Camp Chesterfield Presents “And So It Begins: Developing Your Private Reading Practice” Rev. Mary Lynn Crawford
Sunday, September 15, 2019 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm Art Gallery East
And Now It Begins: Developing Your Private Reading Practice With Rev. Mary Lynn Crawford
ADDRESS_______________________________________ CITY_________________________________ STATE________ZIP______________ PHONE____________________________ E-MAIL _________________________________________ Cost: Pre-registration by September 7th - $30 After September 7th - $40 Method of Payment: Cash ____ Check ____ Credit Card____ Card Number ___________________________ Expiration Date: _________________ Make checks payable to: Camp Chesterfield Mail to: Camp Chesterfield P.O. Box 132 Chesterfield, IN 46017 Camp Chesterfield Ph. 765-378-0235 E-mail: Web: Facebook: Camp Chesterfield
And So It Begins: Developing Your Private Reading Practice Rev. Mary Lynn Crawford Sunday, Sept 15, 2019 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm Art Gallery East
Participants will learn about aspects of beginning spirit readings and factors to consider when developing a spirit reading practice. In this workshop we will discuss aspects of your practice such as identifying individual symbols and putting them together as a cohesive whole, incorporating spirit identification into the reading, ethical considerations and opening and closing the reading itself. The workshop will also cover topics like location, atmosphere, safety, and pricing. There will be plenty of time to practice reading skills!
Rev. Mary Lynn Crawford was ordained through the Indiana Association of Spiritualists and has been practicing mediumship skills in Cincinnati, Ohio for over fifteen years. She relocated her private practice to Historic Camp Chesterfield in 2012 where she has been providing readings to visitors in her home at Camp. She is a certified Mediumship Development Teacher at Camp Chesterfield and past Director of Education at her Cincinnati Spiritualist church where she taught mediumship classes. Rev. Crawford’s thirty years as a public school Special Education/Reading teacher has given her much experience in working with symbols and their interpretation as well as an ability to interpret those symbols for others.