J U LY 2 0 1 4
Vol. 35 • No. 7 • $4.00
WOODWARD CORRIDOR REVITALIZATION Restarting the Engine: Part of Highland Park Complex Slated for Renovation On Track: M-1 RAIL Construction 2014
MECHANICAL Using PP-R Pipe for A/C Retrofit Meeting the Energy Challenge: Retro-Commissioning MSU’s Anthony Hall
ELECTRICAL Getting the Big Picture at COMTEC
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FEATURES 14 SUSTAIN | ABILITY A "No Regrets" Energy Policy Stresses Energy Efficiency for Michigan
16 U.S. Department of Labor Builds Enforcement in the Construction Industry
26 Getting the Big Picture at COMTEC
WOODWARD AVENUE REVITALIZATION 30 Woodward Avenue: The Re-Invention of an All-American Road
36 Restarting the Motor City’s Engine:
Part of Ford Highland Park Complex Slated for Renovation
40 Keeping Southeast Michigan On Track: M-1 RAIL Construction Slated for Summer 2014
18 Established Contractor Uses PP-R Pipe for A/C Retrofit on 83-Year-Old School Campus John E. Green Company Installs 21st Century Piping in Direct-Bury Heat Pump Application at the University of Detroit Jesuit High School
42 A Picture of Good Health: The Dexter Wellness Center Opens on Baker Road
22 Meeting the Energy Challenge: Retro-Commissioning Michigan State University’s ‘Showcase Project’ - Anthony Hall
8 10 12 46 52 54 54 54
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About the Cover: John E. GrEEn Company Installs 21st CEntury pIpInG In DIrECt-Bury hEat pump applICatIon at thE unIvErsIty of DEtroIt JEsuIt hIGh sChool.
“Voice Of The Construction Industry”®
35305 Glendale St. Livonia, MI 48150 | PH: 734.793.9000 | FAX: AX: 734.793.9007
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Kevin N. Koehler Amanda M. Tackett
Mary E. Kremposky
Matthew J. Austermann Marci L. Christian Gregg A. Montowski Cathy A. Jones
Eric C. Steck Amalio Corporation
Vice Chairman
Todd W. Hill Ventcon, Inc.
Vice Chairman
Mary K. Marble Marble Mechanical, LLC
Larry S. Brinker, Jr.
Kevin N. Koehler
The Brinker Group
Stephen J. Hohenshil Glasco Corporation
Brad Leidal Leidal & Hart Mason Contractors, Inc.
Giuseppe (Joe) S. Palazzolo Detroit Spectrum Painters, Inc.
John Raimondo Roncelli, Inc.
John W. Rieckhoff C.L. Rieckhoff Company, Inc.
Kevin F. Ryan Powerlink Facility Management Services
Preston Wallace Limbach Company, LLC
Donielle Wunderlich George W. Auch Company
William L. Borch, Jr. Ironworkers Local Union 25
Gary Boyajian Consultant
Stevan Bratic Bratic Enterprises, LLC
Marty Burnstein Law Office of Marty Burnstein
George Dobrowitsky Walbridge
Daniel Englehart Peter Basso and Associates, Inc.
Chris Hippler Capital Letters
Dennis King DMKINGconsultingLLC
Nancy Marshall Aluminum Supply Company
Rick Rys Hi Def Color
Sanford (Sandy) Sulkes International Building Products, Inc.
James Vargo Capac Construction Company, Inc. CAM Magazine (ISSN08837880) is published monthly by the Construction Association of Michigan, 43636 Woodward Ave., P.O. Box 3204, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302-3204 (248) 972-1000. $24.00 of annual membership dues is allocated to a subscription to CAM Magazine. Additional subscriptions $40.00 annually. Periodical postage paid at Bloomfield Hills, MI and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER, SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO: CAM MAGAZINE, 43636 WOODWARD AVE., BLOOMFIELD HILLS, MI 48302-3204. For editorial comment or more information: magazine@cam-online.com For reprints or to sell CAM Magazine: 248-972-1000 Copyright © 2013 Construction Association of Michigan. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part without permission is prohibited. CAM Magazine is a registered trademark of the Construction Association of Michigan.
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INDUSTRY NEWS Guardian Environmental Services, Inc. – Celebrating 30 Years Guardian Environmental services, Inc. (GEs) of livonia, a heating and cooling (hvaC) mechanical contractor, is celebrating its 30th anniversary in 2014. GEs co-owners, John C. philbin a former hvaC tech and anthony D’ascenzo, a former plumber, saw the market for commercial hvaC mechanical services to complement a growing plumbing services segment. GEs began as a sister company to Guardian plumbing and heating, Inc., which started in the early ‘60s and is still going strong today. GEs specializes in commercial hvaC, offering maintenance contracts and project management according to tom Barker, GEs vice president/sales, the company’s focus and consistency is the same today as it was 30 years ago. “our biggest accomplishment is the fact that we have been successful for 30 years with the same leadership,” he said. “We have been successful during the ups and downs of our local
economy.” GEs focuses on several “critical” environmental needs of its commercial customers, including those who operate healthcare operations and data centers. one of their Detroit-area customers who depend on GEs to maintain its critical data center as well as mechanical systems throughout its facility is raymond James, a diversified financial services company located in southfield. lisa Kerr, manager of office services for raymond James, said that GEs is the only mechanical company she has known since she began with her company 19 years ago. that’s saying a lot about the value of this longterm business relationship. “our corporate office has very high standards and GEs has always met them,” Kerr said. the GEs workforce is comprise of members of operating Engineers local 324, a group that is dedicated to finding good opportunities for its members which includes working at GEs. “We have an apprenticeship program and currently have apprentices working for us,” said Barker. “We think the best techs are the ones we train ourselves.”
Consumers Energy Teams Up with Food Banks to Distribute 85,000 Energy-Efficient Light Bulbs to Michigan Families Consumers Energy is helping families across michigan to save energy and money this year by donating 85,000 energy-efficient light bulbs through food banks. “Energy efficiency has provided more than $575 million in savings to the homes and businesses we serve. By doing this, we continue to make good on our promise to help michigan save energy in a practical, everyday way,” said Garrick rochow, Consumers Energy’s vice president of customer operations and quality. feeding america West michigan food Bank is giving out about 40,000 EnErGy star®qualified compact fluorescent light bulbs (Cfls) through its network of food pantries. another 2,500 will be distributed through the food Bank of south Central michigan in Battle Creek. families receive a package of two Cfls, along
“Voice Of The Construction Industry”®
with information on the bulb’s benefits and other energy-saving tips. “this is the third year Consumers Energy has distributed Cfls through our network,” said feeding america West michigan CEo Ken Estelle. “By helping our clients save money on their energy bills, Consumers is giving them a better shot at affording the food they need to lead healthy lives.” “We believe this donation will make it a little bit easier for our neighbors to make ends meet,” Estelle said. Cfls can last up to 10,000 hours, or nine years. they produce 75 percent less heat than traditional bulbs, making them safer to operate and more energy efficient – saving about $30 in electricity costs over each bulb’s lifetime. the Cfls are distributed by Earthtronics (www.earthtronics.com), which is based in muskegon. Consumers Energy has increased its commitment to Earthtronics and other West michigan businesses by $125 million and is increasing its spending on all michigan goods and services by $1 billion from 2011 to 2016, all through its participation in the pure michigan Business Connect program. for more information, visit www.ConsumersEnergy.com.
on their list of accolades. Collectively, seven partners bring over 250 years of experience to the firm: richard Bracci; richard DeBeliso; Kirk Delzer; David DiCiuccio; Charles lewis, michael nowicki, and paul stachowiak. IDs has almost 100 team members with expertise in master planning, programming, architectural planning and design, space planning, interior design, facility condition analysis, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, lighting design, technology design,
commissioning, energy modeling, sustainable design and lEED consulting. their portfolio includes projects in higher Education, student housing, K-12 Education, sports & recreation, healthcare, research facilities, technology, Data Centers, Industrial & automotive, Civic & Cultural, Workplace and Worship spaces. the new online presence for IDs is just the beginning of a digital connection with their community. visit www.ids-troy.com.
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the team of architects, engineers and designers at Integrated Design solutions (IDs), troy, are pleased to announce their new online site, www.idstroy.com, with a mission to connect and share their pride and passion about their business, their projects and the people who have enabled their success for the past 15 years. With an obsession for efficient and effective design, the seven partners of IDs have led by example to strengthen their respected firm’s reputation. now in the 15th year of sustained growth and remarkable work, their focus continues to be on the successful integration of both architecture and engineering into creative and cost-effective client-centered solutions. the new website profiles interesting stories with behind-the-scenes details of many of their projects, featuring their keen understanding of university research Centers and K-12 Education, the nuances of the ever-changing healthcare Industry, and their leadership role in developing a new paradigm in university residential life and student Engagement spaces. Working with national design partners is a known specialty for IDs and it’s showcased in their work designing new art museums and Collegiate sports Centers. the rapidly-growing Data Center market is also Visit us online at www.cammagazineonline.com
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INDUSTRY NEWS McGregor Pool Honored at 2014 Governor's Awards for Historic Preservation QEA’s Rehabilitation of Minoru Yamasaki's Modern Masterpiece at Wayne State University Returns Qualities of “Serenity, Surprise and Delight.” scott Woosley, executive director of the michigan state housing Development authority (mshDa), and state historic preservation officer Brian Conway presented 12 recipients with 2014 Governor's awards for historic preservation at the state capitol on thursday, may 7th. the mcGregor pond & sculpture Garden project by Quinn Evans architects and mcCarthy & smith, Inc. restored the modern masterpiece by minoru yamasaki located at Wayne state university in Detroit. Drawing inspiration from the original design and drawings, the team restored the pool’s character while employing new strategies and technology for improving its functionality. the pool and sculpture garden once again epitomize yamasaki’s design philosophy of “serenity, surprise, and delight.” QEa's project team included Elisabeth Knibbe, faIa, lEED ap; richard hess; lauren parker; and ruth mills, ma, ms. Beckett & raeder was the landscape architect and mcCarthy & smith, Inc. served as contractor for the project.
"historic preservation is vital to michigan," Woosley said. "It is vital to the quality of life of our citizens; to the vitality and economic strength and stability of our communities; to maintaining the unique characteristics of our cities, towns and rural areas; and to the sense of who we are as michiganders. historic preservation keeps us authentic." "the Governor's awards help educate the public about the impact of historic preservation and the transformative effect it has on communities," Conway said. "historic preservation teaches us about the past, brings tourists to town and helps put older vacant buildings back on the tax rolls." In michigan between 2003 and 2013, historic rehabilitations using the federal historic preservation tax credits resulted in more than $1.7 billion in investment. In 2013, completed historic rehabilitation projects in michigan alone totaled $146 million in investment. the state historic preservation office, part of mshDa, initiated the award program in 2003 to recognize outstanding historic preservation achievements reflecting a commitment to the preservation of michigan's unique character and the many cultural resources that document michigan's past.
Lessons Learned from the Big Boys
BY ChriS hippLer preSiDeNt, CapitaL LetterS
efore I started Capital letters, I worked at some of the biggest ad agencies in the world for 18 years. the Big Boys. they’re big in every way. they have resources to do deep, penetrating research; global networks to build brands recognized worldwide; and, most importantly, rich veins of really smart people who develop strategic marketing programs that launch and sustain those brands. In the Detroit market, the Big Boys orbit around automotive oEms and their suppliers. I worked on the ford, Chrysler and Dodge accounts, in roles that included senior writer, producer, and regional creative director. What did I learn from the Big Boys that I apply to my Capital letters clients? plenty. here are two key lessons:
1. Build Your Brand Big agencies spend billions of dollars every year defining, building and defending their clients’ brands. think Coca Cola, toyota and ford. these companies know their brand is their single most valuable asset. the toyota brand was recently named the world’s most valuable brand. Its value? $29 billion. your brand is the foundation of your marketing. seth Godan, author and marketing expert, 10 CAM MAGAZINE JULY 2014
defines brand this way: “a brand is the set of expectations, memories, stories and relationships that, taken together, account for a consumer’s decision to choose one product or service over another. If the consumer (whether it’s a business, a buyer, a voter or a donor) doesn’t pay a premium, make a selection or spread the word, then no brand value exists for that consumer.” Without a brand, your business is a commodity. you will be in a bidding war with your competition with no discernible competitive edge. Whether you are a sole proprietor, a mid-sized business or a large distributor, your brand is more than the sum of your parts. Build your brand. It takes time, but it will pay dividends in the end. 2. Sell Benefits, Not Features What benefits do your services or products deliver to your clients? It’s not your product or service; it is the problem your product or service solves. If you’re of a certain age, you will remember when minivans only had three doors. I was on the team that helped launch a new model of the Chrysler town & Country, and its most obvious new feature was a fourth door; a sliding door behind the driver’s seat.
the fourth door was the feature but what was the benefit? there were many, but two were huge: parents could more easily get their kids in and out of car seats, and older people could more easily get in and out of the vehicle. Guess what was featured prominently in all the advertising and marketing materials? the launch was a huge success. Identify your clients’ pain points, then position your products or services as the solution to their pain. Big Lessons, Smaller Doses marketing is the lifeblood of any business, big or small. I learned a lot of lessons from my agency years. I make sure my team delivers those lessons to my clients every day, in smaller doses. “Marketing on the Level” is written specifically for CAM members and the commercial and industrial construction industry. We are specialists in developing and maintaining websites, and online marketing. Ideas for a column, or questions about marketing are always welcome! Contact Chris @ chris@capitallettersmarketing.com or 734-3539918, or visit www.capitallettersmarketing.com.
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The 2013 Safety Achievement Awards BY traCeY aLFoNSi, DireCtor oF eDuCatioN & SaFetY ServiCeS
Winners, over 500,000 hours
n may 30, 2014 the Cam safety achievement awards were presented to 28 member companies. safety achievement awards are earned by achieving Days away/restricted/transfer rates (Dart) and recordable Injury and Illness rates (Ir) below 2012 construction industry standards, 2.0 and 3.7 respectively, while maintaining an Experience modification rating (Emr) below 1.0. all of our applicants were categorized by hours worked, then by their Incident rate, and finally, in the case of a tie, the Experience modification rate was considered. We awarded Gold, silver, Bronze and honorable mention certificates in each hours worked category. all of the entries received combined to equal 5,466,710 hours worked. more than half of the entrants reported ZEro injuries in 2012.
Winners 200,000 - 499,999 hours
Winners, 0-50,999 hours
Winners, 51,000 - 199,999 hours
In addition to the awards ceremony and full breakfast, attendees enjoyed a presentation by ronald Weglarz, attorney with lacey & Jones, llp. Weglarz discussed workers’ compensation law and recommended strategies for properly documenting an incident and how to speed return to work for an injured employee. We’d like to congratulate all of the award winners. Entries for the 2014 safety achievement awards will be accepted beginning January 1, 2015. this is a good way to gauge the effectiveness of your safety program and an opportunity to brag to your customers. In the meantime, I wish you all a safe and prosperous season. If I can be of any assistance, please feel free to contact me at (248) 972-1141 or by e-mail at alfonsi@cam-online.com.
“Voice Of The Construction Industry”®
Contractor Recruitment Contractors needed for residential renovation projects through the City of Lansing and ICLB Wednesday, August 13, 2014 11a.m. – 2p.m.
