Friends of Oochigeas A camp supporting children affected by childhood cancer Issue 2
Volume 16 •
Spring 2013
Celebrating 30 years of Camp Oochigeas!
A camp where kids with cancer can just be kids
Camp Oochigeas is a privately funded, volunteer-based organization that provides kids with cancer and kids affected by childhood cancer with a unique opportunity for growth through challenging, fun, enriching and magical experiences. Camp Oochigeas, 464 Bathurst Street, Toronto, ON M5T 2S6 t: 416.961.6624 f: 416.961.2267 e: | | @campooch
Program News – Spotlight on Teens and Leadership As you read this newsletter kids across Ontario who are more familiar with doctor’s appointments and hospital gowns are looking forward to a summer of friendship and fun at Ooch. For many, the magic of camp alongside the memories they will make will be life-changing experiences to cherish. In seeking to reach more kids, more often, in 2004 we responded to a growing need for programs exclusively for teens living with cancer and introduced 7Scape, a oneweek residential session. Today, our teen programs are the first to reach capacity. Current year-round teen programs include the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, an internationally recognized award for personal development and community involvement, a dogsledding expedition and an Algonquin Park canoe trip. Ooch also provides two Leader in Training (LIT) programs, a ten-day French River canoe trip and a cross-country LIT exchange program with Camp Good Times in
British Columbia. Graduates of the LIT 1 program receive an Ontario High School credit, a valuable asset to teens who have missed a significant amount of school for medical reasons. In addition to the expansion of teen and leadership opportunities, this year we’re adding a community service program at a local food bank, a leadership retreat up north and a Bruce Trail Hiking Expedition. It is exciting to see these programs grow and flourish.
fulfill our vision to provide more Ooch, more often, to the kids who need it most.
As a leader in young adult programming, Ooch recently partnered with the Pediatric Oncology Group of Ontario (POGO) to host a conference in Muskoka and socials in Toronto for survivors of childhood cancer. A wonderful addition to the current program schedule. Thanks to the support of committed donors and partners like you, Ooch continues to expand programs specifically tailored to teens and young adults who so desperately need support. Thank you for helping us
By The Numbers
New Camper experiences in the first quarter of 2013, 100 of them from satellite hospitals*
Campers are expected this summer at summer camp!
Campers (the largest number yet) participate in a one day program at Ooch Downtown
350 Volunteers attend the volunteer training on May 26, 2013!
*Satellite hospitals are South Lake Hospital, Credit Valley Hospital and Rouge Valley Hospital.
30 Years of Impact
Message from the Executive Director In 1983 a committed group of volunteers forged forward with passion and vision to establish a place where kids with cancer could forget about doctors and treatments and simply just be kids. Thirty years later we have seen lives changed, programs developed and transformational opportunities created for kids, siblings and their families. Ooch is reaching more kids, more often. As we continue to make great strides to fulfill the demand and need of children across Ontario, we are proud to report that 82 cents of every dollar raised is going directly to program funding. This standard ensures donor dollars are being wisely invested to make a direct impact on the kids we serve. Supported by an amazing team of over 450 volunteers alongside the generous commitment of long-term supporters like you, we’ve grown to provide programs to over 800 children and their families annually. Though the spirit of camp remains the same, the complexity of the programs has increased dramatically. Our Day Camp program at Camp Robin Hood in Markham served a population of 53% of campers on active treatment. At the residential camp in Muskoka we were equipped for the first time to serve children with nasogastric intubation (feeding tubes) and tracheotomies. We are constantly revisiting and building our programs to meet the needs of even more kids. Currently our Hospital, Residential and Urban programs operate year round at five sites in Ontario while hospital programs at The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) continue to operate 365 days a year. Though we are excited to see programs growing in both capacity and complexity, the reality is there are more kids and more families that still need our help. Last fall, McKinsey & Company did a pro bono assessment that showed 40 per cent of children with cancer do not currently access an oncology camp in Ontario. Because of people like you, what started as a simple vision and passion has grown to become a year-round social support system for families dealing with childhood cancer. Together we have impacted thousands of lives over the past 30 years and continue to look to the future for opportunities to impact even more. I look forward to working on your behalf to ensure the next thirty years transform the lives of even more kids. Sincerely,
Alex Robertson Executive Director
30th Anniversary Alumni Celebrations and Community Events To mark our 30th Anniversary, we’re celebrating all year long! Here are a few of the upcoming Alumni Celebrations and Community Fundraising Events you won’t want to miss. For more information, visit
Alumni Celebrations Camp Ooch’s 30th Birthday Party
Date: Saturday, October 26, 2013 What: A reunion of over 500 volunteers, former campers, fundraisers, donors and corporate partners who have helped make Ooch what it is today. Location: Evergreen Brick Works, 550 Bayview Avenue, Toronto, ON Time: 7:30 p.m. -12:00 a.m. Price: $50 per person. To purchase your tickets, visit, call the office or email Micky at
Camp Ooch Muskoka Open House.
