Selected works of 2018-2022.the 213 54Profesional Work Architecture Design- Interior Design - Commercial Architecture Contents Academic VisualizationWorkWork Thesis- Urban Lab - Social Architecture WorkIndependient Work - Virtual Reality - Interactive Architecture Internship Interior Design Visual Art Work Ilustration - Digital PaitingDiagraming
MyHello!name is Camila Méndez, I'm a highly motivated architect from Colombia with more than 100,000 sqt designed in differents companies in the world. I have four years of experience in architectural design, graphic design, visualization and interior design with an emphasis on the development of corporate spaces, creating both functional, futuristic, virtual spaces from their initial phase to construction stage.
1 WorkProfessional
Location_Type_ProfessionalBogotá, Colombia Role_ Lead Architect Designer Status: Built Coface Headquarters in Colombia, is designed from the concept of “helping others”, from the beggining to the end.
The strategy of the French company design a new open office, divided under the character of an interactive space to feel like home; where the workers, managers and clientes can join a single complete community and use different of workspace typologies for interact. The workspace scale provides collabo ration between workers, multifunctional zones, among others. By doing this, the office becomes a dynamic, energetic and living organism around vegetation and the big city who is Bogotá.
The objective of the company is, create a field for good financial future and positive decision makers for ventures and ideas to improve and a new bussiness overseas.
Wooden style with a comfy propositive design in corporative offices Hybrid model of office, with a excelent workspace and vegetation. Colaborative and workspace zones around the office
TDCX, an acclaimed and technological call-center and a company of technology starts and decides to select Bogotá as its first headquarters in Bogotá. Carry out multiculturalism in all its locations (Singapur, EEUU, India, México) , trying to use typical Colombian characteristics and look&feel combined with the new image of the company; what it’s enjoy the work.
“Be Happier” slogan reveals the need to contemplate a creative and colorful space, of tranquility. joyful, peace and productivity, with all the facilities. The new vision of the TDCX offices will be based greatest office where the collaborators and clientes also can grow and find a family in the physical space.
The project was devolped using BIM tools in order to improve construction processes and reduce material waste. The challengue of this it’s to built the office with only 60 days.
createadaptableen- viromentswithinaus- er-centered. high-withambiencework employeesfortech worldwidelocationtheAll joyandnatureinfeelmiust
Location_Type_ProfessionalBogotá, Colombia Role_ Lead Architect Designer Status: Built The design of the Husqvarna Headquartes in Bogotá explores the relationship between nature, skyline and the feeling of living in the city. Within a detail technology in the offices and corporate branding; the space explores and experienced the atmosphere of calm design enviroment that guaranteed an exceptionally healthy work stage for employees through high tech automation and further corporate Thegrow.heterogeneous and multidirectional space reveal the different spaces of the project within an organic rhythm, brough peaciful experience.
Husqvarna Husqvarna
Location_Type_ProfessionalLATAM(Ecuador, Colombia, Chile, Perú, Venezuela) Role_ Lead Architect Designer With a lead marketing and advertising colombi an company Inxait, General Motors and Chevrolet Colombia, we create the brand manual for the low, medium and high-end car dealers of the North American Chevrolet was developed.
Concesionarios Chevrolet HarmonizationLATAM of
The work was under construction approximately six months where the main intention was to clearly establish within the world what solutions would be proposed with the brand to adopt and evolve to a facet of high-end vehicles, as the CHEVROLET brand is the largest Colombian car dealer.
The spatial characteristics, both architectural and constructive, the infrastructure of the com mercial business should have in the different locations in Latin America were established.
The project was intended to promote a collab orative, strategic space for brand sales through the renewal of the brand’s interpretation. the Spatialvitrinismbrand-conceptAlternation
The main task within the project was to transform the brand from being recognized as cheap, replaceable and not very authen tic, into a high-end brand that offers products within reach of its Forcustomers.thisreason, their corporate image had to change, they proposed a total adaptation of both furniture and architectural infra structure implements. The technological adaptation for the support of its commercial advisors was a key part at the time of the construction of the design.
Design / Visualization Car LATAMdealersChevrolet - General
Design Sections: The most important areas for pretotyping the brand were mainly: - General sales room - Delivery areas - Workshop area - Management Office - Waiting room - Accessories - Exterior (Vitrinismo) - Signage
The collaborative design was carried out under a BTL advertising and marketing team that provided visual merchandising tools that would seek to obtain strategic relationships within the model carried out. Propose an innovative and striking way for a client familiar to the brand.
