5th year university project
Year: 2022
Project type: Botanic Garden
Location: Santiago de Cali, Colombia
Universidade de Salvador UNIFACS
My final year project has the objective to develop a botanic garden in Santiago de Cali, Colombia It is an area that intends to promote leisure, culture, education and preservation of nature. The hope of the project is to have a positive impact on the quality of life of the local community, educate and spread awareness of the importance of nature and green space to the population, and to recuperate and maintain the diverse local ecosystem.
The garden has several features to help maintain the local ecosystem. In addition to reconnecting the ripirian forest, a large area of the garden is dedicated to a more secluded forest with a diverse range of endemic vegetation An education centre is included at the heart of the park and a pavilion allows for events to be held
The p nk shaded area s set to be a park that s integrated w th the pavement for the general pub ic The car park is on the eft hand side of the draw ng, which s the facade that w receive the most sun ght during the day ensuring that the ma n areas where v sitors will spend the majority of their time are cooler and more shaded The serv ce bu dings are far from the ma n entrance to sh e d them from pu
The path design is mproved to create a fee ng of cohes on The car park forms a more f u d shape, in keeping with the style of the garden and ts d mens ons are ad usted to allow for a larger forest n the top eft of the p an This forest is ntended to have a natural endem c feel with trees native to the reg on The service buildings are moved to reduce their distance from the car park and a secondary car park allows entrance from both s des of the garden
The public park s deve oped further to nclude a ch dren’s play park shaded seating/re axat on areas, picnic areas and an amphitheatre The car parks now have add tional spaces and the endem c forest has an adventure park amongst the trees The mov
1 2
3 4 5
1 2. 3 4 5 6
Dry broad eaf forest Rainforest (Amazon) Páramo Rainforest (Choco) Andean C oud Forest
Colombia is one of the most biodiverse countries in the world, and the six biospheres allow for a variety of ecosystems from across the country to be represented in one botanical garden They also serve to educate the community about these ecosystems, and preserve them Another key intention of the biospheres is to pay homage to the range of cultures across Colombia that pertain in these various environments.
4th year university project
Year: 2021
Project type: 5 Star Resort
Location: Linha Verde, Salvador, Brazil
Universidade de Salvador UNIFACS
The beach villages that run up the coast just to the north of Salvador, Brazil, make a perfect stretch to design a 5 star resort The finished resort aims to draw elements from the rich culture, history and diversity of the city, and show these off whilst creating a luxury escape from the hectic city life, using the local flora and nature to help achieve a feeling of tranquillity
The realisation of the resort uses bamboo and other architectural materials/styles from the historical indigenous tribes that form a strong part of the region’s history and culture The use of the local flora creates a blur between the resort and the surrounding region, and encourages peace and equilibrium through proximity to nature. The embodiment of the buildings in the resort represent the regional scenery, with waves from the ocean and features from the surrounding environment included in many of the designs.
The convention centre is inspired by the local landscape and materials used in indigenous architecture The roof represents a wave pattern from the nearby ocean, and is made of bamboo, which is commonly found used by the historical Brazilian indigenous tribes as a building material
The pillars were a design challenge, structurally Constructed from bamboo with a reinforced concrete base, the pillars come in two styles in the design. In the auditorium they must be further apart, and therefore stronger, whereas the foyer pillars have a reduced concrete base and a more attention grabbing shape to help them act as decoration in the space
3rd year university project
Year: 2020
Project type: Library Park
Location: Ribeira, Salvador, Brazil Universidade de Salvador UNIFACS
The library park is designed to promote education, leisure and a strengthening of the local community along with its cultural spirit. It is intended to be part of the urban environment and meet its demands, function as a distinct ambient space and create an area that can serve the community in their everyday lives. Literature is not the only focus of this project, it also aims to create dance, cinema, music, architecture, painting and sculpting spaces
The library park is devised in a way that highlights the openings and transparent facades of the space, making use of glass and marquees to blur the lines between the indoors and the outside The paths are integrated with the open areas of the park to promote contact with nature during recreational activities Given that the library park is a government project, one of the key challenges and considerations was ensuring using affordable materials and building techniques, whilst designing for longevity and public use.
