Campsmount newsletter july 2014

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Dear All at Campsmount, I am sure many of you are reading this newsle er, having watched recently ‘Le Grand Depart’ of the Tour de France, in Yorkshire, and the amazing scenes across the region. The spectacle demonstrated to me what can be achieved with dedica on, hard work and support. At Campsmount Academy this term, we have seen equal amounts of this dedica on and hard work, alongside numerous examples of support for each other. The dedica on needed to succeed in sport, music, drama and dance has been celebrated in the Performer of the Year Awards in July. Many of the students across the academy have reached a high level in their par cular discipline, through dedica on, posi ve a tudes and relentless pursuit of their goals. Sports Day this year was held at the English Ins tute of Sport in Sheffield and allowed our students to perform at a world class venue and mix with many professional sportsmen and women. One of the feelings you get as you walk around both Campsmount, and the areas we serve, is the sense of community. This support for each other has never been more evident than by the response of Year 11, the school, the staff and parents to the news that we lost one of our students in April 2014, following a long illness. Faye had clearly made a huge impact on all those around her, and the overwhelming response and charity events demonstrated that she will never be forgo en. It was inspiring to see how her friends, family and teachers celebrated her memory, as was the strength and dignity of Mrs Nickels, as she consoled our Year 11. Finally, it was very obvious that the people of Yorkshire were very proud to host ‘Le Grand Depart’ and I believe we should be equally proud of our school and our students. Please enjoy reading this edi on of Campsmount News, have a safe and enjoyable summer and I look forward to welcoming you all back to Campsmount on Wednesday September 3rd 2014. Mr A Dale, Headteacher

Performer of the Year Awards 2014 Our first Performer of the Year Awards took place on Wednesday 9th July, with 80 students nominated for a variety of awards. Our special guests Nick Robinson‐Baker (Olympic finalist) and Freddie Woodward, handed out 50 awards, four main awards that recognised individuals for their outstanding achievement. Nick gave an inspira onal speech about his journey to becoming an elite athlete and compe ng world‐wide. There was a musical performance from Danny Curnow, followed by a video that highlighted the huge success and achievements of our students throughout the year, watching our amazing dancers and finishing with our award winning Campsmount Cheerleaders. Actor of the Year (Drama) was awarded to Ebony Ki s, Sports Player of the Year (PE) was awarded to Liam Cooper and Musician of the Year (Music) was awarded to Danny Curnow. A er a difficult decision by performance staff, Team of the Year was awarded to our Campsmount Cheerleaders. We had a fantas c evening celebra ng the success and talent of our students.



Year 10 Biology Field Trip to Whitby Our Year 10 Biology Students had a very successful and enjoyable 2 days in Whitby. We stayed in the Youth Hostel at Whitby Abbey, which, allowed us easy access to the beach and magnificent views of the North Yorkshire coast line. The students inves gated how the depth of water affects the distribu on and range of species at the upper shoreline down to the splash zone at the water's edge. Using a belt transect method they obtain a large amount of data. Using the iden fica on guides they named the different species of seaweed and invertebrates. Back in the Youth Hostel the students then plo ed their findings on graphs to iden fy pa erns in data. They discovered there are clear rela onships between the depth of water and the species that live in or around the area. Miss Neal also set the students the task of inves ga ng if exposure of rocks to waves affects the size of barnacles and limpets growing on them. Again, when students plo ed sca er graphs of their data they could iden fy a pa ern of larger creatures on the more sheltered areas of the rock. We were very impressed with both the scien fic techniques and mathema cal data handling that the students carried out. We certainly have many future A Level Biologists in the making. A fantas c trip Year 10, thank you for your hard work!

Campsmount Geography Department GCSE visit to LangseƩ Reservoir. On Wednesday 2nd of July, Year 10 Geographers went to Langse reservoir to collect the data for the controlled assessment element of their GCSE. The sun was shining and we began our walk to the source of the Li le River Don. We followed the river along the Langse Reservoir and had amazing views and enjoyed a lovely walk amongst the ferns. Arriving at the first loca on we began to collect our data in the river. The students measured the width and depth of the river at different points, as well as analysing the variety of rocks that run along the bo om of the river bed. This data is collected to enable the students to can gain an understanding of the mechanics of the river. This assessment was repeated at three different stages which enabled the students to see the changes along the rivers course. The students had an enjoyable day and collected some great informa on for us to analyse and report, detailing the features of the river and how it changes. Thank you Year 10; your behaviour was excep onal along with your enthusiasm for the day.


