Dg304 User Experience

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TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION PAGE 2 Our case for this assignment: the Efeeloo.

INTRODUCTION In this report we aim to explain the exercises we did for the assignment Designing for the User Experience. We got introduced to a method to design for user experience: the CoConstructing Stories method. We learned to handle this tool, performed several sessions and re-wrote our concept story, by mapping values of the concept with values of Jordan’s Pleasure framework.


Please enjoy reading our report! Angeliki, Camila and Rachel





In this week we got introduced to designing for the user experience, by thinking about what an experience means (rich interaction, engagement, expectations f.e) and by relating Maslow’s hierarchy of needs with Jordan’s pleasure framework. We also learned what can be a helpful way of involving users in your design process, since people will answer “I would like a faster horse, please” if you ask them about new ways of transportation.


Describe what Jordan means by need pleasures and pleasures of appreciation Need pleasures are Physio and Psycho pleasures. These need pleasures are things you feel satisfied about, since you needed it. A glass of water when you are thirsty, for example. A pleasure of appreciation however, is something you think is pleasurable because you already decided that you enjoy it. You do this because you want it yourself. Pleasures of appreciation 4

are Socio and Ideo pleasures. E.g when you admire something that you do not have, like a new product, an innovative device, etc.. You think it is satisfying, because you decided that, and a need pleasurable just is satisfying. Example: In two days you will buy your first smartphone. You already know some for the interaction because you have used your friends’ smart phones, but you are very intolerant. The first days you spend a lot of time with your phone. You are playing games and you are downloading new applications. After a month you are using it as a normal phone to check e-mails, make phone calls etc. In this example we realize three different phases. First the anticipation to get the product, second you obtained the product and third you get this product for granted. In the third phase we realize that the need has changed. Now your pleasure of appreciation has transformed into a need pleasure; into something very common and you must have it.

Give your view on how Jordan’s pleasures relate to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and give arguments that support your view. In Humanistic psychology, Maslow pyramid, is giving responsibility to the people. The pyramid shape, indicates the hierarchy of needs. Always on the base there are fundamental needs (eg. Biological needs) and on top there are unnecessary needs (e.g. Self-actualization). The same hierarchy, but for products, exists in Jordan’s theory. The only way to climb one step in the hierarchy is to actualize all the needs which belong in this step. Only then you can reach the next level. Keep a diary for two days: one workday and one leisure day, which can be found in week 2.


- We learned new important theories for the relationship between users and their needs, and for the types of the needs. - An experience is a triggering of different senses which results in rich interaction. But as well the engagement of the user, his/hers emotional experience, expectations and more create the experience. If you look to humanistic psychology, the ideal situation would be to interaction with the whole person: their emotional drives, social being, everything should be taken in consideration. - The hierarchy of needs and the pleasure framework have their similarities, but this depends on how you look at it. - The user almost used to be an object for observation, very passive research was being done. But by involving users in the process, you can create innovative products. Don’t just ask them, they will answer to “would like a faster horse” when it comes to transportation, but gain inspiration and directions from your usergroup, which you can continue your process with. 5


The concept: Efeeloo For working with the CoConstructing stories method, we chose a concept of one of our fellow students: the Efeeloo by Jacky Janes. The Efeeloo is a tangible communication device designed for people who are far away from each other. Both people have an Efeeloo. If one interacts with the product, by changing the shape of it, the shape is being copied by the other connected Efeeloo. In this way, people can send abstract ‘messages’ to each other and experience a comforting feeling as well. This concept shows similarities with the ‘knuffelkussen’, one of the examples in the assignment. First storyboards for CSS We chose to sketch a long distance relationship in the synthesizing storyboard since this could be related to friends, family or relationships. This storyboard is about Joep and Lily, and sketches how they contact each other during their normal lives. In the visionary board we added images of Joep and Lily using the Efeeloo in between the scenes. Our goal was to find out: - What specific situations they had to deal with - How people handle time difference in contacting each other - When people think of or want to contact each other, both the successes and the failures We first put the different frames on different pages in a presentation, with text underneath to explain the different scenes. After feedback from Derya Ozcelik Buskermolen we adjusted our boards, which is shown in week 3. The feedback included: - the stories need a bit more introduction - or print the images and explain, or have them on screen but with a voice over. - ask a lot of questions during the sessions. you want to know their daily life, their experiences, frustrations, emotional moments etc.


