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Why your campus should be involved In Reporting Every Show You Have On Campus. Artist Reports are No-Brainers For any artist or agency. They increase your exposure and Better Yet... They are Free!

The best way to decide if an artist is worth buying is the info you get from other schools.


A n Even More Hilarious Take On One Of The Campus Market’s Most Treasured Entertainment Genres.

Check out the Top Artists and Agencies In this year’s results.


Real Life........................................4 Spanky...........................................6 From the Publisher ......................7 Silver/Bronze Artists.................. 38

Campus Participants................ 40 Campus Stars at AEP.................42 ARC Super-Stars........................44


Date Rape Drugs: What’s In Your Drink?

When I speak at campuses about sexual assault I ask the audience, “How many of you know someone who has been slipped a date rape drug?” Invariably a number of hands go up.

motel, his pants were off and his wallet was gone. Needless to say, it was a very unnerving experience. He has no memory of what happened after the bar. If you feel like you have been slipped a date rape drug, only go to your friends for help. I always say, “You go to parties together, you stay together, and you leave together.” Bring the container or cup that you drank from and ask your

As the drug takes effect, the person who typically comes to your aid or assistance first is the person that slipped the drug into your drink. Their sole purpose is to get you out of there, away from everyone, so they can sexually assault you.

Guys need to be aware of these drugs too. I have a male friend who was drinking at a bar with a married couple when he was in Florida. They were buying him drinks and seemed to be very nice. The next morning he woke up in a strange

Bring your own drinks to a party.

Keep your hand over your drink at a party. Someone can nonchalantly come by and drop something in when you are not looking.

Don’t leave your drink unattended to dance, make a phone call, go to the bathroom, etc. If you left it unattended, pour yourself a fresh one. If you are opening a sealed container like water, soda or a wine cooler, make sure you hear the swishing sound of the seal breaking.

The use of a date rape drug is a coward’s way of getting sex. They don’t want to wine or dine you; they just want to get lucky. This person does not have the integrity to do the right thing!

The two drugs that are most commonly slipped into people’s drinks are Ruffies or Rohypnol and GHB otherwise known as G. The onset of a date rape drug is fast. GHB takes effect in 15 minutes and Ruffies in 20 to 30. How do you know if you have been slipped a date rape drug? If you feel really intoxicated after one or two drinks you should suspect that something is wrong. You will feel disoriented, experience slurred speech, and poor muscle control. When these drugs are mixed with alcohol you will experience an extended blackout that will last for 8 to 10 hours. You will have absolutely no memory of what happened. A person might pass out and some deaths have been reported.

Don’t drink from a container that is being passed around.

If a drink tastes salty or has a funny appearance don’t drink it.

friends to get you to the hospital or to call 911. The residue in the container can be tested at the hospital to determine exactly what has been slipped into your body.

The best thing you can do is to prevent yourself from becoming a victim. Follow these simple steps and you should be in good shape:

Don’t drink from a punch at a party. You don’t know what is being tossed or poured into it. I have heard stories from campuses where girls drank a punch, especially one that was made sweet so it’s easier to drink, and they woke up the next day in a strange bed with no recollection of how they got there. Don’t share a drink with an individual.

4, Campus aCtivities magazine®, summer 2015

Always pour your own drink. I was slipped a date rape drug years ago by a guy who poured the glass of wine in the kitchen and brought it out to the living room. I have a friend who asked for a cherry coke at a party when she was in high school and she was slipped a drug and raped.

When you are old enough to drink at a club or bar and someone asks you if you want a drink, go to the bar with that person. First, watch the bartender make your drink. Many are offered money from their customers to slip these drugs into the drinks as they mix or pour them. After the drink is poured, make sure that you are the one who grabs it first.

When someone is passed out, most people think they consumed too much alcohol, but we never know what causes unconsciousness. Always play it safe and get them to the hospital. Being an effective bystander means keeping your guard up and looking out for one another. These preventive steps will protect you and your friends.

Questions on college life? Email me at

tremes to hide the many women he had affairs with (some of whom were on staff and participated in frequent naked White House swimming pool sex parties) because he knew the press at the time would look the other way and not report anything to tarnish the office of the president. Can you imagine the press sitting on a story like that today?

By Steven Kent McFarlin (AKA Spanky)


Each month I sit down and attempt to write a column that will make people laugh (with admittedly varied degrees of success) but about once a year I can not resist the urge to climb up on my soapbox and address a topic seriously, so apologies in advance for the lack of humor in the following. Although this will be a piece about politics, I will refrain from expressing my personal political views and affiliations, something I wish more people would do (can you hear me Facebook friends?)

The presidential election campaigns are in full swing, so you better get prepared for fifteen months of mudslinging, defamation, character assassination, and yellow journalism. Campaigns are so negative today that I could not help but laugh when I recently saw a bumper sticker that read: “For once I’d like to have the choice between the greater of two goods.”

For my younger readers, you may find this hard to believe, but there was once a time when all Americans, including the press, held the office of the President of the United States in deep respect, regardless of the party the person in that office belonged to. After the national uproar over Bill Clinton’s infidelities, you may be surprised to learn that he was chaste compared to previous presidents. JFK did not have to go to ex-

Although I am too young to remember JFK, I can recall the loving admiration displayed long after his passing, a death that brought the nation to tears, and a black eye to my Lone Star State. How ironic the very last words JFK ever heard were from the Governor’s wife, Nellie Connally, who said “Dallas loves you Mr. President.” I remember Kennedy’s portrait hanging in many of my friend’s homes and many businesses, an adoration I’ve not seen for any president since.

I believe JFK to be the last President beloved by his supporters and even grudgingly respected (the office he held at least) by his opponents. Now the best a President can hope for is to be liked by most of his party and not impeached by the other party. President Obama has countlessly been called a Muslim, a foreigner, even an ape, compared to Hitler, and openly heckled by a congressman who called him a liar during a speech before Congress. Clearly any respect people had for the office of the President of the United States has disappeared like a magician’s rabbit.

I believe that exit began with the first president I have any memory of, Lyndon Baines Johnson. My parents were not politically minded in the least; I can never recall any family discussions of the goings on in Washington. But I can remember they were proud that LBJ was (and remains) the only President born and raised in Texas (both Presidents George Bush, the elder, and George W. Bush, the younger, were born in New England; Dwight D. Eisenhower was born in Texas, but raised in Kansas). I shared their state pride of LBJ until I grew older and got swept up in the youth movement protesting his escalation of the Vietnam Conflict. This unrest sold papers and soon LBJ became the target of negative press, as he himself noted when saying, “If one morning I walked on top of the water across the Potomac River, the headline that afternoon would read: ‘President Can't Swim.’”

4, Campus aCtivities magazine®, summer 2015

I look back on LBJ today with a renewed sense of pride at his accomplishments. He created the "Great Society" program to fight poverty, end racial injustice and cause social reform. He was able to pass the Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act, laws ending segregation and insuring that African Americans and other minorities had the right to vote. He also worked with Congress for more money for education and started a health care program for senior citizens. A legacy to be proud of...unlike that of his successor.

Despite Richard M. Nixon’s accomplishments (establishing relations with China and the USSR, ending the draft, and creating the Environmental Protection Agency) he will best be remembered for what he did wrong. Thanks to him, the national view of the president being a respected symbol of our country, shifted to the president being viewed as a self-serving politician not to be trusted. When his shameful behavior was made public, forcing him to become the first president to ever resign, people began to believe the way to tell if any politician is if his lips are moving. We sadly began to believe that choosing a president is now a matter of choosing the lesser of two evils. I want to believe there are still people out there who become politicians because they want to make our country a better place, but I confess I suspect that most, regardless of which party they belong to, are power hungry megalomaniacs. I long for that almost forgotten time when our country was not so divided, when the United States were still united by wanting the president to succeed because it would be good for our nation, instead of wanting them to fail because they belong to the rival party. Because of this desire, when those negative campaign ads start running, you will find me changing the channel. Thanks for letting me lament. I promise I’ll go back to being funny next month.

Steven Kent McFarlin (AKA “Spanky”) has been described by the press as a “campus entertainment icon.” He has been voted “Campus Comic of the Year” and the “Campus Performer of the Year” ( His credits include over fifty TV appearances, including: Showtime, Good Morning America, and The Late Show. You may contact him at

RanDOm tHOugHts & OtHeR minDLess DRiBBLe

Getting Ready For A New Campus Year.

Every summer,we review what has happened the year before to try to get a clue as to what to expect for the upcoming year. We study trends and try to be on top of what you may want or need and try to deliver pertinent stories that will help you make the best of 2015/16.

While the campus activities market has changed over the last sixty years- in fact- the major changes have come in the last five years - it is our goal to introduce you to new programs, artists and events that will help your school be stronger and more involved with current trends. With 2016 being an election year, it will be a chance to explore the political landscape and get your feedback on candidates and policies that could help make the students on your campus more informed and active in trends that will make positive influences on your campus community.

For most of the last decade, variety acts, especially hypnotists, have dominated the programming at almost every campus as well as the pages of this magazine.They draw a huge energetic crowd that loves to participate in this kind of show. While there has always been some overlap of material, these artists are working more diligently to customize their

shows, developing new routines that are unique to themselves. While some of these types of shows genually do not exist outside the college and fair markets, they genuinely thrive here.

But there are other variety acts that developed wings and expanded to other venues. The first that comes to mind is Craig Karges, who is a genuinely nice guy with a show that has been consumed by every canopus that could get a date on his schedule. Craig was the first act in modern times to expand into the casino, military, corporate and other markets with greater success. Then there was Justin Wilman, aka Justin Kredible who dominated the variety market, winning Entertainer of the Year with this magazine an unpresciented FOUR times, As he got cable television exposure, he got on the radar or Corporate Producer, Nancy Hays who found him through ACE and an introduction by CAM’s Editor, Ian Kirby. Just this year, Judy Thee, who is a well respected producer and member of AEP called me. She was producing a show in Asia and was not able to attend the June AEP Conference, but through the AEP grapevine had heard good things about Daniel Martin’s showcase at the conference and wanted to pitch him to a major client. I put her in touch with Chris Schuler at Bass/Schuler Entertainment and she has pitched Daniel to her client. Judy buys all the talent for the Freeman Company clients and produces shows all over the globe. If Daniel gets the nod, this will be a huge step toward national ex-

posure and certainly a boost to his career.

Comedy is still quite hot as you can see from the arcs in this publication. A school can get a great comedian for generally a decent price and really not have to worry about extensive production, travel or excessive load in or load out. All of a sudden the price is pretty much the price with very few add-ons. While both music and speakers have taken a back seat to variety and comedy, as so many rising stars are starting to break out, both have great potential in the coming years.

That leaves true novelty. There are a few companies who have developed outlanding products that are local to the campus market and those will do extremely well. But the industry as a whole is somewhat stagnant. Where in the 90’s product was rolling out at warped speeds, notional manufacturers have been slow to come out with new ideas that can boost attendance for programs at schools. Because companies like CEP and P.E.E.R.S are heavily invested in this market, they continue to develop and engineer their own products for campuses and do not rely on development from third party sources. There are a few novelty suppliers. like Record-AHit, that continue to round out their availabilities to schools, giving them a wide price range of possibilities for spring carnivals and events. But we no longer have 30-40 companies with expansive inventories available to campuses.


Why Should Your Campus Participate In ARCs?

We didn’t invent The Artist Report Card Method. But over the last 25 years, we have tweaked it and made it accessible to over 4,000 active campuses. This year we had the largest participation ever with nearly 550 campuses involved but that is a good bit shy of the total number of campuses that receive our magazine.

First off, you are “paying it forward” every time you submit a report. Another campus may have seen an artist showcase or have been pitched a show by an agent but has no real experience with the act other than what the agency told them. Every school submitting a report on each artist that comes to their campus helps another school make an informed decision about whether or not to book an artist or show. Even though an artist may have 10-15 minutes of great material on a showcase, what can they do in an hour or more? ARCs can give them this vital information about your experience. Secondly, sometimes a show may not be exactly what it appears to be. The only valid way to evaluate that is first find out other schools who have had the act and get an informed decision. Nothing can be worse than getting a show that did not meet your audience’s expectations or the hype you gave them. Artist Report Cards can take out some of the mystery and give you a contact at other schools where you can get a more personal viewpoint. Most schools will not mind answering your call relative to an act they have had on their campus.

Most artists and agencies will want you to review their shows because it gives them credibility. Not all artistseven the great ones- will get perfect scores every time. Your evaluation will help them become better at what they do, eliminate mistakes and often avoid material that your students either didn’t like for found objectionable. Let’s face it: No two audiences are the same. So artists reports help an act manage their show. You can help too by making sure the act and the agency know the dynamics of your audience. This will help them know how to target your audience so they can deliver the kind of show you are expecting to see.

Finally, report on the show while it is still fresh in your mind:


Promote The Show To Help The Artist Have A Decent Crowd.

Nothing can throw an act off their game more than to come to a campus and only have a handful of students in the audience. Just think, if you bring a act to your campus for $2,500 and you only have 10 students in the audience, your campus just paid $250 per student to have this act perform and while acts can handle that, it is a huge waste of resources. It is your job to give that act the best audience possible for the show he/she has spent years developing. Don’t plan activities on your campus when there are other major events taking place. Poor attendance not only makes the act look bad, but it make your board look like they don’t know what they are doing. Avoid major sporting events whether they are home or away. Know what’s going on beyond your campus community and avoid anything that would impact your audience. This is simply Good Planning 101.

Promote the heck out of each show. The digital age has cut back printed promo on many campuses and some artists no longer provide posters, but good promo is essential- whether it comes from the artist or your board. Use the campus radio station, post posters in common areas where students congregate. One ideal location is in rest rooms. Post posters on the back of stall doors and above urinals. Make them simple and easy to read. They should read like a billboard... Image, 7-10 words total, Where and When...BAM!

Try to get campus establishments and businesses in the community to support your activities with discounts to students who attend certain sponsored events. Set aside a couple of hundred dollars and have a drawing at the end of the semester. Students can become eligible by printing their name on the back of their admission ticket for each event. Give the winner a new iPad or something else of value. Work with the book store or other on campus sponsors to see if you can get the gift donated. But the students’ odds of winning are improved by the more events they attend during the semester. Brainstorm other ideas to improve attendance by rewarding someone in the audience for attending the shows, If you have any innovative ideas, send them to me and I will share them:

Why Should Your Artists Participate In ARCs?

First off- It’s FREE! It takes only a little time to direct students to the web where they can instantly file a report.

Secondly, it just makes sense. You have spent years developing your show, if you are afraid of having it reviewed you are in the wrong business. Schools have strong reliance on what other schools think when considering a new act. Nothing could make you look better than a referral from another campus. Plus it helps you form relationships that can only generate more business for you. What if you get a bad review? Even the best acts have gotten a “not so good” review once in a while. But schools will look at your act in the entire scheme of things. What is your over-all rating? How many schools actually submitted reviews on your show?

Some schools have larger budgets and better organized activities committees with better resources, so schools will often compare your ratings with schools that mirror themselves. Let’s face it, depending on the campus and the leadership, there are some smaller campuses that rank higher among artists because of personal attention. Don’t discount any campus because of its size or budget, because there have been huge careers started at smaller to mid-sized campuses.

The point here is, every campus date is a chance to accelerate your career and you would be remiss to not have that campus move you forward just because you did not ask them to review your show.

A number of years ago, when other organizations were dispensing with artists reports or relegating them to the web, Craig Karges came to me and warned me against such a move. Even though Craig was limiting his campus dates at the time, he really believed that ARC’s was the bread and butter of the campus entertainment industry.

“Schools know a good show when they see one - no matter what it is and it is important that someone continue to understand the importance of artist reports...”

Give schools the link below to report on your show: 8, CAMPUS ACTIVITIES MAGAzINE®, SUMMER 2015

Why Is Good Promo Still Important?

In this electronic media world, many artists have decided to promote their appearances using facebook,email, twitter or other electronic sources. While that may help you secure the date, the real challenge for the campus is putting butts in seats.

Over the last three years alone, electronic media has become some 40% less effective in reaching audience members than it once was and that is a trend that will probably spiral higher as more and more apps vie for the time of audience members. Students , in particular, while electronic media savvy, already have a lot on their plate and with so many options available to them, your success in reaching them is muddied by the shear data they have to wade through to get to you. It is for that very reason that most schools still prefer pointed promo directly audience members to your specific event. You can buy 11x17” Full Color Posters for around 25¢ each plus shipping. So it might cost you about $5 to send a campus 20 to promote your show. The real question is whether or not this will increase attendance, but my guess is that it worth a five spot to find out. The real advantage here is that you are in their face with the poster and you don’t have to guess which media they are involved with or how many items they have to wade through before they delete the message you so cleaverly penned to get their attention. I know what you are thinking, CAM sells posters and advertising. Okay, that’s true. but if you can do better somewhere else, go for it because I don’t think you will ever find a lower cost per impression for the quality you will receive.

Enough of that. You need to consider clever approaches to this market, no matter who you choose to use because most acts are not a household name (not yet!) and you are going to have to get attention to push your dream forward. The campus market is just a starting point for most of you. Most career coaches I have spoken with advise that you hold back 10-15% of your annual gross income and reinvest that amount in advertising, promotion and publicity. The more often buyers see your face and your name, the better likelihood you will have of being remembered.



ntertainment is a lot like cuisine. There are a lot of flavors, genres and styles. Comedy, Music and Variety may be like Asian, European and American Cuisine, but not all American foods are french fries and not all comedians are George Carlin (shhh…don’t tell Gallagher).


The same is true with hypnosis. To the glancing or untrained eye, it may appear that all stage hypnosis is the same, much like an American Buffet might all just seem like fried food to someone on an Aboriginal diet. The fact is though, that hypnosis shows and specifically the hypnotists that host them can be as different as the audiences that attend them.

The days of the fatherly hypnotist with a pocket watch have long passed and there is an established generation of dynamic performers who are a perfect fit for the campus market. Dan Lornitis is one of them. Don’t expect a dark and scary vibe in this trance-inducing experience, because this guy had to be a clown in a former life. Pretty much every hypnosis show is billed as funny or hilarious, and a

lot of them really are. There is something inherently comical about an audience watching their peers do things their pride wouldn’t allow under normal circumstances, no matter how much fun it might be. The thing about hypnosis is that to the untrained eye, it might appear that this show just sort of puts on itself, but if you want to truly light up the room, you have to drop the right guy between the audience and the volunteers. The issues of skill and safety are important, but are skills that can be taught. The true determining factor between a good time and a truly unforgettable experience is personality. It’s the ability to have each and every member of the audience feel like they are connected to the performer, as well as his hypnotized cohorts. This is where Dan truly shines. He’s Down To Earth, not aggressive or offensive with his wit, and makes you feel like you’ve known him forever when you’ve only just met. Just having a normal conversation with this guy can be like going to the comedy club, and when you put him in his element with lights, stage and sound, there is never a dull moment. He tells us why.


“When I say this, of course I hope you’ll make me sound more elegant than arrogant (laughs) because I am just speaking off the cuff but first and foremost I think it’s because I’m funny. I find humor in most things and I like to make other people feel good.”

It’s a positive trait that Dan was born with, but he hasn’t just rested back on his laurels. He’s put hard work into developing the knack of connecting with people on a personal level (isn’t that really the essence of comedy after all). “I’ve developed a character. I’ve studied at Second City Improv and learned so much through personal advice from other entertainers. Christopher Carter in particular has been a huge influence on me. He’s done more for me and my career through personal advice and sharing his incredible level of experience than watching 1,000 other performers. He was essentially my mentor. “I’ve also worked very hard at trying to become better at my timing, references and most especially working with volunteers and reading audiences. I look at myself as a comedian that is on stage with a bunch of characters.”

There are definitely skills in the process of hypnosis specifically that are important for anyone studying a career on the stage to put time in to, but the investment Dan has put in pays off huge dividends that wouldn’t come to a hypnotist that only focused on the actual process. As an example, during the induction process (putting the volunteers ‘under’) the success rate for even the best hypnotists is rarely 100%. It’s something every hypnotist deals with, but there are far too often awkward or dead times when the audience realizes there is someone up there faking it. This type of faux pas culminates from several sources. Perhaps the performer didn’t properly address this possibility with the audience. Perhaps he isn’t paying close enough attention to all of his volunteers or maybe it's some other lack of preparation. But even good hypnotists that notice the problem and ask a volunteer politely to be seated often have trouble keeping things moving. Someone with the special skills of Dan can turn this adversity into an advantage. “For example,” he says, “being good at improv means that even if I pull someone who doesn’t go under, I can leave them on stage and still get just as

many laughs by interacting with them as if they had been hypnotized. Any time someone is just asked to stand up and return to their seat, there’s a little bit of an ‘aww’ feeling from the audience and I hate that. I hate that feeling. It’s a let-down, especially because you have to think that this person, who already mustered the courage to get on stage in front of all their friends, might feel like they failed somehow. People are looking at them when they are walking back to their seat. I want to send them back as a star of the show, not a speed bump.”

There is a separate issue with volunteers whose idea of a good time is to be a jerk on stage. That takes a special kind of care and patience for a performer to deal with and is another situation where improv experience pays for itself. “Now if you have a situation where someone is being a real clown and disrupting the show, or they’re clearly faking it, then I’m going to send that person back because I don’t want it to wreck the rest of the show. If someone is trying to be a Johnny Knoxville, then they are only going to embarrass themselves and the audience, not to mention yours truly. These are usually people

who had no intention of following along with the hypnotic process and are on stage just to act like a fool. But anyone who comes up on my stage and follows along with the rest of the volunteers (but doesn’t legitimately go under) might get to stay on the stage and have fun for a couple of minutes. It’s more fun for them, the audience and honestly, it’s safer. It’s just a way to keep things more controlled and manageable to maximize the entertainment value. When they’re sent back to their seat, they still get to feel as if they were a part of the show.”

Safety in stage hypnosis seems to come all too often in the guise of the fabled pink elephant. Everyone is worried about it stepping on them, but very few people want to openly address the possibility. Safety is something that is paramount to a good hypnosis show and it’s something a good hypnotist will never shy away from talking about. Any of them worth their salt will have exact procedures in place to maximize safety and can talk with programmers about them. If everyone in the hypnosis booking process would openly communicate about these concerns and best practices, a lot


more students would be having a great time at these shows a lot more often.

A good example of this is sending people back and forth from the stage more than necessary; every step a volunteer takes up and down stage is a potential risk to the school, and having clear and marked paths, proper lighting, and a performer who carefully manages the traffic can minimize these risks.

Another example is a practice that has become a selling point for some young hypnotists, and it’s a natural pit to fall into because it’s disguised in the form of increased audience interaction. That peril, friends and colleagues, is having hypnotized people enter the audience, or attempting to hypnotize all or some of the audience itself. “It goes back to me keeping all the volunteers on stage. Ultimately, the goal is to center the focus on what is happening on stage and maximize

safety. You want to minimize sideline distractions. I have seen people that are hypnotized that don’t even realize it, and sometimes the performer can’t even tell. If that happens and you send that person back into the audience, that’s an entirely different dynamic and there are just so many


things that are wrong about that. For one, I don’t like when people go under in the audience. It does happen, you can’t really stop it from happening, but I try to limit it. If they do go under in the audience, I pay very close attention to that and I focus on them right away. I bring them out of the hypnotic state or I bring them back up on stage. It is so unsafe to have them in the audience. I feel that my show is very safe and I focus on keeping it safe. You have some of the less experienced performers out there who are dropping people in the audience and they end up with more people under in the audience than they have on stage. This can get chaotic and very hard to manage very quickly.”

Another common challenge for hypnotists is the induction process. Often you’ll see the lights dim, quiet, soothing music comes up softly and the performer speaks in a smooth, slow, droning tone as he counts the volunteers back from ten to sleepy time. Again, it’s a sen-

sible assumption to make, another common pitfall. The hypnotic state is a state of deep relaxation…but so is sleep. And if you’ve been to a few hypnosis shows, you’ve actually seen heads nod during this part of the show, others look around and get restless, it’s very hard to keep the energy up. Especially when you see 10-15 minute induction “ceremonies.” The thing is though, the guys that really know what they're doing can drop their volunteers under in the middle of a marching band parade in less than half the time. Dan hasn’t personally made that particular boast, but he does pride himself on keeping things upbeat and exciting from the moment the show starts through the final act.

