Santa visits Hardin. See page A4
Lady Warriors finish second at Southwestern. See page b1
Village fields complaints about water by bOb CROSSEN Calhoun News-Herald The Hardin Village board of trustees heard from an upset resident about the quality of water he receives at his home and his displeasure in the board considering a raise in water bill prices. “I understand you folks want to
“We’ve had a lot of expenditure on identifying the problem. We’ve done a lot of expenditure on trying to get the filters cleaned and we are aware that the lines need some flushing which is part of our upcoming plans for 2014 .”
Matt Haug Board member
Calhoun High’s Student of the Month. See page A6
Brussels improves to 3-3. See page A8
What's happening between the rivers. See page A3
DECEmbER 4, 2013
raise the water rates. Before you do, I want you to take a look at my filters,” Anderson said. Gary Anderson of Hardin held up a picture showing a filter muddied black after three months of use next to a pristine one which had not been installed. Anderson said raising water rates is unreasonable given the quality of water service to residents of the village. During a meeting Nov. 4, board member Tony Friedel said the village has been denied more than one grant because water bills are not enough to sustain the plant’s current operations. Board member Matt Haug said raising the rates is necessary for the village to move forward with improving the quality of water for Hardin residents. “We’ve had a lot of expenditure on identifying the problem. We’ve done a lot of expenditure on trying to get the
filters cleaned and we are aware that the lines need some flushing which is part of our upcoming plans for 2014,” Haug said. Glenda Anderson said she is tired of the excuses made by the board because it had since 2008 to fix the problem. Mayor Phil Gress said the board has been turned down for two grants since that time, noting sometimes the board does not hear it will not be receiving those grants until six months after the application has been filed. “All we can do is try to put in another grant,” Gress said. “We’ve been a year talking about raising water rates, and we all sat here with the same answer. You hate to raise somebody’s water when it’s like it is.” Gress said despite all the work at the plant where the water is found to be clean, the 60 to 70-year-old water lines need to be replaced to truly fix the problem. Anderson said he had his filters tested by PDC Laboratories, a testing facility in Florissant, Mo. Passing around the results of the test, he said some of the minerals and chemicals in the water filters were found to be far too high for safe drinking water. “Everything is off the scale, arsenic and all,” Anderson said. “That thing right there shows 560 parts per million of manganese. That kind of manganese will kill you. “It’s a dadgum good thing I was filtering it.” He said he has to change his filters out every three months to keep the water clean and to allow it to flow to his house. The Hardin resident said the testing facility was surprised to learn how often he had to change his filter, believing the accumulation would make more sense after six months. “We’re just getting tired of drinking this filthy water” Anderson said, questioning if some health issues for those in the village could be related to the water’s quality. Haug said the board plans to discuss how to address its water rates after a survey of water usage and distribution throughout the village. A company is doing the work free of charge and will report to the board its findings at a later date.
VOLUmE 140 - ISSUE 49
Carmen Ensinger/Calhoun News Herald
Nine-month-old Janie Hagen looks at Santa in wonderment while meeting him for the first time Sunday at the Hardin Christmas Kickoff at the firehouse where Santa came for a visit along with one of his reindeer.
Village approves annual levy, no changes from 2012 by bOb CROSSEN Calhoun News-Herald The Hardin village board of trustees approved its annual levy ordinance, which has not changed from last year, during a regular meeting Dec. 2. The levy requests $26,218, which is the same request made the past two years, and as such the board did not need to have a truth in taxation hearing. According to the ordinance, streets and alleys materials is the fund with the highest levied total of $8,500. Repairs and maintenance along with rent and utilities each have a levied fund of $4,500. Remaining levied funds are for the police department with $2,000, salaries of city officers and employees for which $3,418 was levied, legal and audit expenses of $2,000, and telephone which had a levy of $1,300. A levy is a request for tax funds and does not guarantee the levying body the total sum for which it levies. A taxing body can receive only what the equal-
ized assessed value (EAV) can support. The EAV is the taxable value of property from which a taxing body may draw property tax funds. The board also heard a presentation from Jennifer Russell, community and economic development coordinator for the University of Illinois Extension, about ways in which the Extension hopes to help the community promote growth. She said she worked with a business owner and the board in Winchester to conduct a survey for a new business in town to learn what residents would like, noting Winchester is also working on a tax increment financing district (TIF) to promote future business and property value growth. Jerseyville and Grafton are also working on TIF districts. A TIF district is designed to increase the EAV of an area while also improving infrastructure for the district. In a TIF district any increase in EAV greater than the EAV at the onset of the TIF is returned to the district to be used for infrastructure improvements and busi-
ness incentives. Grafton received one after the Great Flood of ‘93 when its EAV was around $3 million. Since that time, the EAV has increased to more than $18 million and TIF money has been used to fund street, sewer and waterline improvements for the city. Russell said the Extension could help communities in Calhoun County with TIF districts and has a number of other programs available, as well. For more information about the U of I Extension office, visit its website at web. In other business, the board: n Approved the minutes of the previous meeting and the bills. n Thanked Allen and Debbie Johnson for putting together Christmas in the Village where around 100 kids came to visit Santa. n Approved a bid of $5,000 from Terry Churchman for a village-owned property which was previously a car wash.
Commissioner seat contested in next year’s election by bOb CROSSEN Calhoun News-Herald According to filings with the Calhoun County Clerk, there will be only one contested race next November during the general election. The county commissioner seat held by Larry Wieneke is up for election. Wieneke, a Hardin resident, is running on the Republican ticket and will be challenged by Randy Coughlin for the seat next November. Coughlin is a Batchtown resident running on the Democratic ticket. The elected commissioner will serve six years.
Wieneke was elected to the seat in November 2012 after the death of former commissioner chairwoman Wanda Tepen, who had been a member of the commissioners since 2009 when she was appointed to the position vacated by her husband, Vince Tepen, upon his death. She was elected during the 2010 election, and died in July 2012. Patricia Langland will run uncontested for the position of supervisor of assessments for which she was appointed Sept. 5. The county commissioners appointed Langland to the position after removing former supervisor of assessments
Brandi Kieffer from office March 12, citing a number of failures of duty of office. Kieffer also pleaded guilty to insurance fraud, six counts of official misconduct in her duties of public office and grievous bodily harm in September. Rita Hagen, county clerk, Lisa Roth, county treasurer and Bill Heffington, county sheriff, are running for their respective positions, uncontested. As for precinct committee members, Republicans running for the positions are Wieneke in Hardin precinct, Irvin Graham in Belleview precinct, Charles Casey in Gilead precinct, and Richard
Moyer in Point precinct. Democrats running for precincts are Chris Behrens in Hamburg precinct, Dorwin Looper, Jr. in Crater precinct, Paul T. “Snow” Herkert in Hardin precinct, Keith Klocke in Richwood precinct, Thomas Droege in Carlin precinct and Julia Bimslager in Point precinct. Voters will also decide on the 8th Judicial District circuit court judge in March during the primary election March 18, 2014. Charles H.W. Burch, a Kampsville resident, and Tammy L. Evans, a Hardin resident, are both running for the seat on the Democratic ticket.
The seat for judge is being vacated by Chief Judge of the 8th Judicial District Richard Greenlief. Greenlief announced his retirement in August and upon the end of his term will have served the county for 18 years. The first day to apply for an absentee ballot for the primary election in March is Feb. 6, 2014. The last day to register to vote for the election is Feb. 18, 2014, and the first day for grace period registration and voting begins the next day. During grace period registration, those registering must vote at the time they register.
Democrat challenges Burch for circuit judge seat
• Index • Our Town . . . . . . A8 News . . . . . . . .A4-5 Public Notice . . . b6 Real Estate . . .b4-5 Correspondence A3 Social . . . . . . . . . A6 Sports . . . . . . . . b8 Obituaries in this issue: None
© 2013 Calhoun News-Herald
Bob Crossen/Calhoun News-Herald
Travis Hall lines the roof of his house with Christmas lights Monday afternoon. Hall completed the work while he played Christmas music from his home. The lights of the house flickered in tune to the music when he finished wiring everything together.
by bOb CROSSEN Calhoun News-Herald A Carrollton native whose mother grew up in Calhoun County filed to challenge Charles H.W. Burch for the 8th Judicial District circuit judge seat in Calhoun County. Tammy L. Evans, daughter of Ron Evans and Rosemary (Becker) Evans, will run on the Democratic ticket in the primary election against Charles H.W. Burch, March 18, 2014. The seat is being vacated by Judge Richard Greenlief when he ends his term to enter retirement. Evans said she moved to the county when she heard about the vacancy after Veterans Day. She said she wanted to run not only to offer residents of the county a choice between candidates, but also to serve the county to the best of her ability if elected. “I hope to serve the residents of Calhoun. … I hope to serve them in the most fair and impartial way,” Evans said, noting impartiality is the most important characteristic for a judge to exhibit. She said she made the move to run as circuit judge because it would be a good next step for her legal career. “I know it would be a great
opportunity. I know I’ve got the experience, and I know I have the character,” Evans said. After graduating from Carrollton High School, Evans attended Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville where she received a bachelors degree in political science and English literature. She attended Washington University as a grad student pursuing a masters degree in international affairs but, after being accepted into law school, she shifted her focus to attend Chicago-Kent College of Law. Since that time she has worked in a courtroom every work day for 13 years handling case loads for the office of public guardians in Chicago in addition to clerking with the attorney general and other law offices. Originally, Evans said she worked in the juvenile division of the office where she handled juvenile cases for more than three years, and after a tragic fire destroyed many of the records at the office – and took the lives of some who worked there – Evans said she transitioned to the adult guardianship division for six years. In addition to the adult guardianship case work, Evans said she has (See, burch, A2)
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Calhoun News-Herald
Obamacare subsidies vary in area counties By scott reeder & jackson adams Illinois News Network Insurance premiums for people in their 20s are skyrocketing under Obamacare, leaving serious concerns about the future viability of the entire system. A recently released Heritage Foundation report found that that the cost of purchasing a health insurance policy for an Illinois 27-year-old has more than doubled since the advent of Obamacare. And recruiting young people to enroll is a major goal of the Obama administration, because insurers need healthy customers to offset the cost of caring for those with costly medical needs. A carrot-and-stick approach is taken to get uninsured people to join in the Affordable Care Act’s health insurance exchanges. Subsidies are given to some people who enroll, and fines are levied against those who choose not to buy insurance. The fines amount to either $95 per year or 1 percent of a person’s annual income, whichever is greater. The cutoff level for subsidies is based not only on a person’s income, but also their age and where they live. For example, unmarried 20-year-olds in Jersey County are eligible for subsidized insurance if they earn less than $23,766 a year. The cut-off amount for an unmarried 20-year-old in Pike County is higher -- $24,268. But unmarried 60-year-olds living in either county are eligible for subsidized insurance if they earn less than $45,960. “A lot of young people are going to choose to not buy insurance because they are going to figure out that it is cheaper to pay the fine and go without,” said David Hogberg, a health care policy analyst for the National Center for Public Policy Research. This is hardly a small number
of people, said Chris Conover, a researcher at Duke University’s School for Health Policy and Inequality. “About one-half of the uninsured people between 19 and 30 have at least a $500 incentive not to buy health insurance under Obamacare and about one-third have a $1,000 incentive not to pur-
For example, unmarried 20-year-olds in jersey county are eligible for subsidized insurance if they earn less than $23,766 a year. the cut-off amount for an unmarried 20-yearold in Pike county is higher -- $24,268. chase it,” Conover said. That $1,000 “incentive” represents how much the insurance would cost if they opted to buy it rather than pay the fine, he said. “You could argue that they are getting insurance in exchange for paying that money,” Conover said. “But for many young people that is not much of an incentive. The policies generally have high deductibles and people in these age ranges generally are in good health.” Conover predicted that few young people will sign up for Obamacare which will result in risk pools having disproportionate numbers of older and less healthy people. As a result, insurance companies would have to raise their premiums further, he said. “We call it the ‘death spiral.’ The premiums go up so more young people drop out and pay the fine, which results in the premiums going up even more and more people dropping out,” Hogberg said.
Cutoff incomes for subsidies, by individual age and county Calhoun County Greene County Jersey County Pike County Scott County
Age 20 $23,766 $23,766 $23,766 $24,268 $24,268
Age 30 $31,628 $31,628 $31,628 $32,366 $32,366
This already has happened in states that have overregulated the individual health insurance market, Conover said. “Other than out of some sense of civic duty, it’s hard to see why a young person would purchase insurance, especially if they are currently uninsured,” Hogberg said. “If they were to get some subsidy, obviously it might drive the price of a … plan down enough that it might be worth their time. But if they are not going to get a subsidy, why would you do that, and pay at least $100 a month, maybe more, when you could pay a fine of either $95 dollars or 1% of your taxable income, whichever is more?” Families are doing the same calculations. Donna Moore, who lives in Springfield, has three adult children 25 or younger – all of whom are insured either through an employer, the military or Moore’s own policy. She said cost/benefit calculations on insurance are something her family and many others are having to do now. “We don’t like having to pay for things that we don’t use, and we think it is really ridiculous,” Moore said. “But what can we do? … If they don’t pay for the insurance then they’ll have to pay the penalty. So if I’m advising somebody not to sign up for it, I’m putting them in the position of having to pay the penalty.”
Age 40 $33,654 $33,654 $33,654 $34,436 $34,436
Age 50 $45,960 $45,960 $45,960 $45,960 $45,960
Hardin, Illinois
Age 60 $45,960 $45,960 $45,960 $45,960 $45,960
Josh Archambault, a senior fellow with the Foundation for Government Accountability, anticipates states such as Illinois or the federal government may try to encourage more young people to enroll by increasing the penalty in future years. Lawmakers who support the law want people to focus on its benefits for young people. “We’re hearing so much about what’s wrong that we’re not getting the information out about what’s right,” said state Rep. Monique Davis, D-Chicago. “You can stay on your parent’s insurance until you’re 26 years old. Say you’re a young woman, your insurance is required to give you a mammogram and other procedures that a young woman is required to have. Now if I were a young woman I wouldn’t want to keep the plan I had, I’d want to have those new things included.” Obamacare proponents also point out that having insurance encourages young people to take more steps to avoid health problems. “We need to educate people to go to physicians when they’re healthy, not the emergency room when they are sick,” said state Rep. Sara Feigenholtz, D-Chicago. “Insurance is the way to encourage them to do that.” Unfortunately, the Affordable Care Act may end up having the reverse effect of pricing people out of the insurance market altogether.
Publisher: Bruce Campbell executive editor: Julie Boren regional editor: Robert Lyons General manager and advertising director: Nichole Liehr reporter: Bob Crossen sports: Sam Elliott
The Calhoun News-Herald is published for the whole of Calhoun County. Any worthwhile program that will benefit the county will be backed by the Calhoun News-Herald. Letter to editor Policy The Calhoun News-Herald welcomes letters to the editor. They must be signed and include your address. Letters without an individual’s signature will not be published. The Calhoun News-Herald will accept only letters to the editor that are written in good taste. Libelous remarks will not be published. The editor reserves the right to make the decision of acceptance. Letters may be edited for clarity, brevity and fairness. Opinions expressed in columns are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views of this newspaper.
“Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers, or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.” -- Thomas Jefferson, 1787
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CALHOUN AUTO locally owned and operated ED WICKENHAUSER COTY CAMERER 203C J.F. KENNEDY STREET HARDIN, IL 62047 618-576-9900 618-576-9903
ccHd offering in-person counselor in Brussels
Pictorial history book available at calhoun Historical society Just in time for Christmas another shipment of the popular recently published Pictorial History of Calhoun County has been received by the Calhoun Historical Society. The book is of burgundy hardbound leatherette style with the original county courthouse (built in 1848) and the Joe Page Bridge (built in 1931) embossed in gold on the front cover. It consists of 272 pages including index, and over 1600 photos- many of which would never be seen if the book had not been published. The inside front cover and fly leaf and back inside cover and flyleaf contains eight photos of the Thomas Pressed Brick Company operation
at Winneberg in it’s heyday in the mid 1800s. The price is $45 each + shipping and handling if mailed. Several leather bound editions are available at $69.95 but only a few remain. Also available are several copies of a hardbound book titled “A River Through Illinois” published in 2007. It depicts life and scenes from Grafton to Chicago. The front cover portrays “Buck” Barry, in his ‘90s, of Batchtown with the Joe Page Bridge in the background. Mr. Barry worked on building the bridge until it was completed and dedicated in 1931. The Hardin Hotel with its present owner Sue Schulte’s photo contains a brief
description of that operation. This book sells for $20 + $5 shipping and handling if mailed. Orders for both books may be submitted by mail to the Calhoun County Historical Society, P.O. Box 46, Hardin, IL 62047. The Historical Society Museum located on the second floor of the Farm Bureau on North County Rd. in Hardin is normally open 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Wednesdays. It will also be open 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturdays, Dec. 7, 14, and 21. Contact Society president Emerson Retzer at cell phone number 618-535-4945 for other possible access dates and book availability.
mississippi river F & W area mid-season report Batchtown has harvested 3,510 ducks up 2 percent over the long term average. They have harvested 32.4 percent mallards, 7 percent gadwall, 14.7 percent green wing teal, 11.8 percent ringneck, 5.7 percent redhead, 10 percent bluebills and the rest were under 5 percent. The bird per man average is 1.64. Calhoun Point has harvested 1,872 ducks which is 62 percent over their long term average. They have harvested 48 percent mallards, 12 percent gadwall, 6 percent green wing teal, and 16 percent wood ducks, the rest were under 5 percent. The bird per man average is 1.29. Calhoun Point is only 269 ducks away from having
one of their top 10 years. The Glades has harvested 2,156 ducks, 72.8 percent over their long term average. They have harvested 40 percent mallards, 17 percent gadwall, 12 percent Green wing teal, 5 percent shoveler, and 13 percent Wood duck, the rest were under 5 percent. The bird per man average is 1.43. The Glades is 166 ducks away from having one of their top 10 years. Godar has harvested 3,265 ducks down 40 percent over their long term average. They have harvested 42.5 percent mallards, 11 percent gadwall, 15.9 percent green wing teal, 6.2 percent ringneck, and 5.7 percent wood duck, the rest were under 5 percent. The
bird per man average is 1.89. Stump Lake has harvested 2,989 ducks which is 23.7 percent over the long term average. They have harvested 44.8 percent mallards, 12.2 percent gadwall, 5.5 percent pintail, 10.6 percent green wing teal, and 9.6 percent wood duck and the rest were under 5 percent. The bird per man average is 1.37. MRA totals for check station areas 13,792 ducks which is 20.9 percent over the long term average. They have harvested 41 percent mallards, 12 percent gadwall, 13 percent green wing teal, 8 percent wood duck and 7 percent ringneck, the rest were under 5 percent. The bird per man average is 1.53.
can be made by calling Rachael at (618) 576-2428. Walk-ins are welcome and will be seen on a first-come first-serve basis.
