Our students thoroughly enjoyed Christopher Carter and his performance! He did promos before the show in our food court, and these promos really got the students engaged in his act and excited about the show. The performance was original and incredibly entertaining. I would recommend him to any student programming board! Jared Eakins, Illini Union Board Program Advisor

Joliet Junior College, Joliet, IL 11/06/12 125 Center Bridge 5555-55 Chris Carter never fails to wow the students and make them go "hmmm". He amazes us every year and he's a regular performer on our campus! Awesome show! Pam Dilday, Director of Student Activities Bloomsburg University, Bloomsburg, PA 11/09/12 138 Kehr Union Ballroom 5555-55 Rob Rowinski, Special Events Chair

Saint Louis University, St. Louis, MO 11/12/12 500 Busch Student Center 4555-54 Christopher was back for his second year here and everyone loved him again. He is very professional and one of our best reoccurring events every year. We look forward to bringing him back again. Sam Peterson, VP of Major Events Dominican University, River Forest, IL 11/16/12 81 Priory Auditorium 4555-45 Chris was fantastic. He did a great job of connecting to your students and provided a captivating and engaging performance. He was/is all that we could have hoped for and more. Students left the performance in awe, it was fantastic. Ian Van Anden, Student Involvement Coord.

University of Akron, Akron OH 11/27/12 5555555 He was excellent. Great to work with, he engaged the entire audience. He has a great personality. Kaylee Schuster, President CAB _________________________________________ CRAIG KARGES Karges Productions

SUNY Fredonia, Fredonia NY 10/26/12 194 Fredonia Opera House 5555555 There is no one better than Craig! He is so easy to work with and his show always blows people away! Erin Mroczka, Assoc Dir of Campus Life

Eastern Oklahoma State College, Wilburton OK 10/29/12 180 5555555 Great show! Overall from the first moment I made contact, everyone was pleasant and professional. Lori A Mitchell, Student Life Coordinator _________________________________________ DANIEL JAMES Bass-Schuler Entertainment

Bloomsburg University, Bloomsburg, PA 10/26/12 110 Ballroom 5555-5Rob Rowinski, Special Events Chair _________________________________________

DANIEL MARTIN Bass-Schuler Entertainment

after the event. He did a pre-show teaser to get students interested, which doesn't happen very often! His assistant was also a pleasure to work with! Cherish Mengel, Late Night Program Coord. _________________________________________ JOEL MEYERS GP Entertainment

Pennsylvania College of Technology, Williamsport, PA 11/03/12 40 ACC Auditorium 5555-55 Michael Hersh, Assist.. Dir. of Student Activities _________________________________________


Clarke University, Dubuque, Ia 10/19/12 80 Activity Center 4455-43 Callie Clark, Director of Student Activities

Rockford College, Rockford / IL 11/10/12 90+ Lion's Den 5555555 Everything lead up to the event, as well as the event itself was awesome! The promo pictures available were high quality and easy to work with. Jonathan arrived on time and was beyond accommodating. He was quick witted, appropriately humored and related really well to our large age range! Students, families, and staff all enjoyed the show! Jil Gates, Director of Student Activities

Missouri Southern State University, Joplin MO 10/17/12 200 Student Ctr Ballroom 5555555 Best Show we have had in a long time. Craig Gullett, Coord of Student Activities

Mayville State University, Mayville, ND 11/13/12 50+ On-campus Theatre 5555--It's really hard to get students to attend any of the events involving performers on our campus and they usually choose to go to sporting events over watch performers. I really appreciated that Jonathan did a teaser show in the cafeteria during dinner! It showed the students what they would be missing and made all the difference! We had great attendance and I wish more performers would do teaser shows! Kelsey Henning, Asst. Director of Student Life/Programming

St. Norbert College, de Pere WI 11/2/12 50 5555-55 Ebby Szczerbinski, Campus Life _________________________________________


Berea College, Berea KY 10/’16/12 150 Phelps-Stokes 5555555 He was great. Worked well with the audience. I haven’t had a show like his before and the students loved him. Daniel Carpintero, Assist Chair CAB

Saint Joseph’s College, Rensselaer IN 10/20/12 100 5555555 John May, Coord of Student Activities

FREDERICK WINTERS Bass-Schuler Entertainment

Ridgewater College, Willmar MN 11/8/12 100+ Cafeteria 5555555 Frederick was a real gift of commanding the attention of the audience. It is rare for our cafeteria to be in complete silence because student were so intensely listening to every word. Very professional and phenomenal to work with. Erika Kellen, Director of Student Life _________________________________________ JARED SHERLOCK G.L. Berg