Part of the first synthesizing storyboard. For complete board, check appendix

Relate diary to pleasure framework Diary of a working day Morning: Wake up early, have a shower and prepare to leave, go to work on time. Start working This activities are mostly related with safety in the maslow’s pyramid. is possible to see two elements which are related with health (shower, and hygiene) and the second one is related with ensure ourselves we are getting our work done by being on time. Afternoon: lunch break with the colleagues/ friends and continue working. Socio-pleasure (Jordan) is clearly seen here when having a break, what we want to do is stop thinking about work and try to enjoy our meal together. this one is also related with Maslow “Love/Friendship” need. Evening: Prepare a fast dinner. In a functional level (Jordan) this action is related with a physiological need (Maslow) of feeding ourselves. Night: Go to bed early. A mix of a physiological and safety need, we go to bed to get some rest (physiological) but we go early to be sure of waking up on time to get to work (safety) Diary of a non-working day Morning: Wake up late, watch videos in Youtube physio-pleasures related with staying at bed until late, that gives us a rest sensation, and watching videos in youtube could be related with psychopleasures Afternoon: Walk in the city center, buy clothes and have a coffee with friends. This activities can be related with Physiopleasure,the pleasure of walking around; Ideopleasure, the pleasure of buying something to show others who we are (clothes); and sociopleasure, just enjoy a coffee with our friends. Evening: Go home to relax. Physio/Phsyco-pleasure, just do nothing and relax

In summary we can say that a Working day is more easily related with the Maslow’s pyramid, we do things because we need to, we can enjoy this activities or not, but the main intention is to get things done. A Leisure day is more about pleasure, and doing things because we feel like. People looks for pleasure in their leisure activities.


- We found a concept and we tried to create an explicit for our situation / storyboard. - When making the storyboards, small details matter a lot. For example, an horizontal storyboard is much easier to understand than a vertical one, which we created at first. - By creating a context, people are more likely to share their experiences. Because of the sensitizing and visionary story people can explain better how life is, and imagine how it would be with this product. - This method is helpful to check the value of your design in an early stage of the design process: it’s like a questionaire, but now your results are much more in depth and inspiring.

Night: In a party together with friends. Socio-pleasure, about our relationship with others.


text to explain the image bla bla bla


Adjust storyboards After the feedback we adjusted the storyboards. Instead of vertical, we made the 2 days horizontal, printed them & added more explanation text. By doing so, the story became more understandable. For the visionary board, we kept the lower part of the board empty, free for the user to write, sketch and explain their experiences. (complete boards can be found in appendix) Create a persona What is a persona? Persona is a fictional character who is created by the designer. To construct that character, you need to know your user and for this you need data. To gather those data, usually the designer conducts questionnaires, user tests, storyboards or something similar to these. Afterwards, the designer combines the data from different users and different questionnaires to create the persona.


Above, our final synthesizing storyboard.

How we worked? In the beginning we found a concept and then we discussed on a scenario where our concept could fit and we created a storyboard. We test the storyboards with nine people and we derived some result. We analyzed the results, we found the similarities and the differences and then we created the qualitative data analysis and then from the existing results a persona. Persona: Vamshikrishana

Vamshikrishna is a 25 years old man and comes from India. He grown up and studied in India. A year and a half ago was the first time in his life when he moved abroad. He came in the Netherlands to obtain his Master’s diploma in automotive engineer in TU/e Eindhoven. Rob is fascinated by the facilities of his faculty and the potentials of future work in the Netherlands. He spends many hours every day in the university by attending lectures and studying for his classes. In the weekends he gathers with some friends to cook and to go out for some beers. Other times he goes with some friends in small excursions in the Netherlands or in other countries which are close to where he lives. On the other hand sometimes Vamshikrishna is homesick and miss his family and friends. He still has many friends that live in India. Time difference and distance are new barriers in their relationship. Their way to communicate everyday is mobile phones, specifically WhatsApp, and few times per week via Voip and Skype.