Camp Ooch Muskoka Open House
Date: Sunday, July 28, 2013 Time: 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. What: A special tour of camp and a BBQ lunch Location: Camp Ooch Muskoka RSVP: Micky at
Alumni Weekend at Camp Date: September 28-29 Save the date! Details to be announced soon Location: Camp Ooch Muskoka
Challenging activities build confidence.
Community Fundraising Events Muskoka Rocks Road Race - Sunday, August 4 Presented by Laurel Brooks & Lynn Keane Peninsula Recreation Centre, Minnet, ON
Jump for Ooch, presented by KRG Children’s Charitable Foundation and Steven Wise & Susan Zikman-Wise Date: Saturday, August 10 Location: Clevelands House.
Tour for Kids Ontario supports Camp Ooch, Camp Trillium and Camp Quality.
Tour For Kids, presented by the Coast to Coast Against Cancer Foundation Date: Thursday-Sunday, August 15-18 Location: Ontario Cottage Country.
Ride for Karen, presented by Kirk Tobias and Kris Tobias Date: Sunday, September 8 Location: Maple, ON
Corvettes For Kids Road Tour, presented by Gary Fenske Sunday, September 8 Being silly and fun, lets kids be kids.
Celebrating 30 years of changing lives A timeline of Ooch’s milestones
Camp Oochigeas is founded by a group of commited volunteers.
The one-week session is extended to two weeks.
Ooch brings volunteer programming to SickKids with the introduction of Ooch-Too-Nite. The first summer at the new site and 7Scape, a one-week session for teens, is introduced.
Ooch moves into the city with the introduction of Urban Ooch and Day Camp programs.
The In-Hospital Program at SickKids is expanded to seven days a week.
Ooch holds its first one-week session at Geneva Park Park Orillia for 30 campers.
To accommodate more campers, Ooch moves to Rosseau Lake College.
The first An Evening of Summer Dreams fundraising gala is held.
Camp Teomul, a session for bereaved siblings has its first summer. Weekends at Camp (WACs) are introduced in the fall and winter. The high ropes adventure course is constructed.
Ooch raises the roof on “Barny” the barn, a multi-purpose indoor activity space at the site in Muskoka.
Ooch Downtown opens. The 18,000 square foot facility is the first ever in-city recreation centre for kids with cancer in North America.
Ooch has grown from a weekend program for 30 children with cancer to a year-round social support system for children with cancer, their siblings and their families. We remain incredibly grateful to the volunteers and donors who make Ooch possible!
Providing the magic of camp for 30 years
Construction of Dr. Fred’s Med Shed begins at Rosseau Lake College.
A third session is added to the summer program.
Ooch launches “Up-Stream” – a ten-day out trip and adventure program for teens.
Ooch introduces year-round leadership programs for teens, including the Duke of Edinburgh program. Thanks to year-round programming in Muskoka, at Ooch Downtown, at SickKids and two other regional cancer centres, Ooch offers more days of programming than days of the year and reaches over 800 campers.
27,000 runners raise over $2 Million in support of Camp Oochigeas Thank you to the runners, walkers, donors, fundraisers, race volunteers, race directors, and of course the committed Ooch Champions who took part in the Sporting Life 10K. Personal fundraisers contributed over $700,000; the industry challenge contributed over $500,000 and The Camp Ooch Dream Team, a group of individuals committed to raising at least $3,500 each, raised $96,000. We’d like to thank our new Industry Leaders Committee for spearheading new fundraising initiatives and recruiting new runners this year. We are extremely grateful to everyone that participated in this incredible event.
Ooch Celebrity Ambassador Team.
Thank you to everyone who participated.
