Campus Activities Magazine September 2011

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Daniel Martin

Daniel is crushing the competition in Campus Activities Magazine’s® Artist Report Cards with top ratings in his field.


FIA’s Area Conference Opens Doors To New Programming 26 FIA’s endeavor makes programming possible for schools with limited budgets.

AEP Hits Pay Dirt


Step Afrika!


With a home run hit, the first time out of the box, AEP’s National Advisory Board is blowing its horn.



The Winner of NBC’s “The Voice” Is Hotter Than Ever On Campus The legendary campus performer walked away with all the gold on NBC’s “The Voice,” and while his schedule just tightened up, he says he will continue to do campus dates.

Entertainment and a lot more, Step Afrika are cultural ambassadors for The United States

D E P A R T M E N T S From the Publisher Laff Guru The Mystery of Daniel Martin Jonny Zavant Dueling Pianos CA LIve! with FIA A Pair of Nuts

4 6 12 14 24 26 28

AEP’s Signature Conference Bucket Boys Step Afrika! Real Life Artist Report Cards Entertainment Warehouse

29 33 34 36 37 43


SING ALONG LAUGH ALONG CLAP ALONG Dueling Pianos International is the #1 Nationwide resource for College, Corporate and Military performances with over 50 appearances with the United States Army since February 2010.

LRS College Entertainment: Jason Scarcelli PH: 248.398.9711 EMAIL:


AEP Makes Its Mark On The Entertainment Industry As one of the managing partners of AEP, I am thrilled to report that the first conference held just a few days ago at the Green Valley Ranch & Resort was an outstanding success. I wish I could take all the credit but that just wasn’t the case. Not only did this project get the attention of some of the most elite in the entertainment industry, but we were lucky enough to have the experience of working with one excellent facility, top-notch professional techs and one of the best producers in the business. But that was just the start. Through connections with some of the best entertainment agencies for both emerging and celebrity talent, we were able to involve an incredible group of buyers and agents on our National Advisory Board. Through personal connections in the special events and corporate markets, casino buyers, performing arts and colleges, the result was some absolutely dynamic networking sessions where every delegate had the chance to get involved. We decided early-on that we had to be interactive. We didn’t want another snooze-fest conference with some “professed” professional preaching at the audience. Instead, we polled delegates prior to and at the conference and came up with topics they wanted to address. Then we identified not only people on the board but also buyers and agents at the conference to lead the discussions and everyone was allowed to take part. Starting with the opening session, we enlisted the help of Barbara Meyer to deliver a comedian who could help us get an initial “friending session” going. Barbara came up with Rebecca Corry who did an outstanding job of not only adding humor to that segment, getting everyone in the room engaged

and participating. From the very beginning, we all were able to put a face with a name and we knew not only where they were from, but what segment of the industry they were associated with, their experience level and key elements of their business. We knew why they were there, what they were looking for and how they could help the rest of the people in the room. All this led perfectly into the second session led by Steve Bailey, Executive Director and CEO of the Grand Opera House, along with Kate Magill of Sophie K and Tom Faessel, Associate Director of Programming and Residence Life at The University of Akron. This Sharing Resources segment was appropriately called “1+1=?” It was an open opportunity to find out how previously segmented portions of the industry could share not only information but recommendations, policies & procedures and even talent. While each talent has their own pricing structure for various portions of the market, the fact is that sharing routing between platforms will allow exposure to more celebrity acts and emerging artists. More often than not, it is beneficial to all involved because the act can now pick up a date en route, the agency gets a commission they would not have gotten otherwise and the venue gets a recognizable act or a hot emerging talent for a night that may have otherwise been dark for the facility.

the University of Akron and Scott Gartner with AEG LIVE Events, West Palm Beach FL. Again, this was a totally interactive experience, with the panelists giving their suggestions on how entertainment trends develop and the audience reacting to how to keep up with them. Information came from a wide variety of viewpoints. It was suggested that while the campus market was the primary source for developing new talent in the sixties, the advent of MTV in the early years stole much of that glory and now YouTube and Facebook as well as iTunes seem to be the rule. But it was pointed out that online videos are generally very poor quality and even at their best fail

After the first showcase of the conference, delegates came back to discuss “Buying Entertainment for Today and Tomorrow.” Led by veteran producer, Nancy Hays, President of Nancy Hays Entertainment in Chicago, her co-panelists were Donielle Ojeah Bell, Senior Program Advisor at the University of Georgia, Beth Lynch, Promotions Coordinator at E.J. Thomas Performing Arts Hall at



In College I Looked Hot & Acted Cool (So Now I’m Just…Lukewarm.) I recently spent five hours on a cross-country flight stuck between two married couples and from their chat I could tell both had college-age children. The jest of the conversation was sharing endless complaints about their kid’s generation, from how spoiled and ungrateful children are today, to how much harder their generation had it. When they tried to get me to join in with their youth-bashing rants I softly said, “You really should not complain about the younger generation, after all, you made them.” This simple truth resulted in an awkward silence the remainder of the flight. Unlike them, I have no desire to say or do anything to extend the generation gap. In truth, despite being the same age as these couples, I simply could not connect to their frustrations with young people. Perhaps this is due to the vast amounts of enjoyable time I spend performing on college campuses, or the more likely cause is that although I have grown older I have yet to grow up. Some might say I suffer from a slight case of Peter Pan Syndrome; in my mind’s eye I have seen myself as college age from the time I was in school until, well, the present. (Psychologists refer to this phenomenon as “latent or prolonged adolescence.” I call it “fun.” My family calls it “immaturity.”) It would be hypocritical for me to complain about a generation I still can easily relate to. Not to say that I don’t often hear college students do their share of complaining about their parents’ and professors’ generation (and some of their issues are quite valid). But I truly believe most people, regardless of their age, are doing the best

they can. It is human nature when frustrations arise to look for someone different to blame them on; that difference can be in race, gender, religion, and in this case, age. This is why the world is plagued with needless racism, sexism, religious prejudice, and a perpetual generation gap. Since I became a comedian I have used humor to promote racial harmony, gender concordance, and religious tolerance, but I now see a need I have heretofore left unaddressed: creating greater understanding between students and their parents (as well as students and their professors). My youthful perspective gives me the ability to see where the students are coming from, yet at the same time, be-

sounds similar (often identical) to the music I was listening to when I (and their parents) attended college. But when I ask if their parents share their enjoyment of modern music I was told that their folks just did not understand it. The fact the students perceive that people of my generation have totally lost the ability to understand or appreciate their music and comedy disturbed me, so I gave the matter some really serious thought and I’d like to share my discoveries. If you think your parent’s generation doesn’t understand you, well, in many ways you are absolutely correct. We don’t understand how you can type faster with your thumbs than we can with all ten fingers. We don’t understand why you would want to text the person sitting next to you. We don’t understand why your pants are falling down.

cause of my age I can also see where their parents are coming from. From this unique vantage point I am able to understand both sides; this gave me the epiphany that the generation gap is just a simple lack of understanding. Over many years of working on the college circuit I’ve often heard members of the activity board fret over picking an act to perform for Parent’s Weekend and Homecoming. Their dilemma was if they picked an act that was too tame the students would be bored and if they picked an act that was too edgy the parents would be offended. I suggested they give their parents more credit, perhaps they were not all ol’ fuddy-duddies and might still be able to enjoy cutting edge entertainment, but I was told that their folks just would not understand it. Another thing I’ve noticed when spending time on campus: I often hear students listening to contemporary music that


But most of all, we don’t understand the pressures you face that we did not: what it feels like to learn that the job you hoped was waiting for you at graduation might be shipped overseas; or the house you thought you were going to inherit might be foreclosed; or that because your parent’s pensions and retirement accounts are disappearing you might have to take care of them when they get too old to work. In short, we don’t understand what it feels like to get the short end of the “American Dream.” • We don’t understand you, but to be honest, we really don’t understand us either. • We have more toys, yet less happiness. • We make more, yet save less. • We spend more each year on dieting than France, England, and Germany spend on food, yet two-thirds of us are overweight or obese. • We preach “just say no to drugs,” yet gobble antidepressants like candy. • We have more time-saving devices, yet less time. • We are the first generation to ever shout at a microwave oven to hurry up, because THE LAFF GURU CONTINUES ON PAGE 8

For nearly two decades, Jeff has wowed audiences with his "defining moments" messages about "LIFE” and "EDUCATION." This former Mr. New Hampshire Male America, U.S. Marine Gulf War Veteran, and high school coach, has spoken in all 50 states to young people representing over 48 different countries. His timeless message "About Life" mesmerizes people with how simply Jeff puts today's stresses into perspective about living a life of Purpose.

