Campus Beat Magazine | July 2020

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Why we must use caution – especially if our online friends have little or no connection to you in the real world.

Human Resource is not limited to hiring new people and planning Fridays. Learn the scope of HR in the new normal

W W W . C A M P U S B E A T . I N

campus beat Managing Editor Sefali Rani

Founder Brand and Communication Youth Outreach Operations Staff Writer Staff Writer Staff Writer Staff Writer Staff Writer Staff Writer Staff Writer Staff Writer Staff Writer Staff Writer Staff Writer Social Media Lead

Madhu Priya Sahay Uddeshya Harsh Astha Priya Gurleen Kaur Paprja Apurvam Apurva Roy Hritik Singh Riya Singh Anuradha Priya Paul Shrutika Srivastava Ayush Kumar Jasmine Mary Ekka Rajsekhar Haldar Saumya Suman Raj Roshni

EDITORIAL OFFICE Noida Extension West, UP | Campus Beat is an independent student news club run and managed by the Wake Up India Foundation.

JULY 2020

Procedures for Self-Quarantine under Covid-19

Self-quarantine is recommended for individuals who have been directly exposed to the new Coronavirus or have history of travel in infected or heavily populated areas.

Stay at home.

Wash your hands.

Limit all your nonessential travels.

Practice good hand hygiene by washing your hands with soap and water or using alcohol or hand sanitizer.

Unless you're going out for food, medicines or other essentials.

Check your temperature.

Stay in a specific room.

Check your temperature at least two times a day.

If you're sick or suspect yourself to be sick, it's best to stay in a designated room or area away from others.

Watch for other symptoms.

If possible, have a designated toilet and bathroom as well.

Aside from fever, Covid-19 symptoms include cough, difficulty breathing, and fatigue.

Practice social distancing. If you need to go out, maintain at least 1 meter (3 feet) distance from others.

Call your doctor or hospital before visiting. If you need to seek medical attention whether for viral symptoms or other medical care reasons, contact your doctor or hospital ahead of time so they can prepare and take precautions for your arrival.

Source• Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (


PALLAVI JAISWAL Pallavi Jaiswal, Senior HR Consultant, Oracle has over 6+ years of experience in Onboarding, L&D, and HR Business Partner. In an interview with our Managing Editor, Pallavi talks about HR as a career and its scope

HR is not limited to Recruitment Is it true that HR has limited scope in future and if no, then what are the growing HR opportunities?

No, HR doesn’t have limited scope right now or in future. It is not only limited to Recruitment , Admin jobs as it used to be earlier. Now, HR has Recruitment, Onboarding process,

HR Business Managers help in the Employee Induction process. In a simple manner, there’s Learning and Development needs of the organization, Compliance Team looks after the processing, governing of policies, laws and regulations, Organisational Development , HR Analytics ( Data Analysis and Predict the Future- What, Where and How to use it) ,

HR Operations and Matrix – collect data, HR Analytics – use that data and derive meaningful equations from it and think to improve it. Exit Data – when people leave the organization after 3-5 years , we sit with the other HR Teams to strategize our policies. Thus, there’re multiple HR fields. The larer the organization grows, the departmentalization also grows. There’s a dedicated team for cultural, technical and fund engagement. There are various online courses and certifications to strengthen your areas. What should one do to strengthen his/her HR career OR Any Tips for HR students?

First, start with the Basics. Expand your knowledge base , Read a lot (articles , editorials etc.) as it will help you to get to know more about your particular domain and career. Second, is Networking . It is only limited to your LinkedIn, Seniors, Batchmates, Pos, in the organization . Be connected because learning comes from the least people expected. Third and most Important – Don’t take your internship very very lightly while pursuing MBA. It doesn’t depend whether you work for a highbrand company or a startup. Make sure to learn everyday. So, talk to your managers, supervisors of your project and tell them that you want to learn from different teams to widen your knowledge and choose your future HR specialization. Can a HR manager become a CEO someday. If yes, then how? Yes, definitely. There’re multiple HR professionals who are great CEOs. No Bible , no mantra to teach you how to become a CEO. Some qualities which are common in CHROs( Chief HR Officers), HRs, CEOs which are : i) Leadership qualities. ii) Know your business well. iii) Know your people extremely well because nobody can know better than a HR. iv) Better EQ and emotional qualities. v) Empathetic to people because HR is the pulse of the organization. vi) Tenure is also important. What should one do to get a bright career in HRM?