UW-Stevens Point, Stevens Point, WI 11/17/12 100+ Alumni Room, DUC 4555545 Overall Jared did an excellent job - the students loved his performance and interacted with him

Williston State College, Williston State College 11/15/12 60+ Teton Grill 5555555 Jonathan was an absolute hit!! WSC loved him, and would have him back in a heartbeat! Tara Weltikol, Student Life Coordinator _________________________________________

McNeese State University, Lake Charles LA 10/30/12 100+ 5555555 Jonathan Frost puts on a great show. Colten Miller, Campus Activities _________________________________________ JOSH McVICAR Metropolis Management

Husson University, Bangor ME 111/27/12 130 Furman Student Center 4555555 Terrific promo/teaser before the show. Sterling Pingree, Coord of Student Activities _________________________________________ LARRY & RAVEN Fresh Variety

Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ 11/09/12 200+ University Union

5545-5Larry & Raven were extremely helpful during our entire show with the sound. They were more than willing to communicate and cooperate with our venue, layout, and audience. Our audience was completely amazed by their abilities. I would highly recommend them for any other performances. Kristin Oney, Programmer _________________________________________ MAD CHAD TAYLOR Bass/Schuler Entertainment

Rowan University, Glassboro NJ 11/01/12 100 Student Center venue 454544Sarah Olsen, Graduate Coordinator for Student Activities

Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ 11/09/12 200+ University Union 5555-5Mad Chad Taylor was so easy to work with and our audience loved him. He was extremely funny and his stunts were impressive. We would definitely recommend him for future performances! Kristin Oney, Programmer

Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana 11/17/12 800 Student Center 5555555 The most amazing show of the semester...and that's saying a lot! We will have him back, soon! Joshua Miller, Assistant Director for Programs _________________________________________ MAT FRANCO Mat Franco Magic

Montana State University-Billings, Billings, MT 10/22/12 300+ MSU Billings Petro Theatre 5555555 Mat was a great performer, one of the best we have ever had at our university! He was great to work with and all the students loved his performance! Alayna Lacher, Student Activities Board Chair _________________________________________ PROJECT DYNAMITE Bass/Schuler Entertainment

Clarion University of Pennsylvania, Clarion, PA 11/02/12 150 Gemmell MPR 5555555 Project Dynamite was the BEST show we had all semester. They kept the crowds attention and no one became bored. They definitely were worth it and are probably one of the best variety acts out there for campuses. I would bring them back in a heartbeat and everyone should too. Matthew Guerin, Weekend Programmer _________________________________________



Seminole State College - Heathrow Center, Heathrow, FL 11/06/12 30 HEA Center Atrium 5555-5Agata is great, she is engaging and fun. Our students loved having her on campus. Everything But The Mime is the best agency out there. Great service, great prices. Mauricio Garcia, Assistant Director, Student Life _________________________________________



HERE ARE THE CATEGORIES FOR THE RATINGS FOUND AFTER THE BUYER’S NAME AND PLAY DATE: (1) ORIGINALITY; (2) ARTIST’S ABILITY; (3) RELATIONSHIP TO THE AUDIENCE; (4) COOPERATION / ATTITUDE; (5) ROAD CREW / MANAGEMENT; (6) AGENCY COOPERATION; (7) PROMOTIONAL MATERIALS PROVIDED. Campus Reports listed in RED indicate the buyer reported a perfect score in all categories that applied to their campus performance for that artist or event. AIRBRUSH TRUCKER HATS -MICHELLE Kirkland Productions

Northeast Wisconsin Technical College, Green Bay, Wisconsin 11/08/12 78 Commons 4445-44 Michelle is always very easy to work with and cares about giving the students what they want. Kathy O'Brien, Student Life Aide _________________________________________ AWARE TEXT C.E.P. Inc.

River Valley Community College, Claremont NH 11/7/12 50 4445555 Let’s do it again! Valerie Mahon, Student Activities _________________________________________ BALLOONS BY LESTER & BODY ART BY SUSAN Everything But The Mime

College of Central Florida, Ocala FL 12/5/12 300 Bedford Plaza 555555Lester & Susan are simply amazing! The connect with students and have a blast while they are on campus. We love having them visit. They are great at what they do. Marjone McGee, Director of Student Life _________________________________________ BONGO BALL MANIA C.E.P. Inc.

