January 26, 2021 Country Booster

Page 1

The paper created EXCLUSIVELY for farm families and rural residents of east central Alberta 8 Pages

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January 26, 2021

t s o r k i i n c i n the F g l o r F Joey and Gunnar going for a gallop in the winter fog.

Foggy weather and frosty manes


A variety of merchandise and services: Farm supplies and services and more!

Photos by Lori Larsen

The warmer daytime temperatures mean more fog, more frost and harder times adjusting for livestock, including horses. It is imperative that horse owners ensure their animals are getting plenty of supplemental and vitamin rich feed when the colder weather sets in for winter. For information on horse care during winter months see story on page 2.

Win a colour enlargement of your farm! See page 8

News Features‌

Provide winter care for horses (cont’d from cover). . . . . . . . Yield signs added for country road safety. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hrabec Centennial Farm recognized. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lakeland College increases research. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2 5 6 8

Hay and grain keep Bella the nine-year-old Tennesse Walker mare well-fed during the cold months.

Visit our website: www.camrosebooster.com

The COUNTRY BOOSTER, January 26, 2021 – Page 2

Coal mining in Alberta

By Jackie Lovely, MLA Camrose Constituency

Thank you to the constituents who have contacted my office and asked for information to be shared in The Camrose Booster. Specifically, I would like to thank Linda who asked for clarification regarding Coal Mining. Since being elected in 2019, our government has been committed to ensuring that Alberta is a predictable place to invest and a world leader in responsible resource development, which required making necessary updates to the 1976 Coal Policy. Since updating the policy, government has received criticism that these changes will affect environmentally sensitive lands on Alberta’s eastern slopes. With the modernization of the previous policy, the regulatory process for coal development is now in line with other natural resource commodities in Alberta. The new policy will provide additional flexibility and certainty for industry, while maintaining stringent protection for sensitive lands. No laws or regulations pertaining to the development of these resources have changed. All protections remain in place and no parks are being sold for any potential coal projects. Eliminating the coal categories does not provide any additional permissions regarding coal development– it is about providing companies with the opportunity to obtain mineral rights before they enter the regulatory process, followed by the usual stringent regulatory review process. Removing the outdated coal categories simply means that investors will have the ability to acquire coal leases across Alberta’s working landscape, subject to the same land-use policies as other natural resource commodities. We will continue to uphold our province’s stringent environmental standards through the project review process conducted by the Alberta Energy Regulator and, if required, by the Joint Review Panel. Reviews will be based on the project’s merit, instead of outdated landuse restrictions developed nearly 50 years ago. Only projects that are deemed safe, responsible, worthwhile and in the public interest are permitted to move forward. All existing laws and regulations related to coal development remain in place. Furthermore, to protect environmentally sensitive and recreational land along Alberta’s eastern slopes, category 1 lands will continue to be protected from coal leasing, exploration and development. This will support critical watersheds and biodiversity, as well as recreation and tourism activities. This will also protect the critical headwaters located along the eastern slopes that are the source of drinking water for most Albertans. The eastern slopes are highly valued landscapes for wildlife, recreation and tourism, and we will continue to support access, use and enjoyment of these lands. Alberta’s government continues to proceed with the federal-provincial plan to phase out emissions from lowquality thermal coal in domestic electricity production by 2030. At the same time, the demand for high-quality metallurgical coal–a necessary component for making steel–will continue to grow and be an area of interest and investment by private industry. This investment can provide jobs and economic benefits to the province and our local communities. All of these factors must be balanced and weighed when looking at any new coal development project. As we strengthen our focus on economic recovery and revitalization, we will continue to make commonsense decisions to create certainty and flexibility for industry, while ensuring sensitive lands are protected for Albertans to continue to use and enjoy for years to come. I encourage you to contact my constituency office with questions or concerns over the coal policy changes. As always, it is my pleasure to serve as your MLA.