Start Early in your strategies. Take HR internship very very seriously. Internship is a mandatory thing when you’re pursuing your PG. Try to learn about different departments, what others are doing of your project. Widen your exposure that will give you more clarity as to what you will pursue.

Again talk to your seniors , peers regarding what’s happening in the organization. Be it the Learning and Development Department or Recruitment. Don’t be hesitant to ask questions and restricted to only your domain. Be Inquisitive. Expand your network. What matrix would you use to measure HR success

In general, different organizations use different matrix to measure HR success. · Employee Satisfaction And Performance Appraisal: It sees how employees are performing their respective roles. Are they approachable or not? Are they satisfied with the work environment or not? How they’re growing and making a difference in their organization and career? Exit Survey The biggest advantage of this is that the employees are the most honest while stating their reason to leave the organization. But , if they say that they’re leaving the organization due to lack of good HR policies, no employee benefits, no work –culture or no transparency then , that’s going to be negative impact on the HR. Initiative Analysis of problem statements through pre and post surveys regarding the employee productivity and turnover ratio of the organization. If you’re hiring rate of recruitment is positive , then it’s going to save costs for the organization. What HR policies have changed during this lockdown?

Not much has changed during the lockdown. The processes have changed like the introduction of Work-From–Home for the employees. Companies are conducting sessions for effective time-management, ensuring perfect balance between home and work , relieving stress etc. Tie ups with various independent organizations for Employee Assistance Programme. Banks and organizations collaborating together for strict and safe data sharing.

DOES POLARISATION SUBDUE UNANIMITY? AYUSH KUMAR Before you start reading this, I want you to keep aside your ideas and opinions on any subject of debate and go through this with a neutral and balanced approach. Any sort of prejudice or hypothesis that you hold in your mind will avert you from comprehending the crux of the write up. Currently, the entire world is accosted with an unprecedented catastrophe. It is our utmost priority to keep ourselves healthy, physically as well as mentally. So release all sorts of pressures and read it with patience. The era of digitization certainly provides opportunities to improve the lives of people. The social media which was earlier introduced with the aim of building communication between two individuals bringing them together is now indeed creating a vacuum between those individuals. Recently, if you have noticed, whenever a matter of importance is surfaces due to some controversy or an unfortunate incident, your Instagram feed gets flooded with irrelevant as well as relevant posts, write-ups and images. If you assort them carefully, you’ll find that these opinions can be classified into two groups. Same is the case in the world beyond this virtual universe, where people promote certain ideologies so sternly, that it decimates the scope of unity. These are usually two groups, that put forward extremely opposite viewpoints on a particular matter. This is called polarization. In such a case, a solution that can sate the ego or demands (as per personal preferences) can’t be easily formulated. This is because people stand poles apart. They don’t wish to mend things by mutual agreement and would rather stay stubborn.