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hospital without racking up huge medical bills. If you enroll in a plan by Dec. 23, your coverage will start in January 2014. Enrollment is open through March 31, 2014. To enroll online or find a Navigator near you, visit www. or call the toll-free Help Desk at (866) 3111119, open seven days a week from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. In Person Counselor will be available at the South County Library in Brussels Tuesday, Dec. 10. The deadline to enroll for health insurance has been extended to Dec. 23 . The Calhoun County Health Department will have their In Person Counselor, Rachael Friedel, at the South County Library in Brussels on Dec. 10 from 1 to 6 p.m. to answer questions and help people with the enrollment process. Appointment
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four that makes less than $94,200 a year, you may be able to get a tax credit to help pay for your health insurance coverage. You may qualify for a free or low-cost plan. Sometimes finding the right health plan can be confusing. The Calhoun County Health Department is available to make sure community members know about affordable health insurance options that are available to them and get the information and assistance they need to sign up for a plan that fits their needs. Appointments can be made Monday-Friday from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. by calling (618) 576-2428. Get Covered Illinois provides free preventive care to help you stay healthy. No one plans to get sick or injured, but if the unexpected happens, you’ll now be able to see a doctor or go to the
There’s a new way for you to find the health insurance you need. Individuals, families and small businesses in Illinois can now sign up for health coverage through Get Covered Illinois by visiting w w w. G e t C o v e r e d I l l i n o i s . g o v. Through the Marketplace, you can make side-by side comparisons of health coverage options and find the plan that works best for you, your family and your budget. All of the plans you’ll find through Get Covered Illinois cover things like doctor visits, hospital stays, prescriptions and more. And you won’t be denied coverage if you are sick or already have a condition like asthma, diabetes or even cancer. You may be able to get help paying for your plan. For example, if you are an individual who earns less than $45,960 a year, or a member of a family of
advertising: Jack Kallal office manager: Barb Kiel accounting/circulation: Jane Suiter subscription rates: $30 per year in Adams, Brown, Calhoun, Greene, Jersey, Macoupin, Madison, Morgan, Pike and Scott Counties, IL and Lincoln, Pike and Ralls Counties, Mo. $60 per year elsewhere. $87 per year outside the continental United States. college rates: $26 nine months in Illinois. $34 nine months elsewhere single copy: 75 cents Postmaster: Send address changes to: Calhoun News-Herald, P.O. Box 407, Jerseyville, IL 62052
the calhoun news-Herald is published weekly by campbell Publishing co., Inc., UsPs 083300, Bruce campbell, president. Periodicals postage paid at Hardin, IL Phone: 618-576-2345 e-mail: circulation@
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Calhoun News-Herald
Hardin, Illinois
by Carol Sue Carnes ■ 833-2333
Jerseyville, Mike and Lynette Eberhardt and Daniel and LeAnn Baecht and Connor of Springfield, MO. John and Julie Carnes, Hannah, Lydia and Caleb hosted Thanksgiving dinner at their home in Edwardsville on Thursday. Enjoying the delicious turkey and all the trimmings with them were Francis and Liz Toppmeyer, Ed and Lisa Heffington, Dennis and Shelly Scherer and Brittany Kirn, Trevor and Cyndi Axford, Madison and Mackenzie, Charlie Brown and myself. That evening Mackenzie accompanied me home for three days. On Friday John and Caleb Carnes joined Mackenzie and I. The guys finished winterizing everything, plus putting up some outdoor Christmas decorations for me. We all enjoyed dinner and a nice visit that evening. On Saturday Mackenzie and I did some shopping and she put up my Christmas village, after church on Sunday we baked cookies. Cyndi Axford joined us later in the afternoon and we had dinner at A.J.’s before they returned home. Steve Carnes and friend Erin Taake hosted Thanksgiving dinner on Friday for the Fortschneider family. Present were Norma Fortschneider, Margie Carnes, Leonard and Joyce Fortschneider, Emily, Hank and friend Brooke, Bob and MaryJo Kress, Nathaniel Presley and friend Alicia Cox, Kyle and Natalie Weiner and Jeff and Kathy Carey, Kevin, Hannah and Taylor. Dave and Mary Kirn celebrated their 40 th wedding anniversary on Sunday, along with their daughter Patricia celebrating her 30th birthday. They, along with Patricia’s daughter Kenzie,
enjoyed a wonderful day together. Many more “happy ones” to all of them! Alan and Kathy Friedel and Tyler hosted Thanksgiving dinner at their home on Thursday. Joining them were Larry and Marcia Hattemar and Ed and Laurie Lehr. Missing this year was Owen and Vicki Hattemar who recently moved to Gulf Shores, AL to be near their sons and daughter-in-law. Charles and Virginia Murphy hosted Thanksgiving dinner at their home on Thursday. Family members present were Mike and Sharon Rose, Dave and Mary Kirn, Patricia and Kenzie, Lonnie and Charlene Haug and Clayton Murphy. Joining them in the evening were Jeff and Paula Schleeper. Birthday greetings this week to Richard Halemeyer, Bailey Muntman, Shane Macauley, Bob Kiel, Rosie Wreath, Leroy Zimmerman, Jeanine (Carnes) Meinen, Brent Kirn, Mike Halemeyer, JoAnn LaMarsh, Curt Peters, Ricky Haring and all others celebrating their natal day at this time. Happy Anniversary to Vince and Caroline Stegman, Paul and Mary Lou Goetze, Roger and Michelle Hagen, Pat and Sharon Friedel, George and Irma Kuhn, Carl and Pauline Eschbach and all other couples celebrating a wedding anniversary this week. Don’t forget this coming weekend, December 7th and 8th is the Open House at J. L. Krafts and Flowers in Golden Eagle. Hours are 10 AM to 5 PM both days. Advent Services at St. Matthew Church will be held every Wednesday evenings at 7 PM, beginning this Wednesday, December 4th .
Elden and Susan Kinder, Teresa Haug and Heather Sievers returned recently after spending a week in Gainsville, FL. There they enjoyed a wonderful visit with Johnny and Kristen (Haug) Faircloth, their children and grandchildren. Kristen is the daughter of Teresa (and the late Oscar) Haug and a sister to Susan. Sounds like they had a great time. George and Yvonne Baecht were guests of Donnie and Rosa Bennett in O’Fallon, MO on Thanksgiving Day. The Baecht’s and Bennett’s have been friends for many years. James and Helen Carter of Memphis, TN spent Friday through Sunday with Everette and Dorothy Meyer. On Friday night they were joined by Marie Held, Glenn and Jane Pohlman and Jeanette Held for a delicious supper and evening of visiting. Before the Carter’s returned home on Sunday they all enjoyed breakfast at Mel’s Riverdock Restaurant in Hardin. Larry and Marcia Hattemar and Ray and Ginger Thomeczek of Alton enjoyed dinner at Wittmond’s one day last week. Afterwards they spent the afternoon visiting at the Hattemar home. Marcia and Ginger were classmates all through grade school and high school and Ray joined them during the last 8 years. On Saturday Kyle and Kris Hagen hosted a post-Thanksgiving Dinner at their home in Alton. Present were Marie Held and Bob, Bonnie and Eric Held. Also Mike and Lynne Adams and Piper. George and Yvonne Baecht hosted a family post-Thanksgiving Dinner on Saturday at their home. Present were Keith and Becky Baecht, Matthew and Samuel of
■ Blessings from Belleview by Chris Thomas ■ 217-734-9012
We hope everyone has had a great Thanksgiving and a time filled with blessings and thankfulness. We have begun a new series through the Advent season entitled “The Carols of Christmas”. Several of our families were either sick, on the road, or had other interferences, but we still had a great turnout and a wonderful time of worship. We will be having our church Christmas party on December 15 and I am looking forward to another delicious spread of food to eat. We would love to have you come, if you have any questions, feel free to give us a call. We will also be having our children’s Christmas program on December 22 at 10:45. We have a busy month ahead of us and we would love to have you come and visit with us one Sunday, our church is beautifully decorated for the Christmas season. We have a busy week of special days ahead of us. Delza Osterman will be celebrating her birthday on Dec. 4. Then on Sunday, one of my favorite pals, Paxton Browning will celebrate a birthday on December 8. Then another one of my pals Audrey Bridges celebrates a birthday on December 10. Paxton and Audrey gets to pick a prize on Sunday from the Birthday Basket! Expectations. That is a word that can be attached to Christmas. It is what I see in each of our three children. Do you remember my neighbor Jerry who worked tirelessly in using his house to
demonstrate the Christmas spirit? He usually takes a week off from his work to set up his Christmas decorations. Last year, it was a week long effort. This year, he had been dealing with hospital visits during his vacation. One of our family traditions for Thanksgiving is that on Thanksgiving night, we put up our Christmas tree. Last year, our tree bit the dust and it was time for another one. We upgraded this year to a 7 foot tree after having a 6 foot (looked small in our expansive family room). After tediously straightening out each branch and hiding each gap, we gave our children ornaments to hang up. I had really looked forward to allowing them to decorate the full tree and realized the error of my ways when every ornament was hanging on the bottom 2 feet of the tree and there was a full array of green on the top. I finally lifted each one by one and helped them spread the ornaments to the top. After we placed the star, we stepped back and admired our handiwork. It is not the fanciest of trees and there is no established order or neatness to our decorations but it is our tree. We love it. Then I saw it. Expectation. It was in their eyes as they turned to look outside. Where were the lights? As Friday rolled around, I saw Jerry working in the yard. His family were all outside as they furiously worked together to put up their lights and decorations. Expectation. Oh, if only to be a kid again. To have that sense of wonder and expectation
whose eyes twinkles at the sight of thousands of lights shining, twinkling, and sparkling at the home next door. Our children at this innocent young age love Christmas. With Christmas, they expect to see Jerry’s house light up. Expectation simply means to look forward or anticipate. An even better word to use would be hope. I have a brief idea of that word when I prepared and put away my boat for the winter. Like a child, I looked forward to the day when I can unwrap it from its covers and go fishing again underneath the warm spring sun. What are you hoping for? Better health? Goodwill to all men? Lasting peace? More money? Within each one of us, there is an expectation. That expectation or hope within us is usually the driving force behind us. Over the years, I have learned that it is not necessarily what you are hoping for, it is actually what you are hoping in. Amid all the hoopla of Christmas lights and decorations that sprinkle the country sides and floods the cities, there is a stable. In that stable is a manger, an ordinary feeding trough. In that manger is hope. It is where I found mine. As I held my children close to me and we gazed in awe at the lights, I quietly reflected with the thankfulness the hope that I have found and the reason for the season. Looking for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus, (Titus 2:13)
■ Summit Grove News
by Martha Narup ■ 653-4306
Mother Nature gave us good weather to go to our families on Thanksgiving Day. Marlinda and Lane Owen, Terry, and Vivian were lunch guests at Matha’s on Tuesday. Vivian came home Tuesday to spend a few days at Martha’s for Thanksgiving. Wednesday night Bo and Kristina, Olivia Gresham, Lexi Greding,Vivian, Dennis, Brandon, Leanne and Brayden, Morgan Pillars were overnight guests at Martha’s.
Thanksgiving Day I had all my family here but five. Dan and Bonnie Bland stopped by for a short visit. The Greshams, Vivian, and Dennis spent Thursday night at Martha’s. Friday we made jelly and Saturday we made tomato juice from tomatoes we had in the freezer. Thanksgiving Day, Darlene Carroll, John Mulkins, Bob and Vinny Mulkins, and Art Schultz, next door neighbor, were all dinner guests at Shelia Cassidy’s
and Leanna’s. Larry and Betty Singer brought goodies to fix at Ida’s for Thanksgiving dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Burl and family enjoyed visiting and went out to lunch on Saturday. Burl is Ida’s grandson. Reminder: Do you have your card ready for Ida Woodmansee’s birthday? It is December 10th . Her address is RR 1 Box 11a, Kampsville, IL. 62053. She will be 97.
■ Batchtown News
by Dorothy Klockenkemper ■ 396-2468
Pat and Sharon Friedel helped two grandkids celebrate their birthdays since Thanksgiving. Patrick who turned seven on the 27th and Charlie who turned two on the 30th. Thanksgiving was held on Friday evening at Pat Amy, Patrick, and Bryant Friedel’s house. Guests were Tim, Sherry, Caleb, and Cole and Ciera from Tennessee. Steve Stempee father of Amy also attended. It was a great Thanksgiving together. Jim and Arlene Brodbeck celebrated Thanksgiving with their family, all their children and grandchildren. We wish Paula (Brodbeck) Zimerman a happy birthday. She celebrated with family and friends on December 3rd, her birthday. Wayne and Paula and daughters Shawna and Dana live at Fayetteville NC. We wish you a joyful year Paula. Jane Mager is currently receiving care and rehab at the Calhoun Nursing and Rehab Center in Hardin. We wish her good health and a quick recovery Jane. Suzanne Kamp entertained her whole family at her home for Thanksgiving. They enjoyed a wonderful meal and time together. Jerome and Betty Sievers celebrated Thanksgiving at their home with their family. It was a wonderful day. Their Christmas lights are beautiful as are all the lights in Batchtown. The town park is decorated and beautiful with displays of Christmas scenes so is downtown Batchtown. The lights were lit Saturday evening after Thanksgiving The park is attractive with the new playground equipment in place this year. Many families are visiting the park with their children. The Wilma Krysl family all enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner at her home. Everyone enjoyed the meal and being together. Visitors at the home of Elsie Kirn over Thanksgiving were Jeff Franke, Chris and Girlfriend Cathy, Ted and girlfriend Lea. Also present were her grandson, Chasse Sibley, and his wife and their two daughters. Granddaughter, Jayme Sibley also came. Friday evening visitors at Elsie’s were her daughter Bitzy and husband Jim Durhausen, and granddaughter Abby Mae. It was great for the family to be together. The Batchtown Altar Sodality had a cheerful Christmas meal at the Fill In Station in Batchtown Sunday evening December 1st. After their meal the
group played bingo and exchanged gifts. Father Don Roberts joined them for the evening. Everyone had a festive good time together. The Batchtown Womans Club met at Karen Friedel’s home to assemble the fruit baskets for the shut-ins on December 3rd. The ladies each brought cookies for the baskets. Afterwards they went to the Fill Inn Station for supper and exchanged their secret pal gifts, and received the identity of their pal. New Secret Pals were chosen for 2014.The ladies delivered the baskets and visited with those receiving them. It was a happy evening together. Keep in mind that the Entertainment Company Christmas Concert is just two weeks away, December 15th at 2 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church in Hardin. Refreshments are provided. Come hear beautiful Christmas music with your family. The Francisicans of the Tau are taking a trip to the St. Louis Cathedral on Saturday afternoon December 21st. They will attend mass there and then go out to eat. On Sunday December 22nd they will have their monthly meeting at the Hardin office. They will make up boxes of food for the poor. Members are bringing food and baked items for the boxes. The members will deliver the boxes and sing Christmas Carols. Santa Claus is coming to Batchtown on Sunday December 22nd at 7pm. at the Town building in Batchtown. Come join in and bring the little ones. David and Marisa Bellit and daughter Lia who is 2 1/2 years old entertained their family on Thanksgiving Day at their home in Godfrey. Those attending were Roger and Marilyn Woelfel, Lindsey Woelfel, and friends Andy and Bella Miller, and Martha Welch and her sister-in-law. Everyone enjoyed the day. Tony and Jana Sievers have a beautiful Christmas light show at their home on Franklin Hill and Turner Hill Rd. Come see “Candy Cane Lane”. It is a picture postcard experience. The Calhoun Angel Tree Project to give toys to disadvantaged children will have a steak dinner meal for $25.00 at the Fill Inn Station. Toys may also be dropped off at the restaurant. Corrine Berrey continues to receive therapy and also Bob Sievers is receiving therapy at the Calhoun Nursing and Rehab Center in Hardin. We wish them a quick recoveryand good health. A Stork Shower was held for
Rachael Bick wife of David Bick of Denver, CO. Saturday November 30th. The shower was held at Lindy and Martha Bick’s home in Batchtown. Out of town family attending were Amy Schatzle, Katie Bick, Shirleen McCarrey and Dana, Betty Keeton, Robin Hillen and several other family members attended from Batchtown and the area. Congratulations Rachael on your special day. Lindy and Martha celebrated Thanksgiving with their family at their home. Those attending were David and Rachael Bick and Mark all from Denver, Ben, Amy and Ian Schaltze of Cedar Rapids IA., and Katie Bick of St. Louis, MO. Bernie and Robin Hillen, Travis Allison and their children Mia and Eden. It was a nice gathering. The Fill Inn Station is taking reservations for Christmas. Call 396-0466 for reservations. Pat and Vera Droege and Geneva Heffington went to Mel and Sarah Heffington’s home in Hardin for Thanksgiving dinner. Saturday Geneva went to Point Pleasant Restaurant for a baby shower for Courtney Kamp from Ohio. There were family and friends in attendance. Congratulations Courtney. Geneva also attended a Thanksgiving dinner and bitrthday party for Bob Gerson at Bob and Patty’s home in Batchtown on Saturday. There were many friends and family in attendance. Happy birthday Bob! The Heart of Christmas By:Alice Kennelly Roberts Have you been to the Land of Christmas Where the firs and hemlocks grow, Where their tips are lost in the stardust And their boughs are tinseled with snow? Have you shared in the dream of Christmas With starry-eyed girls and boys Who trust that jolly Santa Will answer their note - with toys? Have you dwelt in the glow of Christmas, The candles glimmer far, A chorus of angel voices, And light from distant star? Have you felt all the love of Christmas In friendship with those who care? Then you’ve peeped in the heart of Christmas, And the Christ Child Himself is there!
