Marshall University College of Arts and Media
arshall owntown M D
Volume 1 • Issue No. 5 • Winter 2013
Decking the streets of Huntington MU art students, faculty adorn downtown storefronts with classic Christmas scenes Students and faculty from Marshall’s College of Arts and Media and members of Downtown Live hit the streets in November to spread holiday cheer via a “12 Days of Christmas” depiction on storefront windows downtown. Downtown Live, a Huntington Regional Chamber of Commerce committee, was created to attract more customer traffic to Huntington’s urban core. Marshall’s new state-of-the-art Visual Arts Center, slated for May 2014 completion, aims to do the same but with a bit of Big Green flair.
Above: Art graduate student Nikos Karabetsos and volunteers paint 10 lords-a-leaping. Below: Karabetsos (center) takes a break from painting the “eight maids-a-milking” scene with Shelby Spence, art education student and National Art Education Association student chapter president; Maribea Barnes, associate professor of art education and School of Art and Design interim director; Jillian Smallwood, fine arts student and art and design ambassador; and fine arts students Jacqueline Gentner and Zoey Myers.
“Our mission is to create and foster a Marshall University presence downtown,” said Nikos Karabetsos, the Marshall graduate student who coordinates the alliance with Downtown Live. “This partnership is something we want to continue, especially with the Visual Arts Center in development.” ( co n t i n u e d o n s i d e 2 )
For more information about the College of Arts and Media, the Visual Arts Center or our partnerships, call (304) 696-6433, email or visit