Concept story - Efeeloo. Efeeloo is a concept which helps people to communicate with a different way. Finally the distance it doesn’t matter! Whenever you think of someone you can simply use Efeeloo to communicate with an abstract way and keep in touch with your beloved people. While you express your emotions with a tangible way, you give different forms to efeeloo. Efeeloo is a product made out of wood, felt and fabric. The fabric is on the top of the product and it is the surface in which people interact. The wood is in the middle and it creates a cover for the technological parts. Last is the felt which is the base of the product and it is made by this material to encourage you to use it.



We recorded the conversations and made notes as well. the pilot session was useful to do, we could practice explaining the story, asking the right questions and just went through the whole session. afterwards, we discussed and adjusted our visionary board: to make it more interactive and attractive, we would physically place the frames of the visionary board (with the efeeloo) on the synthesizing one.


- From the pilot session, we changed the way how we present the concept. Moreover we realized that doing the co-constructing stories with a group of people (3 people) it doesn’t give the desirable results. - Bringing back the stories users told in the syntesizing storyboard when doing the visionary board, made it more specific.

Our pilot user managed to synthesize and explain a specific situation, in which she was on holiday in thailand and her friend got ill.


As an experiment we did the first session with 3 participants. We hoped that they would start sharing their experiences, which would trigger new thoughts and stories. This ended up being a long session, with diverse stories. One person of the team would record and make notes, while the second teammember would interact with the participants and asked questions.



The thematic analysis Rachel did, on paper with post its


Several images of Angeliki’s sessions, and below a detail of the storyboard.


In week 4 we continued with the sessions, and managed to do another six. This time we did individual sessions with only one participant, and divided the work. After finishing, the 3 of us did an separate thematic analysis, since there are several ways of persuading them. Afterwards we were able to discuss our different approaches.


- Each one of us did three co-constructing sessions. We also realized that recording is a very good way to document the data, and analyze them whenever you need. - The next step we need to do is putting everything together by doing one big analysis with all the data, this will help us to get one overview to create the new concept story. - Some participants needed a little push in the back to start sketching, so we decided writing could be sufficient as well. 12



In week 4 we continued with the sessions, and managed to do another six. This time we did individual sessions with only one participant, and divided the work. After finishing, the 3 of us did an separate thematic analysis, since there are several ways of persuading them. Afterwards we were able to discuss our different approaches.


- Each one of us did three co-constructing sessions. We also realized that recording is a very good way to document the data, and analyze them whenever you need. - The next step we need to do is putting everything together by doing one big analysis with all the data, this will help us to get one overview to create the new concept story. - Some participants needed a little push in the back to start sketching, so we decided writing could be sufficient as well.

Several details of the storyboards. Some were full of sketches, others used arrows to show connections or more text to explain.



category we saw today) eg Sports, etc, ) communication

Subject 2

24 male

Subject 3

24 male

Subject 4 sway

21 male




India +4 1/2 hrs

India +4 1/2 hrs


everyday at specific time scedule for 30'. They use voip, skype in house


skype, voip




Quotes Codes

every day, every time of the day. with mobile phone, whatsapp mobile phone

In my house anytime of the day house




canada - hong kong and eindhoven hong kong 12 hours difference Quotes Codes Category

Subject 5 nitika

23 female

friends who study abroad / mother

Codes Category

communication, time, moment

eindhovensingapore and the whole world Quotes

28 male

eindhoven singapore

Quotes Codes



Subject 7 jacky?




