Friends of Oochigeas | Spring/Summer 2016

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Friends of Oochigeas

A camp supporting children affected by childhood cancer Issue 1

Volume 21

Spring 2016




Giving kids with cancer what they need - the chance to be a kid! This summer more than 500 kids with cancer will experience the friendship and fun of Camp Ooch because of generous donors like you.

Ooch In Hospital

The printing of this newsletter was generously donated by RR Donnelley Charitable Business: 13111 6022 RR0001

Ooch Muskoka

Ooch In City

Camp Oochigeas, 464 Bathurst Street, Toronto, ON M5T 2S6 t: 416.961.6624 f: 416.961.2267 e:

Program Spotlight: Summer Day Camp hosted at Camp Robin Hood Donors like you give kids like five-year-old Abbie the chance to be kids at Camp Ooch’s one-of-a-kind Day Camp! “My favourite part of Camp is singing songs and being silly with my friends,” says Abbie. For so many families Summer Day Camp is a first step toward independence for their four to seven-year-old child. Singing songs in the sunshine, playing parachute games, creating treasured keepsakes in arts and crafts are just a few of the magical moments that happen at Day Camp. Day Camp is an important part of the Ooch journey for these young campers as they learn to explore the wonders of Camp with the comfort of home close by. Often on active treatment this tender group of campers thrives in the surrounds of friendship and fun!

Young campers learn canoeing skills at Day Camp.

Why Hosting a Community Event in Your Community Matters Community events raise critical funds that send kids with cancer to Camp. They also spread the Magic of Ooch to those who don’t know about the organization. For more information on events happening in your community or how to host your own event visit

Join us for the

Camp Ooch Open House Sunday July 31st, 2016 11:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. For more details contact Hillary Poste at

The Sporting Life 10K makes a meaningful difference As the second largest running event in Canada, the Sporting Life 10K makes a big impact on those who participate and an even bigger impact on Camp Oochigeas. Raising an exceptional $2.1 million (a third of Ooch’s annual revenue) this event brings together elite runners, celebrities, corporate teams, campers, volunteers and families to raise funds that give kids with cancer what they need – the chance to be kids. Dressed in whimsical costumes, adorned with pictures of people they are running for and singing songs from the starting line through to the finish line, the participants celebrate life, friendship and fun. What started as a “little run that could” has turned into a much-anticipated annual event that attracts more than 25,000 runners and walkers. “Through my work at Ooch I have had the privilege of witnessing first-hand the power of Camp. I’ve seen countless numbers of kids arrive as patients and leave as friends. Ooch makes a powerful and positive difference in the lives of kids affected by childhood cancer. You help make this possible through the Sporting Life 10K. Thank you for your support!” Alex Robertson, Chief Executive Officer, Camp Oochigeas

“My son Henri had his last round of chemo four days before last year’s event. Through sheer determination, Henri made it to the finish line walking most of the way and brought home his own medal to hang next to his Camp Ooch braid,” Nancy, Ooch Parent

We run so that campers like Thatcher can experience the friendship and fun of Camp.

Did you know? Wedding donations are a popular option for both guests and the happy couple. If love for a lifetime is in the air for you, be sure to consider Camp Ooch as a beneficiary on your special day.

Dear Camp Ooch, ver fully nk You” on it could ne ha “T ith w en tt ri w A card so grateful to you all. is ily m fa r ou hy w n explai er a year now. The ov st ju r fo t en tm ea tr are Oscar has been off on the whole family s ct fli in er nc ca od scars that childho many layers. so deep and have so ars u get through four ye yo d di ow “H k, as le the As random peop and time again that e tim ed tic no ve ha I of treatment?” och. common thread is O dividuals who pass in of up e ad m st ju t me Camp Ooch is no individuals that beco of up e ad m is it es through our liv part of our lives. . Then there is Ooch; rk da be n ca y ne ur ck, how The cancer jo ne. No matter how si hi ns su of y ra ht ig och gave always a br isolated Oscar felt, O w ho or s ou rv ne w scared, ho y. Your visits were da ch ea to d ar rw fo ok him something to lo h some days, and to ug ro th m hi t go at th often the only thing ith a smile when you w up ht lig ce fa s hi h be truthful seeing g that got me throug in th ly on e th n te of were around was pretty much the only as w h oc O ith w t en . the day. Time sp not a kid with cancer d, ki a be to le ab as time Oscar w u n. No matter what, yo so r he ot r ou , am Li ile Let’s not forget t. You always had a sm an rt po im el fe m hi do when always made ve him something to ga u Yo . m hi r fo e fiv our last and a high in the hospital being y da r he ot an d en sp be Liam, he had to ). You allowed him to at th it m ad to e at (h priority er). ar (the kid with canc sc O of r he ot br e t th not just large part of what go ry ve a e ar u yo ow ys of I want you to kn ght sunshine on da ou br u Yo s. ar ye e us through thos pure darkness. u. Thank you. Thank you. Thank yo ’s mom) and Family From Heather (Oscar

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