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ENERGY EFFICIENCY FOR MICHIGAN By Douglas Elbinger, Energy Systems Analyst, GreenLancer.com
hen Governor rick snyder laid out his vision for a “no regrets” energy future by 2025, he called for an emphasis on eliminating energy waste, and replacing coal with cleaner technologies – natural gas and renewable. “michigan needs an energy policy that ensures we can be adaptable, have energy that is reliable and affordable, and protect our environment,” snyder said. “We should set a reasonable, achievable, and efficient range of goals for 2025.” michigan’s 2008 energy laws require annual efficiency gains equal to one percent of total utility electric sales, and that 10 percent of our electricity come from renewable sources by 2015. Even though these goals are near the low end of states that have adopted similar standards, the results have been spectacular. Back in november 2012, Governor snyder delivered a special message on energy and the environment. he called for a one-year study (already completed) after voters rejected a ballot proposal that would have amended the constitution to
require michigan utilities to derive at least 25 percent of their annual electric retail sales from renewable sources by 2025. the michigan Energy office and michigan public service Commission held seven public forums and submitted four reports to the governor. one of the reports found that it's theoretically feasible for michigan to achieve
Michigan Governor rick Snyder. “Michigan needs an energy policy that ensures we can be adaptable, have energy that is reliable, and protect our environment.”
renewable energy standards as high as 30 percent by 2035, with a minimum of state involvement… dependent mostly on market forces. SNYDer LaiD out SeveraL keY GoaLS For the State’S eNerGY poLiCY: energy efficiency: for every $1 invested in efficiency programming, ratepayers see a $3.55 savings in total utility system costs. pursuing energy efficiency is actually less than a third of the cost of producing new electricity capacity. What’s more, the michigan public service Commission found that renewable energy is significantly less expensive than electricity from a new coal plant would be - approaching almost half the cost of coal. Creating Jobs: Energy programs are also creating jobs for michiganders that can’t be outsourced. from large companies, like midlandbased Dow, to small contractors and retailers, the state’s energy efficiency policies are employing michiganders across the state. more than 200 michigan companies are engaged in the wind and
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“Voice Of The Construction Industry”®
solar supply chains alone and michigan’s manufacturing base is returning, while universities across the state are pivoting to offer training in these burgeoning industries. Due to its cutting-edge technology, one company in Eaton rapids is manufacturing wind turbine hubs and exporting them across the globe. adaptability: as part of the foundation of adaptability, eliminate energy waste and reduce coal and replace it with newer, cleaner technologies – natural gas and renewable. reliability: michigan should become a leader in reliability in both reducing the average number of outages and their length. additionally, ensure that our state never experiences massive outages due to lack of supply. affordability: In the area of affordability, michigan residential customers should spend less on their combined energy bills (electric and natural gas) than the national average. In addition, michigan needs to ensure that energy-intensive industries can choose michigan for job and investment decisions to better compete. protection of the environment: michigan’s energy generation needs to be part of a healthier future, reducing mercury emissions, pollution that creates acid rain, and particles in the air for the health of michigan. the Governor’s recommendations come after his special message on Energy and the Environment in november last year and after the submission last month of four energy reports by mpsC Chairman John D. Quackenbush, and michigan Energy office Director steve Bakkal.
introduced legislation to remove the 10 percent cap in an effort to increase competition. he said the status quo is completely unacceptable, adding that his bill is meant to initiate debate on the issue. several environmental and pro-renewable energy groups praised snyder’s message. the governor said he wants to remain vigilant about the control of mercury emissions, acid rain and air pollution to better protect the state’s natural resources. michigan Environmental Council president Chris Kolb said snyder laid out a strong vision,
recognizing the importance of both energy efficiency and renewable energy. "We believe that concrete targets are key to keeping the momentum going, and we look forward to working with all parties to make that happen.” members of Clean Energy now, a coalition associated with liberal advocacy group progress michigan, criticized snyder for not proposing specific policy changes. “We expected Governor snyder to outline concrete goals for how he will move michigan’s energy policy forward.”
keepiNG MoNeY iN MiChiGaN finally, investing in energy efficiency and renewable energy allows michigan to have control over its energy future. Efficiency gains and renewable power are displacing expensive fuels that michigan imports from other states. almost 60 percent of michigan’s electricity comes from coal – every lump of it mined elsewhere – resulting in roughly $1.3 billion that permanently leaves michigan’s economy every year because it is spent to buy imported coal. hiGhLiGhtS oF the report reCoMMeNDeD on-shore wind energy would likely continue to be the main supplier of renewable energy, while fracking could help michigan tap into its natural gas resources. Environmental activists have fought against fracking, a controversial method of accessing underground natural gas, but snyder said michigan “is a role model for fracking done right.” snyder also called for more competitive energy rates for industrial customers, but expressed caution about eliminating the 10 percent cap on alternative energy suppliers. a regulated market, he said, offers utilities stability. “Choice creates a lot of challenges and problems, so I wouldn’t jump to say increasing choice is the answer,” he said. to counter this position, state rep. mike shirkey, r-Clarklake, Visit us online at www.cammagazineonline.com
U.S. Department of Labor Builds ENFORCEMENT in the Construction Industry Article Provided by the U.S. Department of Labor, Wage and Hour Division
mployers in every business look for avenues to improve their bottom lines. In the particularly competitive construction industry, the u.s. Department of labor (Dol) has seen an increase in violations of the fair labor standards act as some employers shortchange employees in an attempt to bolster their potentially narrow profit margins while remaining able to win bids. the Dol’s Wage and hour Division (WhD) is taking an aggressive and proactive stance against such violations nationwide. Increasingly, developers and prime contractors coordinate production, but contract out the physical work to smaller subcontractors who employ workers themselves, or who further subcontract the work on site. Because subcontractors must compete against numerous other small contractors in their localities to win bids, they face an intense pressure to lower the cost of their services, often at the expense of workers’ wages and employment conditions. WhD is employing new strategies to combat this ‘race to the bottom’ culture so that construction workers in this country will not see their wages and benefits undercut, and so that law-abiding employers will not face unfair competition from contractors who use a workforce so eager for work that it is willing to settle for substandard wages and work in unsafe conditions. WhD enforces federal minimum wage, overtime pay, recordkeeping, and child-labor requirements of the fair labor standards act (flsa). Covered, non-exempt workers are entitled to a minimum wage of not less than $7.25 per hour effective July 24, 2009. non-exempt workers must be paid overtime at a rate of not less than one-and-one-half times their regular rates of pay after 40 hours of work in a workweek. the flsa also prohibits hazardous work for minors under age 18, and restricts minors under age 16 to certain occupations and hours of employment. WhD is committed to combat the prevalence of pay practices in the construction industry that violate the flsa, such as paying straight time for overtime (often in cash, “off the books”); allowing employees to “bank” overtime hours which are later paid at straight time when they have a “short week”; failing to pay for work performed prior to or after regular working hours, such as loading and unloading materials and tools needed for the day; failing to pay travel time between jobsites or between a main office and a jobsite; failing to maintain complete and accurate records of each employee’s daily and weekly hours worked; and misclassifying employees as “independent contractors.” the misclassification of employees as independent contractors is an alarming trend, particularly in the construction industry. the practice is a serious threat both to workers entitled to good and safe jobs, as well as to employers who obey the law. misclassified workers are deprived of overtime and minimum wage protections, forced to pay taxes that their employers are legally obligated to pay, and are left with no recourse if they are injured or discriminated against in the workplace. By misclassifying these workers as independent contractors and not employees, these workers are further denied protections like unemployment insurance and family and medical leave, which are afforded to employees. honest employers have a difficult time competing against those who circumvent the law through such
misclassification and may not be paying the proper overtime compensation, fICa, unemployment insurance taxes, or workers’ compensation premiums. the department is committed to leveling the playing field for employers who play by the rules, as well as for the american taxpayers who are, in turn, severely cheated by such practices. the Department’s misclassification Initiative, launched under the auspices of vice president Biden’s middle Class task force, is making great strides in combating this pervasive issue and to restoring these rights to those denied them. In september 2011, secretary of labor hilda l. solis announced a major step forward with the signing of a memorandum of understanding (mou) between the Department and the Internal revenue service (Irs). under this agreement, the agencies will work together and share information to reduce the incidence of misclassification of employees, to help reduce the tax gap, and to improve compliance with federal labor laws. Wage and hour is also partnering with individual states, whose statutes are also being skirted by this practice, further resulting in millions of legally-due tax dollars remaining unpaid. last year WhD hired over 300 new investigators to help combat these practices. Each year, WhD regional and local offices plan and execute enforcement and outreach initiatives to target and to remedy such widespread labor violations. When violations are found, the agency vigorously pursues corrective action, using all enforcement tools available – including litigation, administrative subpoenas, civil money penalty assessment, and the assessment of liquidated damages – to ensure accountability and to deter future violations. Increasingly, WhD is seeking the assistance of upper-tier contractors to assist in ensuring that their subcontractors operate in compliance. WhD is currently conducting a nationwide enforcement initiative focusing on residential construction - another sector where WhD has observed high incidences of noncompliance affecting the wages and working conditions of many vulnerable workers. this ongoing initiative involves on-site investigations of work sites, including payroll record reviews, employee interviews, and the examination of potential joint-employment situations to determine the prevalence of flsa violations. Investigations usually include all levels of contractors and subcontractors on a jobsite. additionally, WhD engages key employer associations to help provide employers with compliance assistance information, and to secure cooperation in promoting industry-wide compliance and accountability. similarly, WhD conducts outreach to workers and community groups to demonstrate the agency’s commitment to addressing systemic wage and child labor violations and to encourage vulnerable workers to come forward with potential violations. In 2010, the agency launched the secretary of labor’s “We Can help” campaign, specifically to reach such vulnerable workers who may not otherwise be aware of their rights or file complaints if those rights have been violated. the Wage and hour Division remains committed to providing the tools necessary to assist construction companies in achieving and maintaining full compliance with the labor statutes administered by the agency. for more “Voice Of The Construction Industry”®
Build a Better Future information about the requirements of the flsa, call the Division’s toll-free helpline 1-8664us-WaGE (1-866-487-9243). Information is also available on the internet at http://www.dol.gov.whd.
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for more helpful information, please refer to the following links for flsa fact sheets on the Web: Fact Sheets from the Fair Labor Standards act (FLSa)
Bachelor’s Architectural Engineering (combined bachelor’s and master’s programs)
Fact Sheet #1: the Construction Industry under the fair labor standards act (flsa) – www.dol.gov/whd/regs/compliance/whdfs1.pdf
Civil Engineering Construction Engineering Technology and Management Mechanical Engineering
Fact Sheet #21: recordkeeping requirements under the fair labor standards act (flsa) – www.dol.gov/whd/regs/compliance/whdfs21.pdf
Construction Engineering Technology
Graduate Certificate Integrated Project Delivery
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Established Contractor Uses PP-R Pipe for A/C Retrofit on 83-Year-Old School Campus John E. Green Company Installs 21st Century Piping in Direct-Bury Heat Pump Application at the University of Detroit Jesuit High School By Barry Campbell, Aquatherm VP of Advertising & Media Relations Photos Courtesy of Aquatherm
ocated in inner-city Detroit, University of Detroit (U of D) Jesuit High School and Academy was founded in 1877. The school has prospered through good times and bad by focusing on its founder’s Jesuit values and preparing students to become community leaders. This commitment to academic excellence, faith and service has drawn students from the Greater Detroit area and resulted in a stellar reputation. According to the school website, each member of the 2013 graduating class was accepted to a college of their choice, which included 19 Jesuit universities and four Ivy League institutions. The majority of the current campus was built in 1930, and while staff considered leaving the urban site for a new building in the suburbs in the mid1990s, the decision was made to renovate the existing campus. The 50,000-square-foot residence building had originally served as the residence for the school’s priests, but now serves as counseling, meeting rooms and administration space. A boiler house located 120 feet from the residence building originally contained a coal-fired boiler that served radiators in the school. In recent decades, the boiler house was upgraded with more modern equipment, including water source heat pumps, while also being configured for future expansion.
Summer ruSh Job In summer 2013, the engineering staff committed to bringing a central air conditioning system to the main residence building. However, the timeframe to complete the job was tight, as construction couldn’t begin until mid-June and needed to be finished by mid-August. 18 CAM MAGAZINE JULY 2014
The school engineering staff called upon long-time mechanical services partner, John E. Green Company, Highland Park, for design-build support. Director of plant operations at U of D Jesuit, Bob Williams, worked closely with John E. Green’s Mark Bobrowski, senior mechanical engineer preconstruction services, to devise a plan that would work for the historic facility. Bobrowski, a U of D alumnus, has provided engineering support for his alma mater for over 15 years. Bobrowski has designed a huge variety of mechanical projects ranging from automotive process piping to hospitals and schools, and has spent the last 40 years working for John E. Green. The company was founded in 1909 and is consistently rated as one of the largest, most diversified, full-service, union mechanical and fire suppression contractors in the U.S. When it came to the design of this project, the solution was pretty straightforward. Three new Daikin 2-ton water source heat pumps were installed in the residence building and tied in with existing valves in the boiler house. This new arrangement would supply the main residence building with heat pump water and also provide extra capacity for up to 20 new heat pumps in the residence building that will be adjoined to a new Science Wing addition scheduled to be built in 2014-15. With the equipment decided upon, Bobrowski and Williams still faced one conundrum: the 4-inch supply and return lines running roughly 120 feet between the boiler house and the residence building needed to be buried in a new trench, and neither Williams nor Bobrowski were enthused about the traditional pipe options for this application. “My concern was, with the pipe being in the ground and exposed to the elements, what would the life cycle of the pipe be?” Williams recalled. “Were “Voice Of The Construction Industry”®
we going to have to insulate it, or put it in a concrete chase or whatever, and Aquatherm came to the table and seemed to be the answer because we didn’t have to insulate it.”
Seeking the right ApplicAtion Bobrowski had been introduced to Aquatherm by Cindy Zatto with V.E. Sales Company, Inc. Based in St. Clair Shores, V.E. Sales serves as the local Aquatherm manufacturer’s representative and has built a reputation for thorough and exceptional support in several construction-related markets, with a specialization in flow control. Aquatherm is a polypropylene-random (PP-R) pipe system that has been used to solve plumbing, HVAC, and industrial pipe problems throughout North America for the last six years. “Cindy had told me about Aquatherm and we were looking for the right application where we could use the product and check it out,” Bobrowski said. “On this job, it seemed like a great fit. You wouldn’t put normal plastic pipe in the ground for this application – and I don’t like putting pipe in the ground at all – but with this product I’m not worried about it.” One of the reasons Bobrowski and Williams were comfortable with direct-burying Aquatherm Blue Pipe® was the heat fusion connection method used to join pipe and fittings. The pipe and fitting are placed on a 400-500 °F iron and then connected. For typical 4-inch connections, the pipe and fitting are left on the iron for only one minute. This bonds the pipe and fitting at the molecular level without the use of chemicals or mechanical connections, and it eliminates systematic weaknesses and fail-points. The heatfused fittings maintain the same properties as the pipe itself, so physical stresses will not compromise their integrity. Several John E. Green installers participated in the standard Aquatherm training course conducted by Zatto, and the proper fusion welding equipment was rented. Once the trench was dug and the building penetrations completed, the crew began fusing 4-inch Aquatherm Blue Pipe. “We just basically threw it in the ground – I watched the guys do the installation and it was pretty slick,” said Williams. “The guys who were doing it were brand new to the system themselves, but once they got a few fusion connections done, it went pretty good and quick, and I think we took several hours out of the job, because the installation went so well,” he added.
SAvingS on multiple levelS The quick installation time was important since the 6-foot-wide and 5-foot-deep trench was layered with sand and exposed throughout the pipe-laying portion of the project. While the team had budgeted for the trench to be uncovered (and an excavator operator required onsite at his hourly rate) for eight or nine days, it only took six days. “If Visit us online at www.cammagazineonline.com
MECHANICAL we had put steel or welded pipe in, it would have taken a lot longer. It went fast… faster than we were expecting,” Bobrowski added. Using Aquatherm in lieu of steel also presented savings since the former didn’t require insulation. “Since it’s heat-pump water, it’s not too hot or too cold and the pipe has some insulating value so we didn’t need to insulate it in the ground,” Bobrowski explained. Despite this being the first experience with Aquatherm for both John E. Green and the school, the project came off without a hitch. “Initially it looked like it [Aquatherm] cost a bit more than steel pipe, but it fit the application and cost wasn’t the first priority, but it was close,” Bobrowski said.
and HVAC pipe systems. The fact that the products come with a 10-year multimillion-dollar warranty, and that PP-R is not targeted by scrap thieves, are other benefits that might factor into the decision. With one successful job in the books, John E. Green also plans to use Aquatherm on other jobs for which it’s a good fit. “I put this product in the ground and I’m not going to have to worry about it deteriorating or leaking. We even looked into whether we would be able to drive heavy equipment over it and that checked out okay too. I’m not a fan of putting pipe underground, but this was a good option,” concluded Bobrowski.
green to go with green Williams also liked the idea that PP-R is an environmentally friendly pipe option. “We always look to use green products, but at the same time that isn’t our main concern because when you ‘go green’ oftentimes it costs you a lot of ‘green’ and we can’t kill a project because of that. But we always look at ways of doing things green and obviously Aquatherm is a green product.” And since the new four-story Science Wing will be a showcase of state-of-the-art, environmentally friendly products, Aquatherm is being considered for the domestic water supply
u of D alumnus and John e. green company Senior mechanical engineer, preconstruction Services, mark bobrowski, is pictured in the campus powerhouse. this is the starting point of the project, where the heat pump water system was extended to the residence building using Aquatherm blue pipe®, which is behind the blind flanged connections his arm is resting on.