West Ottawa High School, Holland, MI 06/03/12 300 Norton Shores Fitness 5555555 Very pleased w/ everything. Your staff was wonderful to work with. Lori L. Sweeney, Co-Chair Entertainment

Saint Francis University, Loretto PA 11/9/12 5555555 Nick Stellabotte, Student Actv Coordinator _________________________________________ DASH FOR DOLLARS GAME SHOW The Smith Agency

Manor College, Jenkinstown PA 11/14/12 4444442 Advertising posters were dated. Allison Fisk, Director of Student Activities _________________________________________ FORTUNE TELLER Kirkland Productions

University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR 10/26/12 500 UA Student Union 5555-5The students loved her! She had a line all night long. Carolina Valdizon, Cultures and Concepts Chair for University Programs _________________________________________

Lamar State College-Port Arthur, Port Arthur, TX 10/30/12 50 Student Center 5555-55 This event was a huge hit for our Fall Festival. The fortune teller was very professional and very impressive. We had students anxious to have their cards read. The personnel for this event was very cooperative and promoted the event very well. We were very pleased with the whole experience! Claire Thomason, Director of Student Activities _________________________________________


Central Community College, Grand Island NE 11/27/12-11/29/12 3 4 5 5 5 3 3 70 Main Corridor Drew was nice to work with and dealt with student professionally. No hassle show. Nick Freelend, Activities Director HAUNTED HOUSE Endeavor Entertainment

SUNY- ESF, Syracuse NY 10/19/12 5---443 Worked well with students. Agency was willing to work around the space offered and were creative about adapting the Haunted House to our needs. Kavya Krishnan _________________________________________

POSTERS Kirkland Productions

Northwest Missouri State University, Maryville, MO 11/02/12 50+ Golden Pond/ Flag Plaza 5555555 Brian was superb in all he did for my event. He was cooperative, friendly and took pride in what he was doing. He was a joy to work with and my committee members and others appreciated his work. He was awesome. Marlon Oliver, Director of Special Events _________________________________________ PRESIDENTIAL PICS Kirkland Productions


University of Nevada, Reno, Reno, NV 11/06/12 170+ JCSU Ballrooms 5555555 Very good! Tazia Statucki, Student Involvement Chair _________________________________________


Cazenovia College, Cazenovia NY 10/26/12 159 Morgan Room 555555CAB matched the Psychic Fair with our Halloween events. Flora brought 4 people, each having a different skill set. We had palm reading, tarot cards and runes. We also had a photo both set up so while students were waiting in line for the fortune, they took silly photos with props with their friends. I love working with Flora and her staff, we love Gr8 Show! Victoria Sokolowski, Campus Prog Coordinator _________________________________________

Cazenovia College, Cazenovia NY 10/25/12 224 Gym 555555They transformed our gym into a fog filled, black light, AMAZING laser tag course. It blew the student's mind when they saw our gym. Scott was so helpful and making the course fit well into our gym. We had the event from 9pm-1am, and so many different crowds of students attended. It was something the students talked about for days! We really want them back for next year! Victoria Sokolowski, Campus Program Coord. _________________________________________

Tennessee Wesleyan College, Athens, TN 08/16/12 0 Student Activities Center 5555--5 I didn't set anything up originally (change in staff) but it was a pleasure to work with them! Kerrie Lynn, Director of Student Activities _________________________________________ MOVIE POSTER SHOW CEP, Inc.

Piedmont Virginia Community College, Charlottesville VA 11/15/12 5555555 McNerney, Director of Student Activities _________________________________________ MYSTERY INK CEP, Inc.

Pueblo Community College, Pueblo CO 11/7/12 Student Center 5555-53 Lori Denney, Administrative Assistant _________________________________________ PHOTO BOOTH Kirkland Productions

Northwest Missouri State University, Maryville, MO 11/02/12 50+ Golden Pond 5555555 Andy was entertaining. My committee members and I loved the quality and detail of his work. He was also fun and a blast to work with. Marlon Oliver, Special Events _________________________________________



SPIN ART FRISBEES Kirkland Productions

Lamar State College-Port Arthur, Port Arthur, TX 10/29/12 60 Student Center -555-55 As always the equipment used by this agency was in great condition. Personnel operating the equipment was very professional and very personable with the students. I would highly recommend this activity. The students thoroughly enjoyed making the frisbees. Claire Thomason, Director of Student Activities _________________________________________ TEXTING/DRUNK DRIVING AWARENESS CEP, Inc.

American International University, Springfield MA 11/9/12 50+ Quadrangle 4555544 Andrew Ledoux. Grad Assist. Student Activities _________________________________________ ULTIMATE BLOWOUT CEP, Inc.

