Campus Activities Magazine - October 2012

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AEP Rocks Vegas


A Legend Call It Quits


An inside look at the top acts that could easily cross-over to the campus market and why you should book them. If anyone has made an impact in the campus market over the last 4 decades, it has been Barry Drake. There are tears as he announces his retirement.

Matt Giraud


Josh Vietti


He won national acclaim by making it to the Top 5 on “American Idol”. His good looks and amazing talent make him a good music choice.

With already great reviews coming in through ARC’s, Josh is one of those outstanding young artists that is both talented and unique.


An Exclusive Interview With One of the Top 5 Groups In The Country. All you need do is check the iTunes and Billboard’s Top 100 charts to understand just how significant the impact Fun. has made in the youth market.


From the Publisher Laff Guru Real Life AEP’s Top Hits Barry Drake

4 6 8 10 16

FUN. Jonathan Frost Entertainment Warehouse Josh Vietti Artist Report Cards

20 26 27 28 28


Changes For 2013

The responses to Artist Report Cards (ARCs) has been nothing short of phenomenal as you can tell from this issue. Because of this increased volume, we find that we have to eliminate paper and faxed evaluations and go strictly to online SUBMISSIONS. More than 60% of campuses are already completing these forms on-line, but the remaining 40% still take up a huge chunk of staff time, because not all forms are complete and readable. Many schools feel that can simply give us the abbreviations and we will know who they are, but it takes a staff person searching through our database to find the correct name of the school and the location and sometimes the name of a person submitting is unreadable. The online system leaves nothing to chance (except bad grammar). When you click on the image on our home page at campusactivities- the form comes up as an easy to complete document. In mere minutes you can complete your evaluation and not have to worry about faxes, stamps or emails. Not only that, the system is currently under revision to take a lot of the guesswork out of your submissions. Previously where you were left to your own devices, a drop down menu will appear and you can simply select the appropriate response.

We have also found that students and staff are more likely to give a comment regarding the show because the comment box is easy and simple. This also helps other schools because comments make it easier to explain the grades that you just gave the performance.

By submitting your reports online we will have a much more complete and correct ARC section both in our print and online versions. Plus this will be a huge step forward in the development of our online database that will give you access to every


artist playing the campus market, photo, bio representation and possibly even video. Eventually you will have a real time calculation of their overall report scores as well as a complete history of all their past reports to present time so you can review all past history on the act. This system should be available sometime in the near future and will be completely searchable by name, genre, agency, etc. One final note, please be concise in selecting the appropriate genre for the act you are reporting on. Please submit the report under the name of the artist on your contract. Agencies should be consistent in how they identify their acts because any other name will split not only the number of reports submitted but fail to give the act complete credit for the events they have played. Never submit your report as Mentalist Christopher Carter, but simply Christopher Carter (category: Variety).

shaped hot tub in 1963. Life Magazine ran photos of this latest novelty and a flood of publicity followed, resulting in the naming of the Pocono Mountains as the "Honeymoon Capital of the World." (Although there are undoubtedly some folks in Niagara Falls that would beg to differ.)


My Unexpected Honeymoon

I love my life. I have had the privilege to perform comedy in all fifty states and twenty-three countries. I spend a sizable portion of my time in resorts that most folks save all year to visit, yet I am paid to be there. Not to say there are not some sacrifices that comes with the job.

Being a comedian touring thirty five weeks each year is not conducive to having a wife, having children, or even having houseplants (as impossible as it sounds I managed to kill an Air Fern). The majority of the time I lead a solitary life devoid of familiar faces, only strangers paid to talk to me: flight attendants, cab drivers, and hotel desk clerks. It is not unusual for me to go weeks when every conversation I have with the person in front of me is the very first time we have ever spoken.

Not to say that being a touring performer is a totally lonely lifestyle. This was best expressed by a veteran comic that gave me some advice when I was still new to the business, “I quit taking my wife on the road, because I discovered that every city I go to... has women there.” One job perk I rarely mention to others is the aphrodisiac effect holding a microphone has on some women in comedy clubs. Being the Alpha Male in a room where inhibition-reducing alcohol is served often makes females want to get to know you better...rather quickly.

But tonight I know this occupational benefit will escape me. My love life will suffer—despite being in the “Land of Love”—because I have been hired to perform at Caesars Cove Haven Resort. Perhaps you have heard of it? It was the place that introduced the heart-

Honeymoons are an eight billion dollar a year industry and Caesars Poconos takes in its fair share with rooms costing upward $460 a night. Fortunately for me, they share these profits and pay their performers well, which is why I am willing to forego the aforementioned job perk. Cove Haven is what comics refer to as a “date gig.” Unfortunately for me, it was a last minute booking and I did not have time to arrange for a traveling companion. I arrive at the “couples-only” resort and see dozens of amorous pairs walking arm in arm, sadly, I have nothing on my arm but a suitcase. Everywhere I look is a depressing reminder of my love life, or lack thereof, because everything is heart-shaped, from the sign at the entrance, to the plates in the restaurant, to the outdoor swimming pool. If there is a heaven for cardiologists, this is it.

I decide to venture out to the pool where, being the only “non-couple” there, I am met by suspicious eyes. I try to form the appearance of a man that is not single, but simply one with a wife that can’t swim, or won’t be seen in public in a swimsuit. I can’t help but notice how many mismatched couples there are, and after a few minutes of repeatedly asking myself, “What is she doing with him?” I conclude she is enjoying a $460 a night room.

Despite being in the mountains the air is warm enough to be pleasant, but when I stick my foot in the heart-shaped pool I recoil at the frigid water (even my ex-wife was not that cold hearted – ba-da-bing!) So I return to take a dip in the my room. You read that right; I have a pool in my room! Along with a sauna, fireplace, Bose sound system, and (naturally) a heart-shaped hot tub.

The centerpiece of this extravagant display of romantic indulgence is the bed. It, however, is not heart-shaped (which would only work if one person was into dating people without legs) no, the bed is round, under a ceiling equipped with simulated stars that electronically twinkle. It also is lined with mirrors, which constantly remind me of who I am not with. Anybody.


If I was, like most of the other guests, on my honeymoon I’m sure these accommodations would induce a state of carnal arousal. But alone it only induces a state of mild nausea at the thought that every surface in this room has had sex on it...recently...and not by me. I’m convinced that if I had one of those CSI lights that make bodily residue glow, this entire resort could be seen from Mars.

But as Abraham Lincoln said, “People who like this sort of thing will find this the sort of thing they like.” And like it they do; the resort is packed with an odd combination of young urban people and older white people. (Well, not older white people—more like the parents of older white people.) Half the men are wearing baseball caps backwards and the other half is wearing Depends. At the show I discover that finding a joke that both demographic groups agree on is a challenge. And unlike every show I have ever done, gender bashing material (“Men are sluts, right ladies?”) is met with the unnerving sound of nothing but the crickets outside. For the first time in my career absolutely no one in my audience has any issues with the opposite sex they care to acknowledge with laughter. The opposite sex can do no wrong in the Land of Love. I feel a knot of tension forming in my back and suddenly understand why the resort pays so well. After the show rather than continue to feel like a third wheel, I return to my room to soak in my hot tub in hopes that the pain in my back dissolves. Like the bed, the hot tub is also surrounded with mirrors that start just above the ten inch backsplash and extend upward to the ceiling. This requires me to rise up to see my reflection, and this requires me to face a difficult decision: which needs more treatment, my backache or my narcissism? Being an eternal optimist I decide there is a silver lining to this lonely cloud: this solo honeymoon experience might make for an interesting column. And some woman might read it and be amused. And we might meet and fall in love. And we might marry and go on a honeymoon. And I might know just the place... Steven Kent McFarlin has been described by the press as a “campus entertainment icon.” He offers two great events at one great low price, and has been voted “Campus Comic of the Year” ( and the “Campus Performer of the Year” ( His credits include over fifty TV appearances, including: Showtime, Good Morning America, and The Late Show. He is represented by GP College Entertainment.



Costa Ricans have been known to stand in line for two days to vote. They also have a 98 percent voter turnout.

Democracy is one of our greatest gifts, yet it is often taken for granted. Many Americans do not exercise their right to vote. Since 1972 the voter turnout for a presidential election has averaged between 50 and 55 percent and it is much lower for midterm elections. Ultimately a minority of our population chooses who maps the course of our public policy. How often do you hear people complain about the state of affairs in their home town, state, or in our country, but they never vote?

People are tuning out because they are disgusted with the whole process. I know I am. Let's face it; it’s really ugly out there. It's even getting ugly on Facebook. I try to shy away from political posts, but just once I had to respond to a statement on Health Care that was posted by a childhood friend. That night my neighbor started debating with him over their differences and my childhood friend unfriended me! I was blissfully singing in my living room with a group of friends unaware that all hell was breaking loose on my Facebook wall!

Many do not take the privilege of voting as seriously as they should, and they base their votes on television's 30 second sound bites. During the 2008 presidential primary I asked a friend who he was voting for. He replied, "Obama." I asked him, "Why?" and he simply said "Change." I said, "Is that all?" He replied, "Yes, change." "Change" was the basic platform Obama ran on. My friend did not consider his prior experience or voting

record. Across the aisle people were casting their votes for Bush because, "I could drink a beer with him." I've drunk beers with some fun people, but that did not mean that they were qualified to run this country!

Based on the recent Supreme Court ruling Political Action Committees can run ads without disclosing who is funding the spot and ultimately controlling the message. Very wealthy individuals are contributing large sums for their personal gain. We have seen an onslaught of neg-

bility to filter out the 30 second sound bites and put more energy and time into our vote. Let's face it - the candidates are trying their best to influence your vote in seconds because television is the most popular campaign medium. A lot of money and psychological analysis goes into this process. Research as much as you can by seeking out non-biased sources. We now see news networks and publications that clearly lean to the left or right. Candidates, their advisors, and political pundits often distort the truth or eliminate important facts as they try to garner votes for their side. is one of the most reliable sources of the truth. Don't take everything you hear or read at face value, spend a little time to research the facts. Don't be afraid to cross party lines, vote for the person you truly believe will do their best to move us forward. Most importantly vote in every election, even in the primaries. What happens on a local and state level is as equally important.

ative ads much earlier in the election cycle, mostly coming from these 527s backed by mysterious donors. Often donors cross state lines to influence the outcome for their party in another states’ political process. When an ad is actually sponsored by a candidate, he or she smears their opponents’ reputation rather than telling us how they intend to improve our quality of life.

How much do you truly know about the candidates? We each have the responsi-


Look at it this way, when you apply for a job, your prospective employer spends a fair amount of time researching your past, and interviewing you. I think you would be blown away if he or she only considered you for 30 seconds. We are hiring someone for one of the most important jobs in this country. Let's be the best employers and do our homework so we feel confident knowing we hired the right person for the job. Remember - Get Out the Vote!

Questions on college life? Email me at

ALTER  Associa

Review By Albert Reynolds Photos by Ian Kirby

When I was first approached by W.C. Kirby to write a review of the 2012 AEP Showcases, it was for this publication’s sister magazine, American Entertainment. But because I was once a programmer while in college, he also asked me to select

the best acts that I thought were most appropriate for the campus market for this magazine too.

So here’s the deal. The talent was stellar and the production was simply amazing, so it was very difficult


to pull out shows that had more of a campus feel, because almost all of them could play for your schools. So I have picked ten, but if you weren’t there, you missed an experience. Personal preferences and campus demographics are key.

EGO ated Entertainment Consultants

Alter Ego was the last performance of the conference and the audience could not get enough of this amazing production. They gave you a short rendition ( 30 minutes) of their show that chronicles the history of pop music. The entire show has 95 costume changes. Did you ge that:

95! The Ovation Theater provided an excellent venue for this show and the costume changes were seemless as was the music. Once the show started, it did not stop for the complete 30 minutes with each song fading into the next. The got a well deserved standing ovation

Bruce In The USA is probably one of the best shows ever to recreate the work of Bruce Springsteen and these guys look and feel the part. This is not a group of amateurs but headliners at Vegas casinos and the experience shows. Matt, who played the part of Bruce, belted out the hits



VINCE MORRIS Admire Entertainment

and the musicians and back-up vocals were spot-on. If you want a show that emulates pretty much a complete catalog of The Boss’ hits, Bruce In The USA hits that mark.

Restless Heart - what can I say. They were a crowd pleaser and the most anticipated act of the conference. These guys have been playing together for 30+ years. How many other groups can you recall that are still performing today who have all the original members? The vocals were dead-on and the music was just as it was when it was first performed - hit after hit after hit.