About the Author: Before graduating from Ohio University’s E.W. Scripps School of Journalism with honors, Barry Campbell had already launched a professional writing career as a reporter and working for the Associated Press. His career spans nearly three decades, including award-winning work in the newspaper, trade magazine (with a more decade in HVAC), and marketing/advertising/PR fields. As Aquatherm’s VP of advertising & media relations, Campbell provides a unique perspective on all media-related and marketing matters and works to educate North America about the benefits of polypropylene-random pipe.
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Specialists Spe Sp pec ecia eci ciial ali liis lis istts t in Hanging, Han Ha ang ngi gin ing in g, Mounting g, Mou Mo M oun unti tin ing in ng g a an nd Supporting nd Su S Sup up upp pp po p por orrti ort tin ing in g Needs Nee Ne N eed eds for eds for fo and M Mec Me e ech ch cha han ha a ani niic nic cal, cal ca al, l, Electrical, Ele El lec le ec ctri ctr trri ric ica ic cal ca al, l, HVAC l, HV VA VAC AC Mechanical, an a and nd Fire nd Fir Fi ire re Protection Prote Pro Pr tec ect cti tio ion on n Contractors Con Co C on ntr tra rac ctto tor ors rs s 3TRUT &ITTINGS s 0IPE (ANGERS "EAM #LAMPS 3UPPORTS s 4HREADED 2OD s &ASTENERS s 0OWERSš #ONCRETE !NCHORS s #ALCIUM 3ILICATE )NSULATION 3HIELDS s 0OLY )3/ )NSULATION 3HIELDS s 3NAPP ITZš 0IPE 3HIELDS s #USH ! 4HERMš )NSULATION #LAMP s +LO 3HUREš )NSULATION #LAMP s #USH ! #LAMPš #LAMPING 3YSTEMS s -IRO $URA "LOCK 2OOFTOP "LOX 0IPE 0IER 3UPPORTS s .OISE 6IBRATION AND 3EISMIC "RACING (ANGERS s ,AMONS 'ARLOCK &LEXITALLAC 'ASKET 0RODUCTS s (OLDRITEš 0LUMBING 3UPPORTS s 3IOUX #HIEFš 0LUMBING 0RODUCTS 3UPPORTS s +ORN #LAMPS s -ETACAULKš &LAMESAFE &IRESTOP 0RODUCTS s -INERALLACš %LECTRICAL &ASTENERS s #ADDYš 0RODUCTS s #ADWELDš %LECTRICAL 'ROUNDING 'ROUND 2ODS s $URO $YNE 7IRE 2OPE 3UPPLIES s !DHESIVES 3EALANTS 4APES s ,UBRICANTS s 3PRAY 0AINTS #OLD 'ALV s (AND 4OOLS s ,ADDERS s -ARKING 4OOLS s 'LOVES s 3AFETY 0RODUCTS
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RETRO-COMMISSIONING MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY’S ‘SHOWCASE PROJECT’ - ANTHONY HALL By Camille Sylvain Thompson, Marketing Communications Coordinator, Peter Basso Associates, Inc. Contributing Writer - Randy Wisniewski, Principal, Director of Contract Administration & Commissioning, Peter Basso Associates, Inc.
n an effort to challenge building owners and the construction and design industry to create more efficient buildings, President Barack Obama started the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Better Buildings Challenge (BBC) (energy.gov/betterbuildingschallenge) - a program that is part of the President’s greater Climate Action Plan (http://www.whitehouse.gov) that challenges leaders around the country to “modify and improve building systems and achieve energy reduction of more than 20% by the year 2020.” According to the U.S. DOE’s website, “More than 190 organizations have taken the Better Buildings Challenge, representing more than three billion square feet of building space across diverse public and private sectors, more than 600 manufacturing facilities, and close to $2 billion in energy efficiency financing.” Organizations committing to the Better Buildings Challenge agree to: • Conduct an energy efficiency assessment of their building portfolio and pledge an organization-wide energy savings goal. • Take action by showcasing an energy efficiency project and implementing a plan to achieve lasting energy savings. • Report results by sharing cost-effective approaches for saving energy and
performance data that demonstrates the success. One of those organizations committed to the BBC program is Michigan State University (MSU) - one of only 21 DOE BBC Education Partners nationwide. According to Namrata Kolachalam, Office of Public Affairs Department of Energy, “The Higher Education sector has many options for committing to sustainability and tracking improvement over time. The Better Buildings Challenge often aligns with other campus sustainability efforts such as building LEED certification or the American College and University President’s Climate commitment, where energy reduction contributes significantly to achievement. By setting a goal, these (Education) Partners track their energy performance, share their energy data, and showcase successful projects and models for implementing energy efficiency across their organizations.” According to its website, “In addition to pledging to meet the challenge, MSU is committed to decrease energy use across its campus, utilizing a strategy that profiles individual buildings and identifies upgrade opportunities.” Following its determination to pursue the challenge in 2012, MSU created a Building Profile Ranking System and Energy Use Index (EUI) Data, which “Voice Of The Construction Industry”®
the following firms contributed to the Anthony hall project: myers plumbing and heating, inc., lansing; Summit contractors (electrical), haslett; Siemens industry, inc., (building automation system), plymouth township; and ingenuity ieQ (laboratory monitoring system), midland.
provided energy data for 40 campus buildings. After careful examination, MSU made the decision to submit Anthony Hall as its “showcase project” for the BBC. Troy-based Peter Basso Associates’ (PBA) commissioning (Cx) group, led by Randy Wisniewski, has provided retro-commissioning (RxA) services since 2007 for more than 70 projects, and Cx services on over 300 projects, since 1993. PBA’s relationship with MSU is almost as extensive as its commissioning experience; including providing MEP engineering design services to the University for over 20 years, on over 125 (including 20 combined Cx/RxA) projects. Like its Cx partners at MSU, PBA was eager to take on the challenge of providing RxA services for
Anthony Hall and to be a part of the DOE’s BBC. Anthony Hall is used today as it was intended nearly 50 years ago - as a laboratory/classroom facility. Included within the building are the Department of Animal Science; Department of Food Science & Human Nutrition; Meats Laboratory – USDA Inspected; MSU Dairy Lab Processing and Dairy Store; and university classrooms with a total seating capacity of 891. The building provides space for research performed in keys areas of animal agriculture that are a priority to producers, sustainable agriculture and basic biology, and interface with areas of biomedical and environmental relevance. Constructed in 1955, MSU’s Anthony Hall, a 319,176-square-foot laboratory/classroom building, underwent an extensive renovation in 1997, receiving a $39 million facelift that included a complete mechanical and electrical infrastructure systems upgrade, interior demolition and the installation of research and diagnostic labs. As a reflection of its long-term commitment to energy conservation and sustainability, MSU joined the BBC and was tasked with making a decision on which project to submit as its “showcase project.” Out of 40 buildings, MSU selected Anthony Hall as its ideal pilot project to
meet the BBC. MSU’s objectives for meeting the BBC with Anthony Hall were to “enhance safety, reduce waste, increase occupant comfort, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve operations and improve energy-efficiency.” Since the renovation in 1997, users and occupants of Anthony Hall had been experiencing issues relating to thermal comfort within the facility that would logically suggest potential deficiencies in the relatively new HVAC systems. Topping the list of user/occupant complaints in Anthony Hall was a seasonal fluctuation in thermal comfort, lack of ventilation and space/building pressurization issues during both the heating and cooling seasons. Also concerning was the discovery during the RxA process that Anthony Hall was using 257,544 BTU/square-foot of energy annually - a 20 to 30 percent greater energy usage than comparable building-types. In order to successfully meet MSU’s objectives through the RxA process, PBA began with a thorough review of existing building documentation including mechanical as-built documents, as-built control drawings, and building utility data from the previous five years.
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Following review of documentation, a third party Test and Balance (TAB) survey was performed by Aerodynamics Inspecting Company of Dearborn, on 100 percent of the existing air handling equipment, hydronic equipment and their associated terminal devices. Aerodynamics prepared and provided test and balance reports to the team that summarized all of its findings. Following review of existing documentation and the TAB survey, PBA performed field condition assessments and extensive functional performance testing of Anthony Hall’s existing HVAC systems, including Air Handling Units (AHUs); air distribution terminal boxes and temperature controls; lab exhaust systems; miscellaneous building/lab exhaust systems; steam and steam condensate systems; heating hot water systems and chilled water systems. Through the mechanical systems RxA process and the TAB survey, PBA identified mechanical equipment and operational deficiencies that resulted in system control issues, thermal comfort issues and poor energy efficiencies, and placed them into four categories: Deficiencies corrected during RxA; Maintenance and repair deficiencies to be corrected through MSU’s maintenance budget (M&R); Energy conservation measures (ECM) which included new technology, new control strategies utilizing existing HVAC components and/or deficiencies requiring engineered repairs; and lastly, facility improvement measures (FIM) which included new technology, new control strategies and replacement of HVAC components. The pie chart below shows the energy savings for each of the four RxA categories.
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Many RxA and M&R repairs - including control setpoint adjustments; repairs to variable frequency drives; repairs to fire dampers and faulty dampers; calibrating fume hoods; thermostat control issues; airflow control devices; corrections to improperly wired return/exhaust fans, etc. - were made by MSU during the RxA process. As a laboratory/classroom facility with multiple lab spaces, the facility was designed to have space pressurization controls to maintain laboratory spaces slightly negative to adjoining non-laboratory spaces, while keeping the building
as a whole slightly pressurized with respect to the outdoors. During the air handling systems control evaluation, PBA discovered that the building pressurization controls were not functioning. Pressurization control issues had caused a need to override air handling equipment temperature controls and excess outside air to be brought into the building by the building’s air handling units. PBA recommended that the airflow monitoring in conjunction with air flow tracking controls be implemented to provide proper space and building pressurization, while reducing the outside air flow. Also affecting building pressurization, the headered laboratory exhaust systems control was unstable resulting in less than desired laboratory airflow control and increased energy usage. An exhaust re-entrainment/dispersion study was performed by Rowan Williams Davies and Irwin, Inc. (RWDI) that determined that the existing exhaust fan stack velocities could be safely reduced without re-ingesting exhaust into Anthony Hall or surrounding buildings. Based on the results of the study, PBA determined that variable speed drives (VSDs) could be added to the existing constant speed exhaust fans to vary the fan speeds in response to varying laboratory exhaust requirements. This stabilized control of the exhaust systems improved laboratory airflow control improved spatial and building pressurization and reduced energy consumption. In addition, the following is a sampling of ECMs and FIMs identified and recommendation for implementation to achieve the goals of the project: • Install/repair insulation on steam, chilled water and hot water piping systems • Install variable-speed drives (VSD) on cooling tower fans and lab exhaust • Install air-flow monitoring and repair economizer damper controls • Implement demand-ventilation control strategies in auditoriums, including measuring air quality • Install air-quality sensors in laboratories to reduce number of air changes per hour, while at the same time maintaining a safe lab environment • Install heat-recovery units in exhaust air stream • Repair or replace failing HVAC system components • Upgrade building Direct Digital Control (DDC) system • Replace pneumatically controlled VAV terminal units serving non-laboratory areas with direct digital control (DDC) terminal units; connect DDC terminal units to lighting system motion sensors to reset space temperature control set points and/or close terminal unit dampers during periods rooms are not occupied • Connect lighting system motion sensors in lecture halls to lecture hall-dedicated HVAC systems to reset temperature control set points “Voice Of The Construction Industry”®
and/or shut down HVAC systems implementation total $5,216,363 with a when lecture halls are not occupied projected payback period of 8.7 years. • Install motion sensors at fume hoods Implementing all of the proposed Energy to reduce exhaust airflow through Conservation Measures (ECMs) and fume hoods when fume hoods are correcting system deficiencies is expected not being used, while maintaining a to reduce Anthony Hall’s current energy safe lab environment consumption by 28 percent, which will bring • Through direct digital control system, the building’s energy usage in line with more schedule and turn off HVAC efficient buildings of its type, and will also equipment serving non-laboratory meet and exceed the DOE’s BBC of over 20 areas percent energy reduction by 2020. It has • Convert pressure dependent, also created new jobs for local contractors variable volume, 100 percent outside and MSU staff, another important goal of the air HVAC unit serving Meats Lab to DOE BBC and MSU. pressure independent variable The graph outlines the energy volume system with air flow tracking savings implemented based on the RxA • Conversion of multiple process services performed at Anthony Hall. condenser water cooling systems to “The assistance from our variable flow consultants with commissioning efforts on (ENERGY CONSUMPTION GRAPHICS, COURTESY OF PETER BASSO ASSOCIATES, INC.) • Conversion of multiple building campus has been very valuable,” according reheat systems to variable speed to Lynda J. Boomer, LEED AP, BSEE, PE, • Upgrade lighting and install lighting MSU Design Administrator. “Bringing in a controls (motion sensors) team of experts to review our systems and • Recommend de-commissioning fume hoods that are not in use operations provides a fresh look at items that have been functioning, but perhaps not operating at peak efficiency. Existing building commissioning Implementation of PBA’s recommendations for Anthony Hall began in May process has identified many potential energy conservation measures with a 2013, with completion expected during summer 2014. Costs for good return on investment.”
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GETTING THE BIG PICTURE AT COMTEC By Mary E. Kremposky, Associate Editor Photos Courtesy of COMTEC
nowledge is power. This well-known phrase certainly holds true in emergency management. Macomb County’s new Communications & Technology Center (COMTEC) keeps its eyes wide open in the form of a 20 x 50foot video wall equipped with up to 54 different screens. Almost an entire interior wall is blanketed in video screens that monitor major road intersections, weather information and national and local news. Given its knowledge of power, Metro Electric Engineering Technologies, Inc., Romeo, installed the electrical systems and power infrastructure that energizes this massive digital eye, as well as the remainder of the 25,000-square-foot building. The Dailey Company, Lake Orion, constructed and Partners in Architecture, PC, Mt. Clemens, designed this $13.5 million center created to better serve, defend and protect the citizens of Macomb County. The bank of 70-inch video screens is under the watchful eye of a combined force of four different county agencies: Sheriff’s Office Dispatch, the Macomb County Road Department’s Traffic
Operations Center, the Information Technology Data Center and the Emergency Management & Communications Department. “COMTEC combines the efforts of four county agencies, plus local police, fire and EMS dispatchers all under one roof,” said Director Vicki Wolber, Macomb County Emergency Management & Communications. This formidable combination of forces makes the facility one of the first and among the largest communications and technical operations centers of its kind in the country. “From an operational and response standpoint, it made sense to co-locate these departments,” said Wolber. “The four departments interact on a daily basis to provide routine services. In the event of large-scale emergencies and disasters, the agencies strongly depend upon and support one another in responding to the needs of the community.” COMTEC offers a winning combination: It boosts the level of public services and makes efficient use of scarce resources. “Our center is a model program for other communities to follow,” said Wolber. “Placing all of these operations in one location has maximized our scarce resources for
funding, equipment and personnel, has eliminated duplicate services, equipment and technology, and has allowed us to become a more efficient and effective provider of our services.”
A CoordinAted response
Metro Electric was part of the project’s winning combination of companies. “Metro Electric provided quality workmanship and personnel,” said Wolber. “In all of my interactions with them, their staff was knowledgeable, pleasant and easy to work with.” Metro Electric worked as the electrical subcontractor to The Dailey Company, while Motor City Electric Technologies, Inc., Detroit, provided data cabling under contract to the county. The design and consultant team also included Current Design, LLC, Rochester Hills, electrical consultant; MA Engineering, Birmingham, MEP engineer; and Metro Technology Services, Mount Clemens, technology designer. Wolber commends The Dailey Company for its expert coordination of the entire construction process, high praise indeed coming from an emergency management director charged with coordinating public security during the most insecure of times. “They worked well with our project team and kept our project managers informed of the project’s progress on a daily basis,” said Wolber. “They had a large amount of coordinating to perform between not only their “Voice Of The Construction Industry”®
own subcontractors, but also other contractors and vendors that were brought in by the county. They willingly worked with these contractors, and were able to seamlessly blend the various functions into their project timeline, always remaining conscious of the end goal of completing the project on time and of providing quality work.”