Provide winter care for horses By Lori Larsen

The unseasonably warm weather has livestock a little confused, albeit happy, but this is Alberta after all, and the weather is bound to take a turn for the worse, and caring for livestock is imperative. Colder temperatures and heavy snowfall can create huge challenges for livestock, particularly horses that often rely on pasture to paw for feed. The Alberta SPCA urges horse owners to ensure they have supplemental feed for their animals and to not rely solely on pasture grass to provide nutrition. “Many horses denied supplemental hay or other feed will be in very poor condition and even die,” said Alberta SPCA president and retired veterinarian, Dr. Duane Landals. “The reality is, pasture grasses lose most or all of their nutritional value once they begin to die off, and long before the onset of winter.” Animals left to rely on pasture feed all year around, without some form of supplemental feeding, run the risk of losing body fat throughout the fall, long before the cold weather even sets in, and will therefore struggle during the colder months. “When the weather gets bitter and energy demand goes up, they have no fat reserves to call upon and quite simply suffer and die,” said Dr. Landals. The following are some tips on providing a balanced diet for horses during winter months.

Feed additional good quality forage in the form of long stem hay, chopped hays, forage based cubes, or combinations thereof. Provide salt, mineral licks and vitamin E. Even when being fed supplemental feed, it still lacks adequate vitamins and minerals, including salt. Salt stimulates the thirst response in horses and keeps them drinking and thus hydrated. At rest, a horse should be eating about 50 grams of salt per day, either in feed or from a salt block. Because hay contains less moisture than pasture grass, always ensure your horse has plenty of drinking water. They will require at least five litres for every 100 kg of body weight per day to remain healthy. Monitor the temperature of your horse’s drinking water. The ideal temperature for drinking water is between 7°C and 18°C. Offer even warmer water (32°C) to senior horses or poor drinkers. Whenever possible, provide a sheltered area for horses housed outdoors to feed. Try your best to stick to your normal feeding schedule during inclement weather. When making feed changes, do so slowly over several days, as this will decrease the risk of digestive upset. Monitor your animals frequently to check for any early signs of inadequate water and feed intake including: dry, sparse feces; reduced feed intake; increased wood chewing activity (cribbing); and

weight loss. Longer heavy coats can make assessing weight loss more difficult, so it is vital to palpate the animal’s neck and ribs regularly. Activity levels for horses, specifically pleasure horses, usually drops during the winter months, so providing them with some form of regular exercise or exercise toys or balls will help to keep their joints and muscles toned and improve their overall physical and mental health. Maintain regular hoof checkups as well. Ice, snow and mud can build up in the horses fetlocks and hooves and cause uncomfortable walking or compromise overall hoof health. Clean the hooves and keep them trimmed and, where possible, break up ice buildup around the pasture or cover ice and slippery snow with old hay or manure to lower the risk of a slip and fall. Use clean straw to provide a warmer option in stalls and in outdoor areas for horses to bed down. Where possible, provide shelter with a barn, lean-to or wooded area. Above all, provide your horse with much-needed attention. They too feel the strain of the long winter months and often miss human contact. Schedule short rides or breaking sessions when the conditions are better. Short visits go a long way to lowering a horse’s boredom and increasing their mental well-being–no different than a human.

Lori Larsen, Camrose Booster Providing horses with plenty of supplemental feed, salt, minerals and good water during colder months keeps their energy levels high and helps them maintain a healthy weight. Nine-year old Tennessee walker Bella waits for a bale of hay to be served.

The COUNTRY BOOSTER, January 26, 2021 – Page 3

Rural small businesses assisted By Lori Larsen

In an effort to continue assisting local rural small businesses impacted by COVID-19, Community Futures East Central Alberta will be offering additional $40,000 small business loans as part of the Government of Canada’s Regional Relief and Recovery Fund. These zero-interest, partially-forgivable loans are intended to help rural small- and medium-sized businesses cover ongoing costs and help them resume normal business operations after COVID-19. “Every day, we see small businesses continue to struggle with reduced revenues, increased costs, and uncertainty because of the COVID-19 pandemic,� said Community Futures East Central Alberta general manager Brad Gara. “This extension will ensure more rural SMEs have access to relief and recovery funding, and Community Futures can continue to assist as many local businesses as possible during these difficult times.� Since May 2020, the Regional Relief and Recovery Fund through Community Futures East Central Alberta has approved 28 applications and dispersed $965,700 in loans. The additional funding is part of an initial $18.9 million allocated to the Community Futures Network of Alberta, through the Government of Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan. The funds are targeted towards supporting rural and remote SMEs in Alberta that do not qualify for other federal business support programs, such as the Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA) or Business Credit Availability Program (BCAP). For more information, visit www.cfeastcentral.ca. Community Futures in Alberta’s 27 Community Futures organizations are independent, locally run and guided by volunteer boards. Each Community Futures office provides flexible and affordable small business loans, business coaching/training services and business development tools for people wanting to start, expand, franchise or sell a rural business. Community Futures is funded by the Government of Canada through Western Economic Diversification Canada and has been supporting rural entrepreneurs for over 30 years.