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Calhoun News-Herald
Hardin, Illinois
Oh, deer! The perfect frame Michaela Hil, 5, of Elsah is perfectly framed in between the reindeer antlers as she and her brother, Chase, have their picture taken with Santa on Sunday at the fire house in Hardin where Santa kicked off the holiday festivities in Hardin.
Carmen Ensinger/Calhoun News Herald
Her first Christmas Seven-month-old Miley Ewen of Hardin is all smiles as she makes herfirst visit with Ole St. Nick at the Christmas Kick-off in Hardin Sunday.
Travel opportunity: Switzerland, Italy, France 2015 In June 2013, 32 local people experienced the trip of a lifetime while traveling through Ireland. The next trip is on the horizon and now is your chance to be a part of it. Entitled “Switzerland, Italy & France” the tour allows travelers to see Zurich, Lucerne, Venice, Rome, Florence, Pisa, Monaco, the French Riviera, and Paris. Landmarks include Mount Pilatus, Verona, St. mark’s Square, Doge’s Palace, Sistine Chapel, St. Peter’s Basilica, the Roman Forum and Colosseum, Leaning Tower of Pisa, Notre Dame, and the Louvre. For a detailed itinerary, visit www. and search tour #1449741TA. The cost of the 11-13 day trip starts at $3,375 for students/anyone under 20 years old ($3,770 adults/+20 years) and includes round-trip airfare, hotel accommodations, a full-time tour
director, daily breakfast and dinner, entrance fees to select attractions and guided sightseeing. Additional costs include travel insurance ($145), airport taxes and fees, tips, spending money, etc. Individuals are responsible for obtaining passports on their own as soon as possible. The trip is open to those who are 16 years or older as of June 5th, 2015 (12-15 years may travel with an adult guardian) and can include anyone in the community who is willing to seize the opportunity to travel abroad. If you are interested in being a part of the next great trip, you can attend an informational meeting at 6 pm on Dec. 9, Jan. 15, or Feb. 27 in the Calhoun High auditorium. You may also contact Lori Mortland at 5762229 or lmortland@calhoun40. net with questions.
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Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Calhoun News-Herald
Hardin, Illinois
‘Elf The Musical’ at the Fabulous Fox “Elf The Musical” will play Dec. 17-29 at the Fabulous Fox Theatre. Show times are Tuesday through Saturday evenings at 8 p.m., Saturday afternoons at 2 p.m. and Sunday afternoons at 1 p.m. Additional evening performances are scheduled for Sunday, Dec. 22 at 6:30 p.m. and Monday, Dec. 23 at 8 p.m. Weekday matinees are scheduled on Thursday, Dec.19 at 1 p.m. and Friday, Dec. 27 at 1 p.m. There will be no performances on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. Tickets are available online at, by calling (314) 534-1111 or in person at the Fox Theatre Box Office. Ticket prices start at $25. Prices are
subject to change; please refer to for current pricing. “Elf” is the hilarious tale of Buddy, a young orphan child who mistakenly crawls into Santa’s bag of gifts and is transported back to the North Pole. Unaware that he is actually human, Buddy’s enormous size and poor toy-making abilities cause him to face the truth. With Santa’s permission, Buddy embarks on a journey to New York City to find his birth father, discover his true identity, and help New York remember the true meaning of Christmas. This modern day Christmas classic is sure to make everyone embrace their inner “Elf.”
Something for everyone
Share your news tips: Advertise: 618-498-1234
ISP conducting ACE patrols Captain Parsons, District 18 Commander, is announcing that the Illinois State Police (ISP) will conduct Alcohol Countermeasure Enforcement (ACE) patrols in District 18 during the month of December. The ACE patrols allow the ISP to target an area with saturation patrols that focus on preventing, detecting, and taking enforcement action in response to violations associated with impaired driving and illegal transportation or consumption of alcohol and other drugs. Across the country, an average of one alcohol-related traffic death occurs every 51 minutes. Alcohol and drug impairment remain significant factors in nearly 40 percent of all fatal motor vehicle crashes in Illinois. Each year in Illinois, hundreds of lives are lost in alcohol-related crashes. Don’t risk losing your license, your car, and your freedom. If you drive impaired, law enforcement will arrest you. This project is funded by the Illinois Department of Transportation, Division of Traffic Safety.
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Holiday Corner
The basics of poinsettia plant care
Although poinsettias are most often associated with the holiday season, they are actually tropical plants. In spite of their origins, poinsettias can thrive during the holiday season and even last long after the holidays have come and gone. Poinsettias are native to Mexico and Central America. Aztecs called the plant cuetlaxochitl. The flowering plant was first introduced to the United States by Joel Poinsett, the U.S. ambassador to Mexico, and was subsequently renamed the poinsettia. The flowers of the poinsettia are actually the yellow blooms at the middle of the bright red or white bracts that form on the plant. Perhaps due to the bright red of the bracts, the plant quickly became a popular Christmas plant. It's important to note that poinsettias grow in a warm climate and therefore must be kept in tropical conditions to ensure the plant's health. Furthermore, poinsettias bloom in response to shortening daylight hours. That means they will need ample darkness each night in order to simulate the dark nights of short, winter days. To achieve this, you may need to put the plant into a dark closet for 12 to 14 hours each night. During the day, the plant should
be in a sunny window where it will have access to bright light. The more light the better. Keep the soil evenly moist. Misting the plant will help it to retain some humidity. Also, fill the overflow saucer on your flower pot with gravel to allow water seeping through the pot to evaporate from the gravel. Hot temperatures indoors combined with high humidity will help the plant to thrive. Even one day without adequate moisture can cause the leaves to drop. Furthermore, decreasing temperatures can cause leaves to fall off. The goal is to keep the indoor temperature consistent. While many poinsettia plants are discarded after the holiday season, these plants can actually be cut back and saved for next season. Trimming back any remaining leaves and continuing to care for the plant by keeping it moist can help. To force the blooms next season, start reducing the plant's exposure to sunlight in mid-September to October. Again, this will mean removing the plant to an area that is shrouded in complete darkness. Even streetlights or indoor lighting can affect blooming. If the plant does not begin to turn color before the holiday season, you may need to purchase a new plant and try again next year.
25th Annual 4
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Friday, December 13 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Saturday, December 14 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
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Flowers Of All Kinds - Many Gift Ideas
Holiday Parties & Gift Certificates Aerie’s Riverview Winery 600 Timber Ridge - Grafton, IL 62037 Winery - 618.786.7477
Hours of Operation Sun - Thurs 12pm - 8pm Fri, Sat 12pm - 10pm
Lodging & Zipline - 618.786.8439 -
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Francis Pohlman Christmas Bazaar Legion Meeting on Dec. 13 Francis Pohlman Legion Meeting and Auxiliary regular meeting will be held on Wednesday, Dec. 11 starting with dinner at 6:30 p.m. The meeting will follow the dinner, which is being prepared by the Sons of the American Legion. The Auxiliary Ladies are asked to bring one dozen cookies, and a $5 donation, which will be used to purchase, needed items for the Veterans instead of a gift exchange
Zeb Lilly and Cara McClellan of Kampsville are the proud parents of an 8 pound 4 ounce son, Leyten John Lilly, born on Tuesday Sept, 3, 2013 at 5:02 p.m. at Alton Memorial Hospital. Grandparents are Brenda and Kenny Johnson of Kampsville, Lemuel and Kathy Lilly of Beecher City. Great-grandparents are Ila McMillen, Wilma Lilly, Wayne and Mary Tipsword, and the late Loraine Ripplinger. Elder siblings are Mahala,10, Greysen, 2, and Anistyn, 1.
There will be a Christmas Bazaar on Friday, Dec. 13, from 5 to 9 p.m. in the banquet room at Straight Home Bar and Grill. Among those showing will be: Pampered Chef, Sew Crafty, Christie”s Scarves and Accessories, Karen’s Baked Goods and Wreaths, Oragami Owl, Keepsake Signs, Scarves by Tammy Betts, Monkeyshine Crafts, Shot Gun Jewelry, 31, Scentsy, Antler Letters and homemade soap by Polly Watkins, Joan Frazier Necklaces, and Stanley Home/Fuller Brushes from Joyce Simon. There will be a lot of cash and carry items. This is a good way to pick up those last minute Christmas gifts.
Christmas Concert on Dec. 15
The Calhoun Entertainment Company will be hosting their annual Christmas Concert, Sunday, Dec. 15 at 2 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church Social Room in Hardin. A wide variety of Christmas music will be presented. Refreshments will follow the concert. Everyone is welcome. Come and enjoy music of the season.
Calhoun News-Herald
Hardin, Illinois
Card of Thanks
Black Friday has taken on a new meaning and could have been much "blacker" for us, if not for the rapid response of some hard working firefighters. Thank You, Point Precinct Volunteers! While we enjoyed the day off, a brush fire was moving out of control, crossing property lines, racing uphill toward our house. This dedicated team sprung to action...battling, containing and extinguishing a fire before it caused irreparable damage. We are counting our blessings, #1 being the Volunteers who are always "on-call" and ready to work. Special thanks to Bob Held, for his quick thinking and action; for putting out the fire on top, before it reached the barn wood. To Keith Baecht, for alerting us to the situation while it was happening; for his watchful presence and care. What an asset, to have these devoted Volunteers in our midst, protecting this community! Ever Grateful, The Coleman Family
NOTICE OF PROPOSED PROPERTY TAX INCREASE FOR CALHOUN COMMUNITY UNIT SCHOOL DISTRICT #40 I. A public hearing to approve a proposed property tax levy increase for Calhoun Community Unit School District #40 for 2013 will be held on December 16, 2013 at 6:30 P.M. at 101 Calhoun Drive, Hardin, Illinois. Any person desiring to appear at the public hearing and present testimony to the taxing district may contact Superintendant Kate Sievers, 101 Calhoun Drive, Hardin, Illinois (618) 576-2722.
We would be happy to help you let everybody know about it. Stop by our office at
310 S. County Rd., P.O. Box 367 Hardin, IL 62047
Or E-mail your news to us (Please include your news in the body of the email, not as an attachment)
Midnight showing Thursday night!
Now Showing through 12/12/13
II. The corporate and special purpose property taxes extended or abated for 2012 were $1,805,017.31. The proposed corporate and special purpose property taxes to be levied for 2013 are $2,169,447.00. This represents a 20.19% increase over the previous year. III. The property taxes extended for debt service and public building commission leases for 2012 were $448,905.00. The estimated property taxes to be levied for debt service and public building commission leases for 2013 are $463,569.00. This represents a 3.27% increase over the previous year. IV. The total property taxes extended or abated for 2012 were $2,253,922.31. The estimated total property taxes to be levied for 2013 are $2,633,016.00. This represents a 16.82% increase over the previous year.
Animated Adventure
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ADMISSION PRICES Adults - $6.00 Children (12 and under) - $5.00 Matinees (All ages) - $5.00 3-D Movies Additional - $2.00
Your source, every week, for all the local news you need to know.
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"You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures for evermore." Psalm 16:11
In the Presence of God Brother Lawrence was a seventeenth century Carmelite monk and author of the book "The Practice of the Presence of God." He was fond of saying that we should "walk as in His presence," i.e., that we should strive constantly to be in conversation and communion with God. Brother Lawrence was a simple man who was converted to holiness at the age of eighteen upon seeing the sight of a dry, leafless tree on a snowy midwinter's day. The sight of the tree brought to mind the coming season of Spring and God's providential hand. Brother Lawrence sought out a monastery after this conversion experience where he strove to live continuously in God's presence. He
wasn't a particularly learned man, nor did he perform any great miracles or go on any great crusades, but he devoted himself to sanctifying the ordinary, everyday aspects of life. Indeed, Brother Lawrence worked in the kitchen of the monastery for most of his life and one of his favorite prayers was a prayer you could imagine yourself saying at the kitchen sink: "Lord of all pots and pans and things, make me a saint by getting meals and washing up the plates!" Would we not all live far better lives by walking continuously in God's presence? – Christopher Simon
These religious messages are published each week in the Calhoun News Herald as a service to our churches and are sponsored by the listed business firms.
Call Amy Welton Today For A Tour 618-639-9700
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Calhoun News-Herald
Hardin, Illinois
Italian Dinner Night Dec. 17 Italian Dinner will be held prior to the Boys Game against West Central on Tuesday, Dec. 17. Dinner will be served from 5 to 7:30 p.m. A complete Italian dinner and dessert will be served. Calhoun High School Band is currently planning a trip to New York City this coming summer. Please come out and help support their latest travels. If you are interested in hearing the band perform, come out this Sunday. The band concert is at 2 p.m. on Sunday, Dec. 8 at Calhoun Elementary School.
Calhoun News-herald
310 S. County Rd. Hardin, IL 62047 Phone: (618) 576-2345 Fax: (618) 576-2245
Menus are subject to change
Week of Dec. 9-13 Brussels schools
MONDAY: (Breakfast) Pancake & Sausage/Stick (Lunch) Chicken Nuggets, Sliced Carrots, Lettuce Salad, Applesauce. TUESDAY: (Breakfast) French Toast (Lunch) Hamburger on Bun, Oven Fries, Romaine Lettuce Salad, Mixed Fruit. WEDNESDAY: (Breakfast) Scrambled Eggs (Lunch) Taco, Refried Beans, Mexican Rice, Churro, Peaches. THURSDAY: (Breakfast) Biscuit & Gravy (Lunch) Bosco Stick/ Marinara, Carrots, Romaine Lettuce Salad, Fruit Cocktail, Cookie. FRIDAY: (Breakfast) Muffin (Lunch) Turkey & Noodles, Peas, Lettuce Salad, Roll, Pears.
Submitted Photo
Front: Tanner Bick, Maggie Raddatz, Chad Webster. Back: Ed Lieber, David Clothier, Nolan Fisher, Madison Keeton.
Calhoun FFA Poinsettia Sales
The Calhoun FFA poinsettia sales are currently underway at Calhoun High School. Poinsettias make a perfect gift for that hard to buy person on your list. Colors
CHS Student of the Month
available this year are red, white, pink, peppermint and burgundy. Poinsettias are $5 a piece and come wrapped in foil with a decorative bow. Poinsettias may be purchased
from 8-3:45 daily at the high school or can be preordered for pickup by calling 618-576-2229. Proceeds from the poinsettia sales benefits the Calhoun FFA Chapter.
Wake up to local news coverage...
calhoun elementary & Jr. high
Calhoun news-herald
Submitted Photo
MONDAY: (Breakfast) Bagel, Fresh Fruit/Fruit Cocktail, Milk (Lunch) Chicken Patty, Sweet Potato Fries, Corn, Fruit Cocktail, Milk. TUESDAY: (Breakfast) Sausage Patty, Biscuit, Fresh Fruit/ Peaches, Milk (Lunch) McRibb on Bun, Green Beans, Brocolli, Peaches/Cheesestick, Milk. WEDNESDAY: (Breakfast) Muffin, Cereal, Juice/Fruit, Milk (Lunch) Pizza Dippers with Sauce, Peas, Salad, Apples Milk. THURSDAY: (Breakfast) Biscuit, Sausage Gravy, Yogurt, Fresh Fruit/ Pineapple, Milk (Lunch) Fish, Corn, Slaw, Pineapple/Bread, Milk. FRIDAY: (Breakfast) Mini Cinni, Cereal, Juice/Applesauce, Milk (Lunch) Hot Ham & Cheese Sandwich, Carrots & Dip, Brussels Sprouts, Applesauce/Cheese Puffs, Milk.
goes great with a cup of coffee
CHS Student of the Month Respect
calhoun high school
MONDAY: (Breakfast) Burrito, Cereal, Milk (Lunch) Grilled Chicken Patty/Bun, Baked Potato, Asparagus, Mixed Fruit, Milk. TUESDAY: (Breakfast) Waffle, Cereal, Milk (Lunch) Johnny Ribs/ Bun, Corn, Brocolli, Peaches, Milk. WEDNESDAY: (Breakfast) Scrambled Eggs, Cereal, Milk (Lunch) Chicken Quesadilla, Mexican Rice, Lettuce Salad, Tropical Fruit, Rice Krispie Treat, Milk. THURSDAY: (Breakfast) Bagel, Cereal, Milk (Lunch) Fish/ Bun, Potato Salad, Baked Beans, Caramel Apples, Cookies, Milk. FRIDAY: (Breakfast) Honey Bun, Cereal, Juice, Milk (Lunch) Spaghetti, Breadsticks, Green Beans, Pineapple, Milk.