“The moment I hit the stage, the character is already in play. I am hitting them with laughs, and it is just me. I get them opened up and excited right away. That is just my personality. Everything I am doing is in a comical fashion, heck I am getting laughs from the volunteers on their way up to the stage. But the moment I start my induction, things get a little bit serious. Now having said that, once I have brought them back down with the serious moment, I am working the crowd again during the induction. It might just be facial expressions, or a quick side comment, or lifting a volunteer’s arm up and down to see if they are under yet. When that per-

son’s arm just limply falls in the lap of the person next to them, I am working my improv training again to make the most of every little situation. A lot of hypnotists would just ignore that and keep walking, but those students are watching. They are looking at that person who just went under that fast, so why not acknowledge that with them? You can create a moment right there in that 6-8 ‘slow’ minutes that bridges the opening volley into the real fun that’s about to start. That is where I separate myself some I think. From the moment I hit the stage until the show is over, it is entertaining the entire time.” The last crucial point to cover concerning YOUR campus booking Dan Lornitis is something we’ve covered in a tangential way by saying he’s a helluva nice guy. But the value of having a performer who is responsible, responsive and easy to work with can’t be understated. “I communicate openly with the schools and try to be very attentive to their needs. I do advance work to find out about their students, venue and any specific challenges we might face as a team in an effort to put on a great show for their students. I always check in with the school two weeks ahead of time. I talk to the advisors, the students and the venue techs. I ask them about attendance and how to help them build it. I am going to send them high quality posters. I can

come early and talk to people around campus to help bring in attention.” He’s not just a collect-his-check-andleave entertainer either. Keeping up post-performance to find out what worked and what can work better has made him a master of the coveted but ever-elusive rebooking. It says something about a performer who can keep their clients happy enough to have them come back to the same school year after year (or even twice a year). “I always do extensive follow up. I want to make sure every detail of that show was right and if it wasn’t, what can be done to improve it. Delivering a home run for the planners of these shows is my goal every single time and working with them closely is the best way I’ve found of doing it, outside of maximizing the entertainmentper-minute value of the performance itself. It’s what I live for.”

BOOK IT! Find out more about booking Dan Lornitis for your next action-packed, laugh-a-minute event by contacting: The College Agency 651-222-9669


2014-2015 GUIDE TO AMERICA’S BEST ARTIST RATINGS tHe Rating sYstem: 5= eXCeLLent 4= veRY gOOD 3= aveRage 2= faiR 1= pOOR

HeRe is a COmpReHensive guiDe tO aLL aRtist RepORts suBmitteD Between June 1, 2014 anD June 30, 2015. OngOing RepORts wiLL Be puBLisHeD in suBsequent issues anD tHen COmpiLateD fOR tHe 2015/16 Campus YeaR in summeR 2016. ALL REPORTS MUST BE SUBMITTED ON OUR WEBSITE AT: THERE IS A DIRECT LINK TO THE REPORT FORM ON THE HOME PAGE.

HERE ARE THE CATEGORIES FOR THE RATINGS FOUND AFTER THE BUYER’S NAME AND PLAY DATE: (1) ORiginaLitY; (2) aRtist’s aBiLitY; (3) ReLatiOnsHip tO tHe auDienCe; (4) COOpeRatiOn / attituDe; (5) ROaD CRew / management; (6) agenCY COOpeRatiOn; (7) pROmOtiOnaL mateRiaLs pROviDeD. Campus Reports listed in ReD indicate the buyer reported a perfect score in all categories that applied to their campus performance for that artist or event. attenDanCe (when available) anD tHe LOCatiOn On Campus wiLL fOLLOw tHe peRfORmanCe Date.




CUNY College of Staten Island, Staten Island, NY 12/09/14 15 School 4455544 Similar material to the first time he came but attendance was mostly new faces and it was still funny. Mitchell Harris, President of Hillel San Jose State University, San Jose, CA 03/18/15 250 Tower Lawn (SJSU)/Outdoor Stage 5555555 Excellent all around Bradyn Miller, Marketing & Events Manager

Washington & Jefferson College, Washington, PA 04/16/15 50+ George & Tom's 5555-55 Aaron was immediately able to make a connection with his audience and delivered an awesome show! The students stayed in their seats laughing the whole time. I would highly recommend Aaron if you are looking for an engaging comedy show. Sarah Mihal, Assistant Director of Student Activities, Involvement, & Leadership ABBI CRUTCHFIELD Summit Comedy, Inc.

Mercy College, Dobbs Ferry, NY 01/23/15 25+ Mercy College Lecture Hall 5555555 Abbi did a great job of connecting with her audience. She really made everyone laugh, I would love to see her back at Mercy College. Keyla Rijo, Late Night & Weekend Coordinator

ADAM GRABOWSKI (RCA 2015) Adam Grabowski Entertainment

University of Wisconsin-Platteville, Platteville, WI 12/06/12 500 Markee Pioneer Student Center 5555555 Trisha Broihahn, Campus Programming and Relations Event Producer Pennsylvania State University-Berks, Reading, PA 09/09/13 250 Perkins Student Center 5555555 He was great and easy to work with! Brittney Schlechter, Activities Coordinator

Lewis-Clark State College, Lewiston, ID 08/25/14 263 Amphitheater 5555555 Performed with Chris Jones and those two were so good together. Made our crowd go wild, I would definitely have him back. Andrew Burgess, Warrior Entertainment Board Upper Iowa University, Fayette, IA 08/28/14 100+ Student Center 5555-45 Adam is great--always a favorite event for our students! Amy Tucker, Director of Student Activities

Simmons College, Boston, MA 09/01/14 200 Alumnae Hall 5555-54 Tia Miller, Assistant Director, Student Leadership and Activities

Pennsylvania State University-Dubois, Dubois, PA 09/10/14 30 Hiller Auditorium 4545554 Courtney Mullins, Office of Student Engagement Intern

Gannon University, Erie, PA 09/12/14 90 The Knight Club 5555555 Adam Grabowski is a pleasure to work with!


He traveled with his girlfriend and they stayed after the performance to have dinner with our programming board members, and they were both genuine, kind and funny people! His show went exceedingly well and we'd love to have him back! Brian Svoboda, After Hours Chair

University of Akron Main Campus, Akron, OH 10/08/14 450+ Student Union Ballrooms 5555555 Adam comes in every year and wows the crowd. He has a way of making students laugh uncontrollably with his improv comedy that he comes up with on the spot in addition to his regularly scheduled materials. Akron loves having Adam on campus! A ! Robbie Williford, Grad Assistant for RHPB SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill, Cobleskill, NY 10/18/14 250 Ballroom 5555-5Adam was M/C for our annual Coby's Got Talent. Great job. Scott Hoke, Event Leader

Ivy Tech Community CollegeCentral Indiana, Indianapolis, IN 10/28/14 45 Ivy Tech Community College 5555535 Adam was amazing. His dedication in the days leading up to the show, day of the show and after the show is tremendously appreciated - everything from posters to follow up emails, even some social media shout outs. quote from student: "He's funny, like the boy next door funny. He makes me want to hang out all day with him and just chill out." Amanda Bremmer, Asst. Director for Student Life and Development

Sheridan College, Sheridan, WY 11/12/14 100 Thorne-Rider Campus Center 5555555 Sheridan College absolutely loved Adam, they loved the fact that he interacted with them during and after the show. They also thought his jokes were unique and original!

The students have been asking to bring him back this semester! Definitely a every year performer! Deneese Stone, Programming Board Intern

Indiana University-South Bend, South Bend, IN 01/13/15 75 University Grill 5555555 Adam is so flexible and will do whatever he can to make his show work with what the institution needs. We attempted our first noon show with Adam and although there were only a few audience members who actually stayed the whole time, Adam was fantastic with making it work. He used the opportunity to talk to those passing by about his evening show. We have brought in Adam twice and both time our students have absolutely loved him and insisted that he is the best comedian we have had. He makes legitimate requests and is incredibly funny without being offensive. He has material ranging from clean to college student thoughts. I would recommend Adam to anyone looking for a great comedian and as someone who you will want to continue bringing back. Nicole Micolichek, Residence Coordinator West Virginia University Institute of Technology, Montgomery, WV 01/15/15 90 Tech Center Ballroom 5555--5 Emily Sands, Resident Director

Niagara County Community College, Sanborn, NY 01/22/15 65+ NCCC 5455--4 He was awesome! Always a pleasure to work with Adam! Heather Saba, Techinical Assistant

Tompkins Cortland Community College, Dryden, NY 01/27/15 87 Student 45555-4 Very friendly and even helped to arrange the room. Jason Boring, Assistant Director for Student Activities

Muskingum University, New Concord, OH 02/07/15 107+ Muskingum University 5555555 Adam was an amazing comedian for our school! He mad everyone laughed and kept them entertained for hours. He involved the audience with all his acts and made people feel welcome. I suggest Adam Grabowski to anyone who wants to laugh! Adam Brown, Muskingum Programming Board Executive

Nazareth College, Rochester, NY 02/26/15 97 Colie's Cafe 5555555 Adam is phenomenal to work with and is a campus favorite. He also impresses with his ability to bring different material for every show. Victoria Lucido, Live@Naz Chair ADAM MAMAWALA Sophie K. Entertainment

Muhlenberg College, Allentown, PA 09/27/14 40+ The Red Door 5555-44 Lexi Vecchio, PA of Student Activities

Susquehanna University, Selinsgrove, PA 02/17/15 30 Charlie's Coffeehouse 5555-54 Adam arrived with a great attitude which stayed constant throughout the night. He was very easy to work with and formed an excellent rapport with the students. His show was funny, and everyone had a very good time! Kelly Sweeney, SAC Comedian Night ARVIN MITCHELL Summit Comedy, Inc.

Philander Smith College, Little Rock, AR 08/08/14 50 Auditorium 5554454 Everything went great with Arvin Mitchell! His is a great comedian and kept the crowd laughing. We thoroughly enjoyed him. Jasmine DeHart, Bless the Mic Intern/Street Team Director

Bryant University, Smithfield, RI 09/06/14 50 Janikies Auditorium 5555555 Great comedian! No problems at all! Would definitely work with the company again! Katlyn Twomey, Student Programming Board Theme Weekends Cochair Penn State Brandywine, Media, PA 09/11/14 50 Student Lounge 5555-5Amy Dealy, Programming Coordinator Brandeis University, Waltham, MA 09/12/14 60+ The Stein 555555Darryl David, Operation Specialist

Indiana Institute of Technology, Fort Wayne, IN 01/27/15 100 Multi-Flex Theater 5555445 Arvin Mitchell is a joy to work with. His comedic style is one unlike any other. Arvin's performance brought a much needed energy back to our programming. Darius Darling, Student Life Programs Coor.

Indiana University-Purdue UniversityIndianapolis, Indianapolis, IN 02/12/15 30 Theatre 5555555 Drew Musselman, Evening Events Chair/Member of 2015 Homecoming Committee

Millikin University, Decatur, IL 02/14/15 75+ Multi Purpose room University Center 5555555 Arvin was such at hit at Millikin! We loved having him, and working with Summit Comedy, Inc. Everything was easy, and went really smoothly. Arvin was well recieved, and really connected to the student population easily. Wonderful!

Molly Berry, Director of Inclusion and Student Engagement

Adrian College, Adrian, MI 02/17/15 60 Caine Student Center 5555555 Laura Samuelson, Campus Activities Network President

Fox Valley Technical College, Appleton, WI 02/18/15 51 Jokes for Dinner 5555-5Arvin was absolutely hilarious! He kept the jokes appropriate for our crowd, but was still really really funny! Luke Leitner, Student Life Assistant

Cardinal Stritch University, Milwaukee, WI 03/09/15 30 Student Union 5545-55 Arvin was a great artist to bring to campus! He was professional and fun, very glad we were able to book him for this spring. Matt Weiss, Student Programming Board Advisor

University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, Whitewater, WI 03/12/15 100 University Center Down Under 5555-5Arvin was great to work and the students really enjoyed his performance. This was the second time he has been on our campus in three years and he did not disappoint. Melissa Grosso, Leadership Advisor BARRY ROTHBART Kirkland Productions

University of North Carolina at Wilmington, Wilmington, NC 08/23/14 200+ Warwick Ballroom 5555-55 Sorry to just now be getting you the feedback. Barry was very well received by the students in the audience and everyone really enjoyed the show! Samantha Sepulski, Graduate Assistant for The Association for Campus Entertainment BRIAN C. JOHNSON Kirkland Productions

Delaware Valley College, Doylestown, PA 08/23/14 450+ Auditorium 4545-5Andrew Moyer, Director of Student Involvement

Juniata College, Huntingdon, PA 10/09/14 400+ BAC A100 5554-34 Several students came up to Brian to speak to him after the performance. One student in particular was a CWS Lab Leader( upperclassmen Peer Mentors that assist in the Orientation classes). This student in particular mentioned that he had been to many diversity workshops and that this was the first workshop he had been to that he felt the students could really relate to. Lilah Flores, Inbound/First Year Programs Coordinator

University of Indianapolis, Indianapolis, IN 01/09/15 70 UIndy Hall 4555-4Working with Brian was great. He was in contact with us well ahead of time to make sure that his presentation would align with our goals for the student staff. He arrived well ahead of time and was well prepared. He was even able to adapt and work with us to adjust his plan when we had some unexpected technical difficulties in the room he was using. His presentation as engaging and kept the students attention for the full time. All told, it was a fantastic experience, and we could not be happier with how it all went. Johnathan Ferraro, Area Coordinator Juniata College, Huntingdon, PA 03/18/15 150+ Juniata College 5555554 Office of Diversity/

Rosalie Rodrguez, Special Assistant to eh President for Diversity & Inclusion BRIAN MOOTE Summit Comedy, Inc.

Concordia University-Portland, Portland, OR 01/25/13 80 Student Events and Activities Center 4435-54 Destiny Hamblin, Activities Chair

Framingham State University, Framingham, MA 09/27/14 300 Theatre 5555-55 Brian was easy to work with and was a great opener. We will definitely bring him back to campus for his full show! Rachel Lucking, Director, Student Involvement BRYAN MORRIS Summit Comedy, Inc.

Lasell College, Newton, MA 01/22/15 25 Lasell College 5555555 Emily Noll, Emily C.J. JOHNSON Everything But The Mime

Arkansas State University-Beebe, Beebe, AR 08/16/14 100+ Owen Center Theatre 5555555 Great performance! Our students love it! Great for orientation weekend! Andy Isom, Coordinator of Campus Life

University of South Florida, Tampa, FL 08/22/14 1300+ Ballroom 5555555 CJ always puts on a fantastic show for our Week of Welcome and our attendance is always great. While the show is geared towards incoming first year students, there are always upperclassmen who get excited about the show. Rich Scibetti, Coordinator CARMEN LYNCH Kirkland Productions

University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Little Rock, AR 01/13/15 30 Meeing Rooms 555555Carmen was a true professional and we loved having her on campus! Program evaluations were nothing but positive! Emily Cox, Student Life Coordinator CHAD DANIELS Summit Comedy, Inc.

Lock Haven University, Lock Haven, PA 09/14/12 300 Price Auditorium 4455-5Lyndsay Hepler, Haven Activities Council Coordinator CHLOE HILLIARD Summit Comedy, Inc.

Peru State College, Peru, NE 08/16/14 200+ Theatre 5555555 Chloe has an incredible ability to engage the audience and build an outstanding performance based on their feedback and interactions. Two weeks into the school year, students are still talking about Chloe Hilliard's performance. Kristiaan Rawlings, Dean of Students

Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania, Shippensburg, PA 08/29/14 45 Ceddia Union Building Red Zone 555555I always enjoy working with Chuck and Melissa from Summit Comedy, so I was happy to have booked Chloe through them! Chloe was a great performer and she brought an opener with her which really

added to the show! Elizabeth Purswani, Assistant Director for Campus Activities & Programming Goucher College, Baltimore, MD 08/30/14 100 Coffeehouse 4555-4Chloe was hilarious, and our students loved her! Christine Krieger, Associate Director of Student Engagement

University of Minnesota-Rochester, Rochester, MN 09/05/14 110 Mayo Civic Center 5555-5The students were engaged for the whole show and talked about the performance for weeks after. She was really able to connect with them on several levels and the students had only great things to say following the event. Dauline Menze, Student Activities Coordinator

St Olaf College, Northfield, MN 09/06/14 300+ Lion's Pause 5555--We LOVED Chloe! We are still hearing great comments about her performance. The student body thoroughly enjoyed the show and she was very well received! She had people laughing so hard they were in tears! She absolutely killed it! Brandon Cash, Student Activities Committee

Drew University, Madison, NJ 09/18/14 30 Drew University The Space 3422-5When not on the stage Chloe had some type of attitude presented. She really was not that friendly when you were just having a conversation with her. In addition, as soon as she stepped off the stage she left the venue. At Drew our students like to meet the performer after and get pictures and what not, but that was not able to happen with her as she just up and left. Other than that, when she was on stage and performing she was very funny and engaging with the crowd. Michael Pellessier, UPB President Maryville University of Saint Louis, Saint Louis, MO 09/20/14 141 Student Commons 5554-4Chloe's show was absolutely fantastic. She was great with the audience and the audience loved her! She was the first Comedian of the semester and kicked the year off well! We would definitely love to have her come back to campus in the future! Chad Mancuso, Comedy Chair on Campus Avtivities Board

North Dakota State UniversityMain Campus, Fargo, ND 09/30/14 60+ Ballroom 4432-4Unfortunately for Chloe, the crowd that we attracted was not the mostly lively. Though I was told that she was very funny, people were not outwardly responsive. She was very funny and was courteous. She was sensitive to the recent death of an NDSU student. She was, however, late and did not seem happy to be doing the show. Once she was up on stage, she seemed like a different person. Overall, it was a great show, and the crowd enjoyed her humor. Marissa Munar, Special Events Coordinator University of Wisconsin- Stevens Point, Stevens Point, WI 10/17/14 87 The Encore, DUC 4445-55 Keishla Gonzalez

Utah State University, Logan, UT 01/13/15 550 Student Center Ballroom 5555555 Chloe was absolutely amazing. Our students loved her. She was funny, charming, and approachable. Not only was her rehearsed material hilarious she was interacting with the audience as her show progressed and made some great jokes on


the spot. I was very impressed with how she remembered people's names from the audience that she interacted with - it made the students feel more connected to her. Prior to the show Chloe was kind and very lowmaintenence. She asked a lot of questions about the university culture and was very easy to talk to. I've had many students say they want us to bring her back next year because they loved her show so much! Becca Glover, Traditions Director

Weber State University, Ogden, UT 01/14/15 50 WSU, Shepherd Union Ballroom B 4455-43 We block booked Chloe after seeing her performance at the 2014 NACA Mid America Conference. We were very happy with her performance and the great stand up that she brought. She arrived after the performance time due to a delay in her travel from a show at different university, but she was very apologetic and ready to go as soon as she stepped on campus. We do not typically get a great audience turnout for comedians, but we were very pleased with the attendance and energy that Chloe brought in her show. Very pleased! Emma Clark, Coordinator of Student Programming Coe College, Cedar Rapids, IA 01/30/15 65 Gage Memorial Union 444444Laura Van Buer, Director of Campus Life

University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, Green Bay, WI 02/09/15 100 Club 5545555 Vincenzo badalamenti, Mr.

Williston State College, Williston, ND 02/18/15 50+ Teton Lounge 5555555 WSC absolutely LOVED Chloe! She brought such an energy to her performance that our students picked up on and immediately felt comfortable with. She made everyone bust a gut! Tara Weltikol, Student Life Coordinator Ball State University, Muncie, IN 03/21/15 40+ Ball State University 5555444 Chloe was polite, friendly, and flexible - a great act to bring to campus! Very approachable and very easy to work with. Rachael Clark, Graduate Assistant

Aurora University, Aurora, IL 03/31/15 75 Univeristy Banquet Hall 4535-5Chloe was great! Brought the enjoyment and laughs that we expected. She brought an opener with her Dave Temple. He was also great, my only suggestion would be that her openers perhaps go for less time before her. She had a great performance, connected and involved the audience, and made herself available after the show for pictures! Cody Fuerst, Student Activities Representative CHRIS JONES Bass/Schuler Entertainment

Lewis-Clark State College, Lewiston, ID 08/25/14 263 Amphitheater 5555555 Performed with Adam Grabowski and those two were so good together. Made our crowd go wild, I would definitely have him back. Andrew Burgess, Warrior Entertainment Board CHRIS KILLIAN Summit Comedy, Inc.

Concordia College at Moorhead, Moorhead, MN 03/27/15 100 Concordia College 5455-44 Chris' show was refreshingly original, a difficult feat for comedians! Garrett Horejsi, Spec Events Commissioner


Western Illinois University, Macomb, IL 01/30/15 130+ University Union Heritage Room 4555-54 Christian was incredibly kind an easy to work with. Such a pleasant person, and so funny. He made his material related to WIU and interacted with fans after. I would recommend him to anyone! Also, working with Summit Comedy Inc. was such an easy process. They were prompt, professional and accessible. We are very pleased! Jessica Girdler, Graduate Advisor-University Union Board CJ TOLEDANO KP Comedy

Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO 01/30/15 100+ Ben Parker Student Center 4544-5CJ was a great fit for our campus and a really awesome guy. Madison Northrup, FAC Chair COLLIN MOULTON Summit Comedy, Inc.

Florida Atlantic University Jupiter, FL 08/22/14 110 Auditorium 5555555 Collin was ABSOLUTELY PHENOMENAL!!! He was so hilarious and was such a personable guy. He made our crowd laugh so much, as as everyone was leaving the event, the new students definitely said they loved the event and the returning students said he was the best comic we've had! He made the show so personal too by connecting with the members of our audience, and I think that's what made everything so awesome!! We definitely would recommend him to anyone else who's looking!! Samantha Johnston, Program Board Director

University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL 10/29/14 50+ Student Center Ballroom 5555553 Collin Moulton is definitely a comedy veteran. He had our audience laughing from the moment he told his first joke to until the end; and for most he had them laughing to tears. He is definitely the comedian you want to perform at your college campus! Kevin Vantepool, Jaguar Productions Comedy Chair

University of Pittsburgh-Bradford, Bradford, PA 01/08/15 50+ Stand up comedy 5555555 Collin Moulton put on an amazing performance. Collin was a so excited to perform and be apart of the event. The students here at UPB enjoyed that so much that they already want him back! Terrik Sparks, SAC Comedy Committee Chair

Aurora University, Aurora, IL 01/15/15 80 Aurora University 5555555 I had the pleasure of handling Collin's event. What a great guy! He was really able to engage our students throughout his whole show, and learn the audience and cater the show to them! His ability to use material as well as off the cuff to make the show really feel as if it is for the audience is incredible. He stayed after to talk with a few students, one who has been in and out of jujitsu as Collin is quite the enthusiast for that. Then we also have a student who has a passion for comedy and he stayed to give him some great advice and share stories. It was great to see compassion for audience members! I would highly recommend him to anyone else! Cody Fuerst, Student Activities Representative


Otis College of Art and Design, Los Angeles, CA 02/27/15 25 5555-55 We would love to have Collin back again sometime. Thanks for helping us make this happen. Mike Luna, Director of Student Activities DIALOGUES ON DIVERSITY WORKSHOP Dialogues On Diversity

Bradley University, Peoria, IL 02/26/15 77 Marty theater 3454332 Speaker was very energetic and knowledgable. The audience was well engaged. However, language was a bit of an issue at times. ACBU, Critical issues DON BARNHART Fresh Variety

Salve Regina University, Newport, RI 09/03/14 301 Salve Regina University 5555555 Wish he could have brought in more audience members for hypnosis, but otherwise great! Great company to work with, great artist to bring in. High attendance and lots of fun! Shannon Soule ERIC O'SHEA Summit Comedy, Inc.

American International College, Springfield, MA 08/28/14 300+ Campus Center Auditorium 5555555 Thank you so much! Our students enjoyed his wonderful presence! Melika Jackson, Student Activities President University of Wisconsin-Stout, Menomonie, WI 08/31/14 1500+ Fieldhouse Gym 5555-55 Anna Haggerty, Comedy Director

Bridgewater State University, Bridgewater, MA 09/02/14 300 RCC Large Ballroom 5555554 Eric was great to work with, really interested in working with our students on site, and seemed to care about his act and the audience experience. His agency was great to work with, especially with the craziness of the beginning of the year. I would highly recommend Eric for any number of events. Casey Mulcare, Coordinator for Student Programming

Framingham State University, Framingham, MA 09/27/14 300 Theatre 5555-55 Eric, as always, was professional and nice. He connected with the parents in the audience and delivered an amazing show. Melissa was super easy to work with - and assisted when we needed a last minute opener. Definitely working with Summit and Eric again. Rachel Lucking, Director, Student Involvement SUNY College of Technology at Alfred, Alfred, NY 02/16/15 90+ Small Event Space 5555555 Saw Eric at NACA and laughed so hard it hurt, it was like round two all over again at Alfred. He's fantastic, funny, and very personable! Christine Dodd, Entertainment Chair Dickinson College, Carlisle, PA 02/21/15 70 Anita Tuvin Schlecter Auditorium 3445-44 Jessee Vasold, Program Coordinator


Georgia Regents University, Augusta, GA 02/19/15 300 Lee Auditorium 5554554 Feraz did a great job. He came on time and was very friendly and was very easy to work with. we gave him a time line for the show which he was supposed to go off of, but he deviated a little bit from that more than we would have liked. He also accidentally skipped a page of the time line and that messed up the show a little because he ran out of material. Overall, I believe Feraz did an excellent job and if given the opportunity, I would hire him again. Raysean Ricks, Live Entertainment Director FRANCISCO RAMOS Summit Comedy, Inc.