UPBEAT. InteRACTIVE. Real. A Few of the Colleges that have hired Jeff: • The University of Michigan • The University of Notre Dame • The University of Florida • Springfield College

Experience: • 19 Years • 50 States • 48 Countries • 3.5 Million Young Adults • Over 3,000 Speaking Engagements

Learn: • 3 Things we want in LIFE • 3 Things we should do EVERY day • How to Master a REAL Education for FREE

for my generation, instant gratification takes too long. • We spend money we haven’t earned to buy things we don’t need to impress people we don’t really like. But despite this massive amount of misunderstanding, your generation and your parent’s generation are much closer than either ever thought possible! There is obviously a need for someone to bridge the gap between the student’s and parent’s generations, and who better for this task than yours truly, someone who has a foot in both. So I created “TALKING ABOUT MY GENERATION,” an interactive multimedia presentation exploring the generational differences between Baby Boomers, Gen-X, and Gen-Y. I’ve crafted an event that is as humorous as it is educational; part lecture, part comedy, part game show, and all fun! For example, you have probably seen the viral YouTube video “Evolution of Dance” by Judson Laipply (as of this writing it has almost 180 million hits), well I’m doing something similar, except instead of dance I feature a nostalgic montage of hairstyles, fashion, and slang. And I have compiled a music comparison that will knock your socks off. I’m also using advanced age regression/progression software to illustrate that perhaps, as hard as it may be to believe, at one point your parents might have looked hot! Using images of today’s sex symbols I’ll point out what you may look like if you are lucky enough to one day be your parent’s age. "TALKING ABOUT MY GENERATION" builds closer relationships through understanding. Understanding what your parents did right as well as their mistakes. Understanding how we got here and how to get to where we want to be. Parents will leave understanding the modern pressures their children face. Students will leave understanding their parents (and Faculty Members) were way more cool than they ever imagined. I am happy to report that you can be one of the very first to experience this new event. I will be showcasing soon at several conferences: October 7th in Syracuse, October 14th in Myrtle Beach, and November 4th in Corpus Christi. Meanwhile, visit: Finally the dilemma on who to book for Parent’s Weekend is solved! “The Laff Guru” has taken his message of LAUGHTER=NIRVANA to all 50 states and 23 countries. His awards include: “Comic of the Year,” “Campus Performer of the Year,” and a “Cable Ace Award.” His credits include over fifty TV appearances, including: Showtime and The Late Show. He is represented by GP Entertainment. To find out more about his award-winning comedy act please visit:


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THE ULTIMATE BLOW-OUT SHOW CHECK OUT THIS SPECIAL DEAL FOR CAMPUS ACTIVITIES MAGAZINE® READERS With countless novelty suppliers and a barage of games and activities offered, it can be a difficult task when deciding which suppliers to work with. Typically there are two major factors that must be examined in order to make such selections. Foremost is pricing. No matter how great a product may be, if it’s not affordable then it’s simply unattainable. Second is quality. There is nothing worse than ordering a show or product based on a picture in a brochure or on the web only to discover when it arrives that is is barely held together by duct tape and twine. One additional factor to consider is the kind of relationships than can be developed with a supplier. Mike Seymore of Cutting Edge Productions may be the best example in the biz when it comes to personal service and attention to his clients. Not only do you get the highest quality products at competitive prices with CEP, but service is unmatched.

With that said, CEP is bringing a special package to the table that will have your campus pumped. “Unique and original entertainment and is what we are known for. One of the other things we are known for is having the stuff that students have to have each year. We decided this year to give back to the schools because we know how drastic budget cuts have been. So, we have created The “Ultimate Blow-Out Show”. Combining “American Pop Stars,” a create your own music video program, “Bling Nation,” and the “Xbox 360 Domination Extreme.” Normally these three shows booked individually would run over $6,000, but what we are doing this year is combining all three shows shipping on one truck and booking them at $2,250 plus lodging. That’s saving over $4,000 for our clients.”

blinged-out goblets. The perfect compliment to that is to allow them to get dressed up and then make their own music video in full costume. You also have the “Xbox 360 Domination Extreme” which includes Wii and Playstation 3’s for those who are too shy to make a music video or have little interest in the bling. One of the greatest parts of the combination is that it provides something for everyone.

The combination of these three shows really makes good sense. “Bling Nation” is a show that allows the students to dress up with gold chains and platinum grills and carry around big

BOOK IT! The Ultimate Blowout Show is available by contacting Cutting Edge Productions at866-288-8126 or check them on the web at


CEP has a passion for and dedication to working with students on programming boards. “I think students need to know more than just the name of a company or whether or not they are a top rated vendor. They should know the people within it as well.” It’s that kind of attitude and and attention to detail that ranks CEP above the rest.

Sometimes you want a fresh look, fresh act and a fresh face. It’s great to know you can get those things from an entertainer while at the same time retaining the ability to work with an experienced professional. Now that the long reign of Justin Kredible (now Willman) as the top magic act in the fore of the campus market has tapered with his incredible television success, there is a hole at the top and Dan Martin plans to fill it. “I want to be the best and most popular magician in the college market,” he says. “And I have been working just about my entire life to get there.” Dan is an expert magician, pickpocket and escape artist.What makes his show different from most is the experience he intends to provide his audience, or that he intends to provide an experi12, CAMPUS ACTIVITIES MAGAZINE® SEPTEMBER 2011

ence for his audience, not necessarily use the audience to create a gratifying experience for himself. This is a significant and key difference in types of magical and mystery performers, the split between those who need approval through the ability to impress and those who want to impress through the ability to provide an improved experience. Is about ‘dem, or is about ‘chu? “My show is very different because of the way that I weave the comedy and the more amazing stuff together. I don’t write actual jokes because I realized a long time ago that performing magic for people, especially people who have never seen it before, creates a kind of interaction that generates the candidly funny moment that can’t always be planned for or choreographed. That interaction creates most of the funny material during the show. It’s what I call

castic improv. Instead of going in with loaded jokes people have heard over and over, I realized the best source of material was the people themselves. When they freak out because I do something on stage there is a moment of organic hilarity.” Dan is all about reactions, and working in the campus market for several years now, he has gotten tons of them. Nominated for multiple awards through CAM, he is gunning to be a top entertainer in the market and is well on his way there. Perhaps his fundamental understanding of people as audiences is key in his rise to the top. “Its funny, because it doesn’t matter if it is a corporate audience of millionaires or, like the majority of my audiences, college students, we all have a common fascination with amazement. Granted, college audiences are certainly one of the best

yet toughest audiences in the world to work because they are so honest. That honesty and the reaction of how they relate to me and the show is why I keep doing this.” Dan Martin, besides being a success in our Reader’s Choice Awards nominations (remember if you want to get artists nominated this year, you have to submit Artist Report Cards on them, he was the SECOND highest rated artist for the entire 2010-11 school year. This is a guy who can do a great job and has the evidence to back it up. BOOK IT! For more information on bringing Daniel Martin to your campus, contact Bass/Schuler Entertainment at (773) 4812600 or CAMPUS ACTIVITIES MAGAZINE® SEPTEMBER 2011, 13

Jonny Zavant MIND OVER MATTER “LOOK DEEPLy INTO My EyES…” In a day foregone, mentalism was something taken very seriously by those who practiced it. This is not to say today’s mentalists don’t take their work seriously, but they do tend to take themselves a bit less seriously, foregoing the temptation of bygone performers to claim supernatural powers or extreme psychic ability. In this modern day and age, most of us understand that mentalists and magical performers don’t control the forces of nature or the mind, but instead are an incredibly entertaining way of watching the expert manipulation of our senses and surroundings and the control of our attention. This does not make the performance any less entertaining, if anything it is more so because our jaded society will on the whole not allow us to believe a true miracle is taking place in before our very eyes. Entertainment should be whimsical and fun, not grave, serious and scary. Enter Jonny Zavant, a fantastically charming and witty character who takes some incredible abilities on stage and turns them into a great time for his audiences and, who doesn’t claim any “look at me I’m different and special”

unnatural abilities that are too hard too swallow. “My show is predicated on the well-known fact the average person only uses 10% of their brains...I like to explore the other 90%. Mostly my show is about showing others what they can do, if they put their minds to it. I don’t set it up as ‘Hey, look how awesome I am as the mentalist, it’s more ‘Look at what incredible things you can do.’ I have tried over the course of my career to make my show about the audience and make them feel they can go out and do amazing things, instead of trying to showcase my incredible powers. Who am I? Some guy on stage saying ‘Look, look, look at me!’ I prefer the alternative.” Jonny isn’t some yahoo out of nowhere just emerging on the scene, he has been making a name for himself in the campus market for a few years even popping up in our Reader’s Choice Awards (remember if you want to get artists nominated this year, you have to submit Artist Report Cards on them,, but he’s made a name for himself among the elite magic world even earlier. “Since 2003, I have worked with the James Randi Educational Foundation handling the applications for The Million Dollar Challenge.” This is world-famous magician and entertainer James Randi’s

open call to anyone, under strict lab conditions, who can prove they have some sort of supernatural or paranormal powers, without aid of device, sleight of hand or misdirection. It’s a fraud-buster essentially. Their official statement is: “The JREF exposes charlatans and helps people defend themselves from paranormal and pseudoscientific claims.” “I learned much of the mentalism that I now know and I continue to work in tandem with the foundation designing testing protocol,” he says. Jonny has charisma, pizzazz and moxie. Check out his performance and have your audiences thoroughly involved, entertained and not made to feel awkward, embarrassed or condescended to, as he is a humble and approachable guy who can also turn on the charm and wit for a crowd. BOOK IT! For APCA member schools or military buyers who are interested in more information on the amazing Jonny Zavant, contact Carol Studer with Everything But The Mime at (407) 856.2412 or For all other inquiries, visit Jonny’s website at




STORy By IAN KIRBy The thrill of being able to write this story is comparable only to the thrill of doing an interview with the incredibly talented winner of TV’s hottest new vocal talent competition, NBC’s “The Voice.” Javier Colon isn’t a new face to the campus market and in fact, credits the shows he’s done for schools over the last several years as his saving grace. “(Laughs) I feel indebted to the campus community for embracing me the last few years of my life, and allowing me to continue to work. Honestly, if I hadn’t gotten involved in this market, I probably would have been doing something else completely unrelated to music a long time ago. The campus market enabled me to take care of my family and our expenses and I love touring it. I still look forward to performing at them and have some on the books that I am going to play even while trying to grind out the new album.” Part of Javier’s prize package for winning “The Voice” was a contract with Universal Republic Records to cut his own album...a road he’s been down before with much less positive results than anticipated this go around. With the publicity from the show and the UR label officially behind him, things are likely to turn out much differently, but it still won’t be easy. Since winning the show only a few weeks ago, Javier has been completely submerged in the studio, pushing to get the album done for its November release date. 16, CAMPUS ACTIVITIES MAGAZINE® SEPTEMBER 2011



