Cameron Love
1602 AVE. OF CHAMPIONS, MINTON HALL #322, BOWLING GREEN, KY 40210•• •502.554.8069 CAMLOVE12@GMAIL.COM • 502.554.8069 Designer •• Designer 502.554.8069
work experience
college college heights heights herald herald design design editor, editor, dec. dec. 2012-present 2012-present In charge of the In charge of the overall overall look look of of the the twice-weekly twice-weekly print print publication, publication, as as well well as as leading leading the the design design staff and helping to manage production. also work with editors, reporters and photographers staff and helping to manage production. also work with editors, reporters and photographers on on designing spreads and graphics. designing spreads and graphics. page page designer, designer, aug. aug. 2012-dec. 2012-dec. 2012 2012 assisted the Design editor in laying assisted the Design editor in laying out out pages pages that that included included sports sports fronts, fronts, opinion opinion pages pages and and special sections. special sections.
livewire livewire executive executive editor, editor, dec. dec. 2012-present 2012-present edited and assisted reporters edited and assisted reporters with with stories, stories, photos photos and and graphics. graphics. also also continued continued to to write write stories, stories, design pages and manage online content throughout the semester. design pages and manage online content throughout the semester. opinion opinion editor, editor, aug. aug. 2012-dec. 2012-dec. 2012 2012 Wrote Wrote editorials editorials and and op-eds op-eds while while also also editing editing other other opinion opinion staffers. staffers. news news reporter, reporter, aug. aug. 2012-dec. 2012-dec. 2012 2012 Wrote Wrote general general assignment assignment news news stories. stories.
western western kentucky kentucky university, university, 2012-present 2012-present pursuing pursuing Bachelor’s Bachelor’s degree degree in in news/editorial news/editorial journalism journalism Bullitt Bullitt east east high high school, school, 2008-2012 2008-2012 gifted diploma, gifted diploma, 4.0 4.0 gpa gpa
Adobe Adobe Creative Creative Suite Suite [InDesign, [InDesign, Illustrator, Illustrator, Photoshop] Photoshop] •• Wordpress Wordpress •• Microsoft Microsoft Word Word •• Microsoft PowerPoint • Mac and Windows Operating Systems • AP Style Microsoft PowerPoint • Mac and Windows Operating Systems • AP Style
2012 2012 Quill Quill & & Scroll Scroll Society Society Member Member 2012 Livewire Story of the Year 2012 Livewire Story of the Year for for “Rebel “Rebel flag flag is is a a derogatory derogatory drag” drag” 2012 Livewire Layout of the Year for “My Story” 2012 Livewire Layout of the Year for “My Story” donald donald reynolds reynolds Journalism Journalism scholarship scholarship from from the the western western kentucky kentucky university university school school of of Journalism and Broadcasting. Journalism and Broadcasting. Member Member of of the the Western Western Kentucky Kentucky University University Honors Honors College College
chuck chuck clark, clark, director director of of wku wku student publications student publications 205.478.0949 205.478.0949
tessa tessa duvall, duvall, college college heights heights herald herald editor-in-chief editor-in-chief May May 2012-Dec. 2012-Dec. 2012 2012 270.535.4379 270.535.4379
larry larry steinmetz, steinmetz, livewire livewire advisor advisor 502.727.8538 502.727.8538