Marshall Downtown -- Vol. 1, Issue 3

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M arshallD owntown Volume 1, Issue No. 3

Construction continues on Marshall’s new Visual Arts Center downtown C.R. Neighborgall recently gave us a progress update for the Visual Arts Center: • Steel and wood reinforcing for the floors is being installed in various locations throughout the building. • The emergency generator has been delivered and placed in the basement. • Steel brace frames are being installed at the basement and first floor levels. • Exterior masonry restoration is nearly complete. • Work on new fire suppression system water supply at the front of the building continues. • Some of the front windows have been removed for the installation of a trash chute to be used during construction. While traffic lanes on 3rd Avenue will be closed intermittently for material deliveries, two-way traffic on 3rd Avenue will be maintained. Neighborgall Construction, the rest of the construction team, and the College of Arts and Media appreciate the wonderful cooperation we have received from all the neighboring businesses.

Photo rendering courtesy Edward Tucker Architects, Inc., Huntington.

Marshall University is transforming the old Stone & Thomas building on 3rd Avenue across from Pullman Square into a downtown Visual Arts Center. The center will house studios and classrooms, plus ground-floor retail and gallery space to draw tourists and local shoppers.

College of Arts and Media As of July 1, 2013, the College of Fine Arts and the W. Page Pitt School of Journalism and Mass Communications will merge as one college, with the new name: College of Arts and Media. Donald Van Horn, Dean of the College of Fine Arts will become the Dean of the College of Arts and Media. Van Horn said it made sense to combine journalism with the fine arts disciplines in the new college. “When you think about it, the arts are all about communication,” Van Horn said. “In many ways they are all disciplines that work with communications. As we move into the 21st century and as technology continues to evolve, communications takes on new forms and methods of delivery. I think that we all have something that contributes to that. I think by pulling those disciplines together we can develop some very innovative programs that will distinguish Marshall from other schools, that’s what I see when I think of the College of Arts and Media.”

Art students travel to Italy In May, 16 students traveled to Florence, Italy, with photography professor Danny Kaufmann, as part of the College of Arts and Media’s study abroad initiative, Global Horizons. Since 2009, we have offered students opportunities to enhance their education by participating in learning options away from the Marshall campus. These opportunities represent our commitment to present fine and performing arts students with travel and study abroad options. The program develops vital global awareness in our graduates and positions them to effectively navigate the complex but shrinking world they will inherit as adults. Our priority is to instill appreciation of global awareness in all our students. Travel, particularly on an international scale, develops the capacity to value foreign cultures, promotes broader understanding, and enhances appreciation of different people. These are essential characteristics of world citizenship. (continued on side 2)

For mo re i n fo rmati o n o n th e Visu al A r t s Ce n te r c al l (304) 696- 6433

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