Strangely enough, Javier hasn’t always been able to appreciate the campus market. Despite a lifetime in music (Javier’s father was in radio, his first song was written by thirteen and he even studied music at The University of Hartford’s Hartt School of Music), he wasn’t aware of this niche market for quite some time. “The crazy thing was I had no idea that these conferences existed until a few years ago. It was a shock to know there was so much booking being done and it was an honor for me to get into it. It was a real gamechanger for me because of how much work I was able to get so quickly.” CAM has had some great and high-profile covers, but as editor I’m hard-pressed to remember a single cover that is more timely and highly publicized than Javier’s. He is literally the most in-demand entity in the world right now, working with huge artists and on dream projects. One might think now that Javier has “made it” the campus market perhaps will fade away for him, intended primarily as a stepping stone on his way to success. This couldn’t be further from the truth. “The college community will not be forgotten by any means. I am working with The College Agency and everyone there is very excited to get some more shows on the books. There are definitely a lot more opportunities; a lot of folks now are much more familiar with what I do and offers are more prevalent, but that doesn’t mean I will forget where I came from. I would love to continue to do college shows, I have a few coming up in the next few months that I am really excited about.” Regular readers of the publication might think Tom Faessel and University of Akron have us on their payroll with as much coverage as we give them, but we swear it is simply because they actively participate in the magazine and feature one of the best programs in the country. Completely unsolicited, Javier verifies this, bringing up U of A and it’s magnificent EJ Thomas Performing Arts Hall as an shining example of the pinnacle of his campus market success. “You know, when I used to go play Akron, the staging was interesting. EJ Thomas is such a beautiful venue and large enough that when they host coffeehouse events with less than a few hundred people, the performer actually turns around at front and center stage. There is so much room the audience is set up cabaret style upstage for a more intimate setting. This has always been where I played, now I am going back and they are opening the show up

to the community and we’re going to try and fill up the 3,000 seats on the theater side and the stage is all mine (laughs). I always joked with them about coming one day and playing in the ‘big house’ and now its happening. I am so excited and the campus audiences are so enthusiastic. There are definitely going to be more college shows in my future, there’s no doubt about that.” Probably the most exemplary thing about Javier, and this will sound crazy if you’ve heard him sing, is his personality and humility. He is soft-spoken but direct, he is incredibly talented but not ego-driven and he is incredibly easy to work and speak with. Even this may not seem like enough to be a bigger attribute than his incredible voice, but in a business where humility and talent very often lie in an inverse proportion, its a huge asset for a buyer to know they’ll be comfortable with and catered to by their talent. “Nothing is guaranteed. It is a blessing and a curse to have been in the music business for as long as I have because I know how it works. Things could be great now but then slowly taper off. Knowing how fickle this business can be, I understand the good times don’t always last forever and I might need to be prepared for that. It has been a struggle for me to fully enjoy what is going on with “The Voice” because I am so jaded and business-minded that I am constantly thinking about the future. There is no time to really celebrate; rather than sit back on my laurels and ride the wave, this is truly the time to work harder and maintain momentum and grow from where I am right now. This is obviously a much better place than I was before, but I have to make sure that I stay focused and work on moving forward from here.” As someone who’s “been there, done that,” it may seem surprising that Javier even auditioned for a show like “The Voice,” the type of reality show forum so often reserved for upand-comers with nothing to lose. “ ‘The Voice’ spoke to my current management company, International Artists Agency, about unsigned talent that would be a good fit for the program. Having been dropped from Capitol Records in 2006, we have been trying for a new deal for the last five years to no avail. No one wanted to take a chance on me. Two weeks before we got the email accepting me to ‘The Voice’ I did a showcase for Blue Note Records in New York and had extremely high hopes we would get that deal. I met with them several times and many people in the building seemed really excited and wanted to sign me. There were some others who were on the fence and I guess those won out. We got the ‘pass’ email after the showcase and it felt like a dagger. I didn’t know what other opportunities were pos-

sibly going to come along and then we hear about ‘The Voice,’ and we said ‘Let’s give it a shot.’” Even going for “The Voice” took a leap of faith. After passing the first stage of auditions, the producers requested Javier come out to L.A. for another round...and block out a six week chunk of his schedule in the process. “This was for a second phase of auditions, but I had to commit for six weeks and if I did, I would miss my Northern Plains showcase, along with four or five college shows already on the books. When I tell you these shows were my main income for my family, I mean it. The college market was all I had and missing these shows and the showcase would be a huge hit and risk. The last time I did Northern Plains I got 40 shows. That’s an entire half a year or more of revenue, so to commit to do ‘The Voice’ I was backing out of what would set us up for the rest of the year. My wife and I had a tough decision as to whether it was a risk we could take because I knew I was one of thousands upon thousands of people auditioning. This would put us in financial jeopardy; I can’t say our stability was at risk because there really was none.” Sometimes risks pay off. “I really thought it through and talked to some of my great and amazing friends that were in a much better place financially than I was. They basically said ‘Listen, this is an opportunity you have to take and if we have to float you some money so that you can take care of your bills while you are going for your dream, then we have your back.’ I can’t express my gratitude for those responsible for making this possible, I would have never done it otherwise and put my family in that much risk.” Apparently their faith and investment paid off and surely any debts have been repaid from Javier’s $100,000 prize. Included in this prize was his record contract, his album is due in November. Incredibly talented, humble and popular, Javier Colon is a dream artist to work with and still reasonably available to book in the campus market. His fall availabilities will be limited due to album production, but contact The College Agency about the possibilities and as of this writing, his spring is open. Here’s your chance to snag the hottest act on the market. BOOK IT! For more information on bringing Javier Colon in for your next concert, contact The College Agency at (952) 440-4777 or through their website at


Dueling pianos is a popular entertainment format and attraction that found success mostly in the bar and club scene. No one had brought that excitement to the college market until now. Dueling Pianos International, headed up by Jason Scarcelli, understands exactly what’s needed, expected and ideal for a dueling pianos show fit for the college market. “This is a high-energy, all request, rock n’ roll comedy piano show where the audience is just as much a part of the show as the entertainers,” Scarcelli says.

Obviously requests count as audience interaction, but what Jason is describing goes much further. “We like to bring the audience members up to the stage for a lighthearted roast – a bit or a comedy skit. We enjoy dressing the guest up in costume, funny wigs or hats and have a great time with them. When we bring people up to the stage (known as a call-down), sometimes even in groups. The interactive comedy bits with the groups are a riot.” Jason explains the main aspect of the show is “fun.” While talented musicians with


comedic training are the featured entertainers, the point of this show is not to impress it’s audience with blinding talent or pedigree, but to simply and thoroughly entertain. “One of the most popular parts of the program and our favorite is when the audience tries to stump the entertainers with requests. It is very difficult to do because these guys know literally thousands of songs but everyone gets a kick out of it when it does happen.” The musicians that DPI works with are not amateurs. “These are professional musicians who have been playing piano their

tire lives. Even if they have never played a particular song before, if they know the lyrics they can perform the song on the spot.” Comedy is the other important aspect and all the entertainers are actually trained in the art. “All of our entertainers go through rigorous training, if a new piano player approaches DPI, for the first six months, they don’t even get any stage time, just homework. Once they get comfortable with that material, they can start writing their own, but a good portion of the comedic material these folks use have been passed down from the older generation players.”

“Dueling pianos is a broad term and means different things to different people, but on the whole, the term is synonymous with ‘singalong.’ Jason explains the modern concept began in a club called Alley Cats in Dallas, Texas in the late 1980s. “Now nearly 30 years later there are about 350 full time dueling pianos players across the country. “95% of those 350 players strictly work in traditional dueling pianos venues and don’t perform in a private capacity. Fortunately for us, many of the original pioneers of the modern dueling pianos idea are on Dueling Pianos International roster and we work with them often. We are lucky to have access to the true orig-

inators and professionals in the art and it gives us a significant edge in offering the very best product to this market.” With an extensive network of players, tons of experience and the innovation of bringing the format to our market first, Dueling Pianos International has the knowledge, passion and professionalism to make this show a staple for campuses across the country. BOOK IT! For more info on Dueling Pianos International contact Jason Scarcelli at DPI at 248-398-9711 or


FIU, BISCAyNE BAy DEVELOPS AF The concept of a showcasing event has been around for many years. If you are in any way involved in campus programming you have probably experienced many such events. But with ever decreasing budgets across college campuses, one school decided to take a chance on something new. June 12, 2011 marked the Second Annual Florida Expo: a showcasing event held on the campus of Florida International University’s Biscayne Bay Campus. The expo’s visionary creator Craig Cunningham states, “I had conceptual-

ized the idea many years ago but made the decision to move forward in 2010 because I felt I had the staff and means to make it work. Furthermore, typically the regional conferences that our students attend take place before the programming boards are elected. With the timing being in June, it gave a chance for those new members to make some decisions for the upcoming year.” In 2010, it was decided in May the expo would run in June. This gave Craig only one month to find the showcasing acts, invite the schools, and prepare. They


began to reach out by seeking local Florida entertainment. “Being located in Miami has its benefits. The second year we did not want to have any repeat showcases so we branched out of Miami and into Orlando and Tampa. We knew we were going to have to branch out to keep bringing in new talent.” Getting the talent to the event is only half the battle. Next came the daunting task of getting other surrounding schools to participate while on summer vacation. “In our first year we had a little over 100 students come from 15 different schools

FORDABLE OPTION FOR FLORIDA located in south Florida. This past year we double the attendance. We reached out to schools in central Florida as well as south Florida and brought in 30 schools with about 175-200 students attending. ” “The event is primarily sponsored by FIU. We use our facilities, our AV people, and our stage equipment and personnel to put this show on. The idea is to make it inexpensive for the schools to attend and to book entertainment. By booking local talent, the schools save on travel expenses, and all of the schools are

close to each other. There is no easier way to do block booking” Some other benefits to producing a showcasing event like this is the student participation. “It’s great because I can involve so many more students in the expo than I can take to a regional or National conference due to the expense of it all. Plus it gives our campus some great exposure around the state. It really gives us a chance to showcase our campus to others. In fact, the only disadvantage that I’ve found is the additional workload that planning and

executing an event like this provides” The Florida expo is making waves in the campus programming community. With its second year a success, year three looks promising. Not only has FIU Biscayne Bay developed this idea, but the California area is due to have their first showcasing event of this kind in September 2011. Also Joining this movement will be Georgia Southern University. FIU Biscayne Bay Campus has led the way toward developing affordable programming in their area.