Quotes Codes Category

Continue with thematic analysis Doing on big thematic analysis was a bit hard to do. we struggled with the terms codes, categories and themes. Eventually we came up with one analysis (fully shown in appendix) that showed the categories by organizing (the core of) quotes Subject 8 30 Female friends Peru, 8hrs Quotes from our data. Codes

Adjust concept story Category Future-concept, how our persona would use it. Belgium, no Lately they found a new way to communicate. It is Time called Efeeloo!24AllMale of them have Difference one product Subject 9 Friends Quotes in their houses. Vamsikrishna prefers to contact Codes with his friends in the morning when they Category wake up or at night before they fall asleep. They use the product almost every day to leave funny messages and to warm up their relationship. Conclusions There were no big changes in the concept after applying the method, some experiences lead to prove the concept was focused in the right direc16

" whatsapp during the day, and skype when we both have time" "some times we had no time to contact because of school work f.e" whatsapp, skype, timemanaging communication, timedifference "we whatsapp during the day, and tell just random things to each other [about friends]" when i'm abroad my phone is really important" "typing propper sentenses is sometimes too much, then skype is really valuable to have a proper conversation" "but you can't skype regulary, so then whatsapp is more convenient to leave a message for the other" whatsapp, skype, during the day, not regulary

WEEK #5 Subject 6 matin

sister / parents


additional value of the concept to make my mum happier, but it wouldnt add something more in our relationship please first someone else and not himself additional value of the concept humorous way to create a dynamic message between two people or among a group of people humor additional value of the concept

at home and work (if i like the person A LOT)

"I would use it in a business context. to commuicate quick "im used to it that people don't reply with others what size immediately, so i'm used to this effect of something has f.e." "i time difference" "my mom misses me would not carry it but she doesn't push me too sent a around with me, it message" looks like it is too big" slow messaging concrete things, home subject of time difference communication, place

time every night, before I go to bed specific time of the day time

whenever non specific part of the day time

"f.e to send a little flirty message"

"contact at the end of the day, but this is difficult because of the time difference." "no contact during the day itself, because you don't want to be distracted" "you or the other one had to stay up late" time difference, time of the day, communication, contact, timedifference

"im used to skypewhatsapp etc, because of my far-away friends, so i wouldn't use it for the 'thinking of you' part" "just being there, without needing to talk to each other'

"probably in the morning to indicate my mood' "in the nighttime if something interesting during the day happened'

"what'sapp during the day, throughout"

without needing to talk

morning, night

whatsapp, during the day



communication, moment

"i would have a separate one at work, so one at my bedroom, living room and 1 at work" "they all connect to each other, and i will have several ones" "they all connect to each other, and i will have several ones, what i change here changes at al 3 of them of my girlfriends"

"it has to do with the kind of shape that allows you to make, but it extends your limitations so yes it would add value to a certain point"

"It makes more sense to actually say interesting things when the other is miles and miles away. But at the same time I can understand it is about 'just being there' and thinking about each other. "

"With my mo deffinitely no woudn't both and would fe strange & ak

"randomly shapes i would create, kind of interesting when 2 people interact with it"

concrete things, thinking about each other random, 2 persons interact subject of conversation, 2 subject of conversation, feelings people

strange, akw

use of produ

Part of the final thematic analysis "its fun to do nothing together, but doing nothing alone is not" nothing company

I would use it at lunch maybe and mostly at home. And method before tion. The CoConstructing stories in this by phone and skype going to bed. case was a tool to ‘prove’ the focus of the conphone, skype home communication cept, but method as well showedplace some ideas of other At the morning I would possible applications, for example parentlike – him child to know I've been thinking about him. Later relationships. at lunch maybe just to make company to each other. And at night I would like to use it to let him know I'm closing my day Mostly whatsapp with him. - In the beginning we started with using think onlyabout anthe other person, make company, whatsappchart, but this was not notreally specific effective let them know excel since communication place


we couldn’t have a broad vision of the whole thematic analysis. Mostly Skype, we leave the Printing quotes general analyAt home, Iawouldn't conversation the open and then we and do our making like to carry it own stuff. sis of each question, and grouping them in sevSkype Home eral themes helped us to get the categories in an communication place shape, meaning easier way