Cal Poly Pomona, Pomona, CA 10/24/11 1000 Student Center 5555555 Maria-Lisa Flemington, Program Coordinator

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI 08/30/14 467 Union ballroom 5555-5Francisco was great, very easy to work with, professional. I would highly recommend him to another campus. He performed for a fall welcome back event, the content was spot on for the audience of first year students. I would highly recommend him for a college venue. Francisco was the funnier of the two comedians we booked. He opened the show and I'm glad it worked that way. He was so great that we didn't lose a single member of the audience for the second act. Rebecca Grassl, Student Union - Assistant Director Arcadia University, Glenside, PA 09/26/14 100 Commons Great Room 4445-5Francisco performed a great comedy show. The students thought he was very funny. Trever Fike, Commons Coordinator

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical UniversityDaytona Beach, Daytona Beach, FL 10/24/14 100+ John-Paul Riddle Student Center 4555555 Very funny guy, high energy & overall great performance that was well loved by the student body. Mark Millimet, Chairperson Touch-N-Go Productions FRANGELA Sophie K. Entertainment

The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, Chattanooga, TN 08/20/14 150+ Roland Hayes Auditorium 555555Great show for a welcome back crowd! Highly recommend! Austin Arias, Assistant Dean of Students

University of Georgia, Athens, GA 08/21/14 298 Tate Grand Hall 555555Artists were supposed to show up 45 minutes prior to show beginning. Instead, they only showed up 15 minutes prior to show. Other than that, show was fantastic, and students really enjoyed it. Artists even stayed after to take photos with attendees. Taylor Cain, Senior Coordinator for Student Activities Trinity University, San Antonio, TX 08/28/14 300+ Laurie Auditorium 4555-5Fantastic, fantastic show. Francis and Angela were amazing to work with. We had a phenomenal experience. Becka Bovio, Coordinator for Student Programs

Farmingdale State College, Farmingdale, NY 09/09/14 40 Little Theater - FSC Campus 555555Artists stayed after performance to take photos and sign autographs. Material was very relevant for college students. Amanda K. Cataldo, Assistant Director of Student Activities North Central College, Naperville, IL 09/13/14 275+ Pfeiffer Hall 4445-43 Mikayla Woodward, CUAB Programming Chair Saint Joseph's College of Maine, Standish, ME 09/26/14 100 The Chalet 5555555 Matt Gawel, Coordinator of Student Activities FRANK LIOTTI KP Comedy

University of Delaware, Newark, DE 08/23/14 50+ UD Perkins Student Center West Lounge 5555555 Frank was absolutely fantastic. Everyone I spoke to absolutely adored his performance. Besides that, Frank was incredibly easy to work with. We would have him back in a second! Matthew Spicer, Assistant Director of Major Programming for HAVEN

University of Delaware, Newark, DE 10/07/14 41 Perkins West Lounge 4334-5Frank Liotti covered another comedian who had cancelled on us. He came early and was incredibly friendly. He was a pleasure to work with. I had previously seen some of his youtube clips and was dying for him to come here. Unfortunately, the execution of his jokes seemed to be more smooth and comical online then in person. He seemed out of breath for some of his show. Otherwise, his jokes very incredibly funny and I, along with my peers, really enjoyed the show. Dani Kupperman, SCPAB Programming Chair GEOFF KEITH Summit Comedy, Inc.

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI 08/30/14 467 Ballroom 5445-5Geoff was great, very easy to work with, professional. I would highly recommend him to another campus. He did a great job checking in about the content of the show, wanted to make sure his content was appropriate for our audience. He performed for a fall welcome back event, the content was spot on for the audience of first year students. I would highly recommend him for a college venue. Rebecca Grassl, Student Union Assistant Director West Virginia Wesleyan College, Buckhannon, WV 02/13/15 60 Dining Hall 544455Meghan Frum, Coordinator of Student Programming and Conferencing IVAN PECEL Fresh Variety

Saint Johns University, Collegeville, MN 08/31/13 150 Auditorium 4345343 Ivan did not require a ton of set-up which was really nice. He also engaged with the audience very well. Emily Johnson, Joint Events Council

Saint Mary's University of Minnesota, Winona, MN 08/29/14 80 Common Room 5555-5-

Ivan is perfect for college campuses. I highly recommend you give this type of performance a shot on your campus. You will not regret it. Lance Thompson, Director of Student Activities Coe College, Cedar Rapids, IA 09/19/14 85 The PUB 5555-5Laura Van Buer, Assistant Director of Campus Life

University of Wisconsin-River Falls, River Falls, WI 10/11/14 300+ River Falls 5555555 Drew Moldenhauer, Student Life Intern

Saint Ambrose University, Davenport, IA 10/24/14 150+ Rogalski Center Ballroom 555555Ivan's performance was just the thing to kick-off our Family Weekend! His interaction with the crowd was appropriate and amazing. I would not hesitate in bringing him back to perform for a family friendly event. Jason Richter, Director of Student Engagement JAY BLACK Cutting Edge Entertainment

SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill, Cobleskill, NY 08/30/14 161 Bouck Theater 5554-5Jay Black is a class-act. He does a great job with his comedy act and then has a Q&A with the audience. We enjoy having Jay perform at SUNY Cobleskill. Mike Wacksman, Assistant Director of Student Life JEFFREY JAY Summit Comedy, Inc.

University of Maine at Machias, Machias, ME 10/16/14 25 U Maine Machias 5555-5Was a great show! Jeffrey is great to work with. The Q & A section was a great learning experience for our students... to be able to ask whatever questions they may have. Nichole Cote, Dir of Student Engagment Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 10/18/14 80 International Center 5455555 Caroline Poole, UAB Multicultural Director

Albright College, Reading, PA 03/05/15 100+ CCML 5555-5Jeffrey was amazing! He traveled through one of the worst storms our region has had this winter, came on time, helped set-up for the event, and wowed the crowd. I received nothing but positive feedback about him. Tiffany Clayton, Coordinator for Multicultural Programs JESSI CAMPBELL (RCA 2015) Summit Comedy, Inc.

Claremont McKenna College, Claremont, CA 09/18/14 15 Pickford Auditorium 5555-5Jessi was fantastic and Melissa Beer's help in booking her, invaluable! Stephanie Wong, Comedy Night

Sheridan College, Sheridan, WY 09/24/14 60 Thorne-Rider Campus Center 5545-5It was wonderful to have Jessi as our first Comedian for our Hump Day Ha's series. There was constant laughter by all who attended. She was well liked by the students. Elizabeth DeGrandpre, Coordinator of Campus Life James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA 11/07/14 152 Taylor Down Under 5545-55

She was a great comedian and the audience survey results are the following: our of a 5 point scale, 5 = excellent and 1 = poor - 57% rated 5 and 33% rated 4. Greg Bahou, Spirit & Tradition Director JESSICA KIRSON Admire Entertainment

University of Akron Main Campus, Akron, OH 04/14/15 238 Student Union Ballrooms 5555555 Our students loved Jessica Kirson. She did a great job interacting with the audience and bringing lots of laughter to our students so late in the semester. The University of Akron definitely recommends Kirson for any type of comedy-style event. A experience! Robbie Williford, Grad Assistant for RHPB JOSH BLUE APA Agency

University of Akron Main Campus, Akron, OH 08/22/14 1200+ EJ Thomas Performing Arts Hall 5555555 Josh had the student laughing all the way out of the venue. The energy was high and students really enjoyed having him on campus in the first few days of the semester. He did a great job engaging with the students both before and after the show, and even stayed to take pictures and sign his autograph. Awesome performer; totally recommend to all school! Robbie Williford, Grad Assistant for RHPB JOSH MCVICAR MCVICAR THE TRICKSTER Josh McVicar

Lees-McRae College, Banner Elk, NC 01/14/15 100 Student Center 5555--4 Another excellent show by McVicar the Trickster! Students really enjoyed the show especially the "roving magic" before the show. Very professional to work with and students are already asking for his return. Jon Driggers, Vice President for Student Development JUSTIN BERKMAN Summit Comedy, Inc.

Alma College, Alma, MI 08/30/14 100 Presbyterian Hall 4455-45 Danielle Brandreth, Greek Life Advisor KABIR SINGH Kirkland Productions

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, IL 08/22/14 1000 Illini Union 4555-5Jared Eakins, Illini Union Board Program Advisor KENDRA CORRIE KP Comedy

Western Oregon University, Monmouth, OR 06/05/15 100+ Werner University Center 3345-44 The audience thinned out for some reason but energy was definitely scattered throughout the performance. Kendra really brought a nice perspective but not sure many enjoyed her performance like expected. Though part of it may have dealt with the notion that it was a long evening with other activities but performance was hit or miss in my opinion. Ekpeju Ed E-Nunu, Coordinator for Student Orgs & Activities KEVIN BOZEMAN Summit Comedy, Inc.

Colby College, Waterville, ME 08/26/14 300+ Page Commons 5555-5-

Sam Helm, Assistant Director of Campus Life KEY & PEELE Sophie K. Entertainment

Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX 08/19/14 500+ Allan Theatre 5555-55 They were amazing and super friendly. It was a pleasure to work with them. Jameson Nogowski, Graduate Assistant LARRY OMAHA Artists West Entertainment

Gettysburg College, Gettysburg, PA 10/04/14 100 The Attic 4455-54 Larry was a great guy to work with and was a great act. We had a good turnout and a good response. Great show all around. Noah Koester, Late Night Coordinator MARCUS Sophie K. Entertainment

University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY 10/03/14 100+ Student Union Lounge Area 5555-55 Marcus Was hilarious and our campus loved him. He was super enthusiastic and involved with the audience. Mahin Sandoval-Chavez, Lead Student Programmer MARK ELLIS Fresh Variety

Miami University-Oxford, Oxford, OH 08/22/14 1000 student center pavilion 5555-5Very easy to work with and adaptable. Great for our welcome week performance! Laura Whitmire, Assistant Director of Student Activities MARK FORWARD KP Comedy

Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH 02/07/15 70+ One Wheelock Coffeehouse 5544454 David Pack, Assistant Director MARY PATTERSON Kirkland Productions

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 08/22/14 200 West Hall Auditorium 5555555 Mary did a great job at RPI! Her material was quirky and unique to her and she made a connection with our audience. Our students enjoyed the performance --I would contemplate bringing her back to campus again! Shante Brown, Assistant Dean, First-Year Experience MATT BAKER Summit Comedy, Inc.

Schreiner University, Kerrville, TX 08/21/14 143 Lion's Den 4455-5Matt was wonderful and easy to work with! He was incredibly friendly to my student staff and audience members after the show. As always, Summit Comedy was a pleasure to work with! Angie Bauman, Director of Student Activities MATTHEW BROUSSARD KP Comedy

St. Charles Community College, Cottleville, MO 09/06/14 100 Fine Arts Building Theater 5555-55 Matthew was AMAZING! He was hilarious and we loved the audience interaction. Everyone in attendance was raving about him and have already demanded that we bring him back. Mandi Smith, Student Activities Coordinator Dickinson College, Carlisle, PA


09/12/14 230 Allison Church 5555-55 Sarah Rose, MOB Chair

Texas State University-San Marcos, San Marcos, TX 09/17/14 40+ George's LBJSC 4445455 Shannon Hetland, Event Corrdinator Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO 09/19/14 70+ Ballroom A 4455-5Madi Northrup, FAC Coe College, Cedar Rapids, IA 10/03/14 75 The PUB 4455-4Laura Van Buer, Assistant Director of Campus Life

Roanoke College, Salem, VA 11/22/14 40+ Roanoke College 5555-5Brea Spitznogle, Event Supervisor

Pfeiffer University, Misenheimer, NC 01/10/15 80 Admin Theater 5545-54 Our students were impressed with Matthew's comedy and the fact that it was not just loud anecdotes, but intelligent wit. He was great to work with and KP made rearranging our date a breeze. Paula Morris, Director of Student Involvement Christopher Newport University, Newport News, VA 01/31/15 175 Gaines Theater 5553555 Elizabeth Beavers, Headliners Chair

University of South Carolina-Columbia, Columbia, SC 02/26/15 110 Theater 5555-5Matthew was the host for our annual comedy competition. His performance was very good and original. He used his MondayPunday website to interact with the audience, which was a nice change from the usual stand up performances we get. He was extremely easy going and fun to work with. The agency is super helpful and strive to help you as much as possible. Dillon Clemmer, Comedic Events Coordinator MICHAEL HARRISON Summit Comedy, Inc.

Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts, North Adams, MA 09/03/14 50+ Venable Theater 545544Michael Harrison did an awesome job at MCLA! He related to the audience very well and had everyone laughing up a storm. The connection was so good he did extra time. My peers loved him. He also brought a friend who performed as an opener and that was really exciting. I don't think my first show could have gone better. Kyla Graves, Comedy Stop Chair MICHAEL PALASCAK Bass/Schuler Entertainment

University of Akron Main Campus, Akron, OH 08/17/14 250 Student Union Ballrooms 5555555 Michael was the perfect comedian to start out our school year. Having all of the student and professional staff in attendance, we had a clean show and the energy was high. This show helped the student ease into the school year with training. Michael was a class act before, during, and after the show. I highly recommend him to any and all schools! Robbie Williford, Grad Assistant for RHPB


Western Oregon University, Monmouth, OR

06/06/14 200+ Werner University Center 5545-55 Mike E. Winfield came out to Western Oregon and had a great time! He really went to bat and showed the students an amazing time. From discussions on a variety of topics, Mike E. Winfield was definitely a treat for all the students in attendance following our annual WOUMania 2014 event. Thank you! Ed E-Nunu, Coordinator for Student Org & Activities MISSION IMPROVABLE Bass/Schuler Entertainment

Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania, Bloomsburg, PA 08/14/14 600+ Kehr Union Ballroom 5555-55 Rob Rowinski, Special Events Chair

Lindsey Wilson College, Columbia, KY 09/12/14 150 Lindsey Wilson College Hode Auditorium 5555-55 I recommend Mission IMPROVable for any college/university! They were great to work with and adapted well to the audience. They were also will to run around the dorms and campus to get the students out and to the show which helped a lot for this small campus. Lafawn Nettles, Director of Student Activities Lincoln College, Lincoln, IL 11/04/14 85 Student Center 5555555 Jeff Nelson, Director of Student Activities NICK GUERRA Kirkland Productions

SUNY at Geneseo, Geneseo, NY 08/26/14 300+ College Union Ballroom 4534-42 Molly Downey, Special Events Coordinator

Fort Hays State University, Hays, KS 11/05/14 100+ Cody Commons - Memorial Union 5555555 The performance was awesome! The event went smoothly and the entire audience loved him! Amber Frazier, Vice President of Entertainment Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO 11/07/14 60+ Student Center Ballroom 2214-5Show wasn't a great fit for our campus. Madison Northrup, MAC FAC Chair

Sul Ross State University, Alpine, TX 01/17/15 35 University Conference Center 4455-5Nick was great. While I recognized some of the material from things I have seen from him online, he definitely personalized it to this audience and really interacted with the audience and fed off their energy, which kept them engaged and laughing the whole time. We had mostly college age students, but there were a handful of people from older generations, and everyone was laughing and enjoying the show. Great fun! Jessica Velasco, Lobo Days Coordinator University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR 01/30/15 167 Union Theatre 5555555 Jake Rowlett, Comedy Chair

University of the Ozarks, Clarksville, AR 01/31/15 165 Rogers Conference Center 5555-55 The students LOVED Nick's humor, interaction, and performance. Definitely a repeat show for us! Rachel Jones, Assistant Director of Campus Activities

University of Houston, Houston, TX 02/26/15 84 Student Center Theater 5555355 The only hitch in the show was Nick arriving late. Other than that the show went really


well, he even stayed back and met audience members and sign autographs. Sana Shahid, Student Program Board Comedy & Speakers Chair Trinity University, San Antonio, TX 02/28/15 25 Skyline Room in the Student Center 5555-54 Becka Bovio, Coordinator for Student Programs

Marymount University, Arlington, VA 03/25/15 45 Bernie's Cafe 5555--Nick was absolutely terrific and he has the most interesting, wicked laugh that makes everyone else laugh. He is a lot of fun, down to earth and very funny. He had a lot of material and was not dependent on audience interaction like some other comedians. The students thoroughly enjoyed his performance and expressed interest in having him return in the fall. Vincent Stovall, Director, Campus Programs & Leadership Development Albright College, Reading, PA 04/01/15 90+ CCML 4444-4Tiffany Clayton, Coordinator for Multicultural Programs

conference, but it was great even the second time around. Highly recommend! Caroline Carter, Director of Student Activities

Wake Forest University, Winston Salem, NC 01/17/15 100+ Pugh Auditorium 5555555 Excellent. Norman Ng wow'd everybody in the audience and it was a great show. I was especially appreciative that he did a free teaser in our dining hall before the show to gain awareness and market the main event. Thanks for everything! Lucas Swenson, President

Tennessee Wesleyan College, Athens, TN 02/05/15 150 Dining Hall 5555545 Norman was wonderful! We thoroughly enjoyed his show! Our student body had a great time! :) Rachel McDonald, SAB Club TWC chair St. Mary's University, San Antonio, TX 03/26/15 150+ UC - A 5555555 Norman is simply the best! Jerome Budomo, Assistant Director, Student Activities RANEIR POLLARD Sophie K. Entertainment

Lyon College, Batesville, AR 04/15/15 68 Nucor 5555-5Jonathan Davey, Student Engagement Specialist

University of Delaware, Newark, DE 04/21/15 20 trabant theater 5554--3 Megan Aidoo, secretary


University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, NC 08/21/14 650+ McKnight Hall, Cone University Center 5555-54 Carly and Nicole suggested that when they perform at colleges they both perform for about 30 minutes then take questions together at the end which works out nicely since they like to limit meet and greets to 30 people. So this allows the audience to feel connected even if they don't end up meeting the artists. *Note: It is up to school to decide length of performance. If you tell them no Q&A they will perform for longer. Kristianna Kelson-Gallagher, Director, CAB Comedy NORMAN NG NMP Talent

Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, FL 08/18/14 300+ Gleason Performing Arts Center 4555554 Norman was AMAZING!! We've had him on campus twice and will definitely bring him back again. NMP is great to work with ahead of time and Norman was great the day of. He is my favorite kind of performer, professional and fun! Erica Richardson, Coordinator of Student Activities Valdosta State University, Valdosta, GA 09/16/14 70 Student Union Theater 5555-44 Amazing performance! Great to work with! Nateya Hamilton, CAB Live Officer

Coker College, Hartsville, SC 01/16/15 60 Watson Theatre 5555555 Norman and Amanda with NMP were so great to work with! Always in regular communication with us, and stuck with us while we had a questionable series of events unfold with our venue. So patient and willing to work through our limitations on a small campus. I'd already seen Norman's act at a

University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY 10/10/14 100+ Ballroom 5555-55 Raneir was AMAZING! He is such a joy and fills the room with joy! He is an amazing performer and is guaranteed to make everyone laugh. He is a must bring to all campuses. Mahin Sandoval-Chavez, Lead Student Programmer ROY WOOD, JR. Summit Comedy, Inc.

Wartburg College, Waverly, IA 10/17/14 165 Lyceum 5555-5Josh Harms, Vice President RYAN REISS Bass/Schuler Entertainment

Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania, Bloomsburg, PA 09/06/14 135 Kehr Union Ballroom 5555-5I've had the pleasure of hosting Ryan at Bloomsburg twice, and both times he delivered. He's a true professional, and knows how to make people laugh. Ryan's one of the best in the business, and is someone you shouldn't pass up on. I HIGHLY recommend Ryan! Rob Rowinski, Special Events Chair SAMMY OBEID KP Comedy

Wright State University-Main Campus, Dayton, OH 09/12/14 125+ 120 MedSci 5544-4Sammy is hilarious! He is the perfect comedian to bring to a college campus because his comedy is intelligent and well performed. KP comedy was very organized and a pleasure to work with as well. Kate Page, Community Director Milwaukee School of Engineering, Milwaukee, WI 09/13/14 400 Kern Center Arena 5555555 Our students loved Sammy's show and found his humor clever and witty. Approachable and fun, the show was non-stop laughs. Nick Seidler, Director of Student Activities and Student Satisfaction Grand Valley State University, Allendale, MI 09/17/14 100+ Grand River Room 5555-54 We could not have anticipated a better

show. Sammy did an INCREDIBLE job interacting with the audience, and we received great feedback from the students that attended. Overall, the show was HILARIOUS and truly original! Sam Lampe, Campus Programming Graduate Assistant Grand Valley State University, Allendale, MI 09/17/14 250 Grand Valley State University 5555555 Nathan Bentley, Comedy Chair

Culver-Stockton College, Canton, MO 09/26/14 92 The LAB 5555555 Sammy Obeid and his performance for the C-SC students was a great program. Hilarious! Sammy was intelligently funny and he helped draw one of the largest crowds for a comedian in recent years. Bill Boxdorfer, Director of Student Activities & Intramurals Washington State University-Pullman, Pullman, WA 10/02/14 175 CUB Auditorium 5553-44 Sammy was put on a great performance! Welcome back anytime! Michael Ehde, Special Events Programmer

Drake University, Des Moines, IA 11/07/14 130 Pomerantz Stage, Olmsted 4445-54 Thanks again to Sammy for such a great show! We received a lot of positive feedback and we're very glad Sammy could make it out to Drake! McCormick Deering and Brenna Conley, SAB Entertainment Co-Chairs Coe College, Cedar Rapids, IA 12/05/14 80 Gage Memorial Union- The PUB 4455-3Laura Van Buer, Assistant Director of Campus Life Husson University, Bangor, ME 01/29/15 95 Student Center 553555Sterling Pingree, Coordinator of Student Activities

University of Maine at Presque Isle, Presque Isle, ME 03/18/15 50+ Wieden Auditorium 4554-55 I really enjoyed his show a lot and we appreciate him coming out to dinner with us. It was also the first time that an artist has self promoted on twitter using our hash tag and that helped to get some extra people to come that might not have shown up otherwise. Craig Pullen, Event Contact Person Saint Joseph College, West Hartford, CT 04/13/15 50 McGovern Hall 5555-44 Vivian, Live Events Coordinator

University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, Whitewater, WI 04/23/15 80 UC-Down Under 3434-44 Amanda Jouett, SEAL Entertainment Intern

University of Wisconsin-Platteville, Platteville, WI 04/25/15 300+ School Dining Hall 555555Sammy did a wonderful job at UW-Platteville! I have received many positive comments from the students about his jokes and how they appreciated his "smart" humor. He did a really nice job interacting with the audience and as a programming staff I appreciated that! Samantha Way, Event Producer

University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, Green Bay, WI 04/27/15 100+ Phoenix Club 5545545 Great show for the last one. Went out with a boom Vincenzo Badalamenti

THE BLACK-JEW DIALOGUES Bass/Schuler Entertainment

Juniata College, Huntingdon, PA 08/26/14 450 Halbritter Center of Performing Arts 5555-44 Ron and Larry were fantastic to work with. They engaged the students and made sure to tailor their performance to issues that directly related to the students of Juniata. They were hysterical and professional at the same time. I would most certainly want to bring them back to our campus in the future. Lilah Flores, Inbound Coordinator

Grinnell College, Grinnell, IA 10/02/14 100+ Harris Center Theater 5555--5 Larry and Ron are absolutely a blast to have on campus! From the original custom video that they created for our students to the master class that Ron taught on their final day, I was overwhelmingly pleased with the job that they did.The Discussion after the show opened up elements of our culture on campus that many students feel inclined to voice, but don't feel they have a space to speak their mind. We will have them on our campus again. Thanks Ron and Larry, you are appreciated! Justin Thaxton, Coordinator, Diversity & Inclusion in Athletics Valley City State University, Valley City, ND 02/12/15 40+ University Auditorium 55555-4 Larry and Lou were awesome!! Nadja Johnson, Director of Diversity & Student Success

Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts, North Adams, MA 02/12/15 20+ Campus Conference Rooms 4455454 Please note the "Genre" was a blend of Speaker, Trainer, and Perf Arts! Our group is very excited about our time and work with Mr. Ron Jones. While we were focused on our development of skits to support our Campus Conversations on Race, we were able to enhance all of our efforts and have become even more of a unified group! Thomas Alexander, Student Affairs Coordinator Saint Ambrose University, Davenport, IA 02/18/15 50+ Rogalski Center Ballroom 5555555 The artists Ron and Simon were very personable and connected with the audience well. The students loved it! Ramona Amos, Intercultural Life and Leadership Programs Coordinator York College of PA, York PA 02/20/15 65+ DeMeester Recital Hall 5545554 Carissa McQuade, Campus Activities Board Diversity Chair