It is contributing to the innumerable disputes and war of words in the virtual as well as the real world. This has led to the polarization among the masses which is creating a divide among people. These polarized groups are reluctant to hold a peaceful conversation. Very few of us, indeed, discern a path that balances the opinions of both the sides, considering the points of actual worth from both these groups. Posting opinions on social media platforms is so much in vogue today that people don’t even deem it necessary to check the authenticity of the data or information that they are sharing. Also, they are so engrossed into their virtual life that they forget to acknowledge that these are mere opinions. Hatred ensues once people stop believing in the idea of unanimity. This not only afflicts our personal relationships, but also aggravates the disputes between people. I know people who don’t talk to their friends who don’t agree with their point of views on CAA. People vandalize cities to fight for justice. While people refuse to acknowledge that people of different races and different preferences can exist in a country, they also refuse to have a legitimate round of discussion. Currently, very few of us actually take up a path that balances the opinions of both the sides, considering the points of actual worth from both these groups. We need to view things from a neutral perspective. Instead of following a certain ideology, we must analyze the situation and then react accordingly. We must understand that our opinions might vary, and we should respect that. We shouldn’t misconstrue each other’s opinions.

Do you remember, at school, that fat and arrogant kid who used to snatch everybody’s lunch during the lunch break or ask a meek “padaku” kid to do all his homework and assignments. What was he called? A “bully” because of his sheer arrogance and domination. This domination was at a different level altogether. In today’s time, we have moved more towards “virtual reality” from the realities around us and so has the form of bullying shifted from “physical” to “digital”, as the age in which we live in becomes more “technology-driven”. Now that fat bully boy has hidden himself behind the garb of 0’s and 1’s and we now know him by a new name that is a “CYBER BULLY” giving rise to a concept known as “CYBER BULLYING”. The magnitude of domination and harm that is done here is at a different dimension than a simple physical bully. The major source of “this” is the internet and the segment of society who are mostly affected by this phenomenon are “adolescents/teenagers” because they are the ones who spend most of their time on the internet.


The effects of this problem is more like a slow poison. The ramifications of cyber bullying is slowly gripping most of the teenagers today and finally chocking them. The forms of cyber bullying is multi-variant and gives enough reasons for the society to worry. A girl being called as a “nerd”, “weirdo”, “boring”, “fatso” so on and so forth by a boy on an online chat session just because the girl had said “I am not interested”…shows the negativity of that boy but more significantly displays the psychological stress that the girl faces. The self-esteem and dignity of that girl is tarnished and that girl enters into the depressive ambit of loneliness which often ends up in drastic consequences such as “Emotional Damage/Nervous Breakdowns/Suicide”. Nowadays ironically it has been trending to only talk about suicide and depression but in the due course we forget that cyber bullying also significantly contributes to this psychological disease.

Cyberbullies may disclose victims’ personal data (e.g. real name, home address, or workplace/schools) on websites or forums, or may use impersonation, creating fake accounts, comments or sites posing as their target for the purpose of publishing material in their name that defames, discredits or ridicules them. One of the example of such defamation is “Internet Trolling”. Trolling someone for even purpose of fun may also result into deep psychological distress. Internet trolls intentionally try to provoke or offend others in order to elicit a reaction. Body shaming tweets and other sexist remarks also form a part a cyber-bullying and can be used as a tool by few “pervert mentalities” which also results into increased crime against females of the society. Cyber stalking is a major form of threatening over the internet. It has become a nightmare for many because this is considered more dangerous than other forms of

cyber bullying because it generally involves a credible threat to the victim’s safety. Cyber stalkers may send repeated messages intended to threaten or harass. They may encourage others to do the same, either explicitly or by impersonating their victim and asking others to contact them. Now the onus lies with the responsible and aware citizens to stop this “Digital Catastrophe”. In India, we too need to spread awareness at all levels and in all capabilities, to educate, mostly teenagers, to be more “aware/learned and cautious” while going “online”. However, what else can be done? In criminology, one of the most important and enduring theories relates to our “social bond,” the basic argument is that kids are much less likely to get into trouble if they have high levels of Social Attachment , Commitment, Social/Family, Involvement, Belief. Same could be applied to prevent cyber bullying too and protect the innocent lives.