Race Day May 12, 2013.
Where’s Waldo?
More Ways to Give As a registered charity that receives no government funding, Ooch relies on the generosity of donors and volunteers to ensure Ooch programs remain free for the campers and families that need them. As we continue to expand programs to meet growing demands, we ask that you consider how you can give. For more information, please contact Michelle Afinec, Director of Development at 416-961-6624 or at
Monthly Giving Our Monthly Giving program helps create sustainable funding to plan and implement innovative camp programs.
A Gift of Securities When individuals sell an appreciated stock, mutual fund or flow through shares, they are required to pay tax on 50% of the capital gain. However, if they donate the securities to a registered charity, they pay no capital gains tax. This makes appreciated stock one of the most cost effective ways to donate to Camp Oochigeas!
New for 2013: “Super Credit” for First-Time Donors The federal government’s Budget 2013 established a First-Time Donor’s Super Credit to encourage charitable donations from first-time donors or those who have not claimed a charitable donation on their taxes in the last five years. The standard federal tax credit for a donation is 15% for the first $200 donated and 29% for donations above that level. The Super Credit increases these federal tax credits by 25%. If neither you nor your spouse has claimed a donation tax credit in any year since and including 2008, you will now be eligible for tax credits as follows:
Donations up to and including $200: 40% tax credit
Donations between $201 and $1,000: 54% tax credit
See CRA website for details.
Official Camp Ooch Alumni Network As part of our 30th Anniversary, we have begun the process of formally creating a Camp Ooch Alumni Network. Long-time volunteer, Sara Taylor, and other alumni are helping us explore how former volunteers, staff and campers can stay engaged and contribute in an active and positive way to the lives of future Ooch campers. Select pictures reflect the successful 80s/90s and 2000s Alumni Decade Events. To get involved in this exciting network, contact the Ooch office at 416-961-6624.
Pat Davidson, Dr. Fred and Brenda Saunders
ORGANIZING COMMITTEE of the 80s & 90s Alumni Decade Event
Heather Jones, Drew Gulyas, Maru Berrara
Dale McIntosh, Sara Taylor, Doug & Cathy Hitchcock, Sheila Allen, Andrea Bunker, Heather Adam
ORGANIZING COMMITTEE of the 2000’s Alumni Decade Event
Sean Davis, Bev Rosser, Lauren Robinson, Kate Findlay
Alex Robertson, Warren Lang and Heather Adam
Carly Ely, Jimmy Holland and Hugh Rennie
Join the Campfire, Share a Story, Celebrate Camp Ooch We would love to hear from you! Share your stories and memories of Ooch with a community of families, campers, donors and volunteers and help spread the word about the great work happening at Ooch. Go to for more details or email Lisa Nethercott at
The printing of this newsletter was generously donated by RR Donnelley | @campooch |
Send a Kid to Camp
Give the Gift of Ooch
$3,500 - 2 weeks $1,750 - 1 week
$250 - 1 day $125 - 1/2 day
Symbolic Giving $100 General supplies
including Band-Aids, gloves and syringes to keep on hand in the Med Shed.
A new supply of archery arrows for summer camp.
$25Shrink art supplies for an afternoon program.
When you make a donation, you have the option to send an acknowledgment card or an eCard to someone letting them know you’ve made a gift on their behalf. Visit to donate online.
Enclosed is my donation: $3,500
$_________ Other
$_________ A monthly gift to be charged to my credit card
$125 Salutation:
*Tax receipts will be provided for donations over $25 Ms.
This gift is in honour of (optional): Name: _________________________________ Address:________________________________ _______________________________________ City: ___________________________________ Province: ________ Postal Code:____________
Other ___________________________________________________ Please make cheques
Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________ City: _________________________ Province: _____________________ Postal Code: __________________ Phone Number: (_____)_________________________ Email:_______________________________________ Visa/MC/Amex #:____________________________________________________ Expiry Date: ____________ Name of Card Holder: _______________________________________________________________________ Note: all donations made through the symbolic giving program contribute to the operating fund rather than to a specific item. Your donation will be used where it is needed most, to help send kids to camp.
payable to:
Camp Oochigeas 464 Bathurst Street Toronto, ON M5T 2S6 T: 416.961.6624 F: 416.961.2267 Charitable Business #13111 6022 RR0001 SP13