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Land for Sale DUCKS UNLIMITED CANADA has for sale four project lands in Beaver County. Land locations are: • SW 27-50-16-W4 • SE 18-49-14-W4 • S1/2 3-46-11-W4 • NW 32-47-13-W4 Call Brent Thygesen, 780-678-0150 or email b_thygesen@ducks.ca

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The COUNTRY BOOSTER, January 26, 2021 – Page 4

RCMP members are busy in rural areas this winter By Lori Larsen

Alberta RCMP were busy over the 2020 holiday season ensuring that roads throughout the province were kept safe. Between Dec. 24, 2020 and Jan. 3, 2021, RCMP issued a total of 2,374 traffic tickets across the province. Overall, 872 individuals were ticketed for speeding, 55 motorists were caught distracted driving, and 130 impaired drivers were removed from the roads. Of the 130 impaired drivers, 16 were Criminal Code Impaired by Alcohol, and four were Criminal Code Impaired by Drugs. Another 1,333 motorists received tickets for traffic safety violations including careless driving, driving with a prohibited or suspended license, moving offences and more. Wetaskiwin /Camrose RCMP community liaison officer Corporal Kevin Krebs shared the following December stats from the Wetaskiwin Integrated Traffic unit. Wetaskiwin Detachment: A ZAT/ 24-hour (Alberta Zero Alcohol and Drug Tolerance Program) and IRS (Immediate Roadside Sanctions)–two; Other Criminal Code–two; L iquor / Ca n nabis –t wo ; seatbelts–two; distracted driving–two; aggressive driving violations–106; other moving violations–39; for a total of 155. Maskwacis Detach-

ment: aggressive driving violations–nine; other moving violations–nine; for a total of 18. Camrose Detachment: seatbelts–two; distracted driving–three; aggressive driving violations–46; other moving violations–16; for a total of 67. Killam Detachment: aggressive driving violations–10; other moving violations–three; for a total of 13. Bashaw Detachment: aggressive driving violations–19; other moving violations–six; for a total of 25. The district reported no Criminal Code Impaired statistics for December, 2020. “Be courteous, be patient, be safe,” advised Corporal Krebs. “To all users of the road, safety is a choice you make. If you see something unsafe, call and report it immediately.” In total, Alberta RCMP recorded 26 per cent less roadway offences compared to last year. For more traffic safety information, follow the Alberta RCMP on Facebook @RCMPinAlberta and Twitter @RCMPAlberta. Report online

The Alberta RCMP is encouraging all Albertans to report eligible crimes (select property crimes under $5,000) online at https ://ocre-sielc.rcmpgrc.gc.ca/alberta/en in an effort to free up emergency

call takers and frontline members so they can focus their efforts on high-priority calls. Online reporting is a more convenient way to add your report and include photos of your stolen or lost property. The RCMP online crime reporting platform was launched in May 2020, and between May 31 and Nov. 30, 2020, over 780 reports were submitted. The RCMP admits that more reports have been made in urban areas over rural, and thus urge rural residents to consider making online reports when possible. The reports assist the RCMP in crime analysis, aid in establishing trends and patterns, and ultimately lead investigators to the chronic offenders. As well, the reports assist administration in making decisions on how and where to deploy resources. All online crime reports are processed by the Police Reporting and Occurrence System (PROS) Data Centre, a centralized data centre team that handles records management and routine data entry to allow frontline officers to focus on policing our communities, instead of doing administrative work. From Dec. 1, 2019 to Nov. 30, 2020, the PROS Data Centre handled over 58,500 requests, which

Lori Larsen, Camrose Booster Livestock in and around the County have been enjoying warmer temperatures and have no problem with Mother Nature providing a quick “frosted tips” appointment.


