Introduce Myself Personal Information
g n a W a i m Ca /
About Myself
| Personal Data 王亭懿
Camia Wang
/ 84.11.19
Education /國立台北教育大學 National Taipei University of Education Computer Science Contact
/ Email / FB Camia Wang / IG l_urk
Introduce Myself Personal Information
COMPETITION 2016 數位島嶼5月徵件 生活風景 優勝 CyberIsland Submissions May Winning
Software Skills
2015 數位島嶼7月徵件 廢棄X環境X永續 優勝 CyberIsland Submissions July Winning
數位島嶼12月徵件 選舉百態 優勝
GEPT Intermediate Level
CyberIsland Submissions
December Winning
Sony World Photography 參賽 新光三越國際攝影大賽 參賽 Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Photography Competition 2014 APPortfolio 亞洲青年創作 攝影組 入書出版 ApportfolioAsia Photography Publish Masmas文創插畫徵選 參賽 2013 – 2008 布拉格音樂機構 吉他 表演組 特優獎 Gold Prague Musical Instruments Guitar Finger Style Winning 布拉格音樂機構 豎笛 第一名 Gold Prague Musical Instruments Guitar Finger Style Winning YAMAHA音樂 熱門音樂組 吉他Finger Style第一名 YAMAHA Music Guutar Finger Style First Place
y h p a r g o i b Auto Introduce Myself Autobiography
我是王亭懿,「亭」表示擁有堅定正直的個性,「懿」則是美好的意思。 我是一個有原則、也不斷追求美好與精進的人。
成長 我在一個書香世家長大,爸媽都在大學教書,我有一個姊姊、一個和我相差十 歲的弟弟和我的寵物。家人間的感情很好,因此我在一個充滿歡笑的家庭中長大。 由於父母都是數理老師,從小耳濡目染接觸了許多數理知識。父母從不喜歡 為我做盡一切─他們鼓勵我學著去獨立解決問題。再從中針對我的作品提出建議, 讓我自行反思。他們相信看著我走,一定更勝過牽著我走。
經驗&特質 我是一個樂於團隊互助合作的人,大學有很多的自治空間,在擔任幹部時,我 總用傾聽、溝通的方式來處理許多不同的意見,凝聚共識後以身作則,竭力參與並 完成工作。這些經歷,也讓我明瞭:一個領導者應該擁有中介協調意見的耐心和能 力,以及團隊共享的思維邏輯、分擔權責的態度,才能步向「雙贏」的結果。 社團方面我選擇加入社會服務團。一開始是單純的想服務人群,而後竟擁有了 同樣志向理想的夥伴,辦理許多關懷活動,如到國小陪伴孩子、關懷老人、寒暑假 梯隊、紫錐花反毒宣導等等。我發覺團隊就是個小型社會,將各自的想法提出來加 以討論、見解,培養自己溝通和應對進退的能力。學姊和我們分享她過去的學習經 驗,她說:「失敗了,不代表你沒有成長,而是你正在扎根!」每次活動結束後, 所得到的感動跟體悟都令我每每想起依然覺得情緒激昂,更能從活動中的種種肯定 自己的發展潛能和特質,學習團隊合作的精神和享受爲大眾服務的快樂。
I’m Camia Wang, my name in mandarin is the meaning of “Firm”, “Upright” and “Wonderful”. I am a man of principle and also pursuing to dedicate myself to progress. Growth I was born in a family of scholars. Both of my parents are teachers in college. I have a sister, a ten year younger brother and our pet dog, Money. There are joyfulness and happiness in our daily life, so I am grow in a sweet home. Due to both of my parents are math teachers, I was influenced by them. They don’t like to do everything for me because they want me to try to learn how to solve the problems independently. Then, they proposed their advices to my work. Thinking that watching me grow is better than always helping me. Characteristic I’m willing to share, cooperate with other people. There is a lot of autonomy space in college. When I was a class cadre, I always dealt fairly with my classmates and then do my best to finish the work. Through these experiences, I noticed that a leader should be patient and should have the ability to coordinate the team. So, we could go to a win-win situation. In student association respect, I joined Social Service Corporation. I just want to service people at the beginning; I couldn’t believe that I could have a group of like-minded partner. We used to put on many activities, like caring about lonely old man, companying children in the school, publicizing anti-drugs… etc. I founded that it was a small society, we proposed our own ideas and then discussed and understood the others’ opinion. All these helped me to develop the abilities of communication and the way to interact when facing disagreement. Every time after the activities, the throb and the happiness always made me feel excited. I learned so many through this club and I want to spray love and solicitude everywhere around the world.