Thomas More College, Crestview Hills KY 11/19/12 4---544 Need more new and updated songs. Also “famous” songs. Examples: “call Me Maybe,” “Say My Name,” “Sweet Caroline.” Monica Kuscher, Student Activities _________________________________________ WARHOL ART PHOTOS Bobby K Entertainment

Cazenovia College, Cazenovia NY 11/09/12 134 Outside Dining Hall 533444Warhol Photos were something different for our campus. We added a crafty side to the event by

supplying foam stickers and markers so they could decorate the frames for the photos. It was very simple and straight to the point. They took your photo, they put in the computer, and then printed it. Students had fun, and would think about bringing them back again, but maybe with another event so there's more to do. Victoria Sokolowski, Campus Prog Coordinator _________________________________________ ZIPLINE CEP, Inc

San Jacinto College (Central) Pasadena TX 11/7/12 350-400 Outdoors 555545Fun event. High volume of students participated. An easy event to host. Amanda Rose, Coordinator of Student Activities Midwestern State University, Wichita Falls TX 11/08/12 170 Soccer Field 5555555 Maria Mamirez, Grad Assistant

Cowley County Community College, Arkansas City KS 11/12/12 125 5555555 Kristi Shaw, Director of Student Life _________________________________________


A SHOT OF REALITY Bass/Schuler Entertainment

Rutgers University, Newark NJ 10/15/12 5555555 Great show! Very informative and entertaining. They really connected with the audience. Jamie Henion & Kathy Lopez, Program Board Chairs Iona College, New Rochelle NY 10/16/12 Hynes Athletic Center 5555555 Fantastic! Thank you! Jackie Ripepi, Coordinator of Ed Services Dominican College, Orangeburg NY 10/17/12 Lawrence Room 5555555 Eileen Piccininni, Ed Coordinator

Texas State University, San Marcos TX 10/23/12 LBJ Student Center 5555554 Awesome performance. Relly got the audience’s attention. Ethan Moir, Forums Coordinator

Salve Regina University, Newport, RI 11/07/12 50+ DiSteffano Lecture Hall, Antone Academic Center 5555555 Fantastic show all around! Really brought it home & connected with our audience! Jivanto van Hemert, Director, Spotlight-- Campus Activities Board _________________________________________ DANIEL CARON Original Play, LLC

The University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida 11/07/12 15+ Barbara Ying Center and Graduate Student Center 5545-55 Mr. Caron did a great job, the workshops went better than expected. Students were thankful for

the ability to participate in the workshops. Graduate Knights (TeNeika Walker), Graduate Assistant _________________________________________ DEANNA LATSON Kirkland Productions

Emporia State University, Emporia, KS 10/24/12 75+ Memorial Union Webb Hall 5555555 Molly Poe, Talks and Topics Chair _________________________________________ DEL SUGGS Del Suggs

The University of Texas - Pan American, Edinburg, TX 11/10/12 50 CESS Building 5555555 Del was amazing! I really appreciated the time he took to get to know the students. The students walked away with information that will help them succeed not only in college, but in life, and I thank him for that! Erica Lopez, Program Coordinator _________________________________________ ELAINE PASQUA Pasqua Productions, Inc.

Wesley College, Dover DE 11/13/12 5545-54 LaDarius Thompson, Coord of Student Affairs Delaware Valley College, Doylestown PA 11/15/12 100 Levin Hall 5555--3

Excellent presenter! Sharon Donnelly, Counseling Coordinator _________________________________________ JESSICA PETTITT Kirkland Productions

University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, Oshkosh, WI 11/03/12 100+ Reeve Memorial Union 4555-44 Jenny Lopez, Program Advisor, Diversity and Inclusion _________________________________________ JOEY GLOOR Edge of Fitness

Western Illinois University, Macomb, IL 10/02/12 500+ Western Illinois University 55555-5 Western Illinois University was REALLY impressed with the way students and staff responded to Joey Gloor and his wellness programming. There was a strong draw to his programming as he is a TV personality working with college aged students on MTV’s hit show, “I Used to be Fat.” Joey has a prolific and transformative message in all that he does; his energy is contagious as well. The programs were inclusive of all levels of fitness and Joey's message of transformation is versatile yet targeted enough as to be relatable to many audiences and life topics. Joey is a client that is easy to accommodate and it was amazing to watch him work in many settings e.g. group fitness, keynote, small group lifting, community building, student organization development, and nutrition seminars. You can mix and match his performances to meet your campus needs. The experience was a true value, many campus departments had interest in co-

sponsoring this programs and the feedback from our community was for Joey to come back next year. This performance would be perfect for educational institution, professional development, corporate, and for any other venue/audience who want to hear and feel transformative power of fitness. This program was also awarded the 2012 NACA Outstanding Campus Collaboration Program (First Place). Check out Joey at Jessica Mueller, Asst. Dir. of Student Judicial Programs _________________________________________ MARC ELLIOT- SPEAKER ON TOLERANCE Coleman Productions, Inc.