Innovative and always hilarious, A Pair of Nuts bring more to the stage than your traditional sketch comedy. Yamil Piedra and Johnny Trabanco combine an array of comedic sketches and short videos to bring to you a multimedia comedy show unlike you’ve ever seen before. There are live sketches with costume changes and props, but interlaced with video clips shot, edited, and produced by the Nuts themselves. While the costume changes are being made, the audience is entertained by the video clips. Such clips have been featured on “Last Call with Carson Daily” and “Tosh .0”. “We had created a video called “Zap Off” where Johnny played the role of Billy Mays. When the pitch man show was on the Discovery Channel they wanted to use the video on the show. The producer mentioned that he was also the producer of Last Call and asked us if we would like to be on the show.” Yamil and Johnny began working together back in 1998, before the viral video craze began. But

once it was possible to create a video and immediately post it, the comedy game was forever changed. The Nuts have taken full advantage of this technology. Yamil and Johnny have their own unique brand of comedy that is particularly accepted by the college community. In one sketch the stage opens with Yamil sitting on a couch facing the audience pretending to watch TV. In walks Johnny to join him. They sit down and prepare to watch a UFC fight. Yamil is overly excited and pumped up about the fight and in preparation for it decides to play some music. Johnny, somewhat confused by this reluctantly agrees. Yamil persuades him by convincing him that the music will get them far more pumped up for the fight than the commentators ever could. They sit back on the couch and Yamil hits play on the stereo. What happens next is best described by the expression on Johnny’s face. No loud rock or rap to get pumped up with is heard. Only the awkwardness of two men, sitting side by side on the couch watching the UFC and listening to R. Kelly’s Bump and Grind.


For a comedy group like A Pair of Nuts, putting on a show is the fun part. But in a community that relies so heavily on showcasing events, cramming an hour’s worth of Nuts into a ten minute window can be a difficult thing. “When we did our first APCA in Texas it was a major learning experience for us because it did not go well. It was so difficult for us to decide which sketches to pull from our act. So we decided to begin by coming out dressed in tight white leotards and doing the superman dance. We learned from that mistake and have it down to a science now.” They are currently averaging 30-40 shows per semester, while touring comedy clubs in the meantime. BOOK IT: Represented by Nikki Franklin of Talent Plus, A Pair of Nuts are sure to cause a tremendous commotion on your collage campus. Call her at (314) 421-9400.

JOSH BLUE Was a Hit with an audience that is not easily impressed. A Hands Down Favorite.


If you missed the AEP Worldwide Conference in September, you missed one of the most outstanding events in recent years. The talent was designed to fit all the markets within the AEP Membership and it made its mark and then some. Not only was there a select variety of entertainment choices, but the acts represented the top of their fields. Hats off to EastCoast Entertainment who handled the showcase production because they delivered what AEP promised, “one of the most professionally produced events in the entertainment marketplace.” Add to that the fact that The Green Valley Ranch has the perfect venue in the Ovation Theater - complete with state-of-the-art sound and intelligent lighting and the association hit a home run their first time out of the box.


HERE COME THE MUMMIES Brought the audience to their feet. “The show was amazing...Never saw anything like it...I have got to have this show!

ABSOLUTELY AMAZING From start to finish, this was not just a show but a incredible production. The show to buy at AEP!

HERE COME THE MUMMIES was the talk of the conference and recipients of the first standing ovation from the crowd. This huge troupe of artists delivered a show that could easily be performed for any audience and the production value makes it one that will be long remembered after your event is over. But there were lots of cross-over artists on the showcase schedule at AEP and all four showcases offered a variety of talent in a diverse range of prices and production requirements. Music ranged from The Bronx Wanderers who brought amazing vocals from the Jersey Boys; to 7 Bridges who delivered the complete Eagles catalog; to Tonic Sol-fa, one of the best a cappella groups in the country. If you wanted to party, Jessie’s Girls would show you how and if you wanted to dance, Ballroom with a Twist delivered with dancers from “Dancing With The Stars.” If you want amazing instrumentals from four talents young ladies, Bella Electric Strings was the ticket. And if you want to move from mellow to Boogie Woogie, Diane Lines will step to the front.


ALySSA BENTLEy and KENNy JAMES were two stand-out emerging artists from AEP. Alyssa delivered a mesmerizing version of Prince’s “Purple Rain” and Kenny got the crowd moving with his own hit, “Party Like A Rich Kid.” Campus Activities Magazine® is negotiating an upcoming campus tour. Other stand-outs include Finis Henderson, an amazing impersonator who owned the second standing ovation of the conference. If you haven’t seen this guy, you are missing a great show. He comes with his own band and one incredible voice. Dian Diaz, who dazzled audiences at The Bellagio, showed off her new touring music/dance show. Comedians showcasing included Tammy Pescatelli, Rondell Sheridan, Rebecca Corry, ANT, Dan Ahdoot, Alexandra McHale, Jay Malone and James Gregory. Magic, Novelty and Special Events included Impressionist Martin Dubé, Michael Dubois’ Solo Circus, Mentalist Christopher Carter, “Phenomenon” Mike Super, Cultural Ambassadors Step Afrika!, Mentalist Gerry McCambridge, Magician James Galea, Comedian Adam Ace, Juggler Bryan Dangerous, Ventriloquist Michael Harrison and the Insane Magic of Daniel Martin.

FROM THE PUBLISHER CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4 performance and the delegates seemed to be convinced that it should be AEP’s mission to introduce developing talent in such a way that the live experience still makes the magic.

There was a special perk for the delegates at the end of this session when Judson performed his famous “Evolution of Dance” YouTube mega-million hit.

Tuesday’s first morning session dealt with a subject that effects every single sector of the industry: “Survival! It’s the Economy, Stupid.”

On Wednesday morning, delegates were given the opportunity to ask celebrity agents any question related to any sector. Jackie Knobbe, Senior VP for Comedy for APA (Agency for the Performing Arts) and Jim Lenz with Paradise Artists were put in the hot seat. We found out why agents won’t return your calls or take your offer seriously; What is an offer they can take to their artists; Why some artists never see your offer; How you can get stuck on a back-end deal; Is there any remedy for a $100,000 act when you have only sold 100 tickets; What to expect in total cost when your talent costs $100k; Just what can you strike in a rider and hope to keep the deal on the table; Why advancing a

With Barbara Meyer, President of Admire Entertainment (Palisades, NY) and Deborah Smith, Executive Director of the Historic Newberry Opera House (Newberry SC) as co-facilitators, the delegates pushed the envelope on cures and treatments for economic woes.

Two key buyers with real buying power, Steven Bailey of the Grand Opera House in Wilmington, DE and Anthony Gibson, Director of Entertainment for the Beau Rivage Resort & Casino in Biloxi, MS said Leona Plaugh would not let them say “no.” According to Steve, “It took me a while to commit because I liked the concept but didn’t know if I really wanted to be part of another conference. But Leona was relentless. Then, we had our first conference call as board members and I was really intrigued. I made up my mind that this might be a great opportunity. When we officially met in person as a board on Sunday afternoon, we all really clicked. The concept fell into place. I liked the idea of knowing about colleagues from other segments of the industry.