Zero power outAges Clearly, this dedicated project team has delivered a state-of-the-art facility. Whether tracking the course of a major snowstorm, a tornado or a public safety threat, COMTEC offers Macomb County residents a well-coordinated and comprehensive level of protection. A key part of Metro Electric’s mission was to protect COMTEC’s power supply by installing two emergency generators and two Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) systems. The two systems serve two different halves of an existing building complex. The Dailey Company carved out the COMTEC space from the interior of an existing building attached to and located behind the road commission offices fronting Groesbeck Highway. Metro Electric then installed a 421 kw generator in one building and a 300 kw in the other. “The generators are large enough to allow that building to operate at 100 percent capacity,” said President Joseph Brewer, Metro Electric Engineering Technologies. “The building will never experience a power outage. The command center will always stay up and running.” Metro Electric also installed a new UPS system and its companion battery bank. Designed to protect against power spikes, the battery bank continuously operates the UPS system. The bank is especially important in those fleeting seconds before the emergency generators takeover during a power outage. “If the power goes out, the generator starts within 12
seconds,” said Metro Electric’s Project Manager Bill Wilson. “The UPS system prevents any spikes, because it continuously operates and always maintains a constant level of power to the data systems. Once the generator turns on, it then powers the UPS system during an outage.” Thanks to Metro Electric, emergency power for emergency response is now a given. “The county was lacking a fully functional Data Center and Emergency Operations Center, including having no backup power,” said Wolber. The new COMTEC facility has come to the county’s rescue in other ways. “The Road Department’s Traffic Operations Center needed to be updated and expanded to handle the new 250 traffic cameras that will be installed throughout the county,” Wolber said. “The Sheriff’s Office Dispatch needed additional space, technology and equipment in order to expand their centralized dispatch services to other agencies and departments within the county.”
MAking ConneCtions The path to this transformation began early. “We created buy-in early in the project and obtained the commitment from all necessary parties,” said Wolber. “We secured funding well in advance of project initiation.” United by the same shared goals of service improvement and wise use of scarce resources, “we put aside political differences, jurisdictional control and department ‘silos’ for the betterment of our citizens and personnel,” she added. The county’s selection of The Dailey Company aided the project immeasurably. “From the onset of the project, the county team had a great deal of confidence in The Dailey Company, because the contractor demonstrated a great understanding of what the project entailed, and why
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ELECTRICAL we were doing it,” said Wolber. “Their staff is extremely knowledgeable and work,” said Wolber. “We had a lot of changes and additions to this area of competent, and they brought the project in on-time.” In fact, The Dailey the project, but they were innovative and cost conscious in meeting our Company guided this fast-track project to completion in just seven months requests. They participated in our project meetings, and kept our team upfrom start to substantial completion. to-date on their portion of the project.” The Dailey Company demolished the north wall of the future COMTEC building, ultimately expanding the building footprint outward an additional four serving the publiC to five feet to make room for the new video wall, said Peter Locke, COMTEC Macomb County unveiled the new COMTEC facility in December 2013. emergency management aide. The Dailey Company created a series of Wolber lists the new systems in this state-of-the-art, 24/7 facility: Enhanced walkways behind the video wall for ease of maintenance and service. “If a 9-1-1 phone system; a signal lab and traffic light monitoring system; new screen has to be replaced and we MCC7500 dispatch radio are in the middle of an incident, consoles; and a new computerwe don’t have to set up aided dispatch and records scaffolding for the repair,” added management system available in Locke. early 2015. In terms of stations The interior was gutted to and spaces, COMTEC has eight create an open, two-story tiered traffic monitoring positions; 14 floor plan. Essentially, the current dispatch workstations with dispatch stations are in an open the capacity for an additional 11; lower area directly adjacent to the and 24 emergency operation massive video wall; emergency center workstations, as well as management is located in a offices, a conference room and mezzanine-type area on the upper training center. level. “A large section of the “Our public safety capability will be existing second-floor slab and greatly improved through multiple structure was removed and new modes of interoperable the dispatch stations are in an open lower area directly adjacent to the structural steel installed to create communications by multiple massive video wall, while emergency management is located in a the new tiered second floor,” said agencies and jurisdictions, as well mezzanine-type area on the upper level. the dailey Company removed a Paul Danko, Dailey project as improved information sharing large section of the existing second-floor slab and structure and installed manager. and dissemination,” said Wolber. new structural steel to create the new tiered second floor. The Dailey Company worked “Our responders will be better directly adjacent to the road equipped and trained, our citizens commission’s occupied offices. “Keeping the existing facility and all county better informed. All of this will aid the public safety in our community and departments safely open and operating throughout construction was an provide a more resilient community during emergency and disaster essential component of the job,” said Danko. situations.” For Metro Electric, coordinating and connecting with the county was as Locke offers examples of COMTEC in action: The Traffic Operations important as the actual electrical connections. “We coordinated our work Center quickens the response of ambulances to emergency runs by with the county to meet their needs,” said Brewer. In the few instances of controlling traffic lights remotely, even to the point of creating four-way red power disruption, Metro Electric scheduled some work on the weekends and lights to stop traffic in all directions. The entire system is linked to a GPS worked closely with the county during weekday operations. “The county was map able to call up the location of every fire station, police station, hospital, wonderful to work with throughout the entire project,” added Wilson. In school, waterway and hazardous material site in Macomb County. addition, Metro Electric carefully phased the installation of LED site lighting According to Locke, the video wall can be reconfigured to display a variety to accommodate the road commission’s use of the parking lot. of screen configurations, ranging from the display of all 54 screens, all the way down to eight screens or even a single screen. The video wall is a twogetting wired way street, meaning COMTEC personnel can post their own damage Metro Electric also had to manage the complexities of installing multiple assessment reports and share other information on the big wall. Headphones systems in the existing building’s modest-sized spaces, ultimately making for permit selective listening to information relevant to each department or a highly concentrated and compressed electrical installation. “It was a very individual. detail-oriented project with multiple systems,” said Brewer, “but we have great The video wall and command center is ringed by offices on both levels. In electricians who pay attention to details.” Approximately four to 10 Metro the command center, moveable posts identify flexible workstations for the electricians worked on the COMTEC project. Red Cross, the county executive and even a public health team, said Locke Brewer lists some of the actual systems: “For the electrical systems, we during a tour of this impressive center. Acoustical wall panels and strategically have conventional power, battery-backed up power, and surge suppressionplaced white noise boxes in the ceiling plenum proper acoustical control – a type power. The lighting is a combination of LED and fluorescent.” Wilson vital feature in a facility based on accurate communication in emergency adds, “The facility also has an intricate dimming system that gives the county situations. control of lights at different levels in different parts of the building.” In a small room overlooking the command center, COMTEC even has a Adding to the technical complexity, Metro Electric also installed all the new special room reserved for licensed, volunteer HAM radio operators. “If wiring and power infrastructure for two new data centers, one servicing the something was to happen with the 800 megahertz system used by our radio video wall in the COMTEC building, and the other servicing a data center for systems, HAM radios can establish communications with other HAM the entire county that was installed in the lower level of the road commission’s operators anywhere in the world,” said Locke. “In fact, these radios are linked offices. Motor City Technologies managed all the data cabling for the new to HAM operators we have assigned and placed at every hospital in the data centers and the entire COMTEC facility. “Motor City Electric county.” Technologies did an outstanding job with our low voltage cabling and related Macomb County residents can rest easy with such a sophisticated 28 CAM MAGAZINE JULY 2014
“Voice Of The Construction Industry”®
protective eye watching every disturbing weather pattern, traffic incident, and calamity. Thanks to the expertise of Metro Electric Engineering Technologies, The Dailey Company and Motor City Electric Technologies, the COMTEC facility is up, running and ready to serve the county. “I would gladly and willingly work with all of these contractors and their personnel again,” said Wolber. “Our architects, the Dailey Company’s subcontractors and Motor City Electric Technologies made this a dream project. They all took great pride in their work, and it shows. We have a wonderful, state-of-the-art, public safetyrelated operations center due to their hard work, diligence and expertise.”
About Metro eleCtriC engineering teChnologies Joseph Brewer took over the reins of the company in 1997, re-inventing a firm originally founded by his father and named Metro Electric Heating. Newly christened as Metro Electric Engineering Technologies, the company entered the education market at full speed under Brewer’s leadership. Metro Electric ultimately became one of the larger contractors in the school arena. Today, the company has a long list of large high school projects to its credit, including Belleville and
Battle Creek High Schools, as well as Birmingham’s Seaholm High School. The firm has also performed complete remodeling of the electrical systems of Rochester High School and Rochester Adams. Currently, Metro Electric is working on the new Bloomfield Hills High School. “We didn’t miss much in the down economy,” said Brewer. “We have been going strong, and I definitely thing we are growing.”
Metro Electric even opened a new residential division in fall 2013. “We see the need for quality electricians in the residential service market,” said Brewer. “It’s not necessarily a stronger market, but just another opportunity. We’ve turned down so much residential work in years past that we asked ourselves, ‘Why aren’t we doing this?’” Clearly, the future looks bright for Metro Electric Engineering Technologies.
Electrical Trends: The Growing Rise of LED Lighting
President Joseph Brewer, Metro Electric Engineering Technologies, has been in the electrical contracting business for well over 20 years. He identifies two major trends shaping the electrical contracting industry: the steadily rising dominance of LED lighting in the marketplace and the parallel growth of computer-based technologies in the school marketplace. “It won’t be long before LEDs will be in every fixture,” said Brewer. “It is gaining and increasing twofold every year.” With growing usage comes lower cost. “The cost for LEDs is coming down dramatically,” he adds. Brewer outlines the current applications for LED lighting. “There are certain applications where LED makes more sense,” he continues, “such as site lighting and other areas where the lights are going to be on for a long time, and lights that are located in higher areas where maintenance is difficult.” As a strong electrical contractor in the education arena, Brewer has also witnessed the increasing growth of computer-based technology in schools and computer-based controls for the electrical systems themselves. “Although that trend has been going on for 10 years, there is no end in sight – it just keeps growing in size and complexity,” Brewer adds.
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Public light rail transporation was part of the landscape along the Woodward Corridor leading into downtown Detroit, in this circa 1942 photo.
Photo Courtesy of Wiki Commons
The Re-Invention of an All-American Road By Mary E. Kremposky, Associate Editor
ignificant portions of Woodward Avenue are on the brink of a major transformation, both in the buildings lining this storied route and in the transportation mode, itself. Designers are unrolling plans and contractors are plotting schedules for a host of new developments, some nearing completion and others in the design phase. A new chapter is unfolding in the long history of this major transportation artery that cuts a diagonal swath across the Detroit metropolitan area from downtown Detroit north to Pontiac.
The PasT: Time Traveling on WooDWarD avenue every August, millions of car buffs flock to Woodward Avenue to get their annual muscle car fix. But time-traveling back to the ’50s celebrates only one era of this grand historical avenue. Woodward Avenue began as a native American
footpath called the saginaw trail. the forces of history turned this tree-lined path, threading its way through marshes and other wetlands, into a “corduroy road” lined with wood planks for wagon travel. According to the Woodward Avenue Action Association (WA3), over the course of history, it was a toll road, a railroad right-of-way, and an interurban route, all before it entered the Automotive Age. the advent of automobiles began to shape the roadway. in 1909, the first mile of concrete roadway in the world was placed between six mile and seven mile roads, according to WA3. in 1916, the entire 27-mile stretch of Woodward Avenue was paved from Detroit to Pontiac, and in 1919 the first three-color traffic light appeared on the thoroughfare. the rest is not only history, it is our history as a community and a region. ford began building the model t in 1910 and full-scale mass
production began in 1914 at the ford highland Park Plant. As the Automotive era accelerated, about 43 percent of Detroit’s wealth was located along Woodward Avenue by 1927, according to WA3. Part of this prosperity gave rise to the fox theatre, the Detroit institute of Arts, and other grand structures.
The PresenT: neW DeveloPmenTs anD TransiT links on The m-1 rail today, redevelopment of these grand historic buildings along Woodward Avenue will benefit from construction of the m-1 rAiL, a 3.3 mile modern streetcar system that will run along Woodward Avenue between Larned street in downtown Detroit to West Grand Boulevard in the new Center area. one such building is the incomparable David Whitney Building, currently being renovated by Walbridge. slated to open fall 2014, the building
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is located on Woodward Avenue and the south end of Grand Circus Park. Whitney Partners, LLC, a venture of roxbury Group and trans inns management, is undertaking the redevelopment of this famed building. David Di rita, a founder and principal of the roxbury Group, comments on the synergy between the redeveloped Whitney, the m-1 rAiL and the People mover. “the m-1 rAiL will have a station in neighboring Grand Circus Park,” said Di rita. “While not physically connected to the David Whitney, the m-1 rAiL station will be directly across Park Avenue from the building, and a very short walk to the Grand Circus Park People mover station at the David Whitney. “in fact, the Grand Circus Park stations of both systems represent the one point where the two share a direct connection, which would enable passengers on one system to transfer to the other. We believe this connection, combined with the David Whitney’s spectacular public atrium, will enhance the overall success of the David Whitney, particularly at the retail level. the building has historically served as a gateway to downtown Detroit, and with its full restoration and strategic location at the crossroads of these two transit systems, we believe it will become the premiere gathering place for downtown Detroit’s growing entertainment district.” Construction of the m-1 rAiL itself is expected to start this summer. Alameda, California-based stacy and Witbeck is the contractor. Detroitheadquartered White Construction is a subcontractor charged with building the 20 stations serving the m-1 rAiL. “White Construction has had the opportunity to work on so many significant projects in the City of Detroit. the m-1 rAiL is another very significant project that is going to connect more dots and contribute to Detroit’s continued growth/development,” said W. Bernard White, P.e., President, White Construction. Clearly, transportation sparks development. together, these two forces generate a bustling sense of vitality and a creative hum that makes a city feel alive. “We anticipate that the m-1 rAiL line will attract more residential development, because millennials in particular really value transit options,” said midtown, inc. executive Director susan t. mosey. “We also feel that more businesses will consider the area once the rail is operational, since it will be more convenient to visit multiple locations both in midtown and downtown Detroit. mosey mentions several projects poised for construction in the midtown area. “A number of new projects have been announced recently in advance of rail construction,” said mosey. “one is a new flagship location for hopCat, a Grand rapids-based company that plans to develop a bar, restaurant and small rock club on Woodward.” in addition, Wayne state university will be working with a private development group to bring about 250 more units of housing targeted towards young professionals, as well as conference space and a 150-room hotel. the m-1 rAiL and its linkages to other transit modes will create a better living environment for residents and visitors, alike. “rail will create more convenience for area residents and businesses,” said mosey. “it will also allow folks to traverse the area, avoiding costly parking charges, especially to visit larger downtown events, stadiums and entertainment venues. “the m-1 rAiL will also link to the Amtrak station in the northern end of midtown and to the People mover system downtown, as well as to the rosa Parks transit Center, which is also in downtown Detroit,” said mosey. for the rest of Woodward Avenue, “a Bus rapid transit (Brt) system is planned for the Woodward Corridor, which will also eventually create a connection to the northern suburbs,” said mosey. in a Brt system, the vehicles travel in exclusive lanes, avoiding traffic. “Brt systems also have the ability to manipulate lights, and they have stations similar to light rail,” added Woodward Avenue Action Association executive Director Deborah schutt. “it doesn’t make short stops like local bus service. for most stops, you would have to have at least one mile between a stop.” the following project descriptions highlight some of the exciting new developments along the Woodward corridor.
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David Whitney Building
The DaviD WhiTney BuilDing Walbridge Kraemer Design Group the historic David Whitney Building in downtown Detroit opened to the public as a retail and professional services building in 1915. the 19-story building features a four-story rotunda entry that rises 70-plus feet from street level. Walbridge, Detroit, is serving as construction manager on the building’s renovation and restoration, which began in march 2013. the $92 million mixeduse project includes a 136-room Aloft hotel by starwood, 105 residential apartments, 11,000 square feet of meeting and ballroom space, and first-floor restaurants, bars and shops. it is located on Woodward Avenue, across the street from Grand Circus Park and close to both Comerica Park, home of the Detroit tigers, and ford field, home of the Detroit Lions. Walbridge has saved original marble floors, corridors and walls, elevator fronts, some windows and most of the doors in the renovation effort. rooms that make up the hotel and residences inside the building will be all new construction beyond the corridor walls, featuring new mechanical and electrical infrastructure. the atrium skylight that rises four floors above the ground floor is being restored. Designed by Graham, Burnham & Co. of Chicago, the grand building was completed in 1915. Closed in 1999, the building remained vacant until its acquisition by Whitney Partners. As the redevelopment team, Whitney Partners employed federal and state historic tax credits, as well as new market tax Credits, with Bank of America serving as senior lender and tax credit investor. the David Whitney is scheduled to re-open in the fall of 2014. kraemer Design Group, Detroit, is the architect of record on the David Whitney Building. the building, named for Detroit lumber baron David Whitney, Jr., was originally designed by famed architect Daniel Burnham. kraemer Design is now working as the architect, interior designer and historical consultant on the transformation of the iconic building into a modern-day Aloft hotel/residential facility that juxtaposes traditional early 20th Century architecture with high-tech modern design elements. the transformation of this building from a silent reminder of some of the hardships our city has faced into a vibrant gateway to the now bustling downtown is a huge win for the entire Detroit community and economy. —Information courtesy of Walbridge and Kraemer Design Group.