Ethan Sagez, a senior, son of Angie and Mike Sagez of Hardin, has been selected as December’s Student of the Month at Calhoun High School. Extracurricular activities include Band, National Honor Society and Talent Search. Interests/hobbies are playing guitar and drums. After graduation Ethan plans on attending Western Illinois University for a degree in Supply Chain Management. Nominating teacher’s comments: “Ethan is a very respectful young man. He always treats staff members and his peers with respect. He always volunteers and is always willing to help out and does so with a good attitude..” Students’ comments on being chosen student of the month: “I feel honored having been chosen as Student of the Month.”
st. norBerts
Backyard Boilers
MONDAY: BBQ Chicken, Tater TOts, Peas, Fruit Cocktail. TUESDAY: Goulash, Lettuce Salad, Green Beans, Tropical Fruit. WEDNESDAY: Hamburger on Bun, Cheese Slice, French Fries, Carrots, Applesauce. THURSDAY: Chef Salad or Hot Dog, Cottage Cheese, Peaches. FRIDAY: Tacos, Mexican Rice, Corn, Pineapple.
Brian White, Central Boiler Dealer Perry, Il • 217-236-3022
Interior & Exterior
December Only $18 per hour
Serving the entire area since 1974 Carrollton, Il 62016 Chris Bertman 217-248-2099 • 217-248-7605
Buy three
Give the gift of news this holiday season Buy three regular priced subscriptions (print or online) and get a 4th one free! Subscribe now to wrap up these special rates! Call our office at 618-498-1234 for questions or more information.
Calhoun News-Herald 310 S. County Road, Hardin IL, 62047 • 618-576-2345
Find us online at
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
December 6 & 7: Angel Tree Steak Supper at the Fill Inn Station in Batchtown from 3p.m. to 9p.m. the cost is $25 per person. Everyone welcome. December 7 & 8: Concealed Carry classes at The Palace at 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. For more information call 618-271-7732 December 7 & 8: Christmas Open House of J.L. Krafts & Flowers in Golden Eagle from 10 a.m.- 5p.m.
December 11: Modern Woodmen Dinner at the Barefoot from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. December 13: Christmas Bazaar at Straight Home Bar & Grill banquet room from 5pm to 9pm. Many vendors will be in attendance. Just in time for Christmas. December 15: CEC Christmas Concert at the First Presbyterian Hall in Hardin at 2p.m. December 27: Calhoun County Fair Board meeting 7:30 p.m.
STRANG & PARISH LAW OFFICE & COLONIAL TITLE & ESCROW invite you to Help us celebrate this Holiday Season at an Open House Friday, December 6, 2013 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at our offices 108 North Lafayette Street Jerseyville, IL 62052
Hardin, Illinois
JACKSONVILLECHRYSLERDODGE.COM CERTIFIED PRE-OWNED SALES EVENT! What you receive with a Chrysler Certified Pre-Owned vehicle. • Factory Backed 7 year/100,000 mile Powertrain Limited Warranty • 3 Month / 3,000 Mile Maximum Care Coverage • 24 Hour Towing & Roadside Assistance • Car Rental Allowance • CarFax Vehicle History Report • 3 Month Subscription to Sirius Satellite Radio
ALL VEHICLES must pass a comprehensive 125-point inspection and a thorough reconditioning process using authentic Mopar parts. We offer much more than just a “used” vehicle, we have one that’s Certified. This is only available at Jacksonville Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram
2009 DODGE RAM 1500 QUAD CAB 4X4
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11279 - DVD, Power Doors, Back up Camera, V6, Power Liftgate
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2004 DODGE RAM 1500
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Jacksonville Chrysler Dodge jeep ram • Jacksonville Chrysler Dodge jeep ram • Jacksonville Chrysler Dodge jeep ram • Jacksonville Chrysler Dodge jeep ram • • Jacksonville Chrysler Dodge jeep ram •
What’s Happening
December 4: Hardin Lions Christmas Dinner at the Barefoot. Social Hour starts at 5p.m. with dinner at 6:30 p.m. Guests are welcome.
Calhoun News-Herald
Jacksonville Chrysler Dodge jeep ram • Jacksonville Chrysler Dodge jeep ram •
Jacksonville Chrysler Dodge jeep ram • Jacksonville Chrysler Dodge jeep ram • Jacksonville Chrysler Dodge jeep ram • Jacksonville Chrysler Dodge jeep ram • • Jacksonville Chrysler Dodge jeep ram •
Jacksonville Chrysler Dodge jeep ram • Jacksonville Chrysler Dodge jeep ram • C
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Calhoun News-Herald
Hardin, Illinois
Hoops action heating up in Calhoun
Mike Weaver/Calhoun News-Herald Mike Weaver/Calhoun News-Herald
Calhoun head coach Aaron Baalman draws up a play during the Lady Warriors' season opener at the Southwestern Thanksgiving Tournament.
Lady Warriors senior Allie Hurley makes a pass against Southwestern during Calhoun's opener against the Lady Piasa Birds Saturday, Nov. 23.
Mike Weaver/Calhoun News-Herald
Lady Warriors senior Courtney Gresham puts up a shot over Wesclin defenders Saturday at the Southwestern Thanksgiving Tournament.
Mike Weaver/Calhoun News-Herald
Calhoun sophomore Courtney Holland looks to make a pass agaisnt Wesclin Saturday at Southwestern High School.
Mike Weaver/Calhoun News-Herald
Mike Weaver/Calhoun News-Herald
Emma Baalman puts up a free throw during the fourth quarter of Calhoun's win against Wesclin Saturday at the Southwestern Thanksgiving Tournament.
Sam Gerson looks to make a pass for Calhoun against Wesclin Saturday at Southwestern High School.
Mike Weaver/Calhoun News-Herald
Mike Weaver/Calhoun News-Herald
Sophomore Madison Lehr dishes to a teammate during the Lady Warriors' win against Wesclin Saturday at the Southwestern Thanksgiving Tournament.
Calhoun's Sydney White brings the ball down the floor for the Lady Warriors against Southwestern Saturday, Nov. 23. C
Wednesday, deceMber 4, 2013
Reaching 75,000 Readers Each Week! P P
P.O. Box 367, Hardin, IL 62047 Ph: 618-576-2345 Fax: 618-576-2245
P.O. Box 70, Pittsfield, IL 62363 Ph: 217-285-2345 Fax: 630-206-0320 E-Mail: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday - Friday
Monday & Tuesday 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., Friday 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Scott County Times
Mon., Tues. & Fri.: 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Ph: 217-742-3313 • Fax: 630-206-0320 E-Mail: Monday 9 a.m. - noon; Friday 9 - 11 a.m.
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• • • • • •
100 Automotive * 200 Business* 210 Church Services 220 Collectibles* 300 Farm Market* 400 For Rent* A: Calhoun County B: Greene County C: Jersey County D: Pike County E: Scott County F: Miscellaneous • 500 For Sale* • 600 Help Wanted* • 610 Hobby Shop/Handicrafts*
The Weekly Messenger
832 South State, Jerseyville, IL. 62052
Pleasant Hill, IL 62366 Ph: 217-285-2345 • Fax: 630-206-0320 E-Mail:
Ph: 618-498-1234 • Fax: 630-206-0367 E-mail:
8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday - Friday
*Certain classifications of ads appearing in The People’s Marketplace also appear on on the Internet at no additional charge.
THE TRADING POST 501 E. Prairie St., Jerseyville, IL. Open Monday - Saturday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Over 7,000 sq. ft. of clean furniture, appliances, sporting goods and tools. Plus 2000 smalls @ $2.00 or less! We buy full or partial estates/households of GOOD, CLEAN furniture and appliances. Why buy new when "slightly used" will do? For more information, call: 618-639-4569. TFN COLMAN'S COUNTRY CAMPERS 2013's on sale. Big discounts. Sales, service, parts, propane. #2 Fun St. Hartford, IL 62048. 618254-1180. TFN IF YOU NEED PARTS for your mowers and tillers, Dorsey's Hardware and Western Auto have a large selection of belts and parts service and new equipment sales available. Winchester. 217-742-9241. TF 2012 MOBILE HOME STIMULUS PACKAGE: up to $25,000 for your trade in. Discounts for land owners. Financing available. Prequalify by phone 314-5627459. tf SELLBEST, 110 W. Quincy St., Griggsville: Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Quality Used Furniture & AppliancesWashers, Dryers, Freezers, Fridges, Microwave, Electric Stoves, Twin, Full, Queen Beds, New Mattress Sets, Bedroom Furniture, Tables & Chairs, Upholstered Furniture, Tools, T.V.s, Stereos. Everything for the home and you! Call 217-2422252.TF DIAMOND TRAILER saleswe buy used campers new campers & toy haulers by Keystone RV Co. Pre-owned campers; RV parts & service. We also stock a large selection of RV accessories for all your camping needs. Located at 1117 N. Old Rt. 66, Litchfield. 217-324-2452, TFJCJ ETHAN MILLER'S Roofing, Windows and Siding. For all your construction and remodeling needs. Insured, free estimates. 217-3716055. 12.18
300 FARM MARKET 2 TON bulk bin. 6 brand new John Deere front weights for a John Deere tractor. TF
400A FOR RENT Calhoun County
OFFICE SPACE Prime location. Ample parking. West Washington St., Pittsfield. Call 217-285-2848 or 217285-5925. 12.4 NEWLY REMODELED office space on the square in Pittsfield. For more information, call 217-473-8811. TF 3 BR DOUBLE WIDE mobile homes for rent in Griggsville. Lyndle Ellis. 217-833-2107. No pets. 12.18 PITTSFIELD 2 BR mobile home. Absolutely no pets. 217-285-2012. TF 2 BEDROOM trailer for rent in Pittsfield. Call 217-2854674, leave message, or call 217-491-0088. TF MOBILE HOMES for rent in Griggsville. $200/mo & up. Call for availability. 8332107. 12.25
400E FOR RENT Scott County FOR RENT in Winchester. 2 bedroom apartment $500 a month plus utilities and deposit. Call 217-652-2522. 12.4
500 FOR SALE GOOD SELECTION of recliners, rocker recliners, wall huggers, heat and massage recliners. Also swivel rockers and glider rockers. Bring your truck and save. Miller Furniture. 115 W. Washington St., Pittsfield, IL. 217-285-6212. 12.4 SIDE BY SIDE refrigerator/ freezer. Ice maker/dispenser in left door. 6 ft. Upright freezer almost new. Both are frost free. Almost new dryer, used but very good. 217-4912302. 12.4 SPLIT FIREWOOD 217-4307769. Pike County area. 12.25 DON'T PAY high heating bills eliminate them with an outdoor wood furnace from Central Boiler Call Today. 217-236-3022.TF SHEPPARD ELECTRONICS 1402 Lakeview Heights, Pittsfield, IL. 217-285-2893. Cell: 217-248-1188. LG TV sales and service. 3D and smart TVs, Blu Ray DVD players,32-55" TVs. Metal detectors, new & used, very good prices, Whites and Garrets. New and used CB's & antennas, Uniden Police scanners also for sale. FREE DVD OR SOUNDBAR WITH tf EACH TV ABOVE 32".
APARTMENT FOR rent. Call Matt 618-576-2766 or 618576-2449. TFCNH COMMERCIAL BUILDING for rent. Hardin, IL. Call (618)498-1234 and ask for Business Department. TF FOR RENT: One bedroom apartments in Hardin; convenient, quiet location; $300/ month; water/sewer/trash included; deposit required; no dogs; call 618-576-2662. to apply. 12.4
400C FOR RENT Jersey County FOR RENT: Recently remodeled 2 bedroom home on corner. 5 shaded lots. References required. $550/ month plus deposit. Dow. 618-535-0071. 12.4
400D FOR RENT Pike County DUPLEX FOR RENT set up for elderly. Low utilities. $575 a month. 217-285-6634 or 217-836-4418. 12.25 2 BR HOUSE for rent No smoking No pets. Security deposit required. 217-2854502. TF 1 AND 2 BR apartments available. No smoking. No pets. Security deposit required. 217-285-4502 TF
1100E REAL ESTATE Scott County
DRIVERS: WANT am professional career? Haul Flatbed for Trinity Logistics Group! Earn $.425-$.525 cpm. CDL-A w/2 yrs exp. EEO/AA. Call: 800-5337862. www.trinitytrucking. com. 12.18
HOME SITES for sale in Winchester: Save 10% on any lot with purchase by Dec. 31, 2013. Financing available for qualified buyer. Quiet, peaceful neighborhood with established trees and city utilities. Call 217-652-2522. 12.4
400D FOR RENT Pike County
DRIVERS: Local/Regional/ OTR. Great pay and home time! Health, vision, vacation! CDL-A, 2+ yrs exp. Hazmat/ Tanker endorsements. Call Andy 800-232-0170 x6229. 12.4
DRIVERS: Co. Reg. Great Pay/Excellent benefits! CDL-A - 1 yr. exp. Great home time! Stable company. Don! 855-219-5989. 12.11 DRIVERS: Great Pay & Benefits! Nights & Weekends Req. 3 yrs. CDL-A w/ Tanker/ Hazmat Exp. Air Liquide: 800-421-2772. Mt. Vernon, IN. 12.11 ILLIN IOS RURAL ELECTRIC Cooperative has an opening for a part-time member service representative. Please send a resume with three references to: 2 Main St. Winchester, IL 62694. Illinois Rural Electric Cooperative is an equal opportunity employer. 12.4 DRIVERS: Dedicated Fulton, MO Account that gets you Home Weekly! Average $46,000.00yr plus Great Benefits! Werner Enterprises: 1-855-850-9707. 12.11
615 HUNTING LOOKING TO LEASE hunting ground. Short term or long term. 618-550-9406. 2.27.14
RESPONSIBLE HUNTERS looking to lease 40-500 acres for the 2013 hunting season. Call Josh 304-5326015. tf DEER HUNTERS: Rent Pittsfield country home away from home. 3 BR, sleeps 6+, fully furnished, move-in ready. 573-549-2530. Cell: 636-358-6994. TF
900A NO TRESPASSING Calhoun County ABSOLUTELY NO TRESPASSING on the property of Lloyd and Debbie DeSherlia in Batchtown. Violators will be prosecuted. 8.7.14 NO TRESPASSING on Marty Aderton property in Hardin. 7.14.14
NO TRESPASSING On Jack and Mary Jeaen Aderton properety in Hardin. 5.1.14 NO TRESPASSING no hunting on property owned by Martha Knight (also known as Marty Aderton), Lincoln Valley Road, Hardin. 11.11.14
900C NO TRESPASSING Jersey County PRIVATE PROPERTY No hunting or trespassing on any property owned by the Charles Rothe family in Jerseyville, Illinois, in Jersey County. Violators will be prosecuted. 12.19.14
900D NO TRESPASSING Pike County NO TRESPASSING on any and all land owned by Double Creek Farms, Inc. TF
LICENSED DAYCARE home has openings. West Central accepted. Call 217-491-2944. 12.11
1100D REAL ESTATE Pike County LARGE, NEW beautiful home near Summer Hill for sale with 19 1/2, acres, a finished basement, pond, in-ground pool, attached and detached garage with living quarters in the back of it, pull barn and much, much more. Please call 217-473-8811 for more information. tf HOUSE FOR SALE: 4 Excellent starter home for a single person or a couple in a small rural community with excellent neighbors. 918 square feet cozy home is situated on a large lot. If interested, please call 1-217-242-7262. tf
1200 SERVICES LICENSED DAYCARE home has opening for 6 weeks and up - day and evening hours - Mon. - Fri. Call 1-217-7797680. 12.11
DEADLINES: Classified ads, Monday 3:30 p.m. (For placement and for cancellation.) CLASSIFIED RATES: First insertion, 25¢ per word, minimum $6. Consecutive repeat insertion, 15¢ per word, minimum $5. Prepayment is required. Any change in original ad will be considered start of a new ad. Blind Ad, $4 service charge, plus postage if replies are to be mailed. Yard Sales, $6 up to 20 words. No Trespassing notice, one year, up to 20 words, $60. ADVERTISING POLICY The following are policies of: Calhoun News-Herald, Greene Prairie Press, Jersey County Journal, Pike Press, Scott County Times and The Weekly Messenger: We are not responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of display and classified advertising. One free insertion will be allowed for a classified ad with a significant mistake. Please let us know immediately. The newspaper reserves the right to edit or reject any advertisement submitted for publication. All classified ads are payable in advance. Proper identification is required of persons placing ads. A F.O.I.D. card will be asked for when selling a firearm. No exceptions will be allowed. Newspaper reserves the right to refuse any advertising, including the right to do so after the ad has been accepted for publication but before publication occurs. The advertiser’s sole remedy for such refusal shall be the refund of the funds paid to purchase the ad. Advertisements are accepted by the newspaper upon the representation that the agency and/or advertiser is authorized to publish the contents and subject matter of the advertisement and that it is not libelous or does not infringe on the privacy of any
The People’s Marketplace CALHOUN NEWS-HERALD
The PeoPle’s MarkeTPlace classifieds individual or entity. All advertisements are accepted and published by the newspaper upon the representation that the agency and/or advertiser will indemnify and hold harmless the newspaper from any loss or expense, including the cost of defense and any settlement and/or judgment resulting from claims based upon the contents of any advertisement, including claims or suits for defamation, libel, violation of right of privacy, plagiarism or copyright infringement. All advertisements created by the newspaper are not considered a “work made for hire” and the newspaper retains the copyright to all advertisements created by the newspaper for the advertiser. The advertisement may not be reproduced without the written permission of the newspaper. EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention to make any such preferences, limitations or discrimination, in the sale, rental or financing of housing. In addition, the Illinois Human Rights Act prohibits discrimination based on age, ancestry, marital status, or unfavorable discharge. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which violates the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination, call the Chicago area Fair Housing Alliance toll free at 1-800-659-OPEN.