Cyber stalking is a major form of threatening over the internet. It has become a nightmare for many because this is considered more dangerous than other forms of Cyber Bullying

Instant Mood Boosters A boomed day happened and you feel that life sucks. From breaking your favourite coffee mug to stepping in dog poop on the way to a date, these silly unexpected incidence results in a bad mood. So, if you’re having a Bad Day, try doing these things: Go somewhere quite: Even if it’s the bathroom, taking a few minutes to sit alone, just makes you feel super light and free. Count your blessings: Think about or pen down the things you’re thankful for. This expression of gratitude will instantly boost you mood. Listen to a happy song & dance: It’s quick, it’s called instant mood filter. Sing along (perfect pitch not required) for extra benefit. Think & Do something new: OKhay! Cool, you’ve only got a few minutes, it’s not like you can change careers or fly to Iceland. The good news is even adding something small to a normal routine can brighten up a day.


Grab Chocolates: This is the quick and guaranteed fix to the mood. We are what we eat, so step away from the boring snacks and melt the delicious and good looking chocolates in the mouth. Call your friend: Talking to the one whom you feel like your own, can lift your mood. Don’t hesitate or feel guilty to tell them that you need their time, feel free and relaxed that you called them.



“There is no ladder to climb when the top rung is reserved for people with a certain name.” Politics, business, mainstream cinema, and other occupations where talent is subordinate to lineage are dominated by family cartels, who plant their own opinions over the rest. Nepotism is the act of using your power or influence to get good jobs or unfair advantages for members of your own family or friends. The word nepotism stems from the Latin word for nephew, especially the “nephews” of the prelates in medieval times. The term originated with the assignment of nephews to important positions by Catholic popes and bishops. While attitudes toward nepotism vary according to cultural background, nepotism is a sensitive issue. Nepotism is also tied to discrimination issues and pragmatic concerns. In Western societies, nepotism raises legal concerns. Corruption goes hand in hand with nepotism in India. It describes a variety of practices related to favoritism. Political Nepotism is a common accusation in politics when the relative of a powerful figure ascends to seemingly similar power without appropriate qualifications. At present whichever party you look at in every part of India, nepotism is rampant. If you have the right surname, you will get a ticket. Since 1999, the Congress has had 36 dynastic MPs elected to the Lok Sabha, with the BJP not far behind with 31 Moreover, the dynasty in politics remains. Rahul Gandhi, Vice-President of the Indian National Congress party, is a descendent of Jawaharlal Nehru and Indira Gandhi & Rajiv Gandhi. Sports The highly popular sport of cricket is also affected by nepotism, although to a lesser extent, in the form of Stuart Binny, Rohan

Gavaskar, and very recently Sachin Tendulkar. Some sports stars failed miserably, some worked wonders. But the most important thing is that they tried being sons or siblings of popular names which didn’t play a big role in shaping their careers. Home minister Amit Shah’s son was appointed as the BCCI secretary. Film Industry The death of the Sushant Singh Rajput has brought up the issue of nepotism again in Bollywood. The film industry is mostly based on connection than talent. New comers struggle much more than the star kids. Their future relies solely on their talent while the star kids keep getting relaunched even after failure. Star kids are virtually guaranteed an opportunity. The Kapoor families and many other Indian movie actors have brought their children into the movie industry with their endorsements and influence. Every male descendant of Prithviraj Kapoor has appeared on the screen. Every descendant of Surinder Kapoor is working in films. Each of Salim Khan’s three sons has been an actor. Each male member of the Nasir Hussain clan has had a break. Only a small percentage of these people tasted success. Organizational Many companies and individuals consider the practice to be unethical, largely due to its conflict with western values of selfreliance and fairness. On one hand, nepotism can provide stability and continuity. Critics cite studies that demonstrate decreased morale and commitment from non-related employees, and a generally negative attitude towards superior positions filled through nepotism. The Bajaj family is related to the Birla family which itself is related to the Biyani family by marriage.


ANURADHA KUMARI If you know any Bengali friend or have ever visited West Bengal, Orissa or Bangladesh, you will come across this special dessert which is popularly known as Mishti Doi, meaning sweet yoghurt in bengali.