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saved officers approximately 20,000 hours of time in front of a computer. Of those requests, over 780 came from online crime reporting. After the PROS Data Centre processes the reports, they are sent to the Call Back Unit (CBU). The CBU is a specialized team of RCMP members designed to handle nonemergency calls for service in an effort to create efficiencies in their service. From Dec. 1, 2019 to

Nov. 30, 2020, the CBU diverted and answered over 8,300 calls for service, which is equivalent to approximately 22,300 hours of service or 18.5 general duty constables’ workloads over the past 12 months. If you suspect any crime or suspicious activity, telephone your local RCMP detachment (Camrose RCMP 780-672-3342). If you have an emergent situation, dial 911.

Investments made to support farmers By Murray Green

Canada’s supply-managed dairy, poultry and egg farmers will be compensated, according to MarieClaude Bibeau, Canadian Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, to assist the Canadian economy. They continue delivering the best quality products to the kitchen tables of Canadians, despite challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic. The strength of Canada’s supply management sector is essential to the vitality of our family farms and rural regions from across Canada. “The announcement of a substantial compensation package for our dairy, poultry and egg farmers shows our support for a strong supply management sector for many generations to come,” said Bibeau. Bibeau announced that $1.75 billion would be provided to compensate Canadian dairy farmers over eight years. More than 10,000 dairy farmers received a cash payment of $345 million. The government has set a schedule to deliver the remaining $1.405 billion through direct payments to farmers over a timeline of only three years. Dairy farmers will receive, on the basis of their milk quota, cash payments of $468 million in 2020-21, $469 million in 2021-22, and $468 million in 202223. The owner of a farm with 80 dairy cows will be awarded compensation in

the form of a direct payment of approximately $38,000 each year. These amounts also build on the $250 million CETA on-farm investment program, and provide certainty on the schedule and form of remaining payments in the $2 billion total compensation package for dairy farmers. “The level of certainty provided by this announcement enables us to be in a better position in terms of innovations and efficiencies to better compete with increased imports of dairy products made from foreign milk,” added Pierre Lampron, president, Dairy Farmers of Canada. The government is also announcing $691 million for 10-year programs for Canada’s 4,800 chicken, egg, broiler hatching egg and turkey farmers. Responding to sector demands, these programs will drive innovation and growth for farmers. Program details will be designed in consultation with sector representatives and launched as soon as possible. “Canada’s 2,877 chicken farmers appreciate the announcement on mitigation measures stemming from the CPTPP. Farmers have waited a long time to see action on this file, and we believe that this is a step in the right direction. We look forward to continuing our work on the investment and market development programs for our sector,” stated Benoît Fontaine, chair, Chicken Farmers of Canada.

The COUNTRY BOOSTER, January 26, 2021 – Page 5

Yield signs added for country road safety By Murray Green

Camrose County voted to add a couple of yield signs to improve road safety in the future at the Jan. 12 virtual council meeting. “I move that Camrose County council approve of a yield sign to be erected at the intersection of TWP 480 and RR 191 for southbound and northbound traffic,” said councillor Brian Willoughby. The Battle River School Division (BRSD) submitted a written request to the Protective Services department requesting that the intersection at TWP 480 and RR 191 be controlled with whatever regulatory signage the County feels is appropriate, whether that be yield or stop signs. The BRSD stated in their written request that they have bus routes utilizing this intersection daily,

and the uncontrolled characteristics of this intersection add a level of risk to the route. Camrose County officers have inspected the above intersection and took pictures from all directions. The sightline for southbound traffic is partially obstructed due to an acreage located on the west side of the road, and the sightline for northbound traffic is partially obstructed due an acreage located on the east side of the road. The sightlines for westbound and eastbound traffic are adequate. Brushing of any trees or bush near this intersection would not increase the sightlines, as the majority of the trees are on private property. “Brushing would not help, and we have never had an accident at this location to my knowledge. We