University of Akron Main Campus, Akron, OH 11/07/12 125 Student Union Theatre 555555Marc was very open and honest with the audience keeping everyone engaged until the end of his session. Holly K. Pilcavage, GA-RHPB _________________________________________ BLACK JEW DIALOGUES Bass/Schuler Entertainment

University of New England, Biddeford ME 11/29/12 65 Campus Center 5545555 The agent was easy to work with and both performers were great. An awesome experience. Beth Smith, EDutainment Coordinator



Louisiana State Univ, Eunice LA 10/31/12 400 Student Union 5555-55 Excellent show enjoyed by students and employees. Dr. Althea L. Jackson, Coord of Student Activities Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw GA 10/23/12 50+ Legacy Gazebo 5555444 We’ll be having him back to campus next semester. Brent Obleton, Program Coordinator

If you are a student considering a career in the entertainment industry, we need to talk. CAM is looking for writers with credits and student interns. Most positions will allow you to work from home or campus. INTERESTED? (803) 712-1429




Because of the huge influx of ARCs in recent issues driven by our online reporting system, Beginning January 1, 2013, WE WILL ONLY ACCEPT REPORTS THROUGH OUR WEBSITE OR iPAD, iPHONE, iPOD OR ANDROID APP. But don’t freak out, the reason is to give you a better reporting system. We will continue to publish results in our print edition but are building a more long-term resource for you on-line. If you are an artist or any agency, try to gradually convert to this system now so you won’t be left out. It is acceptable for your artist(s) to have the form readily available for buyers on a iPad or tablet at the end of their performance if the school feels comfortable giving feedback at that point. Some schools may feel intimidated by this approach and choose to complete the form after speaking with their students. An easy solution in this case would be a customer service call or email to the buyer after the play date requesting that they evaluate your show. The system is simple and easy and most campuses have already begun to use it. It completely eliminates most information errors and helps us track the number of dates played and the success of those performances. This is information that can be extremely helpful to schools as they look at artist and agency histories.



Please use these instructions for assistance in completing your online evaluation for your event. Give your response based on your interaction with the act and agency. It is important that you value the over-all performance of the artist by how your audience received the show and his/her ability to relate to your students during and even after that event as well. Remember that other schools may or may not book this act based on your experiences. Be as accurate as you can. Give details in the comments section. ARTIST NAME AS IT APPEARS ON YOUR CONTRACT






Campus Activities Magazine’s®

This form may only be completed by someone associated with the event on your campus. ALL reports are subject to verifica tion. Any schoolSIMPLE submitting poor ratings must supply reasons for the response. We will accept report cards made mo THIS EASY WAY TO REPORT ON SHOWS ATNOT YOUR CAMPUS than ninety (90) days following an event. We will NOT accept report cards from artists or agents. This report is not considere IS AVAILABLE AT authentic unless it is signed, dated and a telephone number listed. Other schools may want to contact you to get an update on your experiences. SUBMIT SEPARATE FORMS on EACH or program unless it was an event booked as a package RIGHT ON THEartist HOME PAGE. through the SAME AGENCY. You do NOT have to rate an artist in every category unless it applies to you.

It improves accuracy and helps create a database that you will




1 Artist/Attraction:______________________________________ Agency: ___________________________2 Genre: K Music K Comedy K Novelty/Live K Novelty/Game K Speaker K Perf Arts K Other_______ 5 3 Performance Date: _________________ Attendance: ________ Venue: __________________________ 4 6 7 School:__________________________________________ City/State: ____________________________8 7 Submitted by: (Print) ______________________________________ Title: _________________________10 11 Contact Telephone: __________________________ Email: ______________________________________12 13 Did The Artist Arrive On Time? _________ Was The Show What you Anticipated? ________________ 14
