The Second morning session on Tuesday proved to be just as popular as the leadoff session. “Closing The Deal on Celebrity Entertainment was lead by Judy Thee, International Entertainment Director for The “I held back this year inviting colleagues Freeman Company from my network simand co-hosted by ply because this was Major Agency Panel Facilitators: Stephen Bailey (The Grand Opera House), Anthony Gibson, yet unproven. You Jackie Knobbe (APA) and Jim Lenz (Paradise Artists). Director of Enterhad better believe tainment for MGM’s they are going to get Beau Rivage Rean email from me sort and Casino in when I get back. The Biloxi, MS, and hotel was nice, The Christianne Weiss Ovation was a perfect from APA, Agency showcase facility, The for the Performing talent was diverse Arts, Beverly Hills, and exceptional and CA. This was a lesthe production on the son in how to find showcases and the the talent you need general sessions was as opposed to the about as perfect as talent you want and then how to procure it, date is so critical, especially if you are asking you can get.” know what it will REALLY cost and if you for a ‘Meet & Greet’ and why some artists will can afford it. never consent to doing them. The delegates have agreed that buyers, artists and agencies who join through FebruBut perhaps the one session where camThere was excitement and magic in the air ary 1, 2012 will have the lifetime designation puses were in the spotlight was Tuesday afat the Town Hall Meeting Final Session as “Founding Members.” They unanimously ternoon’s session on “The Coveted Younger when delegates unanimously applauded agreed the conference in 2012 should be a Demographic”. Led by Douglas Hall from Talthe success of this year’s event. The sesGreen Valley if we can reach a favorable entPlus, LLC in St Louis, MO, his co-facilitasion was led by Andrea Michaels (Presiagreement with the property. In order to faciltors were Troy Pederson, Casting Director for dent of Extraordinary Events and Vice itate the schedules of all the different sectors Walt Disney Properties, Worldwide, Judson Chair of the AEP National Advisory Board) the organization serves, they have requested Laipply who is both a motivational speaker and Sam Trego (President of Imagination dates from late May through mid-July as opand the originator of the YouTube sensation Entertainment and Chair of the AEP Nations excluding Memorial Day weekend and “The Evolution of Dance” and Tricia Hartley, tional Advisory Board). “There are no naythe weekend and days surrounding July 4. Student Affairs Specialist for the University of sayers now. This is one of the best run They also projected growth of 100-200 new West Florida, Pensacola, FL. and most enjoyable meetings I have ever attendees. We expect to have a response had the pleasure of being part of. Acts are from Green Valley by the end of the month Buyers realize now that they must attract going away with real dates under their and will share that with the National Advisory younger audiences as their market shares belts. If anything can come close to touchBoard and then the full membership. It’s not begin to evolve with trends. But Tricia related ing the production and the talent we saw, to late for your campus to join the association that it is far from an exact science and you it would be the networking. Most of us as a founding member. The $299 school rate can get left holding the bag. The concensus came here only knowing a few, if any, of will be discounted to just $199 through Ocof the audience was that it may not be so the other delegates. We are all going tober 31. much of an age issue but an acquired taste if home friends,” Sam and Andrea reyour audience is involved in social media. marked. 32, CAMPUS ACTIVITIES MAGAZINE®, SEPTEMBER 2011

Who Do you Call When you Need Some Attention?

THE BUCKET BOYS What started as a cure for orchestra boredom has turned into an full-time, international job for Vince Romanelli and Mitch Martin, the Bucket Boys. Vince and Mitch met in the percussion section of their 6th grade concert band and have been drumming together ever since. Working with the Coleman Entertainment Group, the Bucket Boys have quickly become a versatile college entertainment feature. Their long lasting friendship, vast experience and extreme enthusiasm have produced an impressive high-energy drumming spectacle, that focuses on comedy and crowd interaction. What exactly goes into a Bucket Boys show? While claiming to be as multi-faceted as a diamond, their drumming is in-sync! Their instruments? A collection of recyclables; buckets, barrels, frying pans, trash cans, street signs, pails and even a bed pan. “We got a great deal on it. It was used,” laughs Vince. If laughter is the best medicine, the Bucket Boys can cure most anything as comedy is a huge part of the show. Vince and Mitch laugh at themselves; they laugh at each other; and make the audience laugh as well. Their quick wit, and rapport comes from the experience of so many performances. The Bucket Boys bring their audience into the show. Volunteers get chance to show off doing their own Bucket solo on stage. (Consider yourself warned SAC reader!) “We think of ourselves as prop comics, and our audience is the prop.” states Vince Romanelli, 29. “Getting a group of students is the ultimate wildcard. We love getting to use our passion of drumming to entertain students, but ultimately, its the interaction with them that makes our show stand out.” Mitch Martin, 30, continues. “ We tease each other relentlessly; we make each other laugh, and we talk about Papa John’s and Wendy’s.” After making it through the first two rounds of “America’s Got Talent” and a constant increase in college performances, the last couple years have brought the Bucket Boys around the world, literally. They’ve spent a total of 10 weeks in Dubai working for the United Arab Emirates. “Being invited once was quite an experience, but being asked to return twice after that really means a lot to us. The success of our show is one thing, but to do it in a foreign country like Dubai means we’re on to something bigger than us.” Mitch adds “we’ve gone from Des Moines and Detroit, to Delhi and Dubai in just a few years.”. Although they enjoy the international performances, the duet agrees on one fact: college audiences are their favorite! “It’s the perfect age group for us and their enthusiasm and excitement feeds our show, so we give it right back!” Vince adds, “Who doesn’t love a room full of students to interact with? We know how nervous wracking it can be; we break down the unnecessary barriers." They are perfect for festivals on campus, sibs/family weekend, talent show emcees, and more! They even challenge schools, “Ask us to do something out of the ordinary, we’ll cater to almost anything.” BOOK IT: For more info contact Brooke at Coleman Productions (866) 328-3762 or


Step Afrika! is the first professional company in the world dedicated to the tradition of stepping. Founded in December 1994, the company is critically acclaimed for its efforts to promote the understanding of and appreciation for stepping. The dance traditions are used as an educational tool to bring cultural awareness and diversity to college campuses nationwide. Based in Washington, DC, they are featured on CNN, BET, PBS & NPR as well as numerous books, documentaries and articles that seek to explore the tradition of stepping.

was one of the driving forces for the state department and the embassies using us for cultural representation.”

Step Afrika! is Washington, DC’s only Cultural Ambassador representing the Nation’s Capital at events and festivals all over the world. In addition, the company is frequently invited by US Embassies to represent the country not only through performances, but through extensive community outreach and workshops for young people all over the world.

“Stepping is a unique dance tradition created by African American college students. In stepping, the body is used as an instrument to create intricate rhythms and sounds through a combination of footsteps, claps and spoken word. The tradition grew out of the song and dance rituals practiced by historically African American fraternities and sororities in the early 1900s. Stepping comes from a long and rich tradition in African-based communities that use movement, words and sounds to communicate allegiance to a group.”

The company has traveled to Morocco, Egypt, Belize, Honduras, Vietnam, Paraguay, Brazil, Luxembourg, Germany and Madagascar to name a few. On August, 20, 2011, Step Afrika! traveled via the State Department for an exciting tour of Peru and Ecuador. They displayed eight performances in big cities and small villages alike. In September, 2011, Step Afrika! will conduct its first tour serving and celebrating American soldiers and their families. From Guam to various cities in Japan, the company will take its performance first launched on college campuses and offer master classes for children as well as performances for thousands of Americans serving abroad. Even before the idea of becoming cultural ambassadors was fully conceptualized Step Afrika! performed at the White House. Greg Polvere, the company’s manager adds, “It was the performances at the White House that grew into the realization that this is really an American-based art-form that no other nation can lay claim to.That

With an impressive resume including over 1,000 college performances, Step Afrika!, as a company, are professional veteran entertainers that are both exciting and easy to work with. But, what is stepping exactly? Brian Williams, a founding member of the team explains.

Stepping is rapidly becoming more and more popular throughout the U.S. It is popping up in middle and high schools as well as in Latin and Asian Greek letter based groups. In fact, many college campuses, like Florida International University in Miami, hold their own step competitions each year. FIU’s grew so large that they had to move it to a facility off campus just to accommodate the massive crowds. Stepping is ever-expanding amongst America’s youth and continues to be a huge success on campuses nationwide. BOOK IT! For more information on how to bring Step Afrika! to you campus, contact Greg Polvere at (347) 385-6879 or visit their website at




The Night I Wasn’t Raped The first time I got drunk, I was a college freshman. After a quick walk down the tree-lined boulevard connecting our campus to its suburban St. Louis surroundings, my roommates and I hit up the neighborhood grocery store and, with the assistance of our helpful 21-year old friend, obtained the necessary accoutrements for an intoxicating evening. Departing with the beers, me and the boys trekked back to our dorm room at Rubelman Hall, ready to par-tay. We kicked back a Bud Light, toasting our collective awesomeness and celebrating our shared goal for the evening: getting me drunk. After swallowing the first couple Buds, not quite able to hide my displeasure with the actual taste of beer, I bounded down the hall to the room of a lady on our floor to who I’d taken a liking. I’m pretty sure I knew, even at the time, that my freshman floor crush was going nowhere – but I wanted this girl to like me, and she, along with almost everyone with whom I was becoming friends, had way more drinking experience than I. So, I thought I might get somewhere by maturely downing a few big boy drinks while engaging my Juliet in a philosophical debate about our Latin American Democracies lecture. Well, I did get somewhere – quite a bit tipsier, and as the last chords of John Mayer’s first album spooled off the computer speakers, Juliet suggested we grab some floor mates and head to a party on the north side of campus. The group of us made our way to the soiree, which, by freshman year standards, was an absolute rager. Three adjoining apartments were co-hosting, and the throngs of drunk, sweaty and dancing biochem and anthro majors spilled out to the hallways and stairwells. Not long after arriving, our ragtag crew dispersed, and I found myself surrounded by hundreds of new faces. Easily over my limit now, but determined to make this night count, I continued drinking, trying both to blend in with my solo cup surroundings and to quell the anxiety and excitement of the unfamiliar. At one point, I met a pretty cool guy and we chatted college hoops for a while as he mixed for me the outputs of a couple bottles I’d never even seen. A bit later, I found myself siphoned off from the main horde by a semi-cute girl who talked very enthusiastically about her a cappella group while challenging me to match her beer for beer. After a few minutes of decent conversation, she closed the door of the bedroom we’d stumbled in to. Was she about to jump my bones? Um, no. She shut her eyes tight and sang a few bars

