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Projects: Construction
Does the project involve construction of wells, buildings or other infrastructure?
Many projects involve construction work and manual labour that is physically satisfying, and a team can work on together. In these cases, the quality of the infrastructure needs to be carefully checked and maintenance provisioned for in the project plan. There is also an additional risk of volunteers replacing local workers.
Has the infrastructure been designed by a local engineer/ architect?
The majority of volunteers are not qualified in infrastructure design. Experts need to be involved in design and quality assurance. Even engineers and architects from other countries may not be fully versed on conditions in the country where the project takes place. All infrastructure projects are designed and overseen by a
If the infrastructure is to be privately owned, is there clear selection criteria for project partners?
Houses or wells are often made for individuals or families. If the selection process is not carefully managed, this can cause jealousy or conflict in communities, and disrupt local power balances. Clear and transparent selection criteria for recipients in place that has full buy-in from the community.
All construction projects have a clear rationale as to why volunteers are involved and how safety, quality and long-term usability can be guaranteed.
All construction projects are overseen by qualified and skilled local tradespeople.
qualified local person.
Are volunteers appropriately skilled to perform the tasks expected of them?
Many tasks in building or construction work require specialised skills. If work is not completed to a certain standard, then it can pose a safety risk to community members and volunteers. Volunteers don’t perform tasks that they would not be
Is it clear who will be responsible or organising any repairs required?
A major problem with donated infrastructure is that recipients don’t feel they have ownership of the project and may not invest in ongoing repairs and maintenance. Additionally, local people may not have the funds available to carry out essential repair work. Sustainability plan in place for each construction project, detailing how repairs will be dealt with and who is responsible. This plan has been clearly communicated to recipients.
Volunteers refrain from ‘labelling’ construction projects with their hand prints, names or school groups to help foster ownership by the local community.
qualified to do at home.
For unspecialised tasks, full training and supervision is given by a local trades person.

Projects: Construction
Will volunteers’ work be supervised and checked by a qualified builder on site prior to use by the community?
Volunteers may not have worked in construction before and not have the ability to check whether their work is sound. For the project to have benefit, the infrastructure needs to be of a high standard. All volunteer work checked by a qualified worker who will make any changes necessary to ensure structure is safe and doesn’t do harm to local communities.
Are volunteers educated in relation to occupational health and safety on a work site?
Construction work carries inherent health and safety risks, including risk of injury and chemical inhalation. Other countries may not have the same health and safety measures in place. Prior briefing given on what processes volunteers are expected to engage in and what protective equipment will be provided.
Enough equipment is provided for both volunteers and local workers.
Volunteers only engage in activities that they would be able to do in their home country.