"for baby's and parents it can be really valuable as well, the child can play with it and the parents can respond" baby-parent

"to tell f.e the size of something, "Yes, as a so concrete conversations" complement concrete complement

target group subject of conversation "different angle, not verbal it's not about talking but about communicating" Is interesting how you would be able to see another side of the other person which is not there when you're just talking I would like it to be abstract, "we arranged sunday-skype on skype or texting. It will also be good for the idea is to get feedback I would use it at lunch maybe meetings with my father, however those days in which nothing happens but from the other person in a not and mostly at home. And we not always succeeded because you want to show them you're thinking clear way so you can use it for before going to bed. of traveling" wathever you want. about them lunch, before bed different angle, non verbal communication abstract, multiple use Relate concepttime, story to pleasures time actions additional value of the concept When assigning use, shapes the information certain values




reWe decided to relate the concept story to the lated with Maslow and Jordan theories we found At the morning I would like At themore morning related I would like him him to know I've been framework of Jordan, since these pleaspleasure that our selected concept was with The more abstract the better. to know I've been thinking about thinking about him. Later at uresjustsuit the idea behind the conceptYes, the most. Jordan’s is to top ofjust Mait would be funny to see which shape In pleasures, that way you canthis enhance him.say, Later the at lunch maybe to lunch maybe to make would the other person make. I think is an creativity, which I think is make company to each other. company to each other. And For example: slow’s pyramid. important because it allows And at night I would like to use it at night I would like to use it we text during the day wishing each complement to the non verbal other a good day and we communication. It can be more The personal get to know the between other to let him I'm closing my to let him know I'm closing lackyou oftodifference theknow initial concept yes sometimes eat together. than emoticons for example. person better. day with him. my day with him. A physio-pleasure: Mainly tactile is pleasurable in and the final concept gave us the impression that Efeeloo, but other senses can be satisfied as well. we had Abstract a good concept andshare thismoments coReflecting stomorning, lunch, before bed durting the day, while eating non verbal communication also for verifying the time time, actions additional value of the concept ries method could be used way of use Any shape, since I want it for I would like to use it to share Social-pleasure: Efeeloo can enhance social ineffectiveness of the evaluated concept. showing things I want to build some specific shapes. Like for Not that much. I think it would be better as for example, I would like it to creating something together on teraction, between people who are previously rea creative tool than for communicating adapt to clear representations a professional level more than lated to each other, butduring nowthefar awaywith from each This is mostly evenings yes my friends of objects just to share with my friends. Multiple shape, concrete Specific Shapes, Represent other. Evenings no added value, he gives new idea shapes what's in their mind time

additional value of the concept

way of use

Psycho-pleasure: Our product encourage the emotional communication between the users and also with Efeeloo, the users could never feel that they are doing mistakes in the use of the product. It’s about the feeling of being there.



Maslow’s pyramid, Jordan’s pleasures and Sheldon’s psychological needs were great theories which helped me to understand the emotional relationship of the user with the products. Probably in the future I will use those theories as referring points when I need to categorize something. On the other hand I had expectations to learn more about creating the preferable experiences to people. Moreover, I wanted to learn and use more techniques, but I comprehend that the amount of time is limited and unfortunately we cannot work in multiple techniques; so we mainly worked with co-constructing stories and thematic analysis. My goal for the co-constructing stories was the users to provide me with feedback on the concept and to envision together with me the future usage of the object. They gave me in-depth feedback because I found my way to direct the conversation with the users and gain many valuable data. In comparison with my previous user tests, this time I was creating a framework first (a general idea of concept/place/situation without strict structure) and afterwards, while we were discussing I was asking questions. The thematic analysis confused me because the directions was not always clear (e.g. different name in the exercise sheet and on paper, no images on how the final analysis would look like etc). I would prefer to have more guidance on that. Moreover for this assignment I cre18

ated the storyboards, which helped me to find a more personal style in quick sketches. In the future I would like to have the opportunity to work/ study on more techniques and definitely I will use those that I learned.


