The paper created EXCLUSIVELY for farm families and rural residents of east central Alberta
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It’s the time of year 4-H members greet with mixed emotions. Spring sales are just around the corner and the animals that the kids have spent so many hours with are about to be sold. These first year junior members of the Camrose 4-H Beef Club shown in the photograph above: (sitting on fence from left to right) Kyle Kushnerick and Tim Banack, (standing left to right ) Connor Holowachuk and Aiden Belich, with Aiden’s calf Buddy, are excitedly looking forward to their first
Camrose District 4-H Beef Interclub Show and Sale on Monday, May 26 at the Camrose Regional Exhibition. The show begins at 12 noon, followed by a parade of clubs and awards at 5 p.m. The sale begins at 7 p.m.
News Features…
A variety of merchandise and services: Farm equipment and supplies, automotive, auctions, homes, real estate, communications, financial, and more!
King promoted to position of County Administrator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Model airplane noises cause concern. . . . 6 Thrift Shop grants $5,000 to Daysland Handivan Society. . . . . . . . . . . .
Improving your bottom line with cow-calf operations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Win a Colour Enlargement of your Farm! See page 8
Photo by Sue Nelson
16 pages, May 20, 2014