NEWS & EVENTS Sports Day 2014

The English Ins tute of Sport in Sheffield was the perfect venue for Campsmount’s 2014 sports day. The performances of our students didn’t look out of place at a facility that was built to develop the best athlete’s in the country and is the training home of athle cs stars such as Jessica Ennis‐Hill. The event was kick‐started with superb performances by Y6 students from Norton Juniors, Kirk Smeaton and Askern Spa Juniors, who competed in the 60m sprint and 4x50m relay. The year 7 inter‐tutor compe on was closely fought throughout and finished with 7ABR and 7ML level on points in first place. A relay race between the captains of both tutor groups decided the winner, with Jack Roberts overtaking Adam Billington on the final straight to bring victory to 7ABR. The year 8 compe on was equally compe ve with 8PMY finishing as overall champions. Jenson Pearson (800m), Sam Wearmouth (Javelin) and Macy Tranter (Javelin) all winning gold medals and scoring maximum points. 9LPR were runaway winners of the Year 9 compe on. Miss Power’s tutor group collected 13 medals in total, with the girls winning a massive 6 gold medals including the 4x100m relay team that included Ranelle 'the rocket’ Blair, Sinead ‘bear cub’ Millar, Sara ‘so fast’ Fearnley and Kate ‘speed freak’ Wainer. Well done to all the students who par cipated.

World Cup To celebrate the 2014 World Cup in Brazil, the Geography department set each tutor group a world cup challenge. Each tutor drew a country which had made it to the World Cup finals and were set the challenge of designing a wall display and a presenta on of their country in assembly to a panel of student judges. Each presenta on was to include informa on about the chosen country, ranging from food, culture and tradi ons to their famous residents. The students really embraced the challenge with many learning new skills and trying new foods during tutor periods, we even had a Samba band formed! During assembly week, presenta ons of the countries were outstanding with students showing real team work in delivery and very informa ve research had taken place. There were a wide range of skills presented, with dancing, tradi onal dress and even samples of tradi onal food on offer. The LSA team excelled themselves by joining the year 7 presenta ons and showing us the sights and sounds of the USA, a special men on has to go to Mr Ellio for his support of the LSA presenta on. Overall the judging panel, made up of Charlo e Newman, Andrew Franklin, Bethany Illman, Ethan Saunders and Charlo e Waller, were incredibly tough in their delibera on. Only the very best and most informa ve presenta ons were considered for the final awards. Each year group had a winning presenta on with an overall winner decided. The Geography team are incredibly proud and grateful for all the hard work and commitment shown by both tutors and students in embracing the ac vity and making it a success. Winning tutor groups: Year 7 ‐ RRW Argen na Year 8 ‐ MWI Belgium Year 9 ‐ JAS Netherlands Year 10 ‐ AK Colombia Year 12/13 GL Japan Overall winners RFZ France



Year 11 Prom 2014 On the evening of Tuesday 24th June our Year 11 students descended on Kings Cro Hotel in Pontefract for their Prom. It was a wonderful evening which included the students releasing 150 blue balloons in memory of their friend Faye Nickels. The students looked amazing and the hotel commented on their conduct by saying that they were the best behaved students that they had ever had. The atmosphere was testament to the fantas c ethos that we have at Campsmount. One student commented that it was the best night of their life so far!

Vivo End of Year Awards On Friday 11th July, the top five students in each tutor group for Vivos that week were rewarded with a special surprise! Vivo is our posi ve rewards system and this surprise was the culmina on of a double‐points week. The students involved waited with baited breath on the school field at lunch me to see what their prize was and were not disappointed as the chimes rang out and Mr Whippy came around the corner with a free ice cream for them all! The top ten staff for awarding Vivos to students throughout the school year were also rewarded.

Ed Miliband Visits Campsmount Labour Party Leader Ed Miliband visited Campsmount on Friday 11 July 2014, speaking to Year 9 and 10 about their aspira ons and ideas on poli cs. It was a frank discussion on the impact of poli cs, the roll of the media and issues that were important to the students such as whether or not they should vote at 16 years of age. The talk was met with great enthusiasm from the students, asking an array of questions from "Who inspired you to go into poliƟcs?" to focused local topics such as "Recently the area voted no on installing a wind turbine, what's your opinion on the maƩer?"



Dates for Your Diary

Thursday 14 August 2014 Thursday 21 August 2014 Monday 1 September 2014 Tuesday 2 September 2014 Wednesday 3 September 2014

A Level Results Day: students arrive for 8.00am GCSE Results Day: students arrive for 9.00am Training Day (School Uniform on sale 10.00am‐2.30pm) Training Day (School Uniform on sale 10.00am‐2.30pm) School Re‐opens to all students

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