If you have been in the campus market, you have probably seen Recycled Percussion. Here is a group organized by Justin Spencer who started in New Hampshire and ended up at the Tropicana in Las Vegas via “America’s Got Talent.”

Of course the show has been tweaked for a bigger audience, but much of what you are used to seeing as staples of a RCP show are still there. The guys still perform campus dates when they can fit them into their busy schedule. Now you get a show that is more refined but still full of spontaneous energy.


There were actually a few a capella groups that performed at AEP on different showcases. The Standards did an excellent job as did Tonic Sol Fa, but the group that really caught my eye was The Edge Effect represented by Richie Compton of Metropolis Productions in Orlando. This was a group made up of top singers from other groups who had all been performing professionally for some time. The sound was as smooth and sensational as any a capella act I have ever heard, and I have heard many. This group had their act together. Not only were they talented and blended



ably, but their stage presence was clean and professional. While there is no room to tell you about the history behind The Edge Effect here, if you want to know more, check out the pre-conference issue of American Entertainment Magazine at

When I saw the promo for Bronkar Lee, in my mind I thought he was just another juggler. Man, was I wrong. He is a beatbox juggler and while he is young, he knew how to engage the audience. Brilliant work for a young artist. This guy has got a future. A perfect act for campus

audiences or an opener for theaters and major shows.

We also got a visit from “America’s Got Talent” Runner-up this year, Tom Cotter courtesy of Neon Entertainment. Tom has been around the campus market and has always been a clean and successful option. He came across as personable and his comedy delivery was spot-on.

The glue that held all the shows together were the incredible emcees.

All were exceptionally talented and extremely funny. Mike Rayburn was

first out of the box. If you have any history with the campus market, you will remember that Mike earned Campus Entertainer of the Year three times from Campus Activities Magazine® before heading out to become a well known motivational speaker who uses music and comedy to bring his points across. He has really fine tuned his show and while it had a comfortable feel, there was some great new stuff. He has been inducted in the Speaker Hall of Fame and played to rave reviews at Carnegie Hall. As emcee we got to see his unique combination of music and comedy.


BRUCE IN THE USA Craig Neier Entertainment

BRONKAR LEE About Entertainment

Ron Pearson is a well known comedy juggler who really showed how experience can hold an audience in the room. With a seemingly unending catalog of stunts, quips and jokes, he had the audience in the palm of his hand. Audience members were eager to come up on stage and be a part of his crazy high jinks. From juggling a giant step ladder on his face to stuffing ping pong balls in his mouth to juggling on top of a giant unicycle, Ron had the audience in awe and laughing hysterically. Talented and funny, he adapted to anything the situation threw at him.

I would have never dreamed it, but Vince Morris was one of my favorite artists at this conference. First of all, he was a stand-in for Jen Kober when she had to drop out because of a television part. So he had to fly from the east coast at the last minute to perform.

Not only was Vince hilariously funny but for the most part he was extremely clean. His comedy was a lot of conversations with the audience and on the spot ad libbing. While he certainly used material from his original set, so much of this was offthe-cuff that it was hard to tell what


was planned and what was not.

His topics were about himself, his family and everyday life - things that all of us can relate to. He kept the audience engaged and in their seats in between performers. His “living room” style approach made the audience feel as if they were involved.

If you were considering coming and missed this conference, you really need to kick yourself. Not only were the performances far better than most conferences but the production value was far superior. I guess maybe I should have expected that

THE EDGE EFFECT Metropolis Productions , Orlando


knowing that these folks were professional artists, entertainers, agents, buyers and producers. It was a relaxed crowd where everyone got to know everyone else and they were serious about this business. The educational sessions were interactive, so everyone got a chance to ask questions and be heard and the members of the panel at each session really tried to ask the tough questions that all of us have to deal with to generate comments and get answers.

I was surprised and intrigued by how many top level entertainment

producers, agents and buyers from so many sectors were actually devoted to this organization (that is just its second year). Obviously there is huge room for growth as the association develops and the challenge to keep the atmosphere the same as they move forward. But as more and more industry people join their ranks (and they will) it should become a mecca for new and developing talent spanning a wide buying demographic. This certainly dispels the notion that “Everything in Vegas, Stays In Vegas.”

For full reviews and photos of all the acts as well as selected video, see the post conference issue of American Entertainment Magazine next month (

About The Author: Albert Reynolds is a professional critic/observer for corporations and facilities wanting unbias reviews of their events. He has been involved in the entertainment industry for more than 30 years. Photos: All photos provided by Ian Kirby © 2012

For more info on AEP:



Barry Drake Dedicated His Life to Music As A Performer, Historian and Speaker. His Retirement Leaves A Void To All Who Saw His Shows. As Barry Drake prepares to say goodbye to the market that has been an intricate part of his life, he looks back on 42 years. It is probably hard for many of you to fathom that many years, but Barry considers it all with fond memories.

“Every year I would go on the road in September and rarely come home at all and maybe that is why I’m thinking it is time for it to come to an end.”

Barry started out performing for four years in New York City, entertaining at every club and college that would take him. A singer-songwriter, he was the go-to guy when someone needed information they couldn’t seem to find anywhere else.

“The late 60’s was the heyday of rock music. You had Woodstock and the Monterey Pop Festival and a multitude of talent presenting itself – living in New York made it the ‘Perfect Storm’. If I had been living in Omaha, I would have never had the chance to be me. I was the guy emceeing the clubs where all these artists were coming to play, so I was exposed to a wealth of information. New York was where the record companies were, where the managers were, the venues and the attorneys. I was in the thick of things.

Barry’s Lectures which began in 1984, spanned five decades of music history. The roots of Rock and Roll were in the 50’s, The British Invasion hit this country in the 60’s along with Woodstock and a rush of rock artists; then of course Disco changed music again in the 70’s, The 80’s took music into the video age and the 90’s was a time when rock was winding down.

Barry believed that “when Rock hit its Post Modern Era in 1990”, it had lost what it was all about to begin with.

“The Rock Era has been around some 57

years. That is more than twice the length of the entire Jazz era and the longest known art form we have had on earth. Once you get 57 years away from the beginning, it begins to get watered down. That doesn’t mean that it isn’t good but is it what the Beatles had, or the Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin or Bob Dillon? And the answer is no!

“After 1990, you began to see a re-issue of classic rock artists like Zeppelin, The Beatles, Pink Floyd and others. If you walked around a college campus you would not really see t-shirts with Arcade Fire on them but more of the classic rock artists.” But the average college student right now was born in 1991 or 1992. “It won’t take too long for The Beatles and other artists to fade and be remembered like we remember Frank Sinatra and Bing Crosby. That hasn’t happened yet but it will. These kids are way too young to remember Grunge Rock Bands. The closest thing to that for them is No Doubt or Maroon 5.

“Music is and will always be constantly evolving. Once rock music hits Broadway, it is pretty much past its prime.” The digital age is upon us and Barry thinks there is both good and bad.

“First it put music into anyone’s hands. I did my first album with Capital in the early 70s. I did my second album myself in the mid 70s and that was a living hell! Now any kid in any room can put out a CD. Most artists will put out one every year because it is an easy thing to do. Being signed means nothing like it used to. There are only about 10 major record labels now. The bad thing is that they gave everyone in the world a digital master of an album and the means to copy it. What are we not supposed to copy that CD? They have handed us the technology. That was in the late 90’s. Now all you have to do is download the song or album and kids these days don’t even download the whole

album so they can’t understand the depth of the artist. All they care about is that one song.”

How many college dates has Barry done? The answer is 4,000. “Some schools I have been to at least 40 times. I believe I have been to Winthrop University 44 times in 37 years. In 42 years I have logged more than 2 million miles and flown only 10 times.” He is the longest running artist to ever do the campus market and he will proudly tell you that #2 is his wife, Pat. “She has been at every show I have done since 1976.” Some things remain the same. Barry for 42 years has projected his images on a 20’ screen with a slide projector. He says he thinks it is what makes his show different. “That big image of that Atlantic 45 rpm record with its red label is impressive. Power Points all look the same to me. Never exciting.” For the last few years, Barry & Pat have been decelerating. “A performer should never just simply stop. We will certainly miss our friends and colleagues but we have gradually cut back in order to transition into retirement. The last couple of years we have only been on the road September, October and April. Before that when we left we never knew when or if we would get home.”

There is no doubt that Barry has lived a dream. He has performed with and personally known many of the top performers in the history of music. He has lived a rewarding life sharing his knowledge with eager college students wanting to experience through him life in this crazy industry. Barry is a man who has no rival, only friends and we wish for him and Pat, all the joy and adventure this next portion of their lives can bring. But it will be hard to top the past.





Sometimes we get lucky. We get the opportunity to bring you, the readers, an exclusive interview tailored just for you from some of the most contemporary and hottest artists of the time. See Key & Peele on our August cover. Sometimes we crusade. We bring forth cover stories not necessarily because of how hot the artist is, but because there is a message, purpose or meaning to the show we feel important for students to be exposed to. See our cover in last November’s issue on Dr. Cornel West. Very rarely do we get to do both at the same time. We get an exclusive chat with an act that is not only totally en fuego, but is doing something to change the world while they’re at it. See this cover on fun. and the Campus Consciousness Tour, sponsored by Reverb, Ben & Jerry’s and The Ally Coalition.

If they had only a one-hit wonder with the now epic “We Are Young,” fun. would be a monster success. The official YouTube video is north of 143 million hits and exploded into the mainstream collective consciousness being featured in numerous placements, the first of which was “Glee.” It was then in a Chevy Superbowl commercial, and hit number 1 on Billboard. It was the first ever single to log 300,000 or more sales for seven consecutive weeks and has been certified 5 times Platinum by the RIAA. However, the infectious rhapsody “Some Nights” has proven that they have album power and staying power. You can’t go around a corner right now without hearing this song, which at the time of this writing is number 4 on the Billboard Hot 100 and is on commercials, movies and radio stations everywhere you look.

We have a conversation with Jack Antonoff of fun. and find out that while they live up to their name, it’s not all games for this band, as the first topic we cover is their headlining the Campus Consciousness tour because of their deep commitment to equality. “The way we see it, LGBT rights is a human rights issue, and human rights is everyone’s business, whether you are the one being

oppressed or not. No one is free unless we are all free. Just because some of us were born into the ‘elite’ class of being straight doesn’t mean we shouldn’t care about everyone else living in our communities that have less rights because of their sexual orientation.”

Jack says one of the most important things fun. (and you) can do with the platform they’ve suddenly been provided is simply raise awareness around the subject. “We all feel very strongly that this is not being discussed enough among bands and artists, and really everyone else outside of the LGBT or far right traditional marriage camps. It really should be at the forefront of discussion. It is the civil rights issue of our generation and there is are no better people to talk about it with, that are going to change the world more, than college students. They are at the age where they find their voice, they go out and vote, they make a difference. They are the future of arts and business and will set the tone for the next generation. We want to do our part in making sure everyone knows how important it is to speak up.”

For Jack, Nate Ruess and Andrew Dost, the idea of doing more with their success than simply to be successful is a vital one. “That is a big part of it too; to have the success we have had, it would be unfortunate (and kind of lame) if we didn’t recognize the other things that came along with that, such as the responsibility to use that platform to say something of value, and to be a little bit bigger than your music. We are a band inspired by the 90’s, whether it was Fiona Apple or Pearl Jam or Radiohead. It’s an effort to make a bigger and more lasting statement.”

“We Are Young” was only released just over a year ago, and “Some Nights” in February of this year. The level of activity for the band has been so explosive, it’s clear from talking to Jack that the dust hasn’t even had a chance to settle when we talk about the band’s introspective perception of the current pinnacle of their success. Clearly the group hasn’t even had a chance to step back and admire the view, let alone gain any perspective on it. “It’s not as if we are so



disconnected from reality that we are excessively, obnoxiously humble in a faux Forrest Gump way - of course we are humbled by the success, of course we are aware of it but honestly, we do have a hard time grasping it on a tangible level, especially in the U.S. because we have been touring internationally for so long. We don’t have access to U.S. TV and radio. We’ve been in Europe for months at this point, and even when we are in the U.S. we’re on the bus the entire time or we’re in meetings or working on the show. We definitely are seeing an increase in crowd size and enthusiasm, but I don’t think any of us have gotten enough time to settle into our regular lives since all this happened, so it’s hard to comment on our profile back home or the success we’ve had because we’re still in the eye of the storm. I haven’t really even heard much of our songs on the radio, especially “Some Nights” and I want to; I want to experience it the way everyone else experiences it and get that kind of ‘dream come true’ satisfaction (laughs).” Jack is okay with not resting on their laurels though. “The ironic thing is, that to be where we are now, we have had to work so hard we don’t have time to kick back and enjoy it. But, if we had that

time, we wouldn’t be doing what we need to do to see that success anyway. It’s strange. You can’t have both.”

