I Have a Story to Tell

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I am proud to introduce you to a story of hope for Africa. This book celebrates the achievements of some wonderful young women, whose dignity and strength shine through their every word and photograph.

‘Quote from Mark Read about his experience in taking photos for the book’. Mark Read, photo-journalist. A message from Morgan Freeman: ‘For millions of children, especially girls, the gates to education are still firmly closed because their families just cannot afford what it takes to open them. Without the basic essentials of pencils, books and clothing, a girl cannot claim her rightful place in the classroom. This blights her whole existence. She takes her cue from a world that suggests she is inadequate, poor and undeserving. I am proud to support the work of CAMFED that is placing girls centre stage and enabling them to show the world their capabilities, their intelligence, their creativity and the infinite potential that is in each and every child. I urge you to join with me in supporting CAMFED and multiply girls’ access to education in Africa.’ The proceeds from this book will support more girls to go to school in Africa.

CAMFED International 22 Millers Yard Mill Lane Cambridge CB2 1RQ UK www.camfed.org

ISBN 0-9532907-1-9

The common thread through all their lives is the power of education. If their stories teach us anything, it is that the struggle for education for all must be won, and that when it is, other struggles – against poverty, war, ignorance and disease – will become easier to win.’ Graca Machel, a lifelong campaigner for women’s and children’s rights, former Minister of Education for Mozambique, and now working in partnership with her husband, Nelson Mandela, to eradicate child poverty.

I Have a Story to Tell

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