The congruence of the design had to be useful for the attendees and al low better communication with the advisors of each point of sale. Propose an innovative and striking way for a client familiar to the brand. BRAND StandsComercialTechnologicalInnovation MerchandisingVisual
Azulu Serrezuela, takes risks with a innovative proposal with a curved facade, as well as it’s structure, with the deal of maintaining the elegance, liveliness and harmony of the brand. comerce
Location_Cartagena,Type_Professional Colombia Role_ Lead Architect Designer Status_ Built The Serrezuela heritage restoration shopping center, located in the city of Cartagena, is an innovation and architectural renovation project that offers attendees an experiential experience in various shops in the old bullring. The proposal of these commercial premises must be adopted to the proposals of modern vitrinism, through eclectic and original designs.
1Type_Professional Location_ Guasca, Colombia Role_ Lead Architect Designer & TheDirectNegotiation2DFurnitureStatus:ConstructionBuiltDesignand3Dvisualizationwithsuppliershandlingwithclientdesignofthecountry house in Guasca converges on the careful and persevering intention of mimicking the comfort of home and the peace of nature. Residencial Family House in Guasca, Colombia Interior DesignArchitecturaland 1
Mainly, the design was intended to be a space of comfort, warmth and familiarity. The greatest use of the site’s charac teristics was required, such as its natural lighting, connection with nature, so that the installation and construction would be carried out in a responsible manner.
2 WorkEducative
proposalStrategic for the betweencorridor Colombia.municipalities,Chia-Guascathe From culturetypicaltheas structurant.a
The proposal then, would consist of a regional model based on the particularities or the genius loci of each of the places, which would be the nodes of fusion between adjoining territories. The continuation of the architectural program would provide training at any of the levels and would establish a collective relationship beyond the administrative, a solution to expansion as an active border method and a filter for activities that are indifferent to the area.
Type_Educative Location_ Guasca, Chía, Tocancipa, Sópo; Colombia Role_ Lead Architect Designer (Student) Status: Design
Thesis Proposal
Jacob Status:SúarezBuilt
Battle Royale / Medialab Edition is a workshop on open designs and common infrastructures, which proposes practical pedagogical exercises on how to furnish the urban laboratories that we can find in a city like Madrid. The entire practice of the workshop will be a live experi mentation on the formats and methodologies of collective work, introducing rules of the game that allow each work shop facilitator a high degree of independence and at the same time a need to agree and generate consensus with the rest of the participants.
During the week (from June 29 to July 4) we will manufacture a large number of OPEN SOURCE urban planning ob jects that will be coordinated within a common structure that will give meaning to the entire performance. A workshop with PKMN, Basurama and zuloark organized by the PEI of the Javeriana University of Bogotá and Medialab Prado.
Team: Camilo
. During the week we will man ufacture a large number of OPEN SOURCE urban plan ning objects that will be coordinated within a common structure that will give meaning to the entire performance.
battle royale madrid& Furniture Designer (Student) Guerrero Osorio
2015 Location_Type_EducativeMadrid, España Role_Architect
Furniture construction workshop with wood for the students of the Javeriana University of Bogotá. Medial ab-Prado, Madrid. July 2015. Workshop in collaboration with PKMAN and Zuloark.
A collective strategy was designed based on the Battle Royale movie is the name of a Takeshi Kitano movie. Each group of students was assigned some tools to build each module. For this, it was necessary to associate with the other groups and be able to share the tools. With the modules of all the groups, a collective facility was built.
Create interactive spaces and furniture with community
http://arquitectosdecabecera.org/ Location_Type_EducativeBarcelona, España Role_Architect & Furniture Designer (Stu dent) Team: Camilo Guerrero Angela Osorio Jacob Status:SúarezBuilt
The ETSAB already made a first incursion into this project within the subject of the third year of De gree “HIC_Habitatge i Ciutat (Housing and City)” in June 2015. With a workshop format of two weeks, it was one of the events that took place in the OPEN ETSAB-ETSAV action as an opportunity to open public Schools of Architecture to the city. After start ing the academic year from “Habitatge i Ciutat” for the third consecutive year with “Arquitectes deCapçalera”, now there is the opportunity to take it to its maximum capacity within the Pilot Floor, this being the star activity of the exhibition.
Planta ThirdPlantaSecondPlantaFirstPlantaGroundBajaFloorPrimeraFloorSegundaFloorTerceraFloor
Axonometría General General Axonometric Projection
- An association for training and job reinsertion (Apip-Acam Foundation);
A Capoeira school (Association CapoeiraPalmares);
- An Art and Intercultural Laboratory (Inca Association); A pottery workshop (Can Fanga);
- A contemporary dance center (Association, La Poderosa);
- A space for research and photographic production (Cultural Platform Heliographic Factory);
Patologías PathologiesXIVXIV
Many workshops for painters, sculptors, photographers, potters, restorers, puppeteers; - And families who live in the factory housing.