“Because of my previous education I didn’t feel UFP was necessary for me to learn. However, I realized I have a general knowledge about it that could be improved by going in a specialized or certain way of evaluating user’s preferences. My intention with taking this assignment was to learn about interactive and how to give the user the experience I intend. This goal could be approach by co-reflecting with future users in an early stage of the design. The main theoretical contents of the assignment were related with Maslow’s needs pyramid and Jordan’s pleasures. Being a little bit familiar with the first one I realized that Jordan gave a more contemporary view of what users are looking for. But needs and pleasures are necessary when considering what my design is going to be about. Maslow is a good resource to get a general insight about the user, but Jordan go deeper into the top of Maslow’s pyramid and allows us to evaluate pleasure as part of a design experience. As part of the assignment we had to make several interviews in which I learned how to guide and

plan in advance the information I wanted to get from these ones. Taking notes and record was really useful since I could check them later on. This way of making interviews could be really useful to use in the future when wanting to get a certain kind of information without asking directly and therefore not force the answer. When was the moment of analyzing the information I had a hard time finding out how to organize it and make hierarchies, I think more guidance would have been nice. However, this lack of guidance gave me the freedom of make my own decisions about what was important when evaluating. I also realized that a clear plan about which kind of information you want to get helps a lot when organizing the results. This is to say, sometimes when giving more time to plan a user test or interview, saves time and therefore, the quality of the information obtained is better. This fits with my previous way of working related to research, I prefer to have a theoretical basis and then go into practical knowing the concepts related to what I’m doing. I liked this assignment and filled my expectations in a way I didn’t imagine. The main useful points I expect to apply in the future are related with how to plan an interview and organizing information. As well as analyzing people’s needs from a Maslow’s and Jordan’s points of view.


UFP Basics was a basic introduction into a user centered design approach. I chose this assignment to deepen my knowledge in this area, but in a way that suits my vision and from which I think is interesting. I believe everything in life is an experience, even if it is good or bad. The things in life which feel like an ‘experience’, something you totally get involved in, I find truly interesting and I am curious if I can design which evokes this.

In this assignment I first got introduced to a different use of ‘experience’ than I had in mind. More concerning designing for a great user experience, and involving the experiences of users in your design than ‘this greater feeling’ I was talking about. This gave me some food for thought, did or didn’t I mean this in my vision? I liked humanistic psychology. Study how people are influenced by their self-perceptions and personal meanings. My ideal situation would be interaction with the whole person, like they address within humanistic psychology. Take everything in consideration: their emotional drives, social being, etc. I understand both the similarities between Jordan’s need and appreciation pleasures and Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. It all depends on how you look at it. After doing this assignment, I believe users should be involved in the process. However, it is up to the designer to involve them in a right way, handling your participants as inspiration rather than objects of observation. The CoConstructing Stories method is a good way to test my ideas and first concepts in an early stage of the design process. I believe that if you use it an earlier stage than we did during this assignment, it will provide you with a lot of inspiration but as well arguments to take further steps. This assignment provided me with tools for the ideation both user testing phase of the design process. What I would like to do better next time, is being less afraid to speak up during class. I often am a bit afraid to talk when it comes to literature and specific terms, but will need to internalize by practicing and asking questions.



Storyboard 1 Visionary (same as synthesizing, but with the images below inbetween)

Storyboard 1 Synthesizing



The final storyboards we used for the sessions

STORYBOARD #1 .........&.........

You at:........ ....... at:........

Waking up


At work/school



Subject Description Age Subject 1 Argyris

Info Sex

25 male

Subject 2

24 male

Subject 3

24 male

Subject 4 sway

21 male

Kind of RelationshipDistance family




Questions (Questions you made)

Subject 5 nitika

23 female

Subject 6 matin

Subject 7 jacky?