5 5


5 5



















Be very clear with the agency on the exact GENRE of the act you are reporting on. Comedy hypnotists are NOT comedians but qualify only in the VARIETY category. Speakers that make you laugh are NOT comedians but SPEAKERS. Artists that make funny balloons are not VARIETY but qualify as games. To be considered VARIETY the artist must have a stage show (mentalist, magicians, jugglers, hypnotists, etc.). By splitting categories you rob the artist of an accurate over-all score AGENCY NAME AS IT APPEARS ON YOUR CONTRACT APPROXIMATE ATTENDANCE






Additional Comments:______________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________


The information collected on your ARC form is protected information. Campus Activities Magazine does not sell, share, barter or trade your information with any outside sources unrelated to our company. Information collected is primarily used to verify the authenticity of your submission should any question arise. We may also use your email address to make you aware of any promotions or special events within the entertainment industry that we feel might benefit your campus. We are constantly working with agencies representing talent we feel are exceptional offers that you generally would not be exposed to through other sources. However, these offers come only through us and not by sharing private information with others.


David is the FIRST SPEAKER EVER to be honored as Entertainer of the Year and he attracts LARGE, diverse audiences! His programs are backed by specified LEARNING OUTCOMES and he provides a rare blend of entertainment and education!

David’s team has a GENUINE INTEREST in the success of your event. They will work tirelessly to deliver an experience that will surpass your expectations! "In just one night you earned my trust, respect and admiration. I laughed, cried, grew and felt understood for the first time. What you do is pure genius." Corey P., Emerson College

DAVID’S MOST REQUESTED TOPICS: Making Relationships Matter (Healthy Dating/ Relationships/ Romance/ Sex) • “Unplugged” with The Dating Doctor Go APE for Leadership (Attitude, Preparation, Effort) • Why Be Ordinary When You Can Be Remarkable? HOORAY! Building A Selfless Community • Two Hours To A Team • Making Greek Life Matter Making Your Teammates Matter • Personalized Leadership Retreats • And Much More!

Trends in general tend to be cyclical, but it can still be hard to find a smooth blend of old and new.

Kazual is that perfect amalgam of contemporary and classic. Four hip young men who can sing the latest hits but turn around and sing great hits from the Doo-Wop era all the way through the heyday of R&B and soul. They even bring genre-stretching selections to the table, such as The Beatles “Yesterday.”

This is a tight knit group, family in fact. Three brothers D-Mac, Playboi and Lil Gabe are joined by cousin E Jae in a quartet that has been singing together more than half their lives. “We came from a very conservative background,” Playboi says. “We weren’t allowed to listen to mainstream music, but were heavily involved in music in the church. Since we couldn’t listen, we sang.”

Eventually the group was secretly singing their favorite songs and realized they really had something to build with the skills they had honed in the church. They began performing as much as possible, quickly putting highlights on an entertainment experience beyond only

having great vocals. “Kazual really puts a heavy focus on having strong choreography in the show,” Omar Wilson, the group’s manager, says. “They have worked extremely hard to make sure that aspect of the show is not just solid, but exceptional.” From the Atlanta area, they soon were singing anywhere they could as a group and it was not long before they started gaining notice on the national stage. “We were featured in the third season of ‘America’s Got Talent,’ which was a huge boost for us, E Jae says. “We got great feedback, some positive, some constructive, but overall the amount of exposure to the mainstream we gained was invaluable.”

It was through another performer on that season of “America’s Got Talent” that Kazual (@kazual1 on Twitter) discovered their connection to the campus market. “We met Xclusive on the set of ‘AGT,’” Lil Gabe says, “and hit it off right away. Since he’s such a great dancer and we have such a strong emphasis on our choreography, we became natural allies there. He mentioned Metropolis Management to us and we hooked up with them from there.”


The team from Metropolis quickly worked on getting them exposed to the campus market, the first of which was a national showcase at the APCA National Conference in Jacksonville, FL in March of 2011. “That was a great experience,” D-Mac remembers. “We were thrilled with how energetic and enthusiastic the campus activities students were and immediately knew we wanted to be involved in as many dates in this market as possible.” After multiple successful showcases with both NACA and APCA, Kazual has filled in much of their schedule with campus dates and looks forward to even more. “We hope to be able to tour and play as many dates in the campus market as possible. We really enjoy the reception we get, how they seem to appreciate the entire range of music we perform, and how easily they relate to us, because we are not that much different in age from them. We think it’s a great fit and hope all the schools out there do too.”

BOOK IT! For more information on bringing Kazual to your campus, contact Metropolis Management at 877.536.5374 or



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PO Box 509 Prosperity SC 29127

CAM JAN 2013

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