• 615 Hunting • 620 Kids For Hire • 700 Lost/Found • 710 Meeting Reminders • 800 Miscellaneous* • 900 No Trespassing A: Calhoun County B: Greene County C: Jersey County D: Pike County E: Scott County • 1000 Pets* • 1100 Real Estate* A: Calhoun County B: Greene County
Commercial Building for rent
Call (618) 498-1234 and ask for Business Department
Call (618) 498-1234 and ask for Business Department
Hardin, IL
NEED EXTRA cash? Sell your used items in The People's BusinessMarketplace Opportunity In Winchester Classifieds. One phone call puts your ad in Controlled six Potential for Climate Storage Units newspapers....a totalused cir-as Storage Unit 1 Currently culation of almost 22,000 Contact Moore readers! Plus your adDarrell will be put online for(217) FREE!473-5486
Commercial Buildings For Sale
Hardin, IL
2240 W. Morton Jacksonville, IL 62650
110.0± Acres, Woodland-Grass Pasture TRINITY CHURCH ROAD, CHAPLIN, IL
Auction to be held at Chaplin State Bank, 510 Superior, Chaplin
FRIDAY, DEC. 13 • 11 A.M.
The tract is located six miles northwest of Chapin, go west on Rt 67104, to St Paul’s Church Road, north two miles to Spunky Ridge Road, west one-half mile to Fricke Road, north one and half mile to Trinity Church Road, west one and one-quarter mile to lane leading north to secluded property. This large tract is rolling with two large wooded draws, just off the bluff from the Arenzville Road, with areas of open grass for grazing. We noted several deer, paths, scrapings, and signs of a variety of wildlife. This tract is surrounded with woodland and small tillable fields, all adding to the recreational appeal. The lane leading to the property is part of the tract. The tract has been used for cattle grazing with fence around the perimeter. This a great parcel for outdoor activities, hunting, hiking, four wheeler riding, and grazing. This tract is your opportunity for a recreational investment! Terms, Legal Description, Photos, & Maps at or auction zip #23795 Like us on Facebook,
SELLER: Virginia E. White Trust 4-01 TRUSTEE: Chapin State Bank, Division of Jacksonville Savings Bank ATTORNEY: Charles E. McNeely, Thomson, McNeely, Crews, Hurst, & Thielen, P.C.
RAHE APPRASIAL & AUCTIONEER Kenny Rahe • 217-473-4095
Ingram Barge Co.,
Join the Employer of Choice on the Inland Waterways. Ingram Barge Company has a proven track record of developing future leaders.
We are currently seeking: Deckhands | Culinary Cooks | Vessel Engineers Towboat Pilots (Fleet & Line Haul) Candidates must possess a minimum of a valid driver’s license and high school diploma/GED. Excellent wages, bonus plan and advancement opportunities, along with a comprehensive benefit package, (paid retirement, 401K, medical, life & AD&D, etc.).
Read the first chapter at
BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Sioux Steel Grain Bin dealers wanted in selected areas. Contact Roy Truax Sioux Steel Co. 217-561-6313
CAMPERS/RVS Colman’s RV - We Buy And Consign Used RV’s And Campers 217-787-8653
Middletown, Mo. 63359 Ruben 573-656-3470 Jim 573-656-3594/cell 573-470-9314
F&T LIVESTOCK MARKET HIGHWAY 24 SOUTH OF PALMYRA, MO For information on catalog, For information on catalog, contact contact Al Kennett Daniel Mallory (573) 985-3911, (573) 985-3911 (573) 248-6947 or Zac (660) 665-9866,
“A rip-roaring good read. Old fans and new readers alike will be delighted”- Publisher’s Weekly
THE BOAT DOCK We Buy & Consign Used Boats! 217-793-7300
Hamp-An Farm Inc.
• •Approximately Approximately275 260bred bred heifers heifers available available (Includes (Includes purebred purebred & & crossbred) crossbred) • •AllAllheifers heiferscalfhood calfhood vaccinated, vaccinated, tested testednegative negative for for BVD-PI. BVD-PI. ••Heifers for Heifers met met minimum minimum standards standards for reproductive body reproductivesoundness, soundness, pelvic pelvic size, size, body condition conditionand andweight, weight, are are free free of of blemishes. blemishes. ••Heifers Heifers bred bred to to bulls bulls meeting meeting strict strictcalving calvingease ease requirements. requirements. • •Heifers to May 1. Heiferswill willcalve calve January January 15 15 to May 1. Many Manysynchronized synchronized & & will will calve calve in in short short period. period. • •AllAllheifers heifersguaranteed guaranteed pregnant. pregnant. • •Heifers Heifersmostly mostlyblack black &&Black/White Black/White face face &&some somered red&&gray. gray.
Need to place your ad in more than 300 newspapers throughout Illinois? Call Illinois Press Advertising Service 217-241-1700 or visit
Black Angus Bulls
Looking for good Christian fiction to read? Try New York Times Bestselling Author Dee Henderson
Dec. 10, 14, 2013 P.M. Dec. 2011 at at 12:30 12:30 P.M.
Worrell-Leka Land Services, LLC
• • • • •
C: Jersey County D: Pike County E: Scott County 1200 Services* 1300 Wanted* 1310 Web Sites* 1400 Work Wanted 1500 Yard Sales A: Calhoun County B: Greene County C: Jersey County D: Pike County E: Scott County
caMPbell PublicaTions
Interested candidates must apply on-line at EOE | M/F/V/D
FARM & RANCH New Sioux Steel Grain Bin 32,000 Maximum bushel. Delivered - $32,736.00. Contact Roy Truax Sioux Steel Co. 217-561-6313
NOW HIRING! Truck Driving School Instructors. JOIN CRST’s brand new training school in Cedar Rapids, Iowa! Relocation assistance provided. Call: 866-504-4035; email:
OWNER OPERATORS Average $3K per week! Be out up to 14 days and enjoy guaranteed home time! Weekly settlements. We pay loaded or unloaded. 100% fuel surcharge to driver. Class-A CDL & 1yr driving experience. Fleet Owners Welcome. Operate under your own authority or ours! Call Matt 866 -904-8367.
DRIVERS: REGIONAL Van, Reefer positions available. $1000 Sign-On Bonus. Excellent Home Time. Top Pay, Bonuses, Premium-Free Family Health Insurance. CDL-A. Call 866.474.7276
Foremost Transport Goshen, IN is hiring Pickup drivers who have a 3/4 ton or One ton truck to deliver RV’s throughout the US and Canada. We are paying competitive rates and have several bonuses. 1-866-764-1601 or Flatbed Drivers New Pay Scale-Start @ .37cpm Up to .04cpm Mileage Bonus Home Weekends Insurance & 401K Apply @ 800-648-9915 Tanker & Flatbed Company Drivers/Independent Contractors! Immediate Placement Available Best Opportunities in the Trucking Business CALL TODAY 800-277-0212 or
Solo & Team CDL-A Drivers! Excellent Home Time & Pay! $3000 to $5000 Sign-on Bonus! BCBS Benefits. Join Super Service! 877-294-2777
DRIVERS: 4 state running area - Flatbed, Van, Reefer divisions. Home during the week and weekends. Top Pay, PremiumFree Family Health Insurance. CDL-A. Call 800.354.8945
NETWORK REGIONAL CDL-A DRIVERS Averitt offers fantastic benefits & weekly hometime. 888-3628608. Paid training for recent grads w/a CDL-A & drivers with limited experience. Apply online at Equal Opportunity Employer Drivers - CDL-A DRIVERS NEEDED! Now hiring solos & teams in your area! Small Company, BIG Benefits! Top Pay for Hazmat. CDL Grads Welcome! 888-928-6011
LOTS & ACREAGE Tennessee Log Cabin on 6 acres with FREE Boat Slip! Only $74,900 New 3BR, 2BA log cabin shell, lake access, nicely wooded, level setting. Quiet paved road frontage. Excellent financing. Call now 877-888-0267 x452
Central Classifieds - Run Date Week of 12/1/2013
Campbell publiCations
CALL (217) 285-2345 FARMLAND AUCTION 56.75 AC +/- • 1 TRACT
Monday, Dec. 9, 2013 • 11 AM Auction Location- Crossroads Center 125 W. Jefferson Pittsfield, IL Property Location: From Nebo, IL follow the Vin Fiz Highway east 2 miles, then go north on 418th St. 1 mile. Property lies in Section 10 of Spring Creek Twp. in Pike Co, IL.
FSA: 44.44 ac tillable soils. Soils: Drury, Haymond, Wakeland, Orion, Coffeen! • Awesome Whitetail, Turkey & Wildlife Hunting Habitat! • Perfect Combination of Income Producing Farmland & Hunting! • Fertile tract in the picturesque Southern Pike Co Bay Creek Valley • Secluded wildlife haven with water, timber, and recreational income potential! • In the Smith family for generations ... once in a lifetime opportunity?!
Please contact the auctioneer for more information or to inspect the property. Terms, maps, & info online! Attorney- William Lowry 130 S. Madison St Pittsfield, IL 217-285-4822
Large, Complete Set of Floor-model Power Wood Working Tools Construction Tools Concrete Tools & Forms Misc. Construction Material Visit Large, Com-
JAMES H. & JOAN SMITH ESTATE Curless Auction – Brian Curless Auctioneer 217-242-1665 IL Lic. #440000013
Saturday, Dec. 7, 2013 • 9 AM IL Fairgrounds, IL Rt. 107S Griggsville, IL
Tractors- ’08 NH T9030 1140 hr, (0% int for 18 mo financing available); ’89 Ford Versatile 946 5300 hrs; ’85 Versatile 836, 5585 hr; ’13 CIH 75A MFWD 10 hr; AC 5020 MFWD, loader; ’05 CIH DX33 MFWD, 725 hr. Dozer- ’87 Cat D5H Dozer, 7559 hr, solid, under carriage good. Combines, Heads, Cart: CIH 2388 3505 hr, clean!; JD 7720 3000 hrs; JD 7720 4100 hrs; CIH 1083 8r corn head; CIH 1025 25’ table; JD 915 platform; 2-JD 643 6 row CH; JD 920 20’ table; ’08 Frontier HT1175 30’ head cart. Trucks: ’98 Chevy 2500 4x4 diesel; ’86 Ford F-250 4x4; ’84 IH 2500 Semi; ‘75 Chevy 3/4t 4x4 Spray truck, 500g SS tank, 45’ boom; C60 Chevy grain truck. Grain/Tillage- Kinze 2300 16 row planter; ’97 Kinze 840 grain cart; Friesen 240RT Seed tender; Crustbuster 15’ drill; JD 980 28.5’ fc; DMI 730B 7-shank ripper; Sunflower 5-shank disc ripper; IH 490 32’ disc; DMI 13 knife toolbar- Ravens; 12-shank disk ripper; Cox Row Zone planter caddy; 7-shank mtd chisel plow; 4 btm plow; 4 row planter. Trailers- ’97 Travelong 6.5’x30’ 3-axle GN livestock, nice; ’93 Boss 7x22 livestock GN; ‘72 Birmingham Lowboy; Trailerman 20’ car, dovetail/ramps; 7x20’ car trailer w/ ramps; 24’HD dual tandem, pintle, ramps; Loadmaster 12’ trailer. Hay Equipment- Case IH DCX 101 Disc mower/conditioner; Rossi 9-wheel hay rake. Livestock Equipment- JD H spreader; 10 ton bulk bin; Many: panels; T-posts; Woven & barbed wire; more! New Skid Steer Attachments: 12+ items: brush cutter, rock bucket, brush grapple, rock bucket grapple, light material bucket, & more. Misc. Equipment- Cutters: ’96 JD 2018 20’; JD 1518 15’; 2-Bush Hog 2615 15’; Woods 15’; JD 709 7’. JD 681 6’ pto tiller; HD Implement Caddy; JD 2 cylinder stationary, LUC engine; JD & Ford buzz saws; 500 & 1000 gal LP tanks; 2500gal chemical tanks; New tool boxes & supplies. Lawnmowers- ’02 JD 4110 60” 869 hr; ’08 Kubota ZD326 60” 505 hr. Cars- ’02 Buick LeSabre, 82K miles, 1-owner, nice. Please call for info or visit website for photos & updates EARLY LISTING! • CONSIGNMENTS WELCOME!
Bank of America, N.A. PLAINTIFF Vs.
13 CH 00017
Kelly L. Blumstein; et. al. DEFENDANTS NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE OF REAL ESTATE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on 7/24/2013, the Sheriff of Jersey County, Illinois will on 1/14/14 at the hour of 1:00PM at Jersey County Courthouse, 201 West Pearl Jerseyville, IL 62052, or in a place otherwise designated at the time of sale, County of Jersey and State of Illinois, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described real estate: PIN 07-335-002-00 Improved with Residential COMMONLY KNOWN AS: 803 Randall Drive Brighton, IL 62012 Sale terms: 10% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the auction; The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in “AS IS” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. If the property is a condominium and the foreclosure takes place after
13 CH 14
JAMES WITT A/K/A JAMES M WITT A/K/A JAMES MANFORD WITT; DEFENDANTS 1142 WARREN STREET JERSEYVILLE, IL 62052 NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO JUDGMENT OF FORECLOSURE UNDER ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE ACT ***THIS DOCUMENT IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT ON A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE*** PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered by said Court in the above entitled cause on August 26, 2013, JERSEY COUNTY SHERIFF in JERSEY County, Illinois, will on January 13, 2014, in Courtroom A of the Jersey County Courthouse, 201 W. Pearl Street, Jerseyville, IL, at 8:30AM, sell at public auction and sale to the highest bidder for cash, all and singular, the following described real estate mentioned in said Judgment, situated in the County of JERSEY, State of Illinois, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy said Judgment: TAX NO. 04-711-004-00 COMMONLY KNOWN AS: 1142 WARREN STREET JERSEYVILLE, IL 62052 Description of Improvements: YELLOW VINYL RANCH WITH ONE CAR ATTACHED GARAGE The Judgment amount was $113,217.34. Sale Terms: This is an
No. 13-CH-5
ETTA MOTLEY, BRADLEY MOTLEY, RHONDA HANSEN, EILEEN BRUSH, UNKNOWN HEIRS AND LEGATEES OF WILLIAM E. MOTLEY, Deceased, UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NONRECORD CLAIMANTS, Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a judgment of foreclosure entered by the court on the Complaint for Foreclosure in the aboveentitled cause, the property hereinafter described or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy said judgment, will be sold to the highest bidder. (A) The name, address and telephone number of the person to contact for information regarding the real estate is: Mr. Craig Fricke, Vice President Loss Mitigation, United Community Bank, 301 N. Main Street, Chatham, IL 62629; Telephone: (217) 438-6114. (B) The common address and other common description, if any, of the real estate is: 223 4th Street, Rockport, Illinois (C) The legal description of the real estate is: Part of Lot 6 in Block 8 in the Village of Rockport, described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot 6, thence South 107 feet, thence West 60 feet, thence North 107 feet, thence
the people’s marketplaCe Classifieds
Wednesday, deCember 4, 2013
1/1/2007, purchasers other than the mortgagees will be required to pay any assessment and legal fees due under The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If the property is located in a common interest community, purchasers other than mortgagees will be required to pay any assessment and legal fees due under the Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser shall receive a Certificate of Sale, which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the real estate after Confirmation of the sale. The successful purchaser has the sole responsibility/expense of evicting any tenants or other individuals presently in possession of the subject premises. The property will NOT be open for inspection and Plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the Court file to verify all information. IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information: Examine the court file or contact Plaintiff’s attorney: Codilis & Associates, P.C., 15W030 North Frontage Road, Suite 100, Burr Ridge, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876. Please refer to file number 14-13-05373. I575996 12.4.13, 12.11, 12.18
MICKISHA MARONIE; Defendants 404 JERSEY STREET BRIGHTON, IL 62012 NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO JUDGMENT OF FORECLOSURE UNDER ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE ACT ***THIS DOCUMENT IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT ON A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE*** PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered by said Court in the above entitled cause on September 23, 2013, JERSEY COUNTY SHERIFF in JERSEY County, Illinois, will on December 30, 2013, in Courtroom A of the Jersey County Courthouse, 201 W. Pearl Street, Jerseyville, IL, at 8:30AM, sell at public auction and sale to the highest bidder for cash, all and singular, the following described real estate mentioned in said Judgment, situated in the County of JERSEY, State of Illinois, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy said Judgment: TAX NO. 07-095-009-00 COMMONLY KNOWN AS: 404 JERSEY STREET BRIGHTON, IL 62012 Description of Improvements: BLUE WOOD SIDED RANCH SINGLE FAMILY WITH AN ATTACHED ONE CAR GARAGE The Judgment amount was $67,584.59. Sale Terms: This is an “AS IS” sale for “CASH”. The successful bidder must deposit 25% down by certified funds; balance, by certified funds, within 24
“AS IS” sale for “CASH”. The successful bidder must deposit 25% down by certified funds; balance, by certified funds, within 24 hours. NO REFUNDS. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments or special taxes levied against said real estate, water bills, etc., and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to plaintiff. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the bid amount, the purchaser shall receive a Certificate of Sale, which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. The successful purchaser has the sole responsibility/expense of evicting any tenants or other individuals presently in possession of the subject premises. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DYAS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For Information: Visit our website at http:\\ Between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. only - Pierce & Associates, Plaintiff’s Attorneys, 1 North Dearborn, Chicago, Illinois 60602. Tel. No. (312) 372-2060. Please refer to file #PA1302418 Plaintiff’s attorney is not required to provide additional information other than that set forth in this notice of sale. 12.4,12.11,12.18
East 60 feet to the place of beginning, situated in the County of Pike, in the State of Illinois. This legal description re-describes the legal set out in a warranty deed recorded in Drawer 2, Card 7614. A description of the (D) improvements on the real estate is: Single family residence. (E) The real estate may be inspected prior to sale at the following times: Not applicable. (F) The time and place of the sale are: 9:00 a.m. on January 3, 2014 in the Lower Courtroom of the Pike County Courthouse, 100 East Washington Street, Pittsfield, Illinois. (G) The terms of the sale are: Cash in hand on day of sale. Plaintiff may credit bid at the sale. The successful bidder will receive a Certificate of Purchase following the sale and a Sheriff’s Deed upon confirmation of the sale by the Circuit Court of Pike County. (H) Title will be conveyed subject to real estate taxes for 2012 and subsequent years and special assessments, if any; to building restrictions and restrictive covenants of record; to easements of record or in place; to rights of way for roads, streets, and highways; to rights of tenants in possession, if any. Sale is subject to approval of the Circuit Court of Pike County. BROWN, HAY & STEPHENS, LLP Emmet A. Fairfield Registration Number: 6180505 205 S. 5th Street – Suite 700 P.O. Box 2459 Springfield, IL 62705 (217) 544-8491 12.4.13,12.11,12.18
hours. NO REFUNDS. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments or special taxes levied against said real estate, water bills, etc., and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to plaintiff. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the bid amount, the purchaser shall receive a Certificate of Sale, which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. The successful purchaser has the sole responsibility/expense of evicting any tenants or other individuals presently in possession of the subject premises. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g) (4). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DYAS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For Information: Visit our website at http:\\ Between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. only Pierce & Associates, Plaintiff’s Attorneys, 1 North Dearborn, Chicago, Illinois 60602. Tel. No. (312) 372-2060. Please refer to file #PA1223366 Plaintiff’s attorney is not required to provide additional information other than that set forth in this notice of sale. I572017 11.20.13, 11.27, 12.4
quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in “AS IS” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. If the property is a condominium and the foreclosure takes place after 1/1/2007, purchasers other than the mortgagees will be required to pay any assessment and legal fees due under The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4).