Subject 8

Subject 9

28 male



30 Female

24 Male

sister / parents

India +4 1/2 hrs

India +4 1/2 hrs


Peru, 8hrs

Belgium, no Time Difference

when you would use the concept?


non specific part of the day


everyday at specific time scedule for 30'. They use voip, skype in house


skype, voip




Quotes Codes

every day, every time of the day. with mobile phone, whatsapp mobile phone

In my house anytime of the day house




" whatsapp during the day, and skype when we both have time" "some times we had no time to contact because of school work f.e" whatsapp, skype, timemanaging


communication, timedifference "we whatsapp during the day, and tell just random things to each other [about friends]" when i'm abroad my phone is really important" "typing propper sentenses is sometimes too much, then skype is really valuable to have a proper conversation" "but you can't skype regulary, so then whatsapp is more convenient to leave a message for the other" whatsapp, skype, during the day, not regulary


communication, time, moment

eindhovensingapore and the whole world Quotes

eindhoven singapore

where you would use why you would use the the concept? concept? to make my relationship more humorous. It would in the house enforce our relationship


canada - hong kong and eindhoven hong kong 12 hours difference Quotes Codes



How you contact each other? 'some days per week (not a fixed day) we talk about 30' in skype. we arrange that throught Facebook.

Quotes (quotes from Cyprus +2hrs the answer) Codes(Main info about the quotes eg: Tennis) skype & facebook Category (categories of the codes (the super category we saw today) eg Sports, etc, ) communication


friends who study abroad / mother

add more questions if you need


Quotes Codes Category

I would use it at lunch maybe and mostly at home. And before going to bed. home place

by phone and skype phone, skype communication method

additional value of the concept to make my mum happier, but it wouldnt add something more in our relationship please first someone else and not himself additional value of the concept humorous way to create a dynamic message between two people or among a group of people humor additional value of the concept

at home and work (if i like the person A LOT)

"I would use it in a business context. to commuicate quick "im used to it that people don't reply with others what size immediately, so i'm used to this effect of something has f.e." "i time difference" "my mom misses me would not carry it but she doesn't push me too sent a around with me, it message" looks like it is too big" slow messaging concrete things, home subject of time difference communication, place

Quotes Codes

fun and stronger bond


Mostly whatsapp

Codes Category

whatsapp communication

not specific place


Mostly Skype, we leave the conversation open and then we do our own stuff.

At home, I wouldn't like to carry it

Codes Category

Skype communication

Home place

when did you had contact with the other person?

every night, before I go to bed specific time of the day time

whenever non specific part of the day time

"contact at the end of the day, but this is difficult because of the time difference." "no contact during the day itself, because you don't want to be distracted" "you or the other one had to stay up late" time difference, time of the day, communication, contact, timedifference

"probably in the morning to indicate my mood' "in the nighttime if something interesting during the day happened'

"what'sapp during the day, throughout"

without needing to talk

morning, night

whatsapp, during the day



communication, moment

"its fun to do nothing together, but doing nothing alone is not" nothing

"It makes more sense to actually say interesting things when the other is miles and miles away. But at the same time I can understand it is about 'just being there' and thinking about each other. "

concrete things, thinking about each other random, 2 persons interact subject of conversation, 2 subject of conversation, feelings people

target group "different angle, not verbal it's not about talking but about communicating" Is interesting how you would be able to see another side of the other person which is not there when you're just talking "we arranged sunday-skype on skype or texting. It will also be good for I would use it at lunch maybe meetings with my father, however those days in which nothing happens but and mostly at home. And we not always succeeded because you want to show them you're thinking before going to bed. of traveling" about them lunch, before bed different angle, non verbal communication time time, actions additional value of the concept


I would like it to be abstract, the idea is to get feedback from the other person in a not clear way so you can use it for wathever you want. abstract, multiple use use, shapes

morning, lunch, before bed time

durting the day, while eating time, actions


use of product

subject of conversation

The more abstract the better. Yes, it would be funny to see which shape In that way you can enhance would the other person make. I think is an creativity, which I think is we text during the day wishing each complement to the non verbal important because it allows other a good day and we communication. It can be more personal you to get to know the other sometimes eat together. than emoticons for example. person better. non verbal communication additional value of the concept

strange, akward

"to tell f.e the size of something, "Yes, as a so concrete conversations" complement" concrete complement

At the morning I would like him to know I've been thinking about him. Later at lunch maybe just to make company to each other. And at night I would like to use it to let him know I'm closing my day with him.