Wsu PhysiCian grouP meDiCal offiCe BuilDing Neumann/Smith Architecture T.H. Marsh Construction Co. neumann/smith, Detroit and southfield, designed a five-story medical office building and a four-story parking structure in Detroit’s thriving midtown district CAM MAGAZINE JULY 2014 31
Wsu Physician group medical office Building
Woodward/Willis Building
to replace outdated and undersized existing facilities. this catalyst will help continue the revitalization and rapid growth in the region, including the much anticipated m-1 rAiL project. the new medical building will house clinical and office space for the Wayne state university Physician Group. Ground-level retail space is also included in both the medical office building and parking structure. the building will be only two stories high near the parking structure to preserve openness in the naturally ventilated deck while providing daylight and open views from the upper office levels. the lowering of the building also creates an accessible roof terrace on level three that is adjacent to meeting rooms and staff break areas. Completion is slated for spring 2016. the design is an assembly of timeless materials including warm brick, limestone and precast concrete, as well as deeply recessed glass and aluminum windows in a handsome composition. these traditional materials and building forms are counterpointed with modern sloping glass features, aluminum sunscreens and glass stairs that will establish an iconic new image for the Wayne state university Physician Group. the development of this structure represents a more than $60 million investment in midtown, regional job creation and most importantly, an improved and more accessible environment for patient care. Phase one is projected to begin this summer and the building is slated to be complete by spring 2016. —Information courtesy WSU and Neumann/Smith Architecture.
downtown commercial building. Like a traditional commercial building, the first floor will have glass storefronts. unlike a traditional design, the retail will hide 35 parking spaces below and behind the building that will be accessed from a new green alley to the west. Like a traditional design, the façade will be clad in brick, but unlike a traditional design, it will have accent of smooth and textured metal siding. instead of a cornice, the building will have metal sun screens. instead of a corner turret, the building will have a projecting glass cube overlooking Woodward. it will also have projecting bay windows. the result is a contemporary design that will contribute interest to the varied character of Woodward Avenue in midtown. in may, the monahan Company began removal of underground debris left over from former buildings that once occupied the site. Debris removal and replacement with suitable soil for building is expected to dominate the first month of work on the site. “Concrete foundations will be started in June, and then the structural steel is due to arrive to start assembling the building in mid-July,” said Project Director John e. monahan, the monahan Company. the company is slated to build and/or renovate even more midtown buildings, including the 3401 Cass Building and the existing strathmore Building, just around the block from Woodward and Willis. “the strathmore is going to be developed into apartments,” said monahan. hamilton Anderson Associates, inc., Detroit, is the architect on the strathmore. the monahan Company has already built quite a few projects in the midtown area, including the recent completion of the final phase of the Woodward Garden theater Block, el moore Greens Development, 4130 Cass Building, sherbrooke manor, newberry hall Apartments, the Detroit Artist market, the uPA elementary school, and the historic first Congregation Church, and finally the Auburn as a prime contractor rather than the Cm/GC. the monahan Company has also worked on numerous projects in Brush Park, an area sometimes considered as part of midtown. these projects include Crystal Lofts, Garden Lofts, 291 edmund Place, 255 Winder and the John r. rowhouses. — Information courtesy Quinn Evans Architects and The Monahan Company.
WooDWarD/Willis BuilDing Quinn Evans Architects The Monahan Company more than 10 years ago, when midtown Detroit was still the university Cultural Center Association, the organization began the process of developing a new building at the northwest corner of Woodward and Willis, said Ann Arbor-based Quinn evans Principal elisabeth knibbe, fAiA, LeeD AP. After assembling the site, design began for first-floor retail and upperfloor residential. early designs were very traditional, reflecting the historic character of the buildings in the union street and Garden theater blocks to the south. over time, both the uses for the new building and its design evolved. the monahan Company, eastpointe, started construction in early may. the building will have 4,250 square feet of first-floor retail/restaurant spaces facing Woodward. one of the retail spaces will provide a gallery and formal entrance to Lawrence technological university’s (Ltu) Detroit studios on the second floor. the remainder of the 27,000 square feet of office space on the upper floor will be leased to creative users, such as Quinn evans Architects, who will occupy part of the third floor. the design evolved into a very contemporary interpretation of a traditional 32 CAM MAGAZINE JULY 2014
Wsu mulTiDisCiPlinary BiomeDiCal researCh BuilDing Harley Ellis Devereaux Barton Malow Company/Brinker Group Located at 6187 Woodward Avenue, the multidisciplinary Biomedical research Building (mBrB) is a key component in Wayne state university’s (Wsu) application for a Clinical and translational science Award from the national institutes of health. the addition and renovation will support scientific programs, such as biomedical engineering, cardiovascular, diabetes and metabolism, systems biology and computational systems biology. “Voice Of The Construction Industry”®
Wsu multidisciplinary Biomedical research Building
research laboratories supporting these themes will be wet and dry, and will include shared support and core laboratories. the project will also include private offices, support services, and provide various flexible conferencing facilities that incorporate state-of-the-art technology provisions for presentations and teleconferencing. Completion is slated for April 2015. the proposed 2.75-acre site encompasses a full city block north of the main Detroit campus. two buildings are currently sited on the property: the American Beauty and iron Works (ABiW) Building constructed in 1920 and the Dalgleish Cadillac Dealership constructed in 1927. the two-story, 83,300-square-foot ABiW building will be demolished and the site backfilled. the property vacated by the demolition, along with the remaining property within the city block will be developed as parking to support the project. the existing three-story Dalgleish dealership will be renovated and repurposed. As presently conceptualized, approximately 127,682 gross square feet of the existing building will be repurposed to maximize available net area, site development, and new construction to support approximately 196,500 gross square feet of combined space. An exterior courtyard between the new and renovated space will maximize daylight opportunities and support the project’s goal of achieving LeeD Gold certification. Wsu’s new $77 million multidisciplinary Biomedical research Building will provide wet and dry research space and is designed to promote scientific discovery through team science. henry ford hospital’s Bone and Joint Center will join with Wayne state university to create a true multidisciplinary research center that brings together 60 principal investigators, researchers and clinicians from diverse disciplines.
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WOODWARD CORRIDOR REVITALIZATION Collaboration, transparency, and flexibility are the attributes that will advance innovation in medical research. the existing building formerly housing the Dalgleish Cadillac dealership will be restored maintaining the historical brick and stone façade. A new addition extending toward Woodward will be sheathed with a fritted glass curtain wall, producing a high-tech counterpoint to the turn-of-the-century historic structure. natural light and views are enhanced while allowing a glimpse into the innovation occurring within. A terra cotta sunscreen will embrace the street façade extending over the roof and highlighting the primary entrance. internally, a unifying three-story space will extend the length of the southern edge containing circulation, amenity and conference spaces. the existing structure will house the wet labs in an efficient core directly below two large roof monitors bringing natural light into this research environment. Wet labs are flexibly designed to respond to a variety of research team’s needs. Glass walls separate wet lab and dry lab office space proudly displaying the research activities. the addition is an open research environment offering opportunities to foster team science through collaborative interaction. —Information courtesy of Barton Malow Company, Southfield, and Harley Ellis Devereaux, Southfield.
field, and now the new red Wings hockey arena. that’s three in a row.” White Construction has an extensive portfolio of significant Woodward Avenue projects to its credit, including the Woodward-mack streetscape, youthVille Detroit, hudson’s site Premier Garage (underground), Campus martius Park, and the Wsu area fifth third Bank. Celebrating its 25th anniversary, the firm has been involved in a host of projects that have reshaped this 313-year-old city on the straits. “As construction manager for the Detroit riverWalk, the Detroit/Wayne County Port Authority on the waterfront and Campus martius, we have enjoyed great opportunities to successfully manage projects that support downtown Detroit and the Woodward corridor,” said White. —Information courtesy of Barton Malow Company and White Construction.
neW DeTroiT evenTs CenTer Barton Malow-Hunt-White the new events center is the anchor of the $650 million public-private catalyst development project that will redevelop an underutilized area in downtown Detroit into a dynamic mixed-use district of retail shopping, residential living, entertainment venues and office space. it will create a continuous, walkable environment from downtown to midtown, transitioning seamlessly from day to night and weekday to weekend. the approximately 650,000-square-foot multipurpose events center will be home to the Detroit red Wings and attract major entertainment events to Detroit. the state-of-the-art facility will feature premium seating and amenities of a contemporary first-class professional sports and entertainment complex. of the project costs, olympia Development of michigan will contribute $367 million, or 56 percent, and the state of michigan and the Downtown Development Authority will contribute $283 million, or 44 percent. it is expected that the project’s economic impact on Detroit, the region and state will be $1.8 billion. “We are thrilled and honored to be selected as the construction team to build the new events center right here in Detroit,” said ryan maibach, President, Barton malow-hunt-White. “this project will be locally sourced and have a significant economic impact on our community. it is a core component of Detroit’s revitalization strategy and we are proud to lead the efforts of the many Detroit workers and businesses that will play a major role in building this state-of-the-art events center.” Bernard White, President, White Construction, is equally thrilled, “We are very excited about the project. someone said to me that we have now achieved a ‘hat trick’ because we have worked on Comerica Park, ford 34 CAM MAGAZINE JULY 2014
WrighT-kay BuilDing renovaTion Neumann/Smith Architecture Sachse Construction the scope of work included complete restoration of the Wright-kay Building, originally the schwankovsky temple of music, one of the oldest buildings in downtown Detroit. the six-story, 19,500-square-foot building now houses neumann/smith's preservation studio and the offices of the minority partnership practice, hannah-neumann/smith. the project called for all new mechanical, electrical, bathrooms and plumbing, as well as new elevators and windows. the project started out as a full historic preservation project, but mid-way through construction a more relaxed approach to the restrictions on demolition and restoration of gutted floors allowed a more m@dison-like "embrace the raw" approach for the tenants. this Bedrock real estate services project was completed in August 2013. neumann/smith, Detroit and southfield, chose to stay with the historic preservation approach on their suite. the firm developed the construction documentation for the suite and developed space plans for floors two, five and six for potential future tenants. the third floor was scanned utilizing 3D laser scan technology and the scans were used to develop the detailed preservation scope of the build-out of the floor. the project included all new base mechanical and electrical systems and suite build-out engineering and documentation. Bathrooms were designed to “Bedrock” standards as was the lobby. façade restoration was also part of the scope. retail was developed as a “white box” waiting for a tenant. —Information courtesy of Neumann/Smith Architecture.
“Voice Of The Construction Industry”®
RESTARTING THE MOTOR CITY’S ENGINE: Part of Ford Highland Park Complex Slated for Renovation By Mary E. Kremposky, Associate Editor Photos Courtesy of the Woodward Avenue Action Association
enry ford made history on oct. 7, 1913. that fateful day marked the launch of the moving assembly line at the ford highland Park Plant. model t’s began rolling off the assembly line of what became known as the Crystal Palace – a factory whose incredible use of glass drew daylight into industrial spaces. Designed by Albert kahn, the 1.8 millionsquare-foot factory reduced production of the model t from 12.5 hours to 93 minutes, lowering the price of the automobile, increasing ford’s market share and ultimately boosting worker’s wages from $2.34 a day to the famous $5 a day. April 15, 2014 marks another historic day for this storied site. A little over a century later, the Woodward Avenue Action Association (WA3)
officially acquired two buildings within this national historic Landmark. the non-profit group purchased the 40,000-square-foot sales and administration building fronting Woodward Avenue and the single-story, 8,000-square-foot executive service garage directly behind it. Both buildings have a stout frame of reinforced concrete. the service garage has large glass skylights, marking it as part of the site’s famous Crystal Palace. Limestone trim and Pewabic tile accent the brick façade of this sturdy but lovely four-story administration building. the building’s size and its location along Woodward Avenue make it ideal for use as a gateway to the site and as an Automotive heritage Welcome Center. “tens of thousands of people will see the building as they drive up and “Voice Of The Construction Industry”®
Wa3 recently acquired the historic administration and executive garage of the ford highland Park plant. a capital fundraising campaign will result in the amazing revitalization of the building that steered production of the model T.
down Woodward Avenue,” said WA3 executive Director Deborah schutt. “the Automotive heritage Welcome Center is envisioned to be on the ground floor of the two buildings. We will lease the three upper floors, because we need a sustainable source of income to operate the welcome center operations.” WA3 has embarked on a $17 million capital fundraising campaign slated for 2014, 2015 and part of 2016. “in April, we received new cost
The $17 million price tag would be to completely restore the exterior of the building and the ground floor to the Secretary of Interior historic standards. Deborah Schutt WA3 Executive Director
estimates based on a historic resources report compiled by the state historic Preservation office,” said schutt. “the $17 million price tag would be to completely restore the exterior of the building and the ground floor to the secretary of interior historic standards.” According to schutt, WA3 plans to open the center in 2018 after selection of a project team and a design and construction period of a year-and-a-half. once open, the Automotive heritage Welcome
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PG 820
WOODWARD CORRIDOR REVITALIZATION Center may spur interest in the site and in similar historic sites throughout the region. “it would direct visitors to other automobile heritage sites throughout southeast michigan,” said schutt. the welcome center would also celebrate the incredible spin-off innovations that have come out of the automotive industry. the rocket technology that lifted America into space was born in the motor City. “Chrysler developed this technology, and General motors created the first vehicle that roamed on the moon,” said schutt. “General motors even developed the pump for open heart surgery.” she explains this largely unknown link. “An engineer at Gm had to have open heart surgery,” said schutt. “At that time, most people never made it, because the technology just didn’t exist to pump the blood adequately when the heart was stopped during surgery. his fellow engineers at Gm actually sat down with the doctors and from these discussions emerged the pump now used in successful open heart surgeries.” this is only one discovery in a long list of amazing technologies that have emerged from the automotive industry and that will be brought to light in the once-shuttered front office of henry ford’s Crystal Palace. “there are countless stories
such as this that we don’t recognize and celebrate,” said schutt. “What we hope to convey in this Automotive heritage Welcome Center is what has come out of the automotive industry in terms of innovation.” the spirit of invention is still alive in Detroit. “We are going to talk about the innovations of the past and present, as well as those we might see in the future,” said schutt. “We will devote a portion of the welcome center to Automation Alley. this area could feature current businesses that are on the cutting-edge of innovation.” once funding is raised, WA3 will need the innovation and skills of Detroit’s design and construction industry to bring the building back to life. “if it was not an Albert kahn building, it wouldn’t be standing,” said schutt. “the building has not been occupied, heated or secured since the 1970s, and scavengers have taken materials.” the flat roof is in good condition and the front windows are mostly secured, but the windows are broken in the back of the building. “the water came through these windows and down the floors,” said schutt, “but the concrete ‘bones’ of the building are still strong. it also is a handsome and well-designed building.” A developer toured the building and just assumed the exterior brick
work was redone. “When i told him the brick is original, he remarked, ‘you’re kidding. the condition is fabulous,’” recalled schutt. in the future, WA3 hopes to purchase the 70,000-square-foot building directly behind the executive service garage. this facility was an addon to the site’s original factory, which housed traditional stationary assembly for the model t. overall, the historic plant has 11 buildings on site, including the actual “Chrystal Palace” factory and its glass atriums. While some buildings in this historic complex are neglected, “two buildings on the site are fully occupied and ford motor leases space in the factory building,” said schutt. “the factory is of great importance to us, because it is really the most historically significant part of the site. the assembly line came into its own in the factory.” redevelopment of this massive factory already has a living model or template in Brooklyn, new york. “the Brooklyn factory was built after the highland Park one, but it is almost a twin,” said schutt. Post redevelopment, “the Brooklyn building is now fully occupied. it houses a great number of employees and businesses, so it just shows the re-use potential of the highland Park plant.”
