The CAMROSE BOOSTER, June 7, 2022 – Page 8
The World Awaits ÉCCHS Grade 12 grads By Lori Larsen
mour and song. Students Cadence Bratrud and Taylor Ness paid tribute to friends. Guest speaker, ÉCCHS Drama teacher Stephen Cole began his address to the students and all other attendees with a trip back in history relating what he experienced growing up to what the students of
On May 27, the Grade 12 students of École Camrose Composite High School took the next steps in their journey of life as they paraded into the Encana Arena at the City of Camrose Recreation Centre dressed in their finery during the Class of 2022 Grade 12 Farewell.
Anna Poole
Nathan Yu
The ceremony, dubbed “The World Awaits,” returned to an in-person event with ÉCCHS staff, invited guests, family and friends helping to celebrate the students’ long-awaited achievement and bidding them all the best in a future filled with new adventures. ÉCCHS principal Shane Gau opened the ceremony by welcoming all students and guests and introduced special guests Camrose MLA Jackie Lovely, Battle River School Division (BRSD) board chair Karen Belich, board trustee Doug Algar, and assistant superintendent of schools Shan Jorgenson-Adam. “It is a time to celebrate accomplishments, reflect on challenges and thank those who have played an important role in each of our students’ lives these past 13 years,” said Gau. “It has been a journey that started with tentative steps perhaps, but one that has taken us all to remarkable heights. We have encountered some trials and tribulations along the way, soldiered on and come out stronger because of them. We have created emotional moments, magical moments, and have created memories that will fondly be remembered in the years ahead.” Gau thanked the parents and teachers for their important contributions to the success and continuing success of the students. “To our students, you have all contributed greatly to our school culture without knowing it,” said Gau. “Regardless of where your future plans may take you,
Henok Sexton
Cadence Bratrud
I know you will have a positive impact after you leave our school. May your years ahead continue to be characterized by empathy, compassion, objectivity and a willingness to take risks. Wherever your future leads you, we will be watching and cheering for you.” Coordinators of the Ceremonies Meadow Haugen and Semira Hillman introduced Camrose MLA Jackie Lovely who encouraged students to continue on by quoting a poem entitled “Keep On.” On behalf of BRSD board of trustees, trustee Doug Algar wished the students continued success and suggested graduates not forget to thank teachers, family and friends for their support. Students Jessika Daniels and Emily Watters paid tribute to the parents. Parent Council chair Inga Niehoff responded on behalf of parents. Students Taylor Brady and Tri Nguyen paid tribute to staff. Staff members Katherine MacKenzie and Jessica Sellin responded in what can only be described as an incredible display of hu-
today’s ceremony had also experienced, citing similarities, such as war with Russia, but also advancements in equality, acceptance and tolerance, advising students on how to face the world that awaits them. “You have the opportunity to do as Mahatma Gandhi said and “Be the change you wish to see in the world.’,” said Cole. “You can access all that you
He spoke about recurring themes in literature, including fear, appearance versus reality, and finally exhibiting compassion and cooperation, that serve as important lessons in the students’ lives as they move forward. “So, as you venture out into the world that awaits, I hope you remember your school years,” concluded Cole. “Even though, in this world, there is fear, injustice, bigotry, discrimination and hatred, you will endeavour to remember to not be afraid, to be true to yourself, and to care for those around you. The world awaits...what will you make of it?” Valedictorian Chad Nichol began his address with a thank you to families, guardians, friends, teachers and administration for supporting the Grade 12 students of ÉCHHS Farewell 2022. “To the class of ’22, today should be a celebration of all of the hard work you have put in. So celebrate responsibly, if I may add, with your family, friends, relatives and maybe someone you haven’t seen in awhile.” Nichol remarked on how students not only learned the material in the classrooms, but how students also learned individual, teamwork and problem-solving skills. “But outside the classroom, outside those doors, that is where our friendships flourished, teaching us how to handle the nonanalytical side of society. Our friends showed us there is much more to life outside of school–friendship, happiness and a balance between work and play.” Nichol reminisced with anecdotes, the journey the students experienced, concluding with a reference to the global pandemic which he noted ended the Grade 12/2022 students’ Grade 10 year and enveloped their Grade 11 year. “What I see in front of me today are people who
Lori Larsen, Camrose Booster Valedictorian Chad Nichol
are going to pursue academics, trades, sports, the arts and other professions. But really it doesn’t matter what you become or what your job title you are given because what the world needs more than that is people like us–resilient, dedicated and ambitious people. “We have endured things that no one should have to go through and it has made us stronger. It has given us a unique leg up on life, we are one of a kind. Built “diff” as we would say. “Today marks the next chapter in our everlasting adventure novel, and we will continue to write this story in whichever way we chose because we are special. We are the ÉCCHS graduating class of 2022.” In conclusion, retiring teachers Caroline Simonson and Miles Walsh were acknowledged for their years of service. The afternoon ceremony ended with the presentation of certificates to students as they crossed the stage from a plethora of learning and memories to venture into what awaits them in the world.
Lori Larsen, Camrose Booster Guest speaker Stephen Cole
have learned and you can be the voice of the next generation. You have experienced high school years unlike anyone before you, and you are aware that life can change drastically rather abruptly. This has made you more aware and more resilient.” In his remarks, Cole said that school was more than just to learn work skills, but to learn what it means to be human.
Lori Larsen, Camrose Booster ÉCCHS principal Shane Gau presented Grade 12 student Kamryn Uglem with her certificate.