Linn-Benton Community College, Albany, OR 03/04/15 95 Forum 5555555 The Black-Jew Dialogues created a lot of learning moments for the campus and the community. A number of people from the community came to watch and took a lot away with them. Javier Cervantes, Director Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Blue Mountain College, Blue Mountain, MS 03/05/15 300 THEATER 5555--4 Both Ron and Simon did an excellent job relating to our students. They presented the material in a humorous yet appropriate manner. Tina Martinez, Sociology Instructor

Beacon College, Leesburg, FL 03/06/15 50+ Small Private College 5555555 These guys were awesome! The students related to them immediately! Great Job!!! We enjoyed the two days spent with them on

campus. It was amazing to see walls come down and truths come out. What a great way to teach diversity and model it at the same time! I enjoyed being a part of such innovation! Thanks!!! Dianna Dorough, Activities Coordinator THE MUSLIMS ARE COMING! Kirkland Productions

St. Charles Community College, Cottleville, MO 03/25/14 50 SSB Auditorium 5555-5This is such an amazing event! The audience was very engaged with both the documentary and Dean. The topic is VERY important and necessary for students to talk about and this performance/event shows that they have found the perfect way to do make that happen! Through comedy, they are getting the questions out there and sparking the conversations. This is definitely a program that we'll be bringing back to campus! Mandi Smith, Student Activities Manager Weber State University, Ogden, UT 09/10/14 20 Wildcat Theater 5555-31 India Nielsen, American Democracy Project Director

Denison University, Granville, OH 09/24/14 70 Herrick Hall 4353554 The performer of The Muslims are Coming, Aron Kader, was extremely engaged with the audience and a hilarious performer. He was warm, funny, and welcomed students to speak with him after the event. We do agree however, that the performer was unorganized and did not adequately plan specifically what he was going to talk about during the event. We made up for this with his wonderful stand-up, but as the event was for a lecture, we hoped he would have talked more about the serious issues that the documentary demonstrated. Overall it was a successful event, but we would surely recommend more organization for future events. Trishna Desai, Director of Lectures Appalachian State University, Boone, NC 10/28/14 81 Parkway Ballrom in Student Union 5555-55 Jana Vise, Associate Director

Pennsylvania State University-Berks, Reading, PA 03/18/15 100 Auditorium - PSU Berks 5555553 I knew that there would be strong language, but I think there should also be a warning about sexual content - some of the comedians were risqué and some of the conservative Muslim Americans in our audience were embarrassed or offended. Some audience members walked out. Kelly Ann Ryan, Asst. Dir. Campus Life Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 03/24/15 20 K-State Student Union 4555-4Overall the event was great. We only had 20 people attend, but after the screening, everyone stayed for the Q&A session with our guest, Kareem Omary. It is an event that can be funny, but also have learning outcomes. I would recommend this to any lecture or film group Troy Pike, Union Program Council Graduate Assistant VLADIMIR CAAMANO Sophie K. Entertainment

New Jersey City University, Jersey City, NJ 09/04/14 50+ Lobby Outcove 5555-5Vladimir was excellent with connecting to his audience. NJCU has an interesting setup due to it being a majority commuter school and he breezed through his performance. He was also very friendly, and personable. I have worked with SophieK for a very long time and Kate is an amazing agent and

is incredibly easy to work with! Scott A. Siegel, SGO Advisor

Pennsylvania State University-Abington, Abington, PA 09/15/14 150 Lares 108/09 4455554 Penn State Abington LEAP, Chair Member University of New Haven, West Haven, CT 09/25/14 40 UNH-Alumni Lounge 5435-55 Very cooperative and entertaining performer. Interactive and approachable as a person. Alex Joseph & Lamar Leonard, SCOPE Comedy &Lecture Committee Heads University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 09/26/14 70 Grand Ballroom Reitz Union 5555-55 Yolanda Gonzalez, Co-Director

Virginia Western Community College, Roanoke, VA 10/03/14 100+ Student Life Center 4445555 Vladimir Caamaño was incredibly funny, he played off the audience really well. We had a heckler in the audience and he was able to handle them with professionalism and a great sense of humor! Matthew Jones, Student Event Planner

University of Pittsburgh-Titusville, Titusville, PA 10/09/14 50 Boomer's 5555555 Vladimir was awesome! I would highly recommend him to any college or university looking for a comedian that is going to leave their students splitting from laughter. He was down to earth and built a good relationship with his audience. The students loved him and asked for him to come back in the future! Awesome show, amazing guy with extraordinary talent! Evan Ditty, Intern

Ramapo College of New Jersey, Mahwah, NJ 10/28/14 70 Friends Hall 5555-54 Vlad's hysterical and witty performance surpassed my expectations. He attracted a large crowd and was very engaging with the audience. The audience were beyond receptive in return. There aren't many comedians out there that can perform 'clean' jokes with such execution that will have people rolling out of their seats. He was an act to remember. Noel Gordon Jr., Music Co-Chair, College Programming Board SUNY College at Oneonta, Oneonta, NY 11/03/14 30 Waterfront at Hunt Union 4545-34 Yesenia Trujillo, Comedian Chair

Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania, Shippensburg, PA 11/07/14 40+ Red Zone 5555555 Great show! Love how he took the time to see what the campus offered to make original jokes that the audience could relate to, It really made a difference! Kristina Carey, Entertainment Chairperson

Mount Saint Mary College, Newburgh, NY 01/23/15 35+ Knight Spot Lounge 5555-55 We loved having Vladimir! He was fantastic! Meghan Twomey, Graduate Assistant- Student Activities Office

Pennsylvania State University-Harrisburg, Middletown, PA 04/07/15 10 Stacks Stage 4455-43 Was not the ideal audience attendance, but he adapted well to the situation and was very personable! Dorothy Krombach, Programming and Activities Committee Monthy Chair Bradley University, Peoria, IL


04/12/15 50 Hayden Clark Alumni Center 5555-44 Vlad was extremely easy to work with. He was very relatable to the students. He adapted well to his audience of prospective high school students. Guadalupe Flores, Student coordinator Bradley University, Peoria, IL 04/12/15 50 Alumni Center 5455554 Ileana Ruiz, Student Coordinator


AUSTIN MOODY Degy Entertainment

University of Akron Main Campus, Akron, OH 04/22/15 200+ Student Union Starbucks 5555555 Austin was a great entertainer for The University of Akron. He came in and gave our students a great show! A experience across the board for us! Definitely book Austin if you're looking for a soulful country singer. Robbie Williford, Grad Assistant for RHPB AUSTIN RENFROE The Barry Agnecy

Lewis-Clark State College, Lewiston, ID 09/10/14 102 WCC (Conference Room) 5555555 It started out really well. Austin really knew how to read the audience and work with them. He made the vibe feel really good mixing his own music and covers. I would definitely bring him back. Andrew Burgess, Warrior Entertainment Board DAKABOOM Degy Entertainment

Lynchburg College, Lynchburg, VA 10/16/14 300+ Snidow Chapel 5555-55 Dakaboom hosted Lynchburg College's annual Homecoming Week Lip Sync Competition while incorporating their musical and comical styling in between acts. Ben and Paul were not only amazing to work with, but they related well to everyone in the audience young and old. We would bring them back in a heartbeat! Justin Donnelly, Assistant Director of Student Involvement

Emporia State University, Emporia, KS 02/19/15 85+ Webb Hall 5555555 I had such a great time working with Dakaboom this semester. They were so easy to work with and to make all of the plans with. They were both very personable and the entire Council loved working with them. The audience was laughing the whole time, and the ones I talked to afterwards only had good things to say. I would recommend them to other schools. Sarah Fletcher, Chair of Live Music

EH 440 Houla Entertainment

Aurora University, Aurora, IL 01/19/15 40 Perry Theatre 5555555 We absolutely loved having Eh 440 at Aurora University and we wish we could have provided a larger audience. We are keeping them in mind for planning out Fall 2015 semester as well! Such a fun group to host and genuine people to have on campus. Cod y Fuerst, Student Activities Representative

Pennsylvania State University-Berks, Reading, PA 01/15/15 85 Auditorium 5555555

Brittney Schlechter, Activities Coordinator

University of Akron Main Campus, Akron, OH 01/21/15 295 Student Union Ballrooms 5555555 Eh440 received a standing ovation at the end of their performance. They did a fantastic job keeping the crowd tuned in and wowing all of us their style. If given the chance, we would love to have them back. A experience all the way around! Robbie Williford, Grad Assistant for RHPB

New Jersey City University, Jersey City, NJ 02/11/15 50+ Student Union Lobby 5555-55 What an amazing team! The band was excellent and was extremely interactive with the audience. They sounded great, had good vibes and provided a great time. I'm so happy we were able to block book and get Eh 440 to our campus. Scott A. Siegel, SGO Advisor

Ithaca College, Ithaca, NY 03/17/15 200 IC Square, Ithaca College 5555555 Eh440 was incredibly fantastic to work with! They were fun and interactive with the audience, which is difficult for a music performance. They were on time and wanted to watch the College's a capella groups that were opening for them. They were super appreciative of the other group's performances, which engaged the audience even more. The group even had a spontaneous beat box battle with one of our students at the end of the show. The event was even better than I expected it to be and Eh440 will hopefully be coming back to perform at Ithaca College one day soon! Natalie Reed, SAB Executive Chair JARED MAHONE Degy Entertainment

University of Akron Main Campus, Akron, OH 10/15/14 200 Starbucks of Student Union Building 5555555 Jared was fantastic. While the students were relaxing or doing homework, he was strumming away on his guitar, telling stories, and allowing students to take that journey with him. Great performance. Definitely recommended for anyone who is looking to have a coffeehouse style performance! A-plus! Robbie Williford, Grad Assistant for RHPB JONNY ZYWICIEL Houla Entertainment

Wagner College, Staten Island, NY 04/25/15 350+ Outdoor (Quad/Oval) 5555555 Houla was an absolute delight to work with. Since the get go, they were able to provide any assistance with the booking process and were able to effectively and efficiently communicate with us about all of the artist and event details. Jonny is a true star on the rise. His level of comfort on stage had everyone in the audience relaxed, engaged, and ready to have a good time. From the soulful lows and soothing highs, his voice traveled through the audience enticing everyone who was listening. Never has an artist had such an influence on the students at Wagner. 10/10 would recommend Jonny to perform at any college. Dillon Quinn, Vice President, Campus Activties Board LIVE BAND KARAOKE Bass/Schuler Entertainment

University of Akron Main Campus, Akron, OH 08/23/14 1600+ EJ Thomas Performing Arts Hall 5555555 Students had an absolute BLAST with the live band karaoke! The whole night, people were jamming to their favorite songs with their friends. Some even performed which was a great time. It was great seeing stu-


dents come out of their shell and perform in front of people. Such a great activity; fun was had by all! Robbie Williford, Grad Assistant for RHPB MIEKA PAULEY The Agency Coalition

University of Akron Main Campus, Akron, OH 02/04/15 164 Student Union Starbucks 5555555 Mieka brought soulful energy and positive vibes with her as she sang. On a bitter wintry day, she was able to bring warmth with her vocals and her awesome songs. Totally recommend her if you're doing a coffeehouse type of event. A to work with! Robbie Williford, Grad Assistant for RHPB MITCH CLARK (RCA 2015) Houla Entertainment

Chestnut Hill College, Philadelphia, PA 08/23/14 45 McCaffery Lounge 5555555 Our students absolutely LOVED Mitch! He was barely finished performing and they were already asking me when he could come back! Megan Cranney, Assistant Director, Student Activities

California University of Pennsylvania, California, PA 08/25/14 100+ Outside Convocation Center 555555Mitch did a great job and gave the perfect atmosphere that we needed for the first day of school. We had him outside on a beautiful day where people sat and listened, but also in a high traffic area so everyone walking by could enjoy it. We picked that location because it was right next to our new cafeteria and we wanted to draw the students down there and it worked! Mitch did a wonderful job. He had a great voice and also played requests if students asked! He was very friendly to our whole board as well as all of the students. We were extremely satisfied with his performance and cannot wait to have him back. Suzy Hart, Vice President SAB Alderson Broaddus College, Philippi, WV 08/29/14 120 Outdoors near bonfire 5444343 We loved Mitch! He did a fantastic job and we were impressed with his performance. Julie Caldwell, Campus Activities Coordinator

Polk State College, Lakeland, FL 11/03/14 50+ Student Center 5555-5Mitch Clark was an unexpected treat for the students, as they did not know what he had to offer until he opened his mouth to sing. Anthony Bates, Student Activities Board Advisor Babson College, Wellesley, MA 03/28/15 70+ Trim Parking Lot 5555-35 Allie Duncan, Event Chair

SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill, Cobleskill, NY 03/31/15 100 Dining Hall 5555555 Mitch was fantastic! He played over the contracted time and was extremely interactive with the students! His performance was excellent and we would definitely book him again! It also helps that his agents Matt and Lee at Houla Entertainment are great to work with! Super helpful, easy to contact, and ready to help with whatever they can! Alisha Fregoe, Event Leader PRESTON LEATHERMAN Preston Leatherman LLC

University of Akron Main Campus, Akron, OH 02/25/15 150 Student Union Starbucks 5555555

Preston was fantastic! He entertained the crowd and did a great job playing a variety of tunes that got the crowd singing along. He even asked people for requests and mashed up the songs to be one big song! Absolutely great voice and overall a great artist to work with. A experience! Robbie Williford, Grad Assistant for RHPB RAYVON OWEN Diversity Talent Agency

University of Akron Main Campus, Akron, OH 09/23/14 300+ Starbucks of Student Union Building 5555555 Rayvon had students on their feet clapping and singing along with him. Lots of energy and student interaction made for a great night for both Rayvon and those who attended. I rocked the house! If you're looking for talented singers for a coffeehouse-type event, Rayvon is the guy to get. Robbie Williford, Grad Assistant for RHPB THE ACOUSTIC GANGSTER Houla Entertainment

Middle Georgia State College-Cochran, Cochran, GA 04/17/15 60 Student Center 5555555 Scotty Rainwater, Assistant Director of Student Life THE BERGAMOT Both Records

University of Akron Main Campus, Akron, OH 11/19/14 200+ Starbucks of Student Union Building 5555555 Our students LOVE having The Bergamot duo come to campus! We had 200 students stop by, work on homework, and have some fun. These two are some of the best artists we've had on campus in a long time. A ! Robbie Williford, Grad Assistant for RHPB


ANTHONY TRUCKS Kirkland Productions

Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania, Bloomsburg, PA 09/29/14 95 Multicultural Center 5555-55 Madelyn Rodriguez, Director AUDIOBODY Fresh Variety

Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 09/12/14 100+ Forum Hall, K-State Student Union 4555-45 This amazingly talented duo was totally professional, self-sufficient in setting their stage, and personable with the crowd! They stuck around after the show to talk about how they used technology in developing their act. Our students loved Audiobody! John Buckley, Graduate Advisor BALLOON ARTIST, FACE PAINTER, HENNA TATTOO Kirkland Productions

Centenary College of Louisiana, Shreveport, LA 04/24/15 70+ Centenary College Student Union Building 5455555 Event was very popular, many people were pleased with it. The henna ink got clumpy at the end and made designs difficult to make, but can easily be fixed in the future Victoria Johnson, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX 06/17/15 100 Outdoors

4454-5Jameson Nogowski, Graduate Assistant BEN SEIDMAN (RCA 2015) Summit Comedy, Inc.

Xavier University, Cincinnati, OH 10/17/14 220 Gallagher Student Center 5555555 Ben was very entertaining and delightful. Would love to have him again for different events! Nneka Bonner, SAC (Student Activites Council) member Alvernia University, Reading, PA 10/18/14 150+ Franics Hall Auditorium 4544454 Joe Benyish, Assistant Director, Student Activities

University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL 11/07/14 100+ Student Center Terrace 5555555 His originality is his act is enough alone to amaze everyone in your audience! The stage presence and ability to work a crowd are definitely my qualities in his show. You definitely should book him to Reform at your college! Kevin Vanterpool, Jaguar Productions Comedy Chair Luther College, Decorah, IA 01/16/15 300 Luther College 5444-5Anna Johnson, SAC Executive Member CHRIS RUGGIERO GP Entertainment

Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania, Shippensburg, PA 12/04/14 20+ Multi purpose room 4555555 With a small crowd during finals week, Chris was able to make his show even more interactive on the spot! Kristina Carey, Entertainment Chairperson

Washington & Jefferson College, Washington, PA 05/02/15 300+ Street Fair 5555-55 Chris did a fantastic job as a roving artist at our Street Fair! The students and community members really enjoyed his performances. Chris and NMP are very easy to work with and very friendly! Sarah Mihal, Assistant Director of Student Activities, Involvement, & Leadership CHRISJONES Bass/Schuler Entertainment

Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO 08/16/14 1040+ Green Center 5555-4We have been hosting Chris for years. He has never disappointed and the students come back year after year to see his roll on the floor funny show! Very college student appropriate humor! Jenn Mazzotta, Director for Student Activities

University of South Carolina-Beaufort, Bluffton, SC 08/20/14 150+ Welcome Week Tent (outdoor) 5555555 Chrisjones is TOP NOTCH and is the most fun to work with. Super low maintenance and really, really awesome. His performances are always entertaining and original. He will be our kick-off performer for our 2015 Welcome Week, we love him that much. Kate Vermilyea, Director of Student Life

Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College, Saint Mary of the Woods, IN 08/22/14 120 Cecilian Auditorium 5555555 Chris Jones has been performing at our New Student Orientation for 4 years. He is consistently one of the most highest rated events on our evaluation. His show is dy-

namic and always evolving. Chris is incredibly professional and we could not ask for a better person to kick off our academic year. Jeff Malloy, Dean of Students Lake Forest College, Lake Forest, IL 08/23/14 250 Mohr Student Center 5555555 Quite possibly the best artist experience and performance I have had and seen at Lake Forest College. Patrick Doggett, Associate Director

Salt Lake Community College, Salt Lake City, UT 08/28/14 120 Student Event Center 4445-44 chrisjones is a great performer. We love having him on campus. He worked well with a very difficult audience and onstage participants. Brandi Mair, Coordinator University of Mount Union, Alliance, OH 08/30/14 130 Campus Grounds 5555-44 Chris' performance was rock solid. Two weeks later, students are still talking about it! Also, he arrived to campus extra early to participate in our Good Eats Dinner where the board members and a guest chef cook for the act. This is a great chance for the students to have some extra quality time with them, and Chris was an awesomely gracious guest. Lindsey Laret, Advisor, Raider Programming Board CHRISTOPHER CARTER Bass/Schuler Entertainment

Marymount University, Arlington, VA 11/20/13 50+ Auditorium 5555-5Chris was a joy to work with. He came on time and did teasers. Chris's lecture got the students to get up and try what he was talking about. Everyone loved it! Rosemarie O'Connor, Cultural Arts and Lecture Chair

Morningside College, Sioux City, IA 08/16/14 324 Eppley Auditorium 5555555 Bass/Schuler sent us promotional materials far in advance which was wonderful as this was our first event of the year. Chris showed up early on campus to do teasers in the cafeteria. The students couldn't stop talking about the show that night after meeting him in the cafeteria. The show was outstanding. Chris was very professional and was able to bring our new freshmen out of their shells. It was the perfect orientation event! Julie Pitel, Student Activities Coordinator University of Central Missouri, Warrensburg, MO 08/19/14 1200+ College Campus 5555--5 We have brought Chris to our campus before, he is excellent to work with and the students always enjoy his performance. Carrie Calovich, The Spotlight: Comedy Coordinator

St. Charles Community College, C ottleville, MO 08/20/14 100+ Student Cafeteria 5555-55 Mandi Smith, Student Activities Coordinator

McKendree University, Lebanon, IL 08/21/14 400+ Hettenhausen Center for the Arts 5555-5Christopher Carter always gives a top-notch performance and is great to work with. The quality of the show has been a reason that we have re-booked Christopher for so many years. Our students are always amazed and when you hear them talking about the show days after it was performed, you know that you've had success. Craig Robertson, Director of Campus Activities Loras College, Dubuque, IA

08/23/14 400+ Theater 5555555 Christopher Carter is great to work with and the students are still talking about him. We will most likely have him again each year. Melissa Klinkhammer, College Activities Board Advisor

SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill, Cobleskill, NY 08/26/14 415 theater 4555-55 Arrived very early to do dining hall teasers, very nice,cooperative,great energy.Overall great. we would love to have him return! scott hoke, event leader SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill, Cobleskill, NY 08/26/14 415 Bouck Theater 5555-55 Christopher Carter was GREAT. He came early to do teasers in our dining hall and students LOVED his show. We had 415 students attend and they want him back. Mike Wacksman, Assistant Director of Student Life Illinois Wesleyan University, Bloomington, IL 09/20/14 650+ Hansen Center 4555-5Colin Stewart, Dir of Student Activities/Leadership

University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY 09/26/14 350 Ballroom 5555555 Chris was amazing!!!! He always has an amazing show and surprises us with new things! Our students loved him! It is a MUST see show! There is nave a dull moment! Mahin Sandoval-Chavez, Lead Student Programmer

Millikin University, Decatur, IL 10/09/14 80 Performance Space RTUC 555555Millikin loved having Christopher Carter on campus to help us celebrate Homecoming week! He was engaging, funny, and played with the audience throughout the whole show. He really WOWed us with his talent, and his performance. Students are still talking about the event, and how much they enjoyed him. Molly Berry, Director of Inclusion and Stu Eng

North Iowa Area Community College, Mason City, IA 10/15/14 75 NIACC 5555555 Chris was GREAT. I have had people come up to me when Chris had left wanting him to come back for another show. He was get with the audience and always kept people on their toes. I would recommend his show to everyone!! Jeremy Winters, Co-Student Activites

Ashford University, Clinton, IA 10/16/14 50+ Mullany Theatre 5555555 I was a huge skeptic walking into his show and thought maybe it was going to be boring. This show was one of the best ones I have gone too on campus this year! Rebecca Wolfe, Student Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, Canada 10/18/14 250 Carleton University 5555555 William Johnson, Student Engagement Coordinator Allen County Community College, Iola, KS 10/21/14 100+ College 5555555 Ryan Bilderback, Director of Student Life

University of Memphis, Memphis, TN 10/27/14 35 UC Theatre 5555-54 Chris Carter was great. Many of the students asked when he would return. We are looking planning to have him return to the campus in the near future.