“Voice Of The Construction Industry”®
WA3 is also involved in work along Woodward Avenue in the Park District between six and eight mile roads. “We assisted with the administration of several façade improvement grants, and we work on beautification efforts, such as our annual sunflower planting program,” said schutt. “Basically, we coordinate and act as a clearinghouse to assist several different groups in that area.” WA3’s future plans for another stretch of Woodward Avenue include implementing a bike lane demonstration project from six mile to i-696. founded in 1996, WA3’s broad mission is using the past to economically redevelop the present and future. “We are taking our heritage story and leveraging it with the best planning techniques,” said schutt, “all for the purpose of placemaking Woodward and helping it become sustainable into the future.” WA3 is dedicated to telling the public the heritage of an avenue dotted with over 300 historic sites from Pontiac to downtown Detroit. As such, it is a designated michigan heritage route and an All-American road in the national scenic Byways Program. today, Woodward Avenue’s sense of place and its wonderful stock of historic buildings is a force that can fascinate visitors and residents alike and help to rebuild a city.
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KEEPING SOUTHEAST MICHIGAN ON TRACK: M-1 RAIL Construction Slated for Summer 2014 By Mary E. Kremposky, Associate Editor
onstruction is underway on the much-anticipated m-1 rAiL streetcar Project. this new transit line could be an economic powerhouse and a key link in an expanding mass transportation network for the City of Detroit and all of southeast michigan. m-1 rAiL Chief operating officer Paul Childs recently offered CAm magazine an overview of the project, including a past, Paul Childs present and future timeline on the construction of the m-1 rAiL. As of late may 2014, “the design of the rail, systems, road and bridge work is complete,” said Childs. “We are nearing completion on the last of 13 isolated sites along Woodward Avenue, south of Adams street, where underground utility relocation work has been taking place since December 2013.” m-1 rAiL also issued a request for Qualifications (rfQ) for its tech Center (Vehicle maintenance & storage facility) in may, and a request for Proposals (rfP) for the tech Center was slated to be issued in June. “Also in June, our Construction manager/General Contractor will sign contracts with its subcontractors,” said Childs. “We anticipate proceeding with the track construction activities in early summer 2014,” continued Childs. “We are anticipating track construction will commence this summer. Construction of our tech Center is on track to begin this fall. in 2015 as track construction continues, we will begin the process to secure our o&m vendor and likely receive shipment of the first streetcar late in the year.” Childs also offered information on the benefits and capabilities of the m-1 rAiL, as well as on future transit developments made possible by its construction.
Cam magazine: how will this new 3.3 mile street car system benefit Detroit and southeast michigan? Childs: the business, philanthropic leaders and government agencies who
Cam magazine: Where will the operations center facility for the m-1 rail be located? What might be its square footage, its location, its visual appearance? Childs: the tech Center will be located in Detroit’s north end neighborhood on Woodward Avenue between Custer street and Bethune street. the facility will be between 17,000 and 20,000 square feet; however a design is unavailable at this time because we are working with the local community to develop criteria for its exterior elements.
Cam magazine: Can you provide a description of the actual stations? Childs: the streetcars will service 20 stations at 12 locations. sixteen of the stations will be curbside while the remaining four will be center running. the station design will reflect surrounding historic and local elements. the stations will be ADA compliant and provide level boarding. m-1 rAiL stations will have signage, energy efficient lighting, dynamic message boards, security systems and ticket vending.
Cam magazine: What factors led to the selection of stacy and Witbeck, and also White Construction, as the firm selected to build the stations? Childs: stacy and Witbeck is an established leader in the construction of streetcar systems located in urban cores. the company is uniquely qualified to manage all of the moving parts associated with a project of this scale. stacy and Witbeck set the standard for how to construct the best modern streetcar lines in the united states, and Detroit deserves to have nothing short of the best working on its streetcar project. stacy and Witbeck has brought White Construction on to be one of its key contractors. their local knowledge has been invaluable to stacy and Witbeck.
were early supporters of the m-1 rAiL streetcar Project always intended for the streetcar to be a catalyst that helped to jumpstart the creation of a larger, more robust regional transportation network in southeast michigan. it’s going to serve as a connector to multiple modes of transit – from local and commuter buses to intercity and regional networks — that currently travel or are planned to travel into the city. the m-1 rAiL streetcar will accelerate the transformation of the corridor in the way residents, employees and visitors interact with the neighborhoods in and around greater downtown. it will ignite more opportunities for economic development and jobs along corridor. Both Lawrence technological university and the popular Grand rapidsbased Brewery hopCat have already made decisions to move along Woodward Avenue, and others are following. A market analysis indicates the streetcar could help leverage the construction of 10,533 new housing units and over five million square feet of new commercial space within a quarter-mile of the streetcar route (2015-2024).
Cam magazine: Can you state three core challenges of the actual work? What issues do you anticipate and how will the construction team manage these core issues and challenges? Childs: As with any urban core infrastructure project first on the list is
Cam magazine: Can you describe the phasing of the project? Childs: We are still finalizing our construction planning, but it is expected that
Cam magazine: What will be the total number of jobs created during construction? What will be the total jobs created in terms of operating and maintaining the m-1 rail? Childs: it is estimated that more than 700 jobs will be created to construct
track construction will occur in two segments. the first segment will occur in the Central Business District south of Adams street. in segment two, north of Adams street, in addition to track construction, our partners at the michigan Department of transportation will be doing a curb to curb rebuild of Woodward Avenue along with the i-75 and i-94 bridges. 40 CAM MAGAZINE JULY 2014
underground utilities. We have done extensive work on mitigating those risks, including extensive yearlong meetings with all parties, developing a 3D model of the known utilities and working with our utility partners to mitigate extensive utility moves via a “protect in place” approach. Another core challenge is communicating with the community as to the “why, what and when” of the construction efforts. We have an extensive outreach effort that was modeled after some of the best industry practices. our efforts with our two advisory comities, Business and Community, have been insightful and encourage open and honest communications. for a last core challenge, it’s all about keeping all the moving parts in sync, and we are using a program office approach to keep legal, communication, finance, construction and community engagement all on the same page.
the various elements of constructing the streetcar system. We’ve also been working aggressively with local partners to develop training and apprenticeship programs so that Detroiters will have the support they need to pursue the “Voice Of The Construction Industry”®
construction job opportunities made available by this project. We’ve calculated that about 45 permanent jobs will be created once the streetcar system is operational.
Cam magazine: What are some project requirements, such as Buy america (Buy america provisions ensure that transportation infrastructure projects are built with americanmade products)? What is the percentage of DBe firms engaged in the project? Childs: some requirements the m-1 rAiL streetcar Project must follow, given
its status as a federally funded transportation project, include: Buy America plus adherence to all the procurement standards. m-1 rAiL’s commitment is for 2025 percent of the project to go to DBe firms, which is twice the average for the top 50 transit agencies. m-1 rAiL is working diligently, within the legal limits, to create opportunities for DBe firms within all available project elements.
Cam magazine: Can you describe the actual streetcar? Childs: the modern, sleek streetcars will be ADA compliant and offer level boarding. each streetcar will be climate controlled, have amenities such as Wifi and bicycle storage, on-board ticket and the option to operate without overhead wires. the vehicles will function both on and off wire as a normal part of their daily operations.
Cam magazine: What is the vision for the future in terms of light rail in the City of Detroit? Childs: m-1 rAiL always intended to build a 3.3 mile streetcar, however at
one point m-1 rAiL decided to leverage its resources to support the City of Detroit’s proposed light rail system that was to travel eight miles; however when that project was unable to proceed because of city finances, m-1 rAiL resurrected its original plan to build a catalytic 3.3 mile streetcar system. Because of m-1 rAiL, there is now up to $60 million of private funding from the streetcar project that can be used as a match to build a connected transit project, like the Bus rapid transit plan that is being discussed at the state level. We look forward to being involved in bringing effective mass transit to the entire southeastern michigan area in the future.
I-75 4
m-1 rail hosTs TWo CommuniTy forums for neW TeCh CenTer in late may 2014, m-1 rAiL, in partnership with Vanguard Community Development Corporation, hosted the first of two community forums with north end residents to discuss the tech Center to be built on the east side of Woodward Avenue between Custer street and Bethune street. total budget available for design and construction of the tech Center is $6.9 million. A request for Qualifications (rfQ) was issued by m-1 rAiL to identify designbuild teams interested in constructing a tech Center. “the tech Center is an important component of streetcar operations because it’s where our technology, vehicles and team will be housed,” said m-1 rAiL’s Chief operating officer Paul Childs. “the rfQ will help identify the contractors that are best qualified to build the tech Center before we issue the request for Proposal; and the community forums will assist us in identifying some of the exterior elements to include in the rfP.” the second Community forum was held June 19 at triumph Church in Detroit. it was structured like a workshop to allow north end residents to provide valuable input to various design aspects of the facility. the tech Center is proposed to be a bi-level facility sized between 17,000 and 20,000 square feet. the selected contractor will design and construct the following elements: • maintenance building • electrical, mechanical, and plumbing systems • site grading, paving, and underground utilities • Landscaping and exterior aesthetic elements • other work as described in the rfQ Visit us online at www.cammagazineonline.com
2 2
m-1 rAiL uses a two-step procurement process for this contract. responses to the rfQ were shortlisted; the shortlist was a qualifications-based selection. the shortlisted firms received the request for Proposal (rfP). the rfP was a best-value selection.
aBouT m-1 rail M-1rail.com m-1 rAiL is the non-profit organization leading the design, construction, and future operation of a 3.3-mile (6.6 miles round-trip) modern streetcar along Woodward Avenue between Larned street and West Grand Boulevard in Detroit, michigan. An unprecedented public-private partnership and model for regional collaboration, the m-1 rAiL streetcar project is the first major transit project led and funded by private businesses and philanthropic organizations, in partnership with local, state and federal governments. Visit www.m-1rAiL.com for more information.
A PICTURE OF GOOD HEALTH: The Dexter Wellness Center Opens on Baker Road By Mary E. Kremposky, Associate Editor
ace up your Nikes and run a few laps on the Dexter Wellness Center’s second-story track. The first lap will take you on a heart-healthy tour of several of the spaces within this recently opened, 48,000-square-foot wellness center. Get into the zone as you jog past the cardio area on one side and the light-filled gymnasium on the level below. Zip past circuit training, free weights and a Pilates studio in this moveable feast of exercise options, and feel stress dissolve as you round the corner with the mind/body studio on the left and the shimmering waters of the pool below. In fact, two pools – a warm therapy pool and a lap swim pool – bask in the natural light pouring in from the almost floor-to-ceiling windows. Complete this tour around the track with a view of the group exercise studios and the specially designated stretching zone. Clearly, Dexter-based design/build general contractor, A.R. Brouwer Company, LLC has created a wonderful place to get active, get well and get fit. Dexter Wellness Center is healthy for the individual and for the local economy, particularly for the Baker Road corridor it calls home. The facility is the second building to be constructed within the Dexter Town Center along Baker Road. The first development is a 22,000-square-foot retail/office building completed in fall 2010 on this Brownfield redevelopment site, according to Steve Brouwer, president of A.R. Brouwer Company and the
Photos Courtesy of A.R. Brouwer Company representative for the owners and developers of both facilities. As any ex-couch potato knows, the transition to wellness is not always pretty. This held true for the beginning phases of the project itself. Originally designed in 2007, the Dexter Wellness Center was put on hold during the Great Recession of 2008. “The Dexter Wellness Center was originally approved in 2007, but ran into financing roadblocks in 2008,” as stated in the A.R. Brouwer Company’s submission to the Ann Arbor Business Review’s 2012 Deals of the Year Award. “With the construction industry being particularly hard-hit, the project was tabled. A.R. Brouwer Company brought it back to the forefront in late 2011.” Ultimately, the company earned a spot as one of three finalists in the Construction and Development category. As part of the project’s resurrection, the building was completely redesigned in 2012. Ohlson Lavoie Collaborative, an architectural firm with offices in Orlando, Florida and Denver, Colorado, crafted open and light-filled spaces that amp up motivation and play their own part in making exercise a source of that well-known and pleasurable endorphin high. Ultimately, “the vision of the project’s owners and support from the community were essential to the project’s success,” said Brouwer. The successful “deal” for the development of this new building is based not only on the owner/developer’s forward progress, but also on a long-term “Voice Of The Construction Industry”®
of the Brownfield site. However, “Demolition was delayed due to owner/tenant negotiations, starting two months later than expected,” said Brouwer. Despite the delay, the construction team had to enclose the building by November in order to make forward progress in the winter months. Despite these obstacles, A.R. Brouwer Company kept the project on pace. Not only did they enclose the building by November, the company completed the new wellness center a full eight weeks ahead of schedule. As part of a successful strategy, A.R. Brouwer Co., Ohlson Lavoie, the owners and developers and CWF communicated on a regular basis throughout the entire project. “This helped to expedite decision-making and ultimately kept the project on schedule,” said Brouwer. The close teamwork extended to the entire subcontracting team. “Another element that really pushed the pace of this project was the subcontractors, who were essentially handpicked for the job,” continued Brouwer. “A.R. Brouwer Company has long-standing relationships with these subcontractors, which resulted in a noteworthy atmosphere of true teamwork.” Safety awareness and commitment is part of maintaining this good rapport. “We are pleased to report that there were no injuries, and therefore we didn’t incur any lost time,” said Brouwer. This sense of camaraderie and safety awareness extended to the tenants in the other Dexter Town Center building. “The entrance to the site is shared with an existing building that is home to multiple local businesses, including a highly trafficked pharmacy,” said Brouwer. “Ensuring that these businesses could continue to operate smoothly and maintaining the safety of their patrons were top priorities.”
Masonry LinTeLs: supporTing The scheduLe
The construction and post-construction photos show one of the facility’s two pools – a warm therapy pool and a lap swim pool. Both pools bask in the natural light pouring in from the almost floor-toceiling windows.
agreement between the owners and developers and the Chelsea-Area Wellness Foundation (CWF) as the majority tenant and manager of the wellness center. Steve Brouwer cultivated the relationship with CWF to “seal the deal” for a successful development and a healthier community. Under Executive Director Amy Heydlauff, CWF is a tax-exempt private foundation dedicated to creating a culture of wellness and to fostering sustainable improvements in community health in the populations served by the school districts of Chelsea, Dexter, Grass Lake, Manchester and Stockbridge. CWF is part of an innovative program called the Five Healthy Towns Project (5H). According to the 5H website, “5H is a ground-breaking, innovative project that involves planning and funding of a community-wide wellness plan. The goal of 5H is to create the healthiest five communities in the Midwest. Chelsea, Dexter, Grass Lake, Manchester and Stockbridge, in partnership with CWF, are working together on a wellness plan that incorporates existing programs and new strategies to impact community wellness.”
consTrucTion: a TeaM sporT The Dexter Wellness Center is a step forward in making this area the healthiest in the Midwest. The first step in building the actual structure was demolition of an existing 100,000-square-foot warehouse and remediation
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On-site fabrication of sizeable masonry lintels for this masonry-bearing building was also essential to expediting construction and adhering to the aggressive schedule. Overall, the building has 35 masonry lintels, varying in length from 12 to 28 feet and weighing from 3,000 to 8,000 lbs. “A portion of the old warehouse that existed at the site was utilized to provide a covered work area for the masons to construct the lintels,” said Brouwer. “As each section was properly cured, it was moved out to the wellness center and set in place. After all the lintels were fabricated, the last portion of the old warehouse was demolished to make way for a new parking lot.” Because of this expeditious on-site fabrication of masonry lintels, all the walls were in place even before the steel framework for the interior of the second level arrived on-site. Steel was then craned in through the top of the building and erected for the ultimate purpose of supporting the equipment loads and occupancy loads of an upper level subjected to heavy athletic usage.
success in MoTion A.R. Brouwer Company delivered this $9.5 million gem in June 2013. The end result is open, light-filled spaces hosting a complete “menu” of wellness options. On the first level, the gymnasium anchors the north end, and the two pools anchor the east end. Both spaces are bursting with natural light, courtesy of generous windows lining the length of the outer walls. Opening the main west entrance, the visitor encounters a healthy lounge stocked with nourishing foods – a core pillar of the four elements of CWF’s philosophy, the elements being Eat Better, Move More, Connect with Others in Healthy Ways, and Avoid Unhealthy Substances. The front half of the first level also houses a 2,000-square-foot physical therapy practice, massage rooms, a conference room and Kids in Motion - a safe, brightly colored children’s area in clear view of the reception desk. The east half of the first level unfolds into even more wellness spaces, including a group cycling room, and a lounge and locker room complex, complete with a series of relaxing saunas to soothe those tired muscles. Glowing testimonials on Dexter Wellness Center’s website is proof of the CAM MAGAZINE JULY 2014 43
The dexter Wellness center has an extensive menu of fitness spaces, including a mind/body studio on the left and a walking/running track weaving throughout the upper level of the facility.
