Panamarenko Raw Report

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PANAMARENKO Hide and Seek Camila F. Mosso Bur贸n B2.2 s114682

1st Iteration

1st DOOR

Final Iteration 2nd Iteration

Door from Metaforum to Main Building: a really brief “animation�, a group of balls would move outside the door.

2nd DOOR


Not Developed Ideas

BONUS TRACK These Ideas were in mind for a second, but not everything is developed in life. However, it is important sometimes to show our “about to born babies� to see how other ideas were influenced by them. The firts of these ideas lead me to think about the other ones. Playing with geometry and hiding by using layers was the main concept of these and the previous proposals. The second idea was a consequence of all the previous ones. Geometry again and perspective, but adding the concept of a moment which is only visible by the action of someone else.

Idea 2: 3rd DOOR Metaforum Main door: The door would turn, and you would be able to see a certain shape if you look from a certain position and you wait for someone to move it. The system is the same as the showed before. And this third door would complete the set of three glass doors around the exhibition during the Day of the Arts

Idea 1: Passing By

Corridor from Main Building to Auditorium: The idea was to play with perspective to make a shape appear only if you stand in a certain position. This shape would be divided in three different parts, and would be proyected in perspective on three different surfaces. In the diagram, the red lines represent the three different proyected sections of the shape.

Final Reflections

Let it flow This assignment allowed me to have the freedom of interpret an open concept. By only having one word as a limit for my project I was able to understand my process related with how I plan and structure a project from zero, and also to understand the way I generate new ideas. Giving myself certain bounds help me to generate a big amount of ideas. As seen in this report, the three ideas related with doors are an example of this. By giving me certain rules to work with I could think about different solutions with the same concept. Along with this, I was able to see part of my vision through this project. I consider that even if the concept would be different I would try to make something that interacts with people somehow. Interaction is important, but not like the one we have with other people. Small moments make this interaction more interesting. One detail can marvel us and leave us thinking for the rest of the day or a few minutes, but that moment will remain in our heads for a while.

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