The song “Some Nights” in particular has become set to be the next “We Are Young” anthemic type of favorite we all remember for years. Jack says from the moment they had the final cut, the band knew they had something special. In fact, if you want to pick up their CD, the album is named after this title cut. “We knew it was very special to us, but in no way did we anticipate how special it would be to the mainstream audience. The only thing that we thought was that it was a profound artistic achievement. If you polled the three of us, we would all agree it was the greatest artistic achievement on the album.” Personally, when I hear “Some Nights,” the layered depth and vocal and instrumental olympics one hears always puts me in mind of Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody,” arguably one of the greatest modern compositions ever and one famously tough to create in the studio. But once it was done, there was magic in the air and Jack describes a similar process in the creation of “Some Nights.” “It was a long road working on that song

because it was very tough to put together. Once it started sounding like itself, we did have that moment where we thought ‘wow this is really happening.’ The song was turning out to be not only what we sought to create, but something even better. That is an incredible moment. To me, the song ‘Some Nights’ still sort of sums up the mission for what the album is about. The song always had that artistic allure for us, but we are all still a little baffled it commercially has become such a success. To us, it was the centerpiece of the album, but not what we thought would be for the general audience. I mean, it doesn’t even have a chorus. It’s an odd song that jumps around between points, but the words are extremely poignant, which obviously has resonated more fully with fans than simply a catchy hook. It excites me not only for us, but for the future of where radio might go as well.” The influences of fun. run a broad spectrum of space and time, but one reason they are so palatable for the teen through college generation is that these guys are also hip to their music. Only in their late 20’s themselves, the guys in fun. are still discovering new musical influences and ideas, many the same as their audiences. “There are certain influences that are very current and at the tips of our tongues. Those are the people that are out there popping right now like your Kanye or Drake, the people we are sitting around the studio discussing. Then, there are those more bedrock influences, the artists that don’t seem to get brought up in every day conversation as much but are equally as influential on the shape of our music. The Beatles, Queen, Led Zeppelin, those recording artists that don’t get brought up because they’ve always been there.” fun. is going to be launching the Campus Consciousness Tour at the end of October in Portland Maine through the end of the semester. Check out this ultra hot band on a very important and proactive (and totally green!) tour.


BOOK IT! Contact Matt Galle at Paradigm Entertainment at 212-897-6400 or for more information.

Matt Giraud came to wide acclaim in 2009 as a contestant on season eight of “American Idol.” Although eliminated in the final rounds, by going all the way to the Top 5, Matt was able to not only solidify a nationwide following, but opened the door to become familiar with the campus market as well. “I’ve dabbled in college shows since ‘Idol,’ but since have played mainly solo publics concerts. The campus market is something I’ve enjoyed a lot so far, but I definitely want to perform for college students more in the future. Being able to come back into the campus market after his time on “American Idol” is a full circle adventure for Matt. As a graduate of WMU, he performed with a group while in college that was brought in by their very active CAB. “I remember doing a show where we got to perform down in the heart of the school and it was cool to be in the hub of where everyone was eating and studying, right in the heart of campus life. So, I definitely remember CAB from my WMU days, but I wasn’t gigging on my own yet at the time.” This is an act scouted for the campus market exclusively by Coleman Productions, who reached out to Matt about pursuing campus dates. “It seemed like a good fit. They are located geographically near me, and I have played colleges before but never had a real college agent. I am very excited with Coleman Productions because we have things set up for a big push with flexibility to get as many shows routed in the campus market as possible.” Flexibility comes into play when schools may not have the space, production or budget for the full band production. “We can do solo dates, acoustic dates or full band shows. We are going to try some new things, which I am looking forward to.”

Matt’s first showcase will be at NACA Mid-America in November. It’s one he’s excited about and, unlike many artists used to performing only concert length shows, Matt fitting a nice sampler of what he can do into the 15 minute showcase model should be no problem. “I do have some experience with that sort of thing (laughs), it was called ‘American Idol.’ It was a crazy experience, where you have about a minute and a half to prove yourself to some of the most critical judges of talent ever. I am not too worried about having 15 minutes for an audience of college buyers who are jazzed to be there. I can do a lot in 15 minutes (laughs).” BOOK IT! For more information on booking Matt Giraud, contact Coleman Productions at (866) 3283762 or


Jonathan Frost represents a different and spine-tingling form of variety entertainment to the campus market. In a world flooded by comic magicians, Jonathan prides himself on being set apart by infusing a truly theatrical sense of drama and intrigue into each of his performances.

This is not your typical little sibs weekend show (though Jonathan does taper some for different audiences), but something that should be considered an opportunity for students to completely release their everyday perception of reality and tip a bit over into the abyss, questioning what is and what could be. Where a comedy magic show can take students into a delightful realm of temporary laughter, a show like Jonathan’s has the potential to suspend reality completely and draw viewers into a nether realm of thrilling excitement. It’s not for everyone, but for students who are mature enough to be treated like adults, this sort of reality bending experience could open minds.

“I actually don’t even refer to this as a ‘magic’ show at this point,” Jonathan says. “I tend do describe it as an interactive paranormal experience. I have taken myself out of it, and focus more on beliefs, assumptions, reality and the supernatural and things that just fascinate me. It’s not, ‘hey look at me the magician do this cool trick so everyone will like me’ it’s ‘check out this odd thing that will still trip you out when you try to describe it to your friends days later.’” Jonathan has taken his passions and combined them into the ultimate career path, delighting himself and audiences at the same time. “I began performing around age seven,” he says, “which rooted my love for entertaining, and around that same time I fell in love with horror and monster movies. The two intertwined from a very early point.”

The type of effects you can expect from an “interactive paranormal experience” includes mind-reading, Ouija style ghost sim-


ulations, some things move that shouldn’t, you get the picture. “My audiences can expect to be thrilled and a little bit scared, but it’s also a safe and fun environment with enough levity to break the tension, and no one ever leaves thinking the just saw the devil incarnate (laughs- not diabolically). We play with illusion and perception and the way we typically look at the world. No one will be sure of quite anything, everyone will have a healthy dose of curiosity, which I encourage along with their own healthy levels of skepticism, questioning and fact-finding. This show isn’t about scaring anyone or making them believe in something they don’t; it’s about opening up your mind to possibilities, even if only for an hour. So sit back, have a good time and be prepared to tingle.” BOOK IT! For more information on Jonathan Frost, contact Chilling Entertainment at (845) 242-3593 or

One of the hottest and most interesting trends we are seeing in entertainment today is the amalgam of various styles and genres coming together to form a fresh new act. Since the rise of YouTube and “America’s Got Talent,” mainstream audiences have become very accustomed to the traditional acts in music, comedy and variety and have grown increasingly hungry for new and different concepts.

Josh Vietti is an immensely talented and classically trained young violinist, who has taken this notion to heart. Training for years in the classical music world, Josh stepped from the concert hall to the street, of all places to perform. There, he learned that capturing and maintaining the attention of a crowd was not to be taken for granted with the man on the street as it was in the concert hall. He suddenly went from a uniquely talented classical violinist to an entertainer, utilizing classical techniques to cover contemporary influences in hip hop, pop and R&B.

Like most entertainers who begin young enough to become professionals acts in their 20’s, Josh’s entry into this world is thanks to his family as much as any natural talent he has been presented with. “I started when I was four,” he says. “I was lucky because my mom could tell that I had a really good ear for music.” Perfect pitch in fact. “We couldn’t actually afford violin lessons...luckily I ended up with 28, CAMPUS ACTIVITIES MAGAZINE®, OCTOBER 2012

a scholarship when I was seven and studied with Mischa Lefkowitz of the Los Angeles philharmonic for over 10 years. I got some really good training.” Josh rolls off this stat as old hat, but it’s clearly one that’s impressive and quite uncommon.

All of his training is classically based, but his passions are much more contemporary. “I went to college, but didn’t study music; I was a communications major at Cal State Long Beach. Once I graduated, I got a regular job in sales and management, but around 2005 I started messing around with GarageBand. I made a few songs and made a demo and decided to start street performing. The first place I ever played was the 3rd Street Promenade in Santa Monica.” Josh ended up selling 65,000 CDs from the trunk of his car over the next 5 years. “Things started really picking up then.” Josh has since appeared on The Ellen Degeneres Show, opened for Ne-Yo, Fabolous, Earth Wind & Fire and more. His first college circuit tour will see him at over 100 campuses. Be one of the first to score Josh, a guy who’s played the Michael Jordan Celebrity Invitational, Eminem’s SiriusXM channel Shade 45, Microsoft Worldwide Convention, amassed almost 5 million YouTube hits. Contact Brian Dennis at Diversity Talent Agency at 770-210-5579 or for more information.


If you want to know how good an act might be that you plan on booking, just ask another campus where they have played. Here are current reports from our readers. All ratings here had complete verifiable information and were signed by the reviewer. All reports must have been submitted by the school where the date was played. These reports are comprised of reports electronically submitted on our web site and paper submissions. The easiest way to submit is on our website at You can also submit by mail or fax through 12/31/12. We only accept reports on the authentic form and only from the campus or institution. Reports MAY NOT be submitted by the artist or their agency. ALL REPORTS AFTER DECEMBER 31, 2012 MUST BE SUBMITTED ON OUR WEBSITE AT:

HERE ARE THE CATEGORIES FOR THE RATINGS FOUND AFTER THE BUYER’S NAME AND PLAY DATE: (1) ORIGINALITY; (2) ARTIST’S ABILITY; (3) RELATIONSHIP TO THE AUDIENCE; (4) COOPERATION / ATTITUDE; (5) ROAD CREW / MANAGEMENT; (6) AGENCY COOPERATION; (7) PROMOTIONAL MATERIALS PROVIDED. Campus Reports listed in RED indicate the buyer reported a perfect score in all categories that applied to their campus performance for that artist or event. Highlighted acts earned top rankings for this issue’s submissions ( . ATTENDANCE (When Available) AND THE LOCATION ON CAMPUS WILL FOLLOW THE PERFORMANCE DATE.


ADAM ACE Neon Entertainment

University of Akron, Akron, OH 08/19/12 134 Daum Theatre 555555He really knew how to read his audience and kept everyone laughing beginning to end. Extremely interactive! Holly K. Pilcavage, GA-RHPB ADAM GRABOWSKI Auburn Moon Agency

Williston State College, Williston, ND 08/22/12 90+ Teton Grill 5555555 Adam set the bar high for future comedians! He was really great, easy to work with and the students loved him! Tara Weltikol, Student Life Coordinator University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND 09/14/12 275 Memorial Union Loading Dock 5555-55 Adam was great to have on campus! He had everyone laughing within seconds! Kristina LeMire, Lectures and Performing Arts Coordinator

Jamestown College, Jamestown, ND 09/18/12 100+ Reiland Auditorium 5555544 Adam was very entertaining and engaged the audience and asked for their participation! My stomach hurt by the end of the show from laughter! He's great! Andrea Toepke-Floyd, Novelty Events Coordinator

Northeast Wisconsin Technical College, Green Bay, WI 09/24/12 38+ NWTC - Movie Lounge 5555-55 Adam does a great job of tailoring each show to match the students who are in his audience. He has hilarious songs, dances and a slideshow that had the crowd laughing, thinking and then some laughing

again. He was a pleasure to work with, and after a year and a half without comedians we were not disappointed to have Adam be the 1st comedian of our Laugh'N Lunch Series! Kaitlyn Fitzgerald, Student Involvement Assistant

Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI 09/28/12 650+ Marquette University Alumni Memorial Union Ballrooms 5555555 Adam Grabowski was beyond funny, and if I had to give him a rating out of 5 stars, he would definitely be a 6! Adam is so personable and was more than willing to hang out and talk with students after his show which was awesome and everyone was obsessed with him, the show, and the Whozits and Whatzits Galore shirts. If we could, we would have Adam back at every single event; by far one of the greatest college comedians out there!! Amanda Roenius, Marquette University Student Government Programs

Minnesota State University Moorhead, Moorhead, MN 10/04/12 200+ Weld Hall 4455-4Very relatable to college students, and Adam did keep the performance from becoming too vulgar. Somehow I received a different tech rider from the agency that did not include a projector and hook up, which the artist needed. Theresa Boyle, Showcase Coordinator ADAM MAMAWALA Sophie K Entertainment

Johnson & Wales University, North Miami FL 9/6/12 60 Wildcat Event Space 5545445 Shawn Lee Lum, CAB Muhlenberg College, Allentown PA 9/14/12 75-100 The Red Door 5555--5 Sara Grasberg, Comedy Chair

University of Alberta, Edmonton Alberta CN 9/26/12 81 Dinwoodie 4444-54 Very pleasant Individual, easy to work with. Great performance. Audience enjoyed the show a lot!