DESSERT RECIPE Be it summer, monsoon or winter no one can deny having a portion of Mishti Doi after a meal.

"PERFECT FOR FAMILY FUNCTIONS" Ingredients to be used: Prep time: 8 hours

It is normally made in a clay pot. Clay is porous material, having the ability to absorb water. When you make curd in a clay pot, the clay absorbs the excess water and so the curd is much thicker and richer. It has a creamy, pudding-like texture with a deep, rich flavour of dark caramel and a touch of sourness that makes it refreshing.

Cook time: 30 minutes

Servings: 4 to 5 1. Milk: 3 cup 2. Jaggery: 2 tbsp 3. Curd: 2 tbsp The process to make it:

It is rationally rich in protein, calcium, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12.

Heat the milk in a pan. Boil it till it reduces to half or one-third.

The method of making Mishti Doi is different from making a simple curd or dahi. The milk is thickened and reduced first and then palm jaggery is added. So let’s begin with the recipe.

Turn off the gas and allow it to cool for 7 to 8 minutes. Add jaggery powder and keep stirring till it gets dissolved. When it turns slightly warm, add the curd to the milk and mix well. Pour it into the earthen pots and leave it in a dry place for 6 hours. Refrigerate it for 1 to 2 hours and serve it, topping it with your favourite dry fruits.

Layoffs : The New Work Trend ? By Priya Paul Layoffs , the word itself seems gloomy right! Well, it is. It means "a temporary or permanent discharge of a worker or workers.” As the World Economy falters due to the ongoing corona virus outbreak, various companies are now struggling to keep their operations going on. The organised private sector in India is also planning to have major job cuts/layoffs due to the corona virus pandemic and lockdown that have significantly impacted the economic activities, says a report of The Economic Times published on May 14, 2020.

“73 per cent said they have plans to decrease the salary of employees, 57 per cent said this layoff is temporary, while 21 per cent said they are doing permanent layoffs for at least 2 years.” This is really an alarming situation for all of us Industries like Aviation , FMCG(Fast Moving Consumer Goods), Retail , Travel and Tourism, Manufacturing etc. are going to be more affected in the coming days due to the ongoing pandemic thus, resulting in high layoffs. Even the people of Silicon Valley, the US are suffering from this economic fallout affecting their ability to pay for their rents, buy groceries, etc. Yes, we are not alone. The entire world is suffering from this. It’s disheartening to see "young and talented” youths getting layoffs just because of a pandemic. Those who are employed can even find jobs after everything normalizes (maybe) but what about all those part-time jobs seeking youths, who were burning their midnight oil to make their ends meet (financially as well as emotionally)..

Don’t they deserve a chance, an opportunity to prove themselves? No doubt, online internships are a boon at this time of crisis, but is it enough for everyone? That’s my question. If we look at the bright side, then there are some alternative solutions for this topic. · Hiring People Properly Or Rehire. It’s not easy to find a competent, confident and perfect employee for a company because almost everyone possess these qualities. Instead of using costly temps to fill gaps, consider rehiring retired employees that already know your business practices. · Offer extra days of Unpaid Leave Extra vacation time is something many employees will find agreeable, even if it’s unpaid. · Talk with your employees to provide them mental and emotional strength before issuing notice to them about layoffs.


The forces of reinforcements in the future are always the result of hard work and a firm belief system at present. You may have come across this question, “where do you see yourself in 5 years?” Well for those of you who never made an attempt to answer this question, why don’t you ask yourself? Some of you might see yourself working in your dream organisation, or you see yourself establishing your own business, or you might see yourself getting richer and richer. Do you have the life you wish for or is it just the same as others where you have no clue and no vision for the future? Here are the 5 reasons why you don’t have the life you wanted: Comfort Zone: Almost 90 percent of the people love their comfort zones and tend to stay in it for as long as they want. Unless the reality strikes in and they find themselves in a complete mess. No goals or vision in life straight away puts you in your comfort zone. Procrastination: The action of delaying or postponing something. We don’t just procrastinate but we actually miss out on opportunities by delaying the things that needs to be done at the moment. It’s a matter of responsibility and discipline