of the arrangement she’d constructed for her group’s upcoming fall concert. It was a Ben Folds tune, and I remember it being melodic and brief. Other than those “highlights,” the entire party was mostly a couple hours of awkward conversations, stints pumping the keg so I’d look busy, and more drinks. When enough became quite obviously enough, I stumbled over to my also-drunk roommate, Sam. “Get me out of here, man,” I mumbled. “I gotta throw up.” When I woke the next morning, it took me at least twenty five minutes to decipher my surroundings, despite being tucked safely and snugly in my top bunk at Ruby 114. The room was spinning. My head was ringing. Somehow, I hadn’t thrown up the night before, which only made my morning after that much more awesome. It was my very first hangover. Now, as you read this account of my first drunken night which led to my first hangover, a few of you may have wondered why I was doing so much drinking underage, while others might have been thinking what took you so long? For some, there may have been a bit of nostalgia, as you remembered a similar night spent imbibing far too much at a new found collegiate paradise, retracing your steps over the hallowed ground of sacred memory. And for many of you, I’m guessing at least one detail of my story earned a brief, fleeting smile as you thought wow, that totally sounds like me. And by this point, you may have forgotten the story’s title: The Night I Wasn’t Raped, which does accurately, although misleadingly, describe my memorable evening. But now that I’ve reminded you, let me ask: how might you have read the story differently if the title were reversed? How would you have related to my tale if it were instead called The Night I Was Raped? There’s no way to know for sure. But you might have read the first line with a sigh, preparing to stomach yet another sad story about a naïve teenager mixing alcohol and social situations and ending up getting hurt. You might have shaken your head at my irresponsible 21-year old friend, helping underage kids score booze. It’s possible you would have sensed early on that I was pushing my limits, and wondered why I’d keep drinking when I was so clearly unprepared to handle the effects. You might have winced when I separated myself from my friends. You almost definitely would have cringed when I took strange drinks from strange people and I’d bet the farm you would have thought me pretty stupid to find myself alone in an unfamiliar room behind a locked door with a virtual stranger. And all these reactions probably would have


been magnified if I’d written that alternately-titled story as a woman, in which case, there’s a decent chance your unconscious cringing might have been quicker, your reactive judgment more harsh. You might have reacted in any of those ways because you knew how the story ended, and we humans have a nasty habit of judging the actions of ourselves and others with the unfair, misleading benefit of hindsight. This tendency is a logical fallacy called Outcome Bias, and I introduce it not to point a finger, but to stake out a common ground, because we’re all guilty of it. Even those of us who are acutely aware of the damning impact of blaming victims must fight a natural tendency to judge a person’s decisions about alcohol, sex and fraternization based on what happened to them as opposed to what they actually did. So what did I actually do that night? I had drinks with some friends, tried to make a couple new ones, chatted up my freshman floor crush, tried to fit in to my college’s social scene and pushed my personal boundaries a little bit, all while trying to embrace and conquer a new but intimidating social scenario. Nothing inherently dangerous about any of those things. Almost all of us have made choices that trade a little bit of vulnerability in exchange for relationships, memories and experiences and fortunately, the vast majority of the time, the worst thing that happens is a killer hangover or a missed alarm clock. The reason my story is called The Night I Wasn’t Raped, see, isn’t because of the choices I made, which followed an almost identical script to those made safely by thousands of college students every weekend. The reason it bears that title is that none of those supporting players in the story - my friends, roommates, partygoers or fellow students - took advantage of my vulnerability. If someone had, my story might have had a different title, and it wouldn’t have had anything to do with what I did. Outcome bias and its offspring, victim-blaming, are two of the core challenges facing all of us as we try to work toward a culture where victims are supported in their healing and perpetrators are held responsible for their actions. And when we acknowledge and confront these rape myths, we take small but significant steps toward a world where victims are not judged for their victimization simply because we know the title of their story. This Sobering Experience Was Brought To You By Sex Signals. To Find Out More About The Author and Other Situations, Contact Them At (312) 243-0022. Online at

THE RATING SYSTEM: 5= EXCELLENT 4= vERY GOOD 3= AvERAGE 2= FAIR 1= pOOR If you want to know how good an act might be that you plan on booking, just ask another campus where they have played. Here are reports from our readers. All ratings here had complete verifiable information and were signed by the reviewer. All reports must have been submitted by the school where the date was played. Artists report submission forms are available to every campus in the United States programming campus activities. The form is in this issue or you can receive the form by requesting one from your visiting artist or their agency, by visiting or calling us toll-free at (800) 728-2959 for a pdf copy to be emailed to your campus. We only accept reports on the authentic form and only from the campus or institution. Reports may not be submitted by the artist or their agency. Schools do not have to rate in every category, only categories that apply to their show. HERE ARE THE CATEGORIES FOR THE RATINGS FOUND AFTER THE BUYER’S NAME AND PLAY DATE: (1) ARTIST’S ABILITY; (2) RELATIONSHIp TO THE AUDIENCE; (3) COOpERATION / ATTITUDE; (4) ROAD CREW / MANAGEMENT; (5) AGENCY COOpERATION; (6) pROMOTIONAL MATERIALS pROvIDED. Campus Reports listed in RED indicate the buyer reported a perfect score in all categories that applied to their campus performance for that artist or event. Attendance, if available follows the date.

COMEDY ADAM CLAYTON-HOLLAND KP Comedy James Madison University, Harrisonburg VA 9/2/11 90 4 5 4 - 5 2 Adam was super funny and interacted with the audience in a hilarious way. He and KP were very professional and helpful.

Megan Chandler, Director of Spirit & Traditions Towson University, Towson MD 9/5/11 150 5 5 5 5 5 5

Adam kept the crowd engaged & laughing his whole set. Event exceeded our expectations.

Elizabeth Rapaport, Coordinator for Campus Programming ADAM GRABOwSKI Adam Grabowski Comedy Western State College of Colorado, Gunnison CO 9/23/11 220 5 5 5 - 4 4

Great Comedian! Knows his stuff and tailors it to fit the school and environment. I was very impressed

KIMBERLY DARK KP Comedy UNC Pembroke, Pembroke NC 8/16/11 150 3 3 5 - 3 Audience response to the show was okay. They did not connect well with the material - especially older pop culture references.

Becca Obergefell, Assistant Director

MAMA LOU: AMERICAN STRONG Everything But The Mime Mary Baldwin College Staunton VA 8/27/11 50 5 5 5 5 5 Mama Lou provided a unque event with a great message and fun attitude. She is one of the best performers I’ve seen at reading and engaging the audience.

Erin Paschal, Director of Student Activities MIKE E. wINFIELD KP Comedy University of North Texas, DentonTX 8/16/11 4 5 5 4 4 -

This was really nice; really friendly. He stayed afterward to talk to us and be engaging.

Edwin Oghalepor, Student Leader

Elijah Redding, Program Council President


BJ TALLEY The Smith Agency Linn State Technical College, Linn MO 8/24/11 35 4 5 4 4 4 1 Very personable with audience.

CATS PAJAMAS GP Entertainment


Southeast Missouri State University, Cape Girardeau MO 8/21/11 3200 5 5 5 5 5 -

Ashley Anderson, SGA Advisor

Denison University, Granville OH 9/2/11 100 3 4 5 3 5 3

The performers were very professional, talented and friendly. We would be happy to have them back on campus again.

Trevor Mulholland, Music Coordinator

Audience thought he was funny but that the show was very slow at times. Great person to work with.

JASON LeVASSEUR Bass/Schuler Entertainment

KEVIN HURLEY GP Entertainment

The University of Akron, Akron OH 8/15/11 275 5 5 5 - 5 5

Sarah Bachleda, Comedy Director

SUNY Environmental Science & Forestry, Syracuse NY 8/24/11 4 5 5 4 4 4 Laura Crandall, Director


Jason is, simply put, an amazing musician and all-around great guy.

Tiffany Schmidt, Graduate Advisor- RHPB

THE RATING SYSTEM: 5= EXCELLENT 4= vERY GOOD 3= AvERAGE 2= FAIR 1= pOOR HERE ARE THE CATEGORIES FOR THE RATINGS FOUND AFTER THE BUYER’S NAME AND PLAY DATE: (1) ARTIST’S ABILITY; (2) RELATIONSHIP TO THE AUDIENCE; (3) COOPERATION / ATTITUDE; (4) ROAD CREw / MANAGEMENT; (5) AGENCY COOPERATION; (6) PROMOTIONAL MATERIALS PROVIDED. Campus Reports listed in RED indicate the buyer reported a perfect score in all categories that applied to their campus performance for that artist or event.

NOVELTY/GAMES AwARE TEXT SIMULATOR P.E.E.R.S Southwestern Community College, Sylva NC 8/30/11 4 4 4 4 4 D. Benson, Admissions BONGO BALL MANIA Cutting Edge Productions Dalton State College, Dalton GA 8/16/11 5 5 5 5 5 3 Promo was very pixelated.

Austin Wallin, Fine Arts Chair Gainesville College, Gainesville GA 8/17/11 5 5 5 5 5 5 Great service and a friendly crew.

Brenda Adams and Katarina McClellan, Coordinator and CAB President Colorado Mesa University, Grand Junction CO 8/21/11 5 5 5 5 5 3

Crew worked hard. Really popular event, especially with the guys.

Breanne Merer, Director of Student Life

William Penn University, Oskaloosa IA 8/22/11 5 5 5 5 5 5 Pure Awesome!

CAMPUS FLIX MOVIE Kirkland Productions Amarillo College Amarillo TX 8/25/11 - - 5 5 5 5 Heather Atenley, Director of Student Activities DUI SIMULATOR P.E.E.R.S University of Wisconsin- Green Bay, Green Bay WI 9/8/11 - - - 5 5 4 David did an excellent job. Arrived early. Very organized. Very engaging with students.

Amy Henniges, Director

EVOLUTION Cutting Edge Productions New River CTC Beckley WV 7/24/11 5 5 5 5 5 5 Very informative. Everyone liked this event

Cindy Dalton, Student Program Advisor FACE YOUR FUTURE P.E.E.R.S Lincoln College, Lincoln IL 9/6/11 5 5 5 5 5 5

Great activity for students to get a reality check on what they can expect in the future with the choices they make.