Jennifer Wanke, Sr Mgr- Programming & Venues

Penn State Behrend, Erie PA 9/29/12 68 Bruno’s Cafe 5535-54 We had sound issues and he was very cooperative. I am very excited to bring him back in the future. Victoria Butler, Comedy Chair Marist College, Poughkeepsie NY 9/30/12 230 Cabaret 5545444 His performance was outstanding! Made everyone in the room cry with laughter. Adam did a great job and I would book him again in a heartbeat. Kristen Forget, Comedy Chair-Prog Council Loyola University/ New Orleans, New Orleans LA 10/4/12 95 Nunemaker Hall 5555555 Outstanding! Happy for the opportunity to host Adam. Courtney Williams, Assist DSA ALI WONG Kirkland Productions

University of Akron, Akron, OH 09/05/12 938 E.J. Thomas Hall 555555Ali was absolutely hilarious from beginning to end! Holly K. Pilcavage, GA-RHPB AMY ANDERSON Summit Comedy Entertainment

Salve Regina University, Newport, RI 09/11/12 164 Antone Center 5555-5Amy was absolutely OUTSTANDING. We were really looking forward to having her as our opening comedy act this year and she definitely exceeded our expectations. Our audience number was STANDING ROOM ONLY and that never happens!! Being my first comedy show as director, I was absolutely ecstatic about the turnout and her connection with the audience. Her show was original and Amy is so down to earth! We would love to have her back and everyone who attended really enjoyed the show and talking with her afterward. Massive thank you! Emily Barkan, CAB Comedy Director


Southern Vermont College, Bennington VT 9/5/12 80+ 5555545 Anton was very funny. We found him at NACA NE the year before. He’s a really nice guy. Karoline Chranowski-Sears, Dir Student Involvement Albertus Magnus College, New Haven, CT 09/12/12 35 Bolstadt Pub 3344-44 Kaitlyn Dyleski, Assist Director for Campus Activities BUZZ SUTHERLAND Comedy Productions

University of Akron, Akron/Ohio 09/25/12 502 Student Union Ballroom 555555Buzz puts on a fantastic show through audience interaction and his talented use of fun and popular voices! Holly K. Pilcavage, GA-RHPB CARMEN LYNCH KP Comedy

Lesley University, Cambridge, MA 09/21/12 40 Theater 4455-5Carmen was great to work with and students enjoyed the performance! Elizabeth Abowd, Chief Financial Officer COLLIN SWEENY AND MIKE Personal Readiness Summit

Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio, Texas 08/28/12 200+ on campus 5555555 Absolutely the best show I’ve seen in a long time. Presenters were OUTSTANDING!! They checked in a head of time, make arrangements and contacted me by phone several days ahead to discuss details and were true professionals. They connected with the audience and not only gave a great performance, but MADE the performance GREAT! Awesome job. Troy Moravec, Event Coordinator



HERE ARE THE CATEGORIES FOR THE RATINGS FOUND AFTER THE BUYER’S NAME AND PLAY DATE: (1) ORIGINALITY; (2) ARTIST’S ABILITY; (3) RELATIONSHIP TO THE AUDIENCE; (4) COOPERATION / ATTITUDE; (5) ROAD CREW / MANAGEMENT; (6) AGENCY COOPERATION; (7) PROMOTIONAL MATERIALS PROVIDED. Campus Reports listed in RED indicate the buyer reported a perfect score in all categories that applied to their campus performance for that artist or event. COMEDIAN: ASIF ALI Metropolis Management

Cazenovia College, Cazenovia NY 09/07/12 149 McDonald Lecture Hall 4535-32 Asif was fun to have on campus. He bounced jokes off our students. However, to make his publicity for our campus was hard with the small photo the company emailed me. His website was more helpful. Victoria Sokolowski, Campus Program Coordinator COMEDY MAGICIAN: BEN SEIDMAN Summit Comedy, Inc.

Cazenovia College, Cazenovia NY 08/31/12 147 McDonald Lecture Hall 5455554 Ben's show was very unique and shocked our students. You heard much laughter and "Ahhhhh"s during his show. He brought comedy into the magic so smoothly. With the mind reading, he hit a couple walls, but no one's perfect! Overall, we enjoyed having Ben Seidman at Cazenovia College! Victoria Sokolowski, Campus Program Coordinator CRISTELA ALONZO Arson House

Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC 08/19/12 1500+ Byrnes Auditorium 555554Cristela was AWESOME!! So many students enjoyed her performance and asked me to bring her back to campus again, soon! Taylor Redd, Comedy Chair of DSU Programming Board University of Akron, Akron/Ohio 09/18/12 510 E.J. Thomas Hall 555555Cristela was extremely interactive with the crowd! She had a little bit for everyone in the crowd to keep us all laughing. Holly K. Pilcavage, GA-RHPB DEAN EDWARDS KP Comedy

Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas 08/21/12 575+ Allen Theater 5555-55 The only reason we scored N/A for road crew/management is because the artist was the only agency member we had contact with. Dean was great to work with. The students loved the show - especially how he brought audience members on stage to participate. He is a seasoned veteran and is so easy to work with. Thanks for an awesome show! Kelsey Holt, Tech Activities Board Advisor DON’T WE BOYS Kramer International

Bethel University, McKenzie, TN 09/05/12 55 Multipurpose Room 5555555 Our students are usually hard to please but the Don't We Boys knocked their socks off. They are already asking when they are coming back to campus. The guys were fun to work with and absolute joy to watch on stage. They were funny, current, and just all around amazing. I would give them a 15 out of 10! Rachel Stephens, Director of Student Activities Le Moyne College, Syracuse NY 9/15/12 65+ 5555555 Excellent! Beth Griffith, Area Director ERIC O'SHEA Summit Comedy

University of North Florida, Jacksonville, FL 08/17/12 800 Theater

5555-5The show and artist were great! Did not have a single student leave the show! Brent Fin, Director ERIK RIVERA Bass/Schuler Entertainment

Lewis University, Romeoville/IL 08/24/12 75+ Student Union 5555555 Erik gave a wonderful performance and all the students seemed to have enjoyed the show. So glad that we booked him and we wish him the best of luck! Sophia Barakat, SORC

Lindsey Wilson College, Columbia, Kentucky 09/27/12 240 Hodge Auditorium 5555-55 Erik Rivera was awesome! Our students loved him, as his show was hilarious. His improv skills are great, and we will definitely be looking to have him back soon! Adam Capps, Asst. Director of Student Activities GRANT LYON G.G. Greg

Wittenberg University, Springfield, OH 08/29/12 180 Central Dining Room 5555-5Grant was great - related to the students before, during, and after show. It was our first event of the year and he definitely made a great name for our programming committee! Katie McLaughlin, President, Union Board

Dickinson College, Carlisle, PA 09/22/12 30 Union Station 4444-4Grant Lyon has a unique sense of humor that does not fail to at least make you smile. He was very genuine and talked to some of the audience members at the end of the show. Yamilka Roque, Dickinson College JAY BLACK Cutting Edge Entertainment

University of Akron, Akron, OH 08/23/12 970 E.J. Thomas Hall 555555Such a friendly guy! His Q&A went on twice as long as expected because the students just couldn't get enough! Holly K. Pilcavage, GA-RHPB JEN KOBER Admire Entertainment

Lake Superior State University, Sault Ste. Marie, MI 08/23/12 550+ LSSU Arts Center 5555-54 Jen Kober is by far the best comedian that we have seen in at least five years. She made the students laugh so hard that a few of them had to leave their seats and use the restroom. One student stated; "Best event so far in the three years I have been at LSSU. Not only did she make you laugh she made your gut hurt." Caitlyn Schmitigal, Activities Board E-Board Member JESSI CAMPBELL Summit Comedy

University of North Florida, Jacksonville, FL 08/17/12 800 Theater 5555-5Artist and show were amazing! Brent Fine, Director

Winona State University, Winona MN 8/22/12 5555-51 Jessi was amazing to work with. No Promo Provided


and would have been great to give to students. She was a little late arriving. Otherwise, we would love to have her back because she was amazing. Kimberly Melle, Special Events

University of Wisconsin, Platteville WI 10/6/12 5555-51 Jessi was amazing! I can’t say enough good things about her and her show. it was everything I hoped for and more! Brianne Ratkovich, Event Producer JONATHAN BURNS Fresh Variety

St. Ambrose University, Davenport, IA 08/20/12 250+ Rogalski Center 5555-5Jonathan Burns was a great first act of the year because he worked so well with the new student leaders running their first event. I was very appreciative. Jason Richter, Director of Student Engagement Nichols College, Dudley, MA 09/02/12 150 Daniels Auditorium 5555555 Very funny, the students enjoyed it! Beth Gionfriddo, Assistant Director of the Center for Student

University of Wisconsin - Green Bay, Green Bay, WI 09/04/12 350+ Phoenix Rooms UWGB 5555-55 He was really excellent. I couldn't have asked for a better performer for the first event of the year. He got a great crowd in and had an effective and entertaining teaser. Elizabeth Ledvina, Variety Ent. Coordinator Monmouth College, Monmouth, IL 09/28/12 250+ Dahl Chapel 5555-55 Emily Orenstein, Performing Arts Chair

MISSION IMPOVable Bass Schuler Entertainment

Michigan State University, East Lansing MI 9/14/12 5555-5Mission Improvable performed hilarious shows that the audience loved. The artists were fantastic to work with as well as the agency. Stephanie Strawska, Arts Director RENEE SANTOS Sophie K Entertainment

Bloomsburg University, Bloomsburg PA 9/8/12 5555-5Rob Rowinski, Special Events Chair RODNEY LANEY Kirkland Productions

Angelo State University, San Angelo, Texas 08/25/12 200 Junell Center Stephens Arena 5555-5He was great! In a very non-ideal situation (a comedian's nightmare of a venue) he was wonderful and the audience had a great time! Lindsay Boynton, Leadership Develop Coordinator SHAWN FELIPE Cutting Edge Entertainment

SUNY Cobleskill, Cobleskill NY 9/13/12 200 Theater 5555-5Shawn put on a stellar performance and kept the audience laughing through the entire evening. Matt Gregory, CSA Vice President TREVOR BORIS KP Comedy/Kirkland Productions

MICHAEL PALASCAK Bass Schuler Entertainment

Trinity University, San Antonio TX 8/25/12 5545-45 Michael was friendly and interested/ engaged at dinner before the show. The audience was engaged and a bunch of students wanted to meet him. Briana McGlamory, Coordinator CCI Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, Terre Haute IN 8/24/12 5555555 Great Show! Donna Gustafson, Dean of Student Svcs

Midway College, Midway, KY 10/02/12 175+ Duthie Auditorium 5555-45 Our students thoroughly enjoyed Michael's show and warm up prior to the show. We will definitely invite him back to our campus in the future. Ellen Gregory, VP Marketing & Communications MICHAEL YO KP Comedy

crew/management is because the artist traveled alone. Kelsey Holt, Tech Activities Board Advisor

Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas 08/21/12 575+ Allen Theater 5555-55 Michael was awesome to work with. He was so much fun - and he definitely went above and beyond interacting with the students! He made a special point to adapt to the culture of Texas Tech and our students and this was evident in his performance. Thanks for a great show! The only reason we scored n/a for road

Augusta State University, Augusta, GA 09/19/12 400+ Outdoor Amphitheatre 5555-55 This is our second time working with a comedy act for our Annual Talent Show and Trevor exceeded any expectations we had. He did everything we asked of him, as well as took the liberty to make things work that he knew the students would love! Jessica L. Haskins, Assistant Director for Programs



University of Akron, Akron/Ohio 10/03/12 824 E.J. Thomas Hall 555555Andy ran up through the crowd, through the building, and up to the balcony! He had covers that everyone loved and sang along to. The crowd didn't actually sit down from beginning to end. Holly K. Pilcavage, GA-RHPB BO BICE Degy Booking

Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC 08/24/12 300 Byrnes Auditorium 455544Callie Boyer, Contemporary Music Chair Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC 08/24/12 300 Byrnes Auditorium 455455-