Crime Reduction Unit recovers property By Murray Green

Public tips are essential in solving crime in Camrose County. An alert public tip led the Wetaskiwin RCMP Crime Reduction Unit (CRU) to launch an investigation into a residential property believed to be housing stolen property. A solar light tower, valued at more than $50,000, which was stolen from the Coronation area in 2019, was recovered due to a tip. The Wetaskiwin CRU, with assistance from Cam-

rose RCMP and RCMP Auto Theft Unit conducted a search warrant at a residence on Highway 833 in Camrose County to recover the above referenced stolen property on Jan. 16. A Leduc County man was arrested and charged with one count of Possession of Property Obtained by Crime over $5,000 and one count of Trafficking Property Obtained by Crime over $5,000. He is scheduled to appear in Camrose Provincial Court on March 3.

have had no issues,” said Mike Kuzio, manager of Protective Services. “I’m familiar with this road, and maybe a little sight loss when coming from the south, but we don’t need one on the north side. The acreage is a ways back. I’ve never had a problem with this intersection and I drive it three or four times a week,” said councillor Brian Willoughby. “It has good sightlines, but maybe a yield sign is needed to slow the traffic down,” added councillor Greg Gillespie. “If people use the rules of the road, the person on the right has the right of way. I agree it is okay, but we have a request. I have

no issues with it,” offered Kuzio. He pointed out that plenty of County roads have just one sign, and two are not always required. “I move to approve one yield sign to be erected at the intersection of TWP 480 and RR 191 for northbound traffic,” said Willoughby. That motion was carried. Another request was made for another location. The request of one yield sign to be erected at the intersection of TWP 474 and RR 192 for southbound traffic was made. The BRSD requested that the intersection at TWP 474 and RR 192 be controlled. Camrose County officers inspected the inter-

section and took pictures from all directions. “The sightline for traffic travelling southbound is partially obstructed due to an acreage located on the northwest corner of the intersection. The sightlines for westbound, eastbound and northbound traffic are adequate,” reported officer Kuzio. “Sightlines are good and I would recommend to deny the request.” Although Willoughby also drives this route on a daily basis with no worries, councillor Trevor Miller moved that a yield sign be added to the intersection of TWP 474 and RR 192 for southbound traffic.

Snow fun Lori Larsen, Camrose Booster Who says a little snow isn’t a lot of fun? Certainly not Zeus the Maremma sheepdog who took a few moments away from his duties of guarding the herd to run and play in the snow. A lot of people, and pets, were out and about in the countryside taking in the finer things in life, like fresh air and exercise.

The COUNTRY BOOSTER, January 26, 2021 – Page 6

Honouring farming history By Lori Larsen

In recognition of the incredible impact and vital contribution agriculture, specifically farming/ranching, has on all of our lives, the Province of Alberta (ministry of agriculture and forestry) presents Alberta Century Farm and Ranch Awards to farming families that have reached their 100th anniversary of farming/ranching in Alberta on original family farms. Last year, more than 50 Alberta farm/ ranch families are being recognized, many of which are in their fourth and sometimes fifth generation of farming the same land. On behalf of the Alberta Ministry of Agri-

culture and Forestry, Camrose MLA Jackie Lovely had the privilege of personally visiting the recipients within the Camrose area and presenting them with a bronze plaque commemorating the 100-year achievement. “Generations of hard work have gone into preserving the family farm, and it’s important to me to recognize that hard work and listen to the stories about the family members who pioneered the land,” remarked Lovely. “So much has changed in how we farm, and it’s such an honour for me to spend time with these recipients to hear their stories.” The Century Farm and Ranch Award pro-

gram began in 1993, and more than 1,800 farm families have been recognized. In 2018, the Awards program added a 125year recognition component, honouring some of the oldest farms and ranches extending back to 1885. The agriculture sector adds huge dividends to local, provincial and the country’s economy. It is the backbone of rural Alberta and, quite literally, feeds the world. Society owes a heap of gratitude to farmers and ranchers and these tenacious families that keep the fields tilled and the livestock well.