In addition, we must take into account that the Projects in Can 60 are supported by both institutions public and private; and that we are part of the associative offabricthe neighborhood, working with the Fundació Tot Raval.
Y por tanto, pedimos el soporte de la ciudadanía y de la administración para desencallar esta situación de incertidumbre y vulnerabilidad. ¡SALVEMOS CAN 60!
- Que se quiera especular con el patrimonio cultural del barrio - Que ante el cambio de propiedad, se intuya la desarticulación de la esencia de Can 60 - Que con esta venta se siga fomentando el proceso de gentrificación del Raval - Que sin estos espacios, se perjudica la actividad social y cultural del barrio - Que durante los años que hemos estado en Can 60, la propiedad no se ha encargado del mantenimiento de la fábrica, asumiendo los inquilinos tal responsabilidad
Por eso, queremos: - Conservar y dignificar este antiguo edificio industrial - Conservar y promover las actividades ligadas a este espacio - Preservar la última Casa –Fábrica del Raval
Emerging Housing Housing Devices YOUHELP MEHELP
The project will propose to combine one of the virtues of the Bario Aguas Claras, which is the initiative and the profes sions of the inhabitants, offering a space that unites the two opportunities that can be transformed at the same time.
The communities in the neighborhoods of invasion, have become a recurrent theme with regard to the expansion of the urban territory, this is because these spaces located in the limits of the city do not legally belong to any side. The con sequence of this is the absence of some basic characteristics in these sectors, even with regard to basic needs such as water, electricity, food, among others.
Identifying through the Nolli, the permeabil ity of the zones, it is found that the sector is connected through two components: the or dinary vehicular trails and local commerce. This means that the survival of the inhabitants of the area is based on what the communi ty produces or the things that surround them.
The structure of the house consists of a house made of materials, most of them sustainable, that try to form a habitable space with the capacity for transformation, either through the creation of new interior spaces or, on the contrary, the liberation of existing ones. Inside the house, there is a series of architectural characteristics that choose to maintain the typology of the houses of the place that speak of self-construction and experienced labor by the owners, trying to access materials for the use of the in habitants in a ordinary, as well as construction techniques that may be known for possible changes desired by the owners.
63TH Station, Lexinton New York
Lexinton Avenue,
The New York city subway is recognized as the common carrier more complex and fast of the time. This is due to their joint development of the growth of the city, which provides a linkage of different sectors, territorial and greater social inclusion of different communities of the “city that never sleeps”. in MBA New York, aims to continue the urban vision through the localization and complementation of a new sta tion to add the connection of the city to the bet to the new shaping the culture of the underground commercial. the The collaborative work with the MBA New York, will be in the design of the socket hábitable, as the levels of trade, transition, permanence, and which will allow and will optimise the mobility.
Location_NewType_EducativeYork, EEUU Team:Role_Architect Camilo Guerrero Angela Osorio Jacob Status:SúarezBuilt MTA DesignStation
Sokoloff & Sewerin
My work at Sokoloff&Sewerin consisted of architectural, graphic and other as sistance on the projects carried out by the company in the period of the year 2016-2. In this period of work, I have been asked to make the arrangement of drawing and digital visualization of: renders, sections, facades, architectural plans, location plans, among others. The images produced will be uploaded to the company’s web format, that is, the official page both as a domain and as a social network; This will help to update the content of projects to the public in a much stricter way, where the different designs, materials and forms of con struction that the company makes are shown through the exhibition of images.
2 2 Architecture /Content/RenderVisualizationIlustrationSoftware Model Effects,V-Ray,ing_Post-ProductionSketchup,Rhinoceros,Software_3DSMAX,AutoCAD3D&RenderLumion,Photoshop,AfterMentalRay
Renovación y Restauración Red House/ Trinidad y Tobago Cliente: Máx Ojeda Gómez
Diseño y creación de contenido inmobiliario digital para ventas en inmueble del norte de RealizaciónBogotá. de pautas publicitarias y conteni do pertinente
SKILLS Software Autodesk Autocad 2014 Level: High Software Photoshop CS6 Level:Very High Software Illustrator CS6 Level: High Software Excell Level: Medium Software Autodesk 3dsmax Level: Medium Software Google Sketchup Level: Very High Software Level:MediumDreamweaver Software Premiere PRO CS6 Level: Very High Software Autodesk Rhinoceros Level: SoftwareHighAutodesk Revit Level: High