HERE ARE THE CATEGORIES FOR THE RATINGS FOUND AFTER THE BUYER’S NAME AND PLAY DATE: (1) ORIGINALITY; (2) ARTIST’S ABILITY; (3) RELATIONSHIP TO THE AUDIENCE; (4) COOPERATION / ATTITUDE; (5) ROAD CREW / MANAGEMENT; (6) AGENCY COOPERATION; (7) PROMOTIONAL MATERIALS PROVIDED. Campus Reports listed in RED indicate the buyer reported a perfect score in all categories that applied to their campus performance for that artist or event. Autumn Mathis, Contemporary Music Committee DJ Kirkland Productions

Texas Women’s University/Dallas, Dallas TX 9/5/12 180 2335543 Chré Parnell, Student Life Coordinator GARY JOHNSON GP Entertainment

Westmoreland Community College, Youngwood PA 8/31/12 1,000 5555-44 We loved being able to request songs throughout the show. Kelly Carpenter, Student Actv Coord Cowley College, Arkansas City KS 8/14/12 5555555 Gary was awesome! Loved his interaction with ALL the students. Kristi Shaw, DSL

Cabrini College, Radnor PA 9/26/12 60 Grace Hall 5555454 Everyone loved him! We had a great time. Amber LaJeunesse, Asst Dir of Student Engagement

Virginia Tech, Blacksburg VA 9/25/12 Burruss Auditorium 5555554 Josh is as amazing as is his show! A joy to work with and a true talent. Immediate talk of how to bring him back the morning after the show. L. Bedenbaugh, Assist Dir of Student Programming LIVE BAND KARAOKE Bass/Schuler Entertainment

University of Akron, Akron, OH 08/25/12 1434 E.J. Thomas Hall 555555The students loved being apart of a band for a night! Holly K. Pilcavage, GA-RHPB MICAH DALTON Auburn Moon

Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC 09/06/12 100 The Edge 5555555 Micah was so much fun. You could tell that he really wanted to be here. We loved having him! Sharnice Alexander, Coffeehouse Chair NATALIE STOVALL Degy Entertainment inc.

Nazareth College, Rochester NY 9/27/12 100 Dining Hall 4555544 Gary put on a great show! He is very easy to work with and the students loved him. Every time he comes to campus the students ask when we can bring him back! Rachel Cordy, Assist Dir of Student Activities

Lake Superior State University, Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783 08/30/12 200+ LSSU Arts Center 5555555 She was the best performance the our school has ever seen. She rocks out on her fiddle and wows the crowd. The audience cheered for an encore and she returned to play one last song. After the performance a student said, "She is the best and hottest thing that has hit LSSU in several years." Caitlyn Schmitigal, Street Team Chair

Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC 08/18/12 508 Byrnes Auditorium 544555Callie Boyer, Contemporary Music Chair

Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC 09/06/12 100 The Edge 5555555 Sharnice Alexander, Coffeehouse Chair

HEY MONEA The College Agency

Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC 08/18/12 508 Byrnes Auditorium 5555555 Autumn Mathis, Contemporary Music Committee JARED MAHONE IC Artist Agency

Quinnipiac University, Hamden 09/15/12 50 Cafe 5555555 Jared Mahone was one of the most innovative musical artists we have brought to campus. He combines his soulful background and love for hip-hop to make a musical experience like no other. His show was also full of humor and the audience clearly felt his passion for performing. Steve Pagios, Assistant Director JOSH VIETTI Diversity Talent

Minot State University, Minot, ND 09/12/12 35+ Beaver Dam 5555-5Josh is great to work with as always! We'll continue to bring him back for years to come. The students love him and his performance. He is easy to work with and accommodate and always grateful to be here. Aaron Hughes, Student Activities Coordinator

Morningside College, Sioux City, IA 09/14/12 255 Eppley Auditorium 5555-54 Julie PItel, Student Activities Coordinator


SOUTH JORDAN Auburn Moon Agency

University of Akron, Akron, OH 08/20/12 243 Student Union Starbucks 555555They put on a great show! Very easy to work with. Holly K. Pilcavage, GA-RHPB


CHRIS JONES Bass/Schuler

Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA 08/06/12 400 Georgia Tech Student Center 5555-55 Chris Jones is a phenomenal hypnotist and an excellent entertainer! Prior to Chris arriving to campus, both Chris and his agent promptly responded to emails and phone calls. Chris and his agent were a pleasure to work with. They both had positive attitudes and excellent communication skills. The moment Chris arrived on campus; he took the time to ask his host appropriate questions related to the specific student population he would be performing for. Chris exceeded our expectations by arriving early to do magic tricks during their dinner! Once Chris got on stage, he had the students’ undivided attention. The students were engaged during the entire show and were laughing hysterically. Chris listened to the needs of

our students and created an original performance. During the performance, Chris asked the audience for ideas to use and incorporated the students’ ideas into the show! Our students are still raving about Chris Jones and quoting his act. We look forward to working with Chris again in the future! Amber Galusha - Patel, Hall Director Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI 09/28/12 650+ Marquette Alumni Memorial Student Union Ballrooms 5555555 Chris is by far one of the best and most engaging performers we've ever had come to our campus and by far THE best hypnotist. The audience was laughing hysterically the entire time and didn't want the show to end! Chris is super friendly and willing to hang out with everyone which was awesome as so many people wanted to chat with him after the incredible show they had just seen. I know we will be bringing Chris back to our campus. He made our event one of the best events Marquette University has seen! If I had to give him 5 stars, he'd have a 6 in my book! Amanda Roenius, Marquette University Student Government Programmer CRAIG KARGES Karges Productions

University of Akron, Akron, OH 08/28/12 1102 E.J. Thomas Hall 5555555 Craig is an amazing performer. We always love to have him back. He was engaging from beginning to end! Holly K. Pilcavage, GA-RHPB

Regis University, Denver CO 9/6/12 480 Main Cafe 4555--5 Craig was great to work with. He provided a great show and was flexible with us. Josh Oakland, Director of Programming Middlebury College, Middlebury CT 9/8/12 930 Head Chapel 5555--5 Craig did a great job of engaging with his audience and making everyone feel part of the act. CAB Stonehill College, Easton MA 9/22/12 400 Merkert Gym 45555-5 Craig was awesome. Our audience loved him! We would love to have him back! Jatnna Amador, Campus Programs Coordinator

DANIEL MARTIN Bass Schuler Entertainment

Mount Olive College, Mount Olive NC 8/13/12 160 Southern Bank Auditorium 5555555 Daniel was a hit as always. He treated all of our students great and even had our President rolling. I will bring him back every year as he is a great start for our year. Justin Roe, Assist. Director of Campus Life College of Saint Mary, Omaha NE 8/19/12 Gross Conference Center 5555555 Dan is incredibly easy to work with. He makes every audience feel that they are special. We’ve brought Dan to our campus three times in three years and have never been disappointed. Jenny Wittstock, Director of Student Leadership University of North Dakota, Grand Forks ND 8/25/12 450 M.V. Ballroom 5555-55 We love having Dan at UND. He is always the highlight of our year. So excited for next year! Kristina LeMire, P.H. Coordinator University of Mary, Bismarck ND 8/26/12 300

5555-55 Amazing Show. Student feedback was incredible. If it’s possible, may be even better than last year. Always a great show. Students love him. Emily Lear, Residence Assistant Lewis-Clark State College, Lewiston ID 8/27/12 270 5555555 Biggest Crowd. Standing Ovation. Good Poster. Warrior Entertainment Board

Methodist University, Fayetteville NC 8/29/12 250 Reeves Auditorium 5555555 Great Show! My students are still talking about it. They enjoyed every second of it. Doris Munoz, Director of Campus Life Trine University, Angola IN 9/7/12 300+ Fabiani Theatre 5555-55 Outstanding! Best performance I have ever been part of! Jeremy Howard, DSA DANIEL MARTIN and JONNY ZAVANT Bass Schuler Entertainment

Johnson & Wales University, North Miami FL 8/31/12 180 5555555 Amazing. Must Have. Top-Notch! Kyle Nichols, CAB FREDERICK WINTERS Bass Schuler Entertainment

Carthage College, Kenosha WI 9/14/12 390 Campbell Student Union 5555-55 Jenni Farlow, Assistant Director/ Campus Activities Minnesota State University, Moorhead MN 9/26/12 786 Hansen Theatre 4545-44 Frederick was a joy to work with. He is one of the nicest performers you will ever meet and Scott Bass is a fantastic agent. We have had Frederick perform for over 15 years and the show never disappoints. Theresa Boyle, Showcase Coordinator JIM WAND Wand Enterprises

Loras College, Dubuque IA 9/26/12 5555555 Great performance! We have Jim Wand every year and this was the best I’ve seen! Really incorporated our Harry Potter Homecoming Theme- too funny. Everyone loved it! Lauren O’Bryan, CAB Exec JONATHAN BURNS Fresh Variety

Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI 08/17/12 100 Radisson Ballroom 5555-55 D'laontie Lewis, Graduate Assistant for Campus Programming

JOSHUA SETH The Joshua Seth Company

Southern Illinois University, Carbondale IL 8/18/12 800 Ballroom 5555555 Fantastic job. Josh was a very great show! Rashard Media, Comedy Director

University of Idaho, Moscow ID 8/23/12 55-5554 Packed the house! The students loved it. Josh is


super easy to work with. Colleen Quinn, Director of Student Involvement

Temple University, Philadelphia PA 8/24/12 5555555 Our students roared with laughter! Joshua had them speaking as aliens, rapping in Japanese and giving birth to zebra named “stripes.” Awesome show! Adriane Reilly, Program Coordinator Missouri Western States University, St Joseph, MO 8/25/12 1,500 5555555 Joshua was high energy and very professional. The 1,500 students loved the show and I can’t wait to book him next year. Kristen Neeley, assist Dir of New Student Programs University of Tampa, Tampa FL 8/26/12 250 5555--5 Joshua was wonderful to work with. The students had a great time. I was expecting a good show but what I got was exceptional. Will bring him back. Michael Gilmer, Office of Student Leadership Albany College of Pharmacy, Albany NY 8/27/12 250 5555555 Most entertaining and unique show I’ve ever seen. Asley Seakan, SGA Programming Chair

SUNY Cobleskill, Cobleskill NY 8/28/12 5555-55 We have had Joshua back every year and every year he fills our theater and provides a stellar show. We recommend him 100%. Matthew Gregory, VP CSA University of Alabama, Huntsville AL 8/29/12 5555555 Loved the show. Joshua always seems to amaze me with whatever show I attend. Great show and great entertainer. He got his volunteers to say “I love Joshua seth” whenever someone said “Joshua Seth.” Tyler Clemmons, ACE- Rec/Leisure Bethany College, Bethany WV 8/30/12 5555555 Show was great. Can’t wait to have Joshua back on campus. Amy Colantoni, DSA LARRY AND RAVEN Fresh Variety

Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL 08/24/12 250+ Auditorium 4455-5Larry and Raven were great to work with - completely laid back and flexible. Laura from Fresh Variety was timely, efficient, and very helpful. I will definitely hire them again and work with Fresh Variety. Jill Zambito, Director, SILD

Southern New Hampshire University, Manchester, NH 09/03/12 100+ Small Gym 4454454 Larry and Raven were very good but need to be more sneaky because I did see some of the cues they would do to each other which took away from the performance. Kim Klevanosky, Orientation Leader MAD CHAD THE AMAZING CHAINSAW JUGGLER! Bass Schuler Entertainment

Sonoma State University, Rohnert Park 08/21/12 475 person theatre 5555555 We LOVE Chad here at SSU! He has been coming for years and NEVER disappoints! The students love the show and always ask when he is coming back. He is great to work with! My kids love him too!!!!! Mo Phillips, Assoc.Dir. of Student Development MAT FRANCO Mat Franco Magic

Southern New Hampshire University, Manchester, NH 09/28/12 100+ 2nd Floor Dining Center 5555555 Mat Franco was absolutely amazing to bring to our campus! He was extremely interactive with the audience, was easy to work with, and created a real buzz on campus! He blew SNHU away and he is someone worth bringing to any campus or audience! Brooke Porter-Jordan, CAPE- Music & Comedy Chair

Roger Williams University, RI 08/26/12 600+ Field House 4555--4 Mat Franco was a wonderful opening event for our Weeks of Welcome; he engaged the audience and we had many students talking about his event afterwards. We are certainly hoping to have Mat back on campus in the future. Carol Sacchetti, Director of Student Programs MICHAEL C. ANTHONY Auburn Moon Agency

