Campy News 16: Campagnolo Experience 2014

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There is one brand of cycling componentry and wheelsets that goes further than producing mere parts and accessories, one that evokes emotion and symbolizes an entire culture. Campagnolo represents a concept much broader than simply producing elegant components that confer a heightened degree of performance to the racing bicycle. To understand completely what Campagnolo means one must experience the culture from which its great cycling passion was born, see the roads and races that instilled cycling culture into the company’s DNA, race amongst the masses of Italian cyclists and witness the pride with which the company charges forward as it strives continuously to improve the cycling experience. Only upon undertaking such an experience can one fully appreciate the concept that is CAMPAGNOLO. It is with this in mind that THE CAMPAGNOLO EXPERIENCE was created to give cyclists the world over the opportunity to fully understand what can’t be described in words. Along with our partners at Thomson

Bike Tours, who offer the same quality and extremely high standards that we demand in our products, we created what we believe to be the most complete and profound look into what best represents Campagnolo. 2013 marked the year in which Campagnolo celebrated its 80th anniversary, and such an important milestone served as the perfect moment to extend the CAMPAGNOLO EXPERIENCE to the global cycling community. Campagnolo enthusiasts wishing to fully understand the ideals and culture that the brand represents had the opportunity to take part in the inaugu-

ral edition of this unforgettable experience. The 2013 edition of THE CAMPAGNOLO EXPERIENCE saw enthusiastic athletes from every corner of the globe race, ride, eat, live, sleep and breathe Italian cycling in a way that will undoubtedly leave them with a new outlook, not only regarding Campagnolo, but also cycling in general.

We feel that there is no better way to convey this message, no better way to transmit exactly what we represent than offering the opportunity to participate in THE CAMPAGNOLO EXPERIENCE. It is the one and only way to communicate what no amount of advertisements, promotional material or video could ever hope to. This being said, we are extremely excited to announce that the 2013 edition of the CAMPAGNOLO EXPERIENCE will be the first of many…and that the 2014 edition will look to build upon the spectacular success of the first.

The 2014 edition of the CAMPAGNOLO EXPERIENCE will start again with the Granfondo Campagnolo Roma, giving participants the opportunity to take in an authentic Italian Granfondo. Full immersion into Italian racing culture while riding amongst some of the most spectacular historic monuments such as the coliseum and the fabulous hills of the Castelli Romani will make the first day of the trip a special event in and of its own. This first stage combines both the excitement that only competition can bring about and allows the

cyclists who compete to not only test their mettle and skill against nearly 5000 riders, but also to see Rome from a perspective that is unthinkable on any other day of the year: from atop a bicycle through streets free from cars for a day in a city famous for its relentless traffic flow.

The CAMPAGNOLO EXPERIENCE will then take the riders through the fabled roads of Italian cycling history and over courses that will challenge the legs of any rider. While the course will be slightly different it will still be geared around the same grueling yet beautiful terrain that will provide participants a unique insight into where one of the most influential figures in cycling, Campagnolo, found his desire to dedicate his life to cycling. Each and every stage will highlight a significant aspect of just what makes up the ideals behind Campagnolo. A stage that passes over the same

The EXPERIENCE would not be complete without exactly where the quality components and wheels bearing the Campagnolo name are produced. The Campagnolo factory has been considered a forbidden city of sorts as admittance into the production facility has always been reserved to only a select few privileged individuals, generally limited to industry insiders, suppliers and team representatives. The CAMPAGNOLO EXPERIENCE participants will once again be granted access to see their favorite components come to life from raw material to finished product, all under one roof.

route that saw Tullio Campagnolo encounter difficulty removing a wheel while leading a race, causing him to lose the competition, but simultaneously find the inspiration to invent the quick release mechanism we all trust today. Other stages will take participants over some of the historic climbs that have challenged even the most famous Campagnolo athletes; roads that have served as extreme testing grounds for our componentry throughout the company’s 80 year history.

While cycling and competition played pivotal roles into the development of the Campagnolo DNA the evolution of the brand took place within the setting of a strong and vibrant Italian culture. To fully understand Campagnolo this culture cannot be separated

ing impression on anyone who participates. The full details regarding the exact route will be made public towards the middle of January but participation can be reserved starting this 18th of December through the following link:

RESERVE YOUR PLACE from the cycling, competition and product development that first comes to mind and along every kilometer of the route one is completely immersed in this unique lifestyle and environment that is Italy. From rest stops in small mountain villages or an espresso at the roadside café or bar, participants will be consistently reminded as to just how unique the environment is. Beautiful scenery and routes, a stop at a famous winery to celebrate an unforgettable experience, dinners in authentic restaurants in picturesque settings…all form part of this once in a lifetime opportunity. The 2014 CAMPAGNOLO EXPERIENCE is sure to be an unforgettable event and one that will leave a last-

The specific details, kilometers, routes and elevations will be posted soon but rest assured that the CAMPAGNOLO EXPERIENCE in 2014 will evoke similar feedback from all who choose to take part: “Friday’s factory tour, morning ride, afternoon at Astoria and subsequent pizza dinner were a massive highlight to an already incredible week.” “I have been a Campagnolo fan since long before I could afford it and for over 13 years now have been riding nothing but and look forward to seeing the future that comes out of Vicenza.” “I must thank you, the Campagnolo family, Astoria and of course Thomson for such an amazing experience. Back at home now it all seems like a magnificent dream, one that I am enjoying reliving and retelling in the day by day posts on my blog.”

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