Camp Chesterfield Presents “Shamanic Arts: Down the Rabbit Hole into a Shamanic Journey” with Susan A. Remek, Ph.D.
Saturday, July 7, 2018 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm Chapel Basement Séance Room
�Shamanic Arts: Down the Rabbit Hole into a Shamanic Journey with Susan A. Remek, Ph.D.
NAME__________________________________________ ADDRESS_______________________________________ CITY_________________________________ STATE________ZIP______________ PHONE____________________________ E-MAIL _________________________________________ Cost: Pre-registration by June 30th; $25 After June 30th; $35 Method of Payment: Cash ____ Check ____ Credit Card____ Card Number ___________________________ Expiration Date: _________________ Make checks payable to: Camp Chesterfield Mail to: Camp Chesterfield P.O. Box 132 Chesterfield, IN 46017 Camp Chesterfield Ph. 765-378-0235 E-mail: Web: Facebook: Camp Chesterfield
Saturday, July 7, 2018 Shamanic Arts: Down the Rabbit Hole into a Shamanic Journey with Susan A. Remek, Ph.D. 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm Chapel Basement Séance Room Overview By listening to monotonous forms of percussion, Shamans the world over have entered into trance-like states and experienced other worlds of non-ordinary reality. This experience in altered consciousness – the Shamanic Journey – is thought to be the world’s oldest spiritual practice. Because it affords moments of direct revelation, the journey can be used to solve problems, obtain healing, acquire information, access guidance, and obtain help for others. In this beginner’s workshop, we’ll use a variety of percussion instruments to do one directed, one guided, and two freestyle journeys. We’ll seek out our Power Animals and our Teachers or Mentors, and we’ll look for answers to two personal questions. Time will be provided for feedback and sharing, but the primary emphasis in this workshop will be on learning by doing. You should bring a mat or blanket for lying on the floor and writing instruments for notes. For best results with personal inquiries, you are encouraged to write down and bring with you tow open-ended questions of the “who”, “what”, “how”, and “where” variety (i.e., “why” and “when” questions are discouraged for this format). Handouts with additional information and tips for private work will be provided.
Susan Remek learned to journey while studying shamanism and energy medicine with the Four Winds Society, and she graduated from the group’s Light Body School in 2016. Impressed with the power of the journey technique, she studied the methods of a range of modern shamanic practitioners, settling on the “core shamanism” of Michael Harner as perhaps the best way to introduce Westerners to the “Rabbit Hole”. Trained in literature and religion, she earned a Ph.D. at the University of Chicago for work in Spirituality and Literature.