University of Akron, Akron/Ohio 09/11/12 1448 E.J. Thomas Hall 555555Students rushed to the stage to be hypnotized! Michael C. Anthony puts on a performance that people won't forget for a long time to come. Holly K. Pilcavage, GA-RHPB

MICHAEL KENT Fresh Variety

Miami University, Oxford, OH 08/17/12 400 Dance Room 5555555 Michael's ability to tailor his performance to the audience at hand is amazing. He draws in the crowd by playing off of their behavior and mood and by relating to the things that they know. This truly gives him an edge during a performance. Michael Kent has been at Miami 4 times in the last 5 years and we continue to have requests for his return, showing just how much the student body loves his performances. Kristen Lintz, Co-Director of Finances Northern Kentucky University, Highland Heights KY 8/23/12 450 Ballroom 5555555 Performance was great! Michael kept the attention of the audience throughout the show. Deborah Strahorn, Advisor APB Emory University, Atlanta GA 8/25/12 1,300+ Glenn Memorial 5555555 Wonderful to work with and a great show. Everything was wonderful. Emily Sankey, Assist Dir of Orientation

University of Texas/Pan American, Edinburg TX 8/27/12 210 Student Center Theater 5555555 He was “over the top” amazing! The crowd LOVED him! The students were giving him standing ovations. He also did an amazing teaser. We would most definitely bring him back! Joshua Montoya, Night Life Chair

Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green OH 8/28/12 700 Student Union Ballroom 5555555 It’s always great working with Laura and Michael! BGSU would be happy to have Michael back! Lacey Squier, Grad Assistant

Shepherd University, Shepherdstown WV 8/31/12 140 Shepherdstown Opera House 5555555 Great Show. Brian Filon, GA for Student Activities

Ohio Northern University, Ada OH 9/1/12 200 Macintosh Activities Room 5555555 Excellent Show. The students really enjoyed the performance. Very entertaining. Scott Parson, Assist Dir of Residence Life


Southern New Hampshire University, Manchester, NH 09/02/12 75+ 43554-4 Loved his show. Everyone keeps saying it was stupidly funny. Pleased with the performance. We loved how he kept the audience engaged in the show Sandy Murphy, Co-Head Orientation Leader

Southern New Hampshire University, Manchester, NH 09/02/12 100+ Upper Dining Hall 4455454 Michael Kent was hilarious and mind blowing! I would definitely see him again. Kim Klevanosky, Orientation Leader Denison University, Granville OH 9/2/12 400 Slater Center 5555555 Absolutely Amazing! great reaction from the crowd. Highly recommended! Tali LeKorenos, Co-Dir of Special Events University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh WI 9/5/12 615 Reeve Union Ballroom 5555554 Great to work with. Quality show. Really appreciated the teaser before the show. Interacted well with students in the post show, The agency was very helpful and great to work with. Chelsea Redger, Advisor

Concordia College, Moorhead, Minnesota 09/07/12 700 The Centrum 4455-33 Michael was such a great comedian to have on campus! He interacted with students easily and they all enjoyed his performance. His teaser in Concordia's dining center was a great success and helped bring more students to the event. Michael is hilarious! Luke Fitterer, Campus Entertainment Commission University of New Hampshire, Durham NH 09/08/12 250+ Granite State Room/Memorial Union 5555555 Many of our students left saying it "was the show of the year". He really connected with our students. Michael is hilarious and entertaining...he will be coming back! Dave Zamansky, Assistant Director

University of Kentucky, Lexington KY 09/20/12 60 Center Theater Auditorium 5555--5 Michael was amazing in the performance and likewise as a person. After the show we sat around for an extra hour and just shared stories and discussed life. Proud to say that he came to UK, not only because of the show but his character! Elijah Zimmerman, SAB Director of Campus Life East Carolina University, Greenville, NC 09/25/12 400 Hendrix Theatre 5555555 All I could have asked for and more. J. Janak, Student Activities and Assessment MIKE SUPER Mike Super Magic & Illusion

University of Akron, Akron, OH 08/24/12 1198 E.J. Thomas Hall 555555Mike had everyone literally at the edge of their seats throughout the performance. Holly K. Pilcavage, GA-RHPB PROJECT DYNAMITE Bass/Schuler

Southeast Missouri State University, Cape Girardeau, MO 08/17/12 500+ Gymnasium 4342133 Project Dynamite did not follow the contract, neglecting to arrive for their additional performance the day before the show. This performance was confirmed but the wrong airline was still booked by Project Dynamite. They also lost their luggage, missing their makeup performance. Overall, the students liked them, but I would not recommend working with them to a campus programmer. Chris Dzurick, Special Events Co-Coordinator

East Georgia State College, Swainsboro, GA 09/26/12 100 LFG Auditorium 5555555 Our students LOVED this show! It was hilarious and entertaining and unlike anything most of the audience had ever seem before. Alex and Patrick are unbelievably friendly, talented, and easy to work with. It's obvious they love what they do. I definitely recommend Project Dynamite to any school who wants to bring a little FUN to campus! Taylor Edenfield, Assistant Director of Student Life SAILESH Metropolis Management

Indiana University Southeast, New Albany IN 8/24/12 160 Auditorium 5 5 4 - - 55 Fantastic! Students are still talking about it! Amanda Stonecipher, Dir of Housing

Quinnipiac University, Hamden, CT 08/31/12 1500 Gym 5555555 Sailesh: the X-Rated Hypnotist is one of the most fun performers we have come to Quinnipiac! He puts on a hilarious show and gets the whole audience involved. He is super friendly and after the show he will take the time to talk with you and answer any questions. Steve Pagios, Assistant Director SEAN BOTT COMEDY MENTALIST Bass-Schuler Agency

Ashford University, Clinton IA 8/21/12 300 Gym 5555555 Great performer. Blew the students minds with mental abilities! Heather McCue, CAB

Southwest Minnesota State University, Marshall MN 8/25/12 250 Theater 5555343 Sean was amazing! He engaged our students and made the performance fun and exciting. What a talent he is! We will definitely consider bringing him back! Brittany Krull, Assist Dir of Student Success

Lindsey Wilson College, Columbia, Kentucky 09/14/12 220 Hodge Auditorium 5555-55 Sean Bott has a spectacular show! He amazed our campus and we will definitely be looking to have him back soon. His show was by far the best I've seen in my 4 years here at the college. Thanks so much! Adam Capps, Asst. Director of Student Activities SHOW OFF SHOW Fresh Variety

Indiana University Southeast, New Albany, IN 08/28/12 40 Housing Lodge 5555-55 Agent's help is exceptionally excellent! Channell Barbour, Asso. Director of Campus Life SILHOUETTES BY KATHRYN Everything But The Mine, Inc.

University of Akron, Akron, OH 08/25/12 1434 E.J. Thomas Hall 555555Kathryn was amazing! She cuts your silhouette out in under two minutes just by looking at your profile. One of the happiest people I have ever met! Holly K. Pilcavage, GA-RHPB TEAM M&M Mike “DA ROVING GUY” Margaret’s “ART ON YOU” Everything But The Mime

Lenoir-Rhyne University, Hickory NC 8/25/12 5555555 Katie Fisher, Dean of Students

Central Community College, Grand Island NE 9/5/12 350 Student Center 5555554 Very professional performance. Easy to work with Mike and Carol in the office. Everyone

loved their balloons. Nick Freelend, Activities Director Amarillo College, Amarillo TX 9/20/12 1200 AC Fall Fest 5555-55 Love working with these guys! Heather Atchley, DSL XCLUSIVE Metropolis Management

Quinnipiac University, Hamden, CT 09/22/12 50 Theater 5555555 Kenneth "Xclusive" Paryo's combination of comedy and dancing offered a show that students have never seen before. He was personable and very interactive with the crowd giving a chance for students to come on stage and be part of his show. Steve Pagios, Assistant Director



University of South Florida, Tampa 10/02/12 300+ Student Center Plaza 5555555 Emily Lorino, Graduate Advisor AIR BRUSH BOXERS AIR BRUSH TATTOOS Kirkland Productions

Albion College, Albion MI 8/25/12 300 Kellogg Center -55555The students really enjoyed all the novelties that we brought in for this welcome back week-end event. Jennifer Scheer, Dir of Campus Programs AIR BRUSH T-SHIRTS & MOVIE POSTERS Kirkland Productions

Texas Women’s University, Denton TX 9/5/12 520 Hubbard Oval (outside) 5555555 Working with Gina of Kirkland Productions and the artists- Michelle and John has been a pleasure. Allison K. Duarte, Program Coordinator AIRBRUSH TRUCKER HATS & CARICATURE ARTIST Big Smile

Tiffin University, Tiffin, OH 09/18/12 150+ Student Center 5555555 Amazing! Very popular with our students. Laura Green, Director of Student Engagement AIRBRUSH TRUCKER HATS/ CASH CUBE/WAX HANDS Kirkland Productions

Nicolet Area Technical College, Rhinelander, WI 09/11/12 300 outdoors -55555Michelle (Cash Cube and Airbrush Hats) and Cindy (Wax Hands) were great! Michelle helped out our students by taking orders, and staying to finish all the hats so students could pick them up at my office the next day. The students loved all the novelties and are asking me to do it again next year! Julie Morgan, Student Life Coordinator ATOM- WORLD'S FASTEST PAINTER ATOM

University of Akron, Akron, OH 08/25/12 1434 E.J. Thomas Hall 555555Animated and tons of fun! We couldn't get him to leave because he just loves what he does! Holly K. Pilcavage, GA-RHPB BALLOONS BY LESTER & BODY ART BY SUSAN Everything But The Mime

Pasco Hernando Community College, Spring Hill FL 8/23/12 150 555555Lester & Susan are always awesome. They are always a big hit with our students. Their art is more than balloons and face paint. It’s an experience. Amber Watson, Coordinator of Student Activities St. Josephs’ College, Patchogue NY 9/6/12 1,000 College Quad 5555555 They were awesome. Everyone loved them. Amanda Myczkowski, Program Director

Morehead State University, Morehead KY 9/15/12 250 555555The event was great!. Hali Whitt, Tradition & Spirit Coordinator

St. Petersburg College, St. Petersburg FL 9/20/12 500 Quad 555555Love having Lester & Susan. Alyssa Haigh, Senior Staff Advisor

Southeast Missouri State, Cape Girardeau MO 9/22/12 400+ University Center Lobby 4455-54 Excellent duo who came prepared and knew exactly what the audience wanted. Worked right through lunch to provide more for guests. Chris Danck, Special Events Coordinator San Jacinto College- Central, Pasadena TX 9/25/12 Student Center 5555555 Lester & Susan are amazing to work with! Very easy going, friendly and fun! They arrived early and were set up before the event. They are always a hit & I enjoy working with them. High Quality artists. Amanda Rose, Coordinator of Student Life

Auburn University Auburn AL 9/26/12 Green Space 555555We absolutely love Lester & Susan! Their act is so unique and the lines of students are always long. They are friendly and creative. Laura Barnett, Student Activities BONGO BALL C.E.P. Inc.

Saint Anslem College, Manchester NH 9/14/12 75 Outdoor Quad -555554 Jean Couture, DSA

Daniel Webster College, Nashua NH 9/16/12 25 Softball Field 5555555 Very fun- students had a great time! easy set-up / take down. Crew was wonderful. Great activity for collegeage students. Amanda Gibbons, Graduate Assistant

Seton Hall University, South Orange NJ 9/22/12 University Green 5555555 Great customer service,very easy to work with! Mary Sarkissian, SAB Vice President

BUILD YOUR BEAR Kirkland Productions

Peru State College, Peru NC 9/26/12 200+ Student Center 5555555 Awesome event! Will host every semester! Chelsea Allgood, Student Activities Coordinator


Quinnipiac University, Hamden, CT 08/27/12 50 Cafe 5555555 Always a place for quality, FUN provided two great artists that had the artistic ability plus skills to work with students. High quality! Steve Pagios, Assistant Director

DASH FOR DOLLARS The Smith Agency, Inc.

East Central Community College, Decatur MS 8/20/12 3333-33 Marcie Pinson, Dir of Housing and Student Activities Lee College, Baytown TX 8/27/12 4555554 Ralph was a true professional. Students loved the show! Mike Spletter, Student Activities Coordinator DIPPIN” DOTS Endeavor Entertainment

Seton Hill University, Greenburg PA 9/6/12 5-5--55 Emily Franicola, President SAC DRIVE-IN INFLATABLE SCREEN The Party People Inc

Quinnipiac University, Hamden, CT 09/01/12 250 Outdoors 5555555 Party People always has great customer service; the staff is always friendly and informed about their products. The staff always makes sure that everything is going as smooth as possible, and that the school gets the best experience whenever using their products. Steve Pagios, Assistant Director DUI/ TEXTING SIMULATOR C.E.P., Inc. / P.E.E.R.S.

