Volunteers of Oochigeas •
Volunteer Update
Volume 2
Issue 1
Spring 2014
“As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands,
one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.” Audrey Hepburn
Camp Oochigeas is a privately funded, volunteer-based organization that provides kids with cancer and kids affected by childhood cancer with a unique opportunity for growth through challenging, fun, enriching and magical experiences. Camp Oochigeas, 464 Bathurst Street, Toronto, ON M5T 2S6 t: 416.961.6624 f: 416.961.2267 e: oochigeas@ooch.org
ooch.org | facebook.com/campooch | @campooch
Spring Programs are here! Spring Volunteer Applications will go online this Monday, March 10th! All applications received on March 10th will be put into a lottery. All applications received after that date will be processed on a first come, first served and as needed basis. Applications will go offline Sunday, March 16th, at midnight. Spring Application (goes live this Monday) Click Here Spring Program Brochure Click Here
Sickle Cell Family Day at Camp Ooch
This Spring, Ooch will be partnering with Camp Jumoke (a summer camp for children with Sickle Cell Disease) to offer a one day camp-style pilot program at Ooch Downtown and we need volunteers. Please sign up on the Spring Application if you are available to help.
Spring and Fall - First Aid and Bronze Cross - Save the Date
A reminder that you need a current First Aid OR Bronze Cross in order to participate in ANY Ooch programs. Registration will go live on our New Volunteer Centre in a few weeks. Saturday, April, 26th 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Saturday, May, 3rd 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Not coming to camp this summer but still need to re-cert? You can either sign up for one of the Spring Dates above or put Saturday, October 4th in your calendar for our Fall First Aid Course. Please remember that if you have ever held a Bronze Cross, that is the one you are expected to come to summer camp with in the future.
Summer Theme
Do you have an awesome idea for the upcoming theme? We’d love to hear from you! Please email your ideas to volunteer@ooch.org
Mud Hero - Event
You and your friends are invited to get down and dirty in support of Camp Ooch at the 2014 Mud Hero Toronto event on Saturday, August 23rd 2014. Voted one of Canada’s best-rated obstacle events in 2013, Mud Hero Toronto hosts a wild mix of amazing trails, water and on-site camping. Canada’s favourite obstacle series is a chance for you and your friends to come together, have some fun and raise awareness and funds for a cause that is meaningful to you. Register with this special Ooch Volunteer discount code to receive $5 off your registration fee – GDTBRJ. Visit mudhero.com/FindanEvent/EventToronto.aspx
#SL10K - We Need You!
Join your fellow Ooch Volunteers in helping Ooch reach our $2.2 Million goal by fundraising for a cause already dear to your heart. Sign up to fundraise as part of the Ooch Volunteer team: ooch.org/OochVolunteers When you raise $100 or more online by May 12th – you qualify to Run for Free! Get your school or workplace involved in Ooch’s biggest event of the year! Please contact Kristyna Petrollini at kpetrollini@ooch.org or 416.961.6624 for more details.
Police Check Update
At Camp Ooch, we ask volunteers to renew their police reference check every two years. Currently, Toronto Police Vulnerable Sector Checks can take up to 15 weeks to process. If yours has expired, or will at any time in 2014, please fill out a Toronto Police Reference Check form and send it to volunteer@ooch.org on legal sized paper. This form can be downloaded from the volunteer center on the Ooch website. Camp Ooch will pay for and submit the form on your behalf. The results will be found on the website volunteer center. For those living outside of Toronto, you will be responsible for going to your local police station to complete your waiver form which must include a vulnerable sector search. The turnaround time is much shorter in other cities.