Doris Blaine, Adult Student Association Program Chair

Joliet Junior College, Joliet, IL 11/04/14 125+ Center Bridge 4555-55 Chris never disappoints! With the teasers before the show, the chairs get filled. Students look around in amazement as he performs. They walk away scratching their heads wondering how he did what he did. One of our favorite shows...we bring him back every year! Pam Dilday, Director of Student Activities

Iowa Wesleyan College, Mount Pleasant, IA 11/06/14 100 Chapel 5555555 Our students loved him!! He was very engaging and definitely one of the more well attended shows we have had this year! Kat Niemann, Director of Student Engagement Ivy Tech Community CollegeLafayette, Lafayette, IN 11/12/14 60 Multipurpose Room 5555555 Awesome show! Great for any audience. We are 100% commuter, so we can sometimes struggle with attendance. Chris came early and did a teaser. He thought he could still get a larger audience, and went out and did a second teaser. It was awesome! Our students loved him! I totally appreciate everything he did to help us have a great show. Kat Stremiecki, Director for Student Life Marian University, Indianapolis, IN 11/14/14 200 Alumni Hall 5555555 Ben Braksick, Director, Student Activities & Orientation

Colorado Mountain CollegeGlenwood Springs-Spring Valley, Glenwood Springs, CO 12/02/14 50+ Recker Student Lounge 5555554 Chris is amazing! We love having him come and the students can't get enough of him. Brandon Fox, Coordinator of Student Activities

Rainy River Community College, International Falls, MN 02/04/15 150+ College Theater 5555555 Chris Carter and Bass/Schuler are the one group I make sure I work with every year! Fantastic performance and Great hassle free Agency! You don't have to worry about promotion because he teases his act 30 minutes or more before the show! I can't say enough good things!! Brad Krasaway, Director of Student Life Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI 02/05/15 450+ Rozsa Theater 5555-45 I had a wonderful time working with Chris. He did a wonderful job with everything we threw at him! Jennifer Holthouse, Stage Revue Co-Chair Viterbo University, La Crosse, WI 02/06/15 85 Nursing Center 196 5555-55 Chris Carter was a fantastic artist to work with. He visited campus during our dinner hour to do "teasers" and he interacted with students before the show started. He was very student-focused and his act wow-ed our crowd. As a contracted artist, he was very easy to work with, communicative, and flexible. I was very happy to have him on campus. Kasie Von Haden, Director of Campus Activities Inver Hills Community College, Inver Grove Heights, MN 02/18/15 75+ Green Room 5555554 Mike Opoku,


Interim Director of Diversity and Equity

Auburn University, Auburn University, AL 02/20/15 200+ Auburn University Student Center 5555555 Simply one of the best! Mike Rapay, UPC Program Advisor Gateway Technical College, Kenosha, WI 03/05/15 30 Elkhorn Campus 5555-55 Trina Muscarella, Student Life Coordinator

Indian Hills Community College, Ottumwa, IA 03/10/15 50 Cafeteria 5555554 Chris wows the crowd each and every time. He is great to work with. We will have him back again! Jennifer Sabourin, Director of Student Services Franklin College, Franklin, IN 03/13/15 150 Branigin 5555555 Natalie Brewster, Coordinator of Greek Life CRAIG KARGES Karges Productions

Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 08/19/14 1700 Tent 5555555 Craig performs for us every year during Orientation; the OCS and RAs who have seen him before are excited to see him again and again and get the 1450 first years excited to attend the show; As always, this year's performance was wonderful with new acts. Thanks for a great show. Anne Witchner, Assistant Dean; Director of Student Activities

Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA 08/21/14 800+ Duquesne Union Ballroom 4555555 Craig gives his audience a jaw-dropping experience every single time! Jade Leitzel, Director of Orientation Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA 08/23/14 800+ Steel Stacks/Arts Quest 5555555 One of the best performers we bring to campus. Our students love him!! Matt Kitchie, Director of Student Activities

University of Akron Main Campus, Akron, OH 08/26/14 1200+ EJ Thomas Performing Arts Hall 5555555 Craig is one of the best magicians I have ever seen. He's funny, too, which helps the students connects with him as he blows their minds! Craig has been coming to the University of Akron for a long time and each time, he gets better and better. Overall, he's a wonderful performer and will wow your students. Robbie Williford, Grad Assistant for RHPB

Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI 08/29/14 800+ Rozsa Theater 4555-44 This was my first time working with Craig. He was extremely easy and low-key to work with, which was great during a busy week. The students were very engaged in his program, and it was fun to hear all of the engineering majors hypothesizing about his methods. Sheena Kauppila, Assistant Director of Orientation Programs

Sarah Lawrence College, Bronxville, NY 09/04/14 125 Reisinger Concert Hall 5555555 I have had nothing but exceptional experiences working with Craig in the past, and this show was no different. He is incredibly easy to work with both before leading up to the date and on the night of the show. This

year, he put on a great show and the feedback from our students was all positive. Many of our students are performers and therefore can be wild-cards with the audience participation pieces. He rolls with everything our students throw at him! Joshua Luce, Director of Student Activities Albion College, Albion, MI 09/13/14 125 College 5555--5 Bailey Judson, Student

Saint John Fisher College, Rochester, NY 10/23/14 185 Basil 135 5545433 Desire' Campbell, Programmer

Rollins College, Winter Park, FL 11/08/14 130 Bush Auditorium 5555555 Craig was great as always! Students and families of all ages come every year just to see him perform and he never disappoints. He has a great way of getting the audience involved and unable to look away. The Rollins community is always happy to see him come and the tricks he brings with him. Watch and be amazed, just as we were! Miranda Jung, REP Director University of Montevallo, Montevallo, AL 11/11/14 200+ Palmer Auditorium 5555-55 Craig Karges was wonderful! All of our students enjoyed the show. The community has already asked when he will be coming again! Kristen Bowen, Coordinator of Student Life Baker University, Baldwin City, KS 03/24/15 80 Rice Auditoirum 5555555 Amazing performance, true class act! Randy Flwoers, Director of Student Life

Washington University in St Louis, Saint Louis, MO 04/16/15 450+ College Athletic Facility 5555--Craig's performance was amazing!! Our crowd of over 450 high school seniors absolutely loved it. He had a great sense of humor, was engaging, and the actual show was mind-blowing. Craig was professional and incredibly accommodating in preparing for the show, even when given the possibility of a change in venue. I cannot say enough good things! We hope to have him back next year! Tori Neason, Assistant Director, Undergraduate Admissions Whitworth University, Spokane, WA 05/02/15 300 HUB MPR 5555-55 Laurel Cornwell, Activities Coordinator DANIEL MARTIN (EOTY 2015) Bass/Schuler Entertainment

Saint Josephs College, Rensselaer, IN 08/15/14 200 Ballroom 5555555 John May, Director of Events and Activities College of Saint Mary, Omaha, NE 08/19/14 160 Gross Auditorium 5555555 Caelee Lehman, Director fo Student Leadership

Lynchburg College, Lynchburg, VA 08/23/14 101 Memorial Ballroom 5555-55 Dan was amazing! Very personable and engaging with students, staff audience. Justin Donnelly, Asst. Dir. of Student Involvement Converse College, Spartanburg, SC 08/24/14 100+ Daniel Recital Hall 5555555 Madeline Marion, Graduate Assistant Ursinus College, Collegeville, PA 08/27/14 150+ small 5555555


Highest attendance at a CAB event since I have been at Ursinus! Alexandria Sutton, CAB Executive Board Arcadia University, Glenside, PA 08/29/14 150+ Great Room 5555--5 Tess Giordano, Variety Chair

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Daytona Beach, Daytona Beach, FL 09/05/14 350+ John-Paul Riddle Student Center 5555555 Overall was a great show! The end was mind blowing & students went crazy! Very happy with everything that took place. Dan rocks!! Mark Miller, Chairperson Urbana University, Urbana, OH 09/15/14 135 Student Center 5555-55 Amazing! Did great w/CAB members & all students. A definite staple in our rotation! Mitch Joseph, Assoc. Dean of Students Siena Heights University, Adrian, MI 09/22/14 200+ DH seats 150 5555555 Dan was awesome! Our students loved it and the Meet and Greet went amazing. We had more people than expected and the show was more than we expected! Meiko McDaniel, VP Buisness

Quincy University, Quincy, IL 10/03/14 100+ Cafe 5555-55 Super helpful with setup, great to work with, audience loved him. Appropriate for family weekend which is what we brought him to campus for! Very original. Lizzie Richards, Campus Activities Graduate Assistant

University of Michigan-Dearborn, Dearborn, MI 10/09/14 70 House of Maize & Blue 5555-45 Daniel was exceptional, his ability and talent far exceed his price point. Students were entertained and dazzled; this event will go down as the best quality program of the semester and legitimized campus activities board & our performance events. Can't wait to bring him back! Seth Newell, Coordinator of Campus Activities & Residential Engagement Ohio State University-Newark Campus, Newark, OH 10/15/14 107 Warner Center 5555555 Fantastic! Well received by students, very easy to work with and great entertainer. Dan will become a must have on our campus! Book him, you can't go wrong! Holly Mason, Director of Student Life Dominican University, River Forest, IL 11/21/14 125 Social Hall 5555-55 Daniel was fantastic. He engaged the audience, crafted his show to our campus/students and made the entire experience a blast! Ian Van Anden, Student Involvement Cord. Ottawa University-Ottawa, Ottawa, KS 03/24/15 60 Gibson Student Center 5555555 This was an AWESOME show! Will absolutely have Daniel Martin back at Ottawa Unv. Sydnee Krueger, Student Act. Coor.

Bethany College, Lindsborg, KS 03/25/15 144 Burnett Center 5555555 Daniel was amazing to work with! He had a great attitude and the students had a great time! He will definitely be coming back to Bethany! He was one of the best performers I have ever worked with! Tricia Saunders, SAB Advisor DAVE EVANS Everything But The Mime

College of Southern Idaho, Twin Falls, ID 04/03/15 300+ Public 5555555 Great to have him on campus! Jasmine Lopez, Program Board Advisor DR. JIM WAND Wand Enterprises

Eastern Iowa Community College District, Davenport, IA 01/13/15 500 Decker Auditorium 5555555 Jim Wand has been coming here for years and we would not want anybody other than Jim Wand to come to our campus. Amazing performer and puts on a great show! Brandon Bush, Asst. Director Student Life University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 01/13/15 800 University of Nebraska-Lincoln; East Union 5555555 Always a pleasure having Dr. Jim Wand at our campus as an annual event. Nels Holmquist

Central Community College, Grand Island, NE 01/19/15 110 Student Center 5555554 It's always a good time when Jim comes to campus. The audience and the participants all had fun. The show was clean and highenergy. Jim's great to work with. Nick Freelend, Activities Director

Mid-Plains Community College, North Platte, NE 01/20/15 176 McDonald-Belton Theater 5555555 Does a great job of connecting to the audience members as well as the administration. Joshua York, Assistant Housing Director/ Activities Director Ohio State University-Main Campus, Columbus, OH 04/22/15 300+ Archie Griffin Ballroom at the Ohio Union 5555554 Nolan Waldeck, Philanthropy Chair ERIC MINA GP Entertainment

University of South Carolina-Columbia, Columbia, SC 08/20/14 1000 Russell House Ballroom 4555554 Luke Ferguson, Special Events Coordinator York College Pennsylvania, York, PA 08/24/14 300+ 5555555 Funniest show i have ever seen! Loved it! Elizabeth Poole, Student Georgian Court University, Howell, NJ 09/09/14 100+ Court cafe 5555555 Phenomenal, will book for welcome back week Erin Mccarron

Harrisburg Area Community College, Harrisburg PA 09/10/14 63 HACC Harisburg 5555555 One of the best shows we have ever had. The students loved the comedy. The students wanted to keep watching. Nick Pozza, President Student Programming Board Shippingburg university, Shippingburg PA 09/11/14 203 Caddis Union Building 5555555 Such a great show! Largest turn out of the year! Kristina Carey, entertainment chair

Castleton State College, Castleton VT 09/20/14 50+ 1787 5555555 Eric mina is the shit! Bring him to your

school he gives you his pillow.what you doing now so we're going to see you at night then a month no oh shit shit I went to the voice activated stuff David Levoli, Vice President of Campus Activities Minot State University, Minot ND 09/24/14 255 Ann Nicole Nelson Hall 4554-55 Great show! It's always a gamble booking unfamiliar artists but Eric was a hit! Aaron Hughes, Student Activities Coordinator Augustana, Sioux Falls SDsarah 09/27/14 350+ Kresge hall 5555-55 Eric was great! Our campus will be talking about this for months. Thank you!!! Sarah Larimer

Keystone College, PA Plume PA 09/30/14 130+ Evans Hall 5555555 Great with the audience, everyone really enjoyed it. Bigger crowd than we've had in a while. Sam Mehall, Student Activities Intern Aurora University, Aurora il 10/07/14 425 5555555 Absolutely loved it! Definitely going to bring back!! Shelby, Special Events Co-chair

Widener University-Main Campus, Chester, PA 10/17/14 296 Alumni Auditorium 5555555 Our show with Eric Mina was awesome. Eric was on time, professional, and very engaging with our students. He took very good care of the students on stage and was very easy to work with. We will definitely have him back in the future. Austin Duckett, Director of Student Engagement

Penn State, Abington PA 10/27/14 200+ 5555555 Very interactive with the audience. The show was amazing. Absolutely hysterical. Will be coming back soon Melanie, Common Break Chair

Neumann University, Aston PA 10/28/14 122 mpr 5555-55 This has been our biggest show outside of homecoming. Eric was able to connect with students very well. Everyone was entertained for the entire show. The show was really great! He kept the audience laughing and kept everyone stunned with his show. Christopher Lyons, Chair of Exploration

Bowdoin College, Brunswick, ME 11/22/14 400+ Union 5555555 He was awesome and his dining hall promo really created buzz on campus! Chase, Member of Entertainment Board

Washington and Jefferson College, Washington PA 12/06/14 125+ G and T 5555555 Eric had an amazing energy that lasted through the entire show! Best attendance that I have seen at an event and will definitely be bringing him back Sarah Fiore, Assistant Director of Student Activities

St Mary's University of MN, Winona MN 01/17/15 125+ Page Theater 5555555 Smells nice- looks like a young Italian higod Mary Coghlan, External Chair University of Southern Maine, Portland, ME 01/23/15 150 Brooks Student Center

5555-55 Eric is one of our campus staples. He does an amazing job with our students and tailors the show to exactly what we request. He is incredibly nimble and able to work with audiences of very different sizes. We had him perform for 40 students one night,and 150 the next. Eric is incredibly professional and able to interact with students on their level. Dan Welter, Student Advisor St Mary's College of Maryland, St. Mary's City, MD 01/24/15 110 St Mary Hall 5555555 Fantastic performance Allison, Director of Campus Programing

SUNY Institute of Technology at UticaRome, Utica, NY 01/28/15 100+ Student Center MPR 5555555 Eric's performance was fantastic. He is a great guy and very personable. Can't wait to have him back to our school again! Paul Ragusa, Vice President Medaille College, Buffalo, NY 01/29/15 100+ Main Auditorium 5555555 Eric was absolutely amazing.His show is more than i anticipated by far. I definitely want him back at Medaille!!!! Korry, SAB member

University of Pittsburgh-Titusville, Titusville, PA 01/30/15 60 Hennie Auditorium 5555555 Eric Mina is a really cool, interesting guy his jokes we're funny, his magic was magical, and the hypnosis was insane. Domonik Daniels, Student Activities Board Security/Treasurar

Herkimer County Community College, Herkimer, NY 02/06/15 150+ Sarcus-Busche Theater 5555555 Was a great shows throughout the entire performance. Had our best showing of the semester because of Eric!!! Giorgio Varlaro, assistant director of student activities Arcadia University, Glenside, PA 02/07/15 250+ The Great Room 5555555 Quality performance! I can't wait to bring him back to our campus!!!! Morgan McKenna, President

Nazareth College, Rochester, NY 02/12/15 160+ Nazareth College Arts Center A-14 4555455 Artist was phenomenal, wonderful to work with and calm during technical difficulties. Victoria Lucido, Live@Naz Chair

Quinnipiac University, Hamden, CT 03/21/15 25+ Buck an Theater 5555555 Really great artist to work with. Kelly Ledwith, Arts and Entertainment Chair

Clarion University of Pennsylvania, Clarion, PA 03/27/15 70+ Gemmell Student Complex 5555555 Eric's performance was amazing. He did an excellent job at connecting with our students and everyone loved his unique, fun, and exciting performance. We will definitely bring him back in the near future! Abagail Streich, University Activities Board Member

St Joseph CT, Hartford ct 04/15/15 137 Student center 5555-55 Eric was awesome to work with and super friendly. He really connect to with our student body and make the quality of the performance amazing. Danielle Christ, Treasure Western Connecticut State University, Dan-

bury, CT 04/23/15 250+ Ives Concert Hall 5555555 Eric is an amazing performer and person. We have gotten him for two years now and he generates the largest audience out of any event we have at our school. He puts in a lot of work to draw people into his show, and he gives his all every performance to make sure it is amazing. The audience loves Eric's show so much, and he is someone that we plan on rehiring year after year. Hands down the best performer we have ever worked with. Marissa Theriault, PAC Fitchburg State University, Fitchburg, MA 04/30/15 300+ main auditorium 5555555 Jenn Skaltsas, President

York College Pennsylvania, York, PA 05/02/15 250 main auditorium 5555555 Such a great show. Awesome time hanging out with Eric. Looks like Italian Greek God and smells great. Alexander Iula, external chair FRANK DEVILLE Kirkland Productions

University of Delaware, Newark, DE 09/20/14 50 Perkins Student Center 5555555 Tara Ozeransky, Intern FREDERICK WINTERS Bass/Schuler Entertainment

Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Edwardsville, IL 08/16/14 700+ Ballroom 555554Jeremy Sippel, Program Assistant Lincoln College, Lincoln, IL 08/24/14 150 Johnston Center 5555555 Frederick was great as always. Thanks! Jeff Nelson, Dir of Student Activities

Vermilion Community College, Ely, MN 09/09/14 155 Theater 5555555 great job! Rob Hinrichs, Assistant Director of Housing Central College, Pella, IA 09/20/14 500 Auditorium 5555555 Frederick Winters is definitely a campus favorite at Central College. He is so great and fun to work with. He really helps make our job easier. Our students love him, we get probably our biggest crowd at his event! Paige Wilkin, Student Event Planner Jamestown College, Jamestown, ND 09/24/14 500+ Reiland Fine Arts Center 5555-55 Very good. This was his 20th year on campus and we look forward to bringing him back again! John Lynch, Director of Student Activities

Lake Region State College, Devils Lake, ND 09/25/14 100 Auditorium 5555-45 Students LOVED the performance. It was so funny. Kristi Kienast Hernandez, Student Life Coordinator Mercer University, Macon, GA 11/06/14 75 Willingham Auditorium 4555-55 Mr. Winters was very pleasant to work with and really brought energy to the event. Khristopher Rodriguez, Quadsquad Member

Bay de Noc Community College, Escanaba, MI 01/22/15 250+ Besse Theater 5555-55 Frederick is amazing to work with. He is fun, professional, and provides an amazing

show. We have had Frederick performing at Bay College for years, and his shows sell out or come close to it every year. Frederick Winters is amazing! (And no, he did not hypnotize me into saying that :) Dave Laur, Director of Student Life

Northeastern Junior College, Sterling, CO 04/15/15 650+ Bank of Colorado Event Center 5555555 The show was amazing! All 650 people are still mind-blown. Everyone continues to talk about it. In fact, we are still talking about the shows he performed here years ago. Frederick performs at our school every year for over 20 years and he is most certainly coming back for another performance next year! Very professional, easy to work with, extremely kind! Audience participation is outstanding. There was so much laughter in the building from start to finish. Extremely entertaining! Denzel Stewart, President of Associated Student Government

Highland Community College, Highland, KS 04/20/15 200+ Culbertson Auditorium 5555555 This is the best show we bring to our campus each and every year! That is why this was Frederick Winters 19th year performing at Highland Community College! I have seen the show a total of five times now (two as a student and three as an employee) and each and every time there is something new and exciting that I had never seen before! The crowd involvement is amazing and the volunteers that he brings onto stage are always fun to watch! Frederick is the best around and for that reason he will be coming back to HCC for the 20th year in 2016 (fingers crossed)! This is a show you do not want to miss! Tyler Nordman, Director of Student Life & Housing AIB College of Business, Des Moines, IA 04/21/15 150+ Gym 5555555 Fred was awesome to work with. He put on a great show - our students LOVED him! Definitely an act I'd book again!! Amy Vos, Student Activities Coordinator JOEL MEYERS Agency for Speakers and Entertainers

SUNY at Albany, Albany, NY 08/21/14 750+ Campus Center Ballroom 5555555 A pleasure to work with and a definite magical experience for both students and professional staff! Aneela Gillani, Graduate Assistant

SUNY Institute of Technology at UticaRome, Utica, NY 08/28/14 230+ Student Center MPR 5555555 Joel was amazing. We had fun from the moment we met him and all of the students loved him. He brought in the biggest crowd we've had in quite some time. Our students even stuck around to talk with him and take tons of pictures. They really enjoyed him and his performance. Joel is an awesome guy and we will definitely be bringing him back to our school again. We love Joel!! Shelby Sebro, CAB President California University of Pennsylvania, California, PA 09/10/14 363 Steele Hall 5555-55 This was the third time Joel performed on our campus and each time he has been outstanding. He's one of the best performers we've brought to our campus. Him and Joseph put on a great show for the crowd. Robert O'Neill, The Illusionists: Joel Meyers and Joseph Tran St Mary's College of Maryland, St. Mary's City, MD 09/12/14 94+ St. Mary's Hall 4454344


Marisa Perfetti, Special Events Comittee Chair

Berry College, Mount Berry, GA 09/19/14 550+ Berry College 5555555 Krista Zalewski, KCAB programmer

Siena College, Loudonville, NY 10/04/14 100+ Sarazen Student Union 5555555 You're in tears the whole time. Couldn't have been more pleased with the performance. Barbara Davis, Family Weekend CoChair

Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania, Shippensburg, PA 11/13/14 143 Red Zone 5555555 Such a great turn out! Joel was such an easy and nice person to work with, he put on a great show! Kristina Carey, Entertainment Chairperson Saint John Fisher College, Rochester, NY 11/14/14 80 Basil 135 4555445 Desire' Campbell, Programmer JOHN CASSIDY Sophie K. Entertainment

Pennsylvania State UniversityDubois, Dubois, PA 08/27/14 100 Student Union 5555-5Our students absolutely LOVED John Cassidy! Hilarious, high quality show. They demanded we book him again next year. Great to work with and super easy set up. Marly Doty, Assistant Director of Student Affairs Penn State Lehigh Valley, Center Valley, PA 08/28/14 60 Penn State Lehigh Valley 4545544 Leyna Belinsky, Coordinator of Student Life

Jamestown College, Jamestown, ND 09/12/14 150+ Reiland Fine Arts Center 4555554 John was such a pleasure to work with and his performance just put the cherry on top! He was extremely grateful and his performance was raved about by students who attended. Overall a fantastic experience. Andrea Steinberger, Novelty Events Coordinator University of Minnesota-Crookston, Crookston, MN 10/01/14 110 Keihle Auditorium 5555543 Baby was awesome, Funny, easy to work with, extremely grateful. Michael Laurich, SPACE Day-time Event Coordinator

St Olaf College, Northfield, MN 10/02/14 150+ Lion's Pause 555554We absolutely loved having John and his family at St. Olaf. The show was unbelievable and inflated with excitement! Everyone who attended had such a wonderful time and they all left with stories and smiles to share! Brandon Cash, Student Activities Committee Coordinator

Valley City State University, Valley City, ND 10/03/14 150 Vangstad Aud. 555555This show is AWESOME! John has such high energy and involves the audience right from the start. He gives students opportunities to get involved and they get FREE STUFF from him as well. I would recommend him for any type of event your campus is having. Kari Stricklin, Dir. St. Ctr./ St. Act.