project’s success. One satisfied member said, “What appealed to me first was its expansive layout. I love the fact that everywhere I look, I see natural lighting and the outdoors. Sunny days in the pool are like being at the beach!” Clearly, the project was a success, thanks to A.R. Brouwer Company and its subcontracting team who exercised their collective construction muscle to build this amazing and motivating facility. The project was such a success that A.R. Brouwer Company decided to host a Project Closeout Reception for the subcontractors, suppliers and project team. One supplier said, “In my 20 plus years of being a supplier, I have never been invited to this kind of event.” A subcontractor commented, “This project really was different. Everyone worked together as a team, which is not always the case, especially on a project of this size and with such an aggressive timeline. It really took a lot of teamwork and cooperation between the various trades to get this done – and it was great!” The project owners have even provided and displayed a plaque recognizing not only the owner, general contractor, architect and engineering 44 CAM MAGAZINE JULY 2014
team, but also listing every subcontractor and supplier that contributed to the project. This sincere respect for everyone’s contribution is certainly part of the four elements, specifically Connecting with Others in Healthy Ways. Clearly, the Dexter Wellness Center is devoted to health and well-being in every way. Brouwer adds, “The Dexter Wellness Center will not only boost the local economy, it will also further the revitalization of the Baker Road corridor, further the mission of CWF and improve the wellness of Dexter residents.”
dexTer WeLLness cenTer general contractor: A.R. Brouwer Company, LLC, Dexter
Ohlson Lavoie Collaborative,
Orlando, FL
civil engineer: SmithGroup JJR, Ann Arbor structural engineer: Westfall Structural Engineering, Ann Arbor • Alarm System – Allstar Alarm LLC, Whitmore Lake
• Saunas – AM-FINN Sauna and Steam, Eagle, ID • Pools – B & B Pool, Livonia • Steel – B&A Steel Company, Inc., Chesterfield • Brick Supplier – Belden Brick Sales Co., Fraser • Roofing – Bloom Roofing Systems, Inc., Brighton • Gym Equipment – C & M Associates, Brighton • Concrete Flatwork – Charles Sinelli & Sons, Inc., Milford • Carpentry – Conquest Construction, Livonia • Windows & Blinds – Creative Windows • Material Testing – CTI & Associates, Wixom • Waterproofing – D.C. Byers Co., Inc., Wixom • Cabinetry & Millwork – Doors & Drawers, Dexter • Ceramic Tile – East Side Tile & Marble, Inc., Macomb • Masonry Block Supplier – Fendt Builder’s Supply, Inc., Farmington Hills • Insulation – Full House Insulators, Inc., Manchester • Plaster – G.L. Milliken, Chelsea • Landscaping – Gee Farms, Stockbridge • Site Concrete – GM & Sons, Inc., Whitmore Lake • Lockers – Hollman, Inc., Irving • Electrical – Hopp Electric, Chelsea • Site Utilities – Iron Creek Contractors, Inc., Tecumseh • Painting – J. Furnari, Rochester Hills • Caulking – J.C. Pattock, Pinckney • Exterior Signage – Johnson Sign Company, Jackson • Masonry – Koch masonry, Dexter • Specialty Flooring – Kuhn Specialty Flooring, Commerce Township • Plumbing – MasterCraft Plumbing, Whitmore Lake • Fire Protection – Maverick Fire Protection, Inc., Garden City • Glass – Modern Mirror & Glass Co., Roseville • Paving – Nagle Paving Company, Novi • Foundations – Poured Brick Walls, Brighton • Concrete Floor Polishing – PPC Solutions, Dexter • HVAC – S & M Heating, Southfield • Fencing – South Lyon Fence & Supply, Inc., New Hudson • Fire Extinguishers – Spears Fire & Safety Services, Inc., Ann Arbor • Interior Signage – Takeform Architectural Graphics, Medina, NY • Doors & Hardware – Tanner Supply Company, Temperance • Elevator – ThyssenKrupp Elevator Corp., Livonia • Earthwork – Top Grade, Manchester • Flooring – USA Floorcovering, Livonia • Mirrors – Wolverine & Moore Glass Co., Dexter The general contractor provided the list of subcontractors in the Construction Highlight.
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IcyBreeze Introduces Eco-Friendly Air Conditioning Coolers Just in time for warm weather, IcyBreeze launches a premium ice cooler that doubles as an eco-friendly, portable air conditioner. Utilizing the outside air and ice water in the cooler, IcyBreeze enables you to cool yourself with
The Rinnai E50C Condensing Boiler - Ideal for Smaller Residential Applications The ideal solution for residential home-heating and water-heating needs, the Rinnai E50C Condensing Combi Boiler is more cost effective to install, requiring fewer pumps and no primary secondary piping for common installations. Designed for smaller residential applications with up to 1.5 baths, similar to a Cape Cod-style cottage, the E50C touts the highest efficiency of any combi-boiler on the market, 95.6 percent AFUE, which translates into reduced monthly energy bills for homeowners. Compatible with a 1/2-inch gas line, the E50Cboiler can be fueled by natural gas or propane, has an input range of 13,600 to 50,000 BTU and only requires a minimum gas pressure of a 3-inch W.C. • No system pumps required - reduces install time and cost • Fewer maintenance intervals required than the competition - Inspection every two years or 4,000 hours; Service every four years or 8,000 hours • Proprietary stainless steel heat exchanger for unmatched performance and durability • Greater control - system temperature adjustable in two-degree increments • Automatic de-aeration at start-up For more information, please contact the Rinnai Corporate Office: 103 International Dr., Peachtree City, GA 30269; or call 1-800-6219419. 46 CAM MAGAZINE JULY 2014
dehumidified ice-cold air outdoors or indoors. This unit provides all the benefits of a cooler plus true air conditioning, in a compact and portable unit that has no Freon or chemicals and gives off no harmful exhaust. With ice and a little bit of water this 38-quart cooler can blast cold air from the inside out. Many people are surprised at how well IcyBreeze cools, pumping out a 25-mph breeze at temperatures 35 degrees cooler than the outside air temperature. The air conditioner is powered by an internal rechargeable 12V battery so you can keep the cold air running up to seven hours on the low setting with a single charge. The battery lets you use the cooler in any remote location like a family picnic, sporting event, on your boat, or even the cockpit of a small engine airplane. The unit comes with an automobile power adapter and a wall adapter for continuous use. You can choose from one of three colors with three different packages at IcyBreeze.com or e-mail at info@icybreeze.com.
Larson Electronics Temporary Construction LED String Lights Industrial lighting specialist Larson Electronics reveals their newly designed work area LED string lights. The 10 watt LED lamps on this work site light set provides higher quality light than 50 wattage incandescent lights while creating less heat and using less power. The WAL-SL-5-LED work a rea string lights from Larson Electronics consists of five industrial grade LED lamps with 10 feet of 14/3 SJTW cable between each lamp. This temporary LED string light system is connected to power via an integrated 3’ cable terminated with a standard 515 straight blade plug. Each globe light is equipped with a high output LED bub which delivers more light output than a 100 watt incandescent. The 10 watt LED bulb draws 10% of the electrical power of a standard 100 watt bulb, making it suitable for standard voltage and low voltage applications. Each LED light screws into a molded E26 lamp socket and the bulb is enclosed in a bird cage style plastic guard. Each lamp is protected by a yellow plastic guard enclosure that has a hook to hang the task lights overhead. Multiple light stringers can be connected end to end to extend work area illumination. There are limits to how many strings can be interconnected based on the overall amp draw and power source. Utilizing energy efficient LED lamps, operators are able to provide more light coverage from the same amp draw, or lower the amp draw using the same amount of LED
lamps as incandescent. Each LED trouble light has an effective range that approximately covers 5 to 8 foot radius with 10-15 foot candles of light. These lights are configured to operate with 120V277V AC current and are available in an optional 12-24V DC configuration as well. The LED lamps are suitable for wet areas, extremely long lived, resistant to damage from impacts and vibrations, and consume far less energy than standard lamps. Larson Electronics carries an extensive line of explosion proof LED lights, LED work lights, light towers, intrinsically safe LED lights, portable work lights and industrial grade LED area lights. You can view Larson Electronics’ entire line of industrial grade lighting by visiting them at Larsonelectronics.com. You can also call 1-800369-6671 to learn more about all of Larson Electronics’ lighting products or call 1-214-6166180 for international inquiries. “Voice Of The Construction Industry”®
Ergodyne Launches New Portable Work Shelters
Proven and Improved - Hilti TE 70-AVR and TE 70-ATC/AVR Combihammers The next generation of Hilti TE 70 Combihammers unleashes incredible power and speed while maintaining maximum protection and comfort. With a powerful 1800-watt motor, the TE 70 delivers impressive power for fast drilling in various applications, including drilling in concrete, stone and masonry with TE-YX (SDS Max) bits; drilling holes for rebar dowels and anchor bolts; throughhole drilling and coring for mechanical and electrical applications, as well as chiseling and demolition of concrete and masonry. This best-in-class combihammer has been upgraded to include Active Vibration Reduction (AVR) and Active Torque Control (ATC). For added operator protection, the unique Hilti Active Torque Control (ATC) reduces the possibility of twisting should the drill bit catch. The Active Vibration Reduction (AVR) system dramatically reduces the vibration passed along to the operator during operation, reducing fatigue and allowing them to work longer. These hard-hitting combihammers have proven time and again that they are the best in the business. And now the best have gotten even better. The Hilti TE 70-AVR and TE 70-AVR-ATC provide long-term service under the most rugged conditions. Hilti backs that promise with its Lifetime Service agreement, a service plan that includes two years of no-cost coverage, on both these combihammers. For more information on the Hilti TE 70-AVR or TE 70-AVR-ATC Combihammers, please contact Hilti Customer Service. From the U.S. call Hilti, Inc. at 1-800-879-8000 or visit www.us.hilti.com; from Canada, call Hilti (Canada) Corporation at 1-800-4613028 or visit www.hilti.ca.
Ergodyne has announced the expansion of their SHAX® Portable Work Shelters to include the new SHAX® 6010 Lightweight Tent. Offering fast relief from the elements in a portable, easy to assemble system, these new SHAX products protect workers in various outdoor work zones by providing fast UV and heat relief. • 10' x 10' (3m x 3m) foot-print, peak height of 14' (3.35m) • 210D Polyester top with PU coating • Hammer tone steel frame • Pull pin sliders for convenient height adjustment between 10' 14' (3.05m - 4.27m) • Reinforced corners • Wheeled storage bag • Meets CPAI-84 flame resistance code • 44 lbs. (20kg) • Color: Hi-Vis Lime Ideal for workers at high risk for heat stress, the SHAX 6010 Lightweight Tent product is available now at all authorized Ergodyne distributors. The SHAX Umbrella Series is also available. For information or to find out where to buy, e-mail orders@ergodyne.com or call 1-800-225-8238 or 1-651-642-9889.
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Larson Electronics New LED Wobble Light with Step-Down Transformer Leading manufacturer and distributor of industrial lighting Larson Electronics announces the release of a 48 watt LED wobble light. The WBL-4X4LED-100-X24I from Larson Electronics consists of four LED lights with machined aluminum housings mounted on top of a frame to give a full 360° range of light. The WBL-4X4LED-100-X24I self-righting light from Larson Electronics contains four LED light heads that produce 720 lumens each with a combined 48 watts while drawing only 2 amps from a 24 volt DC power source. Each light contains four Seoul P4 3-watt LEDs that produce 180 lumens each and are arranged in rows to produce a high purity flood light with 35° optics to produce a wider beam spread and more light over a larger area nearer the fixture. With its low center of gravity, the frame is built so that vibrations or solid knocks won’t tip the light over. This LED light system has an inline switch for on/off control and can be operated with 24 volts DC. The LED lights comprised in this unit are waterproof and have an IP68 rated construction that is designed to withstand
demanding environmental and operating conditions. These units can withstand frigid temperatures, are waterproof to three meters, and resist the ingress of dust, dirt and humidity. The housings are formed from thick aluminum and the lenses are unbreakable polycarbonate. The LED emitters offer high resistance to shocks and vibrations and are rated at 70% lumen maintenance after 50,000 hours of use. The heavy base of this portable flood light will bounce back to its upright position if it gets hit or jarred. The weighted base and curved design provides operators with the assurance that they can work uninterrupted and not be concerned with accidentally knocking over the light source. Each LED unit can be adjusted independently of the other to provide maximum coverage. The aluminum construction and self-righting ability makes this flood light system durable, reliable, and is ideal for construction and work site lighting. Larson Electronics carries an extensive line of explosion proof lights, hazardous location lights, intrinsically safe lights, oil rig lights and explosion proof tank lights. You can view Larson Electronics’ entire line of explosion proof lighting at larsonelectronics.com. Larson Electronics can be reached directly by calling 1-800-369-6671 or 1-214-616-6180 for international inquiries.
Cooper Lighting Expands its Lumark Crosstour™ LED Wall Pack Series to Meet High Lumen Output Needs Satisfies Wall Mount and Area/Site Lighting Applications While Providing Increased Efficiency and Savings Cooper Lighting, a division of diversified power management company Eaton, has expanded its Lumark Crosstour™ Light Emitting Diode (LED) line of wall packs to include the Crosstour MAXX luminaires. Designed to efficiently satisfy high lumen output needs, the Lumark Crosstour™ MAXX LED wall pack and site luminaires deliver up to 7,416 lumens replacing up to a 400-watt metal halide fixture, while consuming only 85 watts and providing up to 85 percent in energy and maintenance savings. Featuring a patent-pending architectural design that incorporates integrated high output LEDs, the Crosstour MAXX series is optimized to maximize optical control and efficiency. Ideal for retrofit or new construction, the product series meets multiple lighting needs, including wall/surface, inverted mount, perimeter and area/site lighting applications. Available in both full cutoff and refractive lens designs, the Crosstour MAXX series is offered in four lumen packages, including two 50-watt and two 85-watt configurations to replace 250-watt and 400-watt metal halide fixtures, respectively. Products are available in both 3500 kilowatt (K) and 5000K correlated color temperatures and are suitable for professional buildings, pedestrian walkways, loading docks and parking areas, among others. Crosstour MAXX series products are available with an optional 90-minute integral emergency lighting battery pack designed to provide cost-effective building security and occupant safety, while the pole-mount option allows for matching site lighting illumination for cohesiveness across projects. The offering of input voltages from 120 to 480 volts allows for maximum site installation flexibility, while optional dimming drivers and occupancy sensors further reduce energy consumption. Providing uniform illumination, the Crosstour series’ superior optical performance results from a patent-pending, optimized optical reflector designed to project the light in a forward throw direction, while a full cutoff door provides focused illumination with no uplight and minimal high angle
illumination. The resulting higher lumen output allows for greater spacing between fixtures, requiring fewer luminaires to accomplish proper illumination. For additional efficiency, the product offers an initial light output greater than 85 percent at 60,000 hours, allowing it to be virtually maintenance-free for more than 15 years when used 10 hours a day. Fixtures are offered in a Carbon Bronze and Summit White color and have a five-year warranty. The luminaires are DesignLights™ Consortium qualified and Lighting Facts® registered. To learn more about the Lumark Crosstour MAXX, click here. For additional information on other outdoor LED product solutions from the Lighting division, visit www.cooperlighting.com.
“Voice Of The Construction Industry”®
Lincoln Electric Introduces Jessi Combs Women’s Welding Gear Ready-Pak® Everything a Female Professional Fabricator Would Need Lincoln Electric has just added the Jessi Combs Women’s Welding Gear Ready-Pak® to its Welding Apparel product group. Female welders no longer need to wrestle with oversized jackets and gloves that don’t fit. The Jessi Combs Women’s Welding Gear Ready-Pak includes all of the essential personal protective equipment that a female professional welder would need.