was proposed o mp ement arge p an a ound the a ea to enco ge the oca m croc mate
M xed Use t was enco aged o deve op m xed use paces/b d ngs as the create more v ng space o the nhab ants and d vers fy the econom of the area
P o y Streets for Ped ans G ve the sma d m ns on of the st e t w propo ed o edef ne them as pede r an p o st eets
B e Park ng t w proposed o mp ement p enty b cyc e p k ng a ound the a a n e pocket pa ks nea he sq a es and m n pa ks a d next to por ac t es and estab hmen and omme c n u ons
4th year unniversity project
Cyc e Paths t was propo ed o mp emen cy e a es on the oads w h a u tab e s u u e and c eate c e pa hs around areas of ma o pub c n uen e as we as crea ng cy e p hs to por fac t e and e ab shment and commerc a ns u ons
Pede r an ed St eets G ven the r ma d mens ons ome ee s were m de p destr an on y ass st ng n he c cu a on of foo a f c
Year: 2020
Project type: Urban Planning Location: Linha Verde, Salvador, Brazil Universidade de Salvador UNIFACS
The project proposed for the Itapagipe Peninsula intends to elevate the quality of life for the resident population and frequenters of the region, as well as increase the relevancy of the area, promoting its rich culture, history and importance within the city of Salvador
The realisation of these proposals is based on the following objectives: improving the living conditions, enhancing and creating public space destined for pedestrians and cyclists, improving the public transport, and diversifying and energising the usage, all whilst considering the existing spatial organisation The adoption of sustainable urban concepts serve as the fundamental basis for the redefinition of this area, with the possibility created for subsequent incorporation into the full dynamics of the city.
Pedestrian Pr or ty Street
Pedestrian On y Street
Flow Improvement
L brary Park
To prioritise pedestrian flow and accesibility, several strategies are utilised These are: the creation of shared spaces where cars and pedestrians coexist; pedestrian crossings with speed bumps, especially in areas of high flow, such as the area around schools, parks and squares; the removal of parking availability along the street and changes of lane width of the roads to allow for expansion of public space
Shared Space Interna Block Circulation No Change
For squares and demarcated open areas, the intention is to promote spaces that contribute to a comfortable ambiance and sustainability in the urban environment, favouring the encouragement of a cooling breeze and creating masses of vegetation
In the empty spaces, in conjunction with the suggestion outlined above, pocket parks are proposed, which will function as small spaces for leisure and social interaction, reducing the building density in the area and making the city more pleasant and favourable for active transport (pedestrians and cyclists)
0 Plot
Considering the problems of micro and macro drainage present in the area, it is proposed the implementation of rain gardens which have the function of retaining part of the rainwater (approximately 50%) through passive infiltration into the soil
Le sure Areas
Ex sting Free Space
Proposed Pocket Park
Ra n Graden
Year: 2020
Project type: Comercial Project
Location: Tancredo Neves, Salvador, Brazil
Employer: Innova Soluções Corporativas
The Innova Corporate Solutions space was originally a small shop, selling ergonomic office furniture and acoustic products I was employed to aid in the development of a project to design a new space that became a coworking office with an integrated showroom The coworking office now is implemented as the primary use, with the space being split into several zones to reflect different office environments, each zone with its own feel and furniture. The zones act as a functional office, whilst also showing a variety of different products As the secondary use of the space, all products that are demonstrated on site are available to be purchased, doubling the office to also be a showroom
The new space sits in a corporate building, where five separate offices on the same floor were purchased to be converted into the new coworking and showroom The basis of the solution sees the walls separating the offices removed, opening up the space and allowing it to be developed in a way which provides different environments and show off a range of products in an open plan arrangement.
Many corporate spaces can be ‘siloed’ in their design We wanted to design a human centred office environment that was open and promoted creativity and collaboration We created two spaces intended for work use, and others for relaxation. The INNOVA staff required a private office to conduct their day to day work In order to not disrupt the flow of the whole environment, the area was partitioned off with acoustic glass, to keep in with the open feel.
Owing to the open plan design of the hub, the acoustics needed to be properly considered and noise levels minimised We conducted an analysis of the space and the way that it was intended to be used and produced an acoustic solution that consisted of the implementation of acoustic clouds, acoustic cabins and decoupled drywall insulated with mineral wool