Concordia University-Wisconsin, Mequon, WI 10/04/14 250 Auditorium 4555433 John did an amazing job, he performed as part of our Family Weekend activities and

was able to alter his performance to meet the demographic of the Audience. We did not have one complaint and everyone left laughing! CAB, Coordinator Tompkins Cortland Community College, Dryden, NY 10/21/14 90 Student Center 555555Excellent in all regards. Easy to work with and great with the students. Jason Boring, Assistant Director for Student Activities

Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College, Shell Lake, WI 04/21/15 50+ student lounge 5555555 Being a small school, we don't always have great attendance....we were so pleased with John's performance, he really drew a crowd and kept the audience engaged and excited!! The student reviews following he performance were fantastc!! Thank you so much for coming out...we're looking forward to next time!! Laura Dreier, Student Life Coordinator JONATHAN BURNS (RCA 2015) Fresh Variety

Tompkins Cortland Community College, Dryden, NY 08/27/14 55 Student Center 5555555 Jason Boring, Assistant Director for Student Activities Iowa State University, Ames, IA 09/05/14 800+ Memorial Union Great Hall 5555-55 It was great to have Jonathan back at Iowa State! He did a great job of entertaining all ages in the crowd. Many families commented on how funny and original he was! Natasha Banks, Co-President of Events for Cyclone Family Weekend

Texas A & M University-Kingsville, Kingsville, TX 10/16/14 60 Jones Auditorium 4455-5Jonathan Burns was great. Those who attended enjoyed the performance. We also liked that he personalized his shorts to say "Texas." Next time they should read "TAMUK" to really personalize it. Overall it was great! Loreal Robertson, Coordinator, Campus Activities

University of North Georgia-Gainesville, Gainesville, GA 10/22/14 400+ Student Center Stage 5555555 He was amazing! The crowd loved him. He is a very engaging entertainer who draws student participation effortlessly. Can't wait to have him back again! Brenda Adams, Coord. of Student Life

Edinboro University of Pennsylvania, Edinboro, PA 10/26/14 40+ Scots Theater 5555-44 The show went over great, and the students seemed to really like the event! Marissa Connor, UPB Board Member

California University of Pennsylvania, California, PA 10/29/14 51 Vulcan Theatre 5435-54 The show was fun and Jonathan was very easy to work with. Those that attended seemed to have a good time. Robert O'Neill, Flexible Comedian Jonathan Burns JONATHAN FROST Chilling Entertainment

Des Moines Area Community CollegeBoone, Boone, IA 08/27/14 85+ DMACCBoone Campus Theatre 4444444


Jonathan was GREAT!!! His performance engaged the crowd and held them for the entire show!! Will certainly have Jonathan back! Steve Krafcisin, Student Activities Coordinator LEE TERBOSIC Houla Entertainment

Chestnut Hill College, Philadelphia, PA 08/29/14 75+ Gruber Theater 5555555 Lee was awesome! The teaser that he did in the Cafeteria before the show was definitely a highlight and highly recommended. Megan Cranney, Assistant Director, Student Activities MAD CHAD TAYLOR Bass/Schuler Entertainment

Lyndon State College, Lyndonville, VT 04/25/14 200 Gym 5555555 Joseph Cioffi Jr., President of CAB

Campbellsville University, Campbellsville, KY 08/23/14 300+ Ransdell Chapel 5555555 He was great! Trent Creason, Director of Student Activities

Bridgewater College, Bridgewater, VA 08/24/14 360 Main Dining Hall 5555-55 Chad was amazing! The students LOVED him and definitely want him back! Marissa De Lucia, Coordinator of Student Programming

Regis University, Denver, CO 08/26/14 200+ Quad 3555--4 The show was great! The students really like Chad--we did well with the audience. We started just a little late, but it was not a big deal. S.Ellis, Asst. Director Quinnipiac University, Hamden, CT 09/13/14 50 Bobcat Way Lawn 5455554 Was everything we hoped for! Matthew Capece, QUAD Performance Chair

SUNY at Geneseo, Geneseo, NY 09/13/14 160 MacVittie College Union Ballroom 4444--4 Lauren Thompson, Coordinator of Late Night Programs & Activities

Blackburn College, Carlinville, IL 09/27/14 74 Blackburn College Bothwell Auditorium 5555-55 Chad was great - very friendly and easy to work with. He gave a great performance at our school. Emily Bahr, Director of Student Activities & New Student Orientation Lindsey Wilson College, Columbia, KY 10/03/14 200 V.P. Henry 5555-55 I would highly recommend MAD Chad Taylor for college/university entertainment! Lafawn Nettles, Director of Student Activities

Gillette College, Gillette, WY 10/15/14 50+ TEC 5555-55 Chad was one of the easiest-to-work-with performers we've had. He communicated well with us about his needs for the show, and rolled with some minor setbacks that came up. Everyone that attended enjoyed the show, and he stuck around after to talk with audience members, answer their questions, and take pictures with them. Nicole Clark, Coordinator of Campus Life Sheridan College, Sheridan, WY 10/16/14 125+ Thorne-Rider Campus Center

5555555 The audience really enjoyed his humor, and the way that he engaged with the crowd was good. Deneese Stone, Programming Board Intern Black Hills State University, Spearfish, SD 10/17/14 140 Jacket Legacy Room 55555-5 Chad was great! He had a really cool attitude and awesome with the crowd. Shandell Clutter, Vice President

Bluffton University, Bluffton, OH 11/14/14 81 Founders Hall 4545544 Chad Taylor showed up right when he said he would and was ready to roll from the word 'go.' After the show, he was more than happy to chat with our programming board while tearing down and offer his experiences and words of wisdom from his years of being in the college circuit. I would highly recommend him to any college looking for a variety act. Brent Schroeder, Assistant Director of the University Event Complex Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ 03/26/15 100 Student Center Pit 5545344 Chad was great to work with. Very friendly, and helpful during the set up. Great attitude. Jim Thatcher, Graduate Coordinator for Rowan After Hours Drake University, Des Moines, IA 04/10/15 50+ Outdoors 3545555 Chad was very cooperative in switching venues at the last minute. There was some very poor planning on our end but Chad had a great attitude and performed well. McCormick Deering, SAB Entertainment CoChairs MATT THE KNIFE Matt the Knife Productions

Widener University-Main Campus, Chester, PA 08/29/14 390 Auditorium 4455-55 Matt the Knife was a very entertaining variety act. Not only did he blow the crowd's minds, he made them laugh while he was doing it. Emily Wright, President of Pride Activities Council

College of Southern Maryland, La Plata, MD 10/24/14 45 campus theatre 5555544 Matt the Knife was not what I expected. He was better! This professional performer stayed in constant communication with me, he was easy to get along with, he was engaging, and I enjoyed working with him. I have never experienced a performer have such a great rapport and "conversation" with the crowd and my students completely enjoyed it. I was hounded for three days straight by everyone who attended his performance BEGGING me to bring him back as soon as possible. Of course, I have rebooked him - without hesitation. I cannot wait to see what he does next time - his first gig will be hard to top! Thanks for being worth every penny and more, Matt the Knife! We can't wait to have you back! Anya Patterson, Student Life Coordinator

West Virginia Wesleyan College, Buckhannon, WV 10/30/14 200 Performing Arts Center 5555555 This is Matt's third appearance at WVWC. My students have requested him back each year. He puts on an amazing show! If you are looking for something different, funny, terrifying and entertaining, do yourself a favor a BOOK THIS SHOW!!!!!!!!!!! Roxanne Bright, Coordinator of Student Activities Robeson Community College,

Lumberton, NC 03/25/15 250+ Student Lounge 5555552 Matt was very professional, very accommodating, and very fun. He was hit with our students (many of who asked to have him back), and his show was easy to present and it was very flexible...We presented it as a roving act, but he can also do a stage show. Highly recommended. James Bass, Director of Student Success/Leadership

Sheridan College, Sheridan, WY 05/06/15 150 Thorne-Rider Campus Center 3424335 Matt the Knife was very personable and easy to get along with. Also, the anticipation of all of his "tricks" had students on the edge of their seats. Also the fact that he did tricks after the show was fantastic! Sheridan College loved Matt the Knife! Deneese Stone, Programming Board Intern

Elon University, Elon, NC 05/13/15 400 Elon 5555555 Matt the Knife was great at engaging with the audience, surprising the audience, and keeping the audience's attention. He is easy to work with and extremely talented. I highly recommend any school hiring him to perform. Caroline MICHAEL C. ANTHONY Neon Entertainment

East Carolina University, Greenville, NC 07/14/14 600+ Hendrix Theatre 5555555 Michael is hilarious, engaging, and the audiences love him (both students and parents)! He is the hit of our orientation program. Michael is extremely easy to work with! Karen Smith, Associate Director, Student Transitions

University of Akron Main Campus, Akron, OH 09/03/14 1594 EJ Thomas Performing Arts Hall 5555555 Michael brought the energy to his performance, as he has consistently done since he first came to Akron 17 years ago. Michael did a fantastic job engaging with the students. They loved him. We recommend Michael to any school who is looking for a great performer to wow the crowd! Robbie Williford, Grad Assistant for RHPB MICHAEL KENT Fresh Variety

Brevard College, Brevard, NC 08/20/14 200 Dunham Auditorium 5555555 One of the best shows I have ever seen and booked. Thank you! Le Tavoloni, Director of Student Activities

Ursinus College, Collegeville, PA 08/22/14 80 Student Union 5555555 Angela Cuva, Assistant Director of Leadership Dev. & Student Activities

Otterbein University, Westerville, OH 08/23/14 350 Cowan Theater 5555555 Always great to work with and loved by the students! Thank you! Jennifer Bechtold, Director, Orientation

SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill, Cobleskill, NY 08/24/14 349 Bouck Theater 5555555 Michael Kent was awesome. What a great way to begin our school year. The students were amazed by his talents. We were lucky to have him perform at our college. Mike Wacksman, Assistant Director of Student Life Hilbert College, Hamburg, NY

08/26/14 120 Theatre 5555555 Michael was fantastic to work with. Punctual, friendly and the students loved him. He was a riot. It was such an asset that he provided a promo as well. I would love to have him back. Tommy Vane, Director of Student Activities Anne Arundel Community College, Arnold, MD 08/27/14 125 Noon - Dining Hall 5555555 Michael always does a great show. We book him for our first noon show of the year to set the tone for the year. Always a pleasure to work with. Christine Storck, Director of Student Engagement

Bowling Green State UniversityMain Campus, Bowling Green, OH 08/28/14 400 Ballroom 5555554 We have had Michael on our campus multiple times and he is always well received! Jodi Webb, Dean of Students Miami University-Oxford, Oxford, OH 08/31/14 400+ Wilks Theater 5555555 Still Miami's favorite! Sam Von Hoene, SEAL Ambassador

Southern New Hampshire University, Manchester, NH 09/01/14 350 SNHU Banquet Hall 5555555 Great show for our new student programs. Always a crowd pleaser. Scott Tierno, Executive Director Niagara County Community College, Sanborn, NY 09/04/14 100 Student Center (NCCC) 5555555 Always awesome to work with! Show was very well done and students loved it! Michael Kent was amazing! Heather Saba, Technical Assistant

The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, Chattanooga 09/05/14 300+ Roland Hayes Auditorium 5555555 Michael continues to deliver a show that surprises all and never ceases to exceed expectations! Austin Arias, Assistant Dean of Students

Emory and Henry College, Emory, VA 09/06/14 100+ Wiley Hall 5555555 This was one of the best shows we have ever had at our college. Michael was the best artist with whom I have worked during my time in Student Activities. It is no wonder why he has won his awards. I would recommend him to any college or university. Outstanding! Josh von Castle, Director of Student Activities Johnson & Wales University-Providence, Providence, RI 09/10/14 200 Schneider Auditorium 5555555 Ian Martin, Associate Director

Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX 09/17/14 108 Allen Theater 5555-55 We enjoyed having Michael Kent at Tech Activities and would love to see him again! Adrianne Mannes, Coordinator for Tech Activities Board

Savannah College of Art and Design (Atlanta, GA), Atlanta, GA 09/18/14 100+ 4C Events Space 5555554 Jessica Merriman, Director, Student Life

Northern State University, Aberdeen, SD 09/24/14 200 Krikac Auditorium 4555545 Was a great show. Got a lot of laughs and stunned everyone! Great Job!

Elizabeth Kolda, Student Programmer

Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 09/26/14 275+ Forum 4555555 John Buckley, Grad. Advisor

University of North Texas System, Dallas, TX 11/10/14 50 Multi-Purpose Space 5555555 Michael's show was amazing (as always)! He's great at making the show the best it can be for the audience. The students LOVED the show! Jennifer Skinner, Assistant Director of Activities and Organizations REAR VIEW SKETCHES Kirkland Productions

Centenary College of Louisiana, Shreveport, LA 10/07/14 50 Student Union Building 4344444 He was not able to draw the sketches as quickly as we thought they would be drawn. In the past we have had 10-15 drawn in an hour and his average was 6-7 an hour. Therefore, not as many people were able to get sketches done. Meghan Sharp, Fall Fest Committee Head SAILESH Metropolis Management & Entertainment Group

University of Akron Main Campus, Akron, OH 01/14/15 800+ EJ Thomas Hall 5555555 Sailesh has been coming to the University of Akron every year for the last 8 years and never ceases to amaze our students. He knows how to work a crowd and how to keep students laughing for the duration of his performance. By far, he's one of the best entertainers that we've had here at The University of Akron and we cannot wait to work with him again next year! A experience! Robbie Williford, Grad Assistant for RHPB SEAN BOTT Bass/Schuler Entertainment

Northeast Community College, Norfolk, NE 09/03/14 191 Cox theater 5555-55 Sean was a pleasure to work with and was so positive and flexible when we had some unexpected issues arise. Carissa Kollath, Director of Student Activities Illinois College, Jacksonville, IL 10/25/14 156 Gymansium 5555555 Sean was amazing and I heard a lot of people say that we should bring him back! He was great and very easy to work with. I definitely recommend him. Brianna Klein, Special Events Chair SILHOUETTES BY KATHRYN Everything But The Mime

University of Akron Main Campus, Akron, OH 08/23/14 1641+ University of Akron 5555555 The silhouettes were awesome! The students had a great time and were able to take home a keepsake to help them remember such a wonderful night. Kathryn is great at what she does and is awesome at helping people make memories. A ! Robbie Williford, Grad Assistant for RHPB SPIDEY GP Entertainment

Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania, Bloomsburg, PA 08/23/14 1200+ Haas Center for the Arts 555555Rob Rowinski, Special Evets Chair

TEAM M&M Everything But The Mime

Ivy Tech Community College-Richmond, Richmond, IN 07/24/14 300+ Annual Backyard BBQ 5555-55 Big Success! Hope to have them back at sometime! I have given 2 other organizations the vendor contact name and number! Sharon Lilley, Administrative Assistant

Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Carbondale, IL 08/23/14 1700 SIU Student Center 5555554 Mike and Margaret (Along with Carol from Everything But the Mime) are awesome to work with! Team M&M are very professional as they send promo material before the show and following up with a "thank you" note following the show. They are very independent which makes life easy whenever you are hosting a large event! Between their balloon creations and fabulous face painting, our students LOVE when we have Team M&M. I would highly recommend them! Emily Spann, Coordinator of Student Programs St. Joseph's College, Patchogue, NY 09/04/14 1000 St. Joseph's College 5555555 Kerrianne Russo, CAB Longwood University, Farmville, VA 09/20/14 600+ Lankford Student Union 5555-54 They were a great team and they were well received by our Family Weekend audience. Susan Sullivan, Director of the University Center and Student Activities Midwestern State University, Wichita Falls, TX 10/04/14 2000+ Campus Quad 5445-5Kevin Bazner, Assistant Director

Middle Georgia State CollegeMacon, Macon, GA 10/15/14 150+ Student Life Center 5555555 They were wonderful - amazing artistry in their body art and balloons and very kind people. They were great with the students and even helped us promote our next event. We will definitely have them back!!! Amy Martin, Student Life Coordinator Valdosta State University, Valdosta, GA 10/20/14 400+ Outside 4555554 Love Them!!!! Robin Vickery, Director Of Student Life

University of Akron Main Campus, Akron, OH 01/11/15 104 Robertson's Cafeteria 5555555 Mike and Margaret did a fantastic job helping to welcome back students for the second semester! They were friendly and very easy to work with, plus they did a great job doing balloon animals and face/body paintings. This duo is definitely worth bringing out to your next interactive and fun event! Robbie Williford, Grad Assistant for RHPB Universidad Teologica del Caribe, Trujillo Alto, PR 03/12/15 65+ Del Mar College West Campus 5555--5 Very nice event, both participants were very professional and great with the students. Bennie Clark, Student Life Coordinator

Shawnee State University, Portsmouth, OH 03/16/15 100 University Center Lobby 555545Margaret did a phenomenal job at our event. She worked non stop for the entire event both days and all of the students that received a shirt were very pleased. She was very easy to work with and the Shawnee State Student Programming Board greatly appreciated her cooperation and attitude. Kassandra Mullins, Student Programming Board Special Events Chair


The University of Findlay, Findlay, OH 03/31/15 684 Alumni Memorial Union 5555-55 Mike & Margaret were very flexible, friendly, and easy to work with. Taylour Kidd, Campus Program Board Events Chair

College of Southern Idaho, Twin Falls, ID 04/03/15 300+ Public 5555555 Extraordinary work that they do! They are by far the best I have seen, we will continue to have them for our event every year that we can. Jasmine Lopez, Program Board Advisor University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR 04/14/15 1500+ Union Mall 4555555 Our students always love Team M&M! We have had them for our Spring Carnival for the past two years. They are very easy to work with and they do a fantastic job! Heather Maclin, Graduate Assistant Middle Georgia State CollegeMacon, Macon, GA 04/18/15 250+ Student Life Center 5555-55 This was a novelty genre but this online form will not let me change it from "Variety" act. Amy Martin, Student Life Programming Specialist THE CRESCENT CIRCUS Metropolis Management & Entertainment Group

Castleton State College, Castleton, VT 08/30/14 26 1787 room 555555An awesome act and very friendly people! Second time we have brought them to our school. Just wish more people would see the fantastic performance. But that is in no way the performers fault, they have a quality act. Students just don't often appreciate the talent coming to our campus. We thank the crescent circus for the positive attitude and bringing a hysterical, interactive and mind blowing show. David Ievoli, Vice President of Campus Activities

Ramapo College of New Jersey, Mahwah, NJ 09/05/14 50+ 5555-44 Our students absolutely LOVED this performance. Nathan really knows how to captivate the audience through his humor and talent; the room was full of laughter and amazement throughout the show. They have such a unique act that you don't usually find in other magicians, such as extreme hulahooping and stunning acrobatics. It was such a pleasure having Nathan and Morgan perform for us! Hannah Ovadia, On-Campus Programmer

Western New England University, Springfield, MA 09/12/14 180 Sleith 100 5555555 Absolutely loved the show and the performers, was more than expected. The show had me laughing in my seat the entire time. Shaine spencer, Spirit and Homecoming Chair of CAB

University of Arkansas Community CollegeBatesville, Batesville, AR 10/20/14 364 Independence Hall 5555555 Outstanding performance engaging the audience with comedy and suspense. Great show for ages 3 to 93! Provided a teaser on campus in the afternoon before the show to students which resulted in a 38% increase of students attending. Nathan is a born entertainer. Both were extremely easy to accommodate. Would highly recommend to other campuses. Beverly Moss, Assist to Vice Chancellor Students

University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, MS 02/24/15 200+ Trent Lott National Center 5555555 Both the artist's and the agency's communication was speedy and friendly. The artist was a dream to work with due to punctuality, independence, and professionalism. The student body loved the show, and it was geared perfectly to the age group of the viewing audience. It would be an honor to work with The Crescent Circus again in the future, and I can't say enough positive things about this artist. John Davenport, Southern Miss. Activiites Council Secretary Carroll Community College, Westminster, MD 04/16/15 65 Scott Theater 4445444 Kristian Castro, Coordinator of Student Activities



Texas State Technical College Harlingen, Harlingen, TX 09/15/14 200+ TSTC Student Center 5555555 Belinda Palomino, Supervisor of Student Activities Valencia College, Orlando, FL 10/16/14 200 College -555-55 Sunni Prevatt, Coordinator AIRBRUSH PENNANTS Fun Enterprises, Inc.

University of Akron Main Campus, Akron, OH 08/23/14 1641 EJ Thomas Performing Arts Hall 5555555 This was one of the most popular areas as the line was consistently long until the end of the show. Students really enjoyed getting their pennants throughout the night and the artists did a great job of helping students create awesome memories for years to come. Overall, a great job by the airbrush artists! Robbie Williford, Grad Assistant for RHPB AIRBRUSH SCARVES Fun Enterprises, Inc.

University of Akron Main Campus, Akron, OH 01/11/15 199 Robertson's Cafeteria 5555555 Any time that we have people from FUN Enterprises, we are bound to have a great show. Students were lined up down the hall waiting for these scarves that were customized and ready to keep students warm. They were extremely easy to work with. A experience! Robbie Williford, Grad Assistant for RHPB

AIRBRUSH TRUCKER HATS Kirkland Productions

Kansas City Kansas Community College, Kansas City, KS 08/29/14 250+ Allied Health Patio 5555-53 The artist started late because her equipment did not arrive on the flight with her. But after the artist received her equipment, she stayed the full 4 hours. The airbrush trucker hats were a big hit and the students enjoyed interacting with the artist. The delay was worth it. I can always count on Kirkland Productions for quality programs and professionalism. Linda H. Sutton, Director of Student Activities



Stephen F Austin State University, Nacogdoches, TX 04/15/15 300+ Student Center 5554555 Saville Harris, Coordinator of Student Engagment ATOM, THE WORLD'S FASTEST PAINTER Mark Sonder Productions, Inc.

University of Akron Main Campus, Akron, OH 08/23/14 1600+ EJ Thomas Performing Arts Hall 5555555 Students had a wonderful time watching ATOM make masterpieces of art in only a few minutes. I had to see for myself and was very impressed with the way that he created his art: high-energy, high-spirited, and with lots of "wow" moments. Everyone had a great time watching him work his magic. Awesome time! Robbie Williford, Grad Assistant for RHPB BALLOONS BY LESTER & BODY ART BY SUSAN Everything But The Mime

Edison State College, Fort Myers, FL 07/01/14 500 Outdoors 5555555 Lester and Susan were fabulous! We had over 500 students, faculty and staff at the event and the line never ended, but they stayed friendly and fun the entire time! The headbands, hats and face paintings were all very original and so much fun. I cannot wait to invite them back to campus for other events. Adriane Fike, Student Life Specialist Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL 08/22/14 122 Oglesby Union Courtyard 4554-53 Only challenge is that they don't produce quickly. They do high quality work and Lester is a crowd pleaser, but with thousands of students at the event, we are unable to serve as many as we should at the pace. Allison Peters, Assistant Director

University of Akron Main Campus, Akron, OH 08/23/14 1641 EJ Thomas Performing Arts Hall 5555555 The students had such a great time with Lester and Susan. They were able to take home balloon animals that were awesome, and Susan really does a great job making the students look beautiful with her body art. Together, they formed a great combination to wow the crowd and help people create memories! Robbie Williford, Grad Assistant for RHPB Pasco-Hernando Community CollegeSpring Hill, Spring Hill, FL 08/27/14 250+ Welcome Back Week 3444555 Lyz Molina, Student Activities Coordinator

Pasco-Hernando Community College-North, Brooksville, FL 08/28/14 100 Outside 4555444 Sandre Lyons, Coordinator of Student Activities

San Jacinto College-South, Houston, TX 09/08/14 200+ Student Center 555555Lester and Susan are amazing! This is probably my most popular activity and I don't even provide food! Lester and Susan are very personable and great people to work with. They show up early and ready to work. They are very personable with the students and the students love them. I've been asked by students to bring them back more often. Stephanie Alvarez, Coordinator, Student Life

San Jacinto College-Central, Pasadena, TX 09/09/14 200 College 5555555 Lester & Susan are by far the best performers we have had at San Jacinto College Central Campus. They are always going above and beyond with their act and the students can tell. They are one of the most popular acts we have on campus and we will definitely use them again in the future. Christopher Gates, Director of First Impressions Student Life San Jacinto College-North, Houston, TX 09/10/14 100 student center 5555555 Lester and Susan are a complete joy to work with and the students enjoy the body art and balloons! I can't sing their praises loud enough! Erin K Lewis, Coordinator of Student Life

State College of Florida-Manatee-Sarasota, Bradenton, FL 09/11/14 300 Outside Courtyard 555555Our student's loved Lester and Susan. They have already asked to have them back again. I love that they show up early and are very independent about getting setup and starting, especially since I am usually running in twelve different directions at once on event day. They are truly fabulous. Dana Byrnes, Staff Assistant II, Student Life Wake Forest University, Winston Salem, NC 09/13/14 1200 Benson University Center 5555555 We LOVE Lester and Susan at Wake Forest. We had LONG lines from 10pm-2am. They are so very talented and their interaction with college students is the BEST! Thankyou for making our late night program a HUGE success. Jordan Fashimpaur, Campus Traditions Chair

Rockhurst University, Kansas City, MO 09/19/14 250 outdoor 5555555 Lester and Susan and Everything But the Mime are so fantastic that we have Lester and Susan out twice a year and have for many, many years and call Carol for any novelites we desire. We do not want to work with anyone but them! Angie Carr RObinett, Director of Student LIfe King College, Bristol, TN 10/04/14 200 Student Center 5555555 Emily Loudon, Director of Student Life

Bainbridge College, Bainbridge, GA 10/28/14 250 Outside Sidewalk 5555555 Justin Gravlee, Asst. Director of Student Life

Texas Woman's University (Houston, TX), Houston, TX 11/03/14 250 Fall Festival (indoors) 5555-55 The creations by both Lester and Susan were exceptional! Students were in utter awe with the creativity and exquisite talent displayed again and again - and yet again! Even in the midst of tests throughout the day, students did what they could to stop by and just breathe it all in. People are still talking about it, and asking when they will return. THANK YOU for this MOST GRACIOUS GIFT!!! The students were just delighted!!! Deborah Unruh, Assistant Director, Student Life BEAR CREATIONS Kirkland Productions

Lone Star College-Tomball, Tomball, TX 08/26/14 200+ on-campus event -----55 We ordered the basic Bear Creations package with wolves (our school mascot) from Kirkland and staffed the event ourselves. Everything was shipped to us neatly in eas-

ily manageable boxes with a suggestion sheet on how to set up the event. All we had to do was unpack a few boxes, set up the tables and run with it. Kirkland even included lanyards with pull tags on them to help zip up any of the wolves with caught or hard to get to zippers. The wolves themselves were large and of excellent quality. They even had paw prints on their feet! The students loved them (and so did the staff) and we ran out pretty quickly. Out of the batch of 204 we ordered, only six had defects (broken zippers) but people still wanted them. Make sure to order plenty because these stuffed animals will go fast! Danielle Thornton, Program Coordinator BRIAN GETZ Houla Entertainment

Chestnut Hill College, Philadelphia, PA 04/15/15 50 College 5555-55 We had Brian come to our college campus after meeting him at an APCA conference. He was on campus the entire day to build a giant balloon sculpture of our mascot, the Griffin, and we were not disappointed! No matter what walk of life you come from, you can't help but stop and stare amazingly at the things this guy can do with balloons. We even had Brian do mini balloon sculptures of our college president and her 2 dogswhich she got an absolute kick out of! We received nothing but positive feedback and amazement from everyone who walked by as we created our balloon griffin. The best part is the student involvement that Brian incorporates into his creation; students are involved in the entire process, which they love! I would recommend Brian for any event! Meg Cranney, Assistant Director, Student Activities BUBBLE BALL SOCCER Houla Entertainment

Campbell University, Buies Creek, NC 03/16/15 65+ Barker Lane Stadium 5555555 Houla Entertainment is awesome! They were everything expected by the students for the Bubble Ball Soccer event. Matt (the representative from Houla) even participated with the students in the final game. I hope that we can bring them out for future events as well! Kaitlyn Mason, CAB Vice President

Roane State Community College, Harriman, TN 04/22/15 50+ Intramural Field 5555555 Matt was a pleasure to work with. I was not expecting the involvement level from my students that we got. They played in groups pretty consistently for three hours with no prior tournament or team organization. We already have plans to bring them back to campus in August. Sarah Hooper, Coordinator Student Engagement CARICATURE ARTISTS Fun Enterprises, Inc.