Albemarle County Police Dept, Charlottesville VA 8/7/12 5555555 RS Jamerson, Police Officer LImestone College, Gaffney, SC 08/27/12 100+ on campus 3333433 Diane McCoy, Admin Asst.

Webster University, St. Louis MO 8/29/12 200 Univ Involvement Fair 5555555 Wish we had two cars to serve the number of interested students, staff and faculty. Tom and Aaron were wonderful. Patrick Stack, Director of Counseling

University of Minnesota, Crookston MN 9/6/12 5555555 Over-all performance was excellent. Andy and Rose kept positive and were problem solvers in spite of rain & dripping canopy. The program ran for 6 hours with 51 students participating in both DWI and texting simulations. The corresponding educational movie and screen visual of what the client participator was viewing allowed for audience involvement and learning as well. As Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug program coordinator, I will recommend P.E.E.R.S Simulator Programs to other schools and interested prevention coordinators. Vicki Svedarsky, UMC Alcohol &  Drug Program Coordinator Roanoke College, Salem VA 9/11/12 95 Outdoors 545555Mark Petersen, Dean of Fun

University of Montana Western/ Dillon MT 10/3/12 400 Arena 5555555 Nicole Hazelbaker, Dean of Students

Idaho State University, Pocatello ID 10/4/12 161 Under Hypostyle 4-12353 Would have liked to see the road crew more engaged with the audience. Carli Oeding, SAB Education Chair FEATHER HAIR EXTENSIONS Kirkland Productions

Missouri Southern State University, Joplin, MO 10/05/12 100 Billingsly Student Center 5555555 Great event students loved it. Craig Gullett, Coordinator of Student Activities FRISBEE SPIN ART Kirkland Productions

Texas Women’s University/ Dallas, Dallas TX 9/5/12 180 3444453 Chré Parnell, Student Life Coordinator FUNNY PHOTO FRAMES Kirkland Productions

Midwestern State University, Wichita Falls TX 8/29/12 150 Student Center 4555-5Can’t wait to have him back for Presidential Pics. Cammie Dean, Director HIGH FLYING ADVENTURES Kirkland Productions

Stanford University, CA 09/24/12 1200+ Flomo (Levin) Field 5555555 The High Flying Adventure was the perfect centerpiece to our welcome back to school carnival. We ordered 4 balloons and they were beautiful! We had them out on the field at night and students were able to get in the baskets and take photos, which they loved. Working with Kirkland and the balloonist was easy and enjoyable. I cant' wait to work with them again! THANK YOU! Angelina Cardona, Assistant Director IVAN PECEL Fresh Variety

Mount Aloysius College, Cresson, PA 09/28/12 Cosgrave Student Center 5555554 Ivan was such a personable guy. He was easy to get along with and brought some comedy into his act. The juggling that he did was fantastic and very creative and original. We would enjoy having him again. Tyler Pine, Student Government President MAD CHAD Bass/Schuler Entertainment

Rockford College, Rockford, IL 08/18/12 130 New Student Orientation 5555555 Mad Chad is the perfect program for new student orientation. He interacts very well with the audience and provides a clean enjoyable performance. Mad Chad has been at Rockford College for 4 years and for the first night on campus/away from home I want students to be able to relax, laugh and have fun in their new environment. Student have a great time and I would highly recommend Chad to come to your campus for new student orientation! Tinsley, Director of Student Success & Retention Colorado Mesa University, Colorado 08/20/12 400 Ballroom 5455454 Mad Chad Taylor was such a joy to work with and had a thrilling and original performance that our students loved! Sam Glenn, Council Member

Regis University, Denver/Colorado 08/30/12 289 Student Patio Outside 5555555 Chad did a wonderful job and we always enjoy having him here at Regis. He was very cooperative to work with and kept the show clean the way we requested it. Chad was very interactive with the audience and that was the main reason that students stayed for the whole show. Overall, Chad was great to work with. Very courteous and understands the importance of connecting with the audience. Thanh Nguyen, Student Activities Program Coordinator Northeast Iowa Community College, Peosta, Peosta, IA 09/11/12 250 Cafeteria


5555-55 Chad did an awesome job! Our venue was standing room only! Kara Popp, Dir. of Student Life, Diversity and Leadership

Northeast Iowa Community College Calmar Campus, Calmar, IA 09/12/12 150 Student Center Commons 4545-45 What can you say about a guy that juggles chainsaws!!! Troy Vande Lune, Assistant Director of Student Life MARGARET’S ART ON YOU/ TEAM M&M Everything But The Mime

San Jacinto College, Pasadena TX 8/28/12 5555555 Great event! Margaret is very talented. Students are still talking about the event and asking when she will be back. She was very easy to work with. Amanda Rose, Coordinator of Student Life

Lee College, Baytown TX 8/30/12 4555-5Margaret was a true professional. I would recommend this show to any college. Mike Spletter, Student Activities Coordinator Roane State Community College, Harriman TN 9/25/12 5555555 Great job!! Students loved it! Sarah Hooper, Coordinator of Student Engagement

Roane State Community College, Oak Ridge TN 9/26/12 5555555 Great work as always! Sarah Hooper, Coordinator of Student Engagement MECHANICAL BULL (AND MORE) Endeavor Entertainment

Mohawk Valley Community College, Utica NY 8/31/12 300 Welcome Week ----55Our third annual Welcome Week was once again a success. Students had a lot of fun on the mechanical bull, laser trap, photo booth and temporary tattoos. The crew was great. They were fast, professional and interacted with the students. Carla Zupancic, Advisement Specialist METAL STREET SIGNS Kirkland Productions

Newberry College, Newberry, SC 09/12/12 100 Science and Math Lobby 5555-55 Brandi Veigh, Residence Life Coordinator PHOTO BOOTH Kirkland Productions

Texas Women’s University, Dallas TX 9/5/12 180 3555554 Chré Parnell, Student Life Coordinator PHOTO DRY ERASE BOARDS Fun Enterprises, Inc.

University of Akron, Akron, OH 08/25/12 1434 E.J. Thomas Hall 555555Really nice to work with. Made sure the students were happy with their boards. Holly K. Pilcavage, GA-RHPB PHOTO KEY CHAINS Coyote On Campus

University of Akron, Akron, OH 08/25/12 1434 E.J. Thomas Hall 555555Students loved the key chains. Holly K. Pilcavage, GA-RHPB

PHOTO KEYCHAINS Kirkland Productions

Missouri Southern State University, Joplin, MO 10/03/12 150+ Billingsly Student Center 5555555 Great event Kirklands always does a great job. Craig Gullett, Coordinator of Student Activities PHOTO MAGNETS Fun Enterprises

Quinnipiac University, Hamden, CT 08/27/12 150 Cafe 5555555 FUN's photo magnets were great quality and the staff was really friendly and loved working with the students! Working with them was so easy and fun! Steve Pagios, Assistant Director PHOTO POSTCARDS 2 HOME Coyote On Campus

University of Akron, Akron, OH 08/25/12 1434 E.J. Thomas Hall 555555Everyone was having a great time posing for their photos! Line moved quickly. Holly K. Pilcavage, GA-RHPB PIMP YOUR ROOM: SNAP SHOTZ/STREET SIGNS/COTTON CANDY Endeavor Entertainment

Cazenovia College, Cazenovia NY 09/01/12 207 Morgan Room 555555CAB students wanted a craft program focused on decorating their rooms. I talked with Monica at Endeavor Entertainment and was able to build "Pimp Your Room". Snap Shotz allowed students to take pictures with their new friends and Personalized Street Signs (in our school colors)gave the students something cool to hang up. Cotton Candy was a great, quick snack as they waited for their goodies to be printed. Very Successful Event! Victoria Sokolowski, Campus Program Coordinator POP STAR / BLING NATION C.E.P. Inc.

Salem State University, Salem MA 10/5/12 5555555 CAB PRESIDENTIAL PICTURES Kirkland Productions

Western Nebraska Community College, Scottsbluff, NE 9/17/12 5555555 Jon was great. The product was geat and his presensation was exceptional. Y. Bonnar, Residential Life Coordinator REALITY CHECK GAME SHOW PEER Awareness

Ogheechee Technical College, Statesboro GA 9/19/12 50 Auditorium 4555554 Kelli Waters, Student Activities Coordinator

Bethel University, McKenzie, TN 09/24/12 44 Multipurpose Room 5555555 Very exciting. Korry and Orlo are very entertaining. Nicholas Batey, Graduate Assistant

Southwest TN Community College, Memphis TN 9/25/12 53 Game Room 5555555 The crew was really exciting and awesome. Connie Herron, Coordinator

Lyon College, Batesville AR 9/28/12 30 Maxfield Room 555555Kim Hinds-Brush, DCL


University of Akron, Akron, OH 08/25/12 1434 E.J. Thomas Hall 555555It was a cool experience for students to feel like they were actually gambling. This event is always looked forward to. Holly K. Pilcavage, GA-RHPB SAVE A LIFE TOUR - DRUNK DRIVING Kramer Entertainment

University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR 09/12/12 100 Multipurpose Room 4345443 Samantha Fehr, Grad Assistant of Special Events SPIN ART SHUTTER SHADES Kirkland Productions

Newberry College, Newberry 10/03/12 100+ Science and Math Lobby 5555555 Brandi Veigh, Residence Life Coordinator THINKFAST GAME SHOW TjohnE Productions

Quinnipiac University, Hamden, CT 08/28/12 50 Cafe 5555555 ThinkFast was an incredible show! The host and the DJ were so energetic. People were literally on the edge of their seats trying to figure out answers with their team! Steve Pagios, Assistant Director TWO CARICATURE ARTISTS Fun Enterprises, Inc.

University of Akron, Akron, OH 08/25/12 1434 E.J. Thomas Hall 555555Very professional. Students were so excited to show off their caricatures. Holly K. Pilcavage, GA-RHPB ULTIMATE BLOWOUT C.E.P. Inc.


VA Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg VA 8/31/12 5555555 The agency is always fantastic to work with. We are never disappointed. Laura Bedenbaugh, Assist Dir Student Programming WAX TO THE MAX The Smith Agency

Crowder College, Neosho MO 9/26/12 3333344 Natalie Long, Campus Life Assistant XTREME ZIP LINE C.E.P, Inc.

Eastern New Mexico University, Roswell NM 9/5/12 5533455 Maria LeBlanv, Director of Student Development

Sheridan College, Sheridan NY 9/12/12 123 5555555 Great Show! Connected students with f faculty and staff. Collin Wallace, Coordinator for Residential Education ZAPPED LASER TAG The Smith Agency, Inc.