L. Tarbell, Director of Student Activities

Brian DeJonghe, Director of Student Activities

Sheridan College, Sheridan WY 8/24/11 5 5 5 5 5 5


Great event! Students had a phenomenal time and can’t wait to play again.

Collin Wallace, Coordinator Res Life and Intramurals Adrian College, Adrian MI 8/26/11 5 5 5 5 4 2 Great Show.

Todd Conley, Director of Campus Life Colorado State University- Pueblo, Pueblo CO 8/27/11 5 5 5 5 5 -

Linn State Technical College. Linn MO 8/23/11 110 3 3 3 3 4 2 Equipment failed several times during the show.

Ashley Anderson, SGA Advisor

Hinds Community College, Pearl MS 8/25/11 5 5 5 5 5 5 Did a wonderful job.

Keri Martin, Student Services

They were fantastic. We had an issue with sprinklers coming on & they brought out cones and covered them. Game on.

April Yost, Student Events Coordinator

INTENSITY GAME SHOw Cutting Edge Productions

Alderson-Broaddus College, Philippi WV 8/30/11 5 5 5 5 5 4

Colorado State University, Pueblo Pueblo CO 8/23/11 5 5 5 5 5 1

We changed venue due to wet grass to a less perfect area. But every student was greatly impressed and would like to have them again.

Ashley Riffle, CAB President

Buena Vista University, Storm Lake IA 9/4/11 5 5 5 5 5 5

Great show. Thanks

April Yost, Student Events Coordinator Louisburg College, Louisburg NC 8/31/11 4 3 5 4 4 2

Event was everything we expected.

Was told up to 500 could participate in remote voting. We had 140 but ran out of remotes at about 60. Show ran 90 mins but we lost most of the audience after 60.

Becka Neary-DeLaporte, DSA

Brian Gaines, Assist Dean

Tiffin University, Tiffin OH 9/7/11 5 5 5 5 5 5

MOVIE POSTER SHOw Cutting Edge Productions

Great Show. It was a bit expensive but went over well with students.

F Brewster, Chairperson

C MAX 30 Cutting Edge Productions Cazenovia College, Cazenovia NY 9/10/11 5 4 5 5 5 The students loved the size of the screeen. Richard did a wonderful job at set-up. Nice and early.

Victoria Sokolowski, Campus Programs Coordinator

William Penn University, Oskaloosa IA 8/31/11 5 5 5 5 5 4 Show went over very well and students want it back. Lew Tarbell, DSA



wAX TO THE MAX The Smith Agency

Raritan Valley Community College, Somerville NJ 9/13/11 500 5 5 5 5 5 5

Labette Community College, Parsons KS 8/24/11 5 5 5 5 5 5

The students really enjoyed it!

The company went far and beyond to meet the needs of our students. Very professional.

Lisa Spencer, Project Manager

Student Life Specialist

PHOTO BOOTH Kirkland Productions Lamar State College- Port Arthur Port Arthur TX 8/24/11 5 5 5 5 5 4 Claire Thompson, Director of Student Activities PHOTO BUTTON FUN & PICTURES TOO The Smith Agency New River Community College Dublin VA 8/31/11 5 5 5 5 5 5

NOVELTY/LIVE CHRIS JONES Bass/Schuler Entertainment Sheridan College, Sheridan WY 3/23/11 100 5 5 5 5 5 5

Excellent show - simple to run. Facilitator provided all materials and interacted well.

He was amazing and fastastically easy to work with. Students loved it. By far, the best show of the year.

PUT IT wHERE YOU wANT IT Cutting Edge Productions

Albion College, Albion MI 4/8/11 250 4 4 4 - 5 4

Ben Kramer, Activities Counselor Novelty/Game

New River CTC Beckley WV 7/29/11 5 5 5 5 5 5

Cedric Koffi, Residence Life

Chris did a teaser ahead of time and I think that helped a lot to get the crowd excited. He interacted well with the audience and students really enjoyed the show.

Jennifer Schreer, DSA

This event was very popular with the students that attended.

Cindy Dutton Student Program Advisor

CHRISTOPHER CARTER Bass/Schuler Entertainment

Essex County College Newark NJ 9/12/11 116 5 5 5 5 4 1

Tyler Junior College, Tyler TX 6/15/11, 6/22/11, 6/29/11, 7/13/11,7/20/11 5 5 5 5 5 5

Jonathan was great, had an awesome attitude with students and worked well with them

Chris was wonderful to work with. Each show was new and fresh for all sessions. The staff, new students and parents all loved the shows.

Alexis Forbes GLAD Co-ordinator

Cazenovia College Cazenovia NY 9/9/11 5 4 5 5 5 3 In your ad, describe to students to bring a jump drive and the kind of format.

Victoria Sokolowski Campus Programs Coordinator

PUT IT wHERE YOU wANT IT T-SHIRT SHOw Cutting Edge Productions Lincoln College, Lincoln IL 8/29/11 5 5 5 5 5 5 Everything was great. Cutting Edge Productions is on top of my Campus Activities list.

Brian DeJonghe, DSA

THE REAL DEAL CRAZY GAME SHOw The Smith Agency Lake Superior State University Sault St Marie MI 8/26/11 5 5 5 5 5 5

Ashleigh Lewis, Director FYE

Henderson State College, Arkadelphia AR 8/17/11 5 5 5 - 5 5 Jordan O’Roark, Assoc Dean of Students Kentucky Wesleyan College, Owensboro KY 8/22/11 5 5 5 5 5 Absolutely amazing. Great rapport with students.

Andre Rauh, Director of Student Life

Old Dominion University, Norfolk VA 8/31/11 125 5 5 5 5 5 Meghan Harr, Activities Coordinator St Cloud Tech & Community College, St Cloud MN 9/7/11 5 5 5 - 5 5 A Pro’s Pro!

Great time was to be had by all.

John Haller, Activities Director


CRAIG KARGES Karges Productions

Indiana University- Purdue, Fort Wayne IN 8/26/11 100 4 3 2 1 1 1

Christopher Newport University, Newport News VA 8/17/11 1,400 5 5 5 5 5 2

Problems with booking. The artist arrived 1 3/4 hours late after being provided a campus map and was confused about time zones. Will not use again.

Craig was so great before, during and after the show. Great guy and utterly amazed our entire Freshman class. Can’t wait to have him host next year.

Associate Director of Student Activities

Kasey Price Ed.D, Director of Special Projects / Student Activities

Caroline Green, Director of Orientation

ULTIMATE BLOw OUT SHOw Cutting Edge Productions

Xavier University, Cincinnati OH 8/20/11 1,150 5 5 5 5 5 5

New River CTC Beckley WV 7/29/11 5 5 5 5 5 5 Very pleased with the events.

Cindy Dalton, Student Program Advisor Langston University, Langston OK 8/27/11 5 5 5 5 5 5

First-class operation. Crew was very professional and accommodating. We will definitely book this show again. Students enjoyed every minute.

Tyrone Walker, Director of Student Activities


Craig was amazing! Our students love him and he and his wife are two of the absolute nicest people I have met. The personal attention they give is incredible.

Clare McGrath, New Student Programs Coordinator Colorado Mesa University, Grand Junction CO 8/22/11 200 5 5 5 5 5 5

Amazing! Mind-blowing. Very entertaining. Craig kept the audience guessing and cheering for more!

Patience Kanda, Programming Activities Council Chair

Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH 8/24/11 5 5 5 5 5 5 Andy Alt, Assistant Dean

THE RATING SYSTEM: 5= EXCELLENT 4= vERY GOOD 3= AvERAGE 2= FAIR 1= pOOR HERE ARE THE CATEGORIES FOR THE RATINGS FOUND AFTER THE BUYER’S NAME AND PLAY DATE: (1) ARTIST’S ABILITY; (2) RELATIONSHIP TO THE AUDIENCE; (3) COOPERATION / ATTITUDE; (4) ROAD CREw / MANAGEMENT; (5) AGENCY COOPERATION; (6) PROMOTIONAL MATERIALS PROVIDED. Campus Reports listed in RED indicate the buyer reported a perfect score in all categories that applied to their campus performance for that artist or event.

Ferris State University, Big Rapids MI 9/1/11 5 5 5 5 5 5 Great performance for Welcome Week.

Alli Witucki, Interim Director

Sarah Lawrence College, Bronxville NY 9/3/11 5 5 5 5 5 5 Craig puts on an amazing show every time.

JOEL MEYERS GP Entertainment Cowley College, Arkansas City AR 8/17/11 700 5 5 5 5 5 5 Joel was amazing. His ability to relate & interact with college students was incredible. Above and beyond what we expected.

Krish Shaw, Director of Student Life

Joshua Luce, Director of Student Activities

JOSHUA SETH GP Entertainment

DANIEL JAMES Bass/Schuler Entertainment

Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton FL 8/17/11 5 5 5 5 5 5

Southern Illinois University, Carbondale IL 8/20/11 5 5 5 4 4 5 His audience appeal was excellent. He was lively and interactive. Met with audience members after the show.

Stephanie Woods, Graduate Assistant Ashford University, Clinton IA 8/25/11 5 5 5 5 5 5

Daniel brought in our biggest crowd yet! The students loved him. He was very professional and personable.

Heather McCue, Students Activities DANIEL MARTIN Bass/Schuler Entertainment

Mount Mary College, Yankton SD 8/26/11 130 5 5 5 - 5 5 Dan was great to work with. Very professional and easy to get along with. Very accommodating.

Molly Westling, Director of Student Activities

Joshua put on a great show and the students really enjoyed it. I hope to work with him again in the future.