that get things in their perfect shape. Procrastination plays a major role in why you don’t have the life you want. You miss out learning experiences that could probably change the way you think and act while procrastinating. Sacrifices: As one moves forward one needs to be clear on, what should move forward with them and what should be left over as if they were dead wood. You are still carrying something that is weighing you down. You don’t get the best moments unless you are ready to face adversities and to sacrifice what’s stopping you to get to a spot that your heart desires. Attitude: One’s attitude and approach towards life tells everything about the way they perceive this and the way they act towards them. A positive approach helps to portray a future with bright colors and helps us to have the right attitude towards everything. Working on yourself: Even the best person inside the room knows a little less and even the less acknowledged person has a talent worth admiring. How many minutes do you actually spend working on yourself. Well most of us keep wasting our time and then keep on complaining the rest of our lives. Unless and until you work on yourself you will never come across your greatest potential and it’s going to keep you in a nutshell.




Supersitions Originate in a highly chaotic state

What exactly are superstitions? Superstitions can be defined as illogical or unreasonable rituals which are accepted without knowing the reason behind their acceptance; or a belief in omens, charms and the existence of supernatural beings. There exists widespread craze for superstitions in India, and some of them completely cross all lines of logic and reasoning. Life in India is suffused in superstition of various kinds, from the most bizarre to the innocuous. Everyone has their own stories and many their own superstitions. I have seen that people in India are tightly coupled with society for their lifetime. We have been taught to follow whatever the ‘elders’ say for eternity. This wisdom has its own advantages as well as disadvantages.

Superstitions originate in a highly chaotic state, when your confidence levels are low. Then your mind tries to take irrational external emotional help to boost its confidence. For example, You went for an interview. Let’s say, you aced the interview. Then comes conclusion part: Some will believe that you worked hard and were worthy enough to get the job. Whereas, 2. Some will believe that “your graha was in your favour, you must have worn the auspicious color specified for the same day etc. And that’s how superstitions are born. On the other hand, science is a realistically known and popular word for this era. Science and superstitions are poles apart. Yet they are the two sides of the same coin unknown of their interdependence. I won’t say all the superstitions are illogical and unrealistic because there are few which have scientific reasoning behind them.

The most common of all, menstruating women shouldn’t enter in a temple or mosques and kitchen. Did we ever get a real reason behind this? The science behind this is that in those days, women already are losing a lot of blood and hence should be allowed some rest. In order to give them a break, they are prohibited from entering the kitchen. Moreover, ancient stone statues of God maintain certain equilibrium with the atmosphere and may collapse if any disturbance occurs. As women release a lot of heat during this period, they are not allowed inside the temple since this may cause a disturbance in the natural equilibrium and may result in cracks in the idols. We all have been stopped before chewing a basil leaf instead asked to swallow it, right? Why exactly is that prohibited? Swallow tulsi leaves never chew. The science behind this is that the tulsi leaves contain a little amount of arsenic. Thus, chewing it directly could result in degradation of enamel. The Ghosts of a peepal tree. The scariest myth of all. But do ghosts really stay on a peepal tree? Fortunately, no. There is no such thing as ghosts/spirits on a peepal tree. The science behind this is that the trees use carbon dioxide during the day and releases oxygen but at night, it is the other way round. So, when you sleep under the tree, the excess carbon dioxide level can make you feel heavy in the fist and suffocated which is associated with the feeling of being possessed by some spirits.