University of Akron Main Campus, Akron, OH 08/23/14 1641 EJ Thomas Performing Arts Hall 5555555 The caricature artists did a great job of creating a keepsake of the event for students who attended. Their artwork was very well done. They finished their art work in a timely fashion and did a great job with keeping the students engaged throughout the night. I would recommend to all other school who are looking for something like this for their campus! Fun and easy to work with! Robbie Williford, Grad Assistant for RHPB CASINO NIGHT Auburn Moon Agency

University of Akron Main Campus, Akron, OH 08/23/14 1600+

EJ Thomas Performing Arts Hall 5555555 Students LOVED played the card games and slot machines throughout the night. Having this attraction allowed for us to embody the casino feel and students were able to take part for the opportunity to win great prizes such as a TV, movie bundles, and things for their rooms on campus. It was a great event and fun was had by all! Robbie Williford, Grad Assistant for RHPB DIGITAL CARICATURES Kirkland Productions

Lamar State College-Port Arthur, Port Arthur, TX 08/26/14 50+ Student Center --55-5As always everything went very smoothly with the event. The artist was very professional, cooperative and friendly with all of the students. I am always confident that Kirkland Productions will provide quality shows. Highly recommend this agency. Claire Thomason, Director of Student Activities FUN FOTOS TO GO Everything But The Mime

The University of Texas-Pan American, Edinburg, TX 08/28/14 500 5555555 Incorporated our own original art work and did an amazing job! L. Mabel Cortina-Matos, Program Coordinator UTB, Brownsville 08/29/14 900 Main Lawn at UTB 5555555 Not the first time we bring them on to our campus....WE LOVE THEM!!! Cristina Rivera, Administrative Assistant HOT AIR BALLOON RIDES Kirkland Productions

Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA 06/16/15 270 Hurt Park 4445444 Michelle Canales, Panthers going up...on a Tuesday INFLATABLES, COTTON CANDY, AND SNOCONES Phantom Entertainment

Johnson College, Scranton, PA 04/16/15 174 Moffat Student Center 555555Phantom is a great agency to work with! From the beginning processes of booking to ensuring our event was top notch, they were awesome! The team showed up a couple hours early to scope out the venue and they were up and running with time to spare so we could get everything in order for the event to start on time. Clean up was quick. The staff was extremely friendly and personable. We would definitely book them again! Holly K. Pilcavage, Residence and Student Life Coordinator JOHN MCLOUGHLIN DESK CLOCKS Kirkland Productions

University of Houston, Houston, TX 08/28/14 500+ Campus Recreational and Wellnes Center 5555555 Erica Rios, Social Media and Novelty Chair

Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX 04/10/15 145+ Student Union Building 5555-4John worked with us to ensure that we had a successful event. He arrived on time and set up took less than 15 minutes. We have used him for many of our events and love working with him. Jameson Nogowski, Graduate Assistant

MAKE & TAKE: "FAMILY CRESTS" Kirkland Productions

Missouri Southern State University, Joplin, MO 04/24/15 100 Recreation Center 5555554 Landon Adams, Director of Student Activities MIKE DA ROVING GUY Everything But The Mime

Virginia Polytechnic Institute/ State Univ Blacksburg, VA 02/28/15 300 Squires Student Center 5555555 He was great. Arrived early, was great with the kids in attendance as well as the college students, and made some absurd balloon animals/minions. This guy is good. Kein Bott, Director of Special Events, VTU PHOTO BOBBLEHEADS Kirkland Productions

Lone Star College-Tomball, Tomball, TX 08/25/14 498 on-campus event 5555555 The students absolutely loved the photo bobbleheads and so did the faculty and staff! All of the offices around campus wanted to have bobbleheads of their staff to display. We were pleased with the quality of the product and John McLoughlin was great to work with. Danielle Thornton, Program Coordinator PHOTO BOOTH Kirkland Productions

Lamar State College-Port Arthur, Port Arthur, TX 11/03/14 75 Mascot birthday celebration -555555 Thanks for another great novelty event on campus! Claire Thomason, Director of Student Activities POP ART PHOTOS Kirkland Productions

Lone Star College-Tomball, Tomball, TX 08/27/14 250 on-campus event 5555555 The Pop Art Activity was a first on our campus so many did not know what to expect. Once a few brave souls went first to test the waters, people started lining up for their Warhol photos. Overall, it was well-received by students and staff and there were quite a few who wanted additional pictures with different poses. We were pleased with the quality of the product and John McLoughlin was great to work with. Danielle Thornton, Program Coordinator TEAM M & M, MARGARET'S ART ON YOU Everything But The Mime

University of Central Arkansas, Conway, AR 09/11/14 75 Student Center Lounge 555555Margaret is incredibly talented and amazing to work with. The students really enjoyed the Airbrush T-Shirt program. We will definitely bring her back to campus. Kendra Regehr, Director of Student Activities



SUNY Westchester Community College, Valhalla, NY 04/02/15 50+ Student Center Event Room 5555555 Amber was amazing! Everyone who attended loved her lecture, and felt very in tuned to what she spoke about. Geetanjali Shamlall, Multicultural & Lecture Chair (WEB) ANTHONY TRUCKS Kirkland Productions

James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA 01/27/15 250 Grafton Theatre 5555555 Anthony was absolutely phenomenal!! He showed up in plenty of time for the show, 2 hours to be exact. He was great with communication with myself knowing he got to town fine with his travels and with being able to find the venue. He was so energetic and incredibly easy to talk to. His presentation was better than I could have imagined. He related so well to the students who came and was very energetic enhancing his performance. He stayed around to talk and interact with the students adding that much more to the entire experience. I would highly, highly recommend him to any school or organization looking for a motivational speaker. His message is very powerful and his passion is clearly shown in his effort and ability to portray his life lessons and teachings. I could not have been happier with everything he did and want to thank him so much for coming to James Madison University. Curtis Dahmer, Director of Special Events ASH BECKHAM Kirkland Productions

Ohio State University-Main Campus, Columbus, OH 05/15/14 200+ Drinko Hall 5555-54 Ash Beckham was phenomenal. She was easy and flexible to work with, and she genuinely cared about connecting with the people she was meeting and her audience. Ash was a funny, powerful, and moving speaker. It was great having a graduate of Ohio State come by to talk about engaging those different from ourselves. Adan Hussain, Open Doors Coordinator Ithaca College, Ithaca, NY 01/19/15 350+ Emerson Suites at Ithaca College 5555-5Ash Beckham was, by far, the best keynote speaker we have ever had for the Martin Luther King Jr. Campus-wide Celebration at Ithaca College. Funny, engaging, and real Ash connected with our students from the first minute and kept them fully engaged until the end of her talk. She is the perfect person to come to your campus and talk about being yourself and support others through their struggles. Absolutely amazing! Don Austin, Assistant Director of Community Service California State University Northridge, Northridge CA 03/17/15 25 Northrigde Center 5555-5Samantha Simonds, Special Events Assistant

Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond KY 04/07/15 53 O'Donnell Auditorium 5555-5Ash went out of her way to get to EKU. Due to airline delays, she drove 6 hours to make sure the performance would go on. She also performed during 5 tornado warnings. She was amazingly at ease with an unfortunate


situation. Molly McKinney, Assistant Professor CINDY PIERCE Kirkland Productions

Mid-Plains Community College, North Platte, NE 08/25/14 150+ Community College 5555--4 Cindy did a Great job here at North Platte CC. Our students are still talking about her show. Many have asked if we will bring her back next year as they want her to come back. She is one of the best performers I have seen on this topic. Highly recommend her to all of our contacts here in Nebraska Community College circuit. Janelle Higgins, Area Associate Dean of Student Life Mid-Plains Community College McCook, McCook NE 08/25/14 130+ Weeth Theatre 5555555 I truly enjoyed what Cindy Pierce had to say! Hope to hear her speak again someday! Julia Bauer, Area Activities Specialist

Mid-Plains Community College, North Platte, NE 08/25/14 230 McDonald-Belton Theater and Weeth Theater 5555555 Cindy Pierce was very welcoming and respected the audience. The audience respected her, Cindy found a way to get on their level and relate to them. Joshua York, Assistant Housing Director/Student Activities Director DANIEL HERNANDEZ JR Kirkland Productions

Quinsigamond Community College, Worcester, MA 11/15/14 50 Harrington Learning Center 5555-54 Both Mr. Hernandez and Kirkland Productions were great to work with! I would encourage everyone to consider bringing Daniel to campus. He was informative, engaging and the students loved him! Jonathan Miller, Director of Student Life and Leadership DAVID COLEMAN Coleman Productions, Inc.

University of Akron Main Campus, Akron, OH 08/18/14 154 5555555 Dave Coleman has been coming to the University of Akron for years and he has not lost his touch. He gets the students involved by speaker to them on their level and by giving it to them straight. He shows students that being a leader is natural and anybody can do it if they put their mind to it. He gives the students a chance to learn more about each other and to become comfortable in their own skin. He never fails to amaze us! Robbie Williford, Grad Assistant of RHPB DEL SUGGS Del Suggs

The University of Texas-Pan American, Edinburg, TX 05/30/14 52 Isla Grand Beach Resort 455555Del Suggs is amazing to work with! He is so kind and patient with the students and he gave them so many tips that will help their individual and organizational leadership skills! Erica Lopez, Assistant Director of Student Development

Mohawk Valley Community College-Utica Branch, Utica, NY 06/23/14 6 Classroom 5555-5Del came in and trained our new student government officers. This was a day-long training and he taught them important skills that they will use in the upcoming year and

also throughout their life. He did a tremendous job and I highly recommend him! Sandy Cummings, Coordinator, Student Activities

University of Akron Main Campus, Akron, OH 08/14/14 42 University of Akron 5555555 Del was a fantastic leadership speaker. He entertained the student leaders on campus by showing them exactly what it means to take your leadership to the next level. With his training, students are able to help influence the next year's worth of leaders on campus. The University of Akron looks forward to seeing Del come back to campus and continue to guide our student leaders in their leadership journeys! Robbie Williford, Grad Assistant of RHPB Darton College, Albany, GA 09/27/14 50 N/A 5555555 Outstanding quality work. The students loved him! Gill Moura, Campus Life Coordinator

Wayne State College, Wayne, NE 10/17/14 15 Gardner Hall 5555--Del is a wonderful presenter, and has done a great job with WSC faculty and staff the last 2 times he's been on campus! We hope to be able to bring him here once a year!!! Kara Woehler, Retention Specialist TRiO

Central Virginia Community College, Lynchburg, VA 10/30/14 35+ Classroom 5555-54 Del is great at connecting with the students. His knowledge of the material is wonderful and can convey this information very well. Linda Adams, Student Activities Coordinator Broward College-North Campus, Coconut Creek, FL 01/16/15 15 Tiger tail Lake Center 5555555 Leo DeAraujo, StudentLife Coordinator DON BARNHART Fresh Variety

Salve Regina University, Newport, RI 09/03/14 300+ Lecture Hall 5555555 Mary Crimmins, Asst Director Student Activities ELAINE PASQUA Pasqua Productions, Inc.

Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ 08/22/14 750 DeBaun Auditorium 354555Elaine is incredibly easy to work with and she was able to present a tough topic to our new students in a way that was both informative yet comical at times. I would recommend her as a speaker to other institutions. Kristie Damell, Assistant Dean of Students

St. Francis College, Brooklyn Heights, NY 09/18/14 180 St. Francis College 5555-55 Elaine Pasqua was absolutely fabulous! She addressed every topic we felt was necessary in regards to student-athlete welfare, Title IX, sexual health and sexual assault. Any institution would be fortunate to have Elaine speak on their campus! Meghan O'Brien, Director of Athletic Marketing/SWA Augustana College, Sioux Falls, SD 09/21/14 300+ Theater 4455--3 Ann Traphagen, Asst AD

Villanova University, Villanova, PA 09/29/14 150+ Villanova University- Connelly Center 5555--Allison Venella, Director,


Student-Athlete Development

Kent State University at Kent, Kent, OH 10/01/14 400+ Ballroom 5555--Elaine did a great job of balancing informational material with comedy. We would be happy to have her back or recommend her to other campuses. Angie Hull, Assistant Athletic Director Saint Francis University, Loretto, PA 10/14/14 350 Maurice Stokes Athletics Center 5555--5 John Krimmel, Associate AD for StudentAthlete Academic Services Gettysburg College, Gettysburg, PA 10/16/14 350 Gettysburg College Ball room 5555--Fantastic speaker - relates well to her audience. Great role plays to bring home the point. Very powerful and helpful!! Highly recommend!! Carol Cantele, Assistant Athletic Director

Central Connecticut State University, New Britain, CT 01/11/15 300 CCSU 5555-55 Elaine was great to work with for our student athlete function. She brought amazing energy to her performance and easily got our students engaged. Molly McCarthy, Assistant Director of Athletics Concordia University-Chicago, River Forest, IL 01/26/15 400 College Campus 5555--5 Elaine was well-received by our students. Her message was excellent! We would definitely invite her back to our campus in the future. Kathy Gebhardt, Assistant Athletic Director

Immaculata University, Immaculata, PA 01/29/15 125 Theatre 5555--Elaine was a wonderful speaker. This is the third institution that I am working,and Elaine has always been the speaker I bring on campus. She is engaging, and tailors the program to fit your school's mission, point of interests, and any issues that need to be addressed on your campus. Elaine is thorough with communication and I highly recommend her to anyone. Alexiss Robinson, Coordinator of Diversity Mount Carmel College of Nursing, Columbus, OH 03/23/15 100+ College Campus 5555-55 Elaine is an excellent speaker. She engages her audience right from the start and manages to keep them engaged to the very end. She is entertaining, educational, and just plain fun! Colleen S. Cipriani, Director of Student Life FIGHT BACK ON SPRING BREAK Kirkland Productions

East Carolina University, Greenville, NC 03/04/15 75 East Carolina University 5555555 Bree was great! Our students loved the presentation! We will definitely be working with this organization again to bring future programs to campus! Lydia Hitchcock, Interim Assistant Director of Wellness Promotion GIRLS FIGHT BACK! Kirkland Productions

University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, La Crosse, WI 09/11/14 70 Valhalla, Cartwright Center 5555555 A wonderful and educational experience for everyone. Our presenter was funny and provided participants with the skills necessary to protect themselves in any situation. I would recommend bringing Girls Fight Back

every year to our campus! Stephanie Falch, Graduate Assistant

University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, La Crosse, WI 09/11/14 70 Valhalla, Cartwright Center 5555555 A wonderful and educational experience for everyone. Our presenter was funny and provided participants with the skills necessary to protect themselves in any situation. I would recommend bringing Girls Fight Back every year to our campus! Stephanie Falch, Graduate Assistant Roanoke College, Salem, VA 03/19/15 20 College Campus 5555-55 Brie gave a very animated and memorable performance. She had audience participation gave great demonstrations. Tanya Ridpath, Director of Community Programs

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, IL 03/19/15 300+ Lincoln Hall Theater at the University of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign) 5435-55 The main concerns I had with the event was the level of audience engagement. Many attendees were there by requirement and showed poor audience etiquette. They were having loud conversations that made hearing the speaker difficult. Part of problem was due to the audience's lack of interest in the material and part of the problem stems with the speaker's difficulty keeping the listeners engaged. Morgan was wonderful but it was the combination of the two factors that led to an underwhelming impact. Salma Qamruddin, Vice President of Programming (Panhellenic Council) JESSICA PETTITT Kirkland Productions

University of California, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz 09/16/14 250 Merrill Cultural Center 5555555 Jessica Pettitt was exactly what we needed. Engaging, thought-provoking, motivating, and hilarious. She held the room's attention for the full 2 hours, and set the stage for the 2 full-day trainings she held on the following days. Our student staff is still talking about some of the concepts she introduced. I knew she'd deliver a first-class performance. We'd be lucky to have her here again every year! Julie Oberts, Coordinator for Residential Education University of Central Missouri, Warrensburg, MO 10/21/14 100 Elliott Union 5555-5Emily Bergsieker, Assistant Director of Student Activities

University of Illinois at Springfield, Springfield, IL 02/27/15 50 Campus Space 5555-5Kerry Poynter, Executive Director, Diversity Center Indiana State University, Terre Haute, IN 03/26/15 900+ Campus Auditorium 5434-44 Bo Mantooth, Director of Fraternity & Sorority Life KIMBERLY DARK Kirkland Productions

California State University-Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 02/09/15 25+ Student Union Theatre 5555555 Brenda Davidge, Graduate Student Assistant

California State University-San Marcos, San Marcos, CA 02/18/15 250+ University Student Union Ballroom, CSUSM 5555--5 Excellent event! Gina Jones, Arts & Lectures Coordinator

Bridgewater State University, Bridgewater, MA 03/31/15 230 Keynote presentation 5555-4Kimberly was wonderful! Anyone would be lucky to secure her for a program. Lee Forest, Director PHIRED UP Kirkland Productions

Oklahoma State University-Main Campus, Stillwater, OK 08/13/14 2000+ Gallagher-Iba Arena 555555Josh Orendi from Phired Up is AMAZING.. He was very interactive with the students and everyone enjoyed his presentation. Great speaker!! Definitely want him back next year. Palvih Bhana, Coordinator, New Student Programs SEX SIGNALS (RCA 2015) Catharsis Productions

Indiana State University, Terre Haute, IN 08/18/14 400 Tilson Auditorium 5555-54 Aimee Janssen-Robinson, Asst. Dean of Students

Ellsworth Community College, Iowa Falls, IA 08/19/14 250+ Kruse Main 5555555 Looking forward to getting them back here soon! Maurie Tomke, Coor. of Student Engagement Doane College-Crete, Crete, NE 08/22/14 250+ Auditorium 4455-43 Samantha Greenberg, SPB Intern

Baldwin-Wallace College, Berea, OH 08/22/14 700 auditorium 4545-44 Joy Wyatt, Director, Counseling Center

University of Houston-Victoria, Victoria, TX 08/31/14 385+ Freshman Orientation 5555-55 The students loved it! They were engaged and have continued to talk about the event. Several have already asked us to have them back next year. The performers were very professional and met the students where they were. Elena Torres, Counselor

University of Minnesota-Rochester, Rochester, MN 09/09/14 100 Mayo Civic Center 4555555 Sex Signals is always a great show. They do a good job of making the audience laugh and think about a very difficult topic. My students were fully engaged throughout the presentation. Since the audience was mostly first year students they were a bit timid to share their thoughts at first but the presenters did a great job of making them feel comfortable. Dauline Menze, Student Activities Coordinator

Indiana University-East, Richmond, IN 09/25/14 80 Vivian Auditorium 5555--5 In regard to "Relationship with Audience" I wish I could rate this artists above 5! Rebeckah Hester, Director, Campus Life

University of Central Missouri, Warrensburg, MO 01/29/15 100 Union Ballroom 5555-55 Kristen and Tony were PHENOMENAL performers who wanted to engage the audience

as much as possible. This was an excellent performance and we are already planning to have them come back in the future. Brianna Nesbitt, Graduate Assistant for Diversity Education Casper College, Casper, WY 02/12/15 90+ Durham Auditorium 5555555 Nicholas Whipps, Student Activities Coordinator

University of North Carolina at Asheville, Asheville, NC 02/18/15 249 Humanities Lecture Hall 5555554 Anthony and Sakina were incredible, and could not have been more perfect for what we intended. They asked such fitting questions prior to their performance ensuring the relevance and impact of their performance on our campus perceptions and climate. We've received positive feedback from administration and students across the board and are already discussing having these performers back! Bravo! Elliott Kimball, Assistant Director of Student Engagement University of Delaware, Newark, DE 03/21/15 130 Trabant Theater 5523-55 Artists were given a grade of "fair" for their relationship to their audience and a grade of "good" for their cooperation/attitude. This grade was given due to their somewhat dismissive attitude of the more in-depth and analytical questions that audience members asked. Some members of the audience felt that their questions were merely addressed rather than analyzed and answered and we feel that this does not provide a good environment for progressive conversation. Blue Hen Leadership Program, Program Assistant Vincennes University, Vincennes, IN 03/24/15 175 Green Activities Center 5555-55 This was a great asset to our sexual assault awareness campaign! Thanks April Raggo, Asst. Director of Student Activities STACEY LANNERT Kirkland Productions

Drake University, Des Moines, IA 10/07/14 50+ Drake University 5555555 She was so wonderful to work with and did a really great job sharing her story. Kayla Manning, Student Activities Board Campus Impact Co-Chair

Arkansas State University-Main Campus, Jonesboro, AR 02/04/15 250 Auditorium 5555-55 Stacey has an extremely difficulty story to tell but she relates it wonderfully to college students. While the topic is heavy she inserts just enough humor to make the audience more comfortable hearing what she has experienced. She took time to not only tell her story but to connect how students seeking particular degrees should be aware of warning signs when working with kids. Natalie Eskew, Assistant Dean

Tarleton State University, Stephenville, TX 03/04/15 150+ Ballroom 5455-44 Ms. Lannert's hold on the audience was profound. She was engaging, honest, and combined vulnerability with strength. It was a powerful evening that I know our students will remember. Lora Helvie-Mason, Director, Diversity & Inclusion STEVIE TRAN Kirkland Productions

Stetson University, DeLand, FL 03/13/15 45 Lynn Business Center 5555-4Stevie Tran did an excellent job at the Trans-

gender Sensitivity Training for Law Enforcement officers and Mandated Reporters at Stetson University. Yolany Gonell, Director for Diversity & Inclusion STUDENTS FIGHT BACK! Kirkland Productions

Manhattanville College, Purchase, NY 08/22/14 200 West Room 555555The program was good and touched on several topics we wanted to educate students about including trusting your instinct about bad situations, not being afraid to intervene if you think a friend is making bad decisions, and teaching some basic self-defense moves. Bree worked well with the audience and knew when to calm them down and when to allow discussion. Andy Fulton, Associate Director, Student Activities Murray State University, Murray, KY 09/23/14 500+ 4455-53 Abigail French, Director, Women's Center

Anne Arundel Community College, Arnold, MD 04/15/15 40+ Pascal Center for Performing Arts 5555555 It was great having Bree Swartz here for Students Fight Back! She did an excellent job, had the audience participate. There were numerous question during and after the program. I just wish we had more people in the audience. We are a community college, and when classes are done people leave. The people that did attend, both male and female, asked questions, participated.....student life got one of the basketball players (Tre)to assist Bree with the demos....Great job!! Sgt. Nancy Kutz, Crime Prevention Specialist THE HOOK-UP Catharsis Productions

New Mexico Highlands University, Las Vegas, NM 08/15/14 110+ Ilfeld Auditorium 3445-42 We received feedback from students and staff that the promotional flyer appeared to them to be promoting drunk sex. Corilia, Advocacy & Education Coordinator

University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL 08/23/14 1200 Gusman Performance Hall 5555554 The speakers were engaging and knowledgeable. "The Hook-up" was said to be one of the best sessions during New Student Orientation in feedback from the students. This session brought real conversation to a challenging topic. Matthew Barnes, Assistant Director, Orientation TOM KRIEGLSTEIN Swift Kick

University of Akron Main Campus, Akron, OH 08/17/14 149 University of Akron 5555555 Year after year, Tom manages to wow the crowd and motivate students to maximize their learning and growing experience while away at school. He creates an atmosphere with his "Dance Floor Theory" presentation that helps show students that the important part about being a leader is to connect with people and to be positive. Students were eager to meet with Tom and to give free hugs! Robbie Williford, Grad Assistant of RHPB TRACY KNOFLA High Impact Training University of Akron Main Campus, Akron, OH 08/16/14 145 University of Akron 5555555 Tracy was beyond amazing with her training

of the True Colors. Students enjoyed getting involved with what Tracy had on the agenda for the day. The smiles on the students' faces says it all. Not only that, but Tracy brought high energy throughout the day which kept students engaged and inspired to be leaders and make a difference on campus. She did a wonderful job talking about how we are all different, but how the world needs people like us if we want to make an impact. Robbie Williford, Grad Assistant of RHPB TROY STENDE Kirkland Productions

Campus Advantage, Oracle, Arizona 06/10/14 31 COD Ranch 5555-4Troy was absolutely amazing to work with and very well received by the student leader group. Such a powerful message with facilitator tips tied in. The info and lessons learned was more than expected and just what the group needed to kick off the conference. Here are a few comments from the participants: I absolutely loved Troy Stende he was amazing and really made me take a look at my own life and reevaluate it. I enjoyed his ice breakers they were fun and innovative and not repetitive. Troy was able to keep my attention, while teaching me at the same time. The Keynote speaker was extremely inspirational and I value the time that was spent on the skills and interactive items that were focused on in regards to listening skills and how to present items to a group of people. I loved Troy. He is an amazing public speaker. He gave me an entire new outlook on how to speak and listen to people. The breaking barriers was an awesome experience as well. Kelly Vickroy, National Director of Residence Life University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 07/19/14 55 Classroom in Hanson Hall 4555-3Marc Skjervem, Director of Marketing and Recruitment

Muhlenberg College, Allentown, PA 08/19/14 48 The Event Space 5555-4Agency seemed impatient to receive contract despite contract being submitted well before printed date. Annoying to be 'badgered' for the paperwork when institution was meeting printed request. Chris Jachimowicz, Director of Student Leadership Programs

South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City, SD 08/23/14 200 Surbeck Ballroom 5555555 Troy was an exceptional speaker. He had the crowd on their feet the entire time. This program is a great way to start off the new school year by helping students build new friendships and connections. I highly recommend Troy, and I know we will have him back on our campus. Cory Headley, Assistant Director, Student Activities and Leadership Center Midwestern State University, Wichita Falls, TX 08/26/14 800+ Basketball Court 4455-5Kevin Bazner, Assistant Director

University of Regina, Regina, SK 09/02/14 1500+ University 4555-44 Troy was wonderful! This was our second year having him at our Orientation events, and I think he was even better this year than last year! We loved him! The student body and staff were very impressed and he definitely made a great impression overall. Elissa Curr, Recruitment Liaison Coordinator Seminole State College of Florida, Sanford, FL 02/06/15 55+ 4455-44


Troy was wonderful! This was our second year having him and I think he was even better this year. We love him. The student body and staff were very impressed and his delivery made a great impression overall Elissa Curr, Recruitment Liaison Coordinator Seminole State College of Florida, Sanford, FL 02/06/15 55+ 4455-44 Troy delivered a powerful presentation which uplifted and challenged participants to break through barriers. Gerald Jones, Director, Student Life


ANNA DAVID Kirkland Productions

Sheridan College, Sheridan, WY 11/05/14 13 Thorne-Rider Campus Center 5554--Deneese Stone, Programming Board Intern CHICAGO BOYZ Coleman Productions, Inc.

