1 minute read
Does the project have clearly defined selection criteria for recipients?
If the beneficiary selection process is not carefully managed then this can cause jealousy or conflict in communities, disrupt power balances, including gender and power dynamics. There are transparent selection criteria for recipients, that have full buy-in from the community
Is there a clear process for further donations to be given if desired?
Offering donations without a formal procedure in place may end up with the donation being mishandled or disrupting power balances. All donations are channelled through the Camps Foundation so that they are distributed transparently and equitably. project objectives.
Does the project provide, or allow for, material items or handouts?
Material handouts can be particularly tricky to handle well, as there is a risk of conflict, dependency, and disrupting power dynamics. In some cases, material donations are sold back to local markets instead of being used by communities. In particular, if visitors are allowed to give gifts or donations to individuals, it can inadvertently fuel rivalry. The situation is also open to corruption, as it is hard for short-term visitors to follow up on determining how donations have been used. If physical donations are required, they should be sourced from the host country (preferably the local community) and there should be clear selection criteria in place.
and are aligned with defined community needs, and project objectives.