12 CH 00054
Lance A. Fox; et. al. DEFENDANTS NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE OF REAL ESTATE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on 10/19/2012, the Sheriff of Jersey County, Illinois will on 1/14/14 at the hour of 1:00PM at Jersey County Courthouse, 201 West Pearl Jerseyville, IL 62052, or in a place otherwise designated at the time of sale, County of Jersey and State of Illinois, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described real estate: LOTS ELEVEN (11) AND TWELVE (12) IN ALLEN’S SUBDIVISION OF BLOCKS FIVE (5) AND SIX (6) IN PAGE’S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF JERSEYVILLE, SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF JERSEY, IN THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, WITH PRIVILEGE OF AND SUBJECT TO EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS, RIGHT OR WAY GRANTS, EXCEPTIONS, COVENANTS, AGREEMENTS AND RESTRICTIONS OF RECORD. PIN 04-885-011-00 Improved with Residential COMMONLY KNOWN AS: 903 Sumner Street Jerseyville, IL 62052 Sale terms: 10% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the auction; The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or
If the property is located in a common interest community, purchasers other than mortgagees will be required to pay any assessment and legal fees due under the Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser shall receive a Certificate of Sale, which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the real estate after Confirmation of the sale. The successful purchaser has the sole responsibility/expense of evicting any tenants or other individuals presently in possession of the subject premises. The property will NOT be open for inspection and Plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the Court file to verify all information. IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information: Examine the court file or contact Plaintiff’s attorney: Codilis & Associates, P.C., 15W030 North Frontage Road, Suite 100, Burr Ridge, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876. Please refer to file number 14-12-22939. I576000 12.4.13, 12.11, 12.18
13 CH 28
FRANK BOWMAN A/K/A FRANK A BOWMAN; PAMELA BOWMAN; UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON RECORD CLAIMANTS ; DEFENDANTS 16710 YATES ROAD GRAFTON, IL 62037 NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO JUDGMENT OF FORECLOSURE UNDER ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE ACT ***THIS DOCUMENT IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT ON A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE*** PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered by said Court in the above entitled cause on October 28, 2013, JERSEY COUNTY SHERIFF in JERSEY County, Illinois, will on January 6, 2014, in Courtroom A of the Jersey County Courthouse, 201 W. Pearl Street, Jerseyville, IL, at 8:30AM, sell at public auction and sale to the highest bidder for cash, all and singular, the following described real estate mentioned in said Judgment, situated in the County of JERSEY, State of Illinois, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy said Judgment: TAX NO. 06-128-002-70 COMMONLY KNOWN AS: 16710 YATES ROAD GRAFTON, IL 62037 Description of Improvements: SINGLE FAMILY HOME WITH DETACHED 2 CAR GARAGE. The Judgment amount was $83,453.94. Sale Terms: This is an “AS IS” sale for “CASH”. The successful bidder must deposit 25% down by certified funds; balance, by certified funds, within 24 hours. NO REFUNDS. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments or special taxes levied against said real estate, water bills, etc., and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to plaintiff. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the bid amount, the purchaser shall receive a Certificate of Sale, which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. The successful purchaser has the sole responsibility/expense of evicting any tenants or other individuals presently in possession of the subject premises. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DYAS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For Information: Visit our website at http:\\ Between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. only Pierce & Associates, Plaintiff’s Attorneys, 1 North Dearborn, Chicago, Illinois 60602. Tel. No. (312) 372-2060. Please refer to file #PA1303207 Plaintiff’s attorney is not required to provide additional information other than that set forth in this notice of sale. I573331 11.27.13, 12.4,12.11
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Calhoun News-Herald
Hardin, Illinois
730 S. State St. Suite A, Jerseyville, IL 62052 618-498-2321
500 N. Main St., Carrollton, IL 62016 217-942-5182
520 3rd St., Carrollton 4212021 $61,500 Roberta Wallace
Bob Jones
Managing Broker/Owner
Molly Farmer 217-851-1663
157 Highland Ave., Carrollton 4208864 $67,500 Kim Frazer 618-535-2262
604 Osage St., Jerseyville 4216873 $75,000 Roberta Wallace 618-535-5820
501 Easton Ave., Jerseyville 4216674 $79,900 Kim Frazer 618-535-2262
1113 Reddish Dr., Jerseyville 4211676 $169,000 Karen Bertman 618-535-6044
414 Short St., Jerseyville 4216680 $178,500 Kim Frazer 618-535-2262
401 Timber Ridge, Grafton Unit 12 2815739 $187,500 Karen Bertman 618-535-6044
Sue Beach
Karen Bertman Broker
1307 Beaty Mound Rd., Jerseyville 4214522 $120,000 Connie Hayes 618-535-6784
Molly Farmer
Charlene Morgan Broker
20403 State Hwy 109, Jerseyville 4215787 $225,000 Karen Bertman 618-535-6044
23687 Jenny Ln., Jerseyville 4208107 $227,500 Kim Frazer 618-535-2262
307 Captains Ct., Grafton 4211997 $247,500 Karen Bertman 618-535-6044
1004 Mallard Ct., Grafton 4211997 $249,900 Kim Frazer 618-535-2262
LOTS & ACREAGE 0 Hollow Ave Lot # 2, Jerseyville
23412 State Hwy 16, Jerseyville 4114653 $30,000. Lot 3 is a beautiful and generous lot at 1.4 acres. Lot is a rural setting close to town. Sue Beach 618-946-4618
NEW 0.87 Acre m/l 4216907 $20,000 Brad Russell 618-535-4545
Kim Frazer Broker
0 Hollow Ave Lot # 1, Jerseyville 0.78 Acre m/l 4216901 $20,000 Brad Russell 618-535-4545
23412 State Hwy 16, Jerseyville 4114651 $35,000. Lot 1 is a corner lot. The lot is beautiful and generous at 1.4 acres. This is a rural setting close to town. Sue Beach 618-946-4618
Connie Hayes Broker
23412 State Hwy 16, Jerseyville 4114652 $30,000. Lot 2 is a center lot. It is beautiful and generous at 1.4 acres. This is a rural setting close to town. Sue Beach 618-946-4618
WOLVES CROSSING, Jerseyville. 2816122 $34,500 - $44,500. 7 lots Centennial Road/ Eagle Court. Karen Bertman 618-535-6044.
0 Sinclair Drive, Jerseyville 3014076 $136,500. 130 x 200 Lot, Located on lot next to First Bank Branch, Droege Associates CPA’S and across the street from Sinclairs Grocery. Wonderful place for Ice Cream Parlor, Hair Salon, Office Building. Plat on file. Karen Bertman 618-535-6044. Hickory Meadows 3004972 $28,000. Hickory Meadows is a perfect location to build your home. 2.13 acres m/l, underground utilities. Country Living at its best. Charlene Morgan 618-535-0071
Legacy Estates, June Street, Jerseyville 4008675 $14,900. 24 Lots. Karen Bertman 618-535-6044. Eagle Court Lot 45, Jerseyville 2806403 $28,500. Connie Hayes 618-535-6784.
Lots 8 & 9 Meadow Lane, Jerseyville 4010470 $30,000. 1.23 Acres Bob Jones 618-498-2321
Lot 41 Eagle Court, Jerseyville 4115626 $39,900. .48 acre Connie Hayes 618-535-6784.
300 County Road, Jerseyville 2911993 $1,008,000. 6.3 Acres Commercial with all utilities available. Can be divided at $160,000 per acre. Karen Bertman 618-535-6044.
8 Hickory Hollow Court, Jerseyville 4210912 $41,500. Karen Bertman 618-535-6044.
HOLLOWOOD ESTATES. $32,080. - $36,200. 27 RESIDENTIAL LOTS. Call for details. Karen Bertman 618-535-6044.
0 S. Arch Lots 1,2,3,4,5, Jerseyville 4201143 $17,500. Kim Frazer 618-535-2262.
401 Walnut Street, Kane 4114913 $8,000 Bob Jones 618-498-2321
Want a new house for Christmas? Stop by our office or give one of our agents a call.
Brad Russell Broker
Brad Stockstill Broker
Jean Hagen, Managing Broker - 232-1110 Jeff Oldham, PHD, Broker - 576-2531
HOMES OF AMERICA REALTY, INC. 201 S. State, JerSeyville • 618-498-6846 NEW LISTING! - BIG CORNER LOT! Plenty Of Living Space (Over 1,200 Sq. Ft.) - Basement - 2 Car Garage PLUS Freshly Painted - Unique Floor Plan - Roomy Kitchen With Dining Area - Replacement Windows “Shop Building” Suited For Guest Cottage, Work Shop, Etc. - Spotlessly Clean - Great Family Neighborhood! - $142,500 - #4217089 -
141 acre farm consisting of tillable land, gentle sloping pasture land, woodland and ponds. Included is a newly renovated 2 story farm home with separate apartment with basement. This secluded farm is an ideal weekend getaway. North Calhoun 4 bdrm, 2 bath 2 story home on 3 lots located in Hardin. The property includes a detached large two car garage and a large boat shed. The property is close to a major town boat launch. The home has excellent views of the Illinois river. 3 bdrm, 2 ½ bath new, low maintenance, home on 9.5 acres just south of Otterville. This property offers the buyer both urban advantages and rural independence 100 ft lot with river frontage and boat ramp. Hamburg Large 1 bdrm cabin with river frontage. Michael. 2 bdrm rustic country home on 5 acres. Extra large country fireplace. N. Calhoun Rustic cabin on a large lot near the Illinois River. In Galliniper Place. The lot is privately owned. This property is priced to sell. Small quaint cabin overlooking the Ill River sitting on 5 secluded Hardin town lots. 5.7 acres and adjoining 3.6 acres may be available.
“We Make Good Things Happen.”
ADVERTISE YOUR REAL ESTATE LISTINGS WITH US! CAMPBELL PUBLICATIONS Calhoun News-Herald Greene Prairie Press Jersey County Journal Pike Press Scott County Times Weekly Messenger CALL JACK OR JULIE AT 618-498-1234 TO LIST YOUR PROPERTIES!