University of Akron Main Campus, Akron, OH 03/07/15 534 EJ Thomas Hall 5555555 The Chicago Boyz came in with energy and got the crowd on their feet with their highflying acrobatics that left our students and

their siblings in awe. Such a great show! We would love to bring them back in the future. Robbie Williford, Grad Assistant for RHPB

Juan Carlos Piñeiro, Coord. of Student Engagement & Student Activities

University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Little Rock, AR 01/15/15 30 Meeting Room 555555This show is perfectly unique and was loved by our campus community! The show was the perfect mix of entertainment and education and the artists were true professionalsyou want this at your campus! Emily Bell Cox, Student Life Coordinator

Florida Atlantic University-Jupiter Campus, Jupiter, FL 01/22/15 105 The Burrow Student Union 5555-53 Jupiter Program Board "Rudy Thanks for coming out and making this an awesome night!" Clayton Sims "Rudy the stories you told through your performance were inspiring and amazing." Donald Van Pelt, Assistant Director for Housing & Campus Life Iona College, New Rochelle, NY 02/05/15 50 Student Union 5555555 Kelli Meyer, Asst. Director of Student Development

NATIVE PRIDE DANCERS Kramer Entertainment, Inc.


Saint Leo University, Saint Leo, FL 02/11/15 35 Student Community Center 5555555 Edson O'Neale, Interim Director of Student Activities

Virginia Wesleyan College, Norfolk, VA 03/03/15 40 Boyd Dining Center 4555-3Kate Griffin, Director of Student Activities RAN D' SHINE Everything But The Mime

Orange County Community College, Middletown, NY 09/02/14 40+ Kaplan Hall, Great Room 5555-53 Excellent performance that was funny, amazing and educational.



University of Akron Main Campus, Akron, OH 02/11/15 226 Student Union Starbucks 5555555 Rudy Francisco blew our crowd away. He did a great job of relating his spoken word pieces to our student leaders and general student body, and was more than happy to answer any questions that students had for him. Plus, he stayed after and talked with many different people about his work and his inspiration. Overall, a wonderful performer to work with. A experience! Robbie Williford, Grad Assistant for RHPB


Based on The reports from campuses from June 1, 2014 through June 1, 2015, the following artists were rated in the TOP 10% of all artists rated. Artists were required to have had at least FIVE valid reports from schools to have qualified. Some of these artists actually were rated in the top 1% of ALL CAMPUS ARTISTS. POSITION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15


EH440 (m) Daniel Martin(v) Chris Carter (v) Eric Mina(v) Vladimir Camano(c) Frederick Winters(v) Del Suggs(s) Craig Karges(v) Arvin Mitchell(c) Adam Grabowski(c) Chloe Hilliard(c) Elaine Pasqua(s) Norman Ng(c) Lester/Susan(g) Matthew Brossard(c)


HOULA Bass/ Schuler Bass/Schuler GP Sophie K Bass/Schuler Suggs Karges Prod Summit Grabowski Summit Pasqua Prod NMP EBTM KP Comedy


35.00 (perfect)) 34.93 34.92 34.85 34.76 34.72 34.71 34.53 34.45 34.43 34.43 34.36 34.33 34.07 34.00

SHOWS 5 16 28 30 5 11 7 13 16 17 16 11 6 14 9

Designations: The categories in which students/advisors rated these acts: (m) Music; (v) Variety; (c) Comedy; (s) Speakers; (g) Games Perfect Score is 35 which is an average total of 7 categories with a score of 5 Only acts rated between 34 and 35 were considered for The Dean’s List/ Gold Standard.

On the pages which follow will be indicated the acts that achieved Silver status (33.00+) and Bronze status (32.00+) plus how agencies stacked up who represented these artists and the most active schools involved in rating acts for the 2015 honors. ALWAYS TAKE THE TIME TO REVIEW ARTISTS YOU BOOK. Simply click on the ARC image on the home page. Your involvement with the rating process will help other schools make informed buying decisions.


These Artists achieved a score between 33.00 and 33.99 Based on 35 Being Perfect

These Artists achieved a score between 30.00 and 32.99 Based on 35 Being Perfect

FRANGELA (5) Comedy : Silver #1 Sophie K 33.80 out of 35.00

SAMMY O’BEID (14) Comedy: Bronze #1 KP Comedy 32.78 out of 35.00

IVAN PECEL (6) Comedy: Silver #3 Fresh Variety 33.20 out of 35.00

MUSLIMS ARE COMING (6): Comedy: Bronze #2 Kirkland Productions 31.33 out of 35.00

BLACK JEW DIALOGS (9) Comedy: Silver #2 Black Jew Dialogs 33.88 out of 35.00

---------------------------------------------------------------SEX SIGNALS (12) Speakers: Silver #1 Bass/ Schuler 33.58 out of 35.00

TROY STENDE (7) Speakers: Silver #2 Kirkland Productions 33.00 out of 35.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------JOHN CASSIDY (9) Variety: Silver #1 Sophie K 33.88 out of 35.00

NICK GUERRA (12) : Comedy: Bronze #2 Kirkland Productions 32.25 out of 35.00

There were no other qualifiers with five or more reports in other categories for Bronze.


JOEL MEYERS (8) Variety: Silver #2 Agenyy Spkrs & Ent 33.87 out of 35.00 MAD CHAD (15) Variety: Silver #3 Bass/Schuler 33.83 out of 35.00

THE CRESCENT CIRCUS (6) Variety: Silver #4 Metropolis Mgmt 33.66 out of 35.00

JONATHAN BURNS (6): Variety: Silver #5 Fresh Variety 33.66 out of 35.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------MITCH CLARK (6) Music: Silver #1 Houla Ent. 33.66 out of 35.00 38, CAMPUS ACTIVITIES MAGAzINE®, SUMMER 2015

TOP AGENCY RANKINGS 2014/15 1. 2. 3. 4 5 6 7. 8 9. 10.


97 39 35 30 30 28 27 23 18 17

11. 12. 13 14 15 16 17


* Indicates Single Artist Agency

17 12 11 7 6 6 6

Based on Averaged Points Achieved From All Artists In Their Agencies Reported


With More than 500 Campuses Participating and many with multiple reports, America’s Activities Buyers and Professionals can get A Good Look at available talent. With a growing number of institutions becoming involved in the reporting process, This gives other campuses exceptional information regarding a potential purchase. Adrian College,Adrian,MI AIB College of Business,Des Moines,IA Albion College,Albion,MI, Albright College,Reading,PA Alderson Broaddus College,Phillippi,WV Alma College,Alma,MI Alvernia University,Reading,PA American International College,Springfield,MA Anne Arundel Community College,Arnold,MD Appalachian State University,Boone,NC Arcadia University,Glendale,PA Arkansas State University,Jonesboro,AR Arkansas State University/Beebe,Beeba,AR Auburn University,Auburn University,AL Augustana College,Sioux Falls,SD Aurora University,Aurora,IL Babson College,Wellesley,MA Bainbridge College,Bainbridge,GA Baker University,Baldwin City,KS Baldwin Wallace College,Berea,OH Ball State University,Muncie,IN Bay de Noc Community College,Escanaba,MI Beacon College,Leesburg,FL Berry College,Mount Berry,GA Bethany College,Lindsborg,KS Black Hills State University,Spearfish,SD Blackburn College,Carlinville,IL Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania,Bloomsburg,PA Blue Mountain College,Blue Mountain,MS Bluffton University,Bluffton,OH Bowdoin College,Brunswick,ME Bowling Green State University,Bowling Green,OH Bradley University,Peoria,IL Brevard College, Brevard,NC Bridgewater College,Bridgewater,VA Bridgewater State University,Bridgewater,MA Broward College- North Campus,Coconut Creek,FL Bryant University,Smithfield,RI Cal Poly Pomona,Pomona,CA California State University - San Marcos,San Marcos,CA California State University- Los Angeles Los Angeles,CA California State University/ Northridge,Northridge,CA California University of Pennsylvania,California,PA Campbell University,Bules Creek,NC

Campbellsville University,Campbellsville,KY Campus Advantage,Oracle,AZ Cardinal Stritch University,Milwaukee,WI Carnegie Mellon University,Pittsburgh,PA Carroll Community College,Westminster,MD Casper College,Casper, WY Castleton State College,Castleton,VT Centenary College of Louisiana,Shreveport,LA Central College,Pella,IA Central Community College,Grand Island,NE Central Connecticut State University,New Britain,CT Central Virginia Community College,Lynchburg,VA Chestnut Hill College,Philadelphia,PA Christopher Newport University,Newport News,VA Claremont McKenna College,Claremont,CA Clarion University of Pennsylvania,Clarion,PA Coe College,Cedar Rapids,IA Coker College,Hartsville,SC Colby College,Waterville,ME College of Saint Mary,Omaha,NE College of Southern Idaho,Twin Falls,ID College of Southern Maryland,La Plata,MD Colorado School of Mines,Golden,CO, Concordia College at Moorhead,Mooorehead,MN Concordia University/ Wisconsin,Mequon,WI Concordia University- Chicago,River Forest,IL Concordia University/ Portland,Portland,OR Converse College,Spartanburg,SC Culver-Stockton College,Canton,MO CUNY, Staten Island,Staten Island,NY Dartmouth College,Hanover,NH Darton College,Albany,GA Delaware Valley College,Doylestown,PA Denison University,Granville,OH Des Moines Area Community College,Boone,IA Dickinson College,Carlisle,PA Doan College- Crete,Crete,NE Dominican University,River Forest,IL Drake University,Des Moines,IA Drew University,Madison,NJ Duquesne University,Pittsburgh,PA Eastern Carolina University,Greenville,NC Eastern Iowa Community College,Davenport,IA Eastern Kentucky University,Richmond,KY


Edinboro University of Pennsylvania,Edinboro,PA Edison State College,Fort Myers,FL Ellsworth Community College,Iowa Falls,IA Elon University,Elon,NC Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University,Daytona Beach,FL Emory & Henry College,Emory,VA Emporia State University,Emporia,KS Fitchburg State University,Fitchburg,MA Florida Atlantic University,Jupiter,FL Florida Institute of Technology,Melborn,FL Florida State University,Tallahassee,FL Fort Hays State University,Fort Hays,KS Fox Valley Technical College,Appleton,WI Framingham State University,Framingham,MA Franklin College,Franklin,IN Gannon University,Erie,PA Georgia Regents University,Augusta,GA Georgia State University,Atlanta,GA Georgian Court University,Howell,NJ Gettysburg College,Gettysburg,PA Gillette College,Gillette,WY Goucher College,Baltimore,MD Grand Valley State University,Allendale,MI Grinnell College,Grinnell,IA Harrisburg Area Community College,Harrisburg,PA Herkimer County Community College,Herkimer,NY Hibert College,Hamburg,NY Milwaukee School of Engineering,Milwaukee,WI Minot State University,Minot,ND Missouri State Southern University,Jopin,MO Mohawk Valley Community College,Utica,NC Morningside College,Sioux City,IA Mount Carmel College of Nursing,Columbus,OH Mount Saint Mary College,Newburgh,NY Muhlenberg College,Allentown,PA Murray State University,Murray,KY Muskingum University,New Concord,OH Nazareth College,Rochester,NY Neumann University,Aston,PA New Jersey City University,Jersey City,NJ New Mexico Highlands University,Las Vegas,NM Niagara County Community College,Sanborn,NY North Central College,Naperville,IL North Dakota State University/ Main Campus,Fargo,ND

Northeast Community College,Norfolk,NE Northwestern Junior College,Sterling,CO Ohio State University,Columbus,OH Ohio State University / Newark,Newark,OH Oklahoma State University,Stillwater,OK Orange County Community College,Middleton,NY Otis College of Art & Design,Los Angeles,CA Ottawa University,Ottawa,KS Otterbein University,Westerville,OH Pasco-Hernando Community CollegeNorth,Brooksville ,FL Pasco-Hernando Community College- Spring Hill, Spring Hill,FL Penn State Brandywine,Media,PA Penn State/ Dubois,Dubois,PA Penn State/ Lehigh Valley,Center Valley,PA Pennsylvania State University,Dubois,PA Pennsylvania State University/ Abington,Abington,PA Pennsylvania State University/ Berks,Reading,PA Pennsylvania State University/Harrisburg,Middletown,PA Peru State College,Peru,NE Pfeiffer University,Misenheimer,NC Philander Smith College,Little Rock,AR Polk State College,Lakeland,FL Quincy College,Quincy,IL Quinnipiac University,Hamden,CT Quinsigamond Community College,Worcester,MA Ramapo College of New Jersey,Mahwah,NJ Regis University,Denver,CO Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,Troy,NY Roane State Community College,Harriman,TN Roanoke College,Salem,VA Robeson Community College,Lumberton,NC Rockhurst University,Kansas City,MO Rollins College,Winter Park,FL Rowan University,Glassboro,NJ Saint Ambrose University,Davenport,IA Saint Francis University,Loretto,PA Saint John Fisher College,Rochester,NY Saint Joseph’s College of Maine,Standish,ME Saint Leo University,Saint Leo,FL Saint Mary of The Woods College,Saint Mary of the Woods,IN Salt Lake Community College,Salt Lake City,UT Salve Regina University,Newport,RI San Jacinto College- Central,Pasadena,TX San Jacinto College- North,Houston,TX San Jacinto College- South,Houston,TX San Jose State,San Jose,CA Sarah Lawrence College,Bronxville,NY Savannah College of Art & Design,Atlanta,GA Schreiner University,Kerrville,TX Seminole State College of Florida,Sanford,FL Shawnee State University,Portsmouth,OH Sheridan College,Sheridan,WY Shippensburg University of PA,Shippensburg,PA Siena College,Loudonville,NY Siena Heights University,Adrian,MI Simmons College,Boston,MA South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City,SD Southern Illinois University- Carbondale,Carbondale,IL Southern Illinois University/ Edwardsvillle,Edwardsville,IL Southern New Hampshire University,Manchester,NH St Charles Community College,Cottleville,MO St Johns University,Collegeville,MN St Joseph College,West Hartford,CT St Josephs College,Rensselaer,IN St Mary’s College of Maryland,St. Mary’s City,MD St Mary’s University of Minnesota,Winona,MN St Marys University,San Antonio,TX St Olaf College,Northfield,MN St. Francis College,Brooklyn Heights,NY St. Joseph College,Hartford,CT St. Joseph’s College,Patchogue,NY State College of Florida (ManateeSarasota),Bradenton,FL Stephen F. Austin State University,Nacogdoches,TX Stetson University,Deland,FL Steven Institute of Technology,Hoboken,NJ Sul Ross State University,Alpine,TX SUNY Albany,Albany,NY SUNY College at Oneonta,Oneonta,NY SUNY College of Agriculture & Technology,Cobleskill,NY

SUNY College of Technology/ Alfred,Alfred,NY SUNY Geneseo,Geneseo,NY SUNY Institute of Technology (Utica-Rome),Utica,NY SUNY Westchester Community College,Valhalla,NY Susquehanna University,Sellinsgrove,PA Tarleton State University,Stephensville,TX Tennessee Wesleyan University,Athens,TN Texas A&M University,Kingland,TX Texas State Technical College,Harlingen,TX Texas State University/ San Marcos,Marcos,TX Texas Tech University,Lubbock,TX Texas Woman’s University,Houston,TX Tompkins Cortland Community College,Dryden,NY Trinity University,San Antonio,TX Univeridad Techogica del Caribe,Trujillo Alto,PR University of Akron,Akron,OH University of Arkansas,Fayetteville,AR University of Arkansas,Little Rock,AR University of Arkansas Community College,Batesville,AR University of Arkansas/ Little Rock,Little Rock,AR University Of California- Santa Cruz,Santa Cruz,CA University of Central Arkansas,Conway,AR University of Central Missouri,Warrensburg,MO University of Delaware,Newark,DE University of Findlay,Findlay,OH University of Florida,Gainesville,FL University of Georgia,Athens,GA University of Houston,Houston,TX University of Houston/ Victoria,Victoria,TX University of Illinois at Urbana,Champaign,IL University of Illinois/ Springfield,Springfield,IL University of Indianapolis,Indianapolis,IN University of Main at Presque Isle,Presque Isle,ME University of Maine at Machias,Michias,ME University of Miami/ Coral Gables,Coral Gables,FL University of Michigan at Dearborn,Dearborn,MI University of Minnesota,Rochester,MN University of Minnesota-Twin Cities,Minneapolis,MN University of Minnesota/ Crookston,Crookston,MN University of Minnesota/ Rochester,Rochester,MN University of Montevallo,Montevallo,AL University of Mount Union,Alliance,OH University of North Carolina at Charlotte,Charlotte,NC University of Nebraska/ Lincoln, Lincoln,NE University of New Haven,West Haven,CT University of North Carolina at Asheville,Asheville,NC University of North Carolina/ Wilmington,Wilmington,NC University of North Georgia,Gainesville,GA University of North Texas,Dallas,TX University of Pittsburgh- Titusville,Titusville,PA University of Pittsburgh/ Bradford,Bradford,PA University of Pittsburgh/ Titusville,Titusville,PA University of Regina,ReginaSaskatchewan CN University of South Alabama,Mobile,AL University of South Carolina,Columbia,SC University of South Carolina/ Beaufort,Bluffton,SC University of South Florida,Tampa,FL University of Southern Maine,Portland,ME University of Southern Mississippi,Hattiesburg,MS University of Tennessee/ Chattanooga,Chattanooga,TN University of Texas Pan American,Edinburg,TX University of Texas/ Brownsville,Brownsville University of the Ozarks,Clarksville,AR University of Wisconsin,Milwaukee,WI University of Wisconsin,River Falls,WI University of Wisconsin,LaCross,WI University of Wisconsin/ Green Bay,Green Bay,WI University of Wisconsin/ Milwaukee,Milwaukee,WI University of Wisconsin/ Platteville,Platteville,WI University of Wisconsin/ Stevens Point,Stevens Point,WI University of Wisconsin/ Stout,Menomonie,PA University of Wisconsin/ Whitewater,Whitewater,WI University of Wyoming,Laramie,WY University of Wisconsin,Plattesville,WI Upper Iowa University,Fayette,IA Urbana University,Urbana,OH Ursinus College,Collegeville,PA Utah State University ,Logan,UT Valdosta State University,Valdosta,GA Valencia College,Orlando,FL Valley City State University,Valley City,ND Vermillion Community College,Ely,MN Villanova University,Villanova,PA Vincennes University,Vincennes,IL

Virginia Polytechnic State University,Blacksburg,VA Virginia Wesleyan College,Norfolk,VA Virginia Western Community College, Roanoke,VA Wagner College,Staten Island,NY Wake Forest University,Winston Salem,NC Wartburg College,Waverly,IA Washington and Jefferson College,Washington,PA Washington University of St Louis,St Louis MO Washington State University/Pullman,Pullman,WA Wayne State College,Wayne, NE Weber State University,Ogden,UT West Virginia University Institute of Technology, Montgomery,WV West Virginia Wesleyan College,Buckhannon,WV Western Connecticut State University,Danbury,CT Western Illinois University,Macomb,IL Western New England University,Springfield,MA Western Oregon University,Monmouth,OR Whitworth University,Spokane,WA Widener University,Chester,PA Williston State College,Williston,ND Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College,Shell Lake,WI Write State University,Dayton,OH Xavier College,Cincinnati,OH York College of Pennsylvania,York,PA


Participate In Artist Reports.

Help Other Schools Get The BIG PICTURE


Eh440 Mitch Clark

Damien Lawson AEP/Vegas saw an influx of new and rising campus acts this year after the success of many artists in 2014. There is just something about Vegas that attracts great new rising stars and AEP 2015 was no exception. Unlike many traditional college conferences, artists performed before major buyers that have the ability to jump start their careers. One of the real differences you found at AEP is that the atmosphere was uniquely relaxed and after each showcase was a meet and greet with buyers - people who have millions of dollars at their disposal for their clients or their companies. Plus there are no strangers. Everyone interacts and communicates with everyone else whether they are agents, artists or buyers. There are no stringent rules or sanctions. There is no hierarchy. Everyone is treated the same. This year was a real bonus in that each showcase

musical in nature, the interaction among the talent gave buyers a better understanding about just what could be accomplished if they bought any of this talent. Amazingly almost all of the talent was top-shelf for the four showcase slots and there was a buzz after each showcase about what had just been presented. There were many acts who had been seen on The Voice, America’s Got Talent, American Idol and other network specials and scouting was done among showcasing acts for potential participants for future network shows. The showcaes were expertly produced by EastCoast Entertainment who has been a supporter of AEP since its beginning, Other sponsors were Carnival Cruise Lines, Stand-up To Cancer and Campus Activities Magazine® sponsored The Young Artist’s Showcase on Monday Night which featured many of the winners from the Reader’s Choice Awards this past year: Daniel Martin (2015 Entertainer of the Year) Bass Schuler; eh440 (highly anticipated a cappella) Houla; Brandon Chase ( a


Daniel Martin


Louis Ramey

Jonny zywiciel

Mia Jackson fee included a full conference registration for the artist and what a bargain that was. There was breakfast each morning and a buffet lunch and dinner each day so artists and buyers were encouraged to sit together at these functions and learn more about each other. Plus this year there were two entertainment options during lunch, one of which was GP Entertainment’s Ghost Hunter/Paranormal show. Booths were available but not required because most of the business was done during the conference, after the conference or at the Meet & Greets which followed each showcase. Plus Lee from Houla Entertainment was in charge of the Late NIte Jam on the casino floor the last night of the conference. Not only was this instant entertainment for Casino goers in the lounge, but many artists who had never played together jumped up on stage and performed together. AEP provided basic backline on the lounge stage for the three-hour party and many agents got up and performed as well. While this setting is purely

member of Blake Shelton’s Team on “The Voice”.) Houla; Erin Jackson (RCA nominee and Comedy Central) Sophie K; Jesse Macht (A CAM pick for Hot Music) Degy; Jonathan Burns (CAM’s Best Variety Act for 2015 with 300 college dates); Mitch Clark (a great inspiring solo music performer) Houla; and the closer was the famous LA Allstars (IBM, Google. American Airlines, Bank of America, Toyota, Warner Brothers and McDonalds)

One act will be chosen as the rising star for 2015 and will have the chance to be mentored by top producers in all market segments and showcase again in 2016. CAM wants to offer a special thanks to all the great young acts who performed at AEP 2015. Look for more complete coverage of the conference and all the acts in an upcoming fall edition this year. Ran’ D Shine

Kristen Merlin & Erin Michelle

Erin Jackson



Eh440 Houla Entertainment MUSIC



ERIC MINA GP College Entertainment VARIETY




PO Box 509 Prosperity SC 29127


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