Our elders always advice us to eat curd and sugar before heading for something important. An act of assurance for good luck. But there is a scientific reason behind this, the consumption of curd has a cooling effect on the stomach and sugar which is added provides instant glucose which makes your work easier and successful. This combination is indispensable for Indians and its consumption was slowly linked to good luck. Bat entering the house brings death. A superstition with indeed a scientific theory behind it. The real reason behind this superstition is that the bats bring a lot of deadly diseases along with them and when there was no medical facility available during those days, people would die due to rabies, Ebola, Nipah and other illnesses brought on by the illness. And let’s add one more disease due to bats, Corona virus. So, Superstitious beliefs are easy to define within the scientific framework. Any idea or theory that cannot be tested using the SCIENTIFIC METHOD, is superstition. One needs to be aware about believing a superstition before it starts creating negative impact on them or others.These rituals might become so entrenched that they become unconscious habits, regardless of whether they cause inconvenience in our day to day lives. Where things might get troublesome is when, under the spell of superstitions, we end up doing something that is harmful or vice versa.

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ava Shrutika Shrivast

5 Signs You Will Be Rich

#1. Live Below the Means Normally, people are offensive in spending money and defensive in earning. Rich people are defensive in spending and offensive in earning money. They live below the means and do not miss any opportunity to work. Remember, this doesn’t mean they are a miser. They simply invest wisely.

#2. Managing TEM TEM means time, energy and money. Rich people know the value of all the three well and continuously manage and strive towards success.

#3. Economic Independence If you earn or even think of earning something without your parents help, you will surely become rich one day.

#4. Target Opportunities If you are always in search of opportunities and take actions to grasp opportunities on the way, you are on the right track.

#5. Right Occupation It is observed that people who are self employed are 4 times more successful than people who work for others. This is because they are working for their own interests and goals which can never seem to be a monotonous task for them. So, they put their heart and soul for the purpose.


Hola amigos! Hope you all are doing well and keeping safe. Many of us have got time enough to sit around contemplating the meaning of life and the purpose of our existence this lockdown. In many cases this thought process eventually leads to introspection of our triumphs and failures. Our mind is our greatest admirer and worst critic. Many a times this little voice motivates us to accomplish our goals. At other times it warns us against pursuing tasks outside our level of competence. However, this voice may get harmful instead of helpful if it associates with too much negativity and dims all the positive thought process. This is known as Negative Self-Talk and it can adversely affect our mind, body and our social life. What is Negative Self-Talk? In simple words it is the inner discussion that you have with yourself in your mind which makes you doubt your abilities and lowers your self esteem. It could be an ordinary occurrence for e.g. consider this scenario; ‘You are not very good at cooking. One day you try to make an item of your choice but it didn’t turn out well. You start thinking that you don’t have the ability to cook anything. This would gradually lead to a deep seated fear of cooking and you may also give up cooking altogether because every time you would think about making something you would be reminded of your failure and will experience a feeling of defeat even before trying.’ Consequences: Negative self talk has pretty damaging side effects. It leads to a sense of decreased motivation and helplessness. The individual may start thinking of himself as useless burden to others. It decreases the confidence and lowers the morale of a person.


The more you tell yourself you can’t do something, the more you believe it and slowly and steadily you would stop believing in yourself and would never be satisfied with your work. Self blame can also lead to no peace of mind which is one of the prime reasons for depression. It’s all in your head: In order to get over this self destructive habit you first need to realise that there is little or no truth in your thoughts and musings. No one hates you or thinks too low of you unlike what your inner voice suggests. Once you realise this, you will have an easier time breaking out of your reverie. Some ways to help you silence your inner bitch or get immune to it are mentioned below: Before the onset of a task, recall your triumphs and remind yourself that you were, are and will always be a winner. Go lift the Mjolnir, you are worthy. Give your inner critic a name, a funny one would be preferred as it would help you to take criticism in a light way and not give it much importance. Give yourself a break and pamper yourself with good food, a new novel, a web series, maybe a spa or some computer games if you have gone through a rough patch lately. This will help you to stop thinking about it. In the end just remember you are important and you deserve your peace of mind. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, not even your own mind.

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