109 Hollow Ave., Jerseyville $179,000 Custom Built - Handicap Accessible Design, 3 Bedroom, 2 1/2 Bath, Finished Basement, 2000 Sq. Ft. Living Space, Walking Distance To Town
(618) 946-0437 Wendi Mielke Managing Broker SFR, SRES, e-Pro 618-535-2930 Kynan Mielke Broker 618-535-0873 Devin Brown Broker 618-581-6658
113 E. Main St., Grafton, IL (618) 786-2036 GETTING YOU MOVING IS OUR BUSINESS
3 bedroom, 2 bath limestone with many updates....................................................................................$194,500
Raised 5 bedroom, 3 bath riverfront property...................................................................................................$214,500 RR 1, Box 63, Mozier, 5 Acres, Three in one! Main house, second house and 3 car log garage.............$189,000 RR , Box 42B, Hamburg, 3 Br, 3 bath, brick ranch, walkout basement.......................................................$147,000 000 Hwy 100, Hardin, 2 Br, 2 bath updated house on six riverfront acres.........................................................$164,900 500 Cass Ave., Edwardsville, 2 Br move in ready.................................................................................................$109,900 921 Forest St., Jerseyville, 2 Br needs some TLC.....................................................................................................$37,000 14271 Rowling Ridge Rd., Grafton, 3 Br, 2 bath on 5 acres.................................................................$249,900 406 Water St., Grafton, 3 bedroom, updated with nice finish work...........................................................$99,900 15445 Meadow Branch Rd., Grafton, 15 Acres with 3 br, 2 bath, pole building......................................$229,700 301 W. Main., Grafton, Ideal business location...................................................................................$169,000
Grafton Hill Lots Available
We have buyers searching for land in Calhoun, Greene & Jersey Counties
IMMEDIATE POSSESSION!! PRICE REDUCTION! - GREAT OPPORTUNITY TO OWN YOUR DREAM HOME! - All The Amenities Can Be Found In This Fabulous 3 Bedroom All Brick Home - Almost 2,000 Sq. Ft. Of Immaculate Living Space - Eat-In Kitchen With Wall To Wall Cabinets & Counter Space - Open Living Room With Stone Fireplace - 3 Baths - Full Basement 2 Car Attached Garage Plus 3rd Garage - ALL FOR THE NEW PRICE OF - $235,000 - #4207663 STOP LOOKING! - We’ve Found The Perfect 3 Bedroom Ranch Home In Inviting Family Neighborhood - Let Me Show You This Lovely Home With Spacious Rooms - Eat-In Kitchen With Stove & Refrigerator Attached Garage - $84,900 - #4215380 -
IMMEDIATE POSSESSION!! TREE SHADED CORNER LOT - Take A Look At This Great Starter Home With 2 Big Bedrooms - 8x11 Bonus Room - Family Sized Eat-In Kitchen With Stove, Refrigerator, Washer & Dryer - Replacement Windows - Part Basement - 10x21 Deck - Private Back Yard - $63,500 - #4211544 -
HIDDEN GEM! - Don’t Drive By, Make An Appointment To See This Well Maintained 2 Bedroom Home With Open Concept Kitchen - 2 Baths - Living Room Features Wood Floors - Bonus Room is Currently The “Hot Tub Room” (Hot Tub Negotiable) Could Be 3rd Bedroom - 2 Car Attached Garage - $79,000 - #4213498 -
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Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Calhoun News-Herald
Hardin, Illinois
TRI-COUNTY REAL ESTATE TOUR Hunting & Farmland Specialists
Adams County 78 Acres mostly timber, food plots locations, creek, pond, county road access, near Siloam springs state park - $280,410.00 Contact Kirk Gilbert Adams, IL - 40 ac m/l. with home 5 beds. Two ponds, creek, pasture, big timber, walking trails, and big draws. - $379,900 - Contact Kirk Gilbert Adams, IL - 49 ac m/l. mostly timber, food plot location, manny funnales and pinch points, easy access from the south, big buck country - Contact Kirk Gilbert Adams, IL -IL 53- ac small tracts are hard to find, 13ponds, acs tillable, thick timber, creek bottoms, high deer Adams, 40m/l. ac m/l. with home 5 beds. Two creek, pasture, big timber, walking numbers and big bucks, - $193,450 - Contact KirkGilbert Gilbert trails, and draws.turkey - $379,900 - Contact Kirk Adams, IL - 80 ac m/l. 27 acs tillable, big hardwood trees, deep thick draws, food plot locations, cabin site, electric available, turkey - $292,000 Gilbert Calhoun, IL - big 50 bucks ac m/l.and with home. 4 bed, 2- Contact bath, 2 Kirk car gar, Geo-thermal heating & cooling, Adams, IL - 133 ac m/l. 40acs tillable, 93 in timber, creek, ridges, deep draws, dead end road access, food 6KODGT TKFIGU XCNNG[U QXGTITQYP Ĺż GNFU (QQF RNQV CTGCU %QPVCEV -KTM )KNDGTV plot locations, high deer numbers and turkey - $485,450 - Contact Kirk Gilbert Adams, IL - 138 ac m/l. 5 year big buck management program, food plots, stand locations, tower blinds, Calhoun, IL -acs 68tillable, ac m/l.big 68bucks acres- Contact m/l - 3 acres food plots with balance in timber and brush, road system, 12 Kirk Gilbert creek, trail system, and4 water - $203,320 Kirkheating Gilbert& cooling, Timber ridges, Calhoun, IL - 50 ac m/l.electrice with home. bed, 2 bath, 2 car gar,- Contact Geo-thermal valleys, overgrown fi elds, Food plot areas- $424,900 - Contact Kirk Gilbert Calhoun, IL - 68 ac 68m/l acres m/lhome. - 3 acres food plots with balance in timber trail Pike County, ILm/l. - 1 ac with Quality construction , city water and andbrush, septic,creek, big loft, system, electricelots and of water - Contact Kirk GilbertREDUCED $79,500 - Contact Kirk Gilbert 16’ ceilings, storage space - PRICE Calhoun, IL - 92 ac m/l. 28 acs tillable, 64 acs big timber ravines and ridges, numerous funnels, pinch points, food plot locations, big bucks and turkey - $347,300 - Contact Kirk Gilbert Pike County, 13 ac with10logacshome, Township, 3200sq ft. 3 bedroom Calhoun, IL - 159IL ac-m/l withm/l cabin. tillable,Griggsville 149 acs timber, 3 ponds, tower blinds, fruit trees,and private DCVJ DGCWVKHWN MKVEJGP UVQPG Ĺż TGRNCEG HTQPV CPF DCEM RQTEJ NQHV Z OGVCN DWKNF access, trail system, big bucks and turkey$516,750 - Contact Kirk Gilbert ing, county water, 2 acre stocked pond, great hunting for a small tract, PRICE REDUCED Pike County, IL - 1 ac m/l with home. Quality construction , city water and septic, big loft, 16’ ceilings, lots of $249,900 Jeff Evans storage space-- Contact PRICE REDUCED $79,500 - Contact Kirk Gilbert Pike County 1 ac m/l with 2 bed, 1 bath fully furnished home, large Quonset hut and optional 160 ac lease available on 2 mileIL CE O N YKVJ JQOG VKODGT VKNNCDNG Ĺż creek. $49,900.00 Pike County, GNFU GUVCDNKUJGF HQQF RNQV ETGGM Pike County, IL - 8thickets. ac m/l with natural gas, mile from Illinois river, white -oak and walnut pond, bedding 7 tillable,water 38 acand timber - PRICE REDUCED $249,500 Contact trees, and turkey - $52,900 - Contact Kirk Gilbert Kirkdeer Gilbert Pike County, IL - 46 ac m/l. big timbered ridges, deep ravines, brush, creek bottom, creek, deer sign everywhere, building sites, deer and turkey - SOLD - Contact Kirk Gilbert Pike County, IL CE O N YKVJ ECDKP 2KVVUĹż Pike County, IL - 46.5 ac m/l with home. timber, tillable GNF 6QYPUJKR CETGU %42 CETGU fields, established food plot, creek, pond, b 38 ac alfalfa, nice REDUCED pond, springs, timber- Contact and brush, of a kind property, PRICE REDUCED timber - PRICE $249,500 Kirkone Gilbert $289,000 Jeffwith Evans Pike County, IL- -Contact 151 ac m/l home. “Dutch Creekâ€? area, 126 acs timber, 25 acs tillable, pond, food plots, turn key, big bucks and turkey - $825,000 - Contact Kirk Gilbert Pike County, IL - 165 m/l.Township Dead end road system, pond, creekhunting bottoms,farm, funnels, timber, food Pike County, IL - ac Barry - 80 access, ac - 21trail acres tillable, great secluded plot locations, big buck25hunting, -Contact Kirk Gilbert access, adjoining acre lease, $3850/acre - Contact Jeff Evans Calhoun, IL - 68 ac m/l, 3 acres food plots with balance in timber and brush, creek, trail system throughout, electric and water, nice building sites, big bucks and good turkey numbers, Contact Jeff Evans Pike County, IL ac - 80 acwith m/l log with mobile home,Township, Martinsburg 2 bdrm,and 1 bath, 29beautiful acres Pike County, IL - 13 m/l home, Griggsville 3200Twnshp, sq ft. 3 bedroom 3 bath, tillable, 7 acres CRP,front great niceloft, property, $320,000 Jeff2Evans kitchen, stone fi replace, andhunting, back porch, 24x40 metal building,- Contact county water, acre stocked pond, great hunting for a small tract, - Contact Jeff Evans Pike County, IL (CKTOQWPV 6QYPUJKR CE O N YKVJ JQOGU RCTVKCNN[ Ĺż Pike County, IL - Pike County, IL - Barry Township - 80 ac - 21 acres tillable, great hunting PKUJGF EWUVQO farm, secluded access, 25 acre lease home, - Contact Evans home adjoining and 1 manufactured 71Jeff acres CRP, awesome hunting, call for more details, Pike County, IL -- 80 ac m/lJeff withEvans mobile home, Martinsburg Twnshp, 2 bdrm, 1 bath, 29 acres tillable, 7 $1,383,300 Contact acres CRP, great hunting, nice property, $320,000 - Contact Jeff Evans Pike County 88 m/l with home, basement/gameroom. acs tillable, crp,creek, 59 timber, Schuyler County, IL3- bed, 99 ac1 bath m/l, 12 acres tillable, balance in10timber, brush19and awe-total yearly income of $4,597.00 Asking $325,000.00 some hunting, dead end road, 10 minutes NE of Rushville. $2875/acre Contact Jeff Evans Pike County, IL - Fairmount Township, 242 ac m/l with 2 homes, 1 partially finished custom home and 1 manufactured home, 71 acres CRP, awesome hunting, call for more details - Contact Jeff Evans
WHITETAIL PROPERTIES REAL ESTATE, LLC. DBAÂ Whitetail Properties | State of Nebraska, DBA WHITETAIL TROPHY PROPERTIES REAL ESTATE LLC. | Dan Perez, Broker - Licensed in IL, IA, KS, KY, MO, NE, & OK Jeff Evans, Broker - Licensed in GA, IL, MN & TN | Wes McConnell, Broker - Licensed in IL & WI John Boyken, Broker - Licensed in IN | Joey Bellington, Broker - Licensed in TX
ADVERTISE YOUR REAL ESTATE LISTINGS WITH US! CAMPBELL PUBLICATIONS Calhoun News-Herald Greene Prairie Press Jersey County Journal Pike Press Scott County Times Weekly Messenger CALL JACK OR JULIE AT 618-498-1234 TO 201 S. State Street, Jerseyville, IL 62052 LIST YOUR PROPERTIES! 618-498-6846
110 S. State St., Jerseyville 62052 • Office: 618-639-6399 Fax: 618-639-6398 OPEN HOUSES - SUNDAY DEC. 8TH - 1 PM TO 4 PM
210 Sheridan, Jerseyville
1003 Mulberry, Jerseyville
309 Andrew, Jerseyville
4 Bedroom, 3 bath home on corner lot with 2 car attached garage. Priced for quick sell. Hosted by Angie Goforth.
2 bed, 2 bath, just remodeled, and move-in ready. Has fenced back yard and shed. Hosted by Stacey Wock.
2-3 bedroom, 2 bath home, loaded with charm. 2 full lots, 2 car garage and separate workshop. Also space for your Big RV or 5th wheel trailer. Hosted by Roger Scheffel
Jerseyville, ONO Donuts
Business opportunity. After many successful years, the owners say it’s time to slow down. Sale includes everything needed to carry on operation in this high traffic leased location. Seller will even provide training for new owner. Call Roger Scheffel
Freedom Lane, Jerseyville
906 High, Jerseyville
Luxurious Senior Living - new construction. 2 or 3 3 Bed, 1 Bath. This is clean move-in ready bedroom available, 2 car attached garage. Reason- home on a corner lot. Lots of fresh paint and able association fees include lawn care and grounds new kitchen flooring. Call Roger Scheffel maintenance, snow removal. $75,000
Starting at $167,000
28153 Prosper Ln., Jerseyville
3 bed 2 bath manufactured home. Property has 2 outbuildings and sets on 3 acres in the Delhi area. Call Stacey Wock.
800 Sumner, Jerseyville
Whitetail Properties Real Estate
3 bedroom, 2 bath with full basement, 1 car attached garage, and an Amish style shed as well. Lots of updates on corner lot. Call Stacey Wock.
• 18 acres all tillable Eastern Jersey County. Brighton Delhi Road.
Liberty Ridge Rd., Otterville
112 acres West of Otterville, hunting cabin, income from leases, and CPR contract, also has harvestable timber. Otter Creek borders property, excellent hunting property. Call Angie Goforth.
Rt. 67, Kane
52 acres +/- 29 tillable
• 5 acre building lot, just West of Brighton, deed restrictions, lot would allow walkout, beautiful shared lake.
401 E. Fairground, Jerseyville
North Eastern Jersey Township. Has 3+ acre Home on 1.16 acres: 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath with ap- This stately home offers 4 bed, 5 baths, lots of updates, on lake, great deer & turkey hunting with good prox. 1600 sq. ft. in Jerseyville School District. Big 5 acres with a beautiful lake.This is a must see property. 2 car detached garage with workshop and other farm income as well. Call Angie Goforth. Motivated Seller! Call Roger Scheffel out buildings. Has new septic. Call Angie Goforth. $300,000
Managing Broker
• 20 M/L Acres Brighton, big lake, Highway 111 frontage, tract has couple of amazing building sites. • Jerseyville, 50 +/- acres with 20 tillable, Hwy 67 South of Jerseyville. Mix of pasture and tillable with hwy frontage.
• Fieldon, 60 acres timber/crp mix, several good home sites. 2 springs, excellent recreational property.
145 E. WALNUT., CARROLLTON All brick commercial building with a large parking lot. Building has several offices inside. Many options for use of this building. #70915 $85,000 Agent: David Loy 535-6039
JERSEYVILLE – Highly successful convenience store located on main thoroughfare with the only drive through service in Jersey County. Long time loyal customer base is why this business is profitable. Building not included in the sale.
JoAn Corbett Realty A Reputation For Results
This 2 bedroom, possible 3 bedroom duplex is move-in ready!! Located on a dead end street with an open floor plan. Appliances included. Great Home. Call for more details. #70645 $119,900 Agent: Mindy Woelfel 946-0434
Don’t miss this fantastic home with 4 bedrooms, 2 large baths, abundance of cabinets, central vac, wood burning fireplace to sit by and read your book. Great price!! #70165 $115,000 Agent: Marsha Paslay 530-7889
Almost 1300 sq ft is housed in this 2 bedroom, 2 full bath home with updates galore. This home offers new windows, new carpet and ceramic tile, all new plumbing, updated wiring, new furnace and air, tons of storage, all appliances stay including washer and dryer, a 2 car detached garage with workbench and electricity plus a bonus 1 car detached garage for additional storage all on a large fenced lot. #70495 $85,000 Agent: Mindy Woelfel 946-0434
One French Street • Hardin, IL • 576-2221 To view these and other fine properties visit our website at
Low maintenance brick ranch featuring large bedrooms, original hardwood floors, main floor laundry and attached garage. Lots of updates throughout including kitchen (’11), roof (’10) and water heater (’10). Very nice home, call today for more information. #70775 $95,000 Agent: Whitney McIver 531-2256
Great location with lots of traffic and road frontage. This commercial property has been completely redone which includes new plumbing, wiring, furnace and air conditioning, flooring and windows. All it needs is a new owner. Call today for more details! #70875 $75,000 Agent: Mindy Woelfel 946-0434
924 WAGGONER AVE., JERSEYVILLE 26603 SPRUCE ST. GODFREY - $225,000 - #4215787 Beautiful home on lake. Large Windows. Vaulted Ceiling. Fireplace. Lovely Large Kitchen and Breakfast Nook. Main floor laundry. Jacuzzi tub in master bath. Extra storage in over sized garage. Basement has a great storage area. JCH School District 100. Call Karen Bertman 618-535-6044
Custom home in pristine condition. Great open floor plan with portable kitchen island plus a large designer bar which easily seats 6-8, 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, 3 car garage, central vac, large patio out walkout lower level and so many more extras. #70525 $279,000 Agent: Sonja Shaw 535-1899
801 E. FAIRGROUNDS AVE., JERSEYVILLE Log cabin living – this 3 bedroom, 1 bath home offers actual yellow pine logs and solid 2� pin flooring throughout. Wood burning stove only 2 yrs old. All appliances including washer/ dryer. A 20x32 detached garage w/electric and water, insulated and with concrete floors. #70605 $84,500
Agent: Mindy Woelfel 946-0434
JERSEYVILLE OFFICE 730 S. State St. Suite A, Jerseyville, IL 62052 618-498-2321
CARROLLTON OFFICE 500 N. Main St., Carrollton, IL 62016 217-942-5182
Paslay, Realtors Jerseyville Bethalto Toll Free 618-498-4844 618-377-3377 1-800-377-3350 Visit to view all of our properties.
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Calhoun News-Herald
Hardin, Illinois
TRI-COUNTY REAL ESTATE TOUR WE HAVE SOLD MOST OF OUR LISTINGS! WE HAVE MANY BUYERS LOOKING FOR LAND IN THIS AREA & WE ARE IN NEED OF LISTINGS! CALL TODAY & RECEIVE THE PERSONAL ATTENTION YOU DESERVE! Scott Gatewood 217-491-0181 David McCartney 217-491-1014 Mack Raikes 217-415-1235 Steve Albrecht 217-248-1269 Cory Wilkinson 618-535-7255 Shane Hunt 217-491-1299 Chris Comer 573-248-6461 Kyle Gehrs 217-691-4789 Keith Vaeth 573-517-2257 320 W. Washington St., Pittsfield, Illinois 62363 • • Ph: 217-285-6000 PIKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS New Listing: 62 Acres Located in Western Pike County, 2 acre stocked pond, great area! $4,400/ acre Call Scott 80 Acres Excellent Tillable and Timber Call David 35 Acres Excellent Hunting Property With CRP Income $3,750/acre Call Scott 5 Acres All Timber, Located In Western Pike County, Prime Hunting Call David 2 Acres Great building spot located close to Kinderhook $27,500 Call Chris 76 Acres PittsfieldETownship, G Brushy Timber, DINThick P N$3,500/acre Great Hunting Farm Call David 40 Acres With Home Excellent hunting property with G IN D EN nice home CallPDavid 43 Acres Excellent hunting and building site $3,650/acre Call David 68 Acres Almost 100% Tillable Land Located West SOLD Call Scott Of Pittsfield $8,500/acre 15 Acres, Mostly timber, Nice Creek Located In LD SO$3,590/acre Southern Pike Co. Call Scott 44 Acres All timber farm at the end of a dead end D SOLCall Scott road! $3,290/acre 32.5 Acres PrimeS tillable acres broker interest OLD 38 Acres Awesome hunting farm D in Southern Pike County Call Scott SOL ADAMS COUNTY, ILLINOIS New Listing: 58 Acres Great investment property! Over $10,000 in income! $3,890/acre Call Scott 13 Acres Prime Tillable Property G Call Scott In ENDIN cooperation withPWhitetail Properties 40 Acres Located 15 minutes from Quincy on a dead end road, Proven farm, $3,650/acre Call Chris 171 Acres Great tillable farm with excellent income SOLD potential! In cooperation with Pike County Real Estate 7.5 Acres m/l Beautiful building site located close LD$3,400/acre SO to Siloam Springs State Park. Call Scott 138 acres nice mix of timber and tillable. Call Scott OLD
CALHOUN COUNTY, ILLINOIS 550 Acres Unbelievable recreational property! Call Scott 64.5 Acres Located outside of Kampsville, Big timber farm $2,950/acre SOLDCall Chris 68 Acres Big Timber Located Close To The MissisLDAreas! Call Scott In sippi River, Great Food SOPlot cooperation with Whitetail Properties 45.61 acres - Located in Northern Calhoun County, Solid timber, great S hunting farm. $3950/acre. Call OLD Scott 245.5 Acres With Home Perfect mix of timber and LD$3,395/acre Call SO fields, located in great area Chris 80 Acres Located at the end of a dead end road, OLD with Landguys LLC Big timber farm InScooperation JERSEY COUNTY, ILLINOIS: New Listing: 41.5 Acres Great hunting & building location, $175,890 Call Kyle
BROWN COUNTY, ILLINOIS: 138.5 Acres 47 Acres Tillable, Balance in timber, DAgrivest SOLwith Call Scott In cooperation Inc.
VISIT US ONLINE w w w . m c c a r t n e y - r e a l e s t a t e . c o m DAVID T. McCARTNEY • Managing Broker 217-491-1014
Celebrating over 75 years in business!
Phone (217) 285-4502 Office Fax: (217) 285-9672
320 W. Washington Street Pittsfield, Illinois 62363
KIRBY HOBBS (217) 491-2059
KAREN McCONNELL (217) 723-4217
LLOYD PHILLIPS 217-257-7096
ANGELA MOSS 285-2126
KEN RENOUD 285-4749
SONYA MILLER (217) 653-2943
ELAINE HOAGLIN (217) 491-1141
DENNIS & JUDY DOUGLAS 217-430-1557
Celebrating over 75 years serving Pike County!