Hrabec Centennial Farm recognized By Lori Larsen

In celebration of 125 years of farming in Central Alberta, the Hrabec farming family of Ryley was recognized with a plaque presented on behalf of the Alberta government. Four generations of Hrabecs have farmed since the humble beginnings of Eva and John Hrabec marrying and settling in the Haight area. The couple raised 12 children: Annie, Harry, Mary, Peter, Bill, Emily, Lena, Susan, Martha, Meroslov, Barbara and Andy, on the homestead where the original home was built in 1915. The family farm first began as a mixed farming operation that included pigs, cattle, milk cows, chickens, horses and grain. “Horses were John’s power force of that time,” said Andy Hrabec, Eva and John’s son. “They were used for breaking up the soil, seeding the crop, haying and harvest. A few years into farming, the first tractor for the farmstead was purchased.” In 1967, Eva and John retired to Holden, leaving Andy, their youngest son, to continue farming the homestead. “I was able to increase my grain land by purchasing another quarter section in 1963,” said Andy. In 1971, Andy married Helen, and together the couple farmed the land as mixed farmers, increasing


Three generations of Hrabecs were present to accept the Alberta Centennial Farm award for 125-plus years of farming. The farm was started by Eva and John Hrabec (since passed away). Pictured left to right, back row, are Sonia and Ryan (Eva and John’s great-grandchildren), Helen and Andy Hrabec (Eva and John’s son and wife), Camrose MLA Jackie Lovely, Beaver County councillor Jim Kalal, and Gene Hrabec (Eva and John’s grandchild and Beaver County councillor). Front row, left to right, are great-great-grandchildren Kailey and Ethan Hrabec.

the pig and cattle operations. “We can remember buying our first 10 cows with calves at $210 per pair,” smiled Andy. In November 1974, John passed away, and in October 1984, Eva passed. In 1984, Helen and Andy had their only son, Ryan, the same year the first big cold shop was built. Ryan attended Holden

School up until Grade 8, then completed his high schooling at Ryley. He attended NAIT, successfully graduating with a certificate as a journeyman welder. In his off time from farming, Andy worked for Beaver County in the Public Works department for approximately 30 years. Helen was no stranger to the hard work of farming either. She was often

seen out on the tractor in the field, or operating one of the combines during harvest time. It was definitely a family affair, with Helen and Andy operating the combines and Andy hauling grain. “We purchased two more quarters of land to increase our grain and cattle operation,” said Andy. In October 2011, Ryan married Sonia, and the

Submitted The old buildings on the original farmstead stand precariously beside a new shed, symbolic of the strength of the past.

couple are now farming the homestead. Sonia and Ryan’s children, Kailey and Ethan, fourth generation to John and Eva, also enjoy farm life and have no problem helping around the farm, feeding the llamas and chickens, or doing whatever else is needed to ensure daily operations run smoothly. “In today’s world of technology and uncertain weather conditions, keeping the family farm going is a challenge for sure,” commented Andy. “It’s something we all have come to appreciate.” People everywhere have come to appreciate the hard work and dedication it takes to farm and ultimately supply the world with the food on its tables. Kudos to the Hrabec four-generation Central Alberta farmers who have come to realize not only the important role farming plays in our province, country and world, but the important role family plays as well.

The COUNTRY BOOSTER, January 26, 2021 – Page 7

INVITATION TO TENDER FARMLAND BAWLF AREA The following farmland is hereby offered for sale by tender, subject to the restrictions, reservations and non-financial obligations in the existing Certificates of Title: PARCEL 1: NW-22-46-17-W4th (159 acres) PARCEL 2: NW-17-46-17-W4th (157.3 acres) Tenders will be entertained on either or both Parcel 1 and Parcel 2.

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Tenders are to be submitted in sealed envelopes marked “FROEHLER TENDER”, to Andreassen Borth, with the tenderer’s GST number and accompanied by a cheque made payable to “Andreassen Borth” for $5,000 for each parcel bid, and must be delivered before 12:00 noon on February 26, 2021 to Andreassen Borth, Barristers and Solicitors, #200, 4870-51 Street, Camrose, Alberta T4V 1S1, Attention: James Harry Andreassen. Possession will be provided on closing. The taxes and any surface leases will be adjusted on closing. Tenders will not be opened in public. The balance of the purchase price shall be paid to Andreassen Borth on or before April 8, 2021. Tenders are irrevocable and shall remain open until dealt with by the offices of Andreassen Borth. If a successful tenderer does not complete the purchase after acceptance of that tender, their deposit shall be forfeited. The highest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. The owner reserves the right to reject any and all tenders. Deposits received from unsuccessful tenderers will be returned to them by mail.