SAF-HOLLAND Introduces CBXy Series of Yoke Mount Air Suspension Axle Systems SAF-HOLLAND, a leading global manufacturer of suspensions, fifth wheels and landing gear, introduces the industry’s first integrated Yoke Mount Air Suspension Axle System, the CBXy Series. The new CBXy yoke mount model is designed to work in conjunction with the low profile CBXu underslung model. The yoke mount allows for load equalization, and is specially designed for lowboy and drop deck trailer applications. The cast steel yoke mount beam provides strength and durability, yet is the lightest design in the market. The SAF 5.75-inch diameter axle comes with INTEGRAL™ air disc brake P89 or drum brake wheel end package with industry standard spindles or optional parallel spindles. The yoke mount is available on the SAF CB25Xy with a 25,000-pound capacity and the CBX25-30y, rated for 30,000 pounds of load carrying at creep speed and 25,000-pound onhighway operations. For 22.5-inch or larger tire applications, SAF’s X-Series is an industryleading lightweight system, featuring a 5.75-inch diameter. For low profile trailer applications that require 17.5-inch and 19.5-inch wheel sizes, the SAF CBu and CBy suspension models accommodate 12.25-inch x 7.5-inch drum brake packages. The CBXy Series is coated with BLACK ARMOUR™ metal protection, which chemically bonds with metal to form a protective skin that is impervious to water and anti-icing chemicals. For more information, contact SAF-HOLLAND USA, Inc., 1950 Industrial Blvd., Muskegon, MI 49442; phone 1-888-396-6501 or 1-800-3563929; e-mail info@safholland.com; or visit www.safholland.us. Visit us online at www.cammagazineonline.com
The new Ready-Pak includes the following gear: • Lincoln® industrial duffle bag • VIKING™ Jessi vs. The Robot™ 3350 Series auto-darkening helmet • Jessi Combs Women’s Shadow™ FR welding jacket • Jessi Combs MIG/stick welding gloves • Jessi Combs Steelworker® gloves • Women’s Starlite® clear safety glasses • FR doo rag For more information on Lincoln Electric’s Jessi Combs Women’s Welding Gear Ready-Pak®, call (888) 935-3877 or visit www.lincolnelectric.com.
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Lincoln Electric Brings a Complete Orbital TIG Solution to Weld Various Pipe and Tube Sizes and Applications New Clamp-On Style Weld Heads and Off-Board Feeders Expand the Orbital System for Welding Smaller-Diameter Pipe and Tube The Lincoln Electric Company is bringing welding operators in refineries, power generation and pressure vessels a single system solution for welding various pipe and tube sizes with the new HELIX® C450 and C663 weld heads. With these orbital TIG (gas tungsten arc welding) clamp-on weld heads, operators not only can weld large diameters with no upper limit; they also can weld smaller tubes and pipes with outside diameters ranging from 1.315 to 6.63 inches. The new weld heads are designed for use with the company’s APEX® 2100 orbital welding system, which includes all the welding components required for orbital TIG welding. The HELIX C series orbital TIG, clamp-on weld heads are engineered to perform consistent and repeatable welds. The HELIX C450 weld head is designed for pipes and tubes with outside diameters of 1.315 to 4.5 inches, while the HELIX C663 weld head is designed for 1.9 to 6.63 inch diameters. They are rugged, compact and easy to install and position on pipes and tubes. Most importantly, the HELIX C series weld heads have a water-cooled motor housing and torch to ensure extended performance and greater cycle ratings in heavy-duty, high-heat applications. The new, clamp-on heads are designed for use with the company’s new HELIX WF20S and WF20B orbital wire feeders. The new feeders use a precision wire-feed motor to ensure calibrated and consistent wire-feed speed through the length of the weld. The intuitive HELIX design allows the operator to change wire spools in under a minute, without tools. Released in 2013, Lincoln Electric’s APEX 2100 orbital welding system is engineered for diverse applications in demanding environments and restricted spaces. With this system, operators can retrieve specific weld programs for
Metro™ Safety Eyewear from Gateway Safety: Stylish Protection On and Off the Job The Federal Occupational Health agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has designated July as Eye Injury Prevention Month, meaning now is the ideal time to reinforce for employees that eye protection is a lifestyle rather than a workplace dictate. The fact is, according to OSHA, approximately 2,000 workers per day are affected by preventable eye injuries, while 44.1 percent of these eye injuries occur at home, says the Healthcare Cost and Utilization project. Metro™ safety eyewear from Gateway Safety is designed to embrace and encourage the constant approach to vigilant protection by delivering modern-day styling and the comfort that true compliance requires. Gateway Safety’s Metro is designed with just that intent. Melding safety with comfort and modern styling, Metro offers a choice of four appealing frame colors to flatter men and women both. Glossy black or soft caramel frames provide a vintage look, while bright, rosy pink or warm, classic tortoise shell make a stronger statement. All four styles provide a polished appearance and 50 CAM MAGAZINE JULY 2014
each application to maintain quality control procedures and gather weld information for future statistical reporting. The APEX 2100, paired with the HELIX T55, HELIX C663 or HELIX C450, is ideal for applications in nuclear energy, thermal energy, petroleum processing and aerospace. Along with the HELIX T55 weld head, the company recently released the new Blue Max® orbital TIG wire for high-alloy welding. The ultra-clean wire surface, precision-layer winding and tight control tolerances help deliver consistent weld quality. With the APEX 2100 orbital welding system, a number of orbital TIG wires (including the new Blue Max orbital TIG alloy) and now the HELIX C series clamp-on weld heads, Lincoln Electric is fully equipped with an array of solutions to meet the needs for orbital TIG welding operators. For more information about these solutions, contact Lincoln Electric at 888.935.3878. Lincoln Electric is the world leader in the design, development and manufacture of arc welding products, robotic arc welding systems, plasma and oxyfuel cutting equipment and has a leading global position in the brazing and soldering alloys market. Headquartered in Cleveland, OH, Lincoln has 45 manufacturing locations, including operations and joint ventures in 19 countries and a worldwide network of distributors and sales offices covering more than 160 countries. For more information about Lincoln Electric and its products and services, visit www.lincolnelectric.com.
come in a variety of lens options. Weighing less than an ounce, Metro safety eyewear has a soft nosepiece and contoured temple tips, meaning it is also supremely comfortable for all-day wear. And the durable, wraparound polycarbonate lens meets ANSI Z87.1+ requirements and blocks more than 99.9 percent of damaging UVA, B, and C rays. Metro perfectly satisfies employees’ need for style both on and off the job, so don’t be surprised to find your staff choosing all-day safety, no matter the task at hand. For more than 65 years, Gateway Safety has been designing and manufacturing awardwinning, cost-effective safety products in eye, face, head, hearing, and respiratory protection. Gateway Safety works hard to provide personal protective equipment that workers want to wear– –helping companies increase safety compliance, improve the overall welfare of their employees, and reduce the high costs associated with workplace injuries. With many products independently certified to meet ANSI and CSA standards, Gateway Safety ensures its products are safe, durable, and of the highest quality. For more information, contact: Gateway Safety, Inc., 11111 Memphis Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44144;
phone: 1-800-822-5347; fax: 1-216-889-1200; Web: www.GatewaySafety.com/PR or e-mail: marketing@gatewaysafety.com. “Voice Of The Construction Industry”®
Larson Electronics Explosion Proof 400 Watt Metal Halide Tank Light Leading manufacturer and distributor of industrial lighting equipment Larson Electronics has announced the release of a new 400 watt explosion proof metal halide tank light. The EPLTL-C-F cart mounted portable light produces 75,000 lumens of light while drawing only 400 watts of power. The EPL-TL-C-F explosion proof portable tank light from Larson Electronics is rated Class 1 Division 1 and uses a 400 watt metal halide lamp to produce 75,000 lumens of light that is capable of illuminating 20,000 square feet of work area. The 400 watt metal halide lamp is mounted on top of an aluminum cart with solid rubber wheels and provides a portable and easily mobile source of hazardous location illumination. Often referred to as a “tank light,” this unit is considered universal due to its ability to be passed through any conventional manhole such as those found in petrochemical containers and ship storage tanks. This explosion proof tank light provides a safe, versatile and convenient lighting alternative to the cumbersome setup of string lights and is ideal for use in confined spaces such as those found in marine storage tanks, the petrochemical and agricultural industries. Further adding to the versatility of this tank light, Larson has developed a flange mount option that enables operators to mount the light head in a suspended position from an overhead man way. The flange wraps around the edges of the man way and the light is mounted to the flange assembly by an included threaded brass rod. This unit is offered in an 18-inch or 24-inch diameter version and is easily passed through most conventional manholes and entryways. The cart and lamp assembly are designed to be easily disassembled without tools, passed through manholes and then reassembled once inside the tank or enclosed area. Included with this unit is 250 feet of SOOW cord that ends in a 1523 explosion proof plug. This unit can be configured to operate on 120 volts or 230/240 volts for international use. Larson Electronics produces a full range of hazardous location lights, explosion proof LED work lights, portable work lights, explosion proof flashlights and LED trouble lights. You can view Larson Electronics’ entire line of lighting products at Larsonelectronics.com. You can also call 1800-369-6671 to learn more about all of Larson Electronics’ lighting products or call 1-214-6166180 for international inquires.
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Quinn Evans Architects (QEA), Ann Arbor, announced that Principal Ilene Tyler, FAIA, FAPT was recently honored for a lifetime achievement award by the Michigan Historic Preservation Network (MHPN), Tyler along with her husband Norman Tyler. The recognition came as a result of their more than fortyyear partnership committed to preserving communities through advocacy, teaching and professional practice. Additionally, QEA has Dilcher announced the promotion of Ann K. Dilcher, AIA, LEED AP, to principal of the firm. Dilcher joined QEA in 1997 and previously served as project manager in the Ann Arbor office. Robert LaLonde, vice president of Clark Construction Company, has been selected as a Board member of the Ferris Foundation. Ken Lawless, executive vice president of Clark Construction Company, previously served as a Ferris State University Board member. LaLonde Established in 1991, the foundation is a 501(c) (3) non-profit with the purpose of advancing the mission and goals of Ferris State University by generating and managing private support. LaLonde is an alumnus of Ferris State University and graduated with a degree in construction management. Troy headquartered G2 Consulting Group, an engineering services firm specializing in geotechnical, environmental and construction engineering services, recently announced that Jason Stoops, PE, a 13-year G2 employee who manages the Ann Arbor office, and Tony Poisson, PE, a 17-year G2 veteran who manages the firm’s Chicago office, have become associate Stoops members in the firm. Stoops recently returned to Ann Arbor to open G2’s newest office. Poisson also began in the Troy office before moving to Chicago in 2004 and ultimately managing its operations in Poisson Illinois, Wisconsin and Indiana. Fishbeck, Thompson, Carr & Huber, Inc. (FTCH) Engineers ● Scientists ● Architects ● Constructors is pleased to announce Lillian L. Woolley, PE has joined FTCH’s Environmental Services Group in 52 CAM MAGAZINE JULY 2014
their Novi office as a senior chemical engineer. She has over 20 years of air quality experience obtained in regulatory agencies and the energy industry, enabling her to provide a well-rounded perspective on permit applications, compliance programs, rule interpretation, and auditing. REDICO, a national real estate development, investment, construction and property management company headquartered in Southfield, has announced that David Haboian has joined the firm as senior vice president of Haboian operations. He will oversee the operation and management of REDICO’s commercial and real estate portfolio. Triangle Associates, Inc., Grand Rapids, recently named Steven Datema, LEED AP, and Alicia Espinoza as assistant project managers; and Holcomb Espinoza Jeff Behm, Adam Holcomb and Vern Sommers as project superintendents.
CORPORATE NEWS Clark Construction, Lansing, recently announced that the Michigan Chapter of the American Public Works Association (APWA) awarded Project of the Year for 2013 to the City of Troy’s Multi-Modal Transit Facility; Clark Construction served as construction manager on the project. The project won in the category of Structures $5-$25 million. The Project of the Year awards promote excellence in the management and administration of public works projects by recognizing those who work together in completing public works projects. The $6.3 million Multi-Modal Transit Facility was completed in 2013. The facility includes a 2,000-square-foot building, which provides a waiting area and public restrooms. It replaces the Amtrak stations with a safer transportation center. The project also includes sidewalks, a pedestrian bridge, a SMART bus stop area, and an upgraded parking area. Detroit-based Adamo Group has begun demolition of the GM Service Parts Operations (SPO) facility in Swartz Creek to make way for a $10 million renovation. Interior deconstructing of the facility’s universal waste and asbestos abatement started in April 2014. GM held a renovation ceremony at the Swartz Creek facility on May 15, announcing its investment plan to
improve the center, which includes moving the main entrance and creating a new façade; warehouse, paint facility, and IT upgrades; and a new security office and medical center. Exterior demolition of the 211,000-square-foot plant is scheduled to begin in August 2014. Since part of the facility will remain operational throughout and after the demolition, great emphasis is placed on comprehensive dust and noise management to ensure the safety and comfort of plant workers. Adamo’s demolition crew will utilize conventional excavators with shear and grapple attachments to perform the building separation, and will sort and recycle all extracted metals. The project is scheduled for completion in October 2014. General Contractor A.R. Brouwer Company, Dexter, is nearing completion of interior renovations for TLS Productions, Inc. (TLSP) new 40,000-square-foot headquarters located at 78 Jackson Plaza in Ann Arbor. TLSP’s relocated its corporate headquarters from Brighton to the new Ann Arbor location in December 2013. Brouwer Company and architect Meier Architects have completed numerous projects together. This project included selective interior demolition to make way for new partitions and doors; new cabinetry and countertops for the employee break room kitchenette; new flooring and wall coverings throughout; and modifications to the building’s plumbing, HVAC, and electrical systems. A sales display area and logo wall are a highlight of the main entrance, and provide ample space for TLSP to showcase its products and services. A 2,300square-foot truck well and loading dock will complete the renovation, and will include two manual spring-loaded dock levelers and insulated overhead doors. Brighton-based A. Z. Shmina, Inc. has been named the recipient of the “Best Project Team” 2014 Pyramid Award by the Washtenaw Contractors Association. The recognition was awarded for their outstanding work as the contractor for the Mobile Accelerator project for The University of Michigan in the $3 Million to $25 Million Project Category, and was presented at the 2014 Pyramid Award Ceremony. Each of the honored projects and organizations were celebrated by 200 owners, architects and contractors who gathered for the annual Construction Industry event in Ann Arbor. The A.Z. Shmina group, with offices in southeast Michigan, specializes in many distinct building construction project types and delivery methods including: Public & Commercial Facilities; Hospital & Healthcare Facilities; and Industrial & Water Treatment Facilities. The Construction Company traces its roots back to 1916 in Detroit, and is credited for many recognizable buildings and landmarks in southeastern Michigan.
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CAM Golf Outings 2014 July 14 Links of Novi, Novi August 12 - Fieldstone Golf Club, Auburn Hills Sept. 29 - Indianwood Golf and Country Club, Lake Orion To register or for sponsorship information, contact Diana Brown at CAM (248) 972-1000, or visit www.cam-online.com. July 17 – 20, 2014 – American Society of Concrete Contractors Concrete Executive Leadership Forum La Posada de Santa Fe, Santa Fe, NM The ASCC is a non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing the capabilities of concrete contractors and those who build with concrete, and to providing them a unified voice in the construction industry. Members include concrete contractors and contracting firms, manufacturers, suppliers and others interested in the concrete industry such as architects, engineers and educators. The ASCC is one of the largest concrete associations with approximately 500 member companies in the United States and abroad. To register call (866) 788-2722 or visit www.ascconline.org
September 18 – 21, 2014 – American Society of Concrete Contractors Annual Conference Westin Westminster, Denver, CO The ASCC is a non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing the capabilities of concrete contractors and those who build with concrete, and to providing them a unified voice in the construction industry. Members include concrete contractors and contracting firms, manufacturers, suppliers and others interested in the concrete industry such as architects, engineers and educators. The ASCC is one of the largest concrete associations with approximately 500 member companies in the United States and abroad. To register call (866) 788-2722 or visit www.ascconline.org
November 10 – 12, 2014 – 1800SWEEPER Sweeper Summit Detroit, Michigan This annual gathering serves as an innovative think tank for the commercial sweeping industry. Members from over 25 different states who are a partner of 1800SWEEPER, including CAM member ProSweep, will be in attendance. To register or for more information, visit http://www.sweepersummit.com/
Upcoming Fall CAMTEC Classes Classes held at CAM Headquarters in Bloomfield Hills, unless otherwise noted Sept 4 – Nov 20 – BLUEPRINT READING Sept 17 – FIRST AID / CPR & AED ● Sept 24 – AIA CONTRACTS ● Sept 29 & 30 – OSHA 10-HOUR TRAINING ●
October 22 – 24, 2014 – Hardscape North America Show Kentucky Exposition Center, Louisville, KY 750 exhibits with new products, education sessions, Distributor preview day, networking, demos, and free concerts. For more information, visit www.hardscapena.com or call 888-580-9960.
For more information, contact Pat DuFresne or Tracey Alfonsi at CAMTEC (248) 972-1000 or visit www.cam-online.com, Safety & Education section.
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