University of Pittsburg/ Greensburg Greensburg PA 9/13/12 75 Gym 4434544 Good program. Worked through any issues and were flexible throughout. Al Thiel, DSA


A SHOT OF REALITY Bass-Schuler Entertainment

Chowan University, Murfreesboro NC 8/23/12 100+ Hawks Nest 5555555 Leah Lambson, DSL

Southside VA Community College, Alberta VA 9/4/12 5555555 Highly Recommend! Robbie Washburn, Student Activities Coordinator Muhlenberg College, Allentown PA 9/7/2 Seegers Union 44-4444 Bev MacEwan, DSA VAL’S DOG TAGS Everything But The Mime

St Leo University, St Leo FL 8/20/12 5555555 Everything was wonderful and the students really enjoyed themselves. Jennifer Garcia, Director FYE

Rollins College, Winter Park FL 9/10/12 5555-55 Val was early and very flexible. Rollins students really enjoyed her. Aeryel Williams, Grad Assistant Hillsborough Community College, Tampa FL 9/11-9/12/12 4555-53 Val is always on time, hard working and relates well to students. Dr. Earl Paul, Student Services


VAL’S CUSTOM LEATHER Everything But The Mime

University of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio 08/19/12 500 University of Dayton Recreation Complex 5555554 It would have been nice for the teaser to have worked out. We had good attendance, but the teaser in the dining halls would have really boosted this number. Thanks for everything! The performers were incredibly easy to work with and everybody had a wonderful time. Emilee Langenkamp, New Student Orientation Student Coordinator Alderson-Broaddus College, Phillipi WV 8/21/31 200 5555555 Thanks for a great show Koreen Villers, Director of Orientation

Marian University-Indianapolis, Indianapolis, IN 08/23/12 0 Library Auditorium 5555--5 We had this show back in the spring of 2012 and this time it was MUCH better. The comedy was great, the information was intelligent and credible and presented nicely, the show was very appropriate for the audience. The team was very polite and had a great attitude. Jimmy Cox, Assistant Director of Student Activities Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Terre Haute IN 8/29/12 5555555 Awesome presentation! It was informative and kept the students laughing. Donna Gustafson, Dean of Student Svcs Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY 09/02/12 1000 John Cranford Adams Playhouse 5555555 We really enjoyed this performance and have re-

ceived fantastic student feedback. We look forward to working with them again in the future. Office of Student Leadership and Activities, Graduate Assistant

Dalton State College, Dalton GA 9/12/12 96 5553554 Hilarious show! A great non-threatening way to get students talking about consequences from alcohol use. Donna Lee Sullins, Assoc Dir of Student Life

US Navy Navsta Everett, Everett WA 9/20/12 265 5555555 Mike and Colin did an outstanding job of reaching out to the commands of Naval Station Everett. If I could give them a higher mark, I WOULD! They were great. Jame Goodman, CSC DAPA

Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC 09/25/12 700+ Richardson Ball Room 5555555 The guys we had were Patrick and Brice they are really nice guys. Their show was 100% entertaining and 100% informative. They made a topic that students find a hard time talking about funny and exciting at the same time. The student body really loved it and one of our Vice Presidents and Dean's enjoyed the show as well. The way they approach alcohol awareness is like no other and is a must have on campuses. Tevin Brown, Special Events Chair, DSU Treasure Valley Community College, Caldwell ID 10/9/12 50 4555553 Very funny and entertaining, Tasha Sorensen, Coordinator BARRY SCOTT Kirkland Productions

Salve Regina University, Newport, RI 09/26/12 30 Lecture Hall 5544-4Jivanto Van Hemert, Director, Spotlight-Campus Activities Board DEL SUGGS Saltwater Music

University of Akron, Akron, OH 08/16/12 46 Quaker Square 555555Del was a great way to kick off a week of training. Everyone was engaged beginning to end! Holly K. Pilcavage, GA-RHPB Broward College, Pembroke Pines, FL 09/21/12 60+ Southern Breeze Cafe 5555-45 My students enjoyed the presentation. It was very engaging and informative. Rose Ortega, Director of Student Life ELAINE PASQUA Pasqua Productions

Brown University, Providence RI 09/19/12 700 Salomon Center 5545--4 Enthusiastic, professional and engaging Sarah Fraser, Associate AD

St John Fisher College, Rochester NY 9/6/12 5555555 Elaine is a wonderful presenter and very engaging. We had good feedback from our athletes. However, I thought the presentation would be more about drugs and alcohol. Jennifer Granger, Compliance Coordinator Villanova University, Villanova PA 9/10/12 5555555 Elaine was really great - as usual! She presented “Surviving The College Party” to all 550+ student athletes on Monday. Allison Venella, Coordinator of Student Services

Johnson & Wales University, Providence RI 9/18/12 5555--Jillian Withington, Assistant Athletic Trainer

University of Mass, North Dartmouth MA 9/24/12 5555554 Amanda J Van Voorhis, assoc Dir of Athletics

Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester NY 9/25/12 5555--5 Rebecca Stryker, Head Women’s Softball Coach Newberry College, Newberry, SC 10/09/12 150+ Kohn Lecture Hall 5555555 Elaine did an amazing job of keeping the crowd engaged and involved. Emily Bikowski, Sex&Excess JESSICA PETTITT Kirkland Productions

American University, Washington DC 04/04/12 30+ SIS Founder's Room 5555555 Jess was fantastic! She is brilliant at what she does and is super engaging. Her ability to have deep conversations with a large group of people is amazing. Not only would I bring her back to campus, but I would recommend any campus looking for a speaker on Social Justice topics/issues to bring Jess. Matthew Bruno, Program Coordinator GLBTA Resource Center Southern Connecticut State University, New Haven, CT 08/04/12 100+ Ballroom 5545-34 Jessica was fantastic and did all that was asked of her and then some. I really appreciated working with her and I would absolutely hire her again. Russ Smith, Resident Director

Stetson University, DeLand, FL 08/21/12 400 Edmunds Center 5555-54 Jessica's "Be the Change" lecture was thought provoking, educational and students were talking about it long after the presentation ended. The Agency and the Artist were wonderful to work with; both organized and flexible which was most appreciated. We look forward to bringing Jessica back again next year! Rosalie Carpenter, Assistant Dean of Students The University of Akron, Akron, Ohio 09/20/12 50+ Student Union Theater 5555555 Jessica was an excellent speaker and by far the easiest speaker to work with that we have ever brought to campus. Chris Kuhn, President, LGBTU JOAQUIN "JACK" GARCIA Wolfman Productions

Quinnipiac University, Hamden, CT 09/24/12 125 Theater 5555555 Jack was such a friendly speaker and went the extra mile to interact with everyone in the committee. His real life undercover FBI experience was engaging and appropriate for college students. Steve Pagios, Assistant Director


Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC 09/04/12 100 Dina's Place - DiGiorgio Campus Center 5555555 Despite the bad weather, Lonnie's program drew a large audience and people were very satisfied upon leaving. Students personally thanked me for convincing them to come, as they stated that they learned a lot of new information. His nonpartisan approach to the subject ultimately made the event successful, and we were able to register about 20 new voters! Breanna Robinson, Lecture Committee Chair

MATT GLOWACKI Coleman Productions, Inc.

University of Akron, Akron, OH 08/20/12 185 Quaker Square 555555His Happiness session had students blowing bubbles around campus for days! Matt really knows how to address serious topics in a fun and interesting ways. Holly K. Pilcavage, GA-RHPB PATRICK McGARRITY “BIG MONEY” Patrick McGarrity

Graceland University. Lamoni IA 8/26/12 4545554 Great Presentation! Patrick makes it fun and informal. Brad Carr, Student Activities Director PETER BIELAGUS Admire Entertainment

University of Akron, Akron/Ohio 09/26/12 103 Student Union Theatre 555555Peter makes the idea of managing your money as a college student seem possible and even exciting! Holly K. Pilcavage, GA-RHPB ROCK THE VOTE GP Entertainment

Sussex County Community College, Newton NJ 9/20/12 3234-54 Definitely a bias discussion. Printed and power point were okay and non partisan. Heidi Gregg, Associate Director York College, York PA 9/25/12 3325-5This program’s success is dependent on appropriate scheduling and audience size / participation. Tamah Amron, Assist Dir of Campus Activities STAN PEARSON The Pearson Project

University of Akron, Akron/Ohio 09/12/12 104 Student Union Theatre 555555Stan's interaction with the students helps them really learn about what he is talking about. His "Just because..." segment is so powerful. Holly K. Pilcavage, GA-RHPB

LOUIS PAUL Louis Paul Presentations

University of Akron, Akron, OH 08/26/12 533 Student Union Ballrooms 555555His balloon creations are absolutely amazing. Paul is so kind and takes the time to get to know his hosts. Holly K. Pilcavage, GA-RHPB RECYCLED PERCUSSION Tall Tim Productions

Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC 08/19/12 1500+ Byrnes Auditorium 5555555 Great Act and really easy to work with. The student body loved the entertainment. We loved them and their energy!!! Tevin Brown, Special Events Committee Chair SALSA MAGIC The College Agency

Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC 08/31/12 100+ Campus Concourse 5555555 The event was amazing with little set up on our part. Lee and Kat had the students up and dance in little to no time all. The interaction was amazing!!! Tevin Brown, Special Events Chair


NINA CZITROM/PLAYFAIR Admire Entertainment

Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC 08/17/12 400+ West Center 5555555 Nina Czitrom is one of the nicest women I have met in a long time. She engaged each and every member of the audience with her outgoing but unforced personality, and because of that, this year's Playfair was a huge success. Breanna Robinson, Lecture Committee Chair


University of Akron, Akron, OH 08/21/12 121 Quaker Square 555555The students really embraced this session! They were dancing before it even began. High energy all day. Tom was great at steering towards learning. Holly K. Pilcavage, GA-RHPB TRACY KNOFLA High Impact Training Company

University of Akron, Akron, OH 08/18/12 131 Quaker Square 555555Tracy's True Colors reels in our students every single time! They're still identifying with their own personalized color weeks later. Holly K. Pilcavage, GA-RHPB


GOLDEN DRAGON ACROBATS Art Fegan Entertainment

Winthrop University, Rock Hill, South Carolina 08/26/12 1800+ Byrnes Auditorium 555555I loved them. They are one of Kind. Tevin Brown, Special Events Chair

If you are a student considering a career in the entertainment industry, we need to talk.

We are looking for writers with credits and student interns. Most positions will allow you to work from home or campus. INTERESTED? (803) 712-1429



Because of the huge influx of ARCs in recent issues driven by our online reporting system, Beginning January 1, 2013, WE WILL ONLY ACCEPT REPORTS THROUGH OUR WEBSITE OR iPAD, iPHONE, iPOD OR ANDROID APP. But don’t freak out, the reason is to give you a better reporting system. We will continue to publish results in our print edition but are building a more long-term resource for you on-line. If you are an artist or any agency, try to gradually convert to this system now so you won’t be left out. It is acceptable for your artist(s) to have the form readily available for buyers on a iPad or tablet at the end of their performance if the school feels comfortable giving feedback at that point. Some schools may feel intimidated by this approach and choose to complete the form after speaking with their students. An easy solution in this case would be a customer service call or email to the buyer after the play date requesting that they evaluate your show. The system is simple and easy and most campuses have already begun to use it. It completely eliminates most information errors and helps us track the number of dates played and the success of those performances. This is information that can be extremely helpful to schools as they look at artist and agency histories.



Please use these instructions for assistance in completing your online evaluation for your event. Give your response based on your interaction with the act and agency. It is important that you value the over-all performance of the artist by how your audience received the show and his/her ability to relate to your students during and even after that event as well. Remember that other schools may or may not book this act based on your experiences. Be as accurate as you can. Give details in the comments section. ARTIST NAME AS IT APPEARS ON YOUR CONTRACT






Campus Activities Magazine’s®

This form may only be completed by someone associated with the event on your campus. ALL reports are subject to verifica tion. Any schoolSIMPLE submitting poor ratings must supply reasons for the response. We will accept report cards made mo THIS EASY WAY TO REPORT ON SHOWS ATNOT YOUR CAMPUS than ninety (90) days following an event. We will NOT accept report cards from artists or agents. This report is not considere IS AVAILABLE AT authentic unless it is signed, dated and a telephone number listed. Other schools may want to contact you to get an update on your experiences. SUBMIT SEPARATE FORMS on EACH or program unless it was an event booked as a package RIGHT ON THEartist HOME PAGE. through the SAME AGENCY. You do NOT have to rate an artist in every category unless it applies to you.

It improves accuracy and helps create a database that you will




1 Artist/Attraction:______________________________________ Agency: ___________________________2 Genre: K Music K Comedy K Novelty/Live K Novelty/Game K Speaker K Perf Arts K Other_______ 5 3 Performance Date: _________________ Attendance: ________ Venue: __________________________ 4 6 7 School:__________________________________________ City/State: ____________________________8 7 Submitted by: (Print) ______________________________________ Title: _________________________10 11 Contact Telephone: __________________________ Email: ______________________________________12 13 Did The Artist Arrive On Time? _________ Was The Show What you Anticipated? ________________ 14
























5 5


5 5



















Be very clear with the agency on the exact GENRE of the act you are reporting on. Comedy hypnotists are NOT comedians but qualify only in the VARIETY category. Speakers that make you laugh are NOT comedians but SPEAKERS. Artists that make funny balloons are not VARIETY but qualify as games. To be considered VARIETY the artist must have a stage show (mentalist, magicians, jugglers, hypnotists, etc.). By splitting categories you rob the artist of an accurate over-all score AGENCY NAME AS IT APPEARS ON YOUR CONTRACT APPROXIMATE ATTENDANCE






Additional Comments:______________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________


The information collected on your ARC form is protected information. Campus Activities Magazine does not sell, share, barter or trade your information with any outside sources unrelated to our company. Information collected is primarily used to verify the authenticity of your submission should any question arise. We may also use your email address to make you aware of any promotions or special events within the entertainment industry that we feel might benefit your campus. We are constantly working with agencies representing talent we feel are exceptional offers that you generally would not be exposed to through other sources. However, these offers come only through us and not by sharing private information with others.


PO Box 509 Prosperity SC 29127

CAM OCT. 2012

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