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is published for Controlled Distribution By CAMROSE BOOSTER LTD. Blain Fowler, Publisher Circulation 12,660 copies Providing coverage to the communities of Camrose (RRs and Boxes only), Ohaton, Edberg, Meeting Creek, Donalda, Bawlf, Kelsey, Rosalind, Daysland, Heisler, Strome, Forestburg, Galahad, Castor (farms), Killam, Sedgewick, Lougheed, Coronation/Brownfield, Alliance, Hardisty, Amisk, Hughenden, Czar, Metiskow, Cadogan, Provost (farms), Armena, Hay Lakes, New Sarepta, Round Hill, Kingman, Tofield, Ryley, Holden, Bruce, Viking, Kinsella, Irma, Wainwright (farms and lock boxes), New Norway, Ferintosh, Bashaw, Bittern Lake, Gwynne, Stettler (farms).

Hours: Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

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The COUNTRY BOOSTER, January 26, 2021 – Page 8

You could win a photograph of your farm! If this is your farm,

The farm appearing in this photograph is located in the Camrose trading area. If you recognize it as yours, come to the Camrose Booster, 4925-48 Street, Camrose. You will be presented with a free 8” x 10” colour enlargement of the photo.

• The Mystery Farm winner for December 15 is Marty and Lynn Rombaugh of Alliance. • This week’s prize must be claimed by February 16, 2021.


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Canola Research Hub provides easy access By Murray Green

Through a new user-friendly interface at canolaresearch.ca, the Canola Research Hub provides growers, agronomists and industry stakeholders with quick and easy access to a comprehensive database of canola agronomic research results. The Hub is a knowledge transfer tool designed to share the latest canola research findings that can be put into action on the farm to improve canola yields and profitability. The new platform

makes it easy to access results through keyword searches or filtering results by funder, agronomic topic, project status or date. Users can access a full report, short summary or key finding on a specific project quickly, and easily share those results with colleagues or customers (via email, Facebook or Twitter buttons). The Canola Research Hub also includes blog posts to help highlight timely content throughout the growing season, including research behind recommended practices

and research program updates. The Canola Research Hub facilitates the pairing of scientific research with the expertise of those involved with canola production and the canola industry. The Hub assists in defining agronomic best management practices based on current scientific evidence which supports the production of sustainable and profitable canola in Canada. The database currently features over 100 projects, funded through a variety of research programs and partner-

ships including provincial canola grower associations (Alberta Canola, SaskCanola and Manitoba Canola), Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and industry. Topics include integrated pest management, fertility management, plant establishment, harvest management and genetics. Visit canolaresearch. ca to explore the functionality of the Canola Research Hub and take a deep dive into research results that can be put into action on the farm for the growing season ahead.

Lakeland College increases research By Murray Green

Lakeland College in Vermilion will receive a $1.9-million grant to transition two critical agriculture research programs. This investment in research will also expand research capacity and teaching opportunities for the next generation of researchers in Alberta. “Through these investments in science and research, we are helping to keep our pulse and beef producers on the cutting edge. This agreement with Lakeland College will support producer-led research priorities in these industries, while cultivating the next generation of agriculture researchers. A win-win,” said Marie-Claude Bibeau, Canadian Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food. An agreement is almost complete that will allow the college to grow and leverage its existing research capacity. This will make way for new learning opportunities for instructors and students, as well as more collaboration with industry. The three-year agreement will support Lakeland College to take over pulse agronomy and beef production systems programs in Alberta. The pulse agronomy program is a mixture of extension and pulse research projects across Alberta that facilitates the growth of the agriculture and food industry and enhances rural sustainability. The beef production systems program focuses on livestock disease and pathogens, pain mitigation strategies and production efficiency, including beef forage, feed rations and genetics. “This agreement is another exciting step for farmer-led research. Agriculture will continue to have a bright future in Alberta with cutting-edge research and research excellence. The pulse and cattle industry will benefit having this research housed at Lakeland College,” said Devin Dreeshen, Alberta Minister of Agriculture and Forestry. “This agreement supports a new model for agriculture research and increases Lakeland’s capacity to produce results of value and better serve commercial crop and beef producers. We are excited to build on our results-oriented research partnerships with industry,” added Dr. Alice Wainwright-Stewart, president and CEO, Lakeland College.

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