Kettia Apollon, Entertainment Board Member Rollins College, Winter Park FL 8/19/11 500+ 5 5 5 5 5 5

Very few things entertain kids on this campus but Joshua Seth is always a crowd pleaser.

Spencer Lynn, Student Involvement & Leadership Arkansas Tech University, Russellville AR 8/21/11 4 5 5 4 4 5

This was freshman orientation and the audience loved it. He engaged the crowd and had everyone laughing.

Jenny Butler, Coordinator of Orientation & Student Activities Nova Southeastern University, Ft Lauderdale FL 8/23/11 5 5 5 5 5 5

An amazing event. The students loved it and were blown away countless times.

Josh Madhall, Welcome Week Chair

Northern State University, Aberdeen SD 8/27/11 246 5 5 5 5 5 5

Rice University, Houston TX 8/24/11 5 5 5 5 5 5

Daniel put on a great show. Our campus responded really well to him and we love him!

It was amazing and the students loved him. Great turnout and we would love to him back.

FREDERICK wINTERS Bass/Schuler Entertainment

Temple University, Philadelphia PA 8/26/11 4 4 4 - 2 Campus Activities

Haley Zerr, President of the CAB

Illinois State University, Normal IL 8/17-18/11 1200 5 5 5 5 5 5 Frederick is such a joy to work with. He makes running the event so easy.

Barb Dallinger, Coordinator

Brescia University, Owensboro KY 8/24/11 110 5 5 5 - 5 5

Chloe Kwon, Traditions Committee Head

University of Mass - Lowell, Lowell MA 8/29/11 5 5 5 5 5 5 Very great experience. He was on time and excited to perform for our crowd. Students loved it. One of the better programs we have had on our campus.

Amanda Turner, Programming Asssitant

He returned for the 2nd year with a totally new and entertaining show. He is great to work with and draws a lot of repeat attendance.

Cowley College, Arkansas City KS 8/8/11 500+ 5 5 5 5 - 4

Kentucky Wesleyan University, Owensboro KY 8/24/11 5 5 5 5 5 -

Jamison Rhouys, Technical Director

Lucas Langdon, Assistant Dean of Students

Amazing Show. He is the best in the business.

Andrew Rauh, Director of Student Life Carthage College, Kenosha WI 9/10/11 400 5 5 5 5 5 5

Frederick comes every year and gives a consistently outstanding performance. Our students love him!

Nina Fleming, Director of Student Activities

JEFF MANDELL- CARICATURE.COM Everything But The Mime Valdosta State University,Valdosta, GA 8/17/11 40+ 5 5 5 5 5 5 Bryan Roberts Assist Director of Student Life

Best crowd we’ve had in the theatre for a show like this. Excellent job.

SUNY- New Paltz, New Paltz NY 9/1/11 5 5 5 5 5 5 He was great! Very accommodating. A great personality. Works well under stress.

Nicole Shanahan, GA of Student Activities St John Fisher College, Rochester NY 9/4/11 5 4 5 5 5 5 Very energetic and great participationj.

Bailey McCombs, Novelty Coordinator Bemidji State University, Bemidji MN 9/8/11 5 5 5 5 5 5

Was very helpful and easy to work with. The room was packed. Students loved the show.

C. Okafor, Advisor


LIVE BAND KARAOKE Bass/Schuler Entertainment

ELAINE PASQUA Pasqua Productions Inc

The University of Akron, Akron OH 8/20/11 1598 5 5 5 5 5 5

Muhlenberg College, Allentown PA 8/26/11 600 5 5 5 5 5 5 Anita Kelly, Director of Counseling Services Speaker

Great for students to interact or just watch and listen.

Tiffany Schmidt, Graduate Advisor- RHPB Novelty/Live POSTCARDS 2 HOME Everything But The Mime

Arcadia University, Glenside PA 8/27/11 200 5 5 5 - 5 -

The University of Akron, Akron OH 8/20/11 1598 5 5 5 - 5 5

Susan Laverty, Student Leader

Personable and friendly. Quick tunaround. Perfect for large groups.

Tiffany Schmidt, Graduate Advisor

SILHOUETTES BY KATHRYN Everything But The Mime The University of Akron, Akron OH 8/20/11 1598 5 5 5 - 5 5 Amazing talent. Such a unique keepsake.

Tiffany Schmidt, Graduate Advisor

TEAM M&M MIKE ”DA ROVING GUY” & MARGARET’S ART ON YOU Everything But The Mime Georgia Highlands College- Pauling, Dallas GA 8/23/11 5 5 5 - 5 5 Everyone loved it!

Lyric Burnett, Student Life Coordinator Novelty/Live Georgia Highlands College- Douglasville, Douglasville GA 8/25/11 5 5 5 - 5 5

We love having Elaine every year for Orientation. Her sincerity, positive attitude and teaching methods are perfect for a college audience.

University of the Arts, Phildelphia PA 8/27/11 5 5 5 5 5 4 Elaine has always been wonderful to work with. She gives our students important information in a way that includes them.

Steve Scadoto, Director of Student Development Wagner College, Staten Island NY 8/30/11 400 4 4 5 - 5 -

As usual, Elaine was a pleasure to work with and very flexible. Many students friended her on facebook.

Sabrina Slater, Director of Co-Council Programs

Polytechnic Institute of NY University, Brooklyn NY 9/1/11 400 4 4 5 - 5 4 A little heavy on statistics but over-all a great performance.

Susan LavertyLiz Estela, Exec Assist to Dean of Student Affairs University of Wisconsin- Oshkosh, Oshkosh WI 9/5/11 5 5 5 - - 5

Elaine was a big hit again! She has the perfect balance of information - serious and fun.

Debbie Gray Patton, Assistant Dean of Students

Planning to bring them back next year.

Lyric Burnett, Student Life Coordinator

HOAN DO Coleman Productions

University of South Alabama, Mobile AL 8/31/11 500 5 5 5 5 5 4

Rider University, Lawrenceville NJ 6/8/11 5 5 5 - 5 -

Mike and Margaret were nice and very easy to work with. The students really enjoyed them.

Hoan was a tremendous addition to out student leader training. He was thoughtful, energtic and relatable. We will certainly work together again.

Heather Sprinkle, Coordinator

THE INCREDIBLE BORIS Kirkland Productions Valdosta State University, Valdosta GA 8/22/11 30 5 5 5 5 5 3 He was awesome. Boris has a way with a crowd. People loved him.

Amelia Inman, CAB Chair


Nick Barbath, Coordinator JESSICA PETTITT Kirkland Productions

University of San Diego, San Diego CA 6/22/11 150 5 5 5 5 5 5 She Rocks.

Kris McPeak, Programs Chair University of Vermont, Burlington VT 6/4,9,12,16,20,23,26/11 350 for each of 7 days 5 5 5 5 4 -

Jess was awesome. Willing to help in any way she could to make both her session and the over-all program a success. I truly enjoyed the chance to work closely with her.

DAVID COLEMAN Coleman Productions Daemon College, Amherst NY 7/10-14/11 800+ 5 5 5 5 5 5 Phenomenal as always! He helps with orientation leadership training as well as speaking to our students & families.

Kim Pagano, Director of Orientation

University of Akron- RHPB, Akron OH 8/16/11 208 5 5 5 - 5 5 Dave’s training is amazing, hands down. Students left with new bonds they weren’t expecting. Creative Dating is timeless. We have students coming back just for the “best pick-up line” challenge.

Tiffany Schmidt, Graduate Advisor RHPB DELATORRO McNEAL Coleman Productions St Mary’s University, San Antonio TX 8/12/11 150 5 5 5 3 5 3

Del was phenomenal. The students enjoyed his program.

Jerome Budono, Assistant Director


Tricia Rascon, Assistant Director SUNY Cortland, Cortland NY 8/22/11 5 4 5 - 2 -

Jess was incredibly accommodating and a great over-all speaker. Her message was relatable and well received.

Amber Ingalls, Residence Hall Director Speaker SOS LEADERSHIP SPEAKERS Coleman Productions

Ohio State- Mansfield, Mansfield OH 8/22-23/11 70 5 5 5 - 5 5 Lonnie Scott made his 4th appearance and left another great impression. Meticulous in his preparation, professional and flexible with Camp staff. He was awesome to work with as usual!

Elise Riggle, Coordinator of Student Engagement


Campus Activities Magazine’s®

ARTIST REPORT CARD This form may only be completed by someone associated with the event on your campus. ALL reports are subject to verification. Any school submitting poor ratings must supply reasons for the response. We will NOT accept report cards made more than ninety (90) days following an event. We will NOT accept report cards from artists or agents. This report is not considered authentic unless it is signed, dated and a telephone number listed. Other schools may want to contact you to get an update on your experiences. SUBMIT SEPARATE FORMS on EACH artist or program unless it was an event booked as a package through the SAME AGENCy. you do NOT have to rate an artist in every category unless it applies to you. SUBMIT THIS REPORT CARD By MAIL TO: CAMPUS ACTIVITIES MAGAZINE, PO BOx 509, PROSPERITy SC 29127. yOU MAy SUBMIT By FAx TO (803) 712-6703 OR By EMAIL TO SUBMIT@ARTISTREPORTCARDS.COM

PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT LEGIBLY IN DARK INK Artist/Attraction:______________________________________ Agency: ___________________________ Genre: q Music q Comedy q Novelty/Live q Novelty/Game q Speaker q Perf Arts q Other_______ Performance Date: _________________ Attendance: ________ Venue: __________________________ School:__________________________________________ City/State: ____________________________ Submitted by: (Print) ______________________________________ Title: _________________________ Contact Telephone: __________________________ Email: ______________________________________ Did The Artist Arrive On Time? _________ Was The Show What you Anticipated? _________________


















































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