MONTGOMERY COUNTY, ILLINOIS: New Listing: 21.5 Acres Pure Hunting! $73,100 Call Kyle 41 Acres Awesome hunting 40 acres! $163,000 LDCentury 21 SOwith Call Kyle *in cooperation Simpson Realty SCHUYLER COUNTY, ILLINOIS: 71 Acres 20 Acres Tillable, in timber, Great D Scott LCall SObalance hunting farm! $3,490/acre MACON COUNTY, MISSOURI: New Listing: 113.6 Acres Mixture of timber and pasture, nice hunting farm Call Chris AUDRAIN COUNTY, MISSOURI: 27 Acres, 100% Tillable, Offering D 5% Return On SOL Investment, Call Chris CHARITON COUNTY, MISSOURI: New Listing: 81 Acres Income producing tillable land Call Chris New Listing: 140 Acres Over 80% tillable land Call Chris MONROE COUNTY, MISSOURI: New Listing: 39 Acres 26 Acres Tillable 13 Acres Timber, Great Income Call Chris 50 Acres m/l Great hunting property with small OLD SChris hunters cabin! Call PIKE COUNTY, MISSOURI: New Listing: 26.16 With Home Call Chris 40 Acres Hard D small property Call Chris SOtoLfind 144 Acres Excellent LD Call Chris SOHunting! 23 Acres Excellent small property LD Call Chris SO LINN COUNTY, MISSOURI: 40 Acres Great Investment property with excellent OLDinterest hunting Call Keith S *broker RALLS COUNTY, MISSOURI: New Listing: 125 Acres Great hunting farm priced right! Call Chris 22 Acres With Home. Great getaway farm located LD SO outside of Saverton Call Chris 56 Acres Great small LD farm Call Chris SOhunting SULLIVAN COUNTY, MISSOURI: 166 Acres Nice all around property *In cooperaOLD tion with WhitetailS Properties
414 West Fayette PITTSFIELD $69,900
REDUCED BY $10,000 501 S. Madison PITTSFIELD $239,000
SCOTLAND COUNTY, MISSOURI: New Listing: 50.77 Acres Offering great income! Call Chris LEWIS COUNTY, MISSOURI: New Listing: 68.30 Acres Great combination farm Call Chris New Listing: 164 Acres 127 Acres tillable, 37 acres brush Call Chris 140 Acres Northeast Missouri hunting hotspot! In LD & Real Estate SOAuction cooperation with Absolute
14026 395th AVE. NEBO $195,000
Commercial Building for rent
Call (618) 498-1234 and ask for Business Department
Call (618) 498-1234 and ask for Business Department
Hardin, IL
CLAIM NOTICE Notice is hereby given of the death of DREW A. WEBB who died August 19, 2013. Letters of Office as Administrator were issued to TRACY L. WEBB of R.R. 1 Box 86 Nebo, IL 62355, whose attorney is Charles H.W. Burch, P.O. Box 208 Hardin, IL 62047 on Nov. 5, 2013. All claims against the estate of the deceased must be filed on or before May 16, 2014 with the Administrator, her representative, or in the above captioned cause at Calhoun County Courthouse, Hardin, Illinois. Any claims filed thereafter shall be barred. Charles H.W. Burch Attorney for Tracy L. Webb, Administrator P.O. Box 208 Hardin, IL 62047 (618) 576-2772 11.20.13, 11.27, 12.4
Calhoun News-Herald 310 S. County Road, P.O. Box 367, Hardin, IL 62047 Phone 618-576-2345 Fax 630-206-0320 Submit your news: Advertising information:
OFFICe HOuRS: Monday, Tuesday 9 a.m.-4 p.m. and Friday 9 a.m.-1 p.m. AdveRtISIng POLICy: We are not responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of display and classified advertising. Please let us know immediately upon publication of any errors. Responsibility is limited to the cost the space error occupies in the ad. All transactions under $50 must be paid in advance. Proper identification of the person placing the ad is required. The Calhoun NewsHerald reserves the right to reject or edit any advertisement submitted for publication. deAdLIneS: Society-weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, engagements, Noon Monday; Classified ads, 3p.m. Monday; Display advertising, 5p.m. Monday. We reserve the right to reject any photo that will not reproduce clearly. PHOtOS And RePRIntS: 5x7-$9.00; 8x10-$10.00. Copies: 81/2 x 11: 20¢ per copy; 8 1/2 x 14
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Hardin, IL
View photos on the web VACANCY NOTICE
Calhoun CUSD #40 is currently taking applications for the following position:
FULL TIME HIGH SCHOOL COOK Food Service License Required Lifting up to 75lbs everyday consistently
Interested applicants should send a letter of interest to the Calhoun CUSD #40 District Office, P.O. Box 387, Hardin, IL 62047 before Wednesday, December 11, 2013.
LOCK INTO A NEW CAREER IN MANUFACTURING STABLE FAMILY OWNED BUSINESS IN O’FALLON, MO OFFERS EXCELLENT BENEFITS. $13.00/hr Days M-F 7:00am-3:30pm $14.00/hr Nights M-F 3:30pm-12:00am - Seeking Career Minded Individuals to Produce High Quality Commercial Refrigeration Equipment - Company Provides on-the-job Training SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATES: • Will have to be 18 years of age • Drug free, conditioned for physical work & capable of lifting 60lbs. WG/3.12
Apply: orcall call(636-281-2065) (636-281-2062) Apply: or Company paid pre-employment drug screen/physical required EOE.
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Calhoun News-Herald
Hardin, Illinois
ach decade has its own distinct foods, including desserts. Yet some of these decadent treats — such as southern Lemon Chess Pie from the 1820s, Strawberry Shortcake from the 1850s, or New York’s Black and White Cookies, first baked up in the Roaring 1920s — have stood the test of time. To celebrate these nostalgic sweets, CanolaInfo’s “Decades of Decadence” recipe collection serves up a delicious trip down memory lane with modern influence by Ellie Krieger, M.S., R.D., host of the Cooking Channel’s “Healthy Appetite.” “History shaped these desserts and they have stuck around because they are inherently delicious,” she says. “They were driven by the availability of ingredients in their day, advertising by food companies in women’s magazines and advancements in food technology or appliances.” To boost nutrition and keep saturated fat in check, the recipes are updated with heart-healthy ingredients, such as low-fat yogurt, whole-grain flour and canola oil, which has the least saturated fat and most omega-3 fat of all common culinary oils. Try this fresh, healthy update on 1930s Pineapple Upside Down Cake, originally invented to take advantage of canned pineapple, which is kept moist and gooey with canola oil. Take a journey back to the ’40s with Chocolate War Cake, a chocolaty indulgence that’s a cinch to make. Or dig into Frozen Grasshopper Pie, a ’50s favorite once home freezers became common, which offers less saturated fat by using canola oil in the crust and reduced-fat ice cream or frozen yogurt in the filling. For the complete “Decades of Decadence” collection and more recipes from Krieger, visit
Pineapple Upside Down Cake Yield: 8 servings Serving size: 1 slice Canola oil cooking spray 1/3 cup packed dark brown sugar 4 to 5 pineapple rings (about 1/4 of whole pineapple) about 1/2 inch thick 2 tablespoon chopped crystallized ginger 1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour 3/4 cup whole-wheat pastry flour 3/4 cup granulated sugar 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon baking soda 1 cup low-fat buttermilk 1/2 cup canola oil 2 large eggs 1 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract Preheat oven to 350°F. Generously spray bottom of 9-inch, nonstick layer cake pan with canola oil cooking spray. Sprinkle evenly with brown sugar, then arrange pineapple rings on top in one
layer. Sprinkle chopped ginger pieces in spaces around pineapple rings and in their centers. In medium bowl, whisk together all-purpose flour, whole-wheat flour, sugar, baking powder and baking soda. In another medium bowl, whisk together buttermilk, canola oil, eggs and vanilla. Mix wet and dry ingredients until combined. Pour batter over pineapple-brown sugar mixture and bake until top is lightly browned and wooden skewer inserted into center of cake comes out clean, 40 to 50 minutes. Let cool for 5 minutes, then run knife around cake edges and, using oven mitts, invert cake onto large serving plate. Note: Whole-wheat, all-purpose flour can be substituted for whole-wheat pastry flour. Nutritional Analysis (per Serving): Calories 390; Fat 16 g; Saturated Fat 1.5 g; Cholesterol, 55 mg; Sodium 270 mg, Carbohydrates 57 g; Fiber 2 g; Protein, 6 g
Chocolate War Cake Yield: 12 slices Serving size: 1 slice 3/4 cup whole-wheat pastry flour 3/4 cup all-purpose flour 1 cup granulated sugar 1/3 cup natural cocoa powder 1 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 cup cold water 1 tablespoon cider vinegar 1/3 cup canola oil 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon confectioners’ sugar Preheat oven to 350°F. In 9-inch round baking pan, whisk together whole-wheat pastry flour, all-purpose flour, sugar, cocoa powder, baking soda and salt. In small bowl or measuring cup, combine water and vinegar. Make well in center of flour mixture in pan and pour canola oil and vanilla extract into well. Pour water-vinegar mixture over top of flour and then stir well to blend all ingredients.
Bake until set and toothpick inserted into center comes out clean, about 30 to 35 minutes. Place cake on rack to cool in pan. Once cool, sprinkle with confectioners’ sugar. Note: Whole-wheat, all-purpose flour can be substituted for whole-wheat pastry flour. Nutritional Analysis (per Serving): Calories 180; Fat 7 g; Saturated Fat 0.5 g; Cholesterol 0 mg; Sodium 200 mg; Carbohydrates 29 g; Fiber 2 g; Protein 2 g
Frozen Grasshopper Pie Yield: 8 servings Serving size: 1 slice Canola oil cooking spray 1 1/4 cups finely crushed chocolate wafer cookies or chocolate graham cracker crumbs 3 tablespoons canola oil 4 cups mint chip reduced-fat ice cream or frozen yogurt, softened 1/3 cup chocolate shavings Preheat oven to 350°F. Spray 9-inch pie dish with canola oil cooking spray. In medium bowl, mix cookie crumbs and canola oil until combined, then press mixture into prepared pie dish. Bake until fragrant, 6 to 8 minutes. Allow to cool completely. In large bowl, place softened ice cream and mix well until uniform texture forms, similar to soft-serve ice
cream. Fill cooled pie crust with ice cream, smoothing out top. Garnish with chocolate shavings, cover with plastic wrap and put back in freezer until solidly frozen, at least 4 hours. When ready to serve, heat knife under hot water and use it to cut pie into slices. Note: An ice cream or frozen yogurt without green food coloring is recommended. To make chocolate shavings, use a vegetable peeler to peel strips from a thick block of chocolate. If the chocolate crumbles as you make the shavings, put it in the microwave at 10-second intervals to soften it slightly. Nutritional Analysis (per Serving): Calories 290; Fat 14 g; Saturated Fat 5 g; Cholesterol 15 mg; Sodium 190 mg; Carbohydrates 36 g; Fiber 1 g; Protein 5 g
SPORTS Calhoun News-Herald
Wednesday, December 4, 2013 Hardin, Illinois
Lady Warriors whip Western in home opener Calhoun places second at Southwestern tourney SaM ELLiott Calhoun News-Herald
Mike Weaver/Calhoun News-Herald
Emma Baalman heads to the hoop against Wesclin during the Lady Warriors' 76-55 win in their Southwestern thanksgiving tournament finale Saturday at Southwestern High School. Baalman scored 17 points and was named to the all-tournament team Saturday and scored a game-high 19 points as Calhoun (5-1) beat Western 66-36 Monday in its home opener in Hardin.
Lady Raiders improve to 3-3 Kiel continues strong debut in Brussels' win Brussels High School freshman Baylee Kiel outscored the opposition on her own, scoring a game-high 33 points while bringing down 11 rebounds for a double-double to lead the Lady Raiders in a 73-22 win against Madison Monday in Brussels. Classmate Madison Willman added a 20-point, 10-rebound double-double and Marisa Kuhn was next with five points for Brussels, which improved to 3-3 this season with the win. The Lady Raiders took a quick 16-6 lead through the first quarter and pulled away to a 43-11 halftime advantage after winning the second quarter by a 27-5 margin. A 25-9 third quarter leaning in Brussels' favor made it a 68-20 game heading into the fourth quarter. The Lady Raiders continue their season against the Illinois School for the Deaf at 7:45 p.m. Wednesday in Jacksonville. They'll return home to host Metro-East Lutheran at 2:30 p.m. Saturday at Brussels High School. Sam Elliott/Calhoun News-Herald
Brussels High School senior Elizabeth Klass looks to make a pass against North Greene earlier this season in White Hall. Klass chipped in three points as the Lady Raiders beat Madison 73-22 Monday in Brussels.
The Calhoun High School girls basketball team has rebounded from its lone loss of the young season by winning four-straight games. A two-point overtime loss to the host Lady Piasa Birds Saturday, Nov. 23, is all that kept Calhoun from a championship at the 16th annual Southwestern Thanksgiving Tournament. The Lady Warriors bounced back with convincing wins against Highland's junior varsity, Gillespie and Wesclin to finish second at Southwestern's round-robin tournament. The Lady Warriors' offense has yet to score fewer than 59 points through six games this season, but their defense paced them to an early lead on the way to a 66-36 win against Western in Monday's home opener at Calhoun High School. A 20-0 run helped Calhoun take a 30-3 lead through the first quarter and the Lady Warriors led 45-8 at halftime. Calhoun forced 13 of Western's 17 turnovers in the first half and the Lady Wildcats were limited to 2-of-24 shooting from the field before halftime. "We’ve been striving in practice to move our feet more. We’ve got good length, we’ve just got to rotate in our 1-2-2 zone a little quicker," Calhoun head coach Aaron Baalman said. "In that first half, we ran it textbook. You probably couldn’t run a 1-2-2 better than how we ran it [Monday]." Offensively, the Lady Warriors shot better than 52 percent from the field. Sophomore Emma Baalman led all scorers with 19 points on 9-of-11 shooting and added eight rebounds. Classmate Kassidy Klocke scored 17 points on 8-of-15 shooting and freshman Grace Baalman chipped in a double-double with 14 points on 7-of-9 shooting and 13 rebounds. "If we make the right decisions and make that extra pass, we’re going to find one of the big girls and they’re hard to beat," coach Baalman said. "We’re getting the production that we need to get. We’re getting more into the flow of the game and the other girls are getting more comfortable. Grace, Kassidy and Emma just do such a good job." Calhoun's height advantage — Grace Baalman at 6-foot-2, Emma Baalman at 6-foot-1 and Klocke at 6-feet — helped the Lady Warriors outrebound Western 45-21. "It really helps us limit teams to one shot," coach Baalman said. "This team's a fun group and they work hard. I can't complain as a coach." After Calhoun was edged 64-62 in overtime by Southwestern at the Lady Piasa Birds' home tournament, the Lady Warriors won their next three games there by an average of more than 27 points. Grace Baalman scored 30 points for the third-straight
Brussels (1-0) led by just an 11-9 margin through the first quarter, but pulled away to a 39-26 halftime advantage after winning the second quarter 28-17. Barat just outscored Brussels 40-39 in the second half. The Raiders continued their season on the road against East Alton-Wood River Tuesday, but results were not available at press time. Brussels visits Pleasant Hill at 7:30 p.m. Friday and
Mike Weaver/Calhoun News-Herald
Grace Baalman scores from underneath the basket against Wesclin Saturday at Southwestern High School. the Calhoun freshman is averaging more than 23 points per game through her first six outings with the Lady Warriors.
game to lead Calhoun past the Highland junior varsity squad 66-30 Tuesday, Nov. 26. The Lady Warriors began a two-game day with a 59-33 win against Gillespie Saturday in which Grace Baalman scored a game-best 18 points and Klocke and Emma Baalman each added 10. Calhoun's tournemnt finale was a 76-55 victory against Wesclin Saturday night, after which
both Grace and Emma Baalman were named to the event's all-tournament team. Klocke and Grace Baalman each totaled 18 points while Emma Baalman added 17 against Wesclin. The Lady Warriors (5-1, 1-0 Western Illinois Valley Conference) continue their season with a visit to Griggsville-Perry at 7:45 p.m. Thursday and then host Bunker Hill at 7:30 p.m. Monday.
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Brussels wins big in opener The Brussels High School boys basketball team prevailed in a high-scoring affair to begin its 2013-14 season, winning a 78-66 decision against Barat Academy (Mo.) in its season opener Tuesday, Nov. 26, in Brussels. The Raiders' senior class led the way. Riley Caselton scored a game-high 27 points while classmates Dakota Schulte and Tyler Friedel added 24 and 22 points, respectively.
Mike Weaver/Calhoun News-Herald
Calhoun sophomore Kassidy Klocke protects the ball against Wesclin Saturday at the Southwestern thanksgiving tournament. Klocke is averaging nearly 12 points per game this season after scoring 18 against Wesclin Saturday and 17 against Western Monday.
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hosts Metro-East Lutheran at 5:30 p.m. Saturday. Brussels is the No. 6 seed at the fifth annual Spartan Classic, which begins Monday at North Greene High School. The Raiders open tournament play against No. 3 GriggsvillePerry at 8 p.m. Monday. They'll meet either No. 2 GreenfieldNorthwestern or No. 7 Pleasant Hill in their second game in White Hall.
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