"With my mom deffinitely not, it woudn't bother her and would feel strange & akward"

"randomly shapes i would create, kind of interesting when 2 people interact with it"

"for baby's and parents it can be really valuable as well, the child can play with it and the parents can respond" baby-parent

This is mostly during the evenings shape, meaning

"it has to do with the kind of shape that allows you to make, but it extends your limitations so yes it would add value to a certain point"

"i would have a separate one at work, so one at my bedroom, living room and 1 at work" "they all connect to each other, and i will have several ones" "they all connect to each other, and i will have several ones, what i change here changes at al 3 of them of my girlfriends"


"im used to skypewhatsapp etc, because of my far-away friends, so i wouldn't use it for the 'thinking of you' part" "just being there, without needing to talk to each other'

At the morning I would like him to know I've been thinking about him. Later at lunch maybe just to make company to each other. And at night I would like to use it to let him know I'm closing my day with him. think about the other person, make company, let them know

would you use the How would you use the product? eefeeloo?

whenever I see an interaction with it

"f.e to send a little flirty message"


Do you think this product would add some what kind of shapes would value to the way you communicate now you like to make?/How does with your friends/family abroad? the product look?

At the morning I would like him to know I've been thinking about him. Later at lunch maybe just to make company to each other. And at night I would like to use it to let him know I'm closing my day with him. yes


share moments way of use Any shape, since I want it for I would like to use it to share showing things I want to build some specific shapes. Like for Not that much. I think it would be better as for example, I would like it to creating something together on a creative tool than for communicating adapt to clear representations a professional level more than with my friends of objects just to share with my friends. Multiple shape, concrete Specific Shapes, Represent no added value, he gives new idea shapes what's in their mind additional value of the concept way of use


Final thematic analysis 24


Codes Questions


Subject 1

Subject 2

How you contact each other? skype & facebook where you would use the concept? house why you would use the concept? when you would use the concept? when did you had contact with the other person? Do you think this product would add some value to the way you communicate now with your friends/family abroad? what kind of shapes would you like to make?/How does the product look?

fun and stronger bond non specific part of the day

skype, voip[1]

Subject 3

Subject 4

Subject 5

mobile phone

whatsapp, skype, timemanaging

house please first someone else and not himself humor specific time of the non specific part of day the day

Subject 6

whatsapp, skype, during the day, not regulary slow messaging concrete things, home

Subject 8

Subject 9

phone, skype




not specific Home think about the other person, make company, let them know morning, lunch, before bed

without needing to talk nothing morning, night time difference, time of the day,

lunch, before bed

whatsapp, during the day

concrete things, thinking about each other


random, 2 persons interact

How would you use the product? would you use the eefeeloo?

Subject 7

concrete strange, akward

durting the day, while eating


different angle, non verbal communication

non verbal communication

no added value, he gives new idea

abstract, multiple use

Abstract share moments

Most of the people use internet as a way of communication

Multiple shape, concrete shapes Specific Shapes, Represent what's in their mind


Above: summary codes and categories , this is an attempt of organising the information. We ended up printing the previous page and analyzing and organizing the information by hand. As a result, the themes below. Main Category Category Code

Voice Phone Skype VoIP

Previous the concept Way of communication Text Visual Whatsapp Skype Facebook Facebook

Time of Communication Specific Non Specific End of Day During the Day While Eating Sunday

Place of Use Indoors Home, Work

With the concept Time of Use Reasons for use/Advantages Specific Time Non Specific Time Presence Enhance Interaction Add extra way of communication (Tangible) Night Whenever Being There Add Fun, Humour Communicate a specific Tangible Idea Before Bed Make Company Enforce Relationship Non Verbal Communication Lunch Time Show that you're thinking about someone Tangible communication Morning

Possible Shapes Concrete Abstract

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